Well, now that we got this whole Taliban brouhaha cleared up, let’s all get ready for the next season of The Masked Singer.
?? Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield says U.S. expressed "in no uncertain terms" at the United Nations through "a very strongly worded press statement" from the Security Council that "we expect the Taliban to respect women's rights" and "to be respectful of humanitarian law." pic.twitter.com/32TEyRFu4O
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) August 18, 2021
Strongly worded? Murdering shitheads quake.
A teenage woman who slapped a man’s bottom on a night out was today told she will have to appear at crown court charged with sexual assault.
Beauty therapist Scarlett Bareham, 19, of Bedhampton, Hants, is accused of smacking the man’s bottom without his consent in front of his girlfriend, magistrates were told today.
The teenager had been clubbing with friends Hannah Phillips, 19 and Fiona Hoyle, 19, in the Guildhall Walk area of Portsmouth late last summer, which is home to a number of nightclubs.
Portsmouth Magistrate’s Court today heard that when a woman who is believed to be his girlfriend objected, she was allegedly attacked by Hoyle, of Southsea, Hants, who kicked and punched her until she was unconscious.
Hoyle, who today wore a black blazer and dark trousers, is charged with affray and assault causing actual bodily harm and she will also next appear at Portsmouth Crown Court.
Bareham, of Havant, Hants, who was today dressed in a smart black top and trousers and accompanied by her family, is also charged with affray.
First, what the fuck is the fashion portion of the last two paragraphs even about? And b) is this a woman? I can’t tell.

I now support mask mandates. For her.
And on the other hand, Scarlett Bareham is just an intrinsically funny name.
Mae Whitman Announces She’s Pansexual
Mae Whitman, the voice of a generation and a woman who has literally never aged, announced via Twitter on Monday that she is pansexual. Whitman is currently voicing the character of Amity Blight, on the animated Disney series The Owl House which features queer characters. “Being pansexual myself, I wish I had such incredible characters like Amity and Luz in my life when I was growing up,” Whitman wrote captioning a photo of her character. “Queer representation is sososo [sic] important.”
SugarFree’s Garbage Person of the Day
Actually, Wearing a Mask Can Help Your Child Learn
Wearing a mask can also help teach children to pay more attention to their own bodies and physical behaviors. Keeping a mask on over the course of a school day involves the kind of self-control and self-regulation that many children find challenging. Younger children must inhibit the urge to pull off their mask, and older children must be mindful of when their mask is slipping down or when it’s OK to take it off.
[Swiss glare]
The euphoria of a First can’t be matched by any other life experience.
I’m going to rank taking a satisfying dump above your posting thrill.
That’s a really good analogy. Bragging about a first is a more than a little like talking about taking a dump. Whatever happened to the “I took a dump in XXX?” guy anyway? I liked that schtick.
Got constipated.
You mean Sandi?
That’s the one. When I take a satisfying shit in an unusual place I think of Sandi.
I took a dump in a toilet once.
Once? Where did your thousands of other dumps land?
Kind of a personal question.
You are a seconder. Why would anyone care what you have to say? You should be segregated from superior company.
Some people want a second opinion.
Those people are thirders and even worse.
I’m going to rank a beer and hotwingz shit with bleeding hemorrhoids above it as well.
Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield says U.S. expressed “in no uncertain terms” at the United Nations through “a very strongly worded press statement” from the Security Council that “we expect the Taliban to respect women’s rights” and “to be respectful of humanitarian law.”
I’m sure they are shaking in their kufi’s.
If they don’t it’s gonna be double secret probation for them.
At least it looks like the Taliban are definitely going to keep up with the masking.
I can’t believe the Biden administration keeps trotting this nonsense out. They have been roundly pilloried. The only thing they are demonstrating is their inability to learn.
Once you realize it’s a regency, not an administration, its behavior begins to make sense.
Stupidity like this makes me want to root for the Taliban.
Is She really gonna Take him Home tonight?
“First, what the fuck is the fashion portion of the last two paragraphs even about? And b) is this a woman? I can’t tell.”
a. It’s the DailyMail
b. Yes, a trans boob job wouldn’t be these low hanging mommy milkers.
Did they include links to wear you can buy said outfits?
And what the fuck is a ‘beauty therapist’?
That is all woman, the kind that will break you if you ain’t careful.
“Turn you every way but loose.”
RE: B, are you sure? I thought boob jobs could give significant endowment.
They can.
I’m struck by how thick her neck is.
“children must be mindful of when their mask is slipping down or when it’s OK to take it off.”
Whipping the children while they are taking tests trains them to control their pain response and succeed in challenging environments.
*Zen Master nods once*
Rather than the children, how about whipping the NY Times guest columnists?
I understand that some adults hate children. But they should have the good sense to just avoid children rather than actively seek to torture them and leave them with developmental problems. That’s how you get more adults who hate children. Oh fuck, that’s how they reproduce.
Speaking of good sense and misopaedia…
“I was spawned in a ditch
By a mother who left me there,
Naked and cold and too hungry to cry;
I never blamed her.
I’m sure she left hoping
That I’d have the good sense to die!”
—Man of La Mancha
If we physically restrain the ADHD kids to their desks with leg irons they’ll learn to sit still like the good kids do.
All kinds of opportunities here.
“Mae Whitman Announces She’s Pansexual”
Never heard of her.
Apparently someone who fucks cast iron.
Very nice. You win at least half an internet today.
Hey, don’t assume her Teflon coating preferences.
You just reminded me that I need to re-season a skillet.
Good lookin’ out.
::adds to euphemism list::
She was in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
I think she is best known for being in Arrested Development (as referenced by SF with the pic) and in the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. So if you haven’t seen those, no reason to have heard of her.
She’s 30 fucking 3. How old is somebody supposed to look at that age? Anyway, at least half the chicks her age in Hollywood at any given time will happily do either or.
What the fuck is pansexual anyhow? You’ll screw both sexes? Both sexes with a stick of butter?
Come on, what is this shit?
Basically a teenaged boy.
So, tales of the Moonlight Melon Mounter?
The obvious reaction
Man I wish someone had done the obvious checking into things back in November when the swing states all stopped in the middle of the night. Yeah, Orange Man ran his mouth (poorly) — but the assortment of idiots that have power just seem so determined to drive the country through the toilet and out into China on the other side. So damned depressing.
Wish I had something more meaningful than that as a response to the links, but it is what it is.
My biggest fear of OMB losing was that we would be never allowed to end the pandemic. It has allowed this shit to go on without end.
Merrick fucking Garland. He is public enemy number one. He’s the one doling out the “consequences.”
Its 1600h already?
Jesus H. Koresh, I need to stop drinking so much.
Part of me says “Maybe I need to start” — but when I’m already bummed about the state of the world is probably *not* the time to try it.
Im off tonight, so I strolled in this morning with a 30-pack and 6 24-oz’ers. Im struggling to stay awake so I can chat with Jugsy.
Hubba x2.
I can’t tell if that’s just a really unflattering photo, or if the Greys have been doing some hybridization experiments.
My first thought was this
The Taliban is fucking playing the credulous TMITE right now and I love it. The Taliban is actually doing all those terrible things they are known to do and I hate it. Why can’t things be good?
They even know the language. “We’ll be inclusive!” These are fundamentalist Islamists who had no problem hosting Al Qaeda as they prepared terrorist attacks on the west. No way in hell they’ve turned into a “kinder, gentler Taliban.”
Some quality snark in the replies.
“Chaos in the WH, in-fighting, fingers pointed everywhere, knives out. Like Game of Thrones meets Veep but written by non-binary TikTok influencers”
Sure, they’re beating the hell out of people, but they seem friendly.
It’s not at all clear where can a woman wearing a face covering walk on the street without fear: Kabul, Auckland or Sydney?
New Zealand has reached gender equality.
Beauty Therapist? Bare ’em?
Put ’em on the glass !
No, Bare Ham — thick thighs and either shorts or skirts, apparently. Which apparently is why they felt they needed to call out the trousers….
That broad has the neck of a fucking linebacker! They didn’t even bother to show us what her body guard looks like. Scary to even consider.
Beauty therapist Scarlett Bareham, 19, of Bedhampton, Hants, is accused of smacking the man’s bottom without his consent in front of his girlfriend, magistrates were told today.
Ho’ starts row. Film at eleven.
You need to start writing headlines for the NY Post!
The correct answer is “who gives a shit?”
I’d go shorter.
Wearing a mask can also help teach children to pay more attention to their own bodies and physical behaviors. Keeping a mask on over the course of a school day involves the kind of self-control and self-regulation that many children find challenging. Younger children must inhibit the urge to pull off their mask, and older children must be mindful of when their mask is slipping down or when it’s OK to take it off.
Kids don’t want to go to school, so making them mask too is like twice the discipline #science+math
In Illinois, the governor included private schools in his statewide mandate to wear masks. I hope the Archdiocese and other private schools fight this in court.
If we gouge out their eyes, they will learn to hear, smell and taste much better.
“Actually, Wearing a Mask Can Help Your Child Learn”
Good takedown here:
“We won’t know how bad it is until a long time has passed so stfu and mask the children”
Not exactly convincing. I think they are sociopaths trying to create more sociopaths.
Someone in the replies said something like “you know it’s an opinion piece right?” Yes, people know that and yes people understand that this will be used as a lynchpin for whatever sick fantasies they have. See Also: Models, those economists who said Sturgis 2020 would kill us all, and on and on.
I really need to stop clicking Twitter links. Flying into a rage at various forms of idiocy isn’t healthy.
I really need to stop clicking Twitter links.
Yes. Yes, you do.
Letting kids get immunity by getting the virus, well that’s just an opinion too.
But the Overton window says some opinions are acceptable and some aren’t.
Is learning to be a hypochondriac really a marketable skill though?
In today’s world? Ab-so-fuckin-lutley it is. You might even get on CNN and a book deal. “Good Motherhood: A Guide to Conditioning Your Children for the Trains”
by Maria Black
Wearing a Mask Can Help Your Child Learn
Blind obedience.
Hey Tres, I found your baby picture:
“A teenage woman who slapped a man’s bottom on a night out was today told she will have to appear at crown court charged with sexual assault.”
What’s the statute of limitation? I have a list of women and football teammates I’d like to press charges against.
Pretty soon accidentally brushing your shoulder while you are vying for a spot at the bartop will land you 5-10. Next time, just take your machete and lop of a few arms to make your way.
I hope they would have let this go if it hadn’t turned into a brawl.
A teenage woman who slapped a man’s bottom on a night out was today told she will have to appear at crown court charged with sexual assault.
Imagine being someone who would press this charge.
Garbage person is too kind. That’s straight up evil.
Speaking of Sturgis. Any word on the piles of dead bodies on the nation’s highways leading out of town?
The Governess rode in on a horse and inspired the Taliban, IIRC.
I don’t think there’s anyone left alive to report on the carnage.
The people “teaching” your children.
The Lehi High School teacher threatened to open a “can of whoop ass” on students and “make their lives a living hell” if they did not fall in line with her beliefs. She also threatened to make fun of them if they expressed views they disagreed with.
“Most of y’all parents are dumber than y’all, I’m going to say that out loud,” the teacher ranted after declaring how much she hates former President Donald Trump and people who won’t get vaccinated. “You don’t have to do everything your parents say and you don’t have to believe everything your parents believe.”
She also tells the students in the video, “If you don’t believe in climate change, get the hell out” and “if you’re a homophobe, get out.”
“This is my classroom and if you guys are going to put me at risk, you’re going to hear about it. Because I have to be here, I don’t have to be happy about the fact that there’s kids coming in here with their variants that could possibly get me or my family sick, that’s rude.”
A totalitarian twat is as a totalitarian twat does.
The clip is all that Moustos released and it’s unclear what happened before or after the recording.
Isn’t that the dodge the police use when they shoot someone laying on the ground who is no threat whatsoever?
Rants were delivered. Threats were expressed.
“It was a kinetic action that resulted in an unfavorable outcome for the accused.”
Words were fired until the teacher felt that the scene was safe.
That really wasn’t passive voice enough, was it?
How about “words came out of the teachers mouth that some students may have found disturbing”.
Because I have to be here
Do you?
LOL “If everyone got vaccinated it would be over in 5 seconds”….hyperbole (he truly leave?) aside…uh..looks at notes…last word from our medical betters, around the world, those vaccinated are still getting it and transmitting it. But hey you be you and I will be me.
My vaccine protects you, and your vaccine protects me!
The people that think they are the smartest are always the most ignorant.
+1 Dunning–Kruger Effect
I remember when 3 months of mask wearing was supposed to end it.
Some of my acquaintances are teachers and if you go out drinking with them, you’ll immediately see the disdain they have for parents and some of their students. The College of Education aren’t sending us their best.
See, that’s where the problem is – they are sending us their best.
^This. Degrees in education are generally regarded as crap degrees, particularly by STEM majors.
My dumbass tutored ex-Ms. Tres and a couple of her friends while they were seeking education degrees. None of those vapid cuntes could grasp basic statisics, or ever “geologly for non-majors” aka, Rocks for Jocks. I was trying to explain factorials to one of her friends, and she actually called the exclamation mark in n! “oh…the loud sign”
I wish that was fabricated or hyperbole, but its not.
Should have factored that in.
And are the most entitled people in the world. Lets not forget that. If you don’t tell them how amazing they are for choosing to be a teacher, they get an attitude.
I remember one of them lamented that I ( an accountant) made more than they do even though they “contribute” more to society and my response was, “Have you ever worked over a holiday weekend or pulled 12-14 hour days for two straight weeks? And I followed it with, “You get all the holidays and breaks off while getting nearly three months off in the summer while your pensions are mostly funded by the taxpayers whereas I have to pray that our markets don’t fucking collapse before or during my retirement.”
None of those fucking buttercups couldn’t handle the amount of work and stress that I’ve at ties dealt with on a daily bases.
I like to ask if these people are really professional why is a union required?
Accountants don’t have a union.
And we wouldn’t want one either.
+1000. My Mom and my Grandma, as well as my aunt, were teachers, so I don’t have any hatred for teachers in general, but I have very little respect for most of the others I have known. I had exactly four teachers in high school who were worth a shit. I had good friends in high school who went into teaching–nice people, but not very smart or capable.
But the level of complaining about pay and the complete lack of consciousness about their gold plated benefits and schedule is so off-putting.
I have a friend whose son-in-law is a teacher who has a pretty responsible position in the teachers’ union who is a complete little commie shit. I can’t stand the guy. The quality of people teaching today’s kids is even worse than when I was in school.
I went to a Catholic elementary school, and at least there, the teachers were talented and certainly not motivated by pay. They did the job there because they loved it, and they were generally good at it. When I transferred to public high school, my opnion of teachers and education changed rapidly.
I went to a Catholic elementary school, and at least there, the teachers were talented and certainly not motivated by pay. They did the job there because they loved it, and they were generally good at it. When I transferred to public high school, my opnion of teachers and education changed rapidly.
Same at both my Catholic grade school and high school.
I always had a low opinion of public school teachers. The ones in my area always complained about pay and occasionally threatened to go on strike for more pay, and… the Catholic school teachers got paid less and never bitched.
I bristle every time I hear about some gaggle of entitled shits at Google or wherever threaten to “unionize” developers. Please don’t ruin my profession.
Degrees in education are generally regarded as crap degrees, particularly by STEM majors.
Mostly because we saw them lined up at the bars on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights while we were coming up for air to grab a quick bite to eat before going back to lab to put in another 4 hours of work.
I thought the psychology and poli Sci departments were jokes based on my interactions with them, but the dolts and ditzes I met from the education school made me balk. It was a bit scary that they were going to go teach children.
But Tuesday night was Nacho Night!
I was a double major undergrad finance and marketing in a school with well recognized engineering programs.
I would say about 1/3rd of my finance class was washed out engineers. They were mostly of the top 1/3rd of my classes.
/looks over at the nearby Baldwin Wallace University specializations in education, music, and sustainability.
Can’t wait till the sweet ol’taxpayer money stop flowing to these universities.
That’s why we need to have all this student loan forgiveness now more than evar!
There is a nice little town square area there that I like biking to with several nice little bars and restaurants that would probably be hurt when that school goes under.
““Most of y’all parents are dumber than y’all, I’m going to say that out loud,” Ya know, Im about as white-trash, hillbilly, as you can get. And I lived in the Great Nation of Tejas for a number of years. I dont say ya’all that much.
Also, despite being a fan of the show “Lie to Me”, I dont buy into microexpressions or non-verbal communication, but her body language is saying something. Either she’s really enthusiastic, or feels she’s on shaky ground when she’s challenged by mouthy teens. Its either cheerleading or a defensive posture.
I trained myself to use y’all when I was waiting tables in Houston. It helped with the tips.
I used to work for a consultant in H-town. Fuck that sweet tea. Its essentially brown sugar syrup.
You can get half and half tea. Half sweet..half unsweet.
Wait, through the parade? Like to disperse it? I’d disobey that order too.
I’d probably also decline to ride as part of the parade too — unless I got that sweet, sweet OT pay.
**Urge to homeschool intensifies**
The shitty thing about taking your kid out of public school is that you still have to pay the school district portion of the property tax bill. I would still send my kid to private school but still that pisses me off.
Backpack… funding…
Of course, as one of those who has no children, I’m paying for all the children. Because social contract/society/necessity (pick one).
You forgot one and it is the most likely reason… FYTW!
“Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield says U.S. expressed “in no uncertain terms” at the United Nations through “a very strongly worded press statement” from the Security Council that “we expect the Taliban to respect women’s rights” and “to be respectful of humanitarian law.””
These assholes really believe their own bullshit don’t they?
No, they don’t. Their gullible base does.
I think the State Department actually believes their own BS, but the politicians making the same claim probably don’t.
The real world is exactly like Social Justice 101.
Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield says U.S. expressed “in no uncertain terms” at the United Nations through “a very strongly worded press statement” from the Security Council that “we expect the Taliban to respect women’s rights” and “to be respectful of humanitarian law.”
Hans Blix returns.
That’s a good pick for “Garbage person of the day”.
Sorry for the premature OT.
Havel vs the covid-eaucracy.
Radio Prague reran an interview on Monday with a historian who wrote a book about the post-1968 “normalization” period in Czechoslovakia. Listening to the interview, I couldn’t help but think of all the covid impositions that are going on.
The book is The Greengrocer and his TV; you can get it for Kindle for $10.
Thanks for posting that. I’ve run across Havel’s thoughts before, but hadn’t made the panicdemic connection. Good stuff.
Seconded. Excellent article.
Glad you both (and presumably others) enjoyed it.
It seemed worth sharing, especially as Havel’s green grocer has been mentioned more than once or twice here.
Must see: Netflix show called “How to be a tyrant”.
They pretty much describe all the commie tactics being used today in America and around the world to bring us all into communist slavery.
Of particular note: tyrants make sure that you trust nobody in your community, so people turn to the state.
Also corrupt the truth so much that only the propaganda coming from the state is accepted.
The funniest thing is all these commie tactics failed in the USSR sooner or later. Americans have a generation of boomers trying to make America commie before they die and younger generations that are too stupid to fight for communism once all the commie boomers die off. Gen x was the last decently educated generation and we are more conservative/libertarian than Lefty.
Lefties overplayed their hand because they know their time is limited to make America communist.
“Google engineer, his wife, their one-year-old daughter and dog are all found dead in remote California hiking region: Police investigate if they were poisoned by carbon monoxide in area dotted with old mines”
Sounds like they should have mined their own business.
Should have bought a pet canary
I don’t mined at all….
I think they all got the shaft.
Then we can dig it
C’mon man. No need to stope to puns.
sure, as much as we expect that of any of our allies
UN is just signalling that they will be giving them the chair of the Human Rights Commission
[golf clap]
“Suspect, 37, wanted on five warrants is arrested over attack on man with hatchet inside Manhattan bank and taken for psychiatric evaluation”
At least he wasn’t selling loose cigarettes.
Well duh, He’s alive,
“New poll suggests Trump would WIN the election today because women and black voters regret their choice and 14% would choose another candidate”
The is just the leak of what actually happened and battlespace prep for audit results.
I mean should Joe Biden really be allowed to do anything? We’re already in the 2024 election cycle.
Trump did win election 2020 from legal votes.
The states that matter all clamped down democrat election cheating, so of course Trump would win election 2024.
America is in civil war 2.0, so theyre wont be an election 2024.
Well, she didn’t have to dig too deep to play Michael Cera’s love interest, then, thankfully.
Incompetence loves company.
A local reporter asked Newsom Monday if the fallout from the withdrawal from Afghanistan would “complicate” whether Biden is “the right person” to campaign with ahead of the recall election.
Newsom didn’t directly answer the question, instead sharing his pride in the president and doubling down on campaigning with him.
“I’m incredibly proud of President Biden,” Newsom responded. “I’m incredibly enthusiastic to have his support on [a] ‘no’ vote and look forward to him coming out here.”
Biden stumping for Newsom – as he and Vice President Harris have been considering since last week – could prove politically poisonous at the moment as the president deals with the fallout from the fall of Afghanistan.
To be fair, would anyone know if Biden were supporting him or not? “I support the, uh, the guy, with you know, the thing.”
Right now it is an all out media and spending spree to defeat the recall. You can’t turn on a radio station without hearing an ad against it or hear a talk show discussing anything but the post apocalyptic hellhole that awaits us if we ditch His Greasiness.
Best Coast, a indie music group from California have been going on and on about the recall saying that this is a result of the Republicans wanted to hurt poor people and destroy California. Not once have they even thought that perhaps people are pissed about being locked in their homes, losing their jobs, and being forced to abide by some bullshit mandates.
The laptop class did just fine here during the shutdowns. It was the low end of the class scale that got fucked the most. That’s where the job losses were concentrated and that’s where the no in person schooling hurt the most. Newsom’s kids and the rest of the elite did just fine with private tutors and such.
Same in most places. Those of us that could work from home generally made it through the lockdowns fine (I missed one raise, and two 401k quarter matches). Meanwhile, the mom and pop shops, and little bars and restaurants, they’re still fucking hurting. Random food shortages, can’t hire staff, random rule changes, etc.
Luckily I have a biz deemed by the state to be “essential” so I didn’t take much of a financial hit. We just took the stress hit from both working outside the home and having to do this while homeschooling.
All the people I know who were most in favor of the shutdowns were either retired or able to work from home.
You forgot the massive increase in both homeless spending and homeless assholes, the massive forest fires caused by his best buds over at PG&E, the intermittent blackouts from the same lowlifes, the massive increase in violent crime and all crime in general, the huge increases in costs of living on all fronts and the massive hypocrisy he displayed on so many occasions.
Ass Wednesday has no withdrawal plan.
“The Taliban special forces: Heavily armed fighters with American equipment and commando-style bullet proof vests and ‘night vision goggles'”
The arming both sides thing makes it difficult to believe this wasn’t all about money.
“commando-style” ? Underwear not included ? And how many places can any of us by night-vision from.
Next, they’ll say they have “assault-style weapons with the thing that goes up”
I can’t see at night, but I have a Big thing that goes up.. Wait…
A friend of mine noted a picture of a Taliban fighter with a $10,000 Trijicon night scope on a rifle.
Mae Whitman Announces She’s Pansexual
I’ve wondered what’s up with this “pansexual” thing, as there seems to be no reason for a fourth category beyond straight, gay, and bi, so I finally looked it up and it seems the only difference is that a pansexual is a bisexual who is into trans people.
Tangentially, I have a linguistic preference for using the Brit slang “bent” in place of “gay”, just because it pairs so well with straight, but I hesitate to use it because it sounds offensive.
See, I read “pansexual” as “I’ll fuck anything and anybody, plant, animal or mineral.”
Pretty sure it means she would fuck a goat or goat like creature. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.
That would be the straightforward meaning, but I figured that couldn’t be what the people identifying as such actually meant, as even in our more liberated era I don’t think people would be accepting of that.
“Look at me! I need attention!”
The true meaning.
Mae Whitman Announces She’s Pansexual
Googles Image of Mae to see if this news excites me or not. Meh.
I’d totally nail Katara though
Or Roxy Richter
Hell, I even would have with Ann Veal. She’s got something….
Knives Chau? Yeah, she’s grown up to be fairly cute.
The drummer not even bothering to take the cigarette out of his mouth while pounding his skins is one of the more punk things I’ll see this week.
Of course, Larry Elder is a far-right white-supreme bigot that will murder all of you.
Newsom, a first-term Democrat who earlier relied on the bully pulpit of his office to make his case, is now in campaign mode, with a packed schedule of events. President Joe Biden announced plans to campaign for him, and prominent Democrats are warning California’s pandemic response, environmental leadership and progressive values are under serious threat.
Newsom’s latest campaign ad, released Monday, puts the election in blunt terms: “What’s at stake in the Sept. 14 recall? It’s a matter of life and death,” the narrator says. The ad calls Elder “the top Republican candidate” and highlights his opposition to mask and vaccine mandates. …
Newsom has found his foil in Elder, who does not support the minimum wage or abortion rights and has used his nationally syndicated radio show as a platform for conspiracy theories involving the coronavirus vaccine.
“I’d say he’s even more extreme than Trump in many respects,” Newsom said on a recent call with hundreds of women volunteers.
Desperation thy name is Gavin.
muahahahahahaha baaaa hhhahahabahahaha
OK Newsome
I can’t wait until 2024 when TMITE is lamenting that they don’t have Trump-who-at-least-isn’t-as-bad-as whichever GOP candidate win the nomination.
But what if they have Trump?
So, Gavin is stumping for Elder?
It really bothers them that they can’t play the racist card on him.
He is off the plantation, never stopped them before.
Well, it’s California, so you gotta play by Social Justice rules!
This means, vote for the black guy or you’re a racist. Or, Social Justice doesn’t mean anything.
What is even worse is that, ‘Uncle Larry,’ just sounds like a character from one of the National Lampoon’s Vacation movies.
I mean at least they had something phonetic to latch on to with Tim Scott.
It would be hilarious if Newsom was recalled and Elder won. He’d be the most conservative governor of California since Ronald Reagan, and surely not reelectable, but maybe he could do some good despite the deep entrenchment of the Democratic party in the state.
Also, recent polling shows that the second place replacement candidate is one of the only people who decided to run as a Democrat against Newsom – a millennial YouTube millionaire. Him winning would be hilarious in a different way.
I would say EOs given, EOs taketh away…but we all know how that plays out.
The youtube kid is dumb as a rock. Maybe not as evil as Newsom, but dumber than a Biden voter.
More conservative than Reagan AND more libertarian than Reagan.
Hey, I found a worse teacher:
Right below it highlighting she is a preschool teacher. But it is just a conspiracy about a massive bout of pedophilia going around in our institutions.
Dated, but still relevant.
Great thread here:
“The bullshit story about Russian bounties on US troops planted by the CIA — to destroy Trump’s ability to leave Afghanistan — was laundered by the NYT, and it worked. When pro-war Dems joined with Liz Cheney to try to defund withdrawal, they repeatedly cited that NYT story.”
It is all blowing up in their face but they still have runners in the media laying down smokescreens. Hence the pivot today and COVID talk he is going to give.
See Winston’s link below. I actually think this is the end of the line for Slow Joe.
He’s toast.
Biden also bristles in ABC interview at mention of chaos and death at Kabul airport.
“That was four days ago, five days ago!” he says.
(It was two days ago.)
^^See my note above. He is hoping for a media shift in focus. What a feckless asshole he is.
Er…below. I would like to say he is toast and maybe will be the first lame duck, less than a year in, president. Who would trust him at anything at this point?
It’s not just that. His tongue bathers in TMITE are starting to call him out. The narrative is shifting. Harris is heading for the hills (again). He’s being set up.
Yeah…stonewall, pivot, and then call it old news. This was obvious from the start. Will it work? We’ll see I guess.
I’ll believe Biden is toast when I see it.
It would make sense that A: as per every other time the president has come out and spoke, Harris was usually behind him, but hasn’t been since this mess and B: Not talking to allies, not leaving his hole, nothing.
He is betting on a forgetful nation and hoping to move the focus elsewhere. By threatening states with action if they don’t adhere to his will…it will do just that.
Sigh… the old TV/film fan’s curse. Perry Mason (Season 5, episode 8 “The Case Of The Travelling Treasure”) has, what might be, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes upon. A quick check of IMDB tells me Lisa Gaye was born in 1935 and died in 2016.
That’ss always the disappointing part of old media.
What a looker, hubba hubba
Never heard of her but I looked up her filmography and I watched a lot of it, particularly Get Smart and Perry Mason. And she was indeed very pretty….
Joe Biden will make your kids wear masks! Thank goodness for the absence of mean tweets.
Ive read about this in the past…Feds threatening governmental action against a particular number of States. I just cannot put my finger on it.
Go for it.
This would explain why Joe hasn’t talked to any allies over the past week
Alex Tiffin
EXCLUSIVE #kabulairport #Afghanistan
Friction at airport between US & UK forces Commanders.
US forces won’t leave airport due to Taliban deal.
2 Para still running patrols into Kabul to collect people from safe houses.
US unhappy with Paras saying it puts their deal at risk.
This is what our elites want for us…
Ratioed beyond belief.
They see themselves as Apollo in that original Star Trek episode and I hope they end up the same way.
Meh. Most of that was happening anyway, driven by economics and consumer preferences.
Joe Biden is a man with an almost 50 year record of being an awful man with awful policies turns out to in fact be an awful man with awful politics. Who could have seen that coming? At least his tweets are nice…
At least his mere existence doesn’t bother me, oh wait…………
Now I can make dinner…………………
Dude….get some ground beef. And some Hamburger Helper Stroganoff. Instead of margarine and 2% milk use actual butter and heavy cream.
Its stellar.
Instead of 1lb of ground meat, use 1/2 ground meat and 1/2 maple sausage. Use sour cream when done cooking. Delicious!
American confidence on the world stage:
REPORTER: “Do you have the capability to go out and collect Americans?”
DEFENSE SECRETARY AUSTIN: “We don’t have the capability to go out and collect large numbers of people.”
That should make Americans living in Taiwan and South Korea all cozy and snug tonight.
So should this.
Come on Press Corp…now is your time of triumph to prove you know how to do your jobs! Not that I will be holding my breath.
Could the State Department beclown itself any more than it has?
TBF we actually practice those evacuations and the folks are actually present – not having to fly in for the operation.
REPORTER: “Then what the actual fuck are we paying you for? Why have you not done the honorable thing and resigned in disgrace and then stuck a loaded pistol in your mouth?”
The fact that not even some junior faceless, nameless staffer has been brought forward to take that bullet for the team is scary.
This has gone from farce to ridiculous, we as a nation can Fucking nuke entire Nations! but cant create a Cordon Sanitaire for our People, whoever they are?
We can but we don’t have the constitution and depth of faith to do so.
Then We deserve to Fall, as hard as is neccesary,
Sad but true,
Historically, this is accurate. The US plan for American forces in the Pacific during the WWII era was to abandon them. It happened on Guam and Philippines.
In south korea, UN forces could not have full evacuated to japan if the north korean army reached the south coast of south korea.
Its why an evacuation plan needs to go into effect BEFORE enemy forces attack.
Democrats abandon americans the first chance they get.
Goddamn I am late.
1. If a woman slapped my ass in a bar at my age, I would thank her, and my wife would too. Never heard of a man so pathetic that he would go to court over that. Clearly not a real man.
2. Pansexuals might as well say “I’m a solo masterbater so hideous I have to do it in a dark room so I don’t catch a glimpse of myself.”
I guess it is just a fancy name for an incel, or as we know around here a Winston 😉
It’s about beating up his girlfriend, not slapping his ass.
“I’m a solo masterbater so hideous I have to do it in a dark room so I don’t catch a glimpse of myself.”
Dude, get off my pr0nhub channel.
I think you are confusing pansexual with asexual.
I thought pansexuals were attracted to goatmen which is probably more normal than what it actually means.
ahahaha agreed.
Congratulations to every fucking idiot that helped Retard win the election. Congratulations and fuck every one of them.
I am going to get drunk and go to sleep.
It makes me sick too. I can’t even talk about that yet. I would damn Biden to Hell but he was already going there. So I too will have a drink. On Wednesday. How can you not after seeing the pictures and knowing what is coming?
I’ve been drinking every evening this week. I expect all drink every evening remaining in the week. I may show up for the Friday Zoom already half (if not all) in the bag.
*looks in cupboard* huh, I guess I have too
I’m buying in bulk at Costco now.
Nice! We really like their vodka. Cheap as hell if you are mixing it and that is all I would recommend for it.
Canadian whiskey… from Oregon?
I am going to strive to actually attend. I am not a good talker though.
We are all drunk and slur or have to sit obediently while Swissy and Neph pull out their epeens and take over 😉
Bruh….Im struggling to stay awake so I can talk to Jugsy.
But it truly is La Valse Du Malchanceux
Halfway there, Cheers?
Keep that powder dry.
1k rounds so far, all 12 Ga.
Like stocks, diversify, diversify, diversify.
My uh, boats, are all in a different secure location within a mile from me. Save the shoddy one we keep around the house for those needs.
I don’t have any guns any more.
Canoes are just so tippy on windy days, you know?
My FIL is a chatty fellow and in general, just doesn’t care. We can be walking around Bass Pro Shop and he is pulling out a money clip with probably $5k (he keeps it hidden from MIL) and will start pointing out all the boats he has lost. I try to tell him, this isn’t the place to be blabbing about and he just says “Why? Ill be dead before they can take em”.
All right, so it looks like I was wrong when I said the Taliban would allow an easy evacuation in the interest of just getting the US out and letting people leave who wanted to. They say they are only allowing “foreigners and people with documents” out. I wonder if any of of this is at the US’s behest–don’t want “undocumented” people getting out, or to overwhelm the airport, making it inoperable.
The was the second option yesterday…with the weakness shown not only by the president, but his military and State department…why would they?
Wouldn’t it have been cool to have something like a really big, secure airbase from which to conduct the withdrawl.
I’d call it Bagram, or something neat like that.
*wistful sigh*
Oh well, we can only dream.
So we should like lockdowns, Vax passports and Mask mandates since those are changes?
Also she quotes Don Boudreaux who doesn’t seem to be very accepting of the changes wrought by the “Covidocracy” (his term, not mine).
Also if “change” causes people to force others to something against their will doesn’t that mean that there are in fact changes that should make liberals apprehensive?
Seems rather apprehensive about change
I should point out that Hayek saw Vienna fall to both Nazis and Communists. I doubt that was the change he was hoping for in his youth. But he did flee to the US so I guess he adapted all right.
I’m sorry, well, at least a little, for posting this.
Our rulers are not stupid buffoons. In my experience, they are much more cunning and much more capable than any of us in winning conflicts with other people. I suspect they are not incompetent.
To me, their apparent incompetence and stupidity seems more the product of the mismatch between the rules of the game they are actually playing and the one we assume they are playing.
So, assuming I am correct, what would be the implications of what is happening?
Why is the U.S. government taking a dive in Afghanistan in such a way as to guarantee the deaths of Americans? My guess is that it’s setting the stage for a competent fuehrer to rescue us from the fecklessness of Biden and to discredit non-interventionism for at least another generation.
Get your tinfoil hats here! Tinfoil hats for sale! I got tinfoil hats over here!
Harris would be the perfect person for that role too.
She is just as incompetent.
China played this round of propaganda very well. Afghanistan debacle happens, they ramp up drills off the coast of Taiwan, then make claims that the US will abandon Taiwan the same way, forcing the State Department to make remarks that amount to a bumbling baby happy to see its own snot.
If they don’t jump the the gun, they are well placed to move fast and decisive, and we will concede, because Nukes er Bad M’kay?
My guess is that there is a faction within the national security establishment driving this. Their goal is to weaken their opponents within the government while ensuring that these meal tickets (permanent occupations/crises) keep going in the future.
And I suspect, one of the main targets in their crosshairs are the woke-brigade that is ‘running’ the show in the military-industrial-congressional complex.
And again, ran away from the podium and did not answer questions after his statements. Either the press corps catches on that Biden has no control over the executive departments or we face the consequences.
He has no control over his own bodily functions.
Only if he’s on familiar ground in his Delaware home. This should be coming embarrassing to even the most hardcore Democrat.
Socialism is for the peasants…
Bwahahahaha…did you think we really meant YOU can be in control? From some website “Socialism is not about workers getting together and starting their own companies. It’s about eliminating private property rights in order to forcibly seize what the most productive individuals in the society have produced. “
So people lose their jobs for being socialists now? Have we turned a corner?
“Dear Comrades…”
Thank goodness the destruction of historical monuments does not happen here.
well played
Taiwan and Japan will not roll over, they are well defended, and have an existential propblem with the CCP/PLAN. They have a plan when it happens, and I’m certain SRBMs will be involved. I’ll take odds China goes down without us firing a shot, let the Bees swarm the Giant Hornet!
A politician claiming (or approving of the message) that their rule and hold, on it, is a ‘matter of life and death’ should shake a free peoples’ soul to the core
It’s not the look of someone who is confident of winning. It’s the current message getting pumped out there by his team nonstop now. I literally just heard a radio ad saying “this recall is a matter of life and death”. Man, I really, really, really want to see this fuckstain sent packing.
yeah, that’s the mandatory youtube ad for me at present. It’s pretty hysterical. We’re all going to die if we aren’t forced to wear masks. There’s no mention of all the good things he’s managed to accomplish since he’s been at the helm. Apparently his big brag is that he’s mandated masks and locked us all down.
HE MADE US SAFER!!!1 1 1 11111
This should help.
Lessee, mandatory water restrictions, intermittent power outages, insane gas prices, crazy housing prices, arbitrary lockdowns and other covid measures, crazy high taxes on literally everything and highly restrictive laws that are only applied to good people who would never harm another person. I see no reason not to the guy who did all of that. In, fact keeping him is a matter of life and death.
When your governor starts with this line… well, here’s his sign.
He’ll commit suicide if he loses? Is it wrong to hope that is the subtext?
Who cares if Meg Whitman is pansexual? She was a terrible gubernatorial candidate. Sure, at her age and with her looks she probably does have to lower her standards, but this just stinks of a cry for attention. Sad.
*pitter patter clap*
Oh, i thought it Said Whitmer…..
/Same result
History repeats itself.
No it doesn’t.
I stand corrected.
Also stands
I stand alone
No you don’t.
I’m going to sit now.
Just for the both of you.
MikeS sitting down
Michael Bolton?! You’re sick!
The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself
I mean it’s true that Ibrahim Kendi didn’t say that in his books…
I have lost faith in the American institutions, everything i grew up to believe in is a lie, Fuck it, let’s have a War!
America is in civil war 2.0
Even civil war 1.0 didnt see shooting immediately. It also really got going based on an election.
Bonus points for the useful idiots connecting all the dots back to Trumputin.
Then resign, you incompetent piece of shit.
I take what I want!
I thought we were a fucking superpower…
Maybe they should rent some movies
Am I evil? no but Mettalica is.
I agree, they are, Dave!
Do you think I’m beautiful?
Or do you think I’m evil?
Why not both?
The Angel on my shoulder and the Devil in my head,
China, Paper Tiger
U.S. Paper Eagle
at least we can kind of fly?
Did the employee handbook not cover this?
“Was that wrong?”
Naked maybe, but High? not good…
Yeah, TWO fucking years for that? Move the fuck out of that state as soon as you complete parole. That’s hard core. The guy got high and kissed a girl that didn’t want it. That’s not cool, but way to go state, ruin that man’s whole life over it. Sheesh!
you’re next, me right after, powder dry, etc.
Who are these thousands of Americans who were left behind in Kabul? Surely, not tourists. Are they the private contractor staffs that bled out billions from U.S. taxpayers and have been abandoned by bosses now sunning themselves in Grand Cayman? Not much sympathy here for them. Rational folks would have started exiting when Trump made the deal and would be long gone by now. Even the humanitarian types surely saw the writing on the wall?
Harsh but true, a Clusterfuck to be Certain,
I’d want to know a bit more about the circumstances of their still being there before consigning them to the tender mercies of the Taliban.
But I’m an old softie at heart.
Some of them may be naturalized citizens who went back to Afghanistan in the past 10 years, also NGO/Mission work, etc.
Yeah, that’s too simple of an assessment to me. I’m sure there’s a bunch that know when they leave their Afghan friend will be left with no protection and therefore want to stay as long as possible. Many probably thought the brass would handle it better than they did. The way you put it makes sense from my couch in suburban L.A., but maybe not to those actually over there. Life is more complex than it seems most of the time.
“The number includes American journalists, contractors, NGO workers, diplomats and government staff who remain in Kabul, which the Taliban took control of on Sunday. “
Note that they put journalists first.
Related: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-admin-dismantled-ccr-kabul
“The Biden administration moved in June to dismantle a system designed to protect American citizens trapped abroad — just months before the Taliban took over Afghanistan, stranding thousands of Americans in the Central Asian country.”
I get your point. That said, it’s certainly possible that at least some of them are just guys who work for government contractors and got sent over there after the fact. There’s a difference, to me at least, between some guy who signed up with KBR to go over to Afghanistan and some guy who works for Northrop Grumman and got told he had to go over there to disassemble and transport a weapons system back to the U.S.
Here’s a little song for the city of Los Angeles.
Another song for Los Angeles
Yet another song for Los Angeles
I believe that Biden is a senile moron and thoroughly incompetent. Therefore, I am very suspicious when the media and numerous officials want me to think exactly that way. There’s a reason they are doing this. I expect to be lied to by them. They are only telling the trust suddenly because it might get them something they want. I certainly don’t want them to get anything they want. The whole thing is scary.
it’s all a lie, I believe none of what the Gov is peddling,
It’s Hard to be a Patriot right now,
My thinking is that Biden is an incompetent, senile, moron. It’s just that the mask is slipping and he’s become an increasingly less useful incompetent, senile, moron. I think they increasingly know they have to throw someone to the wolves. And the ruling junta (a bit melodramatic, but I can’t think of a better term, off hand) is splitting up into factions to decide exactly who gets thrown to the wolves. Biden was their figurehead going in. But, he has his own faction behind him. Right now, it looks like his faction is losing. But, who knows. a couple of days from now, we might be hearing stories about how it was the generals’ fault.
Yup. The thing about a regency, which is what we live under now, is that nobody is legitimately in charge. This means constant infighting among the courtiers for position and influence.
They will eventually need a scapegoat. I think the smart money’s on Austin resigning as SecDef and an overhaul of the NatSec Council. Next likely candidate is State Dept takes it in the tailpipe. Dark Horse is Biden resigning.
The only thing that will change is the asses in the seats of power. No meaningful correction of the root causes will occur.
I believe the decision has been made. There’s no way a democrat gets raked over the coals like this for actual malfeasance. They want us to hate him. They have a plan and TMITE has been given orders. It’s just too far outside of the norm to be reality. It’s playacting.
Well, I think maybe they see the disaster that their policies are bring about and they don’t want that association. They want us to think it’s because Biden is a bumbling fool, not that the things he’s doing are bad. They don’t realize that it makes no difference how they are implemented, this is the obvious outcome. They’re just buying time with the not-so-informed by killing off Biden. Besides, they claim to have elected him by The most votes ever cast for anyone in history. They didn’t notice he was 7/8ths gone already? Or that he sucked ass the whole 50 years prior? Not likely to fly, but it might be a hail mary on their part. Get him out quick enough that they can maybe salvage the midterms? Dunno.
It’s too fucking perfect. There’s no other conclusion to make other than he’s incompetent. It’s like a shitty made for TV script. There’s no way he suddenly turned a corner and gave us everything that’s needed to oust him accidentally. They are reporting polls showing trump beating him by 20 points, Kamala is going against him, he shut down the crisis team, the media is hammering him. The Taliban is mocking him and the media is letting them. There’s just not anything bad enough for a democrat president to do to allow all of this all of the sudden. It is certainly fishy. I expect to be on the opposite side of all of these people and I am not comfortable when they tell me what I already know.
I think they are setting out pillows for Kamala to land on. Kind of a “sure she’s horrible, but that last guy was fucking nuts.” That sort of thing. They think we are gonna swallow the bitter pill because they just labeled choice number one as poison. There’s something tricksy going on. It’s not just a matter of creepy Joe finally going too far.
Here’s where I disagree with you. I’ve no doubt what you’re saying is a big part of the thinking for most of the factions (Biden’s excluded, of course). The problem is that I think it’s more complicated than that. Get rid of Biden, and it’s President Harris, a woman who couldn’t even last through the first primary. And they haven’t had much luck at all on selling her to the public. Put her in and they’re dead in the water. It’s no longer “steady old Joe from Scranton”. It’s basically Hillary Clinton without the charm. All of their agenda starts broadly being seen as as leftist as it is. And, that means all of the rest of the factions are dead in the water for 2024. Because they’re all going to have to dutifully line up behind a President Harris loss. Add to that she’s been invisible throughout this.
Right now, the Biden faction’s taking the brunt of the heat. Probably because the military and intelligence factions are doing their damnedest to make sure they’re not the ones thrown under the bus. But, the Biden faction could very well make a deal. A few veiled references to military obstruction on the Sunday Morning Talk Show circuit and the narrative goes from “Senile Joe” to “Treacherous Generals Responsible”.
Just as you said in the OP, the Establishment getting what it wants is scary no matter what. If they’re prepping to toss Biden on an ice floe then what they have on deck must serve their purposes better. It all does seem far too convenient for them to be repeatedly ripping Biden apart when they’ve been lying nonstop for 2 years playing defense for him.
The most reasonable explanation is that Trump’s deep ops loyalists are finally executing the coup plan and will reinstall him in office on 9/12.
Finally! A date we can be sure of!
Put it on your calendar and chill down some Flavor-Aid.
Democrats had to put someone up against Trump. They chose Biden. Why?
All the woke bullshit and democrats chose an old white guy who was for segregation.
1. Most democrat politicians are much worse than el presidente biden and would never be voted in, so they have to get the installed. Democrats cheated to install biden, so what does that tell you about the other democrat polticians?
2. Democrats need a fall guy to blame/take the rap once they cant deny all the 2020 election fraud evidence.
3. Commies in America are playing their hand much faster than they used to. Why?
To me it spells desperation. Communism is not popular yet democrats are pushing communist ideals. Demographics are changing against democrats. Commie boomers are dying like crazy and the younger generations are not the torch carriers the boomers hoped. Inflation is going to catch up with all this national debt and govt spending and hyperinflation never ends well for Lefties. Americans dont believe media propaganda anymore. Americans dont spend money on lefty media/movies/tech much anymore.
Democrats are trying to change america to communism before their chance ends for at least decades.
This is pretty fucked. https://nypost.com/2021/08/04/wrong-man-locked-up-nearly-3-years-due-to-mistaken-identity/
Talk about a kafkatrap.
That’s a hell of a catch, that catch 22.