That’s one happy American!
The women’s national basketball team dominated. We’re doing pretty damn well in the track and field events. This chick is awesome. Philip Rivers is “staying ready” to come back if needed (he won’t be). And Dodgers fans make progress toward being decent human beings. I say progress, because they’re still salty bitches. But hey, at least they didn’t hospitalize someone in the parking lot for wearing an orange shirt. Whatever, they won their World Series after last “season”. They need to get over it. That’s pretty much it for sports.

A pair of birthday dipshits
Big birthdays today are: romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, luggage-maker Louis Vuitton, Queen Elizabeth I (the Queen Mother), trumpeter/singer/actor Louis Armstrong, baseball player Wild Bill Hallahan, hockey legend Maurice “Rocket” Richard, casino operator and political big spender Sheldon Adelson, baseball player and manager Dallas Green, outfielder Clean Jones, actor Billy Bob Thornton, human punching bag Gerry Cooney, Ratt’s Robbin Crosby, president Barack Obama (aka, when necessary, Barry Soetoro)m, hurler Roger Clemens, A Flock Of Seagulls guitarist Paul Reynolds, political imbecile Lori Lightfoot, infielder BJ Surhoff, auto racing great Jeff Gordon, gold digger Meghan Markle, and Hollywood twins Cole and Dylan Sprouse.
Not a bad list, I suppose. But anyway, on to…the links!

Work on that muzzle and trigger discipline next time, please. Otherwise, A+ work.
I’m working on finding better shit from CNN. Hopefully you’ll all enjoy this. Because it’s not completely insane. In fact, it’s awesome.
We could learn something about freedom from…the British? Yes, that’s right. Those limey bastards are doing better than we are, what with all the fear-mongering and finger-pointing (except at the black and hispanic communities, where vaccine rates are the lowest–not that they should have fingers pointed at them, but I’m noting the hypocrisy from the left). Maybe, just maybe, this “variant” is simply much weaker and less of a threat. Yet the idiots in charge of our federal government are plowing into more bullshit lockdowns.
NBC News takes the mantle from CNN today. They couldn’t just make it about Cuomo, could they? Well, he’s freaking toast, IMO. And sadly, it’s not going to be for resigning a shitload of old people to their deaths.
Oh the humanity! I’m glad I got in before Dem leaders say it’s racist to expect black people to have ID or for them to know how to get to the DMV and get a (free) one.

Thanks a lot, Supreme Court. Yes, this is partly your fault for not killing it in the crib last month. Newsflash: if something is unconstitutional, don’t let it continue just because “it’s about to expire anyway”. You bunch of stupid assholes have now cost landlords even more money and the right to enforce contracts while it winds back through the courts, because the Biden admin can point and say “see, you didn’t stop it before”. Dumbasses.
“Over Covid fears” is a nice touch. What if the troopers are vaccinated…oh yeah, that doesn’t do shit. Well what if they’re maske….oh yeah, that doesn’t do shit either. Well how about the fact that these people flooding across aren’t vaccinated either? Does that not pose a covid risk, you stupid fucking asshole judge?
Wow, these are great numbers. Oh wait, they’re supposed to make us all shit our pants and stay inside. Well, except the people at Lollapalooza or Martha’s Vineyard. They’re apparently cool.
This guy might want to lay off the sauce the next time he flies. Which is probably likely, as his next flight will be after an extradition hearing and he’ll probably be in handcuffs.
Buyer beware! Anybody dumb enough to play the casino and buy a ticket from either of these guys gets what they deserve. Also, how long until they get a bailout? Because I bet it’s coming. For American, anyway.
Here’s a hidden gem for y’all. Damn, that swings, baby. Enjoy it.
Now get out there and have a great day, dear friends!
yo whaddup doh
Sloop links set the bar pretty damned high
Yup. This is links Masterclass.
Wait, so the CDC can put a moratorium on evictions, NYC can implement vaccine passports for citizens, I have to take a COVID test to go into a hospital or go to work, vaccine mandates are probably coming, but illegal immigrants can’t be tested for COVID?
Illegal Aliens are better than you, serf.
And they get free shit!
As long as they’re not Cubans. Everyone knows Cubans are the “wrong” kind of Hispanics.
Ok maybe not “everyone” but definitely the DNC.
They can’t even be stopped when they’re in a minivan that’s got 15 of them inside or a box truck carrying 60 of them in the back. Because, you know, stopping them would be unsafe.
So how does this differ for state troopers from border patrol agents? It would seem that the same arguments apply.
I’m under the strong suspicion that the Biden administration is intentionally doing this to boost COVID numbers in Texas for politics. And there are accusations that they are sending a lot of the illegals to Florida for the same reason.
If they wanted to make the argument that it’s not the province of state troopers, that would make more legal sense. But to say it’s because of covid fears? That’s not a legal argument. It would be like saying lease contracts are no longer enforceable because of a vir…oh shit. Nevermind.
The entirety of this is batshit insane.
We’re well into lawless territory. They’ve even dropped the figleaf of pretense that we were wearing.
Id add that since their position is that the virus is so scary that traffic stops are unsafe, so is serving warrants. Particularly the type where they forget to knock, and burn your toddler with a flash-bang device.
Covid is a commie’s dream.
A commie’s dream and and a free man’s nightmare. I can’t feature what has happened over the last two years. A stolen election, shut-downs, lies upon lies about the virus and where it originated… I’m glad that I’m old and won’t have to live through this bullshit much longer.
Never let a crisis go to waste…
You are seeing the globalist cabal taking that advice to heart..
And they are PISSED some people see through the charade and REFUSE to play along…
But bussing them and flying them around the country is OK?
I… don’t get it.
Just follow the science…
on the grounds that they may spread COVID-19
Which they are doing anyway while being shipped around the country… ///HonkHonk
You are not my supervisor.
My supervisors leave me alone for the most part. I’m sorta mean to them.
Well, my dad can beat up your dad.
2 million dollars. He sounds like that stupid movie.
This dumbass got his timelines all muddled up. You’re supposed to become governor of NY before you grab titties and talk about your dad like he’s king shit.
“Ill show you. Ill show them. Ill show everyone!”
-drunk guy at the bar
The guy that goinks his break shot and demands a do-over.
Good morning, Sloopy. Thanks for the links.
If I were Texas, I’d reissue the order to the troopers, citing the CDC “guidance” on ignoring court rulings. But that’s the troll in me.
And I know I’m preaching to the choir here — but it really, really bugs me about this whole Delta variant that all the reporting is on *cases*. Cases are GOOD, you ninnies — if they don’t come with an uptick in hospitalizations we can’t handle (and all the signs are that hospital capacity is fine) or deaths, that means more natural immunity. Which is GOOD (unless you’re Pfizer or the other companies that look like they want to get humanity on a subscription plan… Health As A Service! The newest MBA craze!).
Not much else to say this morning — have to take “bias training” (so expect to be told how I’m inherently racist) in the next month or so.
Y’all have a good one.
Don’t worry, they’ve got the next step planned out. I just saw a headline in my newsfeed about the Delta PLUS variant!
The virus is going to be Object Oriented this time and hide the memory management?
I thought it was earlier boarding and more legroom.
Very nice. Polite Applause.
I heard the new variant is Lambda, from Peru (?).
It’s obviously functional.
I prefer stateless lambdas.
Gotta prepare for the larger variant, Omega Mu.
Send in Lamar Lattrell!
Meanwhile, Britain is living the good life (relatively speaking. It is Britain after all.) because they’re treating “delta” with a basic scientific understanding of viral mutation.
Listen. Of those “cases” .01-.02 percent of them might die. This assumes that there isn’t double the amount of “cases” because so many people don’t go get tested when there’s nothing wrong with them.
I notice also the deaths are described as ‘Covid related deaths’. I know what that means.
Covid adjacent.
begs the question of probable cause that a vehicle contains illegal aliens whatsoever
this is one of the sidedoors that cops routinely use around the 4A
the libertarian in me is much more worried about the day to day levels of police overreach than any fantasy that there is a shred of federalism to preserve
And that’s a valid argument.
But they’re not about to drop that power.
From what I’ve seen in the local news, they’re mostly pulling vehicles over that are packed so full of people that they’re unsafe. And they’re pulling over box trucks that they suspect are packed in the back while it’s 100° or more outside.
The former makes sense, but the latter not so much unless they witnessed people being packed in.
This ruling, though, says they aren’t allowed to stop either of those. And it doesn’t give a 4A reason to stop the cops, it only states covid fears. So this judge doesn’t give two shits about the overriding 4A issue. Only some asinine language about the virus.
“This ruling, though, says they aren’t allowed to stop either of those. And it doesn’t give a 4A reason to stop the cops, it only states covid fears. So this judge doesn’t give two shits about the overriding 4A issue. Only some asinine language about the virus.”
I am sure the judge is well aware of that, thus his reasoning.
I am sorry, stated reasoning.
It was a chick. Otherwise, spot on.
yeah, everyone knows he doesn’t give two shits
it’s just strange to see libertarians rush to embrace police over-reach; why lecture me on the right ways for cops to do things that the state should not be doing at all?
I’m not sure it’s overreach to stop a minivan with 15 people crammed in and in plain view. There’s inherent safety issues there.
What is illegal is to ask for ID from anybody aside from the driver in that scenario. But this ruling didn’t address that. It merely said they couldn’t stop illegal immigrants. You know, because the cops know who the illegals are because they have ESP.
Valid point — I think I was assuming these were marked federal vehicles they were stopping, hence not really a 4th issue in my mind. If it is obvious they’re DHS moving people around, and the targeting was based on that, I’m fine with it being strictly a federalism / border enforcement manner. If they’re just stopping random trucks, yeah — I’m less supportive.
Though given coyotes and human smuggling on the border in general, I have some sympathies for check points that exist *solely* to check for “too many humans packed in an unsuitable vehicle” type scenarios, whether that’s for illegal movement or not actually the Feds. Anything else should be verboten (no sneaking seat belt checks, insurance, etc.) But yes, that’s doubtless a camel’s nose waiting to get into the tent, is your valid point.
Dangnabbit — where’s the universe where things have simple, clear solutions without side effects? 😉
Simple, clear solutions are forbidden. They present fewer opportunities for politics.
why lecture me on the right ways for cops to do things that the state should not be doing at all?
Probably because they’re doing a whole raft of other things that they shouldn’t be doing at all in the name of fighting a pandemic while treating this particular vector of the pandemic as off limits. It makes pretty stunningly obvious that “fighting the pandemic” amounts to “doing a bunch of shit we were already predisposed to do because it serves our political agendas and not any overriding public health concern”.
“Cases are GOOD, you ninnies — if they don’t come with an uptick in hospitalizations we can’t handle (and all the signs are that hospital capacity is fine) or deaths, that means more natural immunity. ”
That would be true if cases are actually infections. I’d like to see how many of these asymptomatic cases — which are just tests that come back positive — result in antibodies.
They have been playing shell games with information from day one for a reason. Dont you even fear monger?
That doesn’t make actual information useless.
If we had some…
Nope. Call me Mark.
Point — although you could argue that if a certain percentage of cases are likely actual infections, increasing cases also equals increasing infections, even if not in totality.
But no need to keep hashing this point, Count Potato sir….
I’m over covid fears, who isn’t?
I never had them. I’m not old or super-fat.
I also had the Kung Flu back in early February 2020 when people finally started realizing this shit might be going around. I found out I had it after I donated blood some 3 weeks after and the Red Cross called me to tell me that I had antibodies. My only symptom was an annoying cough that was so persistent – at night – that I went to my doctor to get something to help stop it so I could avoid my throat getting rougher than it had become and I could get some sleep (now that I need that).
If you are in the risk groups you need to work hard to make sure the thing doesn’t kill you. If the people fucking us over really cared, their policies would also reflect that. They would tell people with low risk to do their best to become immune, while creating programs to help those at risk. But that’s not what we got, did we? That’s because as soon as they realized the ChiComm virus was not one of the more virulently deadly engineered ones, they used the crisis and panic to move along their globalist agenda. One of the biggest things there was stealing the 2020 election to put someone in agreement with this globalist movements’ plan back in the U.S. White House.
Being both sort-of-old and mostly-fat (wouldn’t say super) I never gave a shit either. Look, if a virus takes me out I don’t care, I had a good run. Two kids, a grandkid, got to ride my motorcycle, see a lot of the country, do things that merely a lifetime ago would be deemed witchcraft. Sure I would like to live longer, but I refuse to do so in fear and hiding from a virus that I have 98% chance of surviving. I’ve had my share of near deaths, set myself on fire once, nearly got ran over by a duce-and-a-half, crashed a couple motorcycles, nearly fell to my death off a cliff (thanks for pulling me back, Joe) had two cancer diagnosis and still have one (lymphoma) merely in remission. I have lymphoma in my bone marrow and have seen studies that the mRNA vaccine is showing up in the bone marrow, ergo I ain’t getting it.
Long winded way of saying I don’t care – life ends in death and if you live your life hiding from death, you aren’t living and death is still going to find you.
Never having been afraid of the disease, I’m unsure how to answer.
It was a long zeptosecond.
I’m not afraid of the disease, I’m afraid of the people who fear it and the cynics that exploit those fears.
I’m actually not afraid of that. Whatever fears I did have, they have come to pass. Now I am just angry.
I’m tired of being angry.
At least some folks. Out here in the Central Valley, still saw some masks going into the grocery store (the employees must still have to wear them, since all were). Mainly elderly — so I can understand their caution (if I were in a high risk of death on contraction group, yeah — I’d be a little more on the side of paranoia… though given the type of masks people wear don’t actually DO anything against a virus, I probably still wouldn’t bother).
Went driving back to GA to see family over the course of the last month. Most places in non-Coastal America and GA seemed over it. It was nice. One big exception that stood out — was in a Publix (probably self selecting, always seemed more like the Whole Paycheck ^W Foods of the South East) and a couple came up to the checkout line next to me in gloves, masks and face shields. Seriously.
I can’t get over something I never had and I suspect that will be the majority of the answers from this crowd.
I don’t fear the cooties, I embrace them! The more the merrier! Somehow everyone forgot how virii work. Delta is the more lenient method of the plague.
It’s amazing how little you hear about covid when you turn off the TV and social media.
The only vectors for covid panic in my life right now, besides the odd comment from a coworker, are glibs and the screenshots of social media ridiculousness my wife sends me.
It’s nice, the not caring.
I did not play along with this farce in the beginning. So I am not about to start now.
Wow, these are great numbers. Oh wait, they’re supposed to make us all shit our pants and stay inside. Well, except the people at Lollapalooza or Martha’s Vineyard. They’re apparently cool.
Or BluesFest, or JazzFest, or RiotFest or Taste of Chicago…
The best ‘fest.
3 more months away. *sigh*
You misspelled Oktoberfest.
Carbs, dude.
Nope. Not going to Dubai.
OFFS. That is not „Oktoberfest‟.
I had to click on my company’s “HR Portal” and answer the question about my COVID vaccine status (and no, they never asked about measles, mumps, rubella, polio, etc).
The statement was:
“I am fully vaccinated against COVID-19.”
The possible answers were “Yes”, “No”, and “N/A”.
I picked N/A, so then I had to enter an explanation.
I put “Am I being detained?” just to see what happens.
So according to policy, I now have to resume mask wearing at work. That’s ok though because it will cover up my broad grin from having received an excellent offer letter from my soon-to-be new employer.
Thank you!
I’m holding out for a while on giving notice. Word at the water cooler is that a layoff is coming.
If I can get laid off while I quietly do the house-selling prep and complete the drug screen and background check for new prospective employer, that would be freaking outstanding.
Hope it works out for you. My wife was going to retire but told no one because a big spin-off was on the horizon and a lot of jobs would be lost with workers getting one year’s severance. So she held off, and sure enough, she was told hers was one of the jobs that would be saved. Bummer.
Opera applause. You rock, ma’am.
Thank you!
Funny part is that I did submit to the J&J vaccine in June and have the card to prove it.
I’m doing the remasking in protest of the disclosure requirement snd in solidarity with my one direct report who told me he refuses the vaccine even though it means he has to mask up.
Good on you. Principles matter.
*joins in the opera applause*
slow clap indeed. That will be me. Even if I succumb, they will not get me to say one way or the other and they can assume all they want.
Congratulations on the offer!
Nothing like that parting “I don’t give a shit, bye” to make your day better.
Congratulations! That’s great!
Our union just told everybody they dont have to participate in the survey. It makes no difference for me, because i had to admit i was unvaxxed after going to Florida. Of course, yhe union informed everyone of this right after the vax paper collection drive. They ain’t all that bright.
You are assuming they didn’t act like they cared, late, by design, so a grand majority of people would respond and the globalists would get enough of what they wanted? Lets them serve 2 masters…
Missouri governor pardons St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters
And brings charges against the DA that tampered with evidence?
Mike Nifong remembers.
Not in his job description.
Love the euphemism “protesters”.
So it would appear the big 10-day music festival in the Lehigh Valley is going ahead – good. I think for many local businesses those 10 days are over 50% of the revenue.
It looked like a rolling disaster: England lifting almost all coronavirus restrictions just as the highly transmissible delta variant was sending infection rates skyrocketing.
But British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s gamble could well pay off, at least in the short term, providing a lesson to other countries desperate for any light at the end of the pandemic tunnel.
Sweden already proved that you should let it spread among the people that are not susceptible and take precautions for those that are. And nice fearmongering. “Highly transmissible” typically means less harmful.
Fleas mutiny, take over circus, ch 593
The backlash against (and within) Activision Blizzard began with a lawsuit filed by California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
The lawsuit alleged a “frat boy” work culture where multiple female employees were subjected to gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and unequal pay, and that “the company’s executives and human resources personnel knew of the harassment and failed to take reasonable steps to prevent the unlawful conduct, and instead retaliated against women who complained.”
Several former Activision Blizzard employees had already begun sharing their experiences on social media in the wake of the lawsuit, but the company’s effort to paint the suit’s claims as “inaccurate” and “distorted” prompted more than 2,000 current and former workers to sign a petition slamming that response as “abhorrent and insulting.”
Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick tried to dial the temperature down, admitting in a note to employees last week that the company’s initial response had been “tone deaf” and that it was hiring an outside law firm to investigate the claims.
But that didn’t stop dozens of employees from staging a walkout at the company’s campus in Irvine, California (with hundreds more joining virtually) on Wednesday. Some of the demands included greater pay transparency and an end to mandatory arbitration.
Spurred on by the California lawsuit and its aftermath, several employees across the gaming industry are now speaking out about sexual harassment, pay disparities and other aspects of the culture. All eyes will now be on how Activision Blizzard’s leadership handles the situation and whether it faces more consequences or changes beyond the Tuesday announcement of Brack’s departure.
Laws against sexual harassment and discrimination have “finally become more and more empowered and enforced,” said Walter Foster, a labor and employment lawyer at the firm Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott in Boston who previously worked in the Massachusetts state attorney general’s office.
“The allegations brought by the California state department [are] seminal, and probably bellwether type litigation for this industry,” he said. “It’s being brought by a state agency, so they have the resources of the state. They don’t invest in those litigations until they know they have a good case. … You take a case to make an example.”
You couldn’t just find another line of work which suits you better?
I guess that would interfere with your “right” to force everyone else in the world to conform to your notions of “justice”.
“The allegations brought by the California state department [are] seminal, and probably bellwether type litigation for this industry,” he said. “It’s being brought by a state agency, so they have the resources of the state. They don’t invest in those litigations until they know they have a good case. … You take a case to make an example.”
Huh. And here I though the state took on cases to seek justice.
I have seen some calls in the computer gaming press pointing at Activision as another reason that coders should unionize. I think you’ve got a better chance of the coders converting one of the minor dev houses/publishers to an employee owned operation then get a coding union in one of them.
Cooney was a decent fighter – overhyped as a great white hope in an era with lots of better heavyweights. Great left hook – saw him win a fight with a single hook to the liver. Looked really painful.
Foreman knocked him into another dimension, but that happened to most of Foreman’s foes.
I have a busted rib. It is very uncomfortable. Just reading your comment made me wince.
Hey buddy! Quit doing that!
(getting injured, that is)
Ugh. I was sneaking into the kitchen in the middle of the night to get ice cream. I did not turn on the lights to keep from waking the wife. Remember Chevy Chase and his gag of stumbling, tripping then falling over furniture and down a flight of steps? That was me…it took me five minutes to fall down finishing with a bench corner to the ribs. Yep. Good times.
I had a busted rib. Stop saying that!
I hope you are feeling better.
When I was 30-ish I busted two ribs taking a backwards step off of a wooden causeway over some dunes. I was busy pointing at the neighbor’s house, commenting to my dad. I took a step back, fell 6 feet, and landed sidways with my arm underneath. That was enough to snap two ribs.
After x-rays, Vicodin, etc- I just couldn’t lie down on a bed or sofa. I had to sit. And gain a lot of weight. It took months to completely heal up and get to the point where I could workout without pain.
These days I would probably – after the bones healed up – hit the weight bench and grit my teeth.
“Obama CANCELS his 500-person 60th birthday party and will now just host family and close friends ‘due to new spread of Delta variant’: Ex-president bows to pressure over ‘tone deaf’ Martha’s Vineyard bash”
So his party ruined his party?
Good? Bad? I don’t know how to feel anymore.
Just point and laugh. You’ll feel better.
Nelson? Is that you?
Chances are he does it anyway on the sly?
That was my first thought as well. If nothing else, there’s an island these folks haven’t been to in a while, right?
And amusingly enough — my brain at first read this as a response in the thread for Comment 17 below….
This. About one hundred of the 5 hundred are not family or close friends. Nobody will say a word outside of far right extremist news sources.
If that. This is all eyewash. I noticed no count of the number that will still attend. And I am unaware of any exception from the new masking guidance for “family and close friends”, only members of your household, so he’s still violating the guidance.
I mean, if they were telling the CDC to fuck off, I’d be all in favor of that. But they’re not. They are just violating the guidance without criticizing or rejecting it. So fuck them.
They uninvited Cuomo,
This is basically nothing but a petulant response to the leftists globalist cabal that has been fucking us over and telling us to show gratitude for the ass rape being called out as a fucking bunch of evil hypocrites. You bet your ass they will now do it on the downlow, but they will do it, while getting the story out of circulation and the unavoidable negative reaction to go away…
I now have to resume mask wearing at work. That’s ok though because it will cover up my broad grin from having received an excellent offer letter from my soon-to-be new employer.
“Men who ejaculate at least 21 times a month slash their risk of prostate cancer by A THIRD, Harvard study finds”
Those are rookie numbers.
Sending that link to my wife.
Does she have life insurance on you? Sending her that link might not have the effect you are hoping for.
Do you have storage space for the Kleenex boxes and Jurgen’s lotion bottle she will give you in return?
I’ve got that and an internet connection.
I’ve even got a doctor’s note saying I need more…
Her response: “Go ahead and jerk off.”
Twice a day whether I need it or not.
I’ll need to step away for a health break.
Better get to work, then.
Saved by the
bellhand.I’m pretty sure I am north of 30 times a month.
Now that’s science I believe in.
In this house we believe that men need to ejaculate at least 21 times a month.
Gary, I’m disappointed to find you in the bathroom combing your hair. You need to take care of your health.
Spoiler: they all died of tennis elbow.
Does the dog still have mange?
“Offspring drops drummer Pete Parada after he decided NOT to get vaccinated saying doctors advised him against it because he suffered from Guillain-Barre Syndrome”
Got to keep them separated?
Sleazy P Martini, Gwar’s “manager”(actually a comedian), has a weekly YouTube show and he was talking about how he was booted for the same reason although not booted for all time I don’t think. The damn rockers are turning out to be pussies, Eric Clapton and Van Morrison excepted.
/checks list to see if Offspring is on the Punk in Drublic show outside Pittsburgh
Finally the debate whether or not The Offspring is punk is settled once and for all.
He already had covid, he is vaccinated the good way.
They suck anyways.
Top Democrats are calling Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s conduct “abhorrent” (White House press secretary Jen Psaki), “profoundly disturbing, inappropriate and completely unacceptable” (New York Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand) and “repulsive & unlawful” (Cuomo’s own lieutenant governor, Kathy Hochul).
I see Cuomosexuality has fallen out of favor.
What’s the O/U on how many days he’ll last? I think he’ll be gone over the weekend. That should give him enough time to get rid of as much evidence as possible from his nursing home shitshow.
He’s not quitting and any impeachment effort will take months. He can probably drag it out long enough to win the next election in another landslide. (I am not kidding.)
I see him clinging on. The same party machine that made him is now trying to throw him out with the bathwater, and he’s enough of an arrogant prick to pick a fight.
When people I dislike get into a knockdown fight it’s a good thing.
I don’t think they are trying to throw him out at all. They are going through the motions because they know how bad the optics would be otherwise, but in the end, he will dig in lick a tick, and they will drag it on till people lose interest, then drop it.
Doubt it. Cuomo knows where enough bodies are buried and has enough other players dependent on him that he’ll keep in office. He knows that, if he quits, his political career is over. If he hangs on, it’ll become “old news”.
Oh god please. Let him hang on and make every fucking proggie eat shit every day he is in office; let him hold on, dragging down the fascist-feminists with him (oh the irony). Let him be a rotting corpse stinking up every corner of the party across the country.
Pretty much this. Especially with a compliant media. Give it a week and I am sure Orange Man Bad will say something and news will move on.
Only in America can some pols get fired for touching a woman or making a pass while getting off scot free for killing thousands of old folks in nursing homes. (Apologies to anyone offended by the “scot” remark.)
“Trans YouTuber Chris Chan, 39, is filed as female in police report and will be jailed with women inmates despite being biologically male and ‘arrested for raping dementia sufferer mother, 79’”
This is the weirdest timeline.
Established sexual predator (not convicted but damn) who’s got a penis and Y chromosomes to be housed with female inmates. Nonhilarity ensues.
What’s that movie called?
Women’s prison inmates carry shanks too.
Just sayin’
True dat!
Trans YouTuber? Does that mean he started on Vimeo?
I’m glad I got in before Dem leaders say it’s racist to expect black people to have ID or for them to know how to get to the DMV and get a (free) one.
The whole argument against is really dishonest. Even if one did not have an ID* but was registered to vote the state could simply issue a voter registration card that would amount to the same thing.
*I don’t recall but I’d imagine that ID of some form is required to register in the first place, given that the point is to register in the precinct of one’s residence so that one’s vote counts and counts once where it is supposed to.
Not to mention you have to have id to vote in person. I don’t think I’ve ever voted in GA without one. This is all about having some semblance of security for mail in ballouts….
The best version was Texas Democrats whining about both the ID requirement and the closure of drive-thru balloting. How exactly were they driving without ID?
“China’s worst Covid-19 outbreak in a year is rapidly escalating with cases hitting a six-month high and prompting authorities to seal off a city and ‘punish’ local officials.
The Communist Party had previously boasted of its success with gratuitous propaganda showing people returning to normal life in restaurants and nightclubs while the rest of the world suffered from the virus which first emerged in Wuhan.
But on Wednesday, China officially recorded 71 new infections – the highest daily figure since January – and with incidences of local transmission and 500 new cases since July, its zero-Covid strategy is on the brink.”
Yeah, sure.
It’s those goddam foreigners spreading it around. Death to the capitalist running dogs.
I’d be willing to bet the local officials did something else and this is just window dressing on the reasons for punishment.
It just shows how far up their own asses the State of California is. They are going to “make an example” of the dudebro culture in tech, now, after having previously run a giant chunk of the productive economy out of the state.
Do they think there are no basements in Austin, Texas for the dudebro coders to eat Cheetos and pound keyboards in?
I mean there are basements in Austin… but vey few of them. Basements aren’t really a thing in Texas.
There aren’t any in CA either. That’s why companies were started in garages.
CDC announces new 60-day eviction freeze for most US counties
I seem to recall that this was ruled unconstitutional.
They are commies. Private property rights are an anathema to them.
Except the Capitol building. That’s off limits.
Unless they’re leftist protestors. Then it’s okay to protest or petition their government.
Then it’s okay to protest or petition their government.
Just hinted.
It was just the tip, and it was being pulled out, honest.
It was declared unconstitutional but the actual ruling said it could continue, since it was close to expiring. So from what I understand, it wasn’t actually ruled unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court completely shit the bed because they didn’t set precedent when they should have but instead said “ah, fuck it. It’s almost done anyway” after saying it was a clear overreach. And only an idiot couldn’t see another extension coming down the pike, so methinks they let it stand because they didn’t want to look like they didn’t care about people, when their entire job is to be dispassionate and rule strictly on constitutionality.
The so-called “conservative” justices have been a massive disappointment. I really don’t want them to get any 2nd amendment cases because they are likely to let unconstitutional infringements stand to avoid “disruption”.
“CDC announces new 60-day eviction freeze”
Still wrapping my head around how the Centers for Disease Control have anything to do with this.
They don’t. We’re well down into banana republic territory now.
Bananas on Dr. Kellog’s cereal republic. Fascism in the name of public health!
How does ANY government agency have the authority to just nullify contracts by edict? It’s just FYTW.
We’re approaching a societal norm where if you don’t like the terms of a contractual agreement, the thing to do is just whine that the government should nullify it. I don’t think people realize how dangerous that is. It’s not an exaggeration to say that trust is a pillar of our civilization – the generally recognized notion that people will hold up their end of deals. You start chipping away at that, and it will cast a black cloud over willingness to enter into any kind of agreement. Lenders, renters, vendors, and sellers of all kinds will be hesitant to make any deals if the other party might later squeal that the contract is “unfair” and get the state to quash it.
Everyone will be poorer if this becomes the norm.
I would counter that contracts have gotten absolutely obscene both in length and the weight of legal favoritism to corporations.
Illinois COVID Update: IL reports 2,682 cases, 8 deaths
8 deaths from what? I have to ask because the convid numbers are complete horseshit.
Send that drummer to Wall Walla
To SugarFree?
Dishonest cunte is dishonest and a cunte.
Clyburn said, “People need to come to grips with something happened on January 6th that never happened before. Never have we seen this kind of violent insurrection brought on by fellow Americans. We all know what happened. We all know where it happened. We all know that something and somebody is behind all of this. To see four lives lost, that to me, is just unacceptable. For my Republican colleagues to continue to obfuscate continue to obstruct, refusing to take part in trying to get to the bottom of this is beyond me.”
“I don’t quite understand that,” he continued. “It makes me have a great appreciation of what Thomas Paine was writing about back when this country was trying to give birth to itself when he talked about summer soldiers and sometimes patriots. People that will stand for the country so long as the weather is right, people that are patriotic in the sunshine but when the storms come, when the challenges come, they’re nowhere to be found and that’s what is happening to our Republican colleagues. They are sunshine soldiers, and they are just absolutely a threat to the future of this great country.”
Leftists appropriating Thomas Paine and patriotism. Fun times.
When you said cunte, thought it would be Mignon Clyburn in the quote. Guess she’s still waiting for pops to die to inherit his seat.
Mignon? Really?
Any fule no that’s a boy’s name.
To be fair, we haven’t seen this kind of violent insurrection before.
Being that it wasn’t that violent and certainly wasn’t insurrection and all.
*Actual* violence and insurrection? The Civil War and the period just prior would like a word, you ninny. As would the Weather Underground, etc.
Didn’t some Puerto Rican separatist party there once?
Yes, they shot a few congress critters, then Carter pardoned them.
I forgot that part. Few people appreciate just how awful Jimmy was.
That Congressional ball game was chopped liver?
That was people silly, and bad people to boot, not THE TEMPLE OF DEMOCRACY!
You know… I could probably make a decent argument that baseball diamonds and football fields are more sacred to the American people then the capitol buildings.
Somebody has obviously never read anything by Paine.
He’s not quitting and any impeachment effort will take months. He can probably drag it out long enough to win the next election in another landslide. (I am not kidding.)
I can easily see that happening.
Huh, imagine that. CDC’s projections, based on that garbage “study”, are bunk. Meanwhile, from Limeyland, which surprisingly seems to be putting out methodical and defensible reports:
I think i saw that Diblasio is going to make people show proof of vaccination to be able to eat in NYC restaurants. Did i hear that right?
Just squeeze the little bit of life these restaurants have left right out.
Not a popular idea round these parts.
“”This is cause for concern. We are really seeing a big uptick in cases. The percentage increase over two weeks if about 360 percent,” Medical Advisor for Delaware County Lisa O’Mahney stated.”
And … ?
These people are absolute dipshits.
How long till these fuckers float the idea of pinning something on the clothing of the unvaccinated, a gold star perhaps, so they can be easily identified?
It would really simplify things and make it easier to identify the untermenschen. At least until the camps get built.
Positive spin.
Hizzoner explained it thus: “The key to New York City. When you hear those words, I want you to imagine the notion that because someone’s vaccinated, they can do all the amazing things that are available in this city. This is a miraculous place, literally full of wonders. And if you’re vaccinated, all of that is going to open up to you. You have the key. You can open the door.”
No, it’s an overcrowded shithole and most of the people there would shit their pants in amazement if they spent a few months traveling the country.
Baseball birthdays: HoFer Jake Beckley, Dolf Luque, BJ Surhoff, and Joe Strong are between Clemens and Cleon Jones. Although he might have been clean too. Unlike that other guy.
I’d expect nothing less from this shyster.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) comments Tuesday indicate he would likely back the $1.2 trillion so-called infrastructure bill, according to a Washington Post reporter.
McConnell said Tuesday that he would encourage his Republican colleagues to oppose Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) efforts to end the amendment debate Tuesday on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.
“Slow and steady wins the race,” McConnell said.
Says the elderly, decrepit congressional turtle.
Understand that he is as conniving a plotter as Pelosi.
“Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) on voter suppression: “This is the Delta variant of Jim Crow voting laws. And the only vaccination is federal legislation.””
At least it kind of rhymes.
Warnock is one of those characters where you just have to roll your eyes and say “Really? This guy?”
So it spreads quickly, and does less damage?
He means you can only detect it through Chinese anal swabbings…
I brought it up yesterday but didnt see a reply. Arent vaccine passports a clear HIPPA violation?
of course not! Do you want Granny to die?
No – HIPPA covers revelations of health info by other parties than yourself.
It’s the FYTW clause in your Constitution.
But mandates would require me to answer. Hence a violation.
It’s not a mandate! They’re just requiring you to voluntarily comply. Why do you want to kill Grandma?
“Why do you want to kill, Grandma?”
Pelosi is a grandma, do I stand a chance of killing her?
No, you are not covered re: self-revelation. HIPPA covers other parties – other than yourself (i.e. no having HR tell a newspaper you have Parkinsons, etc).
So when HR bars me from entering the office they’ll what… have to make up an excuse to whomever is guarding the doors…?
ADA, maybe?
Oh god, not this shit again.
The Delta outbreak is going to get much worse, warns Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist who leads the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. “The number of intensive-care beds needed could be higher than any time we’ve seen,” he says. He adds that his team’s analysis shows that almost every single one of the 100 million unvaccinated Americans who hasn’t had COVID-19 yet will likely get it in the coming months, short of taking the sort of strong isolation and masking precautions that seem unlikely in the vaccine-hesitant population.
The variant is so contagious that it’s set to smash through every previous prediction of how soon the U.S. might reach herd immunity. “We’ve failed to shut this down as we have other pandemics,” says Jonathan Eisen, a biologist at the University of California, Davis, who studies how pathogens evolve. “It may be around forevermore, leaving us continually trying to figure out what to do next.”
It’s too soon to say whether Lambda will turn out to be the next big, bad thing that COVID-19 unleashes on us. But it’s a good time to wonder: Just how destructive can these variants get? Will future variants expand their attack from the lungs to the brain, the heart and other organs? Will they take a page from HIV and trick people into thinking they’ve recovered, only to make them sick later? Is there a Doomsday variant out there that shrugs off vaccines, spreads like wildfire and leaves more of its victims much sicker than anything we’ve yet seen?
The odds are not high that we will see such a triple threat, but experts can’t rule it out. Delta has already shown how much worse things can get. Its extreme contagiousness, with room to run freely through the tens of millions of Americans who haven’t been vaccinated and millions more who have no access to vaccines in developing countries, has good odds of turning into something even more troublesome. “The next variant,” says Osterholm, “could be Delta on steroids.”
Pay attention to me! I’m trying to save you. If you want to live, you must do as I say.
“The variant is so contagious that it’s set to smash through every previous prediction of how soon the U.S. might reach herd immunity.”
And monkeys *could* fly out of my butt…..
One would think given the insane inaccuracy of the models over the last 1.5 years these people would need a new shtick… but I know, political usefulness and all.
Literally everything he said defies the entire history of viral mutation. So of course Newsweek gave him a megaphone.
Osterholm is a panic monger and a goddamned idiot. People listen to him at their own peril.
I honestly thought that the “delta” variant had a frat house, John Belushi, and Sarah Holcomb’s tits.
This endless fucker again.
Oooh lemme guess: Did their MODEL tell them all this?
The variant is so contagious
Everybody panic.
We’ve failed to shut this down as we have other pandemics
That’s not how it works.
It’s too soon to say whether Lambda will turn out to be the next big, bad thing that COVID-19 unleashes on us.
It will but only because the convid tyrants say so, not because it is a real problem.
Is there a Doomsday variant out there that shrugs off vaccines, spreads like wildfire and leaves more of its victims much sicker than anything we’ve yet seen?
It already exists in the minds of liars and the gullible.
There will always be a new scarient.
For a few weeks I’ve decided to shake up my weightlifting routine; going for an old-school Steve Reeves (no homo) workout. To my eyes he had the most natural and Greek-like (Hercules!!!) body (no homo).
It’s essentially a full body workout, three times a week. For whatever reason it feels more intense than my normal 3-way split of: chest/triceps, back/biceps, shoulder/legs
Hmm. Thanks. I will reference this since wife and I have joined a gym to be gods/goddess in our next phase of our lives.
Dude. I just try to look good enough whenever I catch myself in the mirror. Not terrible? Works for me! My days of buffing are long done. All that I need to do is manage that pesky muffin top and wear a suit comfortably.
I am fighting that reality hard, but losing that battle slowly….
Oops, wrong reaction…
My gut is as likely to be deported as a Central American coming over the Texas border.
More like #FullHomo. But you do you.
Sure thing, beer cans…
You needn’t say (no homo) because no one gives a shit if you like dudes.
You need to pump some iron.
Everything is retarded.
California may be the first state to to require public schools provide free menstrual products to men.
“California recognizes that access to menstrual products is a basic human right and is vital for ensuring the health, dignity, and full participation of all Californians in public life,” the text of AB-367 states.
The bill continues, “California has an interest in promoting gender equity, not only for women and girls, but also for transgender men, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people who may also menstruate and experience inequities resulting from lack of access to menstrual products.”
Introduced by Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, who represents California’s 58th district, AB-367 would cost the California State University System between $750,000 to $800,000.
A clean shave is a human right. Subsidize shavers/razors for
menfacial-hair-growing persons.I’m sorry — I apparently missed where all the stores around the schools were refusing to stock said products.
Ohhhh… that’s not what you meant by “access” is it, you ninny. Right up there with “access” to housing is a right. “Access” to food is a right. “Access” to other people’s labor and property is a right. I so wish we had an actual opposition party that didn’t suck in this state.
Right? I shaved off my stache some weeks ago! Where are my styptic pens? I demand equality! I bleed, therefore I am!
Oblig: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=17dU___xcdA
That works so well! Secret for you, I hate every John Hughes movie. Fake, fake, fake.
He wrote such great stuff when he was at the National Lampoon, too.
Aaaand the money shot:
All told, the chances that a virus in the population will produce a much more dangerous variant in the course of a year would normally be extremely low. But when billions of people are infected with billions of copies of a virus, all bets are off. Thanks to Delta’s infectiousness, and the huge number of people whose refusal or inability to get vaccinated leaves them primed to become living COVID-19 mutation labs, the conditions are ripe to produce yet more, potentially more dangerous, variants in the coming months.
“It’s going to be very difficult to stop it from happening with masks and social distancing at this point,” says Preeti Malani, a physician and infectious disease researcher and chief health officer at the University of Michigan. “Vaccines are the key, and vaccine hesitancy is the obstacle.”
Forcible inoculation of the entire population is our only hope.
Otherwise, the zombie apocalypse will look like a fairytale romance.
Don’t mention the fact that the vaccinated are actually the variant factories.
Whatever you do, don’t mention the war
Nevermind the fact that they get it exactly opposite. Targeted non-sterilizing mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic is exactly what causes the evolutionary pressure on the virus. To keep spinning this tale is at best revealing a profound ignorance.
“Vaccines are the key, and vaccine hesitancy is the obstacle.”
This has never been true and remains untrue.
Forcible inoculation of the entire population is our only hope.
If this gentleman would like a short drop and sudden stop after Nuremburg 2.0…
This chick is awesome.
Yes, she really has been one of the highlights of Team USA. Too bad too much of corporate America has gone woke. She really would have made a terrific candidate for celebrity endorsements.
My Pillow guys frantically punching numerals.
“‘Orally administered, single pill, given for seven to ten days’: Top U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said that he hoping for a treatment to ‘knock out’ COVID-19 in patients in its early stage”
Meanwhile, YouTube banned videos with the guy who won the Nobel prize for discovering ivermectin.
Sounds like Fauci just revised his stock portfolio.
Sounds more like they got rid of a political irritant and it’s now safe to say this. Plus the greed.
Good chance it will be ivermectin cut with something else or a chemical analog so they can patent it.
This is just about money. They don’t give a flying fuck about anyone’s health.
Single pill ivermectin/zinc combo pack?
Meanwhile, YouTube banned videos with the guy who won the Nobel prize for discovering ivermectin.
It’s getting very hard to find, but some farm stores still have ivermectin available online. Shipped to your door with no Rx and identical to what you’d get at a pharmacy.
Any recommendations on a brand or source?
If I were following the FLCCC protocol, I would take this orally and follow the FLCCC dosing guide. 1 mL has 10 mg of ivermectin.
If you have dogs, this can also be given instead of heartworm pills. I use 0.1 ml per 10lbs of body weight up to 1 ml total (my 120 lb GSD maxes out at 1 mL) monthly.
A few dog breeds, especially Collies, have sensitivity to ivermectin and shouldn’t be given it.
Aw crap! I’ve been taking it, but I just realized I identify as a Border Collie! I’m fucked, aren’t I?!?!?
I have leftover Ivermectin (Heartguard) from my dog’s heartworm. 68mcg
(I don’t mean my dog had heartworm – I have it left over from his monthly preventative dosings)
Thanks. I’ll put this into my “shit hits the fan” supply room.
Well if it is an effective treatment…then how do you mandate vaccine?
then how do you mandate vaccine?
You send two guys out on a date to discuss vaccines?
Hydroxychloroquine in the right protocol works very well. But …
But it has the stink of Orange Man Bad on it.
Ivermectin, Hydroxy/Zinc, etc. These things already exist.
I mean it IS a penal colony.
I’ve lost faith in humanity.. elderly gentleman in Queensland was arrested for no mask (he has a mask exemption). He was walking in Brisbane Botanical Gardens. Due to the arrest the gentleman suffered a seizure and went into cardiac arrest.
See what can happen when you go out without a mask.
Another covid-related death.
The US women’s volleyball team won their quarter final, and their two injured players should be good to go for tomorrow.
I know they have been fucking with us for the duration of the convid nonsense but good lord…
NIH Director Francis Collins on Tuesday said parents should wear masks at home in front of their unvaccinated children.
Collins conceded that it “may sound weird” that people should wear masks in their homes, but he advised it anyway.
“Parents of unvaccinated kids should be thoughtful about this and the recommendation is to wear masks [at home] as well,” Collins said. “I know that’s uncomfortable. I know it seems weird but it is the best way to protect your kids.”
No. Fuck off.
I mentioned this before, but Collins is up to his ears in the COVID gain-of-function research. From 2017:
He deserves to be hanging from a lamppost along with Fauci. He knows it, and is now adopting the Fauci tactic of deflecting from his culpability in this travesty with ridiculous and divisive public health recommendations.
Which feds lifted the ban? just him and Fauci unilaterally?
Primarily Collins. As director of the NIH he oversees the boards that make the recommendations on it. Fauci lobbied for the lifting of the ban as well.
“Let me clarify the masking message that I garbled on @NewDay this morning. Vaccinated parents who live in communities with high COVID transmission rates should mask when out in public indoor settings to minimize risks to their unvaccinated kids. No need to mask at home.”
“Clarify” does not mean “completely reverse course”.
The only reason he is allowed to ‘clarify’ cause no one in news calls it out.
Wow, after asking to have my navy posts moved to the evening, my work schedule got shifted to Eves – so of course, when I got home last night I completely forgot to check Glibs. I’ll try and review comments before next week.
I haven’t read your latest one — but have to ask if you happen to have read John Hemry’s JAG in Space series? Reason I ask — it has quite a bit on the mindset / training / qualifications of SPACE! Warfare Officers, which I assume was taken directly from his experience with SWO, and I’m kind of curious how much is embellishment / accurate.
Long shot that you have, I know — but it has been leaping to mind with your series.
Haven’t seen that, but John Ringo’s “Troy Rising” trilogy does a great job of transferring the wet navy to space.
(admittedly much more of an enlisted perspective)
Arrest this heretic.
Willie Wei-Hock Soon is a Malaysian astrophysicist and aerospace engineer employed as a part-time externally funded researcher at the Solar and Stellar Physics Division of the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
He has taken a look at that big yellow thing in the sky, and he does not like what he sees.
The light from the sun is dimmer today than it was 40 years ago. It is a cyclical thing. But that does not diminish the threat to the Earth.
Strange Sounds reported that Soon said, “what we predict is that the next 20-30 years will be cold. It will be cold, so it will be a very interesting thing for the IPCC to confront.”
Better act now before they get proven wrong.
Larry Niven already covered this. Nearly 30 years ago.
Fallen Angels remains one of my favorite geeky anarchist jack-off fantasies.
Sorry it’s really not “gun violence” if you’re just restating your constitutional right to maintain the basic ability to defend yourself as needed against people who valorize the literal murder of landlords and dissidents
Replying to
Won’t someone think of the landlords?
Yes because landlords are obviously not people
Permanent renters bitch about landlords because they have no aspiration or goals. Become a homeowner or landlord by your own means and you start to understand that your landlord actually does a lot. While being a whiny peasant generates lots of sympathy from other whiny peasants, widely shared self pity will not change jack squat.
This is fine.
The Treasury Department will begin conducting emergency cash-conservation steps on Monday to avoid busting the federal borrowing limit after a two-year suspension of the debt ceiling expired at the end of July.
Economists say those so-called extraordinary measures will allow Treasury to pay off the government’s bills without floating new debt for two to three months. After that, Congress will need to either raise or suspend the borrowing limit or risk the U.S. defaulting on its obligations.
The limit, a facet of American politics for over a century, prevents the Treasury from issuing new bonds to fund government activities once a certain debt level is reached. That level reached $22 trillion in August 2019 and was suspended until Saturday.
The new debt limit will include Washington’s additional borrowing since summer 2019. The Congressional Budget Office estimated in July that the new cap will likely come in just north of $28.5 trillion.
The Treasury Department notified Congress on Monday afternoon to confirm that it’s begun the emergency measures.
Start stocking up on toilet paper. It will be worth more than dollars.
Just calm down print money and read Modern Monetary Theory
Collins conceded that it “may sound weird” that people should wear masks in their homes, but he advised it anyway.
The Plague Gods demand total unquestioning devotion and obedience. Do not anger Them with your silly quibbling.
The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Francis S. Collins, announced the lifting of the moratorium on Tuesday, saying gain of function (GOF) research with viruses like influenza, MERS, and SARS could help us “identify, understand, and develop strategies and effective countermeasures against rapidly evolving pathogens that pose a threat to public health”.
I’d say your performance in that regard has been subpar.
Good morning, Sloop!
I love that song! I’ve just finished three listenings.
I need to get back on the road soon, but I’m dreading the new normal of completely fucked up airlines. I’ve heard so many horror stories lately.
Maybe I’ll just drive.
I hope each of you has an incredible day. Sunny and 62 here, no humidity and just perfect!
You’re blinding us with your whiteness.
The most interesting part of her confession, perhaps, is that she walked the Earth nearly three dozen years being blind…toward herself.
Her interviewer opened a Caucasian can of worms:
“Talk to me about when you first realized you were white.”
Robin’s reply:
“It was a very abstract sense. I honestly believe I was about 34 years old.”
Label her a late bloomer:
“I was college-educated. I was a parent. And someone handed me Peggy McIntosh’s article. And I read through that list, and I had an out-of-body experience. I could tell you where I was sitting. I’m not ever gonna forget that moment where all of a sudden, I was like, ‘Oh, my God. I’m white.’ And I felt so loudly white that I remember being hesitant to go outside. I didn’t wanna go outside. Because everybody could see that I was white.”
White = bad. It is known.
Those 2 deserve each other
“Her interviewer opened a Caucasian can of worms”
Why not a “can of caucasian worms” ?
White worms? White wyrms? Wight Wyrms?
Oh noes, a can of undead dragons!
You’re blinding us with your whiteness. – hey I try to get a tan okay?
“The Undead and children hardest hit”
Fine, I’ll go for a bike ride this afternoon to work on the cyclist tan.
Being mentally ill has never been so profitable.
ding ding ding
oops, try http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff477/jwestner/Clayton_Bigsby.jpg
She’s the Clayton Bigsby of white people.
Peggy McIntosh was as far as I know the original source for the “white privilege” bullshit. She lived about as privileged a life as one can get on planet Earth. Born into extreme wealth and insulated from the real world at every turn, she became an academic and to assuage some nagging guilt came up with her bs theory that slowly took hold of academia and then the greater culture. Truly a scumbag of the first order.
Poor Obama.
How will he feel validated with no adoring throngs to worship him and bring him offerings?
“EXCLUSIVE: Not 24 hours into the indoor mask mandate she imposed on DC, Muriel Bowser officiated an indoor wedding in Adams Morgan and stayed to fete with *hundreds* of fellow maskless guests.”
Forgot her workday mask with “51” emblem?
do not question your betters
Peru’s Pedro Castillo Can Break With Neoliberalism for Good
This time it will totes work. This is the start of the global socialist utopia
Everybody rejects neoliberalism until the foreign aid dries up, the sanctions ramp up, and they come crawling back to the IMF and World Bank for loans.
Neoliberalism is the prevailing global order, and it is a jealous mofo.
“h-h-housing for all, j-j-just not in my neighborhood…billionaires, amirite?”
The original Tweet that is riffing on is also based on stupid economic logic:
Like there’s a zero-sum competition between luxury/amenities spending and housing. It’s a re-hash of Bernie’s “multiple deodorant brands = starving children” canard.
That Twitter account swallowed the whole bottle of blue pills.
A friend of mine just sent me an e-mail saying that a friend of his saw this article and wanted to know if it was me.
It’s not me.
After decades in woods, New Hampshire man forced from cabin:
So, he’s trespassing and was removed from someone’s private property?
I see where this is going…
Yep! But New Hampshire allows squatters rights after 20 years and he was there for 27:
Well, that’s interesting.
Yup. Adverse possession is the first thing that popped into my head.
They’ll tear his cabin down anyway for zoning and/or code violations.
“You came with your guns, you arrested me, brought me in here, you’ve got all my possessions. You keep ’em,” he told a judge at a hearing Wednesday. “I’ll sit here with your uniform on until I rot, sir.”
Can we recruit him?
Mogadishu on the Merrimack
I almost feel bad for laughing at this. Almost… :Kathy’s Lungs
Goddam Republikkkins, always politicizing everything
It’s one of several examples where school leaders, at odds with Republican politicians, insist students and staff wear masks even if new laws prohibit them from doing so.
Phoenix school officials announced this past week they will require masks, defying state law and Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey.
“It was unconscionable and very short-sighted of our legislature and governor to take steps to ban mask mandates,” said Kathy Hoffman, a Democrat and Arizona’s elected superintendent of public instruction.“I talk to school leaders who have said their hands are tied, they’re frustrated, and they are worried. They’re worried about outbreaks, they’re worried about having to send kids home to quarantine when that’s the last thing they want to do.”
Why can’t they love and obey SCIENCE! as interpreted by the high priesthood?
That seems pretty irrational given that all the scientific data (distinct from The Science™) shows that this risk is virtually nonexistent for children who are not already suffering from some major health issues.
Schools were already sending kids home pre-covid the first sign they had a sniffle.
Feeling and Caring >>> Data
Phoenix school officials announced this past week they will require masks, defying state law
Let the arrests begin.
I’m curious what happens when a kid decides to show up without a mask and refuses to put one on or leave. It’s the school that will be acting criminally if they do anything to the kid.
I would hope that Ducey, who is not exactly in possession of the stiffest spine, could cut off state funding in a day.
Didn’t teachers get priority for vaccinations? What are they worried about?
Whelp, I’m out. Puppy-sitting the dog’s sister. It’s weird to have a clone jump into your arms when you least expect it. “Oh! You’re thaaat dog!”
Aw! ? ?
I am pretty sure they did not want us there the first time.
CNN Politics
Vice President Kamala Harris to promote “America is back” message in Singapore and Vietnam
“America is back” is just a lamer version of “Make America Great Again”.
CrowEagleSen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) on voter suppression: “This is the Delta variant of Jim Crow voting laws. And the only vaccination is federal legislation.”
Except it is unconstitutional for the federal government to control state elections, not that anyone cares.
Remember though, they are not politicizing the virus AT ALL.
You could read it that it’s not a big deal but being overblown.
Except it is unconstitutional for the federal government to control state elections, not that anyone cares.
The Supreme Court laughs in your face, pisses on your leg, tells you it’s raining, and then has you beaten by the police under qualified immunity.
This pussy is out of control.
poor kittah!
Maybe people don’t realize it but deep down they all yearn for freedom as they cheer on the cat running from its soon to be captors.
Trapped in the middle of a Yankees game. Truly a fate worse than death! ?
Between Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Roberts, WTF are the progs even complaining about? They already have their packed court.
That was why I never got the full on breakdown about Kavanaugh. The dude is Establishment through and through and will always err on the side of state power increasing.
I have come to realize the fundamental flaw of believing “conservative” judges are any kind of bulwark against the totalitarian state.
Conservative justices are the least likely to overturn precedent. Precedent, now, is firmly in place to support the totalitarian state. The conservatives will adhere to precedent and are essentially in the business of painting the lane markers on the road to serfdom.
Roe, ostensibly. But I suspect merely insufficiently statist for some.
Abortion was just the pretext. The real motivation was simple, raw hatred of Trump and anyone associated with him.
Well, that’s it – you’ve completely turned her off now
Still looks like a smokeshow to me.
Could the media facade be cracking??
And I hate to print a wall of text, but this seemed worthy.
A cookie is tossed to the masses and being told they have been fed. I have little to no hope that this goes beyond this one instance.
I wonder what the root word is?
The rich don’t have to answer your questions.
I certainly hope so. But in all likelihood, it will take decades for an official admission that this was wrong, maybe they’ll cut some reparations checks (from taxpayer money, of course) but none of the people who actually took part in that decision will be punished. History books will probably sum up the lockdowns as drastic measures that simply had to be taken to save lives while a small handful of naysayers were whining about antiquated notions of “rights”.
“Over Covid fears”
I know I am.
California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
My initial reaction was, who wants to work at a fair? And then I realized the job comes with a house.
The last thing most people really want is “fair” employment. That would mean actually having to work hard enough to earn your pay. No, most people aspire to a job where they get overpaid for underperforming.
“California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing.”
My initial reaction was, who wants to work at a fair? And then I realized the job comes with a house.
Carnies need a place to stay.