YouTubes to Distract You From This Sh#tshow World

by | Aug 2, 2021 | Entertainment | 158 comments

Who watches “live” TV anymore? There are many days in a row where I don’t even turn on my TV, and the days I do turn it on, I rarely watch what the networks and cable channels spoon feed me.

The variety and creativity provided by independent content creators on DIY platforms like YouTube is astounding. Many of these channels garner millions of views, yet they would never make it in the door of the networks.

Here are some of my personal favorites (in no particular order), with a selection of embeds for your delectation. What are your favorites? What topics do you like to explore?

  1. BigJetTV – live commentary of aircraft movements around the world. Basically, planespotting on steroids. The host (i.e. “presenter” in Britspeak), Jerry Dyer, has a family background in aviation, but is not so inured to it that his presentation is inaccessible to average viewers. Some dramatic moments have been captured live over the course of their existence. The devastation of the aviation industry has hampered their efforts a little bit, but they have made up for the downturn in commercial flying with a lot more military-focused shows.
  2. Erik Grankvist – young Swedish man building a cabin off-grid. Similar to the classic documentary “Alone in the Wilderness”, but a bit more in-depth, and with a bit more modern technology. Watch his progress on the cabin, which he mostly is building on his own with occasional help from friends & family. Also features a cute Cavalier Spaniel, and just recently a German Shorthaired Pointer named Barr. If you enjoy nature ASMR, you will love this – there is rarely any talking.
  3. Frederick Dunn – backyard hobbyist beekeeper, with a focus on observation and testing. Fred is constantly experimenting with new equipment and new methodologies. For example, he’ll put out several water drinkers with different additive treatments such as spirulina or commercial bee-health products, and see which the bees like best. He also does an extensive Friday Q&A (which is why I’m often late to the Glibzooms on Fridays).
  4. Baumgartner Restoration – in depth-look at art restoration, mainly with oil-on-canvas paintings, but sometimes other stuff thrown in like wood sculpture. If you like art, this is for you. If you like “before-and-after”, this is for you. If you like DIY design & engineering, this is for you. If you like woodworking & carpentry, this is for you. The nerd factor is off the chain here.
  5. Black Opal Direct – Aussie from the Lightning Ridge area explains opals and cuts them. He does livestreams every other week, as well pre-recorded videos. You can see some spectacular gems on this channel, and you can buy them, too! So far I have resisted the temptation to make a purchase, but I do have a big birthday coming up…The embed I selected was one I watched live as it happened. Spectacular.
  6. Doggy Daycare Farm Trips – Another Aussie. This is a farm for doggy daycare, started by a retired Aussie military officer. It’s just dogs, dogs, dogs. They post every weekday, too, so you can get your cuteness fix every morning.
  7. Ran Out on a Rail – young man travels all over North America on trains. And not in the legal sense. His videos in Mexico are fascinating and full of spectacular scenery. He also includes lots of useful (and nerdy) information on RR crossings, tunnels, and the towns he passes through.
  8. Smoke n’ Scan – livestream guy in Los Angeles smokes weed, listens to police scanners, and follows live police chases. This channel has absolutely no educational value whatsoever. It’s just 100% pure craziness and fun. Very reminiscent of drive-time radio with risque talk and lots of cheesy sound effects. Of course, police chases are random and some don’t last very long, but when the stars align just right, this channel is a hoot.
  9. Yoel & Mari – one Cuban man and one Cuban-American woman and their lives in the U.S. Yoel recently immigrated here from Cuba on a K1 visa. Their videos show him experiencing America for the first time. Poignant and funny. They often do live Q&As, but the best are their “Cuban eating [ fast food ] for the first time”. I kind of love how much weight he’s gained since moving here. Get your anti-commie fix here.
  10. Cecilia Blomdahl – Swedish young lady lives on Svalbard. Lots of clips of daily life in the Arctic. She talks about buying groceries, going out for dinner, weekend escapes, even laundry and bathing. Beautiful scenery and editing, and Cecilia has a great knowledge of the history and inner-workings of this former mining colony. Interesting tidbits about Svalbard – you don’t need a visa and guns are mandatory.

Hope some of these pique your interest! Let us know what you like to watch!

About The Author

Fuck You

Fuck You

Just a statistic.


  1. Mojeaux

    Thanks, KK! A couple of those sound like a lot of fun.

  2. westernsloper

    Erik Grankvist

    Someone linked his stuff. Interesting and dood has skills. All my youtube is cooking, music, surfing/wind/kite boarding, skiing, fuck it all extreme sports I am too old to be good at and sadly some politics.

    • rhywun

      All my Youtube is the occasional bit from one of you lovelies that draws my attention. And some “Let’s Play” videos. And when I have to look up a music video to post a link here.

  3. The Hyperbole

    Let us know what you like to watch

    Nice try Fed!

    • Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack

      * scribbles notes *

  4. kinnath

    Start Here: Episode 1

    Master Luthier Chris Alvarado begins the process of build an Acoustic Guitar from scratch. In this video he discussed the instrument and begins joining the soundboard.

    10 episodes and about 1/3rd the way through a guitar.

    • kinnath

      The sound board is 3,000 years old.

    • westernsloper

      That is very cool!

    • Zwak, jack off, all trades

      I have a friend from high school who was a luthier. I don’t know if he still does it.

  5. blackjack

    Thanks, this is cool stuff. I like to watch some Active Self Protection vids. It’s like Cops, but with a sensible and cool narrator explaining the vids from a self defense standpoint.

    • Chafed

      Let’s not overlook the catharsis from seeing an armed bad guy get shot.

      • blackjack

        Yes, but it’s not a sure thing. The guy is pretty pro cop, but he has called them out for bad shoots too. He’s pretty objective.

  6. rhywun

    Who watches “live” TV anymore?

    I do, every day 😛

  7. The Gunslinger

    Mostly car stuff on YouTube for me. Vice Grip Garage, Watchjrgo, Vehcor, Ammonyc are the ones I typically watch.

    • westernsloper

      Yes! All my car repairs for current POS I have leaned from youtube mechanics.

      • db

        Yes, Youtube car repairs are extremely helpful in a way that books don’t completely fulfill. I’ve learned a lot about how to do many jobs myself, and when to let a pro do it (’06 Ford Ranger starter replacement, I’m looking at you!)

      • blackjack

        Everybody at work uses these. Literally everybody. We have Prodemand and use it too, but then we find a youtube video. Personally, I like to use the various owner’s forums. Those are people who have had every problem and studied every fix. They know your car better than the factory and have no agenda to push. They just love the car and want you to know what they’ve found out. Very helpful.

      • Gustave Lytton


        I can’t believe how shitty repair shops continue to be. Dealer shops are basically throw parts at the problem, maybe…maybe look up a tech bulletin that might help. Independent shops are futz with what they think it is and call it a day.

        Intermittent turbo issue on my wife’s VW. One shop was well it will cost a lot in diagnostic time so it’s not worth it (we don’t really want to troubleshoot). Another shop kept it for close to a week and then when picking it up, admitted they neither diagnosed it under load or retested it under load (I don’t have any hills [with 5 blocks of the shop] to test it under load uphill, and I can’t be bothered to actually figure out how to stress it).

        Wife is close to getting rid of it so I haven’t done anything since but most like cause is pinhole leak in the vacuum lines. Measuring it with a vacuum gauge would tell right away if it’s operating correctly and at least sectionalize the trouble.

      • Sensei

        I found a good local independent who works on both domestic and foreign. He is honest and reasonably priced.

        I treasure him and give him work I’d normally do myself. It’s just easier and I’m happy to support him.

  8. db

    I’ve been having Forgotten Weapons on a lot recently. Ian McCollum is doing what I would have been doing if I had followed my dream of making a career out of firearms and shooting after my first trip to the Knob Creek Machinegun Shoot.

  9. Not an Economist

    Mike Patey — builds his own aircraft. Has the money to use tools none of us can afford but he builds an awful lot of the aircraft himself and describes what he is doing along the way. Actually tests some of what he builds to verify his design.

  10. blackjack

    So, work is all in on forcibly vaccinating the staff. I was told at the last safety meeting, which I missed because of quarantine, that they claim that all testing is mandated to be done on personal time and at personal expense. If a positive test happens, you are required to quarantine on personal time. I just ain’t doing that. I’m pretty sure they are coming out with a wish list that will get knocked down as the lawyers take things out of it. I’m pissed. I’m leaning more towards refusal and lawsuits than I was before hearing all of this. I will not be punished for refusing to participate in a medical experiment. Already they are making me use existing sick time to cover the difference for my double quarantine. They allow 80 hours and mine took 89. I have to give up 9 hours of sick time to cover it. Bastards!

    Funny, everyone I told the story, literally everyone suggested that maybe my kid’s positive test was false. I tested negative at the same time as his positive. When I reached that point of the story, you could tell they were thinking I would test positive after watching him for his quarantine. When I tell them I tested negative last Friday Their little hive minds all went to the false positive scenario. Then, I ask, “well, if this is a false positive, then how many others are? This whole push is based on cases alone. How many are fake?” Crickets.

    • rhywun

      Remember – they hate you so it’s perfectly reasonable to hate them back.

      • blackjack

        Yeah, they reached that point today. I used to pity them and marvel at their weakness. Once they rallied behind the idea of forcing me to let them experiment on me, I hate them, now.

      • Sean

        I wish you well in your endeavour and fully support your position.

        My gf will go nuclear if her employer requires them as well.

        I do not have this problem.

        No mandates here. #StillHiring.

    • prolefeed

      Stuck in Charlotte airport – the airline cancelled our connecting flight while we were in the air, and “courteously” rebooked us.

      For two days from now.

      In a long line waiting to get to the head of the line at the airline’s customer service booth, with over a hundred people or so in front of us, after an hour in line.

      Trying to be Zen about it.

      • Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack

        Must be American

      • rhywun

        I was thinking Spirit

      • Chafed

        Definitely sounds like Spirit.

      • Sensei


    • R C Dean

      Not sure about personal expense, but personal time for a work mandate est verboten.

      • blackjack

        Punishment for not participating in a medical experiment is too. They’re gonna try and I’m gonna have to fight with them.

      • hayeksplosives

        One of my direct reports called me today (he works in a different building).

        He was raised in a cult-type of religion that tries to control behavior including with whom you’re allowed to socialize with.

        He escaped but is now very wary of being told what to do and what he’s not allowed to question. He said today that he is planning to refuse to answer the HR internal site question where we are supposed to divulge our Covid vaccination status. I told him he has my full support.

        He says even if he has to go back to wearing a mask, he won’t get the vaxx. I told him that I was considering a more drastic measure myself.

        I’m glad he knew he could call me and tell me of his intent. I know a lot of managers wouldn’t be supportive, including my own.

      • Fourscore

        That’s called being a manager, HE. Support the subordinates. You done good.

      • rhywun

        a lot of managers wouldn’t be supportive, including my own

        I don’t think mine, either.

        My company has a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy but my manager asked me anyway which I thought was pretty uncouth of him. This was many weeks ago and nobody has said a word since so there’s that.

        But I expect things to come to a head by the end of summer when the real push back to the office will come + the insane freakout being pushed by the media now.

        No idea how any of it is going to shake out.

      • blackjack

        That’s great. I love to hear about people being supported in standing up for themselves. Might be the most important thing we can do.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        You done good He, I wish my Mgr. was as cool as you,

    • Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack

      That couple with the chick in the orange bathing suit and the dude in the blue trunks? I love their communication. They support each other.

    • kinnath

      7:13 mark

    • blackjack

      Once when I was about 6 or 7, my whole family went to a swimming hole way out in the boondocks. It required that you walk across a thin ledge for about 50 yards until you reached the point of entry. Along the way there was a deep pool with rocks and trees all around it. As I was inching along, one of my mom’s hippy friends shoved over the side and into the pool. It was maybe a 15-20 foot drop. I screamed and splashed into the pool. Then, A bunch of hippy chicks that were already there rescued me and were hugging me for what seemed like ever. The asshole that threw me was laughing and laughing. Everyone was stoned and drunk. My parents were hippies. I felt like those people on the board.

    • Fourscore

      The skinny guy with the black trunks (picking his nose) would have been me at that age, I wouldn’t have jumped either. OTOH ten years later I was ready for Airborne after Inf OCS. I ended up not going after I got a branch transfer to Signal and a conflict of scheduling.

    • Mojeaux

      I made it about a minute in before I got queasy. Couldn’t do it as a kid, either.

      • Tulip

        In Hawaii, I was very proud of jumping off a 15 ft ledge into a swimming hole. I would never do that 10 m thing.

      • Mojeaux


    • KSuellington

      That was indeed great. I just yesterday did a rock jump from about 15-17 feet from an island into a lake with my two of my young kids. It didn’t make me hesitate too much, but I was a bit nervous for my kids to do it as you needed to get a slight bit of distance off it and not go left or right. Not hard to do and we all jumped it several times and had a blast. My 8 year old needed some encouragement and us to do it first a couple times before he got the courage. I have done a 40 plus foot jump next to a waterfall in Brazil when I was younger. I hesitated at least 15 minutes at the top of that one.

  11. pistoffnick

    SV Seeker Doug builds a big steel boat in the front yard of his Tulsa, OK home. He is almost ready to move from Tulsa to the water.

    Tally Ho Leo rebuilds a 100 year old wooden boat in his landlord’s side yard. The Live Oak episode is my favorite

    Sailing Luckyfish Aussie guy and his Mongolian wife sail around in a wooden catamaran.

    Edd China fixes cars and make weird cars

    Finnegan (formerly of Road Kill Garage) fixes cars

    Vice Grip Garage Minnesoda guy fixes cars

    Brian Lagerstrom cooks things

    Sam the Cooking Guy cooks things in his awesome outdoor kitchen (I’m not jealous)

    Joshua Weissman cooks things

    Chef John cooks things

    Modern Self Reliance Canadian builds things in the woods.

  12. Yusef drives a Kia

    Thanks to YouTube, Disc Golf has grown pretty big, we get lots of state of the art footage of all the Tournaments with the best players in the World. Just like Ball golf, the presentation is very Professional, and there are many channels to choose from, but Jomez Pro is the best,

  13. Mojeaux

    Yo, Glibfam. I have a friend who is sick with the wuflu. She is immunocompromised because transplant. She won’t go to the hospital and she won’t let me spend the night to care for her. So anything you can vibe her way would be appreciated.

    • kinnath

      Zinc and Quinine. Over the counter. Start right away.

      • kinnath

        Tonic water at any grocery store.

      • Mojeaux

        I will take some to her if she lets me come over tomorrow.

      • kinnath

        My wife’s entire quilting circle got Covid last March. A bunch of overweight senior citizens. They all recovered quickly after my wife told them to take zinc and tonic water.

      • kinnath

        Plus Vitamin C and Vitamin D if you can get it.

        A good multi-vitamin should work.

      • blackjack

        Yeah, the whole time I was watching my kid, my wife was bringing me vitamins and aspirin. I never got it, so i can’t say it works, but she spent a bunch of time deciding on that stuff.

      • blackjack

        And baby aspirin. It prevents the clots. My wife says, anyway.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Get the early outpatient treatment per the FLCCC and be quick about it.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        If you have to get the scrips for yourself and then bring it to her, then do it.

      • Mojeaux

        She says she has doctors calling and checking on her periodically. She wouldn’t let me in the front door, afraid of infecting me. Look, chickie, I am bulletproof. But nope. Had to get my foot out of the door before she fell down, she was trembling so badly. Would have called for a wellness check, but they can’t make her if she won’t go.

    • Chafed

      Good call

  14. Zwak, jack off, all trades

    I have been watching The Sampson Boat Company for a couple of years now. It’s an English kid, well 28 when he started the thing, restoring and rebuilding a classic 40′ wooden yacht. You get to see some awesome woodwork, metalwork, cool people, no one talks politics (except when some townie busybody tried to get him shut down. Well worth it, as they are put together pretty well, he gives good explanations of what he is doing, and seems like an all-around good dude.

    Also, the TRY channel. A bunch of Irish kids trying things. Food, video games, booze. It’s good for a laugh.

    There are a couple of others I watch, but those will give you a good idea of fun.

  15. Fourscore

    Thanks, ‘ have to watch the bee guy. Speaking of which, a reminder that the Annual Honey Harvest this year is Sep 19th, 3rd Sunday of Sep. While the production is a little light ’cause of the drought and no flowers we’re hoping to make up for it by being heavy on the Glibs. We tried to remember when we actually started the Honey Harvest, it was more than 20 years ago and we sort of drifted into it. Interested people would come by, we always had lunch and it just grew from there. It ain’t Willie’s 4th of July picnic. Pope Jimbo was the first Glib attendee and got the ball rolling.

    Mark your calendars! Sep 19th is bringing Honey Harvest and you with it, hopefully. We start early but not much happens before 10. Lunch is at noon, potluck. Your friends and neighbors are already making plans. Family friendly.

    If you have a couple folding chairs bring them along, if not, not to worry. For more info email me or any of the other previous attending Glibs. I’m at
    latvia2112@ the yahoo. Use ‘cabin’ in the subject. Hope to see you.


  16. Gustave Lytton

    Letter from the VA today. I’m needed to voluntarily serve my country one more time by getting the covid vaccine. And if I went around their backs and got it elsewhere, they need me to update my health record by bringing in my vaccination card at my next appointment or uploading an image of it online. Why do you need to see it or have a copy of the image? Why isn’t it a yes/no check box? Or a self entry? And why don’t you send me nag letters for Tdap or the flu or anything that I’ve never updated with you assholes?

    • Fourscore

      VA has called me a couple times to schedule a vax. I’ve been too busy to return the call.

      • Tres Cool

        I stupidly gave them too much personal info. I get daily/weekly texts/calls/emails about getting the shot. Oddly, when I was there a couple weeks ago, neither the intake RN nor the doc that saw me said they’d been vaxx’d when I inquired. Due to the new policy that each & every VA employee will get it, I expect an exodus.

    • Akira

      I’m needed to voluntarily serve my country one more time by getting the covid vaccine.

      Oh good god, did they really say it that way??

  17. Sensei

    Do you like interesting female cute female guests, sadly too young for me, fun conversations and lots of talk about good food and sake?

    Kayonomi. It’s a portmanteau of the host’s name Kayano and nomi meaning drinking.

    TW All Japanese language.

  18. Gustave Lytton

    On topic, not complete

    Lawn care (blades of grass, GCI turf, Brian’s lawn maintenance)

    Craftsmen and tool porn (AVe, Essential Craftsman, Mathias Wandel, Tokyo Craftsman, Scott Brown, Framing Beast, Bedo’s leatherwork, Angelo shoeshine, Shoyan, Renovision)

    Tree cutting (Buckin Billy Ray, hotsaws101/1DangerCat, Chainsaw Guy)

    Cooking (glen and friends, chef jean Pierre, kimonomom, nanako, Imamu room, cconigiri)

    Shooting (Jerry michulek, Paul Harrell, forgotten weapons, 9 hole reviews, marksmantv)

    Japanese language and travel stuff

    Kayo kyoku/Citypop/Aidoru videos

    Hogan’s Heroes & Blake’s 7

  19. The Bearded Hobbit

    I never watch “live” TV. TCM or, very rarely, some old sitcom.

    My internet connection is such crap that I never watch YouTube. 10 seconds of video followed by 90 seconds of buffering. Haven’t even tried TV streaming.

    The joys of country living.

  20. Brochettaward

    You and I have very different taste in videotainment.

  21. Chafed

    The Critical Drinker. Occasionally Matt Christensen.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Now Go, Away
      i love the Critical drinker

  22. Tres Cool

    With Jugsy gone for a week or two at a time the TV rarely gets used. The soundbar is bluetooth so theres constant music when Im home.
    The dual displays on my desktop only light-up for Glibs and pr0n.

    • Chafed

      A man with the right priorities.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Priorities, yum,

      • Festus

        Yup! She’s cute! Go Bob!

  23. Yusef drives a Kia

    Fall of Civilitations
    Hardcore History
    Isaac Arthur
    Allec Joshua Ibay, (for KK)
    China Uncensored/America Uncovered
    So many others.

  24. Zwak, jack off, all trades

    OK, since we are having video time here, and I know there are a lot of gun nuts in these here parts. This gives me hope for England.

    As the blurb says, it’s a Remington 597 with an Airsoft L85 grafted around it. It isn’t anything that DB would make, but it is a sign of life.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Bloke on the Range is good too.

  25. Tres Cool

    I watch this often. Cause I had a C90 (Trail90 and want another) and I wish I was young enough to do that.

  26. KSuellington

    Kinnath linking that video of the high dive got me thinking about diving or jumping into water from high spots. As a kid I remember the Acapulco cliff divers being featured in the Love Boat and on Wide World of Sports. This is a great few minutes of the 1979 Championship there. I have read there have been dives over 100 feet there. These guys do 87 easily. Incredible.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      “Wide World of Sports.” I remember the cliff divers, they had to wait for the tide, and time the dive, cool Manly stuff,

      • KSuellington

        It’s a maximum of 12 feet deep and a minimum of 6. And zero if you fuck up and hit the side. Amazingly enough there have been zero deaths among the pros there. Some yahoo amateurs have hit the rocks.

  27. Gustave Lytton

    Fuck Molson Coors. They need to be murdered in their beds, then water boarded with their pisswater they call beer, and thrown into a wood chipper. Fuck them and all of their families, oxygen thieves all of them.

    RIP Henry Weinhard and Blitz Weinhard Brewery. Hasn’t been the same since the old brewery closed but this is a fucking insult. Shut down your shit brands Coors with the crappy packaging or Molsons that only floppy eared poutine brained peabacon eaters would drink.

    • Plinker762

      excellent rant

      • dbleagle

        No more Olde English? Racist!!!!!!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Is Miller High Life Lite Miller Lite because I might have to put my buddy on suicide watch.

    • Festus

      I kinda dig Starcrawler but that girl is so skinny that I sort of want to Mother her, if that makes any sense.

      • Sean

        Feed her mac & cheese (while in bed)?

    • Festus

      So this time Dante and Randall just sit up on the roof drinking beer while the kids mind the store?

      • Sean


      • Festus

        It ain’t a movie unless the “pickle-fucker” makes an appearance.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s going to suck. When the funny fat guy loses weight the party’s over.

      • Sean

        I skipped the reboot, but will give #3 a chance.

      • Festus

        #2 had its moments. Like really outrageous moments plus Rosario Dawson being adorable. Well worth the watch.

      • Festus

        Brushes with death will do that to a feller. Yeah, he sucks now.

  28. Festus

    Thanks KK! I think you’ve linked many of those channels here before. Like you, I never watch broadcast TV anymore. I’ll sit and watch independent content when I have my dinner. My viewing habits are all over the place but I really dig History and Science channels. I’m a WWII nerd. Old movie gossip is big on my feed.

    • Sean


      • Festus

        *sends up smoke signals in reply*

      • limey


    • limey

      Something very weird is going on there.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Suicide is up there near the top cause of death, maybe the top cause, for younger cops and suicides in general are up as well. I’m not really surprised that they’re offing themselves but the tie in to the 6th is just transparent political opportunism.

      • Festus

        Heck, I see the ideation here in our one safe space at least once a week. People are stressed and anchorless. I talk about it too. This is Terra Nova for everyone. Some folks will cope, others not so well. The PTB leg-swept our society. It’s gonna leave some bruises. We have more OD deaths than Covid ones in my Province by a very wide margin.

    • Festus

      “Oh God! Not the Bees!”

      • Ghostpatzer

        Heh. I am attempting to drink my coffee from a purple cup, but a confused carpenter bee keeps landing on it. No, that is not a flower!

  29. Festus

    Oh yeah, You-Tube for repairs. As mentioned above, i don’t know how we managed with Chilton and Haines manuals back in the before times, in the long, long ago… Especially if you were an untrained greenhorn. Trial and error (mostly error). I used to call myself by my Native American name – “Try It Three Times”.

    • Festus

      My magnificient headdress is made from rat pelts and sparrow feathers.

  30. Gender Traitor

    Hoboing! ? I could easily get hooked on that channel! I could get a little taste of what my maternal grandfather experienced when he decided to see the country he’d just almost got his butt shot off defending (WWI.) Watching the Jacksonville to Miami ride. It was in FL where he said he almost ended up on a chain gang. They didn’t like hoboes there.

    Good morning, Sean, Fes, & Grumble!

    • Festus

      Mornin’ Red! My paternal Grandpa did that for awhile in the 30’s after he’d been drummed out of the Cavalry. He was also a ginger. He would have liked you!

      • Gender Traitor

        ?‍? ?‍? ?

    • Sean


  31. Ghostpatzer


    Thanks for the lynx, KK. Old dinosaur here, I still watch the boob tube. Old habits die hard, but need to check out that rail link. Love me some trains /not a euphemism.

    The resident mockingbird is in fine form this morning, it’s going to be a good day.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘patzy! Yeah, we still have cable and mainly stay in the HD “Discovery Family of Channels” tier, but they keep jacking up the price, so I don’t know how much longer we’ll keep it.

      I just bought two big bags of birdseed yesterday – one for the backyard feeders, and one for the feeder outside my office window. The one at work helps keep me sane.

      • Ghostpatzer

        Mornin’, GT! Birdseed not required here, bumper crop of wild blackcherry this year. Plenty for me, plenty for the boids. Might get enough to make some jam this year.

  32. Festus

    Some buttplug split a bag of readi-mix concrete at my big plant sometime over the weekend and instead of cleaning it up they carried the leaky sack hither and yon. That shit is scattered from one end of the building to the other. I’ll be sweeping it up for a week. FML.

    • Ghostpatzer

      Mornin’, Festus! Be careful, looks like old Mackie is back.

      • Festus


  33. Ghostpatzer

    “The rent’s too damn high!”

    Being behind on the rent is not a great place to be, but it can be dealt with. Long ago, I found myself 9 months behind after a year long drinking binge. Rather than trying to evict me, my landlord agreed to a payment plan whereby I would pay an additional $300 a month until the debt was settled. 15 months later we were even.

    Is this an outlier? Maybe, but I suspect such an arrangement is better for a landlord than going through the hassle of an eviction proceeding and writing off the outstanding debt. And of course, a better deal for the tenant as well.

    • rhywun

      I’m torn on this.

      The government caused the problem, but I don’t want to have to pay for it.

      • Sean

        “Non essential jobs” was one of most heinous things government ever came up with.

      • rhywun

        It’s almost like the goal was to greatly enlarge the class of Americans who are permanently dependent on the government.

      • Sean

        Ironically, most government jobs are actually non essential.


    • Festus

      I believe that many land-lords are going to just eat the loss and pray for some relief. Blood from a stone and all that. Fuck. I thought the late 70’s early 80’s sucked balls. We ain’t seen nothing yet. Next year is when the pigeons come home to roost.

  34. Sean
    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      A bunch of goddamned eunuchs.

    • Gender Traitor

      I hope that was a hack and not our tax dollars at work.

      • Sean

        Narrator: “It was tax dollars.”

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I’m confused and horrified.

      • Festus

        I see exactly what they up to and I am aggrieved.

    • rhywun

      I don’t get it. I just get an error.

      • Festus

        “Hot” bimbos don’t show up on Gay feller’s feeds. It’s one of the Iron Laws, rhy…

    • db

      What the everloving heck?

    • Festus

      Only les mademoiselles. I’ll remain me.

  35. Mustang

    Now I want to move to Svalbard. I’d settle for Alaska or Montana. Just leave me the @#$& alone.

    • Festus

      I don’t need to move, everyone just needs to move away from me.

      • db

        My man!