Holy crap, we actually won a game!
Joker and Zverev both made it to the semis. The USMNT finally managed to win a game this internationals break after tying a pair of teams that aren’t as good as them. Some random English chick and some random Canadian chick are into the semis in a fun women’s draw. The NFL is back tonight, as the Cowboys prepare to get poleaxed by the Buccaneers. And that’s about it for sports.

Decisions, decisions. Hugh, you dumb fuck.
Roman emperors Aurelian and Flavius Honorius (eastern division only) were born on this day. They share it with unpleasant naval commander William Bligh, author Leo Tolstoy, early fast-bowler Fred Spofforth, first baseman Frank Chance, Colonel Harlan fucking Sanders, baseball player Frank Frisch, mildly racist sportscaster Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder, actor Cliff Robertson, drug lord Frank Lucas, actor Topol, musical great Otis Redding, Iron Butterfly’s Doug Ingle, football player Joe Theismann, idiot (who got caught with a rough looking hooker when he had Liz Hurley at home) Hugh Grant, “funny” man in the same movie over and over again Adam Sandler, pitchers Dan Miceli and Joey Hamilton, and Canadian person Michael Buble.
OK, on to…the links!

Superspreader event?
I love a parade! The tramping of feet. I love every beat…of a drum.
This ain’t it, chief. You did exactly what you should do. Let these idiots fight it out amongst themselves. But do look after innocent bystanders.
“And here’s what we know” is the title of the piece (on the main page anyway). The article itself is a collection of assumptions and guesses. Get a dictionary, NBC. Words have meanings.
I hope they all made him fire them. Such pettiness since no president before him had done anything like this when the entire world knows those positions are handed out to political cronies since forever.
They say the coverup is worse than the crime. In this case, it isn’t. But we’ll never know because this assclown won’t face a single charge for lying under oath.
This should be a pretty easy decision: either this guy has a First Amendment right to practice his religion or he doesn’t.
“Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that?” The real tragedy here is that her kid is stuck in a Chicago public school.
Ooh, they could repurpose it to a hobo encampment. Wow, what a colossal waste of money.

I’d buy this pay-per-view in a New York minute.
Tom, you silly bastard. Vrabel would have pulverized you then or now. Or at any time since either of you were born. Also, how’s that career oath going, you fucking rat?
Here’s a masterpiece for you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Now get out there and have a great day. I know I will.
. Some random English chick – one of those where the local press makes a big deal due to Romanian origins
I hope she creams the Canadian chick – the media have turned that one into “crowd favorite” and “critical darling” which means I hate her.
They’re both underdogs in the SF, I’d guess.
Not that starruckers recognize Sabalenka and Sakkari, either.
That should be starfuckers, or course. Lousy auto-correct.
I like both of them.
She is not playing her yet needs to get through the Greek first
Oh, yeah. Duh.
I love a parade! – you were not forced to participate in a few you would have liked them less
Fun fact! Romania did not have huge bullshit parades until Ceausescu visited North Korea and was so impressed he ordered them here as well. Every factory in Bucharest was tasked with bringing out the workers and having banners and such.
Nothing says “You people are all my fucking bitchez” like forcing the serfs to do parades for you…
Is that what parades are for? I have a new respect and loathing for them now.
Our parades are the same except the serfs are played by politicians (mostly Democrat) and everybody is not wearing identical costumes.
Rainbow connection!
Re musical link too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0Hd3uWKFKY
Miss O’Grady reads the crowd!
Actually before that I had been thinking of this for a change in sidebar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoiTjDWISS8
+1 change of command ceremony
Good God, I hated those.
Indeed. I was in the 7th ID (Light); the division’s nickname was “The Bayonet Division” based upon the brutal island fighting in the Pacific during WWII. Consequently, for official ceremonies we had to march and assemble with fixed bayonets. There is nothing so scary and disruptive of nicely ranked and filed troops as when the fellow in front of you locks his knees and passes out with a fixed bayonet at the end of his rifle. Good times…
The 6th ID (Too Light To Fight, Too Heavy To Run) abandoned the idea of doing ceremonies on skis.
Night jumps are cool.
I would have thought so when I was 17.
Early 20s for me.
/D licensed
Well, obviously…
They are… and then my not petite ass hits the ground, which is considerably less fun. Dropping a chem light to judge how far above the ground you are, makes it less painful though.
“Everyone loves a parade”, except of course, the participants.
I don’t even like watching them.
But… marching bands!
and who has that many ghille suits just lying around, anyway?
*whistles innocently and inconspicuously closes closet door*
Marching bands hate parades too.
Yeah, you and me both.
If a parade doesn’t involve large satirical floats festooned with drunken coon-asses throwing trinkets to the crowd, I want nothing to do with it.
“I hope they all made him fire them. Such pettiness since no president before him had done anything like this when the entire world knows those positions are handed out to political cronies since forever.”
I hear whomever was pulling Biden’s strings sent letters asking these people to resignate, but practically every single one of them told him to fuck off. If you are not seeing that they are trying to completely take over the military and only put people that pass loyalty tests at the top, then you are part of the problem. And they are still hard at work fucking over the troops too…
The deep state has plans for our military, and it is not winning wars against foreign enemies….
Liz Hurley gets the last laugh, (a soft English chuckle) for she is the Ageless One and Hugh is become a husk of his formerly debonair self. Sometimes the universe works!
ISTR he admitted in a podcast to having been drunk (which probably made him DUI). And I’m not sure Liz was in town with him.
Then rub one out and go back home…to Liz freaking Hurley.
This isn’t rocket science, people.
But if so, then… drunk, and possibly lacking confidence in the picture he was promoting (Nine Months, not that I blame him).
Or maybe she is or was hard to live with.
Thumbnail resembles Kate Middlebum.
Show me a hot woman, and I will show you a guy that is tired of her shit…
Is that true, though?
Look at those lips tho.
I don’t care how drunk I am! I’m never cruising for tranny blow-job!
Deprecated but obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snu_twxPW5s
I have had people make the claim that when women constantly throw themselves at ya, you get bored and start thinking about doing crazy shit, which might include doing trannies. As a lesbian trapped in a man’s body this is never going to happen to me, but the entertainment industry is all about sex despite what the people there pretend.
I think you’re confusing Grant for Eddie Murphy.
Was the trannies name Unfuffu?
You are correct. I am chastened. Whatever. Don’t you think Eddie or Hugh could have whatever fine-assed girl they wanted? A distinction without a difference. Who the fuck trolls for hookers anyway?
When you’re raised in a culture of shame, sex is supposed to be dirty and degrading.
Sexual tourism? Feeling discombobulated in the States?
Down in the street, marching bands led a parade, which included laborers, research units and an “emergency disease prevention unit,” it added. Images of the parade showed a large contingent of marchers dressed in orange hazmat-style suits and gas masks.
That unit shoots the unclean?
Noticeably missing from the scene were police. A spokesperson for the police bureau said officers were monitoring the fight from an airplane.
Easier to drop a bomb on the Proud Boys, but only if Antifa walks away.
With the delta variant of the coronavirus still causing increases in new cases, hospitalizations and deaths in parts of the United States, experts say these big events and the enormous crowds they attract may be coming at a bad time, even if they occur outdoors, where the risk of infection is typically minimized.
Go fuck yourself.
Grant documents published this week by The Intercept show that the organization Fauci heads, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, funded research in Wuhan on a number of novel (new) bat coronaviruses.
I’ll say it again: I think the faction Fauci is part of is losing the interfactional fighting. We’re all Kremlinologists now.
A Lincoln Park woman was upset that her son would miss school when she falsely claimed a bomb was on a plane at a South Florida airport after missing her flight, her family says.
If that’s really why she made the bomb threat, she’s not very bright.
Well, that’s why she always has the claymore directed toward him in case he won’t eat his peas.
Down on the street…
Obscure! Secret faps when you were a young lad?
I thought we had already had Tolstoy’s birthday on Sunday (I checked) but it was his cousin. Long-winded family?
Tom, you silly bastard. Vrabel would have pulverized you then or now. Or at any time since either of you were born. Also, how’s that career oath going, you fucking rat?
“If you were to make a list of NFL head coaches you’d rather not fight, the Titans’ Mike Vrabel has to be at the top of the list.” are the Titans any good? How many wins/losses/draws will they have next season?
Also I would have thought linebackers are to dumb to become coaches
College football is back. For many, it’s a welcome return of a fall tradition, but for some, the scenes of tens of thousands of fans packed into stadiums — all against the backdrop of a pandemic that is still raging across the country — fuels more anxiety than exhilaration.
I’m guessing those “some” are those worrywort busibodies who are just itching to use the Coof as an excuse to tut-tut about other people having a good time.
aka “their entire readership”
Fuck. Off.
For many, it was the first glimmer of normalcy in a long time. We’re sick and fucking tired of this Armageddon larping.
Agoraphobics have always been free to stay at home.
LOL, the Portland police don’t really do anything even when they are there. What difference did it make them being absent?
Overtime pay?
Pointless job is pointless. I don’t like cops or the system that holds the leash but if they can’t fulfill the task, why bother? Just go to work and collect the pay. I would. It’s not like most of them ever had a creative thought knock them on the noggin since learning how to stand up or sit down to pee.
Regarding the Canadian tennis girl. The Philippines and Ecuador are claiming her as their own. This is how stupidly divided we have become since 2008. Maybe King Solomon can come back from the dead and cut her into three equal pieces.
Watching the USA v Honduras match last night, I was struck by how the Honduran players all eagerly shouted out their anthem while the Americans were half-heartedly mumbling theirs or just looking off in random directions.
Please tell me that they didn’t take the knee.
At least they weren’t kneeling.
/small favors
Spain has a claim based on her last name.
From Mass to Energy: The Basic Physiology of Calories
Calorie skeptics wonder why we use the unit of energy, the Calorie, to predict changes in mass. This article shows you the way mass makes its way through your body and why it’s intrinsically linked with energy.
Key Points:
The Calorie is a unit of heat, but Calorie intake and expenditure are manipulated to affect changes in body mass. That may seem nonsensical (using heat and mass almost interchangeably) without a decent grasp of the underlying physiology of metabolism.
This article starts by ignoring calories and simply tracks the movement of mass through your body, from the time you eat food to the point of excretion.
Before being excreted, the food you eat is used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which your cells use to fuel almost all major functions.
ATP is not utilized with total efficiency, and a portion of its energy is released as heat whenever it’s utilized. That’s the key step that ties together mass and heat, allowing us to affect changes in body weight by measuring and manipulating Calorie intake and expenditure.
It’s a material and energy balance like everything else in the world. A = I – O + G – C
Interesting article, though.
haven’t read the article, but I’ll spout off anyway. The amount of calories you eat and how much mass you might gain are certainly correlated. But bio-availability, the effect of the food on hormone levels and metabolism, are just as/more important than calorie content. Calories are measured for a given food stuff by burning in a bomb calorimeter – that certainly tells you how much energy a given food made of given constituents has, but it doesn’t tell you, except indirectly, about the complex bio-chemistry that will go on when you ingest that food and how it will affect your body. If you were to eat 5000 calories of insoluable fiber per day, you would starve to death. Or look up rabbit starvation for the effects of lack of fat in the diet.
Briefly, we use calories because they are historically easy to measure and they do provide a crude proxy to wrap up all the complex biochemistry that goes on in the human body.
If you missed it, thanks for the articles! Most people haven’t been exposed to that information. If you go String Theory on me, I will find you.
I saw, thanks for the kind words. String theory… maybe when there’s a smidgen of evidence for and/or a falsifiable prediction from, that 26th dimension, it will be more than mathematical fun and games!
Ditto that sentiment from Festus. I’ve read last night’s article several times drunk and once (so far) sober and I’m just now starting to wrap my noggin around it. Thanks. I love articles like these.
EE. UU.!!! EE. UU.!!!
*looney tunes head shake*
OK, back to English.
How soon before we get a think piece that says something along the lines of “college football fans are now officially worse than Kim Jong Un”?
I mean they are more unruly in their parades should their team win
They already write it in their Dream Journals. Fairly quickly, I’d imagine.
I guess starving your unpaid labor is worse.
That doesn’t happen anymore now that NIL rules have changed.
worse than Kim Jong Un
Trump supporters (or anyone opposed to the Democratic Party)?
Good news from USMNT, they have finished 2 of 4 central American road games without a loss. Yeah, a tie vs El Salvador is disappointing, but I will take any positive result in those games. The home tie with Canada was just bad.
These bums don’t inspire a lot of confidence.
I give it about even odds that they don’t make it, from what I’ve seen so far.
I don’t disagree, but not losing in central america is sometimes all you can ask for. Like I said, the Canada tie is entirely different. At home, to, ugh, Canada. Not impressive.
College football season is here. And so is the delta variant.
I thought we were on the Mew variant.
The Mew Two variant will definitely be proven as a lab escape, though…
I wonder where the dividing line is on who gets this one.
It will be the un-vaxxed. Sigh.
Dropped the pup off at the vet to be Mojeaux’d. There was a magazine there that was NOT a MLW parody:
Yeah, used to be Dog Fancy (and Cat F–). What vet staff like and dislike in human clients would make an interesting interview.
Have you just doxxed your vet?
(uh, generally, not just for those rags)
Book burning at Ontario francophone schools as ‘gesture of reconciliation’ denounced
More than 4,700 books were removed from library shelves at 30 schools, and they have since been destroyed or are in the process of being recycled
Mais bien sur.
? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nrq5RBMnk
Yep. This is my country now. I’ve been wearing the special shades for awhile but I’m too old and feeble to make that big, black feller put them on. We’re fucked up the chute.
And you know where they burn books
People are next
also, there is no such thing as “far-left.” Get with the program!
And you’re not supposed to say this so explicitly:
I mean, the fact that you actively assisted CHAZ was proof enough, no need to put it in writing.
If they’re armed, can they just go out into the woods and kill each other already?
Just my two cents: If a new hot civil war starts, I think this is a likely vector. Sooner or later, the police ignore a situation that actually turns into a shooting match and it snowballs from there.
I’m kind of surprised that they’ve left it to public pitched battles. Antifa seems to honestly believe they are defending “their” city against fascist invaders (who have the support of the police), with stated willingness to do anything for the effort. Better organization or loonier and they’d being going El Salvador on their opponents. Maybe it’s a completely controlled org by the usual suspects, rather than just being given a blind eye. Would explain why punches get pulled.
Despite what the media wants to portray, the “Right” side has been very nonconfrontational. They have had rallys well out of the way, or backed off when confronted.
This will not last forever. At some point they converge with hot-heads and stand-your-grounders on both sides. Kenosha was (holds fingers) this close last year. Imagine if that Rittenhouse had no police around, or a position to fall back to.
Cathy Russell, director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office, sent letters to 18 people named to the boards of visitors for the Air Force Academy, Military Academy and Naval Academy calling on them to resign by close of business on Wednesday or face termination.
The president firing people is unprecedented and tyrannical.
Did I do that right?
He’s the President. He can hire and fire his appointees as he sees fit.
And we can criticize the decision and the motives, regardless of legality.
But we’ll never know because this assclown won’t face a single charge for lying under oath.
“No one is above the law.” <– Every Dem when accusing a non-Dem/Dem-operative
It’s a long, fairly complicated read but it’s worth your time.
Excerpt from conclusion
Well yeah….
This would be on the nose if this was about health but it isn’t. It’s about control and it’s working out swimmingly for them. It didn’t start out that way but here we are.
Yup. I got one sentence in and heard the choir in my ear. The real question being, what the fuck can we do about it?
And/or money. People seem to get addicted to making it easily, and perhaps rationalize corruption as good instincts.
In the article he does reference that there are dissenters in the ranks of the vaccine experts but they are conspicuously quiet. It’s speculation on whether they’re afraid for the careers or some other reason.
We can be loud until we’re forced to be quiet. For us, it is the prospect of losing our respective jobs. Two people pushing 60 with a mortgage aren’t going to be out throwing pea gravel at the Prime Minister. I’m just one man. Fuck.
At least masks work.
What’s that? I couldn’t hear you, it was kind of muffled.
Thanks for the link. He do write purty, but it means I’ve lost an hour trying to parse it all. He lays the ground work very well – we need someone to package it in digestible chunks for dissemination to the general populace for it to have an impact. Hopefully that’s sort of happening as the real world impact (or lack thereof) of the vaccination program becomes more clear.
You’re correct in that Bossche desperately needs a good science journalist to repackage his commentary.
Instead of “Jewish Penicillin” this should be called “Oyveymectin.”
Mighty fine theologizin’ there, Daily Mail.
Would have been more fun if he got the chair
They have a fortified pen somewhere full of adolescent Northerner interns.
Robert Reich
Apple just banned its employees from talking about pay equity on Slack — a week after giving its CEO, Tim Cook, a $750 million bonus. Need I say more?
Meh. I am going to implement my plan to switch everything to Linux based by esrly next year. Tim Cook is hollowing out apple like a slimy worm. The photo scanning was the last straw for me. Sorry his name is my “NIAGARA FALLS.”
Check out Linux Mint: Easy to use and works great. Even supports graphics cards if gaming’s your thing.
The best part is that it’s wafer-thin.
Agreed. And also works a treat on older hardware. I recently donated three old laptops to a vets organization after wiping the hard drives and installing Mint on them. Linux runs smoothly on these machines (4 GB memory), Windows not so much.
Big back porches on Thot Thursday.
As you probably guessed/knew, Korea is full bore on with COVID. Masks are required EVERYWHERE. The only places that I can go and not wear them are the foreign-owned bars. No one there gives a shit. But school, work (one in the same for me), markets, restaurants, everywhere. VERY few people don’t wear them when they’re walking out-and-about with absolutely no one around. I had to get the vax for work (I am not in a great position to have argumentative leverage) and shot #2 is on Oct 9. I am actually hoping that something bad DOES happen to me just so I can use myself as a “I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO” example to my family.
But something happened yesterday that pissed me off to no end. Was walking home from work. About a 30-min walk. Had a smoke and always have some gum or something to munch on, mask-less in the alleys that I purposefully use to stay out of people’s vision. As I got to my main street, which is populated, I crossed the street and two older Koreans waved and smiled at me. I was wondering if I should recognize, like if they were grandparents of some student that I might have seen before.
I just said ‘anyonghaesayo’ (hello) and waved and kept walking. They pointed to their masks and then it was obvious that they wanted me to put mine fully back on. Even though I was actively chewing or eating something. I…walked the rest of the 10 min to my house and I was livid. They were just so nice and happy to see me, then they turned out to be “nicely” telling me how I should be wearing my mask. It wasn’t at all mean or forceful in anyway, they were just treating it as a friendly way to remind me, as it were. Again, they were so outwardly nice. Nothing at all mean or threatening or shameful. They, and the rest of the country, including my boss, have just fallen hook-line-and-sinker to the whole thing. There is a Korean culture that makes it easier for kids/people to follow their elders.
It’s just sickening. And I just keep my head down and go along with it because as a foreigner in Korea I have no real recourse. And in my current state I don’t have a whole lotta options. Really the thing that I want to further investigate in life is to get back into editing. Have edited books, plays, short stories, and have done tons of online editing for little side gigs. I highly doubt teaching abroad is where I want to be in the future, but it’s been the only world I’ve known as an adult, teaching abroad for 11 years now. I’ll see where I end up. Right now this is the best way for me to get money and back on my feet. Was taken down to the felt when it comes to savings and right now I have two easy gigs and make much more than most foreign teachers here. Gotta start somewhere.
I imagine it’s a rough time for the kissbangs.
Good read. I am underemployed but in a sane company that has no intention of ever asking any employee to mask or vaccinate. We only have 45 employees. I should count my blessings.
“the ‘community at large was not harmed’ and that ‘property damage was minimal.'”
The problem with living in one-party jurisdictions is how exceedingly stupid are the people that get elected. Ted Wheeler (like Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom and Maxine Waters etc. etc. etc…) get elected only because they have a (D). Which means they are idiots, have lousy judgement and never face any accountability because they know they’ll never have any competition. But if there ever comes a situation in which actual, honest-to-G-d leadership is required, fuggeddaboudit; it’s like if Kim Jong Un had to actually play an honest round of golf.
we need a system when actual, honest-to-G-d leadership is almost never required from political critters
I have watched leftist bitch about the failures of their government (local, county, state, and even federal), constantly, and harshly, then blink at me and look like I had asked them if they still stick donkey dick up their ass when I ask them why they keep electing the people that do this shit then…
I used to believe that they simply were not bright enough to make the connections, but I am now certain the problem is that their entire persona is invested in being a leftist moron, and they simply can’t admit they fucked up and the people and shit they believe is destructive idiocy. Admitting they were bamboozled would make them have to admit they are not even close to being as smart as they want to believe they are, that they were had by a bunch of snake oil salesmen, and that they are dumber than the rubes they look down on. And that leap is impossible for insecure morons that are attracted to leftist stupidity like moths are attracted to flame…
?♀️, I dunno. Brand loyalty? We always buy X brand* although the quality has dived? It’s gone downhill so gradually we didn’t notice?
*cane-sugar Coke FTW, though even that is too sweet.
Does diabetes from cane sugar feel better than diabetes from HFCS?
Fuck soda.
Agree, but I would take it one step further.
These people are so emotionally (and egotistically) invested in bitching and moaning and looking down on people that they subconsciously don’t want any problems solved. That is an individual problem – and they are too arrogant/prideful to examine their own person and admit that they have rejected every piece of sage advice handed down for centuries because the advice has “the stink of religion” – to the point where the seven deadly sins they consider to be virtues and the four cardinal virtues they consider to be sins. The only personal failing they may admit to is need for anti-depressants to fix a “chemical imbalance” most of them don’t actually have.
Ask these people why they think they should get to impose their will on others, and they will have plenty of answers. But it goes over their heads that the question is really “Why do you have a God complex?”
Excellent post Mr. finger. I’m stealing the sins/virtues line.
Wheeler is the adult in that room, too.
The visibly single-party political environment is more symptomatic than causal. If there were any Republicans that were competitive to win elections there, they’d be so far up the establishment’s ass as to be indistinguishable from mainstream Democrats. The elections are illusory, even the primaries, and the lack of other parties is just a bureaucratic simplification.
To wit, the Democratic Party in particular has had long stretches in various places, including at the national level, where it held such political dominance that it was practically enjoying single-party rule, and yet there was enough internal competition among its factions to count as a de facto multiparty system. Those days are almost entirely past, of course, but they existed once.
Ted Wheeler does not control the government of Portland, any more than Joe Biden controls the executive branch of the United States government. They are figureheads, spokespeople, scapegoats. At this time, it does not matter who wins the Democratic primary any more than it matters who wins the general election, as even a radical reformer will either be absorbed into the system or be opposed at every turn (or both) and thus rendered ineffectual.
Lincoln Park woman was upset son would miss school when she falsely claimed a bomb was on plane in Florida, family says
In the end it doesn’t even matter.
Poor kid’s just caught in the undertow.
His wounds, they will not heal.
Do you think Swiss has forgotten his narrow gaze? It may be pushing me away from pun threads, but there’s still a place for my head here one step closer to the points of authority. I won’t be a runaway and go crawling with you from his wrath.
As a foreword, we probably don’t stay in these threads too long — but they are somewhere I belong. There’s some lying from you, but when things hit the floor it can be easier to run than to faint away (see Figure.09). Eventually Swiss will be breaking the habit of scolding us and feel the warmth from the inside. In the meantime, well — nobody’s listening to this little gripe session are they? Just makes me numb….
I think you just gave him an aneurism.
Let these idiots fight it out amongst themselves.
Sorry, but I have to disagree on that one. The problem I have is that I’m not sure “right-wing groups” is anything beyond people holding an honest protest that just happens to disagree with the authoritarian left. Whether you like it or not, people have a right to peacefully protest. And thugs using violence to stop them are unequivocally the bad guys in that situation. If a conservative mayor decided to let right-wing violent thugs deal with the “mostly peaceful” George Floyd protests, we’d rightly say that that was wrong. And, honestly, the government looking the other way while their preferred thugs get carte blanche is a pretty sure recipe for finding that the protesters on the other side don’t continue to be those nice guys peacefully protesting.
One of the most basic functions of government is to keep the peace. It’s why they are given the monopoly on the initiation of force.
If they refuse to perform that, then there’s really not much reason to have them around around other than contract enforcement.
“And, honestly, the government looking the other way while their preferred thugs get carte blanche is a pretty sure recipe ”
Which is exactly what the Nazi party did, fortunately we still have guns.
You’re absolutely right. And the communists before them. That’s sort of my point. Looking the other way while your side’s thugs go out and try to beat the other side into submission results in the other side’s thugs winning the day in their camp. The good and decent people on the other side generally don’t have much of an argument to the rules that your side changed.
“We” still have guns.
“They” also have guns.
“the government looking the other way while their preferred thugs get carte blanche is a pretty sure recipe for finding that the protesters on the other side don’t continue to be those nice guys peacefully protesting”
In fact, I’m pretty sure this is usually how organized crime comes about. The “other side” gets fed up of being victimized without any accountability so they eventually outsource their protection to really, really bad guys; like thieves and murderers. MS-13 was started to “protect” Central American immigrants from Mexican thugs.
Even if the “right-wingers” were for real Brown Shirts fighting Commie Black Shirts like Weimar Germany, people actually live in those neighborhoods. Tax payers who expect some protection from violent gangs.
Without mass vaccination, we will never be able to throw bologna at strippers anymore.
What a fucking disappointment he turned out to be, a sniveling coward with no commitment to actual liberty other than the right to shoot his mouth off.
Did you doubt that ashallow asshat that railed against the machine and the way it gave success to people he saw as less than himself, once he made it himself, wouldn’t turn into the very thing he hated and became famous for fighting?
I quit listening to him the moment he moved to pay per radio and made the excuse that it wasn’t about the money.
Stern was finished as any sort of interesting phenomenon the moment he left his wife for the trophy wife. It was predictable. The new wife, again predictably, wanted to be accepted into NYC society. You don’t get there railing at the hypocrisies of the pretentious gasbags you’re trying to get party invitations from.
The true pig vomit.
My medicine doesn’t work if you don’t take yours!
The guy who came up with Fartman turned out to be an asshole? Say it ain’t so.
I want my freedom to live
Me too. So fuck off.
Useful idiot
Real reason: girls wouldn’t fuck him because he was the creepy host of a creepy kids’ show.
Either that or he got caught with some pedo material on his laptop at work.
Show business is really about fuck business, and he was not getting any, so he said fuck it and left?
This ad is very convincing…Not.
Pathetic anti-@larryelder ad by Obama funded by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings.
Netflix also signed Obama to a multi-million dollar production deal.
Any journalists wanna look into this?
If they need to call in Obama for an ad, does that mean Newsom’s ass is getting a little too close to the fire?
It’s not the actions of a campaign confident it will win.
And to comment on the links for once…. Debbie Harry was an inspiration to a young PM. She made him tingle in all sorts of weird places. I’m sure I was just responding to her vocal skill.
If there is anyone that you want stumping for you…
Vice President Harris then spoke, referring to Newsom as her “long, dear friend,” though they have long been local rivals.
She praised him for his performance on the coronavirus pandemic, saying that he “rose to the moment” and that he “led with courage.” She did not mention his dinner last year at the French Laundry restaurant, unmasked, with lobbyists, which took place shortly after he issued guidelines discouraging people from dining in restaurants.
Harris said the recall campaign was about national politics: “They think if they can win in California, they can do this anywhere. Well, we will show them: you’re not gonna get this done. Not here, never!”
Sure, he “led with courage” by behaving like the slimy used car salesman that he is.
Sadly, true.
That’s happening a lot here. Both my youngest got their first jobs this year with zero experience. They both tell me all the time about having to cover for people who just don’t show up.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes yesterday. Mrs. TOK and I have started our antibiotics (besides testing positive, we both have sinus infections). I’m feeling a bit better and my sense of smell is coming back a little, which means at least that might not be from Covid. Mrs. TOK’s cough isn’t too bad but the shortness of breath is bothering her. 16YO is very depressed and upset about being away from her friends for 2 weeks. Although the school nurse did us a favor by shorting her quarantine by a day or two.
No interest in horse paste?
Hope it goes well for you both.
We have a friend who’s the stereotypical conspiracy theorist guy, and he’s offered some to us, but we’re not super desperate. We were even told we were outside the window for monoclonal antibodies. Supposedly today is my last day for being contagious.
Could I persuade you to drive into Chicago and cough on a few Aldermen?
Meanwhile in Australia…
“No air, no leaving the room for 338 hours, second time in my 11 days here someone has totally smashed up there room. I think this guy thought he was leaving today when he is actually leaving at 11:59 pm tonight.
You go crazy being all alone. I myself had 9 negative tests before being denied to quarantine at home and I am Vaccinated. This guy is threatened to be gassed by authorities if he doesn’t calm down.”
Solitary confinement is torture. This is beyond the pale.
Something that I’ve known for 9 years? Management ordering employees in a heavily unionized shop to flush the urinals and toilets will result in the opposite. The more you know.
“Please do NOT spray diarrhea all over the bathroom walls. Thank you, MGMT.”
Target-painted urinal cakes? Re toilets I dunno.
“If I confront her, I’m scared she’ll leave me.”
Well that’s pathetic.
are we not doing cuck anymore?
I think they should start a new advice column for the guys who write into these advice columns – Ask Don Corleone. The only problem is the response to most of the problems would be the same.
I thought that would be a link to Fredo going fishing….
Divorce lawyer.
I mean didn’t they look at that and find those sites are like 99.999% men?
I have a feeling the letter is bullshit.
Following the rules of an electoral process is just like ISIS, man. – Ron Perlman
Moron with a fucked up face.
One of the saddest things about social media and the like has been finding out how straight up stupid most of the good actors and various other celebs are. You’d think at least triple digit IQs would be required to memorize lines but I guess not.
A peculiar kind of autism? “There’s four left in the box.”
They used to be considered no better than beggars and prostitutes – maybe social media gets us back there.
I know, I just enjoyed the illusion I guess but that horse has left the barn, been shot by animal control, and sent to the glue factory now.
They are not stupid, they are midwits. It is precisely because they have slightly above average IQs that they are this way. They are smarter than the average bear, but only just, and thus extremely insecure.
Astrology is “mumbo jumbo” but it can be made scientific… with machine learning!
Fuck that! Numerology FTW!
I prefer reading the entrails of a gamecock but you do yo.
My horoscope says I am gonna pound your “horoscope”!
I’m going to play devil’s advocate here. We do know fetal development is affected by maternal exercise patterns, diet, and environment. We also know that one’s development can also be affected by one’s age relative to the rest of one’s peer group. Both of those things are rather obviously correlated with seasonality factors.
Now, I’ll be the first to agree that the arbitrary position of planets and stars in the night sky doesn’t exert any sort of meaningful gravitational effect on a child (which seems to be the claim of modern believers in astrology). The gravitational effect of the doctor in the delivery room is greater than all of those put together.
However, I don’t know if there’s any science that says you can entirely discount the notion that the arbitrary position of planets and stars in the night sky might not be a reasonable proxy for the seasonality factors noted above.
I know in certain sports, there is an overweight towards players born in certain months. Soccer for example. This has to do with the arbitrary point picked for breaking down age categories, so the oldest in the cohort are better (because a 10 month difference is a big difference at age 8) and get preferentially selected for better training and etc.
But you change the cutoff date and the group would change.
MSNBC’s Wallace: “Maybe Mueller will look into” whether Republican states are “colluding” with the Supreme Court against abortion
And starts by being clear about her partisan leaning. So I guess credit for honesty. Otherwise she has zero self-awareness.
And then Arm&Hammer’s effeminate, gay brother: “I don’t think you need to do a lot of colluding…for Republican state legislature to have confidence… to make it worthwhile…to pass laws that are prima facie unconstitutional…”
I’d say she’s as dumb as dirt but that’d be an insult to dirt.
“to pass laws that are prima facie unconstitutional…” Surely he made the same statement when the Biden administration ‘colluded’ to extend the eviction moratorium after being told it was unconstitutional right?
I hear you.
But our government and their hangers-on are so completely filled with mendacious, vindictive, privileged, power-seeking, unprincipled, avaricious charlatans, that I cannot believe that anyone still gives them any credit whatsoever. How this whole system hasn’t already collapsed under a gigantic heap of lies, supported by lies, I have no idea.
It really speaks to the willingness of people to accept whatever they are told, simply to defer to the powerful and not to rock the boat.
It’s crumbling at the edges.
*Points to rowdy school board meetings.*
This is where people get riled up, when you fuck with their children.
This is why Newsom is going to lose in CA. It isn’t even about covid stuff, it is asian moms mad about magnet school changes.
Voters are colluding to elect people that pass laws she doesn’t like. Totally unconstitutional.
Speaking of, Tom Woods has a good podcast on Texas secession efforts up today.
I’m out, Friends. I don’t think that I’ve been so mid-week drunk since last month! God love you all, you already know that I sorta do.
God speed, Canuckian.
Im working to get on your level since I have to work the next 4 nights.
Well it is go time and time for me to nut up or shut up.
Tough decision to make in a next week or so
I hope this causes mass quitting.
It likely won’t but would be a perk.
Mass quitting due to vaccine mandates will be the only thing that will precipitate the reduction of COVID-related unemployment benefits. They’ll have to end the free ride to put the hurt on the principled objectors.
Voluntary quitting doesn’t qualify you for unemployment, and at least one state has stated that being fired for refusing to get vaccinated will disqualify you as well.
quitting/being fired for refusing both = job loss. I guess my point is either way, as you mention, they will use the unemployment system to hurt objectors and attempt to cow them into submission or to lock them out of the above-ground economy.
Liberaltarian’s nudge principles in action. When you don’t respond to the nudge, it becomes force.
Just… wow.
My theory is, they had all executive level persons ‘attest’ (or not respond at all and face testing) and they probably saw even among them 30% that either were unvaccinated or didn’t respond. Now they started the push to the managers and non-union and seeing the same numbers. The unionized employees are still bargaining how to handle the attestation and again, probably massive pushback to a forced vaccination.
If that really is the case, I suspect a 25% reduction in force coming soon. There are some that will feel they need the money and livelihood so they will buckle.
They probably want that too. I’ve never seen an administration more keen on getting Americans to not work.
It really seems that the only campaign/presidental ‘promise’ they want to ensure is the vaccination rate to 100% and if that means forcing it, they will.
Sorry dude.
I know where I stand, but I don’t have a family to provide for.
Best I can say is that this is the time to take a stand. There’s a bleak future ahead if we don’t.
That’s not even hyperbole. *points to Australia*
Stick to your guns OBE,
I saw that too. I am sorry that you now have to make that choice. I can say that the job market is booming so no doubt another job will be found quickly. And Biden will win the “Unintentional Libertarian” award for reducing the size of government by 20% over the next few months. Which does make me happy.government shrinkage, that is. Not Biden. Biden is another “NIAGARA FALLS” trigger for me.
I don’t understand the Niagara falls reference, and it’s the second time, at least, that I’ve seen it here.
Oh, it’s a Stooges thing
My apologies. I am going sideways this week after suddenly losing a good friend and I am not explaining my references.
There have been plenty of my peers that said they will not attest and just get swabbed because it was none of the government’s business to know what medications, illnesses (we don’t even have to report bloodborne illnesses or flu or any other sickness), etc. They were a mix of vaccinated and unvaxxed, however, I suspect at the business end of the gun they will attest.
Getting ahold of anyone at the IRS right now is basically impossible. This should be interesting.
They really, really want you to get the jab for some reason – even as they are being proven to be worthless in the real world.
This is my line. I will quit if my employer requires it. I will also quit if they make a caveat of participating in some other convid bs like masking (which doesn’t work anyway) while everyone else is vaxxed and ostensibly protected. I do not participate in the covidiots circular logic. Either it works or it doesn’t, and my status has no bearing on yours.
I will, however, accept an offer to be allowed to work remotely.
Telework was my hope but he is going both barrels with his shotgun in the air on this.
Contractors too. I wouldn’t be surprised if it applies to all employees of any contracted company and not just those directly assigned to a federal contract.
And how long before the boosters are required too? Will keeping your job require slow suicide by shot and / or destroying your immune system to the point that only the boosters will keep you alive (and a slave)?
People need to learn to just say “no’. A work acquaintance that got the double-jab mrna mentioned something about seeing the prospect of “boosters”. I said, “What did I tell you months ago? Are your wheels turning now?” Hopefully people eventually wake the hell up and understand that this will continue unless there is resistance.
Sorry OBE. I faced the same dilemma and chose to get the J&J recently. I have a large family to feed and can’t quit over this. I’m even angrier now about it and am not holding back words with anyone outside of work. No masks and no sympathy for anyone’s delusions. If others feel the same way after being forced into this, I imagine there’s going to be a schism among family and friends not seen since the Civil War. I bent the knee on this but forcing my kids is our red line and we’re making preparations for if this country starts emulating the Australia model.
I had several more weeks before the deadline approached, but the J&J is extremely difficult to find now. All of the major pharmacies have stopped carrying it. All of the non-chain local pharmacies were out and had no idea if they would be getting more. I eventually found a J&J over an hour away and took my chance to get it now rather than possibly being forced into the mRNA later on.
The NovaVax vaccine has some possibility, but even it only directs immune response to the spike protein. Which makes me concerned that CV is going to evade it as well.
The advantage is that it shouldn’t flood your system with spikes.
I took the J&J at the end of April. I experienced 12 hours of flu-like chills and fever from hours 12 to 24 post-injection. And nothing else. It was by far the most common shot at the time and it took exactly one hour from “hmm maybe I will get vaccinated today” to getting a needle in my arm at the local CVS. I find it really weird that it’s rare now. Weird and interesting.
I will refuse all boosters.
I had pretty much the same experience with J&J.
I could have written that post. I also chose to unwillingly get the shot because I can’t simply quit with kids to support, particularly right after we had bought a new house.
There was literally nowhere in the Richmond area offering the J&J shot. Not a one. I know because I made calls, looked online, and the closest place I could find was a Rite-Aid in Williamsburg. So I drove the hour out there and got it. I didn’t want it, but I absolutely preferred J&J to the frankenvax mRNA gene therapy. I don’t know why J&J has been basically erased, but I understand why people find that suspicious.
Just off another meeting..I think see another reason he is doing this. Lots of people avoiding attesting to the vaccine = standing contracts for rapid testing made available + positives/false positives having people not going to work.
Sorry to hear this, OBE. I suspect (hope) things will work out for you. Darkest hour before the dawn and all.
I’m sensing an entreprenural opportunity here for those of us whose monocle factories have slack time. I see “lepers bells” as a growth industry. No vaxx, you must wear a bell to let the holy know that you are in their vicinity.
A physicist has had it with her academic philosopher husband, and everything about her post is amazing.
Sounds fake
Yeah, sounds fake, but seriously funny.
Man I am hurting laughing at the post in the comments about the section that was missing where the husband ran off after he couldn’t prove to her that right and left hands are interchangeable, and she made him look bad….
A commitment to the Hegelian dialectic is the true sign of a co-opted mind.
Fake but made me laugh, audibly, embarrassingly.
“ White House To Withdraw Nomination Of Gun-Control Advocate David Chipman To Head ATF”
They’ll just replace this unpalatable asshole with a slightly less unpalatable asshole but good.
Yep. He was the utterly unacceptable candidate proposed to make the totally unacceptable candidate seem ok by comparison.
It’s still a win.
Yes! Finally, some republicans actually stood some ground somewhere.
It’d be nice if they’d push back when in power rather than just making noise to get elected someday.
Maybe one who didn’t pose for pictures over the ashes of dead kids.
Right now I’m dealing with a lot of people being really judgy. I texted my immediate family yesterday and they all came back with “you should have got the vaccine” and “you need to stay home more!” A few people on the wife’s side are getting on her case, too. I took a calculated risk, based on my age and risk factors, and so far I’m as sick as I’d expect to be if I were vaccinated.
I did learn a few things, such as how worthless testing can be, how the “symptoms to look out for” list is BS, and how quarantine dates are also useless. I have a rough idea of an article about this.
Just think…not more than 20 months ago, it was chicken soup, some rest and lots of fluids and no one batted an eye and wished you well.
Granny had a cure for the common cold. Probably works just as well on the ‘vid.
“Exposure to the sun can give you skin cancer and you could die from it. Everybody should stay inside!”
“I will not stay inside. The risk of death from sun exposure is very low.”
“OMG, the sun rose in the east this morning! See, you should’ve stayed inside!”
Have you been talking to my mom?
Chicken Little has become a role model.
I think they have absolutely hit the sweet spot in controlling our modern civilization. With so many of the basic needs already covered, people in general seem to need something to worry and obsess about. This manifests in societies worrying about more and more trivial things, and encourages hypochondria, both the classic, individual irrational obsessive fear of disease, and more social irrational fears.
The opportunity to exploit a minor pandemic which represents some true medical risks to a relatively small number of people and blow it up into massive fear by large fractions of the population was too much to ignore. But our own success as an advanced society begat the conditions for this to occur.
I can’t recall who said it, but the revolution is over and has been for some time. The time to start fighting back was many years ago.
Pretty black-pilled take, but it’s hard not to at least consider that we are well past the ‘line in the sand’ moment.
Secession is the only answer now.
The federal government is not redeemable.
I have family and friends I rarely speak to these days.
Reference material if you want to go down a rabbit hole.
I have been very careful about what I have to said to people about my being sick for this reason.
At this point I regret telling my family. We did have to tell the wife’s side because we were around them this weekend.
I don’t want to in that place of regret with my family that I still talk to. We’ve butted heads enough over Covid stupidity. Almost all of them are into the Covid stupidity and insanity. My dad has a little skepticism. One aunt has, surprisingly, talked about how she finds mask wearing uncomfortable. There are two cousins that might be skeptical, but I can’t tell. Otherwise, all-in on the insanity.
We’re treading on thin ice as it is, and if I tell them to fuck off, well, that would be the end of it.
How many ‘will you get vaccinated now’ questions?
*points to studies on strength of natural immunity after infection* Nope
It amazes me that natural immunity is nowhere in the conversation about vaccination requirements. From what I’ve learned about symptoms, I believe many, many more people have had it and never realized it.
Sadly, people *are* this dumb.
Lamar Jackson has had it twice now and still gets shit for not taking a vaccine.
A ton. The Mrs. is a little sicker than me, and she’s still not getting it. If I need to for hockey I will, otherwise I’m feeling good about having natural immunity.
Sorry man.
I had to break it to my parents today that they will need to get therapeutic drugs to have on hand even though they are vaccinated.
Dad was somewhat surprised but he trusts me enough to not argue about it.
Sounds like he is going to try and lay heavy on private business of specific industries and the FedGov workforce. It is a play to not lose FedGov workers for fear of being boxed out of employment cause other industries are also bowing to the mandate.
Good morning, Sloop!
I have bad news fatigue and something is wrong with my text app.
However, a little Blondie goes a long ways. Thanks!
Today in progressive racism we have a white woman in gorilla mask throwing eggs at a black man trying to peacefully walk down the street in California. Because the black man has engaged in wrong think this will not be brought up in the vast majority of news outlets that otherwise would have plastered this story everywhere for the next several weeks. The gorilla mask wearing woman will suffer zero consequences for her actions.
That is not a black man! That’s Clinton Bixby, a known white supremacist!
Nary a mention of it in the SF Chronicle. I guess that is what you get for being “the black face of white supremacy”. The latest tactic for the final week of the recall is to try to demoralize the pro recall votes by showing polls that have Newsom prevailing “in a landslide victory”. I don’t doubt he will win, but I do very much doubt the new polls showing almost a 60% “no” vote on the recall.
Clayton Bigsby, Just Say’n
A couple of assaults in there that are far worse than misdeed of taking selfies while standing in the sacred rotunda.
Ugh. I worked from midnight to five AM to write a draft report and corresponding PowerPoint for a customer meeting on Monday (I did not choose that deadline) and the project managers decided it needed to be done by the “close of business” Wednesday, which I loosely interpreted to mean “opening of business” Thursday.
That’s my last late nighter for current employer.
I tendered my resignation yesterday afternoon as soon as I heard that all wan cleared through the process at new employer.
Things are starting to snowball…
I hope you get that property, that’s a sweet place!
That’s my last late nighter for current employer
Things are starting to snowball
Enjoy the ride. I hear downhill skiing is exhilirating.
I hope you love your new job/home!
When are you thinking you’ll move to Pahrump?
So you are saying that life begins at conception?
You can run, but perhaps you’d better Hyde too, if you’re a Democrat pushing what the New York Times calls “Democrats’ ambitious social policy plan.” While Joe Biden and his partners in Congress try to kneecap the Hyde Amendment and fight the new abortion law in Texas, they may be conceding the point on human life’s starting point. Their new agenda promises government subsidies “from conception to old age,” Jonathan Weisman reports — and repeats:
When congressional committees meet this week to begin formally drafting Democrats’ ambitious social policy plan, they will be undertaking the most significant expansion of the nation’s safety net since the war on poverty in the 1960s, devising legislation that would touch virtually every American’s life, from conception to aged infirmity. …
To grasp the intended measure’s scope, consider a life, from conception to death. Democrats intend to fund paid family and medical leave to allow a parent to take some time off during pregnancy and after a child’s birth.
I guess they think they can have it both ways.
They’re fully capable of holding on to that cognitive dissonance.
It’s been true for a long time that if you murder a pregnant woman, you will be charged twice. Yet, that woman should be able to dispose of the unborn child at any time with no consequences or restrictions.
That’s what always sticks with me. The question of if it’s a human being depends on if someone wants it or not. As a person with a disability, that rubs me the wrong way.
They can just massage the definition of conception and no cognitive dissonance will be needed.
A pregnant birth-person can be charged with child neglect for abusing drugs or engaging in other risky behavior while pregnant — and at the same time, that birth-person can terminate the fetus without consequences.
“…that would touch virtually every American’s life….”
I don’t want to be touched.
The government has other ideas.
Awesome. Dig the dream pop. A rejoinder…
Both fantastic!
My contribution.
Oh yes!