Sloopy is in Memphis. Well, at least he was yesterday. Nobody knows his whereabouts today. We’ll look into it after the weekend. 🙂
Uh, fuck you right in the ear hole.
Open the aural orifice, daddy’s coming home.

Srsly? He was too toasted to make it to the Jungle Room? Banjos wouldn’t have approved, but there was a pretty little thing waiting down there.
My shocked face, this guy needs a rusty chainsaw in the ear hole.
Yet more auditory fornication required.
Um, I’m pretty sure that this guy would have been happy with ear penetration.
Have you ever been happy to be paywalled?
Sloopy didn’t even take the proper footwear with him. Just, a real disappointment.
Federal overreach makes lefty politics so uncool. You can’t be cool and be an authoritarian. Morning, spud.
That’s not what they teach the leftists..
Making everyone sing kumbahyah is not authoritarian, it’s compassion!
I feel a little bit of hope, now. I think that Biden’s crazy overreach may prompt some intervention. He’s out to get 80 million people. I was feeling kind of lonely with my vax mandate, but now, there’s plenty of company. Pretty sure the administration is looking to the courts to strike them down. So where are the fucking courts?
The GOP National Committee promised to sue as soon as a mandate goes into effect (I believe they’re mainly talking about the OSHA one, so non-federal worker one).
I have to assume it is a standing / legalese “has to be in effect to sue” type thing — though there seriously should be a “Don’t even let them get started when it is clearly out of bounds” option if the courts hadn’t made it so easy for them to wash their hands of anything that might actually be controversial.
We’ll see if they put up or shut up when it actually is time, I suppose.
This mandate is so over-the-top, part of me thinks the main reason it was done was to provoke a reaction simply to create an enemy out of thin air that the Dems/totalitarians can use as a target of blame and hatred.
These politicians know how to do only one thing: divide the population and cause strife. Their entire strategy (left and right) for the last fifty years at least has been to create wedge issues to block out artificical constituencies that they can exploit, and the end result is that they can never unite anymore. They can *only* divide.
*raises glass to blackjack*
Just like that you and I are in the same boat. I’ve seen some overreach, but damn. My gut is telling me this is somehow going to stick, in the name of “public safety”.
Sure you can. Did you not attend a public high school? This is what we are dealing with now. The tyranny of the in-group. They are so many and we are so few. “You’re wearing the wrong brand of shoes.”
Any high school, my Catholic school was no different. There will be a
5051 year reunion next month, postponed from last year for some reason, which I will not be attending. My classmates who righteously marched to protest Vietnam are now all in on the authoritarian bullshit.How cool is that? None, none cool.
Yeah, all my classmates whose parents directed them to protest the nearby nuclear power plant and shouted “Civil Disobedience is Civil Defence!” are strangely silent now, or, worse, downright fascist.
Narrator: They were never principled lovers of liberty. They were always fad chasers.
Conversely, the hot chicks attended the rally and you showed up to bum smokes and maybe get a handy.
sellorsy high school was brand spanking new. It was basically a Teacher’s College. That’s what they taught. Suburban kids need to listen to their counsellors. My grad class had 65. At least 25 of them went on to be “teachers”. Do you know how many of them were assholes? About 65 of them!
Well, 64, amirite?
I don’t sell myself short in that regard, Friend Patzie.
He meant Steve, not you. 😉
“Authoritarianism/totalitarianism/dictatorship/etc is a right-wing phenomenon.”
Don’t let it rain on your shoes.
Keeping with the theme:
“Ill stick my dick in your ear and tell you to fuck what you just heard”
An old National Lampoon bit tried to compare who enjoyed sex more, women or men, by this example:
If you stick your finger in your ear to scratch it, which feels better, your finger or your ear?
*puts on ear protection*
Sloopy probably had a bad reaction to their “BBQ.”
Nothing wrong w/ Memphis Q. Get you smoked bologna sammich at Pig on Beale (with a Big Ass beer) and go to Central Ave. Q for all your other needs. Don’t get brisket in Memphis, it ain’t their thang.
Memphis BBQ is best bbq. Pig is primary* bbq animal.
Lewis BBQ in Charleston changed my mind on brisket, I now acknowledge it as a possibly acceptable choice.
But most brisket makes me miss the pig.
*with a special shout out to Mutton, for any O’boro peeps.
Well bless your heart.
Carolina pulled pork w/vinegar sauce FTW
Never got the whole Team BBQ fights…its meat, smoked and BBQ’d and all equally delicious.
Nobody knows his whereabouts today.
Tequila is a hell of a drug.
Do you think the government mandate to force everyone employed to be vaccinated is just a distraction from the horrible press caused by the major disaster in Afghanistan?
What Afghanistan? What border? You’re a fuckin’ Towel!
I’m not sure they even give a fuck anymore.
They’re all about imposing their will upon the masses.
And lying. They are brazen fucking liars.
“I’m not sure they even give a fuck anymore.”
That’s how they got ya, man. The DO give a fuck. Just not about Taliban or fucking over the troops or American people. What they care about is the fact that after all the shit they have done, the rubes at home continue to resist their efforts to force them to just bend the knee and accept & go along with the mandarinate and its agenda. In short. They have been stuck in a “scorched earth” fight against their enemies since around 2016, and continue to up the ante cause losing means they are all out of cushy jobs and power.
Absolutely. They think this is a good wedge issue for them.
I think they’re wrong about that and Newsom is now done for.
There was no plan for withdraw in Afghanistan. This time there is a plan.
I think there WAS a plan for the withdrawal, and it was to fuck it up as bad as possible (and hope they can blame orange man for that), arm the Taliban and encourage them to do real fucking bad shit, so the American people will buckle under and accept a redeployment of troops. The grifters that became really fucking rich from peddling nation building with tax payer funds are not just going to give up on that racket.
I think their numbers are so fucking bad at this point they are going to try anything to get them out of the hole. Whether or not they truly think they can do this is not the real question. The real question is if they think this will make them look good politically. That is it.
They were truly surprised when Trump got as much support as he did in the election, as none of their internal polling reflected that, and it scared the shit out of the left. They really thought they were on the side of the angels, and that they would beat him handily. Which is the reason for the midnight vote drops and another hackery we saw, along with the cheap attempts to cover it up. They really have zero ideas of what a huge chunk of the nation thinks, and it shows at every turn. The Biden admin thought they could waltz in and everything would be easy, as Trump was so stupid. But he wasn’t, and it is clear that being 8th-grade class president is nothing like running a nation, which truly is more like running a huge business; get the right people in place, those with actual experience and it goes pretty good. But everyone on the left only has experience being a political operative, and that isn’t experienced at all, at least not in actually doing things that work.
Well said!
Wait until Trump wins an election again and becomes the second US President to win non-consecutive terms like Cleveland. If Larry Elder wins Commifornia.
Democrats are super desperate. Incrementalism has worked for Democrats. They have changed it up because they need to or misread America (that the USA was ready for Communism).
Love the avatar
This is just wrong. I should not wake up at 5am local time to have mourning lynx already dropped.
Why not? blackjack does it.
Pacific time sucks, and I’m not even technically in it.
Back when sports was sports, Pacific Time allowed for watching more sports.
Think of it this way, at least you didn’t have to don your first gloves which means that you and Papa get to ‘splore more!
East coast privilege!
At least you don’t have to wait for them.
I don’t want to be derailed from my morning routing because of them.
Now I gotta close this laptop and get back to getting ready for the day.
Timmy Camembert would make a good Hamlet:
His acting is kind of cheesy
Had a good week, job is going great, personal like is just fine, the weather is starting to cool off the way I like it…
But I wake up stressed each morning because tyrants stole an election and are now trying to force me to take experimental drugs that don’t work just for the fun of bullying me. I have the Sword of Damocles hanging over my head every day. Doing what I can to prepare for the firing coming my way in the next month or two.
In some ways, it will be a kind of relief when it happens.
Before the internet, what would someone like Grey have done with their life?
Worked at a comics book store or library.
“It’s mighty slow on a Friday morn, the regular crowd shuffles in…”
The one and only Joel tune that I can handle.
That’s cause you like to make love to your Tonic & Gin!
You cannot handle Pressure?
He has to learn to pace himself.
He’s close to the borderline.
You may be right.
Uh, fuck you right in the ear hole.
Word. I will not be participating in convid tyranny.
“Many of us are frustrated with the nearly 80 million Americans who are still not vaccinated,” Biden said at the beginning of his speech. “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
I’m frustrated with a cunte “president” that seems intent on violating every facet of his oath of office. And, no, it is not a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, you lying pos.
“And to make matters worse, there are elected officials actively working to undermine the fight against COVID-19,” he added. “This is totally unacceptable.”
They are called “Convid Tyrants” that refuse treatments and push “vaccines”.
“This is not about freedom or personal choice,” Biden said. “It’s about protecting yourself and those around you.”
It’s always about freedom of choice and if someone chose to get the “vaccine” then they are protected, right? It has nothing to do with me.
I was done with this bs before it even started and I am beyond done now.
Psalm 56:1-7
When this question was more of a hypothetical, I would have answered “nothing! Of course I would remain faithful under persecution.”
Now, I spend an inordinate amount of time dwelling on all the things they can or might do to me, and am shaken.
Lord have mercy.
GOP Governors Prepare to Sue Biden Admin Over Unconstitutional Vax Mandate
Nice to see some opposition at least at the state level. The national Republicans are worthless.
Senate / House ones for the most part? Probably worthless — since if I were the annoying Yertle the Turtle I would have just come out and said that the Executive Branch has obviously lost its mind and the Republicans in Congress are not only *not* going to support any proposed budget but would defund the Executive until it got back in its lane regarding just who makes the laws and holds the purse strings. Make the Dems have to ram all the crap through on party lines and make it as bitter as possible and in the public view, especially with the midterms coming. But Yertle is fully into being the Opposition Party as we know, not actually doing anything — and they seem to have the stupid idea that shutting down the Fed is political suicide now (I’m not so sure given where we’re at — yeah, probably tick off the people that are being bribed with unemployment and “stimulus” money, but you’re likely not getting them anyway).
And as mentioned above: the RNC has at least promised lawsuit action. We’ll see if they’re just mouthing platitudes, of course.
Dammit, screwed up the link of course. Here, nothing fancy just the link:
I saw a customer at work wearing a shirt with a turtle on it, took a closer look and it had Mitch’s head. Probably the only person who saw it who got it.
I went to high school with the Indiana attorney general. That guy does not fuck around. Judging from his Twitter this morning he’s up for a fight too.
States used to vigorously defend their turf – back when they got to appoint Senators. Congress would also defend the authority of the Legislative Branch – instead of cheering when the Executive does things they wish they could do.
As the US comes out of the coronavirus pandemic and economic problems it caused
False premise is false. The government caused the economic problems.
Every big problem I see out there was caused – directly or indirectly – by government. And it is ALWAYS people in government demanding THEY be allowed to solve a problem they have no reason to solve because otherwise they have no issue to scare people with..
This was the start of my libertarian journey, back in 1984, watching politicians argue on TV about the best way to fix the mess that they made.
*wonders what firing 15% of the workforce will do to the economy*
If even 3-5% it’s catastrophic. Having the employed numbers go the wrong way at all will be felt by almost everyone.
All those wreckers, ruining this beautiful, robust economy out of their own selfish concern for their “freedoms!”
Atlas Shrugged lite?
When government workers are fired, does anyone notice?
15% will be fired, another 5-10%, especially in my field are near is going to be a mess. Biden laid out 75-days for the Unions to be beaten into line for its workers.
Well, we did — it turns out — fund deliberate chimeric coronavirus mutation in Wuhan.
Which is an extraordinary coincidence.
I do enjoy both China and the U.S. pointing fingers at one another when they both worked together so well to create it.
So much for the better angels of our nature.
What you talking about Willis?
At this point, I think they’re wanting the better Angel Eyes of our nature.
That is good, bad, and ugly all in one.
“pandemic of the unvaccinated” is such horse shit. Aside from the chicanery of how the stats have been counted, look at Israel. Most vaccinated country in the world and dealing with high numbers of cases.
I’ve been pretty openly opposed to this vaccine, especially any mandate whether it come from the government or my employer. This is a hard test, but I can’t imagine there’s a line in the sand later if I don’t make one now.
I don’t plan on quitting my job, they will have to fire me, and I will demand in writing why.
The statistics do look like mostly the unvaccinated taking up hospital beds, but how are they being massaged? I’d love to know if you have an article.
I’m too lazy to find it so feel free to not believe me. Anyway the data for hospitalizations being vaccinated versus unvaccinated go back to January when most people couldnt even get the shot. Additionally, I’ve read that hospitals were being encouraged to not report cases in people that were vaccinated.
I saw that. And the CDC is deliberately not gathering information on breakthrough cases.
Nevertheless, I would like to know what evidence is there to the contrary of prevailing narratives. That’s my jams.
Ya vaxxed? Yes? Go home. Not? OH, WELL THEN YOU HAVE TO BE ADMITTED.
The Iowa governor has reported that 80% of those hospitalized in the state with Covid are unvaccinated. The state has not published any data regarding deaths for vaccinated/unvaccinated.
Yeah.. I know several people who are doctors. They are telling me at least 90% of the people in their hospital beds during this spike are unvaccinated (which I can’t verify).
My sister is a pediatrician. Big time Republican and doesn’t usually buy shit. She was advising against the vaccine for young people before the delta variant. Why? In like a year’s time they saw virtually no child get sick from it. At all. Ever. She didn’t think there was any point at all and it was brand new.
That’s changed now. There are so many children in the hospital now with this new variant she now is thinking otherwise.
I don’t think she’s biased in favor of this. In fact, I think she wanted to hold out as long as possible.
She does entertain the factor that wearing masks and locking down in the beginning may have played a SIGNIFICANT ROLE in this. Think about how much better it would’ve been had children gotten the virus early when it was utterly harmless to them?
Generally speaking, I think the vaccine is only postponing the pain. The mu variant appears to almost ignore it entirely and with each new variant, the risks of developing antibody dependent enhancement are increasing.
If the goal is to keep people out of the hospital, then early therapeutics and developing actual natural herd immunity to the disease is the only way out.
They’ve potentially created another massive problem among the vaccinated because it is questionable whether they develop a natural immune response once infected with the actual disease after vaccination. The narrow immunity provided by the vaccine-generated antibodies appears to be overriding the rest of the immune system and the body is not developing a true natural immunity even upon infection and recovery. This would put them at risk of catching CV again and again until that broader immunity develops. But the data is still unclear on this as it is early in that process.
I mean that’s a possibility but if the vaccine makes you get a version that’s weaker and easily managed then I think vulnerable people should take it.
But let’s think about our policy towards children and the young.
For a year, the survival rate was well over 99.99% (basically 100% if you exclude those children with severe health problems). The hospitalization rate was also astronomically low.
Yet we held children out of schools for months. We then forced them to avoid socialization and made them wear masks for 6 hours a day.
Vulnerable children could always have been excluded.
*NOW* we are seeing actual hospitalization in children. Many could’ve been fully immune by now.
What kind of sick fucking society sacrifices the well being of children to protect the old? It’s disgusting and evil.
My viewpoints on the vaccines are rather tainted as I know of two people who died after taking them and one who developed violent tremors. Perhaps I’m a statistical outlier in that regard, but the mechanisms for damage exist and I fully believe they’re vastly under-reported.
As far as the treatment of children during this fiasco, I fully agree. This has been obscene from beginning to whatever end it’s going to have.
Probably, although formal lockdowns doesn’t capture it. People altering their routines to reduce close, sustained interactions in poorly ventilated spaces reduces or eliminates opportunities to spread. The downside of flattening the curve so much that it was a pancake. Delayed is not eliminated. The flip side is there are vaccines now (which work to a degree even if not perfect), better treatment protocols (aside from the garbage koolaid drinking), and 18 months to prepare (largely wasted).
I haven’t heard anything about children hospitalized at a high rate with delta, but I *have* heard that a lot more children are in the hospital for RSV than usual this time of year.
One of the things I haven’t heard mentioned about this clusterf*ck is how it’s serving to turn employers and employees against each other. I freaking love my employer, good to their people, laid back atmosphere, fair in everything I’ve experienced thus far….
But now I find myself thinking things like Brawndo said, and in the back of my mind, it’s starting to turn my well-liked employer into the enemy. They aren’t, it’s the Biden regime (the Fed in general really), but they’re illegally outsourcing their tyranny.
Just like they made employers become their uncompensated tax collectors way back when.
Want something else to really piss you off?
I was at a purveyor of fine devices yesterday evening and saw this.
Apparently, according to a friend of mine, this has been posted for some time but I never noticed it.
My first reaction: “By what authority do they make this *request*?” “For what reason would the shop owner comply?”
“We have been instructed…” but not whether they comply, which they presumably do.
Would be nice if they were more honest – “The police told us to… and because we are craven cowards we comply.”
I should print that out and surreptitiously append it to that note with tape.
The same reason little bodegas and eateries paid the sleazy nephew of Uncle Giovani when he came asking for the weekly cut?
In the words of 8-Ball from Full Metal Jacket, “Man, what the motherfuck?”
<Whatever happened too… Leon Trotski?
…He got an icepick… that made his ears burn!
My shocked face, this guy needs a rusty chainsaw in the ear hole.
He looks like someone that would be cast as a quintessential criminal government agent.
Irony would be if it was his mask he dropped.
UPS says you’re 3 business days shipping from me. I plan to send peppers on Monday morning and I’ll send ya a tracking #.
I just got a bunch of hotsauce fermenting lids and bottles yesterday. I’m going to make some monster batches this year. I’ll make them all on what peppers are gifted to me from friends and family and whatever supporting players are needed.
Last year was habanero and pineapple, cayenne based redhot/garlic sauce, and a ghostpepper mango/chipoltle. They were fresh last year, but this year I’ll mix it up with some fermented.
I’m also looking to make Kimchee with Daikon and one with traditional cabbage.
That sounds really good. I whiffed on starting my garden this year, but next year there will be a fine selection of peppers and tomatoes, and I expect to try a bit of hot sauce making. Do you have any preferred references for recipes?
I don’t follow a recipe per se because each one depends on what pepper I have.
The only one I make consistently is the cayenne based redhot/garlic sauce. It’s not fermented so basically blended peppers fresh garlic, a little salt, then vinegar to keep it safe and taste good.
The Hab and ghost peppers sauces were just basically making a sweet fruit based pepper sauce using vinegar and water then and adding one to two hot peppers till the spice level is good.
The fermented ones I’m making for the first time this year.
Good you got that out now cause come November I think UPS/Fedex will have a shortage of drivers while USPS continues apace with their superb shipping methods…that are supplemented with UPS/Fedex
Buckle up.
Supply chains that might have been getting better are gonna implode.
Over and over.
The economic effects of this are going to be “remarkable.”
I think the vax dictate is them hoping for a Star of the West (a ship, look it up). They’re hoping for an armed response.
– It’s been obvious for awhile that they’re trying to start a hot war so they can call down the Army against the deplorables at home.
– So while everything’s as contentious as it is, they poke poke poke poke poke with obviously illegal acts to provoke a response.
– And then when somebody pushes back, whether a one-off in a demonstration, or whatever, the USG is the “victim” (their most hallowed class).
– And they have the desired justification to crank up the force against the populace.
– Distraction from Afghanistan.
– Distraction from Fauci’s perjury.
– Distraction from Joe’s demential.
– Distraction from the inevitable inflation bomb.
But the main thing (as always) is control. And they want a war. Here.
I’m angry. I’m mad as hell. I’m reasonably dangerous too. I won’t give them their war. Why should I do anything violent or harmful when I can just not comply? It’s fun to imagine creative destructive ways to express myself but at the end of the day I have no reason to do any harm. I agree that they might wish someone would. But that’s not going to be me, or any of us if I had to guess.
False flags and crazies notwithstanding.
Why should I do anything violent or harmful when I can just not comply?
Eventually noncompliance won’t be an option. They’ll rip you out of your home and send you off to the camps. Same with your family. When it gets to that point, it’s already too late to effectively resist beyond taking an honor guard with you.
I’m sure the Russian citizens wished someone had started a hot war in the ramp up period instead of everyone not resisting their government takeover. Things are still comfortable right now for us. That can change quickly. I’d say Australia has already crossed that threshold, but their populace is thoroughly cowed.
Maybe I’m just anti-fedposting to throw the glowies off my trail.
Haha. For the fed lurkers, I’m not advocating anything but just answering the question of why.
I suspect, if it does happen, it will be started by a group of veterans purged from the military.
I could see some loon blowing up some national landmark or event being the spark. A modern day Ft Sumter, if you will.
I don’t think the average person is going to be motivated to violence short of some large precipitating event.
If true (and I can’t deny that it seems that way), they’re certainly continuing down the stupid/incompetent path.
Provoking armed response to the point of calling out the NG and/or the Army on it given all the unrest they keep stirring up, the lack of prosecution of Antifa / the rioters over the past 1.5 years, etc. is pretty much going to guarantee that it expands from whatever flash point it starts with into a full on armed insurrection outside of the Blue Zones. And there are several state governments that are going to be on the other side.
Purging the military of the non-believers may well get them troops that will gleefully go out against the “deplorables” (like that Army SGT), but it also means that they’ve released a lot of expertise and leadership into the general population that militias can coalesce around.
Long story short, if they are trying to provoke a full on hot civil war — I don’t think they’ll like the outcome very much. Neither will we, probably — because wars never go the way folks think they will before they start, etc… but they’d be really, really dumb to think they’ll come out on top at this point.
Provoking armed response to the point of calling out the NG and/or the Army on it given all the unrest they keep stirring up, the lack of prosecution of Antifa / the rioters over the past 1.5 years, etc. is pretty much going to guarantee that it expands from whatever flash point it starts with into a full on armed insurrection outside of the Blue Zones. And there are several state governments that are going to be on the other side.
Could be the reason they’ve kept DC fortified with military.
Nancy asked the capitol police todo whatever was necessary to put the DC fences back up yesterday, didn’t she?
I think it’s mostly (as I mentioned above) a deliberately polarizing move to provoke a non-violent response, but one they can use to draw a box around a group at which they can direct public hatred and scorn as part of their long-standing strategy of division and contituency building through wedge issues. The tragedy is that they can not unite, only divide, with this strategy, and at some point, someone will have to deal with rebuilding.
Don’t you love all the unity and healing from president puddin’ cup?
The Commies in govt have a YUGE problem if an armed response by American patriots happens. Once its happens, it wont stop until the current commies in government and the USA are overthrown and there will be blood. Cities will starve as supplies to cities are cut off by roadblocks. Electricity/water will be cut off too. Based on the COVID lockdown supply problems, cities will starve in about 5-6 weeks.
As long as we start over with the Constitution, Im fine with this scenario. I would prefer to eminent domain every American Commie’s property to pay down their share of the national debt and deport them to Commie China, Commie Cuba, Commie North Korea, etc. The Tree of Liberty will be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots.
I sincerely hope it will not come to violence. It will not end well for anyone.
The innocents always take the brunt of the violence. This Civil War 2.0 might have less deaths if Commie Americans surrender and agree to depart the USA for Commie nations.
The main shining light is that Democrat Boomers are dying every day and they are acting so desperate as if THEY KNOW time is not on their side.
Non-Lefties dont want to start a war but Civil War 2.0 has already been started by Democrats. Most Americans dont want to risk everything they have. The reality is that if we dont fight now, we wont have much in the future.
Democrats started Civil War 1.0 and probably could have made it work for awhile if they never shot at US troops. Black slavery would have ended anyway sooner or later. Democrats are making the same mistake by shooting first instead of incrementalism Communism that mostly works.
I’ll stand next to you, but not in front of you, They want us to start shit, as long as we stay low they can’t fight.
Many Americans are still hoping to resolve Civil War 2.0 via elections and using the system. Same thing happened with Civil War 1.0
Once the right number of Americans get fired/arrested for not getting vaccines, another massive Democrat election fraud in Commifornia/2022, etc. the bloodletting will begin.
Less than 5% of Americans actually took up Arms against the British. Most tried to stay neutral and a few sided with the British.
Ask yourselves this, what would you do if the major Democrat city in your state was surrounded by American Patriots with roadblocks? Remember quite a bit of the US military is outside the USA. So it actually doesnt take many American Patriots to blockade cities and secure all strategic locations. Less than a few million. 80+ million American didnt vote for el presidente Biden.
Blockading Seattle and San Fran sounds great, but then what? I don’t see it getting very far without any political or media backup. What politician will openly support the people who will instantly be labeled “terrorists”? Perhaps we’ll find out in next week’s edition of The Spark.
They are cornering men who just want to be left alone. That’s very dangerous as those kind of men do not use violence casually. If they do have to use violence, they won’t stop for a long time.
I’ve only been in one fight in my 49 years. At 21 a guy sucker punched me. Next thing I remember two friends were pulling me off him while I was beating the ever loving shit out of him.
They are cornering men who just want to be left alone. That’s very dangerous
If you live in a reasonably rural area, now would be a good time to make acquaintance with your local Sheriff. Take his temperature, get an idea of how he feels about these kinds of federal takeovers. Put some preliminary organization work in…
This Exec. mandate will kill my department and force many to be fired or quit. If you don’t like shortages, wait till a month from now.
The Flu Is Expected to Make a Comeback This Year
It comes back every year. It’s called “flu season”. (And it never went away. Lying cuntes pushing the convid plandemic just said anyone with flu symptoms had covid.)
^^ When you stop looking for something, it ‘disappears’.
Armed robber shot in face by armed victim in Texas just days after permitless carry begins
I love to cite these stories. Not only is any gun control law unconstitutional because its violates the protections of the 2nd Amendment but here is one example of a potential deadly crime being foiled before the criminal and rob or hurt someone.
But if not for this law the robber wouldn’t even be using a gun!!111111111!11
Flashing a gun in the waistband is the absolute dumbest way to lead off an armed robbery. But it’s still amazingly common. The bad guy is one lucky dude, normally getting shot in the face doesn’t end so well.
Sometimes your purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.
“We’re out of patience!” Sure Grandpa Joe, chase me around the barn again. Betcha can’t catch me!
A frail, demented tyrant?
What leadership looks like
The “More Tweets” section might as well be a cadre of SS officers railing against (((them))) for causing all the problems of the world.
Holy fuck, the replies to that are sickening.
Yup, and this one below:
I’m telling ya, they’re dying to prick the kids.
There are so many blind, petty tyrants out there. Each armed with idiotic talking points devoid of facts yet certainly spoken with an odd mix of smug superiority and projection.
“The world is made for those who aren’t cursed with self-awareness.” — Baseball Annie
Even when pointed out people conflate the two authorities between States that legislatively enacted vaccination requirements to attend school versus the Federal government working around that process and imposing it upon the States and territories, in a selective fashion and under penalty.
“Look! See school vaccine requirements!!!!!!! RHEEEEE!” It was like a million Karen souls screamed out in orgasm when the president spoke last night.
But can you get to school on a school bus?
Indeed. No one should be jabbed without consent.
Kamala Harris: “The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable. The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is their decision, it is their body.”
The line I see propagating through the interverse is “you can just quit and not get the shot! No one is forcibly holding you down!”
Those people aren’t worth engaging. The evil has fully permeated them.
Once again the replies are so out of touch with reality. Damn I hate knowing how absolutely dumb/brainwashed a lot of people are!
Friday Funbags sez Vaccinate This!
God. I’m feeling really bi-polar right now . (That’s not my diagnoses, by the way). Anger is building.
I feel like I’m living in the kind of bad dystopian novel where “those who died first were the lucky ones”.é_Girard
“All conflict[…]eventually reaches destructive stages of conflict both between individuals and social groups that requires them to blame someone or something in order to defuse conflict through the scapegoat mechanism. Unable to assume responsibility or engage in self-reflection to recognize their own part in the conflict, humans individually and cross-tribally unite, to defuse conflict, by murdering the king or whoever appears to have the least support in the conflict, and then recognizing when the person has died how much less stress they have.”
Where, in this case, the scapegoat is the set of people who are unvaccinated for any reason. This really is rolling fast down the hill toward a persecution. I thought we had reached a full moral panic, but evidently it was only the beginning. This is headed toward Witch Trial level shit.
And here is where we are headed very rapidly in our society.
Hi guys….
I’m going to suggest that all of you take a moment to get four books.
The first is The Covid Panic published by the Brownstone Institute. I’m halfway through it and it’s very helpful in laying out what’s happening.
The next three are a trilogy that is published by the Albert Einstein Institute called The Politics of Nonviolent Action
Vol One: Power and Struggle
Vol Two: The Methods of Nonviolent Action
Vol Three: The Dynamics of Nonviolent Action
My personal goal is to have all four books finished by October 31st. There is still time to learn before the fight begins in earnest. But the sands are running out of the hourglass and there is no more time to waste.
Resistance will have to be decentralized, self-organizing, and very carefully thought out.
Step 0 is admitting that the status quo isn’t going to continue. The middle class convenient lifestyle may become untenable as early as the end of the year. Now’s the time to shore up your preparations.
Which type of retirement account is least likely to be confiscated?
Magic beans.
I am guessing if I refuse to answer to my status and then come November I am put on indefinite suspension…my TSP
That’s what I’m wondering. But if we’ve already stated our opposition I wonder if that might be the first to go.
Social security. lol me.
Mattress cash. (inflation notwithstanding)
Pharmaceuticals. The physical kind.
If we’re talking about things that aren’t too exotic and are still part of the system, I’d wager it’s Roth IRAs. They have income and contribution caps, which means they tend to have lower balances than other accounts, and they’re set up outside of employers’ purview, so the action to confiscate would have to be more direct.
This is still just “least likely” (among the subset of options) though; if it’s part of the banking or financial system, it’s still easily within reach of TPTB.
Unfortunately that’s the conclusion I keep coming to.
Raw land that you can use, but not look like its being productive.
That’s final conclusion I’ve come to.
Lottery tickets
This cunte is still alive?
Rivera said, “Ladies and gentlemen, there is long-settled law in the United States of America that your freedoms cannot infringe on my family’s health. You don’t have the right to spread smallpox or Measles or Polio or whatever it is to my family. I have a right to protect my family. My government has the obligation to protect me and my family.”
He continued, “Get the damn vaccine. I have grandchildren. You have to get vaccinated.”
Rivera concluded, “You have no right to make a decision that negatively impacts my family.”
My response.
His 1972 expose of horrible conditions in Willowbrook led to the shuttering of most mental health facilities. The conditions there were indeed horrible, but the consequences of closing all the facilities can be seen in the streets of every major city today. Dumping the mentally ill into the general population was a case of the cure being worse than the disease.
It was also a great chance for the left to blame everything on the right. They will continually say that Regan did this, and while he did release a lot of the mentally ill, it was due in part to Riviera but mainly it came from laws passed during the Kennedy admin that lead to self-determination. And while good on the face of it, we can see the destruction on our city streets.
*presses the “go fuck youself” macro shortcut*
Propagandists gotta propagandize.
Schmidt said, “I think the majority in this country is enraged over this, about being held hostage by an extremist intransigent junk science-believing minority that is endangering America’s children. We’re in the opening months of what will be the children’s phase of this pandemic. We will see death of America’s children. I think there is a lot to be said about how a society treats its children, its most vulnerable citizens. These GOP governors are showing they’re anything but pro-life when it comes to children with their cavalier disregard for the lives of America’s children and the immunocompromised. and our most vulnerable populations.”
He added, “Here’s the deal as we move into the second year or third year, someone’s going to lose out. Someone’s going to have to stay home. Let it be the people who would rather take horse dewormer than a safe, viable, effective vaccine that’s saving lives.”
I don’t even know where to begin with this dishonest cunte.
I know where to end with him.
“Hey fuck face, shove it up your overtight commie asshole. You’ll take my kids over my dead body”
If it’s as effective as you say, then what the ever-loving fuck are you shitting your pants about?
If they even bothered to present any evidence that the Ragin’ ‘Rone was dangerous to kids, people would be lining up to get their kids vaxed. But there is zero evidence of that, as seen in the death tolls, and the average ages therein.
It used to be when the leaves turned color, it was my favorite season. Now I see it as the end of things. I’m an older guy and we all gotta die someday but I never thought that I’d feel the same way as when the Janitor rescued me from behind the garbage bin when I was 5. “You gotta death wish, Boy?” I’m nonplussed. Feels like my rescuer just fed me into woodchipper.
Stay chipper…er in good spirits bud. You got tonight off? I do. I’ll be on the Zooms.
Sweden has announced that it will be lifting all remaining coronavirus restrictions by the end of the month, following its Nordic neighbour Denmark which declared that the country would be returning to normal this week.
They are wrecking the narrative with all this unnecessary freedom.
I noticed in that article there is no mention of whether or not they required vaccinations to get to this point.
Denmark is noted to not be requiring vaccine passports anymore, implying they did, at least for a while.
The Danes certainly did at one point:
Yes, proof of vaccination or recovery or negative test within past 72 hours to enter restaurants, nightclubs, and a few other categories.
For Denmark
Hah! Mrs Patzer recently connected with an old HS classmate who is fed up with the Covid drama via the book of faces. So last night she tells me that this old classmate is looking to relocate, possibly to Denmark. “What’s so great about Denmark?” she says. Well, says I, …
Interestingly, Norway recognizes natural immunity and also lay out specific guidelines for who is recommended to get the vaccine. Reading their health agency pages is infuriating because it is laid out soundly.
Those who are considered to be “protected” are:
Those who are fully vaccinated (see above).
Those who have received their first vaccine dose. Status as protected applies from 3 to 15 weeks after the vaccine dose. This means that the second dose must be given no later than 14 weeks after the first dose in order to maintain a protected status to be considered fully vaccinated.
Those who have had COVID-19. Status as protected is valid for 12 months after the positive test result.
““This is not about freedom or personal choice,” Biden said. “It’s about protecting yourself and those around you.””
So it begins. The whole “it’s for public health!!!” angle has been their backdoor to tyranny for a long time and they finally feel the time is right to lay their cards on the table.
– Gunz: Public Health Crisis!
– Fossil Fuels: Public Health Crisis!
– Private Property: Too much pollution! Public Health Crisis!
– Free Speech: Deploranazis spreading misinformation! Public Health Crisis!
They’re either anticipating getting crushed in 2022 so they’re trying to ram through as much stuff to set precedence as possible, or they’re so confident in their fraud machine that they assume they’ll never lose. Not that is really matters. Remember what does really matter: you are not your job. You are not your possessions. You are not your associations. Find peace in yourself, your existence, your loved ones and your G-d (or whatever greater force you perceive). The default condition of humanity is poverty, slavery and misery; we are collectively dust returning to dust.
They can’t even enact the legislation they want with control of the government so it will be EOs from here on out.
This has been my thought. It has been going to be a ping-pong match between the Executive and the Courts. Congress will continue to do nothing but posture and post social media hot takes.
Congress will continue to do nothing but posture and post social media hot takes
This. Imperial Rome redux.
At least they get to keep their titles and their posh lifestyles.
The last guy I heard talk like that was a commie imaginary friend.
But just think about how perfect we can make society!
Child poverty is a public health emergency! Therefore mandatory sterilizations for everyone! If you want to have a kid, you can apply to have it reversed by showing you have the financial, psychological, intellectual and social ability to raise one! And since it will eliminate unwanted pregnancies, Planned Parenthood will be put out of business so Republicans will love it! Win-win-winnity-win!
I am kinda my craft supplies.
Does Yglesias still suck?
Yes he does.
I am loathe to give him the benefit of the doubt, but equating anti-racism with paternalism doesn’t seem like an endorsement.
What’s Julio think about all of this?
Dunno, I’ll run down to the schoolyard and ask him.
The good news? Neph, his lady, my lady and I will be enjoying some rockabilly and booze. Might be my last splurging until we figure out where my job falls.
Eric Clapton talks about his (bad) vaccination experience (~20 min):
Pretty interesting, seems to be a good guy too and one of the few musicians with balls left.
“Not so fast there, postal workers.”
“We’re not playing favorites.” Yes, yes you are. You are making me and allowing for a no-test option while allowing one of your largest unions to choose. Fuck off.
They always want it both ways when it comes to the USPS. They are a ‘pseudo-government agency!’ when needed and a ‘constitutionally mandated requirement’ at other times. Sometimes their labor practices fall under the Executive and others they do not.
Tom Woods says it better than I could
Woods is alright, right too…
I could sit here and explain why he lacks the constitutional authority to do this or that, but there would be no point. People like Biden laugh at us when we respond like that.
But at this point I think it’s safe to say that the time for debate is over.
Who the hell is Tom Woods?
I could write it out to explain it, but it wouldn’t fit on a 3×5 card.
Fairly popular Mises type libertarian podcaster and author
That fit on a 3×5 card.
fascistChristianIt has long been taken for granted that it was Judaism and Christianity that had so much in common. Back in 1960, Martin Luther King, Jr. denounced racism as a “cancerous disease that prevents us from realizing the sublime principles of our Judeo-Christian tradition.” But now, according to the French-language Riposte Laïque, Charles Saint-Prot wants the West to look to a different shared heritage, the one the West supposedly shares with Islam.
The thesis of Saint-Prot’s work is “Islam is a harmless religion,” and “if there are any lingering hiccups, they shouldn’t be taken too seriously.” He rejects the idea of a “Judeo-Christian culture,” and instead recommends use of the term “Islamo-Christianity,” as the two are, he says, “sister religions with very few differences.” Saint-Prot also claims that “Islam did not harbor any particular hostility against Christianity.” He is not just talking about terminology for its own sake. Saint-Prot “now proposes an economic alliance with the Maghreb countries, particularly Morocco, convinced that France’s future is here.”
Nah, bruh. That don’t jibe.
Bring a Bible into Saudi Arabia and let me know how that goes, Chuck.
A couple years ago, we had a Muslim speak at church (Presby) and he said about the same thing. Then one congregant asked him about Sharia Law and the treatment of women and suddenly his answers waffled all over to the point just about everyone knew there is a wide chasm between the two religions.
I used to think that Islamic zealotry was a result of it being a relatively young religion and that it would moderate the way Christianity did post Reformation/Enlightenment.
I am beginning to question my initial assessment.
I find I need to constantly remind people that Islam is not a religion. It is a system of totalitarian government, law, and religious beliefs all wrapped up into one inseparable ball of wax. That’s why it is impossible for it to actually end up with any sort of reformation without losing its identity unless you go towards more fanatiscism.
I might argue that the Early Midevil church was something similar, all major political matters went through the Church and the monarchs had to get legitimacy from Rome in order to have a hope of retaining power.
But I am not really convinced by my argument either.
Catholic religion didn’t do laws – don’t confuse accusations of sins and the church holding that over people’s heads with legal power – even though eventually the papal structure abused its powers to force compliance. But it was this abuse that eventually caused the reformation movement, and this eventually reigned in the power of the church as the state made sure they wouldn’t infringe on it’s playground. Islam has legal codes and punishments right there in their holy texts, so separating church and state seems a whole lot more difficult there….
I’d argue that modern Christianity is largely secular culture with God bolted on (or kept as a vestigial artifact, depending on which direction one arrived at it from). Shariah is much closer to where Christianity was than Christianity today is, not counting the groups that have disconnected from Western secular society (e.g., Mennonites, the Amish, the various traditionalist Eastern sects, etc.).
The progressive attempt at uniting vestigial/skin-suited Christianity with Westernized Islam is more about skin-suiting Islam too than it is about further harming Christianity.
I only meant to italicize the word “was”
-1 head tax
I am pretty black-pilled at this point. I just hope we get to watch fights to the death in the Thunderdome after the fall of the republic.
The more naked their exercise of power, the more blatant their lies, and the more rapidly the narrative shifts, the clearer it becomes that they are weak, they know they are weak, and their weakness grows every day. The weak can still be dangerous, but they aren’t going to win.
Serious question: Weak or confident?
Overconfident then…I hope that’s the case anyway. I honestly don’t think this behavior reflects a feeling of weakness.
Depending on how you define confident, it’s possible for them to be both. But given that they break down quickly under any real scrutiny, and that when they let up even a little bit, defiance springs up immediately and visibly, I’d say even the appearance of confidence is a thin facade.
That is true, I am just worried that their in desperate grasping to retain their power they are going to pull everything down with them.
Their most potent weapon is going after your job. They know it, we know it, they know we know it, etc. We have to take that weapon away from them, and that may mean giving up our jobs, at least for a little while, and accepting a lower standard of living.
Beatings and imprisonment are on the table, of course, and the police will do their part for now to keep them on the table, but the more they pull out that card the much more rapidly things get worse for them. The killing of Ashli Babbit, for example, was such an incredibly stupid move that it boggles the mind; of course, it wasn’t made with any forethought, it was just good old panic firing by a pants-shitting coward. Nevertheless, them openly defending it, revealing the guy who did it, and then giving him a tongue-bath interview, while meant to demoralize, left them looking very pathetic. There will be no great upswelling among the rank and file as long as the paychecks still come in, but there will be greater attrition than before, and a lot more people who would’ve “back[ed] the blue” won’t anymore.
Going after your job is also useful to them because it reduces the number of places they must exert pressure. Rather than sending police door to door to enforce a mandate, they just threaten your employer’s revenue stream by pulling their government contracts.
This has been forseen, but even I didn’t think it would quite come to this.
Keep dreaming. It’s a nice dream, so just hang on to that as long as you can.
It is a dream, but not just a dream. And it is a better dream than the slow-roll lotus-eater nightmare that they are leading their followers to live in.
Let’s hope we aren’t whistling through the graveyard. A couple of anti-Trumpian GOP acquaintances were, this morning, already praising Biden’s “calm adult” leadership on imposing mandates. These are the suburban types that used to vote GOP, including for Sen. Toomey, but have now changed Philly’s ring counties into purple, or worse, congressional districts. Dems will probably save all these seats in 2022. Does anyone have any knowledge of current Dem congressional districts that will turn Red in 2022?
The spook bitch Spanberger only held on to VA-7 through fraud in 2020. I’m not sure who will end up running against her but there’s a decent chance she goes down in ’22.
Elections are controlled and should not be considered determinative. Manufactured consent + systematic fraud + opportunistic fraud + constantly shifting rules + controlled opposition + bought-vote client class = little substantive meaning to the outcome.
*eyes all the heavy equipment due to massive construction projects nearby* I know I have access to some great assets in the after-times
Now we need Yusef to fashion a flame-thrower guitar to complete the ensemble.
Can do!
I’m working on a story that uses that element, a new bridge is being built right next to my MHP, 200 foot tall tracked cranes and other goodies,
All those A-Team episodes I watched will finally come in handy.
I mean. The Biden administration’s popularity is basically significantly lower already than even Trump’s (whom a certain percentage of people could never get over).
They perhaps think this is going to make Democrats more popular but… I dunno.
It will make them more popular with Democrats and (further) radicalize a portion of them.
I think it’s gonna backfire as early as next year. Everything they do makes them less popular.
Is there stranglehold on elections as good as they think? I don’t know. After several fiascos, Florida managed to straighten their shit out and it’s gone red ever since.
Other states have now taken notice.
My optimism that there is a violence-free way out of this is waning.
There’s not gonna be violence while Americans are still ultra rich and privileged. The cost benefit analysis will not be worth it. That will take decades of this shit before it happens.
They’re working on that.
I have children and a decent lifestyle. They’re gonna have to really rape us all and take everything away first.
The Velvet Revolution is more likely than French Revolution.
Well shit. My legs gave out on me again. Granted, I have been drinking but not that much. It’s terrifying when you mean to stand up and end up swimming on the floor. Hopefully just a pinched nerve in the spine or somesuch.
Please be careful, buddy! ?
My “doctor” won’t see me because Covid. “Dude! I keep losing my balance and have been for about a year.” They’ll be happy to let me die. Dirty smoker and drinker has it coming. Fuck them.
Can you go private? We’d h€lp if $o.
I would never ask.
Well, we’ll throw you the baby shower. Forums?
Now I’m stuck in my chair! I don’t dare stand or I’ll crawl. Thanks, Red. I’ll live.
Take it easy Festus..might need to have run the underground railroad soon
It might need to run the other way this time.
I’m waiting for Judi to wake up for a little help.
I was at a thrift store yesterday. There was a 3-D puzzle of the US Capital building. I dared not purchase it. I didn’t want to be transformed by its guile into an insurrectionist.
Only if it included the tunnel systems
Needs a little recorder that says “Wannafud?” every time you make the wrong choice.
You’re in trouble just for not ratting out the thrift shop manager to the FBI. Let us know your address in custody.
Going to need to look for property in a state that will resist this mandate. Hopefully it can be settled at the Federal level before it becomes active, but I have no doubt that Gov. Wolf will be supportive of Biden’s overreach.
Here’s a letter I’m thinking of sending up the chain. What do you guys think? Our head of HR appears to be full on branch Covidian, and I suspect that our CEO is on the fence.
Dear Mr. __________________
I’m writing to humbly request that you take a leadership role to preserve and safeguard _________ ‘s reputation as one of the most inclusive and empowering organizations in the country by publicly opposing the proposed DOL regulations that would mandate you either compel all your employees to mandatory vaccination against COVID or to subject them to intrusive weekly testing. I ask you to do this regardless of your position on the efficacy of the actual measures that the government is proposing to compel us to adopt.
The rationale is simple. Our company owes its success to acting on the opportunities and insights generated by its officers and employees. If we accede to this mandate, we lose our freedom to adopt policies or projects that separate us out from the crowd. What would happen to our LGBTQ friendly environment if an administration hostile to that community were to capture the government and issue orders via the DOL to make our workplace hostile to that community? What would happen if, following the precedence set by this edict, the DOL were to issue less draconian instructions that for example regulated our flexible work schedule program that had the effect of banning arrangements that you would be very happy with? What would be the cost in employees who leave or decide to not seek the promotions to positions appropriate to their skills and abilities?
The prosperity of our nation has been entirely due to the unusual level of freedom enjoyed by those who reside here. While it’s undeniable that that level of freedom has not been evenly granted to everyone, it is also undeniable that that freedom, which allows people to do what they think is best, to try things that don’t occur to others, to reap the rewards or bear the costs of their wise or poor decisions has fueled not only great prosperity, but has allowed us to experience lives much better than those our parents have enjoyed, and that each generation has been spared many of the privations that afflicted previous generations.
A one-size fits all edict, particularly this one, that mandates people be compelled to receive a medical treatment that didn’t exist a year ago, threatens that prosperity. Once this Rubicon is crossed, it will be very difficult to uncross it. It doesn’t matter how wise the edict is or how foolish. It does not matter how carefully considered or impulsively the edict is generated.
This edict handcuffs employers, and sends the message that it doesn’t matter what culture you and your employees desire to create, that the government will dictate the culture you have.
I therefore ask that you take a brave stand for freedom. I have some suggestions that occur to me. I am sure that there are other courses you can take as well, and I am not demanding you do any of the suggestions below, but merely suggesting them for your consideration.
You could file suit against the DOL seeking a preliminary injunction preventing any enforcement. In my judgement, this rule is on its face unconstitutional, and I think such an injunction would be quickly granted and the rule nullified. However, someone has to be brave enough to actually file the lawsuit.
You could write a letter to the editor in the ___________________ or the _____________________ announcing your intentions to not comply with the rule.
You could reach out to our business clients who are affected by this rule offering them support if they were to file legal challenges against this rule.
Sitting here on the ground floor of the company’s hierarchy, I am very well aware that many people are agonizing over the decision to vaccinate or not vaccinate. Some have medical conditions that make vaccination a very dangerous proposition for them. Others are healthy enough that COVID poses a lower risk to them and their families than the vaccines and would prefer to get their immunity by surviving the disease. Some are scared of long term effects. The company ‘s silence on the subject of mandating vaccination has unnerved them, and I am pretty certain that some are quietly looking for alternative places to work as a way of ending the uncertainty. In my opinion, the loss of even 10% of this cohort would significantly harm our operations because we would not only be deprived of their knowledge and experience, but also have to spend time training their replacements.
If the company stays quiet regarding this edict, it will only add to this cohort’s anxiety.
So I humbly request that you kill two birds with one stone: end the uncertainty about the company’s position on mandatory vaccination and preserve our ability to be a standout place to work by preserving our freedom to innovate in how we treat employees, by taking a public stand against this edict.
What about the millions of people who already survived covid? Forcing them to get a vaccine is appalling.
Good point! I’ll add that to the list.
Also, if we are considered to still be in a pandemic then vaccination is dangerous as it drives the pandemic further. (nevermind the fact that you cannot actually vaccinate for a respiratory virus)
I think you’d be out of a job before COB.
Then the question is answered no?
I like it.
One minor grammatical issue
It’s correct as is. It’s called “subjunctive mood.”
Actually, it should be “either to compel”
I’m making an issue of it because he switches mood after the “or”
Oh, I see. You were going for parallel construction. Gotcha.
I had one particular Latin/English teacher who would deduct ten points for not adhering to that rule.
Eloquently stated. You hit all the marks. Unfortunately, your resume better be updated just in case.
Refugees having trouble finding affordable housing
The solution is obvious, more refugees.
My ancestors who showed up in the 1600’s didn’t have to pay anything for housing!
That’s because they stole it from the natives.
I am assuming they are talking about Montgomery County, Maryland? That is one of the most affluent counties in the country, IIRC.
Perhaps they should consider Montgomery County, Texas.
Surely Montgomery County, MD has any number of main stream churches that will provide housing in line with their preaching about helping the poor?
I used to live in MoCo. It is wall-to-wall fed-employed self-satisfied yuppies.
The churches there are too busy putting rainbow signs on their manicured lawns. They can’t be bothered with doing works of charity…
I was in Atlanta recently. I walked past an immaculately kept church in the middle of a rough-ish part of town. The doors to the church itself were bolted shut, but the adjoining offices dutifully had “Black Lives Matter” prominently displayed in the window.
“Faith without works is
Talk without works is
Faith without works is
Dead, dead, dead, dead
Sit and talk like Jesus
Try walking like Jesus
Sit and talk like Jesus
Try walking like Jesus
Try braving the rain
Try lifting the stone
Try extending a hand
Try walking your talk
Or get the fuck out of my way.”
–Perfect Circle
Tesla finds loophole to New Mexico’s dumb ban by launching on tribal land
Ignoring that Tesla gets subsidies and kinds of government handouts because it is “green”, it makes me happy to see the country club Republican supported state auto franchise laws get a big stick in the eye.
Burn My Go-kart North of Santa Fe
OT: I found this gem on YouTube
With the dubbbing, it feels almost like something that came out of Toho at the time.
I was hanging out with my niece who just started jr. high. She’s been on a J-pop and k-pop bent the last couple years, BTS is like, the greatest band ever!1. But yesterday she said a friend of hers recommended Babymetal. It will be interesting to track her interest in music over the next few years.
Give her the old school, before J-pop was J-pop
Well it’s not the Radwimps…
Although I actually don’t mind them.
Awesome to see the dubbing go in the other direction!
For CPRM (I think) and Baked Penguin (if he’s lurking), Melbourne smoked Geelong last night:
Qualified for their first Grand Final in 21 years, looking for their first premiership in 57 years.
It has been a long time since I have watched Aussie Rules, but 42 might be lowest score I can remember.
We are the chattel property of the government. Every true blue American knows this.
Not sure of the angle (though if it’s NatGeo I can guess) but this gets a mere 3.5 stars of 10:
Dammit. Had to make me look. So it got a 91% critic review aggregate on rotten tomatoes, and not one audience member has watched it and scored. That is a golden opportunity to log in and give it a highly visible 0% audience review score.
A glimpse into infectious disease specialist, Dr. Anthony Fauci who has led the U.S. fight against every epidemic the country has faced from AIDS to SARS to Ebola, and the ongoing COVID-19.
And how he botched all of them? Any mention of the puppy torture?
I let people know this was in the theaters today to get some decent shit posting in on Rotten Tomatoes. Honestly though I think the only people who will see it are Fauci fetishists, who will be there with raincoats bouncing in their laps. 91% critic review aggregate is nutty high.
You could file suit against the DOL seeking a preliminary injunction preventing any enforcement. In my judgement, this rule is on its face unconstitutional, and I think such an injunction would be quickly granted and the rule nullified. However, someone has to be brave enough to actually file the lawsuit.
Silly rabbit. Business Insider found two (TWO!) legal scholars willing and eager to tell them anybody crazy enough to challenge this doesn’t stand a chance.
I missed this:
France reinstituted youth conscription. For a single month each. Yeah, that’s going to bond everyone and make them proud Frenchies.
One month should be sufficient time for them to surrender when the Germans next invade.
The ex-elite, ca. 2040: “What do you mean the people who overthrew us organized in the national service we forced them to attend?”
I’m not sure this is forceful enough.
12.95$? Nope, I have a printer
My back is getting worse by the day, I’m good for about 20 steps before my leg goes numb and then catches fire, then it’s grab something before you fall on your ass again.
Constant pain is tiring.
I hear that. I’m fine for the most part but if it gets too much then my legs start giving out. Yesterday was my ex’s birthday. Apparently she a “John-sized” now. That’s a real shame.
WTF? Did you injure yourself somehow or is this some other chronic condition? I have broken a ton of bones, some more than once, and suspect that at some point all of that will come to bite me in the ass (right now it is my artificial knee giving me some shit), but I have nothing that comes close to making it impossible for me to function. I try to walk 5 miles every day and do longer hikes every weekend (I hike because I can’t run on my knee anymore), so I have heavy leg & back muscles, but that’s so I don’t end up with a back problem (weakened musculature). I have slacked on my upper body routine and don’t do my 200 pushups/situps a day anymore, and the weight around my waist shows it, When I do them I feel that occasional annoying feeling in my shoulder/rotator cuff area, but after the first set this goes away.
Not telling you what to do, but I have found that staying physically active (and knowing your limits), goes a long way to stave off your body getting mad whenever you do anything…
I still walk 2 miles a day, it just takes 6 hours to physically feel ready, so I don’t leave the house til around 2 PM.
This the time for one of the resident weightlifters to say: “start exercising that back!”
(gently at first)
More context to the “I’ll get them out of the way” comment.
It doesn’t make it sound better.
I think this one loses in the same way as the eviction moratorium and there’s not much question.
So what’s the political strategy here?
Blame Republicans for his covid numbers being no different from Trump’s? It’s kinda late in the game. The delta variant has probably plateau’d in most places.
My thought, as I said above, is that they intend to provoke a backlash (nonviolent) reaction that they can use to create a scapegoat–“those who resist are wrecking the chances of defeating COVID”– and a political wedge that will be useful to them.
Trump’s response (or at least the reported response) to covid was a significant factor in the Dems winning the 2020 election. Afghanistan was a disaster for Biden, the economy is not doing well (and, if Biden is in the Obama school, then that’s to be expected), he hasn’t fixed immigration. So, go back to the one issue that you can, somewhat control, and run on it to get your numbers up.
This is why I, respectfully, disagree with a lot of the comments about the covid-mandate being about trying to start a war or something similar. To me, this is just simple politics: pick a group that, predominantly, already disagrees with you, target them, and have your base elevate you.
Trump’s response (or at least the reported response) to covid was a significant factor in the Dems winning the 2020 election.
The significant factor in the Dems winning was the midnight shutdown of voting in the Dem controlled states that Trump was winning, which magically all turned towards Biden once they manufactured enough ballots. Even if one discounts all of the video evidence, removal of election monitors, and thousands of affidavits sworn under oath about the fraud, the Times article about the “fortification” Zoom call on election night should be enough.
Time magazine; please excuse my pedantry.
“So we fixed the glitch.”
If that’s his plan, I think it will backfire spectacularly. He is going to drive away all the independents.
Come in late, take credit for the decline that already had begun, demonize opponents and the unvaxed for whatever’s left
Such uniting. So heal.
Click bait title.
I may have to take a break from social media and here. I am beginning to be unable to deal with reality, as if there is no joy to be had at all. I am starting to ask, “Can I just die now?” which is damned inconvenient as (other than the ulcers) I’m healthy as a horse.
Mojeaux if it has gotten that bad for ya, disconnect for a bit. Seriously. A lot of people get overstressed because of all this information overload, and that’s not healthy.
Aw, abbracci. I understand but hope you will change your mind at least occasionally.
I’m healthy as a horse.
Heh. I thought it was going to be a link about how fragile and delicate horses really are. (Narrator: They are fragile and delicate creatures.)
Hey, you’re in one of the vaxx rebellion states, anyway. Kinda surprising which nearby states aren’t. Maybe they’ll come around.
Kansas and Illinois won’t, that’s for sure.
Why not KS?
Please do check into the fora from time to time.
Hmmm. After some googling, it does look like KS is on par with MO as to vax rates, 51%. We’re not quite the majority, but close enough to make a statement.
Seriously. Don’t make yourself miserable, even if you have to deny us your wonderful company…
That’s where I was too. I had to come back yesterday just to see the Glib reaction to “The Beginning of it All”, however one day back in the crap has convinced me to take a break again. Tougher to do, because I’m personally affected by this (like millions and millions more), but….
I was just reminded that Star Trek debuted 55 years ago Wednesday. Monday for Canada. And Shatner yet lives!
Two thoughts on how I proceed:
I can stay in my temporary management position, until I refuse to attest to my vaxx status and most likely be asked to step down. That puts me back as a tech under the Union. I don’t have faith our union will do jack shit about it and then have them force fire me
I can say screw you right now and resign from the temporary position, putting me back as a tech and not have to attest until the union figures out how it is going to handle it.
That gives me a few months to figure out what I am going to do.
What about a third option:
Use your management title to leverage a lateral move to another company. Unless it’s less than 100 employees though, you’re probably going to face the same dilemma if you remain employed.
At this point I am feeling like Peter from Office Space and I might just be more happy shoveling debris
And what values are those?
The White House acknowledged that the Trump appointees were asked to step down but denied it was a political move.
“The president’s objective is what any president’s objective is: to ensure you have nominees and people serving on these boards who are qualified to serve on them and who are aligned with your values,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday. “The president’s qualification requirements are not your party registration. They are whether you’re qualified to serve and if you are aligned with the values of this administration.”
I daresay these things seem inconsistent.
June Cleaver has a mammy cookie jar! (in early ’60)
Am reminded what a sweet show it was, though, especially if you had an Over the Edge upbringing (
For those of you despairing over President Puddin’ Cup’s EO yesterday, Styx has a good perspective on all of it:
Styx is a good guy with usually good takes but he’s a bit optimistic when it comes to the courts.
It is nice…if everyone else is not complete idiots and is rational in their thinking. That is not where we are at though.
Producer inflation accelerated in August, as wholesale prices rose record 8.3% from a year ago
I have my freezer, really hoping the local butcher calls soon to say order is ready.
Good morning, everyone!
What did I miss?
My cat threw up on our bathroom rug
Serves you right for getting a cat.
I didn’t want it but at the time I had 3 wide eyed boys with whimpers begging me for this sob story thrown at us in the local grocers parking lot.
’tis the nature of pets to throw up on expensive rugs or sofas. Never on the tiled floor that is just two feet away.
Ours will yak and then meow over it as if calling us to view her masterpiece.
That’s unusual. Every cat I’ve had/known will run away immediately afterward and then pretend like it isn’t theirs.
Clogged sink. It’s past the trap. Called for help.
a meme
The Bok of meming – needs more labels.
This the time for one of the resident weightlifters to say: “start exercising that back!”
My experience: when my back starts bothering me, it’s because my belly is weak.
Yes. Deadlifts and chin ups help square that away nicely.
I guess bar hanging is meant for shoulders, but I like it for back pain too.
Some tidbits from my life:
— I’ve been wanting to use a new iPad audio recorder/synth other than Korg Gadget 2. Korg _is_ silly easy to use but its built-in Gadgets – various synths and effects – sound very toy-like to my ears. So I end up instead using other iPad synths – Sunrizer, Nave, etc – connected via MIDI. Which is a pain in the ass.
So I bought Cubasis 3 which has Audio Units functionality; allowing me to have multiple iterations of the same Synth, like Sunrizer within the recording program. But, sad to say, the learning curve on Cubasis is steeeep. And it’s a lot more difficult to record and manipulate the notes, to the point where I want to pull my thick hair out.
Anyways, enough bitchin’, the last track I did on the Korg, with 5 different synths connected via MIDI
— I slept like crap last night. Maybe getting a total of 3-4 hours of sleep. The COVID mandates talk didn’t help, nor is EF’s upcoming trip to Ireland with her mom & sisters. It’s going to be a whole week with just LH Jr. and myself… and two crazy dogs.
The weird thing about cruddy sleep – if I get like a 40 min nap then I’m pretty functional for the rest of the day. But it’s obvious that I’m not drinking enough.
— Week 6 of the Steve Reeves workout is done. And I’m very happy, so far, with the results.
Who can function on 4 hours a night? Maybe Trump and Thatcher. Naps have concentrated power, in my recent experience. Gives credence to the two-sleeps theory. I find the worst thing about undersleeping is being a slow doofus the next day. Durrr?
Ireland! ? ?? Tell her to bring back Tayto crisps and Odlums brown-bread mix.
4-5 hours is my schedule. After hour 5 I become restless if I don’t get up.
If I could rock the two-sleeps, I would. I have before. I have also worked a graveyard shift and that changes things for, like, ever. Also, being on a kid’s schedule is rough. Me now, I have to take a boatload of Tylenol PM to get to sleep and stay that way for a few hours.
Oh, I will say this: I do end up dozing/sleeping around 5-7 pm. If I actually went to bed instead of lying in my recliner and then having people wake me up, I could probably have a deep sleep then.
I certainly can’t function very well at all on that kind of sleep. A nap is mandatory at some point in the day.
Back in the days of slave labor, uh corporate work: When it was warm enough, I used to sleep in the car; tucked away at the company parking lot. Winter time, I would actually sleep a bit at my desk; listening to podcasts.
I liked Delicate,
thinking about the effects of Biden’s mandate, I realized this puts employer’s demands to know who got shot on much more solid foundation that DOL’s “we’ll turn a blind eye to the privacy violations”. And overrides state laws where this is explicitly protected because now it’s complying with a government requirement.