This has got to be one of my favorite guilty pleasures from Full Moon Studios… The Gingerdead Man.
Even the cookie face of Gingerdead man looks like Gary Busey! If I ever get a chance to meet Busey at a convention, you can damn well bet I’ll have him sign a Gingerdead Man photo still. What else do you need to know? Somehow the ashes of the human murderer Busey get mixed in with gingerbread dough at a bakery and the fun begins… After about 24 minutes of exposition and character development. A rough count of murderous highlights:
- Busey cookie possession
- One woman covered in whipped cream with cherries on her boobs
- A guy smashed by a car
Maybe avoid if you have strong feelings against pastry-on-human violence. Watch now, or do not. Everything is voluntary. Fair warning: I do find that this movie either fills viewers with murderous rage or the overwhelming urge to bake.
So how did this movie even get made? I can’t talk about that without mentioning Charles Band, the founder of Full Moon Studios. Charles was already a giant in the horror movie business by the time he founded Full Moon Features. He was responsible for distribution on damn near any horror film you could think of in the late 70’s through the 80’s, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, etc.… You saw a horror movie on a shelf at Blockbuster, Charles put it there. That alone was huge. He also made movies such as Ghoulies. I actually saw his movie Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared Syn in a movie theatre with 3D glasses when it came out. If you want to read some more about Charles’ career, visit his website.
After what most people would already consider a fulfilling career, Charles founded Full Moon Studios in 1989 to make direct to video releases and pretty much changed the entire movie distribution industry. He still runs Full Moon Features and has a veritable slew of movies worth seeing. Some of these franchises you will recognize from back in the video rental days:
- The GingerDead Man: There are a lot of GingerDead Man films. Sadly, Gary Busey was not in all of them, but he at least came back for GingerDead Man vs. Evil Bong. Yay!
- Evil Bong: Evil Bong sends hipsters on a trip that results in death. At least seven times. Work faster, Evil Bong! Watch out for Tommy Chong in the first one, at least.
- Puppet Master: Started with releases in Blockbuster, and the series continues to this day! Big favorite during the cable days as well. Evil puppets! Murder! Seven sequels! And more spinoffs!
- William Shatner did a series of Late-Night shows for Full Moon, providing color commentary and interludes for The Creeps, Castle Freak, and other Full Moon titles. These are really great, especially if you’re heavily sedated.
- Corona Zombies: Considering how much people obsess over COVID, this may need to be reviewed soon. It’s available for free on Tubi, so you guys watch it and let me know what you think. For added incentive, keep in mind that the write-up says Donald Trump makes an appearance!
I could go on. He has produced or directed over 300 films at this point.
So, if you enjoy horror with a little comedy thrown in, you have seen a movie that Charles produced or directed. And if you started to enjoy horror films back in the eighties, when you could rent them at Blockbuster, you have Charles to thank. He is another one of those unsung entrepreneurs who shaped our culture.
For next week, get ready for Wolfcop.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Is this Busey before or after the accident?
Good question. Researching…
After. His motorcycle accident was 1988.
Curious..if Psaki is claiming that Ol’ Joe just has a ‘light cold’ he isn’t following his EO and policies and procedures. He should be in self-quarantine until a negative COVID test result.
I won’t be watching the movie..but it is a fun guilty pleasure.
I have a full schedule set up almost through December. Tonio will get tired of editing. There will be many more.
Tonio tires for no man
JHTFC. Pace yourself, man!
Haha. I need to get at least three ahead. Next week I may not be able to man comments, due to a funeral (not COVID). And I want to make sure content keeps flowing. This will not include “Return to Blood Fart Lake” or “Rectuma.” Ruled those out earlier. That was a bad internet hole.
“GingerDead Man vs. Evil Bong”
I saw that. It was not good.
It was not. I counted over 30 minutes of flashbacks.
Finally some goddamned respect.
I’ve got some shit to do but I’ll throw the flick up as background noise, thus I don’t know how involved in any mockery I’ll be able to be.
This one is a favorite in the series, mostly because of Busey’s voice acting for a cookie. But the famous Busey teeth were not added to the cookie until later movies.
The Food Network disapproves of their food handling practices.
So first the Living Anus bleeds in the dough, then somehow gets Busey in the dough. WTF?
I hate cheap felt hats.
I was going to say that the mom appears to have visited my favorite store: Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
Who actually makes a Gingerbread man that big?
I was wondering that myself. That pretty damn big.
The baker who wants a Mongo
Awesome and relevant.
Mongo only pawn in game of life.
Wear The Face Diaper!
or not, this Fucker should hang,
Trust us
I have some documents if you want them,
I sir am going to retire early as soon as discipline is taken against me. It is a hostile work environment. My counterpart in Phoenix probably the same. A bunch of jobs up in Alaska just “opened” up also.
They don’t have the grip they think they do
Any chance you could use that to have them pay relocation expenses, then ditch them as soon as is expeditious? Your kids will hate you, though.
Not enough time and the relocation, which is 27K is paid out over two years. I have two months left.
I sense fear and reluctance where I work. On the radio today, they said that over half of the workforce is unvaxxed. 25k people and lot’s of them are cops/fire. I applied for religious exemption, and when asked for supporting documents, I’m just submitting a letter saying it’s my strongly held belief that I should not get vaxxed. The verbiage will make it clear I plan to sue, if punished. I doubt the city even has it’s act together enough to process 5 or 10k firings simultaneously. And, we’re at about half staffing already. I just don’t see them doing what they are threatening to do.
when asked for supporting documents, I’m just submitting a letter saying it’s my strongly held belief that I should not get vaxxed
If you want an advance copy of my position paper on the topic, let me know.
I’m not done yet, but the “conscientious objections” section is done, which could be a primary component of a non-Christian religious exemption. There’s some Jesusy stuff in there, but it’s not too much.
You’re doing God’s and not-God’s work, Trashy.
I look forward to the end product.
Everything helps. ‘Preciate it! My handle plus CC at evil mail.
Sorry, lowercase cc. Not sure if it matters.
sent… let me know if you think of any ways to improve that conscientious objections section.
Thanks for putting this together, trashmnstr. I may end up needing to use this as a landscaping contractor for a large hospital clinic / complex. Even though me and all of my employees are never even within 15-20 feet of anyone on the properties, and rarely even that close, they are requiring all employees working on location to be vaccinated.
I’m hoping my POC never stops and asks for proof and any enforcement dies down quickly, but it will still be good to have this in my back pocket.
Thanks for all you do for this wonderful sight, from monocle (etc) to your insightful comments and articles.
Yeah, thanks. There’s something in there for everybody. I imagine if I tweak it to fit me and use the bulk of it, I’ll have covered most possible arguments and left lot’s of meat on the bones for any lawyer I might need to hire to contest and adverse decision.
Thank you! I’m glad to help out with such a great community.
I may end up needing to use this as a landscaping contractor for a large hospital clinic / complex.
Let me know if you need it. I’m cranking on it a few hours each day trying to get it done and ready for proofreading/review/circulation ASAP, but I can always send draft versions ahead of time.
I set up an email address for disseminating the document. You can reach me at religiousexemption /a/t/ disengage /d/o/t/ co
Yes, dot co, not dot com.
Hey, trashy – any chance you could send me a copy?
These accents are scalding my ears.
Agreed. California actors should not be allowed to pretend they are from OKLATX.
Dude! you Betcha!
I’m transitioning…
I have a bad habit of picking up…albeit terribly….accents of regions I am in for more than 4 weeks.
Wife hates it when this Socal boy comes home speaking like I was from the sticks
Say “Oil”
Dot Pepsi,
Oll binness.
Poor Professor Higgins… ? I have that unintentional mimicry problem too.
This was a Lady from Lubbock, who loved her Dot Pepsi,
I very badly get a southern accent when I go to Florida. Sometimes A movie will implant it, too. I think it’s from all the southern rock I’ve listened to.
“Hay mayun, how yoo doon?”
How ya’ll doin’
Sup Man!
Many of them are, like Brad Pitt (Okie). Courteney Cox is from Alabama!
(double take) Mojeaux warned us to ready our noogie knuckles for the new fish!
She apparently only shows up on Glibflick Thursday, tho…
I apologize that I did not supply a film with a penis degloving this week. Working on it!
*rubs hands* Excellent, Smithers!
For now, yes. I’m an acquired taste that must be introduced slowly.
Woman randomly covered in whipped cream.
Go on…
I hear she was three months pregnant at the time.
Squee! I love that band. Yeah, they had nice album art. /former teenage boy
The obvious classic from Herb.
Someone said Herb Alpert?
Don’t hit me. It’s September, which means Christmas music.
From the album in question.
Plus the whole A&M Records thing.
Nice. That was in heavy rotation during my childhood.
Apologies in advance. The katakana reads “heavy rotation”.
Hey, I apologized…
OMG what did I just watch.
One of Japan’s preeminent idol groups. Huge revenue.
That this is a thing that exists is so mystifying to me.
I prefer one of the live versions. But I have no taste. Koisuru Fortune Cookie is the default ringtone on my work phone.
My parents had that album. I used to look at it a lot.
Do these people not own any type of communication device?? At some point, you just need to call 911.
No, power must be out. Notice the generator? This is California we are talking about. I think.
Charles Band just attended Texas Frightmare last weekend.
BethAnnica is a newbie?
I just got back from the brewpub. I have a zoom to join in a few minutes.
I am not sure I will have time to watch this before I leave for PA tomorrow.
I also think I’ve seen this movie before. It sounds familiar.
I guess I’ll find out whenever I watch it.
We have a newbie.
¡Give her… the comfy chair.
Do I need to stay in the comfy chair until lunchtime, with only a cup of coffee at eleven?
Subject requires thorough interrogation.
Pancakes or waffles? Beatles or Stones? Don’t think, just answer!
Neither… Ozzy
Heh. Do you know Chafed?
I was just thinking of this.
waffles (a poster here) will probably have a sad.
Here’s an Ozzy mash-up someone else linked here.
On a more serious note, Ozzy instead of the Beatles or the Stones shows excellent taste.
Huh. I guess Toxteth beat me with the Crazy Train.
How about Reynaldo and the Loaf?
Thin or deep dish? Is pineapple an acceptable topping?
Brisket or pork?
Is vinegar based BBQ sauce the best?
And the most important: Hat or Hair?
Oh yes, “Fuck off Tulpa” as well.
How do you feel about Motley Crue in general, and Nikki Sixx in particular?
Dio was the far superior Sabbath vocalist, especially considering the solo efforts of both. Ozzy had his time, but it passed. He deserved the long after-effects from it, but that’s what they were.
Deep Dish
Yes to pineapple.
Good BBQ sauce requires a vinegar base to balance the sweet.
Not a huge Motley Crue fan, but I like Nikki Sixx and have been known to listen to his radio show from time to time.
Fuck off Tulpa!
If you listen to his radio show, you probably know Sixx A.M., which, to be honest, I love WAAAAYYYY more than Motley Crue. And I love Motley Crue.
Vinegar-based? Arthur Bryant’s. Order a bottle of their original. I promise you won’t be disappointed.
If you like Rush I’ll accept you. If not,
Aw, db. People are allowed to be wrong, like MikeS and his irrational Steely Dan hate.
Eh, I agree that solo Dio was much better than solo Ozzy, but Ozzy Sabbath was better than Dio Sabbath.
I didn’t say “Fuck You Tulpa.” Was that wrong?
It’s “fuck off, Tulpa.”
You people. I swear.
Hello Bethannica.
Yeah, welcome.
Hey! Out of jail already?
Heh. At least one of the names is right.
I need to do the next one from a brewpub. Inspired idea!
The Anus that Walks Like a Man is back, challenging Gingerdead man.
How many of the five people in this chat thought The Anus was going to eat the Gingerdead man?
That’s the alternate ending we all need.
OT: I was on a walk with the kiddos today in the neighborhood, and we came across a cat without a collar that just so happened to look exactly like our cat that disappeared a little over a year ago without a trace. The cat was friendly and we got fairly close to it. I’m still not convinced it wasn’t our cat. The only thing that made me skeptical was that it acted like it had front claws and ours was front declawed.
Anyway, as we were getting close, I decided not to actually approach the cat since there was a walker with a dog coming, and I didn’t feel like dealing with cat scratches on the 10 month old when the cat freaked out. I also can’t believe that the cat is still alive after a year. It had to be a different cat, right?
Not necessarily. I had a black cat when I lived in CA. It left one night and was gone for months. Occasionally I sighted a cat that looked like him, would look at me but then run in the bushes. The cat I saw had messed up teeth. After six months, my cat came back and was just sitting on the couch. He had been hit in the face, possibly by a car bumper and his jaw was messed up and teeth sticking out. I was glad he came back but the vet bill was huge to correct his jaw.
I don’t know, I had a cat from Colorado, that had the exact same mismatched color as a Cat I got in Cali, one big, one little, bizarre,
If people were to disappear, the cats would be just fine. They have decent hunting skills, even if they don’t use them. Dogs would have it pretty rough ( I know!) They would need to relearn how to form packs and hunt that way. A cat can make it a really long time on it’s own. Besides, many people feed cats that show up, regardless if they own them.
Cats are for vermin, Dogs are for hunting and herding, now and in the coming Dark Times,
Yeah, sometimes we need them more than they need us.
I’m not so sure about that. Cats are easy prey, and without the bounty of vermin created by people…
I watched the opening scene. The Pink motel is about three miles from here. They have a huge empty swimming pool and regularly host skateboarding events. It’s pretty cool.
Here’s a shocker. “Gavin Newsom signals more COVID-19 mandates could come after California recall”
These motherfuckers. Nobody knows that it failed “resoundingly.” They are using the percentages thus far, before having counted all of the day-of ballots. There’s still 30% outstanding. Elder ain’t gonna win, but the margin will get way tighter. This was not a blow out, I’ll tell you that.
Elder probably took 70% of the remaining ballots. If he took every single one, he’d probably win. This is all based on the speculation that he will not, which is reasonable. What’s not reasonable is to print anything that claims Newsom won by 15 or 20 points. That is a plain lie.
It’s mob rule. The second they got pricks in arms of the majority, it was curtains for everybody else’s freedom.
As predicted. He is going to go full bore now on the Vid hysteria. National Dems will as well. Really amping up my desire to get the fuck out of this shithole state. There will be almost no pushback to whatever shit they try and implement.
Locally, one polling place had 70% of the voters being told they had already voted. It was in what might be one of the most conservative parts of L.A. How many people did not go try and vote in person who’s ballots were submitted by who knows whom? The right and the middle need to force a stop to universal mail in ballots. These fucks will never lose another election without planning to, ever again. We’ll know when Kamala get more votes than she has family members.
It’s straight up junk mail voting. I think he would have probably won without the shenanigans, but that helped give him the Kim Jongesque victory. I imagine that you are right in that it will tighten up a bit. But he and the Dems will use this as a mandate to double down on Vid bullshit. At this point I don’t ever see it ending. Really fucking depressing and I am not one to get this down about politics. But this is effecting my and my family’s lives in profound ways. Yesterday marked 18 months of this shit here.
I always try to look on the bright side of things for my own mental health, but it’s hard to imagine how this will come to an end in these deep blue states. Those politicians are too enamored over the sheer power, the micromanaging, and the “taking action” aspect. It’s going to require removing them from office to bring an end to this bullshit.
If I had to bet money on it, I’d predict that it only stops when they drive so many businesses and taxpayers out of the state that they go the route of Detroit – only then do they have a chance of wising up and realizing that the economy is not a game of SimCity that you can just pause and restart as you please with nothing lost.
The failed economy will prove that more government control is required.
Yeah, if turning into Detroit was some sort of thing that people didn’t want, Detroit would have got its act together by now.
I love this Wikipedia excerpt that DDG shows when searching for “Joe Judge”:
Speaking of NY sports…
TW: soccer rant
I came to the conclusion yesterday that MLS’s NYCFC is the worst-managed major league team in sports history.
They are little more than a farm team for the UAE’s bigger teams.
After seven years they still do not have their own stadium, and all plans to build one have fallen apart.
Their live games are constantly pre-empted by baseball because of their Yankees partnership.
The replays which are supposed to replace the live games that we don’t get are constantly pre-empted by Yankees post-game shows. Good luck trying to DVR that shit.
Yankee Stadium is a shit place to play soccer.
They hate their fans, so it’s only fair I hate them back at this point.
Yes, nice eyes
*looks again*
Oh yeah, you’re right, she does have eyes.
This one…
Just watched “Jolt”, the Kate Beckinsale flick on Amazon:
– Kate Beckinsale remains a smokeshow
– that is not a good movie
I, too, saw Metalstorm in the theater. Bull went on to better things in Night Court.
He did. Nice makeup though. I saw that at the old Forum 303 Mall in Arlington, TX before it turned into the Thunderdome.
This is a rock/love ballad to his girl saying he’s gonna stay out partying with his mates.
This is a rock ballad to his girl saying he loves her.
If we ever get back to “normal”, it’s important that we never let people obfuscate what side they were on. If someone stopped their kid from being a kid based on unscientific hysteria; if they cheered for unvaccinated people to be turned away from hospitals and left to die; if they narced on their neighbors who held a Thanksgiving gathering against the diktats… Never let them forget that.
Another example of TMITE’s strategy: find the most ridiculous example of the hysteria and celebrate it. Pretend this is some “new normal” instead of fringe weirdoes.
Teh Yutes will grow up once they reach the Real World…
I would like to say I understand why people are freaking out, but I just cannot
Jeff the Russian Bot #EndApartheid #FreePalestine
Replying to
1) Death is far from the only risk. Many more kids get seriously ill from COVID or get long COVID than die from it. Do you not care about avoiding serious or long-term (and serious) illness?
How can you measure ‘long COVID’, whatever the fuck that is, if this has been only identified for 19+ months? These people want to live in a bubble. I get it. I don’t want to see my kids suffer, but damn
Dunno, but when I bring up that the vaccines may have long-term effects that we cannot have any knowledge about at this point, I’m told that I’m an unscientific wackjob who is indulging in kooky conspiracy theories and that I should stop reading crazy shit on the Internet and listen to more reliable sources like NYT, CNN, and NPR.
That is the insanity that rational persons are up against. What’s her face basically said, I’ll get the vaccine after I have all the information and she was shit upon. That is how bad it is. I know the time is coming when my boss asks and it will be that response “I do not have enough information at this time”. I won’t make the FedGov timeline an such is life. Maybe a year from now I will get it. Who knows..but the point is, I make that choice.
Even the screaming talking heads ranting that “vaccines have been mandated before!” overlook that parents had a choice at the hospital to forego those vaccines and seek alternative schooling and such. That is all gone from the public square. Vaccine knowledge apparently started for them in 2021.
Maybe my family of 5 + 2 inlaws + extended family have been lucky? Or…it isn’t as bad for moderately healthy people. But the US chose this path and has shown they are unwilling to admit that it is the wrong path.
Yea, I fucking hate the “we did something kind of similar before, so this is OK” argument. It leads straight to totalitarianism… But I’m sure they know that perfectly well.
We already ask for people’s religions on the census, so what’s wrong with having a Muslim registry? The police already shoot people without establishing guilt or facing accountability, so it’s OK to have mob lynchings, right?
If only he were able to translate his trolling into effect statesmanship…
Or if he’d fired General Thoroughly Modern Milley after Obama had edged out tradition in the armed forces.
He is the very model of a modern major general ?
It was the police that done shot the little girl.
Nice police work there, Lou.
the coach is named Don King ?
Only in America !
Another country begins pricking little kids.
And THAT’s a country we DEFINITELY want to emulate!
Good morning, Sean! And Stinky and rhy and Tres and robo!
sup’ pimp-juice
Got a Dragons game tonight, and based on what I’ve seen of Dayton’s new rules, I don’t think we’ll have to mask up. Guess we’ll see what’s posted at the park.
Jugsy makes her triumphant return to the Palatial 2X-Wide tonight for the weekend.
+ Bow-Chicka
Good Morning GT, looks like weather is starting to cool a bit.
Still predicted to hit the mid 80s here for a few more days. I’ll take it – I’m not looking forward to when I can’t comfortably hang out on my back porch. It’s good for my mental health, such as it is. Starting to feel autumnal in your neck of the woods?
Holiday in Cambodia
Where you’ll do what you’re told
At least the Sino isn’t mRNA I don’t think but still not good.
Shouldn’t be illegal and all but that seems to defeat the purpose of beer.
Yeah, it doesn’t taste like beer at all,
So, it begins:
Liquor rationing. ?
Well that’s not good.
The selection of paper products is way down again. My usual paper towels and TP were nowhere in sight at the drug store yesterday.
That would never fly up here but I’ve been consistently wrong about everything forever. They mean to squeeze our non-compliant balls for every drop of essence, don’t they?
suh’ fam
whats goody
Un-masked vanilla flirting with the fine-assed girl at work. It goes nowhere but it it feels nice. No worries, I’ll not be buying a Corvette and driving cap soon.
Jugsy has the camaro, so when I want to feel young and handsome I drive it. I think if I were to get a “crisis” car at this stage of my life, it would be a Rolls. They dont hold their value well, and a 15-20 year old can be had cheaply. At least thats what a friend that owned a Rolls told me.
Not to be confused with Rose Royce.
There was a disco dance related to that movie that we had to learn in 9th Grade. Actual wiping motions. Now I hate you forever!
No states. None.
Not even NJ.
The states are where the rubber meets the road and the real world consequences of policy are seen. For the most part this keeps them somewhat in reality, California and a couple of others notwithstanding. They’ve realized it’s hard to get people off the couch when the benefits add up to better than what the job pays.
If I was prescribed Soma I’d be dead in a year. What the fuck are they playing at?
Not even NY. And she really, really wants to.
I wonder what’s going on, because since when was money an object?
Various stakeholders, meaning local industries and businesses, telling them behind the scenes to knock it off would be my guess.
Good Morning All:
So far the craziness is low this am. I hope yall have a productive weekend.
Anybody here from KK? Not seen her post in bit.
She has assumed a pseudo-pseudonym.
Sounds Good. I don’t know if she hit the road yet.
Chased a bear out of the yard when I came home this morning. Went into the house and then (and only then) the little doge started barking up a storm. She’s laying on my portion of the bed and pretending to weigh 16 tons. Mornin’ all!
Good morning, Fes, Terror of Bears!
Worst varmints we seem to have around here are raccoons. Big Lug Cat went nose-to-nose with one through the screen door the other night, Damn ‘coon was pilfering the food meant for our kitty boys’ “girlfriend,” Gracie.
I think I mentioned that when I pulled in the driveway the other morning, still dark outside, Im pretty sure I saw GhettoCoon® around the Rumpke bin. It darted into the neighbor’s bushes so I didnt get a clear look. If it wasnt a coon, then GhettoKitty™ put on some serious weight. I look before I let The Dozer out, because the last thing I need is a 1-eyed 1-eared doge from having tangled with a coon.
Bought TT a BB gun a while back just for the sake of dispatching – or at least running off – that pesky thief. Need to keep it out and at the ready.
We don’t have coons up here nor possums or rats (mostly) but I did espy a big fat rat trundling across the bridge last night. They must fall off the grain cars. Couldn’t bring myself to run it over.
He was just trying to make a living, like everyone else. Spiders get a pass, too unless they touch me. Earwigs on the other hand…
Gingerdead Man is a true horror classic.
So is Slither, which I put in the same category.
So I’m ass-torn. I refuse the mandate but lose my job. Thing being, I care about my clients and I know for certain that they will suffer. They lurve old Festus! No one else can do my job. Nobody will fall on their own swords for me but I still have scruples. What to do, what to do?
Give your customers your personal number. If you need to do the work ASAP, congratulations you just became a sole proprietorship.
That’s not how Government sub-contracting works but thanks, anyway 😉 !
It can. Consulting fees are a thing.
Sorry, Festus. If there’s someone around to hug, do it.
I’ll gladly hug a Patzy for a chance at Marilyn Monroe on Tuesday!