GlibFlick: Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter

by | Sep 2, 2021 | Film, Fun | 217 comments

Welcome to a new Glibs feature – GlibFlick, a Glibs watch party. Since it’s a PITA to share a movie in real time with many people, some of who wish to remain anonymous, we have harnessed the awesome powers of the internet to bring you Glib-0-Vision. All you need is a timesource accurate to within a few seconds. Start watching the movie at 7:00 PM Central.



Welcome to GlibFlick. News getting you down? Need something different to unleash your inner rage in comments? I decided to start a weekly program to link up to unusual and seldom seen B movies. B movies are my passion, and I think I have found a way to introduce you poor saps to the things I love. Today’s cinema classics are guaranteed to spawn comments, confused or otherwise.

Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter

Yes, Jesus Christ comes to earth to kill vampires and sing. It’s a musical with lesbians, Jesus Christ, El Santo, and Canadians. I first shared this with friends when it came out on DVD. It made the rounds at the office, and was then returned with a sticky note that said “I want the two hours of my life back that I spent watching this.” Brutal! Personally I enjoyed it, like I enjoy the finer things in life. Did I mention I eat trash out of dumpsters? Anyway I figured out who left the note and left a large “NO REFUNDS” scrawl on that cubicle’s whiteboard.

This film took two years to finish with work only occurring on weekends. A true labor of love and dedication. Tell me what you think in the comments!

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. R.J.

    This film was preceded by other musicals as Rocky Horror Picture Show and Phantom of Paradise. Since this movie came out, the horror musical genre has continued strong, adding such films as:

    The Happiness of the Katakuris (2001): Singing, dancing, murdering hotel owners. Japanese film, get out your subtitle glasses!
    Poultrygeist (2006): A Troma film, fantastic. Hoping I can find a way to show this at some point.
    Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008): Get behind on your organ transplant payments, and the repo men come! A very 2000 AD plot line. Probably the most well-known film on this short list.
    Suck (2009): Tons of rock stars, excellent music, hilarious movie. Surprisingly few people know about this movie

    • rhywun

      Troma is still around?!

      • Count Potato


        Lloyd Kaufman is even on twitter.

  2. Yusef drives a Kia

    OK then, Howdy Kids!

  3. The Hyperbole

    Anyone know what font these credits are in?

    • R.J.

      I do not. It is an awesome font.

      • hayeksplosives

        So…not comic sans or papyrus then.

      • Mojeaux


      • MikeS

        Not everything can be Copperplate Gothic

      • Mojeaux

        Also boohiss

      • rhywun

        I like Copperplate Gothic because it’s the Monopoly® font.

      • MikeS

        I like it because it’s in the logo for my business…wait, I may have the cause and effect mixed up there.

        Anyhoo…don’t shoot the messenger, but Font Meme is saying you are wrong about the Monopoly font. (and my eyes concur)

        The font used in the Monopoly logo is Kabel Heavy designed by Rudolf Koch.

      • rhywun

        I’m not talking about the logo, but the names of the states on the cards.

      • MikeS

        Going by pics on the ‘net, I still disagree. Copperplate Gothic is a serif font, and on newer cards they use a sans serif font. I saw a couple pics of some older cards, and while it is very close, I noticed that the capital S and W were quite different.

      • MikeS

        oh…now I found a pic that does look quite a bit like Copperplate Gothic. It looks like they changed the font at least 2 times over the years.

        FONT NERD!!!!11!11!!!

      • rhywun

        I haven’t played Monopoly® in thirty-five years FWIW.

        I am a font nerd but I’ll admit I’ve never verified what that particular font is; I just remember it by sight.

      • Zwak, jack off, all trades

        When I had a business doing advertising for antique stores I had to constantly try to figure out what a companies font was so I could reproduce it digitally and was constantly running up against weird copyrights involved in that whole world of dorkery. And holy cow are businesses all up in their fonts, and I know damn well most of them stole the fonts 20-30 years ago.

        I bootjacked a lot of fonts.

      • MikeS

        For the record, I was calling myself a font nerd. I don’t know why, but I love different fonts.

        From my font-nerd-website searching, it looks like maybe one font change. Like you said, Copperplate Gothic and then it appears maybe newer cards use Kabel.

      • Mojeaux

        Zwak, I find that all the time. I do everything I can not to have to buy a font for a client’s project, but when I do, I charge it back to the client because damn.

        So, font nerd. My son likes to point to signage and ask me “What’s that font?” “What’s that font?” “What’s that font?” It’s like slug-bug for him, I guess.

      • rhywun

        because damn

        They are surprisingly expensive, aren’t they??

        I’ve thought of maybe making one of my own but it’s a fuck-ton of work so yeah.

      • Zwak, jack off, all trades

        Mojo, I would do that for/to my clients also, but the catch for me was always some version of “we own that/bought that/ used that for 40 years” And they wouldn’t budge on it. So, according to them, they had rights to it and had been using it publicly for decades, but font publishers do not care.

        So, I found workarounds.

  4. R.J.

    Hello! Still not sure who is posting the Zoom link. If one doesn’t crop up shortly, I will provide mine.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I think I’ll hang back….

    • Tonio

      Neph tried this a while back on Zoom and it didn’t work out because of IP rights. They can’t start us from all watching the movie simultaneously and text commenting, but I think that’s the best we can do…

      • Count Potato

        Maybe announce the movie ahead of time, so people can get it?

      • Tonio

        Announced during afternoon links. And the ‘getting’ of the movie is clicking the link above. It’s a link to a real, free, no-BS stream of the movie.

      • Count Potato

        Well, I meant earlier that afternoon.

        There a few reasons why people would not want to stream it…

      • Count Potato

        Um, “earlier than that that afternoon”.

  5. R.J.

    Jesus got a haircut and earrings.

  6. Shpip

    Footbaw is on tonight, so I won’t be able to partake in the film fest.

    I’m not much of a fan of the “so bad it’s good” genre of movies, but late one night some months ago, Showtime featured Tammy and the T Rex, featuring the (very young) duo of Denise Richards and Paul Walker.

    Just how much effort went into this? Consider:

    Stewart Raffill says he was approached by a man who owned theatres in South America who had an animatronic T Rex which was going to a park in Texas. “The eyes worked. The arms moved. The head moved. He had it for two weeks before it was going to be shipped to Texas and he came to me and said, “We can make a movie with it!” I said, “What’s the story?” and he said, “I don’t have a story, but we have to start filming within the month!” and so I wrote the story in a week.”

    I was mesmerized.

    • Chafed

      How much of young Denise Richards do we see in the movie. Asking for a friend.

  7. DEG

    I won’t partake.

    I’ve seen the movie before. I remember it being delightlfully bad.

    If I didn’t have so much to do tonight, I’d join.

    • R.J.

      That’s fine. I didn’t know this was going live this Thursday, my Zoom is locked up because I forgot the password, so I give up. Shitstorm achieved.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Just blame Tonio

  8. MikeS

    I’m not going to comment on this post because I am not watching the film.


    • westernsloper

      Me either.

    • Chafed

      I have to watch it just for the title.

  9. blackjack

    I used to have long brown hair down to my waist and a goatee. I mostly kept it in a ponytail and wore a backwards baseball cap. One day, I went to a coffeeshop and met this chick. She said she had something I just had to see, and pulled out a scrap of paper from her wallet. It looked like one of those association test the head shrinkers do. She said to stare at it with out blinking for a whole minute, so I did. Then, she said to close my eyes and tell her what I see. When I closed my eyes, it was Jesus’s face with the crown of thorns. I said, ” Wow! That’s amazing! Now, for my turn, close your eyes really tight until I say. Then, I took off the hat, let down my hair and exactly emulated the pose from her trick. I told her to open her eyes and she could not stop laughing. I won’t tell you the rest of the story, because of the family rating and all. This was around 1998 or so.

    • blackjack

      You kinda had to see just how much I looked like Jesus back then to appreciate it. I even went as drunk Jesus for halloween that year.

    • Q Continuum

      You fixed the cable?

      • blackjack

        Is that what Jesus would do?

      • The coolest vaccine-free BEAM in the world™

        Well, that’s what I learned in Bible College, so, sure.

      • Zwak, jack off, all trades

        It’s what a Nilhist would do.

      • kinnath

        What would Wally do?

    • blackjack

      Doctor please? Some more of these?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        MLH, good call,

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      It’s a technological improvement, like daily contact lenses.

    • Q Continuum


      Orwell thought too small.

    • Sean

      That’s not egg.

  10. Yusef drives a Kia

    I’m going upriver for a camping/ fishing thing tomorrow, If I have signal I will join Zoom, Hope I don’t meet STEVE SMITH,

    • Plinker762


    • Chafed

      I’d go Gallic for 5.

      P.S. Some of those women are definitely vampires.

  11. limey

    80s new wave music aficionados I have a name-that-tune request. I have a notion there’s a forum thread for this but I’ll dump it here anyway:

    The song playing in the bar at around 15m20s

    Please and thank you

    • rhywun

      Hunter! Great show.

      Don’t know the track. That’s means it’s obscure AF.

      • limey

        They’ve replaced most of the original music with weirdly anachronistic tracks for the DVD/streaming versions but this track actually sounds right for ~’85.

      • rhywun

        Dammit. I was wondering about that as I was watching.

        I would absolutely refuse to purchase a DVD set that did that. Thinking back on the TV shows I own, I think they’re all original music. BSG, Columbo, a couple Trek series, stuff like that. I don’t think I own anything with licensed music now that I think about it.

        Hm. An exception is the Deutschland 83/86/89 series which are loaded with tracks from each era and I don’t think they could have faked it and got away with it.

      • Count Potato

        It’s pretty common to replace the music from thr broadcast version.

      • rhywun

        I’ve seen it happen in a few broadcast movies. Blecch.

      • MikeS

        So, they’re cutting costs by dubbing over generic free or low-cost music instead of paying (I assume minute) royalties to the artists of the songs originally used? Am I understanding correctly?

      • Count Potato

        Yes, but depending on the song, sometimes it’s not so minute.

      • MikeS

        I loved Hunter!

        *adds another 80’s show to future binge-watch list*

      • rhywun

        Yeah, it used to be on… TBS? every day. But that was years ago.

      • MikeS

        Shit, that’s right. I remember watching it occasionally some time ago. Must have been on around lunch time. Or maybe it was on in the morning when I was working night shift. TBS sounds right. Maybe WGN?

      • rhywun

        We don’t get WGN around here but maybe los dos. Yeah, it was afternoons.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      It’s Mickey, Peewee’s jailbreaking hitchhiker!

      The spelling Stepfanie has always annoyed me.

      • MikeS

        Haha. I was just thinking the same. I keep reading it as “step-fanie”

      • limey


    • Mojeaux

      My art teacher said, “Hey, bring CDs to class and we’ll listen to music!” I was about an hour into building a killer playlist and show these little kids what good music is. Then I realized that was just sad, so I stopped doing that.

      • rhywun


      • rhywun

        I can absolutely see myself doing exactly that.

      • Mojeaux

        I ended up having to admit I remember flocked velvet wallpaper (teacher put me on the spot). I didn’t mind so much really, but I think the kids and the teacher think I’m about 10 years younger than I really am.

      • Gender Traitor

        You just reminded me that in my high school Art I class we played two albums over and over – CSN&Y’s Deja Vu and Peter, Paul & Mary’s Album 1700 (notable for “I’m In Love With a Big Blue Frog”) – and those albums were old even then.

      • Mojeaux

        I will email you my list. You may or may not find it mundane and pedestrian.

    • one true athena

      I tried to search on the lyrics I could identify but got zip.

    • Chafed

      Red Burning Candles of Hatred by Valdrin?

      • limey

        Absolutely not! I saw that answer spammed on another website but it’s a band from last year or their fans trying to drum up plays for their music.

  12. commodious spittoon

    I ordered RAM to replace the RAM I’d bought and the box of RAM arrived today without any RAM in it. There was a very clever feature about the package whereby rather than having to tear open the padded envelope to access my purchase, the envelope wasn’t sealed at all. Unfortunately someone had availed himself of this clever little feature and liberated my RAM for his own purposes. He left me the box, though, and the little instruction booklet.

    I ordered a flash drive, too, which UPS has informed me has been returned to sender due to “a hazardous materials irregularity.”

    • MikeS

      Sounds like you have my old UPS driver.

    • Zwak, jack off, all trades

      Sounds like you are in a…

      (Puts on sunglasses,)


      • blackjack

        Black Betty instantly starts playing in my head.

      • MikeS

        *Nods to the beat*

  13. commodious spittoon

    Thank you for contacting Carbank Co., Ltd.
    We have accepted the following inquiries.


    [Inquiry items]
    About car inspection and maintenance

    【Full name】
    D[redacted obvs] (D[dacted)

    【telephone number】
    070 5878 3328

    〒Gl52 2pz
    Okinawa Prefecture

    【email address】

    Hey there

    50% OFF !! Hurry to get your Baseball Cap Now!

    These Caps are SO cool! Perfect for this Summer!

    Free worldwide shipping!


    To your success,


    I am confused.

    • commodious spittoon

      The person in charge will contact you at a later date.
      If you do not contact us, you may have an email accident.
      Sorry to trouble you, but please contact us at the following.
      Tel: 048-628-6861

      If you have any questions or don’t remember this inquiry,
      Sorry to trouble you, but please contact us at the following.

      Polite and vaguely threatening. Especially vague because other than almost missing redacting my email address just now, I’m not sure how one has an email accident.

      • commodious spittoon

        (This was all run through google translate, the bulk of the email was in Japanese.)

    • MikeS

      Just click the link!

      • blackjack

        Yeah, it’s not like they’re Russians or something!

      • MikeS

        I’m sure Japanese hackers are very polite.

      • rhywun

        I love how blindingly obvious the fake phishing attempts at work are.

        They’re like from “Microsorft” or “Orackle”.

      • MikeS

        Right?! And yet…some people must be clicking on them?

      • Not Adahn

        We had a phishing attempt here where they spoofed the CEO’s email address and in a breezy manner asked for feedback within the hour.

        I can only imagine how effective that must have been if it was sent to the C-levels.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Well…his conditions of prohibition was no internet use. That should be what is being argued.

      The question is if he was streaming CNN would they have laid down the hammer in just the same fashion

      • Ownbestenemy

        Er..probation prohibition whatever…stupid phone. *knock kncock*

  14. straffinrun

    If he’s gonna come back and make musicals, we need to get a bigger boulder to seal his tomb with this time.

    • MikeS

      Too soon!

      • Chafed


    • rhywun

      About 50 years too late for that.

      • Not Adahn

        The episode of Orphan Black where they were putting on a production of Jesus Christ Superstar was every bit as good as you’d imagine.

      • Gender Traitor

        I remember that one! Good ol’ community theater at its finest!

    • MikeS


    • rhywun


      Love the regimented columns and clothing. FFS him and that fat fuck in NK should just merge countries they’re so alike now.

    • Chafed

      I’d respect him more if he actually said it.

  15. rhywun

    Today in I can’t even:

    Scroll down about halfway and check out the face diaper that Chuck thought was appropriate to wear to a news conference about flood victims.

    • straffinrun

      What a scumbag. It’s a problem he helped create. Shamelessness is one helluva powerful tool in a politician.

    • Tundra


    • Chafed


  16. Tundra
    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Hella Yes!

    • rhywun


      • rhywun

        Retro! Love it.

    • Sean


    • Ghostpatzer

      Takes some courage to risk losing your job over that. Good on that trooper, and I’ll be first in line for his GoFundMe if need be.

  17. Plinker762

    Random observation, Spokane seems to have abandoned traffic enforcement. Over the past year, the average speed has crept up from 5 over to almost 10 over the posted limits. Even the notorious speed traps at the bottom the hill on the main north/south street and the parks seem to have been given up. At the same time they keep making stupid changes to the traffic flow with redundant stop lights, bike lanes and reducing street capacity.

    • rhywun

      Around here the drivers have abandoned mufflers. Just woken up from sleep by another asshole speeding past my window at a hundred or so decibels. We are all so terribly impressed.

      • Plinker762

        Do you have the gangs of dirt bike and quad riders?

        I gave up loud exhausts quite a while ago. Not that I wouldn’t like some remote controlled exhaust cut-outs for being obnoxious at times.

      • Chafed

        I will laugh my ass off if Rhywun has quad riders in his neighborhood.

      • rhywun

        I remember hearing about that.

        No, ordinary drag racing is pretty common in some areas not immediately near me though.

        In my area it’s mostly just solitary punks being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious.

      • Not Adahn

        Some town has responded to the crisis by making it illegal to sell gasoline to dirt bikes.

    • Trigger Hippie

      KC police and the surrounding Metro haven’t completely abandoned traffic enforcement after the woke defund the police vibe of resecent municipal legislation, but it’s been damn near close.

      Coincidentally, the Missouri Highway Patrol has begun to flood the urban areas. I’m sure the reason being is to continue traffic safety and wasn’t motivated by a cynical cash grab in absence of the local cops being too pissed off at the local city councils budget cuts to patrol the streets.

      Yep, just protecting folks. The financial boon available via hitting people for hundreds of dollars at a pop in a newly untapped market played absolutely no motivating factor what so ever.

      • Plinker762

        State PoPo still patrol the streets which are “state highways”

      • Trigger Hippie

        Apparently all roads in Missouri are “state highways”.

        I swear, I’ve seen them pull over people in backwoods hick towns adjacent to major highways and interstates many times before. Never have I seen them fucking with people on busy roads off highways in the inner city and surrounding areas at 7-9AM during rush hour traffic before, yet here we are.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I’ve seen the same overall, all over Baja Washington. Some targeted enforcement and some agencies still doing a lot of traffic, but overall nope.

    • Trigger Hippie

      *checks watch for the fourth time*

      Is it pudding cup time yet?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Get away from my banana pudding!

    • Sean


  18. Ownbestenemy

    Absolutely hate how we as a society and press have devolved into a semantics game.

    We didn’t leave military working dogs…they were contract dogs that we may have used by military forces.

    Biden did check his watch but it’s missing context

    Americans that wanted to leave Afghanistan got out. We didn’t know about blah blah

    I know team Trump did it too along with every other parasite that infects the halls of government. As Ozy said, they are in the business of Noise!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s just a way to attempt to avoid blame and blunt arguments and accusations by spinning the facts and nitpicking. I’m not sure that’s a new thing.

  19. Gender Traitor

    ::looks around:: Guess I’m the only one here this morning. Gotta work at least part of the day today to cover for Reliable Co-Worker’s daily gotta-do’s. Maybe the guy who totes around our interoffice mail bags will get back in time for me to empty them, then bug out early enough to catch a late lunch with a college friend of mine who’s in town for the weekend.

    • Festus

      I’m here! I too bugged out early because Festus is a clever custodian. I planned it and saw it come to fruition. Worked a total of 3 hours last night. Still get paid for 8. Woot!

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, you clever boy!

      • Festus

        I mean, I’m a pretty bright fellow but Glibs can sometimes make me feel pretty frickin’ dull…

      • Festus

        Five minutes extra effort for four days led to five hours of Toobin’

    • Ghostpatzer

      Good morning GT! Beautiful sunny day here, broke out a flannel shirt cuz it’s chilly. Nothing can get me down today!

      *checks out thread*

      OK, could be a few downers…

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, ‘patzie! Mmmmm! Flannel shirts! ::hunts around for hubby’s Duluth Trading catalog::

  20. Festus

    Goodsh Morning! : adjusts top plate, yet again: Good Friday morning! : ratchets up the cantilevered brassiere with help from an aide holding her in place with hands gripped upon her withered knees: Sorry, that’s as far as I got.

  21. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody

      • Sean



        Mornin Tres.

    • Festus

      Judi ordered in last night and I am set for meals until Monday. Still waiting for our respective hammers to fall re vaxmax. Don’t want us to lose our jobs. Trying not to think about it. Someone on these boards said that we shouldn’t quit and instead be fired. I think that’s pretty solid advice.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, homey – and Stinky and Sean. (Don’t want to leave you out!) Pretty quiet around these parts. How ’boutchoo?

      • Festus

        How’s TT doing? Health okay?

      • Festus

        Sincere question, not making a move 😉

      • Gender Traitor

        Doing well, thanks! He mowed the back yard yesterday while our wonderful next door neighbor did most of our front yard with his riding mower (a luxury we lack.)

      • Festus

        That makes me happy!

      • Ghostpatzer

        Casa Patzer is awaiting the cleanup crew to clear the backyard and patio of sundry debris deposited by floodwaters. On the plus side, harvested some hickory nuts from the large branch that snapped off and is sitting on the lawn.

      • Gender Traitor

        Ruh roh! Hope the branch didn’t hit anything important on the way down and that the tree will survive the loss of limb!

      • Ghostpatzer

        Thanks, we’re good. Next door neighbor has an entire Black Walnut down in his backyard, came within a couple of feet from his house. They’re on vacation, we texted them to let them know.

      • Festus

        “Only a flesh wound!”

      • Tres Cool

        Its dang nice out. I think that after 2 weeks of 90º (americanheit) heat, we’re about to be autumn-ized.

      • Gender Traitor

        As long as it stays warm enough for me to have Tranq Base time well into November, I’ll be happy. I have hoodies and fingerless gloves.

      • Tres Cool

        If they dont have fingers, are they still gloves?
        Mittens dont have fingers, either. A thumb tho.

  22. Sean

    Good morning American (imperial and metric) Glibs, afternoon to the Euros, and whatever to the Japan based Glibs.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Konichiwa, Sean-san.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        …et alia

    • Tres Cool

      “quality concerns”

      Maybe because the masks, like the virus, were made in China.

    • Festus

      I’ve got some sort of allergy thing happening. When I wear the muzzle it exacerbates the situation. If I blow my nose too hard it bleeds and if I don’t I get runny snot filling my Protexun.

      • Sean

        Tampons in your nostrils. Problem fixed.

      • Tres Cool

        New ? Or out the trash ? Cause then it could be tough to tell how much blood came from….oh, nevermind.

      • Festus

        Stop! Just stop it!

    • Tres Cool

      So- you work in a law firm, and a lawyer that has clients but is unable to appear, cant direct someone in his stead to tell the court about his absence ?

      You have to pass the bar in order to give the court a message from your “boss” ? Doesnt sound like he was directly representing anyone but the AWOL attorney.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Re 2: yes. But (re 1) clerk couldn’t locate any of his peers to appear for a continuance?

      • Tres Cool

        Im guessing it has something to do with an akshual “officer of the court” ?

      • Tres Cool

        OK….so what about a paralegal ? Or still have to be admitted to the bar ?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Yeah, has to be someone with a bar number or else it’s practicing law without a license. /IANAL

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I don’t know what I would do in his stead: call the judge’s clerk, I guess, if only for the sake of etiquette.

  23. Tres Cool

    From Sean’s sidebar: Police may have fired shots that killed girl, 8, at Delaware County football game, DA says

    ” The Delaware County District Attorney’s Office on Thursday said there is a “high probability” that 8-year-old Fanta Bility was struck by a stray bullet from police officers who returned fire during a shooting at a high school football game last Friday in Sharon Hill. ”

    Is Fanta-bility a property of the beverage ?

    • Sean


      • Tres Cool

        x2 Whoop

    • Festus

      Her sister Mountain Dew refused comment as did their parents, RC Cola and Fanta.

      • Festus

        Obscure! I love it!

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Great, make me feel old.

    • Festus

      Daughter #1will never surrender. She can live on her acreage and work from home. Judi and I are more forward-facing. We have a choice to make. I’m scared, fellow lovelies.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Can you afford to move well inland?

      • Festus

        No. We were the grasshoppers that the ants laugh at and leave to die come Winter. Broken lives don’t lead to much in the way of future planning.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        How short of funds are you? Maybe forming a plan is a forum topic.

      • Festus

        We’re not that way. Unless things really get bad. Both Scots, both beaten over and over again by life. We’ll abide.

  24. rhywun

    Meet the new NYPD beekeeper who has ladies buzzing

    Honey Harvest has fresh competition.

    • Festus

      Oh you fags…

    • Ghostpatzer

      Sounds like there could be some stiff competition there ITKWIMAITYD.

      • Festus

        Ghosty? You’re the best!

    • l0b0t

      Good for him; that is a plum position to get. Also, NYPD has liveried bucket trucks now; how much is their REAL budget, not the one on the books? Additionally, “…the elite Emergency Services Unit in the Bronx, which sometimes rescues animals” WTF… NYC employs the SWAT team to get kittens out of trees?1?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Cynical me guesses rescues them from fighting.

      • Not Adahn

        Blam! Blam! Blam ! Blam!

        Much less risky than climbing up trees.

      • rhywun

        I wonder if he was involved with that 80-pound kitty they found in the Bronx.

      • Ghostpatzer

        Well, cougars do require special handling.

      • Festus

        The nubbin may be calloused. Shit, nobody will ever see that comment.

    • Not Adahn

      Of course NYPD has a beekeeper. I’m assuming that like their ferrier, he keeps NYPD’s bees in fighting condition for when they’re unleashed on a recalcitrant public?

    • Brochettaward

      NPR didn’t even attempt to hide his religion or nationality. I am surprised.

  25. l0b0t

    Good morning everyone. I sat at the tiki bar drinking zombies far longer than I should have last night. I’m smitten with the lovely bartender; she’s slightly hippieish with B&W line tattoos of Moebius strips, tesseracts, Klein bottles, and fractals. She tie-bleached her uniform t-shirt and after my second zombie she started serving me in her own R2D2 tiki mug. Smitten I says.

    • Ghostpatzer

      Careful, that might raise your blood pressure!

    • Brochettaward

      How are you going to betray Tulip like this?

    • Not Adahn

      She wants you to drink from her mug, and she’s not even offering to handle your muddler?

    • Sean

      If you’re gonna love, wear a mask.

      Or something.

    • Festus

      Hop on that like a jumping spider!