It’s the fourth post and he’s missing already.
WolfCop came at a really interesting time in film. Interest in horror films had started to drag, mostly driven by endless sequels to big budget films. Seemed like nobody had a new idea. Just around 2010, that changed. Suddenly a new crop of films appeared, as if out of nowhere. WolfCop was one of those. This new genre never took itself too seriously, had great original plots, and really opened up the genre again. It was a breath of fresh air. Other great films I would recommend if you like WolfCop are:
- Hobo with a Shotgun (2011): This will be reviewed soon. The director also made Treevenge, which is one of my favorite shorts. I am saving Treevenge for Christmas.
- ZomBeavers (2014): No words can describe the joy of Zombeavers adequately. But I shall try soon! This will be part of the October festival of Halloween film offerings.
At the center of the story is that a very alcoholic cop becomes a werewolf. But not in a terrible way, more in a life-affirming superhero way. He uses his lycanthropy (and alcoholism) to fight mundane crime and supernatural evil! There are many twists and turns in this movie which make is an absolutely enjoyable romp. I feel like any further exposition may spoil plot points, so the only other thing I will bring up is Liquor Donuts. What a fantastic concept! I was hoping Liquor Donuts would be real. Yes, there are liquor filled donuts, but for now the name Liquor Donuts is owned by a group that does quick turnaround vinyl record pressings. A place that actually sells liquor – filled donuts is Drunken Donuts, which I will have to visit during one of my many road trips.
Lowell Dean both directed and wrote WolfCop. It got a sequel, Another WolfCop, which Lowell again wrote and directed. Lowell is still in his forties so I feel like he has a lot of potential for the future. Keep those movies coming! The free world needs lots more guys like Lowell who work their butts off to produce a quality product. As we all know, risk does not always equal reward. But it did this time! Liquor store robbery turned werewolf vengeance! LOTS of vomiting! Bathroom stall werewolf transformation! Watch it or don’t – everything is voluntary!
Next week is back to the eighties with JoySticks.
Note: I won’t be here for the comments tonight. I am attending the remembrance service for another of the Initialed Ones, P.K. One of his last art projects was a painting based on my broken fish tank bubbler, entitled “I Identify as a Broken Fish Tank Pirate.”
* * * * *
Help! Tubi wants an account to sign in!
No account or sign-in is required to use Tubi. The only advantage to signing in is you can maintain a queue and save your place in movies you are watching. Follow these instructions to bypass the sign in:
After you click the link for the weekly movie, hit the Play button on the movie and you should get the screen shown below. The guest option may require scrolling up to see. Click the circled guest option to watch the film.
So I go to a funeral, get back early because it’s depressing, and I still first my own article? Brochettaward, what the heck, man? Where is the king of firsters?
“So I go to a funeral, get back early because it’s depressing”
Unless it’s a wake with lots of good liquor and maybe some weed and other interesting drugs, and hookers, yeah that’s pretty much a standard feature of funeral.
You are correct there. At home I have whiskey, which I am going to hit heavily. Also DEG has nothing to apologize for, you are a wonderful human being.
?? Condolences. Chin chin.
It’s what I usually say I hear about deaths and funerals.
I hate “sorry for your loss”.
Maybe I should use “my condolences” more often.
“I celebrate his life” is what I turned to. In the forty years I knew him, he did so much. Hell of an artist, teacher, football player and travel companion. He will be missed.
Celebrating his life is a good idea.
I thought about spinning off our last trip as a series. We did a trip to Darryl Starbird’s hot rod museum,, also we did the Action Figure Museum in Oklahoma. Darryl’s place was the3 bomb. Met his daughter! Anyway, those are trip people should take if they live in the deep south.
Let’s be honest here: the Bro was always a bit of an excessive self-promoter in terms of Firsting. He promises, but doesn’t always deliver. I detect a certain lack of . . . commitment.
The First of all Firsters is resting. Building strength until the time when the First That Will Change Everything is ready to be birthed. You, vulgar seconder, would know nothing about being First. About the high art of Firsting.
Lighten up, Francis.
Do you think being First is some kind of joke? A matter of laughter?
It’s not a joke. More like a shaggy dog story.
OK, this is weird.
The login pop up on Brave did not have a guest option.
I tried again using firefox, and nothing worked until I turned off AdBlock Plus. And then… I get in and have the movie playing with no annoying pop-up.
Well, let’s see how this goes. I gotta cut the movie off at 9 for a zoom, so I’ll finish it tomorrow.
This is probably the best movie I have done to this point. Enjoy.
I like the opening.
Wait… you are the producer of WolfCop?
No. I am just an old fart who writes stuff.
Oh, I see. Well, that’s still probably better than I’m doing as an old fart who doesn’t write stuff. I’ll have a look at the links…
No one uses Brave unless they are a right wing extremist terrorist trying to hide all their right wing extremism terrorist stuff.
Probably the same people who go to libertarian extremist terrorist events and stuff.
Yeah. Maybe guilty as charged. I switched to LibreOffice too, screw Microsoft. Next I am going to get a Chromebook and convert it over to… Linux!
“Next I am going to get a Chromebook and convert it over to… Linux!”
I used Linux for a while there dual booting with Windows. I just don’t have time for that these days since I’m a software engineer and I do all of my development on MS platforms. At least I never use Apple products or their crappy OS, so there’s that.
Yeah. Apple user here. Done with that. And boy, I hate Windows even worse. Ubuntu, save me!
Ubuntu was the flavor of Linux I was using.
I just spend a big chunk of my computer time writing software or gaming and both of those are best done on Windows.
Surf and shitpost time is a good use for Linux, I’m just too lazy to set it up again.
“Surf and Shitpost”. You describing my life?
That is why I finally gave up macOS after 15 years. Unlike you, I actually prefer it to Windows but such is life.
You don’t write your programs in a text editor?
Wait!! Is that a schematic of a Webley in the opening credits
Yes. Yes it is.
Speaking of which, if I can find a copy of Zardoz in the open I will review.
One of my very first posts was a review of ZarDoz, it was well recieved,
I will not only fix that, but reach out to you for opinions when I do. I also want Animal’s opinion of the unique Webley automatic revolver used by Connery.
I have some Webley books but haven’t read them.
CandRsenal has some good videos on the Webley, though if I remember correctly they’re long form. Gun Jesus should have some shorter ones.
I’ve seen some Webley-Fosberry automatic revolvers come up for auction. $10K or so each.
Not in the mood, sorry,
Fine. Are you at least drinking whiskey?
He’s out in the Oort Cloud looking for space milfs.
True, Prost!
/or Tall Cans!
Both! Space Milfs and Tall Cans for the win!
R.J. – thanks for these. Not a horror movie guy, but I always like seeing people are enthusiastic about their . . . eccentric interests.
Next week is video games and boobies. That might work. I won’t always do horror.
“Next week is video games and boobies. That might work.”
When has has ever existed a time when video games and boobs didn’t work? I mean it worked for me.
More video games and boobies than you can shake your stick at next week. Tune in! Try the link in advance!
“More video games and boobies than you can shake your stick at next week.”
*Shakes stick excitedly*
*Reaches for the Kleenex box to clean off the screen*
“I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but….”
Sgt. Luo Garou. Nicely done.
That bartender is distracting.
Shoot. With Firefox I get ads. Urgh.
That’s the big secret that I try not to spill, because Tubi needs ads to survive. Brave takes out all the ads. Makes it easy to do the review at least because I can fast forward all over the place to jar my memory and write.
Odd. For some reason, on Brave, I got nothing. I did a search, it popped up, and when I clicked it started playing, Hell, I even turned off “shields” for that site so as not to watch their content for free….
Can you send me screen prints via Tonio? I want to make sure nothing is interfering with enjoyment.
Sorry I think my first post was poorly worded. What I mean was, I never did get any ads at all, even with ad block down…. Movie’s playing just fine though.
The bartender is the big twist. Shhhh!
Get a Raspberry Pi install Pi hole say bye bye ads on any device that connects to your home network. OK its a little more complicated than just installing Pi Hole. There are instructions all over the interwebz I don’t have time to type it out.
Yes, I am still torn. I want to do either a Pi4 with the RasPad or a ChromeBook. F*ck Microsoft,. F*ck Tim Cook/Apple.
“F*ck Microsoft,. F*ck Tim Cook/Apple.”
I’m just glad you didn’t say Fuck Bill Gates. Bill Gates wants you to get vaccinated, again, forever, because he cares about you.
I was looking at the Pi4 with keyboard just to play around but I’m not sure if I’d actually use it. Talk me into it!
Talked. I wanted either that or the awesome RasPad. Keyboard is way way cheaper if you already have a monitor. Holy shit I am drunk Woo!
“Shoot. With Firefox I get ads. Urgh.”
You also get an update every time you fire it up. That’s annoying for me.
Bare breasts in the first minute and a half. Morning drinking and puking out the car door before the three minute mark. Yeah, I’m going to like this one….
Can’t wait to see this after work. I’m expecting zany hijinks.
Anything with Rutger Haur will be absolutely loved. By me.
I look forward to the day you post a movie starring Linnea Quigley. Young me had a serious crush on that lady. I mean serious.
Done. I am adding it to the list. Spilling no details.
Tonio! Where are you bro? You have a drunk poster.
“a drunk poster”
A drunk poster? Please post proof that there was ever a time in the history of Glibs when there was only A drunk poster.
You bet Revenge of the Nerds 1-4 is on the list. Next week, the girl who plays the lead is Boogers wife!
Drunk, Posting, eeeerp!
I’ll probably be drunk later if that helps.
Got tomorrow off.
I was in bed until Swiss rang me on the special GlibPhone.
*cue 60’s spin transition*
All of my special Glibphone messages say ‘Likely Scam’. That’s why I’ve never picked up.
Srsly, you’re telling on yourself?
Paused for viewing tomorrow. Gotta join that Zoom.
It’s pretty good outside. For Texas. About 78 degrees with no wind. Waiting for somer colder weather.
once I found a Llama,
Faster than my mama,
she got so fat in Panama,
She was beaten by by my Grammaca!
Boobies! Woooooo!
This movie preview is awesome.
Are 1, 2, and 4 all the same chick?
I mean, I didn’t look that close…
In hindsight, I don’t’ think so. But could be sisters.
Bow chicka bow bow.
That is truly fine front page picture.
Here is the reference. I hope:
The only thing that would have been better is if the human rug looked like Burt Reynolds.
Drywaller finished today, a day earlier than I expected so I wasn’t able to get home to meet him. Wife said he wasn’t happy without a check. Dammit.
Super nice guy so I feel bad about it but hell for the amount of money, I want to see the finished product before I pay.
I like the guy with the check to be there when I finish, not when you get home from work, it’s good business,
/I show up
It helps to tell that guy when you’re going to finish over multi day work.
Communication is paramount, at least give me a heads up, yes?
All well that ends well. Drove the check over to him at his house.
That would have been my move as well. Good man.
No logins or popups or ads of any kind here. (Edge + uBlock Origin)
I’m enjoying the first ten minutes or so; maybe I’ll give this a go.
Thanks, RJ!
And I oops – got an “ad” but it was just a blank screen that I immediately was able to click past.
You are welcome! Good movie tonight. Worth watching.
I liked what I’ve seen so far. I look forward to finishing it tomorrow.
Thanks RJ!
Have a good night!
Your Avatar, An Alien Cabbage headed Shriner?
I never thought my plans for tonight would include watching Wolfcop. But I am and all I have to say so far is… this is fucking great! MOAR WOLFCOP!
Kiss my Shiny Metal Ass!
Wut? I thought Smeagol already dropped this silliness? Does he need more embarrassment? Musk is being too nice. But I guess I would too considering how tiny of a threat here Blue Origin is to SpaceX.
Bezos just want revenge at this point, Elon rules the privasphere!
Excellent pick – enjoyed the hell out of it!
Great story, lots of laughs, and didn’t overstay its welcome.
1. Tubi blows. They really slam you with the ads. I keep meaning to ditch Firefox, and this nudged me a bit closer.
2. There is apparently a sequel. I will just download that one and watch it ad free.
For me the ads were just a split second pause in the action – I had to click past the first one but after that I didn’t even have to click.
For me, someone else made the content, and then distributed it, and then someone else took the content and hosts it on their site and makes it available. And it costs a ton of money to host that much data and let it stream. So, if I need to let a few ads run, for things I will never buy, so that the host can make some of their money back, I think it’s only fair.
^This. It is important to support the creators of content. Also important to support alternatives to places like Netflix which strangle creativity over time. I only use a browser to scan and review. I use Roku to watch normally. I am thinking about reviewing the ads for a lark.
I keep meaning to ditch Firefox
Do it! Mozilla is a horrible company/non-profit/whatever. Sooner or later they’re going to break desktop Firefox because they think they know better than the user. They fucked up android Firefox about a year ago for that exact reason. Of course, they’re also hyper-woke.
I haven’t used Firefox in like a decade. Just got too slow and clunky.
IIRC, they fixed some of that in the mid 2010s, but have been going back on the bloat cycle. For android, the kicker was when they force updated us all to a version that no longer supported extensions. Bye bye Monocle in the blink of an eye. I tried running a previous version that I found online somewhere, but I had to shut off updates on my phone to keep it from breaking again. Eventually, I just ditched them and moved over to Brave (and Kiwi for a while because of their android extension support, but I recently deleted Kiwi for low performance)
This is what made me delete Firefox on every device I own:
I missed that one…. Man have they fallen.
What slumbrew said. I enjoyed Firefox quite a bit. Here’s my moment: https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/uninstall-firefox-to-protest-their-intolerance-of-christian-beliefs
By the way the title is misleading — it isn’t about Christianity. When they forced out the inventor and CEO from his own company for you know, wokeness reasons? Well I tried to get as many friends and family as I could do uninstall. Some did, some didn’t.
But he went on to Brave, which I use now, and it’s just fine my friends….
It’s not about *anything* other than punishing wrongthink. What a disgusting train of events that was.
PS. I don’t support Eich’s view; hell, I think he should be punished for inventing the abomination that is Javascript.
But I am not a five-year-old child.
I think he should be punished for inventing the abomination that is Javascript.
I didn’t know that. He deserved everything that happened to him.
Good riddance.
Holy fuck. OK. Mozilla is gone. And I’ve been a Firefox fan for well over a decade. Where do I go? I tried Brave and didn’t like it. Do I just need to learn to like it?
I’m pretty happy with Brave. Least worst option right now, I think.
I didn’t care for it when I played with it a few months ago.
I’m quite happy with Edge, to be honest. YMMV.
I guess I’ve already sold my soul to MS, I may as well use Edge. I assume it’ll integrate nicely with ever single file I have being in my One Drive folder on a server in Redmond.
*throws hands up*
That’s the spirit!
Tongue in cheek…but seriously. Does it even fucking matter? I have a home computer and a work computer. I have a smart phone. I recently got a smart watch. I save literally every electronic file I create in my OneDrive account.
I assume it’s far too late for me to give a shit abut electronic privacy, right?
None of the mainstream browsers, operating systems, or other software should be part of the equation if you have something to hide.
Good thing I have nothing to hide…yet.
Do I just need to learn to like it?
That’s what I did. If it has been a while since you last tried Brave, it may be worth another look. They’ve made some improvements over the last two years.
I second others here. I didn’t think I lied it at first. Been using it for around a year or so, exclusively, and now I won’t use anything else. It’s based on the Chrome platform, without the “Big Brother Sees You” aspect. And the nice thing is, all the extensions that work for Chrome, will work for Brave.
I hated Chrome early on (and still do), which was one of my initial reasons for finding Firefox. In hindsight, maybe I’ve been using FF for 20-ish years?
*hit enter too soon*
Regardless, it’s time for a switch. Will give Brave another shot.
I’ve been using Vivaldi for a few years now, and I like it a lot better than Brave.
Hadn’t heard of that. Will check it out. Thanks!
Will give Vivaldi a try, never used it before. Basically I’m open to anything that:
1) Isn’t Google
2) Isn’t Microsoft
3) Isn’t Firefox
4) That’s about it.
Because eff those emmeffers.
Yes, I spelled it that way.
254 iterations of the same Browser?
Oh, right. Vivaldi is the one I played around with a couple months ago and didn’t care to stick with it.
Brave was same story but more like a year ago.
Will check it out tonight. Thx RJ.
I Bow to the Google everything I use, integrated,
OK barring the edit fairy, I need to just say I messed up that last joke…. Man like the left says, memeing is hard
I feel lazy.
Eating outside is the least insane part. Those quoted parents are grade A nutjobs.
I don’t understand any of that.
The whole article reads like something out of a different universe.
Just listened to Part of the Problem (Dave Smith and Robbie Bernstein’s podcast) and he pointed out that in a recent NYT poll, a huge percentage of Democrats were asked what they believe the odds are of being hospitalized if they get COVID, and a large percentage of them massively overestimated it… Yet, these same people are mocking anyone questions any part of the COVID regime for being “out of touch with science” and “not knowing the facts”.
Tried to restructure that sentence after I typed it and totally bungled it.
I guess what I should have written is “Respondents were asked what they believe the odds are, and a huge percentage of Democrats wildly overestimated it”.
It’s an audio, but a doc talks how they need more studies and that those he has encountered that are vaccine hesitant are more informed regardless of education level.
Though listening to it…it sounds computer generated and I cannot confirm if it’s real or not
OT: Thread hijack.
Today I held my going away party at the local brewery and I was surprised by one of my young hires who brought me a gift, and he brought me his wife (who is is also a gift) and it was it was all very nice. I certainly didn’t expect a gift bag.
My employee (an extremely intelligent and capable engineer) wrote in the card that accompanied the gift wrote:
“Thanks for graciously pulling me up from the depths of the education system into a blossoming career. I am happy that you get to return to your roots in a role that you will enjoy. I am sure/hope that we will cross paths in the future and I’m looking forward to that. —[redacted]”
And his wife made some custom coasters for me with a nifty epoxy technique, and they look like ocean waves so now I’ve got four little coasters for drinks that are there to remind me of the ocean when I’m in the desert.
She wrote:
“Thanks for being such an awesome boss to [redacted] and giving us a reason to move to the beach. Best of luck in Vegas! Here’s a little something to remember the San Diego ocean by. Thanks! —[redacted]”
Man, I feel lucky to know wonderful human beings.
That’s too heartwarming.
I thought the underling giving his wife to Hayek was kinky.
I had no idea she was working with Esquimeaux.
I’m glad someone else read it that way too.
Thats a great story and great job by your workers.
Terrific. These are the memories that help get you through the dark times, and no one can take them away.
Yup. A little misty in here.
Been watching Norm clips today https://youtu.be/ycY_4cgjOuE Enjoy! Watch to the end!
One of my favorites.
+1 chunk of coal
Both local Daughters’ kids have come down with the sniffles. Daughter #2 is obviously trying to kill me. She’s sleeping in my bed!
Oh, horrors! Set up a GoFundMe for your funeral before you croak, I’ll make a contribution.
We both reassured one another that we didn’t have Cooties, no Cooties on me…
Whaddya mean, cooties?
suh’ fam ?
yo whats goody
Mornin’, Tres. Tall Covfefe!
Tres is goody. He is a funny man and from what I’ve seen so far, just a delight!
From meetings IRL, can confirm.
Good morning, homey! And ‘patzie and Fes and Sean and TO’G and CPRM and U and Jerms and Ted’S and NA!
It’s too chilly to even try to go out to TB yet this morning – only 48 degrees ‘Murican and “feels like 45.” ? Maybe later. It’s supposed to get warmer over the weekend.
Ey up, mi duck!
My evening crew has taken to shouting out ‘G’night Festus!” like Norm entering a bar. Somebody has been polishing the plums, lately. Everyone has been so goddamned nice to me that it makes me worrisome…
Fuck off, Tulpa!
Caught the positivity, did you?
Feel better now?
“Night, Mr. Walters!”
There was just something so depressing about all of those soft-focus 70’s shows. All that music in the minor key. Everyone looks disheveled.
A guy in one of my classes in film school wrote a script about werewolf cop. It was a bad script. My buddy and I joked about the sequel could be about a firefighter that turned into a weredalmation.
When this came out I was like ‘That son of a bitch actually made it?’. It wasn’t him who made this film though.
Maybe they can still use the firefighter idea though.
Meanwhile, in Australia…
You’re harshing my vibe, Man!
Avoid the Chipotle!
Another Covid death.
Gorillas be kinky.
You are my friend but I am not clicking that link.