Joemala: Episode 43

by | Sep 29, 2021 | Joemala | 271 comments


“Wu-wu-wu-why are those army men on TV?” Joe asked suddenly.

“They are going to be testifying about the end of the war in Afghanistan,” Finnegan said as she smoothed the thick foundation over Joe’s face and wiped a little drool from the corner of his mouth.

Joe sat up. “The war in Afghanistan is over? That’s g-g-great news. Barry finally did it!” he said.

You ended the war, Grandpa,” Finnegan said softly. She glanced back at the media pen to make sure none of them were close enough to hear. They milled about, scratching themselves and tweeting, disinterested eyes occasionally wandering around.

“I did?” Joe said. “That’s great, just great, really great. I always thought I had it in me.”

“Yes, you did it all by yourself,” she whispered. She felt the crotch of his suit to make sure it wasn’t damp and used a bit of tape to hide his ear flaps.

“That hurts,” Joe whined.

“I told you about them before, remember? Do you remember?” she asked. “They had to leave them to make your next facelift easier to perform. Remember?”

“I don’t recall that, George,” Joe said and smiled.

“Save the smiles for the cameras, you are only scheduled for three more today,” Finnegan said.

“My face hurts,” he said faintly. “And this chair is terrible. And I want Champ, where is Champ?”

“Champ isn’t here, Grandpa.”

“Is he in the backyard? Call him in, I want him.”

“Champ’s in Delaware,” Finnegan said.

“Delaware? Isn’t this Delaware?”

Finnegan sighed heavily.

“Hey!” Joe said. “There are army men on the TV! Turn up the sound! I love army men! Why are they on the TV?”

“Because they are going to be testifying about the end of the war in Afghanistan,” Finnegan said. “We’re going to have to go now!” she shouted to the press office flunkies.

“The war in Afghanistan is over?” Joe asked.

“Yes, Grandpa.”

“Did we win?” Joe asked. “We won, right?”

“A doctor is going to come in a give you a shot, Grandpa,” Finnegan said. “It’s just saline, so it won’t hurt or anything.”

“We won, right?” Joe said, his rheumy, guileless eyes trying to focus on his granddaughter.

“We are going to have to call this off,” Finnegan hissed to stage left. Joe sat there, his sleeve rolled up as the stage manager swooped in to put a mask over his face.

“Now,” Finnegan said, “Do it now before he starts crying.” She waved the actress playing the doctor over.

“We won, right?”

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. PieInTheSky

    While I know more than most Europeans of US politics I never seem to be able to remember who Finnegan is and have to google. Then again I don;t read the Wednesday evening post every week.

      • slumbrew

        I know they’re vicious predators, but that’s cute AF.

        Also, great: “foxes are cat software running on dog hardware with a dolphin soundboard.”

      • Animal

        The old saw about something as “clever as a fox” wasn’t without merit. Back when I was a kid running a trapline, foxes were the biggest challenge around. Raccoons are pretty damn smart but I caught them regularly. Foxes? I think I caught three. Ever.

      • Ownbestenemy

        There is a reason that fox hunts include multiple dogs and humans on horseback cause the odds are overwhelmingly in the fox’s favor and it is the only way to even the odds.

      • CPRM

        There is a reason that fox hunts include multiple dogs and humans on horseback

        Because they are evil people who want animals to suffer? – Somebody who has never had to deal with fox.

      • juris imprudent

        Sure, like fisherman who catch-and-release are sadists for hooking fishes.

      • Animal

        Yeah, “the pursuit of the inedible by the unspeakable,” I have never done that but reckon it’s an accurate assessment.

        Back in the day I was able to use a predator call to lure, oh, three or four foxes into rifle range. But the ones that came to calls always seemed to be grays, whose pelts weren’t as valuable as reds, so I let ’em go.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’ve never ridden to hounds (hell, the first time I was ever on horseback was two months ago) but I used to shoot 3gun with a guy who was master of hounds for one of the big central VA hunts. It surprised me to learn that a lot of the huntsmen (as opposed to the land owners) are pretty blue-collar…

      • juris imprudent

        My wife rides with one of the oldest hunts in the country; they’re actually a bunch of really nice folks with a deep appreciation for tradition (if not anachronism). Some hunts (cough Middleburg cough) are known for being very snooty.

      • Animal

        I see my comment was unclear; the ‘accurate assessment’ I was referring to was OBE’s, not the “unspeakable” quote.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I was curious based on the handler’s voice..and I would let her pet my tummy.

      • slumbrew

        *checks other videos*

        Oh, yes.

      • limey

        I’ve watched that channel and my two main takeaways are that it’s all very cute and amusing, but also that there are semi-feral animals constantly pissing all over this woman’s house.

    • CPRM

      Well, I don’t recall Finnegan ever being in a Wednesday Evening post, just the mid day post. #Merica!

  2. slumbrew

    Stop making me feel bad for that old monster, SF.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I’m always here to say never feel sorry for him.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I have no feeling at all.

  3. Ownbestenemy

    That…was just sad to read. I want to cry from laughter not reality.

  4. Drake

    I wish this was a little less believable.

  5. WTF

    Feels like SugarFree is just reporting the news at this point.

  6. Tundra

    Unrelated to lamb flaps.

    I had grave concerns upon reading that. However, all this episode tells me is that SF has someone inside the WH.

    I’m still shocked that they released that photo. Why on earth couldn’t you just have the photo op at Walter Reed or something. Building a fake set is too weird.

    • UnCivilServant

      Because there are even more unauthorized cameras in public… and they’d have to get Joe to and from the location.

    • CPRM

      It’s not a fake set, it’s Joe’s ‘reality cube’

      • limey

        He’s in the framework.

      • Ownbestenemy


      • CPRM

        On what timescale are they basing their control answer? (“The Correct Answer”)

      • The Other Kevin

        On Pandora, there is a commercial by the Indiana Department of Health. The announcer says “with the delta variant, if you are unvaccinated, you have a high chance of ending up in the hospital.” 100% lies. I have to turn down the sound when it’s on, otherwise I might smash my phone.

        This is one of my current soap boxes. When I had Covid, I didn’t even feel sick other than allergy symptoms. By constantly drumming up the fear and convincing people that as soon as you get Covid you go straight to the hospital and die, they’ve got people ignoring mild symptoms and continuing to spread it. But the media loves a good pile of bodies, the health care bureaucracy loves to be the heroes that avert the apocalypse, and politicians love to have a good weapon to use against the other party.

      • Ownbestenemy

        There was a story a week or two ago about a college campus where they have high vax rates and some students popped positive. In the article they said “we don’t have to test for the variant, if you have COVID, you have DELTA.” Yeah that is some sciency bullshit. They are enjoying the fact they can play fast and loose with their information while hammering down anyone that tries to tighten up that same information to be coherent and accurate.

      • The Other Kevin

        The Mrs. and I both tested positive.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Yeah, but at what PCR rate, and how can you know it wasn’t a fragment of a past cold? Did they ID it as ??

        I was eavesdropping yesterday on a couple of neighbors chatting about 2020 and conspiracy theories. I couldn’t tell in passing where chattier guy stood but I wanted badly to jump in about false positives, 6%, reimbursement, etc.

      • The Other Kevin

        That is a good question. The Mrs. did have the more “classic” symptoms. We both did a 10 minute test, both positive. She had a PCR test, that also came back positive. Meanwhile our 2 year old nephew had 3 quick tests that were all negative, but his PCR test was positive.

      • Nephilium

        I was mildly entertained that New Zealand has started running ads on some of the streaming sites. They look to be a tourism style ad, but there’s no visit New Zealand just showing the country and having people talk (unmasked!).

      • rhywun

        Shorter Gallup: Republicans stoopid.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        “Democrats are more likely to overstate hospitalization risks for unvaccinated people, which may fuel efforts, often led by Democratic Party leaders, to enforce both mask and vaccine mandates. At the same time, Republicans overstate risks to vaccinated people, leading to very low vaccine efficacy estimates. This may be one of the reasons that so many Republicans have been reluctant to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Previous research links these behavioral patterns to differences in information exposure. If so, vaccine acceptance is unlikely to significantly increase among Republicans until their trusted media or other information sources emphasize the benefits of vaccination.”

        So the consequences of overestimating risk go unaddressed.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Why address it when we get to use it as a tool for political gain/posturing? /signed Dems and Repubs

      • kbolino

        Republicans overstate risks to vaccinated people, leading to very low vaccine efficacy estimates


      • PutridMeat

        Yeah, I think the vaccine efficacy real-world data is what leads to very low vaccine efficacy estimates. Especially if you look at those numbers past the first half of the year.

      • Sean

        Booster shots. ‘Nuff said.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        At first I thought they were being fair-minded. Insert Dutch-angle below-lit gif of villain* guffawing.

        *eg, Sideshow Bob

  7. CPRM

    She felt the crotch of his suit to make sure it wasn’t damp

    ‘He grabbed her hand and made it linger, his dead shark eyes staring off into eternal nothing. “Flapjack!” he screamed suddenly.’

    • mikey

      I’ll suggest it again. It would be great for the Glib authors to do the story around the campfire thing. Someone starts a story and then the next person takes over and carries a bit to be picked up by the next in line. No one knows where it’s going. With this crowd it would be awesome. Even alternating between Mo and SF would be something to behold.

      • CPRM

        That’s kind of how “The Path To Wellness” Starring Harvey Weinstein came about. Straff started it, and then I ran with it. It’s also how we have the SF Hat and Hair and my cartoons. (Which, by the way, NEW CARTOON TONIGHT!!!!!1)

      • R.J.

        I’m in! I used to do that in bars.

      • Ownbestenemy

        We could propose it as Biden’s next speech. It will probably make more sense.

      • db

        I like the idea, and would participate, if they’d have me.

      • Shpip

        It would be great for the Glib authors to do the story around the campfire thing. Someone starts a story and then the next person takes over and carries a bit to be picked up by the next in line. No one knows where it’s going. With this crowd it would be awesome.

        Naked Came the President, by Odin Glibson

        Film version directed by Gaspar Noé

      • Ghostpatzer

        Lol, I remember that. Bunch of LI Newsday staffers IIRC. God, that rag has gone downhill.

      • Animal

        It would be great for the Glib authors to do the story around the campfire thing. Someone starts a story and then the next person takes over and carries a bit to be picked up by the next in line.

        I’m in.

      • Sensei

        “I call it ‘The Aristocrats’.”

      • UnCivilServant

        I have questions about logistics and deadlines.

      • The Hyperbole

        In keeping with the current zeitgeist participation will be mandatory when you are selected to contribute you will submit immediately or be excluded from glib society.

  8. JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

    I’m impressed with your turnaround time, but like others said this one makes me kind of feel bad for Joe.

    • Sean

      this one makes me kind of feel bad for Joe.

      Nope, fuck that criminal and the millions of dollars of CCP cash he took.

      • Rebel Scum


    • Tundra

      Not me. He’s a blood soaked monster.

      I feel bad for us.

      • ron73440

        I feel bad for us.

        This is the correct response.

      • Plisade

        I’ve no sympathy for any politician who doesn’t limit itself to protecting my freedoms. All who actively work to coerce me can die a thousand deaths.

      • ron73440

        Which is at least 98% of them.

      • EvilSheldon

        Come the revolution, Paul and Massie will be allowed to retire to the country. Everybody else gets the woodchipper.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Cruz? DeSantis?

      • Tundra

        I kind of like the crazy blonde Repub chick who makes everyone mad.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’ll allow them to throw themselves into the intake chute, as opposed to being pushed.

      • waffles

        Same. I feel bad for us. This is what the election fortifying machine gave us. It’s terrible, soulless, empty. And worst of all, evil.

      • The Other Kevin

        This guy has spent decades as part of our country’s version of royalty. He’s rich and has lived a lavish lifestyle by taking advantage of all of us. I have zero sympathy for him.

    • Michael Malaise

      48+ years of fuckery. Go home, old man.

    • wdalasio

      this one makes me kind of feel bad for Joe

      There’s someone with a gun forbidding him from resigning? Joe was never anything more than a blowhard figurehead that his handlers calculated could be put up as a front for their policies because a large part of the public confuses his abject mediocrity for moderation. Now, he’s just a senile mediocrity.

      But, he has a veto over every deranged policy his administration puts forward. And he chooses not to exercise it. Every new bit of authoritarianism these bastards push on us is something he at least tacitly okayed.

      So, fuck Joe Biden.

  9. ron73440

    Amazing again.

    But it reminded me of my wife’s grandmother during a typhoon that had knocked out the power, turning on the TV.

    Then she would accuse my mother in law of not paying the bills, that’s why the TV wasn’t working. We would explain and she would calm down.

    5 minutes later she would attempt to turn on the TV and the whole scene would start over.

    It was hilarious the first few times, but it went on for at least an hour before we got her on doing other things.

  10. juris imprudent

    They milled about, scratching themselves and tweeting

    Like a camera, SF is an unflinching chronicler of the modern human condition.

  11. Rebel Scum

    This reads more like a documentary than parody.

  12. Fourscore

    Thinking ahead, if a Repub wins the ’24 presidency (likely, in my opinion) Afghanistan will be forgotten, much like VN. The US will (be) (get) busy in other areas that “need our attention”. Like climate change, terrorism is hard to identify by us civilians but certainly needs more money to halt its spread.

    • CPRM

      Who needs terrorists when we have COVID? Achieve all the same goals without having to fake up some conflict. This time last year I thought the ‘they’ll never let this go’ talk was a bit unheeded, but now I’m not so optimistic. COVID theatre is the new Terrorist theatre. Instead of just the TSA now we’ll have masking and shutdowns forever.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        “Thank you for keeping us safe!”

      • rhywun

        Someone wrote that, word-for-word, on one of the “mask up” signs I ignore in my apartment building.

        A lot of people are really broken.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        OT: Rhywun, ¡ya gotta see Better Off Dead! If only to get the “two dollars!!” and other references. It is silly, surreal, paranoid, and sui generis. Young cute Cusack, Curtis Armstrong, Taylor Negron, decent soundtrack.

      • db

        Seconded. One of my favorite films ever.

      • Sensei

        Gee, I’m really sorry your mom blew up, Ricky, guess she won’t be able to eat any spicy foods for awhile.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        That was the second one to come to mind.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Saw it in the theater with friends, we were quoting it for years after that.

        “He put his testicles all over me!”

        “Real shame when folks be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that.”

        The Cosell thing, we used that all the time. “Truly a sight to behold. A man beaten.”

        And of course, “Two dollars.” “I want my two dollars.”

      • db

        The Howard Jones song is excellent, but I spent actual months trying to find a recording of “With One Look” by Rupert Hine (played over the end credits). That’s my favorite.

      • rhywun

        I dig that HJ song and I have always like Rupert Hine too though I am not familiar with that particular song.

      • db

        “With One Look” is a very difficult-to-find recording. As far as I can tell it is on none of Hine’s available albums that are still in print, and it’s not included on the film soundtrack recording. It’s a great song–it has a quntessential ’80s feel to it. Here’s a version on Youtube but it’s not a very good recording–slowed down and really poor encoding. It’s so slow it feels plodding compared to the original.

        here’s a better version”–it’s close to the original tempo, but still a little slow, and not encoded well.

        In both of the above recordings, the mix has had the bass levels artifically boosted, which ruins the airy quality of the song, and makes the bass line sound wrong. I’m pretty sure the bass player was using a Steinberger bass with a lot of compression, like a lot of Hine’s ’80s productions (including some Rush recordings he produced).

        I have an .mp3 of it that it at the right tempo, with better compression. The mp3 is about 3.3 MB. Send me a msg in the forum if interested.

      • Tundra

        I love it so much.

        /perfectly good white boy

      • SugarFree

        Ricky went on to be a major league child molester.

        I still love the movie. And Diane Franklin. Oh, Diane Franklin.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      if a Repub wins the ’24 presidency (likely, in my opinion)

      You don’t think a Harris/Warren or Harris/Michelle ticket is going to get much traction?

      • Rebel Scum

        In a sane world?

      • Animal

        We haven’t been in a sane world for some time now.

      • Drake

        A ton of traction with anonymous mail in votes.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I think if Joe and his ilk get this 3.5T then yes…those two will carry the torch. Of course the idiot party is thinking…lets give them the 3.5T and then campaign off it to the WH with promises of fixing it *snickers ensue and long draws of cocaine laced cigars from Cuba*

      • juris imprudent

        That’s funny – Harris allowing another figure, likely more popular than herself, as second-fiddle.

      • Sean

        Let’s see if they can pull 90+ million votes this time.

      • kbolino

        My money is on Harris/Abrams

      • J. Frank Parnell

        You don’t think a Harris/Warren or Harris/Michelle ticket is going to get much traction fortification?


    • limey

      if a Repub wins the ’24 presidency

      If Jessica Alba agrees to play the part of Finnegan in the Joemala motion picture…



      • CPRM

        That one cloud looks like a pig. It is amazing how clouds can be interpreted…

      • Ownbestenemy

        I saw a duck with lips

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Joemala motion picture…

        This needs to happen, but this needs to be an anime.

    • Ownbestenemy

      That woman is a menace and the media absolutely love her because she can be their mouthpiece for the most insane ideas out there.

    • CPRM

      I have kids, who are very unlikely to have a severe reaction to this, SO STF UP AND GET THE SHOT! Because the shot does Magix, but Magix no work if other people no use Magix!

  13. Zwak, jack off, all trades

    Well, that was depressing.

    • Swiss Servator

      SugarFree bathes in our tears.

    • Not Adahn

      He’s giving a villain some pathos so the movie adaptation will be oscar-bait.

  14. limey

    Apparently The Mouse is remaking Three Men and a Baby (along with their entire back catalog?)

    • Animal

      What, you don’t actually expect them to come up with something original, do you?

      • juris imprudent

        They pretty much buried originality with Walt, didn’t they?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Zac Efron is running out of money if his agent put him up for that…

      • Urthona

        Already out I think.

        Have not watched.

        Honestly wasn’t a huge fan of the first one.

      • Nephilium

        First couple of episodes have been released, and they once again set it in the late 1960’s instead of moving it up into the 1980’s or so.

      • rhywun

        I loved the original one.

        I don’t need to see it again wokified.

      • Ted S.

        Yeah, I don’t much care for Boomer nostalgia.

      • Rebel Scum

        and race swapped

        And er’body be racist.

        No Winnie Cooper, no deal.

        Word. ///FirstCrush

        Bring back Happy Days and make the Fonz a black, lezzie with a penchant for the catch-phrase “heyyy” “gayyy”.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Three Theys and a Baby?

      • Zwak, jack off, all trades

        Three Theys and a What.

    • Ted S.

      Three Men and a Baby was a remake of a French movie.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Trois Hommes et un Couffin (haven’t seen)

  15. rhywun

    Oh great, Samantha Bee commercials are back.

    *throws remote at the television*

    • Urthona

      Her older brother Babylon is 20X funnier.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well, look at the clever pickle here!

  16. Ownbestenemy

    They brought in ‘experts’ to discuss reasonable accommodations. This will be interesting to see what they say. They are not giving any ground…

    • Ownbestenemy

      “We didn’t incentivize getting vaccines, just giving you free hours that aren’t charged against your leave” and “We have quite a few managers and employees that have yet to get vaccinated”.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Also…huh…we are following the written regulations for accommodations both medical and religious.

      On the religious front “must demonstrate they have a sincerely held religious beliefs” and “beliefs are NOT limited to widely known or acknowledged religions”

      • Ownbestenemy

        Which…uh..Trashy..if I use your work…you have a way to donate to you or a charity of your choice? Cause it seems the agency knows they are meeting against a hard wall with its employees and they are going to exempt tons of people.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        No donation necessary, but I appreciate the sentiment! The only two things I ask are:
        1) Forward it to people who might benefit from it
        2) Please don’t connect it back to my handle on glibs

        If you want to send money somewhere, I recommend IJ. They’re working on this issue from the legal perspective and could use all the help they can get.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Absolutely, I was given the paper from my Lord on High and came to me during my weekly communune.

      • db

        Have they made any press releases on this subject yet? Can’t find anything on their web site. I guess maybe they’re in the early “don’t talk to much about our claims and strategy” phase?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Hateful people on this telecon. “So they can join a ‘religious’ belief/group and be allowed to come to work?!?!?!” Fuck off.

      • db

        I (not religious) would be tempted to counter to that person “who are we to determine whether a belief is sincerely held or not?”

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Your counterpoint is aligned with the opinion expressed by the EEOC. Companies are supposed to give a very light touch to the investigation of whether the beliefs are religious and whether they are sincerely held.

      • db

        And I don’t wish to be a dick about it, but why do we offer special status to religious beliefs? Shouldn’t my firm belief that I should not be coerced, if genuine and sincerely held, also be a viable defense?

      • Ownbestenemy

        We were told you don’t have to hear the words “religious” because it can be that. For instance, they would have to treat this statement as the same as a religious one “I live my life in accordance to my long-held personal beliefs that I will not be coerced into injecting a substance into my body without my consent or under threat of harm”

        At least what I took away from it. Since I am the front line manager and if an employee came to me with that stance, I would weigh it exactly the same and consider it as such.

      • db

        I like that. I hope it holds up.

      • kinnath

        Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . . . .

        That’s why.

      • Ownbestenemy

        If only Madison was able to keep this in his draft of the BoR

        “The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed.”

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        why do we offer special status to religious beliefs? Shouldn’t my firm belief that I should not be coerced, if genuine and sincerely held, also be a viable defense?

        Because freedom of association has been dead for a long time. The mess that the SCOTUS has made of the 1st Amendment has left us with no other option. Unfortunately, it’s not something we can untangle any time soon.

        Due to this exact issue, I made particularly clear in the beginning of my religious exemption document that, even though I wrote from a protestant Christian perspective, many of the reasonings are just as applicable to non-Christian and non-theistic “religions” as they are to my perspective.

        It sucks that conscience isn’t respected for the sake of conscience and good governance, but the way the EEOC and the SCOTUS have defined “religion”, the term “worldview” may be a better fit. In essence, your objection simply needs to fit within a larger principle used to guide your life.

      • kbolino

        That’s why.

        Reducing “Congress shall make no law” to “Congress must write special exceptions into the law and make the people who qualify for them jump through extra hoops” seems like a stolen base to me.

      • Nephilium

        If they press me for my church, it’ll be the UCTAA, for which I’m ordained, and have the paperwork for the state of Ohio recognizing it.

      • ron73440

        Reducing “Congress shall make no law” to “Congress must write special exceptions into the law and make the people who qualify for them jump through extra hoops” seems like a stolen base to me.

        And so are conceal carry permits, the right to privacy, Wickard V. Filburn, Korematsu, and on and on and on.

        It’s all FYTW

      • kbolino

        True enough, the Bill of Rights is just the list of special privileges they have to pretend to give you.

      • ron73440

        And they are pretending less and less all the time.

      • Ownbestenemy

        There are a lot more statements of “you all are going to be busy making these accommodations” than “cleanse the unclean!” Actually nice to see.

    • Ownbestenemy

      So what I am getting from this is…I am an excellent employee and it is up to my manager to make that determination on reasonable accommodation and if she sees fit to fire an excellent employee, then have at it.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Excellent work teens! The proper response to their elder’s idiocy!

    • Rebel Scum

      Because banning bags means someone can’t bring a gun into the school…

      • Akira

        Well duh. You also need the sticker with a little gun with the red X over it. Additionally, you need laws that mandate strict penalties for committing a suicidal murder spree. Only then will schools be free of violence.

      • UnCivilServant

        You used a full X? That won’t work, you need the one with the single slash. The second slash on the full X cancels out the first slash and says guns are allowed.

    • CPRM

      But left without a way to carry all of their books, binders, notebooks, and others supplies to and from school — and from class to class — students at Rigby High School have found creative ways to get around the ban.

      We were never allowed to use a backpack to carry our books during school #KidsTheseDays

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        You used a belt? Did you have to stand up when teacher called on you?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Why do you need a belt to hold up your pants?

      • db

        Miss Crabtree, yum!

      • db

        Or was that Miss Lawrence?

    • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

      They are lucky they still have lockers. Schools in my town don’t have those any more so kids have to carry around huge backpacks.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Our teens have lockers but its a lottery. So some kids get them, others dont. It is weird.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Strange! We had lotteries for the most prime positioned lockers, but everybody got a locker at the end of the day. Mine was usually tucked in some back corner of the building, so I carried half the day’s books on my back before stopping by the locker during lunch to exchange for the other half day’s books. Didn’t help that the lockers were more narrow than some of the text books, so some creativity was required.

        I still occasionally have a dream that I can’t remember the code to get into my locker and am late for class.

      • db

        weird. Ours were alphabetical by homeroom. So your locker was always where you needed to be at the beginning of the day. We had no restrictions on backpacks, and could go (or not) to our lockers as we pleased during the day. So it was up to the individual to figure out how much they wanted to carry, how far. all they cared about was whether you were in your assigned classroom at the beginning of the period.

        Why complicate it any further?

      • rhywun

        We always ragged on the nerd who carried all his books in his backpack at all times, so many books it was making his head sink into his shoulders.

      • UnCivilServant

        I was that guy because it was impossible to get to the locker and then to the next class in the time allowed between classes.

        I just stopped bothering to check to see if I could even find or open the one assigned to me.

      • rhywun

        We had plenty enough time between classes and our school wasn’t that big. Nobody had to do that.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        IIRC (i didn’t participate), it was used as a fundraising opportunity for some charitable/whatever cause and was a convenient way to keep everybody else from bitching about getting lockers that were practically inaccessible given time constraints and class locations. The school had been added on to a couple of times, so it was a maze.

      • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

        Ours had one hall or freshman lockers, one for sophomores and so on, and then for each hall it was alphabetical. Freshmen were at the back of the school and the seniors were at the front.
        You were allowed to switch if you wanted a locker closer to your friends. A handful of people shared lockers, but I don’t remember if that was by choice or if there was a shortage.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Schools have all been mucked up. I tell my kids that in the heart of Southern California we had an open campus, no police, no paid NARCS and yet had a 99% graduation rate, no major violence and generally clean school. kids go to prison 5 days a week, subject to search, cameras everywhere, admins suspicious of any kid that doesn’t have what they deem a proper appearance.

      • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

        We weren’t an open campus, but there were no cops and smoking was allowed at Stoners’ Corner.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Those from Cali it was Covina/West Covina so it wasn’t some high-end city. Large mix of latino/white/asians with a sprinkling of blacks. Now I drive by my old high school when visiting my parents and look at that…its a damn prison now. Double fencing (around the parking lot and then the inner schoolyard), two police vehicles at all times…

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        My old junior high is all gated up now, and not with mere chain-link. Sad.

      • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

        I think West Covina is the hometown of my son’s stripper/hooker, crackhead ex-roomate. Sounds like a lovely place.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Current West Covina…checks out. 80s/90s West Covina….checks out.

    • Fourscore

      Wait, y’all had books? In my day the rich kids had slates to write on, poor kids (like the Fourscores) had to use a garbage can cover with mud in it. We never had any garbage so our can cover was like brand new. Oh, the envy of the kids from across the tracks.

    • Gender Traitor

      I used my dad’s old Army backpack throughout HS, maybe even in college.

      The combination lock I used for my HS locker “clicked” between numbers, so I got to where I could reach between the people at the lockers on either side and open it without looking.

      • Tres Cool

        I just drove past your old school on my way back from Meijer, cause Kroger is OUT OF MILWAUKEES DIET BEAST !

        /falls into foetal position, rocks and drools

    • Ghostpatzer

      Next up: Ban Dora the Explorer. Not a bad idea, actually.

  17. Not Adahn

    One of you people who has a twitter account needs to go shriek at NPR for their overt racism for using “zippah-de doo dah!” as background music.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Too bad for them that Uncle Remus is public domain.

  18. kinnath

    Totally unpredictable. Who could have guessed that this was coming?

    London (CNN Business) Seafarers, truck drivers and airline workers have endured quarantines, travel restrictions and complex Covid-19 vaccination and testing requirements to keep stretched supply chains moving during the pandemic.

    But many are now reaching their breaking point, posing yet another threat to the badly tangled network of ports, container vessels and trucking companies that moves goods around the world.

    In an open letter Wednesday to heads of state attending the United Nations General Assembly, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and other industry groups warned of a “global transport system collapse” if governments do not restore freedom of movement to transport workers and give them priority to receive vaccines recognized by the World Health Organization.

    {apologies for linking to CNN}

    • kbolino

      give them priority to receive vaccines recognized by the World Health Organization

      Why do I have a feeling that this doesn’t mean what I think it means?

    • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

      As I understand it, part of the problem in California is that the state has banned older trucks for environmental reasons and a lot of drivers can’t afford or do not want newer trucks because of cost and because newer trucks require GPS monitoring. Also California’s rules about contractors has made it riskier to contract out to smaller truckers. I may be a little incorrect on some of the details, but much of it boils down to government actions screwing up the market. But I’m sure it will be solved if they just manage harder.

      • slumbrew

        much of it boils down to government actions screwing up the market.

        That’s usually the way to bet.

      • kinnath

        California is nuts. But California is not responsible for “global transport system collapse”.

      • Ted S.

        Where’s Gordilocks when we need him?

    • Not Adahn

      That’s an HM video, isn’t it?

    • Ownbestenemy

      They should remarket their name as Dollar Tree-ish.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        What should they call 5 below?

        You know, it’s this kind of inflation that destroyed the old 5 and dimes.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Cool, Still a shame that the decimal point got moved over a couple places.

    • Nephilium

      That’s not inflation, it’s just big business hurting the little guy!

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Who was the trucker Glib? Wonder how he is.

      • Toxteth O'Grady


      • DEG


      • Toxteth O'Grady


    • Ghostpatzer

      Ooh, can’t wait until my son hears this one. He curses aloud every time we pass a Dollar General because they never actually sold all their items for $1. I can hear him now: “Et tu, Dollar Tree?”.

      • Ownbestenemy

        My understanding between the two was that Dollar General was never just items for a $1 and was more like an old school general store. Dollar-Tree however held that niche and nothing was priced other than a $1.

      • Ghostpatzer

        #2 son takes things quite literally sometimes. “It says Dollar, right in the name!”

      • Ownbestenemy have one of them too. Gives teen $5 bucks to get eggs at store: “Where is my change?” “What dad, I gave you the coins!” Grrrr.

  19. Sensei

    Good news for those who feel the Mach-E isn’t really a Mustang.

    Ford Mustang Mach-E fails the moose test

    So what this means is that you can actually step the back end out. I’ve read other road reviews that made note of this characteristic.

    Coming soon to a Cars and Coffee near you!

    • Rebel Scum

      *Nelson laugh*

      Ford should be mach’d relentlessly.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      They could’ve called it the Ford Escape Electric and it would’ve been much more accepted by the car community. I saw one IRL yesterday, and it looks like a crossover. They made the mistake of parking one right next to a gas powered Mustang, which still looks like a muscle car.

      Also, the Bronco Sport shouldn’t have been badged as a Bronco. It looks like a Honda Element or a Scion xB. The real Bronco looks sexy, though.

      • kbolino

        I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the only legacy American carmaker still worth a damn is being run into the ground.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Fair point. I guess it’s just a styling critique. The sport model is way too rounded, IMO. Bronco and boxy are connected in my mind.

      • slumbrew

        To be clear – the Bronco II looked like shit compared to the Bronco as well.

      • slumbrew

        I was certain that the STEVE SMITH model would be a Ram.

      • db

        For better or worse, the package requires checking off the option box for the Bronco’s 10-speed automatic transmission. Sorry, stick shift fans.

        Hard pass.

    • EvilSheldon

      Being able to kick out the back end is fun in an actual sports car – who was it who said, “Good drivers have dead flies on the side windows?”

      In this soccerbox? No.

  20. Ownbestenemy

    The general counsel of the FAA that just briefed us is trying to blunt her workload I think. She knows that its going to be a shitshow and the government is going to be paying out some bucko bucks when Employee A gets their religious accommodation and Employee B gets denied and is disciplined with intent to remove from service under threat of a forced medical procedure.

    • Sensei

      For the full Requiem you can tell the parts the master wrote and the parts that were completed after his death to make the complete work.

      I’ve always believed that part is from the master.

      • Ghostpatzer

        I may have mentioned this before, I was a chaperone for my son and about twenty of his classmates when they were rehearsing/performing the Requiem a few years ago, it is a very special piece to me for multiple reasons.

    • Ghostpatzer

      Mournful that day.
      When from the ashes shall rise
      a guilty man to be judged.
      Lord, have mercy on him.
      Gentle Lord Jesus,
      grant them eternal rest.

      • Ghostpatzer

        Nice! If only I did not have more coding to attend to…

    • rhywun


    • db


      My favorite Requiem is Maurice Durufle’s I have not heard this particular recording before, but can’t find the one I’m most familiar with (Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Chorus / Robert Shaw) online. This is a good performance, not as “full” as the Shaw version.

      The Sanctus is the most stirring part, IMO, of the Durufle Requiem.

      • db

        The Libera Me is amazing too–these two are the most dynamic parts of the whole work. In fact, with the original Telarc recording on CD, you have to have really good speakers and amp to listen to this without blowing up the speakers or getting crazy distortion from the amp.

      • Ghostpatzer

        @db Thanks for these, I’ll be giving them a listen over the next couple of days. I love choral music, blew my chance to perform it as a (very troubled) youth. It’s been a struggle not to push my son too hard, he inherited my voice but fortunately not my dysfunctional personality.

      • db

        I have a very good friend who graduated from Westminster Choir College in Princeton–I imagine they have some really great performances available, if you’re in the area.

      • Ghostpatzer

        Not too far. Not sure who is permitted to attend performances there, though.

  21. Sean

    Republican lawmakers took their first definitive step in Pennsylvania’s ongoing battle over mask wearing on Tuesday when a Senate committee approved a bill that would allow parents to opt students out of a statewide school mask mandate.

    In a partisan 7-4 vote, the Senate Education Committee moved the bill from state Sens. Doug Mastriano, R-Franklin County, and Judy Ward, R-Blair County, to the full Senate for consideration.


    If the bill passes the GOP-led Senate and House, it is likely that Wolf would veto it, requiring lawmakers to try to find enough votes to override him, which would be difficult.


    She accused Senate Republicans of wanting to “politicize the suffering of children and their parents, jeopardize the health and safety of our most vulnerable students and dismantle public education as we know it.”

    And the crazy.

    • Ghostpatzer

      When does Wolf come up for re-election? I know he’s got a lock on the cities, but still…

      • db

        Wolf is term limited (ends in 2022), so he cannot be re-elected, hence a lot of his FYTW attitude. PA has no recall mechanism other than impeachment, which won’t happen.

      • Ghostpatzer

        Ah. Good riddance to bad rubbish, then. Although getting rid of Cuomo is not looking great these days.

      • DEG

        He can be re-elected.

        He has to sit out in 2022. He can run again in 2026. However, I think he will move on to “bigger and better” things by then.

      • db

        True. I’d hope that PA residents would have learned their lesson and he would have no chance in 26. But who knows; maybe a Republican gets elected in 22 and fucks up royally.

      • waffles

        Wolf is a fucking disaster. We could be out-Texasing Texas if it weren’t for him. The legislative branches have steadily become more radical and Wolf’s veto is the only thing keeping us from doing anything really exciting. Or depending who you ask he’s the only thing keeping the state sane. At any rate PA isn’t so boring.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        The legislative branches have steadily become more radical and Wolf’s veto is the only thing keeping us from doing anything really exciting.

        Don’t put it past those legislators to be conveniently absent when they actually have the power to change something.

      • waffles

        That’s part of the game. A la lucy and the football.

      • DEG

        See: Privatizing the liquor stores.

        Corbett wanted to do it, but the Republicans in the legislature didn’t. Then Wolf got elected. Now all of a sudden, Republicans in the legislature want to privatize the liquor stores.

    • kbolino

      The Republicans who live in Democrats’ heads are 10x better than the real thing.

    • Rebel Scum

      Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy haz a sad.

      • slumbrew

        RFK Jr. hardest hit.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Newsome videos from the before times also…

      • Ownbestenemy

        Which *adjusts tin-foil hat* is exactly what they want to purge…everyone that moved to make it not a mandate regarding vaccines until COVID came along.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say

      • Rebel Scum

        A lot of salty tears over the apt use of a metaphor.

      • kbolino

        Where would the world be without news media to tell us how to read Twitter?

      • db

        Over the last few years I have caught various snippets of sports games on TV, and the most pointless thing I can think of is the announcers reading tweets from fans over the air.

  22. DEG

    wiped a little drool from the corner of his mouth.

    It’s the little things.

    “Now,” Finnegan said, “Do it now before he starts crying.” She waved the actress playing the doctor over.

    “We won, right?”

    This is almost sad. Then I remember it is about Joe Biden.

  23. trshmnstr the terrible

    Question for the gardening types. I’m dealing with a pest that is completely stripping foliage off of my green bean, pea, tomato, and other plants. I also found a foot-tall (struggling) tomato plant snapped in half.

    I’ve seen squirrels digging in a couple of the containers before, but I assumed they were going after the eseeds and would leave the plants alone. We have rats in the vicinity (a few dead ones in the alley confirms they are here), and I’ve caught rabbits inside the fence.

    Any insight into which particular asshole may be doing the damage and how to dissuade them from continuing to destroy the garden?

    • Pine_Tree

      Stripped foliage makes me think caterpillar/worm first. Which makes me think Sevin dust.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        I initially went the insect/worm direction in my mind, but the efficiency and completeness of the stripping made me think bigger. Plants that were a foot tall less than a week ago are now 4 inch stubs. Nevertheless, I’ll treat with sevin.

      • slumbrew

        Velociraptors, maybe?

        I’ll be honest, I don’t garden much.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Leaves would usually indicate deer to me. But I’m not sure what herbivores are in your area. I have a black squirrel that found my tomatoes. But he’s only going after the ripened tomato.

      • Pine_Tree

        OK yeah, for that description I wouldn’t say caterpillars – was picturing a different kind of stripped. Rabbits or squirrels, then.

    • The Other Kevin

      Usually rabbits will leave tomatoes alone.

  24. limey

    I’ve read/heard briefly about this before, but I hadn’t realised it had made it all the way up to the Supremes.

    Fuck cheer! Fuck softball! Fuck school! Fuck all this old wood in here! Fuck Donny and Terry’s buffalo chicken wings!

    • db

      Now, even though she won the case, would any cheer squad have her after this? Doesn’t show much school spirit.

  25. Not Adahn

    Alright, which of you assholes uploaded a picture of Mandy?