This week is shaping up to be a doozy for me. Wife is about to go out of town and one of my refrigerators took a dump so I have little space for beer.
No, its not like that.
Whatever, here are some links!

¡Mover! ¡El policía está detrás de mí!
Why? Why God? WHY???? How can you let them black bag Norm?
Truck plows into traffic in Ciudad Mexico. Don’t worry Mexico City isn’t pregnant.
I wonder if Mexican Boomers tie their entire cultural allegiance and incessantly agonize over this issue, dragging every other generation into the fight in spite of it being settled decades ago like their American counterparts? Wait no, they “settled” it last week.
Okay world bank. Its debt threatening economic recovery.
“I think it’s important to tell this story from a morally ambiguous perspective,” Oh….good thinking. I bet it will be as well received as Evita where Madonna sings and leaves us with a warm fuzzy feeling when we think of Juan Perón. Fuck you very much Andrew Lloyd Weber.
Protests in El Salvador over Bitcoin! Oh wait, they must be new to crypto. The price fluctuates…constantly.
Protests in Brazil to impeach Brazilian Trump! Well, you could call it that. This is worthy of the Ricky Ricardo laugh.
An absolute shithead died in Peru. The world weeps for having lost an absolute shithead you never heard of.
Here’s a good tune. Have a great day.
“Debt Load Threatens Latin America Jobs Recovery, World Bank Says”
Can’t they just print more money? Worked for Venezuela.
Norm was one if the very few comics who consistently made me laugh. He had balls of brass and no fucks to give.
I linked this at the dead thread, but here he is at the ESPYs.
Fearless and hilarious.
He was one of the last comics that *actually* thumbed their nose at power, and booped their nose on the way out.
This stands in stark contrast with the current crop of “Orange Man Bad!” *rimshot* hacks.
I still think Bitcoin is going to get imploded by the Feds just to break an entire country and create an argument against crypto.
If I were a Fed official looking to shore up the dollar, it’s what I would do. No competitors can be allowed to exist.
Could be. Depends on how many nomenklatura are using BTC for their graft and moneylaundering.
Interesting question.
I bet the Panamanians have an answer.
I doubt that many. What we’ve learned in the last decade or so is that if the political class takes their graft/protection money out in the open, it’ll usually be excused by the authorities and the media. Paper bags full of cash or secretive bitcoin transfers are now low rent.
At 63, she confidently showed off her super toned butt and legs in a one-piece thong bustier and matching cap that she rocked with heels and black fishnet stockings.
I didn’t know the nazi look was back in style.
Goes with the politics.
I’ve seen that look before, somewhere.
I was afraid before hovering over the link that it would be a photo of Tonio in a one-piece thong bustier and black fishnet stockings.
“Oh, fishy, fishy, fishy, fishy…”
5.1%, so I’d consider watching.
Back in the day, One Yellow Rabbit theatre company in Calgary did a play for The Fringe every summer called “Ilsa, Queen of the Nazi Love Camps.” Let’s just say it was one of their classics, and included special guest appearances from one of our local “the Holocaust is a lie” types, name of Jim Keegstra (actor playing him, of course). Hilarious, if flawed.
“Protests in Brazil to impeach Brazilian Trump! Well, you could call it that. This is worthy of the Ricky Ricardo laugh.”
But now could you not want Lula back? At least he knew that white blue eyed guys cause all the world’s problems and he left enough cash in Petrobras that Dilma still had something to steal. I call that brilliance and generosity!
I worked for an energy company that took a few years to cut a deal with Petrobras that would work in our favor. Sold them all of out Argentine assets. At one point during the negotiations, Hugo Chavez sent us a free tanker of oil to power one of our Argentine generating plants. Free oil! How can you not like a guy like that? I of course thought of Joe from Lowell.
“I still think Bitcoin is going to get imploded by the Feds just to break an entire country and create an argument against crypto.”
Because nobody would notice the real villain in that scenario /not sarc
The world’s
governmentsgovernment will adopt cryto as their very own. It’s the only way to manage a cashless society in which you control thefinanceslives of every person on the planet.What is this cryto of which you speak? I smell an investment opportunity.
Damn you! Crypto. This place has just went downhill since the Edit Fairy went away.
And I was serious, that is exactly what will happen.
No shit, I suspect you are correct about crypto. Being a fat-fingered old fuck myself, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to jump on someone else for a change. So sorry.
This is all my fault. I sent his 9/11 manuscript back to him with so much red that it traumatized him and he’s taking it out on you.
Lol. If only typos were the issue with that.
It would have to be a crypto they can inflate at will.
I doubt they will use crypto for that. Its not untraceable, but its not nearly as easy as bank transactions. And, current-gen crypto can’t be summoned out of thin air with a stroke of the pen, unlike government fiat currencies. Crypto as it currently exists is a pimple on the ass of a gnat on an elephant – not really worth the effort to get rid of, from a monetary or social control standpoint.
They’ll go cashless (and they will go cashless) the easy way – by simply stopping the issuance of new currency and requiring banks to return all currency received for destruction. I don’t even think they will need to prohibit businesses from accepting currency, although because they are asshole control freaks, they’ll probably do that, too.
As with the collapse of the dollar, its not a question of whether, only when.
Like the coin shortage last year?
Brazil protests show low street support for impeachment push
Ballsy-naro draws tiny crowds, just like Drumpfler.
I sort of like him. I still remember that time when a woman in the congress there said something about being raped by rapey dudes and Bolsonara said something to the effect of ‘We know that’s a lie, no one would want to rape someone as ugly as you’. I larfed, am I am bad person?
NYS judge issues temporary injunction against state’s vaccine mandate for health-care workers
Must be a Trump appointee.
The plaintiffs, all Christians, included practicing doctors, nurses, a nuclear medicine technologist, a cognitive rehabilitation therapist and a physician’s liaison who all oppose as a matter of religious conviction any medical cooperation in abortion, the lawsuit said.
First, kill all the
lawyersChristians. Problem solved.Nero approves.
*tries desperately to get the attention of co-religionists, most of whom are whistling past the graveyard, investing their trust in the GOP*
Is the 14th amendment an officially recognized religion?
Now that weed is legal, what about Rastafarianism?
Okay, he’s a federal judge for the Northern District of New York, and was appointed in 1999.
“This court hereby rules that Dr. A., Nurse A., and Physician Liaison X – and nobody else – is exempt from the mandate.”
^This guy is paying attention.
I’m seeing evidence that this blows up in Biden’s stupid face.
He has to send in tanks. Tanks are always the answer. So, c’mon man, send the tanks or you’re a giant pussy!
Getting a little nervous about our hockey kickoff meeting tomorrow. I can’t go because I’m still quarantined (and they want a negative test before I come back). Our major sponsor (the hospital) will have requirements for us to participate in their sports programs. I think they mentioned masks to be worn at practice, but we’ll find out if it’s vaccines (probably) or anything else.
Ugh, sorry to hear that. Perhaps start looking for another sponsor, JIC.
They run the show, so that’s not going to happen. If push comes to shove, I can go back to my original team, or one of the other teams in Indiana. It would have to be pretty bad for me to do that, though.
Thats awful man. Sorry. Everyone feeling better?
I’m pretty much back to normal, the Mrs. is still struggling. She’s more tired and a little feverish today, but the shortness of breath is going away.
Sorry about the sponsor problems.
It’s good that your wife’s breathing is getting better. I hope she improves overall and gets well soon.
Mandates now! Mandates FOREVER!
The White House’s chief medical adviser said the spread of the delta variant of COVID-19 is the fault of those who do not listen to experts such as himself.
Fauci said part of the solution to reducing the virus’ spread is for Americans to rely on what he called “trusted public messengers who put aside political ideologies and convince people to get vaccinated.” …
“The other way to do it is to have many, many more mandates,” Fauci said.
“I know that rankles a lot of people,” he told Christensen, “but you’re going to see situations locally — I don’t think you’re going to see centrally derived mandates — but there are going to be mandates where colleges, universities, places of business, large corporations, they’re going to say, ‘If you want to come work for us, you’ve got to be vaccinated.’
“I believe that’s going to turn this around, because I don’t think people are going to want to not go to work or not go to college or not go to a university. They’re going to do it.
“You’d like to have them do it on a totally voluntary basis, but if that doesn’t work, you’ve got to go to the alternatives,” he said.
Land of the something and home of the something.
How else can you get people to do what you’ve decided is right for them? We tried nudging. Tanks are the answer. It’s always tanks. Once we flatten a few deplorables and put the pics in the NYT, they’ll come around. If you don’t believe me, just ask the right thinking people how good of an idea this is.
Tanks aren’t that hard to deal with. A Molotov cocktail will do nicely. If you can lure them into a built-up area, they’re a piece of cake.
Moving foxholes have always been overrated.
Well, mister, we’re way ahead of you, we’re going to ban Molotov cocktails!
So now you’re going to take away people’s right to peacefully protest? You nazi!
Get them to throw track and they are stationary mediocre bunkers.
Or a little mud
Those guys must have been on the wash racks for three days.
Hah! That was my first thought too.
Top probably had them set up their shelter halves out at the wash rack.
That was one neat little technical bit the old James Garner film Tank got right. He tries taking his old surplus M4 Sherman cross-country and, sure as hell, he throws a track.
I remember that film, I recall it not being terrible. Garner did a halfway decent job of playing a CSM, IIRC.
Yeah, it’s a fun little popcorn film.
“trusted public messengers who put aside political ideologies and convince people to get vaccinated.”
He inadvertently identified the issue. People are tired of getting lied to by health officials, politicians, the media, and big tech. These “trusted public messengers” pissed away any credibility they had. Then they wonder “whycome nobody trust us?” And of course, the best way to repair their credibility is to act on people’s worst fears. “We won’t force you to get a vaccine” becomes “we need more ways to force you to get a vaccine!” “NOW whycome nobody trust us?”
Freedom to choose means choosing what I tell you to do.
As soon as you find one, let me know.
Never mind that mandates, central, government, or not, violate the most fundamental medical ethics. The utter silence of the medical community is horrifying? embarassing? They are all perfectly willing to participate in forcing an experimental treatment on unwilling people. The worst part – it never even crosses their minds that its wrong for them to do so.
Never mind that mandates, central, government, or not, violate the most fundamental medical ethics. The utter silence of the medical community is horrifying? embarassing? They are all perfectly willing to participate in forcing an experimental treatment on unwilling people. The worst part – it never even crosses their minds that its wrong for them to do so.
The end result of actively teaching away from critical thinking skills.
Enough people got the vaccine that if it was going to work, it would have by now.
Ditto masks and lockdowns.
The masks and vax requirements and lockdowns have nothing to do with COVID, it is some weird fear that the world is “sick” and there is no way to cleanse it. That is the only logical thing I can come up with at this point. See AU and NZ and how much that is favored by the Covidiots. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see a strong correlation with supporters of all three of those and earth firster types.
It ain’t logically, that’s for sure.
logical. Sigh.
Here in Minneapolis, which during the pandemic last year saw every single human face masked, very few people are now wearing masks. Far less than 5%. Outie of the Twin Cities, it’s 0%. The Government can try to keep up the scare-mongering, but from what I am seeing, in practical terms it’s no longer working. Maybe for the die-hard sheep, but that’s it.
I’m going to
staybe positive and say the world didn’t deserve Norm so he’s in a better place too soon. The world sucks so bad, Guzman was granted extra life, like Shrub Daddy and McCain was.*were*
Guzman – “austere religious scholar”?
More like respected philosophy professor. *blech*
I dont think that the Addams Family reboot is going to be *that* bad.
“This isn’t about freedom. This isn’t about choice.”
“It is true that young, healthy people have less of a chance of getting severely involved in the sense of getting infected and have a severe outcome. There’s no doubt about that,” Fauci outlined. “But if you look across the country and you look at the hospitals, you see there are plenty of young people who get severely ill. We’ve had 650,000 deaths in the United States. So although the odds are in your favor, you are not completely exempt from getting seriously ill. That’s one component. The other component that, in many respects, is equally important is that it isn’t all about you. If you get infected, even if you don’t have any symptoms, it is likely that you will pass the virus on to someone else who might pass it on to someone else who might have a severe outcome, leading to hospitalization and even death. So you’ve got a look at it that you’re not in a vacuum. You’re part of society. And do you want to be part of the component that propagates the virus and propagates the outbreak? Or do you want to be part of the solution?”
Is the solution final?
Damn right. Guns are bad, and free speech is dangerous. This isn’t about freedom, it’s about keeping people safe. Fauci 2024 for world emperor!
Showers are hygienic.
If you get infected, even if you don’t have any symptoms, it is likely that you will pass the virus on to someone else who might pass it on to someone else who might have a severe outcome, leading to hospitalization and even death
Setting aside the real issue for the moment, how does getting vaxxed change this? Are the reports of breakthrough cases fake news?
even if you don’t have any symptoms, it is likely that you will pass the virus on to someone else
I’m pretty sure that’s false. Asymptomatic means low viral load. Low viral load means not (very) infectious.
It certainly can’t be shown to be true, because there is no way to know if someone who is asymptomatic infected anyone – you don’t even know that they have the virus, so you can’t trace any infection back to them.
I think we discussed this a little yesterday. Vaccination does NOT prevent you from getting the virus and passing it on. It only reduces YOUR symptoms. As more people become vaccinated, more people will have milder or no symptoms. Symptoms which will be more frequently ignored.
Vaccinated people force the virus to mutate, much like what the over-use of antibiotics did to what are now killer bacteria. Getting a vaccination is both selfish and evil as well as anti-science.
How likely, exactly. And does that apply to vaxed people (either spreading or being infected)?
Are you suggestion that violence is the answer?
Ultimately, it is always the answer.
There’s a reason I call my combat shotgun The Last Argument of Dean.
Or do you want to be one of the people hooked on a never-ending series of boosters in response to never-ending variants that break through the weak/partial immunity of targeted protein-spike injections?
If you get infected, even if you don’t have any symptoms, it is likely that you will pass the virus on to someone else who might pass it on to someone else who might have a severe outcome, leading to hospitalization and even death.
Does the vaccine now prevent you from getting or spreading the virus?
Kindly go piss up a rope. You fucking hack.
The more he opens his yap, the less people are going to listen.
So yes, it will inevitably end in tanks and/or cattle cars unless people push back.
Guzman was indeed a world class piece of shit and the Sendero Luminoso were murderous commie thugs. He thought Mao was too kind and modeled himself on Pol Pot. In the latter 90’s I was traveling solo across South America and once passed through a town called Piura. At the time that area was an SL stronghold. At one point on the outskirts of that town looking for a ride I thought I was going to get beat up and robbed or worse. The looks I was getting I can remember to this day. A couple years later I was having beers with a fellow gringo in Brazil and we were talking about bad experiences in SouthAm. He told me that a year before I was in Piura he had been pulled off a bus there by SL and had a rifle to his head for ten minutes. He was sure he was gonna get a bullet when another group of them came and called off the first. He only lost his possessions that day. They were famous for not giving a fuck and kidnapping gringos for ransom sometimes.
Thank you for this.
Cheers Tonio!
US intelligence (CIA?) helped Peruvian police intelligence find Guzman in a safe house apartment in Lima by finding a tube of psoriasis medication in the garbage there. That was back when we were actually anti commie.
Well somewhat. We were still supporting the Khmer Rogue because they were only ChiCom backed whereas the Cambodian government was a puppet of the Soviet backed Vietnamese.
“…tube of psoriasis medication…” you mean ivermectin?
Despite the utter chaos from the multiple collisions and the assault, there were no fatal injuries. It was nonetheless a bad scene as the truck forced its way through traffic, its cab bucking and straining against cars and pinning down one taxi driver between the trailer and yet another car.
No fatalities. Impressive.
The government response to the pandemic destroyed tens of millions of jobs from Mexico to Argentina while also leaving company balance sheets more fragile.
I fixed the article. Also, who could possibly have foreseen this?
Turnout at protests across Brazil against President Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday was far smaller than rallies the president called earlier this week, underscoring that pressure from the streets remains insufficient to drive efforts seeking his impeachment.
Rallies and lack of “pressure” to impeach worked wonders for Drumpf. Or… is Brazil not a totally corrupt banana republic like we are?
Times I wish I wasn’t an atheist. Norm should be in Heaven and that commie Guzmán should be rotting in Hell with all of the other good commies.
‘You’ve Created Hundreds Of New Terrorists’: Rand Paul Grills Blinken On Afghanistan Drone Strikes
Blinken is such a cunte.
Name one person in that administration who isn’t. You can count them on zero fingers.
Does Major count?
Major who? Wasn’t that an ankle biting dog? He could have been a plant by one of the Insurrectionists.
Major bit SS, not Biden, so yes.
What I always think of when I hear the name Blinken.
And well, duh, how to you justify going back to Afghanistan to fight terrorists if you don’t create more and give them some free weapons? Dude, it’s like you don’t even do logic.
I have a big NH link dump today. Not a euphemism.
Rally at the State House over vaccine mandates
A New Hampshire House Republican leadership event Tuesday protesting the latest COVID-19 vaccine mandates of President Joe Biden erupted into a shouting match from a large crowd of citizens angry that state officials have failed to do enough.
House Speaker Sherman Packard, R-Londonderry, hosted the press conference outside the State House to show a united GOP front against Biden’s executive orders, which will require vaccines or mandated COVID-19 testing for up to 80 million Americans.
“We will not comply,” Packard said to the loud cheers of a crowd of more than 400 who turned out.
The House leader chastised the state’s all-Democratic congressional delegation for failing to oppose the new mandates, adding that “all of them have to go.”
“This is unacceptable from an administration that has no idea what the hell they are doing,” Packard said.
But shortly after Packard began his prepared remarks, protesters shouted “Where is Sununu?” and later “We can’t wait.”
Packard said Sununu and GOP legislative leaders are looking into “all possibilities” for how to fight back against these mandates.
“We are doing what we can. This is a federal mandate, this is not from us and we are trying to help you,” Packard implored.
When the shouting continued, Packard said, “You are yelling at the wrong people.”
“We will not comply,” Packard said to the loud cheers of a crowd of more than 400 who turned out.
Sounds like some white-supreme insurrection talk.
House Speaker Sherman Packard, R-Londonderry
Uh-oh. Better be careful, this situation could blow up in a hurry.
Londonderry, NH and Derry, NH are right next door to each other.
Landlord blames eviction moratorium for kids living in deplorable conditions. Parents should be blamed too.
The COVID-19 eviction moratorium allowed five young children to live and suffer in a fly and waste-ridden Manchester apartment longer than they would have otherwise, the landlord said Monday.
Laurie Grassett, whose family owns McLaurin Enterprise, said she had wanted to evict the three tenants, now charged with child endangerment and reckless conduct, for nonpayment of rent.
But the moratorium — which had been in effect for nearly a year until thrown out in August by the U.S. Supreme Court — prevented her from going forward, she said.
Predictable response: but otherwise they’d have been LiViNg oN tHe StReEts!!1!
He was an absolute shithead, Señor, but hardly unique:
Here he would become an advisor to the president. Burn in hell, asshole.
That line caught my interest. It was the rest if it that lead to my commentary.
Bedford, NH gets a Democrat state rep. Bedford is pretty solid Republican town.
A relieved and excited Catherine Rombeau will head to the State House as Bedford’s newest representative after securing her win during a recount on Monday.
“I am thankful to Bedford voters for engaging with me and trusting me to be their representative in Concord this term,” Rombeau said a few hours after she was, once again, announced as the winner of last week’s special election to fill the vacant House seat.
After the recount, Rombeau, a Democrat, picked up three votes, while her Republican opponent, Linda Rea Camarota, lost one vote from what local officials had initially declared after the Sept. 7 election.
The new tally from the recount was 2,328 votes for Rombeau and 2,287 for Camarota — a new margin of victory with 41 votes as opposed to the initial difference of 37 votes.
Ian Freeman wants ankle monitor removed
Keene resident Ian Freeman wants the tracker device attached to his ankle removed while he awaits trial on money/Bitcoin laundering charges.
The lawyer for Freeman made the request in papers filed last week in U.S. District Court in Concord. Chichester defense lawyer Mark Sisti gives no reason for the request, which will have to be decided by District Court Judge Joseph Laplante.
Freeman also requested Laplante loosen his pretrial restrictions and allow him contact with some co-defendants and others connected to the case.
NH AFL-CIO president supports HR1
In a fiery speech at a rally for the “We The People” Act, New Hampshire AFL-CIO President Glenn Brackett declared progressive legislation like H.R. 1 must be passed, though he conceded it overrides freedom and individual choice.
“There are things that have to be done in this country that supersede individual rights,” Brackett told the Manchester crowd.
You know if you protect individual rights you protect group rights. If I and everyone else has free speech rights then any and all groups I’m a part of has free speech rights. etc.
“There are things that have to be done in this country that supersede individual rights,”
*eye twitches*
I am shocked that an AFL-CIO hack is a commie.
The AFL-CIO would be eliminated very early on by communists. Front groups for wealthy oligarchs tend not to be popular among the proletariat, either.
“In a fiery speech at a rally for the “We The People” Act,”
I am old enough to remember when the “We the People Act” was just an informal name for the US Constitution. and Bill of Rights.
Another warm reception.
BREAKING: What appears to be Joe Biden’s motorcade BOOED massively by Patriots at Long Beach City College
Op-ed on Covid exit strategy from NH Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut
American research, technology, and advancements in healthcare are amazing examples of brilliance, innovation, and capacity. The speed at which our healthcare experts rolled out vaccines for COVID-19 is an exemplar that will be studied and admired for decades to come. The world owes these experts a debt that cannot be repaid.
It is also a well-known fact that our healthcare system is mostly oriented to respond to symptoms, illnesses, and disease care more than building health and wellness. This focus becomes evident when we consider the president’s recently announced vaccine strategy. It’s not an anti-vaccination statement to say, vaccinating Americans will not make Americans healthy.
Background on Frank Edelblut: Seven kids, all homeschooled. When Sununu ran for his first term, Edelblut was a primary challenger. Edelblut came close (about 900 votes) of beating Sununu. The next challenger was about 11,000 votes behind Edelblut. There is talk that Edelblut is considering another run for governor in 2022.
Keene, NH Jan. 6th suspect opts for plea deal
The Keene man who posted selfies from the United States Capitol Building during the Jan. 6 riots will enter into a plea agreement, according to information filed in court.
Jason Riddle, 33, shared photos and videos on his social media accounts of his actions inside the Capitol as his fellow rioters swarmed through the building. Some were in military garb, reportedly looking to kill members of Congress and Vice President Mike Pence, according to court documents.
Riddle, who is seen in the photos and videos taking a bottle of wine, also allegedly stole a Senate Procedure manual and sold it on eBay for $40. He is charged with federal counts of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, theft of government property, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.
Some were in military garb, reportedly looking to kill members of Congress and Vice President Mike Pence, according to court documents.
Because when I go looking to kill somebody, I don’t take any weapons at all.
Is that because your hands are registered as deadly weapons?
“reportedly”. No need to cite a source I guess.
Seen at the gym (since I won’t be around for GlibFit):
Today was a day I worked with the trainer. When we got started, the one turf area had weights piled up and stuff strewn about the place. The trainer said, “I really hate how people have been leaving stuff all over the gym lately.” I haven’t seen a mess like that in the gym in a while.
After our scheduled time, I went on to finish my training for the day. RDLs at the power rack area with baby weights to work on range of motion and bracing in hopes that one day my back will be good enough to handle normal RDLs with normal weights. Two good looking women came up to claim power racks.
One, a gorgeous tall blonde, started doing cleans with front squats. She maxed at 135 lbs, then went on to just plain front squats. She maxed her front squats somewhere in the vicinity of 200 lbs for six reps. She went to push presses.
The other was a cute younger lass that squatted ass to grass with 115 lbs, except she had a butt wink. She’s going to wreck her back if she doesn’t fix that.
After I moved on to other work, I saw some guy curling in the power rack area. Sad.
On the drive home, I saw a car with NH personalized plates which read “RONPAUL”. The car had a bumper sticker which read, “RON PAUL WAS RIGHT!”.
cleans with front squats. She maxed at 135 lbs, then went on to just plain front squats. She maxed her front squats somewhere in the vicinity of 200 lbs for six reps
Gah. That is seriously impressive. My shoulder and wrist mobility is so crap I don’t really do front squats or cleans with more than about 85 pounds while I try to get some kind of form.
I have tried like hell but I cannot rack the weight on Olympic lifts, my wrist won’t bend that way. It seriously screws any effort at good form.
Yeah, I was really impressed. It made her hotter in my mind.
Pre-disc herniation flare up, I tried working on my shoulder and wrist mobility to get a proper rack for a front squat. I was never able to get it right.
Out on the road today
I saw a Ron Paul sticker on a Cadillac
A little voice inside my head said
“Don’t look back, you can never look back”
Biden wants 70% world vaccination
For entertainment purposes, I’d love to see someone in a totally unscripted situation ask Biden what 70% of the world population is.
And if they say no?
I want him to resign and move into a retirement home. But we don’t always get what we want.
Why do you hate nursing home employees? Hair sniffing is rape too!
That makes sense when one considers that Buzzed Driving is now Drunk Driving.
I want him to accidentally order a drone strike on himself.
Five billion, six hundred million living souls.
“C’mon, man. He’s not a mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Biden: I’m going to make this as simple as I can. You either keep Gavin Newsom as your governor or you’ll get Donald Trump
Cali has to be the dumbest country on earth.
I didn’t even know Trump was on the ballot. You’d think it would have gotten more press.
Maybe it is Trump in a Larry Elder mask…
So that’s what they meant by the Blackface of white supremacy.
We need to get the Mystery Machine on the case!
“Now lets see who the black Klansman really is… Old Man Drumphitler?”
We may have another weapon in the fight against global warming.
The ammonia in cow urine is a known greenhouse gas as it produces nitrous oxide when released into the soil. Globally, about 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions are due to livestock farming
Eating more steak should work, too. And it’s cheaper.
Of course, nitrous oxide used to be an enviro boogey-man because ozone. Now its a greenhouse gas?
Honda tuners hardest hit.
Hey Joe, where you going?
Biden’s New MANDATE! Will You COMPLY?
Judge blocks medical worker COVID-19 vaccine mandate in NY state
Cool drugs, man!
That’s gold!
This fuggin guy, at least NYC is pushing back.
The pearl-clutching in the replies is nauseating.
This is not Texas. This is not South Dakota. This is downtown Manhattan.
100s marching, chanting “F— the vaccine!”
This is what we are up against. And it is exactly why we need mandates.
“People won’t do what I want so I have to put a gun to their head.”
This is what we are up against. And it is exactly why we need mandates.
*points at avatar*
I’ll ask again – where do I get that on a t-shirt? Because that is awesome.
This is not Texas. This is not South Dakota. This is downtown Manhattan.
There might be something left of America, yet.
Maybe. If New Yorkers can harness their inner asshole they may be able to flip tyrants the bird.
Me, right now, aiming at Manhattan Island –
This ain’t no party. This ain’t no disco. This ain’t no foolin’ around.
This ain’t CBGB, this ain’t the Mudd Clubb, ain’t got time for that now!
The population of Texas is 29,145,505 and these idiots believe that all Texans think and act alike. Of course they think all back folk are helpless, ignorant children, so…
He’s one of the worst which is saying a lot.
That does sound like quite a feat.
Reinhard Heydrich also thought he could act with impunity and no personal cost for his actions.
What was that old saw about Ceaușescu being very surprised when the mob came for him?
Whenever I feel gloomy or depressed, I read about Operation Anthropoid. Despite the horrible reprisals, it always perks me right up.
Both Heydrich and Göring’s younger brothers worked to save Jews and others. Heydrich due to reading his brother’s papers after his death, so another benefit from that operation.
The panic and confusion implied in his words, it’s just downright delicious. ‘How could this be? These aren’t those provincial retards from out in the hilljacks! These are fellow urban sophisticates! How could they possibly disagree with me?’
The pearl-clutching in the replies is nauseating.
Twitter must definitely show different people different replies. The first reply I see is Michael Malice calling him a kapo and getting 3x the likes.
That one is great… there are a bunch of… less encouraging ones below
“This fuggin guy, at least NYC is pushing back.”
And that is exactly why your own citizens are fleeing in droves for places like Texas and South Dakota. Should be a law against that as well? Well, hurry up and pass it, the rest of the country will be overjoyed.
We have a couple of glibs we will need to airlift out first.
Sure we can liberate them before we build the wall. I mean the wall to keep the NYers in
“Are you vaccinated?”
“Damn right I am.”
“Do you think the vaccine works?”
“Of course!”
“Then what are you worried about?”
Unelected bureaucrats with sociopath tendencies run amok?
Being that I self-identify as vaccinated, I have no need to push back.
I’m using that
Well, this is certainly interesting:
Biden is Brilliant, no?
Don’t worry Mexico City isn’t pregnant.
Well, thank God for that. Otherwise it would show up in our ED in labor in 9 months.
*golf clap*
And then 10 months later… you know how those Catholics are.
Irish twins!
It’s not just Catholics. Our grandsons Bubba and Moose are Irish twins.
Titty Tuesday is very disappointed in you. Very. Disappointed.
Too many RealDolls.
If they come with a remote…
Signs of Trouble Ahead?
“Judge David Hurd in Utica issued the order Tuesday after 17 health professionals, including doctors and nurses, claimed that their rights were violated with a vaccine mandate that disallowed religious exemptions.” Guerilla Warfare?
I’ve seen first hand seen what they do in this scenario. They’ll force you to wear a mask every day and submit to a test at least once a week for punishment. Only they can’t do it if you work from home.
At this point, civil disobedience is mandatory to save the Republic.
a vaccine mandate that disallowed religious exemptions
That’s so obviously illegal that you have to wonder if New York employs any competent lawyers.
And, sadly, its easily fixed.
Courts love to split differences. They can rule against the lack of exemptions while leaving the rest of the edifice in place.
Sure they can.
This week’s company bulletin/email came out today – so far the entire response to Joe’s puppets’ mandate boils down to, “we’re waiting and seeing”.
“Sure they can.”
They can insist you get vaccinated, sure. But if you declare a religious exemption, what are they going to do? Drive out to your house every day to make sure you’re masked and to give you a test? OK, let em have at it. A few hundred employees doing the same should make that a great amount of fun.
I was referring to the weekly test part. I assume the likes of Google and other evil companies are paving the way by developing elaborate schemes to make you prove it even if you work from home.
“I assume the likes of Google and other evil companies are paving the way by developing elaborate schemes to make you prove it even if you work from home.”
Good luck to them with that.
And that is exactly why your own citizens are fleeing in droves for places like Texas and South Dakota.
Speaking from experience, only partially, maybe 30%. Mark Levine is a douchenozzle. But, in a way, that’s expected. He’s a NYC Democratic politician. Probably moreso, it was the people of NYC who elected Levine who convinced me it wasn’t worth it. It was the people who’d spent the last twenty years beating their chests to me about how they were such non-conformists and promptly revealed themselves as would-be Stasi agents. It was the people who preened about their intellectual sophistication, only to respond “LALALALALA!! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!” when you pointed out the flaws in the lockdown argument. It was the people who said nothing, or even gave the written equivalent of a smirk after New York’s politicians spit on the helping hand they’d been given, after begging like bitches for the rest of the country to bail the city out. It was reading somebody pat themselves on the back about how compassionate they are not two Facebook posts after wishing that people who disagreed with them would die. You realize that, as atrocious as Mark Levine is, he’s a very real representation of the people of that city. Not all of them, of course. But, probably a majority.
And that’s the wake-up call. You add to that the fact that all the things that NYC bragged about were shut down. And then you realize, wait, when was the last time you went to those museums? What was the last Broadway show you saw? You went to the opera, when? How often did you actually ever feel the need to go out for Mongolian barbecue at two in the morning? And you’re paying how much to live where? And your taxes? And, what, you’re working from home? And not really feeling any reduction in productivity?
“And, what, you’re working from home? And not really feeling any reduction in productivity?”
I feel a very good increase in productivity, just speaking for myself. No commute time, way less stress. Way better environment in a quiet place instead of a very disruptive noisy office. I cannot even think of a single reason why working from home is not way more productive.
Pretty much agree with you on the rest of it. And I know people who identify as liberals who refuse to acknowledge that there is even a minute difference between self identified ‘liberals’ and the democrat party of today and what both of those both were in the 1960s.
I can always find something to stress about. I could retire and have a gold-plated toilet. I would still stress about something.
That’s anxiety. Drink more.
Hey. Heavy-metal poisoning of the ass is no small concern.
I feel like telling work, sure I’ll return if you want me to arrive at unpredictable times varying from half an hour to a hour later than I start from home now and if you want me miserable all day every day.
You mean your wife doesn’t rush in while you’re working to tell you the latest gossip she heard on Globo?
” preened about their intellectual sophistication, only to respond “LALALALALA!! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!” when you pointed out the flaws in the lockdown argument. ”
I’ve learned that those who believe that they are an intellectual and constantly complains that no one is as smart as they are, those are usually the most myopic provincial motherfuckers that you’ll ever encounter.
Ain’t that the truth.
Your reasoning is pretty much spot-on for why I left the Lower Rainland™ of British Columbia a couple of years ago — all the great parts of the “Lower Rain” can be experienced as a tourist in the space of about a week, mebbe two (tops), during August (typically the warmest and driest month of the year) whilst ensconced in a fabulous hotel like the Pan Pacific just east of Coal Harbour. Probably cheaper too. The rest of the year you have to deal with the fresh Hell of the Lower Rain and its psychotic social problems, traffic, prices and politics.
No thanks. For you Americans, a New York state of mind sounds a lot better than, y’know, actually living there.
It was the people who’d spent the last twenty years beating their chests to me about how they were such non-conformists and promptly revealed themselves as would-be Stasi agents. It was the people who preened about their intellectual sophistication, only to respond “LALALALALA!! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!” when you pointed out
This is what is killing me right now. I grew up and hung out with all the freaks and punks and goths and hippies in high school, and every one of them to a man was always “fuck the gov’t, fuck the man!” “civil disobedience is civil defense” “dissent is the highest form of patriotism” “question authority” and “my body, my choice” among other slogans. And not one fucking whisper from any single one of them about “maybe the gov’t is going too far” or anything like that. All for the state, wear a mask, get the vax. As long as it is the D’s in charge.
It is fucking sad.
So I just tried a breadless burger. 2 meatloaf mix patties sandwiching a beef patty, with bacon, cabbage, cheese. Yummy, yummy, but rather dense. I could only eat half. There’s got to be a better way!
You really have gone off the deep end.
We’ll eat bacon cheese burgers on top of salad greens, with ranch peppercorn dressing. Jalapenos optional, but recommended.
Mrs. Dean’s version:
Get one of those big shiitake mushroom caps*, that’s about the size of, you know, a burger. Put the burger on that, with whatever fixin’s you like. This makes it more of a knife and fork deal than a handheld deal, but they are damn good.
*I think they are shiitakes. Dunno. My job is cleanup, not cooking.
Yeah, I think that’s it. Makes a damn fine breadless burger.
Probably portabellos.
That’s just shiitalking.
There’s got to be a better way!
Open wider and suck it up, pal.
Instead of bread, try fur.
Iceberg lettuce is your friend here. Use that instead of buns, gives you something to hold on to and is cool, and crisp to eat.
PSA: Tacoma FD resumes Thursday.
“where Madonna sings and leaves us with a warm fuzzy feeling”
I was so expecting a link to armpit hair.
The only Madonna reference that leaves me with a warm fuzzy feeling is this bit.
Siri – define coup d’etat.
FWIW, Richard Grenell says Woodward’s full of shit.
No wonder they fucking laugh at us.
It’s not us they are laughing at, it’s their own supporters. They’re scared of us and want the camps built now before we keep it up with this freedom stuff.
I meant China, assuming the story is true.
Well, they are definitely laughing at us. They’re basically running the US executive branch and they’ve convinced our military to eliminate those with toxic masculinity. Not sure how you would do better than that.
Phone ringing off hook in Milley’s office:
Brezhnev wants his eyebrows back.
Blue and pink haired Xes everywhere want their wokeness back.
Need more than “allegedly”.
Milley and Blinken are both giant pussies. Real authoritarians send in the tanks. Anyone seen any tanks lately? That’s what I thought, pussy boys.
When did the National Guard become the labor pool for Governors, anyway?
Shouldn’t they be in DC in case there is another insurrection?
When the prisons became ballot farms instead of slave camps.
WTF? Why are there a shortage of bus drivers? Didn’t get the vaccine?
business ownerstaxpayers aren’t paying the bus drivers a living wage?I was hoping DeSantis would do that to districts that tried to force mask-wearing.
I hope OJ kicks it soon so Norm has someone to talk to in heaven.
Good pic.
No wonder there is a shortage of drivers…
Car should have given the bus a car-width headed into the turn. Stewards are gonna be pissed and give the car grid penalty.
sign seen at the local Domino’s. But its a great idea to fire 10% of the workforce for being unvaxxed, right?
The joke for years was “You should be flipping burgers or delivering pizzas!” Well, guess we shouldn’t have been belittling those people.
Know how you can spot an extremist without much effort? They earnestly use words, with no irony, like ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’. Yes, we are living in a world that dangerous.
Tonight I tried my martini with a twist. I didn’t like it. But I used the part on the lemon under that in a ouisgian zodah so the fruit was redeemed.
Yes, I had xenolinguist friends.
Like Captain Kirk?
Hey, if you can’t join them, lick them.
I hear he really liked gynnant onyx though.
Shit. I was a block away from the NYC vaccine demonstration yesterday, missed a good opportunity. Pretty sure those were NYC public school teachers. Let that sink in for a moment. Public School teachers. If you’ve lost the teachers, you have a real problem on your hands. Maybe there is hope after all.
Here comes my train, better hurry. Yep, I run like Robert Duvall now.