Your links, I will bring them.
Alright everyone….we are back to the weekly grind. So lets take a look at the world out there.
- Hmmm. I am sure this would be spent on nothing but effect, direct aid. Certainly not skimmed, dipped into, and wasted on rapey Blue Helmets or cholera outbreaks.
OK, not off to a good start.
- “We are going to do what we want” “OK, not even a strongly worded letter from us!” Man, they make the UN look tough.
Lets look in at home. shall we?
- Ah, the ever popular “missing pretty white girl” story. Wonder if STEVE SMITH could help search for clues?
- Dealers complaining about thieves.
That didn’t help.
- At least we don’t live on an island prison.
So there you have it, it could always be worse.
The dealer link goes to the missing girl story
Everyone’s a critic. 😉
My only productive work today.
To be fair, you have to pay more for more than four links.
Same as downtown?
RE: Kiwiland — 33 cases in a city of 1.7 million. Cases. Not deaths, not hospitalizations, but cases (ie, positive tests).
Misthreaded, dammit.
I had a friend who moved to New Zealand and was friends with him on facebook before I signed off for good. I remember a lot of fawning over their PM on his page. Lots of “She obviously cares so much about people shes paying people to stay home and be safe. Why cant all leaders be so awesome?”
“Downsizing our life to fit into this itty bitty van was the best decision we’ve ever made,”
Right up until my boyfriend snapped from the close proximity and fed me to the bears in the National Park?
My Wife watches those tiny house shows and thinks “That would be a good idea”, and then gets pissed at me if I’m in the kitchen the same time she is.
After six weeks in a “itty bitty van”, one of us would be bear food.
Rent one for vacation. They have those on Air BnB. That should cure her.
I would take one shit in the bathroom and we would be back in a real sized house.
Cop: “Ma’am, why were you driving so fast?”
Wife: “Ventilation.”
Afternoon, O Ye of the Narrowed Gaze.
Yeah — I’m more than fine with leaving Afghanistan alone… and that includes not throwing any more money their way. I expect they’ll pull in enough from the poppy fields, maybe if their government doesn’t distribute it properly there will be some backlash from the tribes…
Apparently the thieves are stealing pretty white girls, Swiss.
And give them time — Panem on the Potomac is just salivating to emulate Australia, I bet.
Not for nothing, but the Taliban was pretty good about generally tamping down the opium trade before we opened up the market.
I’ve seen an article or two recently about how a lot of vaccinated people are still terrified and want masks and all kinds of other precautions; and how now it’s time to just accept COVID is here and let it do its thing. I’m hoping that’s the tiny glimmer of a trend.
Yup. Linked to one of those this morning. Possibly even one you already read.
If you’re seeing them away from Townhall and the like, it may be a good sign. On those sites, I assume it is more preaching to the choir so I don’t have as much hope for a wider acceptance.
Townhall dot com. It’s not going to gain any traction until places like WaPo, NYT, MSNBC, and CNN take it up.
Why? A lot more people read Breitbart.
That was one I saw, and I think one was at National Review, and that referenced something from The Atlantic.
No love for The Atlantic, but that’s the type of place that shows maybe traction on the left.
I just hope the pullout isn’t like when we surrendered to the Taliban.
Like it or not, it’s going to just happen on its own. From my own experience… they’ve been drumming up how dangerous COVID is, that people (like me) are just ignoring mild symptoms. That’s going to happen a lot more as people who are vaccinated, or were sick before, get it. And people who have a sniffle for 2 days aren’t going to subject themselves to two weeks of quarantine.
Yup. I’ve heard people coughing again in stores. But the mask mandate is in place, so no problems…
For a little while after I got over the Rona with pneumonia, I’d have coughing fits in the evening.
One night I was at the local brewpub when one hit. I tried to keep it under control. I mentioned something about to the bartender and worried about what someone scared of the Rona would say. He looks around and said to me, “I don’t think anyone cares about that shit anymore.”
Drumming up how dangerous COVID is you say?
This is exactly what I’m saying. I had a party at my house and exposed 15 people because I didn’t feel like I had a serious, deadly disease. What I NEEDED to hear was, “COVID symptoms can be mild, so if you feel at all sick, take an at home test, and if you’re positive, stay home for a week.”
Was walking around Manhattan today (yes, I am a masochist). There are outdoor stations everywhere offering Covid tests, one that I checked provided a choice of rapid ($30) and PCR ($99). I actually thought about getting one for the hell of it, then considered the consequences of a (possibly false) positive test. If I get symptoms, I will absolutely get tested, I’d rather risk quarantine than a ventilator or worse.
This guy gets it. Unfortunately around here the at home rapid tests are really hard to find, but when you can find one it’s $40 for two tests.
Unfortunately I have actually been on a ventilator. Without anesthesia. I would move heaven and earth to avoid a second round.
Strange that the tests are hard to find – where are you? Around these parts we’re tripping over them.
We have them everywhere in Long Island too.
I’m in Indiana.
And at the risk of sounding like a Karen, if you feel you’re at risk, I would suggest you take every symptom seriously. I must have googled “is it covid or allergies” a dozen times, and every time I found I had allergy symptoms. I had none of the symptoms they talk about – no fever, chills, shortness of breath, cough, nothing. Same thing with the wife. And then one night she suddenly had a cough and couldn’t breathe, and drove herself to the ER.
If you tested positive, is there actually a treatment that “keeps you off a ventilator” or is it merely a question of how severe your case is irrespective of treatment?
A bit of both, I think. From what I’ve heard, there are multiple treatments which are effective if they are given early (ivermectin, CQ, monoclonal antibodies) and if you can actually get them. No guarantees, but superior to waiting for full-blown ‘vid before getting tested.
My folks have already been vaxxed – dad tested positive and they were giving him a monoclonal infusion – although more of a precaution iirc. Dont think he had any significant symptoms. And weirdly enough, last I checked my mom hasn’t tested positive no matter how many tests she was given ;p
If your mom is anything like mine was, the virus would be to terrified to dare infect her. Sounds like good outcomes all around.
Dr Z was treating people with HCQ, z-pack, zinc, vitamin c, and vitamin d3
You can get quinine supplements, zinc, vitamin C, and Vitamin D3 over the counter or through Amazon. This worked very well for my wife and the ladies in her quilting circle who all got Covid at the same time last spring.
Man I can’t stand the “it could always be worse” argument. I get it, everyone should appreciate the things they have, especially in America, but when someone says “it could always be worse” I want to respond with “yes, it could be, but I’d rather it wasn’t so let’s not do the thing you’re saying I should overlook.”
Same with “just be grateful.”
I am grateful. I’m profoundly grateful. I’m so grateful, in fact, that I want to keep it that way.
It could be worse. It could be raining.
It could be worse. We could be immersed in molten lead.
It could be worse. We could be in a universal contraction into a super massive black hole.
It could be worse. We could all just be a computer simulation run by the screen writers of Matrix 4.
It could be worse. We could keep coming up with inane ways it could be worse…
Boiled in Lead
Ah, Marty Feldman.
It can’t rain all the time.
Abashed the Devil stood, and felt how awful goodness is.
This is the new argument logic people are learning from the administration.
Wire monkey-mom is better than nothing?
Only if you see them in concert. They’re much better than nothing live, but their studio sessions are worse than nothing….
Go to FLCCA.ORG (I think it’s org. Maybe com.
Its frontline covid care Association.
They do telemed for $90 and hook you up with a list of pharmacies.
Donors have pledged more than $1.1 billion to help Afghanistan, where poverty and hunger have spiralled since the Islamist Taliban took power, and foreign aid has dried up, raising the spectre of a mass exodus.
In a mere few weeks Afghanistan has morphed from a land of milk and honey to an impoverished shithole. Sounds legit.
Well certainly nothing about that government will be helping the economy any time soon.
If people are depending on a government agency for basic supplies, and the people who work in the government are too scared to go to work, then I could see it getting bad quickly.
Also, Not our problem anymore. They didn’t beat us badly enough to warrant us sending tribute.
Well. They mostly just waited until we got tired of that shit.
“Donors” sounds so nice. Too bad I’m coerced to be one.
That narrows it down.
Thats pretty funny
Our shitstain HR weasel has announced proud support of Biden’s vax mandate and will work to enforce it. Fucker.
Wait. Are you not vaccinated?
How are you not dead right now?
“Fuck off slaver, none of your business” is my answer. Which will be assumed to be unvaccinated unless I complete the mandatory attestation.
Huh, that actually works for both questions.
(Apologies Urthona if that appeared to be directed at you personally because it’s not. Neither your nor any of the Glibs are slavers nor would I want to say fuck off. Unless actually a slaver or really deserves it. Dammit, i can’t help being glib!)
I was being facetious, and I like the cut of your glib.
Complete silence from mine. I take that as a sign.
It’s NYC… I don’t think he needs to.
99% or so of the employees are not in NYC. The largest number are in Ohio.
No HR department here!
/Still trying to hire…
Where? Doing what?
Some “manly” shit I’m not qualified for.
Light construction. Doors/windows/drywall/etc.
Greater Philly area & burbs.
“Light” construction…
You know how much vinyl replacement windows weigh? When I was young and poor and we redid our house I lifted a bunch of them. Ouch!
I do! I occasionally offload them. Those triple paned R5s were not my friends.
We really don’t do those anymore.
As someone who occasionally rinses them (double panes) in the bathtub, I’m glad it’s not just me.
He’s not serious about the job offer, he didn’t even come back with a counteroffer when I applied.
It’s real.
If you are not willing to pay a living wage it’s not a real job offer.
But here are my conditions:
I only will accept payment in BitCoin and/or coke-addled stripers
A company Segway will be included.
My office will be a pants-optional zone.
I will be given the power to summarily execute people that wear masks alone, in their car.
Can confirm. Sean and I exchanged a few emails and spoke on the phone late last year about me uprooting and taking a job in Philly but I pussed out.
Oh, and a non zero number of employees are non responsive. Not huge, but the company could decimate the employee base to get rid of them 😉
So you literally only have 10% of the employees not responding? 😉
I just found out that over 30% of L.A. city workers are either decline to state or did not respond. The union thinks it’s in our interest to respond. Of course they do.
No word yet from HR or the CEO at my company, though I am expecting it.
So did the pretty white girl steal some goods from her dealer and he had to disappear her? Is that what you’re saying?
Without reading the story… um… her boyfriend did it.
Do I get detective of the year?
I have a friend who used to be a police detective. He said 90% of the time it’s exactly who you think it was.
Even if it isn’t.
“There is no evidence, but c’mon! Who else would a done it? Let’s hang a case on that motherfucker anyway…”
More like 99% of the time probably.
Yes. And the evidence is usually really obvious. Someone saw it happen, someone heard a fight and the boyfriend is suddenly missing, they robbed the victim and got arrested in the next town with the victim’s stuff. Criminals are usually not bright and/or panic.
Even shows like Dateline usually have to hide that obvious piece of evidence until the end to preserve the mystery. “Oh remember that car we mentioned in the intro to the show? Yeah, it had DNA all over it, and the DNA was the ex-boyfriend’s. Turns out everybody was blaming the brother because the cops were moving slow and the brother was a bit of an asshole.”
He’s “not cooperating”. Oh, OK. Moving along. What could it be??
According to the story, her name is Gabby. I think it is actually Marilee.
I had a first wife that was gabby but she just didn’t say anything (of consequence)
So she was all talk?
Laundrie, who has returned to his Florida home, has hired an attorney and has refused to cooperate with authorities, the Daily Mail reported, citing her family.
The guy she was travelling with returns home alone and is lawyering up? I’m not normally a “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear” kind of guy, but this does sound awfully suspicious.
Still, cops do tend to be lazy in their investigations. Part of me understands if you want to protect yourself from the cops going “Well you were the last one with her so you’re responsible.”
It does run through the head… on the other hand, so does “They had a fight driving back, she got out in a huff in Arkansas or so — he has no idea where she is, and they don’t believe him and didn’t put that in the story”. In the latter case, you can bet you’d be lawyering up too….
If it was him, and he brought the van they’d been doing a web series (hence known vehicle, known locations, etc.) back — he’s up for Moron of the Year ™. Definitely should have ditched the van and filed a report about being mugged by some Trump supporters coming out of a Subway or something instead…
They had a fight driving back, she got out in a huff in Arkansas or so
Yeah, that struck me as a very real possibility. So, why didn’t he just say as much?
For all we know, he did. Reporters get it wrong, leave things out for sensationalism, may have take the police’s word for it (and they may have decided he’s the prime suspect and want to put out that impression), etc.
Plus, we don’t know how they approached him — even well intentioned, if they came at him clearly thinking he was involved — shutting up and lawyering up (as cited downthread) is the right thing to do here.
So taking all this with some all natural sea salt, is all. It may well be he’s an idiot and she’s fed to non-Tonio bears, but it may not be as well.
At a minimum, he knows something
Really, I’m more annoyed that this means a return to the Nancy Grace news cycle.
I think I’d rather deal with the COVID regime than be exposed to that horrid wildebeest.
I wouldn’t. I am amused by it.
United Nations tries to galvanise world to help Afghanistan
Food shortages exacerbated after Taliban takeover
Exit of Western donors complicates aid situation
World Food Programme says 14 million “on brink of starvation”
U.S. pledges $64 mln, China and Pakistan already sending aid
I understand that the Taliban is currently dealing with the excess population.
Sheesh I just skimmed it. We actually pledged anything? Should have just said — we already pledged the equivalent of 7 fleet carriers just this past month. Peace out, world — we’re done.l
I don’t even understand how these things get decided in our government. How does it work that we just give $100 million here or there w/o any act of elected officials?
I’ll take “Things that have the Founders spinning in their graves for $300, Alex”.
My guess — Congress “delegated” this responsibility like everything else that isn’t fundraising and preening at some point. There’s now some multi-billion slush fund directed at State for “Humanitarian Efforts in Region FOO” (and BAR, and BAZ, etc.) that some Nth level minion gets to direct (KK — is that you? 😉 )….
Thinking back to the Davey Crockett story where Congress was actually voting on relief for one Navy widow, and you just want to weep at the efficiency of the graft and weaseling these days. If there were anything we could somehow Great Reset, the Fed sure would be my choice…
The elected officials are almost always in on it. For the most part, they either already authorized a slush fund previously or they made an emergency appropriation to authorize a new slush fund.
And the reason she got tired of him is he had a small dick and was unimaginative in bed
Christ, I don’t like that missing chick story.
And if my daughter’s boyfriend did that I’d move heaven and earth to have him remanded to a black site for some enhanced interrogation.
Terrible story.
Laundrie, who has returned to his Florida home, has hired an attorney and has refused to cooperate with authorities, the Daily Mail reported, citing her family.
That’s not suspicious at all.
Yeah… what’s Florida Man doing with a lawyer?
It’s also his meth dealer.
The offices of Florida Man and Florida Man, Esq.
I guess he will even sniff the MAGA kids.
During his stop in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on Saturday on the 20th Anniversary of the 9-11 Islamist attacks on America he decided to take a photo with a group of children. Joe loves the kids.
His handlers didn’t even notice these were based MAGA kids in pro-Trump T-shirts.
OMG, that is the best.
I’m going to be a bit contrarian about this and say good for Biden for taking that picture. To me it says, “Sure, you may support someone with whom I disagree, but we’re all still Americans.”
Shut The Fuck Up, Bidentard!
Christ, what an asshole.
To me it says, ” What day is it? and can I have more ice cream?”
Seeing fewer masks out and about. Most of the ones I saw were on store employees (which I don’t count because they need their jobs too) and the elderly.
Have to wear them in the school buildings, but I see almost no one wearing them outside. Since it’s a community college, most of the students are fresh out of high school or thereabouts. They are by far the ones who are dutiful about their mask wearing.
Still and all, I’m sensing an “I’m so over this” vibe.
I am in Texas and I feel like reading this board that I’m in a weird alternate universe. I haven’t worn a mask since January except the time I flew on an airplane.
Not that our covid cases and hospitalizations are anything to write about… but … worth it.
Yeah, the only “protection” is being surrounded by a large expanse of water, and that’s only slowing it down.
Weird thing happened here. KC and St Louis mandated masks, but the state didn’t, but then the counties went along with KC and StL. Then the mandate came off and NOBODY was wearing a mask. Then the Delta variant came along and KC (and the county that encompasses KC) and StL (and StL County) again mandated masks, but this time, the rest of the counties didn’t go along with. If you aren’t in KC, StL, Jackson County, or StL County and you’re wearing a mask, I assume either you want to or your job/school is making you.
Our governor is one of the ones saying he’ll file suit against Biden and his vax mandate.
Oh, but I forgot to say that over half of Missourians aren’t vaxed and I will assume they have no plans to be so, or they would’ve already.
I need to come over to your side of town. I haven’t worn a mask in months*, but there are still a lot of places where I’m in the minority or it’s pretty close to 50/50.
*doctor’s office excepted, but I don’t mind wearing one in doctor’s offices and hospitals… may not do jack for something like Covid, but there are other illnesses that I’d rather not get via accidental mouth/nose touching
At church yesterday we noticed the rows were no longer spaced so far apart. And they passed the collection buckets. I mentioned the collection buckets to a coworker and he said their church passed the collection buckets also. Things might just be turning. Also, masking at church is pretty much gone. I don’t think I saw any yesterday.
I’m as pro-decrim/legalize as anyone, but you shouldn’t campaign on unfulfillable promises.
There’s a rumor running around that the CCP will invade Taiwan on 9/25.
Sounds like 4chan stuff to me.
Is there a significance to that date?
The Taiwan question has been kept brewing. More than half of China’s diplomatic troubles are related to it. In the long run, the cost of maintaining the current peace in the Taiwan Straits will only increase for the Chinese mainland. The US and Japan have countless levers to collude with the island of Taiwan, which will constantly consume the Chinese mainland’s diplomatic resources and energy.
The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority is determined to latch onto the US and Japan to gang up against the Chinese mainland, and has increasingly kidnapped public opinion on the island, while the US is making more and more frequently strategic manipulations over the Taiwan question. Given these facts the Chinese mainland has to take fundamental measures, engaging in a resolute struggle so that to stop the situation across the Taiwan Straits from deteriorating, deter the DPP authority and its supporters, and firmly seize the strategic initiative of the regional situation.
Sending PLA fighter jets over the island of Taiwan is a step we must take. The move will pose a fundamental warning to the Taiwan authorities and bring about reconstruction of the situation across the Taiwan Straits. It will be a clear declaration of China’s sovereignty over Taiwan island, and create unprecedented conditions for us to further implement this sovereignty.
There’s no cost in maintaining the current peace. Just do nothing.
Lots of saber-rattling going on.
I’m not smart enough to say one way or another, but China seems really fucked up right now. Injured animals do unpredictable things.
I think Taiwan will win.
Taiwan just got hit by a typhoon. Depending on the severity, right after it dissipates seems like a great time to do it.
I think during the typhoon.
Re the China birth issues mentioned earlier – think I saw it on Twitter or maybe via the ADV China guys – its interesting that in the space of less than 10 yrs (or maybe a little longer) China has gone from the one child policy to the 2 child policy to “3 are fine” to ” please just have kids, we have a demographic crisis”.
Of course the times do matter – a couple decades ago we were looking at the surplus male population and thinking “that’s a lot of cannon fodder” – but how the worm has turned…
Invade now while they have the manpower?
Thats just it, they’re rapidly losing that advantage- the no “sissy” propaganda is even more funny when you see the boy-band types they have rapping in army commercials – again via ADV China podcast.
Interesting, I’ll have to check that podcast out.
Audio on iTunes but you want YouTube because of all the video visuals they use.
“We want the old Republican Party that won’t oppose us.”
Speaker Pelosi: “I say to my Republican friends, take back your party. The country needs a big, strong Republican Party. And I say that as a leader in the Democratic Party… Don’t have it be a cult of personality on the extreme, extreme, extreme right.”
But… she used three “extremes!” That means she’s serious.
Extremely serious.
>>needs a big, strong Republican Party
that’s even weaker than the shitty one we have now.
“Shove your pompous platitudes up your ass, Nancy.”
/what the response should, but won’t, be
Not that anyone reallllly cares, but the Flo OG indica/sativa hybrid is another winner. For $10 a gram, I couldn’t say no to trying it out.
Legalized weed – if you buy carefully – is cheaper than it was in the 1980s when we mostly got Mexican ditch weed.
And whoa nelly, does it pack more of a punch than it did in 1993 when I last tried it before living in Colorado for a bit.
Don’t plan on being productive for a while.
But it also doesn’t give you a headache like the Mexican dirt weed did.
First of all, schools, public safety, drug abuse treatment and prevention are infrastructure. Keep up dude.
Second, pull that (D) off of your name if you’re going to object to funds being
skimmedre-allocated to “newer” priorities. You have no future in party politics.Prozanski is a POS gun grabber and public employee parasite. Thanks to district shifts, he “represents” me now.
Uh huh.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s a bad re-imagining of gone girl… Florida Woman style.
Nah. Get that story straight before the first court date, dude.
Or maybe a scheme to get famous. It’s been done before, remember balloon boy?
Balloon Boy was real his dad just caved under Fed pressure.
I only vaguely remember it. That’s bizarre.
Maybe he’s seen this video.
Cali Man glows in the dark.
US Capitol Police say they arrested a California man who had multiple knives in his truck, which had a swastika and other White supremacist symbols painted on it, near the Democratic National Committee headquarters early Monday morning.
Officers on patrol noticed the Dodge Dakota pickup truck around midnight on Sunday. Police say the truck didn’t have a license plate but instead a picture of an American flag.
The officers pulled over the truck and noticed a bayonet and machete, which are illegal in the District of Columbia. The driver, identified as 44-year-old Donald Craighead of Oceanside, California, was arrested.
The arrest comes while law enforcement officials are already bracing for potential clashes and unrest during an upcoming right-wing rally on Saturday in Washington, DC, according to an internal Capitol Police memo reviewed by CNN last week.
Sounds guilty to me. StRiNg HiM UP!
Bayonets are illegal?
How the fuck are bayonets an issue?
Everything is illegal.
Except grifting.
Probably an edge length ban, in addition to blade geometries and (for folders) locks and opening systems.
If it is part of a knife, there is a ban on a variant of it somewhere.
I really don’t understand how the people of Washington D.C. defend themselves from cavalry charges, but whatevs.
With a stick that’s only pointy on the last 3″ of one side.
With portable fences and National Guard members from other States, put on orders for indeterminate amounts of time.
Do you even know how to insurrection, Bro?
You must have missed all the drive buy bayonet attacks. It is the reason bayonet lugs were included in the salty weapons ban.
Back when NH had knife laws, certain types of bayonet (dagger or sword, but not spike if I remember correctly) were illegal in NH. Some military surplus places refused to sell them to people in NH.
Now NH has no knife laws so it doesn’t matter.
and the obligatory:
You know who else had vehicles with white power symbols painted on it…
Utility companies?
45th Infantry Division?
Some idiot get ahead of the FBI schedule they were pushing him towards so they could have a good excuse to quash the rally?
Yeah….. someone parking a “redneck” vehicle in front of a government building w/ no license plates. Hmm.
You fail blending in forever.
Some how he drove the entire way from CA like that and no one noticed.
Exactly. He’s the rough idea of what your typical socially isolated group of nameless lefty wonks think a white supremacist would be. I call bullshit/false flag/plant.
Really? A half hour into the lynx and I’m the only person to make a laundry pun?
+1 ancient Chinese secret
I had some other stuff to iron out.
Nobody wants the stain of dishonor from punning on Swiss’ links.
Don’t get agitated on us.
Get a load of this guy.
I guess the thread was a wash.
We’ve been conditioned to getting a narrowed gaze.
I’m not one to roll with the Tide.
We didn’t want to hamper the comments section.
OK, I’ll fold.
Better put it out on the line.
Just giving it time to soften the blow.
I’ve been busy eating Tide Pods.
I’ve got nothing to Gain
Huh. I’m All-in.
Going old school here, but I don’t want to wring this one out; I think some of you might be lye-ing.
Careful, Swiss may tag us with his narrowed gaze.
Keep this up and we’ll all be hung out to dry.
We’ll be blowing in the Febreze.
Saw this on Red State:
and breathed a small sigh of relief. Not that this will stop HR departments, who are naturally despotic, but at least most of the General Public ™ doesn’t buy into this crap.
NR did an article this morning about “Morning Joe” ranting about how abortion is a constitutionally enumerated right (which was silly).
But in the little rant he published also said “like 60-70% of Americans favor vaccine mandates” and Republicans were idiots for being against them.
I literally lol’ed.
More people support mandatory vaccinations than have been actually vaccinated?
That dude just pulled that stat out of his ass completely.
I bet if the distinctions were made between a company making it a condition of employment, the State legislatively voting for it to be law, or what the current administration is doing, those #s would make sense. But I am guessing it wasn’t or they weasel worded the question “Do you agree that unvaccinated people are killing vaccinated persons and should be mandated to vaccinate?”
while 29.7%
believe he does have the authoritydon’t give a damn about some document written 200 years ago by some white racist slavers.11.7%
aren’t sureadmit to being uneducated and too ignorant to make an informed decision.Accurate.
My wife is still leery of my possible decision to leave the FAA. I might just do a clean break rather than be hounded daily about vaccination status and when are you going to get it just to ride out and get put on indefinite suspension or whatever else they are calling it. To be honest, I am too…its a pretty big decision.
Some good positions in the area but they are all with large companies. However, if they don’t have a mandate, I can opt for the testing instead. Another option is to do something silly like get a 3D printer and make silly stuff and sell on ETSY along with a part-time job of some sort. Also thought about purchasing a second trailer and building it out and hiring a groomer that I will drive around to appointments.
Yes like that! We got a couple of dog bowls that have custom designs in them to create a ‘slow feeder’.
I will tell you what. Things that fit in an Altoid tin to make it more functional as an EDC and/or craft supply sell like hotcakes. I bought a set of those watercolor wells from that guy and it’s awesome (came with the tin, too, so I didn’t have to use one of mine).
I would think that EDC kits already made up in Altoids-sized tins would also sell well.
Being self-employed I make a 1/4 or a 1/3rd of what I used to at my full-time, but infinitely more stressful job. I plan to expand in the future and (hopefully) make up for the lost income.
And yes I would be better off – financially – with the old job, but I’m a lot happier being out of the rat race. I just learned to pull back on expenses. No longer am I doing all the “retail therapy” I used to, nor do I want a new Tesla Model 3 or a used Porsche or whatever.
There’s something to be said for being your own boss.
Except when that boss is an ass.
Yeah, but you’re stuck with him.
I’ve been staring at my computer screen trying to psyche myself up to leave my job too. I know the pain.
I have an answer for your problem, contact me me through TPTB,
I wish you the best.
You’re a government-sector worker. Can’t you just fake injury and go on permanent disability?
Ted’S wins the internet.
That should be a Gib article
Being a government worker already qualifies as a disability, right?
Part of an “Enjoy the Decline” series.
It’s all downhill from here, so might as well have the fastest sled?
I am the type of person that thinks “everyone else is doing it and getting away with it!” and when I do it, I am the .01% audit that comes and busts me.
I’m looking. I intend to find something and leave on my own terms before either Biden’s mandate takes effect or my company imposes an equivalent on its own.
And best wishes too.
Laundrie, who has returned to his Florida home, has hired an attorney and has refused to cooperate with authorities
That’s exactly what he should do.
Come on people, get over your Gell-Mann Amnesia. TMITE, and “refused to cooperate with authorities” probably means “won’t go in
to answer a few simple questionsfor an extended interrogation session without his lawyer present.”That’s a good point. Even if innocent, never speak with or cooperate with police.
You beat me to it.
Maybe he did do it, but the dude’s course of action is the drum this site has pounded since forever. Also see that YouTube lawyer about not talking to cops and also Marc Randazza.
+1 “what did i just tell you!”
Yup. I’ll cooperate with the authorities once my lawyer is present.
Depends on the totality of the circumstances.
/Read that somewhere
While surfing with Morgan Fairchild?
^yep. Glad I read down before replying further up. I would immediately lawyer up if I found myself a person of interest in a police investigation.
Nobody here advocated for him to “cooperate.”
It’s reasonable to believe that he “knows something,” but that comes with the realization that even if he’s not responsible that his best course of action is to stay silent. Particularly if he panicked and hid the body. Because nobody wants to be caught with a dead white girl.
Doesn’t that just make her a dead hooker?
To me the strange thing is he left the van. If it were me, there is nothing that would make me leave the area until she was found.
Many years ago I was driving home and there was a young couple having a huge fight (actually the girl was the only one yelling) in the rest area. She was sitting on the curb and he was in the car. There a couple of people trying to mediate and he kept trying to drive off (from what I could hear it was her car). This was Arkansas and the license plates on the car said Connecticut or something like that. I left before it was resolved.
I guess the assumption was that he hired an attorney in advance of any suspicion.
But if he hired the attorney once he found out there was an investigation, that’s absolutely recommendable.
Okay. I will plead to the Gell-Mann Amnesia on this one. I probably shouldn’t have taken the story at face value on that.
Dude did exactly what you should do when the cops want to talk to you whether you are guilty or innocent. But the fact remains that he is in all likelihood a scumbag who killed her or knows where she is.
Lawyer question: what do you do if a potential client comes to you and admits they did it but says the cops can’t prove it because……?
Stick fingers in ear and say “la=la-la, can’t hear you!”???
I think some lawyers would not ask their client if he committed a murder. I don’t know what the lawyers would do if the client admits it on his own.
That was a key point in a novel by a lawyer (Scott Turow?) Defendant reveals in confidence that he “did it”. Lawyer is stunned. He has a very good chance at winning the case and now must defend a man who is admittedly guilty.
Don’t recall any more of the specifics. I think that the lawyer justified it to himself that even a guilty man deserves a fair trial.
Righteous indignation.
“You know, it’s not just about health,” Scarborough outlined. “We’ve said it a million times. If you don’t care about how your neighbor is, your children’s health, if you’re too stupid to care about what your doctor says or science and you’re just looking at QAnon conspiracy theories or you’re just looking at Facebook, wake up. Snap yourself out of it. Be selfish, if that’s what it takes, and know that your small business depends on it. Your job depends on it. Making sure your community stays up and making sure entrepreneurs actually have an economy where they can create businesses, grow jobs, and again, those jobs will mean you will be better off financially as well. So, if you can’t do it for the right reasons, if you can’t do it to protect your children and to protect your neighbors and to protect your communities and protect your friends that you go to church with or go to synagogue with, do it for your bottom line.”
Bottom line: fuck off, you dishonest, tyrannical cunte.
I’m so stupid I forgot how to breathe /derp
Says it better than I could.
Nice economy you got there. Be a shame if sumptin’ happened to it. All yous gots to do is take the jab.
“if you’re too stupid to care about what your doctor says ”
Actually my doctor did not recommend a vax, he’s aware of our medical history, the statistics, the efficacy, possible side effects and treatment. We’re healthy geezers, not overweight. We’re aware of the calendar as well.
I’m sure they’ll get around to pulling the licenses of any doctor who recommends anyone not get the vax.
You actually think I’d cross the street to help someone like you, Joe? LOL. Go die.
When you try to convince people to do something by berating and belittling them.
The elites spend 365 days out of the year in gated communities and exotic resorts sneering at the hoi polloi. In order to lecture us about our neighbors, they’d first have to be our neighbors.
Sloop missed one of the funnier sports stories of the weekend in his wrap-up. Florida State is a long way from the teams that were perennial national championship contenders, but they plumbed new depths of ignominy on Saturday when they lost to Jacksonville State on a 59-yard TD pass on the game’s final play.
One male FSU cheerleader was hilariously dramatic in his reaction (TW: Twatter).
Looks like the “dude” who was doing the vaccine Tik Tok at the White House.
Ron Paul: Twenty Years On, We’ve Learned Nothing From 9/11
And we will continue to not learn it until the dollar collapses.
We’ve learned to never let a crisis go to waste.
Scapegoats play to the audience better than solutions.
This passes as “analysis”. . .
As a political neophyte in 2016, Trump tapped into a seam of discontent with the economy and a sense that the Washington establishment was ignoring millions of people. His victimization of Mexican and Muslim immigrants in that campaign played on a fear of outsiders. Some Democrats believe his win was also born from a racist backlash to the country’s first Black commander-in-chief that benefited from his racist and false accusations about ex-President Barack Obama’s birthplace.
Already, what looks like a new attempt by Trump to reclaim the White House is shaping up as an even more sinister affair, not least because a twice-impeached President who already incited an insurrection and tried to subvert US democracy to stay in office would be seeking to regain the awesome powers of the presidency.
In recent days, Trump has appeared to sense an opening, with President Joe Biden heavily criticized over his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and with the pandemic resurgent, to accelerate his own political aspirations. The former President hasn’t offered any political plans or useful suggestions, for example, of how to tackle the country’s greatest crisis — the Covid-19 emergency that he so badly botched while in office. Rather his statements and attacks most often suggest that a new presidential campaign would be a vehicle for personal vengeance and the wounded vanity of being rejected by voters after a single term. That was clear this weekend when the country solemnly marked the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks and the former President unleashed a string of political assaults on his successor.
There was something rather sad that the most recent ex-President felt unable to join Biden and ex-Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama at official commemorations of the attacks. Trump has never been interested in being a member of the ex-President’s club. And his political brand as an outsider often relies on attacking pillars of the establishment like former Presidents. But his absence underscored gaping divides in a nation that is now unable to even join as one to mark the most unifying event in modern history: the national response to the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.
Citation most definitely needed there…
That definitely seems to cross over into full on libel to me — but I’m sure that Trump can’t find a court that would give him a fair shake these days — some crap about “public figures” or whatnot.
I sincerely hate that line of attack. Obama pretended to be above it all while he quietly condoned the media’s branding of any disagreement as racist.
I had hoped that with his election we would finally get to the point that criticizing a black politician is no longer considered racist since all presidents get heat from the other side, but alas my hope was crushed. Some things never change.
“victimization of Mexican and Muslim immigrants”
Yeah, the streets were littered with the bodies of Mexican and Muslim immigrants during his presidency.
Getting to work@ 1400 hrs, got to see Air Farce One take off from the Boise airport.
Local news reported people lining up to protest his arrival this am.
First chance I get this evening, I’ll link a local story if I get a chance.
Sounds chancy.
I linked in the dead post
Thx. We’re busy for a Monday.
I completely stayed the hell away from Boise, even thought he barely left the airport.
I told a rabid conservative that I work with that I wore his name tag to the protest on the off chance I would be filmed waving boxes of Corn Pops at Biden.
He didn’t think it was funny. He went off on an impeachment rant.
+1 box of Corn Pops.
For those considering the jab. I now have this condtion.
I managed to get an appointment to see my PCP tomorrow. There goes another day off wasted. Oh well, at least I get to sleep in until 6:30. If I can sleep that is.
What do I hope for? It’s the Vid Vax? Nerve damage from some weird disease?
What do I hope for?
I hope that whatever it is goes away sooner than the 6-8 weeks being reported in that forum. Sounds a bit too generalized to be something like a pinched nerve.
I have a neighbor who developed temporary violent tremors after her second shot.
I’m assuming that it’s neurological inflammation. It should clear, but I (nor does anyone else) don’t know what the long term effects are.
And sorry man, that sucks.
I am having constant pain in my right arm and shoulder now. That’s the real reason I made an appointment, but the numbness and tingling in my hands is equal on both sides. The first dose was on the left side with minor tenderness and low-grade fever.
I’m due for my second dose Wednesday. Now I’m not sure if I’ll get it. My new PCP (previous one retired last year) is all in on the jab; photos and big smiles all around on his website. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say. /sarc
“Better than a ventilator!” ?♂️
Oof. That sucks.
Sorry dude.
Sorry to hear that Tardis.
I had chest pain yesterday… 2-3 weeks after the J&J. A painful tightness around my heart that was strong for a half hour and lingered for another couple hours.
I can’t definitively say it was from the vax, but I’ve never had chest pain before in my life and it matches up with other reports. I’m fine but am getting worried about if there might be long-term damage to the cardiac muscle.
Yeah, the long term effects scare me, especially on the kiddos.
A day at beach down-under with the nanny-state watching.
Interesting, looked like most people weren’t wearing masks and were just ignoring her.
The mask wearers are going to have some interesting tan lines. I wonder if that will be the next big thing.
The best and the brightest.
Over 240,000 fully-vaccinated Ivy League students and staff will be masking indoors this semester
An idea so stupid only an intellectual could have thought of it.
Many people thought the Vax or even Vax passports would free us but I guess not…
Our best and brightest.
I just woke from from an un-scheduled nap.
‘“She has a triangle tattoo on left arm with flowers and a ‘Let it be’ tattoo written on her right arm. She has a Belly button piercing,” the post said.”
I bet her IG also says “I’m so random! andioops tsk tsk”
Stay away from the Xylazine dude.
70 ODd over the weekend. ?
Distributing hot loads would not happen in Libertopia.
Consistent dosing is the only regulation.
The use of xylazine in the United States has steadily increased since 2015, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Xylazine is a drug used by veterinarians, primarily on horses. It causes heavy sedation and is known on the street as “tranq” or “sleep cut,” Adams said.
In my day, PCP was the horse tranquilizer of choice. At least with that you got superhuman strength, according to the media.
Angel dust! blech, real hard to attend high school on that shit.
I blame Trump and Joe Rogan for saying that horse drugs cure covid.
Ask Helen Hunt about that. I should look for it online AAMOF.
“Take my word for it, man. Never eat dog tranquilizers.” https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/f9/7e/e0f97e3a1ee86d7e75b41f3605f8bb8e.jpg
Funny story about mixing up m doge’s acepromazine with my amoxicillin once. HMU when Im sober.
Elon Musk—Troll level: expert.
“Comanche” would be the perfect name for a Tesla SUV.
A buddy of mine his part Arapaho. He said that when he was a kid, whenever someone in the family had the runs, his grandmother would say, “What’s the matter? You got the Comanches chasing you?”
For no good reason, that reminds me of an anecdote: Back in the early aughts, Newsweek ran a cover story about how it was SOOOOO HAAAAAARD to be an upper middle class urban mommy. In a pre-Bee parody, it was said a group of truck stop waitresses in the South felt sorry for the poor dears and decided to take up a collection for them. One of the waitresses had three kids – Dakota, Cheyenne, and F-150 Crewcab.
When ex Ms. Tres worked for US Bank, her manager was Krystal Lear. Middle name- Shanda.
The forgotten form of child abuse.
When mr Splosives was in the depths of ICU psychosis and thought he was dead in purgatory, he was still a sarcastic fuck.
He asked a surly demon (nurse) what her name was and she answered .
Without skipping a beat, and with his hands and legs tied down, he said “Is that your stripper name?”
I had to turn away to keep from laughing. I’ve never been more/less proud.
There’s no way I wouldn’t have laughed out loud at that.
Pretty sure Jeep still owns that name as they made a pick up under that name.
the Deep state sooo wanted Bezos to knock him off his perch, not gonna happen, Mars! Baby!
That story got zero coverage in the local media. Should have been a big deal. Crickets.
If it did not have a cigar store Indian in front of it, I will be disappointed.
Donors have pledged more than $1.1 billion to help Afghanistan, where poverty and hunger have spiralled since the Islamist Taliban took power, and foreign aid has dried up, raising the spectre of a mass exodus.
What’s that saying about fools and money?
Ontario City Manager Adam Brown said the town plans to spend its cannabis tax revenue on making it a more attractive place for new residents and businesses. That means funding for improved lighting and fiber Internet connections downtown, better roads and a 3-D mural at a local park.
What could possibly go wrong?
Fucking Stoners and there “3D” murals,
The video I’ve seen from Gun Jesus’ visit to Shooter’s Outpost. The owners have quite an impressive gun collection. A coworker of mine has claimed to see some of it.
I forgot to get Powerball tix on the way home. I had to run out and get some.
Came back and did some pepper picking.
Looking at that photo, my butthole went and got some Preparation-H all by itself.?
Those are not even the hottest ones I’m growing this year. ?
Those poor peppers are just lying there with no visible means of protecting themselves! ?
If only there was some dead bovine nearby.
How you say…”chef’s kiss”?
Isnt that the spike that killed Bourdain ?
I’d ask if you picked a peck of them, but as I recall someone did that last time you mentioned picking peppers. So I won’t.
He who would pick a peck!
Pulled the frozen smoked pulled pork out of the freezer to do some fusion type pulled pork floutas or pulled pork enchiladas. Not sure which yet
Nice to know Im not the only one here thats drunk.
I’m grinding a Buzz Homey!
rock on!
/Tall Bottles of Nectarine Ale, surprisingly good!
That’s a lot of pulling.
Use lotion.
Pulled Dork?
Well, I gotta go pick up the monster at school and then, vote yes on the recall and for Elder. I’m interested to see if I’ve already voted as a bunch of other non-democrats have discovered.
I mailed mine in. But I am registered Republican. Doesn’t that mean they can easily “lose” my ballot without ever opening it?
I don’t really know. I have heard that many republicans are being told they had already voted when voting in person. I’m registered as a Libertarian, so maybe that’s why I still hadn’t voted until I got there?
For the time, era, and target demographics…..Rolling Stones = KISS, Change my mind.
Hmmmm, My Mom was a Stones fan and called my Dad a pussy for liking the Beatles, guess who did 4 tours in Vietnam?
/Enlisted in ’57
And you couldn’t like KISS and Led Zeppelin or Frampton at the same time, Fag!
Let me know when you see the “Frampton Army”.
/mic drop
I’m with Yusef here. They were two different things. KISS is an acquired taste that took me decades to get. Lotta stuff I like now, just because it was prominent during better days.
Once you get past the barfing blood and spitting fire… KISS’ fame is predicated on a sappy ballad written and sung by their drummer; Peter Criss the Catman. Or Mancat.
Their #2 claim to fame is the disco anthem “I Was Made for Loving You”.
KISS sucks.
And apologies to Bob and Blackjack. I don’t mean to be negative; I’m just a little drunk and in a mood.
I liked their first three albums. They were the cheez-whiz of rock and roll. I was 10, sue me.
Thanks for that blackpill…
If Californians’ support “totalitarian socialism” because Bad Orange Man opposes it then something tells me we are not in a rational world…
Also if freedom depends entirely on Republicans running “nice guys” then we have much bigger troubles…
If freedom depends on the Republicans…period…we’re screwed. That being said, this guy is a longtime antiTrumper and won’t give him a fair shake even when he deserves one.
Who can forget the GOP’s great successes before Trump came along and wrecked it all…
“Whycome the psychopathic power lusters in DC won’t give me a fair election system so I can vote them out!”
-Scott Adams Boomer rant today
“Boomer” there’s the problem,
Hey, govt kind of worked for me. Granted, we did shit all to stop corruption, but don’t blame us.
-Boomer mating call
Corruption isn’t the problem. The government at its most corrupt (late 19th century) was also the government at its most honest. They were very open about how things operated, and they got shit done. They skimmed some off the top, they told you they were doing it, and they told you why. Tammany Hall grew proud, and it probably needed to be laid low, but the slaying of the villain of corruption was a great lie. FDR slew the dragon and its place put himself. The problem with the Boomers isn’t that they didn’t end corruption. The problem is that they think they did.
Adams isn’t quite as smart as Adams thinks Adams is.
lol, this.
Leave it to a black cat to find a use for a hate bird
Is there a Zoom tonight? I have a raging boner Im anxious to show off.
To be fair, I painted it yellow and wrote “tred upon me” in Sharpie marker. The snake is implied as a bit of Avant-Garde artwork.