““Portland Bureau of Transportation” FIRST THING”
Not even close to the worst thing in Portland though.
Good point.
Save the worst for last.
The Shat in space?
My life would suddenly have more meaning.
In space no one hears you shat.
Red rocket?
Bezos’ penis rocket may be the top.
You’re the Top!
You’re a golden locket!
You’re the Top
You’re a penis rocket!
It’s a part of a guy
Who owns a gi-ant shop!
But if baby, he’s the bottom,
You’re the Top!
That’s all in the past.
It’s behind you.
I can’t believe he’s 90.
I read somewhere recently that he feels the same way.
He won’t be the first Trek star to actually go into space, just the first to be alive at the time.
Scotty’s ashes
There’s something on the wing…some…thing.
“Projects that had spending for both safety and repair improvements were not accounted for separately,” Auditor Mary Hull Caballero’s office said in a news release, “making it impossible for the city to assure the public it kept its promise to voters.”
No reason to start.
We kept our promise. Now keep your distance!
I’m not crying.
Our gent Tina!
Giver Xir a round of applause!
Doesn’t govt have one promise to voters – essentially the same as STEVE SMITH promise.
No reason to even try.
In regards to the Tokyo ivermectin study, that will be a huge boon to fighting the ban here.
It’s relatively easy for them to ignore India, stupid brown dirty ignorant cow-worshippers and all that racist crap, but it will be much harder for them to ignore the Japanese.
I need to get off my ass and shop for a doctor willing to prescribe Ivermectin, HCQ, or really any available therapy. My brother did exactly that a year ago, and was able to get the meds when he needed them.
Prescription requirements should be eliminated.
Agreed. If you want/need a drug, why do you need anyone’s say-so?
But I want a new drug!
Sorry Ghostpatzer, gotta do it.
There’s more nuance to it.
The group is an independent body and it’s recommendation appears based on results in Africa.
Much more of this kind of technical Japanese is beyond my abilities.
As much as I don’t like “fact checks” this link says Tokyo docs are not doing anything with ivermectin.
I haven’t seen any thing other than social media posts, so if someone has a link to the actual study that would be useful.
It sounds like the fact check site you linked to supports the Tokyo story. The Tokyo story is that a Japanese organization of doctors, the Toyko Medical Association, supports the use of ivermectin.
That fact check site does not dispute the statement, but instead spins that ivermectin hasn’t been approved by Japanese regulators for Covid.
“I believe the difference is clear. Of course, one cannot conclude that ivermectin is effective on the basis of these figures, but when we have all these elements, we cannot say that ivermectin is absolutely not effective, at least not me,” he says.
“We can do other studies to confirm its efficacy, but we are in a crisis situation. With regards to the use of ivermectin, it is obviously necessary to obtain the informed consent of the patients, and I think we’re in a situation where we can afford to give them this treatment,” Ozaki adds.”
This is what was said. This statement is based on a study done in Africa. I guess it can be used to support your viewpoint, but it’s not like the entire Tokyo medical establishment conducted a study and started prescribing it, like the social media posts make it sound.
I’m not really following. I haven’t heard anything about a study performed in Japan or see the connection to the statement. It’s a positive development that the Chairman of the Toyko Medical Association has publicly recommended that all doctors in Japan begin using Ivermectin to treat COVID.
The social media posts are trumpeting a study done in Japan showing a huge drop in numbers after using ivermectin.
Except the study was done in Africa.
And the only mention of it in Japan is a statement from the Chairman of the Tokyo medical Association.
So it’s not really the giant win it’s made out to be.
I’m happy to be wrong if someone can post the study or the official endorsement from the Tokyo Medical Association.
The statement from the chairman is the big deal. Governments rely on these groups to provide cover for their health policies. If the AMA spoke forcefully out in favor of ivermectin, it would be a huge deal in the United States. It would have more impact than any study. Right not the AMA is telling pharmacists to ignore any prescriptions for ivermectin written by physicians, and the big pharmacy chains have complied. That’s the power of these groups.
I’m guessing the Tokyo Medical Association doesn’t have the juice of the AMA, but it’s still a win that one of these groups would go against their government. It’s not a landslide victory, but it’s still a big win for Japanese doctors.
The sleight of hand on the study (not by you but by the fact checkers) almost makes the think some of those social media posts were intentional misdirects. Then the fact checkers put all the focus on discrediting the study instead of the real news about the chairman’s statement. As far as an official statement, I can’t find that. Any direct text will likely be in Japanese and Youtube pulled the video. The AAPS made a brief mention of the recommendation in their letter to the AMA.
Mustang, what’s going on is that doctors are seeing great success in the field using already-approved therapeutics in an off-label manner. This goes on all of the time. The whole “BUT NO DOUBLE-BLIND STUDY!!!1!” is such complete horseshit. If it were honest, they would admit that there’s been no double-blind study for any of the EUA vaccines, either, yet people are mandating EUA vaccines as if it’s okay to do so. Conversely, they refuse to acknowledge any off-label products that show significant benefit out in the field.
For example, I have a doctor client who treats the sickest of the sick – people with Stage 3 or 4 kidney disease who get Covid. These are the people with beaucoup co-morbidities. He uses all over-the-counter stuff (Zinc, Vitamin D, etc.) in a specific protocol that is not recognized and hasn’t been “FDA approved.” He hasn’t lost a single patient. So, who are you going to believe? Your lying eyes or the FDA’s licensure process?
This is what we’re up against right now. Credentialism posing as science with American Pravda assistance vs. doctors succeeding in actually stopping people from dying using approved drugs off-label.
I’m fine with using every victory, but one statement from a medical professional in Tokyo saying it might be effective is not exactly the gigantic win that’s being trumpeted by right wing social media.
I just don’t see the value of spinning it when the mandaters do that continuously to get their way. Maybe we do need to, I just worry we are our own echo chamber.
Credentialism posing as science with American Pravda assistance vs. doctors succeeding in actually stopping people from dying using approved drugs off-label.
Hell, at this point it isn’t even credentialism – it is out and out ideology and propaganda. It is fucking TRIBALISM and you just shut up and do as the shaman says!
Mustang, from the deadthread about your same comment:
From the fact check:
citing remarks by the chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association. But he is not a government official, and while clinical trials are ongoing, the Japanese government has to this day not approved ivermectin for that use.
OK, is that the standard by which we judge anything now? The official government thumbs up?
Unless I’m missing something, and I probably am, where is the authoritative conclusion here?
There is no authoritative conclusion, that’s kind of my point. One medical professional in Tokyo says a study in Africa might show promise for ivermectin.
Or it might not.
And right wing social media acts like it’s a victory from the top ropes. All I’m saying is don’t do the same thing as the mandaters do and take every statement that tangentially supports a viewpoint and use it as definitive proof.
Alright, gotcha. And I agree. For all the noise about the left “can’t meme”, the right loves to point repeatedly at stuff that ain’t convincing no one.
My thought is, best case scenario, it gets you over Covid if you were going to die of it. Worst case, well what? You died anyway and it sure as hell wasn’t the medicine.
There’s the evil.
The current process for Covid appears to be:
1. Present with symptoms
2. Pay a visit to medical provider (ER or doc, doesn’t matter)
3. Get positive Covid test
4. Get instructions to go home and take Tylenol
5. After a few days, show up in ER with severe symptoms. Get admitted and intubated.
6. Pray.
The only attempt at therapeutic treatment here is #4, and I am not aware of any studies or anecdotal evidence that Tylenol is of any help. On the other hand there is considerable anecdotal evidence of successful treatment with Ivermectin and HCQ, both of which have a long history of safety when used on-label. There are also ongoing studies which suggest that these treatments are promising.
Is this a magic bullet? Maybe not, but if the SHTF there is no reason to withhold these options, which many actual doctors would use absent pressure from on high. Debating the validity of one study or another misses the point entirely, the point being that the decision to use or not use these treatments is one to be made by doctors and patients, not bureaucrats with an obvious agenda. We are talking about drugs that have been used safely for decades, not experimental “vaccines” which have no such track record.
A few thoughts:
Monoclonal antibodies are an approved “step 4” therapeutic.
The odds of getting to step 5 are quite small, as in a fraction of a percent. The odds of getting intubated are even smaller – these days, probably around 1/4, maybe a little more, of admitted COVID patients are intubated. And the odds of dying are even smaller than that. Let’s not play the game of “COVID is a death sentence” – that’s the Branch Covidian’s line – even to push for use of therapeutics.
Some of the unapproved therapeutics are likely helpful in reducing these odds even more, which makes denying them a crime. But these unapproved therapeutics aren’t really standing between the vast majority of people and death.
But these unapproved therapeutics aren’t really standing between the vast majority of people and death
This is true. I’m just saying that they should be an available choice for treatment, for the small minority who *might* benefit.
I figured as much.
Just that the comment could be read as a straight line from “catch COVID” to “ventilator and doom”. In the current overheated climate (no, not that climate), advocating for free access to therapeutics for a disease which most people will survive regardless is a hard balance to strike.
My communication skills leave much to be desired. On the other hand, “If it saves one life” might be an interesting riposte in some circles. Turnabout is fair play.
Yeah sorry, but that isn’t at all the case. I agree with you that unfortunately there aren’t a huge number of treatment options that you can just take at home, but it’s a far cry from “oh, we’ll just wait for the patient to be damn near dead before we do anything”. Honestly for most people Covid is going to be a bad cold, so prescribing a huge amount of pharmaceuticals to everybody is a waste of time and their money. We certainly do have some treatments available, including antibody infusions. I got the infusion when I came down with covid and it certainly seemed to help me turn the corner. Anecdotally they help and they’re available on an outpatient basis for you.
Unfortunately we don’t really know exactly why certain people get super sick while most others do great. Sure, there are risk factors, obesity being the biggest (along with older age), but I’ve seen fat people that do just fine and skinny healthy people that go to shit. If we have to intubate you unfortunately you’re very likely going to die. It’s very rare to wean patients off the ventilator.
The reality is that Ivermectin has shown some real promise in some studies, while others haven’t shown that it does much of anything. I certainly don’t mind prescribing it for a patient, but I’m not going to tell them it’s anything other than what it is: an experimental treatment for covid that might help, but might not. Yes, it’s very well tolerated and has a great side effect profile, but it’s not a silver bullet. Unfortunately like everything else its become super political and you can’t have a real discussion about the merits without running into people who are adamant that it shouldn’t be allowed or the opposite, people who think there’s some kind of global conspiracy to keep it down.
or the opposite, people who think there’s some kind of global conspiracy to keep it down.
Seriously CP? I don’t know how effective Ivermectin is and won’t shout about it’s efficacy from the rooftops. But it doesn’t seem like there’s much doubt that, at least in America, there absolutely is a concerted effort to keep it down. You can call it conspiracy if it makes you feel better dismissing it. I don’t know what else to call it but a concerted effort when:
-The FDA ignores decades of safety studies and billions of administrations to declare ivermectin a dangerous drug for human use.
-The AMA leadership tells physicians not to use it and then goes further against their own membership to tell pharmacists not to fill ivermectin prescribed by physicians.
-The big retail pharmacies decided in unison to no longer fill ivermectin scrips.
I overheard a pharmacist at work tonight saying, “It’s just sad that it became so politicized that doctors are getting attacked for doing what they think is right for their patients and they just feel paralyzed.”
This is what comes of government involvement in healthcare.
1. The FDA has not declared Ivermectin a dangerous drug for human use. It has stated there isn’t evidence to recommend its use for Covid. The two are not the same. Yes, I agree that CNN referring to it as “horse dewormer” is ridiculous and over the top, but they aren’t the FDA. They’re a political advocacy group that wants to score points on their opponents. Let’s just call it what it is.
2. The AMA does not control the practice of medicine. Less than 30% of physicians belong to it (it might be less than 20% now) and compared to pharmaceutical and insurance groups it has zero lobbying power. It has no control over pharmacies and their dispensing.
3. I agree that pharmacies electing not to fill prescriptions for Ivermectin is ridiculous, but that’s almost certainly a result of pressure from pharma and political groups, not the AMA or any other physician body.
Again, there’s not enough evidence to endorse Ivermectin as a cure for Covid. Yes, it might be helpful, but there isn’t great evidence. I agree that it’s unfortunate we can’t get good studies done in the states, but as I said, it’s become very political at this point. Nobody wants to stick their neck out. That’s not a plot, it’s just good old fashioned cowardice and stupidity.
Based on my experience, the AMA (and I’m not a member) spends their entire budget snail mailing me daily insurance offers.
I get what you’re saying with the efficacy… we’re on the same page with that. Pharmacies refusing to fill prescriptions “almost certainly a result of pressure from pharma and political groups” is pretty much the definition of a concerted effort. I don’t what else you could call that.
The fact that Lefties are trying to prevent Americans from avoiding the vax is nefarious enough.
Lefties trying to prevent drugs on the market from being prescribed tells me that Lefties are trying to pull another grand fraud. This fraud requires complete obedience to vax dogma.
Not sure when y’all are going to admit that Lefties are trying to kill Americans on purpose. Lefties live them some genocide , population control, and jonestown forced suicide.
“The auditor found in 2019, and again Thursday, that the city hadn’t closely tracked how much money was spent on road repairs and how much was spent on pedestrian and bicycle improvements, particularly when projects incorporated both.”
What a surprise! It’s the same thing in Illinois. The state legislature pass all sorts of tax hikes and a couple of years later they come begging for more money even though they pissed it away on some other bullshit.
Also no surprise that they raised the gas tax to pay for non-car expenses. They could have gone the normal fungible route by cutting the equivalent amount from general fund expenditures.
It’s like they learned it in (or from) schools.
Our local school district passed a parcel tax to “improve schools”. Instead of spending it on new classrooms, they built a new football field, new gymnasium, and a new swimming pool. The previous facilities were old and outdated, but they had much more pressing priorities that they should have taken care of first. It’s infuriating.
It’s the same thing for my school district. I think 70 percent of our property taxes goes to the school district and a couple of years ago they asked the voters for an increase. Everyone basically asked, “What the fuck have you guys been doing with our money to not maintain the school’s infrastructure?” It was shot down so they had to come back and ask for less and give assurances that they will be more transparent with where the monies goes.
Same here, except they got their money because the children. HVAC maintenance and replacement is a foreseeable and budgetable item. It didn’t just appear spontaneously.
That seems to be a pretty common tactic for educational institutions–skim money from physical plant maintenance budgets for general operations and special stuff, then go whining to their oversight boards and supporting governments that they need new facilities to replace the old decrepit ones. I’ve seen it in manufacturing too, and it’s just as disgustingly fraudulent and irresponsible there.
The Army and Air Force are directed to build new bases and given funds. The Army builds armories, motor pools, training areas and skimps on barracks and other facilities. The Air Force builds barracks, dining halls, rec centers and other luxuries going back to Congress telling them that they need more money if they are to have airfields and hangers.
What’s a little graft amongst friends?
Money is fungible anyway. For me it’s less that they didn’t spend x amount of money on some project. It’s whether the speeding is on something the government should be doing and the overall spending level.
Thanks for the lynx, Smitty!
Any chance we could talk you into a trip to DC?
There are a few people there that need the kind of guidance only you can provide.
Beautiful song. You must be using a better conditioner – your hair looks great!
If he was going up on an Elon rocket, I would expecta stewardess to be dressed as the green alien hottie.
Because its a Bezos rocket, I have no such expectation.
Is the Bezos rocket the penis shaped one? I don’t even want to know what they’d be dressed as.
George Takei
And He would do it for Fun, just to shock Shat, who would dig it!
Most Republicans just voted for a federal red flag law. They are worthless.
Is that the one that’s supposedly “only” for the military? I can’t see how that could possibly be abused.
Just one more salami slice in driving The Wrong People out of the military.
Yep. It’s a nose under the tent to set up disarmament of veterans for expressing wrongthink.
*Zombie Frank Lautenberg crackles*
There’s a Crenshaw voting “eye” joke in there somewhere.
The more distasteful the better. I can’t believe he voted for it.
The arch-neocon warhawk?
The arch gun-control opponent? Yes.
To a neocon, a soldier is a tool, not a person.
Fair point.
Crenshaw has spoken in favor of red flag laws in the past.
Good to know. I guess I’ve only really seen a few soundbites from him here and there and made some incorrect assumptions.
The Trotskyite is the enemy of free people, and the neocon is just the Trotskyite temporarily incognito among the deplorables.
Pirate Dan can suck it.
Pirate Dan is involved with the WEF.
Just like Tulsi.
“‘I don’t look at the polls’: Biden says as his numbers take a downturn as he blames Trump, anti-vaxxers, fires and floods for failures”
At least it wasn’t kulaks?
He may not, but his handlers sure are. His admin is chasing polling data that is coming out as things drop and start getting even MSM attention. But yeah, sure. You have been a politician for decades and you don’t look at the polls. Who buys this bullshit?
I mean, could it possibly get more pathetic than that? I felt bad for him during the campaign and for the first couple months, but now I am just ready for that dementia patient to fade into a home somewhere so good people never have to see those dead eyes looking into the wrong direction again.
Out of curiosity, why did you feel bad for him? He’s been in politics for almost 50 years. Accusations of plagiarism, corruption, and stupidity have been a fixture of his career ever since the beginning. He was never anything other than a milquetoast token even at his peak and he’s nowhere near that.
I mean, at some point if you have even an ounce of self-reflection you have to say to yourself “should I really be trying to be president? What do I have to offer here?” The guy is very clearly in way over his head. He had no plan whatsoever other than run as candidate not-Trump. He figured that Covid would just naturally get better allowing him to take credit and people would be so glad to have Orange Man gone that nobody would pay attention to anything else. Instead, everything went to shit and it turns out you have to actually be a leader to be the president. Even his buddies can’t run cover for him anymore and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before the rats start jumping off the boat.
So I’m baffled as to why you’d ever feel sorry for this guy. He knew damn well he had nothing to offer after 47 years of offering nothing. Screw him.
Seconded. The guy is a power hungry authoritarian who sold his office to the Chinese during Obama’s “scandal free” years. I hope he shits his pants on national TV one week, then has a stroke during a presser the next. I realize that’s a pretty disgusting thing to wish for, but I really want to see the MSM run cover for him after that, and only something that dramatic can wake this country up.
If I were Shatner, I wouldn’t settle for suborbital flight.
They would need more power to get into orbital flight.
*sensible chuckle*
I dinnae noo if she kin taek i’!
“Och… laddie, how can you be known as a miracle worker if you tell him how much time it will really take?”
That’s what,,,um,,,I said about her.
Can you imagine the twitter fight if he goes up before Takei?
Oh my!
So, you are saying Takai should go down?
Takai would give it all hes got. Or make it so.
“If I were Shatner, I wouldn’t settle for suborbital flight.”
Which is why I just said he needs to talk to Elon.
“Minnesota school district is slammed for asking students to play gay and transgender roles in relationships in a Planned Parenthood-sponsored program
Minnesota parents accused a woke school district of asking teenagers to role play as transgender and homosexual characters and telling children as young as four years old to refer to a female as a ‘person with a vulva’ as part of the sex education curriculum.
On Monday, the Richfield Public Schools’ board members heard the parent’s complaints about a sex-ed curriculum by Advocates for Youth – a Planned Parenthood-sponsored program – dubbed the 3R’s (Rights, respect, responsibility).
The curriculum includes situations where teenagers are ‘turned on,’ ‘hooking up’ and ‘doing awesome things’ to each other, Aphanews reported.”
Leave the kids alone.
Fucking perverts
I grew up in the next suburb over. Richfield was full of blue collar tough kids.
“BREAKING NEWS: COVID Chaos on The View: Hosts Sunny Hostin and Ana Navarro are dramatically pulled off panel LIVE on air after testing positive for COVID – just MOMENTS before Kamala Harris interview”
Had to be scripted and staged.
Yeah. They learned from their producer that they were positive. Huh?
on live TV. No HIPAA concerns there.
Actually, there aren’t.
And of course it was staged.
A co-worker coming on live TV and announcing that one of the performers on air has tested positive for a disease, and that’s the first the performer has heard of it? How would that not be a violation? If I announced to people in my office that one of my employees had a medical condition, it wouldn’t be a HIPAA violation?
99% of claims of HIPAA violations posted online are incorrect. It’s the only thing I know about that law. And I should have spelled it HIPPA.
OK, so, if I announced to people generally in my office that one of my employees had been diagnosed with a medical condition, it wouldn’t be a violation?
Its not a violation because HIPAA only applies to health care providers and insurers.
Just like its not a HIPAA violation for your employer to ask you, and you to tell them, whether you have been vaccinated or tested positive/negative.
The only possible HIPAA violation is if their doctors told the network they were positive, without the consent of the patients. But I would be very, very, very surprised if that’s the case. I strongly suspect these tests are done routinely in order to be reported to the network, which means they have consented.
db – part of the answer to that question is how you found out.
if I announced to people generally in my office that one of my employees had been diagnosed with a medical condition, it wouldn’t be a violation?
Assuming you’re not working for a health care provider or insurer and you know because you got it from their records, no. Even if its true.
I can see that (prior authorization) being the case. Please understand, I’m not just shouting “HIPAA” here, like it’s some sort of catch-all legal shield. I should have said my assumption was that there was no prior authorization to release the information. Why TF would anyone give their employer authorization to release information publicly about his or her medical state?
One must think of the greater good, comrade.
part of the answer to that question is how you found out
Only if you work for a “covered entity” – health care provider or insurer.
True fact: if a hacker breaks into a hospital’s medical record system and steals thousands of medical records, he hasn’t violated HIPAA. But the hospital may have, depending on how good its infosec is.
Why TF would anyone give their employer authorization to release information publicly about his or her medical state?
Unless the employer is a “covered entity”, HIPAA doesn’t apply to them, and so doesn’t require that they do anything, including getting a prior authorization.
Other privacy laws may apply, though. Depends on the state.
Why would you set it up so that you get the results of the test before going on air.
Are they heavy enough to die from this?
I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts that they will try some therapeutics that have not been proven to work and so no one should try them.
With a HIPAA HIPAA hop,
For the HIPAA HIPAA hoes.
/Tom Tom Club
Jerry springer…
I finally have something to list on “What are We Reading”
The Dune Encyclopedia, .pdf version https://www.e-reading.life/bookreader.php/137523/Herbert_-_The_Dune_Encyclopedia.pdf
Pros: Vastly cheaper, actually available, entertaining. Encyclopedia format makes it easy to read in small chunks of time.
Cons: The OCR is laughably bad
This is basically a fanfic version of The Silmarilion. None of it is by Frank Herbert, and some of it (like the Butlerian Jihad explanation) expressly contradicts the Brian Herbert books. It is also much better than the Brian Herbert books, so there’s that. The other thing I should mention is that is is written as if it were an encyclopedia created fairly soon after the discovery of the Rakis Hoard. While all the canonical information is in it, there is also stuff that’s flat wrong presented as academic arguments. For example, in the “Paul Muad’dib” section, his existence is treated as a matter of debate with some scholars presenting the canon story while other “historians” insisting that he was a Fremen who took the name of the slain son of Duke Leto because of course the sietches would never have followed an offworlder. Honestly though, I found reading the “wrong” information pretty fun:
There are some articles written by the same sort of fans that used to write Star Trek fanfic in those printed ‘zines that you could find in the geekiest comic book shops. Those can be painful. I really didn’t need to read about the poetry changes from the Corrino to Atraidies eras (and the linguistic shit from Galach to Fremen that accompanied it). But the Spacing Guild, the Butlerian Jihad, and the Bene Tleilaxu all get interesting write ups. The other thing interesting is that they treat the David Lynch movie as a source of canon re: Mentats and the juice of sapho.
I had a paperback copy of that….gave it to a fellow Dune fan when I moved to a smaller place, way back in the day. Sigh…
“Two white students at Arizona State University were forced out of a ‘multicultural learning space’ after two female BLM activists took issue with the Police Lives Matter stickers on their laptops.
The incident, which took place at the college’s Phoenix campus on Thursday, was recorded by one of the activists before it was shared to their Instagram page.
The footage begins with the white students sitting at a table studying before they are approached by two activists who state: ‘You’re offensive. Police Lives Matter? This is our space. You’re making this space uncomfortable.’
The activists, who appear to be black, tell the white students they must leave, saying: ‘You’re white. Do you understand what a multicultural space means? It means you’re not being centered.’
‘White’s not a culture?’ one of the white students subsequently asks.
‘White is NOT a culture! You think whiteness is a culture? This is the violence that ASU [Arizona State University] does and this is the type of people that they protect!’ one of the activists responds.”
Violins are violence.
What the fuck? Maybe they should fucking travel back to the South pre-1960’s and see what injustice actually looks like. These motherfuckers are so entitled and stupid that you almost feel bad for them.
Those dudes were obviously trolling for that response, not that it matters.
Definitely but at times mockery is the only way to expose the ridiculousness of a stupid and infantile position.
Everyone in my doctoral program has stickers or other crap plastered with BLM, pro-choice, rainbows, etc. Which is cool for them to express themselves however they choose. I agree about the trolling, but it’s sad that anything counter to this messaging on a campus is considered trolling instead of just a different viewpoint. I try to keep my mouth shut as much as possible so I can get my degree without being dragged to a microagression board and expelled. I watched as one of the most militant students actually took a senior professor to task in front of the entire class for making an “ableist” comment. The professor, who is hardcore left, then profusely apologized. It’s like watching a Soviet reenactment in action.
When I worked in the geography department in college, we had one professor who was constantly getting harassed by a student in her class. Accused her of being racist because she gave him a low grade on a paper and constantly arguing with her. The administration did jack shit because the student was black and they were scared that he might accuse them all of being racists.
She should have used the monolog my high school math teacher used when handing back the first test: “Now some of you will look at your grade and say, ‘It’s not fair. He gave me a C. He gave me a D. First of all, look outside. Do you see fair anywhere? Second, I didn’t give you anything. You get the grade you deserve.”
At least no one is wearing a mask, although one of the screeching, racist harpies is rocking a chin mask.
“Do you understand what a multicultural space means?”
I know what a monoculture is.
I’d be more supportive if they didn’t weasel out of specifying the actual intent with stupid euphemisms.
I can’t wait for multicultural only water fountains.
“Three words. Fuck. Off. Commies.”
“Two white students at Arizona State University were forced out of a ‘multicultural learning space’ after two female BLM activists took issue with the Police Lives Matter stickers on their laptops.”
So that’s how you get out of those more quickly. Thanks for the tip! *orders Police Lives Matter stickers*
Samoa dropping daylight saving time
I can only dream.
Fuck that. Year round DST. I don’t need sunlight to get dressed, well until the GND is fully implemented.
Fuck that. Next time change, change it 30 minutes and stop. Compromise FTW!
As long as we move the Prime Meridian to somewhere more inclusive that stale-pale-male Greenwich. Ur, maybe?
It’s the Pacific’s turn + rise of China = Beijing?
AAPIs aren’t BIPOCs.
Run it through the Philippines. They have Negritos (relatives of the Australian Aborigines).
The Prime Meridian also passes through several African nations. If the international community decides to de-Europeanize it, I’d suggest they just build an observatory on it in one of those countries and claim that’s the origin point, leaving everything else alone.
Good point. I mean, it’s already Zulu Time, right?
I wonder if the original looked as good
I support this.
No President should be entrusted with the power to alter time itself!
DC business leaders consider ways to boost visitors, dollars to downtown area
Everyone has a price. How much are you offering?
I’m going to be forced to go to downtown DC to get a new badge in the next couple weeks. Wish me luck.
Good luck. It’s been years since I’ve been in DC. I would like to keep that streak going.
As a kid, my parents took me to DC a few times. We went the Smithsonian’s (Museum of Natural History, Air and Space), and then the various monuments and the Declaration of Independence. It was great memories.
Even just a couple years ago, the wife and I wanted to take our kids to the do same at least once before we moved out of VA. I can say with 100% confidence that we will never step foot in DC again. There’s high confidence that will also apply to any major metropolitan area.
We had an utterly fantastic meal at Kinship, would love to return.
Give everyone a spouse and kids…?
Another weekend is here upon us. As is the new tradition, I’ll kick off the Zoom/Happy Hour/Bull session at 20:00 Eastern.
I’ll have my onion on my belt.
From the previous thread about the anti-vax Red Sox. This must be a template that is going around the media. My local news had something about one of the Warriors’ players who doesn’t want to get the vax. Before that it was an article about one of the Dodgers (but he’s a Dodger, so screw him). Yahoo had something about Kyrie Irving. Journolist seems to be alive and well.
There was one of the Bills from a few weeks ago.
No need for a journolist on these – people like to talk about sports, and people like shaming the outcast unclean.
I’m still trying to figure out why it’s anybody’s business but the player and his doctor.
That’s a cool story. Very fitting to send Shatner to space, even if it’s just LEO.
Teenage girl disrupts thousands of scientific studies with single, short video
Getting a sample population via an internet site like that already has lots of sample bias issues already. And none of the “scientists” had any control for that or considered until this video directed traffic their way.
Bullshit or bullshit science.
Likely the latter. We’ve been seeing a lot of that lately.
Exactly, they knew they were getting garbage before this
But the public at large didnt and they were able to cherry pick data…now they are exposed
Former OppenheimerFunds Analyst Charged With Insider Trading That Netted $8.5 Million
Unless there is something completely unknown here the guy is toast. Access persons are required to certify all accounts including those with a contingent beneficial interest. I’m not aware of anyone who has gotten around this with a spouse. Further there are 3rd parties that do nothing but audit this independently. You’ll note this all came to light after the change in ownership.
Meanwhile the firm itself is likely to get fined for failing to find this out despite the fact that it likely dropped the dime.
Shoulda ran for Congress first.
I wish I could say that we are too cynical but the truth’s the truth.
Should have had a spouse who was a Congressional Representative.
You guys get it.
Really pisses me off the crap rank and file broker dealer employees have to go through that our betters in DC don’t.
Speaking of Shatner:
an incremental step on the road to getting meals from replicators
That sounds very cool, let’s see how it works out,
Kirk’s generation didn’t have replicators.
Are you sure of that? IIRC recipes had to be programmed with those colored diskette props, but they did have food replicators.
I don’t fuckin’ know.
They need to start a Not the Duffel.
Or they could just bring some shrubbery.
Ni !!!
I hired another employee today. Yay me.
Avatar checks out. Don’t get too big cause then they will notice you.
They’ll never notice. His place of business is bigger on the inside.
He’s a cis-shitlord. Not a time lord.
They’ll never notice. His place of business is bigger on the inside.
It’s this sort of quality bon mot that keeps me coming back here.
You capitalist pig! Nice!
Employee? You’re posting here, don’t you have orphans?
Forced vaccinations of Negroes in Atlanta in 1897.
And requiring you show an ID to vote is like, literally worse than Jim Crow.
I should have kept, scanned and uploaded my voters registration confirmation mail from Elections Canada.
Everybody’s required to show ID at a polling place. I used my province’s driver’s license and health care card.
I work with a pretty international group. They are all shocked that we don’t have to show ID to vote.
I do love the way the people who squawk about “muh precious democracy” are viciously opposed to a policy supported by a sizable majority of voters.
Because My Democracy is to democracy what My Truth is to the truth or The Science is to science.
“A sizable majority of voters are racist.”
The hell it is.
I’ve seen the surveys, but if they were true, then passing voter ID would be about as controversial as naming a new drawbridge.
Two (non-substantive) takeaways from that article:
(1) Journalists have always been assholes.
(2) They used to write a lot better than they do now.
Canonical case – H.L. Mencken; there isn’t an ink-stained wretch today that could even shine his shoes.
I didn’t see in the replies if anybody named the paper and exact date.
NY Times. December 7, 1897, Page 1.
A day which shall live in infamy.
Thank you. It seemed like one of those just-so stories that’s too good to be true.
Sam Kinison
Wrong place. Really wrong.
Tracking an emergency squawk https://www.flightradar24.com/UAL1172/294572ff
Somebody not wearing a mask?
And they weren’t closer to Kansas City?
If the plane doesn’t need to land immediately, they’ll often go to one of the airline’s bases. Look like a pressurization issue of some kind, given the rapid descent & long flight back to DEN at 9000′
Yeah, if they have to pay another airline or maintenance org that they don’t contract with to make the repairs, it can get quite pricey.
A friend of mine got stuck in Aruba for few days once when the 767 he was flying lost an engine on takeoff. They had to wait until a new engine could be flown in on a 747 freighter, and a USAir maintenance crew was flown in to do the replacement. Sounds like they had a great time.
“Fish fry. And rape.”
My eye. It is spasming uncontrollably.
I don’t think that’s a thing is it?
Only if you think a few crazed activists are a movement.
I don’t know too many people, introvert and all. But those I do know, I think agree with me. Menstruating is like going doo-doo. It’s a function of the body you can’t stop, if you’re alive. Where is there the shame? I suspect it’s another boogeyman for the leftists but…. I am being honest here, I have never heard any person, male or female, say that having a period is a reason for shame….
Crazed activists seem to have total control of the establishment media so yes?
The movement or the shame?
As for the shame, I don’t know if it’s a thing. It’s been a long time since I was in high school.
It does feel like the media is run by high-school students, doesn’t it.
I don’t make you feel shame, *you* make you feel shame.
There are a bunch of anecdotal articles about boyfriends who refuse to buy tampons or whatever, and I’m sure 90% are fictional. But they get published because they ought to be true. But I’m dubious outside dumb schoolyard teasing, it’s a thing.
I bought tampons or other feminine hygiene products without even considering it. Just another box to pick up at the store. Biggest issue was making sure to buy the correct one.
I was gonna say. I’ll gladly buy them, assuming I have a picture of the box to compare to.
As long as wom.- er bodies with vaginas spend the week in the menstrual hut there is no shame at all.
Shark Week
Scrolling down a tad, I came across a tweet where someone asked what they should do if her 15 year old daughter was in a changing room and “someone with a penis” came in and took off all “their” clothes. I had two questions:
(1) Took off whose clothes?
(2) Was the penis in a jar, or perhaps a stylish penis-carrier? Or just in his/her/its hand? Because if it was an OEM penis, its really weird to refer to “someone with a penis” rather than “a man”. And if its not OEM and is somehow attached to the body, its not a penis, but some kind of simulacrum.
As to the linked tweet, how is referring to “bodies with vaginas” not dehumanizing. You’re not a person, you’re a “body with a vagina”?
You are a piece of meat to be sexualized as your betters see fit.
Maybe it was a detachable penis.
or Hitler’s
This was the next autoplay after the Hitler’s Cock video
One of the greatest songs of the Twentieth Century.
Trying this again.
Sam Kinison has something to say.
I was trying to find copies of old Kinison albums to buy the other day. Amazon has nothing other than some old vinyl and cassettes. Is he totally out of print or is it just Amazon canceling him?
Probably out of print? iTunes has three of his albums.
Never trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesnt die.
I was feeling pretty good leaving work today.
Moments off property, my low tire pressure warning goes off.
I pull over at a gas station and confirm, super low tire pressure and damage from a fucking raised manhole cover from earlier in the day.
I put some air in it, and high tailed it to a very nearby VW dealership. I managed to get it dropped off and got a loaner before they closed.
Yay. Weekend. Grrrrrrrrr.
Sorry, dude. At least yours is the modern speed-sensor system and not that fucking stem sensor.
All things considered, I was in a good spot for when this happened. It did add about 40 minutes to my trip home.
I can’t believe they had a loaner. Last time I was at the dealership, I thought I was gonna have to bribe them to get on the few loaners.
Luckily my sales chick was there! 😉
Driving the blue Jetta home, I was reminded why I pay a premium for the GTI. And that I’m not a fan of digital dashes.
Loaner/rental…I might have to pay a few bucks for the convenience. It was always free at the Audi dealership. I think VW only comps them on warranty service.
Did you see my link in the AM Links post about digital dashes from the 80s?
I did not.
Guess I should also clarify, it’s the new “virtual dashboards” I dislike. I had an 87 Z24 with a digital dash I did like.
Luckily my sales chick was there! ?
Go on….
“In the latest move to make the female sex simply disappear, the American Civil Liberties Union altered a Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote, on the anniversary of her death, to remove any mention of women.
The ACLU account tweeted: “The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a [person’s] life, to [their] well-being and dignity. When the government controls that decision for [people], [they are] being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for [their] own choices.”
Can I have a go?
“The decision whether or not to carry a weapon to defend against a violent attack is central to a person’s life, to their well-being and dignity. When the government controls that decision for people, they are being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for their own choices.”
Unquestionably true.
Before she gets pregnant, as well as after.
Dude, that bus just hit her from out of nowhere
In case Not Adahn might care…
“Astrologer @alicesparklykat is using post-colonial theory to read the stars.”
*Deep breath*
*Falls out of chair laughing*
Don’t pollute the good name of Astrology by associating it with The Nation
That would require Astrology having a good name to pollute.
Holy crap – Ryder Cup day one is 5-1 favoring the U.S., likely to end at 6-2. We never get off to that kind of start.
DeChambo will find a way to blow it by trying to reach the greens in one and losing the ball in lake Michigan. He needs to learn to take what the course gives you.
One way to add some scares.
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
“The odds of your kid getting stabbed in this attraction are higher than his chance of covid!”
Too local.
Interested in some more peppers this year?
I wouldn’t turn them down.
Probably next week. I’ll shoot ya an email then.
Good deal. I appreciate it.
I have to finish my first episode of Wolfcop tonight.
Just answered the last email I’m answering for work until Monday morning and popped a Sapporo…
I’m on the clock til ~9:30 * cries *
I was on at 10:30pm last night and also on Wednesday evening. Today was only shorter because all the key players besides me were on vacation today.
You’re going to survive this!
I’m hoping that since I’m still technically on vacation that my boss will pick up my usual weekend duties. It’s only a half-hour or so Sat. night and again Sun. morning.
Guess I’ll find out Monday 🙂
I took off at noon after briskly removing some items from my office…still more to get out in case they go full on ‘you are barred you unclean heathens on me
popped a Sapporo
Sure, whatever you say…
Covid One Year From Now
You can tell how hard he has to push it though to be parody rather than just a reasonable prediction of the future.
Shorter version.
In what world is the douchebag hipster NOT wearing the mask?
Finally found out which line has to be crossed to be fired as a
teacherteacher’s aide.https://twitter.com/RyanTClarke/status/1441455956689186817?s=20
But what got her fired? The blackface, or the oppo to the vax mandate?
uNcONscIouS BiAS
Shopping should be interesting this weekend
Yep, surpluses at the warehouse stores have been dwindling. We stocked up a couple weeks back at Sam’s. Costco was out of the stuff we wanted, but we mainly stopped there to cancel our membership, so no big loss.
I still have leftovers from last time.
IIRC this means lockdowns in the next month or so.
Fuck… our shitstain school marm is more panicky this time so goodbye the leniency of the first time compared to other states.
Oh I absolutely see way more vindinctiveness this time around, now that we have an Other to pin all the blame on.
Booze store was thin…it’s gonna get ugly out there
Thanks for reminding me.
Yeah, I picked up a case of wine the other day along with a bottle of vodka and a bottle of gin. I’m good for a few weeks.
I placed my Walmart order for double paper products. Will see if it gets fulfilled.
We have 9 or 10 Costco size TP packages stockpiled. I want to make sure we have enough of staples that I can give to family or close friends without any concern that we would need it. And storage isn’t an issue.
OBE, ABC wasn’t looking good here either. I picked up another 6 handles of my go-to bourbon.
Luckily it’s all pinky up drinkers in our area so whisky, bourbon, scotch are in full supply. Vodka was available but choices very limited.
Yeah, locally there’s been a 1-item limit on TP and paper towels for like 2-3 weeks.
Worse, when I went there the other day, they were out of Charmin, they only had the Kirkland Scratchy or some sort of business-grade extra-scratchy brand.
Really, they are starting this silly shit again? #PeepleRstupid4real.
I have enough high quality TP from the last time to last for at least 30 years.
I just made a Costco run.
They had a lot of water out, and no signs of limits.
Limits of 5 on paper products.
And a lot of empty shelf space.
Publix has a sign that gatorade type drinks are having supply problems until end of 2021.
Wonder if its bottle supply, gatorade supply, or packaging problems. Or all the above.
Just buy or make some electrolyte solution powder and put it in water.
I figured things would go sideways from fall into winter. That’s why I stocked up on TP and paper towels.
I’m on some good meds for my back, and can function a bit, So I Disc golfed 20 holes, then went fishin’, caught a 2 lb. Bass and a 3 lb. Sucker, not a bad afternoon, now for Ground beef and Mac and cheese for dinner, YAY!
That’s a big sucker!
There’s one born every minute.
Nice! I’ve heard there is pretty good salmon fishing in Michigan on the rivers in the fall. Maybe even your local one? That is one fishing goal I have yet to accomplish, bringing in a salmon on a river. I’ve caught many in the ocean.
Because that is something a judge should say….seems like an easy appeal
Should be, but using their bench to lecture and badger defendants, and really anyone, is what far too many do. I predict zero consequences. Now if you were to say that time of two bit authoritarian should be force fed into a wood chipper as a disgrace, that would get a response.
I understand (don’t like) the lectures to convicted murders, thiefs, etc. But for a political act? The judge already had their mind made up before the case file hit their desk.
I know nothing will happen but what can we do…viva El unico!
I want to see video of the defendant before I judge the accuracy of this phrase.
And yes, judge is asshoe but I think that’s fairly common.
Oh, that’s just perfect…
Ha, that stupid motherfucker was a judge on the FISC. Worthless piece of statist shit.
If any of the TPTB is lurking, it looks like this week’s episode of After didn’t get scheduled for the 7pm time slot.
I don’t see it anywhere in the queue. I’ll rattle some chains and we’ll get it rescheduled.
*thumbs up emoji*
I haven’t built and compiled a piece of software for Unix in 30 years, I’m obviously rusty because this is my eighth iteration trying to get it to complete.
So tedious….
‘go build’, no? 😀
autoconf and friends are indeed tedious
“make” in this case
I love the opening sentence on the reference page:
“Building is simple:”
I suppose it is if you have the umpteen necessary libraries installed and redirected new versions to the folders of old versions, etc…
You did install the prerequisites, right?
The ones I knew I needed, yes.
The ones they didn’t mention I kind of overlooked.
Holy shit, I think it finally worked.
This is the project, by the way
The make script should do that for you, right? At least if it’s properly written.
When was the last time you compiled in Unix?
I’ve never seen a make script handle the prerequisite libraries. They just throw an error and don’t work.
It’s been a long time.
Guess I got used to better tools.
No, that would be too easy
Click the “Build” button duh
What sort of nonsense is that?
I thought you hit Enter,
/ran UNIX from a command prompt 25 years ago
We still do it that way today. Why waste the overhead of an unreliable graphical interface when the only people who’ll see it are the admins.
It was a moment of awakening when I realized that DOS was UNIX-lite. It suddenly made sense.
BTW, ls>dir
And BASIC was FORTRAN-lite
I figured BASIC was for teaching children programming logic. I was playing around with it when I was 8.
You don’t need to redirect the output from ls into a file called dir.
I still enjoy Command prompt, and keybpoard commands as well
/alt F4
I ran Borland C++ from a command prompt 30 years ago! FOR THE WIN BABY!
And it finally finished?
I made an ordering system for a restaurant. It had windows before windows was a thing. That was for the class I was currently attending. My prof was impressed with it anyway. You know, people in academia even in those days were impressed with stuff the real world wouldn’t even notice…
Borland is underappreciated. I used Sidekick and Smartkey back in the day and it helped me to appreciate modifying files for my benefit.
I used their spreadsheet, what was the name of that? I really liked it and when Excel came out, I still thought the Borland spreadsheet was superior and continued to use it.
I guess it was 91 or 92 when I used the Borland DOS C++ compiler. It was for my first C++ class that was part of my Compsci degree I was working on. I did actually use C++ early on in my development career that started in 1997. I think that was an early version of a Windows compiler though, can’t remember whose compiler it was now.
Quattro (123-Quattro). Loved it.
Anyone remember Symphony?
“Quattro (123-Quattro). Loved it.”
Quattro Pro! Hell yes, I loved that thing! Of course that was before I discovered MSSQL. I only touch spreadsheets now for quick data exports from TSQL queries and to create temp tables in the database.
MS really took the fun out of speadsheets as soon as they got involved.
I remember using Turbo Pascal in high school. I was so proud of one of my creations I hung the printout of the code listing in my bedroom for awhile.
I played around with that also, but never used it in a professional environment.
LOL, that reminds me of a code printout I hung on the wall in the IT main office early in my career I was so proud of it. I think it was the very first version of .NET Framework, 1.1?
Oh God, Pascal sucked.
I had forgotten that language.
I wrote FORTAN code on punch cards that ran on some big IBM mainframe, you young punk whippersnapper!
Get off my porch, snapper!
OK… well, I mean… I ALMOST had to take a class in Cobol, but got to take the QuickBASIC and C++ classes instead. Which is why I decided to actually believe in God.
So, I guess you don’t have to get off my porch, but get off my lawn!
We just decommissioned out Mainframe. There’s a box of punch cards on my desk in the office. So that doesn’t narrow down your time frame much.
FORTRAN cards make the best bookmarks.
I probably have enough for 1000 books.
My fun moment was making a directory call ‘all
rm -rf all
sudo su – root
rm -rf /
*calls manager*
‘I quit’
We can’t use sudo but…I would go to prison for such a command
To quote a random sticker: “Bow before me, for I am root.”
“Drought has also pushed the price of cattle feed to dizzying heights, raising beef prices even higher. The feed crisis explains some of the woes of small ranchers. Many cattle spend their early months on a ranch eating grass, then are shipped to a feedlot where they are fattened with corn and other grains. If the feed costs more, the rancher earns less.
Over the past year and a half, surging demand slammed into this constrained supply. Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the federal government has pumped enormous purchasing power into consumers’ wallets. This extra money—plus consumer cutbacks on other kinds of spending—has enabled consumers to increase their spending at the grocery store; they spent $84 billion more in 2020 relative to 2019.
If this supply-and-demand explanation is correct, then the right policy for government is: Do nothing. Higher prices will encourage ranchers to raise more cattle. Higher prices will enable meatpackers to pay higher wages. Higher prices will induce consumers to substitute other foods for beef. Supply and demand will equilibrate, as they always do. And this time, the high prices can serve another function, too: warning consumers of the pocketbook impact of drought-causing climate change.”
all the way to the end then,
OK, dude. I saw ‘Atlantic’ in that link. You think I’m clicking on that?
I tried to sign up for a website today so I could post on the forums. I’m not going to name the site.
I was supposed to get an email from that site so I could verify my email address. I looked and the only new email I saw was from one ‘Vox Media’. Guess what happened next?
Hence the excerpt, the link is just a pointer, no need to click,
It’s the Atlantic; comes with the territory.
‘David Frum’
Well, yeah…
Watching live from Boston some Laver Cup – a tennis mini-tournament created by Roger to enrich himself with certain winnings. Well, this year he’s out from another hip replacement or whatever but he’s in the audience and every five minutes the cameras focus on him and the audience roars. I want to throw up.
Yeah, I’ve always hated how players play an inordinate amount of exos and then complain about the length of the season.
Now they’ve got Isner playing doubles…. Ho-lee fuck what are they thinking.
On a more pleasant note,
Legendary Star Trek actor William Shatner will boldly go where no 90-year-old has ever been when he joins the crew on the next spaceflight by Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin.
Portland’s city auditor on Thursday said that the Portland Bureau of Transportation failed to adequately track and account for gas tax money earmarked for street repair and safety projects.
If you adequately track, how do you grift and graft?
If he really wanted to live till 91, he’d talk to SpaceX instead. But looks like Willy has decided to call it quits. Must not be getting any pussy these days.
AZ audit released as far as I can tell.
Appears that 17,500 ballots were direct duplicates. In other words, invalid and illegal ballots that should have never been counted. They found counted ballots without the required signature.
el presidente Biden was declared the winner of AZ by some 10,000 votes.
So, the constitution never mentions Electoral College decertification but it also doesnt address what to do if EC votes are tied to popular elections and those elections had massive fraud which flipped the outcome.
What difference, at this point, does it make?
Some people are not convinced that Civil war 2.0 has been started by democrats. you will have to pick a side sooner or later or one will be picked for you.
I just doubt that democrats are going to let Trump get elected 2024 and republicans win big majorities in the House and senate.
Honestly, the quicker we get this civil war 2.0 over with, the better. China doesnt want millions of Lefty americans when they flee the woodchippers.
There’s not going to be a civil war. There’s going to be another 200 years of spoiled Americans slowly watching their rights taken away.
I’m guessing 2-5 years unrest all capped with a Patriot Act II.
But who really knows. Forcing people out of work or their careers might be just the catalyst coupled with inflation.
Eventually the government cannot pay people to sit at home
I think one of the reasons it has stayed so relatively peaceful so far is because the rubber band is still stretching. People don’t want a 10 year shooting war that knocks this country back to an agrarian backwater, taking 90% of the world with it. Because of that, they’ll put up with a lot of bullshit in the interim. A LOT of bullshit.
Good analogy. I think the rubber band still has some stretching. I dont think the bloodletting will take long. Even civil war 1.0 only lasted about 4 years and killed some 2.5% of the us population of 31 million. 3 million were slaves.
If 2.5% of the US population were killed, it would equal about 8.25M people.
We know from kungflu hysteria 2020 that cities started have severe supply problems within 30 days of the start of lockdowns and restrictions.
Were already in a civil war 2.0. Our deep state, representatives, and judiciary are (almost without exception) violating their oaths of office and violating the constitution and federal law.
The shooting didnt start right away with civil war 1.0
Democrats wont stop violating the constitution and committing election fraud. Now they are purposely causing economic failure and shortages. Add in targeted firings of dissidents. Oh and hyperinflation is coming soon after this stage of rising inflation.
Lefties are still committing violence with el presidente biden as banana republic leader. Imagine what the will do if Trump wins in 2024.
The news was on at the bar where I had dinner.
The AZ audit came up.
The headline?
“AZ Audit confirms Biden won.”
Well, of course. Hillary beat Trump too.
They released this before the audit hearing.
The new ballots count nearly matched the old!
Except it wasn’t a recount. It was an audit. That they matched wasn’t all that relevant.
Holy shit is this country’s media beyond biased.
“AZ Audit confirms Biden won.”
I saw that too. Looks like the cowardly Turtlehead and Pence crowd is till in charge of the GOP.
Don’t think it had anything to do with them.
Our genius media saw that the ballot counts matched and ran with this as if it were a story.
Lefties freaked out when Trump announced he won election 2020. Democrats needed more time to make sure the fix was in.
The RINOs made sure to give in to the democrat election fraud results. Any delay to investigate and question the fraud was to be swatted down. All accomplices would be rewarded. Politics as usual in DC swamp.
Imagine…Trump president for second term. Pence would be VP and tie breaker in Senate. US senate would be 52 republicans since Georgia democrat senators tied to fraud in atlanta.
Same DC business as before election 2020. That is not what the traitors in our govt want.
Confirms Biden won what?
And who would you say won then?
what was the distribution?
Evidently el presidente biden got ~17,500 more votes than he should have. AZ was given to el presidente biden by ~10,500 votes.
Trump would have won by some ~7,000 votes.
Im going to look more closely tomorrow.
Oh and they have video of election officials logged in to delete election data because they tracked who was logged and when.
Its like the atlanta election fraudsters. They knew the secretary of state cameras were turned off but didnt know that the Stadium cameras were on.
That’s assuming that all duplicate ballots were for Biden. They did not say that however.
Note though: there were 30,000 other likely illegal ballots as well.
The total illegal ballots were some 57,000.
yeah. And maybe some of those were arguable.
But this was one county.
I love how the narrative after this is our elections were all peachy keen.
Even 300 dead people voted in this county. Doesn’t an id requirement instantly solve this?
Paper ballots (no electronics) and ID requirements would put a stop to all of these shenanigans.
That is why it won’t happen.
Thats my biggest beef is that the 2020 election with the largest non-inperson voting in US history had zero election fraud.
el presidente biden even let it slip that they had teams on it.
If SaRS COVID required this unprecedented mailin ballot scheme, lockout of ballot counting observers, and secretive ballot counting, then why was an unprecedented delay in certifying results to investigate supported claims of election fraud so unthinkable?
I skimmed the results, did they give a count of what the vote counts would’ve looked like if they removed all the illegal ballots?
Nope. that’s what i’m looking for too.
This is all well and good for the next election.
As for the matter at hand, I need to know the distribution of illegal ballots.
Looks like a pretty even distribution (slightly skewed D) for the democrats and republicans when it comes to illegal ballots. Granted, I only have half an idea of what they’re trying to show in their results volume. Without digging substantially deeper, I’m not sure how all the snippets I keep hearing fit together. Their Volume III is really hurting for an executive summary.
The other big problem is can we effectively determine who won in AZ, GA, MI, PA, WI?
The solution is the 12th amendment and the House votes. Democrats hate this because each state only gets one vote. Trump wins this way too.
Democrats currently can only win by fraud.
can we effectively determine who won in AZ, GA, MI, PA, WI
There’s two problems that I see.
First, the likely forms of fraud are not detectable by audit.
Second, you’re never going to get anybody to decert an election where most of the “illegal” ballots are caused by bureaucratic issues associated with real people voting after moving and not updating their address.
What I’m not seeing in AZ are:
– A substantial number of ballots being run through multiple times
– Massive numbers of unexpected duplicate ballots
– Counts being significantly off from what was previously asserted
– Massive numbers of ineligible people voting
They are not bureaucratic problems.
Duplicate counting of ballots is fraud. We know this because never in US history have so many ballots been counted more than once. Its not accident. Furthermore, observers historically challenge duplicate ballot counting but mask tyranny by election officials prevented this important check to election official shenanigans.
In my state of georgia it is literally illegal to vote in a county you dont live in. The reason is because people shouldnt vote for county officials , like sheriff, in a county they dont live in.
All of sudden ignorance of the law is OKAY? It even says that on the form you sign when getting your ballot. Georgia actually doesnt have many rules to voting.
I’m off to work, kids.
Don’t tear the place apart.
Sorry to hear you can’t join in Tall Cans tonight. And sorry to say that Yusuf and I won’t be leaving any for tomorrow…
I may save one for breakfast, uuurp
/Tall Cans!
Sorry, boys, dem tits is gettin cancelled.
Tulsi’s Tits to be Cancelled
Tulsi is playing to the neocons for political support lately.
There’s zero reason to support her at all now.
Yeah, I’m linking a Youtube breakdown. But, Russell Brand knocks it out of the park with this. We need more leftists like him.
Completed Religious Exemption Form for those who need it. Feel free to circulate to those who would benefit from it. Please don’t associate it with my Glibs handle if you do circulate it.
Thank you for your effort, even if I dont need it.
I just spent an hour going through the first 119,000 pages of that and I still did not get to a ‘form’.
The rules about the form is ‘We don’t need no stankin form!’.
Enough of this silliness! I have made our own form.
Here it is:
Religious Exemption Form
We don’t need no stankin form.
Chosen Religion: Man Church
Current Membership Number: 2.7 billion
Demographic Makeup: 99% Male
Weekly Rituals:
Saturday 1pm: Opening of the casks and barrels
Saturday 2pm: Lighting of the Cannabis
Saturday 3pm: Taking of the various interesting intoxicating drugs of the week
Saturday 3:30pm: Nap Time
Sunday 1pm: Repeat Saturday Steps 1-3pm
Sunday 4pm: Undressing and Molestation of the Hoes
Repeat Weekly for Eternity.
The End
I just spent an hour going through the first 119,000 pages of that and I still did not get to a ‘form’.
Now you get the benefit of submitting this to an HR lackey when they ask for your religious exemption form. 😉
::glances around to make sure Tres isn’t around to rat us out to the township or the EPA:: Instead of going out to hear some live music as originally planned, we took advantage of the improved weather to break in our newly-built fire pit in the middle of our “pitcher’s mound” (large mound in middle of back yard where once stood a mighty tree.) Had a nice weenie roast (not andouille-nee – the ones we have are past their “best by” date) and refrained from burning down the neighborhood.
Troubled by the “Limit 2” signs on most of the hot dogs at our grocery. Bought the pack of 16 – better deal, and if shortages are coming down the pike, you can’t be too careful.
Hot dogs too?!
I haven’t seen any limits yet; just a paper shortage. I expect to shop again tomorrow so we’ll see what’s going on.
Limits 2 on many items here – pasta, tortillas, certain meats, etc. I am a bit stumped here…why? What?
WTF. That’s alarming. The only stated limits I saw last year were on paper products.
I’m told trucker shortage and backlog. There are 50+ container ships parked in the ocean waiting to come into LA, and they can’t catch up.
Not bad.
Co-ed peeing in my driveway two nights ago, raccoon on my porch this evening.
Never a full moment here.
*dull, damnit
Was the raccoon peeing too?
No doubt
And people complain about the music I post.
Useful for Yusef in the coming dark Time, how to skin a deer,
My entire body aches from carrying this First. The pain of birthing it will be severe. But I suffer for the greatest cause known to man. The time is coming slowly but surely.
Doom looms eternal but a ray of hope has suddenly sprung forth. I never get my hopes up. However, if I play this opportunity right, the life I thought was on the brink of collapse might just improve dramatically…and almost completely off the books and technically legal…The next few weeks will decide my fate…no guts, no nuts, no glory.
“Two weeks….Two weeks…”
Good Fortune to you,
Getting your ass to Mars?
“Fuck you Asshole”
In case you were ever under the mistaken impression that the NY Post gave a flying fuck about individual freedom of conscience, their editorial staff is ready to disabuse you of that notion.
As I remember it, the teachers union insisted on priority for its members to get shots. They also insisted it was the only way to reopen schools. I hope the unvaccinated members feel good about all the dues they paid over the years.
Those were some glorious links, STEVE.
Shatner on Blue Origin?!? That’s just a silly joy ride. Go SpaceX or go home.
Can you imagine if Bezos kills Shat?
Today was my last day on the job. Did all my official duties. Received more cards and a bottle of mead from former underlings. Went to one last lunch with my “work husband “.
There was crying and hugging involved.
I ache to think I might never see him again. Without him my world is going to get more dull. He was my main source of intellectual and damned funny conversation.
I am in a kind of grief. WTF is wrong with me? I feel physical pain in my chest about it,
Nah – you’re rolling your sleeves up at the next job, right? Be the selfish asshole that we’re all supposed to be.
He was my main source of intellectual and damned funny conversation.
I thought I was the smart and funny one!
[runs from room sobbing]
suh’ fam
whats goody
Mornin’. Tall Covfefe!
Good morning, homey!
It’s warm enough again to be out here at TB! (Had to skip yesterday.) Granted, I’m wearing a flannel shirt and a hoodie on top and socks and fuzzy slippers on my feet, but I’m out here, by golly!
Howzabout you?
It was a long night. Im in my underwear, drinking my 1st of a couple TallCans™, trying to decide if getting Frisch’s delivered is worth it.
Frisch’s is always worth it, however you acquire it.
I usually trick Jugsy into thinking it was her idea (and paying for it) but she’s in NYC.
On my way to work last night, I smelled wood smoke. Surely you werent having an un-authorized open burn in your backyard…
Who? Me? ::bats eyes innocently::
Hey, y’all.
No,no,no…you’re supposed to be slashing prices.
Someone needs more training.
Someone attended the Crazy Eddie school of retail management.
Or as Homer Simpson said as Mr. Plow, “my prices are so low, you’ll think I have brain damage!”
Good Morning all
Lets see how much gravel i can shovel this morning.
Hope you all have a grand day.
This is why you should have orphans.
52 degrees American, sittin’ on a bench by the Saddle River, just watching…
I’ll see your BD and raise you an L&M.