“Where’s that damn hyena?”
The rains continue. And we’re just about at the 40 days and 40 nights goal. The crazy old coot next door is building a big goddam wood boat and muttering about cubits and getting shitfaced on wine. Riiiiight.
Sorry for not being around to comment on Links yesterday. Same today- one of our cooks had personal drama, another one just flaked (the hazards of college student labor) and guess who ends up working in their stead on his nominal days off?
Anyway, let’s discuss birthdays, because today’s include the guy who must have landscaped our yard; a guy who must have been involved in a St. Bernard breeding program; a guy who squeezed the universe into a ball; some Jew who wrote some things; a guy who, if he were around today, would have been on The Wire; a woman famous for her critters; a woman who set records for brutal corruption; a guy who put numerous pretend weed dealers into prison; an ex-governor who was hilarious in her radio interviews; a woman who needlessly worried about guys fucking her; a woman who every guy actually wanted to fuck; Jesus Fucking Christ; the Stacey Abrams of Texas; and the biggest asshole in tennis.
Most important birthday: Wonder Dog turns 10 today.
Now to Links before I have to feed hordes of hungry college kids.
Fuck the fuck off you mendacious fucks.
Fuck the fuck off, you mendacious fucks.
Fuck the fuck off you mendacious fuck. I sense a theme here.
Fuck the fuck off, you mendacious fucks.
Fuck the fuck off, you senile mendacious fuck.
Old Guy Music is a cover of my favorite obscure Beatles song by my favorite girl group. Must have been cold where the drums are. The bass line is particularly terrific, but honestly, they all kick ass.
a woman who every guy actually wanted to fuck
the Stacey Abrams of Texas
Hey Bulldog!
Good morning everyone.
I’ve decided to just stop reading the news with an underlying desire to change things; therein lies madness and frustration.
Instead I’m just going to watch the End Times unfurl while keeping my charity and good works local.
“Who ya gonna believe: the media or your own eyes?”
Happy birthday to Wonder Dog! ?
^^^What he said! Many dog biscuits and scritches today!
Caviezel is actually a really solid dude. Much respect.
He and Dennis Quaid were terrific in the semi-sci-fi fantasy movie “Frequency”. Do recommend!
” predicted the country would be in a different place by year’s end. ”
I believe that, but not in a good way.
Me too. Things are gonna be worse.
The crazy old coot next door is building a big goddam wood boat and muttering about cubits and getting shitfaced on wine
Steve Carrell is your next door neighbor?
Better than Bill Cosby. “Riiiiight. What the hell is a cubit?”
Been a long long time. “How long can you tread water?”
“Why don’t you let it rain for 40 days and 40 nights, and let the sewers back up?”
The shitfaced on wine sounds more Russell Crowe.
JFC, they are actually claiming a cloth mask can filter out a virus.
Fir those of us who must COMPLY,
I love the “critical” comments on the minimallycompliant site. My favorite: “I hope you drown in your own blood. And I hope you have the f****** decency to do it alone.”
“You know these are all useless right?”
mask mandates?
I heard the fakemask guy on Tom Woods(?). Awesome! Nice to see the “pandemic” has made some out of the box thinking people rich.
Yup, heard about him on Woodsoe and immediately parted with about a hundred bucks.
I love my new job but it’s on a federal facility so I’m subject to the whims of the dictatorial class. Might as well be comfy.
I have drawn the line. If they reinstitute them at my job they can fire me. I’m done.
WRT to “Fanny”- seems none of them owned (or really needed) bras. What a glorious time to be alive.
Trying to do my part to keep the tradition alive (whenever I can get away with it without looking TOO tacky.)
I finally threw away every last “underwire” bra I owned last year.
When I need “structure” I choose these:
Otherwise I RELEASE THE HOUNDS or wear these awesome TaTa Towels https://tatatowels.com/
Those bras look difficult to remove. Are they?
Asking for a friend.
Heh. It seems like that sometimes. I tried to get the future wife’s off one time after some excess drinkin’. I was struggling, and she said, “This is a front release. I was trying to make it easy for you.” Doh!
“Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!”
You know it, baby!
You’re never too tacky for us.
(This is why there are no female libertarians….)
Why, thanks, Ted’S….I think…
This is why I favor woven shirts with busy patterns. (Just now getting into flannel shirt season. Hooray for plaid!)
/drives over, parks, plays Indigo Girls @ full volume
Hmmm….for some reason I can’t put my finger on, I feel closer to fine… (and in the mood to go hear local duo Frozen Feet.)
You DO have the subaru.
So does TT. So what does THAT mean? ?
Using one of the birthday boys’ natal anniversary as my cheap, tawdry excuse to once again link George’s Aunt Rosie’s cover of my favorite song of his. Everyone and his/her brother/sister has covered this (for good reason,) but this one includes the oft-neglected intro, and anyway – I like Rosie.
Not my favorite song, but the video….
Old Guy Music is on point today.
Two points, amirite?
Hey Hayek- sorry to hear about the loss of the bike, yet a cool way to pass it along.
I had a VTX 1300. (doing my best James Dean)
Thanks for sharing.
I’m secretly very relieved that the hubs won’t be driving the bike. He’s not quite the same since the aneurysm and heart surgery, so the idea of him on the bike was nerve wracking.
Yeah, I get it. There’s times Ive gotten on a bike in the morning after “over indulging” the night before (read- possibly still drunk) and set it it back down. I can only imagine actual physical impairment.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) is considering deploying the medically trained members of the National Guard ahead of an anticipated shortage of health care workers.
How many medically trained members of the National Guard work in other fields?
You don’t think plumbers can be paramedics too?
“I need to go to my truck. I need a bigger snake”.
Cable installer. Its like you’ve never seen “Logjammers”.
I just saw Karl Hungus in Fargo last night.
“It puts the mask on or it gets the BLAM BLAM BLAM.”
I went to the Virginia State Fair yesterday. No vaccine or mask mandates. Most people did not wear a mask including vendors. It will probably scare away a lot of the city folk.
There are D and R stalls every year. I noticed the Ds were masked while the Rs weren’t.
If only the R voters (not politicians, who are opportunistic scumbags) could let go of trying to legislate morality, we’d have our Liberation Moment.
Drugs, sex, abortions. They’re gonna happen. Just let it go, elephants. Every man has to do his own believing and his own dying.
Your mouth to god’s ears.
“It’s understandable,” Biden said on voter frustration, noting that people thought the pandemic would be more under control but hadn’t anticipated so many would refuse to be vaccinated.
Blame Trump’s robot army. That always works.
With “Trump’s vaccine”? The one every Democrat declared they wouldn’t take until for some strange reason they all pivoted in the opposite direction on November 3, 2020?
Just remembered today was also the birthday of both of my grandfathers – paternal in 1882, maternal in 1893. (I hasten to point out that I am the youngest child of youngest children.) Both lived into their 90s.
If I could pick just one of my dead relatives to see and talk to again, it would be my maternal grandfather.
I never knew any of my grandfathers and I too wish I could have a day with my maternal grandfather based on stories that we were told.
One grandparent died before I was born, a second a few months after I was born, a third a few years after I was born, a fourth was estranged before I was born. I make sure my children spend time with their grandparents.
“I take responsibility. I’m president,” Biden said. “It was horrible to see – to see people treated like they did, horses nearly running them over, people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay. … There will be consequences.”
What’s the point of being President if you can’t throw your underlings under the bus to appease the mob? That’s what responsibility means.
“I take responsibility”
At my former job, they were heavily into RACI matrix in which they’d list every aspect of a project or program on the left column, then put “responsible, accountable, consulted, and Informed” as the next 4 columns. Then they’d fill in the intersection with the names of the stuckees for each role.
I relentlessly asked “What does ‘responsible’ mean? What does ‘accountable’ mean?” They always prevaricated and vomited up word salad which led me into further questioning of course.
If I screw up and my name is in the Responsible column, do I have to spend more in the stocks than if I’m Accountable? (Actual question I posed to the VP I always hated)
How did they answer?
“Well, maybe you need to take the training…”
Snort, yea, your ready to work for the feds.
Reminds me of Janet dogface Reno (may she burn in hell) saying she “took responsibility” for the mass murder in Waco at the Branch Davidian compound. I’m sorry, what consequences did you, personally, face?
They only take responsibility if they don’t expect any personal consequences.
Overall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that less than 25 percent of infections are confirmed through testing.
Why? Because those “cases” are not not sick. My, what a deadly plague you have, Grandma.
But we’re “gonna whip this virus” any day now. ??
By whip the virus, you mean end all personal freedom and self reliance on a global scale, right?
To whip the virus we need a better marketing campaign. Like this one:
“Whip Inflation Now (WIN) was a 1974 attempt to spur a grassroots movement to combat inflation in the US, by encouraging personal savings and disciplined spending habits”
And it worked a treat! Shortly thereafter, inflation was gone, replaced by the far superior stagflation of the late 1970’s. The attempts to whip the virus appear to be headed in the same direction.
I have one of those. I’d wear it but the pin back isn’t very secure.
(this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:%22WIN%22_button.JPG )
The have long covid which will kill them in many decades when there are around 90.
So,…a 99.99% recovery rate then? This is why we’ve turned parts of the world into even bigger totalitarian shitholes?
*snaps picture*
The bottom line here is that vaccination is not an individual’s golden ticket out of the pandemic. Despite what CDC Director Rochelle Walensky says, this is not just a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Instead, we are all in this together, because we breathe the same virus-filled air. In recent weeks, about 15 percent of COVID deaths have been among the vaccinated. If this trend holds and we allow another 100,000 people to die of COVID, that will include 15,000 deaths of people who followed the government’s advice and got vaccinated.
Thick as London pea soup fog, it is. You could cut it with a knife and spread it on your toast.
Instead, we are all in this together, because we breathe the same virus-filled air.
What a marketing opportunity – personal air supply systems! No, you don’t have to breathe the same air as those dirty, virus-loaded deplorables! Buy one now and we’ll include the second one FREE (just add shipping and handling).
What a marketing opportunity – personal air supply
Gotcha covered, mate.
I was confident you were linking the scene from Spaceballs with the canned air
Not just for parodies
Huh, just like MOST unvaxxed. Who’d’a’thunk.
Shhhhshush. We don’t talk about that.
While I don’t know how broadly the government should distribute boosters, I do know that the vaccine-as-silver-bullet approach has not served us well, and that a broader public health approach would prevent many deaths.
Why can’t we be more like Australia? Just force everyone back into their homes at gunpoint until the plague dies of loneliness.
It could work.
It works great for government!
That only works if everyone
paints the lamb’s bloodputs one of those ‘In This House…’ signs above their door.Vitamin C. Vitamin D. Zinc. General health. You know, things you should have been advocating for day 1
I blame republican pennypinching
At least three people were killed Saturday afternoon when an Amtrak train that runs between Seattle and Chicago derailed in north-central Montana, toppling several cars onto their sides, authorities said.
The westbound Empire Builder train derailed about 4 p.m. near Joplin, a town of about 200, Amtrak spokesman Jason Abrams said in a statement. The accident scene is about 150 miles (241 kilometers) northeast of Helena and about 30 miles (48 kilometers) from the border with Canada.
Megan Vandervest, a passenger who was going to visit a friend in Seattle, told The New York Times that she was awakened by the derailment.
“My first thought was that we were derailing because, to be honest, I have anxiety and I had heard stories about trains derailing,” said Vandervest, who is from Minneapolis. “My second thought was that’s crazy. We wouldn’t be derailing. Like, that doesn’t happen.”
She told the Times that the car behind hers was tilted, the one behind that was tipped over, and the three cars behind that “had completely fallen off the tracks and were detached from the train.”
Pass the infrastructure bill and fully fund federally run day care, and things like this won’t happen.
I blame republican pennypinching
141 passengers across 10 cars. Something tells me Amtrak isn’t charging those passengers anywhere close to the cost to operate that train. Maybe if they did, Amtrak would have more money for maintenance.
If they did that, they probably wouldn’t have any riders.
It was a class 1 railroad. They’re legally obligated to let AMTK run on their line. AMTK only own actual rail on the east coast. Mostly northeast.
Or just don’t have an automated system that regularly run loaded bulk commodities grain and coal through the turnout side of siding for no reason, grinding and damaging frogs and switches because some ass hat distantly removed from actual train operations thinks he’s going to get a bigger bonus for eliminating positions with people in them who know not to do stupid shit like that!
But meh… what do I know?
So it took over a year and a half, but someone I know (albeit not well) likely died from Covid related complications. He had tested positive a few weeks ago and was in the hospital on a respirator for awhile, but he recovered and was at his sister and her fiancee’s home recuperating. Friday morning he decided he needed to get out of the house and go to the store or something, but he became short of breath before reaching his car. By the time he got back into the house he was apparently looking gray in the face, and he asked his sister to call an ambulance. His vitals crashed on the way to the hospital, and they weren’t able to revive him.
This guy and his sister are friends of my sister’s from high school. They were a few years behind me, so I never knew them well. He was 44, but had boatloads of comorbidities (very obese, long-time smoker, diabetic, probably some others.) Highly unfortunate.
My BIL is Texas ANG and was out on drill this weekend, so I spent several hours with my sister Friday evening and yesterday keeping her company along with her kids. She’s been a wreck, naturally. Bleh.
Much sympathy to your sister and to the family of her friend. ?
Man, that sucks. Sorry for all involved.
The diabetes comorbidity seems to be the DING DING DING! “Feature” of the Covid virus, which makes Ozy’s columns all the creepier…
Sorry to hear this. Good on you for hanging with your sister.
That’s too bad. I had a friend die of COVID, but it was quick. I think he had symptoms on a Wednesday, taken to the emergency room on a Saturday, died on Monday. No comorbidities that I know of.
My friend whom we helped when she first got COVID in early August was on the vent for almost a month before they did a tracheotomy and sent her to acute care rehab. I went to see her Friday. She wasn’t all there, but I don’t know if it was drugs or if her mind got messed up or something. She didn’t remember her daughter being there. She didn’t remember she and her daughter had face-timed with us. And she honestly thought I would break her out of the hospital and take her home. The look on her face when I said I couldn’t do that…
Damn. Sorry for your sis that sucks.
Assess your genetic legacy with Slutty Sunday.
Zwak may want to reconsider his itinerary. This is not good.
Must prog harder, Joe!
Democrats are urging President Biden to lean way in as the party faces big divides amid a rocky stretch, with his signature legislative item at stake.
The calls for Biden to act as the party’s unifier-in-chief comes as the president acknowledged that his agenda is at a “stalemate,” amid high-profile fights between not only moderates and progressives but the House and Senate over the scope of the sweeping spending package.
Democrats are looking for sustained hands-on engagement with the hope Biden could sway holdouts and resolve points of tension that have slowed down Democrats’ efforts to pass a $3.5 trillion spending package.
The push for more involvement comes as Democrats are eager to show momentum on passing their two-part spending package, which includes the roughly $1 trillion Senate-passed bill and the $3.5 trillion spending package.
We have to pass this behemoth spending spree, or the nation will be plunged into darkness and despair.
I’m weary of the phrase “leaning in” as a complimentary and positive term for being a leader or influential person. Sounds like “get close enough to claim credit for a win, but not so close as to have to take blame for a loss.”
Did Henry the Fifth ask the soldiers and archers to “lean in” at Agincourt?
Nothing says “unify” like passing a blowout spending bill full of so much extreme leftist claptrap that they have to hide it from the public.
On the advice of some of you miscreants, I bought an MSI laptop PC to replace my run-down 7 year old ACER.
It looks gorgeous. Costco delivered it Friday but I’ve been too busy to deal with it. I just plugged it in and will be firing it up later today when my brain wakes up. Looks great so far!
the new Mercedes,
TVA abandons nuclear plant construction after 47 years and $5 billion
But it provided a couple generations of government officials comfortable careers, so mission accomplished.
That is awful in so many ways.
We keep adding hurtles, and now it takes to long, just give up already!
… I actually don’t mind how you misspelled “hurdles”
Every tool at her disposal
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said Saturday she’s ready to declare a state of emergency — if needed — to prevent staff shortages that may be triggered by health care workers who don’t adhere to the state’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate, which goes into effect Monday.
The state of emergency would ramp up workforce supply and allow health care professionals licensed in other states or countries, recent graduates, and retired professionals to practice in the state, according to a statement from Hochul’s office.
Other options include deploying medically trained National Guard members and tapping federal disaster medical assistance teams.
“We are still in a battle against COVID … and we need to fight with every tool at our disposal,” Hochul said in the statement, urging unvaccinated staff to comply.
Needz moar press-gangs.
Remember last year when out of state docs volunteered to go to NY to help the shortage then, and how the state then gave them hefty tax bills? Fool me once…
Remember when a Christian group setup a free field hospital in NYC that would treat anyone but got run out of the city because they required their employees to be Christian?
Remember when they parked a floating hospital in the Hudson to help with the “shortage” and it was barely used and then mostly by the non-vidded?
A. They shouldn’t have been run off.
B. That’s sounds like a really stupid policy. (again , just to be clear , one they should have every right to implement)
I didn’t remember that part and I too think they could have been a little more flexible under the circumstances.
That said… I bet they would have been run out of town either way.
3rd round action at the Music City Open, way better than the news,
urging unvaccinated staff to comply.
“Hey, this ditch is full of dead people. Why did you bring me here?”
An abundance of caution
Ana Navarro described chaos on set of “The View” after she was rushed off the stage just minutes before Vice President Kamala Harris was set to appear live.
“All of a sudden it turned into an episode of ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm,’” Navarro told Anderson Cooper late Friday, adding it was a “very awkward moment.”
Despite everyone being “vaccinated up the wazoo” as Joy Behar put it, Navarro and fellow host Sunny Hostin were ejected from the show set on live television just minutes before the scheduled Harris interview.
“We were prepared to ask some tough questions. We were very proud to have the vice president come on ‘The View,’” Navarro said.
“We were sent backstage. The vice president was in a separate room. We had had no contact with her the entire day,” she continued. Harris “ended up doing the interview from that room via remote while we were locked up in our dressing rooms.”
SCIENCE! for retards.
If Harris is vaccinated and the vaccine works then why…aaahhhh fuck it…
I’m sure if they had just gagged those two the interview could’ve continued without a hitch.
I don’t believe a single word of that.
The whole thing was a setup.
I’m skeptical too. Why on earth would they schedule a covid test so they get results minutes before the interview?
It’s panicdoom agitprop. I’m surprised they didn’t have one of them drop dead on the spot.
Good reading here, kind of a no brainer,
The bright side of Biden turning the US into an international laughingstock. He’s going to save us a lot of money!
But if he spends considerably more than that on “infrastructure”, what’s the up side?
Way to harsh my buzz, dude.
My cat has a split personality.
He is a relentless bloodthirsty monster outside, killing at least one lizard, snake, dove, mouse, or vole per day, but then inside the house he just wants to be coddle and loved.
Sometimes he cries and just lifts up one arm toward me. I answer in a sing-song voice “Do you want me to carry you like a baby?” And he sits up with both paws up while lean over to get him. Then I put him on his back in my arms and just purrs and purrs.
He sleeps right next to me all night after kneading my boobs as part of his ritual.
Very strange cat.
Sounds like he’s having a great time.
Yup, he’s a cat alright.
Learned that male human behavior quite nicely I see
I remember reading a story about how doctors that traveled from other states to NY to help out were getting fucked by NYs income tax laws. I doubt they’re gonna get as many workers as they need without conscription from the NG
Paul Gunter, director of the Reactor Oversight Project for the anti-nuclear group Beyond Nuclear
“Reactor Oversight”
Is there such a thing as an Orwell Award? There ought to be.
If Harris is vaccinated and the vaccine works then why…aaahhhh fuck it…
Why worry about it? I’m sure she had a mask on.
I made the mistake of looking through today’s issue of The Observer (The Guardian but on Sunday with more supplements). Combined with looking at THE LINKS! I think that’s pretty much me done with current affairs and pathological mendacity another week or so, at least I hope.
New job is wearing me out, too. Maybe I won’t even be able to buy any fuel and therefore will not actually be able to go to work next week.
I listened to NPR on my way to the store and back. Wall to wall propaganda and then a semi-cool story about whales. Whales are cool in spite of NPR. I bought gas yesterday which almost emptied my account but at least I can get to the job I hate tomorrow.
I can’t believe state run radio would produce propaganda.
Good morning, Old Man!
And happy Sunday, peeps!
Wow, those are some fucked up lynx, man. Every morning I wake up and for a few moments forget all this shit. It’s nice.
Also nice is Old Guy Music! Holy shit are they great!
This rolled up next.
I want the 70s back.
Have a great day, friends!
Careful what you wish for. You could be queuing for fuel again.
But we’ll get Led Zeppelin, cocaine, and in her prime Farrah Fawcett.
…but then we’ll get disco. ?
I’ll take it.
Will you take the bad with the good (for some values of “good”)?
That’s life, isn’t it?
We were freer then.
And funkier.
Pre-AIDS, “cocaine is good for you” 70’s must have been amazing.
We don’t que..we fight like bastards to find a way to jump the line
Dang, I may be in love.
Tulip and I conducted a quick & slapdash analysis of religious demographics based on grocery store crowdedness.
Wegman’s – endless armies of godless heathens who all need Jeezus (except Tulip & I, obviously)
Giant – god-fearing folk who know that a grocery store is no place to be on a Sunday morning (except Tulip & I, obviously)
TT & I used to go to the range every Sunday morning – before I got lazy and ammo got so expensive – because it was much less crowded than on Saturday mornings.
Ha! I said the exact same thing to Tulip – the range is a great place to go on a Sunday morning!
Today I’m going to be cooking up some Ghost Pepper hot sauce. I think I might end up throwing in some jalepeno and habanero as well, just because.
Thanks again Sean!
Excellent. Brining a chicken to smoke later along with some ribs. That hot sauce would be wonderful with the chicken
Oh my. Would.
Are you referring to the one in blue plastic gloves?
“Giant – god-fearing folk who know that a grocery store is no place to be on a Sunday morning (except Tulip & I, obviously)” – Confirmed
But admittedly, this entire area is owned and controlled by (((them)) and yesterday
morningafternoon was Saturday. So all God fearing (((them))) were at one of the 1000 synagogues in the hood. So about 2-3 cars and 10 school bus sized baby carriages per…Anyway, the Giant was quiet and peaceful. Nice! It allowed me to close down an entire checkout lane for the rest of the weekend and buy all the TP so that no one else can get any, forever. But I was promised I could get a
mansion and yacht3 genuine pedigree pack Llamas and an Emu in trade for that… OK, no one promised me that and backup Plan B – wipe my ass for longer, has been confirmed.Today in it’ll work this time!
And the topper:
I’m convinced. Send in the troops, again!
Yeah, commitment is the only difference between the two.
How else will we stop
K-POP…Special K… ISIS-K!You Peaceniks must be stopped and then we stop ISIS-K!