FAT BEAR WEEK: It’s Fall, and time for all bears to pack away that extra pizza and beer to build up a good layer of fat to tide us through the winter hibernation. Track your favorite chonker, here.
YOUR DAILY NUTPUNCH: Harris/Biden administration nominates actual, no-shit, commie to regulate banks. (WSJ – may be paywalled)
President Biden checked off another progressive identity box last week by nominating
Saule Omarova as Comptroller of the Currency. Some Trump appointees were ridiculed for
having supported the elimination of their agencies. Ms. Omarova wants to eliminate the
banks she’s being appointed to regulate.The Cornell University law school professor’s radical ideas might make even Bernie
Sanders blush. She graduated from Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal
Academic Scholarship. Thirty years later, she still believes the Soviet economic system was
superior, and that U.S. banking should be remade in the Gosbank’s image.
The caber toss is a traditional Scottish athletic event in which the competitor tosses a large tapered pole called a “caber”. The caber is a tree that has been cut and trimmed down so one end is slightly wider than the other. It can vary in length from 16 to 22 feet and between 100 and 180 pounds. The smaller end is rounded off so that it will be easy to cup in the thrower’s hands. He then takes a short run with the caber and then stops and pulls the caber so that the large end hits the ground and the small end flips over and faces away from the thrower.
And what do you eat to prepare for such an event? Why a curried scotch egg, of course. (h/t Sloopy)
FLORIDA MAN: Heroic man traps ‘gator in trash bin.
COVID MEDIA HYSTERIA: Single Japanese patient with the ‘VID develops “restless anal syndrome.” Panic ensues. Or it may just have been due to the internal hemorrhoids. And they treated this poor guy with Clonazepam, a medication used to treat seizure disorders and panic disorders. In the US this drug carries a boxed warning due to the lengthy list of nasty side effects.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to scheduling issues GlibFlick will not appear tonight, but will return on Oct 7 with Joysticks.
Is that yours?
Yes. We just wrapped up highlighting him today.
*points to avatar*
If your daughters ever get the SS backstory, they start wondering about putting that thing in their play yard.
I have him deliberately looking away from the playset. That way if they ever find out the backstory, I can tell the girls he’s protecting them and will STEVE SMITH anyone who dares interrupt their swinging and sliding.
“Daddy, the eyes follow me around the backyard…”
“In this house, we believe BigFoot is real…
This is a fine thing.
She graduated from Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal
Academic Scholarship. Thirty years later, she still believes the Soviet economic system was
superior, and that U.S. banking should be remade in the Gosbank’s image.
“We’re not communists.” – Dems.
If we are unable to defeat buffoons this idiotic then we are weak and deserve to die.
What could possibly go wrong?
The Democrats ripped those masks off, threw them on the floor and set them on fire. Any person who believes that the Soviet system which brought misery and untold amounts of deaths is superior to our system (albeit a mixed economic one), they are evil as fuck and need to be kept away from any sort of power.
Fucking China gave up communism for fascism. Markets will exist, however distorted the form.
I believe your statement on the morality of anyone attempting to deny this is correct.
That’s not real communism…
/racist progs.
They’re still going to try to dismiss this as some crazy right wing conspiracy theory.
I’m sure Krugman will have some amazing insight into this.
And US Pravda will play along dutifully. Some senator will ask her if she’s a communist. Media will report that McCarthyism 2.0 is consuming the GOP. Hilarity ensues.
This is totally different than asking a Trump nominee if their loyalties are to Rome though.
Ok, as long as Hillary doesn’t ensue.
Harris/Biden administration nominates actual, no-shit, commie to regulate banks.
Meh, banks can’t fail and get unlimited funds.
Both things can be bad. I’d rather a business-friendly person be in charge of regulating a business rather than someone who thinks they shouldn’t exist.*
*The exception to this rule would be someone overseeing the DoE that wants to abolish public schools. They’d be good in my book.
Maybe she’s really into DeFi.
Christ, what a bunch of assholes.
Heroic man traps ‘gator in trash bin.
“I’m in love with this motherfuckin’ gator!”
Did drugs fall out of that gator’s ass before he got in the trash can?
restless anal syndrome?
The SU and I have restless asshole syndrome. Our dog keeps waking us up at 3 A.M.
(Still love her, though . . .)
That’s some pretty impressive ‘gator wrangling. When he deployed the lid I was thinking “too soon,” but it worked perfectly.
If you listen to the audio, he couldn’t see and the Jack Wagon that was giving him tips almost waited too long.
Gators love marshmallows. It’ll make a fine pet.
Afternoon gents and ladies
The neighbor drama continues, we’re in the clear after having discussed it with an attorney. However the neighbor is being manipulated by an old, suddenly back in the mix, friend who we know has removed cash assets from the house and has taken control of the neighbor’s cell phone while she’s still in the hospital. She takes it home with her when she leaves.
She’s also sitting in the neighbor’s hospital room all day in order to limit access to her during lawyer’s working hours. It’s one person at a time right now.
The neighbor is friendly again and doesn’t remember anything from the incident over the weekend.
In our discussion with an attorney he suggested asking the neighbor for a POA in order to handle her day-to-day needs and deal with her doctors, which my wife was already doing for her until this happened. I called the neighbor’s attorney and they said the neighbor would need to call them in order for them to discuss it with her. I thought to myself “What’s to stop me from coercing her to call? That’s stupid. Just go do your damn job and represent your client by presenting her with options without bringing us up. It’s an 84 year old lady with no family who just had a stroke. Who’s going to pay her bills and coordinate stuff for her? Jesus.”
Regardless, the old friend has asked in the past for the neighbor to just go into an assisted living home and sell/give her the house. Not kidding. She’s also directly asked outright for some of the neighbor’s stuff because she “obviously doesn’t need it anymore.” I have no doubt she has the missing assets along with a bunch of critical documents that my wife helped the neighbor pull together over the past year.
In short, if the old friend gets a POA, I’ve instructed my wife to hand over everything she has handled for the neighbor and remove herself completely from the situation. Because the friend is going to strip the neighbor clean and will be looking to offload blame on someone else if anyone notices stuff has gone missing. It’s sad, but that’s the reality.
Coincidentally, I looked up the old friend. She’s 79 and took out a $250K ARM mortgage against her house two years ago. Its no wonder she’s looking for funds.
Bah. I hate people.
Somebody needs to file some sort of incapacitation order for this woman before her “friend” steals everything. The court will name a custodian if so. And a doctor worth his salt will sign off on it.
This is sad.
What the fuck is wrong with people? I’m not a perfect person but I could never ever convince myself no matter how bad of a financial situation I’m in to defraud a friend (or anyone for that matter) to gain access to their assets.
Hell if I know. If I had wanted to steal from the neighbor I could have easily done so, but stealing from old ladies is not on my list of things to do. My wife has been friends with her for a decade and been helping her with everything including caring for her dying husband over the last two years.
In the past two months. my wife found significant assets that her husband had hidden in the house and never told her about except in an oblique way like “Hey, don’t throw any boxes in the garage out before looking in them.”
We’re gave her a full accounting of everything and I even offered to act as a straw buyer for an upgraded safe to hold it all. I was arranging for a security system and any number of other things in order to make her feel more secure.
This was money she didn’t even know she had. I think she was actually freaked out by it.
Email me, I know a guy. As in an actual VBA-licensed attorney who handles this sort of thing.
We’re going over to visit the neighbor tonight and bring her a burner phone. We’ll be recording the conversation and asking a couple of questions about what, if anything, she asked her friend to do for her.
I’ve changed email a bit but I’m now scruffyglib at protonmail
. . . I’ve instructed my wife to hand over everything she has handled for the neighbor and remove herself completely from the situation. Because the friend is going to strip the neighbor clean and will be looking to offload blame on someone else if anyone notices stuff has gone missing.
I’ve seen this a couple of times.
Get as far away as you possibly can from the blast radius of this situation, as fast as you possibly can. And keep detailed records.
Jesus thats infuriating. Sorry you have to worry about this asshole. As the executor as his brothers will, my father in law got his hands on a bunch of money that his brother had told the whole family was supposed to go to my wife and her three sisters when he passed. Money brings out the worst in people.
This sounds like it could be a complaint filed with Adult Protective Services.
I know, I know, never call the cops. But if you want this thieving asshole “friend” gone, that’s the only way.
Filing the complaint could also come in handy if this ever does turn back on you, too.
I was going to recommend the same thing.
States usually have laws specifically to go after people that take advantage of elderly.
Since this lady doesnt have any family, having a court involved under a conservatorship would keep stuff transparent and maybe prevent this other person from stealing.
Scruffy there is a common misperception that if a person used a lawyer once, then they are the person’s lawyer. Unless an attorney is hired with a regularly replenished retainer (which is exceedingly rare), it ain’t so. Many states have laws prohibiting solicitation of business. This lawyer may be concerned that contacting his former client would be solicitation.
If neighbor really wants this done, then she can pick up the phone to call the lawyer. It’s fine if your wife is there to assist her making the call. Your wife can do whatever to make the meeting happen. Your just needs to be anywhere else when neighbor actually talks with the lawyer.
I’ve worked with folks like this lady in trying to put together end of life plans as part of a wills clinic. I’ve had conversations where, once a family member leaves the room, the person’s demeanor completely changes and they start talking in hushed tones about wanting to make sure that dear such-and-so isn’t stealing from them.
Most people in that situation are just going along to get along and they’ll agree with anything anybody says in order to keep the peace. Especially as memory issues come into play, old folks (mostly ladies) lose their ability to stand up for their own interests.
Sounds like there’s already a lawyer lined up, but if you need additional assistance from people who do this for a living, let me know. I have a few contacts in NoVa who, I’m sure, can give a quality referral.
Thanks to everyone for the advice.
Wife is going to see her now. The wife is completely overwhelmed by this but she’s got to be her own advocate in this case. I don’t know the neighbor well enough to do it for her.
We’ll see.
It’s like he wants to become hated by the American public.
Or, someone wants him to be hated by the American public.
Now that they have the propaganda machine running smoothly they figure they can do anything they want.
Biden doesn’t have a fucking clue.
When he had his faculties, even he probably would have thought appointing her was nuts.
Still needs to be approved by the Senate. I’m sure that will be clear sailing.
It’s not that she’ll get through; it’s nominating her at all.
If he nominated Pol Pot as Cultural Secretary, I don’t think that would get through the Senate. It’s that Biden or someone near the levers of power thought it was a good idea. Also, that they established a Bureau of Culture without telling us.
Also, that they established a Bureau of Culture without telling us.
Note: this was a hypothetical. Doesn’t I can’t actually see it happening in real life.
She won’t get through the nomination process.
I think this further proves that President Meat Puppet is not in control of the white house. So, I think it will backfire on the Dems.
Of course, I still believe in the tooth fairy.
Yeah, but when they follow this nomination with someone just ever so less horrible, your asshole representing you in the Senate can claim how they held the line.
Just what I was going to say. It’s “we can move the Overton Window by first going so completely out of its current position that the plebes will accept half a step toward our ultimate goal.”
I’m thinking it’s the “door in the face approach.” They nominate someone who they know will not be confirmed; whoever their real pick is will be less obnoxious and will probably get confirmed so the Senate doesn’t seem too contrary.
If any of these surprise you, you haven’t been paying attention.
I mean it was democrats threatening to shut down the government to get what they want. Republicans were always fine with this.
Their bluff was just called.
Single Japanese patient with the ‘VID develops “restless anal syndrome.” Panic ensues.
There is nothing convid can’t do.
I predicted last night that in a few months, when people use the WebMD symptoms checker that instead of always leading to diabetes, it will point to the Vid or “Long Vid” Stubbed your toe? Vid. Bone protruding from skin? Vid.
The regime will not tolerate dissent.
Hunter Clark, who was seen saving an infant by lifting it over the walls outside the Kabul airport in Afghanistan during the U.S withdrawal, is now being investigated for appearing with former President Donald Trump at a recent rally, the Task & Purpose military news outlet is reporting. …
He appeared on stage with Trump at a “Save America Rally” on Saturday in Perry, Georgia. Now, his command is investigating whether the appearance violated the military ban on active-duty troops getting involved in partisan political activity, the outlet said.
“The 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) has initiated a command investigation regarding LCpl Hunter Clark’s attendance at the event last weekend to determine if any DoD policies were violated,” said Capt. Kelton Cochran, a spokesman for the 24th MEU. “Any details pertaining to this incident are not releasable while the investigation is being conducted.”
Members on active duty may not campaign for a partisan candidate, engage in partisan fundraising activities, serve as an officer of a partisan club, or speak before a partisan gathering.
He is going to have an uphill battle, however, was it any of those?
Define “partisan gathering”. Also, did he actually speak, or did he just stand up to cheers?
Not in uniform, not on duty.
Rules run a bit deeper than just uniform for active personnel. He did speak but made no endorsement or stance, so that will probably be it. I think it’s ridiculous and as sloopy points out, plenty of other times it has happened so singling this out creates an environment of impartiality that should be applied equally.
Its more of a punishment and ‘public flogging’ to scare off the rest that dare.
was it any of those
Let’s see:
Trump’s not a candidate for anything at the moment.
Here’s the thing: “partisan” means “political party”. Was this a Republican fundraising event? If not, then he’s clear on this one, too. This was a “Save America” event, which as near as I can tell is a Trump op, not an RNC op. In the tax-exempt world, this looks like “issue advocacy”, which is non-partisan.
I don’t this is even on the table.
See above – this isn’t a political party gathering, as near as I can tell.
He did speak but made no endorsement or stance, so that will probably be it.
In our new highly politicized Dem Op military, I wouldn’t be so sure. THere will absolutely be people who want to string him up for daring to depart from the Dem Op military party line. The question will be whether anybody stands up and stops it.
Meanwhile, politicians have active duty military with them at all sorts of functions and that’s fine.
Our local county sheriff spoke–in uniform–at a Trump rally in 2016. And nothing else happened.
But sheriffs are elected officials, so that is a bit different than an active duty soldier doing so.
FAT BEAR WEEK: It’s Fall, and time for all bears to pack away that extra pizza and beer to build up a good layer of fat to tide us through the winter hibernation. Track your favorite chonker, here.
480 Otis gets my vote, simply by dint of having the best improvement in the before/after pictures. Impressive commitment to packing on the pounds.
Scottish guy should throw the caber at the commie.
I bless the rains down in Panama.
Panama Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes told Axios as many as 60,000 Haitian migrants are poised to make their way to the U.S.-Mexico Border. The Panamanian government expects another 27,000 Haitians to make the trek through the Darien Gap this month — more than the total for all of 2019.
The Panamanian foreign minister is asking for help from the Biden Administration to coordinate with all of the nations in the region. She wrapped up meetings earlier this week in Washington with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and congressional leaders.
It’s like people respond to incentive.
Why do I suspect that “coordinate” means “ease the path for these people to, and into, the U.S.”?
Yeah, I was thinking it means “Why can’t you just airlift them over us?”
It may mean get them out of Panama.
They’ll need a fast car
Is it fast enough so they can fly away?
I really don’t think there’s a “get them out of Panama” option other than “let them into the US”. As near as I can tell, every other country between Panama and the US wants them gone, too.
What we are seeing is every Central American country’s failure to control its borders is now our problem. Trump actually had a solution for this, which naturally has been thrown away.
I guess he expects 27000 to survive the Darien Gap passage. That jungle exacts a toll.
I thought Kamala had gone down there and figured out how to rein them in.
I think their reply had something to do with the horse she rode in on.
I see we are still beating this dead issue.
Some people will always try to stirrup controversy.
Maybe someone should get a gallop poll on that issue.
“TikTok star Gabriel Salazar, 19, and three friends are killed after he slammed his new Chevrolet Camaro muscle car into tree during police chase at 1am in Texas”
In one clip Salazar filmed the road as he drove and the speedometer showed that he was driving 90mph
Oh, no! not a whole 15 mph over the speed limit. Or what I like to call “a casual pace”.
That’s the low-end speed on the 5 during rush hour and all lanes filled going down to San Diego. But FEAR!
That’s like a sunday drive. I, I mean a ‘friend’…pegged a speed governor that was considerably higher than that one time.
Yeah, that’s some serious “I’ve never been in a remote area” writing by the Daily Fail. Fuck, that’s only 5 over the speed limit on 130 around Austin. You go 90 there and you’re gonna get passed by everything with less than 10 tires on the road.
In fairness, the Daily Mail is a UK outlet, and I don’t think the UK is big enough for people to travel those speeds without running out of country real quick.
Yeah, I was on that road recently. Went 94 MPH – in the slow lane – to keep it within single digits of the posted limit, cause I’ve never gotten a ticket for that. Everyone slowed down to 85 at one point because a cop had pulled over someone who had to have been in the triple digits.
One of those rare places where the posted limit seems … fast enough.
“pegged a speed governor”
These euphemisms!
I hit 112 the other day on I-45 and Banjos actually got a bit nervous for a second. I don’t think she’d ever been that speed before.
The important part here may be that it happened during a police chase. I’m guessing he was more than a little distracted.
His career was on fire.
Well, at least that last vid’s gonna get a few million hits.
People are morons. Some idiot gets himself and three others killed, a rich idiot at that, and people set up (and donate to) a memorial fund?
But… TikTok star!
In case you can’t get Tonio’s link
“Welcome, Comrade! Biden’s Soviet-born nominee for Comptroller of the Currency thinks Fed should ‘end banking’, admires USSR’s economy because there was ‘no gender pay gap’ and says hedge funds are an ‘a**hole industry'”
Thanks for that link, Count. I found this interesting, in a non-shocking way:
I know. Not exactly a shock anymore.
I don’t care that she went to Moscow State on a Lenin scholarship. If you were from the USSR at that time, that’s what you did if you could. But that she thought there was no gender pay gap in the USSR tells me she’s likely an idiot. That she wants to have the Fed take over bank accounts tells me she’s dangerous.
JR gets it.
Exactly, Ayn Rand was born in Russia. Its that she resisted the commies is why she was seen as a good addition to America.
“DHS fears up to 400,000 migrants – or DOUBLE the 21-year record set in July – could cross the border in October when Biden drops the COVID restrictions Trump used to stop the surge from Mexico, report claims”
So how many “kids in cages” is that?
So is there a global pandemic or not?
Yes but foreigners are immune and pose no threat unlike all people born in the US.
Illegals. Legal foreigners have to comply including mandatory vaccinations.
Something tells me the people pouring over the border were not slowed down by “restrictions”.
We’re saved.
The Senate on Thursday voted 65-35 to pass a stopgap funding bill to avoid a government shutdown.
15 Republicans voted with Democrats to avert a shutdown.
The stopgap bill funds the government until December 3 and does not raise the debt ceiling.
The bill includes $29 billion in disaster relief for states hit hard by Hurricane Ida and provides $6 billion to resettle Afghan ‘refugees.’
“This is a good outcome, one I´m happy we are getting done,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said. “With so many things to take care of in Washington, the last thing the American people need is for the government to grind to a halt.”
Yeah, no one wants that. . .
Except it doesn’t but yeah.
I should email ol Chuckie and ask if it grinds to a halt, how come I still go to work and help keep ATC up and running? Or mail still delivered. Or SS/IRS/etc still send out checks.
Of course no media would dare question this. And that is one of the problems we face.
And to add insult to injury, they’re going to resettle them here.
Janet Yellin assured me that without raising the DL, we’d default by 18 OCT…
It doesn’t mean a default. It just means the government can’t borrow money. This would create a massive cut in all sorts of programs all at once. Many of which are popular with the masses.
“The real insanity with the dating apps is this:
Brought to you by The White House
“White House partners with popular dating apps like Tinder and Bumble to raise vaccine awareness””
That jackwagon put up political signs in Nintendo’s Animal Crossing as well. Got himself banned, if I recall.
My vax “awareness” is already off the charts. Is there an app I can use to get my government to SHUT THE HELL UP about the vaxxes? Like something with a button I can toggle that’s labelled “Remind me about this in a year”?
What vaccine?
It’s what they’re calling the early therapeutic. Unlike a vaccine it won’t protect you from coming down with the disease. It also only works for a short period of time. But in that time period it will reduce the likelihood of being hospitalized and/or dying. What that period of time is and what that likelihood is nobody knows because no one is studying this.
Oh. It’s a good thing I’ll see this on my dating sites because I was totally unaware of any of this before.
I know, social media’s completely silent about it too.
No Johnson on Johnson until you get the Janssen.
No love without the glove.
No bam without the jab.
Ok I know you can all do better than I can.
No fucky-fucky without the Pfizer-Pfizer
No penetration without vaccination?
“No time in the sack without the vacc?”
Meh. Needs work.
No stick, no prick. That’s reversible too.
We’ll keep tightening the yoke until you get the poke.
+1 Michael Hutchens
No stick no prick.
I was going to say no poke without jab.
No Vac, no Crack, ass crack,
Great new campaign – “Pron star Jon Reremy says ‘no slab without the jab!'”
I’ll go with TOK on this.
“White House partners with popular dating apps like Tinder and Bumble to
raise vaccine awarenessrecruit interns.”Jab right, jab left.
Stick and move.
“Hey baby. I have an injection for you.”
Special Counsel John Durham has issued a new set of subpoenas, including to a law firm with close ties to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, an indication that Durham could be trying to build a broader criminal case, according to people briefed on the matter. So far, Durham’s two-year probe into the FBI’s Russia investigation hasn’t brought about the cases Republicans has hoped it would.
The grand jury subpoenas for documents came earlier this month after Durham charged Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann with lying to the FBI in a September 2016 meeting. During that meeting, Sussmann handed over data purporting to show links between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank. That tip became part of the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election but the FBI ultimately couldn’t find evidence of a link.
In seeking additional documents from Sussmann’s former law firm, Perkins Coie, investigators from the special counsel’s office appear to be sharpening their focus on the Democratic political machinery during the 2016 campaign and efforts to tie Trump to Russia.
Perkins Coie’s clients in 2016 included the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. The law firm also hired on the campaign’s behalf a research company that commissioned the dossier from ex-British spy Christopher Steele that alleged that Trump was compromised by Russia.
Another way to put this would be that the DNC and Clinton campaign colluded with foreign agents to influence an election. Doing so through an intermediary doesn’t change that fact.
Which should not be news to anyone who has been paying attention, but I guess the lesson up to now has been that campaigns need to use a series of cutouts to launder their foreign collusion.
Dont let the deep state and the obama administration off the hook. They lied and got a wire tap warrant for the Trump campaign offices.
Democrats are traitors and so are the judges that violate their oath of office allowing this BS.
Oh, FFS. This is all for show. The statute of limitations is running out. They pissed away almost the entire period when they could have brought charges. Give me a federal grand jury, and they’d have had to build an entire new prison for everyone involved in this.
Durham’s just another Deep State tool. Change my mind.
Well if he seriously went after Herself, he would die in his sleep from multiple self-inflicted gunshots.
Incentives anyone?
NJ, up and coming tech hub.
Time to dust off my COBOL skillz, this looks promising.
Job in NJ? Promising?
I don’t get it.
Fiserv is a big mainframe shop. NJ is apparently trying to keep potential retirees from jumping ship, which would certainly be a benefit for other jurisdictions.
“The inhabitants of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, are allowed to use public transport for free if they do 20 squats.”
I like the Black Mirror ref.
They took exactly the right picture to promote it.
The homeless in San Francisco say “sign us up!”
Eeeeewww. How many people with get a free trip when there is no more room to squat?
So on one hand he states that libertarianism requires certain cultural patterns yet he states that these patterns aren’t durable. Doesn’t this mean that libertarianism itself is not durable? How pray tell are these libertarian social patterns supposed to be well…conserved?
And more city air will set us free talk…
Laissez faire, as simple as it gets,
Except laissez Faire is an old idea that should not be challenged and a society that moves away from laissez faire will not be laissez faire.
Oh the irony that Pinker is now the backwoods bigoted yokel…
Yep, the Red Star is going for the “all Canadians are colonialist invaders”. The cosmotarians were fine with this when it was used against the Right but it is being against them…
“Very shocked that @YouTube has completely removed the Channel of my Ron Paul Institute: no warning, no strikes, no evidence. Only explanation was “severe or repeated violations of our community guidelines.” Channel is rarely used. The appeal was automatically rejected. Help?”
Unfortunately, I’m not shocked at all.
I’m not shocked either…
Well, I am.
Shocked that it took Google so long, that is.
They’ve re-instated the channel.
And the minion who took it down without warning, and the other minion who automatically rejected the appeal, were fired, right?
Well, since their minions are usually some poorly-written expert system, it wouldn’t matter. They’ll just code up a new one.
Well, he certainly is getting his money’s worth.
I’d love to hear how they proved that those cases of Guillain-Barré were caused by the Rona. Back in 2000 when my dad got GB, no one had a clue what caused people to get it. Just checked and yup, they still don’t.
I get the feeling that anything that might happen to someone who had the Rona can now be blamed on the Rona. No need to tire yourself out establishing a causal link between the two.
That’s a neat trick. Guillain-Barré is a listed side effect of at least the Jansen vax. Now if you get it, they can blame it on COVID and not the vax.
GB is a fucked up disease. I know 2 people who had it and both of them lived in complete fear of getting it again.
My dad spent 4-5 months completely paralyzed from the neck down. Was on a ventilator the whole time. Took more than a year before he was somewhat back to normal physically.
Years later Dad collapsed because of some heart arrhythmia deal and was brought to the hospital unconscious. When he came too he was frantic. When we finally explained to him he had a heart issue and it wasn’t a relapse of his GB he started crying in joy.
We just learned last night that a niece of ours has it and is in the hospital. She has no feeling in her arms or below her waist. Sound like lots of meds and blood transfusions for the next several months. Terrible disease. I guess the one silver lining is it goes away with treatment.
And let’s say that the Vid actually causes these neurological problems. I think that would be very unusual, if not unique, for a respiratory virus.
Which to me, is a point in favor of “engineered”.
As I understand it, GBS often happens in conjunction with an upper respiratory tract infection. I got to learn a lot about this when I had my neuropathy (likely resulting from a nasty URI) – though it was not GBS. I didn’t have the persistent nerve damage in the extremities as with GBS.
The vid takes up residence in the lungs more than upper respiratory.
“Brain fog” – check
“Tingling” – it’s been a while…
Does this mean I can claim natural immunity? Not that it would do me any good.
I saw my XX for the second time this month. She took the jumper cables from the garage. My wife said she could keep them.
*searches internet for divorce attorney*
She wouldn’t rather have a jump-starter?
Shhh you. If I had one of those before, I wouldn’t anymore.
And you told your wife to go get another set, right?
Actually she just did… for my son.
Tell her to go back and get one for you, since she knows where they are at the store and all.
You’re funny. She’s left the homestead twice in the last two weeks… because there was wine involved.
I kid. I think she had to go to Publix to get something that was not on our shared list when I went on the weekend.
Oh look, Doordash delivered some food.
I’m going to take a wild guess that she is more likely to need a jump start (no euphemism) than you. So maybe just let it ride and when she does, tell her “No can do. You gave away my jumper cables”.
Nah, buy some jumper cables for your own use, then hide them. If you need them, you’re good … if she needs them, shrug.
just let it ride
I have another set somewhere anyway. Probably in her car because it’s the family truckster and I forgot to retrieve them after the last trip.
Also C4ss got cut from PayPal.
With this and Ron Paul it seems weird how shocked they are about this. Considering the way they talk about the US Government and Big Business they seem to think that we are already a fascist tyranny so I would think they are expecting to be harassed….
Corporation fucks over leftists – so, dog bites man?
And, did you see the way they were dressed?
What I’m saying here is that there is a major push to censor “misinformation” and “domestic terrorism” so they should be wary that this will be used against them. Instead they seem genuinely perplexed that they are being targeted…
These are leftists that never read about Orwell’s experience in Spain, aren’t they? Given they are anarchists, you’d think they might be familiar with the fate of the Black Army in Russia.
Are we on a position to resist this?
Same way we always are, peacefully as long as peaceful means yield results.
*checks armory*
I am. It won’t be a particularly long or effective resistance, but at some point, the only remaining issue is target selection.
I fear we are quickly reaching that phase…
I’m catching fish again, and the new Xbow will save ammo, I’m as ready as I can be considering where I am, and I have Local friends.
It will come here, but maybe not as soon as the Cities,
Amen Brother,
These commie elitists are not as smart as they think they are.
I expect someone hear might have already said this, but here is my framing on the vaccinate to work mandate:
If the president is allowed to get away with unilaterally declaring, without consulting Congress or the Constitution, that businesses over 100 employees can’t employ anyone not vaccinated …
Then the precedent is that the president can dictate who can or can’t work, period, for any bullshit reason that they fabricate. That he is currently putting caveats on employer size and vaccination status is beside the point, because those “privileges” can be taken away.
Yup, along the same line as “once they force you to undergo a medical procedure against your will, what isn’t allowed?”
Narrator: Nothing. Nothing is forbidden.
Not even the Lambada?
And once they can prohibit you from going anywhere due to being unvaxxed they can prohibit you from going anywhere…
They can pry my body from my Cold dead, wait, that didn’t work…..
Are there people getting together to sue over this? I imagine there would be.
Courts are full of traitors to the constitution.
Civil war 2.0 is here. Embrace the horror.
You’ve got a bag full of weapons. Use them, ffs.
I’ll fucking throw a disc at you, at 30 feet and 50 mph, Imma stop your ass!
I guess I need to take my pistol when I play.
Assuming that you’re legally entitled to do so, you should be packing that pistol everywhere…
That’s why you need to avoid the rough.
I remember playing a city course where yoots would run out of the woods, grab the golf balls and run off. Three or four holes later, their buddy would be offering to sell you “balls I found in the woods” at 3 for $1.
We write names and phone numbers on our discs, you don’t get away with that shit,
I laughed. That’s a serious assault (felony, I believe) they committed, even if they only beat up some golfers. I hope they get awarded their stupid prizes shortly.
Man Who Agrees With The Media, Universities, Corporations, And Hollywood Thinks He’s Part Of The Resistance
Doy Keeblesmush??
Derpy wrote that, didn’t he.
Random question – never seen this before. Turned off all the lights before I left the house today. Got home this afternoon and everything turned on like normal except the master bedroom.
Turns out the circuit was tripped for the master bedroom/closet. But I can’t think of anything that would have happened to trip the circuit breaker for a single room while I was out. Any suggestions? Power wasn’t out anywhere else and the clocks all look normal like else lost power – AFAIK.
Probably magic.
Or a very naughty orphan.
Is the circuit breaker to your bedroom an AFCI (Arc Fault Circuit Interruption) breaker?
If it is, it might have detected an intermittent short in the wiring and tripped. Nothing else comes to mind at the moment. Sorry.
It does have a larger button on the circuit breaker panel (even though none of the outlets have the special reset button). I’ll take another look tomorrow.
There’s a loose connection on the neutral terminal of the duplex receptacle that’s behind your right side nightstand, the one you charge your kindle with. You just need to tighten that up.
meh…that’s why I use a surge protector.
Your MB is on 2 different circuits, isolate the one that tripped, shut it off, then check the tightness of you connections, no fancy meters required.
/Spark Master
Thanks. I’ll see – just weirds me out that I’ve been here for a year and a half and never had this happen before. (even with other power outages).
Were the bed sheets mussed up too?
not that i’d notice.
Probably need to setacetus on the right-hand frannistan, make sure the gronification circuit is hexaplexed, then take a couple of turns on the Hoxworth frinkstenator.
Those turns on the frinkstenator – dexter, or widdershins?
You want to take two turns towards the populaxic, then wrap one towards the bobulater faucet. Wait, no, today’s the last day of the month, right? Make that wrap twice towards the bobulator faucet. Would have been three times but it’s the end of the quarter.
Its a waning crescent moon! I would advise one turn away from the populaxic.
Unless there’s a charted gravimetric anomaly in the area. Then, take two.
Hey! you reading my Hard drive?
Sure, if its a charted positive gravimetric anomaly. If its a charted negative gravimetric anomaly, I think its three turns toward the populaxi.
I see what you did there…
. . . Hoxworth frinkstenator . . .
I hate those goddamned things. Always failing just after the warranty period expires.
Have you ever replaced a Dumouphlatchy? that’s where the big bucks are….
Check for GFCI plugs on the circuit and replace. Should clear. If not, feel the breaker switch. It is easy to pull? The breaker may have gotten weak and need replacing. That can happen when hair dryers or vacuum cleaners are used a lot on a circuit.
I’ll look, but like I said, I don’t think there are any GFCI outlets (but I’ll check behind the bookcase). Master bathroom – with GFCI – had no issues. Haven’t used any high draw items in that room for *months* at least.
Did you check the thermostat?
It’s been set at 75 the whole time (didn’t check if it was off when I came in – furnace (and presumably A/C) on a different circuit).
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
My surprised face. ?
63% < 87%. Is it ADE?
I took it as 63% of positive tests were vaccinated.
The hospitalized a different stat.
Poor formatting.
Shhsssshush. We con’t talk about that. The science is settled and this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
The Iceland meteorological authoritah has pointed a webcam at the Keilir volcano, where all the recent earthquakes have been
For the Glibs like me, getting ready (or hoping) to move to the middle of nowhere – big book recommendation. https://www.amazon.com/Escape-City-How-Homesteading-Guide/dp/B093BC3K1T/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=escape+the+city&qid=1633042304&sr=8-3
Working through Vol 1 right now (got both vol 1 and 2 as a kickstarter) – amazing value. Travis is a bit of a tech nerd/autist and he goes insanely down in the weeds as far as planning/categories/etc – over a hundred pages just on tractors, attachments, tools, options, etc. I assume he has gigabytes of records because he keeps all his numbers in extreme detail – ie. why it’s cheaper to buy 10 piglets every year than to have a sow and boar – that you have to feed over the winter, etc, etc.
A lot of info on crops, barns, orchards, chickens, workshops, sheep, etc – coming from a homesteader/farmer in New Hampshire.
Same author who did the “Aristillus” libertarian SF books – and helped organize BasedCon last month.
Will take vol 2 in to work tomorrow to start scanning in between work things.
Today seems to be a day for good book recommendations. Thanks!
Thanks, this looks great. Added to my list.
I’ll also suggest any books by Joel Saladin for livestock and poultry. He owns Polyface Farms in the Shenandoah Valley. He was probably one of the pioneers of modern permaculture without even realizing it.
I may have mentioned it before but Backwoods Home Magazine is an excellent resource, especially the anthologies.
Huh. Are they caving?
Why a curried scotch egg, of course.
Has OMWC seen this? Did his eyes roll clean out of his head?
The irony of BIll Kristol posting this is just off the charts:
That fuck can’t join McCain in hell soon enough.
OMWC’s eyes, or Kristol’s?
The Jags’ QB – is he, like, 12? He looks 12.
“Thirty years later, she still believes the Soviet economic system was superior”
As evidenced by the Soviet Union’s rousing success and everlasting prosperity.
I guarantee you she would say the Soviet Union collapsed because it abandoned True Communism.
She probably has a collection of Walter Duranty articles.
Thot Thursday is the opposite of a chemical toilet fire.
This picture proving once again that you need a boat.
I’m gonna need a bigger boat….
Oh gosh, more abuses by the FBI before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Now where is my shocked face?
Just procedural mistakes I’m sure.
More training is needed.
“Restless anal syndrome”
*resists cheap gay joke on a Tonio post*