This sexy beast is throwing the weight over the bar. The standard weight for this event is 56#.
It’s Fall. Civil Fall for the astronomical number of pedants on here. Crisp cool mornings. Warm dry afternoons. Our thoughts turn to kilted gingers. Fall is the traditional season for Celtic festivals and highland games.
TWO PERFECTLY HEALTHY LUNG TRANSPLANT PATIENTS DIE WITH COVID-19: And whatever you do, don’t read the comments to this tweet. You know these people are just salivating at the thought of witholding treatment from the unvaxed. (h/t Sloopyinca)
ROCKET DICKS in SPACE: Humanity’s first, all-private, orbital crewed spaceflight, Inspiration4, lifts off with spectacular pulsing plumes, achieves orbit. Crew’s list of their questionable mission playlist choices here.
Watch from your back yard here. Nerds can change the lat, lng, and tz parameters in the url to match your location; everyone else click the secret phrase “suck it, Boeing” in the upper-right to pick your location using search, map, or browser location. Website design straight outta 1999, sorry. (h/t mega-nerd db)
OH, NO! Funny bear video. Music is annoying, but watch with sound on for surprise at the end. Your author assures our readers that he was home curating these links at the time this occurred. (h/t SugarFree)
AND HALF OF THE CHILDREN DROWNED IN THE ICY WATERS: Yeah, this is exactly what little kids need when they’re already scared shitless of grandma dying of the ‘vid. The presumably-required masks will only add to the kids’ sense of their own mortality. Good work, town library! (h/t TPTB)
Hell yes on the pic. Hell. Yes.
(why is he wearing undies, though?)
Probably for modesty since they spin while winding up and there is always upkilt action.
Modesty schmodesty
trufax: if you’re going to be dancing or in a pipe band where exposure is likely, undies and/or a modesty panel is expected.
How do you sneak up on a sheep with that kind of attitude?
Compression shorts — a necessity.
He’s not a Scotsman?
Doesn’t want to toss the wrong ball?
I was expecting this
Dude, I’m not THAT old.
If you need(ed) a lung transplant, by definition you’re not perfectly healthy.
People just say things.
The dipshittery will continue until the morale improves.
Unless I am missing something, those are Tonio’s words and not an actual headline?
Maybe they didn’t “need” a lung transplant, so much as “wanted”?
I doubt that anyone would “want” a lung transplant. Unless we are talking about someone who “needs” a brain transplant.
I was told there would be no kink shaming.
I think I can safely say that I don’t need a liver transplant, but after the last 18 months, I kind of want one.
I diverted my 401k contributions towards liver research earlier this year. I’m going to need that more, at this rate.
Did they already receive the lungs or were they waiting? Either way, none of them have ever died before.
How are the unvaccinated responsible to the death of two failed lung transplant recipients? Do people even listen to themselves?
Fuck it. People just say things. I’m ALWAYS grumpier at 4pm than at 8am. I think I hate my job and spend too much time on Twitter to compensate.
He’s a fucking lung doctor. A guy who sees bad lungs every day and that’s all he thinks about. He is a textbook example of Goldratt’s overoptimization problem. He can only see what COVID does to the lungs and seeks to perfect that particular part of the process to the expense of everything else.
I’ve been stuck here unable to work for the past four hours because my company decided to push an overnight change to the middle of the day and kill all of our connections.
“Fully vaccinated woman’s family blames unvaccinated Americans for her death in scathing obituary: ‘She was infected by other who chose not to be. The cost was her life’
Her son Marc believes that his mother contracted the virus in July after she and his father went to visit a friend, whose husband died of COVID-19, in Mississippi, where the vaccination rate is only 42%, according to the state’s health website.
It is incredibly rare for fully vaccinated Americans to contract a severe breakthrough case of COVID-19 and to die from the disease – and those who have had the shot have less than one in 13,000 chance of a severe breakthrough infection, according to a DailyMail.com analysis of data from the CDC.
More than 99 percent of COVID hospitalizations and deaths in the US since January 2021 have occurred in unvaccinated people.
But of the patients with breakthrough infections who do require hospital care, they are likely to be older or to suffer from three or more underlying medical conditions, such as obesity, gastrointestinal diseases and neurological conditions.
It’s not clear if Ayers had any of those underlying health conditions, but her son said that family were concerned for his mother’s health ahead of her trip to Mississippi because she had severe rheumatoid arthritis – where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissue.”
Marc can shove it up his ass.
I see you have no problem reposting an obviously misleading number that “99 percent of COVID hospitalizations and deaths in the US since January 2021 have occurred in unvaccinated people.” While yesterday you couldn’t stop attacking my estimate of COVID deaths among vaccinated.
I see you also know how to use quotation marks.
those who have had the shot have less than one in 13,000 chance of a severe breakthrough infection
And yet people win the lottery.
What are the odds without a shot? Cause I am guessing it isn’t significantly different.
Well, 1 in 13,000 is a 0.008% chance, and if you take total COVID deaths (or more specifically “deaths with COVID”) divided by total US population you get a 0.2% chance, so I’m guessing if the 1 in 13,000 number is correct then the odds are orders of magnitude better with a shot than without one (caveat that this would obviously vary wildly if broken down into age and health categories).
That number has been so tortured by people with agendas that there is absolutely no way anyone knows the truth.
I think I hate my job and spend too much time on Twitter to compensate.
Unless you stick exclusively to the humor or wholesome side of Twitter, I can’t see how spending time on Twitter is going to do anything to help you not be grumpy. It’s kind of a cesspool.
Do bears shit in Lexuses?
(also, why didn’t xhe go for the free apples???)
From the dude who posted it in the comments it looked like bear took a couple apples.
Good to see one of them picked Rocket Man
Narrowed gaze for “Free Fallin’,” since, you know, in orbit.
REM had the song for that.
I’m not normally one to judge someone else’s horrible music choices, but in this case, I don’t think I can resist.
If the aliens exterminate us, it may well be because we polluted the cosmos with late-20th-century top-40 garbage.
I will not let you slander Reggie Dwight like that.
Perfectly Healthy Lung Transplant Patients
Snark aside, recipients of lung transplants are at the top of the list of folks who should self-quarantine when a nasty respiratory virus is circulating. And in a sane world they would be receiving prophylactic treatment (not the STEVE SMITH kind). But such treatments are verboten, unless you are as healthy as a horse.
But such treatments are verboten, unless you are as healthy as a horse.
What you did there was noticed, and appreciated.
Sorry, Tonio, but referring back to the previous thread…
I went to the bank to withdraw some cash, under $10,000 as that seems to be the no-questions-asked limit. However, the teller did ask me to tell her “a little bit about” what I needed the money for. “Anything I want.” She said she needed to know because they had limited cash and must qualify my reason before they could give it out. “Can you tell me what would be an acceptable-to-you reason for withdrawing this amount?” She wouldn’t say, but agreed to give me a partial amount and told me I could come back tomorrow for the rest.
Things that make me go hmmm
Well that’s totally reassuring on so many levels.
” give me a partial amount and told me I could come back tomorrow for the rest”
And then they’ll arrest you for structuring.
Good times.
Already screwed by trying to withdraw under the limit.
My first thought too.
Mind you in the dark ages when I was a floating teller we didn’t have that much cash in the drawer. So we’d need notice to get you the cash, but if it was under $10k we didn’t ask why you needed it.
I can corroborate this, as this was the same policy in place when I worked as a bank teller several years ago. The bank only kept something like $300K on hand (it was a small branch location of a larger chain), so if you wanted large amounts of cash you had to reserve it ahead of time so that they could get the cash from the central location and not worry about running out during day to day business. Depending on the day and time the spontaneous withdrawal limit could be as high as $8K or as low as $3K, but we never asked what it was for unless it was required for the government reports (which kick in at $10K, a number we never allowed to withdraw without reservation).
Yeah, I’m not feeling good about any of this. I’m already in the red state of Tennessee, but a Florida move is looking better and better. I might switch banks if there’s a Florida-specific one.
I think my ATM limit is $2k/day. It’s not structuring if I take out the limit 5 days straight, right? Right?
*narrator* it’s structuring if they want it to be
“Hookers and blow. Inflation really has been a bitch.”
Never tell them the truth.
Hunter’s coming to town and he expects me to hire the help.
He never does pay for himself anymore does he?
The bennies of being a celebrity!
What did the FBI agent trying to entrap you tell you to say to the teller?
“Definitely not guns and explosives!”
Are you perhaps an older person? Could they be using the pretext that they’re afraid you’re being scammed?
Forgot about that. That’s a new reg / law.
I know a lot of old people, they’ve already been scammed by SocSec.
I’m not, but she did mention that another reason they don’t like to give out that much money is they fear for their customers’ safety. “I’ll be ok.”
“That’s why I’m carrying this gun”
Did you mention that you would be o.k. because you have a gun?
Oh lord, it was struggle enough not to lose my cool for fear of a tangle with some armed enforcer! Words are now violence, or so I’ve read.
Good point, hopefully they are just watching out for you. But my magic 8 ball says otherwise.
I would like to withdraw $10,000.
Why are you withdrawing that amount?
I only need $9,000, but don’t want to be charged with structuring.
That sucks; apparently it isn’t really *your* money. Coincidentally, I watched the first installment of “Ozark” on Netflix last night. The scene where Jason Bateman attempts to get $8MM in cash to pay off the cartel came to mind as I was reading this.
Good show, but not one that will lower my stress level.
Hooker, blow and a big bowl of nonya.
Maybe she’s trying to suss out whether you’re a player or not. Tell her you need smallish bills so you can make it rain over at Starz Lounge.
Good point. Was she hot?
Wore a mask. Failed that litmus test.
The honey helping me sell my dad’s car at Carmax last weekend was masked, but she had other attributes that made up for it. I’m talking about her eyes of course. And her boobs. And her CFM shoes.
The only benefit of masks. For all you know, she had horse teeth.
Did the bear go for the apples?
She thought she could push a door closed against a resisting bear? And even if she locked it in, what did she think would have happened next?
“bear trapped in car” sounds like hell to clean up after
Yes, yes it is.
That was a pretty cool bear. Probably would have driven off.
The CB chatter would have been confusing.
Smokey is on the Bear’s six?
The bear video requires me to post this:
The Elizabeth Holmes Trial Is a Wake-Up Call for Sexism in Tech
Because men who commit fraud are never prosecuted.
Steaming piles of horseshit are steaming.
It is not 1950 any more – every company in the US with more than a dozen people is tripping over themselves to promote as many women (and minorities) as they can.
We’re at the point in my department where we can’t hire women fast enough to replace the women to take off for better gigs. In the past 5 years, we’ve lost 6 women and 4 men out of a department that hasn’t been any less than 75% men at any time. We’re struggling to both enforce our diversity requirements on our vendors and avoid having our vendors and competitors poach our female talent.
I’ve worked lab industry 15 years. Everyone – male and female, knew she was a fraud.
So did my wife. She was a specialist on controls.
She probably wouldn’t have gotten as far as she did, luring in all those big names, if she wasn’t a woman. That just shows the sexism inherent in the system.
She absolutely garnered far more interest and support than a dude would have in the same position.
Strange women lying in ponds distributing medical devices is no basis for a system of business. You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a blood-test at you!
“Crisp cool mornings. Warm dry afternoons. ”
Apparently, it’s a bit chilly in NYC.
Yes, it is a bit nipply.
Turkeys are done.
Talk about two diametrically opposed bodies…mom looks like she needs to be pushed back into the sea and her daughter looks like the lever you would use to do it with.
What am I missing? Mom looks pretty good: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanessa_Paradis
Whoops…I saw “Lily Rose” and Count Potato posting…so….did I do thaaaaat?
Nope. Hot stuff!
“New Zealand will BAN Australia’s new nuclear-powered submarines from its waters, says Jacinda Ardern minutes after alliance with US and Britain is announced
‘New Zealand’s position in relation to the prohibition of nuclear powered vessels in our waters remains unchanged,’ she said just minutes after the announcement.
‘The centrepiece of it is nuclear powered submarines and all parties are very well versed in understanding our position on nuclear powered vessels and weapons.’
‘They couldn’t come into our internal waters… our legislation says no vessel wholly or fully powered by nuclear energy can enter our internal waters.’ ‘That is a position held across parties for a long period of time.’ Ms Ardern insisted New Zealand had no interest in being part of the new ‘AUKUS’ triumvirate and saw it as less important than the ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence sharing arrangement, which was formed in 1941. ‘[AUKUS] isn’t at the level of existing partnership with UK, Canada, the US, Australia and Canada,’ she claimed. Ardern said she was informed about Australia’s partnership with the US and Britain at the same time as Scott Morrison’s cabinet, but wasn’t invited. ‘No we weren’t approached, nor would I expect us to be,’ Ardern said.”
I bet she’s a blast at parties.
“wholly or fully powered”
There’s a distinction?
Probably charges some batteries…
The Furher of New Zealand isn’t having it.
Good luck telling the Chinese no.
Maybe she was homonymly misquoted and meant “Holy”?
No, they only wanted adults at the table.
She’s a bitch, but she’s referring to long-standing (35+ years) NZ law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_nuclear-free_zone
So they don’t allow bananas in New Zealand?
Yeah, I remember this being a mild controversy in the late 80s or early 90s because they wouldn’t let some US Navy ships dock there.
‘[AUKUS] isn’t at the level of existing partnership with UK, Canada, the US, Australia and Canada,’ she claimed.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they are withholding intelligence from NZ, like nuclear related intelligence.
“You said Canada twice.”
“I like Canada.”
Love the bear video!
Hate just bout everything else.
It’s amazing how confidently the bear opened the door.
That bear is smarter than the average congresscritter.
A chick I know had her car destroyed by a couple bears. Same thing – opened the door climbed inside (for the food the dummy left in there), wrecked the interior and shit everywhere.
Kinda like San Fran junkies, actually.
Given the design of the garbage cans at Acadia National Park, bears must be incredibly dexterous.
(you have to slide your hand in a little slot in order to disengage the latch on the lid).
Yeah, those are common in all the parks with bears.
We went to Acadia last year. What an incredibly beautiful place!
We spent a week in Acadia about 25 years ago, before we had kids. Highly recommended.
We booked late, so we were pretty far from the park (~ 45m) but still went a couple days.
We were told by others who went this year that the park was absolutely jam-packed, so we avoided the main spots.
The hike up Acadia Mountain on the Mt. Desert side of the park was spectacular. Dog handled scrambling up the rock faces with aplomb.
We were lucky, since we went in the midst of ‘Vid hysteria, so the crowds were minimal. My wife found us a fabulous cabin on the west side of Somes Sound (the only fjord in the US, by the way). I’m pining as I write about it!
I will go back there. Getting up every morning before the rest of the fam, having coffee while the lobster boats chug by. Magic.
Glad you enjoyed your trip and that the puppy kicked ass!
The view from the summit of Acadia Mountain overlooks Somes Sound:
It was expensive, but if you want a special place to stay next time you’re up:
About 45 minutes from the park, 20 minutes to Ellsworth & 20 minutes to Blue Hill.
Guest house on a 52 acre estate; big house is just a few hundred yards away but the guest house was fantastic.
Met the owner on the last day – retired hand surgeon, it’s just his summer place. Hand surgeons make bank, apparently.
Oh, and apparently it’s a fjard, not a fjord.
Also, apparently ‘fjard’ is a real word.
That’s beautiful!
Here’s the one we stayed at.
I think we were the first ones to stay at it. The owners lived next door and were wonderful people. My son met a bunch of kids from Texas and they had a blast fishing from the docks and drinking beer. Great vacation!
That looks sweet – bookmarked for next year.
This is where we stayed in 2019:
We rented that whole 3-unit cottage on the right side (we went with friends). It was a nice place to stay; Hinckley Yachts is right across the street, if you like looking at boats you can’t afford.
Kinda like San Fran junkies, actually.
My first inclination is that I’d rather have the bears, but I’d probably get less grief for shooting the junkies if I caught them in the act.
Bear be like, “Damn woman. Calm down. I don’t want that pumpkin spiced latte in the drink holder anyway. Besides, you’re the one who wanted to live in the woods.”
He/she was happy it didn’t have the number thing, bears fingers and all
The only surprise is that the SUV was not a Subaru. Bears love Subarus.
I thought that was lesbians.
Why would bears love lesbians? They have no overlapping interests.
“Japanese defence minister draws a ‘red line’ around disputed islands and warns China it will ‘resolutely’ defend its territory after standoffs with Chinese navy”
“China threatens to sail its navy into Hawaiian waters as US and Australia announce defence pact – days after flotilla of four Chinese vessels sail past Alaska”
I’m sure we’ll be hearing how this is all Russia’s fault.
I’m not a saber rattling sort but fuck man, the amount of weakness and incompetence our leadership has shown are emboldening our adversaries to act up and try to fuck with us.
I’m sure we’ll be hearing how this is all
Russia’sTrump’s fault.China threatens to sail its navy into Hawaiian waters
What’s Chinese for Tora Tora Tora?
虎 虎 虎
Tola Tola Tola?
Milley invited them
“A mayor in Ohio has threatened the city’s entire school board with criminal charges unless they resign over highly sexual writing prompts that teachers gave to underage students.
Hudson Mayor Craig Schubert delivered the harsh ultimate during a school board meeting on Monday, garnering loud applause from outraged parents who also spoke out on the topic given to children aged 17.
At issue are the highly inappropriate writing prompts distributed to students in the Liberal Arts II writing class at Hudson High School, including ‘Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom’, ‘Describe your favorite part of a man’s body using only verbs’ and ‘Write an X-rated Disney scenario’.”
I’m no socon, but WTF?
Teachers don’t believe they work for the parents anymore.
And in reality, they’re correct.
They never did. They work for the government.
Kind of like its not “taxpayer money” the government spends. Its government money, some of which they took from taxpayers. But once they take, its not the taxpayer’s money any more.
If they don’t give out those assignments, how will they be able to identify talented kids?
Glib-o-tunity incoming! Work in public schools to determine who would make the best next OnlyFans star!
I’m going to guess someone one the cheerleading squad.
Your next gig, OBE?
Somewhat local to me, apparently the book is kick off ideas for stories. That part isn’t so bad, but it appears that the teachers read about it in a recommendation (for college age kids), and didn’t spend the time to read the book themselves.
For the record, yeah, they should probably be fired. I was surprised the Daily Mail wasn’t talking about us Nazis here in Ohio.
It would be a weird assignment for college kids too.
I’m told that banging students is frowned upon by most colleges these days. I always assumed that was part of the attracting to teaching at that level.
*Sadly remembers a lost opportunity from the past*
One of my Russian instructors freshman year in college was a very attractive young Swedish lady who also was disinclined to wear a bra. Very distracting. I dropped out mid-second semester, later found out from classmates that she frequently gave one-on-one tutelage to a few students. Oh, to be young again.
Russian with a Swedish accent?
The other instructor was a guy from Texas. My Russian accent was strange.
Ummm, do YOU have a degree in
pederastypedagogy?In the Great Land, we’ve been having damp, drizzly cold mornings and damp, drizzly cool afternoons. Supposed to be nicer this weekend, though – upper fifties and sunny.
While we have openings a lot for the FAA in Alaska, multiple facilities just sent out solicitations today for supervisory positions today (only managers are being hounded on vaxx status ATM). Either retired or said ‘f-this!’…always can count on the Great Land. Take that for what you will.
I’ll begin learning to bow-hunt our great land Sunday. Gotta save the ammo for The Most Dangerous Game.
Might as well be cloudy when the KPIs are low
I had to pick someone for the position I just left and right now, it is non-competative. We have one really strong candidate with the knowledge, experience and training — so OBE picks that person.
My boss “What about so and so, they have never had the experience and we should foster that and give them an opportunity”
Me: *in my head: Even though I am leaving, and you have no idea that I am yet, I will not put someone with no experience into the position I dedicated ten years of my life* Well, I need someone who can hit the ground running and our security order is very specific you need the training before assuming the job.
Was so-and-so a chick or a POC?
Yes to POC and he is an excellent young tech, just doesn’t have what I need. Boss accepted my reasoning though.
From yesterday’s collection of twitter wisdom:
“Jennifer ‘pro-voting’ Rubin
party that loses a recall should have to reimburse the state”
Nikki aside, Jennifer Rubin really is the worst.
She’s filth. A subhuman piece of shit that would happily turn in her neighbors to the NKVD and then trumpet her patriotism.
And she’s stupid. There’s no “party” that loses a recall election.
I like the bagpipe version of “Thunderstruck”. Fitting in a way because Bon Scott had played in a pipe and drum band after his family migrated to Fremantle.
The bear video was amusing.
Her personality has changed
Wow, she is on fire!
Holy jeeze it’s a deluge outside.
I hear it’s the same down Tonio’s way
Time for some Flight Radar 24 and Live ATC
Looking at the linked wiki page, I’m struck by what a terrible job they did saving the children despite the “Women and children first” call. Only 51% of children saved, versus 74% of women, despite women outnumbering children almost 4 to 1. Sure, most of that is due to the third class children getting the short end of the stick, but even third class managed to save more women than children. Props to the second class men for being the most chivalrous of the bunch though.
Also, I’m kind of surprised that crew made up 40% of total people on board. I’m sure that number is inflated by all the servant roles required by a luxury liner, but it still strikes me how inefficient a means of transport that would be.
Children more prone to hypothermia, perhaps?
Children more prone to hypothermia, perhaps?
They are. Surface (skin) area to body mass ratio is much higher in children than adults, so they lose (or gain) thermal energy more quickly.
The things you learn living near beaches by the North Pacific.
No doubt once they hit the water they had much lower chance of survival than the adults, but reading a bit further it looks like only 13 people were pulled from the water, so the vast majority saved were saved by directly boarding the lifeboats, which had many more seats available than were filled. So the bottom line is that they did a piss-poor job of prioritizing getting children into the lifeboats.
Kids probably don’t have as much body fat to protect them from hypothermia.
It was operated by coal remember. Those stokers would have also taken quite a bit of manpower.
True. I guess it’s the same situation across a lot of technologies, that it just used to take way more manpower to do just about everything.
Wow, following a link rabbit hole it appears that the dogs on the Titanic had a better survival rate than all the men except the first class men. Crazy.
I would also expect that some of the older male children fell into, or considered themselves part of, the “men” rather than the “women and children”.
“Psaki tells @nancycordes the White House “offered a call with Nicki Minaj and one of our doctors to answer questions she had about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.” She adds, “Our hope is that anyone who has a big platform is going to project accurate information”
Starting with yourself, Ms. Psaki?
“REPORTER: “Why is the Biden administration cutting” antibody treatments in Florida?
@PressSec: “That is not accurate… Our supply is not unlimited and we believe it should be equitable… We’re not going to give a greater percentage to Florida over Oklahoma.”
We’re not doing that, but here’s why we are?
That’s effed up
We’re not going to give a greater percentage to Florida over Oklahoma.
Even thought Florida has five times as many people? I’m not sure that really counts as “equitable”.
I mean, wait until California finds out they are getting as many doses as Rhode Island!
“Our hope is that anyone who has a big platform is going to project accurate information”
Here, let me jot down the names of a few world-renowned health organizations and infectious disease experts for you.
Can you imagine Joe Biden (or DOCTOR Jill for that matter) trying to explain the science of the vaccine to Minaj? Would be the comedy youtube of the year.
I’m sure SNL will be right on that idea this weekend.
“Right. I can’t speak to, agree with, even look at someone from a particular political party. Ppl aren’t human any more. If you’re black & a Democrat tells u to shove marbles up ur ass, you simply have to. If another party tells u to look out for that bus, stand there & get hit”
Oddly specific.
Go on…
Is there such a thing as a fully healthy candidate for lung transplants?
Translated from French:
Already talking about using Vax passes for the climate emergency…
Gee, really?
Economic collapse solves most of these impulses
I can’t see them deliberately doing that…
It certainly won’t be deliberate.
How do you say guillotine in French?
My backyard turkeys have gotten HUGE. And it’s not even mid November yet!
They good eatin’?
They tend to be dry.
Bacon wrapped turkey, got it.
“Larding & barding” is a lost art these days.
I could probably net one and find out.
A 9mm headshot would work. Although probably not legal.
Creepy as fuck.
That guy needs to get jumped in the alley.
Man, I’d love to have a conversation with that guy. Really, not a euphemism for a dark alley. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a fucking clue about the literature around mask wearing, it would be fun to try to educate him.
There would be no conversation with people like this. If he’s already made the decision to follow women around harassing them, he’s past any sort of conversation changing his mind.
Yes, I’ve no illusion that I’d change his mind. But I’d want to visit a bit of intellectual violence on him. I detest the smug condescension of people like that. “We have an ordinance you know”. “My wife is a doctor.” “I’m a drone that just repeats the story I’ve been told by very smart people. That makes me very smart too.” I get a somewhat unhealthy pleasure from putting them in a corner. If I can…
“get a somewhat unhealthy pleasure from putting them in a corner. If I can…”
Generally, you can’t. I work with someone who acts like this (not on covid). They move the goal-posts, say, “what about this,” and, as a last resort if you back them into a corner with objective facts, he calls me (& others a liar). Not worth wasting my breath on.
He’s thinking the same thing.
True. Woman should silently pull mace from her purse and apply “liberally”
I’m a little surprised the store doesn’t escort him to the exit.
Nothing to see here…
Power outage in LA. It’s already been more than an hour without power. I’m getting annoyed.
Say three Hail Newsome’s
Rejoice in your lowered carbon emissions!
If it lasts until night you will get a rare glimpse of stars.
it’s Larry Elder’s fault. Now the Gov has to beat his
wifestate.If you need a pick-me-up, I’ll remind you about this gem:
Thanks, KK!
That’s just fantastic.
He’s a treasure
“Law Enforcement Agencies Are Now Buying Personal Cell Phone Data From Commercial Brokers Without Warrants”
Private company bro, if they want to sell information to law enforcement agencies that are clearly going around the fourth amendment that’s their business (and yes, the agencies need to be seriously slapped down on this too).
Halfway through the flight, when the music playlist is done – Elon will jump on the radio to serenade the unfortunate astronauts.
Replying to @NICKIMINAJ
you know he’s a white nationalist right?
Her reply…
Nicki Minaj
Right. I can’t speak to, agree with, even look at someone from a particular political party. Ppl aren’t human any more. If you’re black & a Democrat tells u to shove marbles up ur ass, you simply have to. If another party tells u to look out for that bus, stand there & get hit
(no idea if drugs are falling out of my tuchas, don’t even care)
Good on her, some sense in all the stupidity,
That guy’s smarmy comment drives me nuts. “Judge not…”
I mean who the Hell says “You know he’s a white supremacist, right?”
A depressing number of people.
People being taught that anyone right of them is a ‘white supremacist’
Generally, people who’ve never seen the person in question.
Drugs, marbles, whatever.
KK, did you see this bananas climb by an MD-80?
That was similar to a performance climb the military use out of a warzone
Similar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYbM-3E11Qo
Albeit with a much bigger plane – impressive. TBF, that’s also a brand new plane with huge engines vs. a decades old MD-80 airframe.
Damn cool!
Not as extreme, but John Wayne Airport uses a steep noise-abatement takeoff. They do a steeper than normal takeoff to gain altitude then power back to reduce noise over the richies of Newport Beach.
JANAT takes off on the MCCRRN5 route which is only used by them and is impressive to watch as they take off out of Vegas to Groom Lake.
I can’t explain what a relief this is, but I finally seem to have managed to virtualize my main home server. I’ve been thinking on and off about doing this for a few years, but kept putting it off.
Background: I operate my own server that acts as a mailserver, web server, and cloud storage for me and some members of my family. For years it has resided on a rickety old spare PC that I had. I was terrified that the machine was going to die at some point and it would be hard to rebuild, so I took steps to back it up, move most storage off of it onto a NAS with a RAID and automatic backups, but I was still concerned about it failing and not being able to get it running again quickly.
So I started researching virtualization and at the end of a very long road, I appear to have successfully transferred the entire machine to a VM living on a new-to-me Dell R620 server with 32 cores and 128GB of RAM, so I have plenty of capacity to spin up other machines along side it if I need or want to. I have some plans to run a few other servers for home automation, app serving, etc., and now I can do it.
The only things left to do are to build a new RAID array on the R620 to hold the VM data and physically install the server into my rack, but the hard part is OVER!
I hope.
/sends info to FBI
Seriously, sounds good – When do we spin up GlibNet?
It’s already learning at an exponential ra
Did it recognize your comment and decide you were too cl
Good job! The Dell RAID config is very straight-forward.
What are you using for virtualization?
Don’t forget to configure the iDRAC to send you notification of events – nothing worse than some component silently failing for months at a time.
I’m using KVM. I know nothing about iDRAC but I’ll look into it. Thanks!
The iDRAC is a little computer (“baseboard management controller”) built into those server class machines – it’ll have it’s own ethernet port ,etc.
It provides remote console and monitoring of the hardware – you can power-cycle the machine, etc. all via a browser. You can configure it to e-mail you alerts.
I have noticed during the startup sequence right after the server configures the memory it says “Configuring iDRAC” and then “Done” but I haven’t taken the time to really figure out what it was. thanks for the info; I’ll try to set it up.
And you’re right–the RAID is super easy to set up. I have the hypervisor machine set up on its own RAID on the SAS disks that came with the machine, and I’m going to move the VM storage to a separate RAID on some SSDs.
You may also notice an extra client on your network. Mine has the same first four octets as the server’s NIC. I haven’t configured so it doesn’t get an IP address. It confused me at first until I figured out what it was.
I’ve been using KVM + QEMU for years. Should give you years of trouble free service.
Glad to hear it!
Rather than anything productive and useful, I started watching “Return to Blood Fart Lake.” Honestly I wish I had continued to work on other projects instead.
Rather than anything productive and useful, I started watching “Return to Blood Fart Lake.” Honestly I wish I had continued to work on other projects instead.
Watched it twice did ya?
Jesus I hope comments are not reproducing.
it’s GlibNet
*slow clap*
“Return to Return to Blood Fart Lake”
Yes, a real movie, and an actual sequel. Big no. Not even amusing.
About as amusing as the original subject matter. That’s the kind of thing that can repeat on you.
How much juice does that thing take?
“The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will now be named Comirnaty, the Moderna vaccine will be named SpikeVax, and the AstraZeneca vaccine will be named Vaxzevria.”
Yeah, well I’m selling a new drug called Druggy McDrugfuck (pronounced “throatwobbler mangrove”).
Wait..they are going to call it SpikeVax….lol
I don’t think I want to get that one. They definitely need a new marketing team.
Comintern? BCBG Max Azria? wha?
So some thoughts…
Buy another trailer and do driveway cleaning, buy a 3d printer and create nonsense items and sell to ETSY users, expand the wife’s business (which means we have to hire someone) or…sex work.
You could also create nonsense items and sell through Shapeways to avoid owning the 3-D printer directly. Push the envelope!
But that would mean I don’t have an excuse to buy a 3d printer….just say’n
True. And those are Fine Things…
Any or all of the above? Circle as many as apply?
Whose sex work? I hear dominatrixing pays well and one doesn’t even have to get naked.
Buy the printer, claim the tax deduction in six months.
Do you know who isn’t having any more of the Covid panic bullshit?
Right Said Fred, that’s who. Who’d a thunk it?
Glib worthy and deserving of a narrowed gaze
Sep 13
Replying to
She’ll end up with the Spanish Flute if she’s not careful.
Yeah, they were on Tom Woods shortly before contracting it.
That pic ?? ??