This lovely young woman creates an aura of calm around her through mindful practice.
LATE-BREAKING GOOD NEWS: BIDEN WITHDRAWS CHIPMAN ATF NOMINATION. “Mr. Chipman’s long record as a partisan, anti-Second Amendment activist raised plenty of concerns about how he’d administer federal firearms laws. But that wasn’t the only cause for concern,” Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said. “The record he concealed from Congress, some of which remains hidden to this day, about how he treated his fellow employees while at the ATF confirms his lack of fitness to lead the agency.” CWAA. This is the second major nomination which the Harris/Biden administration has been forced to withdraw.
FIRST ALL-PRIVATE ORBITAL CREW LAUNCH: The mission is called Inspiration4, and it will be the first fully commercial human spaceflight to orbit Earth, without a professional government-employed astronaut on-board. The mission is the centerpiece of a charity-focused project designed in part to raise $200 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a nonprofit institution devoted to treating children with cancer and other pediatric diseases. The Crew Dragon Resilience spacecraft is fully automated. Crew consists of the commander, two contest winners, and a cancer survivor. The crew will will participate in several human health experiments.
SELF-SUSTAINING FUSION REACTION FIVE YEARS AWAY, FOR REALS THIS TIME: We’d love to believe this, really we would. But color us skeptical because we’ve heard this many times before and they’re only trying to reach the break-even point where it generates as much energy as it takes to fire the thing up. That milestone will be followed by what the company hopes will be a commercially viable fusion plant in the early 2030s.
YES IT’S A REAL GAUSS GUN: ArcFlash Labs makes several models of fully-assembled gauss guns. Pictured is the EMG-01B. Review of forthcoming GR-1 ANVIL here. The good – untraceable, unregulated, low-tech ammo. The bad – currently about the stopping power of a .22 short round, high-tech dependent. The ugly – potential onerous, unconstitutional infringement because Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson could no way envision something like this.
THE (RE)NAMING COMMISSION, HUMORLESS FUCKSTAINS: A Congressional Commission providing naming, renaming, and removal recommendations to Congress for all Department of Defense items that commemorate the Confederate States of America or any person who served voluntarily with the Confederate States of America. As maddening as this is, we thought we could have a bit of fun with it. We picked a small, insignificant base, suggested a joke name that might actually pass muster, and were planning to enjoy them explaining why they couldn’t actually name it that, but noooo. They are denying us even the small joys of puerile pranksterism in these wretched times. Also not working, Fort E. McFortface. (h/t Rebel Scum)
about how he treated his fellow employees while at the ATF
But nothing of his other malfeasance at the ATF and philosophy on private arms ownership.
record as a partisan, anti-Second Amendment activist
Or perhaps I should have read and not skimmed.
[EF blesses RS, fixes typo]
Hey, a win is a win. Let’s take it.
Private space travel/exploration is really taking off.
It’s definitely getting a boost right now.
Now let’s not ignite Swiss.
Taking off? It’s headed straight for the stratosphere!
It’s no longer a shot in the dark, for sure!
Sir, I run a nice establishment here.
It’s very spacious and the view is out of this world.
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see where this is going
“One of these days, Alice. pow! Right to the moon.”
/from memory.
I’m going to keel over one day before they actually create fusion, aren’t I.
It’s ok, because that’s the day the world will meet its fiery doom.
I’m going to keel over one day before they actually create fusion, aren’t I?
Well, since we’re only 20 years away from practical fusion, and always will be, theoretically that means you could live forever.
Cheer up!
Ooo…. good point. SCIENCE!
I like this approach.
Generally, the approach has been: “We have an idea that would theoretically work, but only with insanely strong magnets. Lets try something else.”
This team: “Lets build an insanely strong magnet.”
Your page formatting is amazing, Tonio.
Thank you.
I’ll second tripacer’s comment.
I remember trying to get similar formatting to work on one of my articles, and I threw my hands up in despair.
Today was a bit of an experiment. It takes a while to get the vertical whitespace between pictures even close to even; lots of previewing and tweaking.
Feel free to let me know if you want me to try to fix something in your submissions.
“Your” meaning any of you.
I thought “you people” was preferred around here.
I really go out of my way to dumb my links down, to help Tonio look even better than he already does.
Hahahaha, Spud, that’s great. You and Joe, what a team!
/Just kidding, Spud.
Rocky Road. Rocky Road is my favorite ice cream.
I must learn myself. I will read your guide this weekend and learn to format…
This is the second major nomination which the Harris/Biden administration has been forced to withdraw.
Biden seems to be quite practiced at withdrawal. Must have learned his lesson after Hunter.
If Biden has learned any lessons, I don’t know what they are.
That’s OK, neither does he now.
I can only hope this happens to the renaming effort.
I’m just waiting for the Taliban to send in their own submission. With our luck the renaming commission would actually use it.
All your base are belong to us is not just a meme anymore.
Thursday Afternoon Tranquil Links
Allow me to fix that.
Just watched as a massive crane took down the magnificent and very famous statue of “Robert E. Lee On His Horse” in Richmond, Virginia. It has long been recognized as a beautiful piece of bronze sculpture. To add insult to injury, those who support this “taking” now plan to cut it into three pieces, and throw this work of art into storage prior to its complete desecration.
Robert E. Lee is considered by many Generals to be the greatest strategist of them all. President Lincoln wanted him to command the North, in which case the war would have been over in one day. Robert E. Lee instead chose the other side because of his great love of Virginia, and except for Gettysburg, would have won the war. He should be remembered as perhaps the greatest unifying force after the war was over, ardent in his resolve to bring the North and South together through many means of reconciliation and imploring his soldiers to do their duty in becoming good citizens of this country.
Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the Radical Left, and we can’t let that happen! If only we had Robert E. Lee to command our troops in Afghanistan, that disaster would have ended in a complete and total victory many years ago. What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don’t have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!
General Lee speaking I take no issue with this statement but many are being less civil.
The end of the Civil War involved several deals. Lee surrendered his army intact and did not order them into the woods to fight as guerrillas. The South was allowed to honor their heroes and war dead.
Bad mojo reneging on the deal.
Indeed, not just “the South” but America. There is a healing power in that Americans fought against Americans. Like the Revolutionary War, we got damn lucky with the resolution of the Civil War. Not perfect, but not like most civil wars.
Just making room for the coming statues after the next Civil war
The attacks in the last few years on everything-Confederate are deliberate de-reconciliation. They are based strictly on the current kulturkrieg.
Shortly after Reconstruction ended, there was a gigantic and deliberate reconciliation effort to make the country together. It included the base-naming thing the Proggies are after now, ship names, etc. The foolishness in the last 25 years (and anybody fool enough to buy into it) is a deliberate attack designed to split the country.
I wasn’t aware of this aspect.
We are rewriting history at breakneck speed, aren’t we? That always ends well.
It’s likely that allowing the South some measure of recovered honor, let the United States avoid all the long-term sectarian violence that happened in every other country that suffered through a civil war.
The post-Civil War reconciliation is a cultural achievement on par with the moon landing. And the left just wants to take a giant shit on it. Because that’s what the Left does.
I’m starting to get a little fatigued at the thought of all the things they are taking a giant shit on simultaneously.
What the hell is going on here??
The beginning of the end.
A good watch/listen
They’ll dig up his bones and toss them in the landfill next.
Sorry to go OT Tonio, but a federal mandate on vaccines for all employees, not only federal, was just announced:
I’m guessing CPS, accompanied by local LEOs, will be sent for unvaxed kids next.
That would be an escalation of astronomic proportions. If you want real civil unrest, that’s one way to get it.
It’s pretty much what’s happening now in Australia. Minus the civil unrest.
I can’t see that going smoothly here.
For a large portion of society, it’s returned to almost normal. Implementing that when it’s come very near to violence over masks is going to light the powder keg.
In a sense, I hope it does. Not hoping for violence, but massive pushback.
I’m in a sort of bubble (Western WA), so don’t see the “normal” that a lot of the rest of the country is blessed to experience. Praying that they will be enough of a reaction to have ripple effects here on the left coast.
I agree with you it wouldn’t go smoothly. Many Americans who have complied so far have a sic semper tyrannis redline with our children. And we are much more heavily armed and armored than Australians.
I’m just looking to Australia for precursors to what’s be planned for here. The fact that Australians haven’t resisted just makes it all the more likely to be attempted here even if it would be bloody.
In a sense, I hope it does. Not hoping for violence, but massive pushback.
I’d like this to be dealt with peacefully, but if it has to be dealt with violently, so be it.
Here we go. I just sent the article to my superiors. We have USDA contracts and more than 100 employees. This is where the rubber meets the road. 18 years here down the drain and a whittling away of my nest egg.
Make them fire you. Dont quit. Look for another job since firings might happens by oct 1, which is fiscal year.
Also remember, this is a two pronged attack.
(1) to get non-Lefties working in government to quit. Democrats are betting on Lefties working in government to “resist” when Trump and Republicans take back the Executive and Congress.
(2) create a situation for democrats to campaign on. Vaccinated vs unvaccinated.
NP, breaking news that we missed is always considered on-topic.
Yet another reason to not grow your business beyond a certain level.
That’s how it worked in various socialist countries in Europe. If your company had only 5 or 10 employees or maybe only family members, it could stay private. The cutoff depended on the country. Some were more permissive than others.
So why will those businesses be allowed to test but the federal and contract workforce be forced to take. Fuck him. Now to find some job somewhere probably
What’s interesting to me that the only legal leverage they have over the federal contract workforce is implemented thru the contracts themselves.
So is this going to be retroactive contract modification? How is that legal?
Very potentially, yes. I happen to work closely adjacent with those exact processes, and contract mods are common. Something like this is “easy” from a requirements perspective (not speaking to the actual success of implementation).
And, even if some of the large contracts couldn’t be modded, making any new, small-mis projects/MILCONs/support contracts contain the new req’s would effectively make it happen on the large ones, as so many of those companies cross over.
LOL, good one.
It is amazing how sclerotic the government can be when it comes to things that actually matter, like spending money judiciously instead of in an end-of-fiscal-year orgiastic surge, but how quickly they can implement things that serve power, like this mandate.
“We are altering the deal. Pray we don’t alter it any further.”
I’m still hiring. Just saying.
Also, this is where the federal government removes the last vestiges of being legitimate.
Things are about to get real.
The mask is fully off now.
Yeah if I go through with it I have to find an employer that won’t also make me get a shot. Question is how long before my wife’s clients demand proof from her.
This is going to be a shitshow of epic proportions
Question is how long before my wife’s clients demand proof from her.
They’re already working on it. I know our legal department is, and I know that most big companies already have the infrastructure in place for this (DEI, anybody?)
It already is, I’m running out of cash, and the bills are coming, here we go!
Too bad you can only hire at most 99 of us.
I know that I rarely comment (lurk erryday tho), but count me as another that has to commit one way or the other on this soon.
Not sure what to do. Yes, family depends on my income, but do I not also have faith that things will work out if I stand for what I believe is right? Maybe not as much faith as I thought…
If this stands, rest assured they’re coming for your kids next.
They desperately want to prick little children.
Honestly, Sean, I’ve been paying attention to your “I’m hiring” posts… :/
Don’t know if I have the courage of my convictions, though. It’s humbling.
We don’t even have an HR department (or person!)
I know I don’t. I got the vax to keep my job.
For a variety of reasons, I’m very seriously considering drawing my line in the sand at boosters. We haven’t started talking about mandating them, but I will be surprised if we don’t.
That’s one thing that I’ve been talking with the wife about, RC: Even if we cave now, that doesn’t sign us up for a subscription service. We can say no to boosters later.
It’s easy to fall in to an all-or-nothing mentality, at least for me, but in all cases, I need to remember to take each situation as it comes.
Oh, don’t worry. They’ll mandate boosters as soon as they possibly can.
My situation is such that I only really “need” to work my current job for another year, year and a half before I retire. If we mandate boosters next spring, say, that’s not that big a hit for me. The closer I get to financial independence, the harder it is for me to keep my yap shut on these things; I’m kind of in a precarious situation now because of that. But if we mandate boosters, the game for me will be to get my boss to trigger my severance agreement. Because I don’t think I’ll be working here under a booster mandate, and I’d sure like to cash in that severance.
Why yes, I did pull up severance agreement this morning. Why do you ask?
which will cover 80 million private-sector workers
Not me.
Not me.
Nor me, thank God.
I mean it does cover me (I think), but I will not comply.
Nor me.
I’ll repost this here
Rather unfortunate phrasing.
Australian public health chief: “We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order.”
I wonder if Ministry will issue an updated remix.
I would assume this will head straight to SCOTUS but then again it is 2021 afterall
There will be lawsuits.
Prediction: They will go the government’s way using Jacobsen, Wickard, probably some others, and a little BFYTW.
Paywalled – I found this:
Free link via my subscription (also to aid in tracking by the man to me).
Thanks! Nice to have an alternate revenue stream in these trying times. How much are they paying you ?
I have bad news on the practical front for Biden. The covid numbers out of Israel and Iceland are not encouraging. We are not getting to a covid-19 free state any time soon. My 19 year old, fully vaccinated, daughter just tested positive. This is going to breed a lot of animus.
Hoping your daughter does not actually get sick. My then 19 year old son tested positive last spring. Did not have so much as a sniffle, but he was required to isolate for two weeks by his uni.
She is sick. She has moderate flu like symptoms. I’m not terribly worried for her.
My point is Biden thinks more vaccines are going to result in fewer cases. Based on data from other highly vaccinated countries, that doesn’t appear to be the case. It likely means fewer hospital admissions but that’s not what he is claiming will happen. He is setting himself up for additional outrage when it doesn’t happen the way he thinks it will.
Democrats know the vaccine does little. Its why theyre pushing so hard to get the vaccine.
Its about power and creating a reliable network of tyranny enforcers and those that bend the knew. The commies do the same thing all the time.
See, once you bend the knew you tend to keep making excuses for continuing to bend the knee.
Either that or Democrats are the single greatest forward thinkers to push Americans to overthrow this tyrannical federal government and start over with the constitution.
Hope she feels better.
Bitch should have gotten the jab.
Third times the charm.
My fully vaccinated 68 year old aunt did too. Felt shitty for a couple days then went on a hiking vacation.
I hope your little girl recovers quickly.
I hope your daughter gets well soon.
Hope your daughter gets well soon.
Thanks for the good thoughts everyone (but Ted’S). She has moderate flu like symptoms. I expect she will be fine.
And, I’m done. Not getting jabbed, not quitting. If fired, will seek legal representation. Fuck this.
This is kinda what I’m considering, too. Don’t know if I want to go the “question every step of the way” as well, or just not comply and see what happens.
My hope (yes, I know it’s not a strategy) was that the giant Federal leviathan would move so slowly that the pushback would make it not actually occur. Doesn’t look like that will be the case.
The AP article linked by Ghostpatzer mentions 75 days for fed employees to get the jab. If the fines are on a similar timeframe, my plan is going to be to keep my head down and hope it goes away before then and fall back to the testing if I have to. I already work from home, so while testing weekly at home is going to be annoying as crap, I can’t really afford to chuck the job and not feed the family (and given my line of work, >100 employee companies tend to be who’s hiring so jumping ship likely wouldn’t help).
If the SCOTUS had any testicular fortitude, they wouldn’t even wait for a case to come to them on this one — between this and the eviction crap, they should just flat out say that the Executive is out of their minds and no such Labor Dept. order is valid.
Of course — the courts should also have the sense to state that 2+ years can not be an ongoing “state of emergency” and the Executive has to get the Legislative to actually write laws to do things as long as I’m off in Fantasy Dream World ™ and all.
Ya, I’m wondering what the consequence at that 75 day mark is, as that’s going to be key.
Instant firing is a lot different than “we talk to you every week for a month, then you’re on unpaid leave for a while, then we’ll see” or something.
For my company, I expect firings. Probably before the 75 day mark.
We went full mandate a week ago. Lost around 5% of our workforce over it. With another 1 – 2% on medical or religious waivers.
Oh, my back of the envelope numbers for what the loss in our nursing staff alone will cost us between now and the end of the year is around $5mm. Naturally, nobody has mentioned what these costs will actually be.
Hospitals in NH that went full mandate have lost a bunch of people.
Interestingly, one of them started hiring before firing a bunch of nurses.
I don’t know numbers on how many people they lost.
I think there were one or two hospitals that did not go full mandate. Though, I guess that will change now.
Hell, I have to do this. There are people here and elsewhere with young children to feed and futures to consider who are willing to stand up to tyranny. I, who have little to lose, can do no less. Of course I still hold out hope that this does not actually come to pass, but that is a slim hope indeed.
I’m not getting vaccinated. I have proof of natural immunity now instead of speculation that I had Covid. I’ll make my company fire me unless I find a new job before then. I’m working on my resume now.
Out of pure rampant curiosity, since I have been under the assumption we had it back in late January 2020 — how’d you get said proof? Just confirmation that you definitely had it and have recovered, or is there a (reliable) test now?
Not that I expect it to matter, even though it obviously should count just as well as their stupid jab-tastic crap….
Short answer: I thought I had it in January 2020. Recently I got sick and developed pneumonia symptoms. When I went into the doc, she had a Covid test run. Positive.
Longer answer:
I cut my FreedomFest road trip short because I got sick.
The first sign of anything wrong was sinus trouble like my allergies were acting up. This made sense based on pollen counts in the area I was in plus smoke from the wildfires.
A few days later the fever started. It felt like a bad cold at this point.
I cut the trip short and drove from Indiana to NH in one day. A couple days after I returned to NH, I developed symptoms of pneumonia (coughing blood and diarrhea).
I talked to my doc, and despite all docs at that office being full up that day, she got me in. She had the nurse run a Covid test. Rapid test, not PCR. It came back positive.
She prescribed antibiotics for the pneumonia. No treatment for the ‘Rona, which I was fine with. I figured once the pneumonia was gone, my body could finish off the ‘Rona on its own.
The antibiotics took care of the pneumonia, and my body finished off the ‘Rona. I’m fine now.
I still have the paperwork indicating I had a positive test. Since I’ve recovered, that’s proof in my mind of natural immunity.
Mine started and stopped with sinus trouble. Good to hear you’re ok.
I’ve done a few searches to “should I get a vaccine after I had covid” and every search result is the same – YES! There are apparently no dissenting views on the entire Internet.
Thanks. I hope you and your wife recover quickly and fully.
The craziest of my Covid crazy relatives and this relative’s spouse both had Covid. Both continued to wear masks after recovery because “We don’t want to spread it asymptomatically and we want people to feel comfortable around us.” Eventually both stopped doing things until “we get vaccinated”. They got vaccinated, and posted pictures of them posing and smiling with their post-vaccination shoulder band-aids.
Absolutely incorrect. The complete opposite has been the standard practice in immunology, but we now have Lysenkoism, so whatever.
But, just as a primer on this, let’s consider that all vaccines – ALL, EVERY LAST ONE – are trying to do is stimulate your immune system so that when the pathogen does eventually “arrive” – your body has already developed some level of immunity because it’s already seen something at least close to the pathogen. Traditional vaccines used live or attenuated, etc. version of the virus. mRNA seeks to replicate the spike protein that is one of the distinguishing features of this virus.
But – if you’ve already been exposed to the virus (by having had it), then your immune system has seen as much of the virus as there is to see. NOT a simulacrum. The actual fucking thing. As long as you recovered, your immune system is now as primed as it is ever going to be.
That’s why if you’ve had chicken pox, you don’t get the vaccine. The risks of a vaccine adverse event may be small, but they’re not none. And there is also the risk that if you take a vax for something you had, your body might start attacking itself and you could be fucked. Badly fucked.
The people saying this are criminally wrong. These are the people who are killing others with misinformation.
Fuck, we are idiots.
To expand on Ozy’s point.
The current vaxes only give immunity to one kind of protein spike. Viruses have more than one, and – this is the important part – can develop through evolution different spikes. Giving a vax that gives immunity to part of the virus, in the middle of a pandemic, is going to favor viruses that have other kinds of spikes. That’s why this vax is fading so quickly – they managed to combine a kind of vax and a vax program that could hardly be better designed to affect viral evolution.
The kicker – viruses typically, over time, develop to be more infectious and less virulent. But we are now “interfering” with this natural progression. That interference could well mean we are driving evolution, at least temporarily, to a more infectious AND more virulent variant.
I still suspect I had it in January 2020. I didn’t develop a cough, but I spent most of a week in bed with a fever that occasionally spiked very high, like around 103 high. Had absolutely no energy, felt sore and fatigued all over. At the time, I assumed it was the flu, but I’ve never had flu without some sinus congestion. I had none with that illness at all, only the high fever and extreme fatigue.
I had actually intended my self-imposed exile to last longer than this, but I just heard the news and instinctively this is where I wanted to come. I was naïve I guess but I never thought it would actually come to this. Not quite sure what I’m going to do here.
Fascist tyranny doesn’t care if you want to minimize your news consumption.
Politics is interested in YOU.
Yet Trump was the dictator.
I was thinking the same thing
Welcome to the clown world.
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is strength.
I believe somewhat strongly now that the point of dystopian fiction and state-sponsored “anti-fascist” LARPing is to normalize the allegedly bad thing. There is a perverse effect whereby, even though everyone admits the thing in question is really bad, the more they see it, the more they accept it.
I’m not ure if this applies to Orwell, Huxley, Bradbury, etc. I’m mostly referring to more modern dystopian fiction, especially of the “preceded by disaster/apocalypse” variety.
Just imagine what this is going to do to Newsom’s recall election.
And the off-year elections like in Virginia.
There are a lot of Democrats who aren’t on board with this at all and the motivation factor on the pissed-off side is going to be massive.
I think you are right.
Also Biden’s campaigning for Newsom. Talk about old-man stink.
Laughably, Biden said he was coming to California next week. If he comes after Tuesday the voting will be over.
IDK, is he requiring the ballot harvesters to be vaccinated?
Wishing it were so won’t make it true. Any angst over vices and lockdowns will be offset by angry wine drinking women who think Team Red is going full Handmaid in Texas.
Don’t worry everybody. They’re just trying to make sure hospitals aren’t overwhelmed. It will only be a couple of weeks.
(original justification for all of the bullshit that followed)
It sounds like Thanksgiving week is the -ahem- drop dead date for compliance. Also, all of you two-shotters? Yeah, you are no longer fully vaxxed.
I think this is the normal dem game plan: insane over-reach and then give a little back to the feckless republican bitches.
Still no word from my employer about vax status but we have over 100 employees. If they try to force it I will ignore as long as possible and eventually I guess they will have to fire me. I talk tough but we’ll see what happens if push comes to shove. More and more I just don’t give a fuck.
Thankfully Ulster County has the J&J shot available tomorrow, so it looks like that’s what I’m getting.
Sorry about the Fort prank fail, Tonio.
Valiant effort though!
I’ll believe fusion happens when I see it. “Twenty years away! Five years away!” Blah Blah Blah.
The Gauss Gun looks cool.
Well… looks like I should have moved my job hunt up.
I suppose a fusion-powered Gauss Gun is way too much to ask for.
This gun would do the trick /remembers a thread from yesterday
One of the chief concerns of Gauss rifles or rail guns is the absolutely bonkers amount of stored electricity within the capacitors that is needed to fire a projectile at any meaningful speed. If your body happens to close the gap between the rails or the coils then you’re in for a bad day – that is why the development of the technology is coming along at such a slow pace.
Holy shit. They were playing around with modifying MERS as well. MERS makes CV-19 look like, well… the common cold.
This is why it all needs to be kept secret. All you plebes don’t understand and you’ll just make a big deal out of it.
On paper, classification, redaction, state secrets, etc. cannot be used to hide information that would be embarrassing. In practice, that is its primary use.
Camel vectored lung rot is definitely no joke.
Speaking of space stuff, Rocket Lab stock (RKLB) is up more than 100% in the last five days. Apparently they already have a large order backlog, and keep inking new deals.
These cops are not serious people.
Last week, seven officers from the US Capitol Police force quietly filed one of the goofiest civil lawsuits in American history. The regime media reported on the Capitol Police’s 71-page filing in stoic, dignified tones. As is customary, every “journalist” got the same memo, declined to apply any critical examination, and simply took everything at face value. …
This case, Smith vs. Trump, bears little resemblance to the Regime media’s presentation. Nonetheless, it is still a rather important case to track because of its high stakes impact on the public narrative about January 6’s key players and ultimate origins.
This lawsuit is also worth tracking as the most perfectly grotesque Dorian-Gray-portrait of the decaying, fraying Globalist American Empire (GAE). Here we see the Globalist American Empire’s few decent public leaders torn down by ravenous lawyers, its citizen groups incited and indicted by undercover secret police, and its critical race legal theories devouring the U.S. Constitution — yes, the Portrait of Dorian GAE has never been on more honest display than in the funhouse mirror of Smith vs. Trump.
Someone Created The Ultimate Picture Thread To Show How Far Society Has Devolved In The Last Year And It Is Beyond Depressing
A picture is worth a thousand words, and here are a bunch that show just how far we have fallen in the last year and a half.
Twitter user CulturalHusbandry put together this monster thread that really makes you come face to face with the dystopia in which we now live.
Bonus: How to speak Bidenese
I’m tempted to submit the name Stand Watie for consideration. While he was indeed a confederate military man, which defeats the whole purpose of the renaming (and is thus a troll), on the other hand he was (possibly) the first “person of color” to be promoted to general in any American military service. Also the last Confederate general to surrender, which exemplifies the great American tradition of stubbornness.
It’d be a troll sharp as a tomahawk.
No Americans left behind.
HeatherChilders plays a State Department voicemail from a line which has been disconnected, though the line was meant to receive calls from Americans attempting to return from Afghanistan.
– Gandalf
I’m glad the new contents will be inclusive and not just a representation of current Democratic Party dogma.
The new time capsule will be filled with dozens of new items, including a Black Lives Matter sticker and a CDC vaccination record card donated by the Virginia Department of Health, according to ABC-13 News. At the request of the governor’s office, the new capsule will also include a photo of Virginia State Police in Washington, D.C., during the January 6, 2021 riot. The state’s police were deployed at the time to help patrol the capital, and the photo is from 14th and F street NW.
Other items that will be included: An expired COVID-19 vaccine vial, an LGBT pride pin, prayer beads from a woman who died of COVID-19, a collection of poems from middle school students about the pandemic, an election officer’s badge from 2020, and a video from an interfaith healing and unity event.
No used condoms and syringes? How are future generations to know of the rich cultural diversity of 21st century urban life?
How precious.
I’ll let the vapid signaling slide if they include Governor McBlackface’s yearbook photo.
You’ll note that the submission tool in the lynx above says to suggest a name that “exemplifies the values of the U.S. military and our nation.” So…
Fort Western Civilization Sucks
U.S.S. Decadent Leadership
So on my plate is:
Forgo the promotion and get back under the union and make them fire me
Put in for early retirement and take a 50% reduction in that and hope to find a job that won’t just make me get the shot anyway
Find a pure WFH gig that doesn’t care
I know we’re in different agencies, OBE (I’m under the Navy umbrella of
companiescommands), but I’ve been told that even though I WFH 100% of time right now, I would still have to submit to testing and potentially get the shot anyway.Now, this was told to me a month ago-ish, so we’ll see how today’s Pudding Pronouncement shifts that.
Why not all?
What are the Republican leaders saying about the latest vax mandate? Vote for us and we’ll raise the threshold to 200 employees once we control every branch of the federal government?
Since the ratchet only goes one way, even if they do repeal it, some judge will say they didn’t go through the right process.
OT re your moniker: Rama Lama Bang Bana
I was thinking more like this: https://youtu.be/fREmwwfT_Ts
No, They’ll just say we won’t lower it below 100 employees.
Next month, over 50 employees…
Don’t expect too much, they’re feckless pussies of the highest order. I was concerned it’d get to this point but was hoping it wouldn’t happen. Millions of people are going to be fired in one fell swoop. This is insane.
I don’t know what they’re saying, but here’s what I’d bet they’d actually do:
– No overt mandate, at least not for the private sector
– Erect a liability shield for companies that “choose” to mandate
– Create a backdoor authority for the CDC/FDA/NIH to have even more power than it already does, but not openly use it themselves
– Spend lots of money (but slightly less than Democrats would’ve) which completely coincidentally ends up in the hands of GOPe/Democrat-aligned “nonprofits” and contractors
– Leave office after unexpectedly losing an election with everything just right for their opponents to hit the ground running on Day One
Just imagine what the Republican Party COULD be doing if they were for real and not fake opposition. Anti-Mandate rallies around the country. Legal challenges, anti-mandate legislation at every level. Defend the military members they pretend to care about. Destroying Biden with mockery and bring up impeachment charges for unconstitutional orders that violate the Nuremberg Codes.
Instead it’s crickets.
Or this. If anyone has finger on the pulse of what the GOP is thinking, it’s JPod.
TL;DR – all in on the prick and you’re a stupid moron if you’re not, but the mandate is “probably unconstitutional”.
I just received a fundraising note from the NH Committee to Elect House Republicans citing Biden’s conference.
Given I donated to them two weeks ago, I donated to Larry Elder’s campaign because fuck Newsom, and I’m going to lose my job over this mandate because I’m not getting vaccinated, they get nothing else from me until I see solid push back.
I sent them a note saying so. I also told the legislator whose campaign I helped out with in the 2020 elections.
I’ve got a bunch of money socked away, so I can ride things out for a while. I’m going to look for new work. I plan to stick around at my employer as long as I can (paychecks are a good thing to have). I’m more pissed off than worried.
The down and up buttons are still not working for me. I cleared my cache and cookies. Just me?
Same. Previous/Next works alright, though.
Also same.
Jussie Smollett Disguises Self As Larry Elder So People Will Commit Real Hate Crimes Against Him
Biden Warns Of Especially Severe ‘Whirlyswirly Wind’ Season This Year
In case people forgot
I, for one, am glad that she circled back to the issue.
They’ve evolved; the calculus changed; new factors have come into play; etc.
How to implement a potentially unpopular policy:
1. Say you’d never do it, in fact you don’t even have the authority to do it
2. Call anyone who says you’re going to do it a liar/conspiracy theorist/spreader of misinformation
3. Wait a little while
4. Do it
Honk honk.
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the civil lawsuit against Texas at an afternoon press conference.
“This kind of scheme to nullify the Constitution of the United States is one that all Americans, whatever their politics or party, should fear,” Garland stated. “If it prevails, it may become a model for action in other areas, by other states and with respect to other constitutional rights and judicial precedents.”
“Nor need one think long or hard to realize the damage that would be done to our society if states were allowed to implement laws that empower any private individual to infringe on another’s constitutionally protected rights in this way,” the attorney general continued.
“The act is clearly unconstitutional,” he added.
Now apply this standard to any law that apparently runs contrary to anything that is ACTUALLY in the Constitution.
The Senate confirmed Garland to be Attorney General by a vote of 70–30. Much moderate, so nonpartisan.
Yeah, Merrick you love the constitution, that’s why you’re going along with OSHA “emergency orders” on any business bigger than a sandwich shop. Sure, man.
Texas could have just imposed a penaltax on abortions.
Now that the vax mandate is here, is it too early to say… I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO?!?
Now? Too soon??
Fuck. We never fucking learn. Never.
We’re all children without experience to temper our urges.
Artificial intelligence is a misnomer, but it is a bit ironic that machine learning demonstrates greater resistance to inconsistent training than the average person.
I will gladly stand there while you throw rotten cabbage at me for my misplaced faith in some semblance that it wouldn’t happen
*Insert R. Lee Ermey “Choke Yourself” gif*
I chuckled…greatest ‘speech…the whole thing
The funniest part, at least in the summary I read, that employers MUST do this under penalty of fine, But – oh yes – there’s a but – school teachers are to be strongly encourages. So teachers get a carve out exception. How… unsurprising. The people who demand children be masked and vaxxed for their protection can refuse the orders given to whatever % of people work for employers bigger than 100 people.
You know, I never liked the teachers unions before – they’ve always gotten in the way of school choice which would obviously be better for student – but wow has my dislike turned to fiery loathing. They need to be broken and gutted, because they’re what’s running the country now.
In happier news, it’s my birthday! Dinner tomorrow. But I got some lovely earrings from the mr and a drawing from the spawn, so I am content.
There are going to be large carve outs for politically connected and donors…guaranteed
Happy birthday? Good time to enjoy small pleasures.
Happy Birthday OTA, I would like to be sincere but at present everything sounds like wishful thinking. Anyway, enjoy your day, in spite of all those that seem to know better than you (us) how your day should go.
And here I always thought it was just my city and state.
wait, teachers don’t have to comply with this?? AYFKM??
If you have a cite for the teacher’s carve out, I’m interested in reading it. Like you, I used to dislike the teachers’ unions and now I hate them.
Happy Birthday! Have fun with Mr. OTA.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!!! Enjoy your din-din!
Happy Birthday ???
Happy birthday!
For you.
Let’s say he gets 70 percent of them. Then what? Shoot the rest? Let me die cause you exclude them from free enterprise?
If enough people hold out, employers will blink.
There’s what? 10 million open jobs right now?
What’s happens when there’s 30 million?
A huge new welfare program?
For the unclean? Lol, no.
China laughs and laughs?
My stock portfolio craters?
He actually did that stupid stage whisper thing again. Goddamn, I despise this mush-brained asshole.
He is dangerously close to pushing people who now feel there is no other option over the edge
Wow. The mask is completely off.
Not even gonna attempt to pretend to not be a tyrant anymore, I see.
I got nothin’.
Is shit getting real?
If one were to ask him, he may not even know that he said that.
But, he DID say it, and someone wanted him to. At least they’re honest?
Of course, that clip won’t get air time on the evening news, so most folks won’t see it anyway.
“To be ablundably clear, I’ll make them sleep with the – uh- you know the thing.”
They’re messing with the livelihoods of tens of millions who’ve been financially and personally damaged by the pandemic. It’s unconscionable morally and dangerous practically.
Also, its ugly.
I’m drafting up a document asking for exemption from the vaccine mandate on conscientious, scientific, and religious grounds. The hope is that it’ll be a useful resource in the coming weeks as these mandates start being enforced. Anybody wanna proofread when I’m done? May take a few days/nights of work for me to complete.
Also, if you have any relevant articles/studies/etc. please let me know.
Send it to my email IRL, trashy. A bunch of people here have it if you don’t already. TPTB have permission.
I’m proofing several a week now. Got plenty of supporting docs, as well.
Sounds good, thanks! I’ll reach out when it’s done.
From the EO:
“Accordingly, building on these actions, and in light of the public health guidance regarding the most effective and necessary defenses against COVID-19, I have determined that to promote the health and safety of the Federal workforce and the efficiency of the civil service, it is necessary to require COVID-19 vaccination for all Federal employees, subject to such exceptions as required by law.”
I am assuming that means medical, religious exemptions….
Those exemptions will be ignored with no consequences.
This is the official DOL guidance on the topic. The action is mostly in the definitions section.
I’ll be happy to proofread it it will help.
On the ‘Natural Immunity’ front, spinning a thread from the above discussion:
I think I remember seeing here a link to an easily available test, whether for antibodies or T-cells or something.
95% sure I and most of our office had it in Jan 2020, but I’ve heard that antibodies would have faded by now.
Is there a test of long-term immunity?
Get re-exposed?
Long immunity to expose is in your jeans, man. Oh, you meant – uh – never mind.
But it is in your genes or whatever you want to call it. Your immune system maps out how to beat a new virus based on its characteristics and what it learns from other similar viruses. This is why the common cold, while mutating constantly, does not kill the average person who is not in some way immunodeficient (and there is no cure!…). Convid-1984 is similar. Not medical advice, but in my opinion take extra vitamin C/D/etc., immune boosting supplements for the virus itself. But fending off the convid tyrants is a different issue.
Also, I am pretty sure I had the vid around Nov/Dec of 2019 (sorta rough flu symptoms) and am of the opinion that the pandemic was functionally over by the time it was announced by the powers that be.
Thanks, but I likely wasn’t clear.
Looking to see if there is a definitive “yup, you’ve had it before” test so I could (maybe) use that as a reason to not submit.
Hi Tonio! Hi all!
Hi, Drawmy!
LOL – love that moniker!!
Hey, guess who else gets an exemption from this? Postal workers. Of course.
It appears to be true.
Does anybody understand the official “end game” of how this is supposed to work? Go ahead and snark away, but i am legitimately curious.
Assuming that somehow we can simultaneously “vaccinate” everyone at the same time, and prevent anybody from entering the country who has covid then what?
One problem will be – how do we feed all those sharks with laser beams on their heads in the Rio Grande? Because that’s the only way to prevent people from crossing the southern border.
I don’t really think there’s an endgame here. It is in the interests of the Democratic Party to maintain a permanent crisis. I mean, why did Biden (well, his handlers, but whatever) suddenly go this route? Because his administration is nosediving. The Dems are on course to get absolutely destroyed in the midterms and lose their majorities. Biden himself is starting to drop below 40% in the polls. They’re desperate.
So what do you do? Ignore all of those things that are dragging your polling down and go after a scapegoat. Like the probably apocryphal Japanese official marveling at the Nazis’ ability to mold the populace to their will, but lamenting that there are no Jews in Japan to blame for everything, the administration is creating an officially endorsed despised minority. Everything, EVERYTHING, will be blamed on the unvaccinated. The economy sucking ass? Soaring inflation? All the fault of those damned unvaccinated people.
This bullshit isn’t going to work. We can see from Israel’s experience that it isn’t going to work. They don’t care, because that isn’t what’s motivating this. Two things happen when this doesn’t work: 1, the vitriol directed at the remaining unvaccinated grows every more splenetic and 2, the pandemic rolls along and they will use that to dictate ever more repressive bullshit.
Indeed. This administration obviously wants to create an outgroup that they can attack and use to unite their followers and use as a pretext to go totalitarian. They took a run at it with the Jan. 6 white supremacy insurrection, but that’s fallen pretty flat.
wants to create an outgroup that they can attack and use to unite their followers
Do you know who else?
“…the administration is creating an officially endorsed despised minority.”
They absolutely are. I listened to all of Biden’s speech, as I was on the road. He called this a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” He harped on 25 percent of the public being unvaccinated. He threw in the tired line about people in hospitals dying of COVID whispering “if only I’d gotten the vaccine.” He talked about reckless elected officials and their followers blocking proven mitigation tactics. He dropped the line, “Even Fox News is requiring vaccines for its employees.” He pitted science against conspiracy theories.
Oh, and he said vaccine and booster distribution would be “equitable” to ensure access to minority communities. You see, when minorities refuse to get vaccinated, it’s because they don’t have access. When white people do it, it’s because they’re reckless refuseniks, idiots getting bad information from the wrong sources, or idiots following the wrong leaders.
There is no endgame and Covid is an endemic virus that’s never going to go away. You’ll get the shot and the boosters or you’ll get fired and you won’t be able to participate meaningfully in society once they require it for travel, entering large gathering places, and working just about anywhere. Maybe that’s the endgame.
The endgame of sorts (because it never really ends) is to accumulate even more power by making a larger chunk of the American population utterly dependent on the government than is currently.
Crushing people’s spirits.
Indoctrinating your children.
Grooming your children.
Putting people out of work.
Increasing the police state.
Increase surveillance of the population.
mRNA shots and boosters eventually destroy your immune system and have really nasty side-effects. So you need to keep getting boosters to stay alive. And only the obedient slaves get those boosters.
Idk but I keep having to add money to my “Alex Jones was right” jar.
Democrats started civil war 2.0 sometime ago. Their method to destroying non-Lefties will take any necessary form.
1. Steal elections
2. Send the USA into unsustainable national debt.
3. Weaken the uS military.
4. Nuke the US economy
5. Cover for the communist chinese bioweapon attack on the USA.
6. Sicken american kids with garbage science.
7. Tear down all us traditions and patriotism
8. Flood USA with non-Americans who will further the democrat civil war 2.0
Statist fuck Joe Biden who campaigned on being a statist fuck is in fact a statist fuck. Why are we shocked at this?
well, I’m not surprised he’s a statist fuck but the sheer Palpatinian scope of his fuckery is impressive.
Joe is too far gone to realize he’s the lightning rod. His handlers are counting on sacrificing him.
And keeping the totalitarian state they create with him as the figurehead.
This sense of complacency always fascinates me. Sure our politicians are terrible but they would never do anything seriously terrible. They just won’t. I’m sure Mises and Schumpeter felt the same way in 1914…
I don’t think anyone’s particularly shocked. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst is more like it and for many of the unvaxed the hope that this wouldn’t happen is gone. The vaccinated libertarians don’t like this bullshit one bit either.
I’m not shocked. I’m pissed off.
I was pissed off yesterday, too, so it’s not all that different.
No no no, Trump was/is a dictator. And his brown-shirts insurrected on January 6, 2020, a day that will live in infamy. AOC almost died when she caught a glimpse of some rowdy people on Tiktok, ffs.
Re: Fort McFortface.
What about the other extreme?
“The Obama Center for Military Social Outreach”
Stuff like that. Derpy’s satirical instincts might pay off here.
“The Obama Center for Military Social Outreach” and people who would like to other types of outreach too.
BTW, this happened on the Twatters the other day and it’s the best thing ever
So, on the one hand, I think: We’re d0000med! Immediately!
On the other hand, I think: We’ve weathered these things with incremental bites at our freedoms since 1890; we’ve got a long way to go before we’re Auschwitz.
On the third hand, I think: Pendulums have swung before; maybe it will this time. For a while. Hopefully by the time it swings back statist way again, I’ll be ded d-e-d ded.
we’ve got a long way to go before we’re Auschwitz
If we’re heading that direction, we’ll get there. Remember, it only took Germany about 7 years to go from being a pretty cosmopolitan and tolerant society (for the times) to loading the trains for the camps.
Ain’t no USA (or USSR) coming to release everyone this time.
We aren’t doomed (yet) but this is, as Joe Biden himself said, a big fucking deal.
*open tabs include Uruguary real estate, Panama real estate, and ammoseek*
What’s land near Sochi cost I wonder?
*points to Australia*
Yeah, they are halfway to Auschwitz and it took less than two years.
On the other hand, I think: We’ve weathered these things with incremental bites at our freedoms since 1890
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn talked about the dangers of incremental bites at freedom. He was referring to the incidental irrelevancies that constitute the arrest of an individual, but that lesson could be applied to society as a whole. I imagine anyone forcibly resisting at the parallel time point in the buildup to the Third Reich or the Soviet Union would have been labeled a “hothead” by everyone else. I’ve even heard that referred here to anyone who would violently push back against feds going door to door. The whole point is that this is designed to seem a slow incremental grind… until suddenly it’s not and it’s too late to resist.
The boiling frog cliche (which, like many cliches, rings true).
It’s hard to know when to resist. Especially when your cage has such nice amenities. I think we fucked up a long time ago, though, by ceding the institutions without a fight.
I hope Bob is wrong.
Regardless, it’s not over yet.
Now is the time to resist. This is it right here.
I will not comply. If we don’t stand for something, we stand for nothing.
Deranged Conspiracy Theorists Worried Leaders May Build A New World Order After Leaders Say They’re Building A New World Order
This is where we are.
I fear that the Lockdowns are our Rubicon moment. The elites think this is their time to strike and there is no turning back. Either they achieve total victory or total defeat. Yikes…
This… there is a reason commies in America got so desperate to kick their lunatic tyranny in full swing instead of doing it incrementally. Incremental communism has been working.
They know that democrat party is losing too many voters by the day and they wont make them up.
Their policies dont last long under the microscope, so they are trying to flood the USA in the hope of shotgun effect.
Democrats are so horrible that patriots like Trump are able to win now.
Politicians like Trump can roll back communist policies and completely negate what the deep state is trying to force on america.
She’s ded
She’s not dead, just pining for the fjords.
Your pet volcano?
Lol! I had a pet rock when i was twelve,
Honestly, I was kinda hoping for Ragnarok. I’m over the material realm.
You may get your wish
Is Biden Officially the Worst President Ever? Well at least he is not vulgar and we have open borders and free trade…
OK, here’s the deal. Honey Harvest is coming in a few days. There will be few, if any, masks seen, no one will be checking vax records or test results. Participants will not have to sign off attesting whether they have or have not had Covid like symptoms in the last two weeks.
In other words, a normal day in your life. All are welcome and you’ll meet others with similar opinions, with the possible exception as to whether a .270 is a better rifle for deer than a 30-06.
Fitty cal. ?
.300 Win Mag.
When the deer hits the ground, its already field dressed.
Squeal!!!!!! She charged me for 3 zombies when I really had 5 (I tipped for 5 drinks), and my receipt came with her phone number. Bloody smitten I says, smitten.
Dood! Go get her!
Nicely done.
Brush up your negging skills.
I would hope the kind of women l0b0t is attracted to wouldn’t put up with that utter garbage.
Only if she is in a 2 set and I can’t number-close. What was that cat’s name, the one with the TV show about being a pick-up artist?
You seem curiously familiar with the lingo.
I thought you were married for some reason.
If not, go hit that.
Thot Thursday may or may not be responsible for the invention of the catalytic converter.
My suggestion of Fort Capitulate was entered successfully.
“Bendover Base.”
Ha! I thought of the same name.
Fort Quisling and Fort Dishonor were accepted
“For Sale By Owner” was accepted.
Fort Dick/Balls was rejected, Fort Mango White Claw was accepted!
But did you try Fort Dick Slashballs?
So no one has tried, “Ministry of Peace” as fort name yet?… seems appropriate
I was gonna reply “Minipax” but I didn’t feel it works as the name of a base.
That ended when they started that stupid joint base crap. JB Minipax Miniluv.
Well then… Biden is certainly looking for a lot of trouble here. I predict that a lot of people will just ignore this.
Big companies? Probably not… but if it starts hurting their bottom line, then that’s another matter. This has the potential to damage the economy even more.
Anyways – damn I wish Trump was still president. I knew once the Dems got back in power it was going to be a shitshow but little did I know by how much!
I predict that a lot of people will just ignore this.
Department of Labor investigations for you! Department of Labor investigations for you! Department of Labor investigations for everybody!
*oprah gif here*
Supply chains are already broken. This could really cause some major damage.
I work in semiconductors. I would love it if my employer said “Do you like computer chip shortages? Shut us down or fine us into bankruptcy.”
What will be more likely is that businesses will subdivide into a bunch of legally distinct companies that all work very closely together, each with 70 employees.
Looks like the wokies are going after Rembrandt and the Dutch Republic for slavery and colonialism. Dammit you were only supposed to go after Jeff Daviis and Robert E. Lee!
Why did so many liberals and libertarians think that the purge would only stop with the Confederates? They knew full well that their ideology has a history of slavery and colonialism and that the wokies not only knew that as well but they explicitly attacked liberalism for it. None of this was secret. But hey bad things will never happen and it pisses off the rednecks so who cares…
Why did so many liberals and libertarians think that the purge would only stop with the Confederates?
Because they’re dumbasses who thought they were still playing a wargame in a simulator and didn’t bother to notice that they had armed the actual warheads.
None did.
This is the S hitting the F. Anyone waiting for a Red Dawn moment is going to be disappointed.
“This is not about freedom.”
I hope people let that sink in.
It is always about freedom. Always.
I wonder how long until the Charlton Heston character is on the beach staring at some ruins, yelling, “They pitted us against each other for their own gain, and we fell for it!”
Ronald Reagan:
People don’t want freedom. They want to be told what to do.
And Coolidge:
Only decent President ever
That was cool!
Very good point. Thank you.
They’re coming for your children, soon.
Why is yoga lady at the top flashing the white power hand signs? Is yoga a white supremacist activity?
Based on the very white women around here… I would say yes.
OM & SP had a good laugh at my Ancestry ethnicity breakdown. I practically glow in the dark
Aren’t you a Redhead of sorts? Because that’s the ultimate White Supremacist…
I like white women… I mean pale pasty scando types. EF is so white that I look uh dark in comparison. That sailor/farmer blood of mine.
When white people do it, you bet it is.
Of course it is.
LOL “We need to talk about __________”
Go fuck yourself.
*golf clap*:
I like alternate histories.
Is libertarianism predicated on the assumption that the affluent would never become vengeful neurotics and that is coercion of cultural inferiors would never result in bad policies?
I would like to point that public schooling for example is coercing cultural inferiors into compliance and many classical liberals supported it for those exact reasons. And social liberalism, urbanism and Doux commerce always had a make our cultural inferiors into compliance mindset to it.
“Is libertarianism predicated on the assumption that the affluent would never become vengeful neurotics and that is coercion of cultural inferiors would never result in bad policies?”
No, it’s not. Thanks for stopping by!
The funny thing is – and this is just my contrarian nature – the more commercials I see, the more direct “pushing” I see, the more threats I receive; the less I want to get vaxxed.
I mean when they were first rolled out and I knew little about the side-effects, I decided to wait since the elderly, etc were more in need than me.
But after almost two years of fear mongering… I’m just tired of it all.
Same. I SMDH that so many people are not questioning the thought process behind the constant propaganda.
So, as a fed, what are my chances of a religious (or other) exemption?
-Satan (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/09/09/executive-order-on-requiring-coronavirus-disease-2019-vaccination-for-federal-employees/)
Its not clear to me if an exemption is required by law, certainly worth a try.
Starting the job search as well. Whats a good state? Cause New York can fuck itself.
Almost zero.
Considering the same.
I just hate hate hate that I may be allowed to ask for an “exemption” because I happen to have faith, but can’t on principles of self-ownership that appply to all, irrespective of religion.
I’ll join whichever religion gets me a pass from this bullshit.
Sign me up.
Future possibilities:
The unvaxxed will be publicly named and shamed. Crowds will sit outside their houses, chanting and shouting insults.
Property confiscated.
Forced vaccinations.
Here’s hoping that “Firefights break out” is in there somewhere.
I sure hope so.
Lefties dont have enough people.
IFL that it’s dark at 8pm