Who wins the West?
The NL playoffs are starting to become a clear picture as, unfortunately, the Reds falter down the stretch and the Cards play like Gods. The AL teams are all but sorted out with the exception of the second wild card spot, which is all but between the Yankees and the Blue Jays. The Yanks finish with Boston, Toronto and Tampa while the Blue Jays finish with Minnesoda, NY, and Baltimore. I’d give Toronto a bit of an edge based on the schedule. But it’ll largely come down to whether or not one of the teams sweeps the other in their three game tilt coming up next Wed-Fri. Across the pond, ManUre got bounced out of the League Cup. The last 16 draw gives Liverpool a bit of an edge and it also features a couple lower-level sides facing off. Those matches are some time next month. And in case any of you have forgotten (or don’t care), it’s Ryder Cup week. Hopefully they’re great matches and the US win. I can’t wait to watch. And that’s sports.

Greek playwright Euripides was born on this day. He shares it with Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar, Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan, suffragist Victoria Woodhull, typhus superspreader Mary Mallon, auto racer and engineer Alfieri Maserati, Italian politician Aldo Noro, actor Mickey Rooney, jazzman John Coltrane, soul man Ray Charles, football coach Marty Schottenheimer, pop singer Bruce Springsteen, pitcher Pete Harnisch, infielder Jeff Cirillo, political strategist but terrible liar (and no relation to me) Sean Spicer, outfielder Matt Kemp, and pitcher Joba Chamberlain.
OK, now it’s time for…the links!

“Ready for parent-teacher conferences. Let’s do this.”
“Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that?” I’m absolutely certain there’s more to this story, because if this person did what they did for no apparent reason…wow. That would be insane.
Please show me the racist intent, lady. Oh that’s right…you can’t. Hopefully this gets overturned on appeal. Because a federal judge shouldn’t have this much arbitrary power.
Uh, anybody that didn’t expect this is an absolute moron. Which pretty much means the current administration are absolute morons. But we already knew that.
Well, that’s a shame. Not that I’d wish death on anybody. I just wish he’d have stayed there for the rest of his life because he’s a sleazy, anti-Semitic, race-baiting grifter who has sought to divide this country for his own profit since the day he crawled out of some bog and onto the American socio-political landscape.

“This is fine.”
-Jen Psaki
Of course they’re not telling anybody. I’m just not sure whether it’s because they’re inept or because they’re deliberately violating the law and don’t want to get called out on it.
These are all very serious people. L-O-fucking-L.
Somehow I doubt this is all about bathroom breaks. But the government officials doing it probably think it is. Because they’ve largely never had a real job and have no idea what dicking around on the job is. I hope this causes Amazon to pack up and leave. But it probably won’t.
Thanks a lot, Los Angelenos! Oh wait, they don’t care. And neither do I. Moving on.
So this is what gets somebody six months in jail? But trying to burn down federal buildings all last year gets you applause from the left. Some fucking justice that is.
Here’s a seriously underrated song. And here’s a second lovely tune for you that’s much more common. And I could watch that video on mute for obvious reasons. Anyway, hope you enjoy them both.
Now get out there and have a great day, dear friends!
Please show me the racist intent, lady. Oh that’s right…you can’t. Hopefully this gets overturned on appeal. Because a federal judge shouldn’t have this much arbitrary power. – if it feels racist it is racist
What a racist stance.
I’ve seen an uptick in people wearing shirts that say, “My rights don’t end where your feelings begin”
Fat lot a good that’ll do em
They are just letting the people that want to put them up against the wall and shoot them know they are one of “those” people….
I’m not seeing the value in being the nail that sticks out with these people, particularly in arenas wholly controlled by them. We are past the point of no return on civil discourse and changing minds. It’s just not going to happen, too much institutional inertia. I’m cheering for collapse.
Yeah, keep your head low and submarine them at every opportunity.
There is a version available from libertariancountry dot com, also check printedkicks dot com.
Thanks for the reminder; I need to order one.
“Uh, anybody that didn’t expect this is an absolute moron. Which pretty much means the current administration are absolute morons. But we already knew that.”
That’s why they hate us… Because we know they are idiots.
Uh, anybody that didn’t expect this is an absolute moron. Which pretty much means the current administration are absolute morons. But we already knew that.
the current administration are absolute morons – current? were past ones not?
Let’s live in the now. The current admin are the ones who just last month said this wasn’t going to happen aunthey left all the weaponry and materiel in place to aid in this brutality. This is squarely on them.
Off course. But I meant most administrations are absolute morons not related to this particular case but in general. Or just evil. Or both.
Exactly. The future is fake and the past isn’t real. All we have is now. And each other.
*Kif sigh*
Well, yeah… but the MQ (Moron Quotient) seems particularly high with this group.
Why, yes. Yes, they do! ?⚾?
You’re amused by throwing comically oversized balls at scarlet macaws?
I’m easily amused.
Maybe she wants a Blue Jays player to get beaned after their weak-ass retaliation against the Rays catcher.
Because I do.
Even Cardinals haters have to enjoy seeing a rare 2-run sacrifice fly.
These are all very serious people. L-O-fucking-L. – you laugh but that will be the king and queen of the US in 20 years
Meh. They seem much more suited to LA than NYC. I doubt they’ll stay long.
OFFS. Derp level: off the charts.
jealous much?
An overt commie gushing over hereditary royalty? Supposedly in the past, people would feel shame.
Communism doesn’t hate royalty, they just are jealous of it and want to brutally kill the current royals and take their place…
See the Russian revolution for examples.
It won’t. I look forward to robots replacing the workers though.
They are working hard on delivery drones.
Good morning!
There’s so much bullshit going on! How long can we keep up the charade that everything is going well and that competent people are in charge? Will it all collapse spectacularly? The suspense is killing me. I hope it can last.
Narrator’s voice: “It wont last”
Ozy spins a quite plausible future in his series “The Spark.” New episode going up today at 11:00 server time.
An entire story about a spork? Interesting.
Clean your glasses, maybe?
Spoiler alert – it gets shaved down into a shiv.
Hey for any FEDGOV drones out there…..
Have you actually received any documented orders on getting the jab? Seems my branch is moving slow.
They just brainwashed you into forgetting you had it
No. Aside from the President’s statement, there has been nothing official. It’s moving slow as they process it through unions and all the other legal hurdles.
Same thing I’m seeing here.
Yes, via emails from our deputy administrator and someone else..can’t remember. Even gave us deadlines for first/second shot or the single shot.
So this is what gets somebody six months in jail? But trying to burn down federal buildings all last year gets you applause from the left. Some fucking justice that is.
This capitol shit has been a textbook example of gaslighting, which lefties complain a lot about
A Shanghai homeowner was told his home is going to be demolished. His move was to post portraits of Xi all over his house. Now if the house is demolished, Xi’s portrait will also in turn be torn down.
Yeah, the CCP lawyers are going to have a real hard time with this, but in the end the guy will be dealt with for putting them in a conundrum like this…
Just grab a towel and stick your thumb out, it’s not going to matter in about 20 minutes anyway…
There’s Vogon poetry in our future?
What do you think hip-hop is?
A school board in Oregon is holding a special meeting just days after a school employee was placed on administrative leave after going to work in blackface, officials said.
Racism and racial tensions have recently been the focus of conversations in the school district in Newberg, a city approximately 25 miles from Portland.
It’s been a dark topic of discussion.
Ray Charles’ birthday and Flip Wilson not around to celebrate. I miss those guys…
What do we think the racial makeup of Newberg is?
The Royal Chef makes Gumbo – Is It British?
Do royal British chefs make better gumbo than regular Louisiana chefs? Discuss
“British chefs” LOL
Boil it to death, then fry it in too-cold oil so that it just becomes a grease-sodden mass. Sometimes I think they did the empire thing just to save themselves from their own wretched cooking.
well this is the former Royal chef not just any chef. And he lives in the States. And makes gumbo. Weird colour though
Do sassafras trees even grow on the wrong side of the Atlantic?
dunno but filé powder is optional it seems
Just like sumac is optional in Iranian cuisine.
well according to royal chef besides roux you use either okra or file as thickener not both
The word gumbo translates to okra. While I like file soup just fine, it isn’t gumbo.
How can we answer that question without a blind taste test of gumbos?
Can you even consume gumbo? Is it not too flavorful? I never had the thing myself. But my question was more to the recipe presented
It is delicious if done right.
To quote a random Louisiana guy from a now non-existent website:
“No one born north of I-10 can cook worth a fuck.”
Considering most of LA is north of I-10, maybe a royal British chef can do better than a “regular” LA chef.
But I am still gonna go with no. But based on that one guys assessment, they can’t hang with a south coast LA chef.
I wonder what Suthen thinks of this I-10 demarcation line?
I would think the appropriate response is “bless his heart”.
People in Shreveport can cook. The atmosphere changes to more country cooking than cajun though. That is due to the proximity of Shreveport to the Texas border.
South of I-10 they consider putting Emerils Essence on anything in the kitchen “cooking”.
A federal judge has struck down portions of a Florida immigration enforcement law that was a priority of the state’s Republican governor, saying in her ruling that the measure was racially motivated.
U.S. Judge Beth Bloom on Tuesday rejected sections of the law that ban local government sanctuary policies and require local law enforcement to make their best effort to work with federal immigration enforcement authorities.
Uh…I am sure that the intent of this state law is to follow federal immigration law enforcement…
“Allowing anti-immigrant hate groups that overtly promote xenophobic, nationalist, racist ideologies to be intimately involved in a bill’s legislative process is a significant departure from procedural norms,” Bloom wrote. “This involvement strongly suggests that the Legislature enacted SB 168 to promote and ratify the racist views of these advocacy groups.”
Does this “judge” happen to have pink hair and/or any association with the SPLC? Either way she seems to be a mind reader and ruling on something that is irrelevant to the actual wording of legislation and results of legislation.
We need more textualist judges and fewer using divination techniques to determine constitutionality.
You can’t pass legislation if icky people are in favor of it. This is known.
Right, but for the wrong reason. Sorry, feds, the states (including their political subdivisions) are under no obligation to help enforce federal law.
I seem to recall the Obama admin suing to bring an injunction against AZ for attempting to enforce federal law that the administration refused to enforce.
No obligation, except which they voluntarily take on. Cities and counties are not sovereign entities, they are derived from the states and if the state decides that local entities cannot make sanctuary laws, unless the state constitution says otherwise, so be it.
+1 sanctuary cities
The state can dictate to its own authorities to work how they are directed, however.
Isn’t that the same line of reasoning a judge used for a recent ruling about voter ID? A blanket “racially motivated” statement without any actual reasoning behind it?
Nothing to back it other than we wear the Black Robes and we are the Law.
Maybe s/he was poking fun at the tedious “conversations” about everything. Or just running for Prime Minister.
I’m going with looking to get fired vs. quitting. And they’re probably going to be able to produce something showing the school asked them provoke the students with some racial bullshit, just that blackface wasn’t what they had in mind.
She was cosplaying as Rosa Parks to protest the school’s vaccine mandate. Not sure if she knew what she was doing or was just obtuse to the optics.
I’m willing to believe the latter. Oh no. Oh no no no no no.
“We cannot allow corporations to put profit over people,” Newsom, a Democrat, said in a news release announcing he had signed the law.
Such godlike empathy.
A corporation’s sole responsibility is to maximize profits for their shareholders. Doing anything else would be actionable in a just world.
And that doesn’t mean they have to endanger employees. But it does mean they can set work rules for breaks. This law is absolute bullshit.
A corporation’s sole responsibility should be to follow their charter. I doubt very many of them explicitly call for the corp to maximize profits.
You don’t think maximizing your return is implied?
I think reading implications into documents is exactly what gets us into trouble.
Absolutely true. TPAs in particular are huge sticklers for work performance. If it isn’t detailed out in the contract, you don’t get it. Corporations make that mistake constantly. So much of work is implied and not written down and you don’t realize it until a TPA has you by the balls.
Exactly. The corporation can be set up for many reasons, profit maximization is only one of them. And most corporations have lines they won’t cross, even if the action is legal. A corporation set up by a Christian might refuse to divest into porn, even if it relates to their business and obviously profit-maximizes. Or Chick-fil-a might refuse to open on Sunday, despite that being the day I want their chicken the most.
This is a model of what good merchantry does, IMO. Profit maximization is how you get megacorps churning out uninspired product and buying out the more interesting companies en masse. Running a business with values beyond the $$ is important.
Our problem is that our society’s values suck, not that companies reflect society’s values.
I would say depends on the wish of the shareholders? I dunno. I wish my employer would maximize profit so I can get a bigger bonus.
Is there a more empty, meaningless phrase that sounds good to morons than put profit over people?
“People deserve a living wage”?
Does going bankrupt help the people? All this law will do is foster among the employees a competition to see who can work the least, a slippery slope that will hurt the company and ultimately the people. I’m not saying Amazon is a great company, they aren’t, and their labor practices are the source of discussion where I work, since they’re a big competitor of ours for local labor in the Nashville hinterland. Gubmint folks whose profit is made via coercion, not competition, are the last people who should tell private businesses how to treat people.
In a sane world, gubmint’s answer to the people who want Big Brother to intervene on behalf of their ability to ride the clock in the shitter would be, “Find another job.”
Amazon is a big competitor for labor everywhere. It’s an “easier” job for the same pay at the entry level for my employer. But it’s a choice do you want to be a drone or a craftsperson?
I don’t know about the rest of the country, but here factory workers typically live close to their jobs, like anything further than a 20 or so minute commute is highly undesirable. So having a new 3.6 million sq ft Amazon fulfillment center within that distance from my plant has had a huge impact. We can no longer find available skilled maintenance peeps. Hourly wages in the area are climbing fast. If Amazon were an hour away from me, it’d be a different story. AND there’s an Amazon delivery center right down the road.
When I lived in Southern California, an hour+ commute was quite common for a lot of people, myself included, so your point could be valid there.
I wasn’t disagreeing. I guess I was vague. My factory is competing directly with an Amazon warehouse. And it’s not just Amazon. We are less than 5 miles away from some 20 million sq ft of warehouse fulfillment centers. This is lehigh valley, PA. Conveniently at the midpoint of the line between Philly and NYC.
Yikes! And we’ve been looking at adding a DC in PA.
Happy B-day Kublai. Maybe I will dine on honeydew, and have some milk.
But will you close your eyes with holy dread?
Caves of Ice is my ex-girlfriend’s nickname.
From the dedthred,
Beretta made a new competition pistol specifically to compete in IDPA. Because it’s a competition pistol, but designed for the International Defensive Pistol Association, they’re calling it the 92X Defensive. As opposed to the 92X Carry, which is a defensive pistol.
And because UCS has dreadful aesthetic taste, I’m reposting this from when he was roadtripping.
That mouse village is absolutely adorable.
Did you notice the mini Ducati with the rebel flag paintjob?
No one needs two types of 92X
I’m just happy you recognize the need for the 92X. Baby steps.
I am torn.
Given the lengths I go to in order to exterminate mice when I find them, I should not be torn.
I hate you now.
If the mice stay in the village there’s no problem. If the cross the perimeter, death. It’s like a mouse East Berlin or the island from The Prisoner
A big bubble will sweep by and deposit them back in the village?
It doesn’t even need to be big. A hamster ball would work fine.
They can’t outrun the long arm of a industrial shop vac, dead or alive.
Story from Altar Boy’s girlfriend:
She and her sister got two male rabbits as a present. For some reason they couldn’t keep them, so they had to get rid of them. The next door neighbor said she’d take them. Kept them in a hutch in the back yard.
One day the girl heard hysterical screaming from the neighbor and ran over to find the neighbor extracting dead baby bunnies from the shop vac and trying to resuscitate them.
Turns out one of the “male” bunnies just identified that way and could really have babies. The neighbor when to clean the hutch. Turned on the shop vac to get the big mound of cedar shavings and heard wwwwwwwwwhiiiir-thump-whhirrrr-thump–whirrrr-thump as the baby rabbits were sucked up.
Good story and the girlfriend told it very well. I think she has the black heart and sick humor necessary to deal with my family.
If you were to arm them with little black swords, and Warhammer Armor, you’d be more on board?
Do people still shoot IDPA?
I’m kidding, I’m kidding!
This Saturday I am turning down a practical shooting match at my club for the first time ever.
It’s IDPA. After a KF&G or a USPSA match, I feel good. Even elated sometimes. After an IDPA I feel shitty. I’m not sure exactly why, but there it is. Which is a shame since it’s so much more economical than other sports.
But in the weeks since the Taliban once again took control, growing evidence points to a broad and sometimes brutal crackdown as they settle old scores, stamp out opposition and try to force many Afghans to adhere to their strict interpretation of Islam.
I, for one, am shocked to find out that the Taliban are, in fact, Islamists.
“They were beating me by the whip, electric rod and whatever they had in their hand,” Taqi Daryabi said.
I didn’t know the TX border patrol operated in Afghanistan.
NPR gleefully reporting that American Airlines will begin terminating the disease carrying vermin tomorrow.
Dropping commies out the emergency exits?
“Allowing anti-immigrant hate groups that overtly promote xenophobic, nationalist, racist ideologies to be intimately involved in a bill’s legislative process is a significant departure from procedural norms,” Bloom wrote. “This involvement strongly suggests that the Legislature enacted SB 168 to promote and ratify the racist views of these advocacy groups.”
Florida needs more common sense lobbyist control.
This is how you legislate from the bench.
But it does mean they can set work rules for breaks.
Can’t or won’t keep? Go find another job, you malingering crybaby.
But in the weeks since the Taliban once again took control, growing evidence points to a broad and sometimes brutal crackdown as they settle old scores, stamp out opposition and try to force many Afghans to adhere to their strict interpretation of Islam.
No one could have seen that coming.
Keep UP, that should be.
Text messages between Elizabeth Holmes and Sunny Balwani today at the #Theranos trial.
“You are the breeze in desert for me.”
“My water.”
“And ocean.”
“Meant to be only together tiger.”
Balwani: “OK”
I’d need to know when it happened. A big part of Holmes’ defense is that she was manipulated and controlled by Balwani. This is either an example of it (if it happened before Theranos was shown to be a scam) or she was fishing for material to support her claim (if it was after). If he was lawyered up, I’d be shocked if they wouldn’t demand a response just like this. Honestly, I don’t see trusting Holmes any farther than I could throw her.
Well, axially, the object is to maximize revenue while minimizing (taxable) profit.
Profits are re-invested or disbursed to share-holders.
If the Corp pays taxes on profits, they’re doing it wrong.
Workers who think their quotas lead to unsafe behavior can ask for 90 days’ worth of documentation of how their work speed meets or fails the quota. Any discipline within that 90 days is presumed to be retaliation, as is any discipline within 90 days of an employee complaining to the company or a state agency about an unsafe quota
I predict an uptick in employees complaining. Isn’t there some kind of law about getting more of what you reward and less of what you punish? There really ought to be.
Let me guess, the employees are only allowed to ask for documentation every 180 days?
They’re definitely sending a message to us constitutional tards, ain’t they? It’s depressing. It makes me want to drink harder.
Speaking of drinking, did Hunter get a ride with Dementia Daddy on Air Force One
Tam Pham, an 18-year veteran of the Houston Police Department, was charged with parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building. He was initially arrested on Jan. 20 for knowingly entering a restricted building without lawful authority, and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.
Sounds like mostly bs but it is for most of the people involved. Also, “violent entry / disorderly conduct”, “waived in by the capitol police / taking a selfie in the rotunda”. “Tomayto”, “tomahto”.
The charges carry a maximum sentence of six months in prison and a maximum fine of $5,000 under the plea agreement. Sentencing will take place on Dec. 9.
Seems like time served would suffice. But wait, MAGA terrorist so this is obviously too generous.
Such anti-Vietnamese racism I can’t even.
They need this enemy so they can justify the actions they want to take to keep power in their hands…
Equitable Research Requires Questioning the Status Quo
Harmful research practices
Harmful values and practices include the following:
Objectivity. This is the distance between the “researcher” and “researched.” It is based on the belief that neutrality on a subject is the best way to determine its facts. Objectivity allows researchers, intentions aside, to define themselves as experts without learning from people with lived experience. Objectivity also gives researchers grounds to claim they have no motives or biases in their work. Racism, sexism, classism, and ableism permeate US institutions and systems, which, in turn, allows for research that reproduces or creates racist stereotypes and reinforces societal power differences between who generates information (white cisgender people) and who is a subject (Black, Indigenous, and other people of color at the margins of class and gender). At best, objectivity curbs how impactful research can be, and, at worst, it irrevocably harms a community.
Rigor. Rigor measures whether research is reliable, accurate, and trustworthy. It’s a standard asked for by funders and research institutions alike. However, researchers often define rigor as following an established research protocol meticulously instead of ensuring data are contextualized and grounded in community experience. Rigor in this sense does not guarantee trustworthiness or accuracy.
That’s one of those random-generator prank submissions, right?
Word Salad maker…
Unintentionally so.
‘Lived experience’ is for idiots and losers.
And the leisure class.
Did I stutter?
Not to mention redundant, like “emergency situation”.
That’s some mighty fine scientifically illiterate, woke word salad.
The lie that just won’t die…
He was torn limb from limb.
His name was Brian Sicknick!
His name was Brian Sicknick!
What has worried me even more is that I have shown several of the morons that want to believe 1/6 was an insurrection that the only real violent death on that day was committed by a government agent against a civilian, that the Sicknick thing was a total lie motivated by pure political grift, and that the people willing to peddle this shit are fucking evil, only to have them tell me not to talk to them about it because they will NOT change their mind no matter what the facts are. They WANT and NEED that 1/6 thing to be an insurrection, because their ideology depends on that lie to continue marching us all to their Utopian vision of every dystopian world ever imagined.
They WANT and NEED that 1/6 thing to be an insurrection
Well, yeah. If it’s not an insurrection, then think about what that means they’re supporting. If wasn’t an insurrection, they’re supporting holding political prisoners to lie the public into blind acceptance of authority. If it’s not an insurrection, they have to pick and choose between staying with all their friends and the rest of enlightened society and not being one of those people you see in the old news reels who happily supported dictators.
If it’s not an insurrection, they’re continued support for the people pushing this makes them bad people.
That last one is the one they worry about.. Because it would allow you to see they are just fucking hacks and evil despite all their efforts to pass themselves off as the good guys.
We’ve got a lot of so-called adults wandering around, who haven’t progressed past the tantrum-throwing stage of emotional development.
Wasn’t someone here claiming someone repeatedly was slammed in a door or something?
I think I found the missing Haitians.
Hint – don’t get sick in NY.
What a kick in the head that must be to those who have been or are about to get shitcanned. I don’t see how this could possibly backfire.
I am completely shocked that she’s turned out to be the exact same kind of totalitarian control freak who hates her own constituents as her predecessor.
The riot resulted in the deaths of five people, including Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick.
He was beaten to death with chunks of marble ripped from the foundation of our temple of democracy!
Harmful values and practices include the following:
Wait, what?
do you even live experience?
And I suppose it’s totally not racist to assume that only white cisgenders can be objective? …to assume that bipocs can only evaluate something in terms of their own lived experience with it? No human had a lived experience with going to the moon; I guess we shouldn’t have researched how to get there.
Totally anti-semetic to expect a rich country to fund its own defense forces.
It’s not, but calling the people who pushed hardest for defunding “antisemites” is true.
Let Israel pay for their own weapons.
If they wanted weapons, they could have looted Afghanistan too.
what is the deal with “anti-semetic ” ? I see it a lot does it have some inside meaning I don’t know or do many people not know how to spell antisemitic?
These days we must be anti-antisemitic.
Wait, what?
Did someone say anti-antisemitic?
Some people are racist against semen?
No, it isn’t. But, look at exactly who it is pushing this. Do you really think “The Squad” is pushing this because goshdarnit they just totally believe in fiscal responsibility and totally down with not interfering in other countries’ geopolitics? No, you don’t have to be an anti-semite to support this policy. But, unfortunately, it is a policy that anti-semites are going to support.
Concur. This is where some of us Glibs don’t fit into the current dichotomy.
My adblocker freezes videos on the first frame. Honestly thought that was a Home Depot or something advert that somehow beat my defenses before I clicked Play.
Sublime track – probably my favorite of theirs. ?
You deluded, hypocritical fool.
But the point I’m making is that, even as there were egregious human rights issues, which Ronald Reagan called them out on, we have to find a way forward to make the world safer, to protect our countries, and act in our interests. We can do and must do the same thing now. Yes, we have issues, a number of different issues. But first and foremost, this planet must be protected. We all need to do that for our people.”
Kerry further stated that the hope is that if there is cooperation on climate with China, it could lead to cooperation on other issues.
Funny how that policy prioritization just happens to line up with what they want to do anyway isn’t it?
When was the last time a Democrat cared about his or her obvious hypocrisy? Has to be before I was born.
It’s helpful to hear their hatred for humanity stated so clearly.
Do even Dems take John Kerry seriously? What a buffoon.
I though this guy was supposed to be a conservative.
“Something that’s happened to a small group of Americans who define their happiness as the unhappiness of everybody else. They’re addicted to furiousness. I actually think dopamine is released in the brain when they get angry. They’re only happy when unhappy, and I don’t know what you do with them besides quarantine them, try and get on with politics without them because they’re not coming back.”
Will added, “I think some of these people, we have rewired their brains in a way. They are attached in the most unhealthy way to their screens, and it’s beginning to disable their ability to function in society.”
That’s an apt description of proggies.
“Donald Trump’s favorite locution is saying ‘they’re saying.’ The sense of mystery by having no actual reference in the real world. You can learn a lot from the vocabulary of these people. That is a case study in how paranoid people think, somebody said to me, they’re saying. We’ve heard this for years from Donald Trump, and we’re going to keep hearing it, I’m afraid.”
Ah, it is progjection then.
He’s about as conservative as Mitt Romney so kinda but not really.
Obligatory: The George F. Will Sports Machine.
Perhaps Will could helpfully point out a single goddamn thing his favorite RINO’s have accomplished in this direction in the last hundred years or so.
They couldn’t even stand athwart baseball yelling “stop” and keeping the abomination of the DH from taking hold.
Watching pitchers bat is the real abomination.
Totally different from Obama’s “some say” locution when attacking a strawman.
Don’t believe it’s getting hotter out there? Just wait.
The Environmental Protection Agency is sharply curbing the use and production of hydrofluorocarbons, the climate-warming chemicals widely used in air-conditioning and refrigeration.
The move is the Biden administration’s first major regulatory action to reduce domestic greenhouse gas emissions. It’s also the first time the federal government has set national standards on hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, which are thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide at heating up the planet. The EPA said the rule could avoid up to 0.5 degrees Celsius of global warming by the end of the century.
The agency will begin regulating the chemicals next year, and will force industry to curb production and imports by 85% over the next 15 years, officials said during a virtual press briefing on Wednesday. The EPA proposed the rule in March and will finalize it on Thursday.
The agency’s rule is expected to reduce the equivalent of 4.7 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide by mid-century, or roughly three years’ worth of emissions from the country’s power sector at 2019 levels, according to estimates from the EPA.
That’s right, Joe. Make ’em sweat. And let their food spoil, while you’re bat it.
What a bunch of malicious retards.
R22 was 3 dollars a pound 20 years ago, after the EPA ruling, it’s over 100$ a pound,
now they want your r410 machine to get the same treatment, Fuck the EPA, Fuck DuPont!
It’s hard not to be cynical and conspiratorial when they’re doing the same thing in all industries. Impugn the common practice built on decades and centuries of experience. Regulate it to the point that it is no longer economical. Push some half-assed “new” technology that doesn’t work as well. Subsidize the new technology to the point that the economic impact of switching isn’t unbearable. Watch as the distorted market slowly collapses. Blame the free market.
Don’t forget, take credit for things that were going to happen anyway on their own, like the switch to LED lighting.
And ban alternatives even though the new technology doesn’t work in all situations where the old one did.
Yeah, just found this out. We have a leak in one of our units, and the cost to recharge the thing is more than fixing the leak itself. Fucking ridiculous.
“Now that our hypothesis that increasing manmade CO2 causes a proportionate increase in temperature has blown up, it’s time to move on to some othe evil chemical.
No refrigeration. No AC. No oil. No coal. Bye Bye modern world.
Q; What did communists use before candles?
A: Electricity.
How many people die within a year without refrigeration?
Well, for reference, over 14,000 people died from the 2003 heat wave in France, where most homes did not have air conditioning.
Get a load of this toady motherfucker:
“His administration knows that what’s good for the environment is good for the economy.”
This particular assertion is so incredibly wrong as to be infuriating.
As Tom Woods put it, if an asteroid were inbound for earth and the government told you that they would have to divert resources to avert this tragedy, you wouldn’t expect that everyone’s standard of living to increase as a result. Instead, it would be a shared sacrifice to deal with an unexpected expense.
These morons truly believe that they can strip away so much of what creates wealth and simultaneously improve the standard of living.
And as always, if you are not talking about nuclear, you are not a serious person.
Are they still planning to replace with isobutane?
A woman learns the problems men face with modern day dating sites.
I wonder if she has thought about how she treated men on these apps after this revelation. I am sure she has not realized the problem was with how women approach online dating..
I have never used a dating app in my life but this seems a bit hard to believe, no?
I have some very ugly and unsuccessful friends who managed to hook up with them. (just being honest here)
I will ask the question, though. Why does he have salary and education requirements for women? What dude even gives a shit? That may be the area where he is fucking up.
His sister is concerned about that stuff, I doubt he is.
I saw that too. I wondered if that was her projecting her desires on him as she came up with his profile.
The experience of few matches and few women responding lines up with my experience. Having said that, I would go through feast and famine periods: Periods of no responses or matches what-so-ever, and then periods where I have a lot of matches/responses with maybe one or two dates that go nowhere.
In other news: Did you see the links I posted on yesterday’s morning links about viral load in vaccinated folks? I posted them kinda late. I’m certain there are more studies out there like what I posted.
He’s probably focused on a relationship. My understanding was that if you wanted a casual hookup, you could get as much as you wanted, but if you wanted a relationship, it was a barren wasteland.
Maybe drop the dating sites and go out in meatspace? I don’t mean hookup bars, more like events, affinity groups, etc.
I know – crazy talk.
Totes crazy…
White House climate adviser Gina McCarthy on Wednesday called the agency’s rule a victory for combatting climate change and securing U.S. jobs.
“As we move in this direction, we are also opening up a huge opportunity for American industries,” McCarthy said during the briefing. “Reducing HFCs is a huge climate success story.”
She claimed, without evidence.
Whom does Joe know with an exempt formula for refrigerant?
Can we just go back to Ammonia?
Just think of all the eunuchs that will be employed fanning the better class.
Honk honk.
“The Biden administration is seeking a private contractor to operate a migrant detention facility at the U.S. Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, with a requirement that some of the guards speak Spanish and Haitian Creole.”
Are they migrating to Cuba?
Don’t care. Nope.
In ten years it’ll either be this stuff of insect patties. Pick your poison.
Nope, indeed.
Impossible claims the ingredient has fewer calories, less fat and more iron than 70/30 USDA ground pork.
So its useless bullshit that will starve you.
Pick your poison.
I guess I need to learn to field dress and process a deer.
Have I got a deal for you. ‘Course you’ll need some heavy clothes, a red shirt. Guns and ammo are plentiful chez moi.
Some day we’ll be able to print a pork chop and this whole silliness will go away. Watch the Democrats fight it tooth-and-nail.
Yep, it’ll be kind of like vaping. It resembles something they don’t like so it’ll be attacked.
If it ends up that faux meat gives the same experience as real meat, why not? These companies are a long way from that, for sure, but maybe someday, and getting there seems to be their goal. I’ve been watching Meat Tech 3D pretty closely and they seem to be covering all angles, the most promising of which, utilizing their current capabilities, is in producing cultured ingredients for food producers that don’t rely on the total sensory experience of say, a steak.
“If it ends up that faux meat gives the same experience as real meat, why not? ”
The same experience? It’s about the nutritional value.
Ingredients: Water, Soy Protein Concentrate, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Natural Flavors, 2% Or Less Of: Methylcellulose, Cultured Dextrose, Food Starch Modified, Salt, Soy Leghemoglobin, Mixed Tocopherols (Antioxidant), Soy Protein Isolate
It’s overly processed stuff, and it’s got more carbs in it. Granted, the net carbs per serving aren’t too much – it’s still more than the 0g in real food.
Ah, my bad. Agreed on that kind of faux meat and I’m not even remotely interested in that. Meat Tech 3d uses real cells for 3d printing and culturing, and I’m very much interested in that type of production. I’m no vegan or tree hugger, but if someday we can satisfy our need for meat without killing animals, I’m all in.
At a 4 oz serving, pork is 30g of protein vs. just 18g for the faux pork. And about 20% more calories. Pretty substantial difference in nutritional density.
I actually agree with you. I don’t see a reason that, given time and expertise, we can’t develop a quality synthetic meat or meat substitute.
But, like rhywun and Stinky suggest, the moment we get that the scolds will just find a reason to object to that. Because the ostensible aims (the environment, health) that they’re touting is only an excuse, a rationalization. They really aren’t particularly enthused about them. What they value is sacrifice. The fact that it’s not quite the same as regular meat is why they want you to eat faux meat. They want you to do without. It’s why bugs as food is appealing. Because they’d reduce you to eating bugs. It’s why they still push the masks. It’s ultimately a socially acceptable form of bullying.
Yeah, our sacrificing to them is not a means to an end, but the very goal, although they try to fool us and themselves into thinking otherwise.
I don’t quite understand turning plants into “meat” when if you reject meat, you should just eat unprocessed vegetables.
Lab grown meat is more interesting to me.
It’s the “I want to be vegan, but I have a hankering for burgers” crowd.
I can’t blame ’em, but I have eaten the stuff (not the most recent iterations) and it’s “meat-like” only in the most distant of ways. Unless the impossible burger is a quantum leap over the previous gen of meat imitations, I’d expect that it makes a semi-decent analog to the cheapo garbage grade burger meat you can get at fast food restaurants.
and as much as 82 percent less land than
I hate this talking point.
Just as a thought experiment, suppose that Impossible came up with a beef alternative that used 82% less land. Does that mean that all the land that cattle are being raised on in western NoDak will be converted over to wheat, corn or beans? Nope. Because the land that can support those crops are already being cultivated. The cattle are being run on land that is unsuitable to farming (badlands).
I blame the use of this “selling point” on the woeful ignorance most of our population has about agriculture and how food is produced. Too many people have no idea how their food is produced.
I’ve heard that “land use” argument a lot from militant vegetarians. It’s stupid. They’d look at all the pastoral nomads in nearly barren regions of the world living on livestock and say, “Don’t those morons know that they’d get more food if they’d grow soybeans instead??”
Yes. Nearly 1/3 of the world is suitable for grazing but not growing crops. It is ridiculous.
Another point: there has never been a year of your life where food production per capita hasn’t increased and this may be the first year of your life where food costs haven’t gone down (thanks to inflation).
Who actually believes we are in trouble with growing food?
Yes, and there’s this…
No, no, no: if we could cut back our demand for meat, all those cattle stations in the Australian outback would start cultivating rice!
But not Golden Rice, that is of the devil.
That didn’t take too long, eh?
Yeah, but who could have predicted that? It isn’t like other Afghan refugees have been know to commit crimes.
I’m hoping the armed Sconnies do a bit better at cleaning up this problem than the Euroweenies.
Did the plane even finish taxiing?
I really tried, but even with a flannel shirt and a hoodie over my PJs, knee socks and fuzzy slippers, and fingerTIPless (::side-eyes a certain pedant::) gloves, I finally got too chilly to stay outside at Tranquility Base. ?
I’ll try again tomorrow morning. It’s supposed to get warmer…or at least sunnier.
C’mon! 52 is fine, whats a little rain on top of it. At least we don’t have winds at 15-25 mph, oh wait, yes we do!
/stay warm GT!
It’s been Indigenous Summer here for a couple weeks now. Too bad one of them is my vacay. 🙁
Yep. High of 85 on Monday, high of 55 today.
7 of the Oldest Animals on Earth
Why no mention of vampires?
Pie has a sad.
Модна ревија – Sara fashion
this is more underwear than the usual swimsuit youtubes
Too much fabric for my taste,,,
“I’m just not sure whether it’s because they’re inept or because they’re deliberately violating the law and don’t want to get called out on it.”
Or they don’t know the numbers, and don’t care.
” I just wish he’d have stayed there for the rest of his life because he’s a sleazy, anti-Semitic, race-baiting grifter who has sought to divide this country for his own profit since the day he crawled out of some bog and onto the American socio-political landscape.”
I once shared an elevator with the Reverend Jackson and two very big body guards at a White Sox game. My brother in law, a USAF veteran and fairly conservative, was with us. You could tell he was visibly holding himself back.
That video is the best thing I’ve seen in a while. Us roller derby fans are suckers for a hot girl on quads.
Of course those immigration policies are racist. How many white males are affected? Not many, right?
The biggest boon to the race obsessed from the rise of wokeness has been the forced acceptance of disparate impact as a legitimate way of approaching racism. It used to be laughed out of the room, but they snuck it in under the guise of woke.
An uplifting story on how Democrats plan to fix child care like they did with college tuition.
I’m sure the huge subsidies thrown at childcare providers by the govt will completely fix all this. And why shouldn’t everyone be happy to chip in to pay for other peoples’ kids?
other peoples’ kids
Oh you! That quaint notion of ownership of children by backwards family units is passe, comrade!
It takes a nation.
“If they pay their workers more, the cost for families will go up and they’ll lose business. If they pay their already low-wage workers less, they’ll lose workers and the ability to take care of all of their enrolled kids.”
Welcome to business 101. I’m sure this can all be fixed by forcing a $26 minimum wage.
Don’t forget cracking down on “unregulated” childcare providers (e.g. family or friends that they pay to watch the kids)
No need to crack down! Just provide childcare subsidies that can only be used at state approved daycare.
40 years ago my young teenage kids were providing in home day care for Moms (or Dads). They called it baby sitting at the time. No babies but toddlers on up. Got paid less but still watched TV, we didn’t have cable at the time.
Since, by logistic necessity, your kids have to spend more time at childcare than you do at your job, you have to think that the childcare provider’s time is worth less than yours.
The state should be rearing children so they can make sure these rug rats grow up with the right values and loyalties (state uber alles).
The gif is wonderful. Thank you.
Bloom repeatedly said that the law was racially motivated and that its supporters showed no evidence as to why it was needed to lower crime. She said that the sponsor of the bill — SB 168 — was guided by anti-immigrant hate groups such as Floridians for Immigration Enforcement.
But in the weeks since the Taliban once again took control, growing evidence points to a broad and sometimes brutal crackdown as they settle old scores, stamp out opposition and try to force many Afghans to adhere to their strict interpretation of Islam.
Let me find my shocked face.
They used a take where her hair gets caught on her nose?
It makes her look real.
Like a woman a guy might actually meet, chat up, and get shot down by.
The Yanks finish with Boston, Toronto and Tampa while the Blue Jays finish with Minnesoda, NY, and Baltimore. I’d give Toronto a bit of an edge based on the schedule.
Unfortunately I agree that the Jays are going to finish ahead of my Yankees. Blue Jays have the much better lineup, and better starters. Neither bullpen is great. Its a wonder that the Jays arent in a much better position with that stacked starting 9.
I don’t think they have better starters, and while the Yankee bullpen runs hot and cold, the Jays bullpen just flat out sucks.
Oh god, I just joined a work zoom meeting where some fool forgot to change their porn name out for their actual name doing a business call… Hilarity has ensued as the person drops off in a panic when called out on the “CockHound” name…
Hahaha, don’t mix your business with your…erm… pleasure.
Were they closeted?
I am suspecting it was a female cause the voice when she realized name was the wrong one and her mike was unmuted, sounded female and panicked…
Leaked audio NSFW
Why do people have porn zoom
Getting to be the only way to make a dollar?
If you have to zoom for people to see your junk, then you have real problems.
To meet live Cockhounds.
LOL. *checks Zoom name prior to 10:15 standup*
Having separate computers for business and pleasure is a must if you’re into that kind of thing or so I’ve heard.
Wait… I was supposed to have a porn name?
Uhhhh….Ozyschlongas isn’t already taken, is it?
Apparently CockHound was…
Ozynotbreastfeedingpersondias would be too long to type all the time.
“Look on my junk, ye mighty, and despair”?
Ha ha!
That’s almost as bad as accidentally joining Glibs Zoom with their real name. You’d have to be some sort of fool to do that. *looks innocent*
Also, a dude with ‘CockHound’? May have revealed way more than intended there.
I just use S*E*X*G*O*D.
Works for a huge variety of audiences. It’s a great password, too!
Just a shout-out to all glibronies who gave me great travel advice last night. I will be taking much of that into consideration as I spend the next few months planning said journey in greater detail. Also, all of you who have offered to either put me up for a night (even on a table saw, you fifth rate Bond villain) or give me tours will be contacted at some point, and possibly taken up on.
Again, thank you!
“Do you expect me to talk, Hyperbole?!”
“No, Mr. Zwak, I expect you to die!”
Was thinking about your car purchase last night. Not sure what they will charge you to register it when you get home, but…
In NJ you will pay 7% sales tax. In NY it’ll be higher.
Take a ride up to NH and that tax is 0%… Might be worth a detour to save a few thousand dollars.
Don’t you generally end up paying whatever your state/county of residence tax/tag/title/etc.? Definitely something to have a good grasp on beforehand.
Given everything that has happened over the past 18 or so months, does anyone still believe that the healthcare system is not state-run*? I mean this sincerely. We have seen that funding levels are controlled by Congress (COVID case reimbursement), equipment is provided by the state (respirators produced under Defense Production Act), access to medication is controlled by government-led bureaucracy (restrictions on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin), policy is set centrally (mandatory COVID tests, blanket use of respirators for unvaccinated), “private” companies are just contractors with no direct responsibility or liability to those harmed, use fees are going away (COVID vaccines were “free”), health insurance is just a contractually administered tax paid by working people, and the entire research and development sector is so commingled with NIH/FDA/CDC that the distinction between “academic”, “corporate”, and “government” is meaningless.
* = A more accurate assessment might call it state-corporate-run; the corporations and the state serve each other so closely as to constitute a single unit
That sort of system should have an awesome symbol. Like a caduceus wrapped in a bundle of rods.
that made me laugh!
Medical Tyranny is the phrase you are looking for.
Most of us thought the statists would try economic control and / or old fashioned force again – we were wrong.
This was the horror we all knew was coming but couldn’t quite put a finger on as the personal increasingly became the political. The fundamental tenet of self-ownership rejected whole cloth and the majority of people holding down the minority and shooting them up with experimental medicine.
The Island of Dr. Moreau wasn’t supposed to be an instruction manual.
“The fundamental tenet of self-ownership rejected whole cloth and the majority of people holding down the minority and shooting them up with experimental medicine.”
It’s fine fore socialists’ to do it as long as they aren’t speaking German.
Always exploit the system that carries the most trust.
In hindsight, it seems obvious. Nearly everyone accepts the notion that healthcare is essential, they just quibble over what constitutes healthcare. While a pandemic is outside most of our “lived” experience, it is something we are all programmed to fear (Black Death, Spanish Flu, etc.). The externalities are obvious (again, largely due to programming) and difficult to argue against. The bias is always towards doing something (or being seen to do something), the stable bureaucracy looks better than your irresponsible neighbor, and the inability to know who is infected means you’ve got to be wary of everyone.
The perfect recipe for a perpetual state of emergency.
does anyone still believe that the healthcare system is not state-run*?
I think you could declare just about every major industry as state-run at this point. Sure, to varying degrees and levels, but corporate autonomy is only for the boring day-to-day stuff. The state controls the important decisions.
I always describe it as a mixture of socialized medicine and Mussolini-style corporatism and a few glimmers of free market (cash-only practices that sidestep a lot of the insurance bullshit, etc)
The story of American healthcare over the past century:
1. Declare that all of the problems are because healthcare is “completely unregulated” and a “free market”
2. Implement gigantic, expensive program and promise that it will fix everything once and for all
3. When program doesn’t work or makes things worse, go back to Step 1
I think this is accurate as to how the propaganda/political aspect of it works, but one should be careful not to presume that those propagandists/politicians are the prime movers.
You know that the evil fossil fuel fatcats are behind this latest roadblock to Utopia.
What could possibly go wrong?
This quote came from another story that was linked in the article above.
So obviously, Excel should let you connect your cheap ass solar farm to their grid because it would be more convenient for the college hippies.
Young Jennifer Connolly riding that toy horse…..chills
She was a vision.
She’s aged quite nicely as well, but now she’s “just” a beautiful woman.
Too many people have no idea how their food is produced.
It comes from grocery stores. They make it in that back room.
There is more than one way to drive the good people out of the military.
Several hundred elite Navy SEALs are in danger of being blocked from deploying with their special operator teams by the Pentagon after failing to get a mandatory COVID vaccine, according to a lawyer and pastor counseling them. …
“My clients include several Navy SEALs who are a small part of a large group of SEALs and other military members who are being asked to choose between their faith and their ability to serve our nation,” said R. Davis Younts, a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force reserves and a JAG lawyer who is representing several of the special operators as a private lawyer. “They have been told that if they seek a religious accommodation, they likely will no longer be able to serve our country as Navy SEALs and been given an arbitrary deadline to comply with the vaccine mandate.
Surely the MIC will do a cost-benefit analysis of their decision. Seals don’t come cheap…
I mean we can’t have Navy SEALs catching a disease with a 99.9% survival rate for their demographics (physically fit men under 60). It’s too risky for them!!
If I hear another goddam seal story, I’m going to get out a wooden club. They’re aren’t unique, this same shit is happening all over, in the special kids communities and the regular joe world. The state AG here announced they’re going to do the shots on drill weekends (just like any other inoculations). Crickets.
What they are keeping quiet about is, it’s also a Dishonorable discharge if they refuse.
Here’s an example of the crap punishments they’re doing: I mentioned this before, but my oldest is in Ranger School (halfway through, now). He’s National Guard and basically went from Basic Training to AIT to 2 of the prep courses for Ranger, and now he’s there. Well, Basic started in January and of course in February a gigantic number of them tested positive for Covid, including him. So the Army sent him to Covid jail for 10 days in a different barracks on a different part of Benning, and he’s been in training ever since.
At some point, they ran them through the vax shots, told them they didn’t have to, but strongly encouraged it. Most of them did it just because it was “stand in this line and do ABC”, but he and a few others didn’t. Still hasn’t, as far as I know, but he’s incommunicado and they may have forced it.
Anyway, the Army’s rule on upcoming graduations is “you’re not allowed to even INVITE family members to your graduation unless you’re vaccinated”, which is just BS and punishment. And this for perfectly healthy 20-yos who’ve already had it per the Army and already been quarantined by the Army.
Military installations across the country are discussing barring unvaxxed personnel with religious exemptions from allanner of base events “to protect them while respecting their convictions.”
I really don’t think they give a shit how many people leave and if missions collapse. It’ll give them a nice reset if they drive out even 2% of the people who might have questioned the narrative. Higher-ups here have already stated “the vaccine is the mission, all others will have to wait.”
Think about it. The legislature is useless. When the spinless Repubs do complain, all they do is vote for slightly less insane leftist policies. Everything is being run through the unelected bureaucracies. Force a mandate that will empty them of the most convicted, and you can do anything with those bureaucracies. They not only don’t care about the consequences of pushing a few upstarts out, they encouraging it.
They’re probably all Trump-voters anyway so yup. This is the cleaning-out of wrongthinkers that that idiot in charge (*googles*) Austin has been talking about.
The limited saving grace, which should not be relied on but should still be noted/exploited, is that they will also drive out a good deal of institutional knowledge and competence. They will eventually make up for that deficit, but there will be a period of time when their ambition greatly outpaces their ability.
there will be a period of time when their ambition greatly outpaces their ability.
That won’t stop them from trying various stupid things, it will just make the butcher’s bill larger.
Let’s fly our plane through that tunnel, Holy Cow!
Good morning, Sloopy!
My, we are getting dumber and dumber every day. CA is going to find out really quickly how well automation truly works. Ask McDonalds.
I read yesterday that many of our new Haitian pals dumped their IDs at the border, so as to bolster their amnesty claims. I’d like to know what the signal was for them to bail on places they had been living for the US upgrade. I guess we’re answering the open borders question once and for all, huh?
So this is what gets somebody six months in jail?
There was more footage released yesterday (that prosecutors tried to suppress) showing a pretty damn docile crowd. Anyone who calls this an insurrection is functionally retarded and may be safely ignored.
Nice deep dive for the AFOS clip! Great song I haven’t heard in many, many (many) years. Thanks!
Anyone who calls this an insurrection is functionally retarded and may be safely ignored.
Or a malicious liar that should draw concern.
I’m still trying to figure out how some unarmed people taking an unauthorized tour of the Capitol (during which some people committed vandalism) is an “insurrection”, but constructing physical barriers around a few city blocks, stationing armed guards at entry points, and declaring it an “autonomous zone” is not.
The autonomous zone in Minneapolis is still alive. More than a year later.
The mockery is intentional. It is to show that who has power or is on the side of power, and who doesn’t/isn’t. The tactics being employed against the “insurrectionists” are the very same that should be deployed against antifa thugs. The fact that the former get the jackboot and the latter don’t is the point.
It is to show
It isn’t. But the “Drumpfler MAGAt terrorist” narrative must persist.
Capitol building vs. non-Capitol building during an election procedure. That’s pretty much it.
Meanwhile, in Australia…
Well isn’t that nice,
this will not end,
That’s a bit disturbing to watch. I got the impression watching the cops that they would happily switch to live ammo if ordered. Australia’s tyranny isn’t going to be overcome peacefully.
The tin foil hat in me wonders if this wasn’t the plan all along. Over here in America, It’s ridiculously laughable that every rural county would receive Bearcats and other military supplies from the DoD under the guise of fighting foreign terrorism. Muhammad isn’t blowing up the single building “downtown” in Hicksville, USA. That’s a long time to be preparing for nationwide military force against your own citizens though.
Bonus Army Redux
There was more footage released yesterday (that prosecutors tried to suppress) showing a pretty damn docile crowd. Anyone who calls this an insurrection is functionally retarded and may be safely ignored.
Compared to a mob of Philadelphia Flyers fans, it was tamer than a Baptist Bible camp.
In addition to citing the supposedly racist group that helped with the legislation, the article on the Florida immigration law drops this in just to make sure you’re current on who your next target of hatred is supposed to be:
“In 2019, DeSantis signed the bill at a campaign-style appearance in the conservative Panhandle region, unlike his other more subdued formal bill signing events. An overflow crowd dotted with red “Make America Great Again” hats cheered wildly in support of the bill. They also cheered equally loud at mentions of then-President Donald Trump.”
Because that has anything at all to do with the subject of the article.
He is supposed to dictate the clothing of people in the crowd? Or that there even is a crowd or not?
That was fast.
A new monument has been unveiled in the spot where the iconic Robert E. Lee equestrian stood in Richmond — just two weeks after it was removed. …
“These figures embody the power of emancipation and the power of freedom,” Northam said. “We are all at an important point in America and in Virginia as we reckon with how Virginia’s racial history shapes our present day and how we tell that story so that everyone understands it.”
“Our public memorials are symbols of who we are and what we value,” Northam said. “They’re symbols of a Virginia that is reckoning with ugliness and inequality. A Virginia that’s taken a deep hard look into what we need to do better and how to get there.”
I assume Northam gave this address wearing blackface in solidarity. Additionally, it would be fun to have a statue of Anthony Johnson along monument avenue as well.
The regime is only incompetent and sclerotic when it wants to be.
Wonder which crony of Levar Stoney’s got paid millions for that?
something something history is written something winners
PSAKI: “He called on individuals from his press corps without alerting us to that intention in advance.”
Translation: “Everything in this administration is censored and scripted.”
What kind of crazy leader would ever engage with the press without pre-vetting the questions and reporters?
Damn, she is terrible at her job.
The nerve of that guy. Who the fuck does he think he is, the president?
Biden makes BoJo look good, comparatively.
Yeah. Why he wasn’t bellowing at the staffers to STFU exposes what a weak fish he is.
They make a
terribly goodterrible comedy duo.