Music (with secret commenter easter egg).
NEW GLIBS FEATURE: GlibFlick, a Glibs watch party, launches tonight. Each week we’ll a link to a free, full-length, no BS version of one of the finest B movies out there, curated by your host R.J. Pop some corn, put on your bunny slippers, and watch along with us. GlibFlick post will go up at 6:55 PM CT, start watching the movie at 7:00. This week: “Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter.”
And while we’re doing site housekeeping, if anyone has any articles, fiction, or unhinged rants to contribute, the Glibs submissions basket is almost empty.

h/t: Sean
GRATUITOUS HOT MAN PIC: Firearms instructor Tracy Hightower has gorgeous eyes and a steely gaze, and that ‘stache just won’t quit. Glibs hopes he was just posing for this picture because he is missing both ear and eye protection.
Down here we call that shaking your moneymaker. Mars rover Curiosity will vibrate its inlet funnel in an attempt to remove a speck of debris left on the inlet screen after the last drill sample was delivered. Pretty good for a rover her age. Fans of MRC will recall that her younger cousin, Perseverance is so loose that the samples slip right out.,
SOMEHOW WE MISSED IT: The 660th Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling championship happened this July. The manly contestants are slathered with olive oil and clad in leather pants, as is the tradition.
MARK TWAIN WAS RIGHT: Virginia School Board pranked hard with list of joke names. h/t: Jack Mihov
Do we have more gays or women?
Did you go to Ringling? I knew a couple guys who went in 1992. Crazy parties and a PT regimen as hard as we were doing in Army – 0600 Wake Up To Make Up, then calisthenics and long run on Venice Beach.
No I was a clown for fun.
They let you sleep in two hours?
The Oil Wrestling bit should attract more of both.
Apparently a thumb to the balls is also part of the oil wrestling tradition. The manly one anyways.
He appears to be grabbing the other guys “rope”?
Good question. My initial guesstimate is more straight women.
I have it on the best authority that straight women, at least the younger ones (born 80s and later) find male-on-male erotica kinda hot. Which I find completely charming and delightful.
I dated a straight woman who was sort of into gay porn. Which kind of makes sense. Plenty of straight guys are into “lesbian” porn.
That “lesbian” porn is often produced for the straight male market. Pro-tip: if a guy randomly shows up to “fix the cable,” and the girls do him, it’s not real lesbian porn.
I’ve never seen the opposite — porn where two guys are getting it on all hot and heavy and some chick shows up and they abandon the D for the P.
Hmm. A market niche waiting to be (pause) filled?
It would probably be condemned as homophobic or bi erasure or something…
“Hey there, I’m here to fix your sammiches.”
That’s not mayo!
Almost all “lesbian” porn is produced for the straight male market.
*covers ears* I can’t hear you. lalalalalalalalala *keeps ears covered*
Pro-tip: if a guy randomly shows up to “fix the cable,” and the girls do him, it’s not real lesbian porn.
It’s a good thing I was sitting down when I read this.
There’s LOTS of m/m romance written by and for straight women.
I don’t get it.
Oh, my. That could be fun. Any obligatory plot elements for those?
It’s been a long time since I was in the romance community regularly, but back in the day, I think “hurt/comfort” and “gay for you” were popular ones. Of the ones I’ve read (very few, so here’s a salt shaker), the bottom is just a chick with a dick and the writer’s Harlequin bona fides on full display.
Sounds like yaoi. I wonder if the stuff you ran across was influenced by that or developed independently.
Very much like. Chicken/egg, though. There’s a fat Venn diagram of the fandoms.
That makes sense.
1) male on male is uncommon, so that makes it appealing to lazy people who are attracted simply because its not common.
2) some women like role reversals. Men being submissive can be attractive to them. There is ahuge area of submissive behavior.
3) dont forget many women like the idea of gay men until they need something and gay men blow them off because the power of pussy holds no sway.
4) I have no idea.
That’s not how math works!
Im going to make a list and figure this out. Any gay women? And what column do i put them in?
This whole convo is too awesome to be believed.
You all really are the
worstBEST!And your series ROCKS! You are a tough act to follow. /fanboi
Gender Traitor
Kibbled Kristen (Draw me like one of your Tulpae, Jack)
Toxteth O’Grady
Elspeth Flashman
The One True Athena
Mythical Libertarian Woman
(that I remember)
Girlfriend…you missed Girlfriend…
Chai Tea Girl (I think), Neph’s GF
Rockabilly Gal (I think), nw’s GF
Cannoli (who is MIA)
Hi Mo! Yeah, I went on an internet break for a while because I wasn’t getting enough done on work and personal projects. Just restarted lurking last week or so.
Hi you! I know how that works, for sure. Glad you’re back!
Lady Z
Now I feel stupid and bad and wrong.
Nah, there’s actually a good number of us, it would be hard to remember them all at once
Pope Jimbo
Ow. Savage.1
Had no idea Toxeth or the Pope were female.
Thanks, I spose. NTTAWWT.
Well..pope…I mean…. maybe Tundra can explain
*deep breathe*
I enjoy comments from them both ill just read them in a female voice now.
You absolutely should.
Great combo, maybe needs a vocalist.
But no The Well of Loneliness fans here, that I know of.
So 18 women?
I can only think of five gays.
invisiblefurryhand, where ever she is.
Women. Also, the correct link to the movie is here:
Tonio, do I need to come up with a Zoom link or are you doing it?
The psychos always come after your kids.
Asked if it would be available for our youngest children by Thanksgiving, Fauci said “I hope so, Wolf.”
“You don’t want to get ahead of the FDA. They’re an independent organization. They’ll do their thing. They do it very well. They preserved our safety of people in this country with interventions like vaccines and they also make a determination if it’s effective. I hope that gets done quickly so we can get those younger children vaccinated.”
Fauci believes that children should be required to get vaccinated to go to school.
“This is not something new. We have mandates in many places in schools, particularly public schools, that if in fact you want a child to come in — we’ve done this for decades and decades requiring (vaccines for) polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis,” Fauci told CNN. “So this would not be something new, requiring vaccinations for children to come to school.”
Because this is the same thing as polio, measles, mumps, etc…
Yeah Hep-B is like the first one they give to newborns.
That must be something new.
The Hep B vax was offered to me when I signed on to work at a state prison back in 1993. Since Hep B is a bloodborne pathogen, and I didn’t engage in any high risk behaviors, I declined.
I have no idea if it’s required or merely recommended for attendance at the government’s youth propaganda camps. The risks of contracting the disease are vanishingly small.
But you can also be exempt out of those and you Mr. Fauci are not advocating that. So you can rightly fuck off.
This is more like a flu shot, and we’ve never mandated those for anyone.
Furthermore, I don’t think they’ve ever mandated vaccines to do something as mundane as go out to eat. This “we’ve done it before” line is stretching the truth to the point of a lie. And in any case, since progressives seem to be much more enthused about mandates, it bears asking how is the “we’ve always done this” argument sufficient to promote a policy?
I believe some hospitals do mandate the flu shot for their employees.
Most hospitals do, I believe.
The hospitals my wife worked at did not mandate it, but they were coercive. Get the shot, or wear a surgical mask during the “flu season”.
Which is a valid request. But I don’t have a raging tyrannical boner so…
No, it’s not. Surgical masks are for droplet protection. You don’t want someone to sneeze in your open wound. They don’t do dammit for aerosols. For patients in hospital rooms that need real protection, they have setups for it. It sucks, or so I’m told. They gear up, get in and do what’s needed, then get out.
That’s what I was thinking of, TARD.
Now that the new hotness is firing the Unclean, I wonder what we will do for our flu vaccines this year. If everyone has to wear masks anyway, that’s the only incentive left.
I received an email today with this as the subject line: “Call for papers: Online conference on Islamic Perspectives on Exotheology”
As in the theology of whether intelligent extraterrestrial beings exist?
Apparently. Specifically, Islamic theology.
At first I thought it was a prank, but it is not.
If you want to submit an abstract I can send the link.
Tempting to prank them, but I don’t know enough about Islamic theology to keep up the credibility for even long enough for an abstract.
Hey! Just got here a few minutes ago. Did not know it was going to launch tonight. Are you providing the zoom link?
CS Lewis had an essay on the concept (not Islamic obviously).
He figured 4 possibilities:
1. They are unfallen and us meeting them will corrupt them.
2. They are totally corrupted and us meeting them will destroy us.
3. They are fallen but have their own means of repentance.
and then the highly unlikely
4. They are fallen and we need to meet them to bring them the means of repentance.
Lewis thought the last unlikely, but I wonder if the analogy to the “new world” on Earth holds?
I think his general thought was “Intelligent alien life probably exists, but best if we never meet them.”
You should just submit that “Absolutely Haram” meme.
Send a picture of muhammed.
You know, when I assumed this site would post oil wrestling pics at some point… kind of expected it to be Q or Pie. Enjoy the oily beefcake, those of that persuasion. 🙂
Happy Happy Joy Joy is the mind worm…. argggghhh… it hath taken root!
After the oil wrestling, that school board will need Amanda Hugenkiss, I suppose.
Not sure if the timing will work for the B-movie viewing, but will check back and see if how it is set up. Like the idea, thanks Glib-masters.
Thanks for the lighter links, Tonio. Nice to keep the black pill at bay.
Buddy of mine got banned from Derpbook for violating TOS (20-30 boomercon nonsense posts / day).
He came back as Hue Janis.
I told him he was a cheeky bugger.
Shoot this into my veins instead.
They obviously need to vaccinate harder.
So many rocket flights from different companies… Why did it take us 60 years to get to this point? Oh I remember.
You can’t take the sky from them?
Papers, please.
Two of Canada’s largest provinces – Quebec and British Columbia – are set to introduce vaccine passports.
From this month onwards, almost all British Columbians and Quebecers over the age of 12 will be denied entry to non-essential facilities, from gyms to restaurants, unless they are able to provide proof that they have been vaccinated.
The two provinces’ approaches are not identical. Quebec is providing an exemption for those who have not been vaccinated for religious or medical reasons. But no such exemptions will exist in British Columbia, where all unvaccinated people will be barred from non-essential activities until the legislation is lifted – which is tentatively scheduled for the end of January 2022.
The prospect of vaccine passports has already prompted protests in both provinces. And rightly so. Vaccine passports represent an unprecedented assault on rights and freedoms. They will turn thousands upon thousands of people into second-class citizens.
Although other provincial governments have come out in opposition to vaccine passports, it seems likely they will be rolled out elsewhere in Canada. The government of Manitoba says it is planning to introduce vaccine passports soon, and a prominent medical official has suggested that similar legislation in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, is ‘inevitable’.
Pull my other one.
Gyms and restaurants being considered “nonessential” irks me. Eating and working out are essential activities.
Working and eating out are also essential.
How about working on eating out?
Anything being considered ‘nonessential’ is a damn authoritarian joke that most people bought into.
It’s sick.
Ask those workers how “nonessential” their fucking jobs were.
Well, until the rest of us got the pleasure of paying them to sit on their couch all day.
I’ve been sitting here reorganizing my audiobooks and I’ve run into a quandry.
Previous attempts at organization have left several fragmentory remnants of different schemas around. Most of the time I end up falling back to sequence numbers that started at 1005 with Magnus the Red. But in some of those times I figured certain categories should share sequence numbers and thus some represent whole series with decimals for individual entries. other series are scattered across the sequence numbers in order of acquisition.
I think the primary driving force was because my car was too stupid to sort by folder and the sequence number acted as a prefix it would sort on and keep the files in order and grouped by title. My current options are less stupid, but I kinda like the sequence number schema – if it were more rational than order of acquisition.
Problem is I’m too lazy to renumber all those darn files.
Oh, hey, I’m storing them on a linux box and a mass rename is simple to script. YAY laziness
Dammit, apparently I can’t move Girlyman…
Though admittedly all the primarchs books had the sequence nuumber 1005.01 (1005 being Magnus’ sequence number in the longstanding set, and the decimal being the order the books came in the series. Being GW, they started with Girlyman)
More good happy news. Australians will be getting a new free app on their phones.
This “free world” they speak of – does it still exist?
Oh come on. That can’t be real.
It is…for people returning and on ‘home-based quarantine’.
Utter and complete madness.
So… electronic jail checks for the prisoners?
Unreal — this really seems well past the point of a good F U and the wallaby you rode in on.
Dangnabbit… Tonio gave us nice links that didn’t raise my blood pressure — why are you and Rebel Scum black pilling us all again?!? 😛
Don’t scroll down. . .
forced to download an app
How though? Just don’t download it?
I’m guessing that for at least Android phones they can force the carriers to install those apps.
Then no home-based quarantine and you get to go to their
camps5-star quarantine facility.Apparently Oz still is a penal colony.
It only applies to people who arrived from other Australian states that are currently designated as hot spots, so they have to quarantine. In other words, not a big deal for the Aussies on Twitter.
Gives them a chance to tweet their fab home quarantine experience for the 5/10/14/whatever length it is!
What’s the penalty if you “fail” repeatedly?
I’m guessing the happy-camp they set up in Northern Territory.
Seems like a Catch-22. Presumably one would need to be unmasked for the photo op. So there will be two options.
Option 1: Remove mask, take selfie, get arrested for mask violation
Option 2: Take selfie while masked, get arrested for failure to reply
Sounds perfect.
3. Dick pics
4. Cat-butts
I think they have beaten into submission at this point but yes, that should have been the responses that authorities get.
the free world
Can we really still call it that?
“I think every South Australian should feel pretty proud that we are the national pilot for the home-based quarantine app.”
I think every South Australian should tell the government to rot in hell.
The simplest way to avoid this is not have a cell phone.
The best way is to woodchip every last government official in Australia. They are commie tyrants.
“A makeshift boat packed with 13 Cuban migrants landed in the Florida Keys before they were arrested by US Border Patrol – the latest desperate refugees in a growing wave who risk their lives to flee the economically-ravaged country.
Border Patrol Agency spokesman Adam Hoffner expects they will be deported back to their home country
In the past, Cubans who made it to sea level in Florida were able to apply for permanent citizenship but former President Obama overturned the policy”
They’re supposed to arrive from Mexico duh
You shoulda been born Guatemalan. You’re likely to vote R, so back to Hell goes you.
Here’s a fun story:
“Transportation and housing advocates are becoming fed up with the review process, which can easily delay or kill a project. They say it puts too much power in the hands of a few privileged citizens.”
Activists who want to steamroll forward in constructing bike lanes and other social-engineering initiatives are experiencing delays for their fantasies because white people (the worst, amirite?) keep showing up at public hearings, causing delays. Here’s Bill De Blasio, complaining about the stall in ramming through congestion pricing, which upcharges folks driving into dense urban areas:
““I’d like to meet the person who thinks 16 months is expedited; that’s ridiculous,” said New York Mayor Bill De Blasio “If they want to know the environmental impact, I’ll tell them: It will reduce congestion, it will reduce pollution.””
Yep. Complaints of red tape. From Bill fuckin’ De Blasio.
Wait, I thought congestion pricing for things was bad? I guess it’s not “gouging” when government does it.
So… how many people are still waiting on tax returns for the past couple of years?
What are those?
“China has banned ‘sissy men’ from TV, demanded masculine role models and ordered broadcasters to stop promoting internet stars as President Xi expands his war on fame and capitalism.
President Xi Jinping has called for a ‘national rejuvenation,’ with tighter Communist Party control of business, education, culture and religion.
The government banned effeminate men on TV and told broadcasters on Thursday to promote ‘revolutionary culture,’ broadening a campaign to tighten control over business and society and enforce official morality.”
Ramping up for war is my first reaction
That’s stupid enough that it’s probably true…
They do have a large population of excess young men due to their one-child policy. This is a potential source of anti-regime agitation, if not provided with some distraction. The obvious ways to deal with that are encourage hedonism or gear up for conquest. Given that China is clamping down on internet gaming and now on effeminate men in media, it seems that they are closing the door on the hedonism option.
Don’t want any chinks in the armor.
Kind of an odd slant.
I’m too yellow to leave a pun here.
You know who else called for a national rejuvenation?
Ponce de Leon?
So, even large consumers of soy can’t stand soyboys?
“Australia is undoubtedly a democracy” Uh…if you are writing what you are writing then how did you get through that sentence? It is a medical ‘theocracy’ in my opinion at this point.
But they get to vote!!!
They have to vote.
Have to show up anyway. Are blank ballots accepted?
As long as they are upside down.
I have a vague memory of invisiblefurryhand saying she’d write “Fuck Off Slaver” on hers.
It’s hard to come up with a better example of the difference between a democracy and a republic* than Australia today.
*Okay, it’s a constitutional monarchy in Australia not a republic. But their “monarchy” is barely different from a parliamentary republic.
They have a movement to ditch the monarchy and set up a republic. I think it has slowly lost support.
Democracy does not equate to a free or just society. The only value in democracy is to provide everyone with representation and to serve as a check on the power of the elites. It is not an inherently virtuous system and shouldn’t be treated as such. Vox populi non vox dei.
Democracy as a “system” is at an unstable equilibrium point. Before too long, the elites are inclined to marginalize the democrats as “populists”, to loot the state and bribe the people to keep them sated, to quarrel among themselves even to the point of civil war, and then finally to seize power openly.
“What has he been smoking? Bizarre moment man puffs from hookah while reclining on a pool float in a flooded NYC alley as Ida pummels the city”
That’s Hunter, isn’t it?
Borders are bad, except when they aren’t.
The United States will help build new facilities for border guards in Tajikistan along the Central Asian country’s frontier with Afghanistan and Uzbekistan to better respond to security threats, the U.S embassy in Dushanbe said on Wednesday.
The new facility, which will be built in Tajikistan’s southwestern tip, will replace an outdated detachment and allow border guards to “deploy forces more quickly to border areas in response to threats,” the embassy said.
Just the tip?
“Democrats all the way up to President Biden are warning the worst is yet to come after Hurricane Ida flooded the northeast and killed at least 26, as they push for costly climate change measures.
‘This is yet another reminder that extreme storms and the climate crisis are here,’ Biden said in an address on Hurricane Ida’s devastation.
‘Floods are going to happen with increasing frequency,’ he continued. ‘For us, this isn’t about politics. Hurricane Ida didn’t care if you were a Democrat or Republican. This destruction is everywhere.'”
I can’t wait for the plague of locusts.
Yellowstone Caldera FTW. I’m sure they’ll be able to fix that with a few trillion.
Let’s bust that open and see what happens. I’m guessing most everyone starves or is murdered for their prepper supplies.
We need KK’s expert opinion here.
This is yet another reminder that extreme storms and the climate crisis are here
Just within the last century. It is known.
We never had hurricanes before.
Especially not in New England.
I can’t imagine being terrified of Glenn Greenwald.
How’s that for gratitude.
Don’t enlist crazy.
Brad has always been batshit crazy. No surprises there.
What does Manning have is panties in a twist for?
The only reasonable response – “Bitch, next time you Tweet me you better have my fucking money.”
Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?
“Not half. Not some. But all of my cash!”
Well, to be fair, you probably can’t imagine being Chelsea Manning, either.
That is very fair.
I mistook that for Chelsea Handler for some reason lol
She looks better now than when she was singing in shopping malls.
“‘Demons will take my soul’: Twisted court mutterings of teen accused of murdering his cheerleader classmate, 13, by stabbing her 114 times”
114 times?
Don’t stick it in, crazy.
Oh, I am so going to Hell for that one….
At least if you do, a few times is okay but 114 is just
*dons glasses*
Faking it?
He’s got a cop’s sense of accuracy.
Well, of course…
“I am directing that Council and the Office of the White House Counsel to launch a whole-of-government effort to respond to this decision,” Biden wrote in a statement sent to reporters.
“Rather than use its supreme authority to ensure justice could be fairly sought, the highest Court of our land will allow millions of women in Texas in need of critical reproductive care to suffer while courts sift through procedural complexities,” Biden said.
…it’s the American Taliban because that makes sense.
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) tweeted that he believes “a tyrannical regime is using its power to control women,” concluding, “#TexasTaliban”
Cheri Jacobus suggested that women and girls should be airlifted out of Taliban-controlled Texas. “We need an airlift out of Taliban Texas. Women and girls first,”
Popular far-left talk show host Cenk Uygur tweeted that “God is not pro-choice, he is pro-abortion!” and that “If you think your wife cheated on you, the priest administers a toxic potion to cause a miscarriage – to expel the fetus from the body.”
George Takei, took to Twitter to blast the Supreme Court as a “real death panel” that has allowed “vigilante enforcement of an unconstitutional TX abortion law”
To steal Jeff Foxworthy’s shtick — “If you think God is pro-abortion…. you might be a Satanist.”
Happy happy smod smod… happy happy smod smod….
I’ll sing it with you, but no butt rubbing, k?
They’re really helping their cause with reasoned arguments like that.
Over 50% of Americans consider themselves “pro life”, and a majority of the rest are ok with at least some type of restrictions. But just keep assuming everyone in the country is far left.
That’s just it. They may have a point the Texas law has gone too far. But heaven forbid they make that point. Name calling is much more effective.
It sounds like they aren’t too thrilled with Our Democracy now.
Snarkiness aside, 6 weeks sounds like a short time period (I know it’s based on heartbeat, not time), and I don’t like how it allows private parties to sue. But allowing private parties to sue has been a long time practice for things the Dems are against.
“I hear nothing!”
— Planned Parenthood
It’s rather rich to see all these leftists complaining about the constitution being violated on the issue of abortion, despite there being nothing in the constitution that could possibly be seen as referencing it, when they are more than willing to violate what the constitution actually, explicitly says.
*cough*death cult*cough*
Since when are abortions critical reproductive care?
And since when do millions of Texans want them?
Seems like an abortion is more anti-reproductive to me…
I gotta say, I’m not super into visiting family. Been here an hour and I’ve had my fill.
Been there.
Maybe you can all watch a movie together tonight.
For certain relatives, I am there with you.
Some relatives, in the Before Times, I liked visiting.
So that annoying Applebee’s commercial comes on, and I grab the remote and furiously stab at the mute button.
Mrs. Shpip: When I think if “date night,” Applebee’s is not what comes to mind.
Me: Guess our plans for tomorrow night are shot…
She didn’t know whether to laugh or slap me.
Teens wanted to go there not long ago. Cold food, shitty service and overall terrible experience.
They’re still in business? Have not been inside one since 2009 when were on vacation in SC.
Them, TGIF, Chilis, Outback…need to go away
Them disbanded in 1972.
Odd thing to be excited about, but who am I to judge the kinks of others.
Agreed. Of course we lost several family owned businesses we liked due to the plandemic, but the national stains on the culinary arts survived. Doordashed Laredos the other night; threw half of our meals away. Never again. Add O’Charley’s, Olive Garden, Carrabba’s, Pizza Hut, and Copeland’s to the list. One chain I was sad to see go was Sweet Tomatoes. It’s processed stuff but it had enough quality (and variety) to enjoy.
Carrabba’s used to be pretty good. It’s been years, though.
I like Chili’s southwest eggrolls and their chicken fried steak.
The last time we went there was during a veteran’s appreciation day free meal thing. We had the appetizer combo containing those and something that we took home and threw out later. When my wife was a server at a Chili’s during her first sojourn in college we enjoyed the discount.
What it comes down to is my wife likes to cook and so she is good at it. We used to go to Longhorn because I liked their prime rib. Then the price got stupid and I complained. Now she makes the prime rib. We only go to restaurants now that make food we don’t or can’t.
I love chicken fried steak. There
arewere several local restaurants that make it very well. This is the south, ya know. 20 years ago, I’d drive 15 miles for an IHOP CFS. Not anymore.I can’t tell if the quality of those places has gone down in the last couple decades or if I was just substantially less picky as a kid. I remember those places being “wear your clean pants” nice back in the late 90s.
I mean sure, but come on.
I strongly suspect that has more to do with the modern world pushing trying for a family so late (and having a glut of entertainment options).
That 16 year old girl helping run the farm with her new husband without much else to do at night…. I don’t think it was really a matter of checking her cycle.
After our second kid we were using a tracking app. It worked for awhile, but there was a fatal flaw. It gave you “do not fuck unprotected” days but then it also had low chance days. Guess what I did on a >10% day?
I got snipped after the third kid.
Yep. I got snipped after the fourth kid.
Took two snips. My wife is worried that still won’t be enough.
Husband got snipped after kid 2, but we thought hard about having kid #3. Problem is, I was almost 38 with kid #2 and it damn near killed me, so I wasn’t willing to sacrifice the two I had for one I didn’t.
I worked with 2 separate spanish guys that got snipped but hid it from their wives. They told their wives they were working even though they had off. Got snipped, came in, hung out all night and iced their balls. The one guy told me it was because he didnt want anymore kids but i have a feeling it was so he didnt have to use a condom when he was out philandering.
It really isn’t that hard, we have been doing it since the beginning.
Not that easy? This Marine was one-shot-one-kill.
Anybody here know about the HPV vaccine they give to teenagers? The pediatrician keeps mentioning them because all three girls are old enough now. Has anyone gotten their kids this vax?
I allowed it for XX when she was about 15 or so. The pediatrician was pushing for it at 8 and I’m like, no.
I’ll probably have XY get it soon since he’s almost 16 now.
I think that’s one vaccine I don’t have.
Like Mo’ we waited til later.
Took us three years to get it right. Three years and a procedure to fix my varicocele. A reverse snip of sorts, turns out I had no swimmers. I wasted a lot of time in my youth worrying about something that was not possible.
Threading failure. I need more coffee.
My daughter got it when she was 15.
My son got it after he turned 18 because he’s old enough to make his own stupid decisions. We haven’t given it to our daughter, but now that she’s 18, she can make her own stupid decisions too.
Yes. Both of my daughters got it when they were teenagers.
If I remember correctly, it only protects against four strains of HPV. There are a hundred or so. The strains it protects against lead to genital warts and/or cervical cancer.
Prom night, dumpster baby.
Chesterfield County Police said they are continuing to investigate after fetal remains were found in a backpack inside a store dumpster.
The suspicious incident happened on Monday, Aug. 30, in the 11000 block of Hull Street Road. Police responded to the scene at 1:50 p.m., after a store employee reported that a female had placed a backpack in a dumpster behind a store several hours earlier.
The employee checked the backpack and saw blood on it. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has preliminarily determined the remains found in the backpack are fetal remains.
“The governor said it was ok.”
I’m reposting this because Pie said it was gay
“Blaire White – On The Move – “YOUR WELCOME” with Michael Malice #170″
If Blaire still has a penis, it’s gay.
If no penis, not gay.
I don’t care, either way.
It’s a talk show, not a porn video.
Used to see stuff from her on Facebook shes great. Not being on FB is better though.
It was a terrific interview. I really like her a lot.
My wife is sad
I knew they wouldn’t come back. Good on them for going to a freer state and good job Las Vegas…
The South Point Casino will just service local cowboys/gals now that need to get their horses to exercise.
I thought it was the Bunny Ranch servicing cowboys, cowgirls (and reverse….) in Vegas.
Bring it to my place. I could use a lawn ornament.
Helen Marie Taylor, a long-time resident of Monument Avenue, and other property owners were fighting to keep the statue standing and filed a lawsuit in Richmond Circuit Court. Taylor believes that an 1889 joint resolution of the Virginia General Assembly accepting the statue and agreeing to maintain it as a monument to Lee is binding on the Governor.
In another lawsuit, William Gregory, a descendant of the landowners, argued that the state agreed to “faithfully guard” and “affectionately protect” the statue.
In two opinions, the Supreme Court rejected the plaintiffs’ arguments.
In the case of Gregory v Northam, the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond sided with the state on the removal of the statue saying that the plaintiff had not, “articulated a legally viable cause of action.” Gregory appealed the case to the Supreme Court of Virginia and upon hearing the arguments, the court upheld the Circuit Court’s ruling. The Supreme Court of Virginia’s order states that Gregory has no property right related to the Lee statute.
In the case of Taylor v Northam, the Virginia Supreme Court found that Taylor’s claims are without merit. They affirmed the judgment of the circuit court and immediately dissolve all injunctions imposed by the circuit court.
Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring reacted to the Supreme Court of Virginia’s decision on Twitter saying that the statue may now come down. He called the decision a “big win for a more inclusive Commonwealth.”
More inclusivity by excluding historically significant figures.
Like a lawn jockey?
It raises the question of whether you can execute a contract that binds your heirs in perpetuity.
I argue that you cannot.
Probably not, but can the government just disregard laws if they are old enough?
I argue it cannot.
It’s more akin to passing a law that cannot be undone by future legislatures.
Yes massa, thank you massa
And free people can choose to stay away from Las Vegas.
I’m bringing forward wdalasio’s comment on my story hoping he sees the response:
I’m so tempted to give away something that’s coming in the story, but instead I’ll just say two things: (1) wait for the next few chapters and let’s revisit this topic; AND (2) Havel discusses this a bit in “The Power of the Powerless.” But the best way I can answer your question is to ask you: do you think you’re fundamentally different than someone who actually believes the bullshit the Administration is shoveling? If so, why? What is the nature of that difference?
Sorry for the teaser and question with a question answer, but I loved the question and thought it worth bringing up here.
I have not read today’s installment yet (mea culpa!), but I was thinking about something related.
Imaginary person 1: Why don’t you just get the vaccine like everyone else?
Imaginary me: If everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you do it?
Imaginary person 2: If you get swept up in a tide of everybodies, you’re going over the cliff whether you want to or not.
Again, thanks for the response.
As to your question,
do you think you’re fundamentally different than someone who actually believes the bullshit the Administration is shoveling?
Unfortunately, as much as I’d like to say yes, in consequence, not so much. I mean, in practice, I’ve never put the nonsense to a challenge. It’s been a long time since I even argued with anyone about it. I walked away to my nice little compound down South where I don’t really have to deal with the insanity. I have conversations with people I know can be reasoned with on the topic, but that’s mostly people already most of the way there. If I’m asked, I give an honest response, but I’m mostly diplomatic about it and try to respond with facts rather than judgements. If it’s the Emperor’s New Clothes, I’m mostly just not attending the parade and not telling the Emperor he’s buck naked. I don’t apologize for my response. I recognize a futile situation and take what looks to me like the best out (“A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.” ) But, the effect of what I’m doing is essentially not terribly different than if I did buy into the nonsense.
I walked away to my nice little compound down South where I don’t really have to deal with the insanity.
Fight, Submit, Withdraw. Those are the only options. We need some fighters, but we also need lots of people to withdraw and start building communities and parallel institutions in case we’re on the losing side and end up all being unwelcome in mainstream society.
Good news from Maine. They cannot enforce the vaccine mandate.
It’s a giant game of chicken.
I wish this was surprising.
“Far from compromising them, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable, people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated, and communities of color hit hard by the disease,” the ACLU pitched, linking to a New York Times op-ed penned by David Cole, national legal director of the ACLU, and Daniel Mach, director of the organization’s Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief.
War is peace, up is down, left is right.
Forced labor is liberating
Macht frei.
Israel says, “No, they don’t.”
It’s only a matter of time before this narrative falls apart.
Other than children (who have over a 99.99% case survival rate) that’s probably the best argument they have .. but it’s getting weaker by the minute. Israel is the most vaccinated country on earth and check out its COVID numbers.
Also, I think a lot of people don’t realize how tiny the number of people who can’t take vaccines actually is.
You know, even if I went insane and became pro-mandate, I’d still find the ACLU’s position utterly moronic. No, forcing people to do things is not pro-civil liberties. That’s moronic. Civil liberties isn’t “protecting the most vulnerable”, it’s allowing people to exercise their rights unmolested. I can’t figure out if these people are really that utterly moronic or if they just think their audience is.
This is why national divorce is necessary. You can’t compromise with people who will say and do literally anything to get their way. When an entire segment of society has made “bad faith” their schtick, it’s over.
It’s because they’ve lost sight of what a “right” actually is.
Or the organization has become wholly political and/or driven by social feedback.
Protecting the most vulnerable – unless they are women in prison. Then, you know, not important.
I almost want to get a Twitter account to ask about that. Almost. (see below)
“vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties.”
Civil liberties for the chosen ones. Gulags for the rest of you lot. We will not be free until we have rounded up every kulak, wrecker, counterrevolutionary, and Methodist.
… runs off to yell at the clouds or something…
Goebbels just came on himself in hell. Bravo David and Daniel, bravo. Hope you both join him soon.
I see the talking points have been decided. Eat a bag of dicks ACLU. Goddamn is that pathetic.
ACLU used to just voice support for the Nazis to march. Now they appear to be marching with them.
See that I agree with. Nazis, Pussy Hats, Commies, whatever march away. That is actually a core liberty we enjoy.
Thanks, Tonio!
Can’t watch tonight’s movie, but that looks like a fun feature!
Just in case anyone was wondering, the world is still absurd!
“In June, a group of women complained that a person who identified as female exposed their penis at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles. The incident led to months of sometimes violent protests, with media outlets declaring it an example of bias against the transgendered, or even that it didn’t happen. Slate said it was a “transphobic hoax.”
But on Monday, charges of indecent exposure were discreetly filed against a serial sex offender for the Wi Spa incident, following an investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department.
Sources with knowledge of the case but not authorized to speak publicly say four women and a minor girl came forward to allege that Darren Agee Merager was partially erect in the women’s section of Wi Spa. Besides being a suspect in this case, Merager is facing multiple felony charges of indecent exposure over a separate incident in Los Angeles…
Law-enforcement sources revealed that Merager is a tier-one registered sex offender with two prior convictions of indecent exposure stemming from incidents in 2002 and 2003 in California. She declined to comment on the convictions. In 2008, she was convicted for failing to register as a sex offender.
A law passed by California Democrats that went into effect this year replaced the state’s lifetime registration requirement to a tiered system. The law allows lower-tiered sex offenders to petition to be removed from the list. However, Merager is not eligible due to ongoing criminal charges. She also has a long criminal history in California that includes nearly a dozen felony convictions for crimes ranging from sex offenses to burglary and escape.”
We need to throw this person right into women’s prison. That’ll show her!
That’s what will actually happen if there is a prison sentence. It’s going to get ugly in California’s women’s prisons.
It’s already ugly. No one seems to care.
What a completely foreseeable mess.
They should just start shanking them as soon as they show up.
Slate said it was a “transphobic hoax.”
What happened to BELIEVE ALL WOMEN!!!1!!11!
“she was convicted for failing to register as a sex offender”
“She” should have been ruled not guilty, because “he” is the one who committed the crimes.
We are the Borg. Your biological and phallological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.
I noticed that. Right after saying the person identifies as female, the author uses the ungendered “their” pronoun for the possessive, despite later in the article using the feminine pronouns to describe the same person. I guess the author realized how ridiculous it would be to write “her penis”.
The casual reader can get lost pretty easily in the post-modern crazy.
I believe the preferred nomenclature is shenis, dude.
Girl dick.
“Darren Agee Merager was partially erect in the women’s section of Wi Spa.”
So, the charge was assault with a dead weapon?
Dude, quit joking. This stuff is impotent.
A little humor never hurt anyone. Don’t be so stiff.
I enjoyed the latest installments from Animal and Ozy, and Evan’s latest piece dealing with his injury and recovery. The latter puts things in perspective.
I also really enjoyed PutridMeat’s piece on cepheid variables even though I am not edumacatered enough to comprestand such things (despite being a long time devotee of ‘Space Time’).
Hooray for Glibs.
Even though my tomatoes are done, the neighbors aren’t. Yay! End of season blts.! Next, wondering if I can watch movie on my tv. *goes off to look it up* lastly, three day weekend! Woot!
Good haul? My mother had a good crop of two different varieties this year. I’m not going to talk down the tomatoes from the supermarket too much because they are perfectly good, but these are way better.
I had a great harvest, but they peaked while my kitchen was torn up. I will be eating lots of tomatoes this weekend.
#metoo. Enjoy your weekend!
If more travel restrictions are imposed, their ratings will really plummet. Does anyone watch CNN outside of airports?
I thought they lost the airport contract.
What’s this “airport” thing? Do they still exist? That’s the place where TSA goons molest you and paw through your underwear and sex toys?
I am also having trouble remembering what a “restaurant”, “gym”, “theater”, or “stadium” is.
Okay well, as a refresher I feel it’s important to point out that at least three of those require pants.
The gym isn’t it? No ones to see open clams and floppy skin tags
Well, technically you could probably get away with short shorts at many restaurants and stadia.
I am grown up enough to know when I have to put on pants. Mostly.
Restaurant is the only one that affects me.
What’s a “gym”?
A Happy Song.
Anthem for our times
Still standing up against the system they are.
Actually there whole new album is still Punk/Ska that I remember
NSFW..sorry haven’t listened to it til now
Nice to see at least a couple of ska/punk bands holding on to distrust of the system.
I will be sucking on a penny and drinking quinine infused vodka this evening. Feeling like Joe Rogan
Get well soon. I have a stash of tonic water for such eventualities. Supermarkets etc have been sold out of zinc supplements for weeks.
Most multivitamins have zinc if you really can’t it.
? I have some fizzy B vitamin tabs like Alka seltzer. Potential ingredient for one of the idiot cocktails I conjure up. I haven’t been out for about a week due to non-covid health issues so I’ll pick some up.
OK… Back to good health soon, I hope.
Sorry not in bad health…just a Thursday drink after work
See you in Nevada 🙂
You won’t be far from Mojeaux. 😉
Ah, that’s better!
Got out to the rifle range today.
Was it a bore?
No, I’m sure it was a sight.
At least he got some action.
Swiss will be here shortly to muzzle our pun.
I’m worried he’ll barrel in here and demand posts of a higher caliber.
I’m not even loaded yet.
Well put down the magazine and get to work.
Careful, you know who finds that sort of talk triggering.
Yes, it really fires him up.
Really takes a shot to the heart but I am afraid he will be too late.
I don’t put any stock in his opinion.
Butt that’s so mean.
Does double barrel punning get you suppressed?
I suspect Swiss is drawing a bead on you right now.
Only if he is cocked and ready to go but I think he might misfire on this one.
Huh. On wifi I’m blocked from getting to glibs. Checked the router and security to see if it blacklisted and it didn’t. Is Cox making a move?
My Cox interwebs seems ok.
Tis weird. Guess it’s 4g til it is resolved
Huh…10000 attempts blocked…me thinks time for a deep clean on the PC
Interesting. So it is something with my router/modem that is blocking my access. Weird. I even turned off its firewall and still no go.
“Did you turn it off and on again?”
It’s amazing how often that is the actual solution.
(with routers, that is)
Hard reset (unless you have a complicated setup)
*resets it* Kids come running out of the house like their hair is on fire!!!!!!
“Reddit Bans Vaccine-Skeptic Subreddit r/NoNewNormal – Days After CEO Said He Wouldn’t”
I guess someone made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
This week: “Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter.”
I’ve seen that movie before. It was gloriously bad. I read somewhere that most of the budget was spent on one scene involving a plane.
And while we’re doing site housekeeping, if anyone has any articles, fiction, or unhinged rants to contribute, the Glibs submissions basket is almost empty.
I am back to working on my FreedomFest report.
We know you hate tac lights. They come off though
These euphemisms.
Mars rover Curiosity will vibrate its inlet funnel in an attempt to remove a speck of debris left on the inlet screen after the last drill sample was delivered.
These euphemisms.
The manly contestants are slathered with olive oil and clad in leather pants, as is the tradition.
So it’s totally what it looks like.
They should just lose their phones are accidentally wipe them…with a cloth.
Absolutely No One:
Ford: “You asked #Ford to make the #VeryGayRaptor a reality… and we heard you.
Rainbow flag Our-real life version made its debut at Cologne Pride last week in all its rainbow-adorned glory.”
All aboard the SS Pander, please present your ticket to Henry’s spinning corpse.
Andrew sounds smart and stuff.
Aug 31
Replying to
no ones going to post the ford guys muddin’ meme? It’s like “chevy guys: muddin’ (driving a truck through mud). ford guys: muddin’ (you know what lol)
I mean..that is worthy of a clap.
Hahaha! That is hilarious.
I dare Andrew to purchase that ridiculous stereotype and drive it around for a week.
Andrew has obviously never bought any sex toys in the free market.
That’s not an offensive at all.
All that’s missing are the throbbing dick mudflaps.
That’s what I was thinking.
I mean the offensive part…not the throbbing dicks.
That doesn’t make you want to drop 80 large on a pickup truck? Go back to Russia then.
Or China. Since they banned sissy boys.
His past record be damned!
I don’t care what he says, one way or another.
And I think that is sinking into others beyond our little circle also. Hopefully
That’s strange. Mu was being pushed as the exact opposite of “not an immediate threat” the other day.
The school board prank was hilarious. Loved it.
Well, I’ll have to wait till tomorrow at work to catching up on the last couple days worth of posts.
Took today off work for some medical appts and then errands in Norfolk.
More PT for the knees – then got a literal shot in the ass for my tailbone issue (ultrasound assisted steroid injection). We’ll see – seems to be working ok so far – other than a large bruise/discomfort – but not the same pain as I would usually have – especially when it comes to driving from Charlottesville to Norfolk (without enough time to stop for lunch so that I can catch someone in the office because I forgot my stupid badge), and then all the way back to Dahlgren. Not a “fun” day off.
Well, now Amazon is joining the game Apple started recently.
That reminds me. I have one more service to get off of AWS. Fuck those guys.
Me, explaining why all the mail we got today is trash: … and this one is from Jimmy Carter.
4 year old: does he want to take our dollars for our house?
Me: yeah, I guess he does.