I hope the next home game looks like this.
We’re about to find out if the USWNT really does want equal pay. The Giants and Dodgers have clinched playoff berths. The White Sox and Brewers should be next. But the real fun is going to be the wild card races in the AL and the chase for the second spot in the NL. Stay tuned! The Buffalo Bills join the fascism movement. And no, I don’t think I’m exaggerating seeing as they had the county officials there making statements at the press conference. and also because you will be required to produce an official government document or registration with a government clearinghouse to be let in. Ronaldo scored but ManUre lost to Young Boys, Bayern thumped Barcelona, Chelsea won, as did Juventus in the first day of group play in the UCL. More games on tap today. And that’s sports.

Famous explorer Marco Polo was born on this day. He shares it with American novelist James Fenimore Cooper, president and chief justice William Howard Taft, makeup artist Max Factor, auto racing legend Antonio Ascari, automaker Ettore Bugatti, mystery writer Agatha Christie, baseball manager Dave Garcia, pitcher Gaylord Perry, Zimbabwean president Emmerson “The Crocodile” Mnangagwa, actor Tommy Lee Jones, filmmaker Oliver Stone, football player Dan Marino, actor Tom Hardy, and beta cuck Prince Harry.
Right, let’s get to…the links!
Here’s a cool expose on trying to figure out who might want to exercise their First Amendment rights. Complete with government mouthpieces decrying the action in an attempt to chill free speech. You go, CNN!
Sorry, but this isn’t good enough. They effectively covered up a crime for personal gain. But the story here is short on those details. It’s actually quite egregious. But it’s good to be the king’s men.

Saint George Of Fentanyl
The next George Floyd murder trials begin. One is a case of double jeopardy, and the others are a case of charging people who didn’t actively participate in an act.
The headline is an interesting spin on the facts. An alternate headline could be: “General commits treason”. or even “General and House Speaker engage in a coup”.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL. In all honesty, this should be the status quo. Hopefully it becomes so rather than her getting to claim some kind of anti-woman motivation and being lauded for her bravery.
I have no idea how it’s still as high as it is. But team players gonna be team players.

This stupid fuck will say anything to cover his own ass. He knows good and well that vaccinated spread is as likely to cause mutations as unvaccinated spread. But he’s banking on you not knowing that.
Wow, could San Francisco get something right? I’m skeptical, but hopeful.
Uh, how is this a crime? He literally did nothing wrong.
Not sure I was able to maintain my more lighthearted links theme today. Sorry if I failed. Also, RIP Norm. You were the best.
Here’s a very nice song for you to enjoy. Hope you like it .
Now get out there and have a great day, friends!
Good Morning Fellow miscreants,
Buenos dias, amigo.
That little troll Fauci would condemn millions to death in order to preserve his career. He’s a true sociopath.
Would? Hasn’t he done so already?
If he has his way, he’s just getting started.
They’ve literally rewritten the definition of “vaccine” to cover their ass already. Now they’re denying the entire historical record of viral mutation. They’re pure evil.
I thought that Israel might wise up but it appears that they’re going to go full retard and start giving fourth and even fifth shots ad infinitum.
At this point, the best thing I can hope for is that the US holds out long enough for the Israelis to sterilize their entire population and fully demonstrate how bad of an idea booster shots are. If we’re really lucky, we’ll look and learn.
The covid authoritarianism has nothing to do with actual facts, so any information out of Israel will have no effect. Except on “right-wing nutjob conspiracy sites”.
I still can’t believe the Jews didn’t/don’t know better.
Some do, a lot don’t.
Their government has gone totalitarian.
Granted, it wasn’t far to jump for them. They’ve always had a communitarian militaristic streak.
If your country was surrounded by hostile powers that were backing terrorist attacks for decades, it too might have support to go a little authoritarian.
Absolutely. It’s definitely taken its toll on the national psyche.
I used to know a guy. Former Marine, gun collector, hated Democrats, hated Communists. Also an asshole and racist.
He said once about Israel, “I look at how they act towards the Palestinians and I think the Jews learned the wrong lesson from the Germans.”
I look back on that, and think, “Hmm… he was on to something.”
There’s not very many leaps of faith needed to conclude that he already has.
Who figured the Anti Christ would take the form of a Weasel….
“What do you think the Devil is going to look like if he’s around?…He will be attractive! He’ll be nice and helpful. He’ll get a job where he influences a great God-fearing nation. He’ll never do an evil thing! He’ll never deliberately hurt a living thing… he will just bit by little bit lower our standards where they are important. Just a tiny little bit. Just coax along flash over substance. Just a tiny little bit. And he’ll talk about all of us really being salesmen. And he’ll get all the great women.”
Broadcast News (1987)
Albert Brooks at his very best.
He, along with Hoover and Rickover, are proof of the need for term limits in bureaucracy.
This chart shows almost perfect alignment between countries with the most mRNA shots and covid deaths.
There is a wee bit of causation/correlation here. If there was a huge outbreak and lots of people dying, then lots might decide to get the shot.
The chart you linked doesn’t appear to have any information regarding vaccinations.
We know that Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world.
NPR had a WaPo journalismist on this morning to talk about how Trump was so awful that Milley had to heroically #resist.
Well, we already know they had no problem with trying to run a coup against a duly elected president.
Uh, how is this a crime? He literally did nothing wrong.
“Disorderly conduct”. One of those catchalls written so vaguely that pretty much anyone at any time could be cited for it.
Does Texas have an anti-mask law like Virginia?
Not sure. But they do have a free speech and expression clause on the state constitution. So this guy could easily say he’s engaged in political expression and then tell them to fuck off.
The Virginia law only criminalizes wearing a mask to conceal your identity. Of course they can arrest you and all while they determine what your intent was. Charges can be dropped later. Sorry, did we also shoot your dog?
“Inducing panic” – the one they like to trot out when someone is legally engaged in open carry but makes a neurotic soccer mom pee-pee in her pants.
Good links sloop. This is about as lighthearted as you can get. My current obsession is the Evergrande Chinese real estate firm defaulting on up to a half trillion in debt. I think my preoccupation with the apocalyptic has me hoping for the bottom to fall out from this charade sooner rather than later. Happy Wednesday!
Evergrande is Chinese Lehman Brothers
I gotchu.
TV cameras and smartphones are trained on the company’s headquarters in Shenzhen
… to catch the moment when senior executives start chucking themselves out of top floor windows.
This is a huge deal. The Chinese credit implosion is nigh.
The question is how many US entities, including pensions, have put money into that debacle.
The 535 that count are heavily invested.
Lots, I bet. The Chinese building boom looked to be unstoppable for a time. To those who didn’t drive past dozens, hundreds of completely empty housing units in most cities in China.
Or watch Adv China’s exploration video.
The September 18 right-wing rally in Washington, DC, has brought a new wave of concern about more potential violence on Capitol Hill as law enforcement prepares for a variety of scenarios.
But it remains unclear how many protesters plan to attend. And the rally is taking place on a Saturday, when both chambers of Congress will be on recess, meaning far fewer lawmakers or staff will be in the area.
I guess that depends on how many Dodge pickups the FBI wants to drive cross-country without a license plate after having etched swastikas into the paint and upholstery.
What is the rally for?
The “Justice for J6” rally aims to support insurrectionists charged in the deadly January 6 Capitol riot. Organizers say it is scheduled to start at noon ET on Saturday.
I see the term “insurrection” continues to have lost its meaning and the rights of the accused continue to not matter when it is those apposed to the Back-turner Biden regime.
We get to watch the most powerful empire in the history of the world come apart at the seams.
So there’s that.
We are long ways from even equaling the Roman empire.
We could take them.
Rome, Sweet Rome
When in Rome…
Ok, the most powerful nation.
I like watching/listening to the “Fall of Civilizations” podcast, really fascinating stuff. He usually starts off saying he wonders how people who lived during that time felt as their world changed around them. My internal comment is typically, “kind of like I feel now.”
Similar to imaging living during the witch trials, French Revolution, early 1930s Germany, …
Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao have been charged with violating Floyd’s constitutional rights in ways that “resulted in bodily injury to, and the death of, George Floyd,” according to the federal grand jury indictment.
Bullshit charges are bullshit.
One is a case of double jeopardy, and the others are a case of charging people who didn’t actively participate in an act
The only person that participated in the killing of Fentanyl Floyd was Fentanyl Floyd.
Maybe we gave fascism a chance to return because we spent much of the past 60 years calling anyone we disagreed with a fascist. It rendered us unable to recognize the real thing having depreciated the term.
We’ve been economically fascist for 90 years.
They’ve just turned up the volume as of late.
We defeated the Nazi party, but not fascism. Also, fascism will come to America under the guise of anti-fascism.
We’ve been economically fascist for 90 years.
That too. We are getting to the social aspect as of late.
As of late?
Government schools and social support have been around a long time. It may not have been articulated as fascism, but follows the same rationale.
Before President Trump left office, the nation’s top military officer feared Mr. Trump might create a crisis that would allow him to declare a national emergency and stay in power, despite losing the election. That fear prompted General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to make secret calls to his counterpart in China, according to a forthcoming book.
Bullshit argument is bullshit. There has neve been a failure to transition power during a crisis. Mandarin Milley should be fired, tried and, well, we know what article 3 section 3 says…
…assuming the accusation is true, of course.
Someone here noted this yesterday: https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/473743/
But then there’s this.
Where the fuck were these assholes when shit got real last fall?
Waiting for the politics to shift in their favor.
I often wonder if that guy has actual sources, or if he just makes shit up.
The September 18 right-wing rally in Washington, DC, has brought a new wave of concern about more potential violence on Capitol Hill as law enforcement prepares for a variety of scenarios.
Oh boy.
The firing of the agent, Michael Langeman, came after a Justice Department inspector general report released in July criticized Langeman and his boss, agent in charge Jay Abbott, for their handling of the case. It said they failed to respond to allegations by gymnasts that they had been sexually abused by Nassar “with the urgency that the allegations required.”
I’d wish they’d apply this standard elsewhere.
“If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time,” the authors quote Milley as saying. He made a second call to China after the storming of the U.S. Capitol, saying, “We are 100% steady. Everything’s fine.”
Fuck him.
Thomas Jones, founder of the American Accountability Foundation, wrote in an ethics complaint that he believes Ocasio-Cortez, who represents parts of the Bronx and Queens, broke House rules by accepting “an
impermissible gift” of free tickets to attend the annual gala, which also was attended by fellow New York Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney.
Nothing else will happen.
Oh. I’m stating the obvious.
When asked by “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzenzinski if the delta variant might lead to a “monster” variant, the chief White House infectious disease expert agreed there was a risk, so long as the virus continues to spread aggressively.
“One of the reasons why we want to make sure that we get as many people vaccinated as we possibly can is that viruses will not mutate if they don’t have the opportunity to spread and replicate.”
Fuck off.
The California results are disappointing.
The California results are disappointing.
Only if you expected Californians to have suddenly not been retarded as their default condition.
Better red than dead.
California has only grown derpier since the last recall.
Exactly. No better illustration of how the middle-class and common-sense people have fled the state.
True. My expectations were unrealistic. Anyone who could have made the vote tilt the other way left the state long ago.
In the words of my Cali refugee friend here in TX:
“to whomever is filling out my ballot, please mark me in favor of recall”
I really though Newsom had pushed too far. But, oh well.
The California results are disappointing.
They voted for what they want. I hope they get it good and hard.
Oh they will. This will be interpreted as a mandate.
The GOP was already dead in California, this just pours gasoline on the corpse and sets it ablaze. SF and LA are going to be the new Detroits in short order.
What’s next? Punishments! Newsom will punish the Californians for doubting his supremacy! Praise democracy!
The American Prospect actually had a lede about “the undemocratic structure of direct democracy” in condemning that great progressive innovation.
Orwell spins in his grave.
It’s unfair that a state with a jungle primary would use a jungle election.
The optimist in me wanted to believe…
Deep down though, I knew nothing would happen.
Even if Elder had won.
Having emerged triumphant, President Newsom, anyone?
Jesus man, don’t drive me to drink this early in the day with thoughts like that.
I’m more concern at the moment how this will embolden other leftists to push shit.
Let them. The rest of the country isn’t the retard pile of stupid that CA is.
I’m not sure the residents of WA and OR are as optimistic as you.
It’s not californians. It’s the whole cheating elextions thing. If this had been conducted like the other 220 years of elections, the re esults would have been reversed. As long as the dems can print ballots and refused to purge bad voter registrations, this will keep happening. Everyone will marvel at how all of the purple states turned blue and how Kamala got more votes that even Biden. Once you accept a rigged game, you accept perpetual losses.
There is nothing more appealing than a quintessential slimy used car salesman styled politician with a tyrannical streak.
As of today, with some 68% of precincts reporting, The vote against recall was only 64%. The media is calling that some massive win.
Larry Elder was the clear winner if Newsome was recalled.
I dont think anyone expected Newsome to be recalled but he was almost recalled by some 14%.
This is a crack is the narrative that Democrats are powerful nationally. Even in Commifornia, a Republican missed ousting a Democrat by 14%.
I have no idea how it’s still as high as it is.
Push polling, oversampling of Team Blue. ///FuckJoeBiden
If only it were true. He has tons of supporters. Look at the California recall numbers? Sad. Newsome will feel he has a mandate now. Going back to hide now and watch crappy movies in my cave.
Nah, 40% of people really do suck this much, and the media hides all his failures and lies of the administration well enough that another 10% go along with this shit.
No discussion of the beautiful defense splitting pass that sprung the Young Boys last minute game winner?
Perfectly timed and weighted.
I’m not paying extra to “stream” so the Champions League might as well be dead to me.
Go ahead to 8:22 to see the pass.
For once you can’t blame DeGea for conceding a goal.
‘Monster’ variant: Fauci warns lack of COVID-19 vaccinations could lead to virus mutation
Until recently the standard was that vaccinating during an outbreak was considered bad because it would drive mutation. So it seems that vaxxing is the thing that may create a “monster” variant. But even that is unlikely because the other thing is that respiratory illnesses typically mutate to be more transmissible but less harmful, a la the “common cold”.
This stupid fuck will say anything to cover his own ass.
Not stupid, mendacious/lying.
Fauci and the vaxmongers desperately want to remove the control group from the dataset.
Without an unvaccinated population, there will be no way to conclusively demonstrate that mass vaxxing was a bad idea. And therefore, there will be no way to hold them truly accountable for what they have done.
And God help us if a mutation comes along that is ADE.
Hold them accountable? Where on earth did you get the silly idea that people in the federal govt are accountable (to anyone, least of all to us)?
Somebody always gets hung out to dry eventually. The mob has to be sated. Bureaucrats play the game of trying redirect it to someone else or cover their tracks.
So much this.
Had to point out to people commenting of fb that only vaccinations can really drive mutations that favor resistance to immunization.
No, this virus is sentient and does things no other virus has ever been observed to do – like respect gatherings of right-thinkers so they aren’t super-spreaders! That’s why it mutates in the unvaccinated too.
Hah! I watched Gaylord Perry pitch against my beloved Expos on July 13, 1979. I think he got the W. The only big league game that I ever attended. Still have the ticket stub. Can’t find the box score, though. It was a double-header but we had to leave when the ‘Spos were winning the second game because Quebecois Father kept honking his horn outside of Parc Olympique and the rest of the fans started razzing us. That last part was made up but mostly true. We had to catch the metro but I wanted to stay and watch Gary Carter play. I was a catcher and he was my idol. Being fourteen is a hell of a drug.
It’s just so crazy it might work right? No. No it won’t.
Did you ever think of maybe apprehending, trying, convicting and imprisoning or executing those who leave a trail of blood and death and misery in their wake?
Since when does she care about the rampant gang violence in the form of the dozens of shootings every week in Chicago?
Ummm, we really need to break the murder-to-prison pipeline that systematically targets people of color and perpetuates societal inequities and multigenerational trauma. Check your privilege.
Perhaps we need to think a little outside of the box, say, what about paying gang-members to NOT murder? The right is always chirping about how incentives matter.
Just spitballing here, but would letters of marque and reprisal be appropriate?
Not sure if they can be issued against US Citizens. Maybe they can, but it seems shady.
President Murder Drone was all for it, but only against the “wrong sorts” of citizens.
Murder-to-Prison pipeline… consider that pilfered.
“take their assets and the profit motive for killing our babies.”
She’s going to shut down Planned Parenthood?
“violent street gangs”
Oh, she’s talking about white supremacists.
As for the Bills (and major teams requiring vaccination paperwork in general), would a way to gauge the reaction to this be to examine price trends on ticket reselling sites?
Too many other variables I think. If the team is doing well, who they’re playing, etc.
I don’t think there will be any measurable difference from the Before Times. There will be plenty enough goodthinkful fans to fill up the stadium.
Sorry to go OT, but I ran across this piece that I think is pretty damned good at showing just how ugly things could get if they go the “drone the evil right wingers” route. If anything, I think he understates just how broad the net goes in response and counter-response.
It will get very ugly, very quickly. That is something the Ivy League grads do not understand at all. They live in their bubble and do not have any real conception of violence.
75,000 Taliban brought the US military to a standstill in a country where we didn’t have any true cultural objection to killing indiscriminately outside of our reluctance to do so.
Oh, that’s good,
HEY! Read This!
You think they’d pilot those drones from command centers located within the borders of the US?
Yes, they aren’t that bright you know.
Along the same lines…
Just the ending digit being odd should be a clue by four that the number is wrong for a East-west interstate.
Is this American insurgency stuff supposed to be pornographic? It’s fantasy, right? Stupid sexy fantasy.
Drake posted one months ago about what might happen if undesirables were targeted for termination as part of a deep state coup.
I peeped the guy’s twitter. He’s been doing these short fiction blurbs for just a short while. The he went from 200 to 2000 followers in a week. Call his readers sick fucks with poor judgment (paraphrasing). Yes. All this being far too online has really disconnected me in a way that makes me pine for catastrophic system failure. It’s almost definitely unhealthy. Give me more please.
Matt Bracken – he sold a lot of books with similar plots. I enjoyed his “The Red Cliffs of Zerhoun” but didn’t make it through “Enemies Foreign And Domestic” – it hit a little too close to home.
Everyone knows that you blockade roads into cities to prevent supplies from getting there. End telecom, electricity, and water services too. Cities surrender in about a month. Send them to communist china on the cargo ships.
If I was in the military and a commander ordered me to kill Americans, I would have killed my commander. I swore an oathto the constitution not some commie traitor officer.
He literally did nothing wrong.
He disturbed someone’s feelz. Crime of a century.
Work beckons. Enter the Fat Dragon (2020) is on Hi-Yaaah. Better than the news.
Camp covid.
I doubt the Aussies can make the trains run on time.
What’s going to be interesting in the USWNT pay dispute – will both teams accept pooled bonus payments. The women will actually face the likelihood of getting paid LESS for winning since the men are far less likely to hit the jackpot that the women do. Once all that money gets rolled together it is just like pooling of tips in a restaurant. Somehow I believe the women are dumb enough to go for it, but the men may realize what they have to lose.
The real patriarchy is holding women accountable for their own actions.
Consequences are a bitch.
Rapinoe really fucked her teammates (in some cases literally, probably) I imagine there were some of them that were okay with their lower risk, lower reward contract,
‘”The way they want to solve the women’s problem is not by increasing the women’s income fairly,” the source said. “It’s by cutting [the men’s CBA] down to the [women’s] 2017 to 2021 deal numbers.”‘
Considering how much less money the women’s team brings in, this is the only possible way to achieve the stated goal.
Of course the stated goal is not the real goal: the women want special treatment and they want a platform upon which to complain and virtue signal. Can’t get those sweet, sweet media tongue baths by being happy and content.
I hope the women agree to the pay-to-play, no special considerations or support beyond that – just like the men do.
Happy and content? Have you never met a Woman?
Luckily I am vaccinated.
RICHMOND, Va. — Six people who recently traveled to the United States after fleeing the Taliban in Afghanistan have been diagnosed with measles, officials said Tuesday.
The cases in Virginia and Wisconsin are being reported four days after the U.S. halted in-bound flights of Afghan evacuees following the discovery of a few cases of measles among new arrivals.
One case was confirmed Sept. 5 at Fort McCoy, an army base in western Wisconsin that is temporarily housing 8,000 people as they prepare to settle throughout the country.
Cheryl Phillips, a spokeswoman for a task force overseeing the refugees at Fort McCoy, said one person showed symptoms Sept. 4 after arriving at the base earlier that day.
I have had the measles, but we know natural immunity doesn’t matter.
That and Measles virus doesnt seem to mutate like swine, pig, and bird type flu viruses.
Ass Wednesday’s undercarriage is a thing of beauty.
#1 is just mildly suggestive.
That poor bear.
Do any of you really believe that Elder lost by that margin on the physical ballot? This is the Dems shifting focus away from the cheat. They know how 2020 went and how well it went over. This was a “nip it in the bud scenario”. Heh, look at me sounding like a crank. Go big or go home.
HoFer Garylord Perry. And I am stopping there, because I don’t care about anyone else. He may have cheated his way thru 8 different teams, but he was good everywhere he went.
Yup, as mentioned above, if he could carve through that Expos lineup at that advanced age, he was something special. The ’79 team was very, very good. I’d put them on par with the 1987 Blue Jays.
Jones did not mention in his complaint any possible issues around the custom gown worn by Ocasio-Cortez. The “Tax the Rich” outfit was created by designer Aurora James.
Apparently the designer “loaned” the gown to AOC. My understanding is that the whole point of a custom gown is that it is actually custom, as in unique, one-of-a-kind. And who is going to wear it after this? I don’t see super-rich ladies lining up to buy used clothing. So, this garment was created specifically for her for this event; at a minimum she should have to declare this as a free garment rental, like a tux. I’m thinking 1/10 of the average value of the custom shifts the designer has sold.
Now I know what we need to to see for the next cold open. Tonio in a shift.
That particular shenanigan has been around for a while. The designer will call it free advertising in compensation for the cost of the dress.
But Tonio in a shift! Come on, Man!
Screw the rags she was wearing – who paid for her ticket? $35,000 as I recall – did she really fork that out of her own pocket? On Congressional pay?
Some grievance studies major who will demand the money from her rich father to buy a “piece of history”.
Sell the dress to a museum or an art collector.
“Milley told nuclear control officers they had to check with him first — no matter what orders they received from the president, the book says. ”
This should be a way bigger deal, but of course it’s not because ORANGE MAN BAD. The guy was essentially trying to set up a de facto military junta in which the civilian CiC is neutered and reduced to a figurehead. I guess the precedent is set now that as long as TMITE and the managerial class don’t like the president, they can circumvent his orders at will. Why any of these fucking idiots would believe that this will only apply to people they don’t like shows how stupid and arrogant they are.
South America waves hello at the US.
I’ve always said we would end up like Argentina.
And if that really happened during a crisis, an on-the-spot execution would be the appropriate reaction.
They’ve established that it was ok to lie, cheat, and commit treason because in their minds they IMAGINED that Trump MIGHT do things. None of which he ever did. This really is a sickness.
“C’mon, man. Gen. Milley deserves the Medal of Honor for preventing a nuclear first strike against China. There should be statues to him erected in cities all over the U.S. There’s even a shovel-ready pedestal in Richmond.”
This is why they are pulling out all the stops to make sure they don’t lose another election.
“Biden’s approval rating stood at 43% while 50% disapproved”
His approval rating is lower than OMB!?! SAY IT AIN’T SO!
(NB: agree with Sloopy in that I can’t believe that many people still approve; literally every single thing he’s done in office has been a colossal fuckup)
Those are push-pulls. The actual numbers are far more pathetic. Whomever said that about looking at the keyboard whilst typing can take a jolly ride on the maypole of their own choosing, by the way.
The approval comes from people who are simply not paying attention.
Tribalism is quite a drug.
We had a working breakfast yesterday. There was some chatter among the Dem tribalists. The following were stated and supported in all sincerity:
The recall saved Newsom as a very strong Presidential candidate.
W’s 9/11 speech equating opposition to the Biden administration with the Taliban was wonderful.
The purging of the Unclean from the organization is a major accomplishment that we will push as a big PR message.
My only comment was that there are reports of serious problems with the recall election, and the routine use of mail ballots is so insecure that it will always give the loser a stick to beat the winner with, and we need to do away with it.
Rules for thee but not for me.
Terry McAuliffe, who supports mask mandates in Virginia, caught on Amtrak and in NYC train station without a mask. COVID can’t spread on fundraising trips?
McAwful was working for the good of society, so he gets a pass.
Clinton’s bagman gets a pass.
It amazes me that after 18 months of the political elites not following their own SCIENCE! That the people still dutifully listen to them
Know your place,
slaveservant.Most of those transgressions were too flagrant to ignore and thus produced some degree of scandal and resentment for the political officials granting themselves such license. Dominant liberal culture is, if nothing else, fiercely rule-abiding: they get very upset when they see anyone defying decrees from authorities, even if the rule-breaker is the official who promulgated the directives for everyone else. Photos released last November of California Governor Gavin Newsom giggling maskless as he sat with other maskless state health officials celebrating the birthday of a powerful lobbyist — just one month after he told the public to “to keep your mask on in between bites” and while severe state-imposed restrictions were in place regarding leaving one’s home — caused a drop in popularity and helped fueled a recall initiative against him. Newsom and these other officials broke their own rules, and even among liberals who venerate their leaders as celebrities, rule-breaking is frowned upon.
But as is so often the case, the most disturbing aspects of elite behavior are found not in what they have prohibited but rather in what they have decided is permissible. When it comes to mask mandates, it is now commonplace to see two distinct classes of people: those who remain maskless as they are served, and those they employ as their servants who must have their faces covered at all times. Prior to the COVID pandemic, it was difficult to imagine how the enormous chasm between the lives of cultural and political elites and everyone else could be made any larger, yet the pandemic generated a new form of crude cultural segregation: a series of protocols which ensure that maskless elites need not ever cast eyes upon the faces of their servant class.
Generally not bad, but this made me laugh:
Examples of prominent Dems/liberals/leftists getting very upset with one of their own are, sadly, not provided.
Yup, couldn’t be more wrong there. Leftists don’t care about the rules as rules, just in their utility to punish their perceived interiors.
I’ve often thought about this. As a normal person, I feel a little bad for all the service workers who have to be masked all day at work. For the so called elites, this is just another benefit, those rubes are real people anyway.
Paging Swiss: https://localnews8.com/news/ap-national/2021/09/15/spain-restarts-talks-to-resolve-catalan-secession-crisis/
You literally said “no” to a black guy with different opinions.
“We said yes to science. We said yes to vaccines. We said yes to ending this pandemic. We said yes to people’s right to vote without fear of fake fraud or voter suppression,” Newsom began. …
“We said yes to women’s fundamental constitutional right to decide for herself what she does with her body, her fate, and her future,” Newsom said. “We said yes to diversity. We said yes to inclusion. We said yes to pluralism. We said yes to all those things that we hold dear as Californians, and I would argue, as Americans.”
“Economic justice, social justice, racial justice, environmental justice are values where California has made so much progress. All of those things were on the ballot this evening,” he added.
I really despise this loathsome pos.
It’s going to be interesting to see how many more people move away after this.
I just made a bit of a mental correction. When I discuss numbers/deaths/ratios, I usually use the ‘almost 7 billion people in the world.’
Apparently I’m getting old. there are now almost 8 billion people walking this planet.
OMIGOD! How ever will we feed them all? I know, let’s cut the Achilles heel of the petroleum industry so we can’t poison Gaia anymore and also cut the throat of the fertilizer industry. About 6 billion dead would be about right so long as it isn’t you or I, Comrade. *sips vodka* “How’s the Wife?”
Hrm. Mis-threaded.
Monster’ variant: Fauci warns lack of COVID-19 vaccinations could lead to virus mutation
He should know, he spent your tax money to create it.
And he owns a bunch of the patents that “cure” it… and by cure I mean, it doesn’t stop the spread or prevent infection.
It’s like he is becoming smaller and more powerful, like a blue giant star about to go super nova. He keeps losing luminosity. He gets dimmer and dimmer and wait for it – BAM!
That’s and interesting take.
Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “It strikes me as a catastrophic failure that Donald Trump was left in office by the people who around him were so terrified by what they saw in his— it’s described as mania by Woodward and Costa. I think it just begs all sorts of questions about what he was doing in command of the nation’s nuclear arsenal.”
Schmidt said, “There is no question, Nicolle, that he was unfit and that he met every standard that you could have ever possibly thought through for invocation of the 25th Amendment and to be relieved of duty because he was incapacitated.”
He continued, “I do think that history will likely regard General Milley as an honorable man but what this represents is a shattering of civilian-military relations in this country.”
He added, “I don’t blame General Milley for any of this in as much as I blame Donald Trump after years of vandalism, the near-collapse of the government of the United States.”
And by “interesting take” I mean complete bs from a lying hack.
You have to wonder why it is the WaPo that broke this story. I suspect this is not a coincidence. The botched Afghan withdrawal is a real problem for Biden and the people around him. However, they can’t blame the military without risking someone starts leaking details that will make the whole administration look as inept & corrupt as it really is. I was wondering why nobody was fired, and I now suspect Milley was bulletproof because they feared he would point out Pelosi and the democrats actually ran a behind the scene coup after they “fortified” the 2020 election. I know the leakers claim Milley made the calls before talking to Pelosi at this point, but will not be surprised to find out the intel community is lying about that timeline – see the whole Steel Dossier fiasco for proof they do this all the time – and that happened after.
By coming out and sharing the story the way THEY want to tell it with the public, these fuckers hope they can control the narrative long enough to destroy Milley (he is no longer useful and totally compromised after Afghanistan, anyway), deflect blame from themselves (I think they believe they can survive the revelation Pelosi was involved because they are pretending it was after Milley committed treason), distract the American people from the debacles coming out of D.C. daily (Look, Squirrel!), and politically score points by claiming they just HAD to do this shit cause Trumps is crazy!
Don’t trust the usual propagandists dnc operatives with bylines that have been feeding us disinformation to help the scumbags that run the plethora of US three letter agencies that form the core of the deep state and have repeatedly done their dirty work (see the 3 1/2 years of bullshit Russia Collusion crap that was nothing but another Obama admin insider and illegal spyop using a false document created by all things by the Clinton campaign & DNC). There is definitely something criminal here. I am certain that the deep state and the political machine are neck deep in this sewer. I believe Milley did do what they claimed he did because he is part of the top brass the Obama people promoted for having the right political beliefs (loyalty to the deep state & dnc and their causes). But I bet there are a whole lot of people throwing Milley under the bus so they can somehow bring it back to the narrative Trump is crazy/evil and they had to protect us from that, that are not just involved in this but in a ton of other evil shit helping sell America and the American people out to the globalist cabal they believe will end up being run from Beijing.
Hold your horses, this is about to turn ugly…
You have to wonder why it is the WaPo that broke this story.
The factional infighting over who will take the fall for Afghanistan. Blinken is getting slammed in Congress, but I’m not sure that really means he is in the tumbrel, as what really matters isn’t Congress, but the factions in the apparat. So, is State being fitted for concrete overshoes, or is the military? Notably absent from the major factions getting bad press is the intel community, which tells me they are winning and are likely behind the bad press that the other factions are getting. I suspect the intel community is winning the factional knife fight, and they seizing the moment to demonstrate/expand their power over their rivals in State and the military.
I don’t think there is a DemOp Media outlet or operator that doesn’t front for the intel community to some degree.
The factional infighting among the agencies is the real game, since they are the role locus of power. The rest – the hearings, the leaks, etc. – are all in service to that.
You guys are much better kremlinologists than I could ever be.
I read and all I could think was GOOD. Just for the love of all things holy sacrifice someone. Give me a scrap of red meat!
Same thing happened to comey and mccabe and all the other deep state traitors who outlived their usefullness as Lefty operatives.
Must be awful getting woken up by TrumPenis every time you try to nap in your safe little pup tent. They can’t quit him. They all act as though he stepped on their kittens. I suppose he did in some fashion.
Penn Jillette libertarianism was deep as a puddle
I liked him because he was a skeptic. He asked questions. He can fuck right off, now.
I think Penn was always a little seduced by the Top.Men. idea. The Jacket interviewed him a few years back and, at one point, Penn went on for a couple of minutes about how absolutely brilliant Obama was/is. The implication as that, if someone really brilliant wanted to run things, then that was OK.
The implication as that, if someone really brilliant wanted to run things, then that was OK – then he is dumber than I thought
The perfect example of a liberaltarian.
A man who knows very well how easily people are duped, yet still thinks he’s immune to the phenomenon.
I don’t get the Obama worship. The man was suave empty suit who ran nothing. He was just a blank check for the bureaucracy. I understand why that would be a senior civil servant’s wet dream, but not a libertarian’s, nor really anyone who isn’t a permanent employee in the deep state. “Rule by unelected and unaccountable bureaucratic oligarchy” doesn’t sound very “brilliant” to me.
Probably has more to do with Jillette’s social circle than anything else.
White guilt. Democrats picking Obama freed them from being the party of slavery, segregation ,and the KKK.
Notice democrats go right back to old white racist democrat in biden.
So, a card carrying member of the LP?
I blasted jillette on unreason when they were doing fluff pieces on the guy.
Like Republicans have RINOs that sabotage from the inside, Libertarians have LInOs.
For me its easy to tell the LInOs based on what they say. Once they get past public Libertarian talking points, the demands for tyranny slip out.
Oh god, I scrolled down…
What an amazing and original idea.
So, they’ll be paying less?
Research Spotlight: Does metabolic rate drop as we age?
The main observations were that:
Males and females have similar energy expenditure when body composition is accounted for
When accounting for body composition, energy expenditure remains pretty stable from the age of 20 to 60 – even during pregnancy!
Beyond 60, fat-free mass and TDEE drop, but fat mass and %body-fat do not seem to increase
Age-related drops in absolute energy expenditure may be related to loss of fat-free mass, lower activity level, and decline in organ-level metabolic rates
Even when controlling for body composition, sex, and age, energy expenditure can vary considerably between individuals, and there’s no easy way to predict that variation for specific individuals
So basically they just threw their hands in the air like they just don’t care. Some people be fat, some thin.
“I got one hand in my pocket and the other one is pointing out pedophiles.”
“About three-quarters of the way through the movie, Morissette broaches the topic of sexual abuse during her earliest years of fame,” the Post reported, adding:
“I’m going to need some help because I never talk about this,” she begins, before plunging into the topic.
“It took me years in therapy to even admit there had been any kind of victimization on my part,” she says. “I would always say I was consenting, and then I’d be reminded like ‘Hey, you were 15, you’re not consenting at 15.’ Now I’m like, ‘Oh yeah, they’re all pedophiles. It’s all statutory rape.’”
Who she is referring to remains unclear; Morissette does not name any of her alleged abusers. But she says she issued calls for help and implicates the music industry in not listening.
Isn’t it ironic?
Who she is referring to remains unclear; Morissette does not name any of her alleged abusers. But she says she issued calls for help and implicates the music industry in not listening.
Here’s my take on this: if you aren’t naming names at this point, you’re enabling them. She’s talking about it, so it’s not as if she’s ashamed or something and doesn’t want to relive the experience emotionally. She’s already doing that. But doing so in a way that doesn’t identify who the creeps are, which means they’re still gonna be creeps.
Stop shit-talking and take action or you’re complicit.
I always sing that as “I got one hang up my bung-hole and the the one is tweaking on my bean!” Sorry, Festus has a very grey job…
1. I don’t doubt her one bit on this, actually. Didn’t read the link, just going off of the last paragraph of the pull-quote.
2. Who the hell is actually surprised that the segment of the entertainment industry that exists to market young females is populated by folks who are trying to sexually exploit them?
3. It is not possible to fix this. At all.
This is (and has forever been) as obvious as hell. Anybody who allows or even steers their daughter into any piece of that entertainment environment is complicit in her abuse. Period. It’s not even close.
-1 casting couch for ingenues
3. It is not possible to fix this. At all.
I disagree. A handful of prosecutions and/or some parents doing a bit of Gary Plauché cosplay on these predators would go a long way to stopping it.
I’d accept the former. I’d wildly cheer the latter.
It is not possible to fix this. At all.
Regardless of anything else going on (see below), the system will attract, foster, and protect the worst kinds.
Prosecutions? Maybe a few would happen. Evidence? Won’t be any. Lots of he-said/she-said from 20 years before.
Parents? Maybe a few would happen, but I doubt it. Know why? Because deep inside they already know, and have decided they’re fine with it in exchange for the fame and fortune. They’re in on it.
There was an author in her 50s interviewed on the radio who took this same approach. She had an affair with one of her teachers when she was 18 and he was 33. For “decades” she thought that it was consensual, and that she had been in love. Now, after her school was implicated in a teacher-student sex scandal and lots of therapy, she “realizes” she had been the victim of a predator. Not only that, but so were her mother (who had a fling with her college prof) and her great aunt (who got married a 16). No wonder she was such easy prey with that multigenerational trauma!
Regret = rape.
Time To Party: Happy 27th Birthday Wicked Weasel!
I really should not go on FB anymore.
Some asshat was telling people to” grow the fuck up” and go along with the vax mandates, they are totally legal.
I responded with “I’m grown ****, and unlike some people I don’t equate legal with moral. But if you’re that committed to the project, I suggest you stop hiding behind the government like a coward and come give me the shot yourself.”
I heard last night that 280 million Americans are on Face-stalk. Stop that!
I really should not go on FB anymore.
No. No, you should not.
FYI: The global shipping corporation has a backdoor agreement with local police departments that allows cops to dress up like delivery employees and seize contraband drugs
I thought that was well known.
Yeah, the local distribution hub near a nearby university would allow/bring in the cops and their drug sniffing dog to check packages.
Back in the day, cops would use vans painted to look like telephone company vans (gold over blue stripe instead of blue over gold) for surveillance because initially no one would question why it was parked for long periods. Operating company told them to knock that shit off because it was putting real employees, the ones who had to go into homes in shitty neighborhoods, at risk.
Yeah, everybody knows that. Not just that company either.
There’s also days the delivery driver gets told “Hey, the package you’re delivering to ABC address is a drug shipment. Tell us if you notice anything interesting about the situation.”
Is that a 1.4 (small arms ammunition) hazard sticker on that box he is holding?
Good morning, Sloop!
Not sure I was able to maintain my more lighthearted links theme today. Sorry if I failed.
Not sure anyone could.
Still, I look forward to them and your song choice definitely took the edge off!
Wish I felt rosier. Mornin’ Friend!
Fundamental change / Build Back Better.
If you make less than $400,000 per year, I’ll never raise your taxes one penny.
But if you’re at the very top, it’s time to pay your fair share.
We need to reward work in this country — not just wealth.
“We’re not communists.”
They’re just going to inflate the currency until $400K/year is at the poverty level.
Stupid Indians – using horse dewormers and fish-bowl cleaner to drive their covid cases down to almost nothing.
Those are some astounding numbers. However, I’ll reserve judgement until they are verified. (See how that works media?)
Agreed, there’s no way this is true. The government lies, everywhere.
My ongoing struggle. Figured it was better for the Feds to force fire me. Took the manager spot knowing I will not be forced to vaccinate or reveal my status.
A realization just hit me. We fired a tech about 8 years ago after they, for a better part of a decade, was using government funds for personal gain and spending. It took years to document it and in the end, was allowed to leave with grace.
This though…I am guessing immediate suspension so they can start the documentation process for insubordination
It has been almost a week since the mandate was announced. There has been nothing from corporate. I’m not taking any action until corporate makes the first move.
This. My buddy caved on Friday because his job is going to restart the mask for unvaccinated and no-mask for vaccinated. I’m a little disappointed in him, since who knows if that policy even sticks after last week.
I think even the fedgov mandate might be suspect. They are going to say cause we are safety related positions it is needed but we accept color blind folks and disabled folks so…not sure how this all fits in.
I never wore the mask even when the ‘rules’ for the building ‘required’ it. Sometimes you have to just say “no”.
And I am sure as hell not getting the shot.
My current plan is wait until work tries to push it, then claim a religious exemption. Since I’m a remote worker (and fully WFH for the foreseeable future), I don’t think they’ll want to press too hard. Of course, my position doesn’t exist in companies with less than 100 employees. So that will be the next big decision point.
I’m a little disappointed in him, since who knows if that policy even sticks after last week.
CDC guidance is that you should mask indoors even if you’ve been genetically modified if you are in a school or live in an area of high transmission.
So, yeah, that’s a very contingent allowance. Since the public health mandarins cannot conceive or relaxing restrictions, I expect masking guidance to get more, not less, strict. Since they are setting us up for boosters, I don’t see how they can say its so bad we need boosters, but not masks.
It’s also recommend, which is being used as require by companies and extremist jurisdictions.
I’m not masking back up. I suspect (at least around here) I won’t be alone.
I played along for far too long the first time.
Yep, I’ll see how he reacts when he realizes that small incentive doesn’t even exist.
Biden didn’t actually create a mandate. He ordered misc. agencies to write emergency rules creating a mandate. The rules haven’t been published yet. That’s what corporate is waiting for.
^^. This.
Now is the time to get your ducks in a row if you plan on resisting.
I think a number of companies are secretly, or not so secretly, relieved that he did this. Now they can require it under the color of a government mandate with a more effective legal shield. I don’t think they’ve considered the long term issues with this mandate, particularly when schedules get added to it.
That is absolutely what they hoped for. Similar to mask mandates…wasn’t us! It was the government!
The President of my company sent a vague email a few weeks ago telling us to get vaccinated. Since then nothing. I won’t lie about not being vaccinated, I also won’t offer the information until they require it. Maybe I can drag it out until this blows over.
A co-worker I’m on a project with is out today. Had his second shot yesterday and passed out at Walgreens – woke up in the ER. No wonder nurses are refusing the shot.
The last message from corporate was explicit that, although our parent company requires vaccination, our company does not.
I’m wondering about the testing alternative. It’s a forced medical procedure and also collects DNA at the behest of the government, so both medically unethical and a 4A violation. That the government is not using the DNA is irrelevant.
I have returned from another Viva. Much smaller turn out (as expected), with several of the locals and staff commenting that they missed us. They were handing out loads of free swag that was printed for the events originally scheduled for this April and April 2020. The shuttle service was limited this year, but some of the guests stepped up and were providing free rides around Vegas in their classic cars for other Viva guests. Much alcohol was consumed, and some part of me wishes we didn’t have a flight scheduled on Tuesday after that epic Raiders OT win.
I am happy for you, Friend Neph!
Finally, Blacks and Women have the right to vote in the commonwealth.
Northam officially signed the legislation earlier this year, which his office says will provide comprehensive protections against voter suppression, discrimination or intimidation. It’s a piece of major legislation passed in this year’s General Assembly. …
State Sen. Jennifer McClellan, who introduced the bill in the Senate, was also the signing on Monday.
“Democracy is not stationary. It is an action that requires each generation to do its part to build the beloved community that others and Dr. King worked so hard to build, and we have not yet achieved,” McClellan said.
McClellan also told personal stories about her great-grandfather after the Civil War.
“My great-grandfather had to find three white men to vouch for him after the Civil War, and he had to take a literacy test just to be able to register to vote. My great-grandfather and grandfather both had to pay poll taxes” she said.
Virginia was the first state to enact its own version of a voting rights act, as Republican-led state legislatures across the country are looking to restrict voting.
Northam called voting the backbone of our democracy, with 45 days of early voting beginning Friday,
“It’s not always convenient to vote on Election Day, so no excuse absentee voting is a no-brainer and that’s coming from a neurologist,” Northam said, as the crowd reacted with laughter.
It’s not always convenient to go to a gun shop, fill out 2 identical forms and pay an exorbitant fee for a background check, so being able to mail-order a rifle to your doorstep is a no-brainer and that’s coming from an average, net-taxpaying citizen that is capable of reading/understanding the government’s founding charter.
There should be many “restrictions” on voting so as to serve as quality control for the election. Absentee voting should have to be a good excuse with all manner of controls on the ballot and transfer process. In general, election day should be election day. If voting is so important to you get your lazy ass to the voting booth.
Unrestricted, online voting is the only way to go.
It’ll be like voting for the baseball all-stars.
Governor Hitler Did Nothing Wrong won in a surprise write-in campaign, as did Lt. Gov Gushing Granny.
You can make all of the laws you want, but in a world where one side doesn’t enforce any of them on their own, they’re just weapons to continue to beat the opposition. There needs to be Justice for those that have cheated the system and that Justice needs to be heavy handed and swift.
When there is no Justice there is only Vengeance. When there is no Freedom there is only Power.
There should be many “restrictions” on voting so as to serve as quality control for the election. Absentee voting should have to be a good excuse with all manner of controls on the ballot and transfer process. In general, election day should be election day. If voting is so important to you get your lazy ass to the voting booth.
And so it becomes evident what the real purpose is. Not fraud (though that is a fringe benefit) but incoherence. To lower the signal-to-noise ratio so much that the election result becomes consistently meaningless. The next step is compulsory voting. Force every Tom, Dick, and Harry to act as a Random Number Generator on election day. The rotating cast of pointless figureheads called “politicians” get to play Hollywood For Ugly People and the permanent bureaucracy gets to actually run things, as is their self-perceived right.
The pols don’t want actual authority because that implies responsibility. They just want in on the gravy train by providing interference for the administrative state in its continual campaign to rule us all.
“What’s this 45 days early bullshit? I want to vote 46 days early, so Northam is putting restrictions on our sacred democracy! ”
All sides advocate and put some restrictions on the ability to vote. The argument is over what restrictions are reasonable and prevent fraud.
This will be more evident in a few years when they start talking about how to reduce whatever remaining influence wrongthinkers have over elections
I’m out. Up again in the afternoon to resist the rising tide. Hope that you folk have a better one than I will.
Have a good sleep sir.
If only we could use this on politicians.
The U.S. Navy has successfully invented a special electronic device that is designed to stop people from talking. A form of non-lethal weapon, the new electronic device effectively repeats a speaker’s own voice back at them, and only them, while they attempt to talk.
It was developed, and patented back in 2019 but has only recently been discovered, according to a report by the New Scientist.
The main idea of the weapon is to disorientate a target so much that they will be unable to communicate effectively with other people.
Called acoustic hailing and disruption (AHAD), the weapon is able to record speech and instantly broadcast it at a target in milliseconds. Much like an annoying sibling, this action will disrupt the target’s concentration, and, in theory, discourage them from continuing to speak.
After lying about everything connected to the ‘Rona, I’m just gonna assume this is more bullshit and fear mongering.
Here’s the elision. The failure of the vaccines starts around the six month point. So extrapolating data from the beginning of the vaccination effort hides any current deterioration in the protection of the vaccines. Now whether or not Pennsylvania is seeing that now I don’t know, but the data out of Israel and the UK is quite clear on that phenomenon.
Moreover, from January to April the vaccine wasn’t widely available. Only certain people, usually based upon job, were eligible to get it. If the slow vaccine uptake was actually part of the problem, doesn’t the government bear the brunt of that responsibility?
That as well.
Lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Bingo. Coming up good apples-to-apples comparison between the vaxxed and unvaxxed is not simple or easy because the pool of vaxxed is constantly changing, and now the pool of people vaxxed for X period of time is constantly changing.
Leave it to the government to do a victory lap on their malfeasance
Speculation: When vaccinated people catch COVID and show symptoms, they believe that it can’t possibly be COVID since they got the jab and stay at home with a can of chicken soup instead of going to the hospital.
Of course, they’ve lied and lied since the beginning of this thing as you said, so I wouldn’t put it past them to fabricate numbers. They’ve stopped people from hugging their dying relatives one last time and then told them they can’t have a funeral, so why would they have any moral scruples about punching some fake numbers into a spreadsheet?
There are some shenanigans in how they are counting breakthrough infections. I don’t have the full details, but it appears that if you are “fully vaccinated” you don’t actually have COVID per their definitions since about July. I’m looking for verification on this though.
The entirety of this debacle has shown how willing they are to redefine terms in order to benefit their agenda and livelihoods.
The Meaning of the FDA Resignations
That is spot on.
And thank you for linking, I’ve forwarded that to some family members that need some light at the end of the tunnel.
What I think is being overlooked:
You don’t resign unless your advice is being rejected. They opposed the booster. This tells me the booster is on greased skids to being mandated.
Or, they were pushed out because of their opposition to the booster. This tells me the booster, etc.
The regulatory-industrial complex isn’t going to give up easily.
It’s an alliance between money and those who are still holding out for a zero covid world/return to pre-COVID.
People resigned from the FDA and didn’t land executive jobs at a big pharma – that is shocking.
Makes the entire article more difficult to trust. No need to spike the ball if you feel you’ve got a good argument. I’m more on the same page as R C Dean.
Guv Greaseball won with close to Kim Jong numbers. We will never end mask mandates here and lockdowns are now almost a guarantee for the near future whenever the elite decides it’s convenient for them. SF has the highest vax rate of any city in the country and yet masks are still required everywhere indoors and most people are wearing them outdoors. The national Dems are going to see this as a mandate to keep it up with the Vid hysteria as long as they can get away with it.
“Get out of cities.”
“Get out of
citiesCalifornia.”At what point does nice weather and pretty scenery become not worth it?
As far as cities go, I find it fascinating that when I talk to some consultants who live in San Francisco, they only every talk about stuff that isn’t actually in San Francisco. There are a whole lot of really cool places and things to do near San Fran, but its always near San Fran, not in San Fran.
At what point does nice weather and pretty scenery become not worth it?
I assumed when it caught on fire, but I was wrong.
I wasn’t particularly impressed with San Francisco and surrounding areas when i spent a summer out there. Drive far enough away from the metropolitan area and it gets nicer, but brown, dead rolling hills and an overcrowded coastline aren’t exactly the “paradise on earth” that I expected. “But, but the microclimates!” Yeah, I had to carry a freaking jacket in 90 degree heat in palo alto if we planned on going into the city, because it’d drop into the 50s by evening in certain parts of the city. YAY!
At what point does nice weather and pretty scenery become not worth it?
For me, it was about 2.5 years ago. YMMV.
Yeah, I’d really like to take that advice. My plan was to be here about another 12 years till the last kid was finishing high school and then move on. I’m not here for the restaurants and the nightlife. Aside from an uncle and an aunt in Portland, literally every family member of both my wife and I live In Ireland, England or Australia, and we both have no desire to live in those places. I’ve built up a business over 14 years here that I cannot move anywhere else. It would mean starting from scratch with three little kids somewhere I don’t know a soul. Even though I have lived almost five years in two other countries, I did that as a single guy with no dependents, the thought of pulling up stakes here at the moment is extremely scary. But I may just have to do it as I can only imagine how much worse it is gonna get here.
My plan was to be here about another 12 years till the last kid was finishing high school and then move on.
I am always surprised by how much things have changed since I was in school. Back then (70s – 80s) nobody gave any thought whatsoever to moving while their kids were in school. You moved, the kids started in a new school, made new friends, nothing to it. It seems like most of the parents I know feel like their feet are nailed to the ground wherever they are until their kids graduate high school, as in, they won’t even move outside the school district much less to a different town. They prioritize their child’s social life over their own professional career, which just seems bizarre to me.
*shakes cane, yells at clouds*
My kids have already moved schools once to get them in a school that was open full time almost all of last year. I’m not scared of moving my kids, but I did want them to have relatives around (mine are all within 30 minutes of here) growing up. For me, it’s all the family and friends here and the business having to end and start a brand new one or a brand new career as I edge ever closer to 50.
My mom stayed in “the city” until I graduated because my public school was the best school in the county (and in the top 25 nationwide). Didn’t have anything to do with my (lack of a) social life.
My family moved multiple times. I changed schools twice, including half way through high school. You make new friends. Sometimes you keep old friends. After high school, you make different friends. It is a recurring process. It is rare for me to keep a friend for more than a decade. People move, change jobs, …
Yup. And add onto there, no consequences for the repeated hypocrisy of the elites towards the diktats that they themselves are enforcing.
Masks are for photo opps. They are a useful prop and then they can come off. The servant class can keep theirs on all fucking day.
Not just masks, but lockdowns, travel restrictions, gathering sizes, etc.
FDR without the balls
The wife and I made an offer on a tiny house in a tiny town in Iowa. We will rent this house to my brother.
By next month, I will officially become a slum lord. I am so excited.
LOL, nice.
An actual tiny house or just a small house?
500 sq ft. One bedroom. Built in the 1940s.
I think we will paint it pink.
Is your middle name “Cougar”?
Weren’t you already in a small town?
I live in the county between one town that is 2500 people and another that is 800.
The house is 20 miles away in a town of 250.
You will be Scrooge McDuckin’ it in no time now and swimming in piles of cash.
And thanks to Biden, he doesn’t even have to pay you rent! Good deal for him.
Reposting from last night:
I’m putting together a religious exemption treatise that will hopefully help people who are about to be faced with the vax or fired dilemma by giving them a long-form appeal for a religious exemption from the mandate. It’s not the standard 1-3 page exemption notice that you can get from a dozen places across the internet. It’s more akin to a position paper, and is trending towards 50+ pages right now. It has arguments against the mandate and the vaccine itself from conscientious, Biblical, and rational grounds and ties them all together under a religious umbrella to satisfy Title VII requirements.
My hope is that this provides people with an all-encompassing fact-based (not conspiracy-based) response to “why won’t you just love your neighbor and get the shot?” that is useful in confronting employers and others trying to force the shot on them. I’m not convinced that it’ll change any employer’s mind, but it puts the best foot forward for the “vaccine hesitant” in a way that, when dismissed casually, shines a spotlight on the bad faith of the employer. Again, this isn’t as much targeted at the employer as much as toward the unvaxxed themselves, and toward any impartial third party (court, arbiter, EEOC, etc.) that reviews the Title VII implications of the request and response.
Anyway, I’ve posted a draft of the first couple sections in the forum (https://www.glibertarians.us/community/covid-19/comprehensive-religious-exemption-proofreading-request/#post-1925) if anybody would like to proofread, tone check, or otherwise review portions of the document for persuasiveness and completeness. It would be greatly appreciated. I’m going to keep posting sections to the forum as I finish them.
You’re a good trashmonster, trashie.
I believe I may owe you a drink or two.
In case you did not see it the first time,
Thank you very much, will read it.