September 27, 2021. 0338 PDT, Menlo Park, CA
”I need your name for the record.” Special Agent Jackson said flatly.
”Please speak up, we are recording, dear.”
”Francis Haugen”. The whistleblower said loudly.
”What was your role with Facebook?”
“I was a project manager with Facebook’s Civic Misinformation Team.”
”What role did Facebook play in your experience?”
”None that I am aware.” Haugen replied after a brief pause.
“Please describe what happened on October 1, 2020.” Jackson asked, flatly.
”I was like, at work and I went to the computerized punch machine, and like clocked out. Then I walked down a like long, dark corridor that like leads to parking lot where Facebook employees park their company cars. Nissan Versas because they’re like, good for the environment, you know and Facebook, like totally cares about that.”
”Good, continue. Try not to make so many sudden movements. It may trigger the sensors and give us a false positive.”
”Okay so then I like, ran into Hunter Biden.”
”Are you sure it was Hunter Biden?”
”Yes. I like, became accustomed to like seeing him naked while we were deleting like, everything about him off of Facebook.”
”Good. Continue.”
”Then he….”
”Its okay. You’re safe here.”
”…He like touched my belly button.”
”Jackson. I’ve heard enough.” An agent in the other room said over the PA system in the interrogation chamber. “Hold fast, I’m on my way over.”
The other agent waddled into the interrogation chamber. He was short, fat wearing a cheap plaid suit. He removed the jacket and set it upon the chair across the table from Francis. She winced at the yellowed pit stains on his shirt that ran underneath his rib cage, revealing the shape and texture of his man bosoms. He lit a cigarette.
”Now Francine.”
”Francine. What you experienced, didn’t really happen.”
”You can’t like, deny my experience. Hunter Biden like touched my belly button and like totally assault—“
”You were certainly assaulted, but that was SPACE SMITH.”
”No, it was Hunter Biden. I like know that meth mouth when I see it.”
”Yeah.” He looked at Jackson. “We will need to work on her story.” Jackson nodded.
”Work on my story?” She turned to Jackson. “I’m like totally going to the press with this.” She turned back to the other agent and saw he was gone from the chair.
“Normally we have more time for enhanced interrogation.” The agent said behind her. She could smell unfiltered camels, iodine, Paul Newman’s Chipotle Ranch dressing, and burned dog shit. “You know, sleep deprivation, waterboarding, clothesline clips on the earlobes, that sort of thing.” She felt the handcuffs tighten and saw she had her hands bound behind the chair. “Sorry, you look like you’re into kink, so we’ll have to go with this.”
”What are you doing?” She asked.
”Nothing.” Both agents donned foam earplugs. “Just tell us what happened.”
”Hunter Biden touched my belly button!”
He looked at Jackson. “Hit it.”
The terrifying sound played over the PA system in the interrogation chamber. She looked at both agents, confused.
”Hmm. Tell us what happened.”
“Hunter Biden touched my belly button!”
He looked at Jackson. “Try track two.”
Francis shuddered this time.
“Tell us what happened, Francine.”
”Hunter Biden—“ The agent played it again.
”What happened Francine?” The agent asked.
”Belly button!” He played it again.
“Are you sure Francine?” He asked again.
She looked awkwardly at both agents.
“Just keep playing it on a loop. Lets get a drink.”
“No! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Her bloody curdled scream echoed within the the interrogation chamber as the nightmarish sounds of Francis’ personal Hell echoed within the dense, foam, soundproof walls.
One week later…

iT waS LikE tOtaLlY FeaCbOok.
Do not look into the
voidSPACE SMITH’S eyes, lest SPACE SMITH look into your shriveled soul.He does that, it will not be me that screams.
What does SPACE fear, but the black hole?
It is classified.
In space, nobody can see you shitpost.
What in the fuck did I just read?
The STEVE SMITHing of a psy-op.
It wasn’t Flo.
Well, kiss my grits.
Ah I’d all but forgotten about her, was referring to the more annoying one.
Did all of that give her the Sgt. Slaughter man-jaw?
Haha, it is a strong jawline tho.
That pic makes it look like one of the Joker’s interns did her makeup.
How many lives must facebook destroy before we act?
All of them!
What do you mean you don’t trust the experts?
Crank up the ELO cause there’s gonna be a showdown.
If there’s a time to draw a line in the sand and fight, now is the time because the more we allow these assholes to take away our freedoms, the more embolden they will be to put their boots on our necks eventually using violence as a way to get their way.
Yes. Even the already bepricked should be fighting this shit – but the vast majority won’t.
I started not complying in January 2020, way before it was cool.
I think Tyler is confusing the general employee mandate from OSHA and the contractor mandate. The EO for contractors was issued:
Here’s the question – is Southwest a fedgov contractor?
Most domestic airlines are.
It looks like this is one of those applies to all employees of a contractor, not just individuals directly assigned to a contract.
I assume a contracted carrier would be considered one?
Here is another question. Lets assume being contract carriers didn’t qualify them as contractors to the FedGov, but when Biden and DoD invoked the Civil Reserve Air Fleet, does that now make them so?
Lets assume govt mandating that anyone getting an experimental drug is not constitutional at all. Because it isnt. Lets stop pretending that it is. There is no enumerated power for the federal govt to force anyone civilian about medical decisions.
Fuck el presidente biden and his banana republic traitors issuing dictas.
And there’s not going to be a showdown. If it goes to the courts, they’ll rule that Texas executive order cannot override federal regulations or orders, case dismissed. It’s already happening where federally regulated health care plans can demand vaccination status even in states with laws that prohibit such demands.
Yeah, pretty sure Federal supremacy has been a decided issue for a long time, at a minimum from 1865, but legally before then.
Its a little more complicated. Texas can’t prohibit the fedgov from mandating it for its own employees or contractors, and likely not even for businesses in general or individuals, but I think it can prohibit companies from mandating the vaccine. Would that prohibition be invalid because there is an inconsistent/contrary one from the feds? Is complying with federal law a defense to violating state law?
You’d need a better lawyer than me to answer those, but I don’t think its obvious. For one thing, for the fed mandate to override the state prohibition, the fed mandate would have to be valid, including Consitutional. If nothing else, its a good vehicle for challenging that.
Except when Trump is President. Then ma’ city and states rights!
Democrats are fucking traitors to the constitution and their demands should be ignored. I ignore them. Luckily, I live in a state of georgia that ignores them too.
Another “whistleblower” or too crazy even for Facebook?
“When she was fired from Facebook last fall, she wrote a nearly 8,000 word memo accusing them of not censoring their platform enough. Like the last whistleblower, she is expected to call for more censorship.”
And chances are, the censorship will flow one way. It’s funny how the Left have these fears about a corporate government (it’s already in the process of happening) fucking us over but yet eagerly cheerlead the corporations doing the government’s bidding as long as it’s fucking over those whom they perceived are the enemies. They willingly blind themselves into bringing on the dystopia that they claim to fear.
I have Facebook.
I like it ok and certain people on it. I use it to arrange meetups for the gaming club I’m in.
But there is not a day that went by without my wall flooded with blatantly false information posted by leftwingers. Stuff that takes literally 30 seconds to fact check. (I used the very good controls to at least throttle that).
There are ads on my Facebook wall every day that are literal scams, and if you research them for a bit you can easily reveal that their scams. Every. Day.
Yet if I posted last year that China in any way contributed to covid I would be banned and censored.
If I questioned that Russians really colluded in the 2016 election I would be censored.
If I questioned whether anything about the 2020 election was suspect I would be censored.
Same. I have FB to keep up with family from Mississippi and friends from college and high school but outside of that, I have no use for the platform. Facebook is tolerable for me because I’ve either “unfriended” or unfollowed all the crazy Leftists I know.
I just do the “unfollow” thing. Or, I use the setting “only see posts if multiple of my friends comment”. That’s usually a good one.
I have no problem arguing with people in real life but Facebook is not a good platform for it. It doesn’t work out.
I also have no problem hearing or seeing different opinions from my own. It’s interesting and keeps me informed about what people think.
It’s the CONSTANT posters. The people who have something to say 6 times a day and are usually wrong. These people I think have issues. They are not discussing anything. They are proclaiming to the world their bullshit opinions in bumper sticker fashion. I feel embarrassed for them.
I used to argue with people on Facebook but like you said, it’s a terrible platform but also it made people who I wasn’t familiar with embolden to argue with me in person. I have no problem with having discussions with friends about politics but it’s better done in person than on some platform.
With all due respect to my fellow Glibs, I see a lot of this: “I have it to arrange my hobby club, but I would never argue politics on there” or “I use it to keep in touch with family back home, but other than that, I have no use for it whatsoever.”
Every time you log in, every action you make on the site (and elsewhere for that matter) furthers your value as their commodity and puts money in their coffers. I don’t harbor any illusions about brining Facebook down, but I do what I can not to add to their skull-fuckery.
I have it… blocked at the DNS level by my pihole configuration.
I run my own DNS for my home internal network but haven’t blocked FB yet because my GF uses it occasionally.
Yeah I don’t give a shit.
FB is monetizing users and lying to companies about their reach of advertising. I dont know or ever heard of a single person who purchased something they were told to buy with FB advertising.
It appears that most non-lefties bloc, ignore, unfriended anyone who posts lefty nonsense on FB so lefties are effectively shouting into nothingness.
I would bet most of the billions on Fb dont use it every day. Young folks use other social media platforms regularly.
Thank God, Kirsten is there to put her boot down (on the necks of the people).
“Facebook whistleblower @FrancesHaugen says we need a new regulatory agency to hold them accountable, and I agree. It’s time to establish a Data Protection Agency to hold Big Tech accountable.”
I would say Ministry of Truth but that’s too fucking British and Orwellian. How about the Department of Information and Media?
With a Department of Information and Media – Whitewashing Internet Taskforce division? DIMWITs out in force today boys!
Sounds as most libertarians would have a DIM view of that.
I always ask my Left friends who are all for shit like this the question of, “Would you want Trump to have this kind of power?” They’ll pause for a second but then explain why this power in their hands wouldn’t be a bad thing and why we need to keep people like Trump from ever gaining power.
There’s no use there. They hope to keep enough other levers of power to stymie any usurpers.
Once we have the right top men in charge, they’ll make sure that we will never have a wrong top man in charge ever again!
Ja, genau!
Can the government protect the data it has on us?
The Universe Echoes Back
Wow. Go, granny, go! She’ll be at St. Peter’s gate to greet the architects of the current shitshow. I doubt she will let them pass.
Want a real kick in the nuts? She died in 2020, in a “care facility,” after contracting coronavirus. What I read makes it unclear whether she died from the effects of COVID directly, or from another cause. I don’t have a NYT subscription, but here’s her <a href=""obituary.
This led me there:
Powerful stuff. I’m considering resurrecting my FB account to post this and other stuff for family and close friends to see (subject to the thought police, of course); I think I’ve reached the point where I can deal with the inevitable blowback.
Crimes against humanity
Last week, Frances Haugen, a former Facebook employee turned whistleblower, testified before the Senate about the thousands of internal documents she disclosed to The Wall Street Journal showing how Facebook’s algorithms foster discord.
As she testified, “Facebook repeatedly encountered conflicts between its own profits and our safety. Facebook consistently resolved those conflicts in favor of its own profits.”
This latest evidence of Facebook’s moral failures is credible and damning, but these concerns are not new.
Instead, this evidence confirms what we have known about Facebook for years — that it will always prioritize growth and profit over everything else.
For example, nearly four years ago, Facebook’s former head of growth said that “we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works . . . No civil discourse, no cooperation; misinformation, mistruth.”
The real crime is providing a platform and a megaphone to those who disagree with us.
“Our safety”? Talk to me about that. What exactly do you mean by that?
Speaking of space.
Not only was that Kamala Harris video crazy, but the children were actors too.
Internet goes crazy over Kamala Harris space video using child actors: ‘Better than VEEP
Is this seriously the best that they have? I mean for the past four years the Left constantly told us that they were smarter than Trump and his supporters and once they are back in power, they would bring a certain dignity and intelligence back to the White House. And what we got here is a bumbling idiot in the White House and a fake ass incompetent woman as the VP.
I dunno, they seem pretty effective at executing what they intend to, even if I think the choices they make are terrible and evil.
The thing is that while Harris and Biden are incompetent as fuck, their cheerleaders deep within the bowels of the bureaucracy and their patrons in Congress are the ones making sure that their shit is being executed effectively.
Definitely a well oiled machine somewhere making things go the way someone wants… Biden and Harris are part of it, and competent in that role.
Trump was/is WAY smarter than every Lefty that matters. He had them running and screaming in circles. He outmaneuvered them at every turn but he still played by the rules.
Its why they had to go full criminal syndicate and commit election fraud to get rid of Trump.
Many Lefties are lunatic commies. Lunatics that will headbutt your bullets.
Trump neat Hillary. Hillary is evil but that bitch is smart. Well she used to be.
“Harris talking to a group of children about her love of science, ”
Wasn’t one of her early experiments something about how to draw fluids through a rigid tube?
Couldn’t find 4-5 STEM students…oh they would have to reach out to those dastardly charter schools…
Too many asians… Ewww.
I would be pissed if I had a child that had such dreams and they were like “nah, we want actors and not real kids with science aspirations”
But I don’t. I have teens that aspire to girls, parties and tomfoolery like every red blooded American teen should be.
Yup. When I was a teen, I spent all my money on cars, pizzas, beer and girls. I wish I had back all the money I spent on cars, pizzas and beer.
I wonder what else has been filed on that NASA soundstage?
… with OJ Simpson.
Capricorn One
And the production company was “Sinking Ship Productions.”
You just can’t make this shit up.
It’s all a big fucking joke to them. And them being any politician. Fuck em all
That bitch makes Hillary look authentic.
Hillary is authentic, as authentic as any Eldrich horror. Thankfully only SF has had to witness her true form.
I’ve referred to her as “Hillary with a tan” for quite a while now.
“…man bosoms.”
Chuck Shumer?
They better bring back Alison Haislip if they want me to watch it.
And Morgan Webb.
And leave Adam Sessler behind. He’s a deal breaker.
“and we’ll hum, hum, hum, as the fires burn low/we’ll hum, hum, hum, as the embers glow”
Cranking up the ELO, cuz we’re living in a modern world.
I missed the previous thread because I was at the gym this morning, but on the Southwest thing.
1. The CEO said he’s against vaccine mandates and only doing them because the president issued an executive order.
2. He blamed absenteeism and not vaccine protests for flight cancellations, and seemingly did not acknowledge that those two could be related.
I noticed the governor of Texas has now announced they are banning vaccine mandates. This seems equally legally dubious. Will this do anything?
I do love how my governor copies Desantis a couple of days after now. It’s work out much better than when he was trying to think for himself.
My libertarian bonafides are coming into question with Texas. I think businesses should do what they want, but I don’t know how else to push back against what’s happening. Besides, I thought corporations weren’t people to lefties, so if a government bans corporate vaccine mandates, then human rights haven’t been infringed because corporations aren’t human.
Checkmate, lefties.
This assumes logic is a valid societal structure, and not just the cis-male whiteocracy imposing it’s construct on pansexual demirace individuals of color.
That’s exactly what I was gonna say.
Sorry to preempt a pickle of color in this white space.
In other words, I reject your reality and insert my own, you trying to protect your rights is tantamount to denying my existence and trying to literally kill me.
individuals ???
There are only members of the collective identity. You be careful with throwing around dangerous words like that.
Eh, I think you can make a principled distinction here. It seems to fall into the same category of “blow me if you want the job.”
Yeah, but the legislature can meet and decide that. The governor doesn’t just get to decide this, frankly, just because all his constituency hates something. This is how Democrats work.
If they weren’t too busy legislating endless bullshit they could probably react swiftly enough to make a difference. If only…
There is a bill passed in the house here also to strip away the advantages wind power gets in competitiveness so that other forms of energy can compete again. Namely, wind power automatically gets paid a certain amount whether it is valued at the time or not. An unfair competitive advantage that makes building wind power no risk.
I’m looking forward to that passing.
Or combing through employee medical records and firing people based on what you find – AIDS, abortions, whatever.
Political party, who you voted for, skin color, whether or not you blew me at the job interview…
You’re opposed to personal services clauses in contracts?
Well, yeah. I’d never be able to get the good jobs, since I have a terrible gag reflex.
I’m pretty sure we could put together a comprehensive training program for you.
Is this the collective “we’?
Look, if you’re interviewing for a job as my personal concubine, there’s going to be a practical skills test…
Yeah. I mean the whole banning types of laws as an emergency doesn’t really make any legal sense. I gotta be honest about that. I *wish* they were banned, but this is bull crap.
The US and state constitutions ban all sorts of “laws”. Ever heard of no ex post facto laws?
Of course, our govt is full of treasonous shitheals who ignore such constitutional limitations.
Congress regulates interstate commerce and state regulate intrastate commerce.
Interstate and intrastate commerce is hurt by business vax mandate demands that are not even federal law.
My libertarian bonafides are coming into question with Texas. I think businesses should do what they want, but I don’t know how else to push back against what’s happening.
Being against vaccine mandates that use a government funded and operated verification system is not a conflict with libertarianism. For as much as fascism gets thrown around these days, the vaccine mandates are pretty damn close to a textbook example.
Now if these companies want to fund the development and ongoing maintenance of their own private verification system, a ban on mandates may pose a conflict with libertarianism. And of course fabricating your own proof of vaccination or falsely attesting to being vaccinated would not be a criminal violation.
I think 2. is they’re running thin in places with a business model that is causing any hiccups to snowball into larger problems. Sounds like the Southwest pilots have a larger percentage of unvaxed than the aviation industry generally. As with the ATC/weather issues, his answer is technically correct but avoids the larger picture that he cannot do anything about. There is no movement to overturn the EOs in congress. The courts have largely gone along with everything covid. So he’s left with this is how it is and hr has to run with it.
He not hr.
Human Resources works there, too.
The whole copying DeSantis thing is hilarious. Our governor for the most part just flails about. He did nothing when dune buggies were accidentally banned by a pencil pusher, also sat on his hands forever before allowing alcohol sales via delivery.
who is ‘your governor’?
Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott.
*updates profile on dissident ‘R.J.’*
Thank you for your cooperation citizen.
What did he achieve by trying to think for himself? I can’t recall anything that Abbott did that would have been worth praising. But I could be wrong cause I don’t live in TX.
Very little, to my point. I don’t actually ask my governor to do anything, I prefer to be left alone. Would have been nice if he scaled back onerous laws around property confiscation and excessive penalties for drug possession, but I will take being left alone. Rambling now, I shall stop.
Oh, and he failed to control the crazy property taxes when he had a chance. He wasted a special session discussing who can use what bathroom rather than tackling taxes. Now I will shut up.
Got a nice house in NJ going up for sale in a week or so…
Our Governor doesn’t waste opportunities.
“ This seems equally legally dubious.”
I apologize in advance but he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Bad jokes aside though, the government coercion has progressed to the point that even companies and the executives of those companies that profess to be truly all for the vaccines mandates can’t be taken at their words so I applaud the gesture. I’d imagine that all the Italian shopkeepers in 1930s Little Italy vouched for the Local Don’s ideas too.
Alex Jones already knows. He has the documents. He has the plan. He knows the endgame.
Now if you want us to stay on air it is going to cost us money. You like the products, you buy the products. They have the highest quality ingredients. So buy the products. Everything is 50% off. Help us stay on the air and in this fight against globalist tyranny! *AJ scream*
So, I found this interesting:
It’s not hard to blow off the huge increases in gun sales as a declining number of obsessive gun nuts buying their 10th or 15th AR. It’s not true, but the associated data that gives lie to this assertion is hard to parse.
Not so with concealed weapons permits. Each one of those two million permits represents either a new gun owner, or an existing gun owner that has become committed to the culture.
Yep. You can see it in ammo sales as well. The extreme demand smacks more of a flood of new gun owners buying 100 or 200 rounds to shoot out of their new guns, rather than old hands dipping into their stock to try out their latest fling.
Or somebody that moved from NJ to another state.
She looks stable.
I bet her experience at Facebook is indelible in her hippocampus.
That’s where the polo students go, right?
Is this some kind of Jessica Parker joke?
Why the long face?
Finally got around to watching Horton v. Kristol.
I heard it was pretty definitive, but I wasn’t prepared for what an ass-kicking it was. Horton is amazing.
Kristol seems pretty unprepared.
He probably was.
He most likely assumed it would be like guest paneling on a cable news show where everyone just spouts meaningless platitudes.
I didn’t feel it was definitive in the wider debate for that reason.
Well, Kristol made assertions with absolutely no background or defense. So in that respect this wasn’t technically a debate.
OT: For many years, maybe even decades, we’ve gotten out first snowfall on Hallowe’en. Today is Columbus Day (trad.) and it’s snowing.
I thought that we’d have a late winter this year because all the foliage was two-three weeks later than normal. Fooled me, can’t fool Mother Nature.
Forecast calling for snow showers on Thursday. Son got snowed on coming off the mountain on Sunday.
It’s coming.
Amazingly we don’t have snow on the ground yet, although that will change in the next week or so. There looks to be a good bit in the mountains already.
Good storm came through Vegas last night and dusted our mountains. Good start to the season here.
I suspect I’ll get snow again sometime this year since we are in the foothills at almost 3000 feet.
Better than getting peed on.
The chick behind the bleachers with Micky Mantle agrees, she just can’t say it.
Leaves are still mainly green up here, though some trees have started to turn.
Leaves are dropping like crazy in Georgia. Pretty typical for Fall.
We had a very mild summer with tons of rain this year. More than usual.
I cannot describe how much I hate our health system.
I can’t get a fucking price for an MRI. I should be able to call up with the code and provide the health insurance policy number and get the adjusted rate but it seems to be an impossible task for everyone.
Feature of the system. The intended purpose is to obscure the true cost to the consumer.
There’s one way to find out the price–get your doctor to prescribe one, go get it done, then have the insurance company deny it months later and send you the bill.
Been there. $2k gone.
/looks over at Quest Diagnostics billing me full price for routine tests
The emergency dentist we went to for my wife about a year ago tried that. My wife, being an ex-dental assistant, had a field day with that one. Turns out the place we found, on a holiday, last minute, is known for insurance fraud and our insurance wrote it off and we paid cash for the visit.
Crazy, isn’t it?
Sorry to hear.
Woods had a guy on from CrowdHealth. It’s an interesting, cash-based approached. I’ve also been researching the medi-share programs.
May be worth a look. They all seem to have arrangements with providers.
I’m definitely considering it.
I managed to get an approximate price from an independent imaging provider. I’m taking it because fuck those other assholes who put me on a wild goose chase between them and the insurance company.
That is interesting. I happen to have pretty good insurance through my employer, but if that were to change, I’d give that a hard look.
In their FAQ they point out how little they spend on administration. I imagine that could be good or bad, depending on what it means for the effort the patient has to put in to get things paid. But in comparison, it seems like other insurance companies spend a great deal on unrelated expenses–take, for example UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) loves to make a huge deal about all the community BS they donate to and support. I’d prefer they spent that money getting me the best care for lower rates, not handing it out to “community outreach,” thanks very much.
It’s worth the hour to listen to him. He talked about the deep discounts they get from providers because they pay the docs directly and on the same day!
The only useful thing Obamacare had was an obscure rule to be implemented in phase 2 that required doctors to post prices at the front desk for common services. That would have actually been a good thing. Guess what happened to that rule?
One of the easiest things that could be done to drive down costs is to force these companies to publish price lists. No great glory for a politician in that though.
OT: For many years, maybe even decades, we’ve gotten out first snowfall on Hallowe’en. Today is Columbus Day (trad.) and it’s snowing.
Same here.
It snowed yesterday and last night, here. The clouds appear to be breaking up now. The roads were a gigantic clusterfuck for 36 hours or so, they say.
Looks like Intel is not mandating vaccines.
So that means FedGov will no longer use Intel based PCs, right?
What’s AMD’s policy?
Doesn’t matter, Huawei gets the contracts now
Nah they just need a virus booster upload to become compliant for 3-6 months
Come to think of it…this should lead to some damn good Bee material.
FedGov computers file for medical/religious exemptions
Breakthrough virus outbreaks reported at federal facility when computers received latest virus definition update
You know at least job loss won’t be contributing to the chip shortage.
Great that means that everyone using a PC or Laptop will soon die.
Whew! Got payroll posted before the day-after-a-holiday deadline, despite some supervisors’ best efforts to stymie me. Best thing: after this pay, I no longer have to fiddley-dork around with the special COVID pay codes, since they expired 9/30.
Yay, Simplification!
I had all mine done except one. My guard kid stuck in Oregon. Had to just give him straight 80 and military leave and he can fix it later. After a good long talk he will now put in two pay periods worth of time and attendance.
When you take a fish out of the freezer and second guess… but still cook it and eat it, you should realize the fish will always win. Wasn’t rancid but I think it wasn’t good either. I paid dearly for most the morning.
Thanks. I have had some in the freezer for months that I will probably just toss now.
You guys might want to look into those vacuum sealed baggers. Keep freezer burn from happening and gives you more room in your freezer because no air in bags to take up space.
Where is my rifle and pitchfork.
Wonder why this is suggested…
So what will be the Andre of steak? Trump steaks?
Uruguay is moving up my list of destinations. They’re not giving up steak, ever.
RE: Mickey Mantle.
Riddle for the day – how does the girl ask what to do with a mouthful of cum when she has a mouth full of cum?
I mean we talking porn level cum? By the buckets? Or someone who, based on that story, only has a half-days worth built up IYKWIM
Further: what kind of a question is that? There are three options – keep it in your mouth, spit, swallow. Pick one.
It’s like rock, paper, scissors!
Proper response “I don’t care what you do with it but the fact you are still here means you aren’t understanding what just happened”
But trust us on the new vaccines…they are safe from here to eternity!
Guess it’s time for me to start taking a daily aspirin
Are we on eggs are good or bad.
Checks notes: This week Eggs: good. Coffee: bad. Wine: good. Chocolate: mixed.
How about eggs with coffee?
Black man suffering wrongthink!
One of these things is not like the others…
You’re right, I don’t think he’s a real doctor.
That’s a big 10-4, good buddy.×707-28498.jpg
spot the difference
I would swap Spin Doctors and Dr. Dre. Otherwise, checks out.
Neil Patrick Harris at opposite ends of the spectrum!
When you fold that in half, they intersect and that is how we create an internet wormhole.
Dr Pepper should be on the middle line.
And Dr. Thunder?
Wait, Doc doesn’t have medical training?
Dr. Dre is more of a doctor than Mrs. Biden, thank you very much.
These Are the Biggest Reasons COVID Vaccine Efficacy Dropped, NY Study Says
So Top. Men. why do we need boosters for the elderly and not the young? (Yes we know the answer…)
It’s pre-print and pre-review too.
COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness by Product and Timing in New York State
That’s a fancy way of saying “It’s all your fault.”
May have been translation: May not have been.
The preprint, non-peer-reviewed study finds all three federally emergency-use authorized vaccines continue to show strong effectiveness against reinfection
Its Canada…but still.
dumb dumb dumb
evil evil evil
I doubt even Canadians are so meek they won’t revolt at that shit.
That’s really beyond the pale. They should just jump over a broom and tell the powers that be to suck their dicks. This is the kind of stuff that worries me about where all this might go. Anyone willing to enshrine that into law or ordinances is almost certainly willing to go considerably further to find other, um, solutions.
So, from the URL, there’s a bar in Canada where the unvaxed are all flocking to to get married? They must have the best donuts.
I’m not going to cry when the ruling assholes end up getting shot.
Except maybe tears of joy.
Nothing to see here…all is well.
Pravda was more believable.
Aside from the obvious Southwest issue spin…
“The job of the POTUS is to lead, is to follow the advice of health experts.”
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Leading is Following.
How even lapdogs can not scratch their heads at that is beyond me.
I used to feel like she’d be good for a hate-f*ck but now every time I see her at that same 3/4 angle, looking down at reporters, with that arrogant smirk on her face, I realize it’s a hate-smack I want more.
But I’d never do that of course.