We trapped him in the TV, but he STILL won’t go away!
Teenage death metal fans meet a former death metal star who gives them a song to summon an evil blind god. Death metal, teen angst, apocalypse, dildo bludgeon murder, and throat slitting ensue! Telling you anything else about the plot would wreck the evening!
Jason Lei Howden is the director. He did visual effects on all the Lord of the Rings movies and digital art on the Avengers. That experience paid off here. This movie looks slick, has a great script and plays well. This was his first big solo effort after many, many supporting roles. Well done sir! He did another film in 2019, Guns Akimbo. I have yet to watch that. If you didn’t realize, New Zealand has made its fair share of movies in the horror genre. Check out this short list of New Zealand horror films:
- Black Sheep: Great film about… Killer sheep. Very New Zealand film. I remember enjoying it with way too much bourbon.
- The Frighteners: Gary Busey’s kid is in this! Michael J. Fox is in it too. I am only doing one Peter Jackson film in this list, so I picked Frighteners. Busey’s kid plays a serial killer’s ghost who continues his killing spree after death. A film worth seeing. You would need to rent this one, it is not on TUBI.
- Dead End Drive In: Another cult classic. A Yuppie and his Karen girlfriend become trapped in a drive-in theater that has become a paradise for outcast youths, who are placated with new wave music, junk food, drugs, and exploitation movies. Naturally the Karen and the Yuppie ruin EVERYTHING. Note: I fixed the crappy IMDB review for you, and also included the trailer. Someday I will get around to talking about this movie. It’s pretty relevant.
- Last of the Living: Couch potatoes must save the world from zombies. Seems like every country has to have a film with this theme. Losers save the world. You could redo Hero with a Thousand Faces with that concept. This movie is also not on TUBI.
Now! Back to Deathgasm. We have some awesome metal here, probably more than you would anticipate. The full listing is here. We have Bulletbelt, Lair of the Minotaur, Skull Fist, and Elm Street. Fine stuff! Now everybody has new bands to look up. Pro tip, pick up your children and their friends from school while playing Bulletbelt.
This is a cast full of talented kids. All of the young actors are still starting out and will definitely go places in the future. Seriously, not one bad characterization here. Without spilling too much of the movie, there is a scene where our protagonist is sharing an ice cream with a girl he likes, while in full death metal drag. Just perfect. Anyone who grew up in a suburb will recognize that mix of angst, nerdiness, and the desire to make it big. The aging rocker (Rikki Daggers) is played by Stephen Ure, who also was in most of the Lord of the Rings movies. Rikki Daggers’ house looks like the houses of a great many former rock stars – trashed, covered with fliers and scattered with motorcycle parts. This is a thing! I can attest to it.
So what happens in this film? You know I hate spilling the beans. Also, it’s way too easy to summarize a plot. It’s harder to talk about the people behind the film and why a certain film may be worth watching. I’ve told you about the music, the general concept and why this is good. Watch it or don’t! Everything is voluntary!
We are approaching the end of October and I was torn over what to review for Halloween week. So far ZomBeavers is winning. Hot women and hairy, man eating beavers! It’s another directorial debut as well!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
I don’t watch movies anymore, get off my lawn!
I’ll spray you with a hose!
Well deserved,
Slow down, Yusef, tall cans…
But you’re going to make them. The Star Wars killers, the glory days space milf hunting in the Oort Cloud…
I’m good, the Journey continues,
/Small cans
Go watch “Ex Machina”. It is poetry in cinema form.
Like all great poetry, it is open to interpretation. Many saw it as an allegory about what it is to be human, or about hubris, or about a narcissist, or a cautionary tale of AI.
Having met women, I saw it as a deep exploration of the relationship between the sexes and the dance that is marriage and having children and the trust games over paternity.
After that, pull up ” They Live” as a palate cleanser. Greatest B movie of all time.
Ex Machina is great.
You’re not wrong on either count. Great flicks.
You are just saying that because you are all out of bubblegum…..
I used to love Hubba Bubba. What the hell was wrong with me?
You were a child.
Now that you are a man you have put away those childish things.
We are of an age where we remember a time when bubble gum was kinda hard and the good stuff was Bazooka Joe.
Then along came Bubble Yum and Bubba Bubba with its deliciously soft and hype rock scored sweetness… The world was never the same….
Hyper flavored
I swear, my autocorrect has multiple personality disorder.
Pictured, young Rhywun extolling his love for Hubba Bubba. https://youtu.be/GXnQ5TczCE0
Yeah, I was a hit with all the chicks at the soda fountain.
PS. ?
I love They Live.
You know, just when I was enjoying pics of wheelbarrows full of bloody body parts on the front lawn…
Pizza ordered…booze flowing…hockey playing on the TV.
Dude, just you just say the other night you’re in Berkeley Springs?, or was that someone else… booze was definitely flowing that day…
Not I!
Oh, sorry, bro. I have to go back and look…
My apologies, Ownbestenemy, it as Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack.
Can we just keep calling her KK? That handle is too much to type out on my phone.
Dude that is KK. Are you kidding me? Call me clueless.
I also had no idea that was Kristen. But I was away for awhile.
I do, or just Kristen,
Copy / paste. That is one of the best referential handles ever. Much respect.
Was. Well, my spelling has shit the bed early tonight.
The one thing I miss living in bumfuckistan is that I can’t order a good pizza to be delivered. Hell, even a bad pizza. The one good pizza place here closed up. I guess the overly tattooed chics there decided they didn’t want to work anymore. Don’t really know and don’t really care but they aint there anymore.
Make your own.
He has tried. It is a tortured mess…
Even I can do it. I called upon my experience of making those Chef Boyardee ones in the box when I was a kid, lol.
Damn it! I wanted to insult western’s pizza making skills. but I can’t improve upon ‘tortured mess’ well done OBE.
This here is the kind of bullying that causes us young new to the world minds to be forever bruised. Bruised I SAY! Bruised like a brain in a head falling off a cliff. Bruised like a brain in a plastic helmet……….fuck it, yuuu moythedr fuckr
I make awesome pizza. Don’t be a hater.
I, for literally one, would be happy to eat your pizza.
I’m going to need a ruling from a gay Glib.
A buddy manages the Pizza hut here, but Pizza hut….
there is nothing else, thanks Whitmer! Destroyer of small business,
I’m torn between the Browns and watching the Rangers probably lose again.
If you liked Wolf Cop, you may enjoy this. Buckets of blood here and good dark humor.
Furries. Goddamn furries.
Wolf Cop 2: Electric Wolfaloo
Wolf Cop 2 is on Amazon Prime for rent or sale. And it is good.
I liked Wolf Warrior 2. Well, Celina Jade.
The title and description of Dead End Drive In remind me of this classic. Saw it on TV – I don’t remember for sure what channel, but it seems as if it would have been a natch for USA Up All Night.
Yes! I know that film! I can hear the name coming out of Gilbert Gottfried’s mouth in my mind. He probably hosted it.
“Black Sheep: Great film about… Killer sheep. Very New Zealand film. I remember enjoying it with way too much bourbon.”
Hahaha, I have to send that to a director at my biggest client who is living in Sheep Zea… I mean New Zealand now.
My wife is watching her Brazil Novelas and I can see the TV from here. Holy shit, that body has to be illegal in most countries, good gawd…
Does this Novela have a title?
Novelas dont fuck around.
Dude, I don’t actually watch any of them, they’re silly at best, but some of them have either one of 2 attributes that I love. The best sound track you have ever heard, or unfucking believable women.
So, the actress you like might be Daniela Escobar.
I’ll check. My wife could know.
BTW, how do you know all of this about hot Brazilian milfs?
Shh! Ancient Chinese Secret…
It’s not the person you’re talking about. I’m asking my wife wand trying to not get her pissed at me at the same time.
She’s 52. She looks good but not illegally so
I value bodies way, way, way over faces. Experience got me there.
Yeah, I just checked, we are most definitely NOT talking about the same person. My wife didn’t know her name, the one I’m talking about.
Had my dinner early. Now I’m marathoning World Poker Tour reruns. I don’t recognize any of these people anymore. Whither Phil Laak? Gus Hansen? Daniel Negreanu?
Any of them wearing a mouse head or stupid glasses?
Phil Ivey, Mike Matasow, Antonio Esfandiari?
Brion James?
You’re old school. The poker brat is all growed up now, sorta.
Annie Duke, anyone?!
“Does this Novela have a title?”
Thot Thursday will give you a deathgasm.
*scrolls though. Deletes comment.
Just stopping in to say I like the new feed illo and lead illo. Well done, young paduan.
Hey! I get a visit! Yay!
Well, I just got to the blood fart in the movie. Need another martini.
Not a bloody Mary?
Shouldn’t that be a Bloody Mary?
Yes. And I think I can make one! So good plan.
How about some sangria? ?
Vodka and Corn-Syrup Sprite here ?
Out of my new kick “Sparkling Ice” mixers and too lazy to fetch more
The other day I had an “Instant Manhattan” It was a premixed Manhattan in a little bag for travel. It was really good!
Good lord.
You too eh? This movie has throat slitting, hearts ripped out, heads smashed with engine blocks, but the thing that got to me most was that damn blood fart.
Well, you have SF beat for TMI, I’ll go hang out over here> for a while,
You’ll miss the dildo bludgeoning…
If there isn’t a Beheading disc, it ain’t legit,
There are a few, including a funny one where the evil guy tells his minions to “DO IT AGAIN! JUST NOT ON THE RUG!”
For Yusef:
@slumbrew, exactly that,
I saw Dildo Bludgeoning open for Revolting Cocks back in ’91.
A fine show. Was than in Cali?
that, not than. Hideous autocorrect.
I saw them open for the Jackofficers. Good show.
“Revolting Cocks back in ’91.” they had a number one on KROQ, back in the day,
God, I haven’t thought about the Jack Officers in 25 years, since I dated a chick who loved Pigface.
Yeah at The Whisky.
Marginally related, here’s some Armageddon Dildos
Industrial AF
Yaaaass I remember them
Speaking of, I saw Front 242 in DFW a few weeks ago. They are holding up well.
Dayum! I don’t really have any interest in live shows any more but I might make an exception for that.
Damn it, I was planning to see 242 last year before all this bullshit happened.
Of course, I am not welcome in any facility that they would appear in so ??♂️
Another 90’s lady for your delectation
(her album, Divine Comedy, was so shocking to me because it came from a supermodel. Like, it was really, really good)
Was she ever actually a supermodel? I thought she had just “done some modeling”
ISTR that video was on Bevis and Butthead
I had only every heard of her as a model when her album came out.
If you don’t mind super models singing, I recommend Karen Elson.
Did you skip Dead Alive because you assumed everyone would already be familiar with it?
Oh nevermind, I see your “one Peter Jackson film” rule.
I only wanted to reference one Peter Jackson film, so I chose The Frighteners since it has Busey’s kid in it. Peter Jackson made a ton of good ones.
I liked The Frighteners. Plus, it had Gunny! Oo-rah!
KK, if you come around here, now that I know your new posting name, I am in Martinsburg tomorrow night and all day on Saturday and part of the day on Sunday. If you are really in Berkeley Springs let me know. Maybe we can meet up.
I’m pretty much 1/2 way between Berkeley Springs & Winchester. Headed back to fucking DC Saturday morning. On route 522 in Cross Junction. I’m-a probably stay here & enjoy my last day shooting & enjoying the fire. Y’alls welcome to stop by! About 15 miles south of BS
Ah, OK. I’m going to be in Martinsburg tomorrow eve through Sunday.
Fire… what fire?
In the fireplace – I’ve been choppin’ wood all week 🙂
Is that a euphemism or are you really chopping wood in the Berkeley Springs?
I have shot guns almost every day for the past week. After a mid day nap of course because we all follow the NAP amIright?
the Napping Always Principle?
There used to be a great gun store in or near Winchester, VA. they had some really incredible shit on display there. Some rare early machineguns, and a really cool short barreled Winchester 94 variant.
Could be fun,
OT: This Is What Climate Change Will Look Like In D.C.
Can we get a few more drowned politicians in that shot?
Or a tsunami?
Ah, it’s the elusive KK. I trust you won’t drown in Berkeley Springs. Just try to not go back to the shithole on the Potomac.
Just give me a little time to get a little more upstream and get my doomcam setup so I can fap to that.
Sadly, it’s all fever dreams. ?
Needs moar warming! not enough water!
Is that what it looks like after the Corps of Engineers builds protective dikes for DC?
Sick burn.
For Tulip:
It’s not my meatball recipe, but I use it frequently. I use a blend of meat I get at our local grocery store of ground beef, pork, and veal (I don’t know the exact proportions):
Chef John’s Italian Meatballs
NOTE that once you blend the ingredients it takes about an hour in the fridge to set the mixture for forming into balls so they don’t collapse when baking. So plan ahead.
I’ve been making Hamburg steak pretty much every week for about two months. The wife calls it Japanese meatloaf.
That looks good, but I want meatballs
I make them meatball sized.
I love Mehdi! such a nut,
Seconded. Watched that earlier. Really cool.
Hey Westernsloper! How was hunter glamp? KK and I stayed at a Hunter’s place. Lots of deer heads and antler mounts.
And crack pipes and Ukrainian hookers?
Oh, a Hunter’s place. Nevermind.
Really? KK and I have far too much class for Hunter Biden. I mean….ick
Stop pretending. We know ladies love the bad boys.
I remember when Billy Carter was a nationwide punchline, and I was like 8 years old.
Now there is Hunter, who makes Billy look like a choirboy and… crickets as far as the MSM is concerned.
No one remembers Roger Clinton…
Well, the Clinton years were kind of a blur for me.
He made for an EPIC soundbite to start an album on.
Yeah…. They protected Carter, but not to the point of denying reality with every breath.
They kinda leaned into it… Billy Beer, Carter Country on TV….
These people piss in your rice bowl and call it soup.
I watched this a few months ago. Enjoyable flick.
3 out of 4 real?
Real or their surgeons are gifted
Our President inaction.
He looks like he’s a a Progressive motorcycle insurance commercial and is about to bust out Build Me Up Buttercup
Oh, it’s Anderson Cooper. Did you see how serious he is? He’s totally serial.
Am I animating him there? I’m too lazy to animate limbs unless it’s part of a joke. This looks like how I’d animate it because I’m lazy.
If this were a screen shot caption contest: “Motorbike go vroom-vroom”
What is with the fists?
Wreck It!
Wreck that fucking commie pussy, babe! Wreck it hard! More, moooaaaarrrrrr! Televize that ass rape!
Well, except that ….
that part
Took my nieces to a corn maze today. First time I’ve done one of those. My back hurt and my feet got extra numb. But it was worth it because they had fun.
Well, you’d best be careful!
A Storm is Comin!
I was thinking of another Stephen King based movie.
I’d take my nieces and nephews but people might think Children of the Corn was a documentary
Wedid one a few years back when my middle child was 5. About halfway through, she took off through the corn, leaving us in the dust. I looked for her for almost an hour, it started pouring rain… She was waiting at the exit with mom. The wife didn’t bother calling me when they found her, 15 minutes in to the ordeal.
Oddly, I am not a fan….
biden did a corn maze during his recent trip to Wisconsin.
Holy shit Alec Baldwin shot & killed someone. Supposedly accidentally. But he does have a temper…
The old Brandon Lee move…
Wut? I was hoping someone would beat the living shit out of that asshole live on the TV.
Shit. I’m guessing a Brandon Lee type of prop fuck-up.
If it’s Liz Lemon, I’m saying not accidental…
What?? Jack & Liz were great friends!
That’s what they wanted you to think!
Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that?
More like “If fucking Trump wasn’t such a fascist dictator, this never would have happened!”
Source: I have heard Baldwin speak on political topics before.
I remember when some soap opera actor killed himself with a blank because he thought it was harmless so as a joke he put it to his temple and pulled the trigger. Even though it was a blank, the paper wad was so close to his temple that the force was still strong enough to kill him (or leave him brain dead, which killed him shortly thereafter).
If the gun Baldwin had was truly loaded with blanks, and he was relatively far from the two victims, how could they have had enough force imparted to them?
Because he wanted to kill them because they said they voted for Trump. Only theory that makes sense.
.44 to your head, even with blanks, is a bad idea.
On the basis of nothing I’m wondering if this is a Brandon Lee situation
Such a crazy sorry.
But the people he killed/injured makes this very different. It wasn’t fellow actors, it was cinematographer and a director. It screams incompetence (or malice) by someone…whether it’s Baldwin or a prop person.
Not necessarily. Since he wasn’t shooting at other actors, it could be possible he was firing the blanks toward the *camera* and someone screwed up the gun, distance, his aim, or all the above, and the projectile/gas hit the people watching near the camera, in this case the director and cinematographer.
Even if not for the paper wadding, the gas alone would be fatal in a temple shot.
The lady who died was born in the Soviet Union, father was a soldier, then she went to university in Kiev, Ukraine.
She was considered an “up and comer” in Hollywood.
I wonder if she ever said anything about Putin?
(Meaning, if it turns out that blanks were swapped with real bullets, I’d look into her political statements.)
She was from Ukraine. It’s a different country.
“It’s a different country” — yes of course I know that! Gah. Much to Putin’s dismay it’s a different country! But she was born in “The Soviet Union” (at that time) and grew up on a Soviet military base in the Arctic Circle—not Ukraine.
And surely you are aware of Viktor Yushchenko and the horrific assassination attempt against him?
Putin loves to show how much he can reach into The Ukraine and exercise his will there, especially against his critics, including those who may be abroad.
I’m from the same country as Putin. Given that I don’t have any private info about him or Russia, I don’t worry about any attack from Putin and his people. I was much more concerned about being on a list as a Russian during the witch hunt against Trump from 2016 to 2019, when everyone speaking with a Russian accent in the vicinity of the Trump circle was a legitimate FBI target.
Seriously; that man is so full of hate. Even if this was a legit accident, I wonder if a person like that doesn’t just attract an accident like that. Call it karma, or fate, or whatever.
Anti-gun nut violates basic gun safety rules and accidentally kills someone. News at 11.
Obvious result is to double down on gun bans.
+9 I’m the only one qualified to shoot myself in the foot
I’d really like to know how many shots were fired and how far apart they were.
If it was a big (albeit stupid, like an anti-gun nut might do) spray of bullets/shrapnel across a random arc, going quickly, BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM!! I could believe accident is more plausible.
But if it’s only 2 shots, one per person, and there is a second or two between, that sounds like vicious intent.
I hope there was film rolling. At least there must have been witnesses.
There doesn’t need to be calamitous intent. Just a moron that doesn’t understand that a blank gun steel needs a high velocity gas to work the action. (if it is a semi-auto)
I’m just thinking he’s probably not a very good shot in real life, so he’d have to have been near them in order to hit them, if there were only 2 shots fired.
But if he were near them, wouldn’t he have seen the reaction of the first victim before shooting the second?
The “kindest” explanations I can figure are:
1) random spray of many bullets that tragically struck 2 people, killing one
2) deliberately aiming at them in turn, in order to disparage them (because he was frustrated with their requests?) so he “shoots” at them to express contempt, still not thinking he’d harm them physically.
Still makes him a jackass, just not a murderous one.
Pure supposition:
1. He thinks it will be funny to come up behind them and “Shoot them” with a prop gun.
2. Two or more rapid shots, no time to see their reaction.
3. Down they go hit with either products of combustion or wadding.
4. Death by close range blank gun has happened at least several times before in Hollywood and is not unforeseen.
5. Negligent homicide – fuck that asshole
Daily Mail has updated the story to say that the sheriff’s office has opened a criminal probe.
The language now reads that the gun “accidentally” discharged, and that they’re working to find out what kind of projectile or projectiles were fired.
I suppose the facts will come out eventually.
I should have used negligently instead of accidentally.
I suspect they’ll call in Alan Smithee to finish directing.
Go the Fuck to sleep!
My girl Nikka:
So, if y’all could get out your rosaries or good-luck charms or feng shui or lucky dice for my kid … She had an interview at FedEx today as a freight loader, where she will also learn to drive a forklift. The guy who interviewed her said he was happy to see women getting into blue collar work, and he was looking to hire diversely. Starting pay is $19.90/hour, which she will never make at Walmart. AND she gets to learn how to drive a forklift. Did I mention that? Forklift. How cool is that? I envy her in the best of ways.
FedEx isn’t unionized like UPS is, so that job shouldn’t exist.
llck yeah! Forklift driver is a good gig, AFAIK.Sending positive vibes (lapsed Catholic, I don’t even own a rosary)
I used to have goth rosary beads that glowed in the dark.
My aunt that taught at a Catholic school had a glow in the dark rosary in the 80s. Sounds like you were super edgy.
I tried the edgy thing, it didn’t fit well.
A Rubik’s cube or Magic 8 Ball will suffice.
That reads as a red flag to me.
It gets HR of his back. He doesn’t actually care, I’m sure.
I have all the confidence in the world that XX can handle the job. I just worry about management culture that would lead the guy to say such things.
My take on it is this: You can’t hire diversely if diverse persons don’t apply for positions. He’s interviewed 3 women this week and he’s thrilled.
Yes, because you are a white male and she is a female who would be in a male-dominated workplace. She will likely get the job, and then she can prove herself.
Sweet! Best of luck to her.
Encourage her to consider a back support especially designed for the ladies so she doesn’t get back problems. The good ones can help transfer some of the weight of the hips, much like ladies’ backpacks do.
I hope this is the start of a good career for her!
Forklift skills come in handy all over the place.
Fantastic reference.
That brings me back to my teamster days at a coca cola bottler. Someone was all liquored up driving a forklift and pulled a similar stunt. That was a mess like I’ve never seen since.
Make sure she learns how to secretly swipe pallets with the counterweight and stab the forks through openings in crates.
I used to work at a fork truck company – test driving them in the engineering dept (many, many years ago). There were two different obstacle courses that we would run and take sensor measurements.
I hope she gets the job.
Well, I just put some boneless prok chops in the fridge to marinate.
I would be hyperbolic and claim the marinade is enough to make Sean sweat, but I know that’s a lie.
Here’s what it is:
3x 7oz Cans of Chipotle in Adobo souce
1x 8oz can pineapple chunks
Zest of one lime
Juice of 2 limes
3 cloves fresh garlic
1 teaspoon tumeric
1/2 teaspoon each oregano and tarragon.
Blend in food processor until chunks are all but gone.
Spoon into vacuum bag and seal in with pork.
I won’t know how it turns out until at least tomorrow when I cook the pork. Of course, I have leftover marinade to use on the freezer burned chicken I’m thawing out. I may need to add something to cut the heat a bit.
Any suggestions as to how best to mellow before dunking the chicken in?
Dilute with some OJ?
I’m hesitant to add more sugars. I’m wondering if it will still work as a marinade if I add dairy.
Coconut milk might work
unsweetened almond milk
Honey is your best bet. You have minor amounts of sugars already and a bit of honey won’t hurt the bottom line. However, taste the marinade now that it has set over night (the one not in any meat of course).
You can cut the heat afterward with addons; sour cream, crema, guac, a white sauce, etc. You dont need to tamper down the maridane iteself.
I’m still picking peppers. I can send you some. ?
On the counter this morning:
Horror movies don’t agree with the gestation of The First That Will Change Everything.
You’re still backed up?
Well that happens when you are firsted repeatedly.
People pin their hopes on these people to guide us…
God I love democracy
You would think these videos would create more libertarians. Who wants any of them in charge?
You would think. At least in Britain, they would sound regal.
Good call on Deathgasm, R.J.!
I got to see it when it was on the film festival circuit, and loved it.
Kimberley Crossman is even cuter in person. ?
The Agency is in a conundrum. A manager (me) has sought accommodations to not take the vaccine and an employee of that manager has also sought the same. DOT rules are that I am the deciding factor of such accommodation. I am not the only one either.
The agency, sounds like a sci fi story,
I am nowhere near a comic book person and I don’t follow DC or Marvel. However, I have been watching Doom Patrol and I enjoy it. I have a feeling I enjoy it because I am not a comic book geek.
Well , I hope you don’t mind, I’m stealing you r idea,
One of my carbon steel pans is now warped. I never thought I’d say this, but stupid glasstop electric stove.
Damn, how’d that happen?
I have a glasstop electric range too, but most of my pans are cast iron. I do have one nonstick Bialetti pan that I really like, though.
Heated it too hot.
Uncle Scott has a good video on the problems of glasstops/electric stoves
Did you hit with cold(er) water immediately?
Things I learned today
Wouldn’t know that was him without the glasses. Maybe Clark Kent was on to something.
As I recall, he liked the issued horn-rimmed glasses the USMC gave him, so it became part of his ‘look’.
Ages ago, I was working in Cleveland. A co-worker’s brother was a sous chef at a restaurant in The Flats. We went in to eat, and there was Drew in the corner.
I still have the $1 bill (somewhere) that he autographed with his outline caricature. He was nice to talk to. Very laid back.
Same colleague had a bartender friend in Youngstown that said Ed O’Neil would drop in from time to time. Very Al Bundy-ish, but with an extremely filthy mouth.
suh’ fam
whats goody
de enda muh dick!
Who could have possibly seen that coming?!
Now you’re getting it.
46,000 unvaxxed employees? That could be a problem. I wonder if they’re essential workers.
I also wonder how many of the vaxxed employees who think it is unfair for the unvaxxed to get a bonus for towing the lion feel about student loan forgiveness. Just sayin’
While we’re spraying money around we might as well throw some at the hundreds of thousands who already did their patriotic duty.
So if we’re placing a monetary value on “the reward of months of additional protection”, it sounds like this person thinks they deserve $1000 worth of “reward”. That’s pretty selfish of them.
It’s mostly deplorables like cops and firemen, so maybe more “essential” than the hordes of Karens who make up the entirety of the rest of the massive bureaucracy and who jabbed up at the first opportunity.
My brother is one of those deplorables, I may need to help him out if the SHTF.
I never really got the appeal of Yuengling. Its not bad beer, but Ive known people that would drive many hours from here to Pa. to grab cases of it to bring home.
It’s…Ok…which makes it way better than most other ballpark beers. I’d drive across the street for a case but that’s about it.
Just signed in to thank you for your efforts, RJ! I never get to the running commentary on these things because of work obligations but any submission is a good submission in my line of thought. What about those old “Drive-In” classics from the 70’s? I had an Aunt and Uncle that would take us there when we were wee. Lotsa popcorn, lotsa blood, guts and booobs! ( I don’t think 8 year-old kids need to see that but it was better than what was happening at home) She was an aficionado of “True Crime” magazines, the real pulp ones that showed all of the gore but blacked out the victim’s eyes for some reason. I endured a strange childhood. So much nightmare fuel…
Morning, Glibs.
How goes things downstate?
suh’ cuh
I’m going to assume that’s some form of greeting and ask how things are in your neck of the woods.
Cold and/or rainy. Typical autumn.
Okay, now I love Professor Fronkensteen – https://youtu.be/YvS2JlLgQv4
Where’s Gene Wilder?
Good morning, Glibboys!
For the last day of my vacation (not counting the weekend,) I get to deal with sister drama. I’m the youngest of three girls, and the middle sister (about 2 1/2 years older than I am) is single and works at a creative but low-paying job. Yesterday our oldest sister informed me that middle sister has finally qualified as a Crazy Cat Lady and is in imminent danger of being evicted from the house she rents. Oldest sister is taking the lead in getting rid of the cats and getting the house professionally cleaned. I think CCL sister is, at the very least, suffering from depression, so I offered to look for low- or no-cost mental health services available in her county.
I’m finding this very upsetting. I apologize for starting the day with a downer. There’s some expression about trouble shared being lessened, though, right?
I hope she’s in a state where you can actually trust the mental health providers.
We’re all in SW OH, three adjacent counties. No idea whether the mental health providers are trustworthy.
I know a few non-insane therapists around here. Let me know if you want a reference that isnt dental this time.
Thanks! I’m going to start with places listed on Butler Co’s mental health services site.
And a joy shared is doubled…..single, you say?
HMU before next Friday!
She’s a sweetie, but she’s WAY too skinny for your taste! ?
Exceptions have been made. And my vacation only lasts the next week. When Jugsy gets home next Friday, its for good.
That’s great news!
“There’s some expression about trouble shared being lessened, though, right?”
So I’ve heard. I have family members who are not yet at that point but might be headed down that road, and that is distressing enough. Hope your sis is able to find her way through this, having people who care will help to make that possible
So sorry to hear that news, Red. I’ve got nothing.
Sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she gets help.
Witnessing the birth of a new oppressed class.
When do we plain ugly people get them sweet, sweet oppression bennies?
They’re going to excluse the cisvisaged from the oppressed class.
I’m a 7! I DEMAND that you rate me a 9 or I will by God cut your balls off!
So do the three noticable scars on my face cancel out my cisgender, blue eyed whiteness? Or do I need to be freak show level scarred?
Scars are sexy! so they say…
Can confirm. I have a rather impressive scar running from my shoulder, down my back to the front of my rib cage, acquired from surgery I had at age 27. Was quite the conversation starter at the beach back in the day.
Shane Falco: I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn’t be our style. Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever. It’s been an honor sharing the field of battle with you.
Those are clearly Germanic duelling scars, you shitlord.
One of them is actually from a knife.
When everyone is masked, there will be no differences.
I look forward to our Harrison Burgeron future.
Reading up-thread, I wish that CPRM was my Uncle.
I see that everyone is “comment hesistant” so close to the Morning Links…
I’m at work and cooking breakfast at the same time. Hard to be snarky here without accidentally being snarky on the meeting call.
Friday, so no meetings for me in deference to my colleagues in Tel Aviv. I love Fridays
My Fridays are loaded with more meetings than other days.
holding my fire re: the NPR story on the drive to work until 8:30 RPT
Glibs are edging.
I do the weed-whacking in our yard, but I usually don’t bother with edging.
Had young co-worker show up last night and she really wanted to hug me but I couldn’t let that happen because I’d just downed my “break-beer”. What the fuck has my life become?
Two indiscretions, two in one! Fuuuuck.
Wait, wut?
Everyone leaves and I drink a beer. I work another hour. I’m worthless and weak.
Heh. I was more focused on the hug bit than the beer.
Yeah, it’s stupid. She’s trying to play me but I’ve got twenty-odd years on her. You’re sweet and cute but you are a porcupine to me.
I’m calling NAP on this one.