Last night, President Dementia announced that all federal workers have to get a corona vaccine. So, let me begin this post by getting something off of my chest…

Okay. That’s done…. At least one of us feels better now.
My last post was a bit more “black pill” and less pragmatic advice than I intended, so I’m going to try to remedy that this time. So, without further ado, some practical advice for those of you, military or civilian, who are now being ordered to take the Pfizer BNT (BNT-162b) BioNTech vaccine. It goes by a number of names (which is not an accident) because this entire process has been designed to fool you. Here is what you need to know.
The FDA has not “fully licensed” the BioNTech vaccine. SecDef Lloyd Austin and all of the other mopes claiming that is nothing short of a demonstrable five-alarm, pants-on-fire lie. In order to be “fully-licensed” by the FDA, a biologic, which is the large category of medical products regulated under 21 USC §355 that includes traditional vaccines and other injectables such as this mRNA group, must go through a rather lengthy, multi-phase process; this includes completing multiple “well-controlled, clinical trials” in order to prove “safety and efficacy.” NONE of the current proposed injectables are anywhere near close to being through that process. To wit:
As you can see, the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is not scheduled to finish its Phase 3 trials until 2023. In fact, the Phase 3 trial will never be completed now and the data being trotted out by the FDA is garbage because Pfizer broke its own blinded, placebo-controlled trial open, unblinded its control group – i.e. it told all 44,000 people in the study who got the injectable and who got the placebo, and THEN it offered the now-exposed placebo group the option to take the vaccine. Yes, Pfizer intentionally abandoned its control group, turning the “trial” into nothing more than an open-label, observational study. The prestigious British Medical Journal had a series of editorials that might as well have been entitled, “WTF?!” I linked one of the kinder ones first, but the second is more detailed and shows you the FDA’s rank hypocrisy in just 60 days time: in October and December of 2020, the FDA in advisory committee meetings discussed the absolute necessity of placebo groups to properly assess safety and efficacy. Then Pfizer broke the placebo group trial and the FDA said: ” .” If you go to the FDA’s own website they have loads of propaganda about how they hold vaccines to the “highest possible” safety standards, or how they use the “most rigorous” scientific methodollogy, blah blah blah. PppphhpphtttTT!
Complete, and total, Bull. Shit. The proof is in their lies about the “study” that they let the manufacturer bust and then did nothing. Worse than nothing, the FDA concocted one of the most transparent attempts to shield a pharmaceutical company from liability while also attempting to skirt the law and call a vaccine “fully-licensed” when the FDA actually extended its Emergency Use Authorization. There is nothing even approaching “fully-licensed” about the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. You don’t have to take my word, however, you can take the FDA’s.
This is the FDA’s own words from the infamous Aug. 23, 2021 Memo that SecDef Austin has relied upon to claim that there is now a fully-licensed FDA vaccine.
[F]DA is reissuing the August 12, 2021 letter of authorization in its entirety with revisions incorporated to clarify that the EUA will remain in place for the PfizerBioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for the previously-authorized indication and uses[.]
Yes, folks, that gets the dreaded, bold, underline, and italics treatment. The Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is still under Emergency Use Authorization. Under federal law, individuals to whom an EUA product is administered must be informed “of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.” 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III). That’s what federal law actually requires if you are offered an EUA product. That federal law is the distillation of what came out of the Nuremberg Trials of the Nazi Doctors: it is a war crime or crime against humanity to force upon an unwilling or unwitting subject an experimental medical treatment. Period.
The order to take the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is an illegal, immoral, and unconscionable order. QED.
Article 92 doesn’t punish every violation of every order. Indeed, soldiers, sailors, airmen, cost guardsmen, and Marines are all taught that they have a duty to disobey illegal orders, such as was given by Lt Calley at My Lai, or any number of other circumstances. This is the soldier’s dilemma. On the one hand, we tell them that the Nazi defense of “just following orders” is no shield for them, yet we also tell them that the well-established principle of military law is that “orders are presumed lawful” and that they “disobey at their peril.” Quite frankly, it’s a garbage “Catch-22” aspect of military law that only those who have lived and struggled under understand. The explanation of Article 92, however, clearly states that “(c). Lawfulness. A general order or regulation is lawful unless it is contrary to the Constitution, the laws of the United States, or lawful superior orders or for some other reason is beyond the authority of the person issuing it.” Manual for Court-Martial, ¶16.c.(1)(c). The order to take an EUA vaccine is contrary (at least) to the laws of the United States and – by explicit statute – beyond the authority of the SecDef. Only the President can waive a service member’s right to informed consent and force them to take an EUA vaccine – 10 USC §1107a is a statute passed explicitly to cover this situation. It’s title is “Emergency Use Products.” Read it yourself. Here’s the applicable language of the first paragraph:
In the case of the administration of a product authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to members of the armed forces, the condition described in section 564(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III) of such Act and required under paragraph (1)(A) or (2)(A) of such section 564(e), designed to ensure that individuals are informed of an option to accept or refuse administration of a product, may be waived only by the President only if the President determines, in writing, that complying with such requirement is not in the interests of national security.
The SecDef knows this – his spokespeople even mentioned the statute and its requirements in July 2021. I know the DoD knows this for certain I know because I helped litigate against them in Doe v. Rumsfeld when they failed to comply with the other version of this statute, 10 USC §1107, for Investigation New Drugs (INDs) – which the anthrax vaccine was. That’s why the judge in Doe v Rumsfeld shut down the program in 2003. The DoD refused to comply with 10 USC §1107. This is the same shit all over again. No President wants to take the political heat of vitiating service member’s informed consent – and what could happen if a bunch of service members get sick or die. Every single one of those would be his political and personal responsibility. And if we know one thing about this Administration – or any recent political administration, in fact – is that NO POLITICIAN or LEADER accepts responsibility any more. That is the nature of what our government has become – they’ve been given near absolute legal immunity and no one ever accepts responsibility. That’s what it means to be in government, as compared to the rest of us.
The bait-and-switch by the FDA – which SecDef Austin is knowingly leaning on – is this: in the same letter in which the FDA extends the EUA for the Pfizer BNT vax, it also fully-approves a completely different vaccine, made by a Pfizer subsidiary in Germany, called COMIRNATY. So, there IS a fully-licensed vaccine – it just isn’t the Pfizer BNT vax. So why doesn’t the FDA just have people take Comirnaty? Here’s where the switcheroo happens: the FDA makes the astounding claim that two “legally distinct” vaccines are really “the same” and therefore “interchangeable.” For those who don’t know much about the manufacturing, inspection, and regulatory process for vaccines, this may seem like, “Meh. What’s the diff?” The “diff” is that the FDA has never, ever, ever allowed done this because it’s not legal. Every lot and batch of a biologic has to be tested for safety, potency, sterility; every manufacturing line, every vat, every condenser, every aspect of that process has to be inspected and certified safe. Injecting a live virus or other biologic into people’s bodies comes with unfathomable risks and the regulations governing all of it, like Navy pilots say about the NATOPS Manual, are written in blood. It is unconscionable for a regulator to claim that, on the one hand, there is a licensed vaccine – but WHOA! Whaddya know? We don’t have any! We’re plum out of that approved vaccine! So we’ll just slide this other one – WHICH WE ALSO HAVE SAID IS AN EUA – in its place.”
Here’s what’s really going on. The current EUA legal schema provides for near complete immunity (Ha! get it?) for vaccine manufacturers. Pharma companies simply cannot be sued for harms that come from their product when it is given the magic EUA designation by the FDA. Once a vaccine is genuinely “fully-licensed”, however, they lose their liability shield. THEN they can be sued for harms caused by their vaccine. What the FDA is trying to do is simultaneously allow Pfizer to keep its legal shield from lawsuits, yet evade the EUA requirement of informed consent. This the worst example of legal “have your cake and eat it too” that the FDA has ever tried to pull. This is, literally, unprecedented. And why would the FDA do this for Pfizer, you ask?
I don’t know. Maybe we should ask former FDA Commissioner (2017-19) Scott Gottleib, who now sits on the Board of Directors for Pfizer. Or maybe we could ask Trump’s guy, former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn (2019-21), who now sits on the Board of Directors for the VC company that formed Moderna. Or maybe we should ask the FDA regulators who now have managed to acquire legal, financial interests in the products they regulate. NOTHING TO SEE HERE!! We’re all supposed to pretend that these things are all completely above board. I have listened to my Leftist friends for years scream about how we can’t trust Big Pharma, how Big Corporations are EVUHL!, how the profit-motive distorts everything, but now? All screaming at the top of their lungs to just “get the shot.”
A final note – first you, now your kids. LA County has already announced a mandate for school children, no sooner than Gropey Joe got done whispering his way through another staged presser in which no questions can be asked, nothing can be said to disrupt the Narrative. God forbid the Media ask a question that might make our Fearless Leader have to think on his feet because we all know he’s likely to start mumbling inanities and blabbering nonsensically. Hell, they now lie and tell us it’s a “stutter” – I’ve listened to that lying, plagiarizing, piece of walking bullshit for 40 years in the public eye. Watch him in video of the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings and explain to me where is his frigging stutter? Where was his stutter during his time as VP for Obama?
So, I invite you all to do the only thing we can do if we are to remain a Free People: mass civil disobedience. It was the only thing that got blacks the right to vote. The battles for civil rights in this country always come at a cost. Ask the people who marched in Birmingham and got the firehoses and the dogs loosed on them. Yes, they (the Command, the DoD, the government) are going to make your life miserable. I promise you they will. The Nazis didn’t take resumes or post applications for the gestapo – they just created opportunities for the worst of the jackboots to self-identify. Those officers and other government officials sneering and screaming at you to get the jab? Yeah, just take names. Record them on your soul and for posterity. There will eventually be an accounting – there always is. These people are angling for positions. Many commanders will simply do this out of blind obedience and, even better yet, competition. I guarantee you that behind the scenes commanders are told they will be judged by vaccination rates. That’s all the government needs to do to make the lab rats comply: put that cheese in the middle and some commanders will race to be first to vaccinate everybody. That’s what careerism does to a military force.
But have no doubt, you are in the right. This is an illegal mandate. Our government has become obsessed with everyone getting this vaccine, a vaccine against the common cold. Yes, this particular (CCP, genetically-modified) coronavirus is deadly, no doubt. But we always have said we couldn’t vaccinate against the common cold and this is from the same family of virus – coronaviruses. So now we’re chasing it with vaccines that were made against a variant that doesn’t even exist any more. And now it’s boosters at 4 months, down from 8 in just a few weeks. This will not end well for those running to get the jab. Your immune system is the best protection you have, as is your good health, but our government shut down the places where you can actually get healthier – gyms – deemed them “non-essential” in fact. While liquor stores and other frivolities were deemed “essential.” (And don’t get me wrong, I don’t think liquor stores should be shut down, either. I’m a freedom guy). But it is awfully weird who got deemed essential against a virus that we know attacks the very old and the very fat.
Stay fit. Stay strong. Do not cave – link arms with your brothers and sisters, and bring them in the boat. It is the only way we will stop this and rise above it. Early Christians were persecuted for their faith. Our forefathers built a Nation dedicated to allowing people to practice freely – of any faith – and now one virus has brought it to its knees. This is our generation’s opportunity to restore civil rights, Liberty, for our generation and our children. If they can order you to take this, they own you. Make no mistake about it. You are cattle if you go quietly to this.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, “The Gulag Archipelago”
I wonder what changed at the end of 2020?
Somewhere between October and December… hm… gosh I dunno.
I am a very motivated reader here. And I guess I am trying to play this game. Considering that there are lawsuits all the freaking time. Who is fighting this?
Ozy is, among others.
Cry Havock! And let slip the lawyers of war!
I understand, but has there been anything filed, temp restraining order-stuff like that.
A lot of attempts have been shot down by various courts already, including by at least one SCOTUS judge (Sotomayor IIRC shot down NYC teachers IIRC, for example).
It’s becoming increasingly clear that the courts are not going to be on the side of freedom here.
Possibly, but i have not heard any court cases making the arguments Ozy is making.
This shit is going to get rolled up in the courts. Left or right the judges aint going against the vaccine.
Judges wouldnt even agree to hear supported massive democrat election fraud claim in a timely manner.
The judiciary is full of corrupt traitors just like the executive and legislative branches.
War has been declared by commies in America. Pick a side or a side picks YOU.
I pick Bro’s side. I have a good feeling about this First To End All Firsts. I think it is right around the corner.
Just two weeks to
flatten the curveprove the bro isn’t just a shit talker.Thanks OZY. We need all the info we can get. Pfizer’s conduct in exposing the control group was unconscionable. Apparently it served it’s purpose in no liability. I was just talking to my daughter about the new morning after Covid pill, they mentioned the efficacy of the difference between the groups that got the real pill and those that got the placebo.
Somehow, twice as many died that got the placebo, proving (I guess) that maybe the real pill did some good. I’m not sure how I’d feel if my loved one was in the placebo control group and died while others survived but I don’t know any other way to measure the efficacy. Thanks for all your work and the articles, hopefully more than a few Glibs will also read the facts you have provided.
Your mail arrived today
Good things, small packages. At least we didn’t overpay for the craftsmanship.
I’m fortunate to be in a position to resist even to the point of losing my job. We own our home outright. We have no car payments or other consumer debt. We could get by indefinitely on much less income than we currently have. I won’t be getting the vax unless they knock me out and hold me down to administer it.
Thanks for all the heavy lifting you’re doing on this Ozy. It is appreciated.
If I get fired for noncompliance, I expect the union will not lift a finger to try to stop it.
I do have a mortgage and a car payment. I’m not sure how much (if any) unemployment might cover.
I wonder if declaring bankruptsy immediately might at least save both car and house from repossession.
Best to plan for no unemployment insurance – they’re already saying that the outcast won’t be eligible.
You almost lost me there, whew 🙂
I started to get uncomfortable with where he was going, then he pulled it out at the last minute.
Ya, I had to make another drink to finish reading the post. But then again I am of the mind if we are not screaming about what is going on with this covid shit we are wasting our time. I am ozy’s target audience.
I’m not doing shit, because I’m not particularly affected. Yet.
Several lines in the sand seem to be very close, though.
June 4, my last day of work at previous company,
stock closed at $42.56.
June 24, it peaked at $51.93. My options, which
expired when I left, had a strike price of $49.97.
Kind of pissed me off.
Today it closed at $23.45. i guess I was the key
Schadenfreude is strong with me today.
Our government has become obsessed with everyone getting this vaccine,
And that is the thing that has freaked me the fuck out. The push. The lies. The counting gun shot victims and traffic accidents as Covid deaths. The fake PCR results ran at high rates to keep the numbers up. It is a wall of lies and then the vaccine does not even work. What the fuck is going on?
Thanks for your work Ozzy.
Biological weapon being used to drive the nail in the coffin that is America.
At this point the only reasons to force every american to get the vax are nefarious and treasonous to Americans a free nation.
War has been declared by the democrats boys and girls. Will losing your job be enough to fight back?
they now lie and tell us it’s a “stutter”
This got me sleuthing, the earliest google result I can find for “Joe Biden and stuttering” is from 2008, but the articles treat it as a matter of fact and implies that he’s been leaning on it as a excuse his entire political career, You’d think there would be more references but maybe they are only in print. I use to know how to do searches in the library for stuff in old newspapers but I’ve apparently forgotten that, or am too drunk, I thought it was lexusnexis or something but that seems mostly legal and they want a bunch of money.
I’ve never heard of him having a “stutter” before but I’m not the biggest political junkie in the drawer.
I recall one of my friends on facebook during the primaries – so 2019ish? – ranting about how he had a stutter as a child, and based on that and dealing with his dementia-ridden parents he felt confident diagnosing that Biden is totally just compensating for a childhood stutter and it’s ableist to attack him for his verbal miscues.
Let me guess: The same exact person was claiming that G.W. Bush was functionally retarded due to his verbal blunders?
Well I have my own gut punch to deal with tonight. A fellow Black Rock Ranger, and wife of another Ranger, has no concerns about vaccines because she took her own life today. She had struggled with depression and now leaves her children and husband to carry on.
I had my own struggle with depression, and survived by very likely the slenderest of margins. The rest of the cares of the world will have to take care of themselves tonight.
Jeez, sorry.
Sorry, JI, take care
Hey JL et al. If you have depression, i seriously suggest the Ketamine infusion therapies being offered now. Spouse has just started them, and I am seeing a difference. She feels calmer, less “heat” i would say.
Depression is very real, and i would encourage anybody suffering from it to seek treatment.
Ooof, so sorry to hear it.
Sad for you and your friend’s family. There are times and we’ve all had them, when it seems nothing is going right. Somehow we get up in the morning and carry on for another day and another and another. Sometimes the hurt goes away but lingers for a long time.
Physical pain or mental pain, no one else can feel it except the person suffering.
What the other said, JI, goes for me as well.
I am so sorry bro.
Wow, that sucks. I hope the kids are old enough and strong enough to deal with it.
I’m so sorry, JI.
That is messed up beyond anything that I’ve had recently. I’m sorry.
That’s awful. Sorry, man. Of course it’s worse for the family, but as a friend (like you) it’s doesn’t go away either.
My condolences.
That sucks. Sorry, JI.
Thanks for this Ozy. As you said, there will be a reckoning, although I probably won’t be around to see it. But despair is not an option.
Well, it’s an option. But it’s not useful.
Anger, though, can be useful.
It’s an energy
“Anger is an energy.”
Yeah! Get pissed off with me!
Thanks Ozy.
Thanks, Ozy. I have no doubt that this is going to end up as a pure cluster f*ck.
When/where/how did the Comirnaty version get studied and approved? If the German subsidiary started phase 1 around the same time as all the other shots and NOT unblinded the trials, wouldn’t it still be in phase 2? I had never heard of it until the bait and switch happened. Even if the equivalent of phase 3 was completed, isn’t the FDA generally against accepting foreign test results without duplicating them here?
I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news
But she just smiled and turned away
+1 Janis (tortured soul whom I hope found peace)
I think Mark Stern has decided he no longer has any fucks to give. Not that he was ever too concerned but his article on Lars Vilks’ death includes a copy of Lars’ cartoon.
*Steyn not Stern
Is he still in New Hampshire? They’re heavily armed up there.
I’m not sure where he actually lives. New Hampshire does sound correct.
Yeah, mark is in New Hampshire.
They couldn’t get anyone other than A-Rod for this wildcard broadcast? He sucks even when he’s not doing a Yankees game.
Yeah, so my 18yo XX had her first car accident today. Her fault. Nobody’s hurt, but she’s shaken up and she’s dreading the consequences, especially the increase in her insurance rates. I guess she won’t be moving out on her own anytime soon.
Since no one was hurt, how much damage to the car/ssurroundings?
The dude she hit’s airbags deployed, so the car is totaled. Hers has minor damage. Very low-speed.
Yeah that’s a bit of a premium hit.
I had a very bad car accident when I was 20 that was my fault–and I didn’t have insurance. She’ll get through it, hopefully having learned a thing or two.
Insurance is for suckers! *looks at cost of paying for second Deer Murder this year without body work cost* I think I’m gonna put top end coverage on my car and run down a cat, ‘Look at all the damage it caused!’
‘The dude she hit’s airbags deployed, so the car is totaled.’
Same thing happened to my employer a few months ago. The driver braked suddenly while merging onto 435 and he barely nicked her. The total damage to the driver’s car was the paint on my boss’s license plate numbers rubbing off on the bumper…airbag deployed…totaled at $5k.
Airbags are of the devil.
They’re a bullshit collusion between the automotive and automotive insurance agencies to get people to pay for higher rates and purchase more cars…somehow. I’ll need to dig into more crackpot websites to come up with a semi-coherent(for me) theory.
I wouldn’t spend too much time, sounds good to me.
Part of it is the 100% “safety” goal for vehicles which is a fantasy.
“Safety” features are being forced onto vehicle buyers and their costs adding significant price increases for little benefit.
This is strange to me as the only times I’ve been in an accident where the bags deployed, the collision was fairly significant. Is this something with newer cars?
Yes. They are super-duper sensitive.
I have an older car, so when I was T-boned in May, my bags didn’t deploy. Neither did hers, although she was in a big-ass truck.
Depends entirely on where you hit. If you pop your hood, you might see a little metal box structure that acts as a switch when crushed.
Just one of many ways to trigger the bags in a sudden stop.
I hit an icy patch and slid into a ten foot ditch. The car was totaled and the front support pushed all the way back into the engine, but the airbag never deployed because the stump I hit was below the sensor level.
And that is why I dislike Hondas. When my wife totaled her Accord, airbags did not deploy. And I mean she totaled it. No “I just scratched the paint” but wheels bent type stuff.
Depends on where the sensor is hit. I’ve seen 7k worth of airbag deployment with no noticable bumper damage on a late model (’13 or ’14) Hyundai Sonata. She pulled in a little hot at the 7/11 and struck one of those yellow posts in just the right spot. Another customer’s daughter did the same thing in a similar year Expedition and the post went through the bumper cover, trans fluid cooler, AC condenser and radiator before coming to a stop. Missed the airbag sensor completely so no airbag deployment.
Even a dented fender is going to cause her rates to go through the roof.
Sorry, Mo
When the First That Will Change Everything is unleashed, insurance will no longer be needed.
Praise Bro.
Well then hurry the fuck up.
Would you tell the Virgin Mary to rush out a preemie baby Jesus for your own sick sense of satisfaction? You would doom us all, you fool.
“Can God
cook a burrito so hot he can’t eat ithave son so premature he has to be aborted?”“Me-dammit! Get that kid out before Christmas!”
Yeah, I remember that day with my son. He had his license for two months or so, hadn’t learned to take the major streets with lights getting across other major streets yet, and was poking out into cross traffic. Well, of course, something unlucky was going to happen. And like you, thank goodness no one was hurt.
It both shakes you up and lets the anticipation out. That they will survive this and so will you. At least that is how I felt.
All I needed to know was that nobody was hurt. The rest is incidental. It will shake out–not with any amount of fun, but it’ll fade and life goes on.
I totaled my dad’s car about an hour after I got my license.
My son got his first car and totaled it in a week. Entirely not his fault though, as he got broadsided going down the street. Got a “better” car out of the deal, which he totaled 6 months later when a front wheel fell off.
I’m glad nobody was hurt!
Was she driving a new Audi and did she rear-end a white Lamborghini?
(Seriously, the important thing is that she’s fine – she’ll deal with the rest)
She was driving a 2013 or something Hyundai and I don’t know what the other car was.
Glad XX was not hurt. Time will take care of the other stuff.
This. Nothing else matters, really.
Bummer. Of the 5 people that have hit my vehicles, all 5 were women.
I know men cause accidents but why women get better insurance rates is beyond me.
I just saw an asian woman rear end some guy at a light on Friday. Another lady was weaving and when I passed her, she was staring at her cell phone.
Women have taken a death wish from men?
From what I hear the accident statistics show more minor accidents involving women, but more spectacular (and expensive) accidents involving men. the small damage is cheaper, even in the quantity accumulated.
I’ve been hit plenty of times. Half male, half female. The worst of all of them were the males.
I didnt clarify that the 5 collisions were relatively minor. Fits in what y’all good points were.
I would two of those collisions were made less severe because of my driving,
I did ~$28k damage to my S4 (early aughts) and never set off the airbags.
Glad she’s OK.
Way to go Ozy! Do you have a go fund me? I’m happy to kick in.
I apologize in advance: I don’t think there always is a reckoning. The book Secondhand Time looms at the fall of the Soviet Union and it’s after math. I think one of the themes of the whole book is there is justice. Nothing happens to those who turned people in, or those that ran the camps.
To me, this means you have to do something now, even if it’s small. So let me know if I can buy you some legal.pads.
Depends how you define “reckoning”. There is truth in “living well is the best revenge.”
Still no shot, yet. I’m formulating my “supporting documents” I have about two weeks to go for those. I’m going with the pro-life thing. I have and adopted wife, an adopted son, and adopted brother in law and I’m the birth father of an adopted boy myself with my adopted wife. I have some pretty strong proof that I’m pro-life in my personal beliefs, which are strongly held. If my exemption fails, I’m planning on insisting on Corminaty and the acceptance of liability by my employer.
I have a bigger immediate problem, however. I’m being harassed by my immediate supervisor. I had a huge issue during the first few months after I transferred there. I filed a formal complaint with H/R and they seemingly squashed it. Guy backed right off and stayed that way for around 9 months or so. Now, he’s back at it. I’m trying to create a record to use to defend myself now. My free time will be spent trying to find an employment lawyer. My union is absolutely useless and the “grievance” process is even less helpful. I have to do it, just to preserve my rights, so I’m doing it now. So much stress, between the vax mandate, this bullshit and the worst is the L.A.U.S.D. trying to stick this crap into my kid.
That’s the hard line for me. There’s just no way in hell my kid is risking his actual life for somebody I don’t even like’s political point system. Ain’t gonna happen. I will homeschool him all night every night before that happens. I will do most anything to prevent him form getting this shot. It’s all downsides and no benefits for an 8 y/o. I refuse to allow that. I’ll take three flavors of vax before he gets one.
Pharma companies simply cannot be sued for harms that come from their product when it is given the magic EUA designation by the FDA. Once a vaccine is genuinely “fully-licensed”, however, they lose their liability shield.
You keep asserting this. The liability shield is because it’s covered under the HHS Secretary’s declarations under the PREP Act and the Countermeasures Indemnity Compensation Program, which covers both EUA and fully approved drugs. Full approval does not negate this.
I think the real reasons are twofold. For the manufacturer, they already have an approved manufacturing processes and inventory. No reason to rush it and incur costs and/or delays/shortages when you can continue to supply under the existing EUA. For the government, full approval of any vaccine allows them to assert mandates, which they had been after for some time. That the mandates aren’t limited to the fully approved drug is a wink and a nod that the courts will bless just like the media and everyone else (except for some minority of refuseniks) already have.
That is how I read it. It’s giving the at least something of a pretext to the courts to do their FYTW thing that they are so good at.
Ozy’s argument is still correct. It’s blatantly illegal.
I’m under the impression that the emergency declaration is what is preventing all liability for damage, regardless of the form of approval. I’m pretty sure there”s only limited liability even absent the E/D and definitely the EUA. There’s some fucked up-assed government agency that determines if you have damages and what monetary compensation you are entitled to. They award damages in some minor single digit amount of cases, usually.
Oh, and FUCK MERRICK GARLAND! Can’t be said enough. We dodged a bullet keeping him off the S/C. The man is evil to his core.
Gold or Ammo?
Silver Ammo.
The Lycan Airborne Apocalypse is upon us!
+1 Monster Squad
Honey. I need more honey.
I hear word of an old guy in the upper Midwest who lives near a bunch of watering holes.
I have a quart of his honey.
I’m thinking 4 or 5 or 6 5-gallon pails.
kinnath, STEVE SMITH and Winnie the Pooh rape organic honey farm with distribution contracts within a moderately sized Metro area?
That is a lot of honey.
30 gallons of honey can become 150 gallons of mead — the nectar of the gods.
Which can be traded for gold and ammo.
We all seek the honey of life, kinnath.
Ammo can get you gold if you are hardened and don’t care.
The carrot and the stick
Ozy, I truly appreciate the article. You do more in depth reporting on a weekly basis than 99% of the paid journalist…I don’t comment on your articles because I have nothing of value to add to the subject and frankly…I’m exhausted with the subject. I understand that Covid Theater is the defining moment of at least the first 3rd of the 21st century. However…goddamn. It seems half the comments here for a year and a half have been based on the subject. I have no more laughter or tears to give. It’s either arm up and march or remove yourself from the Theater as much as possible at this point. I chose the latter. Again, you do tremendous work. I just think the republic is now truly dead and pointing out the evils of our government is falling on at least 300 million deaf ears.
*pops black pill into mouth, tips a beer*
Is that a Quaalude? Do you have any more?
I probably have seven hundred and fourteen stories about what happens when you take too many of those.
How many do you remember?
That was before my time, man. I didn’t pop my first pills until the mid to late nineties. And I thought they were red. Could easily be wrong.
“…red and blue Tuenols, lipstick-red Seconals…”
Did you bring enough for everyone?
No…plenty of weed though.
You can always take the black pill later if it gets too bad, but it’s not that time, yet. Realizing you have the option of not taking it and fighting on means you probably won’t ever want to take it even when SHTF.
I saw some more commie propaganda articles about how natural immunity is no good and you need the vax.
I would chock that up to resistance working.
A Black Capsule?
FanFUCKINGtastic, Ozy.
MikeS can you suggest a source of hobby projects for people learning to use a mill?
I just spent way too much on one.
Ooooh! What did you get?
This guy
A Taig?! Nice!!!
Here’s a good forum to explore:
They have a projects area. And best, a LOT of really nice people who do machining for (mostly) fun and are more than happy to answer questions.
Interact with people?
Mmmm. Sorry, yes. I see your point.
Let me think about it a bit and get back to you…past my bedtime.
One very popular thing with folks that have smaller machines like your Taig is Sterling engines. And steam engines, too. Some very cool stuff out there along those lines. The scale model steam engine world is a hobby unto itself.
Do bear in mind that I too have been up too long and was cracking a joke to cover for the fact that I’m not all there right now.
Yes. I have a good feeling that if you put your mind to it, you are capable of chatting people up online. ?
Actually it’s information overload.
Have to not shut down sifting through it.
Yeah, that realization just crossed my mind. Remembering back to when I first got into it, I had no idea where to even start. The happiest day of my professional life was when it dawned on me one day that I knew what I didn’t know. I had learned enough to know what I had yet to learn….it was a huge relief.
We can talk offline and I’ll help you as much as I can.
::glances up and down thread:: Wait…. Does this mean you’re all bots? Even the ones I’ve met in “person”??
There’s no bot sophisticated enough to replicate my Firsting.
And I’m always willing to talk 1-2-1 if I can help. Do you still have my email?
I should have it.
Sent an email to what I think is the right one.
I also think I need to go to sleep.
Got it, and #metoo
You need to check out
littlemachineshop of horrors?
No one here has ever brought up Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America by the great Ijeoma Oluo.
I mean, the current crop of white male leadership we have is pretty damn mediocre, I’ll admit. But I find it odd that Ijeoma finds it more productive to live in the racist and misogynistic land of white-male-dominated America rather than some country with all black leadership. I mean, there has to be at least one functioning country in Africa she would be more at home in.
I wanna be a fruit picker in Wakanda.
Yeah, there are plenty of examples of non-whites failing up too. Methinks she misidentifies the root of the problem. But racism blinds, I guess.
Obama was half-white, yo!
The clean, articulate half?
Raised by mediocre whites in Hawaii. An upper middle class upbringing. No thanks to his black father. But we don’t talk about those things…
Duval Patrick waves hi
*cough* Vice President what’s-her-ass *cough*
Kroger subsidiary had “Bring Diversity to the Table” signs at the entrance to the store. Can’t even buy groceries without this crapped being forced.
Bring in coupons from a competitor and demand they honor them in the name of Diversity!
Now explain Trevor Noah and Leslie Jones.
Joyous day! An “Irish People Try…” that’s new to me.
Ah, Ciara. My heart goes pitter-pat, even when she’s dressed like she’s going to repaint the bathroom.
She would drink you under the table and leave you there.
*contented sigh*
If the govt were trying to objective and trying to mitigate harm, they would have provided the pros and cons of all their measures be it lockdowns, masking, vaccines etc. Instead we get pure propaganda and straw manning. It’s disgusting.
Not unique to this, and large chunks maybe majorities are down with using the law to force what they approve of and prohibit what they don’t.
Democracy, the god that failed。
Not gonna have sex with any of you if you’re unvaxxed.
Straf is doing his part to motivate all of us to keep up the fight.
How about if I give you a years worth of 2B?
Or not 2B. That is the question.
Sox win!
JFC, that was like watching the game on the YES network – an endless stream of reasons why the Yankees were going to come roaring back any minute now…
Mazel tov!
No matter what happens tomorrow night (Go Cards!) I can at least take solace in the fact that the Yankees lost.
They’re playing LA? Go Cards, indeed!
The amazing thing is that the Sox won with pitching. They aren’t you’re father’s Red Sox.
And yes, anytime seeing the Yankees lose is a wonderful event.
Found this message scratched into the table at the coffee shop. Really wanna know the backstory and what happened midway through.
Boring answer: Got caught scratching something into the table at the coffee shop and had to stop.
OK. Got a text halfway through scratching “BTW, I’ve fucked all your friends and both parents”.
Sounds right.
Watching the videos of Sinema being harangued by the leftist mobs, all of this shit seems completely staged.
Not me. I’d have scratched a complete limerick onto the bathroom stall.
Couple years ago I passed one of those Adopt a Highway signs with a couples’ names on it. Except the girl’s name was spray painted out.
Wait a second, is Fauci Jewish?
Fuck you. He is not on (((my))) team.
He is Catholic, family immigrated from Italy.
Now I don’t care when you drop your monster first. That brought me relief.
My initial response to Straf’s question was that of course he’s Jewish. He’s a neurotic little garden gnome. But then I thought I should actually look into this.
If only he was neurotic. He’s indifferent.
Good. *Rolls up sleeve*
Totally blew my chance to reply, “No. He isn’t a good doctor.”
Great article Ozy. I didn’t follow what makes Cominarty (sp?) different from the Pfizer vax given EUA. Did Comirnaty keep its placebo arm? Not an mRNA vax? Different manufacturing process?
Also, maybe I missed it but what reason did they give for ending the placebo arm?
It’s not in Ozy’s article. As I recall, once the vax was deemed effective it was then deemed unethical not to provide it to the people who received the placebo.
That was my guess, but shit is so screwy now you never know.
It’s the new SCIENCE!
Of course, it also happened to be beneficial to Pfizer’s bottom line. And it was something that would raised cries of bloody murder if it happened if Trump won the election.
C’mon man. Kamala Harris and Joy Reid were completely even handed about vaccine development.
That doesn’t explain why…but the way I read that is basically as soon as the government said GO! They contacted all the placebo participants and offered the actual shot.
Other things I read were that in the age of social media, it’s hard to keep participants from comparing results. Such as…local soreness with the vaccine versus no soreness with the placebo. So the trial was compromised from the start.
Or I am making it all up. Not sure.
Or what Chafed said
Pffffft. No one listens to that guy.
It is my conspiratorial opinion based on common sense that the bureaucracy slow-walked backing the vaccines until it was clear Trump wouldn’t benefit from it. They did not want him being able to have a successful vaccine as a feather in his cap in the lead up to the election. It was within 3 weeks of the election that the FDA admitted that the vaccine was pretty much ready after denying it beforehand.
The Democrats who went on camera and attacked it as the Trump vaccine basically set the tone. The bureaucrats knew their role in the whole process.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist but it does look that way.
Prediction: When enough people realize (from the actual data) that the vaccines are basically pointless for non-elderly people without major health conditions, it will be rebranded as “the Trump vaccine”, lambasted as a horrible failure, and the corporate media will stealth-delete all their pro-vax articles.
It may sound kooky, but they’ve already double flip flopped on another issue:
2016: It’s so dangerous for Trump to say that the election results might not be fair!
2016 after he won: This election was rigged by the Rooshians!!!!11 He’s not the legitimate president!
2020: Our elections are the most securest in the history of the universe; it’s an utter impossibility for even a smidgen of voter fraud!
Today’s quick sketch: Norm’s ?.
You have gotten good Straff.
I was expecting Norm from Cheers
Good that you guys could tell it wasn’t.
But absolutely fantastic otherwise!
That’s really impressive!
Straf is lying. Those are really the eyes that were staring back at him in the glory hole before he went to town on his cock.
Pronoun-subject ambiguity
Bro is impressed Straff can suck his own cock. It’s clear as a bell.
I’ve seen video of Straff leaving the house, so I don’t think that’s it. Obviously, he’d never need to leave the house if that were true.
I only suck my own dick because it tastes like Bro’s mom.
Discovers the real reason straff took up drawing. Ordering books like this and telling the missus it’s for artistic reasons.
(Mildly NSFW)
Well played.
There is something gratifying about thousands of public sector union members getting fired due to the actions of some politicians they supported. And it’s even more gratifying to hear them protesting those politicians. In other words, it’s easy to hate everyone in this story.
Hey, we agreed you’d point the gun at other people.
Also, you told me it isn’t loaded.
All that hate…
I’d rather see some evidence of that before making such a blanket statement. That is less than 10 percent of all teachers. Dems don’t command 90% even in NYC and probably not even among teachers.
It’s a man’s world.
I guess the grifters need something to keep them busy.
“nobody had reached this undefined bar. We need more money to fix that. “
Really excited for the uptick in female logging deaths! For equality!
Let’s not overlook commercial fishing.
We desperately need to achieve gender parity in the incarcerated population!
Absolutely. A multi-year plan created by a blue ribbon commission with a dedicated funding stream is also in order.
The blind leading the blind.
Yeah I read that. It’s a ‘what is anyone going to do about it’ moment knowing no one in American media outside ‘conservative’ outlets will make It a big deal.
I don’t particularly care. My default setting is fuck the French. That Biden had no idea this would upset them is hilarious. Everything he touches turns to dust.
I find Kerry’s statement to be an embarrassment, but any conservative outlet pretending to be outraged at Biden snubbing the French here is full of shit. If Trump did it, they’d laugh and applaud. And I’d be right there with them. What do I care about some arms deal the French wanted to cut with the Aussies?
That’s the icing on the cake. Biden can’t get anything right and it’s Lurch, of all people, who has to explain it to him.
France historically has written so much of history… our commitment to values, to freedom, to liberty, to justice, to a strong Europe, to our ability to be able to work together
The French deal was for diesel boats, not nukes.
A rare miss at Duffelblog.
That was some extraordinary bootlicking.
Ain’t that the truth.
Thanks Ozy, for all you do. I concur with others here who’d support a Venmo or Patreon for you if you have one.
Something puzzles me: if the vaxx push is all about money to the pharma companies and the politicians they’ve bribed, why bother rolling out the new mRNA thing? Why not just a flu shot or even a saline jab? I can’t figure out the angle on this new experimental type of vaxx. What am I missing?
It’s a whole new revenue stream in an era of declining drug company profits, and Fauci has been a cheerleader for this tech for a long time.
Besides, a new tech is less prone to knowledgeable criticism as very few people actually fully understand it.
Where is the little kid who will point out that the emperor has no clothes?
Whisked away and “disappeared” by Secret Service/FBI/CIA goons?
Not needed, the crowd tore him apart and threw what was left of his corpse in a dumpster (that story’s way too optimistic, turns out people really hate being shown they’ve been wrong).
Hmm, that may explain why Greta prefers to tow the party lion.
Morning Glibs.
Good morning, U! How are you today?
Tired. Our after hours work yesterday ran too late. I mean, it was only five extra hours in the late evening and we did wrap up at 11pm.
Still, that makes for a long work day. Do you at least get comp time for the additional hours?
Comp time is all I get. But it has to be in the same pay period or my overtime exempt status kicks in and I lose it.
Knock off early Friday! Do you still get Columbus Day off?
I think too many people already have friday off.
That would be “Indigenous People’s Day” according to my employer. Still a day off, so I’ll play.
Tell them to stop appropriating European culture.
We go by Federal Reserve holidays, so next year apparently we’ll get Juneteenth. Came up too late to get it this year. If we ever lose one, I’m sure it’ll be Columbus Day. Before my original credit union employer merged with the current one, we didn’t get C-Day off because our board was comprised of retired teachers, and the schools had never been closed for C-Day.
Working for the woke has its’ privileges. We get Juneteenth too!
UCS: you need to check out
Mornin’, UI and GT. So far, so good.
Good morning, ‘patzie! It’s early yet! ?
Well, the Yankees lost last night. The schadenfreude is delightful, might get me through the day.
::fistbump, then crosses fingers for the Cards::
suh’ fam
yo whats goody yo
Good morning, homey! My boss is WFH today, and The Big Boss is off, so….party at my office!
I got the brisket and some greens.
TALL CANS™ of course.
Mornin’, Senor Cool. Tall cans for thee, tall Covfefe for me. Life is good.
Senor Cool must be a close friend and associate of Senor Blues.
That whole album is a gem! Before TT’s family sold the place, we threw an annual Labor Day weekend jam at their country place – 100+ mostly wooded acres in the “kneehills” of the Mozarks with an overgrown cabin the size of a barn. We’d arrive early to get everything ready, and soon it became tradition to throw this CD on as we prepped the place for the party.
“annual Labor Day weekend jam”
That brings back memories. Back in the day my boss and good friend was a pretty fair guitarist. He threw a bash every 4th of July with his bandmates (including John Hawken who was then working at our place as a receiving clerk, having become disillusioned with the music business) and assorted friends he’d previously played with. Good times.
Mornin’ fellow Morning Glibs! Sorry to read about all of the trials and tribulation (especially you, JI). This is usually my favorite time of year but it’s been so fucking dark, wet and dreary that there’s been no joy in Mudville. That, coupled with everything else going on has me chomping one the black pill like Blondi. We didn’t even get the foliage-fest. Wind and rain knocked the the pretty leaves down. Ah well, there is something to be said about black branches against grey skies that brings out the feels in me. (I didn’t say they were good feels) Easier to draw if you were so inspired. The Gaijan is getting very, very good!
Mornin’, Festus! Take heart, the darkest hour is just before the dawn.
And that’s when the Daylight Savings Time came…
Thanks for that! *wipes single Manly tear*
Grey England skies.
Yeah, no one sings aboot Canadian skies, sorry.
That was lovely. I hate you right now.
Today in government retardation (yes I know that’s redundant)
Contractor is pouring a new helicopter pad at a Coast Guard base in NC. The new concrete has to be tied back in with the surrounding slab. This is achieved by drilling holes into the edge of the surrounding slab and epoxying metal dowels into the holes.
This particular job needs about 100 dowels, which is not a large number. Highway jobs can easily get into the thousands.
The Coast Guard “engineer” insists on using a triple gang dowel drill for the holes because that is what the spec calls for (God only knows why). Because obviously holes that are drilled three at a time are so much better than holes drilled one at a time.
A triple gang dowel drill is a very expensive and hard to find piece of equipment, so we’re quoting freighting one in from Oklahoma to be rented to them because… well… just because…
I’ll tell you why
That the company that wrote the spec had access to.
While there are legitimate reasons that VPD-TXRF was deprecated in the Sematech road map, the fact that we didn’t have one here did play a part in how quickly it happened
Yep. A former employer of mine was expert at helping our customers write specifications, which were extremely difficult for our competitors to meet. I imagine most companies do this to varying degrees of success. It helps when your customers are primarily government agencies, especially small local governments and “authorities.”
His Father-in-law runs the Triple Doweling Consortium and Waxworks Corporation?
Mornin’ y’all.
I overslept.
Mornin’. A little extra sleep never hurt anyone.
I’ve been oversleeping lately as a coping mechanism. Bad dreams are unpleasant but at least you wake up from them.
“Reality is just a crutch for people who can’t handle drugs”
Good Morning All:
I admit feel kinda bummed. Have to work on my exemption letter.
We got official notification yesterday about the vax requirement.
but these people
don’t even have any rules up.