The best player in the world. Oh, and a Portugese guy.
The Dodgers smoked the Braves and will attempt to recreate their NLCS magic from a year ago. The Astros will try and close out the Red Sox tonight, but I will be a half mile away at the opera instead of at the damn game. The Browns beat the Broncos in an absolutely dreadful game to watch. And we all get to see a watered down El Clasico and a hyped up ManUre-Liverpool match this weekend. Also, the USGP is Sunday, but I’ll be at the Renaissance Faire dressed up like a pirate instead of at the damn track. And that’s sports (and a bit of my life).

Hungarian composer Franz Liszt was born on this day. He shares it with such heady company as railroad tycoon Collis P. Huntington (what a great name for a railroad tycoon!), actress Sarah Bernhardt, German composer Carl Fuchs, physicist Clinton Davisson, comedic actor Curly Howard, baseball legend Jimmie Foxx, Vietnamese emperor Bao Dai, infielder Lou Klein, actor Christopher Lloyd, actor Jeff Goldblum, figure skater Brian Boitano, outfielder Ichiro Suzuki, hockey player Miroslav Satan, and another baseball player Robinson Cano.
Righty-right. Now on to…the links!

No caption necessary
The British have solved every serious problem their nation faces. I mean, they’d have had to for them to spend energy on this, right?
Alec Baldwin: killer. What a colossal fuckup that had to be.
Time to move on to the next “pretty white girl killed” story, I guess. At least that’s what the media are saying to themselves.

Artist’s depiction of the Town Hall
And this is why we have separation of powers. Of course, this was the only line of the night he delivered without looking like a dementia patient. And that might be a stretch.
What a bunch of pussies. Well, not any more. Also, who couldn’t have seen this coming?

There’s literally ten guys taking an upskirt of her right now.
I hope he sues the shit out of them. Especially since they knew it was a bunch of lies.
They’re just making shit up as they go along. Unless mix-and-match vaccines have always been a thing. Which, to my knowledge, has never happened. But since these aren’t really vaccines, and they last but a few months, I guess it’s no big deal.
Do these attention whores not understand what “advisory” means? You advise and the person you’re advising makes their own decision. It doesn’t mean they do whatever you tell them to do.
There’s no such thing as personal responsibility anymore, I suppose. This is fucked up on every level.
I’m giving you the full song here. Not that MTV edit bullshit. You’re welcome. Enjoy it.
And enjoy your Friday and your weekend, dear friends!
Or “Bunny” as his courtiers referred to him. If he ever heard that though, he’d get steamed.
Didn’t Bao Dai?
But the real question is; who got to pork bao?
What a horrible preventable tragedy. Can’t help but feel that this one has some karmic voodoo justice overtones too easily painted onto it. Still, damn.
Leave Adam alone!
#BombTheBaldwins and #BlameCanada
#BombTheBaldwins and #
BlamePraiseCanadaThere is supposed to be an armorer on set to ensure that the weapons, including ‘prop’ ones, are handled properly and safely.
The producer should have hired one. So the producer, rather than the actor, should be held negligent.
Oh, wait…
We can all agree that the producer and actor at least share some of the blame, yeah?
They ran out of budget for something so trivial after hiring all the HR types needed to make sure the production doesn’t insult anyone’s feelings….
Don’t forget caterers. They must be an important part because I see them listed in movie credits. Without them, the quality of films would be even worse.
We are an integral part of the production. If you were stuck with us on the 3 days of 16 hour shoots in Newark’s Brick City (abandoned housing project full of feral squatters) we worked to create commercials for CRISS ANGEL: MINDFREAK!, I’ll wager you would have appreciated my espresso machine, Bahn Mi, empanadas, baklava, etc.
Dammit. Now I want a banh mi. And I don’t have time to drive to Montreal to get one.
I’d be surprised if it weren’t a condition of the standard union contracts that a qualified armorer be on site for films using weaponry. It probably isn’t even an option from a contractural standpoint.
There are only a handful of rental houses that work in firearms; Manhattan has a large concern housed in a nondescript warehouse on the West side (walking in is like a trip to the Wonka works – rack after rack of just about any small arm you could imagine). They tend to send their own crew out with the rentals and all the firearms, whether or not they are functional, are kept in an armored trailer when not check out onto the set. That said, accidents happen and this is a truly heartbreaking situation.
Another day, and still more victims of gun violence.
The figures sit in stark contrast to that of statues and sculptures dedicated to men, which account for over 20% of the city’s 1,500 monuments, and over 79% of all statues dedicated to “named people,” the report said.
Perhaps prominent men built the country…Maybe add a statue of Margaret Tha – oh, wait, not her. she was a wrongthinker.
This was probably a $500K study.
Maybe more women and people of color need to do more things that are statue-worthy.
A statue of Meghan on every corner!
What? You want London to install pissoirs?
Statues of the Virgin Queen Bess outside of every family planning clinic!
More seriously, a little surprising given Queen Victoria and Liz 1 — yeah, Nelson’s going to be everywhere, some Churchill, Drake, etc… but you’d think those two would have gotten the average up enough for these nutters…
CNN is one of the internet’s finest comedy sites.
Brian Boitan
No linky?
A cinematographer working on the film “Rust” is dead and the director is hospitalized after an accident during filming involving star Alec Baldwin and a misfiring prop gun, authorities said Thursday.
Was the “prop” loaded?
With something.
Likely loaded with blanks, but the idiot Baldwin being ignorant about firearms probably didn’t know that when a blank is fired, there’s still a discharge from the firearm, which can be fatal if someone is too close.
Plenty of idiot to go around, but this one falls on the stunt coordinator and firearms master.
They have people who are responsible for making sure these things are done safely.
Of course, Baldwin has a producer credit, so he is the boss too….
Yeah, there’s always one guy on the set whose sole job is to make sure that doesn’t happen. They fucked up.
The armorer. But if the weapon was capable of chambering a round, even a blank one, then it should not have been pointed that close to the director or cameraman. They have remote control camera cranes, after all.
If Hollywood people, the smartest in the land, can’t properly handle firearms, the peasants in flyover country certainly can’t be trusted.
Th one that killed Brandon Lee was a live round. I have no idea how that wasn’t criminally negligent.
I thought it was the wad from a shotgun shell.
I thought it was the Triads.
I got a rock.
Not quite:
A colossal fuckup by the crew.
That does sound like criminal negligence.
Yeah, there’s at least three separate failures there.
Shouldn’t standard safety precautions on films where they pull ammo shenanigans be to check for barrel obstructions before any blank firing? Especially after the number of “accidents” so far?
The answer is “yes”
There shouldn’t have been any live ammo anywhere on the site.
I’d argue there should have been – for the personal carry pieces of the crew.
But this is a hollywood production, so they probably ban that even in friendly jurisdictions.
I’m with the evil one. No live ammo, period. No exceptions.
I would have no problem if there was a fake round headstamp so you could positively ID fakes. It might be unrealistic, but no more so than “555-” phone numbers.
“Doing force-on-force training with live partners” is one of the exceptions to my general rule of ‘carry everywhere.’ When I’m doing FoF work, the training area and all of the players are checked for live weapons and ammo before every evolution.
Shooting a movie where you’ll be pointing live weapons at other people is close enough for the same safety protocols to apply.
According to Wikipedia:
Cutting corners to save money has a way of biting you in the ass.
Also, huge amounts of cocaine don’t usually make for a safe environment for handling firearms.
Reading some of articles say the gun was loaded with real bullets. 44 caliber no less. I don’t wish what happened to anybody, even Alec Baldwin.
Well, now he knows.
If true, it’s a stunning and tragic failure of what should have been multiple safeguards and several sets of eyes on the process.
Seriously, it’s awful for everyone.
We don’t know anything at all about how it happened, so it’s way too early to fire up the blamethrowers.
thank you edit fairy!
That is crazy talk.
The only reason I am hoping I live long enough for time travel to become real is so I can travel back before a tragedy occurs and publish my hot takes on who is to blame (TRUMP) before it even happens.
Trump will probably get the blame for the Baldwin shooting for “creating a culture of reckless use of firearms” or something. Hollywood itself has never, ever promoted any kind of inappropriate gun violence in any of its movies or tv shows.
Not beyond, “Where the fuck was the firearms master?”
It’s literally that guy’s job to make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen.
“Mr. Baldwin, Sir, please give me that gun back!”
“I’m YOUR boss, plebe. Don’t tell me what to do.”
That was, quite literally, the case with the ND that killed Jon-Eric Hexum.
I’m just saying, that’s the most likely counter here to “Where’s the armorer?” Alec is not known for his kindness.
Not saying that that’s not a likely scenario, but it’s the firearms master’s job to deal with asshole primadonna actors, too.
If you know that Alec Baldwin is on set, then there need to be safety procedures in place that ‘being Alec Baldwin’ can’t defeat.
Baldwin wasn’t just acting, he was also the producer.
Yes, that is to what I was referring.
Where is Dr Heller when we need him?
The mix-and-match vaccine thing is prima facie evidence that they don’t have a fucking clue what they’re doing other than desperately trying to avoid the admission that the “vaccines” don’t work.
It’s going to be a long winter.
Nope. Fuck ’em. Live your life as you see fit.
Big agree. According to a recent study, my 6-months out J&J vaccine gives me 3% effective immunity. I’m not getting any (more) shots or wearing any masks. Fuck the tyrants.
It has not been about protecting the people since about 1 month into the original panic when the NIH concluded the variant of the virus that had gotten out was not the real deadly one nor one of the real killers (search for nipa virus in Wuhan lab and read about 80% lethality) and the globalist cabal took the whole lockdown thing as a means to fortify the US election and get rid of anti-globalist #1 enemy (orange man). This is the ideocracy trying their best to take advantage of a crisis to reset the globe and advance the problematic political totalitarian necessity for the globalization of governing.
Our leadership class did this to us. They are hard at work trying to turn an evil disaster into a win for them, because their motto is “Fuck the stupid serfs and their belief they should expect competency from us”.
All kinds of this.
The jig is up, everybody.
The original “no jab, no job”.
Haven’t we all been tempted to plug a couple of our co-workers, at one time or another?
Yes, oh, you mean shoot.
Can it be both? Like a hate fuck?
Plot for a book that, in 2019, would have seemed tinfoil hat crazy:
The CDC secretly funds viral gain of function research at a Communist Chinese bioweapons lab. A virus that was developed in that lab is secretly and deliberately released by the commies. The commies induce worldwide panic and lockdowns, ensuring a lurch toward authoritarian socialism …
A year ago, this was mindmelting. Like Luke learning who is father is kind of psychic pain. These days I’m just like, yep, that’s what happened.
Everything that’s happened in the past 18 months has just vindicated my long-held misanthropy. We are not different than our brutal, cruel ancestors. We are not smarter, wiser, more reasonable, more charitable or more logical. We are the same dumb, dangerous monkeys we’ve always been with the same defective minds that fall victim to the same cheap parlor tricks they always have. All of this can be explained easily: humans are not even remotely as special or evolved as people seem to think they are; it’s like a species-wide Dunning-Kruger effect.
We defied our own history for a few hundred years where our technology soared and envy was kept in check through robust legal protections. We are now tearing that all down. Sad.
Could you just imagine what the world would be like if instead of constantly killing each other for land, wealth, or power over others, we all were left to our very best talents to improve ourselves, and consequently, our fellow man?
Could you imagine how incredibly rich this country, and all the people in it, would be if industry wasn’t stifled by petty tyrants who get their rocks off controlling others? If our money wasn’t confiscated by thieving grab-hands and distributed externally to the rest of the world, and domestically to those who have no inclination to produce?
When insomnia hits, I fanaticize about that world and usually drift off into nice dreams about what could have been, if only humans weren’t the fetid piles of trash that we are.
Then I wake up to the real world.
Dont even go that far. Imagine a world with 1% higher growth rate. Rule of 72* applies, in 70 or so years, real income doubles.
*which should be called rule of ln 2, but whatever.
In the long run, growth rate is the most important economic indicator.
The CDC prepares and releases a “vaccine” that makes the people who take it far more vulnerable to the highly lethal follow up virus that the Wuhan lab has secretly prepared.
The federal government, the Democratic party, the media, etc. launch a full court press to get every single American vaccinated, with plans to forcible inject the few holdouts. Except around 100 million say “fuck off, slavers.”
Vaccine mandates are pushed by the government, costing the jobs of any refuseniks. The president creates an overtly political officer, a 4 star general, with zero military experience, to skinsuit the armed forces and drive out of the military anyone who refuses the jab. The rest of the world, except commie China, does similar things.
After the military is 100% vaccinated, he Chinese release the second virus and invade America …
“The federal government, the Democratic party, the media, etc.”
But you repeat yourself.
These fucks are going to do exactly what you’re saying, intentional or not. You don’t have to subscribe to a grand conspiracy. The GOF research never stopped or even slowed down; they’ve already admitted that they were working on modifying the MERS virus to be more lethal/contagious. MERS already has a CFR of ~30-40%. Once they fuck that up (which based upon previous performance, they will) you’re looking at the actual plague they advertised the Kung Flu to be.
If that was a Tom Clancy book 20 years ago, Id read it.
As someone that has seen the past 2 years….I believe it.
Biden says he’d be willing to eliminate filibuster to pass voting rights
What citizens of the age of majority and registered in the district in which they reside lack the right to vote?
and “maybe more”
If Dems don’t get their way they change the rules.
If Dems don’t get their way they change the rules.
Because they feel secure in the knowledge that the Republicans will be unlikely to respond in kind when they have control.
unlikely towon’t respond in kind when they have control because they’re cucked controlled opposition”FIFY.
The GOP eliminating the filibuster for SCOTUS appointments kind of says otherwise.
To ram through wild eyed . . . moderates who have yet to break with any precedent.
In a statement to the Washington Post, the media network wrote, ‘The only thing CNN did wrong here was bruise the ego of a popular podcaster who pushed dangerous conspiracy theories and risked the lives of millions of people in doing so.’
No, you lied and it is you lying cuntes that push dangerous conspiracy theories and disinformation/propaganda.
Sue. The. Fuck. Out. Of. CNN.
In the long run, they’ll be lucky if they’re only sued.
Just how much government money props up CNN? They have less viewers than Rogan’s podcast at this point. No way they have giant investments coming in via ad revenue. So… The answer is the government pays for CNN?
Airport authorities pay a lot.
More like legacy cable fees pay for a lot.
Without those, CNN would sink like a rock.
It is really weird how CNN wants to take a stand on this point. And how many people support them.
Yes, the golden age of Genesis, i.e. prior to Invisible Touch and the Phil Collins descent into pseudo-MoTown covers.
Collins’s version of the Billy Joel doo-wop period, except with a solid rocker instead of a self-absorbed douche.
They need to build a proper MMA cage instead of holding fights in the parking lot.
Default judgement – all the restaurant owner had to do was show up and contest it.
At least “Geraldine” blamed the devil for her errors in judgement
Costco in Bozeman appears to be the last stand stronghold of the mask-tard dead enders. Been there a couple of times in the last few weeks, stocking up on a couple of specific hings before I let that worthless “membership” lapse.
The ratio of masked-to-not is much higher than anywhere else I have been, Still below 50%, though. Most people out here don’t much give a fuck about public health or the Social Contract, I guess.
We walked away from Arby’s the other day, take out only. We went down the street to another restaurant that was nearly empty, no masks, quiet and good food and had the cute waitress hustle us for a tip. Darned well worth it. May never go back to Arby’s. Masks are rare here in the countryside.
I’ve seen the “quiet restaurant” scene too. It may be indicative of something not evident in the “mask v. no mask” observations. Yeah, maybe only 20% or whatever are bothering with mask wearing in public , but – according to local restauranteers – their patronage is still way off from pre-chicomvirus days. So it may be that the number of fearful mask wearers are augmented by another good percentage of the population which is still too scared to eat out even with masks and mandates. I know of several people who refuse to eat indoors, even with masks, because somebody across the room there may be taking his mask off to sip his Coke. It is hard to believe most of us descend from folks who gave up everything to spend months or weeks crossing the Atlantic or the great plains and mountains .
Rare here too. Last time I saw a mask anywhere in the valley was an elderly lady in a wheelchair in the grocery store. Out here around Willow, the last masks we saw were on tourists over the summer.
It’s like a time machine here, back to the halcyon days of 2019.
These stories of parts of America make me sad. Here behind the blue curtain, you can’t eat in a restaurant without presenting papers, effective Monday.
“After drinking at La Fogata on May 21, 2019, Rawls was in an altercation with another customer, Robert Henrickson, in the parking lot of the restaurant, according to a copy of the lawsuit. ”
So why isnt that dude suing someone, too ?
He won the fight?
Sounds like it.
Why not sue the alcohol maker or the parking lot paver? Or his wife/girl friend that drove him to drink, in the first place. The government should arrest his sorry ass for plotting to attempt a DWI.
The Obama doctrine says he should sue the government.
Continuing the pseudo-theme of today…
Blame Canada!
Millions more Americans are closer to getting a COVID-19 booster as influential government advisers on Thursday endorsed extra doses of all three of the nation’s vaccines – and said people could choose a different company’s brand for that next shot.
Seems legit. About as legit as pushing a new technology that has never proven effective during its development and always ended in disaster for the mouse test subjects.
they don’t have a fucking clue what they’re doing other than desperately trying to avoid the admission that the “vaccines” don’t work.
Or they are trying to kill you.
I think they just don’t care and are willing to sacrifice everyone in the vain attempt to save themselves and their jobs.
It pretty much takes being a sociopath/psychopath to make it to the top of those organizations.
Hey Gustave, thank you for turning me on to Uncle Scott and his skillet magic in the previous thread. I’m hooked.
Every so often something does turn out right.
This morning it was just the Filet Mignon I had to cook for breakfast since it had been in my fridge longer than I’d have liked (had some digestive issues earlier this week, so I didn’t make it for dinner another day).
^ This is how you shitlord.
Filet for breakfast. Bacon wrapped?
No, I ran out of bacon.
Shitlord status revoked.
Oddly serendipitous. I made a prime rib, boiled baby taters, individual Yorkshire puddings, and a perfect Béarnaise sauce but then had such terrible tummy problems I couldn’t eat. I’m having it for breakfast with a couple sunny-side eggs and a big whiskey. I have to burn off a bunch of sick-days and PTO so I don’t lose it.
Don’t ever lose your PTO.
Friday Funbags goes commando at the NYC art installation.
On Tinder, all the pictures of ladies in front of wings painted on a wall are being overwhelmed by pictures of the ladies at The Summit. Kill me now!
The point of Tinder is to get laid with shallow, boring people and never call them again. Go do that.
I do have a week left.
Spoiler alert: confirmation bias and sampling error abound
It seems to there has been a shift. Now, it’s the doomsday cultists who feel out the sentiment of the audience before they commence blabbering a bunch of I-Fucking-Love-SCIENCE! talking points and spouting their adoration and fealty to the public health priesthood.
It’s almost as if vilifying those who will not bow down could get you a sock on the jaw.
In a scathing letter obtained by The New York Times, the veterans took Sinema to task for her refusal to abolish the filibuster and her opposition to parts of Biden’s multitrillion-dollar social safety net, education, climate and tax plan, stances that have stymied some of his top priorities.
Maybe she has different opinions and does not want to destroy every check/balance on the function of the senate. How dare she…
An Andrews man was awarded $5.5 million on July 27 after he filed a civil suit against La Fogata Mexican Grill, claiming the restaurant and bar was negligent when they overserved him alcohol, which he alleges later caused him to be injured in an altercation with another customer.
Oh, fuck off, you cunte. That is your own fault. Both you and the judge are assho.
No personal responsibility, the mantra of the postmodern age.
Judge has no discretion here….the restaurant did not show up, answer the complaint, etc.
Default judgment.
Ooh, I wonder if the restaurant had insurance? Years ago, an incident occurred in front of the bar wherein an off-duty employee intervened to break up a fight on the sidewalk. One of the fighters was knocked down, hitting his noggin’ on the curb which put him into a coma for a few days. Bar was inevitably sued, insurance company was ruthless in defending bar but also forced us to fire that employee.
Mix and match vaccines makes perfect sense, if they are so narrowly targetted as to be useless against “variants”. Widen the spectrum. Country, AND western!
Yesterday, NPR had gave Dune a poor review with the flattest delivery I’ve heard from them in years. This morning they had three people review the latest Wes Anderson flick with the emoting turned up to Gush Level 8. The contrast was wonderful. Then on their website, it looks like their various sub-brands have given Dune two more “this movie is soulless racist shit” reviews.
I’ll try and see it in IMAX while I’m in Houston.
Wes Anderson has one trick and he’s long since worn it out.
I’m not yet decided on the new Dune movie. There were some very obvious decisions made to distance it from the Lynch version, some good, some bad.
I won’t elaborate further because it is worth watching.
I went into it wanting to hate it. I was quite pleasantly surprised. There were things that bothered me but some of the casting choices more than made up for them. Also the Ornithopters were perfect.
The minimization of the spacing guild bothered me, it’s an integral part of the world-building.
But I do see where he’s going with it and the emphasis on the themes that nobody has really touched before.
Ornithopters should fly like birds! If they flew like dragonflies, they’d be ondantathopters!
“Wes Anderson has one trick and he’s long since worn it out.”
So much this. But that one trick appeals to the problem glasses, NPR-listening crowd so of course it got a rave review.
I’m gonna say 2 tricks. The quirky dramedy, a la Rushmore, the Royal Tenenbaums, etc. But also the stop motion stuff he’s gotten into is fantastic. Fantastic Mr Fox remains one of the funniest, most charming movies I’ve seen in a decade.
That’s the best endorsement for going out and seeing Dune that I’ve seen yet.
Surprisingly honest, for an NPR employee:
He has a tendency towards minimalism that can detract from the story and memorability. Sometimes you need to kick it up a notch on the acting.
Lynch’s Baron Harkonnen was so perfectly outrageous as to never be forgotten. Sting’s Feyd was just a step too far.
Are you telling me NPR is Islamophobic?
That word salad about Dune is even worse than that shit Herbert wrote. Which is saying something.
“Skeletal remains”? After a couple of weeks?
Florida, dude
Florida swamp = humidity, bugs and scavengers.
And ravenous bath-salt-addled maniacs…
Florida. Plenty of insects and carrion eaters still active in the area.
A skeleton with a few scraps of putrescence clinging to it will be described as ‘skeletal’ in news reports. You can probably get well past 50% non-bone by volume and appear skeletal enough for the descriptor.
Karen Carpenter agrees
Too soon!
Nah, it’s good.
Sounds about right for a swamp. I’m surprised they found anything.
I was amazed at how rapidly insects stripped a dead possum in my woods. It went from looking like it was playing possum, to flat, to just fur on the ground in a week.
Zombies, or is that played out?
I thought the exact same thing. I always figured it took at least a year for the flesh to rot away. Guess I’m going to agree with Scruffy here and say “Florida, dude”. If the gators didn’t strip him bare, then it was probably the relentless humidity hastening decay.
A year? What glacier do you live on?
Only in the depths of winter does anything last very long here in rural MN. Eagles, crows, blue jays, foxes, coyotes, maybe some wolves. Even then it’s only days or a week or two before the bones are scattered.
Summer time only days before the above plus bears, skunks, raccoons and bugs.
We used to trap skunks that had been living under our shed. I would surreptitiously dump their bodies in a field because trapping them was illegal. There would be nothing left but a few tufts of fur the next day when making my next delivery.
Uh oh, Joe loses CNN.
Get! Out!
Well, it still is CNN after all.
They should have asked those earlier.
Waffle cone vs. Sugar cone vs. Bowl?
Controversial opinion but sugar cones are better. They are more structurally rigid and it’s easier to get ice cream into them without the cone breaking. Waffle cones, while delicious, are too brittle and poorly constructed for the task.
Cake cone, every time.
I don’t even know why they’re called “cake” cones when clearly they’re made of blown foam.
Anyone else remember in the ’70s when to make them even worse, they were dyed all of those lovely colors?
I can count my memories of the 80s on one hand old timer.
masturbated a lot?
Bowl, with a cone perched atop the frozen custard like the hat of a Pierrot.
I dont want any policy questions asked. I want “what the hell were you doing with your fists and arms in locked position? Did you go to your happy place and were riding your favorite tryke?”
Because if we can have a weekend of armchair assholes tearing apart the gait of Trump down some sloped walkway, we as sure should have some assholes wonder about this too.
It’s alarming how many weird tics he’s developing after the election.
Like the stiff-arm fists thing, the whispering… I don’t remember him doing either of those before a month ago.
You can only medicate your way past the problem for so long.
They keep tweaking the dosages.
I think some of the medications might be hastening the decline. I’m getting kind of sick of fucked up meat puppet president. But cackling hyena harpy isn’t exactly better. I decided to get a life and mostly ignore both. It’s a winning strategy so far.
GEICO horror theater?
Aieee! As if Subaru Horror Theater isn’t enough?!?!
Loading the trailer this morning for the day’s work, I remembered that Tonio instructed us on how to gaze upon a heavenly body. The great hunter was prominent n the sky, taking steady aim at the full moon. Just beneath the moon, as I concentrate and strain, a tiny flicker. I thought could it be? Why it is! As a tiny beacon just below the hunter’s target, was a softly winking Uranus.
I’m hanging up my euphemism trophies. I can’t compete with that.
I am honored, but I struggled to shape that, you seem to have a natural flow.
It’s genetic – my Ma was one of the most subtly filthy people I ever knew.
Sounds like she’s doing some gymnastics of her own…
Her favorite is riding the pommel horse while giving attention to the uneven bars?
“uneven bars”
Dat gaiz genitals be fucked up.
Gotta remember the DTF ratio
You should see her floor routine.
Fortunately, Deidre gives the cucked spouse the proper advice:
Yes, it’s obviously his fault that she can’t stop performing on the balance bar.
Meet the new Taliban. Same as the old Taliban but with social media.
An Afghan volleyball player on the girls’ national team was beheaded by the Taliban — with gruesome photos of her severed head posted on social media, according to her coach.
Mahjabin Hakimi, one of the best players in the Kabul Municipality Volleyball Club, was slaughtered in the capital city of Kabul as troops searched for female sports players, her coach told the Persian Independent.
She was killed earlier this month, but her death remained mostly hidden because her family had been threatened not to talk, claimed the coach, using a pseudonym, Suraya Afzali, due to safety fears.
Images of Hakimi’s severed neck were published on Afghan social media, according to the paper, which did not say how old she was.
They said they would be more inclusive of women; gone are the days when they primarily decapitate men, women will receive equal representation!
It’s obviously a plot to make sure the Jalalabad team wins in the national tournament.
This is just an unfortunate isolated incident. No reason to overreact and lose your head.
That’s a no-brainer.
Sinema has also steadfastly opposed changing the Senate’s filibuster rule, which effectively requires 60 votes to move forward on any major bill, even as Republicans have used it as a procedural weapon to block voting rights legislation and a bill to avert a federal debt default.
Progressive activists have stepped up their campaign to push Democrats to do away with the rule so they can muscle Biden’s priorities through Congress on simple majority votes, and they have trained their anger on Sinema and another centrist holdout, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia.
Points for honesty, I suppose.
What they really want is for Comrade Biden to do away with legislators (federal and state) altogether, and get down to some serious transformationing.
Biden’s priorities
It’s someone’s priorities, but not his.
At this point, I am really hoping that Trump runs and wins again in 2024.
I’m assuming the Senate will flip to the GOP after 2022 elections. Watching the progs rage as they realize that they have given OMB the means to push whatever he wants through on a mere majority vote would be so much fun.
I know in reality, the entire MSM would shift to demanding a return of the filibuster because that is the norms of a decent democracy and not even blush in shame. Worse, a bunch of the GOP would nod in agreement.
What did OMB want? What do Republicans want? Why do you think there is some wonderful liberty-oriented political agenda out there on the horizon? Trump promised infrastructure! Trump promised a wall! Trump promised to withdraw our troops!
At best you’d get a fucking federal law on abortion.
OMB wanted immigration laws enforced, foreign trade policies that favored Americans, and the removal of the curbs on domestic energy production.
The GOP wanted waves of imported cheap labor, cheap imported goods and didn’t care much one way or the other about domestic energy.
The DOJ, military-industrial complex and intelligence apparatchiks wanted to keep running the country as they have for some years now.
So it didn’t matter what OMB wanted. The Republicans are useless nonentities. The apparatchiks simply refused to cooperate but they did get spooked enough to tighten their control over the economy, “public health” and elections.
And here we are.
Trump was a failed one-termer who accomplished very little.
And if we’re really, really lucky we can find somebody every 4 years who’s willing to do it all over again.
Why does Canada get this and not the USA?
I ate I think three of them on their original run. I have really fond memories of the double down circa 2010. Good times.
Supply chain issues.
Biden needs to issue an EO. The Double Down is a right.
Berenson: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER
What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus. Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people.
This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFECTED AND RECOVERED ONCE (or more than once, probably).
It also means the virus is likely to select for mutations that go in exactly that direction, because those will essentially give it an enormous vulnerable population to infect. And it probably is still more evidence the vaccines may interfere with the development of robust long-term immunity post-infection.
Aside from that, everything is fine.
If true, probably nothing.
Oh I see, Scruffy posted last night. *shakes fist at sky*
I was pondering this last night and wonder how long that effect lasts. In other words, does this suppression of the innate immune response fade along with the antibody levels from the vaccines or does it persist longer than that?
What we do know is that we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, which is why those people should still be vaccinated with a vaccine that we do know doesn’t last very long.
We know that it’s at least the approximate time frame that COVID has existed, but we suspect it could last for decades like other SARS immunities.
Eh. Grain of salt.
Haven’t been this drunk in months. This one is for KK https://youtu.be/sw8S_Kv89IU
Better song – https://youtu.be/GW8yNudiyrc
Hey, if you’re having trouble finding help, try searchin outside the species.
I had employees like that and wanted their pay after they had “worked”
“Democrats were out desperately trying to help her win the seat, and now we feel like, what was it for?” said Sylvia González Andersh, one of the veterans who signed the letter. “Nobody knows what she is thinking because she doesn’t tell anybody anything. It’s very sad to think that someone who you worked for that hard to get elected is not even willing to listen.”
Boo hoo. Make her do what I say, Mommy!
I read somewhere that Michael Wincott, who (completely unwittingly) shot Brandon Lee in 93, still agonizes over it even today.
Michael Wincott was a hottie in that movie. Nom nom nom.
Hell yes. Also, I love his voice. I wish he’d done more stuff.
I tear up every time the dedication “For Brandon and Eliza” comes up at the end of the Crow. My son was going to be a Brandon after him, but then a cousin had a Brandon so we didn’t. And then, years later, that kid ends up at the same school Brandon Lee got expelled from for driving backwards down the entry road. lol
His voice! I forgot about that! Yayaaaaasssssss.
I would too.
I mean, ending the line of Bruce Lee is kind of an oopsie.
Re Baldwin (sorta): Sweet Lord, I read the Baldwin story and perused the comments at Breitbart and they’re as predictably terrible as I figured they’d be. As full as the left is off assholes, the right has their fair share too.
Yeah. Don’t read the comments on Breitbart.
Next you’ll be reading the comments at ZeroHedge.
^^^ was one thing that really turned me off ZH.
^^^^ Was why I stopped watching videos on Bitchute.
^^ why, despite finding some really interesting people on Gab, I keep contemplating leaving on a regular basis.
I just ignore the comments on most websites. It’s where the ‘tards hang out, political bent be damned.
Standard Glibertarian Disclaimer (SGD) for this place, of course; you’re all paragons of logic, virtue and sparkling wit. Especially me.
Baldwin is a cryptozionist?
He is part of ZOG!!!!!!!!!!!
“Prop Gun Misfires.”
More likely, Baldwin didn’t know, and didn’t care to know, and didn’t follow the rules.
You have to break at least 2 rules to shoot somebody normally. I’m guessing between Baldwin and other people on the set, a dozen rules were broken at least.
Agreed. The gun should have been checked in between each use. Especially if a primer discharged previously. When it was reloaded with blanks it is, in my opinion, criminal negligence not to check the barrel for obstructions. It was a goddamn revolver, right? Not rocket science.
Not rocket science.
Remember, you’re talking Alec Baldwin.
Point taken.
Don’t date the unvaxxed.
Surgeon General tells young people they should abstain from dating or kissing the Unvaccinated
“The bad news is that first kiss might have to wait. Asked about when daters can ditch their masks, Murthy cites the more transmissible delta variant and says: ‘If you are in an indoor setting, then the safest thing to do would be to wear masks, especially if you’re in an area where there’s substantial or high spread of the virus.’”
Vivek says couples should take a coronavirus rapid test every time they head out on the town.
There are far worse things to worry about catching than convid.
No shit. College kids have to present proof of vax but not a clean STD report?
Last year Saint Fauci said that maybe people shouldn’t ever shake hands again.
I guess our civilization is going to end due to lack of procreation, like the Shakers.
Completely avoiding the much larger question of why the fuck there’s ketchup at Pizza Hut.
Have you ever had Pizza Hut? It’s what they use as sauce on their pizza.
There’s oregano in it.
That’s in the shaker between the parmesan/sawdust blend and the chili flakes.
Hey! The sawdust is nostalgic.
Republicans slap AG around – nobody cares, nothing else happens.
At least praise Allah the guy never became a supreme court justice.
Are the alternatives really better? He is set to be able to do a lot of damage as AG.
This was funny: Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed!
Are the AG alternatives better?
Kind of like when they haul Zuckerberg and Dorsey in there for their little one-act play. Breitbart cheers, then those 2 go right back to Silicon Valley and keep censoring speech they don’t like, and not a damn thing ever comes of it.
I seem to remember hearing, either in the case of Brandon Lee or Bruce Lee, the revolver was loaded with prop dummy cartridges for a frontal camera shot (so that bullet heads could be seen in the chambers) and then they ejected those dummy cartridges, but one of the bullets was loose in the brass case and stayed lodged in the cylinder. Then when blank cartridges were inserted, the blank charge propelled the dummy projectile, wounding the actor.
Don’t know if this is the case, and it seems hard to believe that a competent person could fail to realize that one of the dummies didn’t have a projectile anymore, and that they didn’t check the cylinder to make sure it was clear before inserting the blanks, but perhaps that was in the days before they had competent armorers on sets.
“Let’s Kill Brandon!”
Too soon.
Let’s go!
It amazes me that they even do this still. Can’t you just have the actor fire a completely phony gun and sound/cgi edit in the exact right thing later?
I don’t get why you’d even bother with a gun that shoots blanks.
A: It is still typically cheaper.
B: The reaction on-set is more realistic than with a CGI flash and post-production boom.
A: I mean not much though.
B. Yeah, but who gives a shit? This is an industry where I’m to believe hitting someone on a head w/ a gun butt is a magical off button and silencers render guns quiet. I think someone appearing to jump the right way when they hear a loud noise is hardly necessary.
Why? What’s the point of going there Q?
To be fair, If I satisfied 18 women in one night, I’d have a sense of empowerment and accomplishment too.
I would also want it on video.
See, I have no interest on clicking on some UK trash site based on a single word sarcastic characterization. Your synopsis makes more sense.
A friend sent a picture of a letter purported to be on Hornady letterhead telling employees they will be following the vaccine mandates. Anyone else seen this? Is it real?
It seems to be real.
Another company to boycott…
I like their .17 hmr stuff. 🙁
Boycotts seldom work, and they never work unless the target knows why they’re being boycotted.
I wonder how much of Hornady’s business comes from regular shooters versus government (police and military) customers.
Don’t get between me and the windmills I tilt at.
If any entity is going to be threatened by the government over the faux vaccines it will be the firearms industry, with the intent being to stifle/shut it down. At least that is my perspective if I attempt to think like the anti-constitutional cocksuckers that run the government.
The timing of this is hilarious.
Covid is now back down to March levels. There’s basically no covid.
No, you’re a Pickle!
You’re a towel!
I am Cornholio!!!!!
From the Florida AG:
Somebody has been reading Ozy’s series.
I have no illusions that we are in a no-name corner of the web but come on..there have to be staffers for these politicians that their only job is to scour the web for backwater haunts to get a feel for the pulse of the people.
First step toward divorce?
“Dear Diedre, my spouse has been trying to force me to…”
Simultaneous child and elder abuse.
When did they hold the vote on No Child Gets Lunch Act of 2021? I wanted to watch that debate. Plus, you’d think CNN would have really covered this Republican-sponsored bill.
When did the NRA support school shootings? (I assume that is what this twat was referring to in that jumbled, npc mess of a tweet.)
Never mind a whole lotta jack shit that will do….but seriously you video it and put it on the web? The human race is lost.
While I would love nothing more than seeing CNN get slapped with another 8-figure judgement for lying, I’m not sure this rises to that level. If I want people to be free to speak in this country, that means I have to want CNN to able to speak too, even if it’s moronic or a lie (equally likely in their case).
That being said, I also wouldn’t shed a tear if they kept getting sued until they’re forced to fold. Fuck ’em.
We’re 1/4 clean. Sucks because Judi was the vehement one but it seems that I’ll be the one dodging the shot. Feature that. She’s going to hate me, later.
Rise up, Sisters!
Even before the pandemic, research showed that up to 40 percent of female physicians leave the medical profession within six years of completing their residency. The time and energy we women expend dealing with role misidentification—clarifying our jobs to patients and co-workers alike and questioning our own sense of belonging as we second-guess which clothing would be deemed acceptable—is an insidious diversion that keeps us from focusing on our merits and career advancement. One study found that more than half of female physicians react to misidentification by changing their attire. This is pointless and a waste of time. Instead of worrying about measuring up in ways our male colleagues never seem to lose any sleep over, I hope my sisters in medicine will marshal our pandemic-proven grit and compassion to rise up and speak out against the biases that continue to limit us.
Female doctors hardest hit. Tragic.
“role misidentification”
When you buy a dildo for your girlfriend assuming she’ll use it on herself and she decides she wants to peg you with it.
You are priceless.
I think that was nice-speak for “no one would give a nickel for you”
I interpreted it more like the southern U.S. saying “Bless your heart.”
Worried about their clothes? Khakis and polo. How hard is that?
Oh grow the fuck up.
“Even before the pandemic, research showed that up to 40 percent of female physicians leave the medical profession within six years of completing their residency. ”
So sad that they freely choose to do other things they want to do!
Chicks want babies, what can you do? Female Doctors are still Female.
I can impregnate them.
How long does it typically take to pay of med school loans?
They probably just get tired of having sex with underwear models in the supply closet and self-narrating their way through the day.
Now do male nurses.
No thanks, I’m straight.
“Instead of worrying about measuring up in ways our male colleagues never seem to lose any sleep over…”
How come everyone at my workplace isn’t as neurotic as I am? It’s unfair.
Funny that the Canadian Government has tucked-tail about mandates when it involves the largest unions that historically donate to the Liberal Party. Makes one wonder… I’ll not bitch, this time.
Biden says he’d be willing to eliminate filibuster to pass
voting rightscodified voter fraud and “maybe more”Love how it’s presented as “I really don’t want to do this, but goshdarnit that silly Legislature is forcing me to”.
So far we’ve stalled well. Just another year guys. Hang on, Sinema and Manchin.
Before the country started locking down again and we shortened our trip, we were supposed to be here (Circleville, OH) today.
Fuck it. I’m spiraling into the sea. I’m done.
Nah man, the world is spiraling down into the sea. You’re dizzy because of that. Head up, heart up brother. We’re gonna need people like you to fight the good fight when the consequences catch up with the culture.
And a place to stay in neutral Canada
Meanwhile, in China
“It was an incredible geopolitical gift to China,” said Kishore Mahbubani, Singapore’s former U.N. ambassador.
“It was a huge mistake for the United States to focus on the war on terror, because the real challenge was going to come from China,” said Mahbubani, a distinguished fellow at the National University of Singapore.
China’s gross domestic product jumped from $1.2 trillion in 2000 to more than $14.7 trillion in 2020.
“While you were busy fighting wars, China was busy trading,” said Mahbubani, the author of “Has China Won?”
As the U.S. was bogged down fighting Islamist militants in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere, China’s economic and military power grew exponentially. Beijing built up its missile arsenal, extended its reach in the South China Sea by constructing artificial islands, stole intellectual property on a massive scale and pursued predatory trade tactics, experts say.
“After 9/11, China very quickly realized that Washington’s strategic focus would be shifting 3,000 miles away, away from the East China Sea, away from the Taiwan Strait and into Afghanistan,” said Craig Singleton of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a think tank. “It was an opportunity to quietly develop very coercive military capabilities that were all designed and intended to expand its power in East Asia.”
So what you’re saying is our political elite cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.
Here comes the pivot to China from the MIC.
Battlespace prep: Op-eds already dropped on if we should go to war with Taiwan. President said we are committed to it last night. Some congresscritter wants to preempt a use-of-force bill to grant the president the ability to wage war on China…
Just lining up the ducks and I fully expect a strong pivot to blame the virus on China and our supply shortages on them also.
Well, frankly it’s true. The US overreaction to 9/11 took attention away to other threats and opportunities. Just as the US overreaction to COVID is a major distraction.
“took attention away from other threats”
Henceforth all movie prop guns shall have a little flag come out of the barrel with “BANG” on it when the trigger is pulled.
No more movie set mayhem! Not another life lost!
Showing guns is hate speech. They can all be replaced with walkie-talkies.
Replace them with dildos, have the actors make gun noises with their mouths. Would be entertaining.
The “cocks not glocks” movement is passe.
The fully-semiautomatic gatling rooster put an end to that.
“They were doing the same things all along, and we slowed down,” he said. U.S. officials at the time assumed that “we could put the China problem on the back burner while we brought democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan,” said Lewis, who worked on national security issues in several administrations.
*guffaws, slaps knee*
This is what they actually believe!
China now is decidedly at the top of the agenda in Washington, and both parties agree about the need to “get tough.” President Joe Biden has kept former President Donald Trump’s tariffs on China, and lawmakers and corporations are pushing for measures to promote the U.S. microchip industry, invest in research and safeguard the U.S. technology sector from industrial espionage.
Industrial espionage isn’t much of a challenge when your target brings you the blueprints and says, “Hey, can you make this for me?”
But, but, they want the profits too. That’s not our deal!!!
The paging one is awesome!
According to plan
President Biden admitted during a CNN town hall Thursday night that he has no immediate solution to the problem of spiking gas prices and suggested that Americans would not start seeing relief at the pump until next year.
“My guess is, you’ll start to see gas prices come down as we get by and going into the winter – I mean, excuse me, into next year, 2022,” the president told moderator Anderson Cooper at the Baltimore event.
“I don’t see anything that’s going to happen in the meantime that’s going to significantly reduce gas prices.
“I must tell you, I don’t have a near-term answer,” Biden added before musing on the possibility that he could “go in the [Strategic] Petroleum Reserve and take out and probably reduce the price of gas maybe 18 cents or so per gallon, [but] it’s still gonna be above three bucks.”
Next time, take the train, Comrade.
I don’t advocate dipping into our SPR, however, the scoff that $.18/gallon wouldn’t be a big deal so it’s pointless for him to even try. Ties in nicely to their view that this is a ‘high class’ problem.
I don’t see anything that’s going to happen in the meantime that’s going to significantly reduce gas prices.
You could very easily revert to Trump era energy policies but you won’t do that.
I want to reach through the phone and strangle this asshole who says “And remember, the pandemic is still raging, stay safe!” every..damn..morning.
Pre-empt them next time, go with “And remember, you’re safer with the virus than the mandates.”
It’s a good case for me to finish my phone app called “conference call destroyer.” I collected a series of call wrecking sounds, from dog barkings, toilet flushings, heavy keyboard typing, all of which is on a sound board with quick buttons. Placed next to a speaker it could seriously disrupt a speech like that.
Get the vax, or else.
Anchor Anderson Cooper said, “Mr. President, let me ask you a follow-up about that. As many as one in three emergency responders in some cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, right here in Baltimore, are refusing to comply with city vaccine mandates. I’m wondering where you stand on that. Should police officers, emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines? And if not, should they be stay at home or let go?”
Biden said, “Yes and yes. By the way, by the way, I waited until July to talk about mandating because I tried everything else possible. The mandates are working. All this stuff about people leaving and people getting it, you have everyone from United Airlines to Spirit, all these airlines all 96, 97% of the people have gotten the vaccine. All the talk about all these folks who are going to leave the military if they’re mandated. Not true. You got about a 90 some percent vaccination rate.”
If you don’t make the “correct” decision voluntarily we will decide for you.
Two things that concern me, one are those who just try to make this a political issue. Freedom. I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID. No, come on, freedom? Number one. Number two, the second one is that, you know, the gross misinformation that’s out there. Like what they’re saying about my buddy Colin Powell, he was my friend, passed away. Colin Powell was vaccinated, and he still died. Well, he knew he had serious underlying conditions, and it would be difficult — he clearly would have been gone earlier had he not gotten the vaccine, had he not gotten the shots.
Who’s spreading misinformation, again?
he clearly would have been gone earlier had he not gotten the vaccine
What in the ever-loving fuck?
So…you admit you lied then. Not that it matters, but at least I have confirmation.
“Clearly,” like with a crystal ball.
Biden was stupid even before the dementia, but did none of his handlers realize these are 2 of the exact points his political detractors have been making for months?
Boomers think they should be exempt from death if they are rich and famous enough.
I wonder what percentage of airline employees are pilots?
Not a lot.
But they’re kinda important to the operation.
Just the pointy end of the spear
“The answer ultimately is, ultimately meaning the next three or four years, is investing in renewable energy,” insisted Biden, who also touted the “Big Three” US automakers’ August announcement that electric vehicles will make up between 40 and 50 percent of their sales by 2030.
“So what will happen is, you’re going to see a dramatic drop, a dramatic drop, in what’s gonna happen in terms of gas prices as we go into the next two or three years,” the president promised.
Sure, you senile wanker.We’ll turn our swords into plowshares, too.
Notice he said “you’re” not “we’re.” Joe won’t be “seeing” anything in the next two or three years.
Any company stupid enough to believe they can replace 40% of gas cars with electric deserves to go under. Of all the foolish delusions of the crowd, the electric car bubble is the biggest. And it makes me angry. It’s worse for teh environment, super expensive for second owners who have to replace the packs and it will leave the poors immobile. Toyota has it right – reducing carbon is good, the government dictating how that happens is bad.
Carbon Dioxide is Plant Food, not a pollutant.
I’m tired of people ceding that point to the warmists.
reducing carbon is good
But is it?
Point taken. I still hate electric cars, and fuck worrying about carbon footprint.
The answer ultimately is…investing in renewable energy
IOW insufficient energy. Lower your expectations, comrade.
So, the optimist in me had a thought last night… The Art of War advises, “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” Is it at all probable, that the shit show that is our observable government is just a ruse?
So what hallucinogens did you consume?
I believe that is the bottle that says “Drink Me”…or was it the scone that said “Eat Me”…pass the hookah, Caterpillar, I’m starting to lose my buzz.
Yeah, that’s when I realized Alice was too dumb to live.
It is true, I was not sober when I had this thought.
They certainly aren’t acting like they are winning.
This. Anyone confident their policies are effective doesn’t need to lie or “fortify” or whatever they call it.
The better namesake Baldwin (distantly related from what I gather) and far superior actor pulling no punches on the gun safety rules and Hollywood being lazy about them.
Also didn’t realize he was a deplorable…how dare he identify as an individual American.
Good morning, Sloopy!
Thanks for the lynx and sorry about the opera and the Ren Faire.
Man, the narrative on Ivermectin will not be denied. I like how they included the expert to tell everyone that Ivermectin doesn’t kill the virus. Who said it did, fucko?
Bah, I’m so tired of experts.
But I’m never tired of good music. Even Phil.
The mandate came yesterday, while we do not have fed contracts, our parents company is all about the fed contracts, so we must get the jab prior to Dec 8. Oddly enough, I got sick last weekend and turns out to be covid, so I got monoclonal antibodies treatment last Tuesday. Now I am ineligible for the Vax until January at the earliest so I am taking a wait and see approach. I manage six engineers on my team and know one will ask for a religious exemption or resign, not sure about the others. We are a manufacturer company and have all walks, and i am sure we are going to lose 20% of the minimal skill workers, and likely 50% high skill workers. I know we will lose some professional positions, engineers, project managers, and the like but I am unsure of what percentage. It pisses me off that the company would roll over for this, but what I expected. Having a delay for myself makes it a wait and see for me, but I was planning to build a house, that may be out the window now if the company goes down in flames. This sucks.
Sorry to hear and welcome to the club. Donuts and coffee are on the back table and we begin meetings promptly somewhere between 5 and 10.
Last friday I requested my first test for the test or vax diktat.
It arrived yesterday. today I had to order the second because they’re weekly.
Right now it’s on the taxpayer’s dime, but I still feel dirty not simply ignoring the mandate and getting fired.
I don’t think you should feel guilty. We all have to make trade-offs in this life. We can’t get through it lily white or without damage.
Don’t get fired until you’ve got the system properly sabotaged.
ROFL. I can’t do any more damage that the system has done to itself. I look at satires and go “How can they run so efficiently?”
You need to have a deadman’s switch that starts sending money from pension accounts into the personal accounts of Cuomo, Hochul, James, et. al.
That’s the Comptroller’s Office. I support the HR systems not including payroll.
I would take that option if avaliable and don’t begrudge you for it. It isn’t an option since we falls under federal workers and not businesses with more than 100 employees somehow. I don’t know what to do, been at this job 18 years, have close friends there, love what we do, proud of the products we make. I resent the fact the company is doing this.
Mine falls under Grannykiller Cuomo and ‘I know God’s will’ Kathy’s illegal order rather than any federal one.
We are in a conservative small Texas town, but parent company is upstate NY. I’m seeing Facebook posts of people ready to quit already. Even if I take the jab, I am not sure the company will survive in its present form.
There are still companies in Upstate New York? I thought… Oh, I think I know who.
Honestly UCS – this, like all of the other govt bullshit, is exactly what the taxpayers/voters deserve.
I admire that, but not me. I have no problem lying and cheating the system. I worked hard to get my high-positioned, well-paying job and if I have to forego taking a stand, in order to fuck a system that’s trying to fuck me and my livelihood and my very participation in commerce and society; well let’s just say I’ll use whatever subterfuge is within my power, and do so gleefully, losing no sleep at all.
Something dropped behind the scenes this week. Everybody is coming out with mandates toward the end of the week and all with a Dec 8th deadline.
Also, please grab the religious exemption out of the forum if you need it. Don’t be shy about amending it to fit your views if necessary.
As an atheist my belief is the government is evil and willing to sacrifice anyone for their own power. 1984 is my bible.
Yep…means legal teams found their cover or anticipating OSHA or DOL dropping their guidance.
Also Dec 8 is the FedGov contractor deadline and probably some legal teams found that at one point they held a contract with FedGov and thus, they are contractors and bam…cover obtained!
A bit of positivity for you all. I live in a small IL town that co-ops with a few smaller towns. We’re heavy on farming and related industries and very homogenous with almost no exceptions. Hardly anyone masks up and you’re never confronted with wokeness.
Last night at the HS volleyball game, the student section repeatedly ripped out a “Let’s Go Brandon!” chant. Parents joined in (the superintendent was laughing, and he may not be from around here, but he fits in nicely). I was reminded in those moments of how absolutely happy I am that I never moved back to the Chicago area after college (OK, after being in a THC and alcohol based stupor). Leave the cities and you’ll find all the sane, good, and honest people. Thank doG for rural America!
Euphemistic or literal verbiage?
Literal, we’re not barbarians 😉
Immunotherapy is a promising strategy to treat cancer by stimulating the body’s own immune system to destroy tumor cells, but it only works for a handful of cancers. MIT researchers have now discovered a new way to jump-start the immune system to attack tumors, which they hope could allow immunotherapy to be used against more types of cancer.
Their novel approach involves removing tumor cells from the body, treating them with chemotherapy drugs, and then placing them back in the tumor. When delivered along with drugs that activate T cells, these injured cancer cells appear to act as a distress signal that spurs the T cells into action.
“When you create cells that have DNA damage but are not killed, under certain conditions those live, injured cells can send a signal that awakens the immune system,” says Michael Yaffe, who is a David H. Koch Professor of Science, the director of the MIT Center for Precision Cancer Medicine, and a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research.
In mouse studies, the researchers found that this treatment could completely eliminate tumors in nearly half of the mice.
Very cool
Fake science-denying Trumpists!
His Twitter game is simply astonishing.
Boom! Headshot!
He is just wrecking it
Michael Malice
· 11h
the rest of his life, Alec Baldwin will have to hear “The difference between you and Donald Trump is that Donald Trump never killed anyone.”
Ooooooooof. **Mortal Kombat Voice** BRUTALITY
I’m really struggling this morning, walking the line between “it was an honest to God accident and I feel for the guy” and “Alec Baldwin is among the biggest douchebags alive today and deserves whatever Karma throws his way”. So, I’m kind of laughing my ass off at this tweet, but I’ll probably need to lash myself on the back a few times as penance.
It’s even worse than the transcript: Joe Biden Dismisses Freedom On Vaccine Mandates: “Come On, ‘Freedom’?”
Never mind it is well known that the “vaxxed” still transmit convid.
Dude, that freedom shit is so overdone.
Kamah-la pulls a Hillary.
Kamala Harris campaigned for Democrat Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe Thursday evening in Dumfries.
Kamala riled up the lefty crowd by showing her support for abortion on demand.
“Don’t Texas my Virginia!” she shouted.
Phony Kamala Harris mustered a fake southern accent as she told the crowd what she wanted for her birthday.
Please stop California-ing my Virginia.
It’s not your Virginia bitch.
Norm talks about Baldwin – https://youtu.be/B0K1HLQJUY0
My pork chops marinated in Chili Adobo were not bad. But the spice level drowned out the flavor.
My lemons are not looking like lemons…so it is either a lime tree and I have been sitting on limes waiting for them to yellow or they are the Lemonade variety lemon, which is a hybrid.
Take one down and test it.
I did…I think…I still don’t know. Even took one of the ‘green’ ones to see. Oh well, I will use them as some sort of citrus
Avoid the green ones.
WTF did I just watch and laugh at.
Dada comedy is the best descriptor I can come up with.
What the fucking hell?
Will Sasso is hot & funny.
I’ll be in my bunk.
he didn’t used to be.
Still wood. Funny goes a long, long way.
For some reason that brings to mind this – https://youtu.be/L40Ly3Go_oQ
That movie is chock full of “so wrong, yet so funny”
Lemons can actually be green, although it’s not a popular kind.
Don’t worry about gas prices, mumbly Joe has uh… forget it, he’s got nothing.
Funny/curious how the previous administration didn’t have that problem.
In this time of great strife for Alec Baldwin I just want to say that I think The Edge was a really fun movie and I’d like to rewatch it now.
I am tempted to put on the checks we get for the business “Lets Go Brandon” in the endorsement box…figure if they are going to go over my deposits…might as well let them know how I feel.
The propaganda machine is humming along nicely.
War by the midterms? Sooner?
Couple that with this
Drum beats in the distance
Uh-oh. Seems like we have a missile gap. Where have I seen that before?
Remember how they said Trump would start a war to avoid electoral defeat? Waffles remembers.
Has anyone found a source for pre-printed “Let’s Go Brandon” stickers that are cheaper than a dollar a piece? The only ones I can find are at least $2. And a lot of them also have unnecessary flair like American flags, and other graphics.
I’m just looking for simple text that’s cheap enough to stick in random highly visible places. Preferably with an adhesive that won’t destroy the substrate when removed (I wouldn’t want to be responsible for any property damage).
o-ho! Just found this:
Too bad from Amazon, but only $7 for 100
In six different designs LOL
Make your own…comes out to $.21 a piece
“Don’t Texas my Virginia!” she shouted.
You couldn’t get me anywhere near that thing.
I remember in 5th grade when we had mandatory sex ed class (in a Catholic school!), and our teacher didn’t really want to teach it (I think) so she just made us go around the room in order, each reading a couple of paragraphs from the textbook. When it came around to one of my friends, who was a sweet, mousey little nerd-girl, she kept stumbling over the word “vagina” and pronouncing is as “Virginia.”
Too late. Willy Brown is originally from Texas.
So apparently the tactic to rid the workplace of the unclean is as follows:
“We grant your medical/religious exemption. Unfortunately, your former job function can only be performed by someone without your level of filth. We’ll keep you in mind in case we ever get a job you could do.”
I can see a lot of that. Especially for my techs. “Sorry, we could find no reasonable accommodation because you work closely with other technicians”.
?Title VII Lawsuit?
Anything to purge the ranks yet somehow avoid legal entanglements.
Larimer Co reinstated a mask mandate this week (Wednesday). Which means it is going in just after cases have peaked, in both CO and the county.
Stupid. I mean, mask mandates are anyway, but if you were going to do it, about 9/1 would have been the time. While the cases are rising, not after the peak.
Well since data has shown cases rise after mask mandates, no sense in allowing that peak to tapper off. Gotta keep chasing the high
I think cases rise after mandates because they are usually implemented on the upslope because generally even government isnt THIS incompetent.
Don’t harsh my Jones and let me conspiracy bro.