Back in action tonight
What a crazy finish in the desert. I was hoping the Cardinals would win. Alas, they made one mistake too many to overcome. The NAACP wants black athletes to stay away from Texas teams. I guess they want them all (except the ones playing in Florida) to pay higher taxes to the man. Idiots. The World Series resumes tonight in Atlanta. And a fun weekend of football and baseball is in front of us. And that’s sports.

A perfect cast for a perfect movie
Big birthdays today include German chancellor (not a nazi) Max Von Papen, Nazi piece of shit Joseph Goebbels, actor Ed Kemmer, chemist Carl Djerassi, banjo great Sonny Osborne, artist (and hero to stoners) Bob Ross, quality actor Richard Dreyfuss, the lovely Kate Jackson, “Mr Wonderful” Paul Orndorff, hockey great Denis Potvin, The Cure’s Roger O’Donnell, outfielder Jesse Barfield, another hockey great Mike Gartner, professional actress and amateur shoplifter Winona Ryder, pitcher RJ Dickey, and F1 driver Lance Stoll.
That was weak. On to…the links!
There could be a number of reasons this happened. Most likely one is that people just don’t want to be on a jury. Second is that they sure as hell don’t want to be on this particular jury. Third is they sure as hell don’t want to be on this jury and ultimately have their personal information released to the public.

“But I’m just being Italian!”
Wow, they actually brought charges. I’m surprised, to be honest.
Does this even count as justice though? I don’t think it will until every single asshole involved in the theft is locked in a cage.
“We need radical action on climate change”, he said from his golden palace. Seriously, fuck this guy.
There’s not enough popcorn in the world to get America ready for this debate. If they push this through, the electoral bloodbath in 2022 is going to be YUUUUUUUUUGE!

Coming down to the wire
I’d like to see a couple more polls with these numbers before I get too excited. Also, it’s not who votes that counts. It’s who counts the votes.
Must be nice to have some connections somewhere. I guess the politically connected will always get preferential treatment.
When is a contract not a contract? Whenever the government feels like not honoring it, apparently.
NASA doing NASA shit. I’d actually be more surprised if it worked as designed.
Here you go. Enjoy it, friends. It’s a great song.
And enjoy your Friday and weekend. I’m headed to watch the Buckeyes (hopefully) beat the shit out of Penn State.
Yay, Friday.
I think one of your links is redundant/wrong.
Yeah, you’re right. But it’s fixed now. Thank you.
So nice, he linked it twice.
Just going a little crazy here. Nothing to worry about.
No highway robbers hanging, not justice.
Love it. The punishment for theft under the power of government, is that they don’t get to keep the booty, in this one case.
“Solar wing jammed on NASA spacecraft chasing asteroids”
They need to hire someone who has expertise in chasing asteroids. I believe there is a glib who qualifies.
Agile Cyborg ?
I miss Agile Cyborg.
Don’t look at me — I was better at Centipede and Galaga.
I think it was this one:
Commie Antipope Frank needs to retire.
That is right! He’s making the rest of us Popes look bad.
Start sending your tithes to me!!!!
No, you can’t have my regiments of Imperial Guard.
Who needs a Swiss Guard. Their defense if full of holes.
Get ‘im boys.
Even the French laugh at your foppery.
Ah, Frankenpope. Carrying on the tradition of Avignon by sucking up to secular authority.
To be fair to Francis — this one makes sense both from his being a Commie and from the way the Church has gone since Vatican II or so.
The goal seems to be worldwide “equity” — on the basis of the whole “if your neighbor asks for your cloak, give him your tunic as well” passages. As a Church, *asking* the rich to willingly give to the poor such that everything balances out isn’t unreasonable.
It all falls apart of course because the Church has been working to push governments / policies that make it involuntary instead of voluntary (no virtue in charity by force, after all) and of course — one look at the Vatican does make one wonder just why the Church only seems to distribute part of what they wheedle from the parishes each year instead of distributing some of what they obviously have socked away. But thoughts like those are why I’m a pretty lapsed Catholic these days — I believe in the faith, but I think we’re in one of those times where the organization obviously doesn’t live up to it.
If you have wealth you have an obligation to give it to the poor (doesn’t apply to the Vatican).
But thoughts like those are why I’m a pretty lapsed Catholic these days — I believe in the faith, but I think we’re in one of those times where the organization obviously doesn’t live up to it.
Yup. Closing the doors to churches at the behest of the authorities, effectively denying the eucharist to the faithful for months, was the last straw. The hierarchy cravenly submitted without even token resistance.
This varied widely by parish and the wrong thinkers were not given much attention by the media as it may have encouraged further resistance. My mom has been attending in person mass, maskless, almost the entire manufactured pandemic. That priest is also now writing religious exemptions for anti-vaxxers.
Interesting. Lots of other (((wrongthinkers))) were given a lot of media attention. Curious, that.
Not sure where you are, but everything was shut down here by the Archdiocese. Open now, but the damage was done.
The Bishop of Manchester partially redeemed himself by punking the Clown Prince on schools.
While the Clown Prince was hemming and hawing over whether or not it was safe to reopen schools in NH for in-person learning, the Bishop of Manchester made an announcement along the lines of, “Diocesan schools will be open for in-person learning in the Fall. We’ll leave decisions on whether or not masks are required up to the individual schools to decide based on local conditions, local regulations, and parental feedback. If you transfer a student from a non-Catholic, non-Diocesan school into a Diocesan school, we’ll give you a discount on tuition.”
Pretty quickly after that announcement, the Clown Prince made up his mind that is safe to reopen schools for in-person learning.
such that everything balances out
That’s the unscriptural part.
“the poor will always be with us.”
The dirty little secret they ignore is that giving is more about you than about who you give to. That’s why the poor woman who gives her last penny is righteous and praised, but the rich young ruler who gave an astronomically larger amount was aggrieved when told to sell everything and give to the poor.
*scans article*
Need to do something, but unclear what that something is.
Sure, hey Frankie – how about you lay down your opinion on abortion while your at it. See how far your moral authority carries there.
I’ll take the Vatican seriously when they liquidate their untold wealth and start trying to at least pretend to emulate Jesus’ life. Until then they can fuck off.
Good God man – you mean be like the Franciscans?
The Poor Claires.
“We find ourselves increasingly frail and even fearful, caught up in a succession of crises in the areas of health care, the environment, food supplies and the economy, to say nothing of social, humanitarian and ethical crises,” Francis said in a radio broadcast on the BBC.
“All these crises are profoundly interconnected. They also forecast a perfect storm that could rupture the bonds holding our society together. … These crises present us with the need to take decisions, radical decisions that are not always easy. At the same time, moments of difficulty like these also present opportunities, opportunities that we must not waste,” he said.
Should have dressed as a T-rex to really drive the point home.
Now I have to admit, T-rex Pope would be kinda awesome.
Will no one rid us of this meddlesome priest?
I finished “Zombeavers” this morning. I had it playing in the background while I wrapped up some stuff for work. I was rooting for Zoe to survive. Oh well.
New Orleans shoeshine double linked. Golden palace link needs fixed.
Thanks. Fixed it.
Must’ve been the Bearded Edit Fairy, I suppose….
Environmentalists had blasted the contract between the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Westlands Water District as a sweetheart arrangement designed to benefit corporate agricultural interests over environmental needs and taxpayers.
Listen. Everybody knows water used for agricultural purposes is just wasted.
Who will speak up for the fly fisherman and recreational boaters?
Speak up for WHO?
These assholes only speak up for snail darters and delta smelt.
they sure as hell don’t want to be on this jury and ultimately have their personal information released to the public.
The alleged perps will get the Chauvin treatment no matter the facts of the case. But it is a sad state of things that trials have become politicized to the point that 1) people that serve on a jury have to fear any particular retribution for any particular verdict and 2) there is zero chance of a fair trial.
Now let’s talk about the FDA and big Pharma…
Or USDA and Big Ag
Or DOJ and Lawyers
Or DOE and teachers unions
Bingo. This guy gets it.
Presumably, they have identified the illegals who want to be reunited with their children, so… why are we not sending the parents back to the children for the reunion and shipping them all back south?
It’s going to be interesting when the next President, a pro border, conservative gets in and has all of the contact information of all of these Illegals. What a strange world we live in.
‘In addition to returning all of the seized money – $28,180 – prosecutors agreed to dismiss the case against him with prejudice, meaning they cannot go after the money at a later date. As part of the deal, Warren agreed not to pursue legal action against the government.’
And if he had refused to agree to not pursue legal action what would have happened?
Fucking thieves and scoundrels, the lot of them.
He didn’t have the money to pursue legal action against the government. He would have needed outside funding.
I thought IJ was representing him.
But yeah, WTF. He gets his money back and nothing for the shit they put him through?
SCOTUS says this is not a 4th or 5th amendment violation, somehow, because reasons.
Because it’s a blatant 4th, 5th, 8th, and probably 14th violation?
…somehow, because reasons.
Robes motherfucker, long black robes. You got robes like that? I didn’t think so.
He got hosed if all he got was the money back and a promise (which they can fucking ignore anytime they want) to not fuck him over more. He should have had all his legal fees [paid for and also been paid damages for the abuse and loss of time. Fuck the legal system.
Agreed, except no one here needs reminding, he would have been paid through our confiscated tax dollars and the sub-human scum that perpetrated this would have seen zero PERSONAL liability whatsoever.
Maybe I am stupid for thinking enough tax payers would eventually decide not to support the politicians and the statist machine that commits these abuses, and things would change…
yeah, I know. I am a fucking idiot for thinking like that.
It’s a good Friday cause I’m still in my jammies. I’m not doing dammit today. Maybe I’ll catch up on some Glib Posts, watch some Expanse, play on Steam, and annoy the wife of course.
I have no words.
*checks BP* yikes.
I feel like if you are off work you aren’t slacking. While I, a slacker, am at work and therefore slacking.
It’s slackers all the way down.
Never has a subthread screamed Rufus quit this loudly.
Getting away with slacking at work sometimes requires planning and effort. It can be taxing at times. So it’s kind of like work, just non-productive work.
Wow, they actually brought charges. I’m surprised, to be honest.
I keep abreast of the development but I think he’ll be treated with kid gloves.
He can kiss his political ambitions goodbye.
Yeah but the end it’s a he said/she said criminal case. He’ll lick those charges yet.
His attorneys will feel out the jury before deciding on a strategy.
It’ll be good for them to keep abreast of the situation.
Cuomo will grab at any chance he can to get these charges dismissed.
He’s just looking to get it all behind.
The wrong charges – ignoring all the people he killed in nursing homes and charging him with grab-ass instead.
Murphy and Wolf are grateful.
Can’t very well charge him for small scale genocide, too many governors would have to go down with him. The Party Is All.
Classic example of a guy being felled by his own hubris. His detractors just had to sit back and wait.
Like they say, Give a man enough grope….
.. and he’ll feed himself?
Just so everybody knows, I fixed the double post. I repeat: I fixed the double post.
There was a double post?
It’s been neutered, so don’t worry.
Neph, you should come down for the tailgating tomorrow.
I wish I could, but I’ve got prior commitments on Sunday, and I’m fighting off a (non-COVID) cold the girlfriend gave me.
Still on Zoom tonight?
I’m planning on it, will probably drop early though.
“It gives me a great amount of joy and peace,” Warren said. “What happened to me should never happen to anybody in this world.”
But it happens every day because gov’t is assho.
I don’t think it will until every single asshole involved in the theft is locked in a cage.
The World Series resumes tonight in Boston
That is some unexpected news.
What a strange autocorrect. Thanks a lot, Apple.
::looks around nervously::
Boston is the real AL Champions and will be reinstated in March!
/QAnon Crazy
No all-star game or world series for Atlanta.
It honestly didn’t even phase me. “Oh I guess they’re punishing Atlanta for the voting rights bill”. Fucking clown world.
Now that charges have been filed, Cuomo can work on his plea deal. “Misdemeanor unsolicited ogling” with a 15 day suspended sentence and community service at a Home for Wayward Girls.
I’m looking forward to the
distractionlurid details of his trial. Should make for some entertaining reads.He needs to team up with Anthony Weiner and do a reality tv show.
They’ll probably score a CNN news hour first.
They can get Toobin on as their first guest.
It still infuriates me that the man intentionally sentenced tens of thousands of old people to death then lied about it but what did him in is an alleged groping incident or two.
Had to protect the other Dem governors who also killed thousands of old people in nursing homes with the same policy.
Murphy agrees.
His community service will be served fixing elevators for the homeless.
Anyone think that DeBlasio will go after city contracts with Cuomo as hard as the ones with Trump?
Is that a trick question?
I just want Sister Cuomo and Hunter Biden to find each other and fall in love.
They need each other. Who else can understand the enormous pressure of having to live in the shadow of their political family? How they suffer so much because people unfairly assume that they are on the take?
While I doubt this to go nowhere serious and just be for show, it would be fun if they met behind bars. And I would like Hillary and Barrack there too. My fantasy for real justice is those two making my new license plates while wearing orange suits in a prison for evil fucking people.
Reality show idea?
Real Bunkies of Cellblock C
A cell block full of crooked politicians. Watch them back stab each other.
JFC what a racket.
Now repeat this across the entire collection of hundreds of “public housing” buildings and it’s the exact same story. I believe the bill to repair them all has grown to around $50B and Biden will probably give it to them. Nobody asks where the billions they already get every year for this purpose is going.
I’m sure some crazy people would ask why you can’t just give the homeless people $1000/mo and let them find their own places. Which would save taxpayers $4000/mo.
Well Mr. Smartypants, if you gave the money directly to these people then they would find a place and not be homeless. And then they wouldn’t qualify for the subsidy and be kicked out!
Jimbo, Jimbo, Jimbo…
This is New York City. $1k/month won’t cover rent.
It would keep them in sterno for the month, which is what most of them really want.
But yeah, WTF. He gets his money back and nothing for the shit they put him through?
Maybe Janet Yellin will cut him a check for the interest.
He’d better be happy he didn’t get it in the ass too! That’s how government works. They can do what ever they want, but if they don’t do the absolute worst they think they can get away with, than they’re our benevolent masters.
+ $0.16
‘We’re paying burglars who broke into our home’: Furious Republicans slam Biden for plan to pay $450,000 per person – up to $1M a family – to relatives separated at border under Trump’s zero-tolerance policy
There is no way this is real. Why the fuck should anyone continue to pay federal taxes if this is real? This whole fucking clown show of an administration is illegitimate.
Tucker on point.
If they push this through, the electoral bloodbath in 2022 is going to be YUUUUUUUUUGE!
In a sane world with elections that can be trusted, sure. But I am far too cynical to trust the system at this point.
My voter guide came in the mail yesterday. The ballot contains three measures explicitly designed to ensure that nobody outside the Democrat machine will ever be elected again. Conveniently enough, one of those measures (vote by mail) is already in place because panicdoomterror.
Tossed it. I’m never voting again in this system.
Whenever you have a system that encourages unauditable/unverifiable behaviors with rewards this high, assume that is by design so the cheaters can do so with less worry and more ease.
Don’t worry…. They have procedures in place to ensure that your vote gets cast when this happens…
On the flip side, I can see gangs murdering, kidnapping, etc. to get at these funds. So there’s that too.
It’s the Presidential version of Brewster’s Millions. If his sole objective is to bankrupt the country as quickly as possible (while screwing the middle class as hard as possible), what would he be do any differently?
The good news – when you get fired from your job for being unvaccinated, maybe a millionaire illegal immigrant family will buy it. They might even hire you to mow the lawn.
There is no way this is real.
I think it’s an outrage distraction. There is something else they are trying to pull that they need time to put together. Whatever it is will be less heinous that that bullshit, but it will be accepted while we are frothing over the immigration crimes against USSA.
Then again, maybe they are just setting up Joe for an impeachment or 25th Amendment smack down.
I wonder if my wife can retroactively reject her green card/citizenship and get that $450K?
Probably not. I bet Asians won’t qualify for any border reparations.
Asians are the yellow face of white supremacy, your holiness..
Ok, you guys know that the propaganda machine has been my hobby horse for years… Everyone here should be reading the coverage of this story with two sets of eyes. First, obviously, is the absolutely ludicrous policy. Taken at face value it is farcical, but when you realize that it is a thinly veiled political attack costing hundreds of millions of dollars, it really strains my hold on reality.
Second, take careful note of the tone of the coverage. Imagine yourself even just a few years ago in the Obama administration and having news organizations take something this ridiculous seriously. Now, not only is this covered as if it was some grand awakening and a long-awaited correction of great historical wrongs, but it is lionized, even deified.
Just look at the URL from the hill.
The directory structure is
They actually have a content directory for “changing-america”. Then they made a subdirectory for everything about ” Respect.” (!?!?). And under respect, yet another subdivision for “equality”.
That is at a publication that ostensibly just covers the maneuvering in congress.
I like the distinction Tucker makes between “people who make this country run” and “people who run this country.”
Speaking of Janet Yellin: Super Genius!
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen asserted Friday that the administration’s infrastructure spending proposal will lower inflation by reducing costs vital to households.
Speaking to CNBC from Rome where she is attending the G-20 conference of global leaders, Yellen renewed her push for White House spending plans that are unpopular with several factions of Congress and have yet to be approved.
“I don’t think that these investments will drive up inflation at all,” she told CNBC’s Sara Eisen during a live “Worldwide Exchange” interview.
She’s like Economist Barbie who got put in the microwave.
So, inflationary deficit spending actually lowers costs. What is this strange magic she speaks of?
the administration’s infrastructure spending proposal will lower inflation by reducing costs vital to households.
*spits out coffee*
We are truly led by the beast and brightest.
Best*, even. But beast probably works too.
Yeah, I’d accept that.
Even if that’s true, the infrastructure part of the spending is a very small part of the overall spending they are proposing.
But, but… It says the word “infrastructure” right at the top!
Imagine being this much of a snivelling pussy.
You always see in these types of stories that they interview a chief who agrees with them. The problem is, these people are almost always grifters looking to play a victim card for a payoff. So when some no-purpose-in-life liberal asks if some mascot is offensive, of course they will say yes. Taking offense is the modern way to power. I imagine if they asked non-community-organizer Native Americans, you’d get a much more diverse response.
Recon Ranger!
Did this White Savior just call out a Native American for changing their mind? How dare he engage in such blatant stereotypes of Indians!!!!
The tomahawk chop, rubber-stamped earlier this week by the commissioner of baseball, will be broadcast on screens across the United States and around the world, and it will serve as a reminder that for all the progress made in eradicating unnecessary American Indian symbolism, it remains deeply embedded in sports.
“Tomahawks” are hatchets that were brought to North America by Europeans. That aside, why do you want to remove native Americans from modern culture, bigot?
“Europeans corrupted their culture with steel, firewater, and horses!”
“eradicating unnecessary American Indian symbolism”.
Because erasing a people from a culture is good for them?
Most really don’t care one way or another. They did a poll with for the Redskins name, and nine out of ten native Americans were not offended by the name.
Well, add me to the list who just got the e-mail regarding the ‘vid vax. Work sent me an e-mail saying I’m covered under the Federal Contractor EO (even though I don’t work on any Federal accounts). In ways the company has shit the bed was that the e-mail was sent out today, but had the due date of October 27th for the first dose of one of the brands, and November 3rd as the due date for one of the other brands.
Started the process of requesting a medical/religious objection, and reached out to my manager as to why I received this.
I had an applicant who applied recently because of the mandate.
He works at a hospital, they granted him an exemption and he’s no longer looking to leave. *kicks pebble*
The EO covers companies that contract. It doesn’t matter if you are on the contract. FYTW.
Per the e-mail that was sent out, it’s because I work activities that support federal clients. Considering they dropped this on a Friday past some of the deadlines, let’s see how the accommodation request works out.
I hate to hear it man, strength.
I posted this last night but the thread was pretty much dead so I’ll paste it here again:
Yeah I saw that (too late to respond, but I saw it). This was just an out of the blue e-mail with one due date that has already passed. On the plus side, there’s a new brewery opening down the street from me in a couple weeks, so maybe it’s time for that career change.
That sucks. Hang in there, man.
It looks like the announcement blindsided the management too.
Apparently it’s for our whole department, regardless of the client(s) we work on, and my boss just sent out an e-mail to everyone. I’m guessing based on that, she’s gotten quite a few inquiries about this.
The Fox News survey showed Youngkin leading McAuliffe by eight percentage points (53-45) among likely voters, with just 2 percent supporting other candidates or undecided.
Grain (bag?) of salt applies.
Bag of extra ballots may apply too.
Yeah, if the early vote counts are anywhere near those numbers you can expect multiple voting stations to suddenly have their carbon monoxide detectors go off nearly simultaneously then shut down for the evening. By dawn the numbers will have flipped.
I’m so excited!
This is the first real test of the battle between election fortification and defortifying populism. Did I mention that I’m so excited?
? I’m so excited! Fraud? We won’t try to hide it! You’re about lose all control and you’ll learn to like it!?
It still infuriates me that the man intentionally sentenced tens of thousands of old people to death then lied about it but what did him in is an alleged groping incident or two.
“Kissed the girls and made them cry” trumps institutionalized callous disregard for the health and safety of those in your care. Many of those people died as a direct result of his refusal to follow actual scientific knowledge. But He made everybody wear masks, so it’s all good.
It is sort of sad that the only effective opposition to govt stupidity is progressive stupidity.
Minneapolis has decided that it needs to invest $350M to develop 48 acres that used to be a barge terminal. That is way better than just selling the land to the highest bidder and being done with it.
Things were going swimmingly until those meddling
teensprogressives sued them.“not letting north Mpls residents drive this process” = Their cronies were going to get the grift, not our local cronies.
If government doesn’t pick the winners & losers, then the wrong people will win!
The group also alleged the project will gentrify the North Side
Making that argument should be a capital offense.
Same neighborhood that demanded that a replacement bridge be redesigned because the original plain design was boring and racist. (any bridge built in a white neighborhood would have had a signature look).
The result? The cost went from $36M to $106M. But hey, at least they have a fancy bridge.
How are you going to correctly funnel the development graft if you sell it?
My city is going through a similar process with some land downtown. The local do-gooders want the land to be a big park and theater and a museum which will be a drain on the city’s finances forever. At this point I just wish the city would sell the land to a meat packing plant out of spite.
That’s some damn fine police work there, Lou.
Using that logic wouldn’t they be able to confiscate every single big bill in this country that wasn’t printed on the day they run the dog sniffing test? Fuck our government is evil.
*rolls up Franklin, snorts*
The long term goal is to ban physical currency altogether. Every transaction will be carefully monitored by our government. No penny shall be left untaxed.
Learn to Barter
And no enemy of the state will go unfound and dealt with either…
Dips $1T platinum coin in heroin.
Heroin is so passe, all the cool kids are doing fentanyl.
and they detected the presence of drugs on some of the money
Or they were signaled to give a signal of detection because they want to please their handlers.
The Pfizer kiddie vaccine may cause heart attacks – so Pfizer conveniently added heart medicine to the vaccine, for your 5-year-old.
And 10 years from now when we have a shitton of people with medical conditions caused by this shit and no recourse, they will just give them a new vaccine that puts them all to sleep…. Humanely. Cause healthcare costs.
Holy fucking shit
That’s an admission of the side effects. The balls on Pfizer et al are absolutely massive.
“The balls on Pfizer et al are absolutely massive.”
Not really, because they know they’ll never face any accountability or repercussions.
I wouldn’t be so certain if I was them…. The statist marxist-fascists have made it very obvious they are willing to throw even the best of their friends under the bus if it becomes convenient or necessary for the cause. Today they need them. Tomorrow, when they no longer do, or when people are up in arms cause shit went real bad, the deal will be changed to suit the mandarinate’s agenda. And like Darth Vader told Lando when he altered the deal, these fuckers better pray the deal doesn’t get altered further.
Not really when you have zero accountability thanks to EUA status.
Dammit, this is close to Q’s comment. Should have hit refresh.
The accounting that’s coming won’t be in the courts.
Pure evil.
I swear, at this point if pharma executives started getting knocked off over this shit I wouldn’t bat an eye.
I’d likely vote “not guilty”. I might draw the line at killing their families.
I might draw the line at killing their families.
Agreed. They’re only the leaches that went along with the grift to pick up a few bucks. Now, the political class that led the charge, on the other hand…..
Never in their wildest dreams had the pharma execs imagined this type of success. They must spend all day fapping furiously while sitting on a big pile of money.
There are dozens of risks for children with this shit and nearly zero benefit on account that children are not susceptible to convid. Pfizer and its enablers are evil.
Tromethamine isn’t “heart medicine”. Although it’s sometimes used to treat acidosis. It’s more commonly used as a buffer. It’s already in the Moderna vaccine.
Friday Funbags bringing the weapons of mass distraction.
The $1 trillion infrastructure and companion $1.8 trillion climate and social spending spending plans have been pared back considerably during negotiations with Congress. At their core is an effort to improve the nation’s infrastructure, over which the Biden administration has cast a wide umbrella of not only the traditional investments in roads and bridges but also across a wide swath of social programs like early childcare.
That’s a longwinded way to say “porkbarrel”.
We should go back to passing a bill for each and every single government tax payer ass-fucking project to make the pork harder to do…
Yep. This bill just delegates an unfathomable amount of money (and authority) to agencies to do with as they please.
longwinded way to say “porkbarrel”.
It’s the entire factory.
A comment worthy of Trump.
I am all for guys taking advantage of the free time off shit out there – to go do fun shit – but if you are using it to wear a bro and pretend to breastfeed, even once, you are a pussy. Own it, or don’t do it.
Truly we are monstrous. (Pay no attention to the millions of jobs out there which do provide it. It’s only goodthinkful when all taxpayers are forced to pay for it.)
I agree with the guy.
I’m not against guys taking time off right away to make sure wife and baby are doing fine in the week or two after the birth (I’m only semi-monsterous). Taking off six months? You weren’t critical to the job if you can take that long off.
There wasn’t an offer to get the benefit in cash.
It’s also not much of a secret that they could fire me and have a replacement in a couple weeks. Sure, they may not get somebody of the same caliber, but that’s not the end of the world in my position. They’d probably count it a net positive if they get a woman or a minority.
I already paid into the system. I’m a chump for not using it
My exact response to proggies who, on finding I lean libertarian, puke out “Ahhhhhha! Then you I guess you won’t using road or taking Social Security money then will you? Checkmate! I’m very intelligent!”
Motherfucker, my dollars paid for those roads, and whatever pennies the government sends me in retirement, is just a portion of the money they confiscated from me, every paycheck for my entire life.
I don’t know about loser. But, I do wish we could dispense with the nonsense about enlightenment and pretending its a normal thing. Whatever the poobahs want to say, people being out puts additional strain on the rest of the team doing their jobs. And if it’s something they really feel they need to do, okay, I get it, I guess. But, that’s not really much recompense to me when I find I’m having to do extra work because the person on leave normally does it.
If I went to most employers and told them I was going to take six months off to go tour breweries, mostly party, and catch up on all the fun things other people did in their youth while I was working or studying, but, hey, hold my job and have the rest of the team fill in for me while I go through my midlife crisis, most employers would (rightly) tell me to get stuffed. They pay me to do a job and not having someone around to do that job does create a problem. And, at risk of sounding incredibly callous, I don’t see a fundamental difference between that and parental leave. Sure, I get it, kids are really important and the center of your world. But, your kids aren’t and shouldn’t have to be the center of my world.
If we’re going to down this road, I should be able to take six months off every year for any goddamn reason I want.
I was once talking to a colleague, a single mom, who was complaining that people with kids get treated differently at work. I countered that it was my experience that people without kids had far fewer concessions made to them by bosses over the years–need to take the kid to the doctor, or be late to drop them off at school? Sure, no problem. Whereas childless employees were held to much stricter standards. It’s been my experience at two different employers that they were easier on colleagues with kids than childless ones. The third employer was just awful to everyone.
Yeah, I wonder what she meant by “differently”.
I’ve always worked for tiny companies. There was simply no such thing.
I Have Been Through This Before
Good read if you have the time.
You should look up how many people that found a way to leave the USSR, China, North Korea, or other commie shitholes point out the parallels between the shit happening today here in the US and what they saw as the march to communism and its aftermath took place in their home lands. I was especially worried about some Chinese lady living in Virginia that step for step compared out lunatics with those of the cultural revolution of her ex-country. And she says that if people don’t fight them, sooner than later, they will start putting people in camps and/or destroying their lives before disappearing the more troubling ones.
Thank you for that. Horrible story, but a necessary read.
Whelp, that was depressing. Thanks for posting.
Glad my kid is off meds. And has not been jabbed.
they will just give them a new vaccine that puts them all to sleep…. Humanely.
Soylent Green is PEOPLE!
But it is sustainable!
A California judge has declined to validate a contract granting permanent access to federally controlled water for the nation’s largest agricultural water supplier, a move that means the U.S. government is not bound by terms of the deal.
Curious considering one of the few legitimate roles for the government is to enforce contracts.
Obviously when it comes to THEIR contracts, they can choose to do so however benefits the enforcers the most?
Indians (American ones) nodding their heads.
“Civil asset forfeiture” (aka: robbery) is what happens when you get bipartisan solutions to “safety” and “fighting crime”.
You make a real valid point Q: “bipartisan” means one team gets what they want – always – and the American people, without exception, and often sooner than later, get to take it in the ass (when they don’t want that to happen at all).
After measuring the electric current this week, NASA reported Wednesday that one of Lucy’s two giant, circular solar panels is only between 75% and 95% extended. A lanyard is holding it in place.
This doesn’t reflect well on NASA.
Per the e-mail that was sent out, it’s because I work activities that support federal clients.
Your snifflecooties attach themselves to those bits and bytes, and catch a free ride through the series of tubes right up the snout of glorious noble public servants!
Is that what you want? IS IT?
Just running those two ships out and back from location, they’re looking at roughly 100 gallons per hour per ship. 2 ships, 1 week out, 1 week of operations, 1 week back. 3 weeks * 7 days * 24 hours * 200 gallons, that’s roughly 101,000 gallons of diesel.
101,000 gallons of diesel at about 8 lb per gallon 808,000 lbs of diesel fuel burned for 63,000 pounds of recovered trash. Bravo you fucking idiots.
Correction, 6 lbs per gallon of gas. So… 606,000 lbs.
Gas is 6 lbs,diesel is denser and comes in at about 7 lbs.
As long as it appears that we’re Doing Something!!! that’s all that counts.
You’d think you’d be able to see the garbage patch on Google Earth, but no.
Rhino harder: Lmao Liz wants to speak to Tucker’s manager.
It appears that @FoxNews is giving @TuckerCarlson a platform to spread the same type of lies that provoked violence on January 6. As @FoxNews knows, the election wasn’t stolen and January 6 was not a “false flag” operation. @rupertmurdoch @jayawallace @Suzannescott @SpeakerRyan twitter.com/tuckercarlson/…
Liz, sweetheart, you should really see this: Supercut: Democrats, Inventors of ‘The Big Lie’
You don’t have to go back that far. CNN repeated “hacked the election” over and over and over after Hillary lost.
“Furious Republicans slam Biden”
I don’t think it’s just Republicans. Other than the craziest ten percent of the left who thinks this is a good idea? It’s just fucked beyond all belief that they’re even considering doing this.
The free-shit and pubsec brigades that form the bulk Democratic voters couldn’t care less as long as the bennies and the power keep rolling in.
*shocked face*: Fox Milwaukee Reports On Ballot Harvesting Investigation, Elderly Voters Being Taken Advantage Of
except the ones playing in Florida
and Tennessee* and Washington and Nevada. And a few other states, but they don’t have top tier professional teams.
*TN does tax interest and dividend income, but not wage income.
TN phased it out, they are completely income tax free now.
I hadn’t heard it existed, but when I looked up list of income tax free states, it was mentioned. So I would have been more right doing it on my own. Thanks, Internet!
I would have missed NV, however. I knew TN and WA.
NH has a similar tax, which is on the chopping block. Five year phase-out starting, I think, this year. Hopefully no future legislature brings the tax back to life.
Community Members for Environmental Justice has accused the city of conducting an inadequate review under the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act.
Any “development project” which makes it past environmental review simply hasn’t been reviewed hard enough. Everybody knows that.
Keystone XL says “hi”.
Illegal aliens not in this country 3-4 years will receive reparations. That should go over well to some decendants of a certain kind.
This is the camel’s nose.
3rd world status, here we come!
It hasn’t happened yet. I find it hard to believe they’re this crazy but we’ll see.
-40 acres and a mule
CNN is shocked by the “sharp deceleration” in economic growth under Joe Biden.
because of restrictions people on themselves, frankly, because of the delta variant
This fucking cunte… ///Let’sGoBrandon
When just 2-3 days ago they were spouting everything is awesome and Americans are buying soo much stuff.
Didn’t they get the memo to lower their expectations?
Considering the policies being pushed this was as predictable as the sun coming up.
$1,000,000 per illegal immigrant family is just the new “40 acres and a mule.” Get over it, racist.
This might really shake the Dem’s hold on the black vote.
No way Ibram Kendi and Ta-Nehisi Coates are going to sit still for this. Fucking Biden and the Dems aren’t even talking about reparations for them.
Old and Busted: Blacks @ 13.4% of US Population.
New Hotness: Hispanics @18.5% of US Population.
ref: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/RHI225219
Black population, declining; hispanic population, growing.
87% of those who identify as hispanic also identify as white, though
From TV I assumed they were 50% of the population.
Meanwhile, the IRS is going to track all your transactions over $600.
All transactions on any account where the sum total transactions in a year are $600 or higher.
I think it was $600 per month, but it still sucks.
So this is a thing.
Rachel Diamond looks like most of the moms at the Park Slope café where we meet. She’s wearing a green T-shirt under a black corduroy jumper, sensible shoes and carries a smart, leather bag. She sips a four dollar iced chai. Except the 31-year-old isn’t a mom. And she never will be.
“You know,” Diamond says cheerily, “I never expected to be the poster child of sterilization.”
On the aspiring actor’s TikTok, one finds short funny videos about Diamond’s job working the register at a cafe near Union Square and updates on her rescue pitbull, Rue, who has anemia. Mixed in are the clips extolling her child-free life. They have titles like “Sterilization Attempt #3” and “Being Childfree: We DO Know What We’re Missing.” It’s been five months since she had her fallopian tubes cut — not tied — and she has 64,000 followers.
I figure this is a good thing. People like her shouldn’t have kids.
For an alternative: https://www.amazon.com/Selfish-Reasons-Have-More-Kids/dp/0465028616/
She only had about 4 more years until her uterus shriveled up on it’s own anyway.
My reaction as well. This generation of imbeciles is enough, to paraphrase a repugnant quote.
I love people like this. I bet you there’s not a single ponzi scheme based welfare program that she doesn’t consider to be a basic human right. These people are literally incapable of thinking past first order consequences.
Rachel Diamond looks like most of the moms at the Park Slope café where we meet. She’s wearing a green T-shirt under a black corduroy jumper, sensible shoes and carries a smart, leather bag.
Moms do not dress this way.
Dead-ender narcissists
Very recently, I’ve seen up close and personal what happens to the elderly with no kids as they descend into dementia. It’s not pretty, and they have nobody they can trust.
Left here without a comment on my part for your enjoyment..
What in the holy hell?
Elizabeth Warren is teaching again?
SOH CAH TOA is already catchy but honestly…would this even be a story 10 years ago?
Heinous disregard for the paranoid hypochondria of others
A Florida state senator said Thursday she has been receiving death threats for speaking out about the state’s top medical official’s refusal to wear a mask during a meeting at her legislative office, even after she informed him she’s battling cancer.
“The way he treated me, refusing to wear a mask, even when I told him I had a serious medical condition, shows his character and temperament is not appropriate to be our top medical professional,” said Sen. Tina Polsky, a Democrat representing parts of Palm Beach and Broward counties.
State Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo was appointed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis last month. Earlier this week, he and two aides entered Polsky’s office for a Senate confirmation interview without masks, despite clear signs indicating masks are required, Polsky said. Ladapo was asked several times to wear a mask, but he refused, she said.
“I do think there’s just a lack of common decency that’s going on,” Polsky told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, adding that she did not understand why Ladapo didn’t accommodate her request. “The compassion is gone,” she said.
Whycome him no OBEY? His obligation under the Social Contract is to unquestioningly accommodate and adapt to the most fearful and timid individual he encounters. Celebrate and embrace the delusions and psychoses of your fellow person!
If she’s so fucking terrified, why didn’t she just call him on the phone?
Because she isn’t terrified at all and a phone call wouldn’t afford her the opportunity to grandstand?
We have a winner! Johnny, tell him what he’s won.
Another outrage cycle?
I do think there’s just a lack of common decency that’s going on,” Polsky told CNN’s Anderson Cooper
There is but not how you mean.
Sounds like one of those “your freedom ends at the tip of my nose” folks who doesn’t also realize their freedom ends at the tip of my nose.
Just the tip is a lie!
$8 tip is not enough for Karen
What an entitled biotch.
Audio not working for me. What was the tab?
I didn’t hear the twb but she was arguing about distance
Everybody’s a victim and they deserve more.
The cultural rot has taken ahold.
I’d like to offset with a delivery driver that was the opposite. My wife ordered dinner. She forgot to change her default order address from the school she works at to our address. The guy called since nobody answered the door at the school. We told him he could just leave it there and we would come pick it up. He said he would wait for us. It took us about 10 minutes to get there. We arrived. He gave us our order and started back for his car before I could up his tip for service.
The Biden administration continues to lay out a series of rakes to step on. I’ve never seen anything like this. They’re not even trying to play the politics game. They must have a lot of faith in their election fortification skills.
“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
Inclusive, clean and articulate. C’mon, man. That’s a storybook.
SQUEAL!!! American Sterling copy in .45ACP… Yes, please.
It’d be easier of we ditched the unconstitutional NFA, GCA, et al.
I’m still excited about the cartel-blinged PX4 Storm that somebody linked to yesterday.
It just needed some skulls engraved into it.
Unpopular opinion:. The blinged Storm looked better than stock. The two-tone distracted from the gun’s fat old lady ass.
I love the Sterlings. They shoot so well. And look so cool.
Are they the basis for the Stormtroopers’ blaster in Star Wars?
Yes they are. I’m not sure, but I think the “prop guns” in the first film were actually Sterlings dressed up.
“I’m headed to watch the Buckeyes (hopefully) beat the shit out of Penn State.”
How is that even in doubt? tPSU just can’t handle tOSU this decade. In fact, tPSU has big trouble with any team that isn’t a cupcake (and even some of them beat the spread when playing tPSU.
Key for OSU…just give Penn St the ball on the 3. They can’t score from there.
Honk honk.
HISTORY IS MADE: First MALE wins homecoming QUEEN at Rock Bridge High School, Missouri
Men keep intruding on female spaces and accomplishments. I hope the feminists are happy.
Fight the patriarchy!
Of course it’s the girls that are celebrating the hardest.
We are encouraging them to systematically destroy themselves.
Well, it’s a girlie tradition, isn’t it?
Do any males care about this stuff? I don’t even remember if my high school had this.
We had it…but the only people that cared were cheerleaders and football players.
We had a Powder Puff Football Game every homecoming. The cheerleaders put on the football suits and played, while the football team dressed in drag and cheered from the sidelines.
Enforced and celebrated Diversity; the death of western society.
Unfortunately, Downs Syndrome kids hit hardest.
Uffda. You’d have to even more heartless than a libertarian to hit a kid with Down’s Syndrome. And to hit them hardest? That seems excessive.
Cancel your newsletter!
Despite being a medical doctor, Ladapo is known for his skepticism on Covid-19 safety measures
Off the plantation. Get him!
“I’d like a second opinion” does not apply to convid.
Nothing says “protection” like voter fraud and abortion!
I just checked my pocket Constitution, and there was nothing in there about legalizing voter fraud, aborting babies, or dictatorial mandates. Maybe they have a different version than I do?
If you are considering signing in Texas, I ask you to ensure that owners are upholding their responsibility of protecting you, the athlete, and your family
The owners are paying you millions to play a game. That should be sufficient for you, your family, and your hangers-on.
Supporters say the cost to create a strikingly modern bridge is well worth it because of its value to the community and future development of that corridor. They say it also continues the evolution of the city’s industrial riverfront to green space and parkways.
“It’s not my money.”
We should get together and buy me a nice house.
Good morning, Sloop!
Does this even count as justice though?
No. Although I’m glad the poor guy got his money back.
The fake pope and the fake president in one room is almost too nauseating.
Didn’t God used to smite the evil?
That is a great song. I can’t believe they are almost all gone.
OK guys… We’re all gonna be rich… hear me out:
Article was posted 8 hours ago.
Squid is now more than $7.
But there’s no bubble in crypto…
There are multiple bubbles in various cryptos. If you can afford to throw $100 or $1000 “fun money” at some of these before they take off, it could be retirement money. Or it could be a gigantic pyramid scheme; you decide.
Still waiting for my couple hundred bucks in XLM to pay off ?
In seriousness, I’m mostly in ETH2. I think it has the highest chance of being adopted as a widespread standard.
I don’t know if bubble is the right word. It’s the early Wild West days.
Just like anything, buy low, sell high, don’t overextend yourself, don’t buy on a whim (well, in crypto, most of it is a whim, but don’t buy until you’ve looked at the technicals) and have stop loss orders in place always.
From the shoeshine guy story, ” he gave some shaky answers about himself and the cash.”
I’m going slowly apoplectic over that statement. First of all, there shouldn’t have been any questions. Second, who gets to decide what’s “shaky.” Third, the NBC site didn’t even have the decency to add “according to the authorities.” They just happily went along with that interpretation.
“Rich Schapiro” clearly a white supremacist.
Hey, like that reporting there?: Furious Republicans slam Biden for plan to pay $450,000 per person – up to $1M a family
Not: Senile pants-crapper wants to use stolen wealth to pay off lawbreakers to vote for his party
Not: Democrat party to pay illegals 15x the U.S. median family income while millions struggle from their Covid response
No, it’s REPUBLICANS POUNCE!!!1!111!!!1
Your “Not(s)” are the unwritten mental headlines that everyone who isn’t a nutcase are reading in their mind’s eye. It’s a slap in the face.
“Cryptocurrency explosion: Mystery Shibu Inu coin investor’s $8,000 is now worth $5.7BILLION and Squid Game currency rockets 2,300% days after launch
A mystery investor’s $8,000 which was used to buy an obscure cryptocurrency in August 2020 is now worth $5.7billion as several online currencies explode in value.
The unknown individual bought the stake in a cryptocurrency know as Shiba Inu, which has soared in value over the past few days including a spike of 45% in 24 hours and 777% over the past 30 days.
The coin is another ‘meme based’ currency similar to Dogecoin that has been pushed by billionaire Tesla CEO Elon Musk and its rise comes amid a rapid growth in the value of several new cryptocurrencies”
Global version of Dutch tulips.
I am not playing in the cryptocurrency pool anymore. Can’t eat electrons and can’t access them if the grid’s down.
If only there were some way to solve these problems.
Bought new for $109,000, the tractor sold for $143,000 at auction, he said. It’s not an isolated incident, said Everett, who has run Joel’s Tractor and Auction since 1992. A lot of farm equipment, particularly used tractors, is selling for 30 percent to 50 percent more than it was two years ago at his auction house.
“It’s been unreal,” Everett said. “Our last sale was the biggest dollar sale we ever had, and we’re fixing to have another in three to four weeks that’s going to blow that one away.”
Quality farm equipment is getting hard to find amid the supply chain shortage, many farmers and experts said, and its scarcity is driving up prices and raising questions about whether farmers’ harvests and next year’s planting season could be affected.
Sadly it is not like you can just waive a magic wand to fix the economy. Welcome to the new normal 2.0.
But, but TOP.MEN, with levers and knobs.
Raining like hell here. I need more coffee but it’s a 200 foot walk from my workshop/office to the house. I think it might be worth the wetness.
Just poured my last morning cup. Fortunately less than a 20 ft walk from kitchen to office.
From the THERE IS NO INFLATION Department:
UPS just announced their rate changes starting after Christmas:
Wonder if they got to the end of a long term fuel contract.
Muh price-gouging!
There is always an underlying attack on the 1st Amendment but in the past few days a very coordinated push has emerged. From Ted Cruz “defending Nazis!”, Tucker Carlson is “basically yelling fire in a crowded theater!”, to the sustained chilling effects of parental involvement in their school boards. Don’t forget the insidious IRS plans that violate the 4th to use against the 1st and 2nd (in my opinion).
I’m only familiar with the Cruz one which referenced a parent flashing the salute as a condemnation of Nazi-like behavior in some schoolboard meeting somewhere.
The stupid don’t realize that when they silence dissent, disagreement will just take another, less civil, form.
What the actual fuck:
Straighter news would be “FBI failed (again) and are we are paying for their failure”
Well, it’s not like it’s a precedent or anything, such that anyone that can point to a failure of NICS to stop a homicide won’t have a claim. Right?
Old and busted: Integration.
New Hotness: Segregation.
What if William Shakespeare’s tragic tale of Macbeth, who usurped the throne of Scotland at the urging of his wife, were performed with less gloom and doom? What if, instead, the play were infused with modern music, dance, and a fresh interpretation of Lady Macbeth as an “ambitious Black woman” with a performance designed to elevate “Black female power, femininity, and desire”?
This version of the play is called “Macbeth in Stride” and is currently being performed by the American Repertory Theater at Harvard University’s Loeb Drama Center. Unfortunately, some Harvard students and members of the general public interested in seeing this classic play with a unique twist and social commentary may be out of luck. One upcoming show on Oct. 29 is billed as a “Blackout” performance, “designated . . . to be an exclusive space for Black-identifying audience members,” according to the event page.
“For our non-Black allies, we appreciate your support in making this a completely Black-identifying evening,” it reads. “We invite you to join us at another performance during the run.”
So I guess Trudeau and Gov. Coonman are still welcome.
-What if, instead, the play were infused with modern music, dance, and a fresh interpretation of Lady Macbeth as an “ambitious Black woman” with a performance designed to elevate “Black female power, femininity, and desire”?
Well, then it wouldn’t be Macbeth would it?
It would resemble similar makeovers at theaters across the country?
OK, the segregation is a new twist, I guess.
Perhaps the first Black President will be in attendance. Has Clinton recovered from his “infection” yet?
He doesn’t need to see another story of a domineering wife killing her husband’s rivals to drive him to power…..
[golf clap]
Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been charged with a misdemeanor sex crime in Albany City Court, according to a spokesman for the New York State Court System.
The complaint, filed by an Albany County Sheriff’s Department investigator, accused Cuomo of forcible touching.
I guess it’s something. He should be brought up on charges for what he did with nursing homes, but I’ll take what I can get.
Warren wasn’t charged with a crime, but the agents seized all of his cash.
Fuck the DEA.
Ahead of the upcoming G20 and COP26 conferences, Pope Francis said humanity must take “radical” action to address climate change and other crises. In a statement in Italian put out on CBS News partner network BBC News, the pontiff said humanity needs to abandon isolationism and work for the common good to offer “concrete hope” to future generations.
Fuck the Commie Pope, doubly so for not issuing the statement in Latin.
Top Republicans are furious at President Biden’s proposal to consider paying a massive $450,000 per person to families who were separated at the southern border having crossed into the United States illegally.
I’m in the wrong business.
The Fox News survey showed Youngkin leading McAuliffe by eight percentage points (53-45) among likely voters, with just 2 percent supporting other candidates or undecided.
That represents a dramatic turnaround from just two weeks ago, when the same poll showed McAuliffe with 51 percent support among likely voters, 46 percent supporting Youngkin and 3 percent undecided or supporting other candidates.
This is interesting. I’d like to see McAuliffe lose, but I’ve been on a pretty bad streak of predicting elections lately, so I won’t try to predict this one.
Good song.
“I feel like she had the last laugh, she won,” DePaul University accounting professor Kelly Richmond Pope said. Richmond Pope produced an award-winning Netflix documentary on the fraud.
“She lived like a queen for 20-plus years and only served eight years. You do the math. She sort of won,” Pope said.”
At the risk of kind of doxing myself, she (Richmond Pope) was my professor for Managerial and Cost Accounting at DePaul. She was such a cool professor who did a lot of years at one of the Big Four and worked with some interesting clients.
Managerial and Cost Accounting
[shudders at memory of grad school]
I visited my family earlier this year because when I did during the actual holidays I wound up stuck overnight in an airport more than 59% of the time.
We’ll see if I make it home today. There is apparently weather between IAH and ALB.
Hurricane Brandon?
The same wind that hit Houston yesterday
“All 17 others voted to advise the administration, or the FDA, to authorize the jab for children between the ages of 5 and 11. The agency already supported doing so and is expected to formalize the authorization soon. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would then decide which children should get the shot”
“The benefit here is assumed to be prevention of severe disease, which is what we’re all hoping for,” Kurilla said during the meeting.
But among the recovered, he added later, “The question really becomes, does this vaccine offer any benefits to them at all?”
Evil fuckers.
Lancet just released another study that says it does jack shit but get it anyway because the Pharma reps aren’t done with their blowjobs yet.
So yeah, not really sure why we need to do a mass trial of this on children…unless its about money and/or nefarious motives.
I don’t blame them. Have you seen the typical pharma rep?
You have to wear sunscreen so I don’t get burned. ///HonkHonk
Sorry for the suite of questions – being on a different shift and not being able to log in – just read – at work makes my current participation more sporadic.
So, looks like my laptop is on it’s last legs (again). It’s surviving, but processing, etc is getting weaker and weaker and more buggy.
Budget-wise, I think I’m going to try and look at a tablet this time as a short-mid term interim solution and it looks as though the best
options for me are the Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 or the Galaxy Tab S6 Lite. I’m leaning towards the A7 since even though it lacks a little in
processing power, I can buy pretty much all the accessories I need for the base cost of the S6 Lite. Looking at adding a keyboard (and mouse/pad)
DVD Burner, other USB peripherals, hard case, 1TB MicroSD card, etc. Seems like with the Office option, I can do *most* of what I’m already
doing with my laptop and a few other items can still be completed while my laptop is creaking along.
I know I’ll need a few specialized apps (more than I’ve used on my phone) for proper *secure* file management, etc. Found a few links with lists and breakdowns, but open to suggestion from you guys for any apps to ensure security on a tablet being used for a most stuff a laptop would be used for before – I’ll have my malwarebytes and nordvpn by default.
However….a few questions – any one have good links/tips on getting itunes to work on Android?
Haven’t tried this..but this is what I found for getting your iTunes library to play through Google’s music apps (which is really YouTube Music)
https://www.consumerreports.org/smartphones/how-to-play-itunes-music-on-an-android-smartphone/ Link might help
Dr. Google says this, but I won’t vouch for how it works.
I am a PC and Android person who has an iPad I use regularly for work and a Mac I barely use at all for work. On my Android I use PowerAmp, but like on a PC, I spend a lot of time in my file structure to transfer files I want to.
As for replacing a PC with a tablet… I can’t speak definitively, but I think that’s a recipe for utter frustration.
I’m very happy with my Surface Pro, and my son loves his too.
I have a MacBook Air, Chromebook and a tablet. I almost never use the tablet except to watch stuff while traveling. I’d much rather try to make a chromebook work for day-to-day stuff.
Well yeah…it looks like the MS Office suite is still pretty good – and with a keyboard, I think I can do a lot with it.
Again…I don’t necessarily do that much stuff on my laptop in general that are “PC-level” tasks – it’s more the general frustration with slowdowns for web browsing and stuff like that. I do tons of other stuff on my phone already.
Not needing to travel with my laptop and powering it up and down as repeatedly and putting a little less stress on it – will keep it alive a little longer.
And yeah…for years I’ve been hung up on getting a laptop with a DVD drive still included…then did some research on this last night and apparently you can buy an external USB DVD Burner for <$30.
I feel so old. That just seems absolutely insane. Ditto for a 1TB microSD card for <$100…..
I’ve had to have a DVD burner for years. I’m on my second one because unbeknownst to me, my kid appropriated my old one and I thought it lost to the annals of time.
Do you intend to keep using iTunes or are you just trying to get the music off of it?
I use MediaMonkey (for Windows and Android) and I think it’s the best I’ve tried. If you want to switch over from iTunes there are tools you can use to strip the drm so they can be played in MediaMonkey without having iTunes installed.
If you have iTunes and MediaMonkey installed on the same PC, MediaMonkey will use iTunes’ authentication to playback any DRM’ed media you have in iTunes (at least it used to do that–I haven’t used iTunes forever and converted all the stuff I bought there to other formats).
MediaMonkey is freeware up to a point, but the “pro” versions are relatively cheap, and the licenses are perpetual, so as long as it’s a going concern, you’ll have a good collection management software on your PC and a companion player on your android.
I’d like to keep using itunes – I have my account on my laptop and have bought lots of music and audiobooks from them – and I have backed most of that up on my external HDs. Need to do an updated backup soon.
Reposting from yesterday –
Well nuts. I got an endoscope and I got an app – “OTG Endoscope” on the Google Play store. I plug it into my phone (adapter meant that I had to remove all the phone protective cases to fit the connector in – the light comes on, but I can’t get any image on the screen. Guess I’ll have to do some more research. Noticed there’s a second adapter so I may be able to try and do this with my legacy backup phone rather than dismantling my phone every time I use this – if I can even get it to work.
Anyone who gave me the suggestions on this last week have any other tips on exact software or setup stuff on an android? I’ve got to do laundry this weekend either way so I’ll take the opportunity to try and get under the house on Sunday and see if I can confirm new leakage or not.
Make sure to give the googlers plenty of images to look at
having some English breakfast pizza
Is there bacon in there? If so, it’s fine.
Bacon can’t rescue everything.
Correct. Bacon can improve everything, but not rescue. That meal should be tried for war crimes.
I finished Black as Knight, and was vastly more entertained than I thought I’d be. Any good words/ phrases I should include in the review?
*gush* Thank you! *gush*
So, NA has to write a review using the words ‘squee’ ‘gush’ ‘thank’ and ‘you’, but without making it too obvious.
It can’t hurt…
Yeah, since I am NOT the target audience, reviewing it as I would for someone with my tastes might be counterproductive.
Air flights are where I get most of my long-format reading done these days
View it as a creative writing prompt.
It should include the phrase “friends to lovers historical romance”. That covers the genre and trope.
If you feel I did a good job with the historicity, you can say something along those lines.
It is also unconventional in that in romances, the hero usually doesn’t stick it in someone other than the heroine for most of the book, if at all.
Aside: I really didn’t feel like creating an “old-timey”-sounding syntax, mostly because we have few historical records that would help me learn how to build one the way people really talked (unlike, say, the pirate novel, where I had plenty of fiction from that era to read).
NH School Board Association bails
The Granite State’s school board association is bailing on the national organization, announcing Thursday it’s withdrawing its members in the wake of the group’s efforts to have protesting parents treated like “domestic terrorists.”
“This email is to inform you that NHSBA [the New Hampshire School Board Association] has decided to withdraw its membership from the National School Boards Association, effective immediately,” wrote NHSBA Executive Director Barrett Christina. “NSBA’s recent actions have made our continued membership untenable.
The only notable actions by the NSBA have been its cooperation with the White House — cooperation it kept secret — in producing a letter to the Department of Justice suggesting angry parents trying to change school policies like Critical Race Theory or mask mandates were dangerous. The organization even invoked the PATRIOT Act.
Welcome to the club. The Ohio State School Board left the NHSBA a couple days ago.
PA did too, I think a week ago.
I know there are others.
PA was the first to do so a couple of weeks ago, I think. I hope this trend continues.
I got a pamphlet in the mail the other day from a candidate for the local school board–she explicitly states that she is “not a supporter of Critical Race Theory” and makes the point that our school district achieves higher than average performance (test scores) on lower-than-average taxes.
The CRT thing is important, though. People are willing to come out and say it openly that they will oppose this, and are making it a major campaign plank. We have other candidates that are saying that parents’ rights to oversee schooling are important as well.
Well. I finally read that Tablet Mag link. Kind of grueling.
Day after day, media rained down information about who was to blame. Millennials, spring breakers, Southerners, motorcyclists. Scientists who proposed different theories were muffled, derided, sidelined. They were deemed dangerous, their ideas “misinformation.” To question was sacrilege.
I had lived through all of this before.
The hubris of experts. The banality of evil.
Yeah, I finished it yesterday. The whole COVID edifice (and I didn’t realize this happened/is happening with autism too) resembles so many past scientific hoazes–the constant shifting of goalposts, the insistence that the reason the theory didn’t work was that people weren’t following it closely enough, the suppression of contrary evidence, and then explaining it away with changes to the “theory” when it can’t be denied any further…
My autistic sibling isn’t as bad-off as the one in that article but it makes me wonder if they tried to pull this shit on my mom. I don’t even want to think about it.
The first crack in the edifice?
That will be interesting and surprise the judge already heard the case, have people been fired yet? Our firings, or progressive discipline that is on a predetermined path of termination, isn’t set to begin until Nov 9th and are in full swing on Nov 23rd. We have been specifically instructed that no while there is a pending accommodation request, we cannot initiate any discipline until it has been denied and appealed.
If they had management that actually conveyed that, then yes, this lawsuit should absolutely move forward and the judge at least got it right.
That will be interesting and surprise the judge already heard the case
It’s just a preliminary injunction to prevent further harm before the case is heard. It doesn’t mean much.
That took far longer than even my pessimistic ass thought it would.
Not good enough.
Bare minimum, block any and all enforcement of the illegal order. Then hold the trial to determine damages.
Not good enough.
Really. Not even close.
“Greed, for lack of a better term, is good…”
Maybe the Commie Pope should deliver a sermon on the Seven Deadly Sins, and how we can embrace them and use them to our advantage in our daily lives.