You have my apologies. I was supposed to cover the old man last Sunday. Saturday evening however, I snorted something Don Brett sent me via DHL that he specifically promised was NOT cocaine and I forgot about the whole thing.
My fault. But let’s hear it for Tonio! He’s the WD-40 that dissolves whatever that goop is that keeps gumming up the gears!
Okay, for a few Mexican links!

Let’s see you vaccinate this.
Having learned never to send Harris, Team Let’s Go Brandon sends Blinken to Mexico for security talks. Meanwhile, nice vigilante groups are taking things into their own hands.
Haitians: not just our problem, it’s everybody’s problem that just happens to be geographically located somewhere around the US.
Don’t like vaccine mandates? Try this out:
The team was held for about seven hours in the village of Nahuila, in the province of Alta Verapaz, north of Guatemala City.
The villagers said they didn’t want the shots, and later blocked a road and let the air out of the nurses’ tires. A cooler and about 50 doses of vaccine were destroyed.
Zimbabwe style inflation got you down? Modern problems require modern solutions.
El Salvador introduces a $0.20 incentive for paying for fuel in Bitcoin.
Still waiting on a country less poor, that doesn’t speak Spanish? Perhaps one with a larger, more economically diverse economy? Brazil just got in the game.
Nine Cuban baseball players defect during a tournament in Mexico.
Here’s a decent tune. Enjoy the afternoon while you’re still free to do it!
Afternoon, Mexi.
Nice first.
Afternoon, Ted.
Ain’t he more Tex-Mex?
I’m reminded of the Cuban rowing team jokes.
The Cuban swim team didn’t fare as well.
From what I gather about impoverished villagers in rural Guatemala, there’s a dearth of people who are (a) old, or (b) fat. Ergo, the vaccine is of limited utility to them.
“Meanwhile, nice vigilante groups are taking things”
Blocked from here, so you’ll have to give the gist of it.
But enough about the FBI and other assorted policing agencies…
I swear you are literally the only person here than cannot defeat their non-existent paywall.
About 12 armed and masked members of the group appeared in a video posted to social media on Sunday.
Another self-defense force has emerged in the northeast of Chiapas.
Three months after the “El Machete” force was created in Pantelhó, the Armed Force of Simojovel has appeared in the neighboring municipality.
About 12 armed and masked members of the group appeared in a video posted to social media on Sunday.
“Today we have formed the armed group of the people with the aim of demanding respect for human rights. Out of respect we haven’t entered the town … but we’ll soon take action if our demands aren’t met,” said a spokesman for the group.
In a message directed to the incoming mayor of Simojovel and “the groups he heads,” the spokesman demanded respect for “our indigenous brothers” and an end to the embezzlement of the town’s resources.
He also said the self-defense group won’t allow the presence of drug traffickers or the operation of cantinas. In addition, he called for an end to murders in the streets of Simojovel and for “decent medical care for the people.”
“Public security should be for the people, not for the criminals,” the spokesman declared. “If these demands aren’t met, we’ll act against the bad municipal government.”
The orator also said that the armed group is an independent force and not affiliated with any political party.
The publication of the video coincided with the departure of Simojovel priest Marcelo Pérez Pérez, who officiated at his final mass on Saturday after spending 10 years in the town, located 90 kilometers north of San Cristóbal de las Casas.
Pérez was the subject of death threats, according to two bishops from the diocese of San Cristóbal.
“With surprise the news of death threats against the priest Marcelo Pérez Pérez reached us,” Rodrigo Aguilar Martínez and Luis Manuel López Alfaro said in a statement last month without specifying where the threat came from./
“People or groups that make threats against him or any … [priest] are threatening the church of Jesus Christ and this diocese.”
“Cuban officials called the players’ actions during the World Cup for athletes under the age of 23 “vile abandonments”, state media report.”
Damn those players for not living under an authoritarian hellhole that provides free health care!
Don’t forget 98% literacy. You can’t expect anyone to follow your laws if they can’t read them.
But why would they want to leave the socialist wonderland that is Cuba? They’re probably kulaks and/or wreckers.
Removing the zeros doesn’t actually end inflation.
But minting a trillion dollar coin does!
/Krugabe Clown Posse
1) Get a trillion dollars of precious metal
2) ???
That seems like an idea someone floated as a joke that got way too much traction and now, well.
That’s almost exactly what happened.
oh no, they’ve been thinking about the trillion dollar coin since 2011. The Biden administration really is all the leftovers from the Obama years in one long string of worst-ofs.
“Krugabe Clown Posse”
KCP was never an awesome band. Music always left a distaste in my mouth. Felt cheapened and as if I spent money on something that I thought would have value in the future only to find out I would have been better off without it.
Are their fans known as Krugallos?
They are now.
Is it time to start a handy Glibertarian Dictionary and Phrasing Guide?
Never formalize the language then it becomes harder to change and keep the riffraff out when they can reference new material.
Glibertonian, the language that almost was.
With more countries getting in on Bitcoin the pressure is going to mount for the feds to take action.
The Dollar is dead, all hail the Dollar!
I thought their bright idea was a $1T coin?
Can we import those villagers?
The neighborhood watch villagers, or the vax refusers?
The vax refusers.
I’ll be free to enjoy the rest of my afternoon in about 10 minutes.
I’ve only got about 90 minutes until I have to go back to work.
A vacancy in a Democrat held seat in the senate will make McConnell the Majority Leader, and if it’s a seat like West Virginia, the replacement will be more team Red. So it would be a counterproductive move.
Yes, I get it’s the Bee.
Another good Bee.
God they can be sexy more than not.
“In Mexico, where the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said about 8,000 Haitians returned after fleeing the Del Rio encampment, it’s estimated that there are anywhere between 30,000 to 35,000 Haitian migrants. Many of them, U.S. officials believe, are either waiting to see how U.S. immigration policy will shake out before attempting to illegally cross, while others are hoping to win asylum in Mexico. The latter is a difficult achievement, given that most of the migrant left Haiti and its volatile politics years ago, making it difficult to claim fear of political persecution.”
So it was Trumps fault?
At least some honesty that our “betters” really do think we are stupid.
I mean…he didn’t come out and say it, but yeah. Asshoe
Rule 1 of Public Speaking and Political Persuasion: Talk down to your audience.
Call everyone bitches!
Well if you think about it if he may be right. Not because the public couldn’t understand the actual policy, but because we couldn’t understand Biden’s description of said policy.
“Nine Cuban baseball players defect during a tournament in Mexico.”
Good for them.
So, no DH.
They’re not savages.
unrestricted free agency?
That’s enough to form their own baseball team!
What? No bullpen?!
That would mean they came from somewhere with food.
Maybe they can find a few little leagues to play in.
Unfortunately, everybody’s solution is to send them to the US.
I love that winning asylum in Mexico is tough, but not in the US. Not any more, at least.
Watching Lularich on Amazon, about Lularoe. I guess each generation has to learn about MLMs for itself. I was 16 the first time I ran up against one. Herbalife. It didn’t make sense to me then. And I am blessed with an innate resistance to the hard sell. I never understood people who thought this would work.
Ugh. Herbalife. My first wife bought into that. We were young with her child at aged 3 and one on the way. I was working at an engineering firm as office bitch trying to break into drafting for them and I came home to find out she took our meager savings of about $500 bucks and bought into it. That should have been the major first red flag (ignoring her having a kid at aged 17…different strokes). Those businesses are absolutely predatory, more so than dollar-loan centers or whatever. Fuck those places and business models.
I respect payday loan places and I don’t particularly think they’re predatory. They are up front. You know you pay $X for 2 weeks of a loan. Cheaper than a bounced check, for sure. When you’re poor and need to pay for an unexpected car repair so you can get to work, you don’t give a shit about the interest rate.
Yeah, I phrased that wrong. I meant to say how politicians make pay-day loan places out to be the devil and yet MLM are gifts from God that are not to be touched.
I have used pay-day loan and title loans…cause when you are broke and you have to feed two hungry mouths…you calculate the costs.
I got what you were saying. I was trying to expound. ?
It was a good show – I watched it last week. There are still loyalists out there, I guess.
My wife uh…I think had it going on, but I guess you could ‘opt’ out as long as you went onto the account and said not this month. Yeah…first month she forgot after her business took off it was cancel away!
I’m resistant to
a) hard sell
b) groups
c) authoritarian/hierarchical structures
d) motivational-type bullshit
I would do so poorly at MLMs and cults (but I repeat myself)
Watkins, Amway and Shaklee are the three I’m most familiar with, and all three of ’em had members who, at one time or another, tried to reel me in.
The thing about having both economics and finance degrees (as well as a 30-year-long amateur interest in the psychology of persuasion) is you tend to quantitatively analyze sales pitches in real time, which takes all the fun out of falling for something hook, line and sinker.
I’m going to eat some crow. I WAS, when I was 18, susceptible to one particular charismatic personality and that was not a beneficial relationship. My eyes were open, but I was not seeing. Until I did. But I always thought there was something wrong with ME, until Intalked to someone else with the same experience.
No, it WAS a beneficial relationship. I learned what narcissists were, and their tricks.
Oh, man. I watched that a few weeks ago, and I was curious to see what comments you might have about that, Mojeaux.
If you don’t mind my asking, is there something about that culture that makes it seemingly fertile ground for the MLM thing?
I honestly don’t know, but I have a few hypotheses:
A friend of mine told me once (with regard to the scrapbooking fad) that “Mormons can turn straw into gold.” That is true for some. Mormons are, I think, amongst devout religious practitioners, disproportionately wealthy. It seems. So there’s that. We have a culture of wealth.
Next is, I think, is an overlying naivete with regard to how the world works amongst Mormons. They are trusting and expect everyone else to be trustworthy, too, which makes them easy marks.
Then there are assholes and conmen who see churchmembers as a field of milk and honey and don’t hesitate to use church connections to reap the crop.
Many women in the church would like to be stay-at-home moms and many of them have no marketable skills anyway. It doesn’t pay to work retail if all your money is going to childcare. Few women can see their worth as homemakers. They know they are too dependent on their husbands and it eats away, and it’s worse if there’s not enough money coming in. So they look for ways to earn money and often that’s where an MLM will enter the picture. Seems like so ething in her wheelhouse. She can make some money and help support the family and at the same time, have something that is HERS, that she is Firstname Lastname, and not “my kids’ mom”.
Lastly, they are already in a culture that stresses conformity and heterogeneity, so making the switch to the rah rah sis boom ba MLM is easy, only the MLM conventions are so much more entertaining than church. There, they feel actually appreciated and known, singled out for their accomplishments, or else with the hope of becoming known and singled out. They have the hope of getting at an MLM convention what they can’t get at church or at home.
Sigh… I worked for a coke-addled, classically trained chef who was running his (much better) chef wife’s restaurant into the ground. He would pay overtime rates to stay up all night with him and address envelopes to hundreds upon hundreds of marks to “build his downline.”
He also said the self-defense group won’t allow the presence of drug traffickers or the operation of cantinas. In addition, he called for an end to murders in the streets of Simojovel and for “decent medical care for the people.”
No cantinas? I don’t know.
hundreds of undocumented Haitians were spotted wading in the crystal blue waters off an uninhabited cay in the southern Bahamas after their green and yellow wooden sloop sank.
Believing they were en route to Florida
That’s an oops.
The villagers said they didn’t want the shots, and later blocked a road and let the air out of the nurses’ tires. A cooler and about 50 doses of vaccine were destroyed.
Not bad.
A new currency with six fewer zeros debuted Friday in Venezuela, whose currency has been made nearly worthless by years of the world’s worst inflation.
But the new bills were nowhere to be found in the capital, where consumers’ fears that prices will continue to spiral upward proved to be right.
Huh. It’s already going wrong.
Cuban officials called the players’ actions during the World Cup for athletes under the age of 23 “vile abandonments”, state media report.
And those officials are hunting the players’ families down.
The White House said the talks would “build on discussions in previous months on protecting our people, preventing transborder crime, and pursuing criminal networks, while promoting human rights and the rule of law.”
You’ve been doing such a wonderful job thus far.
So the border is confused? Not sure if it is Mexican or American? Maybe it should get a special interest group to advocate for it and have protected privledges.
Not mentioned:
Preventing illegal immigration.
He’s not doing the other four things either.
Before the adjustment, the highest denomination was a 1 million bolivar bill that was worth a little less than a quarter as of Thursday. The new currency tops out at 100 bolivars, a little less than $25 — until inflation starts to eat away at that as well.
But inflation is a myth.
Thats okay, we are upping the game with the 1 trillion dollar coin to show the world what is what! Granted, that coin will technically be worth what? $950,000,000,000 instead as soon as it is deposited.
Hurr durr. They can mint more than one coin. //Krugallos
My son won a guitar competion while he was in a band called, wait for it, Mullet for my Valentine.
He hated his bandmates.
First off…awesome of your son. Second…thats a great band name!
Nope. Peachy rear.
“Treasury Secretary Yellen BACKS the IRS reporting $600 transactions because it will ‘fill the tax $7T gap’ and says Biden’s Soviet-born, anti-crypto nominee for Comptroller of the Currency ‘deserves a fair hearing'”
I will have a sudden urge to make sure all my grocery trips and household trips to purchase goods and services will all be over $600. Flood the damn system.
I still say it’s to track gun purchases. /adjusts tinfoil.
So like automobiles…you sell for a $100 on paper for tax purposes and pocket the cash in the rest?
*checks prices*
Shouldn’t be too hard.
I may up my ATM limit to $600 so I can withdraw and then deposit the cash back in.
Oh I am joyously rubbing this in the noses of my proggie friends: so this is how you go after the 1% huh?
$600 might be the official threshold, but I’m sure they will quickly encourage reporters to pass on lesser amounts that are “suspicious” or possibly attempted structuring.
Or they already have illegitimate access to the transactions and this is about legalizing it so it can be used officially without the bother of parallel reconstruction.
I hated that I had to hold my nose and vote for Trump in 2020, but I’m starting to not regret that decision at all. Trump wasn’t a libertarian by any means but holy fuck, he’s ten times better than these authoritarian fucks. This is going to do squat lower the deficit and pay for their wish list and they fucking know it.
The least bad candidate with an actual chance to win is almost always an acceptable compromise.
Trump is the best president in US History. Even the greatest presidents (washington, jefferson) never had to deal with the number of traitors that Trump was forced to keep in govt.
Trump exposed the Democrats for being the commies that they are. Without Trump being president, democrats would have been winning thru incrementalism. Lefties went full commie and its pushing more and more Americans against democrats.
Well, this should dovetail nicely with their inflationary plans to make sure pretty much all purchases are more than $600.
*double checks price on $52 gallon of milk*
L on Well, this should dovetail nicely with their inflationary plans to make sure pretty much all purchases are more than $600.
*double checks price on $52 gallon of milk* l
Inflation doubled your post!
I have indeed succumbed to inflationary pressure.
I figured he was hoping drugs would fall out of his ass.
This should fit in nicely with the elimination of paper money and the cooption of crypto. four after attending the mass super-spreader event of a hockey game and huh…seemed I rolled the dice and understand risk and not sick. I know…could be a couple more days but…not stopping my life seems to have not affected me or my family (or even extended family). Only exception was my dad last year going to the VA hospital and oh ya, his stage four cancer he hid from everyone.
I know the virus is real, I know it can be devastating to families and will raze people that are compromised. But enough…its here to stay and by the grace of God or Nature, we have amazing systems built in to tackle these issues that are not our first rodeo.
/rant off
“Nuns used crucifixes to rape girls during decades of abuse carried out by clergy in France’s Catholic Church that saw attacks on 330,000 children covered up ‘by a veil of silence’, damning report finds”
What? Never seen The Exorcist?
A crucifix? Really?
People be kinky dood.
It’s a little too on the nose. Who’s heading the independent commission, M. Robespierre?
It does sound like a “just so” story.
It does.
IKR, I figured they would use the candles.
Although there is no doubt that the Vatican has covered up child abuse on an industrial scale, this particular case really sounds like the day care panics of the early 90’s.
That is the plot of every French novel of the 1800s.
I think a saw the documentary. Maybe it was on redtube? Something like that?
Back in the day, you used to be able to go to Divine Interventions and buy their Jackhammer Jesus.
Since Divine Interventions is permanently closed, instead I’ll link to a NSFW review of the dildo.
Hahahaha. That was quite a read. Thanks, DEG.
Has everyone forgotten Ken Russell’s The Devils?
Anti-Capitalist Cooking Show Teaches Authentic Soviet Union Recipe!
The old Wendy’s commercials were still the best.
Tundra gets it.
Me recuerdo. ?
From the last thread. Windows 11 upgrade completed with (so far) minimal fuss.
So, as is typical, change for change sake. More applications are updated to the new UI, but quite a few original Win32 interfaces remain.
Plus- on a widescreen monitor having the taskbar icons centers works better. Will take a bit to get used to using as well as switching back to Win 10.
Minus- fonts and colors. As usual all of the under 30 UI engineers uses bad color choices for contrast and made the default fonts even smaller. I can’t wait for those fuckers to experience age related presbyopia. Hopefully in their early 40s. Fuck you all.
I don’t have TPM2, they’re not in stock anywhere, and for some reason “just so I can upgrade to Windows 11” is not a very compelling reason to get one.
You can force an upgrade, but MSFT says it can withdraw support for such systems at anytime. Doesn’t seem to make much sense to do that for me.
Are you sure you don’t have TPM2? Most of the reason that MSFT won’t support older chipsets is because of the lack of TPM2. I had thought all the supported chipsets supported TPM2.
For example, I had to dig into my X470 Bios and enable the onboard TPM2. I’ve got a header for a TPM module as well, but Win 11 was OK with the onboard.
Are you sure you don’t have TPM2?
I thought I was sure. I definitely don’t have the motherboard module. But apparently there’s something called fTPM and once I turned that on in the EFI setup it now says I can install Windows 11.
Good luck! Worked for me, but you know MSFT and all…
The irony in all this is that the TPM2 chip isn’t for _your_ benefit.
I tried to find some place on the Internet where somebody who didn’t just learn about what a computer is 5 minutes before learning how to write would explain why Windows 11 needs TPM but Google helpfully led me to believe no such people exist anymore.
So what exactly does that technology do for microsoft that they’re so insistant on it?
TPMs handle quiet in-the-background features, primarily related to disk encryption and Windows Hello authentication. If your TPM is working properly, you’ll never notice it at all. For example, if you use BitLocker to encrypt your hard drive in a PC, you will need to provide a key to “unlock” your disk every time you boot your PC. You can type this key in manually every time, or you can store the key on a USB stick that you insert every time you boot, but neither option is convenient. A TPM is an internal component that can provide that key automatically without exposing it to theft.
I believe TPM allows running some security functions like drive encryption outside OS space.
I don’t want microsoft encrypting my drives against me
Test 2
Test 4:
Test 5:
Utest 5?
Ok, WordPress appears to have blacklisted the link I want to post. Anyway, the last link (preceded by “Test 5”) provides some technical details about Secure Boot, which is also required for Windows 11 and needs TPM to work. It controls what software can be loaded at boot time by the firmware. Basically, it gives Microsoft control end-to-end over what you can and cannot run on the computer, though how fully they will exercise that control remains to be seen. The link I wanted to paste, which you can to get from the second link I could paste (key word “rodsbooks”) tells you how to actually take control of your TPM. Apparently anything too technical is forbidden by WordPress.
UEFI Secure Boot is used by some Linux distros. It is intended to ensure whatever is booted is not compromised whether that is a boot loader or a kernel.
it gives Microsoft control end-to-end over what you can and cannot run on the computer,
That’s the key bit.
There are indeed lots of useful-to-you things the TPM2 module can do.
But the primary impetus by Microsoft is control, DRM in particular. They can store encryption keys that you, the machine owner, can in no way access. Movies, games, whatever – you can only use it when it’s decrypted by a key in can’t possibly access*
You don’t really own anything, you’re just renting it, unless they decide you can’t have it anymore.
*for certain values of “can’t possibly”
My system passes all checks except CPU. I guess I will stay on 10.
Titty Tuesday took the midnight train going anywhere.
Imagine having no real problems so you make some up
“Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.” – Agent Smith
Your white privilege wrecked my car.
Yeah, I put this up on FB as obvious right-wing-white-privilege.
He’s as bad as that white supremist, Larry Elder.
I would hate to be a white male with any level of interaction with that mentally ill twat. Sweet Jesus, the delusions. Take your meds , sweetie. Seriously.
There’s a lot going on in this one. I think my favorite part is a (seemingly) white woman yelling at a black guy about white privilege.
male privilege > white privilege
I need a wall chart.
A ticker.
He’s incredibly chill for a guy who just had his Lamborghini rear-ended
Before I even heard her speak – What the Christ is going on with her outfit? Is she cosplaying a hooker?
Something tells me she’s never taken responsibility for a single thing in her whole life.
I love the gif!
I love badass villagers just saying no to the tyrants!
I love the bitcoin revolution!
But mostly I love the gif!
Thanks, Señor!
*Backs out to homepage, never to be seen again*
^ See my reply to Dr Fronkensteen
*comes up for air* Noted! *takes deep breath*
I found the gif on a reddit stock trading forum. The caption was “slap that ask”.
Hey RC, have you considered this as an option for a new .45?
Also available unported.
I am trying very hard right now not to go on yet another buying spree.
Trying. Very. Hard.
My Dillon RL1100 just shipped. Next up, an autodrive.
Yes, I’m bragging.
*checks BTC portfolio*
Nice one. But that MSRP is little rich for my blood….
Why would you need such a thing when 1911s still exist?
Diversity is our strength.
You actually questioned the need for a gun? I am disappoint.
Well, that’s a fair point. I rephrase: Why would you want such a thing when 1911s still exist?
(I keed, of course. Although I am and always will be a fan of all things John Browning.)
More reliable, more durable, more accurate unless you’re comparing it to a purpose-built bullseye gun, bigger capacity, more carry options, and less expensive?
Seriously not helping.
The Shields are too narrow in the grip for my tastes.
Does that help?
Yes, it does, Scruffy. I like a meaty grip, one packed firmly with ammo just demanding to be released from the hot muzzle to plunge into the target.
*offers RC a towel*
Now look what you guys did. Got RC all worked up!
Hmmm. A Leap At The Wheel is one of the biggest dudes I know and he loves his Shield.
I know that’s no help.
Don’t you have a Para Ordnance? For me, those are .45ACP perfection.
Yes. A P14-45. I think I got it in ’91 or ’92.
I am disappoint.
Don’t forget about the 97B
/CZ Fanboi
Trying. Very. Hard.
I think I’m gonna go see if the store by my job has one to fondle. Preferably in 9.
Oooh, hey! Pre-cajunized!
I don’t see any gators, crawfish, spicy food, or swamps on that pistol.
What are you talking about?
So I was thinking about this. Biden made that not-so-veiled threat to governors who didn’t bend the knee to his policies on COVID and then he rationed the monoclonal antibodies treatments.
Now another not-so-veiled threat for senators to just ‘get out of the way’…wonder what new EO or move he will do with that.
Time for some collapse.
This is where I am at right now
He’ll get the FBI to tell Antifa to follow them all to the bathroom.
14 zeros lopped off over 13 years.
Where is joe to defend Venezuela?
Hahaha. I grew up watching Cubs games on WGN. Harry was awesome.
“The Anthony Cumia Show-Raped by a Sasquatch” (probably NSFW)
You were off raping someone else, weren’t you?
STEVE, we’ve talked about this — your alibi needs to be less condemnatory than what you’re accused of!
My poor mental state is dangerous for my bank account. I need to stop shopping.
At least I haven’t spent more than I had.
Depends what you’re shopping for. ::quickly closes tab with favorite shoe site::
Milling machines and plastic crack.
The machine will allow you to work on gun parts, right? Ergo, investment.
I have to find another hobby that I can apply it to though. That’s not a small price tag.
Does it work as a drill press too?
Blade blanks
It’s not a very good anvil, hammer, or hydrolic press.
The worst vertical mill in the world is a better drill press than the best drill press.
My work here is done.
You a salesman?
Greedy Canadian capitalist corporations are the worst!
How are our terrorist tactics supposed to work if those fatcats pay for more security? It just isn’t fair!
That’s one of the greatest things about the Left. They get super irritated when they are prevented from rolling over individuals or fucking shit up. “The nerve of X Corporation for not letting me fuck their shit up and stop them from producing widgets.”
No fair fighting back! Do you know how much harder that makes it?
It was the same with BLM burning major metropolitan areas last Summer. I had friends get upset when I said that anyone caught looting and destroying property should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law along with owners should be able to defend themselves and their property. They got so angry at that sentiment that you would have thought that I told them that their mother was a whore.
To be fair, their mothers *are* whores.
I had friends
These are the kind of “friends” who find you passed out face down on a table, and fuck you in the ass while recording it to put on social media. Pass.
‘Friends’ who are okay with commies ruining America, destroying somes property they worked for, and intimidating people like little Fascists.
Its also why I never had hundreds of ‘friends’ on FB or myspace. Not what I call real friends.
At least they didn’t go old school and bring in the Pinkertons.
That’s for school board meetings.
Wait, wait . . . you can phone police and they’ll actually show up and even deal with your complaint if it happens to be within their ambit according to local criminal law?
The things I learn on this site.
…if you’re paying for any time spent on those activities directly rather than just by being taxed.
TBF, those Canadian corporations _aren’t_ paying taxes towards US policing.
In Dallas awhile back, the cops stopped responding to petty theft, disorderly conduct, etc. in residential neighborhoods.
BUT, your neighborhood watch could hire an “off-duty” officer to keep an eye on things. In a patrol car.
The question is did the Canucki company pay with Canadian dollars or good old American?
Beaver pelts
Oil. The original Black Gold.
They aren’t rubes anymore. They used good Canadian Tire money.
Hey, don’t knock that stuff. You can buy all kinds of crap with it. It may also be harder to counterfeit than actual Canadian money, at least up until the Feds went for the Australian-style plastic money.
How to get killed in One Easy Lesson Old WWII film…good stuffs.
Better acting than the Army training videos from the 90s.
Hey now! I was actually in one of those in the ’90s, and…
Yeah, you’re right. My acting was terrible. ?
The anti-fraternization videos were the best. I believe the actors for the 90s videos were soldiers who couldn’t hide when not working. Every soldier knows to keep busy or hide or get tagged for some shit detail.
Got any links for us civilians to see?
FF to 2:00 for the first scenario.
I don’t get it. Who’s Brandon?
Race car driver. A reporter was interviewing him and the crowd was chanting “fuck Joe Biden”. She claimed they were saying ” Let’s go Brandon “
I was just thinking about that; she either:
– genuinely though it was “Let’s Go Brandon” – implying that she was totally unaware of the “Fuck Joe Biden” chants that have been breaking out
– thought she needed to do damage control for el presidente
Either explanation makes her horrible at her job.
Maybe she was just covering for the network. Are over the air broadcast cursing fines still a thing?
I think the race was on cable.
It was on either NBC or their sports network. Draw your own conclusions
I wonder if she had an earpiece with a producer in her ear helping her out. I haven’t looked for any shots of her to see if she had an earpiece or not.
Earpieces are standard issue in that role these days.
She knew what they were chanting, and she knew we knew what they were chanting, I saw it as less gaslighting and more how you might handle that one cousin at thanksgiving that says totally inappropriate things, you acknowledge him with a bit of a wink but allow everyone to move on as if he wasn’t telling the “Aristocrat” joke to the kids table.
That’s an odd way of viewing state-run propaganda. Though I’ll admit I found it amusing when Bagdad Bob did that handling trick on TV while American tanks were in the background.
It would have been most appropriate to ignore it and focus on the interviewee.
I thought the same. She was trying to make it G-rated for the kiddies at home. Not every single silly thing that happens is part of a nefarious plot by the MSM to gaslight us.
That’s my take. It was his first win. They kinda had to stick with the interview, and you could definitely hear the crowd. I wasn’t paying close enough attention to tell exactly what they were chanting.
Mojeaux had it right, though – ignore it, don’t call attention to it with an awkward lie.
Then why is the commie media covering up “fuck biden” chants at college games? Few kids watch those games.
Its deny deny deny,
According to commie MSM- Every American is excited to get the vax, loves democrats and el commendante biden, and loves communism.
Someone should ask her how it feels to found a meme.
“What’s a meem”?
That’s probably the least irritating answer.
It could be, “MAGA supporters are deplorable. I can’t wait until they get sent to the re-education centers and we can redistribute their white privilege.”
Shouting profanity around children to own the Libs.
‘t ain’t nothin’ the kids ain’t said the’selves
That’s a lame excuse for behaving like an uncouth redneck (but I repeat myself). Have some goddamned self respect people.
“Some folk’ll never eat a skunk,
But then again, some folk’ll….”
“Hey Ma, Get off the dang roof!”
Who’s Brandon?
Sahil Kapur
There are pro-Sinema mailers around Arizona comparing her to John McCain. McCain talked to reporters all the time and was forthcoming about his policy views, popular or not.
Now do Biden! Politics is so fucking weird.
And they go straight to the recycle can along with my subscription to Sports Illustrated.
Its like an excited kid that quite hasn’t figured out how to express the thoughts in their head. Or someone who is addled and can’t quite express the thoughts in their head.
Circling back to Pie’s farmers market post. I may have to check this out sometime
Do they have Psaki Fruit? It’s a combo of Jack Fruit in a UTI brine.
Which reminds me, has anyone eaten Jack Fruit? They actually have cans of it at Whole Foods. ?
Look Jack, fruit and railroads don’t get to Whole Foods by being friendly to strawberries.
I’ll look for it when I go ?
Yes. I love it, but it is work to get the edible seed covering out.
I’ve never tried the caned stuff.
Cool, but canned in syrup does not sound all that great.
Normally we have to go to an international market to find Jack Fruit. It has shown up in Publix a couple times. My wife will buy a half or quarter fruit. It takes awhile to remove all the seed pods and remove the seeds before you can eat the flesh. The scent is interesting, but not bad like durian. The texture is similar to string cheese. The taste is something like a cross of mango and banana.
but not bad like durian
That’s interesting. The wife had our vegetarian daughter bring home one from her favorite Asian market which is pretty far away, so we don’t go. I guess the one she bought was already going bad, because my wife ended up throwing it out a week later. It was giving the cat’s litter box a run for it’s money. I’ve heard it tastes like mango and banana, which sounds good. I’ve also read that some of the canned stuff tastes like artichokes, which I would also like. I’m guessing cutting open a rotten one has soured my wife from asking for another one.
I don’t know how to tell the correct ripeness. My wife grew up with it so she selects. Ripe jack fruit has a pleasant, tropical aroma.
Well okay then, Moldy basketball is what i detected from the outset. It got worse from there.
Are you sure she didn’t get durian. They look similar with the exterior of durian having sharper points.
No, I did some internet searches. It was like a big, rough, but not spiky watermelon. And heavy too.
That Facebook ‘whistleblower’ sounds awfully like a political operative. But hey, what do I know! Oh look, beer.
Yeah, I watched the 60 Minutes interview the other night. Lot’s of stuff about hateful rhetoric and planning the Capitol ‘insurrection’ on Facebook, and the need for more censorship. Not a peep about six months of rioting, looting, etc. last year being planned on the same platform.
^I started reading the WSJ’s investigation pieces and quickly gave up when it became clear she was whistleblowing on Facebook for not shutting down all speech from those right of Mao.
Facebook itself is irrelevant. This is going to be used towards restricting speech across platforms and not just social media. This particular effort may not be successful, but it’s just another push towards that goal.
They’re making their objectives very clear.
Though Facebook may no longer be the platform of choice for the relevant parties, I am fairly certain that coordination of the summer 2020 riots would be among the tamer things to be found were one to actually get to see *everything* going on.
Her handler is Bill Burton.
She absolutely is a political operative trying to gin up support to “force” Facebook et al into censoring non-DNC approved speech.
I hate spellcheck fails.
I’ll oversee it for myself, thanks.
Ooh, a bolshevik to go with the Maoists and Trotskyites. At least they’re mixing it up a bit now.
“The best in humanity.”
Well, that’s no fun!
I’m pretty sure female Matt Gaetz is a plant.
Well, she STEVE SMITHED Facebook in her testimony today, saying they were willing accomplices to ChiCom spying.
If that’s in service of getting Facebook to crack down every more on irredeemables, its some 5D chess.
Red meat for the conservatives. Nothing will be done about their coziness to those shithole regimes and nor is that her goal. Her goal is for Facebook to be more open to abuse by our own shithole regime.
Yes. Saying Facebook is cozy with China won’t even get a shrug from Congress or the President.
Whether by design or not this gives some meat on the bone for the Republicans and the Democrats. A worst case scenario is an agreement for a crackdown on “hate speech” in return for a crackdown on the CCP. If they start talking about reaching across the aisle in response to this we’re screwed.
This is the social media version of campaign finance reform.
Evidently the Commifornia unions are investing heavily in commie china.
There seems to be a budding rift between Western elites and PRC elites. I don’t know why it’s happening and it’s only just begun if so, but the honeymoon period seems to be ending. Perhaps it’s just a useful rhetorical trick; they can get away with more if they can sell it as “democratically accountable” against the detestable Xi’s “authoritarian and autocratic” actions that are otherwise identical. It’s vaguely reminiscent of the souring of Western intellectuals on Stalin that happened in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
We need faster souring.
I’d rather deport them than let them act like chameleons, personally.
Well, Xi is cracking down in the private sector. May not bail out the big real estate companies that are defaulting. Our Masters may see that as a threat to their ChiCom rice bowl.
Xi Jinping succeeds Hu Jintao as leader of the CCP: crowd of NPC faces is blank and emotionless, CNN reports it like the weather
Xi Jinping talks about rejuvenating Chinese Communism and returning it to its roots: same
The PRC fully annexes Hong Kong, Chinese state media defends it as reclaiming territory from imperialists: still no change
Falun Gong organ harvesting, Uighur concentration camps, Belt and Road initiative, Confucius Institutes: nada
Major league sports, movie studios, and video game companies all cater to Chinese consumer regulators: [crickets]
COVID-19, Wuhan lab, EcoHealth alliance, gain-of-function research, WHO takeover: zzZ
Xi says no girly men on the TV: NPCs download china.exe from MSM and get angry
It’s an open question in my mind of how far the agencies want to go with the domestic terrorism angle before switching to an external threat like China. They’ll get the GOP back on board with their agenda in full and continue to boil the rest of us frogs in the process.
“$600 transaction reporting will help uncover the Chinese intelligence network in this country.”
“How do we get Joe Sixpack to support the means of his own destruction?”
If that gets enacted I’m going to consider emigrating to Sweden. At least I could get efficient administration with my insanely high taxes.
“Bjork Bjork Bjork”
The China evil thing is always a back burner to build Navy ships all of which we have now could destroy the Chinese Navy. I am more afraid of everyone who does not relent to the fake vaccine becoming a domestic terrorist angle. This shit is out of hand. It is established science that the vaxed spread the virus. (and probably at a higher rate than the unvaxxed) It is established science that those with immunity don’t. But they will not accept proof of immunity as an excuse to not get vaccinated. We are in territory not even Orwell could have imagined. Upside down shit that has gone sideways off the rails and over a cliff.
Why cant America be attacked from multiple angles?
Real chinese military threat to USA (nuclear, intel, state sponsored hacking)
Real military threat to allies like Taiwan
Commies in America undermining the USA
Democrat govt sponsored tyranny
Commies pushing to divide America to make the USA weaker while divided
I love RFOs with “came clear while investigating”.
Don’t like vaccine mandates? Try this out: [Deletes comment]
Am I the only one who wishes that Hardee’s / Carl’s Jr. volleyball gif slap connected just a little bit better?
Or, is that just me?
The First That Will Change Everything gestates. It grows in size and strength everyday, sapping my own energy to do other things. It feeds off me like a parasite, and it is from my own matter that it will be birthed into the world. From my loins to your eyes.
Sounds like you might need a CAT scan with contrast.
Probably surgery to remove the cyst.
From my loins to your eyes
Dude, that’s clearly a NAP violation.
I never saw NAP Violation in the list of channels on pornhub.
I searched for “NAP Violation” for pornhub and got nothing.
You’re right.
It might be divided among other fetishes.
Sorry to tell you, but that’s not a First, that’s a xenomorph.