UFOs? Honest Government?
I decided to go searching for good governance. No, really. I had heard enough of Fauci stepping on his own feet this weekend, etc. Let us see how I did…
- Hey, at least they admit it…now, will they do anything?
- Pope loses a bit of security. He is puzzled by anything other than OBEY!
- Some German prosecutor gets tough! Wait, no extradition treaty….huh.
- Choo choo gets axed?
- You have to love UPI…they go the entire article without mentioning that pesky stuff in the Constitution.
So, a mixed bag overall. Give it a C, C-.
Do better, Government.
Do worse, Facebook.
How many cats does that League of Women Voters lady have?
Which link is the image in? I need to see it to come to a conclusion.
the ‘UPI’ link
Looks like a five cat lady
I am a semi-pro Cat herder, why is it just Cat Ladies?
Well there are catboys out there, but probably not what you meant.
What special powers do the superheroes in the League of Women Voters have?
Menopausal Punch?
Hot Flash Strike?
Shrieking Whirlwind?
Shrieking Whirlwind?
I chuckled.
They might go into berzerker mode; come at you like a whirling dervish, all fists and elbows. You might be screaming “No, no, no” and all they hear is “Who wants cake?”
The Look (you know the one I’m talking about).
Resting Bitch, I know it well,
Either that or the “I capture squirrels and put them in a food processor” look.
I like good news.
The Bee.
Sadly, it appears their demands were not met. I’m reading FB is back up. Haven’t checked, because, FB.
Not here.
Instagram’s still pooched, too.
There’s hope.
Pictured: FB headquarters.
Dragging from the last thread, since it’s on topic:
re: the Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram outage:
This looks like gun applied to foot – change made to their routing that then promptly isolated themselves from the rest of the internet – with no alternate access to allow them to fix it.
Now scrambling to get hands and eyes in individual datacenters.
Good times.
(someone is probably going to get fired)
Well, its not the black hat “brick all their servers” attack I was hoping for, but it’ll do.
For now.
“Good news, we improved security!”
Welp. Time to go back to MySpace.
Now, *that’s* a sign of social media addiction…
Finally, something that I even used a few times.
Aw yeah, hookin’ up in the mid 90s. Well, other people did. I was already married.
Aw yeah, hookin’ up in the 00s. Well, other people did. I was already married.
There is way less strife and annoyances on MySpace. It’s nice and peaceful there. Tom is one chill dude.
MeWe is still up.
I prefer to believe the datacenters achieved sentience and isolated themselves from the human race in an act of self-defense.
Facebook’s corporate headquarters is the former Sun Menlo Park facility.
I always figured that boded well for Facebook’s future.
Interestingly enough, the only way I would have to know that Facebook is down, is someone else telling me. It enters not into my daily life.
Ah, bliss.
user@machine:~$ nslookup facebook.com
** server can’t find facebook.com: SERVFAIL
Unfortunately not universal, it seems:
[dmorris@freenas ~]$ nslookup facebook.com
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: facebook.com
Name: facebook.com
Address: 2a03:2880:f103:181:face:b00c:0:25de
I tried using google’s nameservers and Comcast’s, neither returned a valid result.
That should be Comcast — is (obviously) the router I’m NAT’d behind, things get forwarded to the DNS via the cable modem from there. Maybe regional? I’m stuck out here on the Coast of Insanity (West)….
comcast’s servers are and I think
their routing is fucked because even using that IP, their servers can’t contact anything else, it seems, so it’s all broken until they fix their internal nameservers or routing or whatever is wrong.
See my NANOG link above – looks like they accidentally nuked their BGP routing. And now can’t easily get back to the routers to fix it.
ha ha
You can fuck BGP up real good – that’s why so few people should be anywhere near config control on it.
And people who actually understand BGP routing are not exactly a dime a dozen. In fact they’re probably all much much more than that now.
It requires an actual no-shit networking expert who understands the base protocols, not your typical IT lackey.
I wonder how much custom hardware/firmware Facebook has been running. That would make it even more entertaining.
I remember reading that both Facebook and Google have a lot of custom gear in their datacenters.
I read that article several years (5+) ago.
Now that both are as big as they are, they can probably put enough pressure on server vendors to get what they want without having to build it.
Something on the last thread reminded me of something, and maybe an Arizona Glib can help. Long ago I visited Arizona. There is a road there called Kevin’s Way. As we drove by I saw a sign, with an arrow for Kevin’s Way, and another arrow for Highway. So Kevin’s Way or the highway. I always wished I had taken a photo of that sign. Has anyone seen it?
That might be worth a special trip, just to get a picture with you in frame.
And then hang the photo on my wall, and use it on all social media.
So, Glibs?
*Thinks for a minute*
…yes, Glibs.
That north of Flagstaff? There’s a lot of traffic on the 89 towards Sunset Crater, but stealing it is doable…
Yes, we saw it driving from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon. I would be happy with a photo.
Looking at street view in Google maps. I can find the corner of Kevin’s Way an US 89. But I can’t see any street signs saying Kevin’s Way.
Got it. Just go a couple hundred yards down US-89 and turn towards Kevin’s Way to see the street sign. Then take a screen shot.
Did you really find it? I’m not having any luck. I just see a Kevin’s Way sign.
I guess I wasn’t looking for the correct sign.
Keep looking I guess.
It was probably 20 years ago. It may no longer exist.
Jesus, she’s just working on increasing my crush on her:
(it’s visual)
You know she’d probably break you in half, right? (Death by snu-snu?)
Alternate take: She will be crushing men’s skull like sparrow egg between thighs.
Worth it.
I own Haywire. Just sayin’.
Based in Hollywood. Is there anything better?
It’s almost like people who won’t get a vaccination don’t all fit into the “mouth breathing Trump voter” box. Huh.
What, you didn’t know Trump got the all important Swiss Guard voting block in 2020?
“498 children have been killed by COVID since the pandemic began, fewer than the number who die annually from car crashes and drownings, CDC figures reveal”
No shit.
I don’t care how many kids’ lives are lost to suicide, if we save just one life from COVID it will be worth it.
I’m not sure I even believe that figure given the data massaging over the last couple of years. But yeah — not even vaguely surprising if true.
498 children have died with
been killed byCOVID“71% of Americans say they WON’T support Biden’s $3.5T reconciliation package if it increases their taxes, new poll finds”
yeah, wut? Like there are millions of people out there who imagine this money comes from other people?
Oh, wait, they’re right.
If by “other people” you mean whoever buys the bonds that will finance this, then yes. I’m pretty sure all of the proposed tax increases together are less than our current deficit, so every penny of both spending bills is 100% debt-financed in my book.
What’s that, you say? Many of the bonds will be bought by the Treasury, thus increasing the money supply and inflation, so that everyone who owns dollars will be chipping in as well?
Yeah, see, government really is just all those things we do together.
Fact Check: A new tax on mileage is technically not increasing a tax.
There’s actually no mileage tax — contrary to some claims — but there is a plan to study it so that they can have it in the future.
It does however raise corporate taxes to the highest levels
in the free world, which even left leaning think tanks admit will mostly come out of the pockets of the poor and middle classes.
I probably picked up that misinformation from Facebook.
I saw it on the “Being Libertarian” site on Facebook, got pissed, and researched.
Make no mistake, they do want to implement it. But this bill is not the full implementation…. yet.
Nor are cigarette taxes. And price increases, lower asset prices and fewer job opportunities are not tax increases either.
Correction: A new tax increases the rate from zero.
The Bee strikes again!
He’d commit suicide if true.
“Russia unleashes its ‘unstoppable’ 6,670mph Zircon hypersonic missile from a nuclear submarine for the first time in ‘successful’ launch”
It’s just a cheap knock off our diamond missile.
We’ve taken to making missiles out of diamonds now?
Dammit, I saw the pun too late.
*looks at floor in shame*
It’s a bit of a stretch but I tried it.
A cubist joke.
Been there, done that.
*checks T-shirt bin*
Sorry, dude.
Opera clap
Well done. I was looking for a way to make a cubic zirconium joke.
You’re all silly….
Nut punch, if he had any nuts to be punched.
former CIA operations officer and investment banker
Was he buddies with Nick Sarwark?
He does indeed have that ‘I Suck Dick On The First Date’ look, typical of the DO careerist…
I am annoyed that FB is down because I have things on the marketplace thingie that I want to get sold.
I actually couldn’t connect to several other web sites that I quickly realized were using its authentication.
Hopefully this will cause those other sites to reconsider using FB authentication,
That would be a net positive.
cafehayek is the worst offender.
I appreciate your annoyance but the chaos lulz I get from this surely more than balance that out.
And I appreciate (for real) the humor of it all. Maybe this will revive Craigslist.
Facebook dying is awesome. What fun! Really made my Monday kind of cheery.
It’ll be back tomorrow with a renewed commitment to censorship.
But for this brief, shining moment, Facebook was not distributing any misinformation at all.
I never would have known about it if I hadn’t read it here. As long as Glibs and Animal Magnetism are up, I’m OK.
I am with you. My social networking is via text messages or here. Facebook and Twitter could vanish tomorrow and I could care less.
Just saw this:
I haven’t enjoyed the internet this much since The Fappening.
The Fappening.
Better times.
We need that Oprah Bee Gif,
It’s! Happening!
39% of Illinois education spending is for pensions
It crowding out graft.
Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up.
/Baltimore City Government
“Legacy costs.” -Mike Ehrmentraut
I like Mike, no nonsense,
I thought pubsec pensions were graft. Especially in Illinois.
I recall a story several years ago about some union bigshot who was about to retire with a phat union pension. Under the rules for pubsec pensions in Illinois, time spent working for a union counts, so some school district(?) hired him for one day, and voila, he qualified for both a phat union pension and a phat pubsec pension.
The only inviolable contract in this country: the sacred bond between a government and its former employees.
I had a former friend who is active in the public sector union (AFCME) who basically said that yeah, they are aware of these problems but won’t budge because then it would decrease their political power. Even when it’s obvious that their corruption will eventually fuck over the rank and file when retirement comes, they continue heading into the ice berg.
Close enough for government work.
Those who live by political power will die by it.
The Democratic Supermajority in Springfield knows this but doesn’t give two shits. They would rather our state go down in flames rather than make some reforms because their public sector union masters won’t give them any of that sweet taxpayer monies for their campaigns.
Sounds like they’ve been talking to the Democratic supermajority in Albany.
Now do FedGov pensions, including disability.
Read the Truth In Accounting “Financial State of the States” for 2021, look at the worst-performing states, and you’ll see a common theme – public-sector pensions.
Oh, and Alaska comes in at #1. No state income tax, no state sales tax, $55k/taxpayer budget surplus. Until Biden(‘s handlers) completely destroy the energy sector, anyway.
Fuck, NJ can’t even be first here, CT has us beat. Christie was/is an asshole, but he did attempt to address the pension issue. Our current asshats thinks we need to borrow more to finance the pensions.
According to Wikipedia: “Truth in Accounting (TIA), formerly known as the Institute for Truth in Accounting, is a right-wing American think tank. ”
I love how it’s referred to as a right winged think tank while Wikipedia defines Media Matters as a “politically left-leaning 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization and media watchdog group.
That’s tame for Wikipedia. The groupthink is incredibly strong there.
Don’t worry. Biden’s handlers are hard at work to make sure Alaska can be the next Venezuela.
huh, Pensions are part of the graft.
*dies from laughter*
That actually made me laugh out loud.
If Instagram and Facebook stay down, the collective IQ of the world will rise rapidly. There will be some unhinged shrieking on other platforms and possibly some unfortunate self-harming, but that is to be expected.
that’s amazing
I am laughing my ass off today. For the foreseeable future, however, we will be dealing with significant delays in our FB data feeds. Which I expect will be somewhat smaller than normal.
I’m starting to think this may have been deliberate sabotage by some senior network guru who realized that he was working for Babylon..
Maybe they hired this guy?
I inherited one of those (db) servers in 2005. My predecessor had hacked the db metadata to get it running; when it came time to upgrade the normal upgrade was not possible. Took 6 weeks to extract the data to files and populate a new db with the data, after manually creating 21000 tables.
Ugh, everything about that story makes me think their network was a total shitshow to begin with.
There are a very few “I quit” buttons on site here that will EMO the entire facility.
And this is just depressing:
Facebook+Instagram+WhatsApp == “The Internet” for way too many people.
No kidding. It should be Glibs == “The Internet”.
Ewww. I don’t want the typical internet user here.
Poor people, now they’ll have to go directly to MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, USA Today, Slate, Vox, Yahoo, Google, Everyday Feminism, Democratic Underground, etc. to get their talking points.
Now that’s just pathetic.
But most people think electricity comes out of walls, so I shouldn’t be surprised.
The popular Duterte, 76, has dared the ICC to put him on trial and publicly said he would happily “rot in jail” for killing people intent on destroying his country.
Didn’t he impose some really strict lockdowns against Lil Rona?
One of D.C.’s license plates even carries the phrase, “Taxation Without Representation” to draw attention to the issue.
I feel rage every time I see one of those license plates.
I like the idea of shrinking the federal district down to the immediate environs of Congress, the White House, and SCOTUS, and giving the rest to Virginia and Maryland. Sure, it will mean Virginia’s descent into Blue Hell will be worse, but hey, its a sacrifice I’m willing for Virginia to make.
Thank you ever so much…
I believe Virginia got its territory back in the 19th century.
Yes, it did.
Yeah, as I recall Virginia was concerned that those evil abolitionists might free the slaves in D.C., so Virginia made sure to get back Alexandria while the getting was good.. Now, D.C. is full of slavers working to enslave the rest of the country.
The Virginia portion was retroceded before the Civil War. What remains was ceded from Maryland.
This is correct. DC used to be a square, its present lopsided state is due to the fact that Alexandria noped out of the district in 1847. The fact that the city of Washington isn’t pushing for its own retrocession is clear evidence that representation is not the primary goal of the movement.
They want outsized influence by getting one representative and two senators, both guaranteed D. They don’t want to share with Maryland.
And they can just fuck right off.
Virginia already did their part – give the rest back to MD.
Coming from the Maryland side of things, absorbing the people and the land would be no big deal. They’d fit right in with the surroundings. The biggest problem would be the absorbing, or more likely being absorbed by, the DC establishment. That is one fucked up ecosystem right there, and I say that knowing pretty well what Baltimore is like.
Virginia has already taken their portion back, so the rest would belong to MD alone.
Good news for VA, then.
I’m thinking south of H Street, west of 4th Street, north of C Street, and east of the Potomac should be plenty.
As long as the only residence in DC is the White House, I am good with whatever boundary.
And the VP residence, if possible.
The VP residence is at the US Naval Observatory which is a couple miles from the White House through residential areas.
Good point. Outlaw anyone from residing in the new federal district except the President, Vice President, and their immediate families. Congressholes aren’t supposed to be DC residents anyway, and who cares where the Justices live?
The Taxation WIthout Representation people should be happy with that, right?
With those new boundaries, they could put up a real wall, no problem. With gates and everything.
To protect the government from the people. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Hey, fuck you too.
*mumbles obscenities about Fairfax and Alexandria*
Yeah, that’s just so very unself-aware
Is Donation Not Taxation around anymore? Haven’t seen him post in awhile.
Doctor Performs Blood and Immune System Test Before and After COVID Vaccination, The Alarming Results Motivate Him to Share This Video
Crazy. That doc might get suicided soon.
Hence my objection to measuring the effects of the vaccines solely upon antibody levels.
The mRNA shots are tanking the rest of the immune system while elevating antibodies and causing tissue damage.
Buried at the end of the story about protestors following Sinema into the bathroom (https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Immigration-activists-follow-Sinema-into-16507346.php) was this nugget:
“Sunday’s was the third lecture for a graduate-level course that Sinema teaches on grant writing, according to a course catalogue.” Great, she’s teaching a course on how to finagle more money out of taxpayers. Nothing left to cut.
Where our darling Mojo’ at ?
Enraged Mormon BYU Football Crowd Shouts ‘Fudge Joe Biden!’
damned Mormons and there Cursin’!
/Tall Cans!
H E double toothpicks, that’s funny.
Some enterprising ice cream company needs to make that their new flavor.
It won’t be Ben and Jerry’s. Maybe Mike Lindell can start an ice cream company?
Hello McFly! Not like they could use “Fetch!”
Soak Joe Biden?
I picked some beautiful pepper pods this evening.
WOW! Those are gorgeous.
Those are purty.
Careful with the spicy content, we might lose our family friendly rating.
Did you pick a peck of them?
And my new flashlight arrived. Yay.
Flash, Ted S. With an “a”. ?
YAY! Light!
These days, you have to read the instruction book for flashlights. Which is kinda weird to say.
Yep, I finally found my red scope, RTFM indeed,
I’m slow, heh,
I think i get why people do Opiods, chronic pain sucks, and you still get the I can’t move pain as well. I just drink beer and smoke weed and keep going, it’s hard to walk, but I endevour to prevail, I’m sure others have it worse than Bobbo,
Ozy? WTF?
oh yea,
That doesn’t look like Ozy Osbourne to me.
In case you were wondering what a bad picture of Sen. Sinema looks like, ABC News found one.
You can tell she’s in the deep kimchee with the Cathedral when they start running pics like that.
Oh fuck them, humans are human, ffs!
I’ll take a bad Sinema pic over a good Pelosi pic any time.
Meh, Nancy was a looker back in the day, wait until Sinema is one hundred and seven and see how they compare. Also you guys do realize she (Simena) would sit back and laugh as they took all your guns and spent every last nickel we can print, steal, or borrow. Yes she’s attractive in a mousy secretary who wears hooker boots kind of way but she’s a cunte, fuck her and the socialist horse she rode in on.
I’m not really into horses.
attractive in a mousy secretary who wears hooker boots kind of way
New pornhub search term cataloged. And ya, pretty sure everybody here knows all that. It is funny that now when two people vote no on a mind numbing amount of fabricated money we rejoice. At what point does it not matter anymore. Fuckin print it, burn the place down IDGAF anymore. Collapse it already.
I’m resigning myself to collapse.
I don’t think the ‘national divorce’ has a chance in hell.
I would prefer that we figure out a way to back away from the brink. Whatever is coming will suck for everyone, even those who think they are ‘prepared’.
I flip flop. Back and forth like [insert politicians name] but then I hear some hope and pull out of it. I might just be bipolar.
Also, check my link I re’d to Lobot below. You would dig that film.
A USA divorce would work about as well as the India/Pakistan separation.
KSu, I often fantasize about western CO divorcing the front range. And it is not really the whole east it is just the Denver metro and Boulder. I am too ignorant to know how to start such a movement but by god I would support it. And as far as comparing India/Pakistan to that, I am not sure who is who but I know who would win.
Also, check my link I re’d to Lobot below. You would dig that film.
Thanks! I’ll check it out!
WS. Yup I understand. I’ve been a big proponent of the State of Jefferson movement, even though I know it is a huge long shot. The north of California largely is another world than the coastal one. They don’t belong in the same state. Would love to see more of that type thing happen all over.
Jesus, she looks just like Joe Biden
You have to give the left credit. They are supremely good at moving the Overton Window, to the point where those who want 1.5 trillion in additional spending (instead of 3.5 trillion) are considered “moderate.”
Derp from the linked ABC news article:
“LUCHA co-directors Tomas Robles and Alejandra Gomez said in a statement to ABC News that Sinema has shown “zero interest to engage with her constituents or meet her colleagues halfway on critical legislation.””
Ummm, it sounds that trying to meet her colleagues halfway is specifically what you are having problems with.
Sheesh, we used to teach five-year-olds not to mimic what their stupid friends do.
“Mom, all the kids in 9th grade are having sex, why can’t I?”
Because that would be incest, son.
I should be really enjoying this 2007 unsold pilot Fugly, but it’s got that abominable Michael Rappaport in it. He was the worst part of Do The Right Thing, True Romance, and Bamboozled, and he is an all around awful human being.
Heh I checked him into my hotel in Buffalo once.
There’s also the worst part of Beautiful Girls.
Doesn’t sound like my thing but I watched this the other night. I think you might enjoy.
But he does those funny tik toks where he says “Hey Ma!!” and “Fuck” a lot.
Also the worst part of Deep Blue Sea. Some nimrod had the idea to cast that guy as a scientific genius.
Well DOD notice that we get the vax or else just dropped. Issued Friday.
I still plan on doing religious exemption…
Wish this fat govt. tick luck?
I wonder how long before you’re not allowed on a base without the clotshot.
Sea Gypsies on Prime is an interesting documentary.
If you go to your local school board meeting to complain about something, then you too may be a domestic terrorist.
It is official — you aren’t in charge of your kids.