A Rainbow Warrior, dressed in pleather and bent hubcaps
Holy crapballs! We have hopping vampires, kung fu, android cops, slightly less boobies than last week but still boobies, and an incomprehensible plot! This is the first real Z-movie I have presented. Z-movies are a special grade. Worse than B-movies, these are often considered the lowest of the lot. But that in no way means Z-movies are unwatchable, or lacking in fun. I personally would rather watch Robo Vampire over The Last Jedi any day of the week!
Godfrey Ho is our director this week. He directed around 150 films during his career. How do you achieve something like that? He did it by reusing footage in a number of movies using a technique called “cut and paste” to stick together movies from common footage. He did not pioneer the technique of cut and paste filming, as you can see this same concept used in Three Stooges shorts. But Godfrey used it A LOT in full length features. It explains the disjointed plot of Robo Vampire. Legend says this movie is actually two different films glued together.
I can say the best thing to do is be on your second drink / gummy whatever you do by the time you press play and everything will work out fine. This movie is hilarious. Whoever dubbed it did so in a men’s room. Sound is bad, editing is bad, costumes are nigh-improvised. Welcome to the world of Robo Vampire! What have we got tonight?
- Hopping vampires, controlled by drug lords: This appears to be really common in hopping vampire movies. What is it about hopping vampires and drug lords? Is that really a thing in China? Or is that just Godfrey Ho? I mean, he made so many movies it may just be him reusing footage over and over again.
- Robo Dude: A reanimated cop, turned cyborg. Sound familiar? Well, it won’t look too familiar because this guy’s outfit is made out of silver pleather and bent hubcaps. If everyone on this post took a drunk challenge to make a cyborg outfit in five minutes – we could probably do better.
- Vampire Beast: In life, boyfriend of Tits McGee. In death, an inhuman killing machine! You’ll spit-take your beer when you see him. “Is that really just a dime store rubber ape mask?” Yes. Yes it is.
- Tits McGee: Girlfriend / fiancée of Vampire Beast, wears a see-through top for absolutely no reason. This lady should be awarded a Guinness world record for longest continual monologue/ exposition without a breath.
This movie is legendary in Z-movie circles. So legendary I expected a selection of merchandise, like bobbleheads. Out of curiosity I looked around and I found a Robo Vampire miniskirt available. “Has anyone bought it?” you may ask. Well, there are fifteen positive reviews for it my friends. “Sleek, sexy & flattering!!” says the first review. The End Times are coming soon.
There was a Robo Vampire 2, called Devil’s Dynamite.
Shocker, there is a third sequel: Robo Vampire 3.
I suppose if you are running the TVs at Guantanamo Bay you could run nothing but Robo Vampire 1,2,3 all day until people break. (This is my idea, so if you are in the military and lurking in the comments section, send bitcoin to Glibertarians.com if you implement.)
If you enjoy this kind of wackiness you might check out the additional links above. If you hate it, take solace in the joy that starting next week is a string of newer movies! Since we are in October I will keep reviewing little-known horror comedies, beginning with DeathGasm.
Apocalypse! Death Metal! Extreme pancake makeup! Teenagers! New Zealand!
Watch it or don’t – everything is voluntary!
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No account or sign-in is required to use Tubi. The only advantage to signing in is you can maintain a queue and save your place in movies you are watching. Follow these instructions to bypass the sign in:
After you click the link for the weekly movie, hit the Play button on the movie and you should get the screen shown below. The guest option may require scrolling up to see. Click the circled guest option to watch the film.
So RLM’s BOTW, um, masterpieces… are those z-tier?
wears a see-through top for absolutely no reason.
I can think of a couple.
‘Z’ is in the mind of the beholder. Z movies are still coming out, almost daily. Seems like 1/8 of Amazon Prime’s content is modern Z movies, in my opinion. No budget, no makeup, costumes made from scraps.
I looked her up. Flapjacks.
Maybe I’ve been spoiled on collagen injections.
Her pluckiness and ability to do calculus?
I got through all the integrals and differentials, but sets and series just killed me. If a chick manages to work through that, she has my acknowledgment. Not my respect, I withhold that for men, but she’s worth being acknowledged.
“Since Tom’s dead I want to use him to make an android”
Man is asshoe
I’m getting a “content unavailable” on the top link.
Unsure as to the reason. It is working for me. You could go straight to TUBI and find robo vampire, if it continues to fail.
Maybe it’s a country restriction.
You are not in Libertopia?
Could be. No idea what’s going on around me.
FYI Kishida is now PM.
It’s not Tojo anymore?
Say what you want, but the guy knew how to wear a medal.
Still, morning dress isn’t dead either
Damn. This tells me it is time for a frock coat. STAT!
That situation will not change if you get the movie to run. If nothing works, I offer this consolation prize, which I am going to review come Christmas. Treevenge.
I’ll check out both when I get home. Treevenge sounds like it was directed by Timeloose.
That would be my guess too.
Worked last movie, though.
Always ticks me off in reverse when I can’t watch something in Japan.
Possibly erase all cookies related to TUBI. I noticed that occasionally that hangs up browsers when jumping around between lots of movies on various streaming platforms.
Ima try this shit out on my new smarty-pants TV.
Oh, I can’t skip ads. Hmph.
I have it going on the big Roku TV. Fifth time to watch now, still confusing.
The great thing about firing it up on the TV is I don’t care if it makes sense. Watching movies on my PC distracts from the other tasks I’m trying to perform.
Not watching but it is firechat night. I have papers to burn
I love how this guy can speak – shout, even – with a cigarette in his mouth and his lips aren’t moving.
It’s the sign of a fine quality production.
Heh…give me a smoke and an ongoing task and I can make Jeff Dunham look like a lazy hack.
You think you can “out shit storm” me? Ha! I just watched Cyborg Cop featuring John Rhys-Davies on Comet. I swear, the program director binged watched MST3000 and lazily said ” Fuck it. Let’s go with that.”
You may have me there. If we were playing the rotten tomatoes game, Robo Vampire scored almost 39 points ahead of Cyborg Cop. Keep in mind I nearly called Tonio and begged him to let me switch reviews because I felt this movie was such a mess. A fun mess, but close to torches and pitchforks here.
Speaking of, I mentioned it earlier that now Fauci has officially become the movie on Rotten Tomatoes that has the biggest gap in Critic vs. Audience scores. Previously it was Spy Kids (93/46). Now, Fauci seems unbeatable at (93/2). Yes, 2% audience rating. And it’s not all my fault, either. I may have had a little to do with driving people to review, but… Not that much.
Every little bit helps, my friend. Any film basically depicting a living person in the form of a hagiography should be treated with the utmost scorn.
This is more so-bad-it’s-good than last week’s feature. That one was just bad.
Good to hear. I was afraid I’d run you off. I was compelled to review this mess and get it out of my system this week. You will fully enjoy next week, when we return to newer films. Deathgasm. Trailer below.
That looks like fun but I’m nostalgically digging the 80s throwback here.
I forgot the Vampire Beast and Tits McGee get flirty and jiggy. This movie has so much to give.
As an aside: I never cared for Quantum Leap as a child….as an adult I must say the show didn’t age well. In fact, it’s even more of a cheese dick melodrama than I remembered as a kid…god, this show is terrible.
Yeah. COMET deserves attention but it is still in that infant stage, like PLUTO was for a while. Literally they play one or two shows to death and inevitably it’s not what you want to see. At least I imagine that is where you saw Quantum Leap.
Correct. Quantum Leap, The Outer Limits, and the cheap knock off to QL, Sliders, seems to be in heavy rotation on this channel.
I liked Sliders much more than Quantum Leap.
And thanks for the reminder that I need to install Comet on my TV. I couldn’t remember the name of that service.
But yeah, Pluto… I’ve been dropping into Doctor Who all week and they’ve already cycled through the entire run twice. Many stories skipped. They got the doctors in order but the stories within each doctor are out of order. Oh well.
One trick is to look in their View on Demand section and you will find everything playing on the channels. You can find episodes you want to see, vs. what is on.
Also realize this is as good as early cable was – kinda crappy. It’s good, but far from perfect. And at least it’s free. Check out the Asylum channel.
I dislike Sliders. I think it was a borrowed concept and for some reason Jerry O’Connell reminds me of my older brother…we were never close and to this day don’t get along.
They just spent some money and bought the rights to 13 Nights of Elvira, which comes on Friday nights. Wisely not competing with Svengoolie.
Elvira….the Eighties…I was too young then to understand why I was fascinated but now I get it.
I forgot to ask last week – has anyone seen the Danger 5 series? I was thinking about doing a writeup. It’s so unique. Episodes like “Fresh Meat for Hitler’s Sex Kitchen” are as good as they sound.
Danger 5 is hilarious and awesome. Thumbs up.
A Boeing pilot involved in testing the 737 Max jetliner was indicted Thursday by a federal grand jury on charges of deceiving safety regulators who were evaluating the plane, which was later involved in two deadly crashes.
The indictment accuses Mark A. Forkner of giving the Federal Aviation Administration false and incomplete information about an automated flight-control system that played a role in the crashes, which killed 346 people.
Prosecutors said that because of Forkner’s “alleged deception,” the system was not mentioned in key FAA documents, pilot manuals or pilot-training material supplied to airlines.
no comment
Wow. Something like this had to come out of the investigation eventually. The whole story seemed screwy.
I have been expecting civil penalties against the company.
I was not expecting criminal charges against individuals.
There are a shit load of people involved in the production of key FAA documents, pilot manuals or pilot-training material.
That’s true. Why just the one?
Either one man defrauded his company and the FAA or there was a conspiracy at the company to defraud the FAA.
Charges against a single person is ridiculous.
They tossed him under the bus.
I’ve no idea if he was or wasn’t in on the deal, but it most certainly wasn’t just him and, I believe, one other person.
Forkner’s actions figured prominently in the deferred-prosecution agreement, which was struck in the waning days of the Trump administration. The Justice Department agreed to dismiss the criminal charge against Boeing if the company cooperated by making current and former employees available to testify.
As a mid-level manager at Boeing, Forkner complained in colorful and sometimes crass messages about the MCAS. The missives sparked outrage at the FAA and on Capitol Hill when they were made public in late 2019 and early 2020.
Forkner bragged of using “Jedi mind tricks” on regulators and complained that the Max was “designed by clowns, who in turn are supervised by monkeys.”
One of Boeing’s big selling points with customers like Southwest Airlines Co. had been that pilots certified for the previous generation of 737s only needed a short computer course to brush up their flying skills for the Max. Forkner proposed that regulators delete a reference to MCAS in a document outlining the FAA-mandated training sessions, according to Boeing’s deferred prosecution agreement.
without comment
What a coincidence that Boeing teed up someone who held Boeing in contempt. Two birds…
Mark Forker, a former chief technical pilot for the company, . . . . . . .
Doctors may believe themselves to be gods, but they have nothing on chief pilots.
I feel dumber for having Red the article.
That’s as confused as tonights film.
Libertarian Socialism…Red…I can’t tell if that was a typo or intentionally placed… either way, well done!
Yeah, I’ve been racking my brain looking for another suitable pun. But commie-ing up short.
I was going to post something but I’m just Stalin for time.
*Marx down responses, adds names to the list*
Y’all better Trot-sky the hell out of here before Swiss gets here.
Wow. No, not intentional. Autocorrect has become the stealth sky net. That is… astounding.
You just trotsky out the puns at the drop of a hat.
Hockey on tonight. WT sweet-everloving F is a Seattle Kracken? And their home venue is “Climate Pledge Arena”? I hope they lose every game, and also catch syphilis.
Those guys are gonna get beat up on the road.
Release the Kracken
Another expansion team.
And the court name is courtesy of Amazon. Fka KeyArena/Seattle Center Coliseum
I remember rolling my eyes so hard when that news came out I needed surgery.
On topic, I watched the trailer for Robo Vampire last week, I don’t think I can sit through it. Deathgasm seems much more promising. Related, I saw Knights of Badassdom on Amazon a while back. Surprisingly good.
This is the last old movie for a while. I’m on the up and up with high quality recent movies through Christmas, unless I get a kung fu itch. Even then there are great newer kung fu films.
I don’t know it qualifies as a B movie, but Kung Fu Hustle is one of my favorites.
That is an A movie. A fantastic film. Most Stephen Chow movies are. I assumed most here have seen it, so it is not on the review list.
I liked it well enough but Shaolin Soccer is one of my favorite movies of all time. I even liked that silly CJ-7 or whatever it was called.
An ex bought me some of his earlier films… they were a little hard to get into.
Lately he’s been doing big budget films as a writer/actor. The Journey to the West series is a good example.
I wish there were more hopping vampires and less drug gang tedium.
Yes. The drug gang portions makes little sense.
Ok, so somewhat on topic. I’m watching MST3K for the first time ever tonight. Wife doesn’t understand, but I find it hilarious. ?
I haven’t seen that show for many years, but I remember many a hearty chuckle was had.
Enjoy, Trashy.
There are so many great MST3k episodes, it’s hard to recommend favorites.
Definitely try out “The Day the Earth Froze”
“Pod People” best episode.
Joel or Mike?
Idk. I watched Radar Secret Service first, and now I’m watching Santa Claus
OK, so Mike.
I prefer Joel, but those episodes are older and maybe a bit rougher around the edges.
Joel was the best. Mike was fine and still funny. But Joel was the shit.
In the Dark, the unseen is seen,
shadows in your vision that tells,
of Demons in the black, seeking Souls,
united in a dark vision,
as the Darkness consumes,
a light ahead, unattainable,
and the Miasma or misery consumes you,
you reflect, is it Black,
or a future wasted,
done things help with your sorrow,
and pain can fade, but the memories,
will always follow,
“ Biden Admin Reinstates Andrew McCabe’s Full Pension After 2018 Firing For Lying Under Oath”
He gets back missed pension too. These farging corksuckers never pay and never will. Ugh…
I wish I was shocked.
You can still be disgusted.
Quid pro quo.
Three years from now politics lurches back the other way and he’s out on the street, watching his cufflinks get thrown in a lake.
From the lamppost next to Kendrick…
Nice fantasy, won’t happen (even if there is a lurch)
I hope so.
I can’t possibly follow all this inside-the-beltway bullshit but it’s obviously yet another example of Biden thumbing his nose at Trump, facts be damned.
Missed it by only 10 minutes.
Fuck. It has nothing to do with Biden/Brandon though. Some flunky pushed a piece of paper in front of the dummy and they called it a day. Dummy has no idea what is going through his hands.
I’m not watching the film as I have Giants/Dodgers on but it sounds fun. Speaking of movies, I really loved going to the Alamo Drafthouse in town. They had a great bar and good food and movies. Dune is coming up there (as well as the new Bond) and I am bummed that I can’t go as I refuse to do mask theatre and don’t want to show my vax proof to any muthafucka. Guess I’m waiting for them both to get the home release.
That’s been a thing for me too. I haven’t really gone back in the theatre because I don’t want to sit there, masked. I bet Studio Movie Grills are more relaxed. I have yet to check. I want to see Dune too. And the new Bond. Don’t want to see Halloween 10 x 13^25, but I will probably be dragged to that.
I haven’t been to a movie theater in a decade or more, but yeah with the theater it will never happen.
Last film I saw in the theater was the first Star Trek reboot and it killed my desire to ever see another movie in the theater.
I think the last movie I saw in a theater was The Phantom Menace.
That’s even longer ago than when I stopped.
Yeah, I just looked up the release date and was surprised at just how long it’s been. Guess I’m getting old.
I used to go to the movies all the frigging time. For a while we had a projector in the house so we would project stuff on our big wall. There is something to watching s film with an audience. Up till the panic I would still go 2-3 times a year. I like the places where you can order booze to your seat.
Ry has it. Last movie I saw in the theater was Parasite, and I hadn’t been in one since Hail Ceaser!
Most movies these days suck, masks suck, vax cards suck. Fuck that noise.
Last new release movie I saw in the theatre was Blade Runner 2049. While it wasn’t as good as the original, it was nice to see on a massive screen. A couple of cocktails and a beer delivered to my seat made it even better.
I love the original so much that I decided to not see the new one, as I think Blade Runner, along with The Thing and Millers Crossing, are perfect movies and they just need to be left alone, watched, and enjoyed.
But I get why people wanted to see it.
It’s flipping gorgeous and had a real affection for the ambience, attitude and pacing for the original.
It’s why I’m going to see Dune in the theaters.
Yeah, the new Dune looks good. And it’s not like there’s a previous masterpiece to be afraid of walking over.
I, too, am reluctant to watch nu-Blade Runner.
It very well could be as much as you say. But the original was perfect, in its own weird, flawed way, and that closed the door on it for me.
Dune does look good, but the ’80s one was seriously flawed, though it did set a great tone for visuals. But I don’t have the same reverence for it as Blade Runner. Possibly because it doesn’t flow with the same philosophic undertones as BR evoked.
No one will hire me, age, or covid, I am officially out of work. The Casino is my last chance, but my back is wasted, let’s see how it plays out,
And they complain about not having willing workers….
Firing this guy with less than the maximum pension was the only success of draining the swamp.
Biden Admin Reinstates Andrew McCabe’s Full Pension After 2018 Firing For Lying Under Oath
From the linked article:
Prediction: no net decline in admin staff, increase if anything to oversee all three locations, and each campus will still have a
presidentvice-presidentConsolidated university.
These all started off as Teachers’ Colleges in PA. My grandmother attended Bloomsburg College in the 1920s–and had some rather racy stories about it..then decades later they became Universities, now they’re back to being downsized and consolidated.
But they didn’t consolidate Cheney Univ. (about 600 students) with West Chester U. (18,000 students) right up the road. Could the reason be that Cheney is historically black? And that the taxpayers poured millions into new dorms recently that sit half empty? The Cheney U. land is worth $50 million or more to a developer but, what the fuck, why sell off underutilized assets when you can keep running up tabs with the compliant taxpayers?
Monica Lewinsky has always been better than decent looking (and aged quite nicely) but the actress portraying her is awful. Doesn’t come across like her at all.
Thank God someone agrees with me, Monica is hot, still, Thicc like I like em, but not Tres level, would do all day long.
time to bail out! Enjoy kids!
Do I look like an asshole? Am I an asshole to you?
Conversations I wish I had with the founder of the company for which I work, and wish would retire
It doesn’t help that I do, in fact, look like an asshole, and am, in fact, an asshole to him. And for good, undeniable reasons.
For us Both, Asshole!
Goddmn it!
I walk around in the Summertime, saying how about this heat?!
And really, who can deny the necessary, some might say requisite, usage of commas, in that statement.
I had what I rate was an unnecessary comma in the previous statement, which I regret, and will no longer post on these forums out of respect for the community.
I don’t believe, and forgive me if I am wrong, that anyone, least of all you, should worry, since, after all, we’re all friends here, I think.
Wife got the vax yesterday. “How you feeling today?” “Like crap.”
Bill Clinton hospitalized with non-Covid infection. Herpes was my very next guess. Then I remembered what a liar he is and assume it is Covid.
Considering who he’s married to, he should get some of that horse dewormer.
John Kerry hardest hit.
He was in LA for Clinton Foundation events and was admitted to the icu for safety and privacy. Right…
Love how covid hasn’t put a damper on shit the rich and powerful want to do.
What? I thought the Clinton Foundation folded up.
What interesting times we live in,
I have learned very much from my previous trespasses and I believe I have grown as a human. I regret all of my incursions against humanity and I would very much like to represent myself again to the party, I would please like to once again be accepted among your ranks and be in good standing to you please.
Comma get it.
Not sure if I’m joking or just quietly going insane.
As a marker of sanity: I called my mother on her birthday, and she was receptive. We’re going to have lunch when I visit her.
If that’s not sanity, or some semblance of it, I don’t know what else I can offer.
Go love your Mom, they go away and then you wish you could tallk to her, and that sucks,
On the side of insanity: I want to scream every moment of every day. The drinking keeps me honest, but I expect that’s what drives me crazy.
Fuck, you sound like me, barely hanging on to sanity, a beer at a time, and I have know idea what to do, stay and freeze? leave for the warmlands? Who the fuck knows….
Men went to war without wondering about their lots, or at least we don’t hear about their wonderings because mostly, the men who wondered about lots won the wars about which their lots were wondered. So now we’re here.
Except for the war part, what do yo even mean?
No! you are doomed to the Camps! Unbeliever!
/did i do that right?
Damn. I hate losing an auction, of seeing the last bid only being $10 more than yours, but you know by that point the other guy has deep pockets.
So, a Diana 65 is not to be mine. Time to contact that guy about the Walther LG55. And if that doesn’t work out, place a WTB ad.
Must be nice…..
Wow. Nice rifles.
I am starting to reevaluate my whole shooting needs, starting to downsize a lot of the impulse buys and as I can shoot them in my basement, I am starting to get serious with air rifles. Plus, once you figure in ammo, it is so much cheaper. Match grade pellets still only run about $20 for 450-500. So I don’t feel bad spending big money on a rifle, as it is so cheap and easy to shoot daily with it.
Ahh, that makes sense, I need to be able to hunt without my 590, so I bought a crossbow, very useful up here, and still have my shotty for birds,
well, i was given a crossbow, my kids love me,
Now I’m down the rabbit hole of looking at current model Weihrauch. Air rifle would be fun in the backyard.
Good news, Nicholas Kristof is quitting the NYT.
Bad news, the POS is running for governor here as claiming to be a resident of a state he hasn’t lived in for 40 years. Fuck off you NY liberal. We’ve already got one NY US senator. Not that he has a chance. Tina Kotex wants her spot and will stop at nothing to get it.
So cripple fight?
Nah. He’ll be ducking it out with the other runner ups for those spots.
How is Kristof claiming OR residency? Is it something like you just have to live in the state for 30 days before the primary?
3 years before the election. He’s claiming he’s a longtime Oregon resident now despite voting in NY in November 2020.
He’ll fit right in as a lying fuckstick. Really, the requirement for any state office should be native born and twenty years residency with a twenty year residency to vote. Fuck the carpetbaggers.
All the kids are like, You don’t Hunt? your coming with me, You don’t know how to fish? (Ido) Lemme show you where they are hiiting,
they look at me like a babe in the woods, and take care of me, Cool people!
Awwww. That’s very sweet!
Let them “teach” you, even if you already know the lesson. They will feel good about it and so will you. Heck, you might even learn a new trick!
Earlier tonight, during the Thursday Night Nuffle game, we (spouse and I ) went to the ol’ country club. Met a bunch of the regulars.
One guy, a wonderful human who always makes sure we know he is Corsican, not French, brought a present. It was quite heavy.
I opened it, and to my delight and astonishment, it was a collection of small bricks of ammo in every caliber relevant to us: 38, 9mm, 12 ga, .22.
Just awesome. He’d remembered every one we had and gave it to us “for the road” knowing we’d have a delay purchasing in NV until I get a new DL. What a great and highly personalized gift!
Gonna miss some of these Californians…
Very cool.
That’s a lovely parting gift. It’s good to be thoughtful.
Brings a warm to the heart and a tear to the eye.
He is the most patriotic American with a seriously French accent I’ve ever met. His wife is a cute little red haired Celtic thing.
They have a small ranch up here and raise chickens and donkeys, whom they absolutely love. They are a weird and wonderful free couple. I hope California never screws them over too much.
20% ?
Dollar amounts are not quite as shocking, but still…
I just paid mine; 8.5% increase. If it happens again next year, I’m out.
As Janet yelled stated, there is a 3 Trillion dollar tax “gap” they have to fill.
I’m pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to say that during her $600 transaction monitoring announcement, but she did.
The bureaucracy is sopping up everything they can find.
Also, Yellen . Not yelled.
Also also, Lehigh Pennsylvania is the location where the engineering honor society TBP was founded. It’s why our colors are “seal brown and white.”
Ammeter, indicator
Wye level wye
Sliderule, dynamo,
Tau Beta Pi!
(That’s the original and only true verse—then some idiots came up with: “Calculate, Innovate: Try try try. Honesty, integrity; Tau Beta Pi”)
If you are going to tax wealth, property tax is the easiest way to do it.
Don’t get me started. What I pay in property tax here in the People’s Republic of Bergen County NJ would get a three bedroom apartment plus food in some parts of the country. And I may own the shittiest house in my town, I shudder to think what my neighbors are paying.
I’m just saying…brace yourself.
Who does shit like that? People are weird.
An incel?
Covid news:
Octoberfeast this weekend.
Plus, the scarecrows are up.
Truly lame virtue signaling.
“You can melt our guns down as soon they’re sold, if you like. As long as they’re paid for, we don’t care.”
/Gun manufacturer exec
Not surprising, it’s been all downhill in Peru ever since Pizarro strangled the Great Inca.
I’ve often wondered about our great North American experience. If Spain had dug in and really tried to hang on to NA as a colony, instead of letting the Brits and Dutch have at it for their religious freedom (and escape from the 100 Years War), what would it be like today?
We really did need the English, and then very much more overlooked, the Scottish Enlightenment to create this country.
I don’t want to give up on her yet; we’re here for a reason.
-what would it be like today?
Whiter Mexico
“Navy Announces Plans To Expel Those Refusing Covid Vaccine, Revoke Benefits”
I guess all that thanks for your service stuff was bullshit too huh?
But WHY??? Is it really just Pfizer stock price??
A general purge of those that think for themselves and might refuse to follow questionable orders comes to mind. Wash, rinse, repeat for the other services and the cops.
Part of me says that if you are a true patriot, you stay the course, be calm and docile, prioritize your targets, and wait for your opportunity. That would actually be heroic.
“Soldier kill those domestic terrorists who are demanding control over their children’s education.”
“Sorry sir, you’re the real terrorist, and a coward.” Boom!
It’s a cheesy movie, but this is how you take one for the team.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Good morning, homey etc.! Today’s my last day of work before another week of vacation, which will include a few days down at Shawnee State Park! ?
And even better long-term: My boss says I can pawn off processing returned mail to Reliable Co-worker permanently! ?
Has Jugsy had her second shot yet? If so, how’s she holding up?
She gets it tomorrow morning, I think.
Im considering taking 3 days to go to NYC and mooch off her (company paid-for hotel and generous per diem) but the idea of getting that jab just so I can enter a business there just isnt sitting right. And I cant seem to track down anyplace in the tri-state that does the J&J.
Plus, there’s an additional hurdle of finding someone dumb enough to babysit The Dozer.
And the added anxiety of coming back to find said babysitter mauled, and the Palatial 2X-Wide™ completely destroyed.
Tres, If you’re still hanging around, Franklin County Health Dept still had the J&J last time I looked (3-4 weeks back by now). They take walk-ins at the Parson’s Ave location, although a appointment gets you stuck fractionally faster.
Morning, Glibs.
I’m at the point where I’m required to either submit proof of vax or weekly test results. Submitting to the testing even feels like capitulating to illegal orders. They have yet to actually voice the consequences for noncompliance, but I’m not sure I’m brave enough to face the uncertainty.
There’s no shame in complying if your job depends on it. Just nurse the resentment and keep it in mind without letting it drive you nuts. Of course, getting yourself in trouble or quitting is also an option as long as you’re well aware of what you’re getting yourself into. It’s an individual decision and there are no cookie cutter answers.
Wish I could offer some sage advice. We are at about 90% lab rat level in my division. The unclean are getting tested once a week, must wear masks, and paying extra for medical benefits. I fear more more screws will be turned. CEO says no pay raises until 100%.
I was only concerned about long term side effects when I got my jabs. Now that I know they are ineffective too, I would not have gotten them. Just my 0.02.
The pay raise thing is really underhanded and your CEO is a manipulative asshole. It encourages coworker resentment, bullying, and snitching.
I would say it encourages assassinating the CEO.
That’s a new low I hadn’t seen yet.
I already thought the “paying extra for medical benefits” was beyond the pale.
I’m having fun with it. I tease my unclean co-workers. “I want my money, bitchez!” I really don’t care anymore.
Don’t say that to the coworkers, say that as you beat the shit out of the real obsticle – the CEO.
Yes, I’m in a bad mood this morning.
Yes, I’m in a bad mood this morning
With you on that. My son still has not received the results of the Covid test he was required to take because he had a cough. He works for a medical practice, and can’t work until he has a negative test. And if he tests positive my wife will have to cancel her rather important medical test on Monday, not to mention the anniversary dinner we planned for tomorrow. I am dreaming of woodchippers.
Enjoy your power as one of the Blessed before the revolution starts.
I don’t believe you should feel obliged to risk losing everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve over this issue. I know there are those here who would disagree with me.
I’m so sorry you’re facing this dilemma. [Full disclosure: I got the J&J shot voluntarily months ago, mainly in hopes of reducing the risk that I might pass the virus to my friend who’s fighting cancer. Also, my employer is not requiring testing of those who haven’t received a shot – just the daily temp-taking. Which I have to administer in our work location.]
What Stinky said. There are always choices, but they depend on individual circumstances. If you have the means to provide necessities like food and shelter for the future, the choice might be between comfort and luxury. Living paycheck to paycheck? Better keep that job, the choice is work or starve. And being pissed off at the bullshit is always a good option, as long as it doesn’t consume you.
Is the test on your dime?
No. It’s Taxpayer money.
That’s nice of them. It takes the sting away slightly (barely), but I’m not betting long term that the test option won’t be taken away.
If you get special PTO for coofdom, look up online about how to get a false positive from those tests.
Not so far.
If you can’t work remotely you will have to burn your own leave to ‘quarantine’.
How does that work with the Biden admin not having issued a mandate? What mechanism are they using to justify the jab?
Me, I would be asking for that to see what, exactly, I need to be doing and why. Through it back at them.
He works for the Man. They have their own edicts.
Mornin’ All! I think I have saved myself and my beloved Son’s-in-law quite a bit of manual labor. I have used my microcephalic brain to solve a problem that has been irking me for over a year. It was so simple that I dare not deign to call itself an “Eureka Moment”. So dull I was but now it comes into focus. I can fix this thing without help, just as Rube Goldberg prophesied.
You got it stuck in the jacuzzi inlet again, didnt you ?
We try not to mention “The Prolapse Incident” in polite company, my good man.
I’m pleased as punch and I feel like I’ve got my Mojo back! If it works I’ll gain some lost confidence about getting elderly and frailer.
Those young fellers will get to spend Saturday with their kids instead of bailing me out. Win/Win!
The bad part is climbing a ladder. He and I do not get along very well anymore…
Falls are a big risk for old folks like myself. My balance ain’t what it used to be, and I never cared for ladders in the first place. I hire local Messicans for any jobs which require climbing
My pride will take me up that first jittery step on the ladder. I need a win.
Hooray for Festus! You ain’t getting older, you’re getting better. I have no idea what you did, but it does sound like a Eureka Moment. Simplicity is genius.
Thanks, Patzie! I had to teach myself everything trade related because my arc in life was supposed to be the polar opposite of what happened. I can usually figure it out but it takes a little longer for the “gifted” kid.
“…because my arc in life was supposed to be the polar opposite of what happened.”
Yours too, huh ?
I love you, Man!
“Bring it in…”
/Bitch Tits Bob
LOL Pluto has “One America News” and they put up a disclaimer during commercial breaks.
I wonder if there is a disclaimer on all the other news channels.
They’re no more slanted than CNN. I don’t even bother to watch them but their news-babes are hotter. I don’t want opinion, I get plenty of that here and from the CBC. Tell the fucking truth for once you lying corporate assholes.
The station I listen to all night at work runs Coast To Coast AM (pours 1 out for Art Bell).
They’re constantly plugging NewsMax. I feel like I should check it out at some point.
If Spain had dug in and really tried to hang on to NA as a colony, instead of letting the Brits and Dutch have at it for their religious freedom (and escape from the 100 Years War), what would it be like today?
A stinking Papist shithole.
South and Central America meekly raise their hands.
Good morning, you are now the early P Brooks?
Spain was here for the plunder, they were never that interested in sticking around. Proper shitlords they were.
The Catholicism stuck fast, though.
A stinking Papist shithole
Are you talking about all those poor little French anuses?
I was never a fan of pop music, and their stupid “Power of Love” song makes my ass polyps burst and bleed.
But I submit the most underrated Huey Lewis song.
You are worse than TEDS. Now I hate you!
Sick burn.
“Kenneth Upshaw, 38, was arrested and charged with second degree murder on Thursday after the terrifying ordeal, which the girlfriend has luckily survived, Memphis police told local news.”
Second degree murder seems like a stretch if the victim is still breathing
Must… not… link…
heh heh