Nazi Bitch Camp 1034 really was the worst one. via my beloved Pulp Covers. Story ideas for days. Days!
‘Covid toe’ may be side-effect of immune response, says study
The skin condition known as Covid toe may be a side-effect of the immune system’s response to fighting off the virus, according to a study.
The symptom results in chilblain-like inflammation and redness on the hands and feet, with the condition sometimes lasting for months at a time. It typically develops within a week to four weeks of being infected and can result in toes and fingers becoming swollen or changing colour.
Researchers behind the study, which has been published in the British Journal of Dermatology, examined 50 participants with the condition and 13 with similar chilblains lesions that arose before the pandemic.
They found one mechanism behind both types of the condition involved the body generating an immune response with high levels of certain autoantibodies, which mistakenly target and react with a person’s own cells and tissues as well as the invading virus. They also found an overlap with type I interferon, a key protein in the antiviral response.
In addition to the immune system, cells lining blood vessels that supply the affected areas also appeared to play a critical role in the development of Covid toes and chilblains.
COVID toe! I mean, shit, most of my toes are blue and smell pretty bad for years now. COVID? Give me a fucking break.
Shooting for the stars: This Russian duo are set to make the first feature film in space
A Russian filmmaking duo are set to win the moviemaking space race, dashing Tom Cruise’s dream of being the first to shoot a film entirely in orbit.
That distinction will go to director Klim Shipenko and actress Yulia Peresild who are launching into space on October 5 for a 12 day extraterrestrial shoot.
The pair beat out thousands of hopefuls to win the opportunity of making their film, entitled The Challenge, aboard the International Space Station.

Yulia Peresild, pictured here urinating in a tube during rehearsals
It is a tough category to compete in, I will admit, but this has to be in the running for the stupidest trend story Slate has ever shat into the world.
“I Can’t Be Surprised Like This Again”
When you have “tall Zoom energy” and show up to the office for the first time, it can get awkward.
One day this summer, Maggie Dewane received an unexpected compliment: An intern at the Washington think tank where she works told her that she had “tall person energy.”
The two had never met in person. Like many white-collar workers, they were doing their jobs remotely and had only interacted in the Brady Bunch–style grids of videoconferencing. Dewane, who is 5-foot-4, was frankly thrilled that someone thought she seemed like a tall person. “I was just so taken aback,” Dewane said.
Tall person energy, also sometimes called “tall Zoom energy,” has been a topic of conversation in recent months as co-workers who first got to know one another through screens have gradually been meeting in person. If you haven’t had this experience yet, you probably will soon: Employees are continuing to trickle back into their IRL workplaces, albeit slower than initially expected this fall. And when they get there, they’re making the sometimes-awkward discovery that the disembodied heads they got used to chatting with belong to three-dimensional people—people who stand at a wide variety of heights.
Also: Employees are continuing to trickle back into their IRL workplaces
Bitch, I’ve been back in the office since August of 2020.
Old story, but I just found it and I like it too much.
Artist Reimagines David Bowie Songs as Old Pulp Fiction Book Covers
More covers at the link.
The skin condition known as Covid toe may be a side-effect of the immune system’s response to fighting off the virus
Sounds more like a convid vax side effect. Something strange here is afoot.
Don’t be a heel, this is serious.
Restless Anal Syndrome…Covid Toe….whatelse CAN this virus do!
If only that were the sole mysterious malady.
*arches eyebrows*
Nailed it.
I keep reading that as camel toe.
Yes, I’m arching my eyebrow at this one.
They’d have found that side effect earlier, but the trials were done on a shoestring.
It could be gout from doing a low carb diet.
It was reported long before a vaccine existed.
I saw something about this “Covid Toe” a long time ago. Is this another “it was a conspiracy theory when you said it but now it’s real” thing?
actress Yulia Peresild who are launching into space on October 5 for a 12 day extraterrestrial shoot.
I’d attempt re-entry with her.
I think you’d have a large docking bay to work with
“Where do you want this hot rocket?”
I just assume they are making a porn video. It may be unofficial but it will happen.
“The Americans can’t watch, though, or they have to pay a hundred.”
Nice new avatar.
Big Cowboy Charlie Bates
This is why proper capitalization is important.
Aladdin Sane is such a good album.
OT- this popped up in the NYT today. Not sure why the need now for this fawning (and long) piece.
Laurie Anderson Has a Message for Us Humans
Does anyone under 40 even know who she is?
I’m over 40 and wish I didn’t know who she is.
Some of her stuff with Peter Gabriel I didn’t mind. But otherwise…
Exactly this. I heard some of her stuff back in college. It’s pretentious. I don’t believe anyone who claimed to like it actually did.
This isn’t a Shit that didn’t happen for 500 Alex” thing. I’m over 40 and I’ve never heard of this person. I looked her up just to be sure it isn’t booze-induced memory loss. Read her bio, and nope, no clue.
I archived the link and started reading, then started scanning, then my eyes started rolling….
oh, that’s why i don’t know who she is
Does anyone over 40? I remember one terrible art-pop song and even more terrible hair.
^^^ Who?
She had one song I liked, probably the one you remember too.
IIRC, she’s one of those “I’m outrageous just to be outrageous” people that I can’t stand.
Mott the Hopple turned down “Suffragette City” to record and Bowie offered them “All The Young Dudes” instead. After becoming a huge hit for them, Bowie offered them “Drive-In Saturday” and they turned that down. Bowie was so annoyed he shaved off his eyebrows.
I had no idea. They made some bad decisions.
I mean this lyric is genius.
I loved her in WKRP in Cincinnati.
Loni. L O N I.
Better Off Dead – Tentacles
You misspelled “Jan Smithers”.
Lou Reed does!
Russian duo? Two women? Giggity. Anyone remember this from a decade ago?
Yes. Yes I do.
Yes. But I forgot most of the things she said.
I really feel like I was born at the wrong time. I feel like I’d have been pretty ok at pulp covers and pinups.
Tall Zoom Energy sounds like a weird name but I have experienced something similar. I was hired to work from home, and I’m supposed to visit my home office once a year, but with Covid, after almost 2 years I’ve still never been there. Two co-workers have met me, and my boss knows I play sled hockey, but other than that nobody else knows I’m disabled. One co-worker even invited me to Oregon to hike. I thought it would be hilarious to take her up on it and just show up.
A Russian filmmaking duo are set to win the moviemaking space race
I’m sure the film will be out of this world.
I’m sure it will rocket to #1.
Scum’s comment was at 3:15. Kevin’s was at 3:16. Give it some space to breathe.
Reminder: The final Knob Creek Machinegun Shoot will be held this weekend starting Friday morning at the Knob Creek Range in West Point, Kentucky. You should check it out if you can.
What is happening with the range?
I have been a few times, but never for the Machine Gun Shoot. The aftermath is impressive enough.
The owners of the range have decided to retire from running the show. They’ll keep the range and gun shop open, but have tired of the event, apparently.
I was afraid the ‘burbs had made it that far out and they were selling off the land.
I don’t know to what extent it may be a victim of its own success–at one point they were estimating around 90,000 visitors over the three days of the show. Some years it was a lot less, especially when ammo was very expensive. But there are always a ton of “first responders” there and I assume the owners are required to have that from a liability and legal point of view, and almost certainly have to pay for it. I’d imagine the costs and hassle of running it began to be a pain in the ass. I don’t know what’s going to take its place as unique firearms pilgrimage. I haven’t attended in a few years, but I went to both shows per year for almost ten years in a row up to 2015.
It really is a unique experience and it will be missed.
I never left. Where’s my fucking trophy?
Same here.
Your trophy is a wax bust of Kamala, laughing maniacally.
That’s just mean. Give him nekked Lena Dunham instead. Bwahhhaahhaha, I can’t believe you clicked on it!
They literally locked up my building and threatened to fire us if we went in when the “two weeks to flatten the curve” nonsense started.
*orders Sean a dildo*
You want expedited shipping on your fucking trophy?
I went in a few times at the beginning of summer and when my boss said I didn’t have to any more I never went back in again.
Stop the theater and stop turning me into a second-class citizen and I’ll consider going back. Otherwise, forgeddaboudit.
Did you get any excited overly hyped emails touting the great return to the office? And then you talk to a couple of people who are actually in the office and they tell you it’s a ghost town? The few people they tried to make come back retired or resigned. For real.
I had that exact conversation a couple weeks ago with a co-worker at the mothership (Ohio). I was under the impression that the home office will filling up but she told me nope it’s empty.
What’s an office?
I try not to trickle in the office, but at my age it’s unavoidable sometimes.
Bitch, I’ve been back in the office since August of 2020.
I was never really out. Speaking of, traffic sucks again. It’s worse than before the scamdemic. We could use another “lockdown”.
The only plus of the lockdown as far as I’m concerned – driving was awesome.
Where are all these assholes going before 7am?
Fucking A.
JFC, the traffic going north at 3pm on Saturday was ridiculous. WTF are you all going?
It’s that time of year.
It hasn’t really reached Boston yet.
Right, but they come from somewhere.
I was headed to Haverill, so perhaps.
Your turn. We’ve had to deal with all the people heading down 95 to the beaches for months.
Leave early so you can get into the office by 0630. Traffic isn’t too bad. Leave at 1500. Where did all these people come from. Oh, that’s right. All the government people who come in late and leave early. But they are working 9 9s or 8 10s so Friday should be better except for all the people who proclaim their love of urban life fleeing the city.
All the government people who come in late and leave early. But they are working 9 9s or 8 10s
At a minimum, you need some scare quotes. My first reaction was more “The hell they are”.
You’re only considering your reality and do not consider other’s realities.
2 4s equals 8 10s, except in your racist math.
I once took the train in to an office that was about 10 minute walk from the station. The schedule gave me 8h 30m on site between the first train in the morning and first in the afternoon (excepting the midday train). There were a lot of riders on that first afternoon train who went further in to town or had to transfer to the metro but still claimed to be working 9 hour days. You see, they worked through lunch.
That’s because public transit got even worse.
I just saw something very interesting. There is a debate on whether to return a grocery cart to the corral or not and generally speaking, those who don’t are reviled.
I just saw a FB post by a lady with bad knees who rides a scooter through the store. Still, she needs to get from her car to the store and she uses a grocery cart to do it. Often, she can’t park close enough to the cart corral to get one easily. She said, and I quote, “Those stray carts are a godsend.”
I do also remember the days when I, as a new mother, couldn’t get close to the cart corral on a hot day, and left the cart so that my baby wouldn’t be left, and wouldn’t have to spend too much time in a hot car.
So the next time I see a stray cart, I’m going to see the godsend for that one lady who can’t make it from her car to the store without one, and I’m going to see the new mother who didn’t want to leave her baby to return it.
Yeah, but that sounds like saying its okay to shit on the sidewalk because somebody can collect it and use it for fertilizer.
+1 Aldi quarter
YES! The Sacred Quarter. Why don’t other places do it?
Removable token for shopping cart
Oddly not a thing here in the land of toll roads and bridges.
Because carrying around a quarter is too much trouble.
Since both the teens work at the grocery store they have learned a bit about respect and the reasons ‘why’ people do what they do.
But how can she use a cart hiding in a parking space that you notice only after you started maneuvering there? I very much dislike people who leave their grocery carts this way.
Well, I don’t like the stray carts either. I just decided to be less judgey.
You know who likes stray carts?
Brian Setzer.
Ha! I had to read it 3 times to make sure I spelled it right.
Unless cart corrals are different here on the East Coast, regardless of where you park you are probably within a 30 second walk to the corral max.
Nah, fuck that. Stupid carts blow across the parking lot and hit people’s cars.
Put the damn things back. If you can’t, ask someone to help.
FWIW, the folk who actually wrangle the carts at our store are quite happy when the carts are spread all over the lot. It provides more cigarette smoking time out of the store.
This former cart boy wasn’t quite as enthusiastic when it as 90F, pouring rain or frozen over…
If you can’t, ask someone to help.
Most people are decent human beings, and will do so, whether fetching a cart or returning one.
What kind of animals do you people live with, anyway?
Around these parts (and everywhere else I’ve lived), there are cart corrals in the parking lot, and an employee rounds them up periodically for the cart feedlot just outside the doors.
When I used to live in EC, Howard County, MD, a person who I knew who lived near a supermarket would get up every morning and find almost all the shopping carts from the supermarket parked on the sidewalk in front of her house. True story because I saw it myself. I guess that’s normal in Mexico.
Call it Southern manners but I offer to return a cart for women, pregnant women, handicapable, and elderly.
If people were a bit nicer to each other, we might have less problems.
If you were stuck in that Nazi Bitch Camp, would you try to escape?
I assume the punishment for attempted escape involved some sort of spanking. So yes, yes I would.
Whip me, beat me, call me Edna.
Wait…so spanking you would try to escape? Or would not?
Ghostpatzer gets it.
Nothing beats a good spanky.
Knew it before I clicked. /owner of that album
Was hoping for this:
Yes! I can still sing that in the original key on a good day – she’d be the alto in your hypothetical dream girl group, no?
Attempted escape. Some games you play to lose.
And what graffiti is appropriate?
Attack of the Otters.
Otters are often thought of as innocuous and cute creatures that have even teamed up with humans on occasion. In Bangladesh, for example, otters have been trained by fishermen to act as fish herders and corral fish into nets.
But the human-otter connection seems strained in Anchorage, Alaska. That’s where a group of river otters has allegedly been perpetuating a series of violent attacks against people and dogs, and experts don’t know why.
Reports of the attacks began in September. In one incident, a nine-year-old boy was near a duck pond when four otters gave chase and bit the child in his thighs. Two more attacks followed, including a woman and her dog as well as another dog. Canine attacks by otters were also reported in Anchorage in 2019.
Experts aren’t sure what’s provoking the otters into this atypically aggressive behavior, though the fact that a group of four or five otters were spotted at the scenes points to one group rather than several different otters being involved.
Don’t let the fact that they are adorable fool you.
South Park warned us of our impending future and our otter overloads at the feet of Science! It is all coming together now.
The Buck Rogers homage was awesome.
Climate change is to blame.
But the human-otter connection seems strained in Anchorage, Alaska
I blame Animal.
I haven’t been near Anchorage for weeks. Weeks, I tell you!
What a shame that a few bad otters have to spoil a good time for everyone by breaking the rules.
Toga! toga!
We had one that was the bane of the machine shop where I worked. Never bit anyone, just stole random shiny bits. Turned out it was collecting parts for a rocket ship it was building so it could get to otter space.
Probably so it could get out of playing taxes, like I mean, it’s fair share.
Biden must immediately give 3 trillion to the IRS to combat these deadbeat space otters.
Nazi Bitch Camp 1034 really was the worst one.
Those women’s uniforms look impractical.
That distinction will go to director Klim Shipenko and actress Yulia Peresild who are launching into space on October 5 for a 12 day extraterrestrial shoot.
It’s a porn shoot right?
(Yes I read the alt-text.)
Tall person energy, also sometimes called “tall Zoom energy,” has been a topic of conversation in recent months as co-workers who first got to know one another through screens have gradually been meeting in person.
That Space Oddity cover is cool.
Just in case they find themselves in need of a good motorboatin’. Best to be prepared.
Hmm… good point.
Welcome to your new handwoven rug and US military surplus emporium.
The Times reports, “in interviews, three weapons dealers in Kandahar said that dozens of Afghans have set up weapons shops in Afghanistan’s south, selling American-made pistols, rifles, grenades, binoculars and night-vision goggles. The equipment was originally provided to the Afghan security forces under a U.S. training and assistance program that cost American taxpayers more than $83 billion through two decades of war.”
“During the insurgency, the Taliban eagerly sought out American-supplied weapons and gear. But now much of that weaponry is being sold to Afghan entrepreneurs because Taliban demand has eased with the end of combat, the gun merchants said.” They say that many gun dealers have smuggled the weapons to Pakistan, where demand for American-made weapons is strong,” the report details.
Rest assured, some asshole is still going to blame Indiana.
Kandahar is the Indiana of Afghanistan.
I’m curious how much was left behind by our military and how much was dropped by the surrendering Afghan military.
Smuggle them to the US. There’s a strong demand for US weapons here too.
Well. One woman is.
Working on a new series now. I think you folks are going to like this one.
Ooh, goody! Does it involve homicidal otters?
I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of homicidal otters in this upcoming series.
Dunno which is worse Homicidal or Kamikaze Otters?
Some guys have all the luck.
A Russian filmmaking duo are set to win the moviemaking space race, dashing Tom Cruise’s dream of being the first to shoot a film entirely in orbit.
Huh. And here I thought Zlad! already beat them to it.
Goddammit, fucked up the link.
I just got time to read the latest episode of Joemala.
I think I now know how Inspector Dreyfus felt after receiving one too many blows to the head.
That was a good series of movies.
I have a 40 year old brother who is fully vaccinated NYC school teacher who still voluntarily puts on a mask in places that dont require it. We dont talk politics for obvious reasons but had been talking to him about how I felt about all of these vaccine mandates. Last night I sent him Ozys latest post and asked him to let me know what he thought. He responded with a lot of anger, telling me Im brainwashed and to get off of the internet because this is all propaganda. I kindly asked him to explain what he disagreed with as far as what I sent, and he just told me he only deals with “real science.” So I hate my brother now.
This is why I don’t do that.
Every time someone asks me why I deny “the science” by not getting one of the vaxxes, I simply ask them the following question: “Will you please provide me with the Phase III clinical trial data on long-term safety and efficacy of the vaccine(s)?”
The smart, informed ones get it immediately and quickly change the subject. One of them even recently thought about my question for a second and then admitted that “We’re the Phase III trial subjects.”
Nicely done.
I don’t bother with any of the other potential objections because they can all be hemmed and hawed around or explained away. The Phase III trial stuff stops most people dead in their tracks. Oddly enough, not everyone — some people are under the impression that there must be some kind of a special, super-secret shortcut (across time and space?) that allows the pharma companies and/or government agencies to determine long-term safety without, uh, studying anything for the long-term.
Those people are fuckin’ hopeless, and not worth continuing the conversation with.
Minus a control group.
More or less, yeah.
You could argue that the unvaxxed constitute a “control group” (well, more like the ‘B’ part of an “A/B” test) for what has become a very large observational study.
He responded with a lot of anger, telling me Im brainwashed and to get off of the internet because this is all propaganda.
Interestingly it is the brainwashed and propagandized that always respond this way.
he just told me he only deals with “real science.”
I only deal with Weird Science.
An extremely important movie in my young life.
And Danny Elfman has done more than just soundtracks
He has
Sorry to hear that. I’ve had to disengage from a first cousin who was like a sister to me until this bullshit went down. If I attempted to have a conversation with her the vid would inevitably be brought up and we’d end up hating each other after being close for 67 years. For now I’ll direct my hate at the bastards who have pitted brother against brother to further whatever agenda they have, and hope this shit calms down before her dad goes (he’s 88). I dread the prospect of going to that funeral.
A former coworker was telling me she’s worried about her upcoming vacation in FL because “nobody is vaccinated”. I told her that’s not true and that FL is only a couple percentage points behind CA in that regard. She had a hard time believing me, but she thinks I’m smart so she kind of accepted it. Then she said, “But nobody masks”. I told her that she is triple vaccinated* and if she believes that the vax works, she should have nothing to worry about. Of course, she wasn’t so worried that she ever thought of calling off her vacation, so it was mostly just theater on her part.
*She’s obese and has some immune disorder, so getting the booster might be the right decision for her.
Might be the right decision for me as well, but I have yet to outgrow my childish refusal to do as I’m told. Especially when the reason for doing something is “because I said so”.
I’m with you. I dislike the “Do as I say you deplorable, science denying, grandma killing idiot!” attitude. I have to wonder if they would have better results if from the beginning they had said something like “We’re doing the best we can with the information we have. Our information is imperfect and there’s a lot we don’t know. As new information comes in, we will do things differently and we may even seem to contradict ourselves. We’ll probably get a few things wrong.” I think a little humility would have gone a long way.
Humility has always been in short supply, especially among humans.
Humility is the finest of my many wonderful attributes.
I dislike that attitude as well but more importantly I dislike the non-stop stream of lying.
A proggie artist-type used the line, “Believe in science” to me because I wasn’t wearing a mask. That was a mistake.
“If you come to where I work and look in the accounting department, you’ll see people wearing masks. If you go to Purchasing, you’ll see people wearing masks. If you go to Marketing, you’ll see people wearing masks. Where will you see no-one wearing a mask? In R&D, WHERE THE FUCKING SCIENTISTS ARE.”
*high fives OMWC*
SCIENCE means consensus. I’m seeing consensus there, except a few rogues who are probably domestic terrorists as well. They should be cancelled to keep the rest of us safe. Anyway, R&D is white supremacy.
This. I have told people I will not be lectured about “science” by people who have never even applied something as simple as the Ideal Gas Law to a real world problem.
“This Russian duo are set to make the first feature film in space”
If she’s in it I’m hoping it’s a porn.
Space Order Bride?
They be dropping flyers from space all over Murika.
*ahem* See 3 above.
Ass Wednesday coming hard and fast.
Random YT sidebar link lead me to what may be the most German-sounding German ever:
Sounds like Satchmo speaking German.
Du hast mich!
He’s a hell of a contender. But consider this:
juvenile delinquent wrecks
I knew it!
There’s no such thing as too much Bowie. And those pulp covers are amazing.
Solid cover of that fantastic song.
So there is this dishonest cunte.
Tapper said, “Do you think the president was essentially trying to stage a coup?”
Grisham said, “I do. When you look at what he was doing to Vice President Pence, when you look at how many ways he was trying to get people and phone calls, even with Georgia and Arizona and then again, with pressuring Mike Pence with all he wanted to do, and that memo that’s now come out about all the ways to, you know, overturn this election. I do. It’s dangerous.”
Coups are not usually gun-free, are they?
Horned hats are more powerful than guns. Just ask the Vikings.
Now a coup can be done with cell phones. That’s why the cops have to shoot puppies and granny when that cell phone looks like a call phone.
It take a phone and a pen.
OK, then shoot puppies and granny when a pen looks like a pen.
The one that was carried out in the statehouses before the election and the polling places on the night of didn’t seem to involve many guns.
In other news, retarded demntia patient Joe Biden is the most immigrant friendly president ever.
That’s why we no longer have a VWP with Brazil. Now our 2 year old grandson has to get a visa just to visit here.
Fuck Joe Biden.
So it seems that the NBA players who have been getting the most visible pressure regarding vaccination (Wiggins, Beal and Isaak) have all had Covid in the past. So much Science.
Well, if they ever want to play again in China, they must please the CCP, Biden’s masters.
The golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules.
Obligatory, Ozzy Man Reviews: Orca vs Otter
I don’t know about keeping that thing. The way it shakes water off all over everything in the house and scratches all of the time. Do you have to get it shots and feed it? No way!
The first time I went fishing in Alaska the place was rotten with otters. A couple years later they were all gone. Apparently a pod of transient orcas came through and wiped them all out.
There was something in a previous post that warrants more discussion I think. They are pushing the vaccines on pregnant women more now with the talking point that the antibodies are transferred to the newborn child. Has this been the case with every vaccines? If it has been, then why are we giving kids vaccines at all?
If the antibodies in newborns are effective against COVID, does that count as natural immunity? Is it just as effective as the vaccine? If it is, then why push vaccines on people who have already had COVID?
I can see where it might confer some temporary mitigation, thus warranting further vaccination, but it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense as a talking point. Maybe these are really dumb questions, but I’d rather ask the dumb questions and get answers than just let things slide by.
Your questions are not dumb at all. One of the vaccines has had adverse reported events for pregnant women. That better be part of the discussion.
Not sure of all, but it’s the case with some. The phenomenon is passive immunity and isn’t permanent. It begins to wane after the baby is born.
Rubella is an interesting disease in the precovid era. Children are widely vaccinated against it as part of the MMR vaccine, but it was not that widespread before the vaccine and complications are rare, death even more rare. But… when a fetus gets infected, it is much more of a problem causing birth defects and death at a much higher rate. Vaccinated mothers and vaccinated children have largely eliminated the disease in the US.
It’s a fucking mystery…
I’m waiting for hospitals to say they just won’t treat the unclean any more. You know it’s coming.
I just stayed in a hospital for nearly a week and refused to wear a mask the entire time. Of course, that place was ran by (((them))) and so they just hoped I would kill any Palestinians who were in there at the time, by not wearing a mask. And I can verify that all the rightwing nut propaganda about totally peaceful Palestinians shooting rockets at (((them))) is fake news, because I never saw a single rocket the entire time. I kept hearing explosions, but it was explained to me that was right wing domestic terrorists blowing up people who were waring masks to try to flatten the curve.
Can’t go to restaurants, can’t go to the mall, can’t go to the grocery store. Can’t go to the hospital. Just die, unclean anti-vaxxer nuts.
/Don Lemon
Saw something about unvaccinated people in need of organs being denied.
At this point, there is some nafarious reason the commies in America are going to this length to get vax rates higher.
We are going to have to brainwash people about
gunsviruses.Fauci: In order to make the transition from getting out of the tried-and-true egg growing which we know gives us results that can be beneficial, I mean we’ve done well with that. There must be something that has to be much better. You have to prove that this works and then you’ve got to go through all of the clinical trials: phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and then show that this particular product is going to be good over a period of years. That alone, if it works perfectly, it’s going to take a decade.
Bright: There might be a need or even an urgent call for an entity of excitement out there that’s completely disruptive, that’s not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.
Fauci: So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and save.. I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive and in an iterative way because she does need both.
Bright: But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that.. to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of self-administer.
Get ready for convid-21.
Fuck Fauci, he’s irrelevant, he just doesn’t know it yet because of Karens and CNN.
By now pretty much every element of the conspiracy to deliberately introduce a man-made virus in order to force vaccination with a new technology has been fully documented.
Yeah, but Daszak is a really lame super villain. He doesn’t even have a lair under a volcano or any sharks with laser beams on their head. And tanks? Hah, total pussy cannot even call in the tanks against those deplorables. What would Stalin do?
Both fantastic.
We are well and truly fucked. If not this time, then the next. These are literally drunken chimps with firearms.
Movie news: ‘Fauci’ results still not released, after a month. Also there are still zero reviews by movie goers (it’s been a month now) on Rotten Tomatoes. So either Rotten Tomatoes is actually blocking customer reviews ( I think it is likely) or not one person, not one troll has gone to see this movie and review. The critic metadata has climbed up to 91%, which makes that shit show an excellent target for trolls. No way nobody has logged in to review on Rotten Tomatoes. Nobody wants to say that ten people saw the film (including Fauci’s family).
As many people have seen that as read Hillary books, IOW zero or less.
I want to see it, just to write it up. Based on trailers, I already came up with “Feculent, masturbatory puff-piece that reminds one of sitting in an endless high school pep rally.”
I can’t do it. I’ll wait for some more Wolf Cop instead.
Oh, ZomBeavers is around the corner. That should do.
These Euphemisms are starting up again…
7th: Joysticks
14th: Robo Vampire
21st: Deathgasm
28th: ZomBeavers
See? Right around the corner. It’s a reward for sitting through Robo Vampire. Also great for Halloween, considering “Suck” is behind a paywall.
You’re right. Rotten Tomatoes must be blocking customer reviews.
It has a 2.0/10 on IMDB, with 1701 1’s and 283 10’s — only 67 votes were from 2 to 9, so a very polarizing result.
How much time is spent on his funding gain of function research on SARS bat viruses in Wuhan?
Does it show the Fauci votive candles he keeps on his bookshelf?
Yes, they are, 100%. They do it for certain movies (Captain Marvel, Ghostbusters), games (Battlefield 5), and probably TV, if I cared about that shit.
Sad thing is, it might actually be a good documentary. If it’s pure jerk-offery, then no, I won’t watch. If it’s an honest and fair account of the dude’s 40 plus year career, including the mass-murdering belly flop right at the end? Sure. I’d watch that.
But that’s not how Big Tech works.
Could it have something to do with it only being in limited release until today when it went streaming? I seem to recall some other movie apparently being snubbed by RT but there was a reason* and sure enough a week or so later the audience ratings were being reported.
*something about not accepting audience reviews until a movie is in a wide enough release , It may be a bullshit/arbitrary reason but it was something that they did across the board and not just for the movie that I can’t think of right now.
There has been so much RT drama that I cannot speak to it intelligently, but I can tell you, they have disabled user reviews but kept critic reviews active, they have used only critic reviews scores for their metascore (even when users have reviewed), and they have deleted thousands upon thousands of user reviews claiming “review bombing”. And guess what these were for?
Captain Marvel
Ghostbuters 2016
I just got fatigued and decided I didn’t want to list anymore — but rest assured there are dozens. Feel free to look up whichever you like.
But to answer your question, yes, even Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic…. are leftist strongholds. There but for the grace of God go Ye.
Love those pulp book and comic covers with David Bowie. I recognize the comic book cover that was repurposed. Great memories. Thanks for the link SF.
I recognize the comic book cover that was repurposed
The Uncanny X-men #141.
That was fast.
I love capitalism. I love America. I love American capitalism.
You want to kill poor people and Mother Gaia by causing global warming.
And he’s racist too.
Goes without saying. I mean, he wouldn’t be here otherwise.
Agreed, but I think it would have been even funnier if they’d just said, let’s all support Brandon Brown.
Still effing hilarious.
I want a t shirt
Sorry, y’all. I’ve been feeling unsafe and afraid because yesterday I saw a gun in a video game and there were people actually shooting them. I keep my guns locked in a safe and only get them out after I have filled in the proper form and mailed it to the government and then wait the required 6-9 months for a reply granting me permission to get it out. Actually shooting it requires a 2nd form and another 6-9 month wait to flatten the curve. I’m a responsible gun owner.
No wonder America is the only country on earth with no healthcare.
I saw this video the other day of a guy playing something called “Doon”. I assume it’s based on the Herbert novel (which also has a lot of weapons in it).
There were these misunderstood creatures, native to Mars, and this American military guy was just…. SLAUGHTERING THEM
The white guy was so toxic…. Those EMPS (I think, I heard them called ‘imps’) were just trying to aid their fellow indigenous.
Moral of the story is, I’ve been hiding inside my chimney for about a week now. I can’t breathe….
You can never be too safe in this Trumpistan.
Did you know that an autoban is a highway in Germany?
Mrs F is going to CA and Seattle next month. No vaccine, she identifies as a Haitian and illegal.
Well yes. Of course. But you’re righthinker, so you love American capitalism ( Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google, Paypal, Microsoft).
Luckily, you hate American capitalism, because you’re a righthinker (any small business, anyone who doesn’t require masks or jabs, anyone who treats you like an adult).
Fist bump, comrade.
I would think one positive effect of the vaccine mandate is to distribute good workers to smaller companies.
I’ve gotten much more response for hiring lately. One applicant stated this explicitly.
I’m currently hiring for an engineering job–so far, I haven’t had any candidates ask directly about vaccine requirements, but we haven’t had many candidates apply yet since the Biden mandate was announced. It’ll be interesting to see if that comes up at all.
Type of engineering? Location?
Chemical. Gulf Coast.
Well hell. Hope you find some good people. If I could join you, I would.
Killing Mama Gaia for fun and profit. What I just said.
Hiring any software engineers? And if the levy breaks, will I be safe?
If the levee breaks, you’ll have no place to stay. We don’t have software engineers at our company, to my knowledge.
You know what else bee-otch? Crying won’t help you, praying won’t do you no good
No, crying won’t help you, praying won’t do you no good.
You’re not very nice. Have you turned yourself in yet?
Small businesses are racist and only allow people to express openly toxic hate speech.
Plus small businesses make fascism by democrats so much harder.
Re-reading it, I realize it sounds like sarcasm directed at you — it was meant to be a punch in the nuts for lefties (who will never read this site unless someone sends them a hidden link).
Just so we’re clear Chafed….
I was identified and outed last night for being the kind of lefty who hates guns and America.
I told the person that if their sarcasm meter is broken, they can order a new one from Amazon. But if their sarcasm meter is delivered to the wrong address, which happens 5 out of 3 times, someone will shoot their eye out.
Today I’m sore. My body aches all over from carrying the seed from the Great Firster. But I know it will all be worth it when the birthing happens. People will finally see in color.
I see in color (not black and white)
I dreamed in black and white one time in my entire life and it freaked me out to the extent I stopped lucid dreaming.
I’ve read that it’s rare to dream in color. I have no idea if that’s true, but I do.
Huh. I didn’t know this was a thing.
I just assumed everyone else dreamed in color too.
I always dream in color. So it’s not rare for everyone.
Is it strange and mysterious that I don’t know whether I dream in color? When I think about the few dreams I can recall, I think of them being in color; however, that’s my conscious mind thinking of them. I’ve never woken up and pondered whether that dream was in color of not.
of not = or not
Black and White World
“Today I’m sore.”
Well, taking all of that penis leads to that, I hear.
Could be chafing. I doubt gays like him.
I want to see in ultraviolet. Infrared is overrated.
Idk about that one. Having watched SVU I assume everything is covered in semen.
We just said you are ultra violent and now you finally admit it.
I’m starting to think you might have a bad case of Pseudocyesis.
You sound like the doctors.
I just read today’s Joemala episode. Holy bejeebus. It’s a wonder I’m not insane.
Since it’s Wednesday, I’ll host a zoom starting at 8pm Eastern.
Are you sure that’s not Trudy’s password?: LGBT MOVEMENT IS NOW CALLED ‘2SLGBTQQIA+’
Twink of the North is a geh fagoot.
How aboot a marriage/divorce combo?
I dunno, eh?
I really do enjoy how there’s a really rapid understanding of so-called “glowies”. And not in the “false flag: every-bad-thing-comes-from-the-government” way, but in the “the fed is by far the most corrupt thing in this country including the mob and you better believe they will set you up just because they can” kind of way. Even normies are starting to get it now.
“FBI Admits It Doesn’t Track Leftist Violence
In a congressional hearing last week titled “Confronting Violent White Supremacy (Part VI): Examining the Biden Administration’s Counterterrorism Strategy,” FBI Assistant Director of Counterterrorism Timothy Langan said that the Bureau doesn’t consider Antifa to be an “organization,” and as such does not have specific information on the group’s activities.”
It’s not like they are showing up at school board meetings.
Leftist violence is also know as love in most countries. I mean the ones who have healthcare and don’t let their comrades die in homeless camps when the levy breaks.
C’mon, man. Antifa is just an idea. We all know that the real greatest threat is w-white supremilalacy. And that’s not me saying that. It’s the i-i-intelligence community.
Texas school COVID-19 cases: How those with mask mandates compare to those without
“The six districts with mask mandates had a total average rate of 1.8% student cases, compared to 3.5% among the four districts without”
You would have to attend Dallas, Houston, Austin schools to get a mask mandate. Even ickier. Every district listed is a lefty district. The remaining two jillion districts are not.
Wonder what the attendance records look like at those schools. Regardless they’re playing tricks with math. They even admit it in the article.
My bet, which is verifiable, is that half the students in icky districts school at home online and hence are not part of the testing and reporting of COVID, but are counted in population.
You mean school districts aren’t spherical cows of equal size? Get out.
Not the smartest move.
The smart move would be, if they wanna fake it, effing let them fake it. Don’t they have player’s union? I guess it’s only the USPS and teacher’s unions that get to negotiate making their own medical choices.
Are they really checking databases?
I’m guessing Kane mouthed off about it and was snitched on.
Me too. If you keep your mouth shut nobody would ever know.
Why I won’t try and fake it….cause they absolutely don’t have a database…no sir we do not
NHL should get two minutes for instigating.
I’d like to think that if I were in that situation I would have enough fuck-you money stashed away already that I could tell them to go fuck themselves, and walk away.
My crude analysis of the pulp cover depicted is Nazi bitch camp and their hair was perfect should have been a Warren Zevon song.
And we think we are libertarian and that’s not the same as Nazi. It’s like the righteous left say, libertarians are the real nazis.
You’d like to meat their Taylor [Swift]?
Kill whitey: TV Show Weirdly Celebrates Decline of White People
Barak Obama’s walking around all over the place? No thank you.
It’s pretty clear that diversity does in fact mean no or far fewer white people. You don’t see calls to import white people into Africa for the sake of diversity. They’re basically trying to expel the whites who remain in places like South Africa.
“You don’t see calls to import white people into Africa”
The Dutch tried it, but it turned out badly. Unless you consider living in Zimbabwe to be good.
I once had a person tell me that all the great new cities will be built in Africa. That was 10 years ago. Well, I’m still waiting.
No wonder Musk wants to move to Mars.
Karma for raping DiCaprio.
He took more penis than Broccolitard.
Oh, bother…
So, what I find interesting about the fuck Joe Biden chants is the diversity. These chants are breaking out in blue states, at liberal universities. In student sections.
Just a reminder that this guy is supposed to be the most popular president in history. More votes than anyone ever.
All votes are ballots, but not all ballots are votes.
Experts said so, and I have to go with the SCIENCE.
This would make a great screen name generator.
Fully Vaccinated Commie Cat in the New Normal?
One-legged cisgendered Arab Built by Jim Henson.
Pegged me.
Some people are weird. They stand facing the corner of the train car like they are in the final scene from Blair Witch.
Based on the Japanese media I’ve been exposed to, they are trying to keep their eyes off the Japanese school girls who fill up half the train.
Kneeless Trans-Siberian Philistine From Space
Need to remember my references here…
Hirsute cisgendered kyrgyz Who Can’t Spell for Crap
So they have been on a train with you before.
As Matter of Fact, on a Downtown Train
All my “imposter” digs aside, This is why you are a horrible horrible person. Fucking Rod Stewart, I can’t even.
Math is hard, but it still rounds off around 1 trillion reasons why you are a more horrible person.
Betting Odds
I’m taking odds right now on the over/under that dementia retard fuck actually wrote any of that.
I’m feeling slightly inebriated and afraid in the New Normal.
I hope that the Nazi Camp Bitches don’t wear really skimpy lingerie as their new official uniforms. I’m already too scared to keep on keeping on.
Maybe the Camp Bitches will take you to the moon.
I’m UP for it.