The Red Sox have put the Yankees out of the postseason. Now we all need to cross our fingers the Cardinals do the same to the Dodgers tonight. Also, I’m giving a trigger warning for the game. Joe West is behind the plate. Take your heart meds now, if you’re on any. Urban Meyer is still facing backlash for his weekend shenanigans. And across the pond and around the world, we’re entering another round of WC qualifiers and Europa Nations League matches. Enjoy the next few days, those of you who prefer national team matches to league and UCL matches. And that’s sports.

Baseball pioneer Henry Chadwick was born on this day. He shares it with entrepreneurial genius George Westinghouse, commie psychopath Li Ta-chao, French pilot Roland Garros (I always assumed he was a tennis player), an actual tennis player Helen Wills Moody, actress Janet Gaynor, explorer Thor Heyerdahl, civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer, baseball player Joe Frazier, cricket legend Richie Benaud, wrestling legend Bruno Sammartino, catcher Jerry Grote, another cricket great Tony Greig, football coach Tony Dungy, pitcher Dennis “Oil Can” Boyd, and the lovely Elizabeth Shue.
Right now on to…the links!

This could be interesting. I’m getting my popcorn.
This should take all of five minutes to decide. And every single CIA fuck involved should suffer the same torture they put this guy through. Rights are universal.
Ladies and gentlemen: we got her. I know this is a divisive issue here, but I still hope they prosecute her and throw her ass in jail for the rest of her (short) life.
About fucking time. He may deserve to be courtmartialed, but what they were doing to him ahead of trial was bullshit.
Let them eat their own. I’m sitting back and watching the shitshow, thankfully from afar.

I liked her better as Uncle Fester
Dammit, Janet! This is definitely a horror show.
It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL. This shot wouldn’t fly here, I can assure you of that.
OK, and? That doesn’t change the fact that the cops carried out a shooting gallery and held a shitload of people without bail on the flimsiest of charges to cover up their own crimes.
More amazing music for you today. Don’t care about their politics (just like Monday’s band), they were freaking amazing. Enjoy!
And enjoy this amazingly beautiful Wednesday, friends!
Who’s that?
Janet Yellin
Is that the lady with the shakes?
If it is, she’s aged really badly.
Apparently, it was originally posted on MySpace in 2008, but haven’t found a name.
Do they bring all the boys to the yard?
All I know is that Janet Reno is Chelsey’s dad…
It’s Sloopy. He’s been here since the start, helped found the site, often voluntarily does the links. You know Sloopy.
This should take all of five minutes to decide. And every single CIA fuck involved should suffer the same torture they put this guy through. Rights are universal. – rights may be but respecting them certainly aint
It’s qualified immunity until the courts tell them they shouldn’t have done that.
Wait, was that wrong? Should we not have done that?
I’m not even seeing this as a defense. They all seem proud to have done what they did. They just want it to remain secret because they know no civilized person would agree with them.
Yep. Some bullshit about “people sleep peacefully in their beds because rough and determined men stand ready to do unspeakable acts on their behalf” or something like that.
The acts are unspeakable because the evidence is being suppressed.
These men are war criminals, there’s no two ways about it. And our government has continued to protect them…both major parties are complicit in torture. Just like that Nazi broad.
The people in authority who enable these things to happen by their unwillingness to look under even the flimsiest of veils are responsible. And the people who vote for them are content to buy the line about who allows them to sleep peacefully.
It’s complicity all the way down.
Well said, Sloopy.
The people in authority who enable these things to happen by their unwillingness to look under even the flimsiest of veils are responsible.
True, but the deeper question is why they are unwilling. My ongoing assumption is that congressional leaders and committee members were directly complicit in this, ie signed off, and that the deep state has evidence of that. Do you even tinfoil, bro?
“baseball player Joe Frazier”
That’s just confusing.
I know, right?
Frazier was a big hitter, wasn’t he?
Not like the Dali Lama
Ladies and gentlemen: we got her.
Juvie for life!
Don’t care. She was the secretary for the commandant of a death camp. She was a no-shit Nazi. Fuck her.She deserves much worse.
Ladies and gentlemen: we got her. I know this is a divisive issue here, but I still hope they prosecute her and throw her ass in jail for the rest of her (short) life.
I am on the other side of this. I don’t see what you could expect of teenagers living in nazi Germany.
Well, since the overwhelming majority of them didn’t actively join the Nazi Party and volunteer to work at a death camp, she had choices. Especially as a female.
I did not see info that she volunteered, but still given the conditions I don’t see the point
What conditions? Her age? Man, fuck that. If somebody commits or aides in the commission of a violent crime, like say the extermination of people, then there is no statute of limitations.
That doesn’t get washed away over time. And when caught they should be punished regardless of the change in attitudes or amount of time that’s elapsed.
It is very easy for teen growing up under nazis of commies or whatever to be brainwashed into shit. Especially a non active role when you are not actively doing it.
So nobody should have been tried except the people turning on the gas (I know it wasn’t a switch, but you get the point)?
No. No one who was under 20 when they got their gig and did not turn the switch is my point.
Yeah, I’m with Pie.
Who among us hasn’t experimented with genocide as teen?
I’d like to know more details. From my understanding she was a secretary at one of the camps. Was she more active in than her job title leads to believe?
She joined the SS troops running the place for the benefits?
This is my question too. What exactly was her role as a secretary? Did she volunteer to work in a death camp? You could probably say that the manufacturers of the gas or railroad operators did more to aid in the genocide, but I’m not sure how they were legally treated after the war.
If you didn’t do as you were told, you disappeared.
There was no grand denunciation of the authorities, you were simply mover heard from again.
Not sure how much autonomy a teenager would have had.
*NEVER* not mover
Why do I see that as I hit “Post” and not the 3 times I read it?
It will be interesting to see a 96 year old tried as a juvenile. I don’t know the difference in German law.
Her parents have to be present during questioning.
If true, that means this is just a big old song and dance for show.
Let them eat their own. I’m sitting back and watching the shitshow, thankfully from afar.
“But Foxx said she could not approve charges due to a lack of evidence, saying witnesses were needed to corroborate the video, and that cops agreed with her” – and here I thought witneses were notoriously unreliable
“He may deserve to be courtmartialed, but what they were doing to him ahead of trial was bullshit.”
It seems like they got rid of bail for regular criminals, in order to keep political prisoners.
Sounds like insurrectionist talk to me.
I hate to keep posting this, but threads keep moving onward. Hopefully UCS will see this this time:
You ought to check out https://littlemachineshop.com/
Thank you for the recommendation.
thanks for the acknowledgement–I can rest easy now
I wanted to put your mind at ease but am in a work meeting, so I haven’t had a chance to check it out.
Understood. They are a great source for affordable and quality machine tools, precision measuring equipment, and accessories.
By the way UCS, I am not a salesman for Taig, as you were asking that in one of the older threads, nor do I even have any of their products. But I have been thinking about picking one up to supplement my lathe. And as they are made in the US, supply chain issues don’t crop up as much.
Well, mine hasn’t shipped yet, so I can’t give you a review.
Hey! Congratulations on your new purchase!
Somehow Yellen equates reporting an income transaction with any transaction at all and calls it normal.
Why am I not surprised?
I’d like to see her bank records.
This is absolutely a war on the middle class and poor who sell shit on Bay or Etsy as a side gig. They aren’t gonna raise taxes on anybody but rich people, but they are also planning on changing the reporting requirements on side income from $20,000 to $600. And that means they’re gonna tax it.
And the media says nothing.
They’re aware of and preparing to thwart the gray economy that will ooze out between the fingers of their grasping fists.
They do realize people will just start selling shit for cash and will then just keep the money at home rather than stick it in a bank, don’t they?
That’s why we need to ramp inflation up high enough that holding onto dollars doesn’t make sense!
The real objective is the eventual removal of cash money, replacing it with a digital currency. That move will allow the government to control interest rates. Something critical to them now that they have lost control of inflation. This is so they can use negative rates to devalue the currency without impacting government’s ability to keep borrowing/printing money. We the people will see our bank money drop by some amount every day, without any way to stop them from fucking us over, while they shrink the supply in a way that doesn’t hurt the fucking criminal bureaucratic class.
Are you suggesting I should run up all my credit cards now or should I wait?
You can take the risk that somehow they will not find a way to penalize you and I while giving themselves an out if you do something like this, but I wouldn’t count on it…
Everything else in that “infrastructure” monstrosity is a gigantic tax on the middle and lower classes in the form of runaway inflation.
And the media says nothing.
If they took every penny from the millionaires and billionaires, and somehow they managed to liquidate their wealth without any loss, they will not be able to pay for the government’s annual spending spree (they call it a a budget, but it isn’t anything like that) for more than one year. There are just not enough rich people they can fleece, and if they fleece them, they crash the economy. So you get real money when you rip off the largest producing class, and they will HAVE to do that.
The thing that irks me is how many people are not just willing to defend the claims they will not do this shit, but then will not even bat an eye when they actually do it and all of them will be proven as liars. The usual idiots will shrug & go along as if nothing happened that mattered. And that’s why they can keep lying to the idiots and rip them off without fear of consequences.
I am not sure if the media is explicitly complicit, or just sucks so much at math that they cannot see that.
Or, both.
All while allegedly only going after the rich.
The irony, it is very dense and rich.
And the media says nothing.
They are part of the elite cabal.
It’s about taxing the rich.
“We already do A, so why not B” seems to be a common Leftist argument. Someone tried to tell me that vaccine passports are A-OK because “we already require people to get kids vaccinated to go to public school”. And Dave Smith (who refers to the vaccine passports as a caste system) debunked a guy on his podcast the other day who was saying “we already have a caste system” in reference to criminal justice system and the credit reporting system.
It’s a fucking dumb line of argument. You can rationalize slavery, the Holocaust, and everything beyond if you just go in small steps like “we already do A, why not B – we already to B, why not C” and so on.
Point that out to them, and they’re really quick to claim a slippery slope fallacy.
/thinks back to banning smoking in airplanes
Thanks for the well wishes last night. I was in a funk. My own struggle with depression was many years ago and since I came through it I’ve never really had to fight it again. I do have a lot of empathy for anyone in that struggle.
I wasn’t around last night to see your post, but let me offer my condolences. The effects of suicide on families and friends of the deceased reach much further than a natural or accidental death.
Life-long being chased by the black dog. Has taken me to some dark interludes but the sun comes up tomorrow, Friend.
No problems JI. My wife suffers from it, so I get to see firsthand how deep and black that hole can be.
I’m sorry about your friend and I empathize with your struggles with depression.
What 61-year-old man walks up to a 260-pound biker half his age and punches him in the mouth?
A terminal badass, that’s who.
“terminal” is right, cause that’s the last time he could get away with it.
That GIF! Speed bags!
Right? I felt like motorboating…
Most rich people support progressive taxation because they fail to perceive themselves as “rich.”
The belief in free will is indeed motivated, at least in part, by the desire to hold wrongdoers accountable for their transgressions.
I think they also expect their politician to give them loopholes and their accountants to use those loopholes, and they make friends and pay off the corruptocrat class for that tit-for-tat.
It is only the dumb people that think when some criminal asshole tells you they want to tax the rich, that they really mean to do that. The agenda is always to fleece the middle class, cause that’s where the sustainable large money to be stolen is.
Tremendous tail for total tumescence on Ass Wednesday.
A meth-fueled threesome is always better when it ends with murder.
Slow down there, Ed Buck.
I thought he was more into “limp and lifeless?”
This is the greatest bad tweet of all time. Literally.
I feel, like peak derp, this is always arguable
I am unsure which lefty meme is dumber the airplane pilot one or the medieval peasant one. But both show they really have no rational thought process
You wouldn’t believe collectivism works outside the family unit, and that collectivizing a population of millions or even billions, actually was anything but a bloodbath waiting to happen if you were able to think logically…
I really hate the medieval peasant meme. They could improve it by replacing the guy popping out of the well with a strawman.
I always took the guy in the well as some twitter activist.
Except, in their minds the twitter activists are literally the peasants.
I only ever saw it out of any context (and not on twitter) so I had no insight into the political proclivities of the poster/creator.
the peasants are, in general, the young commie hipsters living on their parents dime while engaging in performative activism
One of the core/foundational beliefs of a technocrat is that experts exist, always and without exception.
Yes, but DEMOCRACY is somehow sacred to these people?
+ One Vote. Don’t you even Democracy you Fascist?
Democracy means democrats are in charge and get whatever they want, DUH!
Mandatory vasectomies!
He also proposed banning hats in response to voter id laws.
Define “rightfully conceive a child” first.
You sound like an inseminator.
RegulatorsInseminators…mount up!you win
This is a joke, right?
I mean, I know the Dems are getting all their ideas from the CCP lately but this seems a little too close for comfort.
The guy thinks he’s making a point about abortion legislation while completely missing the point from which the side he opposes is coming from.
If I understand him correctly, abortion is like tubal litigation.
Damnit, ligation*.
Your prior post stands.
It does work better the other way, now I regret trying to fix it.
If abortion equals tubal ligation and Texas bans abortion, wouldn’t the “turn the tables” of the Texas law prohibit vasectomies? Oh, right, logic. Forget it.
Yes, he thinks he’s making a point.
Unfortunately, we’ve gone from “you have to buy health insurance because it’s a public health issue” to “you have to submit to injection because it’s a public health issue”
So really, there’s no reason why you can’t mandate Norplant because it’s a public health issue.
I get the impression this is a very misguided attempt to interrupt the Baby Mama and Baby Daddy culture in inner city Philly.
I’m not sure he has the self-awareness to see that.
I know this is thin ice, but Rep. Rabb seems to be a person-of-color. And he represents the inner city.
Why is he going to potentially prevent young men from having a chance to tell a judge “I be concubining” ?
*sorry for the DU link, but it was the one that wasnt pissy about my connection
With the crime he was accused of – depositing empty envelopes claiming there was cash in them and depositing bad checks at the ATM, then withdrawing money based on those “deposits”, they should put this guy in charge of social security. Isn’t that how they do it?
It’s an avalanche of bullshit. Sic the Feds on Parents, start watching your bank transactions, impose mandates and the curlicue on the ice cream cone is that most of the populace agrees with this. We need the opposite of the Ron Paul GIF. The Gates of Auschwitz? This is exactly how bad shit goes down, I don’t care about your politics. It’s us vs. them. Not good. Big tech gas-lighting Congress is the sprinkles on top.
Biden is uniting us in our hatred for the .gov.
The “parents are domestic terrorists” may be where they dun fucked up. People getting cancelled out of social media, called names on TV and even losing their jobs, IMO, was never enough. Going after the kids though; that’s the one thing I can think of that’ll get the complacent suburban masses activated.
I’m not so sure anymore. God help us all.
Yeah, they’ve got Loudoun County parents of all people up in arms, FFS. I’m not sure the Dems are self-aware enough to realized they’ve gone too far.
They don’t care.
Fuck it. My last act will be for my splattered cerebral cortex to create a dank meme on the wall behind me.
Don’t go there Straff… DO what your meme does and wreck some shit to get rid of the feelings…
I believe it is called ‘fascism’.
So, I have a friend, a fellow builder of experimental aircraft, who is possibly going to hurt himself badly, and a group of us are trying to convince him to take steps not to.
He completed a small airplane about a year and a half ago, and another pilot performed the first flight on it. Then he flew it with the other pilot. Those of us who observed the dual flight could tell that the airplane was quite underpowered, but our friend elected to continue flying it. On his first solo flight in the airplane, he crashed it, damaging it heavily, but escaping without injury. He spent the last year or so rebuilding the airplane and has been taxi testing it, working up his nerve to fly again.
He has very little flying experience overall, and none in the last few months. Several of his friends, some of whom are very experienced pilots–military, airline, airshow–with many thousands of hours, are trying to convince him to get more training and that he will likely get himself killed if he continues to fly this airplane in his current skill state and without addressing the performance issues. He has another kit airplane that he is also working on building, and which will definitely be safer and perform better when completed, but he has so much pride tied up in the first plane that we feel he is blinding himself to the risks associated with it.
Any suggestions about how to talk him down? One of our group has come out and told him directly that he’s going to get himself killed but I fear that was overly direct and has evinced a stubborn reaction that might goad him into flying anyway.
I strongly suggest sabotaging the craft so it won’t start or so it will literally fall apart when he’s taxiing it. It sounds like the only way to keep him from killing himself.
That is something I have not considered yet but is an interesting idea. It’s also a serious federal crime, but might be worth it to save a life.
And just like that, you two were added to another list.
I’m sure there’s a way to do it that’s not a federal crime. Get creative.
Or call the FAA and say your buddy is gonna kill himself.
Fortunately or unfortunately, it’s not their job to prevent that in these circumstances.
Tell them he is a is a terrorist…
“He’s gonna fly to a school board meeting!”
“He’s got a Trump sticker on the plane!”
F-16s are scrambled.
Fucking around with the airplane itself opens the possibility that it’d last just long enough to get airborne and then kill him. I’m not going to do that.
Some friend you are. I kid, but I can really see a future me being in your friend’s position.
That won’t happen if it accidentally gets run over by a dump truck.
Set it on fire.
“Disable the thermostat.”
Sneak it out of the hangar a piece at a time.
I doubt you’re going to talk him out of it.
I would be asking him which of his things you can have upon his passing.
Ha. That might work. We can propose our next group meeting be at his shop to claim dibs on all his tools and aircraft parts.
Play some John Denver and bring a notary to the meeting.
Give me his number. I just got a bottle of Crown and have the night off.
Im happy to call and tell him why he’s a colossal dumbass. In fact, Im itching for an unsolicited call to offer me affordable healthcare, a better rate on my electric, or an extended warranty for a vehicle.
Ha! Now I remember why we’ve never DM’d!
I can already hear the slurred typing: “look, you stupid fuckin Canadian….”
/opens a beer and looks for SCTV Bob & Doug clips
“look, you stupid fuckin Canadian….”
Chainsaw the wings from the fuselage. Done. Poor Don Quixote.
Would he listen to number? if some one shows him his plane is underpowered using math would he listen?
The first thing I thought of was to sabotage the plane, but you’ve already explained why that would be bad. It also wouldn’t stop him from flying.
Otherwise, I can think of nothing to say to a person determined to effect his own demise because he’s completely unwilling to consider the possibility.
How old is he? Is he prone to reckless behavior? In the past, has he done anything he regretted because his pride wouldn’t allow him to back off? Is he on medications for anything mental health related? If he does not receive help from any of you, would he still try to do it on his own? How about a significant other to talk to? (If My Dude’s dudebropal came to me and said, “He’s riding a motorcycle he can’t handle because x, y, and z, and he’s going to get himself killed,” I’d have something to say about it. Loudly.)
He’s going to do it regardless, and normally I would say to shut up about it and leave him to it, but if you stop trying to talk him out of it and he does end up dead, you’ll always be beating yourself up because you will feel as if you didn’t do enough.
Politely ask the dude if his estate & legal docs are in order and if people know what his wishes are for when he dies. Then ask him who will be doing the eulogy for him?
Heh. When I got my Virago 920, my mom was PISSED. In the middle of Red Lobster, she screeched, “You better get life insurance so I can bury you!” That made me laugh, then that made her laugh. We tell that story to people who are horrified that she would say such a thing to her daughter, and we totally don’t get why. We both think it’s hilarious.
He’s retired, in his late ’60s, but in good health generally. No mental health medications (he wouldn’t be able to maintain an FAA medical certificate with many of them) that I know of. He is married, but I don’t know his wife at all, really. Others may. He’s not particularly reckless, just a bit proud. He doesn’t need any help from us to do this. The airplane will likely fly, it’s the combination of a new airplane and low skill set that worries us. The airplane has only flown for an hour or two total, maybe, and I don’t think he’s done any real flight testing of it, so its characteristics are pretty unknown.
The way he crashed it last time was a botched rejected take-off. He felt it wasn’t climbing well enough, and tried to land it immediately after getting airborne. I think he was pretty task-saturated, and a rejected takeoff is a very high workload maneuver, transitioning from a climb to a glide and configuring for landing all in the space of a couple of seconds. Even experienced pilots would be stressed at that point. He’s made noises about getting training, and actually did get some training before his first flight, but none since–and flying skills fade rapidly if not exercised, especially for a low-time pilot. We’re still working out what to do as a group of friends, and I’m just looking for options we haven’t considered yet, or a fresh take on the situation.
Go to the wife. That’s where you might get some traction.
People who take on the task of building their own airplanes are generally pretty “Type-A,” goal-oriented people. Maybe talking to her would help.
We’re trying to get across the idea to him that there’s no shame at all in taking a step back and getting more training, and figuring out what might be wrong with the plane performance wise. It’s not an inherently dangerous design–there are thousands of them flying already–but he chose the lowest-power version to build.
Give him a framed copy of the E. Hamilton Lee quote:
“Don’t be a show-off. Never be too proud to turn back. There are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots.”
That is just low and dirty warfare there Mojeaux…
But it will work.
The training angle would be how I approached him. Don’t try to talk him out of the plane, try to talk him into more training, so he can see for himself where the issue is.
Out of curiosity, what airplane are you building/have you built? You may have mentioned it in the past, but I haven’t seen it. I’m building a Glastar and fly a Cessna 150/150 while I’m waiting.
As far as your friend goes, any idea why he’s so resistant to the idea of a bigger engine in his aircraft? Is he just too proud to admit that he miscalculated the power requirements? Does he feel another engine might make his empty weight too high for what he wants to put in the plane or throw his CG too far forward? Does he not have the money? Does he think he’d have to modify the mount or cowling? Or does he just not realize that the aircraft is underpowered because he doesn’t know any better or is stubborn?
Baseball pioneer Henry Chadwick was born on this day.
I think I mentioned this on here a while back but I found an old picture of some baseball pioneers a while ago when I bought my first house. Sold it in an auction. Pretty cool story, heres a link to auction lot.
“I had a vasectomy before we got married three years ago. She accepted it back then, saying she didn’t need kids to be happy. But her desire to be a mum has become all-consuming.”
Your wife is 22 years younger than you, you should have seen this coming.
Hence why urologists make you sign a paper that you won’t sue them if you change your mind after the fact.
What if they botch the job, you think your “grapes” are seedless, and you knock someone up? Is their malpractice going to cover 18 years of child-support ?
After the surgery, they send you to the lab for a sperm count test a couple of times.
She wants other cock (and probably lots of them, maybe even all at once), and she is using the “I want a baby” excuse to get him to go along with being a cuck…
Dark avatar, dark thoughts…
Yeah, she wants to step out.
My “objection*” to killing original Nazis and/or Nazi-adjacent personnel is this:
I don’t know what happened, and I don’t trust that people in positions of authority know what the fuck happened either. This is a more specific example of my general attitude of “I commit violence for the defense of me and mine, you commit violence in defense of you and yours, but the greater the distance between the perpetrator of the violence and the people thy are supposedly enacting violence for, the closer you are to genocide ‘for God/the Motherland/the greater good.’ ”
*it is only a theoretical objection because the same principles apply here. Just like it’s not my place to go hunt down surviving Nazis, it’s only vaguely more my business to GAF about what eurotards are eurotarding about in eurotardia.
Question is who of us wood have / have not joined the nazis if we were 15 in 1941
I wouldn’t have, because I wouldn’t have been born until a few decades after 1941 had passed.
I can’t say for sure since I wasn’t alive, but I don’t think the Nazis were a big thing in California in 1941, so I doubt I would have.
“I would have stood up to the Inquisition.” “I would have told off those Salem judges.” “I would have told Robert E. Lee and the slavers to fuck off.”
“I would have been in the White Rose Underground.” “I would have written whatever I wanted in my essay even though my professor was a commie.”
Depends upon what my friends were doing at the time. I mean, disco dancing clubs were a thing when I was that age so manning an anti-aircraft gun or going along to get along doesn’t seem too out of sorts. Secretary knows what’s what.
I think the last two years has shown us just who would have joined the Nazis…
I’m such a loser, I’d have joined in 1946 for the lulz.
Fuck the Yankees, fuck the CIA, fuck Janet Yellin, fuck everyone! Screw you guys, I’m going home!
Fuck yeah!
Not Adahn not recognizing the sea buckthorn fruit in my market post reminded me of the time Pie made the firs moneys outside allowance/gifts from family…
20 lei, same as downtown?
A lot more as it was before we cut off 4 zeroes
Hey, he needed a ride.
And? Don’t leave us hanging
Those guys who get their dicks cut off for cheating got off easy.
That’s a pretty serious misunderstanding.
Did they say which head was cut off?
Final report: Died of heart failure. (for those that remember Soviet history)
Did he also have Covid?
Chalk up another covid death.
Not a cutlass. Get it right, newspeople!
Maybe he had to sail to the farm through pirate-infested waters?
Weird to think that a Cutlass now qualifies as a classic car. Also a weird use of one.
Maybe it was a Cutlass Sierra.
My 1st car (bought from Tres Sr.) was a 1977 Cutlass S.
It had a 260 V-8 and a crappy Borg-Warner T-55 five-speed. I had nearly 280K on that thing before my dumbass let it sit during a cold-snap and the block cracked.
It even had the legendary shitty Rochester DualJet™ which was really a QuadraJet with the secondaries blanked off.
My first car was a 1970 Cutlass Supreme. Somebody rear-ended it deforming the gas tank filler tube. It took forever to fill the tank.
That evil old woman story. Ugh. Just because you survived to a ripe old age doesn’t mean that the sins of your past are magically washed away. I’ll be regretting my own misdeeds until the day that I die. Granted, I never participated in the Holodomor but I did snap a few bra straps in my time…
“China warns World War Three could be triggered ‘at any time’ after it sent dozens of warplanes into Taiwan’s airspace as Big Lizzie joins TWO US carriers and Japanese warships in huge Philippine sea exercise”
“Wuhan scientists and US researchers planned to create a new coronavirus in 2018: Consortium led by Brit Peter Daszak asked DARPA to fund research at lab in city where Covid pandemic began”
At least they invented gunpowder?
And noodles?
“China warns they could trigger World War Three at any time.”
So, nuke their nukes before they can?
Big Lizzie? They’re naming aircraft carriers after sitting Senators now?
I wonder if 70 years from now people will be hunting done anyone who ever worked for a pharma with a covid vaccine. The genocide being perpetrated right now may dwarf the Nazi efforts.
It’s going to be a long winter.
“…saying the deadly attack was solely carried out by another man during a meth-fueled threesome gone awry.”
Mr. Bob Crane, ladies and gentlemen.
I was fired once and the owner of the company brought in a stack of over 100 printed, color, full-page memes I had posted on Facebook.
She flipped through the stack one by one asking questions like “do you think this is funny?” “Is this something a professional would say?”
One of them was just a chart where the x axis was labeled “body weight” and the y axis was labeled “chances she’s a feminist.”
That’s the one she was most angry over (owner of the company was a butch lesbian who had gastric bypass to lose like 200 lbs lol)
What’s wild is… I wasn’t. And all the memes were posted in a private group.
But somebody inadvertently allowed a lefty activist Amazon employee into the group, and I insulted his favorite e girl. So he got simp revenge by sending all my sexist memes to my lesbian boss
quite the story
Is the moral of the story not to work for gastric bypass butch lesbians?
don’t let soy boys in your private group?
Don’t use social media, period?
What’s social media?
By my definition, this place.
But that’s it for me.
What’s wild is… I wasn’t.
Wasn’t what? I have no idea what he is denying.
League > National > Euro Friendlies (UCL)
“‘The internet needs regulating’: Facebook calls on legislators to create ‘standard rules’ for the web but hits out at whistleblower Frances Haugen saying she never met with top executives”
Everyone in this story deserves to die.
The GOP will jump right on board with this shit.
Everyone in this story deserves to die. – this sounds like a terrorist threat to me
…and eventually will.
Ideology is peasant food. The elite slither from ideology to ideology, taking from each the most convenient ideas, skinsuiting the institutions and minds associated with them, and then finally leaving a husk behind, all so their own power and money never gets challenged by outside forces.
The president of the New York Police Department’s second-largest union resigned Tuesday night after the FBI searched his home and the union’s headquarters earlier in the day, according to a letter obtained by CNN from multiple sources.
Did he criticize the regime?
“Did he criticize the regime?”
It’s a safe bet.
“ESPN anchor Sage Steele has been taken off the air after blasting vaccine mandates and questioning Barack Obama’s blackness – with network sources claiming she also has COVID.
During a podcast interview, Steele, 48, called her network’s coronavirus vaccine mandate ‘sick,’ suggested that female journalists welcome harassment based on the way they dress, and also remarked on how the bi-racial former president was raised by his white mom.
The furor over Steele’s appearance on ex-NFL star Jay Cutler’s podcast has seen the divorced mom of three announce she is taking a break from her job – while also issuing a groveling apology for her remarks.”
Sage Steele – real name or porn name?
Just another example how the entertainment industry discards wimmen once they’re no longer young and perky.
She’s cute, seems to think along the same lines as me, and despite needing to add 100 pounds or so…..wood.
Never apologize. Especially when you’re right.
She’s not really black
I lost a bit of sympathy for her though:
Is there really anyone out there who makes monkey sounds when they see black people? The only way this shit happened is in Jr. High when kids are subhumanoids who will say mean shit about everyone. And race was just an easy one. But in real adult life? Sorry, I don’t think it happened. Especially to such an attractive woman.
I remember her being pretty “woke” when she first got to ESPN and I think she remained woke until she dropped the most unwoke hot-take possible* on Obama and the vaccine.
*as mandated by the white people in charge.
Is there really anyone out there who makes monkey sounds when they see black people?
Serbian soccer fans? Apparently she was doing all of her sports coverage in the Balkans.
I know this is a divisive issue here, but I still hope they prosecute her and throw her ass in jail for the rest of her (short) life.
Better lock up the janitorial staff as well.
sloopy missed the top 2 baseball birthdays, who both retired in 2013: Freddy Garcia and Darren Oliver. Yup, really. Meh, huh?
On Monday, Lightfoot publicly called for charges to be brought against the assailants who opened fire at a house in the North Austin neighborhood of the city Friday morning, killing one and injuring two.
Since when does she care about the dozens of shootings happening in Chicago every week?
More kids have been shot to death in Chicago this year than died from COVID nationally.
Damn I missed that one.
I thought it was “shot”, not “shot to death”. Most of them were just winged, I think.
Do better, ChiTown gangbangers.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is defending a Biden administration proposal that would require banks to report data to the Internal Revenue Service on transactions over $600, calling the collection of information “routine,” after taking heat for the idea that is widely seen as an unprecedented invasion of privacy.
Every single person in this *administration looks and sounds like a villain that you would cast in a movie.
sorry—no phone time for caps and capitals. –i had that weird thing today where i would smell fire/ash a few times. was a bit weirdly dizzy this morning but that went away. it’s happened a few times each times it happens, maybe 5 times or so over the last week. usually morning. Ash/smoke/burning combo. And never any smokes have been lit, though I do smoke. The ashtray has never been a thing. It goes away, but will come back a few times. But it goes away after ten min or so?
the ash-smell WEIRDLY came back teaching that class i don’t like teaching. i actually asked them if they smelled it and they were confused. i think it might have something to with being nervous? that kinda makes sense but it’s just so odd.
That was fairly strange, and it’s been strange every time it happens. It usually happens at my apt in the morning. Today when it happened at school, I think that was a first. I’ve gotten one vax (under duress) and i’ve always tested negative, but It is curious that the taste/smell thing is one thing that seems to stick out from normal flus/etc. I am, under duress, getting my second vax this Friday. It does reduce the amount of time I actually have to teach by 50% (1 hour off for two hours of Friday class) for the mandatory writing classes that I don’t care for. But it’s part of the job, so I certainly do it. It does mean I get to leave for the weekend at 5pm on Fridays. That’s nice.
Thoughts? I also know that I’m not the only epileptic here, but my hallucinations have ALL BUT ONE been auditory. I did see that green guy that I wrote about, but only once. This feels very much like a nasal hallucination. I’m very confused and curious. It isn’t pleasant, but it also doesn’t bring about ANY type of panic or whatever. It is just a very strong smell that comes from nowhere.
I’m no expert, but even before you raised the possibility, I was thinking olfactory hallucination.
I don’t I ever even thought nor heard of those. And my poor, but simplistic but understandable, use of ‘nasal hallucination’ compared to your correct one kinda shows that up. Certainly never been mentioned to me. Went to look it up: “An olfactory hallucination (phantosmia) makes you detect smells that aren’t really present in your environment.”
Then this was interesting: “Phantosmia may be caused by a head injury or upper respiratory infection. It can also be caused by temporal lobe seizures, inflamed sinuses, brain tumors and Parkinson’s disease.” Well, I’ve got the head injuries, seizures, and I have been a sneeze-o-matic recently. But people are now talking about this upper respiratory shit. Hrm. I wonder if it’s just an odd congruence. Most likely, and I’m certainly far more concerned with seizures and head injury. But curious!
Oh! And it doesn’t smell AT ALL like cigarette smoke. There is my ashtray but this is WAY stronger than that and it only started happening maybe 10? days ago. I’d estimate that it’s happened probably like…6-8 (?) times over that period. It usually lasts about 20-30 minutes. It’s not painful and doesn’t make me incapable of doing shit and just ignore it. But it’s just a random weird smoke/burning a log or something. Not like a rotten smell. But a very distinct one and it’s quite powerful. I don’t think I’d like to eat a meal while it was going on, but I do, and have to, nibble and that wasn’t negatively affected. It’s just a strange and strong smell with no origin. It would be weird if it smelled like No.5, too. Just strange. And mine are ALWAYS that burn/smoke smell, just like casually being around a camp fire…in my one-bedroom home.
I had olfactory hallucinations for a while. They suck.
It could be a pinched nerve in your neck. Bad posture and inflammation was causing mine.
Mine smelled more like burning cigars made out of cat shit.
Mine were also related to my thankfully mild auto-immune problems.
Cigars made of cat shit is oddly specific.
I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll guess I’ve at least temporarily add another weird thing that goes on with my body. And no joke/sarc in any way…I really loved hearing about these and checking them out. I think that is absolutely what is going on with me. I found it VERY strange that I got it in only one class today, and it just happened to be the one that brings me the most gloom/sadness/trouble and always thrusts me in a different emotional/psychological mood. It feels better just to have an answer for it and to not be confused and walking around the apartment checking every vent to see if it’s something from someone else apt causing it.
I’m perfectly familiar with hallucinations, or at least the ones that I tend to have. They can suck but I’ve learned to just ignore them as best I can. When you don’t know if you’re brain is fucking with you and you try to search for the source of all these hallucinatory sounds…that’s the part that always fucks with me the most. I don’t care if the sound (or smell or that one sight) is real or just in my head. I just want confirmation and then I can much easier get on my way, because I’m no longer a detective sloothing out the real source (if there is one).
I find it amusing that my college-and-later hallucinatory drug experiences were actually a perfect boot camp to do before all of these hallucinations happened. They really don’t happen that much, anymore. I MAY get one auditory one a month. Just incredibly rare now. They used to be all-surrounding. Well, fuck it. I like the smell of campfires! I’ll just add that to things that I can enjoy and subtract those sounds/smells that just tease me with their non-existent source.
I hallucinate the smell of chloroform fairly often.
Google phantosmia. It is not fun. My particular scent is cigarette smoke, stale and fresh, which I hate.
Oddly, I like smelling real cigarette smoke now because, while I hate it, at least I know I’m not hallucinating.
Yeah, looking it up, once I found out it was a real thing (why wouldn’t it be, though? It’s a sense just like the others) it became very clear that this is almost assuredly what is going on. That really helps explain being nervous/etc intensifying it today.
I also think that it’s interesting that yours is also smoke-related. And your point about liking real cig smoke cuz “at least [you] not that [you’re] not hallucinating?” Um. BOOM. Once I found that out it just takes the goofy and perplexing mystery out of it. “Eh, it’s just a smell/sound in my head. Meh. Keep on going.” It’s also true that mine are no longer overwhelming in any sense. The auditory ones used to be much stronger and scarier, but I think they’ve not only weakened in volume/action, but I’m also just used to ’em. That’s a deserved *fist bump* for you. Rock on, teammate.
Smoke, specifically cigarette smoke, is one of few constants across people who report phantosmia.
And I’ve always had a delicate sniffer.
Having my first kid jacked up my senses of smell and taste. It’s been off and on since then and that was 18 years ago. I haven’t had phantosmia in a couple of years, though, so it may lessen over time with you too. My cigarette smoke smell phantosmia was triggered by the guy who installed our AC and smoked like a chimney all the way through the process. At first I thought it was lingering in the AC, but nobody else could smell it. That’s when I figured it out.
Huh. I’ve had something similar for a few years. I smell smoke at times. It’s happened less in the last couple years though. Even went to the doc and had an MRI. Nothing. All in my head. I am going to look into the potential causes listed. Once again, this place is great.
This place IS fantastic! Great, odd and rare, example of it right here and now. The potential causes for me were quite clear. I hope you find an answer. That is the most important thing with these things, at least for me. I need to always figure out Reality vs. Irreality. (Great friend insists i use “Unreality” but I don’t think that’s at all the word to use. It IS real. It’s just not Real-Real. (Eeek. That’s gonna start a rape-rape joke…))
To you as well, a solid (Fist Bump* from me. You rock on, too, teammate!
which require all individuals regardless of vaccination status to mask in all indoor spaces unless “actively eating or drinking”
“Actively breathing” is not included I guess. Or perhaps the masks cause active breathing because the passive breathing is impeded.
“Public safety app Citizen is paying contract workers overseas to listen to US emergency scanners, sparking a recent union drive among its New York employees.
While staffers at New York City-based Citizen used to be responsible for listening to emergency scanners and writing up reports on police and emergency calls, that task is now being outsourced to about 200 contractors primarily based in Nairobi, Kenya, The Post has learned.
The cost-cutting move has left New York staff worried about their future at the company — and about the accuracy of Citizen’s safety reports, which are sent out to 7 million users across 30 US cities…
Starting this Wednesday, overseas workers will be fully responsible for sifting through all live emergency radio feeds in the US, according to the source, who works at Citizen but is not directly involved in the union drive.”
10/10 security
Why is this a story?
One trick pony?
They found the one young woman in the UK who isn’t a slut?
to show pics of the women in bikinis? Which are not bad if you like me skinny
Itty bitty titty committee.
Smashing supply chains and “going green” is making a big mess out of the Chinese economy. Might be why they are talking about war – either as a distraction or a solution.
Someone should give the CCP a history book about what led the Argentinians to make the mistake of invading the Falkland islands….
Britain would have gotten a black eye if Thatcher didn’t ask us for help, tho’.
There are a lot of people that want to give the CCP a black eye…
Especially because of COVID…
There used to be a series up on YouTube about how close the Brits came to losing that war. The folks that made the series interviewed a lot of the British officers involved, all of whom thought the War was a close thing. I remember the series being pretty convincing.
*insert joke about communists and lightbulbs here*
Born #Today in 1897, Florence B. Seibert was the biochemist who identified the active agent in the antigen tuberculin as a protein and isolated a pure form, enabling the development and use of a reliable TB test
I noticed that all the GOP pols who are outraged that the IRS wants banks to report on transactions over $600 are not calling for an end to the IRS forcing banks to report transactions of $10K.
It is shit like this that makes me remember why I gave up on the GOP. They just can’t help themselves. Instead of opposing the Deep State, they just want a “Chest High State”.
The role of “Conservatives” is to preserve the state that the last Progressive push brought us to. We need a Regressive Party.
Or even a BuSab.
^so much this
What good is having a permanent bureaucracy if you can’t get in on the fun of using it to abuse the peasants?
Can we at least push to get rid of structuring as a crime?
Listen to the bleeding heart sissy! Next he will want to abolish asset forfeiture.
So the Romanian PM lost the confidence vote in the parliament so the government should be changed. If it will I don’t know.
These led to the parties in power losing a lot in the poll and the opposition gaining.
How confident were you in him or her?
I was very confident he was just a swamp creature
Gah! To bring a comment over from the dead thread, I’m happier when I’m asleep than awake. At least when I have a nightmare I can wake up. Bon Nuit, mes Amis!
Don’t let them win Festus.
Inspirational music for you.
HOLY JEEBUS!!! $2400.00 to replace the rear differential in my wee Nissan. I’m fooked!
I’d find a junkyard, and a YouTube video on Nissans.
I missed the Urban Meyer story. The video is certainly awkward but I doubt many of his players really give a shit. I’m sure his boss is a saint too… Just another story that reminds me that we’re mostly surrounded by assholes.
I think the players care more that they haven’t won a single game yet.
If jacksonville was 4-0 instead of 0-4, it wouldnt even be news.
What did he do?
There’s a video that was released of a young blonde grinding on him (allegedly) in a bar after his team lost a game.
She knew who Urban was/is, and likely did that to get attention. Im not victim-shaming, but she knew what she was doing.
When Trump said, “they’ll let you do anything- you can grab ’em by the pussyhat” he wasn’t wrong. Men and women behave towards each other the same way we have for the past couple 100,000 years.
Good morning, Sloopy!
I love The Jam, despite the silliness.
What on earth is the point of the $600 transaction reporting? That’s a fucking Costco run.
And still no coverage of the Fed fucks and their insider trading. Weird, huh?
To bury side gigs and small business.
Regarding the Fed…even Screeching Indian couldn’t garner media coverage for more than 10 seconds.
Why is the Mob in such bad shape?
According to @WSJ
, millennial mafiosi are part of the problem.
They grew up in the suburbs instead of city streets & are “softer, dumber and not as loyal as mobsters of the past. Plus, they’re always texting.”
Tony Soprano’s son is running the show, and AJ was always a fucking tardeded idiot.
…I want this to be true.
The government took over all of the mob’s rackets.
The biggest weapon the Mob had was Omerta, the code of silence. Good luck trying to get anyone under 30 these days to keep from putting anything on social media. “Check out my TikTok video of the hit at the steak house last night!”
Not the element of surprise? Or a fanatical devotion to the pope?
Seen on a note tag for bad parts at work:
Cosmetic defect hangover
Band name, album name, or Bidenism?
“Cosmetic Defect Hangover”
My last CL personals hookup.
Hawaii stun gun ban ends Jan. 1
Hawaii Police Department Chief Paul Ferreira said law enforcers are “gearing up” for Jan. 1, 2022, when most private citizens 21 or older will be allowed to possess and carry a Taser or electric stun gun.
“Gear up”? Don’t worry about it. Dogs don’t have an opposable thumb.
Suck it you un-scientific rubes! The Jab will save your baby!!!
I’m sure all those babies will totes appreciate their vax immunity as they begin to explore the world when they start crawling around on their flippers.
Seriously, our society has spent years shaming pregnant women for smoking, boozing or even drinking caffeinated stuff because the baby in the womb is so sensitive. Now we are telling them that a novel vaccine is totes OK?
That…I have questions that I haven’t formulated into a coherent thought yet.
I haven’t formulated into a coherent thought yet
What? Do you know how to do a hot take?
Do you even internet?
I know. But it was “what the fuck”
Why do we give kids their vaccine schedules then? I mean, most in the USA that give birth have gone through a battery of vaccines in their life time so wouldn’t it be the same? Or is something extremely different about the mRNA “vaccine”….
Safe & effective!
*points to Israel*
Pregnant women? WOMEN??! I literally can’t even with this bigotry against birthing persons.
But pregnant women transfer all kids of things to the infant. I wonder if the mRNA babies will also be transferred the myocarditis.
That was my question. Why are we rushing to “immunize” infants against something which is not a problem for them. At all. And for which we have no clue (zip, zero, nada) of the long-term effects.
Pulitzer alert. Rod Dreher movingly recounts the shock and awe he first felt at seeing his black classmate’s “monstrous” penis.
Third grade?
that’s almost facepalm-worthy
The next black penis he saw was when it was about to enter his wife?
Sweden halts use of Moderna’s COVID vaccine in under 30s
Headline says it all.
In economics we love Sweden. In health they are the devil.
I like their low corporate tax rates and school choice. I don’t like their high personal tax rates.
Like I said the other day, “Over 40 or overweight.”
I got the Moderna, I think it is better than the Pfizer, so glad it is the one I got (I had no clue at the time). But the idea of pushing this on everyone is just insane. The risk of side effects is totally worth it if you are 70, but under 30, it is insane to take the risk.
The risk of side effects is totally worth it if you are 70
I’m not even sure of this at this point. Given the rapidly fading effectiveness (apparently – hard to get any reliable data that doesn’t push the narrative) the evolving ‘booster’ requirements – is it 8 months? 6 months? 4 months? – I’ve no idea if the side effect risk is dose dependent/cumulative, so may go up. And some tentative evidence that booster effectiveness in the real world (rather than just as measured by anti-body response) is not as good as the initial doses, that whole calculus seems very open to questioning.
Young Laura Croft.
Well that was disappointing on a certain scale
Lara’s younger sister?
She’ll be nobody’s victim – maybe the victim of ammunition pricing
That’s Autumn.
There’s a Youtube channel for her – Autumn’s Armory.
Decent stuff.
I’ve watched many videos there.
And there’s a remoaner in the replies.
Love the double trigger finger technique.
And the smile.
We live in wonderous times. No longer do we have to sit around like chumps to wait to see how things work out. Now we can instantly model the future and avoid horrible outcomes.
140,000 more Americans are still around with us in this glorious time because of The Jab
I’m calling bullshit though. King Walz’s Minnesoda Model predicted that 70K would die without the lockdowns. With the lockdowns only 50K would die. I figure vaxxes are way better than stupid old lockdowns so figure 20K * 50 states and that is 1 Million People Saved. I also declare my model to be far more accurate and scientific than any other and anyone who questions it needs to be censored immediately.
Because vaccination is the only thing that affects COVID from week to week. What an obvious pile of garbage. The downslope from the winter surge was seemingly unaffected by vaccinations – hard to tell, since vaccinations became available during the downslope, but its hard to pick out anything you could attribute to the vaccinations. And, of course, there was the summer surge, when vaccination rates were plateauing, and the elderly were pretty solidly vaccinated. The disconnect between overall vaccination and mortality is definitely there. And, of course, this disconnect is growing as the variants escape the vax.
I think I just felt Professor Robert Park flip over in his grave again…
After reading Glibs this morning, I am thoroughly depressed and don’t want to get
out of bed.
For you.
9 nice stories.
Trying to sell a loveseat/recliner with a middle console for $150. Some chick wants to know if it’s pet free or stain free.
Lady, look at the price. What do you think?
Pet stains?
Stains in general?
/gets blacklight and luminiol
Blood, semen or urine.
What’s your preference?
What pets are hiding in it?
Cute story- one of the properties that Jugsy managed needed some help with maintenance. So I offered to pinch-hit as a contractor.
There was an apartment lived in by a woman and her 3 daughters. Opening the door, the blast of funk nearly knocked you off your feet. The roaches were all over the kitchen, including the ceiling. There was food on the floor. The cat box had a pile of shit that was at least 18″ tall, and there was at least 4 cats in there. The cats had torn that mesh-y netting fabric from the back of the sofa, and had made a home INSIDE the couch.
The dichotomy is, that to see the renter or her kids in public- she was neat as a pin. She was jovial, engaging, kids were well behaved. But her crib was absolutely horrible.
Did I mention she was a PsyD ? Also, she was in a mutually-abusive relationship with her kid’s Dad, and they liked to throw each other into things.
I feel like I need to wash my hands after clicking that link.
She’s a piker. Call me when she’s got a flattened dead cat in her filth lasagna. Thank you, Hoarders.
I was in a flattened dead cat house just yesterday. Hoarder, of course, that had died and the place sat for a couple years while the relatives with keys helped themselves to anything that had value. I was actually in the same place a few months ago but had to go back yesterday for something else. All the crap was still there, I’m sure the dead cat hadn’t moved, but I avoided going into the kitchen where we found it last time.
If the cat got up and moved – get out of the house.
We on the Hoarders forums call it “sail cat” because if you tossed it like a frisbee it would sail.
Heheh, yeah pretty much. They flatten out over time. I’ve lost count of how many times I have been in a hoarder house. Most hoarder houses aren’t that bad of a smell as they mostly hoard VHS tapes, or books or something like that. The ones that keep garbage are in a special class. I’ve seen places where the rats had a rat problem.
How do people live like that?
In 29 Palms military housing, the house we were connected to gave us roaches.
Found out from the exterminator they had garbage all over with paths they could walk through.
He said there were so many roaches they were climbing up the leg of the poor girl who went to make the initial evaluation.
adjusting to trash is a boiling frog situation. They just get accustomed to it over time as it worsens.
True but ALSO it can a form of OCD, which is not to be confused with only people who wash their hands obsessively. Legit mental illness.
“Yes, it’s stain free but I can arrange to have stains applied with fifteen minutes’ notice.”
Seems like a reasonable question to me *shrugs*
For $150 (negotiable), you don’t get things like pet free and stain free. People want newish shit at cheap shit prices.
It’s as-is, no warranties. Seems like a waste of time for her even to ask.
“It’s retard free, so it won’t be a good fit for you.”
Yeah, Zoe Quinn is mad that Brianna Wu got a Gamergate TV series, while her own Gamergate movie fell through…
Is the subtitle “how we turned the alt-right from one dude running an esoteric blog into a global political phenomenon?”
Who? And Who?
/please get the reference
Speaking of shit movies, I see Disney+ has a National Geographic special about St. Fauci.
Zoe Quinn has better nudes, but honestly they’re both pretty damn evil.
I forgot her game was called Depression Quest.
This may be the only intelligent thing I’ve ever seen Sad Beard write.
Blind squirrel, broken clock, etc.
There have been a few others here and there tbh
C’mon, man. The buck stops with me. *slaps podium* Now where are my hard candies?
The spat was so bad that French President Emmanuel Macron briefly recalled his ambassador to the US.
“[Biden] asked me. He said, ‘What’s the situation?’ And I explained- he had not been aware of that. He literally had not been aware of what had transpired,” Kerry said in an interview broadcast on French television. “And I don’t want to go into the details of it, but suffice it to say, that the president, my president is very committed to strengthening the relationship and making sure that this is a small event of the past and moving on to the much more important future.”
Totally not a puppet.
Black man makes NPR reporter very uncomfortable.
That MFer cannot be bought, it’s a sight to behold.
“His punch line is the title for the film: Space Jews.” Mel Brooks should sue
Considering who the reviewer is, I have no doubt they had kittens.
*taps self-awareness meter*
‘Chappelle jokes DaBaby “punched the LGBTQ community right in the AIDS”‘
Well. the government might have killed anther one.
My mother had uterine cancer 3 years ago and gets an annual cancer screening. Last year those were “non-essential”.
This year she finds a tumor in her breast the size of a tennis ball.
She is freaking out about having to do chemo again.
I told her if it’s that bad, decide if it’s worth it or not, but apparently that’s “crazy talk”. So I told her, if it’s worth it, then there’s no point in freaking out ahead of time.
I’m not very good at this.
Sorry to hear that. Non essential things are being canceled here as well. We will see the results in a few years
My Mom dealt with uterine cancer for sixteen years, with multiple remissions and relapses. It is difficult–it seems the first reaction is panic. She may be in that phase now, so all you can do is be supportive. She probably needs this to gear up to fight right now. In a little while, logic will come back into it, but right now the focus is on the will to fight. Do what you can to encourage that, because a positive mental attitude can have a real effect on treatment outcomes.
With my Mom, logic doesn’t enter into things.
She still has an enemy list of people who weren’t nice enough to her when she had the first cancer.
I’m more pissed that she didn’t get screened last year.
Sorry 🙁
Speaking of a dark winter…
Natural gas price spikes 25% on soaring demand
European and UK gas prices surged on Wednesday by more than 25 percent, energised by soaring demand before the northern hemisphere winter.
Europe’s reference Dutch TTF gas price jumped to 145.19 euros per megawatt hour and UK prices soared to 347.27 pence per therm.
The two markets had already rocketed in earlier deals to record peaks at 162.12 euros and 407.82 pence, respectively.
“It’s panic and fear with winter just around the corner,” Commerzbank analyst Carsten Fritsch told AFP.
Democrats Exploit California Oil Spill to Call for Offshore Oil Drilling Ban
Democrats have seized on the recent oil spill in California as an opportunity to renew calls for offshore oil drilling to be banned entirely, even though the oil-rich state already imports oil from elsewhere and the spill is smaller than previous ones. …
Nevertheless, Democrats are calling for all offshore drilling to be ended. Local State Sen. Dave Min (D) said in a statement:
Rep. Mike Levin (D-CA) declared, ““There is no offshore drilling that is truly safe,” and noted that he had already introduced legislation in Congress to ban all offshore drilling, which would end a significant portion of U.S. production.
What could go wrong?
yes I am well aware, as of now my heating bill looks to be double what it was last year.
Wow. Just wow!
#Gazprom reduced the gas flow to Europe
via Belarus and Poland by 70%
and via Ukraine by 20%
Since. Last. Week.
These are official Gazprom figures. Putin is using energy as a weapon, calling the Merkel-Biden bluff, and Germany does NOTHING to counter the move.
Whoa, that sucks. One wonders what would happen if a President in the US were to use interstate commerce rules to try to choke pipeline flows in the US…
Do they even know where the oil came from?
Latest reports are an anchor tore a hole in a pipeline.
Was this done by one of the people that read that article about eco terrorism being needed?
In another round of “what difference does it matter”, apparently the AG family is making money off of CRT, he unleashes his forces to protect his family’s business, nothing else will happen.
That’s an interesting gif. Her neck looks a bit thick, I wonder if she is a former/current swimmer?
The letter pointed out that Mullins is entitled to the presumption of innocence as the investigation is carried out
It’s different for us.
Zubaydah, 50, has been detained at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, without charge since 2006. For years, the government asserted that he was a plotter in the 9/11 attacks, but officials later acknowledged that he was not tied to the operation, according to the 2014 report.
This seems a bit speedy for government work that this comes up to the Supreme Court in 2021 given the government is in the wrong here.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is defending a Biden administration proposal that would require banks to report data to the Internal Revenue Service on transactions over $600, calling the collection of information “routine,” after taking heat for the idea that is widely seen as an unprecedented invasion of privacy.
Go fuck yourself.
A former Northwestern University professor accused of brutally stabbing his boyfriend to death denied he committed the 2017 murder Tuesday, saying the deadly attack was solely carried out by another man during a meth-fueled threesome gone awry.
Who’s missing?
“Her neck looks a bit thick, I wonder if she is a former/current swimmer?”
*snorts at DEG*
ElBoWs ToO pOiNtY, would not
I never said “would not”.
A video teaching bridge to yoginis?
It takes a lot longer than five minutes to get good at bridge.
1963, when doing social psychology meant hanging out at a nudist camp, chatting and getting people to do some questionnaires \
single dudes should bring a woman is a rule in many clubs these days as well. But married men having written permission from their wives if unaccompanied is no longer in fashion.
This is one of the replies:
A serious person, obviously.
Most rich people support progressive taxation because they fail to perceive themselves as “rich.”
Maybe I’m cynical. But, I suspect a lot of the “rich” in that sample are small business proprietors who, in fact, the rest of us wouldn’t consider “rich”. The truly, genuinely, fabulously wealthy have teams of accountants and lawyers ready to inform them that they are rich and exactly what the consequences of any changes in tax policy will be. I’d add that the very rich are the group that has the greatest discretion in the temporal allocation of their earnings. And those very same accountants and lawyers will be able to avail themselves of a host of strategies to reduce a higher tax burden on their clients. On the other hand, those same rich people often become the prime beneficiaries of the tax-and-spend regime. Unsurprisingly, it’s very rich people who wind up the cronies of the political class and can position themselves as major recipients of government largesse. I’ve already discussed Warren Buffet. But, you can easily point to Carlos Slim, George Kaiser or any of a host of other players.
The irony is that the leftists screaming the most about how the existence of billionaires is a sign of economic failure support the policies that the richest of the rich benefit the most from.
They are sufficiently rich for lefties to want them to pay more in tax.
Carole Lombard > Elizabeth Shue. Also A/C pioneer and mutton chops king George Westinghouse, the Pink Power Ranger, and Gaelic POS Gerry Adams.
How did they fit Gerry into that spandex?
Yesterday we took my mom and dad to the local Amish town and had a great time shopping and having lunch. It has been a long time since we spent that much time with them. We managed to steer away from politics until we were about a mile from home. I’m still shaking my head about how they think Trump is the most corrupt person in the world, but Biden is above reproach. I have no idea where they are getting their information. I was proud of Mrs. TOK, though, because her take was that they’re all corrupt and in it for personal gain, and we’re getting screwed.
I would bet, its an age thing (with a sprinkle of well thought propaganda) and while politics and politicians have always been scum, it was behind closed doors and not on display except for rare moments. Trump brought that to the forefront for everyday of 4 years and I think that is what people cling to.
Mrs. TOK is right- they’re all corrupt. But I feel your pain! Tres Sr. still cant understand how a bloviating rube like Trump ever got elected, and talks about the country like its just so much scorched earth after his 4 years in office.
There’s things we just dont talk about.
They grew up in the solid Democratic stronghold of Northwest Indiana. They were always told the Republicans were for the rich, and the Democrats were for the little guy. Nothing could be further from the truth, but they have learned this for decades and they’re not going to change now. I would imagine something similar is going on with Tres Sr.
Yo Sloops- thought experiment: “Don’t care. She was the secretary for the commandant of a death camp. She was a no-shit Nazi. Fuck her.She deserves much worse.”
You’d put a bullet in that woman’s head today for that reason, with no remorse ?
No. I’d put her in prison for the rest of her life.
I would like to believe that living a decent, ordinary life for nearly 70 years should count for something. We’re getting perilously close to going after people’s descendants. At some point, and I’m thinkin g 70 years is probably past that point, its time for bygones for all except the prime movers.
Most Nazis who survived the war never went to prison. Some of them helped our government with its nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, and rocketry programs (and those are just the things widely known about). If the precedent is fuck her because she wasn’t useful to us, not only is prosecuting her moral narcissism, it’s downright farcical: should have learned a real skill, toots, then you could have died free and feted like von Braun.
Someone’s moral balloon just deflated.
Yeah, it’s just a stutter.
I said yesterday: Its like a 5 year old excited child that hasn’t developed the skills to get their thoughts to language down yet -or- an addled old man that cannot get their thoughts to language down anymore.
The last time a president was “in charge” was probably Ronald Reagan. Trump tried to do it, but ran up against 25+ years of powerfully entrenched bureaucracy bristling at anyone trying to wrest control. Biden is obviously a meat puppet past his shelf life.
Trump couldn’t hire good people if he tried and he failed to see who was bad people to fire them.
While I agree with this statement Mojeaux, one must not forget that there were no good people to hire. The machine is broken and he didn’t realize this until too late. He was given bad information by all the people around him whose loyalty was towards the machine. And hiring outsiders will not work either, because they will not understand what they are dealing with and just become liabilities.
There is no solution to the problem of the entrenched bureaucracy that doesn’t involve wrecking it completely so it loses the ability to resist a demand to stop fucking the republic over for personal gain.
I can’t believe there were no good outsiders he could have hired. He hired or kept people who trashed him publicly, like, say, Fauci. Why?
The country desperately needs a Dave moment where outsiders come in and go through our books.
Yep. I thought that was a brilliant concept done well.
Gabriel over the White House is more plausible.
Kline and Grodin were wonderful together.
While Alex is mostly right, Trump majorly fucked up by keeping Fauci. He also f’d up with his “most
perfect decision” to stop international flights. That only contributed massively to the panic. He could have had Atlas, Kuldorff, Bhattacharya, or Ionnadis, instead of Health Gnome and Birx running the shitshow. Donnie was out of his depth.
Donnie was out of his depth.
This. He sucked at his job and was a complete phony. Not pardoning Snowden and Assange was the final straw. It would have been a giant fuck you to the IC and he didn’t have the stones to do it.
Donald Trump is a dealmaker. He doesn’t really have much in the way of executive ability.
Someone posted a really good article on that subject a few days ago – of course it’s not on my phone…
Even a really top notch business executive – say a Jack Welch at the top of his game – isn’t going to automatically be a top notch govt executive. They are different games.
There’s really no such thing as top-notch government executive, unless you define it down to “empty suit who lets the bureaucracy do whatever it wants and just runs interference for them”, in which case Barack H. Obama is the greatest living example (and the bureaucracy, it should be noted, love him for it).
Anyone who seriously tries to control the executive branch of government, and has the requisite government-employment background to conceivably be able to do it, such as LBJ, Nixon, or Reagan, gets thwarted and/or torpedoed. Reagan’s greatest accomplishment, vis-a-vis “top-notch government executive”, was firing the PATCO strikers. And his ability to do that was quite literally dependent on the courts agreeing with him, which they happened to.
The three-branches model of government is a total lie.
Trump couldn’t fire Fauci or even discipline him in any way. Fauci is protected by the Civil Service Act.
Mussolini in a lab coat is only leaving his post when he wants to. Only Death can fire him.
The good news is Fauci’s relevance is decreasing; every year will prove more of his bullshit predictions to be garbage. Nobody is going from thinking he is a fraud to thinking he is a wise man. The flow is entirely in the other direction.
So eventually a preponderance of the citizenry will decide he is a fraud and ignore him every chance they get. And that will make him more unhinged.
I doubt he is sleeping well at night at this point.
That’s the real question. I very much doubt that Trump would hesitate to fire those who pissed him off like Fauci. That suggests there is some sort of framework in place that restricted hiring and firing. Sounds crazy until we found out the military outright ignored his orders to withdraw and even collaborated with China.
The only way to fire Fauci and others would be to essentially declare war against the bureaucracy running DC. Trump was not capable of leading that war. In fairness, I don’t know of anyone who would. It would pretty much take a military coup.
That’s exactly right Trump was not capable. That doesn’t mean it isn’t do-able, just that Donny didn’t have the balls/spine to do it. Because he’s all mouth.
I would be very interested in what you and others that think you can fight the entrenched machine that would rather burn the whole thing down than be forced to stop doing what they want/plan think makes it doable. Short of nuking the den of inequity called D.C. that machine will not go without a fight…
I think Fauci is at a level that has civil service protections and therefore can’t be fired.
It requires hard and fast movement. The bureaucracy knows that if they can delay, they (and the system they are part of) will win. That means there has to be rock-solid and steadfast commitment from the top. Neither of those words are very Trump-like.
I’m not saying it is easy, but it is doable, and once the first crack in the system appears – you have to exploit the shit out it.
Well, Fauci isn’t an appointee, so he’s virtually unfirable. Now, he could have been demoted or transferred, I think, but the civil service is pretty much a petty aristocracy these days.
True, you can’t easily fire civil service – but you can, very easily push them out of the positions they hold, so they aren’t running that show anymore. It doesn’t happen because they layers that can do that aren’t required to do it.
Re: the aforementioned article – you don’t fight the entrenched machine, you close it down.
When dealing with a failing business, it’s often better to shutter the old business, instate a new one, and purchase or hire the useful assets.
one must not forget that there were no good people to hire
I’ll agree to this to the extent that anyone good wouldn’t work for ANY President, not just Trump.
I won’t agree given that Trump hired and retained through his whole admin that fucktard Navarro. I’ll also disagree based on Trump’s fascination with retired generals – since he foolishly believed he could give them orders.
There were a few cases of outside hires Trump placed in places that ended up being unable to do anything other than eventually resign or be fired. The entrenched bureaucracy will not only not cooperate, but actively undermine any attempt to coopt it and its agenda. Shit, we had the fucking military ignore the CiC orders and justify it as being patriotic! Schumer was also not kidding when he pointed out that fighting the intelligence machine meant the intelligence machine would fight back, and they could get you 20 ways from Sunday. Anyone acting as if this bureaucracy fighting back is not a thing proves to me they are either unable to understand the problem or are being disingenuous. I would like to believe people just don’t get it, but then that is an even bigger problem.
Did Trump relieve a single general for failing to follow orders? You can’t expect them to follow orders when you don’t hold them accountable. The President has that authority, he just has to use it.
Also, I have more up close and personal experience with that bureaucracy than you do. These people are fundamentally lazy, not evil. The system is broken because of the failure of leadership (top of the Executive and Congressional) to hold people accountable. The stasis/status quo is entirely because our politics are fucked up even more than the bureaucracy.
I recall reading (not sure how accurate), that a civil service employee who can’t be fired can be retained at $1.00/year and relieved of all duties. Sounds too good to be true, but I wonder just how far it can be pushed.
He would have had to know they were disobeying his orders to do that, wouldn’t he? And he was gone by the time we found out they had been doing this. I suspect that was in general the way everything worked out. He simply had no visibility into what they were doing (or not doing).
It doesn’t escape me that you keep making the claim someone else, someone more stately than Trump, would make a difference. I think it is blatantly obvious that anyone more “stately” would be someone already coopted or controlled by the machine, and they will not be working against it at all. No outsider will be able to deal with the machine, because the machine will not let it happen. And no insider will care to do anything to the machine.
But you go ahead and keep pretending someone else can do that… Maybe someone with the “gravitas” of a Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney can do it, right?….
“Also, I have more up close and personal experience with that bureaucracy than you do.”
I am sure you believe that to be so, but you have no clue what my experience with that machine is.
And he was gone by the time we found out they had been doing this.
They figured out how to slow-roll him early on. They played him on Syria. Get over the fact that they were smarter about how to run him than he was about them.
True, I don’t know your experience. Mine is almost 20 years inside the defense bureaucracy.
And I’m not making the case for someone more “stately” than Trump.
Trump had the right ideas. He lacked the fortitude to see them through.
“They figured out how to slow-roll him early on. They played him on Syria. Get over the fact that they were smarter about how to run him than he was about them.”
That’s the least of what they did. They took a Russia collusion story sourced and given to them by the NDC and Clinton’s campaign, and created a federal case against him to try to torpedo his presidency. Had he been one of the insiders he would have gone down in flames. He survived that because he refused to cave.
As I point out: The machine understands it can lie a president into doing what it wants, and when that doesn’t work, they can just lie to that president that they are doing what he orders while still doing what they want. Since nobody in the system that are supposed to act as checks and balances to make sure the president is in charge are not part of the machine, the machine in the end runs the show.
And while I am very familiar with the defense bureaucracy, my work was in other areas. I managed to walk away eventually when I realized how broken the system was, and have not missed any of it.
“Trump had the right ideas. He lacked the fortitude to see them through.”
Nobody has that fortitude you claim Trump misses. Superman is a comic book character.
This guy says so:
We’re at risk of losing our edge as a nation
Your *administration is ensuring a social and economic collapse.
Long apologea – Sorry I wasn’t around on my piece yesterday to handle some of the comments and questions. I got the publishing sked wrong and thought it was on for this Friday as previously. My fault- I just didn’t check.
WRT a couple of questions/comments – I didn’t have the space to go into the whole PREP Act liability, that legal liability doesn’t attach until a vaxx gets put on the list of childhood vaccines, that there’s the stingy vaccine injury program, etc. but it appears to me pretty clearly that’s where this all is going. Yes, they are in fact coming for your kids.
Regardless, that doesn’t change the central point about the illegality of mandating an experimental EUA vaccine.
On the question about “who’s suing?,” there are about 20 lawsuits but they’re basically on media blackout. The MSM won’t cover anything about the lawsuits because most of the complaints all focus on the same thing that we have – that you can’t mandate an EUA. And that the FDA doesn’t have the authority under the law to grant a product EUA status and also allow it to be “substituted” for a licensed product. That’s legally impossible and everyone who does litigation around the FDA or works in the drug approval business knows this is complete horseshit by the FDA. Basically, the FDA is being run by the drug companies and they’re doing anything they can to get rid of billions worth of EUA vaccine and trying to avoid liability for the myocarditis and pericarditis (among other side effects) that come with this mRNA fiasco. There’s a reason that technology has NEVER gotten approved by the FDA before. But the COVID scamdemic is the perfect excuse to force it down people’s throats – and they’ve fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.
The current legal thinking seems to be that if only Hitler had an FDA commissioner (evidently) there would have been no Nazi Doctor Trials ‘cuz “procedures were followed.”
that legal liability doesn’t attach until a vaxx gets put on the list of childhood vaccines
That’s for the Vaccine Indemnity Compensation Program. The PREP Act is for Countermeasures Indemnity Compensation Program, which is more stingy and difficult to wring money out of and has been in effect since the initial March 2020 declaration by the then current HHS Secretary.
The post WWII world continuing to today makes clear that rather than be an example of noble universal principles, Nuremberg and Tokyo trials were victor’s justice with trappings.
Yep. As I noted in the anthrax book, at the Doctor’s Trials, several of the Nazis were acquitted because they pointed to the Allies own medical experimentation and pointed out that there was no “international common law” principle that prohibited what they were doing. “Was that wrong?” was a sufficient defense because the Allies were doing the same stuff to their own people. See, e.g., “three generations of imbeciles are enough” from our eminent Mister Eugenics Holmes. That’s all been memory-holed because no one wants to discuss the Progressive Era’s blatant racism and classism – which they’ve never shed. They’ve simply gotten better cover-stories for their upper, middle-class Proggie disdain of the untermensch.
And the USG continued right on with its experimentation on its own people, but limited it to the military, who don’t have any legal recourse thanks to the Supreme Court’s made-up doctrines that prohibit soldiers from being able to sue for being experimented upon them.
The current legal thinking seems to be that if only Hitler had an FDA commissioner (evidently) there would have been no Nazi Doctor Trials ‘cuz “procedures were followed.”
Reminds me of all the NRA people trumpeting the Heller decision.
“If the Supreme Court says so” Not the Heller really changed anything, unlike the vaccine mandate legality.
One way to make light rail look good. I’m not sure, though, whether the normal taxpayer will be swayed into loving light rail now that you have decided that a new rapid bus route of 15 miles will cost $450M.
They might be so uneducated that they question why they should spend so much money on either buses or trains given that massive amounts of people are no longer going to downtown offices.
You know instead of spending half a billion dollars on dedicated bridges for buses, maybe you could simply expand the road so everyone could benefit from reduced congestion?
As if that’s a goal.
On the VA toll road FAQ, one question is why don’t the express lanes open up if there’s a collision to reduce congestion, and the answer actually says the purpose of the express lanes is not to reduce congestion.
Similarly, WMATA is a jobs program not a transit system.
Jobs program – the raison d’etre of all government.
Shouldn’t any 18 year old CIA typists also be tortured? Why do some in the CIA get a pass? As well as anyone in the military tangibly involved in the drone program?
What about and FEDGOV drone? Aren’t we all liable?
That would include me. And I did a hell of a lot more than type during my internships…
I guess we better not “google” STEVE SMITH
Tell them you are Antifa when they reach out to you, and you should be fine…
Recent investigations have led to the discovery of a badge bearing the pattern of the Great Seal of the United States as archaeologists continue excavations in Zerzevan Castle, a location previously utilized as a military settlement under the Roman Empire in southeastern Turkey’s Diyarbakir province.
Capitalism does not and has never assigned value correctly, which is why nurses and teachers remain underpaid
There is room for more wrong in that claim, not much, but some.
Define “underpaid”? And since when are teachers subject to a free market for labor?
My son came home one day spouting off what one of his teachers was drilling into their heads at school “I only make $12/hour!” A quick DDG search for average K-12 public school teacher salary, some basic math to account for the actual work put in (traditional school schedule) and my son said…”Oh, so she lied?” Yeah buddy, she did.
The value I place on something is the only correct value.
Value is subjective. The idea of ‘assigning value incorrectly’ is farcical nonsense.
What could go wrong with this?
3 years ago that would have been a Babylon Bee article.
So last week, after getting a message about “Vaccine Incentive Policy” our chief counsel was like “Yo! It isn’t an incentive! Don’t call it an inventive!” only to have a regional manager host a meeting today on “The Vaccine Incentive Policy” hahahahaha God I love government.
And…I flubbed it. Whatever
carrot: you get to keep your job
Burn it down.
“Oh, I think that’s a real possibility,” Mr. Biden said when asked if Democrats were considering the last-resort route, which would involve making an exception to allow for a debt ceiling bill to pass with a simple majority instead of the usual 60 votes needed.
Senate Democrats discussed carving out the exception at their weekly lunch on Tuesday. No conclusions were reached, but notably, according to participants, the two strongest opponents of filibuster changes, Senators Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, did not speak up in protest. They also did not speak up in support.
Seriously. Do it. Render the federal government irrelevant. I’ll move to a state that will nullify the horseshit.
Its nice and all that we are doing naval exercises in the Pacific, but why not have a carrier fleet make a port call in Taiwan?
Even better: scramble our carrier based fighters if the Chinese do another flyover. I mean, I think you’d have to, wouldn’t you?
Yep and a few MITOs out of Whiteman AFB of B-2s making a round trip to Taiwan..just to show you we can. But I suspect that we are being shown to be the paper tiger in this all.
We only want to make a little show, not enough to provoke a real fight.
Let Chicoms march into Austria…
In the CIA link, there’s this following quote:
What in the world does that mean? Is the argument that the confrontation between openness and secrecy itself is corrosive? Corrosive to what? Blind faith in the goodness
More on the coin
How is creating new debt, not authorized by law, required for the validity of existing debt?
“fuck you, cut spending” may be popular in some places, but not government