That was a rough outing.
The Braves came out swinging and thumped the Astros in Game 1. And I think there’s something wrong with the balls, because neither of the starting pitchers could get any action on them at all. Maybe Morton struggled because he was on a broken leg. Across the pond, Arsenal, Chelsea, and Sunderland moved on the the League Cup quarterfinals.the other five teams will be determined today. And that’s pretty much it for sports.

When people had a sense of humor
Big birthdays today include the explorer Captain James Cook, home sewing machine inventor Isaac Singer, president Theodore Roosevelt, industrialist and diplomat Owen Young, poet Dylan Thomas, HOF outfielder Ralph Kiner, pop artist Roy Lichtenstein, comedic genius John Cleese, gangster John Gotti, race car driver Dick Trickle, and political commentator Matt Drudge.
Right, on to…the links!
Yes, yes!!! Definitely do this. I can’t think of a better political strategy than “your kids’ education is none of your business”, as well as making it illegal to criticize specific board members at meetings, and forcing people who speak at public meetings to give their physical address. Please keep it up.

Dead pedo
Good. This is as it should be. They’re not a “victim” until guilt is determined. But they were definitely rioters, as the prosecutor stupidly admitted to the judge. I just wish they could call the one guy a pedo.
Yeah, no shit. Now let’s talk about the death and hospitalization rates in those various cities and towns and see what those indoor mask requirements have accomplished. Oh yeah…they did nothing.
Remind me to never buy anything that was built by a Gen Z engineer or architect. Because they’re either a retard or they were taught by a woke retard. Well, not for certain, but is it really worth the risk at this point?

Reenactment of Baldwin crew plinking while on set
I’ll believe it when I see it. Also, check out this nugget:
It follows reports that the gun the 63-year-old actor used to accidentally kill Hutchins was used by crew members to shoot at beer cans just hours before the incident.
According to an insider with knowledge of the set, several crew members on the set had taken several prop guns out the morning of the incident to go ‘plinking’ – a hobby in which people shoot at beer cans with live ammunition to pass the time.
The individual, who spoke on condition of anonymity to The Wrap, added that the round of unsanctioned target practice occurred last Thursday, just hours before Baldwin discharged one of the weapons and shot both Hutchins and Souza.
What a bunch of fucking idiots.
Let’s see how this one goes. Probably nowhere, since the SC has gone insane.
This lady sounds like a whack job. Also, those parents should have done a little more research into what parties their kids were going to.
I want to contribute to her and help her through this struggle. Please tell me where I can send a full-length mirror.
I feel like a little rock this morning. Hope you do as well. Hell, here’s a second track. Now go enjoy them.
And enjoy your Wednesday, dear friends!
However accurate it is prejudicial, as the shooting was not connected to his pedophillic record. He was rioting and looting within the knowledge of the shooter, thus those labels have bearing on the facts of the case before the court.
What if someone produces a recording where he tells the kid how sweet he looks running away?
Not sure that’s sufficient to bring in the priors.
At least the state can’t just call him a victim (and of course a hero of the commie revolution) and the defense can properly call the asshats fucking rioters/looters.
Kyle could not have known he was a pedo before shooting him. So that’s fair. I think this judge is absolutely the best we could have hoped for in this case. It strikes me as somewhat evil that the right to defend oneself is so vociferously attacked.
Good morning!
The statists need to make it illegal to defend yourself now that their efforts to disarm people went south and more people than ever are arming themselves.
It was a pedo, a thief, and a wife-beater. I forget which one tried to kill him with the illegally carried concealed pistol.
A skateboard to the head could also kill.
“Yes, yes!!! Definitely do this. I can’t think of a better political strategy than “your kids’ education is none of your business”, as well as making it illegal to criticize specific board members at meetings, and forcing people who speak at public meetings to give their physical address. Please keep it up.”
Every once in a while these fuckers forget how vile and evil what they believe is because they become too comfortable with how corrupt and broken they have made the system, and say or do things that force everyone to take note… This was one of those moments.
And they will blame the terrorist parents for paying attention to him and not just going along with these fucking evil edicts and beliefs.
The school board pushes appear to have some traction… from local news:
Ohio School Boards Association quits national group as passions rise over critical race theory, masks and vaccines at local meetings
I seriously hope states all start passing laws allowing parents to take the school money for their kids and use it to send them to schools of their choice. The only cure for how evil the public school system has become in too many places is to defund and destroy it.
Need to destroy the teachers unions first or it won’t work in any blue state.
It doesn’t need to work in every state.
Yeah, that kind of made me wonder – just what is this NSBA and how is it funded? Hopefully with contributions from the state level orgs that are now bailing, which means it should bleed pretty badly for that stupidity.
I would be willing to bet they are the beneficiaries of fedgov handouts.
Wouldn’t surprise me, and that really should be a law – that the feds can’t fund someone to lobby the goddam govt.
Also, the entire point of school boards and PTAs, etc., is to maintain very local control over education. The idea of a “national” association is absurd. What you get is northeast style politics (like this letter) creeping in, the exact thing local boards (largely) were designed to avoid.
Wasn’t there a school board in CO that was, I hesitate to use “taken over” but it seems to fit, fairly serious religious conservatives, and the left freaked the fuck out? So, yeah, parental control for thee, but not for me.
Were the leftists who freaked out local to the school, or national activists?
I don’t know what it is, but I read that some higher up in the organization just got nominated for some federal position. I’m guessing there was some deal where he would send the DOJ a letter on NSBA letterhead in exchange for a cushy job. Now that it’s blown up, the NSBA has distanced itself from the letter, but it’s too late and the instigator gets his new job.
She should have called Tres. He would have helped her out.
We would have been forced to pry him out of her with a crow bar according to a quote he once made on that subject…
Why didn’t she use the alternative car service: Chubby Checker’s Cab?
If only this had happened on Fat Tuesday instead of the summer.
Even the notice was kinda vague “if you have had trouble getting into exclusive clubs before…” What if it was her first time? What if her definition of exclusive club is different than theirs? Because without a weight maximum or BMI, it’s bullshit.
And while I support the right of the service and clubs to discriminate, they are still dicks for doing so.
This should be covered everywhere in the news. These fuckers running the school district covered up a crime to peddle a political agenda. The kids are fucking pissed they are being made targets for crime by the people entrusted to protect and teach them. At this point I wonder what parent isn’t worried that these schools are nothing but indoctrination factories and on top of that dangerous to their kids unless they are of the correct criminal bend.
Funny, I haven’t seen much of that in the news.
Probably too local.
Not too local at all WTF. This has developed into a huge story. The usual suspects covered the story when the girl who was raped in the bathroom’s father went bonkers at the school board after they claimed there never had been any issues and incidents at the school (they had been hiding this fact and telling the father to shut the fuck up) that should prevent them from instituting woke bathroom policies, the coverage then falling under the “domestic terrorist” caption because the father was arrested by cops trying to fucking rip them a new one (something that board deserved), and then, when the facts that the board had been lying and that a girl had been raped and sodomized came out, they fucking leftist hacks stopped covering the story to prevent people from knowing how evil the shit has gotten.
Pretty sure the “too local” was a Glibs joke. Or would it be a Reason joke?
Either way, I got a chuckle out of it.
^ Sloopy gets it.
Mea Culpa.
It is from TOS.
Moreover, the school offered “counseling services”…. For the kids who were unlucky enough to see the father expressing outrage. Burning in Hell is too good for those fuckers.
Of course, the punishment they actually get will be a little different: nothing.
Cleese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfl6Lu3xQW0
“You started it. You invaded Poland.”
That one and the one where he beats his car with a stick had me falling off the couch laughing.
One of my all time favorites.
Dead Parrot, Funny walks, “I came here for an argumant” “No you didn’t” , Black Knight, “What have the Romans ever done for us?”
Also hilarious in Wanda.
Is there a funnier person?
“Remind me to never buy anything that was built by a Gen Z engineer or architect. Because they’re either a retard or they were taught by a woke retard. Well, not for certain, but is it really worth the risk at this point?”
This problem will solve itself as doctors that have to pretend there are 57 genders, engineers that build cars/planes/buses/vibrators and are forced to make all kinds of green or woke engineering choices are forced to build death traps, and civil structures build by woke idiots turn into massive public hazards, to name a few things, killing a whole bunch of these idiots and enacting some good Darwinism.
So… Idiocracy via a different path?
Yeah, that was the one conceit the movie really got wrong.
Not sure that solves much since Gen Xers travel and go to the doctor as well.
Civil engineering is strongly resistant to wokeism. The climate change crowd is working very hard to change that. Real world consequences are coming.
Our parent company in Japan has asked us for ideas for reducing our carbon footprint. They’ve given us a threshold reduction (in tons CO2 per year) above which they will consider an extended payback period for capital projects. We’ve provided a list with estimated costs and benefits.
Spoiler alert: when the costs exceed the benefits, it doesn’t matter how long you extend the payback period; it’s not going to be a good project.
“There are some businesses that say they check for vaccination proof, but they are not even checking,” said Jay Matsler, of Palm Springs, California, who was visiting San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf with his partner during a stop of their cruise along the California coast.
“We actually tell them, ‘I’m sorry, you’re not enforcing this. We’re not going to give you our business,’” Matsler said. He said they were recently in Prague and Paris and had to show their vaccination cards and IDs at every indoor space they visited.
“I’m a good little boy, aren’t I, Nanny?”
“Anne Frank? Oh she’s right up there with her family.”
-that piece of shit
My girlfriend has an Anne Frank costume for Halloween. The rest of the year I keep it in the attic.
I’m going to go out on a limb and bet that businesses hear a lot more “fuck you and your vax card, I’ll go somewhere else” than “you didn’t double check my vax card, I’ll go somewhere else”.
This is the result of protecting and encouraging sniveling little snitches.
I also find it extra-ironic that he’s bitching about the pandemic and how dangerous it is while also mentioning his global travel during that very same pandemic.
He is pissed at the “unvaccinated” cause they make all the travel he wants to do icky…
A Boston area swing dance organizer sent out a mail about attending a newly restarted weekly dance. The dance requires proof of vaccination and masks must be worn at all times.
“It felt so safe!”
I haven’t said anything to this dance organizer, but I did say something about the PA swing dances I travel to to the folks that run the weekly dance. Those folks know me as I’ve spent a lot of time helping out with that dance. I told them about the PA dances: Indoors, no masks, no one cares about vaccination status, and the only concession to Covid is you have to sign a waiver stating that you don’t have Covid and if you get sick you won’t sue. I heard nothing back from these folks.
I’ll keep travelling down to PA for my swing dancing.
I was about to copy that part of the article and say the same thing.
When they inevitably get Covid, we know who they’ll blame.
We’re not going to give you our business
Kthxbye. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
I kind of cringe at the moral self-righteousness people like that have (assuming they do actually tell businesses that). I don’t picture them walking around place being disappointed that the business doesn’t have a mask mandate. I think they’re gleeful because it gives them the opportunity to demonstrate how superior they are.
These people are over socialized, as described way too accurately by Ted Kacyznski
Smoke while you got them. St. Paul city council about to end smoking.
What else could be the result of this new ordinance?
Think of the hate the proggies must feel for a dirty unvaxxed smoker.
Smokers apparently suffer far less from Kung Flu infections because tarred lungs block the virus, so they need to punish them hard for not being a demographic punished for their sins against Gaia…
I just hope they don’t try to ban pole smoking too. It would hurt all the ladies I try to help out with their addiction…
Pole-dancing pole-smokers?
Album name? Or polka band ?
LOL a pack of cigs in NYC hasn’t been as low as ten dollars in a decade.
And of course the inclusion of “e-cigarettes” gives away the game and shows what this is really all about.
That is why you buy loosies.
I dunno what loosies are going for these days but I got some idea when kind strangers started offering me a buck for a smoke. That’s 20 bucks a pack – yikes.
Best thing about vaping is nobody ever bothers me for a drag.
I am surprised they are willing to forego the revenue from the sin taxes. Someone must’ve blown some smoke up their asses.
“banned from selling menthol”
No, no, no, no.
Everyone knows that menthols are part of The Man’s tricknology to give lung cancer to the black dudes. This ban will protect the black citizens of St. Paul from being victimized. It is their only chance.
We save them savages from themselves! [also said by Democrats in the antebellum South]
Indigenous People Smoke Shops hardest hit.
/Remembers when cartons of ciggies were (Are) sold from the trunks of cars at North Carolina prices plus shipping and handling plus 10% for the Big Guy.
I remember buying cartons from the rez for maybe 10 bucks in the 90s.
And mail order from Switzerland in the 00s for 15 or 20 bucks.
Mail order is of course now outlawed in New York, and IIRC rez sales might be too. At least they were trying to outlaw it.
The judge also blocked using the pedos history, iirc.
So they can talk about that night, but that’s about it.
As it should be. The trial is about the events of that night and nothing else. As much as I wish it wasn’t the case, the fact that these dudes were 1) a pedophile, 2) a known thief, and 3) a domestic abuser, those aren’t relevant to the trial in question.
I guess they should only concentrate on their assault and attempted murder from which Kyle defended himself, leading to 2 of them being dead.
Get a load of these assholes.
Lol – sure.
Springsteen just sits there while this asshole takes a giant shit on his fans.
Obama’s ass must feel so warm and cozy. Just curl up in a ball.
A country so racist they elected him twice.
Fucking Springsteen sitting there agreeing with him when he knows damn well it’s a flat out lie.
I never liked any of of his music.
If I met him, it would have gone like this:
Public health authorities see the requirements as vital tools in slowing COVID-19 at a time when 1,500 or more Americans are dying each day from the virus. Such rules face deep opposition in conservative states, meaning they are mainly in effect in Democratic-run locations.
Do they ring a bell and shake the censer every time they chant this?
“It follows reports that the gun the 63-year-old actor used to accidentally kill Hutchins was used by crew members to shoot at beer cans just hours before the incident.”
Bullshit. You’re just trying to lay the groundwork for a narrative that exonerates that asshole. I dont care if they used the gun as a framing hammer to build walls on the set that morning, Baldwin (handling the gun) didnt check 1st to see what was in it.
Of course there should never be live ammo on a movie set, and the firearms should never be out of the armorer’s control and supervision, and they damn sure shouldn’t be getting used recreationally, in addition to multiple checks and clearing before transfer and use.
I don’t know how Hollywood does it. In the Army, the armorer is responsible for storage, maintenance and supply. Once weapons are checked out, the armorer is not responsible for ensuring safe use. That falls on whoever is running the activity.
I don’t know how Hollywood does it.
Badly or maliciously is a safe bet.
The funny thing is that anyone that took the safety courses about firearms use would know this. But anti-2A asshats don’t.
A series of grievous errors leading to a tragic accident.
It’s like most aircraft crashes.
Rule #1- treat every firearm as if it was loaded and ready to fire.
(12 year old me learned that in the Ohio Hunter’s Safety Course and I still remember it)
True, for the real world. Hollywood is fantasy land.
My father’s first lessons to me:
1. treat a firearm as loaded unless you have checked it is not
2. don’t point a firearm at anything you wouldn’t be willing to shoot even if it is empty
Oh absolutely, it’s the same with flying. the pilot is ultimately responsible.
I’m just saying that most accidents occur because there were a series of errors, intentional and unintentional, that bypass the safety checks on the process.
I’ve long been an advocate for using the aircraft safety / links-in-a-chain model in firearms safety.
Most of the objections come from the dimwit boomer crowd who start every sentence with, “By God I’ve been handlin’ guns for forty years, by God…” They genuinely seem to believe that accidents only happen to someone else, and that it’s more important to beat up whoever had the accident that to figure out systems that mitigate them.
I went over this yesterday with the story of my ND. You can have multiple people check and still miss a live round in the chamber under the wrong conditions. Pointing in a safe direction is the last line of defense.
Every gun is always ready to fire a live round.
I don’t think this exonerates him at all. He’s a producer and an actor who would have definitely heard the shots from the plinking, meaning he ABSOLUTELY should have checked the gun.
To any logical person it by no way exonerates him. I was saying that, from what I read, the media is circling their wagons and trying to make a case(s) to absolve Baldwin of responsibility. They’re going to try to blame everyone BUT him. And I imagine he has his PR team on danger money, working around the clock, to muddy things up enough that he wont be charged/indicted.
Brandon Herrera did a video about the Baldwin shooting, during which he ran a brief clip of Will Smith and gun safety. I’m not linking to Youtube, but it’s at ~12:28 if you’re curious. Much more respect for Will Smith after seeing it.
I will link: https://youtu.be/xDHtHWyvbMM?t=749
Respek, Will.
Will Smith don’t like no gun in his face! Good job!
Baldwin as the actor doesn’t bear the responsibility. As the producer, that’s a different story.
Baldwin as the wielder of the weapon bears the ultimate responsibility for not checking it properly. You can say all you want about procedures and that he was assured by the people who may have had legal and contractural responsibility, but he didn’t check the gun, and then he pointed it at something he had no right to destroy.
That is a real world rule. Those are supposed to be suspended in the creation of the fantasy that is TV/film.
Wrong. As someone said below, the act of depicting a fantasy is still accomplished in the real world and subject to real world rules.
Real producer or “producer” credit that everyone and their mother gets these days?
From IMDB:
Alec Baldwin … producer
Kc Brandenstein … co-producer
Allen Cheney … executive producer
Matt DelPiano … producer
Tyler Gould … executive producer
Matthew Helderman … executive producer
Nathan Klingher … producer
Anjul Nigam … producer
Emily Hunter Salveson … executive producer
Ryan Donnell Smith … producer
Luke Taylor … executive producer
Ryan Winterstern … producer
Brandenstein needs to pony up more cash to get full producer.
It wasn’t murder or even a crime maybe but, due to his position of authority on the set, he screwed the pooch bigly. It sounds like they were extraordinarily lax on their safety protocols.
I think it was absolutely a crime, and Baldwin as the trigger-puller has primary responsibility. He did not confirm the condition of the weapon, pointed it at a person, and pulled the trigger.
Is that the typical protocol or is it the armorer’s responsibility on a movie/TV set? If the only thing separating actors from accidentally shooting people was the responsible behavior of the actors themselves it’d be hard to finish a single production without someone getting snuffed.
I’d say an investigation is warranted. I don’t think it’s criminal, just tragic.
That should be the protocol for every single person who picks up a gun. And even when shooting a scene where they “shoot somebody”, actors aren’t supposed to aim at a person.
If it had happened to a private citizen it would have been treated as a crime. I fail to see why it being a movie set should exonerate anyone.
Because Alec is one of “the Right Sort” ™. If it had been one of the “Wrong Sort” actors who’d gotten careless, his ass would be in jail.
Again, you are applying real world standards to a situation that is intentionally an illusion.
To elaborate, Baldwin as the producer is the ultimate responsible party for there being live ammo on the set (which absent that, none of this would have happened). Baldwin as the actor is supposed to violate gun-safety rules in order to create the entertainment product.
A real gun is never an illusion. The rules don’t change just because you are using it to tell a story.
“Baldwin as the actor is supposed to violate gun-safety rules in order to create the entertainment product”
No, he’s not. In particular, he’s never supposed to point the gun at a person even when they are filming him “shooting someone.” And I don’t even know if the camera was running, but I suspect it wasn’t.
He shot somebody. They died. He has no affirmative defense. The only question should be what level of crime he is charged with.
I’m with RC here. You can’t negotiate away the hard reality that the rules of gun safety are meant to mitigate.
Is he supposed to violate gun safety rules? He knew it was a real gun.
The artifice of creating a film or TV product is to make it seem realistic. You want the don’t-point-at-a-person rule, you might as well insist that all guns have little flags with BANG written on them pop out of the muzzles.
The total fuck up here was allowing live ammo on the set. And the producer is responsible for that, since he hired both the 1st AD and the armorer and didn’t fire them immediately for that.
The don’t point at a person rule is the rule even when filming a scene in a movie. It’s protocol the sets. And has been for quite a while, is my understanding. You’ve watched a lot of movies shot that way, and never noticed, because they know how to disguise it with cuts and angles.
The situation is not an illusion.
It’s a real-world event to create, as a separate product, an illusion.
He was negligent in every single way.
I’m still for holding Baldwin responsible, but in the proper context.
Bingo. As you yourself said, you make films seem realistic. Peter Jackson didn’t make John Rhys Davies shorter than Ian McKellen by chopping his legs off at the knees, he used camera angles, forced perspective tricks, and stage designs to do it. Likewise, in gun shootouts, what you tend to see are repeated cuts and clips that are later connected together to create the illusion of a long pitched shootout.
Baldwyn the actor is just as culpable as Baldwyn the producer.
Manslaughter. The death was caused by negligence. The dangers of live ammunition on a set are known.
But he was so charming on 30rock!
To me his level of culpability depends on the details. If you hand a gun to an untrained layman and tell him it’s a prop gun, there’s no way he’s going to know anything.
The people with that job have a responsibility to train, teach, and caution as well.
People in general have a responsibility to be curious about the world around them. Tragedy waits everywhere.
Part of the problem is calling it a prop gun. It’s obviously a real gun used as a prop, but it’s still a real gun.
A “prop gun” should be a “red gun” – one made out of plastic or rubber that is totally inoperable. And I could absolutely see a use for them in movies, for guns that aren’t drawn or used or really seen in close-up. They don’t call the cars they use in movies “prop cars” (as far as I know). The Stark phasers were props. What Baldwin killed that woman with was not a prop.
I thought a prop gun was a cannon that fired ship drive shafts.
I’ve got a friend and former conflict management instructor (hand to hand through handgunning under stress) who side gigs as an armorer for local film productions. His take…
Don’t like him for shit…but it was not his fault. The armorer is directly responsible for ever weapon on set. Why the assistant director handed the weapon to Baldwin is beyond me…NO ONE HANDLES THE WEAPONS EXCEPT THE ARMORER and his/her staff.
[negligent homicide for the] Armorer and assistant director
My opinion only
I wasn’t there so can only go by my experience on sets as armorer and the info that’s been put out
And more…
Gun people who’ve never worked a film set can only draw an opinion from their understanding of basic gun safety. Those rules are certainly important and that’s where the armorer comes in…to maintain those rules but apply them under the conditions on set where the actor (who probably doesn’t know shit about firearms) has to trust the armorer’s ability to maintain safety.
The entire film crew has to trust the armorer’s ability…
I would be interested to know if its typical/expected for the actor to confirm the condition of the weapon. Any idiot can chamber check/mag check a weapon in a couple of seconds, but sometimes they are supposed to be loaded with blanks. Are the actors expected to confirm that they are blanks?
I just really struggle with taking a weapon from anyone and not immediately confirming its condition, even when the “anyone” is a gunsmith. When I pick up a gun from the gunsmith, he usually locks the action open before handing it over (I say usually, I can’t recall ever getting one back with the action closed). And I always chamber check and mag check anyway – its just such a habit.
But what I’m seeing is that they are never supposed to point it directly at a person on set, even when filming a scene.
As the Evil one says, this is a chain of events. You are indeed supposed to rely on the armorer to do their job, but I don’t think that means “blindly”. In an operating room, the surgeon relies on hospital staff to get him the right stuff in usable condition, and they always check (or are supposed to) – is this the right implant? Is this the right equipment (scalpels, etc.)? Does it show any sign of not being properly cleaned/sterilized? Pilots rely on their ground crews, but they don’t just hop in the cockpit and fire it up – they run through a checklist which includes a walk-around of the plane. There were undoubtedly multiple fuckups in the chain leading to the shooting, but the possibility of those fuckups is why you double-check.
One of my friend’s points is that on set there is no assumption that the actors know anything about guns. I’ve trained with him extensively in some very dangerous gun play and can vouch for his safety procedures when working with experienced shooters. I imagine he would never allow some airhead actor to have the slightest chance to fuck things up.
Trusting the armorer’s ability is trusting a single point of failure. Unacceptable.
I’m not denying that this was a colossal fuckup by the crew, including the armorer. I would never allow anyone to use any weapons in my custody as armorer for target shooting or anything other than what’s necessary to make the film, for one. I would never allow anyone to bring live ammo onto the property, whether I was the armorer, producer, director, anyone. I would expect the armorer to confirm the condition of the weapon, with a witness (just like at the range when shooting with somebody, I always show them the empty chamber and mag before putting the weapon down).
But I would be really interested to read the protocols for gun management and handling on a movie set.
Dibs on the album name
I hear the kids are mad at their parents for ruining the fun they were having with this cool lady…
Because city voters don’t give a shit about their kids’ education. Must be a race thing.
Never change, CNN.
That whole article, or at least the parts I managed to skim before I got too angry to continue, is a dumpster fire.
Any time democrats do something evil/criminal, the story is about republican reactions…
Yep, whenever the Republicans pounce I know the Democrats were up to something.
THE U of M has some real bad wrong thinkers that need to be rooted out. Can you imagine how students can complain about a “man” coming into the women’s dorm showers to film them?
I mean, first off, that they don’t even know for sure how this amateur film maker identifies. Maybe she is just trying to learn the proper etiquette for showering in a women’s dorm?
Those wrong thinking people with uteri need to check their privilege.
* I love when the MSM puts out a description of a suspect that has details about height, weight and what they were wearing but leaves out skin color. I mean how could that be helpful?
Leaving out the melanin color details make the news casters woke and still viable for invites to cocktail parties?
You are supposed to strap the Go-Pro to your erection before you enter the room. Do I have to teach you dolts everything?
Um, do you know where a guy could buy extra small bungee cords/velcro straps? Asking for a friend.
*hands the Pope a chip clip and a piece of double sided tape*
I said it was for a friend!!!!
*runs sobbing from room*
Oh, they have his pic posted. Just didnt want to mention it in polite company.
“his pic”
Are you assuming xeir gender like those jr shitlord chicks in the dorm?
Identifying race is terribly important to the woke in everyday life, not so much during perp descriptions.
Heads I win, tails you lose.
The new improved talking point is “700,000 people (or more) have died from the plague!”
Just once I’d like to hear somebody ask how many of those people would have still been alive a year, or five years, or twenty years from now absent their bout of the snifflecooties. It’s so enraging. There’s no telling how long John Glenn’s 100 year old widow could have clung to life if he plague hadn’t taken her off the board.
And now that stupid lying cunt Birx is out there saying 30 or 40% of the people who died wouldn’t have, if Trump hadn’t been President.
I’d shut my brain down but that would mean certain death. I need to die someday but not right now, thanks.
And the related “1500 a day!”
No mention of how many 75+ year olds died every day in the before times.
Nice pull, Sloop! No one ever plays 5:15!
One of the only mainline rock songs wherein the brass works. Bruce can go sit on a stick.
In a public safety alert, the University said they’re looking for man between 25 and 35 years old, standing 5-foot-6 to 5-foot-8, seen in surveillance photos wearing a black jacket with yellow and white embroidery on the back, a light blue hat and glasses.
He should wear a dress.
So Anthony Kiedis?
25 to 35 so only if this story is from the early ‘90s.
He’d be wearing only a sock.
Did the embroidery say FBI?
Instead of a vaccine passport, all the True Believers should be issued red neckerchiefs like their Young Pioneer progenitors.
I never got to be a Pioneer I was just a Falcon of the Fatherland
Henceforth, any actor handed a weapon described as “unloaded” may point the aforesaid weapon at the person making that claim and pull the trigger, for purposes of verification.
It’s worth a try.
My father’s first lessons to me:
1. treat a firearm as loaded unless you have checked it is not
2. don’t point a firearm at anything you wouldn’t be willing to shoot even if it is empty
As I remember it, the first thing my dad said was, “Where is that bullet going to end up if it doesn’t hit the target (a soup can)?”
Dude it is always a beer can. It is well known that deplorables who love their guns never shoot at anything except beer cans. Probably beer cans from their morning drinking session.
It’s gotta be Coors Light too
Shasta soda (unopened). The inexpensive choice before store brands.
Paul Harrell, is that you?
Well the beer does put a damper on the shakes.
The beer I had for breakfast was so good I had one more.
— Johnny Cash
…for dessert
My father also did some demonstration shots on various targets to show the results. I liked the shotgun demos the best.
Huma claims in her new book to be a delicate flower (I’d hate to think what she’d do if she read Sugar Free’s prose about her). She claims she was was sexually assaulted by an unnamed Senator.
What a vicious sexual assault!!! She is so brave to continue to live her life.
On the other hand, I might suggest that she isn’t really all that scarred and this is just her setting the stage for future blackmail operations.
Now any Senator from that era that wants to run for President, or be nominated for some cabinet job will have to pay her. Otherwise she will name him as her attacker. And he won’t be able to call it a convenient memory.
Speaking of SugarFree’ing…
Hillary didn’t shove her tongue in Huma’s … mouth.
Was that between 2001 and 2009?
It was Uncle Joe, wasn’t it?
This lady sounds like a whack job. Also, those parents should have done a little more research into what parties their kids were going to.
“In interviews, they alleged their kids were manipulated through SnapChat and gifts of Tiffany jewelry to attend parties where O’Connor served their favorite beer at her Los Gatos home. ”
1. I don’t think much manipulation was needed
2. I did not think teens have a favorite beer besides whatever they can get
3. If sexual assault was actually encouraged there needs to be a whole bunch of jail.
I they sure that there was real jewelry? Or was it just a text saying “I’m going to give Tiffany a pearl necklace”?
Must… Post… Song…
Good one.
“2. I did not think teens have a favorite beer besides whatever they can get”
Anything that’s not Milwaukee’s Best.
/looks @ 7th Milwaukee’s Beast Light
Free beer is their favorite.
Political Compass Fetishes
“I asked a bunch of people (~19k) what kinks they were into, and as an almost-afterthought asked people what quadrant of the political compass they were on.
Almost all the political-fetish correlations were uninterestingly weak, but the sample size was huge enough that it became very unlikely that the correlations were showing up due to chance. So, for fun, I put them on a political compass”
I am no statistician but I find this claim somewhat dubious
I see that the economic right/libertarian quadrant for women is almost non-existent. This would seem to comport with the reality of TINSTAAFL
I hate that political compass because an authoritarian/libertarian axis makes no sense independent of the economic axis.
Libertarianism is only concerned with social issues, don’t you know?
Was political compass the one that asked about your belief in astrology to determine your placement?
It was just which quadrant do you think you are in.
“Yup, yup, yup, nope, huge yup, Jesus Christ fuck no…”
Former CDC Director and Maryland Department of Health are arguing whether 40% or 30% of recent covid deaths were vaccinated.
They should just play rock paper scissors to decide who wins
Bigfoot and Bigfoot!
I am laughing so hard I am coughing and tearing up!
What got me was they actually got Hulk Hogan to do the voice.
Scientists say this map represents the US in 30 years if we don’t reverse climate change.
Looks like I get to spend my old age on a Greek island…sweet!
Shame it wont be Lesbos.
Sure, every guy THINKS he wants to live on Lesbos but once you get there you realize the scenery isn’t nearly as good as it seemed in the brochure, the food is terrible and everytime you turn your head you see a Subaru.
Little known first draft from Coleridge about Lesbos
“So much blue hair… So much!
But none of the coastal areas are flooded? I bet Al Gore is double-checking his calculations….Miami should be about 10′ under.
And they have most of the Rocky Mountains submerged. Man, that is a LOT of water.
Trigger Hippie got the joke. You didn’t. Shame
Im drunk. Go back to your coffin before I chop some garlic.
But I don’t want to live in Thessalonika!
Who would? It’s crap
It is better than being out here in Syria.
So My house is going to in Lake Michigan? 50 feet higher in 30 years? Riiiight.
How do you manage to have much of the Rocky Mountains underwater but coastal New England untouched?
Shit, never mind…
You took away my joke. 🙁
Let us pray:
Oh, mighty virus, whom we both fear and love, allow us, your humble servants, to do your bidding.
Help us to sow terror and mistrust upon the land.
Help us to control and intimidate and banish the Unbelievers.
Help us to subjugate them.
Give us the power to root out the heretics and sacrifice them upon your bloody altar.
Bless us in our work.
The Roman Empire started its decline when it gave up its old religion for the new cool Christianity.
Now we’re giving up our old religion for new cool Wokism. Why should it work out any better for the American Empire than the Roman Empire? Or for New Coke?
We seem to have forgotten the rule: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
The Roman Empire started its decline when it changed from a Republic to an Empire.
So the decline to the fall took ~500 years? We have a long way to go.
Our clock started ticking about, oh, 1865.
Oh I agree. Lincoln was our Caesar.
The Roman whatever started its decline when the people in charge got so prosperous that they were more concerned with keeping what THEY had than with the republic/empire and its people. They made decisions to benefit themselves even when it risked the whole thing. Eventually the mountain of shit decisions came back to kill them despite the fact so many of them tried everything they could to make sure they could keep what they had despite whatever happened.
Like the scenario where the crew discovers the Titanic is sinking and decide to loot the valuables and load the life boats so they can escape while telling the passengers to keep playing deck games, we are getting fucked over too.
Corrupt politicians buying support with the state treasury?
What was that thing out of Constantinople that lasted for close to another millenia?
Hang on, I’m not saying that Christianity is the problem. I’m saying that changing a major component of a successful formula isn’t a smart thing.
I’m with Alex on this – the decline came about because of the sustained prosperity. It is the Catch-22 of human existence, we strive for it and as soon as we attain it, we squander it or it despoils our society.
Hard men make good times.
Good times make soft men.
Soft men make hard times.
Hard times make hard men.
Up the stairs in boots,
Down the stairs in slippers.
Idle hands are the devil’s workshop. Prosperity has bred idleness that some people use to pursue first world problems.
Lets brew Wednesday:
Brett funky beer with a high abv and a shitload of hops. And Crystal Malt.
1891 Britain or 2021 America?
Lets brew – lets leave the brewing to the professionals
I guess you can stop cooking now.
No because cooking is much less effort and much more often.
~5 hours, sometimes 6, for 5 gallons of beer.
At a pint per serving, that is 40 servings in, at most, 360 minutes, or 9 minutes per serving.
Not that much effort.
Add on some kegging and etc. tasks, and you are talking maybe 10 minutes per serving.
But you need gear and an temperature controlled room
For cooking, you need gear and a temperature controlled surface.
And the temperature controlled room depends on where you live and what you are brewing. You can go with ambient temps, if in the right climate.
In my old house, my basement was perfect for ales and I would lager in the garage in January.
if in the right climate. – I doubt the -15C in winter and +38C in summer is the right climate for anything
My basement room is 6C in winter and 25C in summer and everything in between. Right now it is about 15C
Real metricists use Kelvin.
But, doing some conversion, 20C would be perfect for ales, your basement in all but the hottest part of summer would be perfect. Do a saison when its is 25C.
7-13 is good lagering fermentation temp. You want to drop it to about 1C for the actual lagering, between inside and outside, you could manage it.
Heinlein quote, modified:
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, brew a tasty beer, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
I cannot butcher a hog proficiently but good enough. I cannot design a building because I do not have the government license. I can definitely not write a sonnet nor fight efficiently.
If we are asking me to program a computer, we are going to be back to clay tablets and subsistence agriculture in no time.
20 GOTO 10
That was always a fun thing to do with the TRS-80 on display at Radio Shack.
Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?
1891 Britain. Crystal Malt has fallen out of fashion with most brewers.
Fair enough. But everything else seems modern.
Well, rice is generally out of favor too.
Still, it seems a pretty cool recipe. I might have to bookmark that one to try if and when we ever get into our new house.
Yeah… I’ve seen a couple of rice lagers come out over the past couple of years, but not that many.
I need to do a full cleaning of the tap system, kegs, carboys, and replace plastics before I brew again.
I have to replace a lot of stuff before I brew again, I haven’t home brewed since I shut down the brewery, needed some time away and then things got crazy. I am ready to start again as soon as I get settled in what will, God willing, be my last house.
And when I do, I will generate articles with pictures and recipes and stuff.
Exciting! Glad to hear about it and looking forward to recipes. Two years ago I found an old book for hime made wine, with the nuttiest recipes I have seen. Look forward to conversing and trying beer and wine recipes.
There’s a book called Radical Brewing which goes through all sorts of crazy recipes. One of the strangest (that I still need to try sometime) was a cinnamon mead that used the Atomic Fireball candies for the cinnamon flavor, heat, and coloration.
Becoming A Whorelord: The Overly Analytical Guide To Escorting
Wanna be an independent full-service escort in the US? Not sure if it’s for you? Included is tips on getting started, marketing, how to increase your income, male sexual psychology and getting them to hire you again, networking, branding, dealing with the emotional burden, safety, and more!
I knew a woman as a colleague who had been a stripper and a whore–that’s how she paid her way through college. I didn’t find out until years after I met her the facts about it. She was easily the most emotionally manipulative person I have ever met, and was able to very subtly get her way with men and women alike for several years at work. Eventually she left for another job and then kind of went bonkers and blew up linkedin with a tirade about her experiences. She went through a lot, but largely had made her own choices to get into that world, and it had significant psychological effects on her that still stick with her.
Just attend the Velvet Jones School of Technology.
“Be somebody. Be a ho.”
Did the embroidery say FBI?
*outright, prolonged laughter*
“In July, body-positive advocate Fallon Melillo…”
Fat-girl (she really isnt fat) gets fat-shamed (allegedly) and has to talk about it to Dr. Phil ?
I recommend next time she tries Tres’s Party Bus. An 08′ Dodge Ram 2500 CTD that smells like stale beer and dip spit.
Oh, Ill give her a ride. And a baby, too.
/my couch pulls out but I dont
Are you kidding me?
While I do like the arms/bingo-wings, she’s trying too hard to make a butt.
+100 for hips
But Id split that anorexic girl in two like a piece of dry hickory.
She’s fat but also young and cute. She would need to get fit to stay attractive to me into her 30s and 40s. Fat doesn’t age well.
You’re not trying hard enough.
I’ll give full marks for never straying from the bit, Tres. You ARE cool!
I blame ex Mrs Tres Cool. In her spare time, she was a cut/ripped, 5’3 118 lb boxer. She sent me to the FatSide. Also why I avoid redheads (for the most part).
One of the reasons I have no sympathy for “fat positive” activist gals is that they can still get laid any time they want. They might not get first dibs, but any gal that wants to get laid can. Sure if you are a real unpleasant/ugly woman you might have to wait until the bar tender says last call, but someone will take your bait.
Never seems to be any fat positive activist guys. Where is their support group demanding that skinny gals who don’t sleep with them are all bad people?
Jared Fogle is in prison.
Is he the Subway guy?
He’s still taking the 6″ every day, though.
Foot longs FTW!
Now he’s getting his subway a different way. He was caught eating a bit too fresh.
What is wrong with a tossed salad?
They might not get first dibs
The first rule of Entitlement Club is you are entitled to get whatever you want and if you don’t get it you are being oppressed.
Where is their support group demanding that skinny gals who don’t sleep with them are all bad people?
It depends. Are the guys identifying as translesbian?
Speaking of mishandling firearms, did I ever tell the story of a friend who could have almost shot me?
Sounds like a great friend
You are friends with Dick Chaney?
Nope. Architect chick. Bit of an airhead
Was there a firearm involved or is this just about the fact she was so mad at you that she wanted to shoot you if she had a firearm?
No there was a firearm involved. An Israeli type I believe which I do not remember the details of.
The 9mm AutoHeeb ?
Israeli bayonets are the worst. No tips.
It was I think a 9mm but without the antisemitism. There was another gun but the Israeli one had a trigger that was easier to pull.
You know who else easily triggered Jews ?
Galil? Uzi?
It was a pistol not a rifle/smg
Desert Eagle. That’s one great big ol’ pistol. I mean, .50 caliber. Made by bad-ass Hebrews…
Could have been a Jericho.
In the states, it’s a Baby Eagle.
Jeremy Corbyn?
Did Alex Baldwin ever play a vampire?
Ah fuck, this has been fun but I need to go eat sumpin. Steak and taters and such. Have the best kind that you can manage!
The Economist
Hair is an important part of black women’s identity, but throughout history it has also been a target of oppression.
What is the true cost of having black hair?
Click to watch our film
whomever founded The Economist should be rolling in xer grave
That rag went from a serious magazine on economic and worldly topics in the 80s & 90s to a woke shitrag in the early 2000s and beyond (they went crazy left as soon as the USSR dissolved). They were not alone in that shift towards idiocy.
I remember when it was a serious magazine, well worth reading.
I also remember when it started to change.
As a ginger dude, I might add that we as a group also have hair that is pretty unmanageable. Very rare to see a guy with long flowing red hair. Usually very thick and nappy.
What is the cost of having red hair?
Your soul?
Jokes on you guys!
Given my life choices, having no soul just means I won’t be tormented in hell for all eternity!
I think it was absolutely a crime, and Baldwin as the trigger-puller has primary responsibility. He did not confirm the condition of the weapon, pointed it at a person, and pulled the trigger.
I seriously doubt he specifically selected her as a target, but it’s hard not to think there was wanton disregard for the safety of others on display. If he was “practicing his draw” as I believe the story goes, why would he do it in a room full of people?
He pointed it at her. That’s culpable.
Regardless, that just goes to the level of crime he should be charged with.
I read that over and over and over and kept coming out with “…reports that the 63-year-old actor used to accidentally kill Hutchins was used by crew members to shoot at beer cans just hours before the incident.”
Funny, but I need more coffee.
Another NYT stealth edit: “herd immunity” becomes “pandemic containment.” Herd immunity is often invoked to stoke outrage against the unvaccinated, but as the NYT well knows — having published numerous articles on the subject — it is not a reasonable outcome for COVID.
Or only achievable by the Amish.
Well they dont watch TV after all.
They don’t pay attention to govt experts?
Today’s first song warms my icy heart, because of course, they did get fooled again. They were fooled from adolescence into joining Fabian incrementalists who have been toiling for centuries to return humanity to bondage.
“A Cascade of Fuck-Ups”
Appearing weekends at Mom’s Truck Stop BBQ and Speakeasy.
What is the cost of having red hair?
One soul.
One? They are soul eaters and must consume the soul of men on a regular basis
Last time I had a soul patch as my facial hair choice:
Coworker lady: I hate that soul patch, what does your wife think about it?
Me: She loves it!
Coworker lady: Really? I can’t believe that.
Me: No really, she loves it, but she does hate looking at it.
Coworker lady: *pause* *laughter* HR!!!!!
Nice. I’m growing my soul patch out.
only the females,
Titania McGrath
Thrilled to see that Thomas Henry Huxley has been cancelled.
As a white man, his campaign to abolish slavery was clearly a cynical ploy to disguise his inherent racism.
We must reinstate slavery immediately so that he doesn’t get away with it.
Do the Amish have public health experts? I thought not. What could they possibly have to tell us?
Maybe the way to handle Covid is to pray for the sick and maybe get Harrison Ford to help you build a barn.
Is that what we’re calling it these days?
How to raise a drug barn?
Yeah, that was the one conceit the movie really got wrong.
Personally, I think the movie got the whole vector down wrong. Judge looked and saw the dumbing down of society and explained it as growth of the stupid population. The problem I see is that really doesn’t fit empirical observation. If you talk to a Millennial or Gen Z person who works for a living and is therefore branded “stupid”, I don’t think you really find they’re much dumber than their peers of older generations. I’d say, if anything, they’re probably smarter and more aware. Rather, where you see the explosion in stupidity is at the upper end of the distribution. It’s really the educated, “intelligent” Millennials and Gen Zers that seem to have a plague of people who really do seem to be as dumb as rocks. Often they’re dumber than their uneducated generational peers.
I blame the push for universal higher education. It put a lot of people who really don’t belong there into colleges and universities. As a result the material has had to be radically dumbed down to accommodate the marginal students. And the students pumped up that they’re the smartest person in the room since Albert Einstein. As a result, there’s an enormous gulf between what they don’t know and what they think they don’t know. And given the radically dumbed down curricula, the professors teach simple bromides, rather than the basics of thinking through a problem or question. So, when they get out into the world, they think they’re smarter than everyone else and only have bumper sticker slogans to define their “thinking”.
That’s my point – the premise was that smart people got out-bred (and out-voted). Whereas we’ve watched the allegedly smart deliberately make themselves really fucking stupid. If anything, they are the ones leading the movement toward Idiocracy.
This x 1000. In my wide experience dealing with the wide array of people from all ages and education levels some of the most ignorant statements I’ve heard have come from the college edumacated. I attended a top tier public university in the early 2000’s as someone who had already been in the workforce for years and the amount of anti reality bullshit I heard was astonishing to me. I can only imagine how much worse it has gotten since.
I attended a top tier public university in the early 2000’s as someone who had already been in the workforce for years and the amount of anti reality bullshit I heard was astonishing to me.
Same experience happened to me in law school. The number of people (students, profs, admins) there who had no fucking clue about the real world was depressing. The number of people who had never experienced adversity prior to 1st semester exams was downright terrifying. I remember a girl bursting into tears because she scored lower than me and a couple friends on a midterm exam worth like 10% of the final grade. She had never before been in a situation where her success wasn’t a foregone conclusion.
That reaction was quite common when I was in Law School. It never occurred to most of those goofs that they were now surrounded by high-mark-earning people just like them, so they were more than likely gonna be “average.” One guy in my first year CrimLaw class wrote a practise exam (practise! as in worth nothing! just done so the students could see what they were gonna face at the first “real” mid-term!), got a mediocre mark on it, went home for Canadian Thanksgiving and offed himself. Unfuckingbelievable.
So much, this. Not to go all ‘old man’ or anything, but back before my time, I think university was something special that only a small percentage of naturally gifted people pursued. Now a college degree has become the de facto new high school diploma (when entry-level data entry, or cop, requires a degree, yeah, it means nothing).
I guess you could say we need to…. Make College Great Again?….
Mountain getaway
Looks small. Also I do not trust mountain getaways. There have been a lot a bear attacks near isolated mountain houses these years in Romania. Dangerous things bears. One reason I would never hike alone or in a small group in the mountains.
You’re a vampire and you’re worried about bears ?
Well, he probably does smell of blood.
Everyone selling Let’s Go Brandon shirts is really missing out not calling them LGB Ts
*checks text message, checks radar, looks out window*
No, lady I will not be painting the exterior of your house right as a large rain storm hits the area. It’s generally a good idea to allow the paint time to dry before getting it wet for hours on end.
Probably. Though it could be because they’re a employee of the Postal Service. Our Best and Brightest and all that.
“Felony charges against homeless Pennsylvania man who faced up to seven years in jail for underpaying by 43 cents for a bottle of Mountain Dew, are dropped
In August, Sobolewski reportedly went into an Exxon at 3298 Susquehanna Trail in Duncannon and saw a sign advertising two 20-ounce Mountain Dew bottles for $3.
Joseph Sobolewski, 38, was held in the Dauphin County prison for seven days before his public defender successfully argued for his release”
Tax evasion. Lucky he wasn’t strangled like Eric Garner.
“Three elementary schools in upstate New York have banned Halloween costumes from the Netflix smash hit Squid Game, saying they could frighten younger students.
The schools – Mott Road, Enders Road, and Fayetteville Elementary – are all part of the Fayetteville-Manlius School District near Syracuse.
Principals from all three have written to parents saying that the costumes are banned.”
Is it any good?
I enjoyed the series. Worth watching. I also think it is another step towards content providers realizing that the best content is generated outside the United States.
The Koreans might be maniacs, but they sure have figured out the process for creating popular content.
We watch a lot of K-dramas at my house (my wife loves the historical ones where the Japanese are always the bad guys). The older stuff is pretty silly (imo), but about 10 years or so, you can see them starting to create stuff that would appeal to more than other Koreans.
In Japan, they all look down at Korea but go gaga for Korean food, boy bands and dramas. Go figure.
One of the reasons I liked The Parasite movie so much is because it ended in a very different way than I expected. With about 20 minutes of the film left, I was pretty sure what would happen. Then it went bonkers. I like that.
My wife loves K-dramas. I’ve only caught bits of some of the historic ones. She also watches Philippine telenovelas which often have overused plots or fantastical backstories like
Agua Bendita – girl born composed of holy water
Marina – girl cursed to turn into a mermaid
Mirabella – girl cursed with wood skin
Why? The outfits are coveralls and a nondescript face mask – nothing gory or scary.
The show is not for the younger set, so they shouldn’t know what it is.
It’s really popular amongst the kids at son’s elementary and daughter’s middle schools. My kids are pissed that I won’t let them watch it. Son has been obsessed with horror and monsters for years and he sometimes gets in trouble for graphic talk at school. He doesn’t need any more horror media.
“Google profits rocket by 68% in a single year to $18.9 billion after online ad sales soared: Tech giant faces growing antitrust claims after it was found to control almost 30% of entire world’s digital ad market.”
The lockdowns were this biggest wealth transfer in history.
It would be funny if Musk bought out Google with the crypto change he has in his tesla ashtray.
What if someone were to write into the script for RUST that Baldwin’s character was willfully negligent and un-aware of gun safety? Since he’s an actor, and at work….
Kinda like skirting prostitution charges by saying “oh, we’re making an adult video for my pr0nhub channel”.
Psalm of the day
Psalm 104:24-33
The omnipotent being that created all, and then decided to select a small band of Semites to be His Chosen People. Talk about the cosmic jokester.
You want the instantly pliant, or a stiff-necked people? I vote stiff necked.
Oh if that is what He wanted, He way missed the mark by not going with the Irish.
*points down to thread about gingers not having souls*
Yeah, but the OT doesn’t pitch “souls” either, that’s a Greek notion incorporated into the NT. So it coulda worked!
I don’t consider myself a faithful Christian anymore, but it’s hard not to be moved by such an eloquent celebration of the mystery and diversity of Life. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome! I always love the ones that talk about SEA SMITH.
Smoking mountains, very cool,
Speaking of “Let’s go Brandon”
When they do that cheer at football games, is it the singsongy “LET’S go, BI den” clap clap clap style,
or just flat “FUCK YOU BIDEN!”?
It’s the clap clap clap style.
Point of order:
It’s “Fuck Joe Biden! *clap* *clap* *clap-clap* *clap*”
Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe laid into Youngkin with relish during an appearance alongside President Joe Biden on Tuesday in the vast Virginia suburbs, which have transformed what was formerly a reliably conservative southern state into a Democratic bastion.
If McAulliffe and Youngkin are actually as close as the polls say, Virginia is not a Democratic bastion.
Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time of the shootings, used a semiautomatic rifle that resembles the made-for-the-military AR-15.
Huh? I thought he was using an AR-15.
“We actually tell them, ‘I’m sorry, you’re not enforcing this. We’re not going to give you our business,’” Matsler said. He said they were recently in Prague and Paris and had to show their vaccination cards and IDs at every indoor space they visited.
Go fuck yourself. I want to give those businesses business.
On a note related to vaccine passports, my friend in Vienna says things are getting worse in Austria. I asked her if she was going to back to Bulgaria, where she is from and her parents still live. She said no. Bulgaria just introduced a vaccine passport system.
The paper quoted a Williams College geosciences professor, Phoebe A. Cohen, who supports Abbot’s shunning. She explained her dim view of academic freedom thusly: “This idea of intellectual debate and rigor as the pinnacle of intellectualism comes from a world in which white men dominated.”
I’ve heard this many times. I think the first time I heard it was ten years ago from a Progressive I knew threw Swing Dancing. She was studying to be a lawyer. She was serious about logic being “white male patriarchy.”
Criminal charges are on the table in a fatal accidental shooting by actor Alec Baldwin on the set of a western film, according to local prosecutors.
Vaccine passports in Lithuania: https://mailchi.mp/tomwoods/lith?e=cdfc59dbe3
I saw that. Yuck.
Virginia is not a Democratic bastion.
You could always argue that the state is just returning to its roots.
made-for-the-military AR-15
I didn’t think the military used ARs. Oh, there may be some for specific roles, but as far as I know, an “AR-15” is a semi-automatic, and what the military issues are various “M-*” rifles that are select fire.
ArmaLite submitted AR-15s to the military for testing when the military decided to go to a smaller caliber round. When accepted and adopted (I think after an initial nixing), the military designated the rifle M-16.
I think I’m skipping a few steps in the history like when Colt got into making AR-15s, but in any event, the US military had AR-15s for trials and testing.
AR-15s were issued to regular combat troops. The original AR15s were select fire–safe, semi, full auto.
The more you know . . . .
Some AR-15s were adopted as XM15-E2
In the full auto collector market, US military marked AR-15 Model 01s (which are C&R now) are the highest value you can find. Currently off their high of well over $50,000, they are fetching around $32k.
Uhh…. Virginia is a “southern state”?
Anything that was in the confederacy gets grandfathered in as “the south” even if it’s north of the middle line.
Get south of Warrenton and away from I95 and I81, and VA might be a little more southern then you’re ready for.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the Fauci animal cruelty stories. I’m not sure if it’s a case where the truth eventually comes our, or if he’s no longer useful and being thrown under the bus. I searched Google and found stories on a few sites, none of which were in mainstream media. But they did appear in search results for “Fauci” so Google isn’t hiding them. I found it interesting that both Fox News and the PETA web site are making a big deal of it.
PETA and the like have been banging on about animal testing in medical research and product testing for a while. Tying Fauci to it smacks of opportunism by someone. I doubt he personally oversaw the grant.
PETA doesn’t give a flying fuck about public health–they’re explicitly anti-human–so they have no problem wrecking Fauci and the NIH over this. You have to say this about PETA and their even more extreme fellow travelers: they may be crazy, but they’re principled.
“they may be crazy”
I have this vague recollection of a story back during one of the Israel/Palestinian brouhahas. PETA issued a public statement condemning the Palestinians for blowing up Israeli civilians. Not because of the bombs, but because the Palestinians were strapping the bombs to donkeys.
Principled in killing animals?
People in general do not want to have discussions or explanations of things – form the horribly complex to the idiotically simple – using logic and analytics if that leaves the emotionally unsatisfied. They want their heroes to worship and villains to hate. You can do the most thorough of analysis, using some of the most intelligent logic you could imagine, to explain something, only to have them ignore it all and freak the fuck out because the to your argument opponent says something totally idiotic and false but emotionally appealing.
The mountain of logical and analytical information about Fauci being a fucking government hack, a liar trying his best to hide his involvement in the global calamity being abused by the assholes hoping to force a reset on us all, and in general a narcissist that would do and say anything for another appearance on Tee-Vee, failed to convince many because they were enthralled and had their opinions formed by the emotional drivel peddled to make Fauci a hero, Now that there suddenly is evidence that is absolutely emotional and hurtful, a whole group of people that cheered Fauci murdering and fucking people over are switching, on a dime, to seeing him as the villain to hate.
This is saddening to me. It’s the same reason Cuomo could murder so many old people – on purpose – and not make these assholes that supported him bat an eye, but then suddenly become persona non grata because he likes to be inappropriate with women.
People are illogical emotional asshats. But the worst amongst them are the ones that think they are the smartest and the noblest, while all others are evil… Emotions…
If Baldwin was shooting a science where he was pointing the gun at his head and pulling the trigger he probably would have also checked the gun himself. Everything I’ve gotten of the details of that shooting so far scream, “I’m an important person and I have other more important things to concentrate on.” If sex ed is taught in public schools, why isn’t basic gun safety? The four rules aren’t very hard to grasp. My eight year old could tell them to you. There were obviously multiple fuck ups on the set, but why should actors be given an exemption from following basic gun safety?
If sex ed is taught in public schools, why isn’t basic gun safety?
Abstinence works when dealing with icky things, but not when dealing with empowerment and expression of healthy desires in front of the watchful eye of your school’s
pervertsex ed teacher.When handing out condoms in schools became a thing I started saying I wanted to go do “gun safety in the ghetto” program.
We know that kids are going to shoot each other so I want to teach them proper safety so that they don’t injure themselves, bystanders and only strike at their target.
I’ve gotten mixed reactions depending on politics.
All that argues is who’s ick is ascendant. The fact is there are factions that believe ignorance is strength – all depends on what they choose to be ignorant about.
Eh. You know my position. Public school is child abuse.
Not disputing that in the slightest. Just there are those who would merely change the angle of that abuse.
I have brought up that very argument a few times with progressives when they pull the “ignorant right wingers that don’t want sex ed taught in schools schtick.” They tend to get an “oh shit I never thought of that look” and then quickly change the subject. Much the same when they talk about banning guns and I tell them we should do the same thing with guns as we did with drugs. Make it a felony to use or possess and then we will quickly be rid of them. Just like we got rid of drugs. And there were no other costs to doing so. Subject change.
“If sex ed is taught in public schools, why isn’t basic gun safety?”
It was in the late 80s, but my elementary school did this, with the NRA’s Eddie Eagle program. i imagine that wouldnt fly today though.
Got “the announcement” at work today;
1) bad news: you need to report your status and, if vaccinated, provide proof, regardless.
2) less-bad news: they’re limiting a vaccine requirement to just employees that work on federal contracts, not everyone. Also, people who are going to go into the office (we went optionally-fulltime-remote earlier this year)
however, in re: 2:
Guess who works in IT?
Ouch. Sorry.
I did get the vax, a while ago.
I object to having to provide proof; I also will not be getting a booster and I fear that will become a requirement as well.
We’ll see.
I may grumblingly go along with it and start fighting if boosters become mandatory.
I’ll confess I’m trepidatious about finding another gig as a 50+ tech guy. Especially one with comparable pay.
Do what you gotta do, man. No shame in protecting your livelihood.
I am in the same boat, although my company isn’t going to do anything until OSHA mandates it, but will go along then.
If you got the vax you wanted to get then the booster is recommended/mandatory now.
Guess who works in IT? – UCS I think
IT is one of the heavily represented professions on this site.
Sorry, slumbrew. Got a similar email yesterday but our lying HR fuckface is making it mandatory for everyone. Even the vaxxed I talk to are unhappy with this whole scheme and can see the writing on the wall for covid or any other mandate.
Most of the non-lawyers on this site?
Sorry to hear that man.
There are a few of us that are other variations of corporate drones.
I don’t fit in any of those columns.
Not all of us can get paid to grill steaks.
(I assume that’s what you do for a living, given your posts)
I thought he was a turret gunner on a meatwagon.
Are your hours billed to a federal contract, or just built into overhead?
Overhead. We don’t do chargebacks.
That sucks.
That sucks slum. I also got the shots and also have zero plans to get any fucking boosters. I find it reprehensible that SF
passed a vax proof ordinance to dine in restaurants and bars and so far have avoided going to one as I don’t want to show my effin papers. The mask theatre to go to your table has already turned me off enough of going.
I want to say good idea, but I also don’t trust the post office to properly assess junk mail.
If they assess bills as junk do you still need to pay them?
They already do it based on the postage type. If you have your mail held, they don’t deliver the junk mail to you. It worked decently, IMO.
Good luck with getting the form to have your mail held.
Earlier this year I stopped at the local post office of my small home town to have my father’s mail forwarded to my house.
1) Postal guy said that they were all out of the forms I needed
2) Nearest post office with forms (that he had heard rumor of) was 30 miles away
3) No idea when more forms would come in
4) It was impossible for him to use his post office computer to simply create the request. Had to be done with a paper form.
I did it online. It took 45 seconds. Super easy.
I wanted to do it online, they wanted a two-week process to certify my address by mailing me a paper form.
So I walked to the post office, filled out a postcard sized form and had it done by the time I was out of the building a few minutes later.
This is all so fucking depressing.
Try this.
I watch this guy to get to sleep.
Uffda. Off to the Little Developer’s Room for me now.
For you.
What is NOT depressing is that my BP last week was 178/117 and today it is 130/92. Listened to chillout music on the way to the doc and did not get pissed at traffic. Recalled and reflected upon things I am grateful for.
Here you go Mo, this is my need to chill station. 24/7/365 free and commercial free.
OT: To Tonio or whomever of TPTB lurking about – I submitted a short article the other day. It was in pending, but noticed some formatting I wanted to clean up. So I edited it and now the ‘Submit for Review’ button is active again. Do I need to resubmit? I assume the edits will be saved even in the pending queue, but just want to be sure. Thanks!
Well… with the Indians’ season being over, let the lawsuits about the name change begin!
Cleveland Baseball Team it is.
They should turn around and announce that their new name is the Cleveland Indians, and their mascot is a caricature from the subcontinent.
Spiders, just do the right thing.
Follow up from yesterday. The schedule is out for my next big tournament in New Jersey. This is my favorite one, it’s only for NHL-sponsored teams. I’m back to B Team (Tier 5) for this one. This time Seattle is sending a team and they’re in my Tier.
Quick neighbor update: She’s going batshit. I may write a Hallmark thriller script when all of this is done.
Forgive my confusion, but when you reference the neighbor, do you mean the old woman or the new friend trying to take advantage of the old woman?
I mean the old woman. The friend I refer to as the vulture, who may have bitten off more than she can chew. The cops are being called with increasing frequency.
We no longer get the Hallmark channel in Romania. It is called Div now for some reason
I still can’t figure out why anyone should have to work for food. The only time you should have to work for food is when there’s a famine.
Like, you should have to work for fancy food, but for basic nutrition food, there’s plenty of that to go around.
From the replies
obody should HAVE TO work at all.
We can and should ensure everyone’s health and basic survival needs regardless of how much they work. Plenty of people would still work, though—
– because they want to,
– for money to buy luxuries,
– for social clout, or
– for other reasons.
Totes legit
Even the people who get food assistance have to work for that EBT card. Lots of hoops to jump through.
Work For Food
The only time you should have to work for food is when there’s a famine.
What came first?
Food just is. It is known. It requires no work to produce and distribute.
We can and should ensure everyone’s health and basic survival needs regardless of how much they work.
*checks number of welfare recipients. Checks obesity rates among welfare recipients. Checks number of emergency room visits by people with no insurance.*
Is there some ethical school of thought that explains why people who decline to put some effort into their continued existence, should continue to exist?
Giant kids. “My parents used to always keep groceries in the house, why should that change when I grow up?”
If people are given basics without having to do anything, who will:
* serve coffee
* clean the shitters
* empty septic tanks
* haul trash
You get the idea. It is the same problem that socialism has once you start thinking about actual implementation. All the proponents of the new system believe that they will get to sit around some nice coffee shop bs-ing with their friends. Somehow all the real bad jobs will get done by other people.
this is that ” for other reasons.” part of the reply tweet
aka: Wrongthinkers convicted of opposing The State?
This is actually a pretty good example of Lasch talking about Oscar Wilde’s notion of socialism. None of that heroic worker bullshit.
“All work of that type* should be done by machine.”
*IIRC; menial, tedious
Mike’s interview with Insulate Britain spokesman Cameron lasts less than a minute.
the question is
Is it possible to ‘grow’ concrete?
Mike: “It turns out you can actually grow concrete.”
Futurist Tom Cheesewright: “Yes, you can grow stone and effectively turn carbon dioxide in to a variety of stone like materials. In the fundamentals of the process, you are correct.”
Would you call this video kid pr0n? Or a very apt allegory on our welfare system?
Very cute though, like a bunch of puppies!
Nobody should HAVE TO work.
Magic hats for everybody!
I like shouldn’t have to work and shit… HOLY MACKEREL! This is why I retreat into old media like Chance the gardener. Speaking of which, Press Gang is my latest binge. It’s sorta like a British Degrassi, but at a teen newspaper. It’s fun because it was created by Bill Moffat and produced by Steven Moffat of New Dr. Who, and features amongst its cast Gabrielle Anwar from Burn Notice, and Dexter Fletcher from Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels (playing a delinquent American exchange student with one of the worst accents you will hear on TV).
And the Girl from Absolutely Fabulous. And someone else I recognize from Eastenders or something. I think there were around 15 actors in all of Britain in the 80s/90s.
LOL right?!
And Saffron from AbFab! (Julia Sawalha)
This is interesting.
Samsung likely to finalize $17 bn fab investment in US soon
Makes some sense. Sort of like energy independence, huh?
Once it’s complete, then no more need for Taiwanese chips,
Bye bye Tai! pei!
It is an excellent development.
Smart fucking investment.
Here we go again.
AOC and friends, you’re needed on the white courtesy phone to denounce another massive investment in jobs.
It would not be wise to build anything in New York until the current rot is cut out and burned.
This is Düsseldorf.
JFC. You think the Germans would take it easy on pronouncing just what will make you free.
That’s amazingly fucked up.
Lot of that going around.
This is sad.
I guess “imphen macht frei” was already taken.
Und dis is vy dey call me Rolf. /sorry
So what was all that post-war humility for, then? …Oh.
Saw this in the Twitter stream below Pie’s geography link.
Beyond infuriating. SMOD can’t come soon enough.
Blatant, facial First Amendment violation. Not even close. And any cop who arrests someone for violating this requirement should have no immunity.