This post is directed to our many writers. Please know that we appreciate you and your work. Without you this site would be a mere shadow of what it is now.
Recently, some of our editors have experienced life changes which leave them less time for Glibs editorial duties. Our editorial resources are getting stretched pretty thin, and the word “burnout” is frequently heard. We are no longer able to offer the level of editing which we were previously providing. We apologize to our writers who had become used to the high-touch editing and whose works we published in unedited form.

No, not this type of burnout.
We ask that our contributing writers do more with editing your articles before submitting. We know that WordPress, on which our website runs, is a PITA. Most of use came to the site with no WordPress experience and learned it on the fly.
We don’t mind giving your work the once-over, fixing the odd typo, and working with formatting. We will remain very indulgent with first-time writers. But we also ask that if we’ve edited your works in the past that you pay attention to the edits we make and incorporate those changes in your future submissions. Ideally, your editor should just be that second set of eyes who notices the things you missed despite your best efforts.

One of our Glibs editors needed to be sent away on “vacation.” He made this for us in Arts and Crafts. The nurse said this is a big improvement over his first “art project.”
We have a helpful guide to using WordPress which was developed specifically for Glibs writers with no WordPress experience.
Please, everyone, go the extra yard and do the WordPress settings for your article: featured illo, turn off sidebar, hide featured illo on post, and put in an excerpt.
Also, please let us know if there is anything we can do to make the process more easy for our authors.
Finally, we have one of our bright young things working on a new, better guide to using WordPress for Glibs writers. Please let him know in the comments what you’d like to see covered.
Thanks again to everyone who contributes their writing, drawings, photographs, cartoons, etc.
Lastly We realize that unfolding events may cause this comment thread to go off the rails. Please keep replies about Glibs editorial matters at the top of the thread by replying to the first comment that the editors will put up for this purpose.
Please put any questions or comments about the editorial process as replies to this comment. Otherwise, this is an open post.
Submitted something on… Tuesday? Please holler if the editing is not up to snuff and I’ll endeavor to fix it.
Gotcha. Thanks.
If I wasn’t so unreliable that I can’t submit anything, I would explain that I’m a horrible editor. But at that point, it really doesn’t matter much, does it?
Thanks to all the editors for making things happen.
I haven’t deliberately been a leech, the “excerpt” field didn’t exist for me until I started poking around the up and down arrows by the “featured image.”
Got it now though. And SIDEBAR IS OFF.
Thanks, buddy. If you search for “IFLA” in the media library you will find the illos I use for your column.
Excellent. I was wondering where those were.
Brother Tonio – I’ll send you an email, too, but if TPTB are looking for some editing help, I have some time to do so. And I actually enjoy editing.
I know some hate it, but I kinda like helping clean up other folks’ work.
I have been looking for that link, Thanks!
There might be some of us who have a bit of time and willingness to do some editing, idk…
I might be able to help a little with that too, Tonio.
Depending on how things shake out, I may have some additional free time come January.
Hopefully not…
Perhaps more apropos for our friends north of the border, but every snippet of info might add to your arsenal.
Can you work a flat-top grill?
Thanks, db. You are nothing if not meticulous. And while we’re all looking forward to your fiction, I know that the muse is fickle and often stingy with her affections.
What are your rates though?
Since I haven’t thrown any pennies into the Glib pot lately, I’m willing to work my debt off.
$20.00, same as downtown?
I’ve started several articles, but never finished. I will submit one before the end of 2021.
And thanks for Lobster Girl.
I have three or four articles, unedited. I will go over them carefully. I have been stretched a bit thin myself for the last year or so so y’all have my empathy.
Happy birthday @GenderTraitor!!!!
We already did that in the links
Happy Birthday, GT!
Thank you Moje, U, and Tonio!
I already thanked you, Pie.
Yipes. I’m always the last to know. Happy Birthday!
Missed it, Happy birthday, GT!
Me too (but not #metoo). Happy Birthday!
Happy, happy birthday GT!!!
And by the way, I love those hotpads. I’ve been thinking about getting a loom set and weaving myself a few more.
My oldest sister, who does serious weaving on floor looms, for some reason also had a ton of those loops. Theoretically, Thanksgiving is at her house (if she clears enough clutter for us to sit down,) so I’ll ask her if she’s still using them. (It may have been an activity she shared with her best friend, who passed away a few months ago. ☹️)
*trashes poorly edited drafts of articles on intellectual property, abortion, the death penalty, pizza, beer, anarchism, and a magnum opus on human nature and the drive to dominate and control others*
That’s pretty much the beginning and end of all our problems.
It was shaping up to be a two-parter. But the run-on sentences – ugh. I just couldn’t . . . .
My opinion is that if run on sentences were good enough for Charles Dickens they are good enough for me.
To be honest i did not notice many edits to my posts throughout my posting history. Although i do remember a wrong one 🙂
Also rants and ravings work better un-edited
And we do understand that certain types of articles are like the Wu-Tang: not to be fucked with.
Q: What’s the difference between God and an editor?
A: God knows he’s not an editor.
for future reference, if I write “Any fule kno” I write it like that on purpose and it should not be corrected to “as any fool knows”
Of course… it should be: “Any fuel? No!”
’70s nostalgia is all the rage!
I should have known that your command of English was better than that. Sorry.
It was like 2019 so I am not even sure you did it 🙂 it does not matter no reason to be sorry
Most of use came to the site with no WordPress experience and learned it on the fly.
*draws card*
“Go directly to Hell. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.-“
I edit mine in word and only transfer when ready
#metoo. Very minor formatting fixes needed after I cut and paste into WordPress. Plus, I finally figured out how to insert pics, although not the front page pic.
I recommend that for everyone, particularly if you intend to publish it elsewhere later. It’s also a good backup in case the WordPress version goes sideways, which it can easily do.
I’m lazy as when dealing with lots of screen captures it’s upload the JPGs at the same time.
I do, however, save frequently.
I edit in VI. (scratches neck beard).
Then cut and paste, remove line breaks. I find that process leads to finding lots of typos and correcting grammar, improving the flow. Then insert images and try to position them correctly – that leads to another 5-10 read throughs finding even more mistakes. Generous use of the ‘save as draft’ and ‘preview’ button.
No love for cat?
Real editors use butterflies.
Bah. I write directly in WP. Copypasting it from Word always makes things go bonk, and I have to put the pictures in anyway.
“no WordPress experience and learned it on the fly.”
Or not. OK, OK, I’ll look at Word Press.
unfolding events may cause this comment thread to go off the rails.
Off the rails?
There are rails?
Grammar and spelling are white supremacy.
Lobster girl sighting, today is a good day.
Yes it is
Damn you WebEx! Ctrl-Shift-v is paste without formatting… it should NOT turn my video on.
At least I was wearing a non-offensive shirt… and a shirt… and pants.
It’s a sign you’re too overreliant on keyboard shortcuts which are not universal.
Application shortcuts shouldn’t override OS shortcuts.
The OS has too many shortcuts. It’s impossible to set up your own without stepping on the obscure and less commonly used ones.
I don’t think Ctrl-Shift-V is an OS shortcut.
On the heels of the really fun car discussion yesterday:
Doomed: Cord 810/812 (1936-1937)
Eric Peters is always worth reading, but this article is absolutely fantastic.
(And well edited.)
That thing is positively gorgeous.
More traditional same company. Auburn Speedster
Leno and Osborne in Audrain Mansions & Motorcars: Season 1 Episode 2: Seafair
I just found the whole channel a few weeks ago. I’ve been slowly watching lots of the videos.
Thanks! That looks excellent.
So I got this email today:
Glib thoughts? Is Millennium good? Should I be looking elsewhere? If so, where?
If I do nothing, it’ll automatically transfer.
Can’t speak to Millennium (never heard of them), but I will once again express my satisfaction with Schwab. Currently have several accounts there, including a rollover IRA.
I use Vanguard.
Also good.
They found out you are a Glib?
I use Fidelity for my IRA.
Custodian is little more than a record keeper. Biggest issue would be the fee Millennium wants to charge you.
Some custodians may not be able to hold (i.e. custody) the assets you want, but most everybody can handle most mutual fund families.
I am very happy with Fidelity.
I have Fidelity too. I like them.
Yelp is full of bad stories about Millennium. 🙁
Guess I gotta do something.
What do you have in it? Some custodians can’t hold all assets.
The advantage to going with who Capital One chose is that you won’t have to liquidate assets if you don’t want to.
Not saying that is the case here, however.
It’s just cash.
I’ve been dumping some funds in there at tax time the past couple years. It was a no fee, small interest standard IRA.
According to Yelp, Millennium is all about draining that account with fees.
Fidelity is looking attractive. I’m also looking at American Heritage credit union or maybe my TD bank.
That makes sense. If you have an existing with another financial institution see what their fees look like.
When you pool accounts sometimes you get price breaks.
Never heard of Millennium but Vanguard and Fidelity are good. Good returns and they keep maint costs low.
I’ve used PNC and Merrill Lynch.
Both have been fine.
Vanguard probably has the best funds. TD Ameritrade if you plan to actually invest. Vanguard’s trading platform is antiquated and terrible. It’s fine for just putting money away in a vanguard fund for all time an eternity, but if you want to risk it for the biscuit, TD is the answer.
Damn you WebEx! Ctrl-Shift-v is paste without formatting… it should NOT turn my video on.
“We control the vertical. We control the horizontal…”
Today in transparent propaganda.
XX got certified on the forklift last night! I’m a proud mama today.
Does the certificate say “You’ve been Forked”?
“Go forth and fork.”
Fantastic! I’m glad she is doing well there.
That is an xy job right there but congrats
I dont think i ever ask if she considers writing as a future career? It was probably covered but i dont remember
Writing is not exactly her forte, so I had to help her out a little. She really does like warehouse work and manual labor. Being able to drive a forklift is a pretty big deal, salary-wise. And she’s only 18.
Writing is not exactly her forte, – given the state of modern writing it does not need to be 🙂 if the wokness is enough
drive a forklift is a pretty big deal, salary-wise – same here, there’s a shortage. yet not many people take the courses
she’s only 18 – single 🙂 ?
She didn’t have to take a course. She got a job at FedEx Freight and they pretty much threw her in the seat as soon as she got through with all the training videos.
well that sounds under-regulated to me… here you need like a 6 week course
it generally costs 1000 lei for the school and 400 lei for the government agency who issues the certificate.
usually 3 month 3 times a week for like 3 hours… so generally 100 hours or so of both theory (whatever that means) and practice
Are the courses crazy expensive?
1400 lei is not crazy expensive though there may be few who cannot afford that… bout 320 us. salary start at about 3000 lei after tax so half your first salary
Do people not know those jobs exist? I knew forklift drivers existed, but I didn’t know there was such a demand and that they made such good money. It would never have occurred to me to get into something like that.
I don;t know… thing is maybe people take the courses and I don’t know. I knew warehouses who complained at the shortage, but then again it is possible for a lot of qualified people to go in western Europe for quite more money. 3000 is less than median wage here so it is not great money but beats being unemployed. Off course that gets higher with experience, higher if you are willing to work nights…
it is a salary bump compared to working warehouses without the cert, but I have to say Romanian companies need to raise wages more than they want to get qualified workers.
Yes any qualified forklift driver can train others I believe. Haven’t had to delve into my OSHA lately though.
I did that for a shop I worked at, all the ladies learned to drive, and they were good at it.
Not that this administration or Dems in general need any help sinking their 2022 and 2024 prospects, but I’m betting Biden siccing the DOJ on Rittenhouse will go worse for them than the Kavanaugh spectacle.
That’s fantastic! Pay bump incoming!
Noice! Did you tell that little forker you’re proud of her?
I did, as a matter of fact.
One of very few things I regret in my life was, in 1997 or thereabouts, not going to school to learn how to drive a train. One of the community colleges here partners with BNSF to offer railroad courses. The salary was crazy high even back then. I was comfortable and a coward and didn’t want to step out of my comfort zone.
Getting a railroad gig is a pretty sweet break in life or so I’ve heard.
I believe there’s at least one Glib in that life.
From when I’ve looked at it, it’s a tough life and there’s a good pay divide between the grandfathered employees and the newer hires.
I know his real name, but I can’t remember his moniker for anything.
I worked for a railroad supply company at the time and the big dogs at both BNSF and UP urged me to do that. Said a woman would be pretty much guaranteed a job (yay, white male privilege, amirite?!).
I would assume these days that is mostly automated and the human is there for emergencies?
Looks like this thread *has* gone off the rails.
Congratulations, that’s a good skill to have.
Forking A!
Verdict shortly?
Hanging’s too good for the likes o him
Hoo boy.
Rekieta is flying close to the sun off of this. Good on him. Poso and Will Chamberlain joined him.
Someone on that Rekieta feed namechecked pineapple pizza.
evidently the families of the dead people have been asked to enter the courtroom
I have to give it to those lawtube commentators cause they probably fed a lot of white and black pills to people that are generally younger and probably thought court looks like it does on a TV show or movie. They got a front seat view of how a supposedly loving government that just wants what is best for you will lie and violate your rights in open court.
Kenosha and other cities are burning no matter what is my prediction.
Gell Mann Amnesia is a helluva drug.
After all of this, anything other than a deadlock makes me think they did the worst possible thing… They horse traded to get out of there and voted to convict on some charges to get others to agree to acquit on others… Just so they could go home.
Which is really an implausible position. Really, he was either justified on the first shoot or he wasn’t. That is the only pivotal moment.
Maybe you could peel of the shot at jump kick guy that missed and go with the reckless endangerment charge? I never broke that one down, but if he shot at a guy after he was turned away, they could claim he was no threat.
I dunno. They had me believing the black pill version with a Karen in charge of the jury.
It’s nuts that these guys, who in any other situation would be rightfully be seen as pariahs, are getting hero status simply because someone dared to try and stop their rage filled rampage in Kenosha. It’s fucking nuts.
A predatory pedo, a wife beater, and whatever the other guy was. You’d be hard pressed to fire randomly into a prison yard and hit a more unseemly bunch.
My only hope is that the Right will have a come to Jesus moment about the true nature of our legal system. Too many on the Right have this undisturbed faith in our legal system and that it’s always right. Hopefully, they’ll see how prosecutors attempt railroad the defendants whenever they get a chance so they can get a W.
I used to think that way, told my kids I would call the cops myself if they brought weed into my house.
That sounds like something a crazy person would say now.
Because they’re going to give “victim” statements following the railroading, er, conviction?
Not Guilty!
On a Friday PM? Uh-oh.
Just on the Rekieta feed: Someone on the panel claims from a source verdict should be read 1:30 PM Eastern/12:30 PM Central.
And, I’ve got to join a work meeting soon, so I might miss the reading of the verdict.
Darth Crypto said that, plus emergency services put on stand-by…his theory about the juror getting the instructions to take home was pretty sound.
I’m pessimistic about the verdict and will break my fucking heart.
Well. I was wrong. Thankfully.
Me too
Holee shit!
Me too. Now the mob will burn and pillage, while the MSM lies about everything and blames the verdict on white supremacy.
Just say No to tatts.
Whoa… jury coming in now.
Count 1 – Not guilty
Count 2 – Not guilty
Count 3 – Not guilty
Count 4 – Not guilty
Count 5 – Not guilty
Rittenhouse collapsed or sat down. Shit… he’s emotional
Well, that was a pleasant shiver that went up my spine.
I haven’t been too invested in this because I didn’t want to get my heart broken by a broken legal system, but you people dragged me into it.
I donated to his legal defense fund back when Lin Wood was his lawyer.
I wanted to see this verdict, but I was starting to worry.
I gotta meet with someone at work, so livestream going off and I’m going to ignore Glibs for a bit.
Work meeting done. Trying to catch up with the feed.
I donated to his legal defense fund back when Lin Wood was his lawyer.
I was curious about when exactly I donated. I went back through my records and found my donation. It was to the Fight Back Foundation, which I remember was raising money for Rittenhouse’s defense.
I never donated to the FreeKyleUSA fund his mother set up because of some folks hacking a donor DB (which might have been the Fight Back Foundation’s DB, but I can’t remember) and doxxing some donors.
I stumbled on this article which came out long after I donated:
Ms. Rittenhouse claims on the podcast that two of #FightBack’s leaders—Wood and conservative firebrand John Pierce—latched onto her son’s case for their own personal reasons.
“They used Kyle to gain money, gain Twitter followers,” Ms. Rittenhouse told Law&Crime. “I felt now they didn’t care about Kyle.”
The mother has cut ties with #FightBack to start a new legal defense fund for her son under her control called FreeKyleUSA, and she claims that Wood and Pierce have ignored repeated requests to open up their books.
“He used my son’s image to make profit off of that. And I asked for an accounting of it. And I never got it. I was ignored,” Ms. Rittenhouse said of Wood in an interview with Law&Crime. “They used a 17-year-old kid’s image for their own political shit.”
This makes me sad. Rittenhouse might never have received my money, which I gave intending to help his defense.
Definitely a pleasant surprise. I didn’t think the jurors would be able to resist the mob intimidation, especially given the length of the deliberations.
Looked like his legs gave out. What a relief!
Damn that’s some good news, maybe there is hope for us. But he never should have been charged.
Not guilty across the board.
I got my birthday wish!!! ?
(Well, one of them…)
Here’s hoping you get the others.
Pure speculation: the holdouts were convinced by the other jurors that they would never get a conviction on the murder counts, and without those the riots and retaliation weren’t going away, so they might as well do the right thing.
I think a swing the other way that there were only a few Not Guilty holdouts that convinced the Guilty majority did not happen here.
it was most likely a few Guilty holdouts for 4 days of deliberations.
No editing necessary.
Archive not working again.
Driver of the Nissan walked away with bruising but apparently no real injuries.
Good lord. That’s incredible.
And this is why “compact” inexpensive economy cars in this day and age weigh around 3,000 lbs.
For the hell of it I just checked an 86 Civic.
1,700 lbs
I’ve seen some mind-boggling vehicular damage with minimal injuries. Hell, I was in a near head-on collision, combined speed had to be north of 90 mph, in an early-90s Honda Civic hatchback that I walked away from – not even sore the next day. The rear axle was ripped out of the other car and would up at least 50 yards away in a cornfield. The people in the other car were fine, too.
There was a video I saw a couple years back showing crash tests with older (70’s) cars compared to modern (2000+) cars. Same speed, same weight, same impact.
The older cars got crushed, while the modern cars survived quite well. They were trying to disprove the “old cars survive crashes better” tropes.
Despite the good outcome, it shows why you should be hypervigilant around trucks. Regardless the driver’s skill level, that truck is a bigger threat to you than the cars buzzing about.
Thanks Tonio for that original guide to use WordPress. It helped me out a few times.
So excerpt is what I need to fill in to have an excerpt to get a preview on the front page? Huh. I thought it was something else. That might explain what I put in didn’t show up.
Yes, the excerpt is the text that shows up on the main page, aka the feed, underneath the title and featured illo.
I can’t imagine what Kyle is feeling right now. Poor kid.
OH Shit….not guilty…..
I can’t believe this
Was expecting the opposite before the verdict was read.
First comment was preverdict
Dewey Defeats Truman!
Fuck you Kenosha Criminals. Fuck you and your corrupt prosecutor in the fucking ass. Arrest and disbar that MFer.
Just wait for the Federal hate crime trial now.
Or something about crossing state lines seems like an easy fed opening.
Except it didn’t happen.
With a firearm, no. But he did cross state lines [to stay at a friends house for work the previous night, to be handwaved away with his “real purpose”].
Fuckin’ a.
Now get him out of the courthouse safely
Holy shit, they did the right thing.
Give that kid a new rifle!
Give him HIS rifle.
+1 can of coke
I’m going for this after giving him back his rifle and restocked mags
Plus they need to remount and re-zero his optic.
I’m a little surprised myself. But hey, a good call is a good call.
I don’t know this kid and my heart is racing like mad. YouTube in all its shittiness and Rekeita brought this into homes in the most perfect fashion possible.
Yeah, I was surprised at how much my heart was pounding. I was worried for him…. But more than that… My genetic weakness is injustice. So this pushed all my buttons.
127K watching. Fuck you, corporate media.
Totally correct decision. Congrats to Rittenhouse, and RIP Kenosha.
He just dismissed all charges with prejudice
Strange jurisprudence. The motion was moot. But he slapped the prosecutor on the way out and said that it was indeed over the line and the case was lost twice.
Isn’t that normal? The DA dropped the charges after the jury spoke.
I think that was the Judge’s plan. He knew Kyle was Not Guilty. He had faith in the Jury to reach that conclusion, and if they didn’t he was going to declare a mistrial w/ prejudice.
There may be something to having both a jury verdict and a dismissal with prejudice that cuts off or at least limits any appeal by the prosecution. No idea. The prosecution has very few grounds to appeal a jury verdict, anyway, is my vague recollection.
Or it could have just been the judge laying the groundwork for complaints to the state bar against the prosecutors.
Or just the judge being a dick to the prosecutors.
Whatever, its a good thing.
I thought a not guilty verdict could never, ever be appealed by the prosecution?
In which case, it’s one of the latter two.
My crim law class is over 30 years ago. Could be that its unappealable.
At what point does double jeopardy apply?
Same crime cannot be tried twice. Say they charged him with murder, they might be able to charge with negligent homicide, but not murder again, even if new evidence is presented. That’s my understanding anyway. Perhaps the dismissal with prejudice will discourage state from seeking new and related charges.
The exact minute jeopardy attaches has been hashed out in some strange case I used to know the name of, but it’s early on. I think it might be depends upon how your case gets to trial, but generally, once the jury is sworn. (US v Downum)
oh thank god. Now they need to spirit the jurors away asap.
And anyone who got their news from the corporate media is wondering how a white supremist murderer got away with it, and maybe systemic racism and injustice are worse than they’ve ever been.
The verdict just in time for police-state Harris to deal with the response. This should be interesting.
Nah, Biden’s back on board. The whole giving the VP temporary powers for medical procedures is kind of silly, anyway. The likelihood of an emergency requiring presidential action is very low, and are there even any decisions that are so-time sensitive that only the president has the authority to make? If so, the president really should be delegating authority every time he goes to bed. The whole thing is just silly. I wonder which president started this charade?
Today is a good day.
Okay civil lawyers, get busy squeezing some money out of media outlets for Rittenhouse so he can live in a large, remote house with granite walls.
I hope he sues the shit out of everybody for defamation. What the media did was heinous and roved that they are the enemy of the American people.
I hope he bankrupts a few of them – then starts his own political party and alternative to the NRA.
The GOA is worth their salt. I wish MidwayUSA would end their NRA connection and transfer future donations to GOA.
Malice had Robert Barnes on his show this week. He said it’s hard to get damages under these circumstances, but I’d like to see the liars pay.
“He is a racist” might be called opinion. Calling him a militia member or a proud boy is a statement of fact, so they might get that.
Also, there were many statements of fact that were lies… The question is how culpable you are for repeating it. The prosecutor started with “he chased him down and killed him”. That was an indefensible lie. But he has absolute immunity. Maybe he has given cover to all of the lies by doing that.
Rittenhouse needs to sue Joe Biden. Its defemation and Biden was not el presidente at the time he said it.
Honestly, I think his best move now would be to enlist. Makes it much harder for some nutbar trying to retaliate against him, and the kid has shown he’s got the nerves for combat. What he needs is training, which he can get.
Think he’d be reasonably safe in the service academy of his choice? Should be able to find someone to sponsor/recommend him.
I have no idea what his academic chops are. I think he’d be safer in an actual unit, on an actual base.
Somebody has to be at the bottom of the class.
For that matter, the Wisconsin National Guard might could use some fresh recruits.
Are you two kidding me? In today’s woke military?
Nah, Kyle needs to sue the everloving fuck out of the liars and move to some remote location where he can fill his fortress with guns, girls and pet tigers.
French Foreign Legion might be a good out.
The guys on Rikeita missed it. The judge granted the defense motion to dismiss on all charges with prejudice.
I am thinking it just sounds weird, the defense is always carrying that motion to dismiss with prejudice and thinking of it that way, I don’t think that was the written motion from within the trial
What does that mean since he was not guilty anyway?
It means we need GlibLaw to step in and help
A big FU to the prosecutors?
A curb stomping.
That is what I heard. Issue was moot. But he repeatedly hinted that he wanted the jury to acquit so he didn’t have to step in and be the focal point. He was right about the coutcome if he has done that. People would lose their minds over the racism.
It’s much better for Rittenhouse too.
It means the prosecution can get fucked.
It means the rioters have another target.
Letting Binger know he should resign?
From Wiki:
“If the case is dismissed because of prosecutorial misconduct, it will typically be dismissed with prejudice”
That’s the judge giving the State a middle finger.
So what’s going to burn first?
Not a car lot?
But more seriously, what a relief. In a world with lots of bad news and the complete loss of confidence in institutions, one got it right. I’m guessing there will bad things happening downstream of this, but I’m going to spend a little bit of time white pilled and celebrating the fact that, what appears to be a decent kid, got justice for now.
Whassamatter? We’s writes real good and shit.
Alpha AF.
I love the pixelization on the baby’s picture. Like someone might recognize him in public.
Why did he do that fake crying thing again? /bad sarc
We need Joy Reid to explain to us again about them
He’s a racist, obv.
Poso is an attention whore
Absolutely he is and he got out scooped by Darth Crypto who apparently had some really good contacts in or near the courthouse
Crypto had some amazing resources
If we didn’t have Zoom chats here, I would swear at least one of them is a member of this site…
I’m glad the Korea toilet guy is back on…that meme amused me.
TPTB have an inside source in Kenosha?
The odds were always good today would be the day for the verdict.
Uh huh. Trying to cover up poor opsec I see.
If nothing else, the jury probably wanted their weekend…
NBC News just had a newsbreak with Eugene Robinson of the NYT telling us dummies What it all Means. Evidently the acquittal sanctions people to cross state lines and wave military-style weapons around in a fractured country, it’s law enforcement’s job to keep the peace, not vigilantes, etc.
Since they had to watch it on live stream like the rest of us lol.
/not a real news agency
Of course they will. TMITE set the narrative and they view themselves as infallible and if they admit they were wrong, their house of cards that has been slowly crumbling turns to dust.
Maybe the law enforcement in Kenosha should have been keeping the peace.
/thinks back to when after the first day of riots, the Cleveland business owners stood in front of their businesses openly armed
We had one small riot here in Tucson. No arson that I recall.
The police made a point of dragging a UA student out of class in handcuffs for being involved. I think that shut off the critical mass of idiot students who would have gone LARPing/sport rioting, and we never had another one. If Tucson had gone through what Kenosha did, I can just about guarantee a bigger body count of dead scumbags, though. There’s a lot of heavily armed people here who would be honorary Roof Koreans.
Trump v DeSantis
In a matter of months, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has gone from being a shining example in Donald Trump’s eyes of a MAGA leader molded in his image to an average politician who forgot his roots as he rose to Republican stardom.
People close to both men first noticed the palpable shift in Trump’s posture toward DeSantis earlier this year as enthusiasm for the Florida governor swelled among donors and GOP operatives who praised his laissez-faire response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The more DeSantis’ popularity soared, the more obsessed Trump became with receiving credit for his political celebrity.
In April, Trump had told Fox News that DeSantis would “certainly” be under consideration for the VP slot if he were to launch a third presidential campaign in 2024. By October, the former President was demanding that he publicly rule out a White House bid of his own.
“It’s not that Trump is complaining about Ron… but he likes to remind Ron and others that he made him,” said a person close to the former President, who added that Trump has been telling people around him that DeSantis could show more gratitude. Politico first reported the tension in their relationship last Friday.
Anonymous sources. In other words, they’re making it up to try to cause a conflict to damage both Trump and Desantis.
DeSantis proved to be an epic troll artist by holding his signing ceremony for the ban on Biden’s mandates in Brandon. That is epic, even legendary.
That’s the issue with Trump. He’s an egotistical ass who doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up. If he really wanted to fuck with those who fucked around with him for the last four years, he would throw his support to DeSantis and be his dog off the leash.
Let’s you and him fight.
DeSantis would absolutely be the better choice for GOP nom in 2024, but the more vindictive side of me wants Trump to run again and win as a repudiation of Biden and a slap in the face to the “respectable” powers-that-be.
MSNBC is predictably tearing their hair out. Glorious.
“Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill”
Cry more little bitch.
How is she employed? I know they are partisan, but would any other network allow someone to be this openly racist.
File it under opinion or blog and it’s all good for them.
Rittenhouse, who is white, was 17 when he traveled from his hometown in northeast Illinois to the protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year armed with his semi-automatic rifle. On the night of Aug. 25, 2020, as he carried his gun through the streets, Rittenhouse shot dead Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and wounded Gaige Grosskreutz, now 27.
Lying by omission.
And he did not travel from his hometown armed.
I see they’re following the NPR stylebook there.
Holy shit, that is some fine reporting there Lou.
Although he probably is right about the second half of that sentence.
may lead to even more violence
Correct but not how she means.
Yup. The videos on youtube are going to rival election night 2016.
From the AP report, “ The jury, which appeared to be overwhelmingly white, deliberated for close to 3 1/2 days.”
But what do the identify as?
I guess the AP has to do its part to stoke racial tensions and maybe get a riot out of this story.
There is literally no other reason to put it that way.
You think a jury from Wisconsin is going to be overwhelmingly white? That’s crazy talk!
Kenosha is 82% white. A representative jury would likely have one (1) non-white member.
Which is what I believe the breakdown in terms of race ended up to be.
Two. 18% of 12 is a 2.16, but we can’t have fractional jurors.
If you select 12 people at random out of a large enough population that’s 82% white, you have a little over a 9% chance of selecting 12 whites.
Maybe this is what they mean when they say math is racist.
White devils is the preferred nomenclature, AP.
I need another bottle of Rittenhouse BiB.
Thanks for the reminder, my bottle is getting low.
May the salty tears and butthurt commence…
Kyle Rittenhouse, who fatally shot two protesters and wounded a third during anti-police brutality demonstrations in Wisconsin last year, has been found not guilty of homicide — an outrageous yet unsurprising verdict in a trial marred by controversy. …
The case had the makings of an acquittal before the trial even began. The outcome seemed clear even before an almost exclusively white jury pool was selected, even before Judge Bruce Schroeder created an uproar by ruling that the slain protesters could be referred to as “rioters” and “looters” but not “victims,” even before Schroeder refused to punish Rittenhouse for what prosecutors said amounted to a violation of his bond conditions. Rittenhouse is a white teen who abides by white rules, and white people empathetic to those rules seemed poised to insulate him from repercussions.
The day he pleaded not guilty to felony homicide, Rittenhouse flashed a white supremacist symbol and was “loudly serenaded” by a group of men at a bar who belted out the anthem of the Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, according to prosecutors.
…and continue with the defamation…
Good fucking god.
I hope they get sued into insolvency and all of their on air personalities have to resort to fellating hobos under highway overpasses for money. They. Just. Can’t. Stop.
She doesn’t seem worried about her own safety from rampaging bands of white dudes.
Do Not Resuscitate?
“according to prosecutors”
Nice dodge, that.
Ok, now it’s time to get those poor Jan 6 assholes out of prison.
Trump the useless cunt should have sprung them before he left.
Yes – and why DeSantis will stomp him in the primaries.
Rekieta and friends is now just tearing apart the flood of tweets and news releases.
For those who left Rikeita…
They found the ACLU
They are all in on Rittenhouse guilty, traveling across state lines for the purpose of doing violence.
They have an entire Twitter thread about it… They claim police violence intentionally drove peaceful protesters into waiting violent white supremacist militia members.
ACLU is all in. Clearly trying to foment violence and more…to goad the feds into prosecuting him.
I believe the feds have a legal problem here. He was acquitted, and that may foreclose any federal prosecution for crossing state lines to commit a crime. Its pretty official that he didn’t commit a violent crime.
Now, will they try to hang some technical gun violation on him around his buddy buying (I think) and holding his gun for him while he was underage? Probably. Because Garland is scum, and so are his minions at the DOJ.
Probably not. For one thing, the straw purchase charge would be brought against the purchaser. For another, I think for a straw purchase charge to stick, the gun would have had to actually change hands.
Which ACLU? Nat’l, WI, CA?
National ACLU. Here’s the twitter thread.
Retard speaks out.
This is going to be quite the weekend in terms of derp from all of the media
Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum are victims. They should be alive today.
The only reason they’re not is because a violent, dangerous man chose to take a gun across state lines and start shooting people.
All of this is literally 100% false.
Rosenbaum will truly be missed except by young boys with single mothers (he’d apparently get close to single moms with sons in order to diddle according to a YouTube lawyer I saw). They’re actually not that upset.
LOL from the top rope
Shouldn’t he and the rest of the NY left be getting ready to lose big in the Supreme Court on gun control?
“Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum are victims. They should be alive today.
The only reason they’re not is because a violent, dangerous man chose to take a gun across state lines and start shooting people.”
That should be a nice payday for Kyle.
I almost wish I had Tweeter so I could call him a liar “to his face”.
Comparing retards TO Bill DeBlasio is beyond the pale of human decency!!!!! Retards have at least some sense of shame and decency.
Don’t get brazen with me!
Best Twitter reply:
There were 12 murders in your city you don’t speak about
412 murders.
Why in the world is Amazon spell checking a number???
Here is the updated CNN article in which the assailants are given a glowing review.
These cuntes have no shame.
Pedos stick together.
God I hope he sues every one of these fucking steaming piles of shit into bankruptcy!
Best comment I’ve seen yet:
Alright. Enough celebrating.
Let’s go back to being bitter and aggravated:
It’s chock full of bullshit, as expected.
Create a dubious container in the U.S.C that will invariably be under a health agency that can be filled as needed in the future to fit their needs.
Let’s bankrupt half the businesses in the country, sure why not.
Then it goes to die in the Senate
Let’s hope so.
It has to. It just does.
Let me just have 2-3 hours of victory, please.
Let’s go back to being bitter and aggravated:
No. The principle of self-defense was just reaffirmed in one of the most high-profile self-defense cases in years. General government malfeasance will still be there tomorrow, so I’m not going to worry about it today.
The state got slapped down, which is good.
Even better, millions of people got red pilled by the obvious malfeasance of of the prosecution. Independent media absolutely kicked the living shit out of the corporate press and is a key reason Kyle was freed.
It’s a great day.
I feel like looking in the bright side of things this afternoon – no way will this country hold together long enough for that crap to get implemented.
Hopefully the senate kills this.
4chan playing this on the /pol/ page. I guess this is from FarCry 5, kind of a modern 2A banger. I enjoy it immensely on this day.
I liked FarCry 5 except how I just felt so disconnected from the character. Give me a name at least
Get the real lowdown on what the verdict means.
To me is the fear that it breaks these people so much that they start seeing boogiemen and are the ones running out doing it.
They’re already broken. I doubt your average DU commenter is going to pick up a weapon over this.
Malice is looking forward to it.
Excuse me, I need to text a few black, brown, and yellow friends (all of whom are at least as well-armed as I am) and make sure that they’re keeping their heads down. ..
now everyone would-be Thug will have a license to kill as many blacks and browns as they want to
Leftists “protesters”Black people have already been killing each other in droves forquite some time nowdecades.I had a black woke acquaintance who said something like this and I responded that if white people are embolden to kill blacks, then why does he live in a predominantly white neighborhood in Chicago and not move to Englewood, Auburn Gresham, or Roseland where he would be more at home and not risk of anything bad happening?
He got super pissed when I said that to him.
It’s especially amazing because liberal white areas are particularly rife with racism and oppression. At least if you listen to what they say.
Dude, they aren’t racist, they can’t be because they vote and signal the right way. Therefore everything they say is not racist by default.
But everyone around them is. Here in this near-Oberlin college town, there have been reports of Klansmen strolling through campus, houses filled with racist college-age white males who are getting ready to re-enact Charlottesville, regular inspections by the university to sort out the “safe places” for “students of color” and alphabet-soup genders… I bet if we look hard enough, we’ll find NOOSES. Shit, I’d better check the pull-cords for our venetian blinds.
Obviously, all our colleges and universities are hotbeds of white nationalism.
Sometimes I can only SMDH at the stupidity.
I can deal with a stupid person. What I can’t deal with is willful ignorance. A lot of these people are willfully ignorant about everything in the world but think of themselves as being the cream of the crop.
Yep. That right there.
Being ignorant is curable. Being stupid can be worked around. Being willfully ignorant (and fscking proud of it) pisses me right off.
It’s one of the reasons why I rarely talk politics with any of my Left friends. They will latch onto a lie that the corporate media put out there and will believe it till the very end despite proof that it was a lie.
This is exactly what I’ve found with my lefty friends, and why I avoid talking politics with them as well. My last time before avoiding future politics talk with any of them was when I was having lunch three years ago with three buddies, all correct-thinking San Francisco residents, and one of them brought up how Trump had said that ‘neo-nazis are very fine people’. I informed them that he never said any such thing, and instead of us trying to look up the original speech to show what was actually said, suddenly instead I was a ‘Trump-lover’ and they were saying they were embarrassed for me. Kept my yap shut around such types ever since.
instead of us trying to look up the original speech
Had the same conversation.
“He did not say that. In fact explicitly said the opposite.”
“No he didn’t”
“OK, maybe I’m wrong. A transcript exists. Videos of the actual event exist. We can easily look it up and check. Let me get me laptop.”
“What?!? You don’t want to know the truth whatever it might be?”
“Fuck you, Trump lover”
(sputters, speechless…)
The only difference is, me being an asshole, I don’t keep my yap shut. Shrug.
Of course I’m probably casting myself as a bit too calm and rational. There may have been a few “are you fucking kidding me?” “fucking unreal” “you complete jackass” thrown around on my part. But the gist of the conversation is accurate.
But then they claim that they are all for facts and the truth.
That’s why they use the term, “My/her/his/ours’s/theirs’s truth,” because the truth in their minds are subjective to whatever their belief system is that day. You could have shown them Trump saying the complete opposite of what they were told and they wouldn’t still believe it because their truth is that dude is a racist.
I suppose it doesn’t matter, but the willful ignorance and arrogance seems to come before the person latches on to leftist politics. The stupid, non-arrogant people I know that lean to the left don’t lean so far that they never consider opposing viewpoints. I’m not sure their political stupidity can be cured, but at least they have a little humility when their side fucks up royally.
Pardon my shorthand. You’re right, of course.
So many levels of stupid in that one.
If stupidity were an artform, DU would be the Louvre.
Who wouldn’t want to lose a year of their life, have their name dragged through the mud, and still have to depend on 12 other citizens just to be able to shoot some
riotersmostly peaceful protestors?Leftists “protesters” have already been killing each other for quite some time now.
That’s not just regular salt, that nuclear grade radioactive derp salt. Careful!
Does a not-guilty verdict help Rittenhouse from wrongful death civil suits? Because I assume they’re coming.
Yes, it helps. It doesn’t make him immune from them.
IIRC, it didn’t do OJ much good. Not that I’m complaining.
OJ was found liable civilly after his criminal acquittal
Rittenhouse has a claim against all 5 who assaulted him… And he has demonstrable PTSD
Even reddit gets it.
White Supremacy like neo-liberalism is the catch all term for the things that the Left hates.
“So I can go around shooting without consequence?”
“You are free to shoot all the straw men you want.”
Nadless, you dishonest cunte.
Rep. Nadler
This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ. Justice cannot tolerate armed persons crossing state lines looking for trouble while people engage in First Amendment-protected protest.
I seen nothing about looting and arson in the First Amendment.
Or attempting to murder a 17 year old kid.
Maybe we could get some more of that first amendment protected arson and looting in the capitol.
They keep lying in writing. Can he sue them all?
“armed persons crossing state lines”
So that’s the tactic they are going for now that Rittenhouse was acquitted.
And suddenly borders matter to Dems/Leftists.
Seems pretty easy to disprove. Are they that brazen they’ll just keep on flat-out lying like this? Oh, who am I kidding.
At least until their lawyers tell them to stop.
Yep. All the right people have received the script. The other part of the script is, “Now everyone is going to pull a Kyle Rittenhouse!”
Hive mind gonna hive
Justice cannot tolerate armed persons crossing state lines looking for trouble while people engage in First Amendment-protected protest.
Oops, looks like somebody got lazy and stopped reading the Constitution after the first amendment! Tsk, tsk!
Not even that, didn’t bother to read the first amendment. The Kenosha riots were most definitely not peaceful, and therefor not covered by the protection to right “peaceably to assemble”.
Human Humpty Dumpty is a Goddamn idiot no doubt. What a repulsive human being.
Bizarrely, JetBlue has no problem whatsoever when I check a firearm in my suitcase on a flight to a different state.
Be careful if you have an unwanted stop in a blue state.
Cenk Uygur
Rittenhouse walks. I don’t blame the jury at all, it was a tough case. But this is going to set awful precedent. Right-wing is going to feel emboldened to walk in anywhere with a weapon and just look for an excuse to use it. Provocation with weapons has become “self-defense” now.
Stop progjecting.
It was a tough case only in that there was doubt the jury wouldn’t cave to mob threats.
It’s the one week anniversary of the word provocation being thrown around casually.
Oh, Tulsi.
The jury got it right—finding Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges. The fact that charges were brought before any serious investigation is evidence that the government was motivated by politics, which itself should be considered criminal.
So- I go out for a while to run some errands, and something happens.
I guess it’s open season on the darkies, now. I should have picked up some double aught when I was in Mudorchs.
Oh, Tulsi.
The jury got it right—finding Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges. The fact that charges were brought before any serious investigation is evidence that the government was motivated by politics, which itself should be considered criminal.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Hot tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich on a cold day. Nom nom nom.
I should try that some day it is definitely not a thing here… then again it is hard for me to budget the calories for a grilled cheese
home made or store bought tomato soup?
Use milk, not water if you buy condensed soup.
Now I want to cancel my dinner reservations and have this
That’s a great idea, thanks!
Oh, by the way, your soup will be extra creamy if you use evaporated milk.
It’s Twou!
Props to whoever runs the Glibs twitter: Gentlemen… START YOUR ARSONS!
I LOL’d.
Glibs has a Twitter feed? Cool!
I must have missed the memo (I wasn’t checking in much for the first half of 2021, maybe I missed it then?).
Hot tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich on a cold day. Nom nom nom.
* rit of fealous jage*
I am also listening to Christmas music and I have my little office tree twinkling in the window.
Christmas before Thanksgiving….you heathen!
I thought we already knew that… ?
I have neighbors that put Christmas decorations up the day after Halloween. I have even seen a few Christmas trees in windows. ///smh
My office looks out onto the street. I’ve had my little tree up for over a week.
The girlfriend walked out of the house with a Christmas sweater on.
I feel shame.
People shouldn’t even do that on Christmas Day.
Don’t worry. We won’t hold it against you.
What are you talking about? I’ve got a ticket to an ugly Christmas Sweater bar crawl for next month.
She was going to work… the mall is apparently kicking off their full Christmas season today.
Sometimes, Ted’S, you are just downright evil.
I thought you liked Christmas music!
Employers, consider giving your Black employees a day or two off after the Rittenhouse verdict. – Gregory McKelvey
My company is giving everyone the next two days off.
Hah, same. Enjoy the weekend!
I just failed an agency phishing exercise. Oh well.
Hey Greg, go fuck yourself you bigot.
It may come as a shock to you but there is no such thing as ‘black people’ that come out of a cookie cutter. Each one is an individual with their own thoughts, sentiments and opinions. If you want to generalize then go with ‘decent people’ and ‘not-decent people.’
They are easy to tell apart, just gauge by looking at their reactions to this verdict.
Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty verdict reveals the true value of life in Wisconsin
Oh that one wasn’t opinion and was supposed to be straight news? lol
Nope. Not clicking on that.
It was pretty much the usual drivel, but not too painful,
“…his expert witness contended aggression is indistinguishable from self-defense.”
“As we condemn or heroize Rittenhouse and his victims, we also give meaning to the law. In doing so, we are determining the value we give to the lives of others.”
Victims. Sure they are, victims of their own thuggery and stupidity. I see in the last sentence no consideration for the value of Rittenhouse’s life.
“A man reportedly struggling with behavioral health issues chased Rittenhouse.” Struggling was he? By raping children? I guess that could be considered a struggle.
I am not going to parse the whole thing. What would be the point? Mendacious commie shitbirds aren’t going to change their spots.
“As we condemn or heroize Rittenhouse and his victims”
His “victims” were useless, scumbag, career criminal wastes of life. He did the world a favor by removing them.
Exercise your right to go fuck yourself.
Everyone takes a beating …
That is one steaming pile of bullshit.
These articles were clearly written in advance of the verdict.
I imaging the celebratory articles have all been deleted by now.
“By Ion Meyn, assistant professor of law at the University of Wisconsin”
The only answer is to move out of that violent hell hole.
Can I return my UW-Madison degree? No, wait, it’s in physics, so it is still worth something. Maybe.
‘Murica! Fuck Yeah!
How drunk are we getting on Zoom tonight?
‘Bout the same as always.
Depends if I survive the riots on the way home.
True. I may skip out and drive up to Kenosha to shoot black and brown people. /JK Preet.
It’s legal now donchaknow?
/also kidding
I’ll be on the road to PA… so…. you folks will have to drink for me.
I’ve been fighting off a cold (or dying of the ‘vid depending on who you ask) this week, so probably not that much.
I’m flying tomorrow, so only moderately.
This immediately springs to mind –
Reading the coroner’s reports, Kyle got better with more experience.
Rosenbaum he took out with a gut shot, Huber through the heart and aorta, Grosskreutz he just ended the threat non-lethally.
Quick learning curve.
PS: Though a child rapist dying a relatively slow and agonizing death is particularly satisfying.
The first shot shattering his pelvis has a poetic ring to it.
Nominate SF to edit articles like Tyler Durden spliced films.
“When it’s a state-sanctioned murder, you get to riot”
you get to riot
That’s kindof how this whole affair started…
Beware the Kenosha Kidd. //jk
Looking for Black Friday discounts a week early?
Genuine LOL
House. . .
The black dude wearing a Washington Redskins cap while clamoring for racial justice is a nice touch.
How many people that were rooting for a not guilty verdict went on national television and promised rioting, burning and bloodshed if the desired verdict was not reached? How many of them tried to intimidate the Jury, Judge and Defense team with threats of violence? I think we know who the scum is.
Decided to set my little portable satellite radio back up in my office. (Took it down a while back before a fire marshal inspection because of all the plugs and wires.) Fired it up and dialed around to the Soul Town channel, and what should be playing but Sam Cooke’s “Having a Party.”
Try this again……
Not that this administration or Dems in general need any help sinking their 2022 and 2024 prospects, but I’m betting Biden siccing the DOJ on Rittenhouse will go worse for them than the Kavanaugh spectacle.
You know I read Biden’s statement and it wasn’t actually all that bad.
I don’t think he’s doing jack shit.
They’ll be praying that street justice takes care of their Rittenhouse problem, because it’s impossible to reconcile what their hard-left base is saying about the exoneration with what they’re prepared to do about it on the federal level. He’s a white supremacist vigilante who murdered three black protesters, and he only got off because a conservative-holdover-from-the-Klan-era judge forced the jurors to find not guilty… but we have to respect the process. That’ll go over well.
Unlikely the feds will do anything if Rittenhouse has already been acquitted on all charges.
I bet Joe shit his depends and Garland is cursing and throwing things around his office. Too bad fellas. We still have a majority of decent people in this country. No New Soviet Man yet.