It is so incredibly rare that something like Danger 5 gets approved and made for not one, but two seasons. How does something like this get by TV executives who normally just green light reality TV shows? Even more amazing this came from Australia. Think about what Australia is going through now. Hopefully the oppression doesn’t crush the creative spirit which brought us Danger 5.
Who made Danger 5? The team of Dario Russo and David Ashby made it, after success making a short film called Italian Spiderman, which I also recommend seeing. Then they made the original, serialized Danger Five (Diamond Girls).
I am focusing on season one of Danger 5 as I do this review. The episode names are clear references to men’s pulp magazines, with names like “Lizard Soldiers of the Third Reich.” Normally you’d say ‘Hey, I’ll watch that,’ get about five minutes in and realize the best the writer could do was come up with a great title. Not here. All it takes is one minute into episode 1 of Danger 5 and you’re hooked. The colors, the characters… The dude with a giant eagle head! Yes! Go for the absurd! The series has excellent recurring themes in the episodes that help tie them all together. I think my favorite is Pierre who collects drink recipes from characters who die during the episodes.
Cinematography and costuming must have been a huge pain. Everything is Colorscope bright and beautiful. I think that helps drag you into the series. The two opposing female characters help too. Prim English girl vs. randy Russian chick. Free-wheeling bachelor vs. uptight Englishman. Throw in a brash American (played by David Ashby!) just because you have to have one of those.
So how about that Hitler? He’s played by Carmine Russo. And yes, he is the dad of Dario Russo who was one of the creators of the show. I can hear the pitch from David Ashby now: “Hey man. Your dad kinda looks like Hitler. We should make a show where we try to kill Hitler every week.” Genius!
It was so very hard just to pick an episode and say “here – watch this.” Every episode of season one is great. So this was almost a dice throw:
“Fresh Meat for Hitler’s Sex Kitchen” Nazi pleasure girls! Swiss Fighting Tiger man! Occult Rituals! Fascist STDs!
So what about season two? Season two focuses on a renewed hunt for Hitler, only this time Hitler escaped to the 1980’s. The cinematography, gore level, music, and costuming all jumped from sixties to 1980’s as well. It is masterful, but for me I really enjoyed season one the most. Probably because I lived through the Eighties once and have little nostalgia for it. Younger Glibs (Is there such a thing?) will probably love it. I think my two favorites there were “Johnny Hitler” where Hitler shows up in High School and is the cool kid, and “Super Dead” where the best of dialog lines is uttered – “Oh look – you can get hookers in the claw machine again.”
So this is the Thanksgiving episode! In-between football games you can surprise your guests with Danger 5. Or not! Everything is voluntary! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Coming up this December is Kung Fu Christmas! We are going to start with a bloody bang: Tokyo Gore Police. Subtitles! Unfathomable gory deaths! Perversions even the members of this site have yet to explore!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
after success making a short film called Italian Spiderman,
I’ve seen some clips from “Italian Spiderman”. I don’t know about it, but I’ll watch this movie.
For last week’s selection: I watched it a few days after the GlibFlick post. It was good. I chuckled at a few parts thinking about the theater folks I knew in high school.
Oh. It’s a TV show. Not a movie. No biggie. Starting now.
This is worse than British sci-fi special effects. I like it.
That brunette in the blue shirt looks kinda like Amy Winehouse.
No, no, no
No, no, no
There is nothing wrong with drinking at 9 in the morning.
Absolutely nothing wrong with it.
If anyone says there is, they are a stupid.
That’s a good battalion to be a part of.
I’m only getting a few words of the German, but I think they’re actually speaking German and not gibberish.
I wonder if the brunette is actually speaking Russian.
Hopefully there are not too many vaccine ads today. I was blown away by the pro-vaccine ads a few days ago.
Every time I watch Tubi it’s about 99% vax propaganda from either the pukestain who calls himself “the city’s doctor” or this other pukestain who calls himself “head of some diversity and equity shit or other”.
“Resistance Grade Bang-Bang”
Perversions even the members of this site have yet to explore!
Pffffft! Speak for yourself, n00b.
I was a daring comment. I suppose I will have to pass out pervert checklists for next week to verify veracity.
. . . I will have to pass out pervert checklists for next week to verify veracity.
D00d, I’m the guy who wants Tulsi Gabbard to drive spikes into my eardrums at her whim.
Creosote Achilles might have a thing or two to add.
“Children’s teeth”
That was insane.
I want to watch more.
There is lots to watch. Enjoy!
Watching “Fresh Meat for Hitler’s Sex Kitchen”
Bondage, bondage, and more bondage.
I think that Whippersnappers outnumber the Old Coots by a pretty large margin.
(tightens onion on belt)
I used to think the same thing. More and more people putting up selfies has cured me of that.
Gay guys to watch the bondage girls. Interesting.
The dude with a giant eagle head! Yes!
And really special effects.
They must’ve spent hundreds on them!
I like the Russian lass.
If only there was some sort of Czech Liszt.
I am currently drinking Stella Artois. In the popular 11.2 oz can. Shrinkflation?
I can’t recall ever having had Stella in the can.
*Go ahead. Get it over with. You know you want to. Resistance is futile.
11.2 ounces is a traditional Euro sized can/bottle.
Is that 0.8 ounce lost in translation from metric?
11.2 oz is a third liter, which sounds retarded until you remember 750mL is a fifth of a gallon
Speak for yourself, Klaus.
As I recall (I watched these some time ago), the Rooshian chick seems to have a problem operating the buttons on her blouse.
“Seed of the Fatherland” – Trippy but not what I was expecting.
“Hey baby, do you want the seed of the fatherland” is also a good pick up line in some bars.
You walked in the garden, you planted a tree?
I like how Swiss blood is gold.
I was wondering if anyone would notice that.
Gotta join a Zoom, will watch more of this show later. It’s wonderfully bad. I gotta watch the whole series.
Vaccine useless, says WHO
The World Health Organization is urging the public to practice Covid mitigation tactics – including masking and distancing – regardless of vaccination status as cases surge across Europe heading into the holiday season.
Some countries and communities have been lured into a “false sense of security” that the pandemic’s over and the vaccinated are fully protected against Covid, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters during an update Wednesday in Geneva.
He noted that Covid vaccines “save lives” and lower the risk of severe disease and death, but the vaccinated can still contract and spread the virus as social mixing returns to pre-pandemic levels.
No way out. No way out.
Well, isn’t the WHO useless as well?
I guess this is a case of “takes one to know one”.
“Even if you’re vaccinated, continue to take precautions to prevent becoming infected yourself, and to infecting someone else who could die,” Tedros said. “That means wearing a mask, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and meeting others outside if you can, or in a well-ventilated space inside.”
Maybe high-risk people could take responsibility and isolate themselves, instead of controlling the rest of us?
Where’s the fun in that?
LOL. That’s so 2018.
The totally-safe-and-effective vaccines won’t protect you, but masks, which have shown absolutely zero evidence of a negative correlation with infections, are the bees knees, prophylaxially speaking.
None of the protocol-defined cases of COVID-19 in the unboosted (placebo) group resulted in hospitalization
There is good evidence that the booster seems to work short term, but why subject yourself to long term unknowns for little gain and possible short duration.
That said if I were 80 or had co morbidities I may make the trade off.
Unfortunately, the world is run by 80-year-olds now so the rest of us have to make that trade-off too.
OT: from the last post, I take it you subscribe to Chiaki’s YT channel?
I don’t.
You mean this Chiaki?
Literal rainbows and unicorns…
This one
LOL I’ve never seen a “fake punt” before. Oopsie.
They’re a thing – awesome when they work.
When they don’t…
Yeah, no kidding.
Never a dull moment watching them.
I used to watch the Cowboys back in the Tom Landry/Roger Staubach days. Their punter was the backup quarterback (Danny White) and every once in a while they would do the fake punt. As I recall, it worked more often than not.
On that note, it seems to me that the teams today are playing much more conservatively. You don’t see as many of the fancy stuff like running the ball on a field goal or the reverse or the flea-flicker. When was the last time you saw a quarterback sneak? Or a Statue of Liberty play?
Patriots use the QB sneak quite a lot – Brady is/was a master of it and Jones has pulled it off once or twice already. They must practice it regularly. Great way to pick up a yard.
That said, I think trickery is often a sign that the team is lacking elsewhere.
“Ref’s looking in the rule book…”
That commercial cracks me up.
If you like Johnny Cash, whatch this Doc, very good stuff,
Alright! some that are a bit thicc, all curvy, a good selection Q!
Well hello there.
Apropos of this topic, I’m at a friend’s house for Thanksgiving. His wife’s friend asked to turn off football in order to watch the most recent Bond flick. Now she’s narrating the movie while my friend’s MIL keeps asking questions. To make it more interesting, my friend is at the emergency vet because his new pup has parvo.
How long do I need to stay so it’s not rude to leave?
You should have left 10 minutes ago.
At least
Less rude than his friend’s wife’s friend. Sheesh.
I love you guys.
Wur luv ju o2, Urrp,
Exactly what I was thinking.
Do you or somebody close have a dog?
Explain that you don’t want to transmit it and need to immediately reduce your exposure.
Humans can spread it of course, but the rest is BS. But with COVID all rationality about viruses is now gone.
I like this answer, true or not, I don’t want another dog dead of that shit,
I have a dog at home. I need to give him his meds. It’s not urgent but it may be my out.
Wash up well when you get home.
LOL. Amityville Horror?
Too bad we can’t stay
Instantly thought of that.
I love love love Eddie. It’s been a couple decades since I watched Raw and Delirious in their entirety. That sound like a good weekend project.
Agreed, that sounds like a good plan. Parts have not aged well but he’s was at the height of his powers on those two.
I’m wondering if he get’s canceled when the perpetually offended youth discover some of the jokes he made back then.
Watching Coming to America right now.
The minute you get a puppy take it to get its shots.
Parvo is some nasty business. If the puppy makes it will be at least 48 ;hours. I am sad to say that the puppy’s chances are very low.
How long do I need to stay so it’s not rude to leave?
As long as it takes to get your coat.
But with COVID all rationality about viruses is now gone.
Rationality, logic, coherence; all gone. Poof.
Copying the haircut was encouraged, but not the coat.
Better than watching Squid Game, however.
This definitely seems like the kind of problem a cheeseball tabloid advice columnist should answer in three sentences.
I don’t want to believe that, but after their response to Covid, I think it might be low.
It sure explains a lot.
Copying the haircut was encouraged, but not the coat.
Where i\s a North Korean going to get the scratch for a coat like that?
Granddaughter: I’m looking for an idea for a tattoo.
Grampie: Here’s an idea: don’t.
“But everyone’s doing it!”
cont: “So you have plenty of examples why you should not do it. If you get one just have the word ‘CLICHE’ across your forehead.”
If you must, go all out:
“On her back was the battle of Waterloo
Below it the Wreck of the Hesperus, too.
And above it all waved the red, white, and blue!
You can learn a lot from Lydia!”
When her muscles start relaxin’
Up the hill comes Andrew Jackson
Two giraffes and a hyena?
Heh. If I only knew where I could find that.
…and a cup
Trevor Simien is not a good quarterback.
I’m OK with that.
The two games vs the Pats in the next month should decide the AFC East – it’ll be fun to watch.
Yeah… oof. Bills have a brutal schedule coming up.
Oddly, I feel the Pats have a brutal few weeks coming up. We’ll see who was right to be concerned.
As a Broncos fan, I concur.
I thought that had been established in Denver and yet he still had a job.
“Tokyo Gore Police. Subtitles! Unfathomable gory deaths! Perversions even the members of this site have yet to explore!”
I like Tokyo Gore Police, but it’s far from the most perverted Japanese New Horror.
I really enjoyed your piece on auctions yesterday. I took a course on game theory in uni that I thought was really interesting. Your breakdown of auctions into game theory was fascinating.
Autocorrect wants to change theory to turkey. Happy Thanksgiving, ‘Murican Glibs!
Sumo live streamers are showing two different networks feeds and not just the upper division stuff. This is great. It’s like watching JV games, and getting little corrections over stuff the pros do by instinct now. Only a handful of dedicated fans in the audience too.
Huh. There’s under mat storage bins in the ringside tamariseki seats. Did not know that.
This is great. It’s like watching JV games, and getting little corrections over stuff the pros do by instinct now. Only a handful of dedicated fans in the audience too.
Nice. If you want to now how hard something is, watch somebody who’s “pretty good” at it.
I once watched a young girl skater on the outdoor rink at Sun Valley practicing a spin move. She picked herself up off the ice about fifty times while my girlfriend and I sat there watching.
I used to hear that you had to fall off a horse eight times before you can really call yourself a rider/equestrian. I was never a fantastic horseman but I’m fairly certain you can at least triple that.
Younger Glibs (Is there such a thing?) will probably love it.
If millennials are considered “younger” I know there are quite a few of us on here. Not sure if there are any zoomers though.
In any event, I’m not old enough to remember the 80s, but I think some of the greatest movies were made then, so I guess I get nostalgia by proxy.
Also, I have seen Danger 5 before and can confirm that it is glorious camp.
Good to see Paul Reubens back.
watching wheel of time on Amazon.
Not impressed with what i am seeing.
Rustle skirts, pulls hair braid in frustration.
Good morning, ‘bodru! Are we the only ones not sleeping or shopping? I’m working this morning but taking the afternoon off to go over to Metamora, IN for the start of their holiday festivities.
I’m frustrated this morning. I have two handmade (by me) scarves that match my winter coat, and now that it’s cold enough that I need them again, I can’t find them! They weren’t simple patterns either. I suppose there’s nothing for it but to start making another one. That may be the most surefire way of finding the lost ones. At least I didn’t lose the gloves I knit – they were probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever made, and if I lost them I might tear my hair out.
G’morning GT and Robo. I imagine everyone else is either in an alcohol stupor or a sugar coma.
Ugh. Black Friday? I am pulling the shades, locking the doors and not answering the door all day. If everyone else is going to go nuts they have to do it without me.
Suthen, you’re in for a rough time. Remember, this is the start of National Self-Indulgence Month and it’ll be this way right up through 12/26.
Good Morning GT, insomnia again i guess.
We never did the turkey, just the two of us, and wife was sleepy/icky yesterday. So she will do baby work, and ill get chicken food on sale, and cook the thanksgiving meal for the both of us today. Hopefully pies will will be on sale today.
Knitting is someithg i have never tried, but i have always wanted to do looming.
Just start, and i bet the old ones pop up.
You don’t leave the scarves in the pockets of your winter coats? That’s where I’ll find my gloves.
That’s where the gloves are, but the scarves are usually hung on the same hanger as the coat or from a hook in the closet. I may have to take a flashlight and hunt around the floor of the closet to see if they fell down among my shoes.
See, I’m not a woman, so I don’t have an Imelda Marcos level of shoes and don’t have to worry about that.
Alternatively, around the collars of your winter coats.
Good idea, but I’ve already been wearing the winter coat that they match. ?
Good morning everyone. It’s chilly and rainy here at the beach. I would happily not leave the house today but I have to get an eye exam to renew my driver’s license. NYDMV, due to ChiComPox protocols, has reduced the transactions available at their offices so renewals are online only. That means the eye-test must be paid for out of pocket at an optometrist who is a member of the NYDMV Electronic Records Sharing Program. First I called the place in the same shopping center as my work; they required an appointment and charge $105. The place a block further away said it’s a walk-in procedure and is only $25. All to practice my right of travel.
suh’ fam
whats goody
I cant believe so few of you know of the brilliance of Danger 5. If I didnt hear about it here, it was from some Glib-esque person from TOS.
Yeah, someone here turned me on to it a couple years ago. For Aussie programing though, I’m a Paul Fenech fanboy. His shows Swift & Shift Couriers and Housos are just amazing.
Italian Spiderman is good, too. If only for the stereotypes.
What’s goody? The furnace is still chugging while I await the part! The baddy? My OT has not been signed off on yet so I deal with eight shifts of mess on Sunday afternoon. Fun! This is getting to the point of Lord Humungous. Last night I was able to complete about 3/4 of my tasks. The center will not hold.
GT our temperature has dropped quite a bit.
Better put the band-aids on if you plan on venturing out. Windy, too.
Good morning, homey! Thanks for the warning. Is it frosty, too?
Speaking of warning, TT and I had advance notice and avoided the cluster on NB 75 last night on our way back from my sister & BIL’s place down in Warren County, but we almost got lost because Union Road takes weird little jogs down south of town. Almost had to ask you to release the doge to come track us down.
Not to sound like an episode of SNL’s “The Californians”, but you could have gotten off 75 in Franklin at 123, and taken that over to Rt 4. Then to the more familiar Union.
Driving in an unfamiliar city is worse than biblical hell.
I personally hated the times before GPS where I’d get lost in suburban hell. Block after block after block of the same HOA approved beige McMansions.
“Good Morning!” *adjusts top plate* “Good Black Friday Morning!”
Its ‘Friday of Color’, shitlord.
I like to call it “White people clap their shoes above their head day”. Ruprecht Day.
For your consideration –
Good morning to the North American residing individuals.
Good afternoon to the Euros.
Whatever to the Asian based.
I think that covers everyone…oh…um…I have no idea what Hawaii is…*shrugs and waves*
I don’t believe anything they claim. I have seen no dead kids in the street.
Just the brain-dead. Passed a bus stop a few days ago and they were all dutifully masked. All the smart ones must be mouldering in the crawlspaces.
“I’m Tom Bear-dett, and we’ll leave the light on for ya.”
In the side-bar – Canada threatened by risky 5th wave. I don’t like this ride anymore Mommy! Can we please make it stop?
Italy has accepted as a refugee the Afghan woman who was on the cover of National Geographic mag in the 1980s as a young girl.
She is now widowed and has 4 kids. She had made it into Pakistan with false papers, but was deported back to Afghanistan.
I hope she and her offspring can adapt to their new life. Hers has been rough.