Your daily Harry Potter reference
Just a little too strange, even for me.
“And then as the series progressed, we had to utilize the same sets and create a darker world.”
Your daily Harry Potter reference
Just a little too strange, even for me.
“And then as the series progressed, we had to utilize the same sets and create a darker world.”
The ground view of the image that the prosecution is hanging its entire case on.
I was watching the other day as they were playing with images far beyond the capability of the surveillance camera. At one point the Prosecutor tried to get Kyle to agree his gun was raised. He calmly pointed out that his gun was down and pointed to the appropriate smug.
I am astonished that the judge let these in. The expert was clear that these do not accurately represent reality.
Worse.. I am pretty sure they are hanging their case on an interpolated image. The guy “slowed down” the video… Which adds frames. In this case, it does not just double frames, it calculates an invented frame in between two frames by various forms of advanced averaging of pixels between the two frames.
The entire thing hinges on a bump on a blob that the prosecutor is going to contend shows exactly where the gun was pointed.
I would figure that it is easy grounds for appeal? Why didn’t the State ask the guy they claim he pointed his rifle at…did he point his rifle at you at this moment? Or the several dozen people that are milling around.
Why didn’t the State ask the guy they claim he pointed his rifle at…did he point his rifle at you at this moment?
I thought that was one of the dead guys.
And I can’t tell shit from any of the pictures, myself.
I thought that was one of the dead guys.
Yes, I think it was Rosenbaum.
There is another guy… Zaminski I think his name is? Maybe cyto might remember from the live stream. This guy fired a shot somewhere in the vicinity of Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum. It’s not clear if Zaminski was shooting at Rittenhouse or someone else.
Neither side put Zaminski on the stand. I don’t know why.
Probably because he was going to assert the 5th.
I think the story was he was behind Rosenbaum and fired a handgun shot into the air. Like you do in a tense, crowded, powder keg of a situation.
Right, and of course not charged with discharging a firearm in city limits or anything else.
So it still stands that the State could not find any one of the persons right around that area that could testify to him pointing the rifle. I think the judge wanted to dispel notions of bias by allowing that nonsense.
I am an asshat, but I don’t get why this would even matter. This is not where Rittenhouse shoots Rosenbaum. Rittenhouse flees and Rosenbaum chases him. Why chase after a guy with an AR?
I guess the argument is that he was pointing his gun at people, or maybe Rosenbaum in particular, and maybe Rosenbaum went after him to stop the threat. Or, that he was there that night with the intention of shooting people, and his gun being up and aiming proves that.
I guess the argument is that he was pointing his gun at people, or maybe Rosenbaum in particular, and maybe Rosenbaum went after him to stop the threat.
That’s my understanding of what the prosecution was getting at.
“I guess the argument is that he was pointing his gun at people, or maybe Rosenbaum in particular, and maybe Rosenbaum went after him to stop the threat.”
This makes sense. I live in the ghetto and like every one else here, whenever we see a guy with a gun, we yell, “GUN!!!!!!” and run right at ’em. It’s a well-honed, automatic, muscle-memory response.
+100000000000000 this^^^^
I’m with you. Fleeing breaks off a previous encounter, even if it was “provocative”. The only thing that matters is the individual encounter where the shooting occurs. The only evidence the jury should be looking at is the specific encounters where Rittenhouse shot somebody, not previous interactions between them.
Yeah they focus on this encounter, but there is a clear part a second later as he is running where he clearly turns, raises his rifle and realizes that brandishing isn’t going to stop him so he continues to flee until appears to be trapped in the cars.
I don’t get it.
And since we have no audio if at that moment, and this is pure speculation, whoever he pointed the rifle at could have been a response to a threat and chose to retreat or realize the threat was mounting. There is just so much that cannot hinge on that damn moment.
The magic word they just introduced is “provocation”.
If Rittenhouse pointed a gun at some guy (the prosecutor is not even being clear as to who they are saying it is pointed at) and this act (which would be assault) then precipitated Rosenbaum’s actions, KR loses the right to self defense. At least potentially.
It is clear BS.
But the prosecutor is also counting on a contingent of the jury to have arrived at the trial already believing that he is guilty, and specifically that he is guilty because “he shouldn’t have been there”. Barnes pegs this at a third of the total jury pool, and he says these people do not change their minds, even when presented with facts that he was chased down and attacked by a violent guy bent on killing him. “He shouldn’t have been there.”. That is the entire story for these people. .
The defense seemed to get distracted when trying to exclude this instruction when pressed as to what is a provocation… Arguing that merely carrying a weapon is not provocation. So the judge also got sidetracked and the whole thing became about how to craft the instruction so jurors know that “just being there” is not enough.
Big win for the prosecutor. Potentially changes the entire focus of deliberations to a blob. This will be a Rorschach test that allows people to project their prior bias into a blurry and indistinct image and see what they want to see.
And if they find he provoked the chase, then they can find that he does not enjoy a right to self defense. This could lead to conviction on all counts.
The level of potential screwup on this cannot be overstated.
I would only say that provocation would be valid if he didn’t start retreating. Provoke, stand your ground and pop 4 in his chest I would be on the side of the State. That is not shown at all. It shows continual retreat until it was no longer viable.
Pretty much this.
‘Provocation’ doesn’t have a legal definition, so it is subject to the good old ‘reasonable man’ test.
Prey flees, predators chase. It’s not really a rational process, but you see it over and over again.
Yep. They can’t chase you if you dont run.
The prosecution really wants to convince the jury and everyone that guns should not be outside the home and Rittenhouse was a vigilante mass shooter.
There is video of Rittenhouse walking/running around the area with other openly armed people and never interacts with them.
Additionally, the only people Rittenhouse shot and/or killed attacked him or were advancing on him. Who have you ever heard of advancing on a rifle carrying person when you dont have a weapon? They attacked Rittenhouse thinking he would not shoot them. Even after he shot 2 others who were wrong on that point, the 3rd guy did.
Couple take up task of transforming a mortuary into a family home
I hope they pay grave attention to detail.
Pun threads are a dying art.
We really need to lay them to rest once and for all.
Not everyone digs them.
Time to bury this one.
The services to die for.
It’s a dead end.
*narrows gaze*
I’m surprised you didn’t summon up a crypt-id for that one…
Your gaze should throw a shroud over this thread.
I assume they got it dead cheap or at least had a stiff negotiation.
And in honor of our absent friend — in an alternate timeline: “You’re a lizard, Harry!”
This is probably going to wake Swiss.
During the inspection they should be sure to check any mortise joints with rigor.
I fear we’re losing the plot here.
“I hope they pay grave attention to detail”
Even if they have to re-hearse it.
Et tu, 4×20?
Just when you thought this thread was buried.
I was thinking more like 2.5 x 8 x 6
Give me a moment, I’ll be coffin up a reply.
I think I still have a PS2 packed away in the garage. Full driving set up too.
Relevant, and a Ted S. music link to boot!
Now I want to get OS/2 Warp 4 working in a VM again. 😉
Second best operating system to never get application support. (Except ATM machines. Those things all seemed to run OS/2)
Or, you know, you could just give yourself a Prince Albert with a soldering iron. It would probably hurt less…
Director Chris Columbus is proud of Harry Potter, but still thinks he got the scar wrong
Not everyone can cut it in the film industry.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
“Not everyone can cut it in the film industry.”
No, you have to be a member of MPEG, the Motion Picture Editors Guild.
What a hack.
If he would have spent more time slicing and less time splicing he could have gotten it correct.
He left us a legacy of wisdom in what he said as well as what he did.
I have been assured that the only thing that matters is that he was a slave owner and likely racist.
MoviePass… back at a closed movie theater near you!
My mother in law really enjoys going to the movie theater. She probably sees a few movies a month.
I’ll take my big screen tv, surround sound, and VUDU instead. I don’t get it but to each their own. Might be a generational preference too. It’s been at least 12 years since the wife or I last went to a movie theater.
The girlfriend prefers the theater. There’s some movies I like seeing on the big screen. But I also enjoy the basement, with theater seating, surround sound, the ability to pause, and my alcohol selection being available.
I think the last movie I saw in the theater was The Gentlemen with discounted tickets.
Frozen 2, opening weekend.
But there may have been other influences involved.
Oh look. Another sequel.
I have a real problem sitting through a whole movie. I am spoiled by being able to pause whatever I’m watching at home and wandering off.
Also, no one gives me stink eye at home when I decide to make a bad movie better with my funny commentary. Minnesodans are really uptight about talking in the theater.
My wife and I can turn an hour and a half minute movie into a two hour and a half movie due to pausing the action to discuss, usually at length, what we think is going on or about to happen, wandering downstairs for chocolate or meats, etc.
Which is as it should be.
Color me jealous. We used to do that. Then babies. Now it is some reality TV show about skanks hooking up with some dude or buying a wedding dress. I try, honest I do. But I really could not be less interested. And her post baby brain is not interested in 2 hour movies at all.
So that is a rare treat when it happens.
Last movie I saw in the thee-ayter was the remake of that western whose title I can’t remember. I was on a date, so must have been 1,000,000 years ago
True Grit?
That’s the one.
With the stupid ending where instead taking multiple horses and switching, he just takes the girl’s horse and kills it? That annoyed me – just supposed to be an emotional moment but no cowboy was that stupid.
1) Nitpick: He was a U.S. Marshal, not a cowboy,
2) Don’t remember from the remake, but in the book and the original movie Mattie’s horse was, in Cogburn’s words, “…the only one I could catch.” Being that he was an older man and had just had a dead horse fall on his leg, that’s pretty believable.
Vaguely related (TW: Streisand sighting): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qQhODwivLU
True Grit?
Damn your nimble fingers, Swissy!
You keep using that word, I don’t think you think it means what you think
Raclette stained?
Oh so nimble 😉
*Kamala cackles*
Last one I saw in the theater was Dune. In IMAX.
Same here!
*high five*
*raises dram*
The one a block from me is actually open again. Of course, I am not allowed to enter it.
Fine. Fuck ’em.
Finding someone willing to take. your money is never a difficult task.
“Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. It is a force, like fire: a dangerous servant and a terrible master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”
I believe I’ve read that he never actually said this and that it’s an apocryphal reference. But, it’s one of those truths that, if he hadn’t said it, he should have.
“The spirit of freedom beat too high in us to submit to slavery.”
You might want to sit down, Shirley. There’s something I have to tell you.
It’s not everyday, however, that you find yourself clearing out embalming basements and parlours.
That’s what happen to one couple who ended up buying a former mortuary.
Kaycee and her husband Andrew Olague bought the 98-year-old home just over a year ago and have been creating TiKTok videos about their spooky abode.
The pitch was genuinely astounding: Users originally only had to pay $7 a month to watch as many movies in theaters as they liked.
They’ll make up for it on volume?
The song is good.
This caught my eye in the dead thread:
“For anyone who doesn’t live in a bubble, that isn’t a shock. Not that I’m saying natives are particularly racist towards black people. I’m saying some of the most racist shit I’ve ever heard about a minority group came out of the mouth of a different minority.”
A while back, I drove all over the country, about three months of driving, with the Vietnamese GF I had at the time. She was really concerned about driving through the South, and thought she would be harassed a lot for her ethnicity.
Only three instances of probable racism encountered the entire trip, none directed at her:
A white girl employed at a Subway shop in NJ advising me to stay out of a certain “scary” part of town. Turns out, “scary” meant “a lot of black people wandering around”, not “somewhere where I was at all concerned about my physical security.”
The East Indian owner of a hotel near New Orleans, advising me to stay out of the nearby “scary” part of town. Same deal as above.
Some Asian customers at a restaurant making racist jokes about the black owners.
Its sad, but I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the Subway girl and the hotel owner were giving you good advice about where the high crime area was. Sometimes, the high crime area = the dysfunctional area = where a lot of black people live. Ther’s an endless debate about why that correlation shows up the way it does, but I’d think twice about calling that “racist” unless they said something more specifically racist.
Hence my use of the weasel word “probable”. Definite racism would have been someone calling her by an ethnic slur, making unfavorable comments on us being a mixed race couple, etc. Everyone was pretty much nice as pie to us.
Same deal with living in the South for years and driving all around it with my wife. She keeps on saying she’s always on the alert in case of an outbreak of danger from racism – which has yet to happen. At all.
I’ve oh so gingerly suggested that her notion of massive, pervasive racism towards black individuals in this country might be a tad out of touch with observed reality.
I’d say that with the millions and millions of encounters every day between people of different races, colors, cultures, preferences or whatever, we generally do pretty well. It’s a big country so you will always be able to find some incident, and the media is ready, willing and able to amplify it.
Wait, you have a wife and a Vietnamese girlfriend? Can I subscribe to your newsletter.
Had a Vietnamese GF – just the wife now.
Though in between the two, at one point I was dating three women, all of whom knew about the others, one of whom is now Mrs. Prole. Maneuvering cautiously around the jealousy and each of them wanting to monopolize all my available free time was a handful, a constant exercise in Objection Management.
More than forty years ago I was at a friend’s on Girard and 49th Ave N. A family of Laotian refugees (not Hmong, Laotian) had just moved in across the street. One of the young Laotians stopped by and we were all in the kitchen smoking weed and looking out the window when a black man passed by on the sidewalk. The Laotian yelled in broken English, “Fucking Nigger!”, which took me by surprise as even back then my friends and I didn’t talk like that. For some reason, pretty much the whole world hates African-Americans including folks from Somalia and Nigeria. And Laos. It’s a strange, strange world.
Very vaguely related: https://youtu.be/i2O9DC-v_v0?t=97
Somewhat more related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmC8d8wxOx4
She was really concerned about driving through the South, and thought she would be harassed a lot for her ethnicity.
A friend of my wife’s is a black woman who grew up in NYC and moved to Augusta, Georgia. She said, that she generally encountered less racism in the South than she did in NYC. It’s hearsay, so take it for what it’s worth.
I was talking to a black guy on the airplane from Newark to Houston many years ago. He said the same, and that it wasn’t even close.
That’s my experience, as well, as between Richmond VA and Boston many moons ago.
Not. Even. Close.
That was my impression growing up in the South but visiting relatives in the North periodically as well.
I agree.
Back in 1982 I was at Duke. A bunch of the kids in my dorm were from NY and NJ. It was their first experience in the south. There was much talk about how “racist you guys in the south are”. After several conversations I began to wonder…
We southerners all had stories about our black friends, sometime tensions between the races at school… And none of the guys from up north did. So I asked one kid from long island about that. Never any tension at your school? His answer was odd, so I asked him directly if he had any black friends.
“,Oh yes, I know a black girl.”
Wait… How many black kids in your school.?
Two. Two girls in a school where his graduating class was over 3,000.
We laughed at him.
Almost all of the other kids from up north had similar stories. They lived in white areas and went to white schools and only knew a very few black people who lived in a world where they were a tiny minority.
My high school was pretty evenly divided between black and white.
They didn’t know how to operate in a multiracial world, despite living in one of the most diverse cities on earth.
So was mine. And I’m a nawtherner.
But what you encountered was common at the time in the suburbs, at least. Not in the cities.
Show me a black guy who would walk through Dorchester by himself after dark, and I’ll show you a hate crime victim.
Dorchester is like 50% Vietnamese now.
You’re going to want to update your stereotypes:
Wow. Okay, I amend my statement to, “… through 1990’s Dorchester…”
I think it’s a cultural thing. White and black people in the south basically have the same culture. The black people who moved north took it with them and never “integrated”, so to speak. There is a lot of culture clash because of it. It’s not helped by the crime stats, either.
Your GF was worried for nothing. We have oodles of Vietnamese here. Strong work ethic, strong family values…we love ’em.
Any my favorite food on the planet.
My wife’s biggest peeve about living in the South was the fact that instead of saying Asian or Oriental, everyone was “Chinese”.
She did not like being called Chinese, couldn’t understand how anyone could look at her and think she was Chinese.
“Same reason everybody calls me “gweilo” in China, sugartits.”
In 15 years in an interracial marriage, we never once had a white person look at us sideways. We lived together in Atlanta, including a house with the Stone Mountain sculpture as a nice view from our front yard. We went to country bars in Kinnesaw. We went to pentacostal churches in the north Georgia mountains. We traveled throughout the south. 15 years. Never one incident with a white person.
Black people? Different story. There were a lot of people who felt empowered to comment on our relationship. Mostly guys. Sometimes they would complement my wife “that is a fine looking woman you have there”. Sometimes they would overtly say that she should get away from that white boy and get with a brother. Sometimes they would just catcall her. One time some Farrakhan types tried to get her to join them by talking to her at a stoplight in downtown Atlanta. They kept talking about the blue-eyed devil. Then they ducked down to see who was driving. Imagine their surprise when they saw my baby blues looking back at them. (To their credit they immediately began apologizing… But that didn’t stop my wife from telling them they need to get right with the Lord)
Her own mother, who loved me quite a lot, called me “that fucking white boy” for most of the 12 years I knew her.
Even octagenarian relatives of mine that I had been warned were racist welcomed us into their homes and were never anything less than perfectly kind to her.
Same experience, cyto, 47 years now. My wife, OTOH, holds some views about the Chinese, because they invaded VN 7-800 years ago but she loves Chinese food.
Now, because she’s the model of the “Little Old Asian Lady” people go out of their way to help her.
Relevant, I suspect.
LOL I knew exactly what that was going to be.
Allow me to share a particular subtype that my Japanese friend (mid 50s like me) and I like to kid about.
Osaka’s aged idol group Obachaaan still on fire, also helping prevent fires
I’ve had a different experience with black guys (and women too). The black guys usually give me a little respectful head bob or amused grin when they see us together, sort of “this guy … THIS guy gets it”, especially the ones with a white wife or GF in tow. I’ve had several pre-teen black girls eye me and my wife interacting, and they got this “hunh, he acts nice to her, maybe I should try one of them someday too” look.
I’ll go days forgetting about what ethnicity my wife is, she’s just Mrs. Prole, same person I see ever damn day. It’s when I go out in public that I’ll sometimes get jarred into, “Hunh, Toto, we’re not in Hawaii any more.”
Do you mind if we dance with your wife?
Compare the Washington quotes, add in Bastiat and Mises and some other champions of liberty and look at Obama and Biden through those lenses.
That would be painful.
I look at them through the lens of 1970s America. The farthest left Democrat from Jimmy Carter’s 1976 would be aghast at every single thing our government and institutions are doing.
Or even other US presidents:
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” — Franklyn Delano Roosevelt, March 4, 1933
“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” — John F Kennedy, January 20, 1961
“I’m going to try to sell what I think the American people will buy,” — Joe Biden, October 1, 2021
Yep. You could go down the whole list. A true rogue’s gallery.
Washington was unique.
Good for them. ?
“Just a little too strange, even for me.”
There is a restaurant in NE Minneapolis that used to be a mortuary. It’s changed hands a few times. My sister liked the first restaurant that opened there when she lived in the neighborhood and I went with her for a late lunch once. It initially seemed odd at first, knowing its history, but that quickly dissipated. Great food and service.
But the creepiest repurposed space I have ever been in was a hotel we stayed at while playing some town in southern Minnesota. Faribault, maybe? It had originally been an insane asylum and even after a few days it still felt uncomfortable being there. Some truly weird shit must have happened in that building and its energy wasn’t going away. Never felt like that anywhere before or after that and we played a couple of clubs where folks had been murdered.
If I started a restaurant in an ex-mortuary, you know it would have to be called “Soylent Green”….
This joint down the street from me was a mortuary…
Aw fuck. Another Harry Potter?
Remakes and double digit sequels. The Hollywood weirdos have no imagination. One more Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Spiderman, etc. and I will give up on movies all together.
I believe there is to be a new Spider-Man released in December, so you have until then, at least.
What’s that make now? Two-point-five billion or so “Spidermans”?
And they must be working on yet another “Batman” somewhere, mustn’t they?
And “Superman”?
Mister Smith Goes To Washington 2: Democracy Dies in Darkness.
At this point, I kind of wish democracy would die.
A limited constitutional monarchy is where it’s at. That way the vote harder canard is ineffective and the people know just who to go after.
Court TV has a group breaking the trial of Rittenhouse down.
“He went there with the specific intent of harming people who were there to support racial justice. ”
“We know that he was out partying with the proud boys, flashing white power signs, but the jury didn’t get to see that”
Anyone who says the OK sign is a white power symbol automatically identifies themselves as mentally deficient.
O-tay, whatevs
The jury did get to see up close and personal the kind of person who destroyed their town. I keep hoping that helps matters.
The quicker we separate, the better.
Lies are all they have. I dont just mean about this trial, I mean about every position they push.
It never occurs to the amoral that if you have to lie to sell your case, you dont have a case worth selling.
“He went there with the specific intent of harming people who were there to support racial justice. ” State’s case, not fact
“We know that he was out partying with the proud boys, flashing white power signs, but the jury didn’t get to see that” Irrelevant, but that won’t stop them.
I hear KR also like Mexicans, weed and ass sex.
Irrelevant and untrue.
Big distinction.
Neither of those things is true.
Doesn’t matter. Everything is about personal politics now. Nuance is verboten.
I snoozed a couple of FB friends – don’t want to see any more stupidity out of people I normally like.
Minnesoda Nice be damned. If I lived next to these jackasses I would be reading up on the art of arson.
Uber rich couple buys house on Lake Minnetonka (where you can see hordes of naked attractive ladies purifying themselves), tears it down and builds even bigger house. Neighbors sue because the house is too close to the lake. A judge has just ruled that the couple needs to justify why they were granted exemptions to the setback rules or they will have to move their mansion back.
I like watching rich people step on their dicks as much as the next guy, but fuck the neighbors. The Redmonds bribed their way into a bigger house fair and square. If they are forced to move the house, the city should pick up the costs. And I hope they do it with a special property tax on the neighbors.
Jesus, fuck those neighbors. You had your chance to object early on.
$6.8 million for a teardown is some serious loot.
Tom Redmond is the son of Thomas Redmond, founder of the Aussie brand of hair care products,
I needed a better class of parent.
Chad Greenway is an ex-Viking. A kid from SoDak who played college ball at Iowa. You’d think he wouldn’t be part of this shit. I bet it was his wife who badgered him into being an asshole.
I think a city run by the wealthy would be much better than a city run by elected officials.
Not mentioned: Who, if anyone, has authority to grant exemptions from the law.
I’ve had a couple variances approved, because the one size fits all rule doesn’t cover every situation. Funny, what $500 to go before the Zoning Commission will do.
I’d argue that the judge made an ex post facto ruling. They got all the approvals and built the house, and now the judge says no?
That judge needs a serious judicial ass-kicking when this gets kicked up to an appellate court.
Top political officials in the Trump White House tried to block public health guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and to eliminate evidence of political interference into scientists’ reports on the coronavirus, according to newly released documents from congressional investigators.
The latest documents from a House committee investigating the former administration’s response to the pandemic shed additional light on the efforts of some of former President Trump’s political appointees to blunt or even block the messages of career officials because they did not align with Trump’s rosy projections.
In another example, Scott Atlas, a former special adviser to Trump, was involved in making changes to the CDC’s guidance that dramatically narrowed who should be tested for COVID-19.
Atlas, a radiologist who had no prior infectious disease experience, was added to the task force in the summer of 2020 after Trump saw him on television.
The guidance was abruptly changed on Aug. 24, 2020, to assert that most asymptomatic people should not be tested, even if they were exposed to someone with the virus. The CDC made the move by updating its website and did not make any public announcement or explain the reasoning behind the major revision.
The guidelines were released over the objections of Deborah Birx, the Trump administration’s former coronavirus response coordinator.
Birx told the committee she believed Atlas was spearheading the change because he wanted fewer tests.
Administration officials told reporters at the time that the guidelines were a collaborative product and were approved by the entire White House task force, but Birx said she was traveling when the updated guidance was pushed through.
“After this guidance was posted … we saw a dramatic decline of the number of tests performed during the end of August and the beginning of September,” Birx said. “This document resulted in less testing and less aggressive testing of those without symptoms that I believed were the primary reason for the early community spread.”
Last time I checked, the duly elected President of the United States is not subservient to the whims or prejudices of employees of federal bureaucracies.
Did Birx have empirical evidence to support her “beliefs”? Or was she trying to to work backwards into a claim that the CDC could “beat” the plague with lockdowns and all the rest of their “This is something, and we must do it!” dog and pony show?
Now do the 50 State officials that played infectious disease experts…
He’s America’s top health bureaucrat!
Listen to the experts. They are experts.
Blah, blah, fuckin’ blah. A fly’s turd carries more weight than Trump critic’s accusations.
What did they think would happen? Lie your ass off and your credibility disappears. If they told me the sky was blue I would call them liars.
At this point I would only need my fainting couch if I caught them telling the truth.
The problem was the PCR tests generating false positives and a lack of accurate instant tests.
The CDC royally fucked up the test development and created a months long setback because they wouldn’t relinquish control.
Last time I checked, the duly elected President of the United States is not subservient to the whims or prejudices of employees of federal bureaucracies.
You might think that, but if we reveal the hidden ink in Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution:
I was wondering why they had so much parchment left empty after that statement. Mind blown!
What’s funny is you can tell the Biden administration completely sets the CDC’s policy and not the other way around.
We learned recently that they were strong armed into recommending mask mandates in schools and only data that supports the administration’s goals is shared. If it doesn’t, they bury it.
Also strong armed to send out a threatening statement to parents that dared to be involved in their schools.
What ESSENTIAL travel was she doing?
I like watching rich people step on their dicks as much as the next guy, but fuck the neighbors. The Redmonds bribed their way into a bigger house fair and square. If they are forced to move the house, the city should pick up the costs. And I hope they do it with a special property tax on the neighbors.
Don’t move the house; bring in fill to make a spit of land which will fulfill the setback requirement.
That’s the kind of out of the box thinking we’re looking for.
Err, I think the setback is to prevent sediment from getting in the lake, not to have truckloads dumped in the lake.
And to do anything at all with any body of water….
Army corps of engineering, department of natural resources, bureau of land management, county city and state officials….. It can be a mess.
A cousin built a motocross track in the woods in Wisconsin and a neighbor ratted him out. A decent sized creek runs along the edge of the 40 acre wooded property, which feeds eventually to lake superior.
Ankle deep tributary, but counts as navigable because …. who knows why.
Agents from multiple agencies cam out, looked at his property, tracks, retention ponds he built using the dirt from the track (and as a source for dirt as well)… After much wrangling, the local DNR guy convinced the other agencies that he was providing wetlands for threatened species.
Ankle deep tributary, but counts as navigable because
I’d give Satan my soul if I could beat to death every person that makes that argument.
How about a long dock with a flowerpot of dirt on the end of it? That make everyone happy?
Now you’ll need Corps of Engineer approval. Water, navigable, jurisdiction.
Riparian rights lawyers would like a word with you…
Weird breaking local story.
The bad news is that the first good Samaritan was shot and killed. I wonder why the murderer was wearing a protective vest?
The guy needing to be brought to the hospital for injuries makes me hopeful that the locals beat the shit out of him. A few more carjackers need to be fucking pulped if you ask me.
I hope you’re right – I would enjoy the thought of “We Push for Peace” volunteers delivering a giant beat-down.
There is a Jimmy John’s in downtown Minneapolis that is next to a small urban park that was immediately taken over by drug dealers.
I have witnessed the employees of that JJ’s wearing out some yahoo on the sidewalk in front of the shop at least three times when I used to work there. I’m not 100% sure what the street bum did to earn the beating, but the employees would tell them – between punches – that they had better never show their face in the store again.
If it’s anything like the bums around here? He was taking his dick out.
Where, specifically is that? BTW, I went downtown a few week ago for the first time in nearly a year and a half. It’ a ghost town.
The JJ right next to the Target Center (old Block E). Across from Gluek’s.
Last time I worked downtown was more than 5 years ago. So the young guys working there probably moved on to bigger and better things.
I don’t think downtown is ever coming back. Between Rona and Rioters all those office drones will never come back. The next step will be to bail out the Movers & Shakers who own all that downtown office space. The City Council will probably then turn those office towers into Section 8 housing and the death spiral will be complete.
When I worked at the Jimmy Johns in Wicker Park Chicago, I used to do the Friday and Saturday bar shifts. One night this asshole came into the store and was hassling us and the bouncer for the Flat Iron Bar (who was this 6’2 muscular black dude) came in to get a sandwich and saw the guy being a dick. He grabbed the guy by his collar and threw him out the fucking store. After that, we gave that guy a free sandwich and chips every bar shift.
Nice to have useful friends of the store.
Reminds me of a story, and apparently I am in a storytelling mood.
Back in the 90s when I was living in Atlanta, a 15 year old girl was raped. A two week manunt ensued. We had the radio on WSB 750 at work when they found the suspect.
Police “found” him in the middle of the main road in College Park. Naked. With a pair of vice grips attached to his bits. Apparently he had been dragged there by the vice grips. Beaten and badly scraped up and unconscious in the middle of the road. At just before 1pm on a weekday. Lunch rush. People everywhere.
Cut to an interview live with a leiutennant. “We have interviewed everyone in the area, and it seems that nobody saw anything at all.” Definitely said with a bit of a chuckle.
Back to Boortz and Marshall in the studio… It seems that she had a bunch of brothers and cousins. And they found him first. “Shoulda turned yourself in to the police”.
Back in the old days of misogyny and patriarchy, you violently rape a 15 year old girl and 7 of her family members beat the crap out of you and drag you down main street with a pair of vice grips on your junk… And the whole town nods.
Try that up here right now and you’ll be fed to hogs in a swamp up the road, these boys don’t fuck around, and they are giants.
There’s been a lot of carjacking’s in Chicago and all Mayor Lightfoot and Kim Foxx (Cook County State’s Attorney) do is shrug their shoulders and go on about their business.
Louisiana has a carjacker law. Someone tries to carjack you, shoot ’em.
I should mention that nearly every car in the state has a pistol in it.
…and a case of beer.
and a bucket of crawfish
I heard something about murder/shootings in Chicago. Anyone else hear that? Can’t believe the mayor would tolerate such foolishness.
I think part of the problem is that the State’s Attorney Foxx refuses to actually do her job and charge people unless they’ve done something absolutely heinous. Another part is that Mayor Lightfoot is stupidly incompetent and managed to piss off the rank and file police officers.
Fucking Hoosiers. Always fucking things up for everyone.
You jest but that’s the reasoning that our politicians use when they are call to account for the explosion in violence in Chicago.
“BREAKING NEWS: 500 National Guard troops will be on stand-by in Wisconsin for Rittenhouse verdict as police forces across America brace for acquittal”
Convict or we’ll riot.
Didn’t the official BLM folks already say exactly that?
Ate you confusing that with BLM in NY literally threatening riots if the new mayor brought back the anti-crime patrols?
Hard to keep track of all the riot threats.
Could be. It is a mish-mash
It’s going to be a busy riot season. What with all the supply chain problems, I hope all of the pallets of bricks are delivered to the right street corners.
I find it hard to swallow that all of the clearly organized riots took place and no o ne seems curious who the organizers are. Who is funding it, etc.
Barely a word about that.
I’m sure they will get right on that. Right after they crack the case on how all those dirt poor Haitians managed to walk all the way from Chile to Texas.
I imagine it is the same lot organizing those caravans. I bet I can guess which political party they belong to.
Seems like that would be under White Lives Matter’s purview, if you’re gonna take BLM’s name literally instead of as a euphemism.
Normalizing political violence seems to be the goal.
It worked for the elections in 2020.
Considering the judge allowed provocation to be thrown into the mix for the jury the mob’s going to get their way. Murder? Probably not but they’re going to nail the hell out of the kid.
“Forget the rest of it, he shouldn’t of been there in the first place. Guilty!”
Best to reasonably hope for now is a hung jury which will mean, of course, riots.
“She shouldn’t have gone upstairs with the frat boy in the first place. Rape case dismissed.”
Even better, she shouldn’t have snuck out of the house to go to the party in the first place and when she realized she was in danger, she tried to leave, but was blocked off.
I’m here in “Vince Neil’s Wild Side Tavern, Pahrump Nevada”.
Things that make you go—WTF?
Vince Neil’s Wild Side Tavern does indeed sound like the final stop on a long line of bad (but possibly fun) choices.
That sounds amazing.
If it’s anything like the one in Vegas, I’m sorry.
No idea if it’s like the one in Vegas. This one is a niclitrle “country rock” spot. Nice, efficient, OCD waitress who’s over the hill but efficient and fun to talk to.
Lots of regulars, very little smoke, good air circulation and new enough to be clean and decent.
Surprisingly the “stage” is big enough only for karaoke, but they are planning on bringing in bands and just having them spill out onto the dance floor.
Not bad, really. Beats the hell out of the dark stale gambling dungeons that some other places out here are.
Now I know what hell will look like for me.
dark stale gambling dungeons
Odd place for a D&D reference.
Well I started the day with an email from HR asking for a quick chat.
It was the vax mandate call. She wanted to know if I was vaxxed. I politely told her it was none of her business.
She politely said that because our company has more than 100+ employees and several Fed contracts that they need to handle the calls for mandates. I wasn’t on any Fed contract projects so I wasn’t going to have to worry about that. She acknowledged that the 100+ mandate had been stopped in court, but they had to plan as if it would eventually be implemented.
She then said that if I worked onsite once the mandate went into effect and I hadn’t given them any proof that I was vaxxed, I’d have to do weekly testing and wear a mask. But no threats of being fired or anything like that. It was all pretty cordial.
I’m actually surprised that my company has resisted the mandates as long as we have. We work with a lot of state and local educational agencies. I’m sure that the majority of our customers are Big Mask advocates.
Our company also offered $100 gift cards to anyone who voluntarily turned in proof of vax. My dream is that they’d do the Thelma & Louise off the cliff resisting the mandates, but if they are going to enforce mandates at least paying to fuck over employees is better than nothing.
When I announced in our meeting that I had chatted with HR about this, half the people thought I was joking when I said I refused to provide proof. When I told them that no, I wasn’t joking and I didn’t want to have anything to do with discriminating against my coworkers who didn’t want to take an experimental treatment, a few of them got pretty uncomfortable.
I have to admit, I’m sort of relieved that I don’t have to put my job on the line like some of you have had to do. I hope I’d stay true to my principles, but I have to admit the prospect of going home and telling my wife that I need a new job was scary.
Standing up for what is right is always scary. It really takes balls. That is why so few people do it.
They got uncomfortable because when. you stand up like that it shows them for the cowards they are and they know it.
Standing up to corporate drones is easy.
Telling my wife that I’m not bringing home any bacon is the scary part. There is a reason I call her FFOT (Five Feet of Terror).
the prospect of going home and telling my wife that I need a new job was scary
Ah, just set her out on the icy driveway in her boots. By the time she finds her way back into the house, you’ll have thought of something.
Congrats on being ‘safe’ for the moment. It is no small thing to have some stability, if for no other reason than to have the ability make longer term plans without immediate pressure.
I’m 97% sure I could have a new job by the end of the week if need be.
My main problem is that if I got bum rushed now, it is too cold to fish from a boat, but too warm for it to ice over. What a boring part of the year. I guess I could do a few hunting trips to NoDak for pheasants.
* nice callback to my morning’s racist comment.
This sounds like a good outcome.
They offered us $500 cash. Made me more decisive against it. I don’t take kindly to people thinking they can buy my integrity.
Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I’m free at last: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-13/britney-spears-conservatorship-decision-terminated/100618050
So what you are saying is, now is the time to make my move.
And fuck her Dad. What kind of shitnozzle does that to his daughter, long after she’s turned her life around?
The kind that needs a new pair of shoes.
What do you want to bet that he is in the middle of begging her to change her mind. Next will come the guilt trip strategy, then anger and belittling her.
Yeah, that guy is some piece of work.
Can anyone confrim that this timer can only be purchased directly from the manufacturer? I can’t seem to find it listed anywhere else.
There are some places that resell it, but the manufacturer is the best bet.
well, crap. backordered.
I’ll sell you one.
How much, and when will it be delivered?
“As soon as it falls off the next truck”
Depends, What color do you want? and would you like an extended warranty?
5 weeks from China, and not at all what you ordered./trying to navigate ebay refund.
“Britney is FREE! Judge officially terminates pop star’s $60M conservatorship that allowed father Jamie to control almost every aspect of her life”
See, I figured it was fake news 40 minutes ago..but the Count never lies.
He is, however, unhealthily obsessed with the THICC.
Sorry, #23.
Never apologize! EVER! /hides first marriage
Did drugs fall out of Britney’s ass?
Eight Ball says “Likely”
An eight ball fell out of her ass?
What, you think heroin and coke grow on trees?
He’s dead, Jim.
A small plane bound for Sussex Airport in New Jersey crashed Thursday, killing two people, including a man who flew to space with William Shatner. Glen De Vries was a member of the crew that made headlines last month with Blue Origin.
The single-engine Cessna 172 crashed in a wooded area of a state park near Lake Kemah.
Went out with his boots on for sure.
Well he did get pretty high before he died….
Nothing left once you reach the apogee of your field?
nope, at that point it’s all crash and burn,
This thread is in a clear nosedive.
Idk if this is the right pitch.
It just needed a little flare to soften up the delivery.
Yaw’ll should be ashamed of yourselves.
I was hoping for the Narrow Gaze….
It belongs to ALL OF YOU!!!
“Kum-bay-yah my Lord, kum-bay-yah . . . “
More like yippe-ka-yea-rudder-stuckker
Lee was a Badass! Thanks SS!
It belongs to ALL OF YOU!!!
I don’t see any narrowed gaze
Never change Ted,
I assume he was wearing a red shirt.
juris coming in off of left field warp.
I thought those were being phased out.
Maybe in that shat-ty alternate universe they puked out a few years ago.
He obviously had information that would convict Hillary.
Either that, or it was another covid death.
Contact tracing right now and why I wanted to manage and lead these folks “were you in ops on 3rd floor between X and X for 15 minutes or more and less than 6 feet?”
First answer I got “No but I did make out with a controller in the stair well”
Can you promote this person?
I can write an in-band pay raise package….cause that was funny.
Really. For the comedy alone, that’s worth a promo. (And if he/she actually did it, d00d! d00dess! YASSSSS!)
Would I lie? /best Dick Van Patten voice
Really he did. He is my ‘questionable’ employee that I have to pay special attention to.
“My husband is gay but we’re married with two kids and have great sex ”
Somehow the wife and kids makes him seem more gay.
Ex-Governor of Illinois, “Big” Jim Thompson?!
Devout Mormons.
Did the pinkie in the butt strongly increase the orgasm, somewhat increase the orgasm, neither increase nor decrease the orgasm, somewhat decrease the orgasm or strongly decrease the orgasm?
Don’t have sex with kids lady.
I give that marriage 5 more years before he leaves to find himself.
“My panel event on the 17th at University of British Columbia was just cancelled. I can’t say I’m surprised, but I do appreciate the University acknowledging the violent nature of those attempting to shut down free speech. Sorry to all those who planned to attend!”
Rioter’s veto.
She Purty,
“Although” is just another kind of “but”.
“Just not for you…”
Letting the shit birds get away with this is not going to end well.
We’re seeing the end point right now, Suthen.
The national socialists and the commies had running gun battles in the streets before the Nazis finally grabbed power. The average German became worn out on the commies shit and the nazis cheated like hell in elections.
We have a little way to go yet.
O Canada.
I can haz Zoom tonight?
I thought Neph might be out of pocket tonight…
I just asked on the super secret TPTB Bat Channel. Maybe Tonio can step up?
I’ll start one
2 Giraffes and a Zoom?!
Yer a cunt, Hype but I’ve always liked cunts.
I shoulda known better.
Whatever that is, it ain’t a Zoom. Try again.
He wasn’t trying in the first place. Hover over the alt text.
I laughed!
Here: https://zoom.us/j/95476846673?pwd=cFJ4YWRvMnphV3NKekhXcU1TTEtTUT09
Shit. Clearly I’m new at this.
Let’s try this again.
Never mind. See Swiss’s link below.
Those are funny
REAL ZOOM – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84949542266?pwd=MGFEUjJwbm5KR005djBYYjJ3ZHZNZz09
Alone again, naturally.