Eminently punchable face.
I don’t see how Rittenhouse doesn’t walk free, soon after ending arguments.
Let’s do some linkage!
Never change, Joe. Never change.
Yet another reason to avoid social media.
That irony that Austria is leading the charge is not lost.
Well of course they would look like that, they would be Martians.
“I fart in your general direction.”
Have a great day, Glibbies!
It was called the Negro League, or has that been white-washed too?
It’s still called the Negro League, just like the NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. You still probably shouldn’t refer to the leadership (or members) of the NAACP as colored people today.
It’s people of color, thank you very much.
Did you know it’s not only racist to refer to a black person as a monkey, it’s racist to refer to any character played by a black actoras a monkey.
Even if that character is a mandrill or othered old world tailed primate. Such as, say Rafiki in the Lion King.
Even Porch Monkey? (NSFW)
I think we could reclaim that one.
What about porch honky’s?
Yet People Of Color is perfectly fine. Fuck the stupid language games these assholes all play. Yes, over time language evolves – that’s not my issue; my issue is the deliberate twisting of language to exercise power over those who use the language.
It does get very tiresome, doesnt it?
Cab Calloway speaks the truth – https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/accaf3cc-1c08-4c29-a8aa-70ae61e37914
The President of the United States of America getting tripped up by the cultural landmines his ilk have been laying down for generations is delightful.
Biden’s latest speech on agricultural output.
Don’t tell me he put forward a five year plan …
Biden is not the President of UNITED States of America. America does not have UNITED states anymore. states cannot even agree on basic constitutional principles we all need to follow/be protected by.
el presidente Biden is commandente of the banana republic that his Commie Democrats created.
Three titted hookers here we come!
Woo hoo!
Mars ain’t the kind of place something something
Mars will be fine just as soon as they start the reactor. It may take two weeks though.
Martian two weeks or Covid two weeks?
[golf clap]
My new bar will be named “Mars”, so everyone can go/come to “Mars”. Sciency sounding.
We have both the Mars Bar and the Clark Bar here in Cleveland (both are named after a street they’re on).
The Clark bar is one of those candies seen large quantities only near Halloween in these parts. Good though.
So it’s the pumpkin spice latte of candy bars?
NYC had MARS 2112, it was almost as fun as the Japanese place where all the servers are ninjas who do sleight of hand tricks.
“Never change, Joe. Never change.”
Sorry, but it’s clear in context what he meant. This is almost as bad as mainstream media attempts to smear Trump. Sad.
Screw it, make the left live by their own rules.
Nice in theory, but when had this ever worked?
Who is governor in California?
Is preload being impeached for not masking?
This never works because they don’t actually have standards they live by. All you’re doing when you yell that they’re hypocrites is not into their system of rules without getting anything for it.
I’m firmly in the ‘rules are just made to confuse and distract whole they continue destroying our society’ camp.
Nice in theory, but when had this ever worked?
Well, it hasn’t really been applied much, has it? And I’m not talking about screaming “hypocrisy”, I’m talking about freely and viciously attacking them for the same things they attack their opponents for, and in the same manner. They viciously attack and smear someone on the right for an obvious misspeak, but they’re supposed to be given a pass when they say shit like Biden did? Fuck that, they set the rules, let them have it with both barrels.
As stupid and worthless a flatus on the wind GW Bush was, can you imagine if he talked anything like biden? The media jumped on Bush every single day of his presidency for his verbal hiccups, and biden makes him sound like a Shakespearean stage actor.
The problem is that a not insubstantial part of your base isn’t principled enough to apply such a tactic. They’ll start believing that ticky tack gotchas about so called bigotry actually matters.
Preload equals pelosi.
Virginia went Republican, but it wasn’t because the democrats were wearing black face and klan outfits. That’s a losing strategy. I know it’s not logical, but we’re not dealing with logic here.
The corollary to the Gell-Mann amnesia affect: if it has no real consequences to people, they can easily be led by the media to forget and/or not care about it
My thought exactly – there is so, so much legitimate bullshit to complain about with this administration that I’d prefer to skip this ticky-tacky “gotcha!” nonsense.
And that’s why the left feels free to do it to conservatives and libertarians, because they feel secure there will be no retaliation in kind. If they initiate fighting by prison rules, then their opponents are idiots if they don’t respond in kind.
Let Freedom Ring!
European countries have been doing that for decades. They proudly boast that they have free speech yet shut down anyone that doesnt freely speak the accepted narrative. They dont understand the concept and many here are falling into that same category.
Cases are soaring
So far, new daily hospitalization numbers across the affected states have not shot up as rapidly as new daily case numbers, rising anywhere from 4 percent in New Hampshire to 20 percent in New Mexico during the past two weeks. (In New York and Massachusetts, hospitalizations continue to fall after summer Delta bumps.)
If this pattern persists, it will be welcome news — a sign that substantial vaccine coverage (along with new therapeutics and safety measures such as public indoor mask rules) is helping to prevent severe outcomes, and that the virus is becoming the kind of threat that Americans can live with in the long term.
Same old recycled gibberish.
A case is 24 cans.
New measures like masks? Lol. Sure.
If anything fewer people are wearing those rags.
And when the wave inevitably circles back to the northeast that will be the stated reason why.
I thought a case was 1,000 rounds.
Well, Mrs Den and I will each test positive for a case of 9mm soon, then.
Don’t store it on your boat.
Cases = Jack Shit
How many hospitalizations? How many deaths? Where are the meaningful stats?
By meaningful I mean ‘accurate’, not the lies they have been shoveling.
The MA health guy on NPR was blaming Halloween for at “spike” in cases… in the report he gave on Nov 1.
24 cans, same as downtown.
Those assault guitars have the sling that make it impossible for you to be peaceably disarmed!
It puts on the mask, or the evil spirits steal its soul.
Link 1: Biden has always been a hardcore racist. Congratulations to every deranged idiot that voted for him.
Link 2: I would categorize Mexico as a failed state. Yay! WOD!
Link 3: Maybe they could just round up all of the unclean and put them in special facilities?
Link 4: Sure they would. Look, if The Sun say it you can take it to the bank.
Link 5: Why, that is not Stalinist as hell, is it? If these shitheels retain power for much longer the camps are coming.
Link 6: Always and everywhere the same. Now we are not allowed even to parody unmentionables? The truth is the left in the US are mimicking the National Socialists with regards to domestic policy in many ways. How long before they step out of the closet and hail Hitler as a hero?
How long before they step out of the closet and hail Hitler as a hero?
They are more Stalin, Mao or Castro types. I believe they are already open about the last two.
I think American Marxism is a blend or sorts…fascism and banana republic socialism. Going down this road is the dumbest thing we could have done.
“I fart in your general direction.”
Not sure this is the right tack. I guess it brings awareness. I might prefer flouting their rules. Also easy for me to say as someone who doesn’t exactly have to make choices like this.
“This is my shocked face.”
… And nothing else happened.
Great song choice, thanks got the linkage Spud.
History Says Don’t Panic About Inflation
Wasn’t it just yesterday good ol’ Kruggie was saying there was no inflation?
From local news:
Why US inflation is so high, and when it may ease
Well, it’s good the government helicopters were out there so people have more money to pay the higher prices.
I don’t recall which propaganda site had that article.
I haven’t heard anyone talk about inflation that knows what the word means.
Inflation and deflation refer to the money supply. One inflates or deflates the money supply. Higher prices etc are just symptoms. The new spending bill is inflation on steroids. Krugman and co. need to take a Econ 101 course.
Not to worry
“We’ll run out of money when we run out of trees”
Ron Paul
So funny you mention that. Monetary theory looks kinda dumb right now.
Longish, and technical, article about the whole money supply and velocity and how it’s not at all what it is cracked up to be.
‘We’ are not the ones who need humility, buddy.
I think it it will be ‘transitory’
It is transitory…transitioning to a depression.
I think the new lines are about how inflation is good, actually. Which is insane because inflation is the most regressive of all taxes and only could possibly help those with immense assets or debt.
1) there is no inflation
2) inflation is transitory
3) inflation is a good thing
4) inflation is the fault of price gouging companies
5) price controls are needed to stop the gouging
6) shortages everywhere are due to evil capitalists not providing enough
7) depression or hyperinflation
Half way there
8) were confiscating all good and silver
9) people caught with gold and silver are kulaks and wreckers.
10) summer camp time
Standard lefty playbook:
“There is no X and if there was it would be good.”
Celebration parallax
The headline I saw last night was something like “This time its different!” Can’t seem to find it now.
Post WWI Germany wants a word with you.
Oddly enough, that debacle has a better explanation for why it happened then what we are doing now.
It will not be fun to participate in our experiment.
Well, plumber just left. Looks like I was wrong about it being the washer drain line.
Pics on link
Fridge/freezer has never stopped working. Thought i had turned off icemaker before but apparently not. Just turned it off again. Will let it thaw – with towels in place. New fridge is probably gonna be a real pain in the ass given current supply delays so I’ll run this one as long as possible.
May need some anti-mold paint or cleaner. Didnt write down what the plumber recommended but when I pay this afternoon, ill ask his boss. Any other tips appreciated.
Was that food, left in the back of the fridge too long, trying to escape?
Clean it as much as possible, of required remove the worst parts completely. They sell anti mold sprays at big box home stores, spray some on all over the area, including a bit outside where you can tell there was damage. Dry everything out, using a fan or space heater (don’t burn your house down on this step).
Yeah, “Ew”.
Wipe it down with bleach to get the bulk of it up and then sand away the rot. Cover it in treated paint.
You can go to Sherwin Williams and get an anti-mold additive which can be added to the paint of your choice. It’s cheaper than buying the anti-mold paint at Home Depot.
Thanks for the tips. I have the anti-mold/mildew bathroom cleaner (as well as straight bleach). I hope the ice melts on it’s own – put down towels after pulling fridge out further and cleaning loose junk up with vacuum. Tapping the wall itself feels like it’s still in pretty good shape – maybe more surface because a lot of the water went down. The damp spot was still in the crawlspace, but didn’t seem really active/damp.
Wonder if this is due to the fridge being a little too close to the wall…or something similar.
New refrig is 5 weeks out and it was in stock somewhere in Home Depot’s inventory. No ice maker, those things are just one more thing to break down.
I didn’t take the extended warranty, for reasons. Fortunately I had an extra refrig in the garage.
Yeah….all these appliances came with the 7 yr old house when I bought it last year. Like to run things till they die, but I need to be more prepared for last second issues….
And yeah….if you keep your drinks cold you don’t need an icemaker. I don’t think I’ve used cubes more than a handful of times over the last 5 yrs.
Unless you plan to make cocktails. That requires quite a bit of ice.
/looks at three different size and shape ice cube molds in the freezer
Yes, ice trays. I fill mine with orange juice, root beer, Clamato, spicy V-8, or cranberry juice. Plain water cubes water your drinks down as they melt.
I just counted. I have five. Four for the special clear ice maker, and one regular tray.
I’ve standardized on big ice cubes, and huge ice cubes. Covered sil-rubber ice trays are teh awesomes.
‘You know you’re a drunkard when you have eleven ice cube trays in your freezer, all of them empty…”
Yes. I needed the reminder to drag mine out and start using them again.
“No ice maker, those things are just one more thing to break down.”
Indeed. The elder speaks wisdom.
Sodium Hypochlorite.
Bleach is about the most potent biocide you can use. It looks like you might need to get inside the wall. Yikes.
Having mold in y our house is very dangerous. It can infect your skin, or worse, your lungs with spores.
Bleach is your friend. After wiping away as much as possible with bleach water, spray with bleach and dont rinse it off. Let it dry as is. After the water evaporates it will leave little crystals of sodium hypochlorite that will prevent future mold.
Thanks for the tips.
President Biden referred to the late baseball player Satchel Paige as “the great negro” before correcting himself during his Veterans Day address at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday.
“In my day the darkies knew their – uh – you know the thing.”
Austrian leader says lockdown for the unvaccinated is likely
One wonders if this solution is final.
Your comment reminded me of this.
The music link brings the age-old question to mind.
Betty or Veronica?
This is the only correct answer.
I thought it was Ginger or Mary Ann?
I never heard anyone ask ‘Daphne or Velma’. Funny that….
At least it isn’t “Shaggy or Scooby”… Be glad.
And Mary Ann, obviously. Can you just imagine how high-maintenance Ginger is?
Also also — returning to the original question, the answer is Cherry Blossom.
Um, yeah, Cheryl Blossom
Not being a fan of Archie, I was previously unaware of her.
I’ve always been partial to Cherry Poptart.
No love for Kitty Casket?
They don’t give you a choice.
I thought it was Ginger or Mary Ann?
I never heard anyone ask ‘Daphne or Velma’. Funny that….
True. I’ll answer: Both.
ELON Musk’s plan to move mankind to Mars could end up with “Martian” children suffering an array of mutations such as “green” skin, brittle bones and poor eyesight.
And when they come to Earth…
I was thinking more The Martian Chronicles — the ending where the family escaping the Last War on Earth are standing by the canals and the dad says “The Martians are already here” or somesuch, and the kids ask “Where?”, so he just tells them to look in the canal [at their reflection].
I always thought the idea of everybody returning to Earth to participate in an unwinnable nuclear war was ridiculous.
The final Psalm of the day
Psalm 147:3-6
I haven’t decided what to do next now that I’ve finished working through Psalms. You’ll find out when I do. ?
Aren’t there three more psalms?
Yes, I do 3-4 per day and pull a quote from the day’s reading that I find particularly interesting. Today was 147-150.
There’s some good advice in Proverbs.
Song of Solomon?
But, but, we have a warrant and everything!
Or at least I presume the FBI had a warrant, probably a general one issued by a super-secret court.
Talk about Stalinist shit. The fact that all Americans everywhere aren’t outraged about this is a sad commentary on the state of our nation.
As some guy said in the podcast I listened to last night, this isn’t one society anymore. At a minimum, it is two that are on parallel tracks and live under the same flag.
You misspelled ‘perpendicular’.
I hope that’s the case, because if we’re on parallel tracks, I want off.
Perpendicular would imply intersecting wouldn’t it? Orthogonal maybe?
“socialism at the speed limit”
The US is not a nation-state. The push to a unified government is only intensifying the conflict.
I really don’t see how this isn’t an attempt to destabilize society in order to bring on the collapse/utopia.
Meanwhile Philadelphia just re-elected their version of Chesa in a landslide.
Because crime isn’t rising fast enough, I guess.
High crime keeps the populace beaten down and dispirited. It is one of the most useful tools in the tyrant’s toolbox.
Always and everywhere the same.
To the elite, local politics is just the proving ground for bigger and better things. Learning how to get away with things is the most useful skill.
Newly-released internal emails reveal that the National School Boards Association coordinated with the White House and the Department of Justice before sending President Biden the notorious letter that compared concerned parents to domestic terrorists. Emails provided to Fox News show that NSBA had coordinated with the White House for weeks beforehand.
Questioning the government is
the highest form of patriotismdomestic terrorism.Today is a day that could create a true holy war and battle in this very threads. Today is <a href="https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2021/11/celebrate-national-pizza-with-everything-except-anchovies-day-at-one-of-these-five-iconic-greater-cleveland-pizzerias.html"National Pizza with Everything (Except Anchovies) Day. I believe I’ve only had pizza from two of the places they visited.
Damn it:
/goes to get caffeine
Nothing but anchovies is the proper pizza. /ducks
I’d eat that, provided sauce and cheese were assumed present.
If it lacks those items, it is not pizza.
Anchovies are disgusting.
Hawaiian pizza isn’t bad.
I think I could dig on anchovies given the appropriate amount of hunger. I am not a picky eater.
I’d eat them rather than starving, but that whole “they just add umami” is bullshit. It was a fishy tasting pizza.
Lately I have been craving anchovies on a pizza.
Salty, fishy tasting.
My dad used to eat sardine and peanut butter sandwiches. My mom made him make and eat it on the porch.
When I finally caved and had Hawaiian pizza…it was okay. Not the retched taste I thought it would be, but also not a life changing combo. If it’s the only pizza available, I will eat it. If I am ordering, Hawaiian will never be chosen.
How about bananas? I have a friend in Sweden who says bananas on pizza aren’t bad. I can’t imagine that blending with tomato sauce though. Must be some special pizza mix.
Tuna, mayonnaise and corn.
If you let my Japanese nieces choose the pizza that is what you will get.
*rhythmic hurking*
It’s amazing how you got that exactly backwards.
Pepperoni and black olive.
There are plenty of good pizza ingredients, but that is the perfect pizza.
Pepperoni and
black olivemushrooms.So when Cleese heard about an art historian being canceled at Cambridge University over an impersonation of Adolf Hitler that reportedly offended students, the world-famous comic actor decided to cancel himself from an upcoming speaking gig at Cambridge.
No need to explore history. There is nothing you can learn from it.
Everything in history is bad, that’s why we have to completely reorder society, hell REALITY, to conform to our glorious vision! /progs
Would you repeat that, please?
Judge makes quip about Asian food being delayed by shipping bottleneck.
Correction: A number of morons expressed their stupidity via social media.
LOL they were joking this would happen on Nick Rekieta’s stream of the trial. The insanity of the left is becoming predictable.
My Korean wife has been scolded by white kids (friends of my kids over visiting) because she always says Oriental instead of Asian. Girls are much worse about it than boys are. And they really seem to think they are doing her a favor.
“You can’t say that, you are supposed to say Asian!”
Luckily my wife never listens to anything anyone tells her so it is like water off a duck’s back.
I imagine Indians get the same treatment if they call themselves that.
Well the Indians crossed the Bearing Strait a long time ago, so I’m not sure they still count as “Asian”.
Trick question. The only Indians are from the subcontinent and are Asian-Americans now when in this country. Please report to the racial and ethnic re-education center immediately.
I need to ask my Latinx friends if they get scolded.
I still don’t understand that shift. It happened overnight and it’s like everybody but me got the memo.
The shift doesn’t even make sense, or at the very least it’s less descriptive. Asia covers a lot more people than just the “Orientals.”
And it happened on the Left Coast years before it reached the Northeast.
I bet that judge was the miscreant who pepper sprayed Suni Less!
Suni must be starting to figure out that the payday for an Olympic gymnast is short lived and she needs to make sure she has some racism victim cred so she can keep milking Nike.
*My default is that any claim of racist attacks is bullshit unless they have solid proof. How someone in a moving car can use mace seems strange to me.
Gotta agree. Story sounds embellished at a minimum.
She should probably avoid Subway if she has a 2 am craving.
Sprayed her arm with pepper spray? That’s not how pepper spray works… That’s not how any of this works!
Rosenbaum approves.
This non-binary assistant professor at Old Dominion University is trying to normalize the term MAP (Minor Attracted Persons)
“Tolerance is the last vestige of a failed society.”
Sure, let’s normalize pedophiles. I remember when people saying the LGBTQWERTY normalization push would eventually lead to this were called crazy conspiracy theorists.
That slope done slipped.
It was icy out this morning and my wife was wearing her leather bottomed shoes which have bad traction under the best of circumstances. Give her a break.
Sensible, racist, chuckle
That is truly disgusting.
I have to wonder where we went wrong, with society producing creatures like this one…
When we confused “tolerance” with “celebration”.
And when we let the Marxists gain control of the media and education establishments.
And assigning moral authority to “victimhood”
NAMBLA has been a thing for a long time. Dude just slapped some Woke paint on it.
And yet they claimed they studied this.
Why do a study when you already know the results you want?
OK, did you click through to read the answer – that data is not collected, not that they collected the data and had data showing that to not be the case. Absence of evidence…
And it pisses me off a little that Massie is damn sure smart enough to know that. Fucker is being corrupted by being in DC and playing stupid games.
I don’t follow. CDC makes a claim. Upon request to support their claim, they cannot provide the data.
Sure, so they made the claim without any data. Is that shocking? It isn’t like they made the claim when they had data to the contrary.
Data? We don’t need no stinkin’ data! We know the answer we want!
*boisterous laughter
True I’ll give concede that. I’ll also point out that, if you don’t collect the data, you never have to report the results. Seems to me that natural immunity is something that would concern a cadre calling itself THE CENTER FOR DISEASE COTROL in the past, oh, 2 years or so….
This is why Fauci said, nearly 1.5 years into this, that they should probably get around to that.
CDC, an agency of the United States federal government, or to quote Men in Black:
“You’re everything what we’ve come to expect from years of government training.”
That movie has so many great lines and was about the most perfect parody of government agencies.
OT: Was just listening to this on the way into work. I think it’s a very good breakdown of the concept of rule of experts; why there seems to be such a push to technocratic rule and where it goes from here. In his own words, very white pilled – but maybe it’s good to see some white in the sea of black pilled links (RACIST!!!!!).
I think we have ample examples from the 20th century that demonstrate exactly where it goes.
I think (haven’t finished it yet, it’s too short of a drive) his main point is that credentialed expertise residing in institutions is on it’s last legs. The information ‘revolution’ is making it obsolete, akin to the extension of the concept of property rights and ownership to the masses rendered the aristocracy ‘obsolete’ in some sense. So the “follow the science, listen to the experts” tantrums, even in the face of them being obviously wrong, is a manifestation of the collapse of that expert paradigm. Also the push back against “do your own research” – that’s poison to the historical way of credentialing expertise and so of course it’s going to be opposed by all means necessary. But the proverbial cat is out of the bag, and, despite the attempts to put it back via tech censorship and ‘de-platforming’, you can’t and the rule of experts is doomed. Yes, it’s white pilled. But I choose to be white-pilled today. I get more work done when I’m white-pilled; it’s a positive feedback loop.
I listened to it. I thought he had some interesting ideas, particularly the propaganda surrounding the Enlightenment 1.0 vs the reality.
Definitely a worthwhile episode. He was also on Malice’s show last week.
“The war is here, Joe. I’m ready to die for the cause, Joe.”
Bomb threats reported at USC, NYU and MIT, following similar incidents at Brown, Cornell and Columbia earlier this week.
Glowing white-supremes strike again?
Hide ya kids…
But he’s so happy.
Hans! Fetch the flammenwerfer!
“I often get asked, are you a boy or a girl?”
Well, kids, he’s a boy. Albeit an unfathomably effeminate boy who is also wearing womens’ clothing and makeup.
See, kids, this is what a couple generations of soy overconsumption, stimulating estrogen levels in males, will do to a society. Be scared children, be very scared.
This fits in with the dolt down near the end of the thread that asked how do you breed traits in dogs…
Neph and DEG,
Here is one of the opening bands announced for the Rev solo show in May.
Good deal. When I mentioned the Rev would be playing out in Eastern PA, the girlfriend immediately asked when?! She apparently thought it was in the near future.
Not as near as I would wish, but the fact it is happening at all is encouraging. He would tour the area in the early 90’s, but so did a lot of bands.
Matt in the video’s is a great guy. I pulled him out of retirement to play my wife’s birthday bash. This time he did it to play with the Rev.
I saw the Rev in Carbondale ’92 ish. Unfortunately for the Rev he had the VooDoo Glowskulls open for him. By the time they were done, the whole place was a sweaty (bloody) mess. He rocked out, but the VDGS killed him.
Speaking of the Voodoo Glow Skulls… they did drop some new songs this past year.
Still holding to their roots too.
Sweet, I flipped Firme on after my comment. I’ll listen to the new stuff next!
Make America Skank Again
The Karen Song
Suburban Zombies
Sofa King Good!!!
Queued up for later viewing. Thanks!
I hate everyone.
The local hot story is that two 14 year-old girls made a racist video where they said bad things about another 14 year-old girl! Can you imagine?!?! Young girls being catty and mean. I never heard of such a thing.
So the Pitchfork Mob is out in force. They have sexism, bullying and racism to complain about. The entire school had to be shut down because of “student outrage”. (Whatever happened to adult teachers telling kids to settle down?)
The wrinkle that might ruin everything?
For people living near reservations, it won’t come as a surprise to find out that the Indians are saying racist stuff about black people. For progressive white people it might be a shock.
Honestly, this whole thing is so fucking dumb. It is 14 year-olds being dumb and stupid. A call to parents, some detention and that is it. Nope. Gotta escalate to Big Story in the local news and the kids have to be allowed to run riot.
‘For people living near reservations, it won’t come as a surprise to find out that the Indians are saying racist stuff about black people. For progressive white people it might be a shock.’
For anyone who doesn’t live in a bubble, that isn’t a shock. Not that I’m saying natives are particularly racist towards black people. I’m saying some of the most racist shit I’ve ever heard about a minority group came out of the mouth of a different minority.
Am I surprised that white-proggie-society treats the behavior of 14 year olds as indicative of society at large? No. Because all of those assholes are terminally adolescent.
Troy Aikman is a filthy old man.
So I need a glib ruling.
Sales rep that I spent an hour and a half with on Monday in my office just called me to tell me that he popped positive for COVID. He didn’t appear to be symptomatic during the meeting.
I’ve got two events on Sunday. Have to get my son to a church service in the morning so he can play pipe organ and I’m supposed to video record my daughter’s symphony performance in the afternoon.
I’m feeling fine at the moment and I do have at-home tests.
Might as well do the at-home tests before going to church. It seems the courteous thing to do.
If you feel sick, stay home. If not, go on with your life.
This. The overreaction to COVID, given its actual risk, absolutely includes asymptomatic testing.
Yeah, plan for testing, and if you pop, someone else to step in.
Yes, this.
Plus what Rat on a train said.
Here in OKLATX you can still get ‘free’ drive through instant tests at major drugstores. If you can do the same, just do it for peace of mind prior to going. Also if sick stay home. Basically a combination of the two previous comments.
Hell, we’ve got little pop up drive through testing places in parking lots. They’re operating out of shipping containers.
I can incubate for 3-4 days, so I’d say test now, and another one at the last minute Sunday.
*It. I WISH I could incubate for 3-4 days sometimes.
I was about to say- that sounds awesome, please describe how you can incubate for 3-4 days.
In communicating with the director of the symphony, she said just take a test prior and wear a mask. They’ll all be masked so it should be OK.
What would you do for the Flu?
Thats what you do for this situation.
Of course, I never wear a mask and have been spreading SARS-COVID19 every day for the past 18 months.
Im a menace to society!
Friday Funbags offers a trip down mammary lane.
Triggered: SLU Pro Life Display Vandalism
Those bitches need some old fashioned learnin’ about touching other people’s stuff.
But in all seriousness, they are also the types that would flip their shit had the tables been turned. “We need some muscle over here!”
Betty or Veronica?
Judy Jetson.
Hubba hubba.
Wilma Flintstone. Red head and she loves bam bam.
That was Archie’s plan.
Uffda. Is that some MAP propaganda? Get thee away, you Normalizer!!!
Wait. Did you just link that because of what she said? OK then.
Speaking of shocked faces, I hope you didn’t put your’s away too soon. Study finds that minimum wage increases let to less restaurant jobs!
But, but, but it was only restaurant jobs! All the other sectors were unaffected. Honest.
If I was someone who lost my restaurant job, I might be pissed at Eli Stein and his vast economic learning. I might even wonder who pays his salary and funds the Restaurant Opportunities Center of Minnesoda.
““In city after city, it’s been proven that wage increases don’t result in massive job loss,” Stein added.”
Imagine my shock when I find out another leftist is spinning more lies.
“It’s only very-high job loss, I mean, like, a lot. But not what you’d call MASSIVE. I mean it’s pretty close to massive, but I’d definitely only call it very very large,” explained Stein.
saw a larger impact because they were making less to begin with
So the minimum wage increase actually affects the minimum wage jobs and not so much those already above it? Is water wet in Minnesota too?
There is a lot of water in Minnesota – they’ll need to study to determine if all of it is wet.
I lean heavily toward the “if you’re sick, don’t come in here” camp. Not “guilty until proven innocent.”
As for “asymptomatic spread” they have so completely poisoned the well I think it’s bullshit.
As I have mentioned before, none of the ‘experts’ I have heard seem to know what a virus is, the dynamics of host/pathogen relations, or the means by which viruses are produced.
I’m with you on this one.
Racist, me thinks, the judge, is. Murder trial judge for #KyleRittenhouse says— ➡️ “I hope the Asian food isn’t coming on one of those boats from Long Beach Harbor”. ? What a complete joke and circus this #KyleRittenhouseTrial now is.
That whole thread is aids.
Another day, another prog pointlessly calling someone racist. How tedious.
Fuck off pinkie dick.
“If you’re willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy,”…
“Stay away from evil people who don’t care about your health,” he said.
Tbf I have no intention of being near you, so…
I get it I guess, both camps have their narrative set and are now sticking their virtual flags on their virtual mountaintops.
Wonder what his mother would say about calling people enemies though…
I guess I’m now more rock n roll than Gene Simmons…huh.
Him and his buddy (IIRC) Howard Stern are both on the lunatic deep end of this shit.
Risk fading into irrelevance and penury by staying on the edge, or collect steady paychecks by playing it safe.
Gene Baby, I’ll ‘splain this to you. If you’ve been vaccinated it doesn’t matter what I do, unless, unless, your vaccine is impotent.
See, that’s why I don’t hang out with fat people, you know, it may be contagious. You just can’t be too careful.
Instant classic: “Joe” by Five Times August
They’re pretty damned good. I rather liked this one.
And they say men can’t multitask!
That just sounds exhausting.
I’ve never understood this or polygamy for the sheer exhaustion, never mind the once a month “attitude”.
That’s what the “women’s hut” is for.
Truth. Had about 4 years of two wonderful women in my life sharing a relationship. Each one would have been a great relationship. Both together? An emotional nightmare. Then again, I’m at the point of my life where the sex matters less than having a moment of peace. Monogamy is vastly superior.
I will only speak for myself. In one way, sex matters less because my husband and I are/have been under a lot of stress and that isn’t conducive to sessytime.
However, sex is/was really important to me, but menopause has taken my libido away from me. Sure, stress and exhaustion has taken its toll on actually doing it, but I’m at the point where I skip over sex scenes in books because they’re icky, and either I don’t write them or I write them because I feel the story needs it. I feel like I have lost a very important part of myself, and I am grieving it.
never mind the once a month X # of wives
Why you could be enjoying that nearly every week!
It’s been a devastating discovery but relationships can come back from a crisis like this and be stronger than ever, as long as you are both prepared to work at it.
Sure they can. lol.
I don’t understand the logistics of this. A family is like a fulltime job.
This guy never heard of escorts?
We spend so much time in OKC for our training that we have technicians who indeed, have two families. It really did look exhusting.
I have been “exposed” to the plague multiple times, by multiple people (“Hey, did you hear [X] tested positive? He was just in here a day or two ago!”)
Still chugging along. As I have said from the beginning, if the hantavirus hasn’t gotten me, I won’t be losing a lot of sleep over this. I must have a pretty robust immune system.
My friend who has COVID, who is still in rehab and doing … okay — I took her to the emergency room in early August after cleaning her house the day before. So I was cooped up with her with her in a house and then in my car. I didn’t get sick. Kids didn’t get sick. Husband already had it in the early days (we think), and didn’t get it (again).
When they talk about natural immunity, they don’t talk about people who were exposed, but never got sick at all. That said, I was not tested post being cooped up with it, so I can’t say for sure I wasn’t a superspreader.
Oh, what is important here is that while I have one of the comorbidities (overweight), my friend is a transplant recipient, so she’s all sorts of immunocompromised.
I’m not particularly worried about myself, I’ve got prescriptions on hand if needed.
I just would rather not spread it to anyone else and remain courteous.
I’m fairly certain he was vaccinated, so odds are he was carrying a higher viral load before he became symptomatic.
We have all been exposed to it numerous times.
How could it be otherwise?
If Cleese really wanted to protest, instead of cancelling himself, he should have just done a Hitler impersonation instead of whatever speech or routine he had planned.
Or come out dressed as Hitler then do your regular speech without ever acknowledging the costume.
Can’t agree. I support the free speech rights of people I don’t like, or who say things I personally find very offensive, but I wouldn’t show my support by emulating them.
So no love for Springtime for Hitler?
The historian guy did nothing wrong. What did you find offensive?
that seems like a lot of work
In the early stages of vaccine rollout, I said I’d wait because I am not morbidly obese, not a diabetic, don’t have cardiopulmonary disease. You know, not at particularly high risk. Let somebody like my 87 year old diabetic mother have, based on risk and benefit.
The harder they push, the more firmly I am resolved.
I turned it back on pro-vax wife and co-workers. “As a well off straight white male, why should I nose my way to the front of the vaccine trough when there are unvaxed BIPOC’s in our society? Sorry, but I’m passing on the vax to show how anti-racist I am. Oh what? You got yours the day after they became available? Well, each to their own.”
I later got vaxed so my wife would quit nagging me.
Kinda what the Mrs and I said. “Let the old people have our vaccine”
“If you’re willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy,”…
Let the hate flow.
Because not buying the tiger repelling rock is pulling tigers towards all those that did….
I wish we just had the old school crazy like Tiger Blood
Good morning, Spud!
I think I’m gonna take a pass on Mars.
Kyle really is the man. I look forward to him being king after the revolution.
Going for a Trump moment?
Grab em by the pussy worked in spades. The suburban housewife was infected with TDS instantly when that came out.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we got him!”
Because that’s not what teen boys do at all.
ok I laughed
I’d call her retarded but that would be an insult to retarded people.
Jayapal said that her constituents “are not talking about inflation, by the way. They’re talking about, hey, I don’t have enough money in my budget to pay for the things I need to pay for. And the reason I say it that way is because it’s really important to understand that if you’re on a fixed budget, as many people are, as I have been in my life, then what you’re always trying to do is balance what you have to spend with what you have in that budget. The way that we can fix that immediately while the supply chain issues are being worked out, while the economy recovers from COVID and the worst economic downturn we’ve seen in recent history is we can actually help families cut their costs. How do we do that? We pass the Build Back Better Act.”
She continued that provisions in the bill “are the things that are going to immediately affect people’s pocketbooks, and that is why it is so important to pass the Build Back Better Act, which, I think, is actually going to help people survive through this time of recovery. Let’s be clear, it is going to take time to recover. We knew that. We have made tremendous progress on COVID. But my families are telling me, look, I still don’t have child care. My kids are just starting to get vaccinated and go back to school. That’s the uncertainty that families are living with, and we have to respond by cutting their costs, which is exactly what we do in Build Back Better.”
I wonder if those things are related…
Another example of why political office should be limited entirely to native born residents of the specific jurisdiction. Her sister is fucking up Multnomah County (which Portland is mostly within).
I’d go to the range any day with Winsome, but same for her. Sorry, not sorry.
I bet it would be orders of magnitude cheaper to simply cut checks to anyone making $X/year than it would be to pass that monstrosity of a bill. Probably much more effective too.
But then the cronies wouldn’t get the cut they were promised when they helped to fortify the election.
This is the gospel of Proggie
Crop-dusting cities and towns with cash would be more cost effective.
Bundles of Benjies
In high school my friends and I would get up in the middle of class and use the pretense of sharpening our pencil or throwing something away, and walk past each others’ desks, laying out a fart at face level right when we walked by. We called it “crop-dusting”.
I can never hear that phrase for the rest of my life without giggling.
“Your money doesn’t go as far because of inflation. So we need to fix that through even more inflationary spending.”
And people vote for this shit.
They 100% do not want to lower gas prices. Multiple people in the administration, including Biden himself, have said that climate change is their top priority. If they really want to lower energy prices, which would make everything else cheaper too, all they’d have to do is support drilling and pipelines in the US. They are doing the exact opposite.
They openly state that they want higher energy prices (not to mention CEO’s in jail).
I think Orwell had a thing or two to say about people who simultaneously hold two opposite thoughts in their head.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Indian politicians in the US are the worst. Jayapal, the commie mayor(?) in Seattle, Ro Khanna.
They are appalled at how lax our caste system is. Really needs to be shaped up!
How were things a year and a half ago? What on earth could have happened to change that? What could it be?
I hum that song to myself when I pull out the box of sugar for baking.
Today in local press doctors on vaccines:
“I you had two doses more than 4 months ago we strongly urge a third to boos immunity. This one will probably last longer”
“I do not understand opposition to vaccination, it is an act of normality ”
Normality? There has never been a time when you had to do a vaccine every 6 months. What the fuck is normal about this? I did not take a flu vaccine yearly (and generally fared better sick wise than many who did) and I certainly am not taking one every 6 fucking months. I took the first to while saying to myself this shit will not become a habit. God fucking damn it I was mostly agnostic on the whole vaccine thing but now I am getting pissed.
That’s just vaccine withdrawal, Pie. Take another hit and everything will be just fine.
/Don’t. Shit’s poison.
vaccine withdrawal
*scurries off to write patent for mRNA covid vaccine with heroin buffer*
Bayer’s original formula cough medicine.
Uffda. I had an annual checkup several weeks ago. My old doctor retired so I was assigned to a rando. The guy was in his late 20’s and didn’t like it when I a) didn’t call him Dr or doc and b) literally told him to “just stop talking” when he was going on about how I could get a booster shot that very day! Totally normal to need a booster shot vaccine. Lots of other vaccines need that booster too.
He was very upset that I wouldn’t get the booster. And he couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that I was willing to get a tetanus shot and shingles vaccine shot but not the Rona jab.
Nothing worse than a young doctor who thinks they know everything.
I would have sent that doctor crying.
Once the doctor couldnt accept my preferences I would ask to see a different doctor immediately.
I let doctors examine me and give me advice. What I do with that advice needs to be okay with them or I need to see a different doctor.
Furthermore, if the vaccine is not as effective against the Delta variant, and the booster hasn’t been tweaked to work against the Delta variant the way flu shots are tweaked every year, what’s the point of the booster?
2 reasons for the lack of effectiveness: 1) spike is mutating away from the vaccine spike. 2) general effectiveness of shots declines precipitously after 3 months
Delta benefits because of both. Booster addresses only 2). I’d expect some measurable benefit to boosting in the face of delta, but the benefit being very attenuated.
You don’t #Science bro! The virus isn’t mutating away from the vaccine spike, it’s mutating because of unvaxxed!
John Cleese cancels event at university over ‘woke rules,’ says he is ‘blacklisting’ himself for his Hitler impersonation – old news
Project Veritas raids by FBI get more fun.
Apparently Veritas is suing the New York Times for defamation — and the Times is now posting leaked communication between Project Veritas and its legal counsel which had to come off of one of O’Keefe’s phones that was seized by the FBI in the raid. No corruption here, no sir!
Let’s Go FBI.
When they say they’re being transparent, what they mean is they’ll force transparency on their enemies.
The New York Times would never do something unethical
The FBI is apparently quite confident that they are not just above the law, but completely untouchable after getting away with spying on Trump.
Even their false flag operations barely have a fig leaf on them these days.
And nothing will happen. It was directed towards the wrong thinkers and they are obviously guilty because they sought counsel to determine if their actions, such as a sting operations or story they wanted to get undercover, were going to be legal or not…
Remaining silent and seeking out a lawyer is now under attack and not just in shitty cop shows.
It cannot be reformed.
The FBI and DOJ proved this already in the 1990s with Waco and Ruby Ridge. When you combine the GOP and what remained of the Southern Democrats in the 1990s they likely had the votes to abolish both. They did nothing of the sort. I don’t recall any major reforms, either, for that matter. Just Janet Reno “taking full responsibility” (read: ensuring no one got held accountable).
The Church Commission was the failure – the obvious thing to do was tear it down, burn the remains and salt the earth. They instead chose to establish the FISC.
A failure at its stated objectives, definitely, but perhaps a rousing success at its actual objectives. A spurned petty bureaucrat brought down Nixon; the legislature was not about to strip the civil service of its coup power.
And, as we saw with Snowden in 2013, most people don’t care that the IC broke its end of the public deal. Widespread spying is (mostly) a-okay as long as the Washington Post says so.
Well this was what was needed to fight the threat of INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM!!!
As with the War on Terror, it seems the justification was but a fig-leaf. Lee Kwan Yew, a man known for some exaggeration to be fair, believed rather strongly that the U.S. was trying to push his country left, and was using commies to do it.
But at least that one was just a screw up.
Now we have gone from “sting operations” that look more like “find some learning disabled teen and convince him to meet you somewhere so you can arrest a deadly terrorist and ensure continued funding” all the way to FBI agents asking the President of the United States if they are being sent to interview the incoming DNI (whom they just got done clearing of any wrongdoing) in order to “get him to lie so we get him fired… Or get him arrested?”
The too several layers of the FBI and DOJ are clearly absolutely fine with using their position to support their political team.
They removed and contained threats, and if you really got them to spill the beans, that’s likely what they’d say. Threats to themselves and their power, of course, but cloaked in the guise of protecting “the country”. They are Democrats, yes, but why they do this is not really about “partisan politics” as such. They wouldn’t have done it to Jeb.
Someone wants a war.
President Lukashenko reacted to the possibility of Brussels imposing further additional sanctions on his country on Thursday, something that several high-profile European Union politicians have called for in recent weeks, including European Commissioner Ylva Johansson in the wake of the new migrant crisis.
“We are heating Europe, and they are threatening to close the border,” Lukashenko said, according to the Belarusian state news agency Belta and reported by the Financial Times.
“What if we cut off gas to them? Therefore I recommend that the leaders of Poland, Lithuania and the other headless people think before speaking. We should not stop at anything to defend our sovereignty and independence,” he added.
The Poles can never catch a break.
Whoever thought that relying on the East for your energy would become problematic?!
I think I’m gonna take a pass on Mars.
C’mon, go full Sandi or stay home.
Can’t believe I’m about to say this but can’t horsefucker lady be normal and become a furry instead
Might be the finest parody ever. Or not…
I’m sure there will be no negative consequences here.
On Armistice Day, 58,000 of the UK care home workers who have been lovingly tending our old folk throughout the pandemic have been booted out of their jobs.
Their crime? Refusing to get the vaccine shots which Health Secretary Sajid Javid now insists must be compulsory for all care home workers.
But healthcare heroes?!
Funny how many of the people directly involved in healthcare are the ones adamantly refusing the shots.
We have all been exposed to it numerous times.
How could it be otherwise?
True. We are swimming in a poisonous soup of deadly microbes every day.
I was referring to more specific events, of the sort the people frantically pushing “contact tracing” want to track.
Spoiler alert: I did not quarantine for two weeks. Not even two minutes.
Jeffrey Toobin
I wonder what the verdict would be in the #RittenhouseTrial if the defendant were a Black seventeen year old from another state who killed two people with an illegal assault weapon?
If a black kid was acquitted of this very thing tomorrow, in two weeks this would be the same dumb talking point.
If every reply isn’t “Whip it out” I will have lost all faith in humanity.
Much of Twitter is fake. A connected journalo like Toobin likely has auto-block on anyone outside of the approved sphere.
Disregarding that Toobin is a dishonest hack, I wonder…
an illegal assault weapon
Journalists don’t lie about Rittenhouse challenge (difficulty: impossible)
I’m just surprised he can tweet with one thumb.
That wasn’t his thumb…
I made the kids sit through The Blues Brothers yesterday. Daughter already loves Bye Bye Birdie, Hairspray, Cry Baby, Rocky Horror, Little Shop, etc.; she loved it. Son enjoyed the car chases and destructive elements. A good time turned great however, when they both went crazy in the living room dancing along with the Ray Charles number.
I don’t see how Rittenhouse doesn’t walk free, soon after ending arguments.
Vote guilty because they submit to the riotous mob. I’m not very optimistic, despite the fact that the trial should not even be occurring, considering the evidence.
Max Berger
The right-wing defense of Kyle Rittenhouse is an extremely dark portent for our democracy.
He’s like an evil John Brown — willing to use violence to defend the racial hierarchy against the rising tide of multiracial democracy. Defending him is an endorsement of apartheid.
keep this in mind when you defend the guy
Yeah – ignore all of that “innocent until proven guilty” business, pure white privilege.
In the new hierarchy, white felons who riot for the right reasons are apparently no longer white.
Might as well be called RoboRacist.
Yeah buddy, if your “rising tide of multiracial democracy,” involves the typical amount of looting and burning? You can take that shit on up the road.
The looting and arson will stop once the promised land has been reached.
(No, really, stop laughing)
The harmony of all being equally miserable and impoverished – raising up our voices in praise of our glorious revolutionary leaders.
I posted abut this yesterday but
This concept video from SpinLaunch is super exciting
Instead of booster rockets, their launch system is a vacuum-sealed centrifuge spinning the rocket at several times the speed of sound before releasing
No chance this works. Scaling to this size was amazing, but it is small and also only goes to mach 1. Actually surprising they couldn’t go faster. An air gun with helium and an evacuated barrel might be faster and potentially even more gentle.
But the big thing is scaling up. The lateral forces on the scaled up version are going to be immense. Also, the ATM has to rebalance for the massive weight almost instantly upon release. Good luck getting that to work reliably.
That is WAY below orbital velocity.
Idea: you should have a device on you like those things for insulin which constantly pumps vax in your body
No. I’ve seen this movie, you carry around a little gun shaped object that’s loaded with premeasured doses of the vaccine. Every 12 hours or so, alarms go off through the cities, and everyone pauses to inject themselves with their newest dose.
You mean this is how you get gun-kata?
Jane Coaston
I have a very silly question to which I have absolutely no answer:
Why do dog breeds differ so widely, and why do specific breeds have specific characteristics (labrador retrievers love to eat, poodles are geniuses)?
Maggie Hendricks
Because many dogs were bred (and somewhat evolved) to do specific jobs, so there were traits that came along to do that jobs. Like, rat terriers were used to hunt vermin, so they are generally very protective of their people.
Jane Coaston
Replying to
How does one breed… traits?
also magnets how do they work? No one knows.
If she were a 10 year old asking that question, sure. Shows inquisitiveness, curiosity and wonder.
I am assuming she is a college graduate and apparently skipped anything that was part of a well-rounded education.
Journalist for NYT and VOX so based on this fact-checker material
It would be extremely gauche to admit that humans can be bred like animals. Anything which would refer back to the possibility of some level of biological determinism in human behavior is currently verboten. Taken to its logical conclusion, it becomes unfathomable that non-humans can have any biological determinism either.
If only there were some political group in the US with a history of this sort of thinking….
I think that oversimplifies the history of pro- and anti-eugenic positions.
But the progressives were unquestionably eugenicists, and enthusiastically and quite publicly so.
Twitter – because having MORON tattooed on your forehead is less obvious.
She has an opinion piece about climate change that uses a photo of a man’s forehead, with what appears to be the traditional mark used for Ash Wednesday but instead is a climate change slogan and a tree in place of the cross. Not a religion though.
It is moran. Geez, you cant even spell.
Karma is a bitch.
Young Cardiologist dies in sleep two weeks after getting Booster Vaccine…
Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial dedicated more than 20 years to the New Brunswick Heart Centre and the care of patients suffering from heart disease, said a statement from the staff of the New Brunswick Heart Centre.
“For those that won’t get the shot for selfish reasons – whatever – I won’t cry at their funeral” Dr. Lutchmedial said in a tweet this Summer.
And nobody learned a damn thing from it.
How does one breed… traits?
something something three generations of imbeciles
So, apparently, the moronic Twitter mobs are now demanding Letitia Wright be replaced on the cast of the Black Panther sequel because she’s expressed opposition to COVID vaccine mandates. If there’s any justice in the world, it will be with Gal Godot, just to watch the heads explode.
5 Great Actresses Who Could Replace Letitia Wright As Shuri In ‘Black Panther 2’
Forbes was always kind of a joke, but now they’re reaching Business Insider levels of idiocy.
I believe part of Forbes is allowing people to pay to host their blogs. Which means the blog gets to coast on what little credibility that Forbes has left.
Nah. How about Charlize Theron?
moronic Twitter mobs
This message brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department.
He writes: “Science fiction has often portrayed Martians or aliens coming from Mars as being tall and lanky and thin.”
Weaker bones due to the lack of gravity could also cause a woman pelvis to break during childbirth.”
In the Expanse, the people living on the Belt are taller and lankier but also have a harder time having children.
But the samoan martian chick looks buff
She trains in 1G.
She is definitely a head turner. And the reaction to her puts the lie to “men only want anorexic models” to look at.
Attractive is attractive. Unattractive is unatractive, oven if you get a bunch of tattoos, shave part of your head and die your hair a neon color. To quote Roddy Piper:. That’s like pouring perfume on a pig.
UCal football game canceled after 44 positive Covid tests… The team is 99% Vaccinated…
Berkeley’s Department of Public Health laid out previously unreported details about what is clearly a major Covid outbreak in the Cal football program — including that at least 44 people in the program have tested positive for Covid over the past ten days.
“Berkeley Public Health continues to work closely with University Health Services to help contain and respond to a major COVID-19 outbreak involving the coaches, students, and staff in the Cal Football program,” the statement begins. “All of these 44 lab-confirmed cases involve people infected with highly contagious Covid, which spreads easily unless public health safeguards are used.”
It doesn’t stop until you stop participating.
it was that 1% that did it.
I have an appointment with a nurse practitioner this evening about being prepared in case I develop symptoms. I’m wondering where she’s going to fall on all of this bullshit.
Sentara at the corporate level is not playing nice at all and banning alternative treatments for those in the ICU.
My neighbor was going downhill after getting Covid. Not ICU bad but felt like the worse flu she ever had. Took OTC ivermectin, quinine, and zinc on Day 2. Started feeling much better within hours.
I’ve got ivermectin on hand as well as quercetin and zinc. I’m also arranging for fluvoxamine through an online doc.
The question for the NP is whether she will prescribe monoclonal antibodies if I request them. My wife’s doctor has already committed to doing so.
Stop spreading disinformation about people’s lived experience.
“For those that won’t get the shot for selfish reasons – whatever – I won’t cry at their funeral” Dr. Lutchmedial said in a tweet this Summer.
Fact check: true.
Thank you for the bitter laugh I got out of that.
Hilarious, thank you. Also:
The selfish reason like, I don’t want to risk my personal health and risk dying or being unable to work and support those who depend on me (for a virus I have a 99% chance of surviving naturally)?
In a collective, anything is #SELFISH!
speaking of Business Insider are people here team BI or team Dave Portnoy?
Austria’s chancellor on Thursday stepped up threats of lockdown measures for unvaccinated people, as new coronavirus cases in the Alpine nation are soaring. The country’s worst-affected province said it plans to take that step next week.
“I apologise to anyone at Cambridge who was hoping to talk with me, but perhaps some of you can find a venue where woke rules do not apply,” Cleese tweeted.
Nicely done.
For those interested: Today’s Rekieta Law livestream. Nothing from the court today so far. The lawyers and judge are working on jury instructions and final motions. It’s just a panel discussing the trial so far.
The livestream has switched to the courtroom. The judges and lawyers are debating jury instructions.
Ed the Trucker – one NJ Senator seems pretty cool.
Saw that last night. He was asked if he talked to the guy he replaced. He said yes, briefly, and told him if he needs anything, call because “I’m your representative now.” Thought that was pretty funny.
My guess though is he will be boxed out, ineffectual because of that and the people will clamor to get the mob lackey back into office.
Safe guess for any NJ Republican.
I’m going to have to agree with Kamala Harris.
That Joe Biden guy is kinda racist.
The same way a hagfish is kinda slimy.
“All of these 44 lab-confirmed cases involve people infected with highly contagious Covid, which spreads easily unless public health safeguards are used.”
Call me crazy, but it looks to me as if your “public health safeguards” do about fuck-all to impede the spread.
10 yard penalty for encroachment by getting within 2 yards of your opponent.
Reichstag Fire-Enabling Act speedrun
Latvians not fully vaccinated: 43%
Latvian legislators not fully vaccinated: 9%
So representative, much democracy
Just put the goalposts on Pluto and call it a day.
“Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia”
Huh? Herd immunity has never been their goal – it has always been “no sniffle anywhere anytime”.
Trust the experts
How the hell do these people square that circle?
They don’t have to. No one will challenge those statements.
Your purpose in the community is to keep nurses and bureaucrats from doing more work.
THis ‘pandemic’ has allowed the PTB to grab power beyond their wildest dreams. They dont intend to ever let it end.
With the New Society (looting, pillaging, arson, assault, and Socialism–but I repeat myself) coming on, I will need instructions on how to find reliable people to buy things on the black market. I haven’t a clue how to do that.
They become known quite quickly in my experience. Make some friends with immigrants for sure and have a few ‘shady, but gentle’ friends to get those hard to find items.
“Let me know if you need anything”
My parents were the meekest and not well educated but they quickly found the places and people that had work arounds in WW2
Get comfortable with the idea of getting stuff from the trunk of a car in a dimly lit park.
You don’t understand science, Jimbo
Meant for Jim in #49. I’m old so I have an explanation
I hate haggling.
Start with the local farmer’s market. Work out your network from there.
Local, cash-only businesses are where to start. The even less detectable opportunities come after that.
Yep, we are prepared to go full cash only for the dog grooming business, especially with the financial spying they want to do. We keep the trailer non-descript for a reason. All our advertising is word of mouth and cards. We were planning an online presence, but since have said nah.
Now of course, we are already bartering for services/goods with several clients. Groom your dog for veggies out of the garden, or whatever else we can get like spices, haircuts, etc.
Know anyone who partakes of any illicit substances? The reason marijuana is a gateway drug isn’t that it leads to other drugs, but it leads to connections to the black markets.
I don’t even know a “weed guy”. I always got my drugs through friends.
I’m toast.
Well, no. That’s the entire problem.
Now, I have A Guy™ or two for specific things, so I suppose that’s where I’d start.
Re Mojeaux’s lost mojo: try DHEA?
That’s been suggested to me before and I completely forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder.
Oh! I have another Guy™! And I can legitimately say “my dealer”. If I were to say it at all. Which I wouldn’t.
“Lower your expectations.” – Princess Gingervitis
I’m not sure what to expect for the Rittenhouse verdict. Part of me says the jurors will give the mob what they want because they’re afraid for their own safety. But on the other hand, they live there, they see what the mob has done to their community, and now they’ve seen up close and personal what kind of person is part of that mob.
He’s got a gun charge too. It’s also BS but it’s a misdemeanor and it gives them an easy out to convict on.
If they really did need something to hang their hat on, that would be a good one, because it is low consequence and has a reasonable chance of reversal.
There’s no clear video of the first shooting of Rosenbaum. My guess is convicted of shooting Rosenbaum on a lesser charge. Maybe the gun charges. And not guilty on the other charges.
If they are following the law and do find that the first shooting was illegal… The subsequent shootings are also illegal, as he forfeits his right to self defense if he is being apprehended pursuant to those bad acts.
So if you can logic your way into “he had no right to defend himself from this guy who had earlier promised to kill him and who chased him down and grabbed his weapon”…. Well, then you are pretty much all the way to guilty on all charges.
But there is plenty of evidence, video and otherwise, to refute this. It remains to be seen how they follow it though.
If they are following the law and do find that the first shooting was illegal… The subsequent shootings are also illegal
I don’t think so. He “retreated” after the first shooting, so the subsequent encounters stand on their own. I don’t think there’s any basis for the subsequent assaults to be considered “citizen’s arrests”.
If I beat up your buddy and leave the bar, and you run after me and try to bash my head with your skateboard, you are committing assault.
There’s no clear video of the first shooting of Rosenbaum.
Which is why they put him on the stand.
Amazing how quickly the FBI “losing” the high-def video of that shooting disappeared from both the trial and the news.
The defense is trying to prevent lesser included offenses for homicides. They should object to that.
The prosecution charged this young man with wreckless homicides and should either prove that beyond a reasonable doubt or Rittenhouse walks free.
The judge said that Wisconsin law has a standard for lesser included offenses which requires a likelihood of acquittal of the primary charge and likelihood for conviction on lesser offense.
This judge is not letting the prosecution run this trial like they want to.
That gun charge wont be an easy conviction. The defense lawyers argued that the state never proved he violated that law.
Evidently, the law applies to 18 and under who have a rifle/shotgun that violates the length rules.
The prosecutors are begging for lessor and included offenses in the jury instructions and for the judge not to dismiss that weapon charge. They dont seem too confident in convictions on homicides.
I HATE HATE that the defense attorneys are not challenging the gun charge as a void law because it violates the 2nd Amendment. He has time served anyways.
Self-defense claims often come down to jury instructions. We’ll see.