Nope. I’m not R.J., and it’s not very likely that I’ll be around in the comments. But I will leave you with an entertaining movie to hopefully lighten the mood. Enter Stage Fright, a comedy/horror film with a bit part by Minnie Driver and a large role for Meat Loaf Aday. A quick search shows this as the only full length movie by the writer/director Jerome Sable.
The musical horror subgenre is one that doesn’t have a lot of movies in it. In recent time, the only other ones I can think of are Repo! The Genetic Opera and The Devil’s Carnival (both done by Darren Lynn Bousman and Terrance Zdunich). While both of those movies are well worth watching, we’re not here to talk about them.
Is Stage Fright for you? It doesn’t take itself seriously, and starts with the disclosure:
The following is based on true events.
While the names have been changed to respect the victims and their families,
the musical numbers will be performed exactly as they occurred.
I would recommend starting with this scene. If that doesn’t scare you off, you should be good through the movie. Go ahead and count all the drama kid tropes and caricatures you can find. The movie starts off in the past, at the premier of a Phantom of the Opera rip off, The Haunting of the Opera, during this premier we get our first murder.
Jump forward a decade, and we’ll meet up with the children of the murder victim, Camilla and Buddy, who are working at the Center Stage Musical Theater summer camp. The camp is run (poorly) by Roger McCall, who has been raising the kids, and was associated with the production of the musical where their mother was murdered. The camp is on the brink of bankruptcy, and to attract star attention, Roger decides to push for The Haunting of the Opera to be the musical the camp performs this year.
During the tryouts, Camilla decides to try to perform the role her mother had in the fateful show. Things escalate, and people start being killed by someone dressed as the Opera Ghost. Betrayal, secret villainy, trope overdose… it’s all there!
Next week’s feature: R.J. returns to host Danger 5.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Isn’t this an hour early?
Anarchy! Cats marrying Dogs!!
Thot Thursday will give you stage fright.
Well, just don’t click on this.
Meh. Looks like another day in San Fran.
When it comes to rock and horror, I’m still a Tim Curry fan.
Is it more horrifying than this?
I hate you.
Have some Curry and Sara eyebleach.
Wow! This posted early. Gilb savings time? I was busy woodchipping my neighbors over the last hour. I would add Poultrygeist to the list of musical horror comedies. It has scenes that have cleared rooms.
There are time conversion issues. I blame the squirrels.
Oh. This is where everyone r-u-n-n-o-f-t to. I thought I had a few more minutes to get recipe ideers in the ded thred.
Cant go wrong with fried chicken.
Unfortunately, I truly suck at frying as a cooking method.
Me too. Air fry is safer for me. You can fry in an iron skillet but it blows grease everywhere. I stick to grilling with dry seasoning and a sauce finish. Keeps the mess and smell outside too.
Get a splatter screen or two they’re like 5 bucks American. You can grill chicken thighs eight ways til Sunday and they will never be as good as ones properly pan fried in a cast iron skillet, which is the way god intended chicken thighs to be prepared.
Slathered in piri piri sauce, under a broiler on high until you get that char.
You’re welcome.
Vinegar cleans that grease right off. Why do you think Massengil uses it?
Get a roll of 12″-18″ wide kraft paper from the paint department and lay down sheets around the stove prior to cooking. Really helps to keep the floor cleaner during frying.
Oven-fried chicken. Set it and forget it.
Get a deep-fryer. They’re foolproof; set temp to 375F, insert food, remove when golden brown.
I baked a frozen lasagne. No recipe involved. And I agree, you cannot go wrong with fried chicken.
Turkey breast with gravy. Mashed potatoes (sweet or regular) with gravy. Stuffing. With gravy. Cranberry sauce optional, same with other fruits & veggies.
The one recipe from the last thread mentioned rice, but if you’re saving it overnight, it can go bad with rice.
Did I mention gravy?
I thought Marlene Dietrich was pretty good in Stage Fright
I still love calling Meatloaf ‘Couscous’ after all his weight loss. That South Park name stuck.
Was that a palate cleanser from Count Potato’s earlier posts?
Wow! Just… wow!
I agree
Yes, please put her on my, umm… palate.
Musicals? Do I even have to say it?
You have to sing it.
Gotta agree with Bro on this. The only musical I’ll watch is one where anyone that starts singing gets murdered immediately.
That does happen in this film. During the opening.
Oh, I misspoke. I meant before they start singing.
So, CopRock?
Paint Your Wagon was OK.
Opera > Musicals
Fight me.
(Just goofin’ – I love some opera but I don’t care if people watch musicals; I just don’t understand their appeal)
Just keep singing, Mordin
The Blues Brothers, Cry Baby, Hairspray, Grease, Grease II, The Rock Horror Picture Show, Sweeney Todd, The Wiz, Little Shop Of Horrors, etc.. Musicals are awesome!
Cannibal! The Musical.
I really think this is a film I should not see. Fortunately, it sounds like that will be an easy bar to meet.
1.5 cups water
1 cup rice
add water and rice
heat on high until it begins to boil
give it a quick stir
cover tightly with foil
reduce heat to low
simmer 17 minutes
remove from heat
fluff and enjoy
1c rice
Rinse rice until water is clear
Place in 2qt saucepan
Add 1c water and a little more (like 1 1/4c water total)
Let stand covered 20-30 minutes
Uncover and heat on high to boiling
Recover with lid and turn down to lowest setting
Cook 22 minutes
Take off heat and let stand at least 10 minutes covered
Open and fluff only when ready to eat
I don’t do this for Chinese dishes, because you want sticky rice for that
A nice treat is had by putting a little butter/olive oil in the saucepan and adding the rice dry once the fat is hot. Constantly stir until rice gets fragrant and starts to toast. Then add liquid and cook as usual.
So, the fore(wo)man in the Rittenhouse trial requested to take the jury instructions with her for the night.
Rumors have been that she is one of the Karen’s holding things up.
Probably for fapping material as she fantasizes about putting Kyle in prison for life.
She’s going to come back tomorrow with a ton of dictionary definitions of shit that don’t match legal definitions to try to convince the other jurors…
The judge’s reply to her question should have been:
“Have the seven hours you’ve spent with the copy of the instructions already today not been enough, ma’am?”
Boomer judge has no spine.
An acquittal seems highly unlikely to me. But a hung jury seems in the cards. I’d wager that the majority of them would acquit, but the true believers won’t allow it.
I know what the law says but he had an AR-15 Bro. What more do you need to know?
Can you imagine arguing for basically 30-36 hours on this bullshit?
Someone’s just gonna give in due to stamina.
Maybe its Hyperbole….
I mean the whole trial. They’ll likely have spent over 40 hours discussing this over and over by the end.
I’d blow my brains out.
It’d be very fun to just keep saying, “Nah.” to the outraged whyte waman and watching her meltdown.
How many hours do you think they spent debating the prosecution’s key piece of evidence?
It sounds plausible. I can picture that.
It doesn’t bode well that they asked to see the bogus evidence of kyle pointing his gun either. Because i bet there’s an argument about that.
Defense should’ve come out stronger against that.
And a great many other things.
Where does this rumor come from?
Guessing. Juror 54? The one writing the requests is definitely a woman. The only person you can typically hear when the judge asks a question is the same one that asked to take home the instructions.
I’m just a guy on the internet tbough
I disagree that you are just a guy in the internet.
You’re more than that.
Be proud.
Or something.
I’d be a pickle but that would be to corny
The way she phrased the request. Ugh. Same vibe as “And put the ranch dressing on the side”.
Another reason to blow your brains out. 40 hours with that woman.
I imagine this girl is what they are dealing with.
Oh and NSFW
Squeaky wheel got the grease. Eeew.
Side story: my wife was on a jury in Manhattan back when we used to live in NYC.
It was a relatively straightforward case of a transgender “woman” beating the shit out of a cop on a subway platform.
The evidence was overwhelming.
One woman on the jury was absolutely convinced that the cops had made at all up and were lying.
I mean there were witnesses and hospital reports.
Didn’t matter.
She hated the cops (which i can understand but still).
Couldn’t get a conviction.
Moral of the story: don’t assume justice is gonna happen. It’s heavily luck based.
This is why jury selection is the most important part of trial.
The musical horror subgenre is one that doesn’t have a lot of movies in it. In recent time, the only other ones I can think of are Repo! The Genetic Opera and The Devil’s Carnival (both done by Darren Lynn Bousman and Terrance Zdunich). While both of those movies are well worth watching, we’re not here to talk about them.
Don’t forget Anna and the Apocalypse.
Was not familiar with that one… I’ve added it to my list to find.
Anna and the Apocalypse is awesome.
My wife has been talking with this guy: about her exemptions. He participated in a zoom call recorded here:
Unfortunately he’s mostly talking about how to go about claiming exemptions, so if you’ve already been denied, what he has to say may not be much use. He will talk on the phone, free of charge, and he told my wife he has already taken on some clients for exemption cases. He’s in Zanesville, so not close to you, but he may know someone in your area.
Sigh. I had a nicely-composed and somewhat on-topic reply to this and it got disappeared. That feeling when you click “Post” and you just knew you should have copied first.
Something about how my company is still silent on this stuff and I would love to be a fly on the wall of the boardroom as they deal with what must be enormous pressure from down-pyramid Karens to do something already.
Today’s super quick pic was an homage to what we’ve lost.
Nice. I was going with cat calling, but that will do.
Very nice. I like it.
Was excepting house/car keys.
No more smoking sections?
Not at Mack. Sometimes they have one set up outside.
Nice. I have a couple of that exact model somewhere. I put them away after I went to vaping.
Somewhere I have tucked away one of the generic black plastic ones I swiped from CBGBs.
Wagons were circled
A fresh look at the possible origins of the Covid-19 pandemic points straight back to the Huanan seafood market in the Chinese city of Wuhan, a scientist who has been studying the pandemic from the beginning asserted Thursday.
The researcher, Michael Worobey of the University of Arizona, has put together a painstaking timeline of all the known cases of SARS-Cov-2 before it was known a pandemic was starting.
He found many were in people who lived or worked near the market, the original suspected source of the pandemic, even if they didn’t have direct links to the market.
But as Chinese government officials sought to deflect blame, and as the Trump administration and, later, intelligence officials in the Biden administration, pointed to the possibility of a virology research lab in Wuhan, the picture has become muddled.
Worobey, who specializes in tracing the genetic evolution of viruses, has found considerable evidence that the virus arose in an animal, and did not start circulating until the end of 2019. He has published multiple studies on the probable origins of the virus. But he said he wanted to check his own theories against the real-life evidence from what was known about actual people with documented infections.
So he dove into the known cases. He says what he found strengthens the theory that the virus originated in animals sold in the market — much like the first SARS outbreak in 2002-2004 that infected 8,000 people before it was stopped.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
They sold bats at a seafood market?
It was reported early on that animals from the Wuhan lab were sometimes sold as meat in the nearby markets, so…
all the known cases of SARS-Cov-2 before it was known a pandemic was starting
So zero lab proven cases and 100% speculated cases then.
The Chinese government will never allow him to delve into actually subjects.
We have thanks to blood donations figured out exactly where in the jungle HIV originated from but this will never get that far.
Is CNN questioning whether there is, in fact, a virology research lab in Wuhan?
Fuck you LinkedIn. Their is not a singular possessive.
52 years old now. Good bday yesterday: 11 hours working.
Birthdays are for children and women with the mindset of children.
Woohoo! Im hittin 42 here a couple of weeks or so.
Happy birthday! What presents did you get for the Glibs?
Happy birthday, youngster!
52 years old now. Good bday yesterday: 11 hours working.
The days just keep on coming.
Fucking incentives- how do they work?
Whatever the final amount, the victims of family separations deserve compensation. Both policy and historical precedent support paying a financial settlement to those affected by the horrific practice. It is the right thing to do for the migrant families who will suffer the consequences of the separations for the rest of their lives.
If teams of American commandos had flown to foreign countries and grabbed these people up in the dead of night, there might be some kind of of legitimacy to this infuriating nonsense.As it is… don’t want to be treated like criminals? Don’t enter the country illegally.
No human is illegal.
“Fucking incentives- how do they work?” – they don;t they were invented by right wingers to justify gutting the welfare state
“Fucking incentives- how do they work?”
Humans are dumb, useless monkeys with defective brains.
You had to deal with end uers or the general public today, didn’t you?
Bad day at the DMV?
I don’t know what Biden’s Puppet master is thinking. The woke left will eat it up. Everyone else, not so much.
Only the ones torn apart during the Trump administration? What about the ones torn apart during the Obama administration? It did happen, because those photos of kids detained behind chain link were circulating labelled as “what they are doing to kids now because of Trump”, then it came out that they were from 2014.
Good morning glibbies.
Morning, Pie.
Good morning
I prefer the cover.
Good morning Pie. I was watching What We Do In The Shadows and thought of you.
*raises cup o’ Joe*
We’ll have a Drink Along, a quicker picker upper in the morning.
“Coffee all round, Miss, when Ol’ Fourscore drinks everybody drinks”
There was a question about the Rekieta stream and a bunch of lawyers trashing live. I caught him on Twitch and asked him. He was drunk and said its just commentary. I think he gave up the practice for the LawTube monies….
Well my beloved sweetheart kitty cat, who fancies himself an outdoor bad-ass by day, has failed to come home tonight.
I keep occasionally calling to him out the back door in my sing-song voice, which usually works to lure him back.
But my husband has been in a foul mood for hours (I think because he overdid it physically in unpacking, so he’s in pain and lacks the discipline to suck it up). So he’s been telling me (roughly snd profanely) that the cat is dead and the sooner I realize it the better. I went for a walk through the neighborhood calling softly to the cat, but then my husband started bellowing at the top of his lungs, which scares the cat and likely annoys the neighbors at this hour.
I’ve gone to bed now with one door open in hopes the cat returns.
I sure hope he does return. He’s the bright spot in my day.
Good luck Hayek.
If you venture out for another search in about 30 minutes you’ll see the start of the lunar eclipse.
Ah shoot I slept in and right through it.
Currently about 1/2 of the moon is obscured here.
Damn its cold out.
The moon alternates between half and fully obscured depending on the drift of the clouds here.
The clouds are probably keeping it warmer.
Great show out here. It is dark enough that you can see Ceres and M31 easily through binos as well.
Hopefully he’s just out there making kittens with a female cat he hopes to never see again after he’s done with her.
+ pump and dump
I hope he’s just going for an long adventure and will be back soon for a long nap.
Toms need to roam. Hopefully just figuring out his space and back home for the warm bed and food.
Kitteh update: he came back in for his evening canned food and to sleep on my hip, as usual.
He’s lost his outdoor privileges for a few days. Goofy cat. I’m glad he’s back.
Current pussy status = calm ?
Welcome back, kitty!
The clouds are trolling me.
They’ll clear and give a great view of the eclipse, then roll back in and obscure everything.
Same here.
Can’t see anything but clouds now 🙁
Up early enough to still see a partial eclipse. Clear skies.
Yay, Friday.
Question – how would one determine the minimum crew for a sailing ship? (Preindustrial, no motors or similar assistance)
mayonnaise. MAYONNAISE!
I seem to remember hundreds of pages of instruction on such things here.
Maybe start here and branch out:
Of course this is an open forum and those people might be maniacs so the usual caveats apply.
I did go looking at Quora, but I was hoping the knowledgable glibs could give me a rule of thumb.
You may beat your crew with a stick no thicker than your thumb?
No, no, you don’t beat them yourself, you have the boatswain apply the cat o nine tails.
The minimum crew is one. Ship’s operation may be suboptimal however.
Seriously though, those things could be operated with WAY under a standard complement. I’d imagine $20 could confirm that he could actually sail his racer by himself if he had to.
Mary Celeste disagrees.
I want to believe.
(And nothing else happens.)
I’d really like to call out today with monkey pox.
At least I’ll be getting a 4 day weekend soon.
We have (((early dismissal))) today and I have a six-day weekend soon. ?
Nice! What’s the (((occasion)))?
For the lady Glibs:
Yeah, I just want to know when Die Hard is on so I can see what all the fuss is about.
I think I have that on DVD somewhere around here.
Can you e-mail a copy to me? ?
I could try to fax it.
Get a copy of Handbrake and text it to her.
Yippiekaiyay </obviousADR>Mr Falcon</obviousADR>
/wrong movie
-Nantucket Noel
The actor there looks like a Leonardo DiCaprio/George Clooney genetic hybrid that was spawned in a lab. Good for him I guess.
They shoot most of those films here in BC. They almost always have to use snow trucked in from the mountains. Ever notice that you never see their breath? Hell, they shot two of them here last year. When they shot one of them they had to use the shavings from the hockey arena. Must be a bitch to pretend to be cold when it’s 60 degrees American and you’re bundled up I guess that’s why they make the big bucks.
There was an X-Files episode that was meant to take place in Florida, where the monster of the week lived in these underground caves in an arboreal forest through which Mulder and Scully gave chase. That part of Florida is nothing but pine trees, live oaks, and palmetto scrub, with a water table 18” – 24” below the surface.
Yup. If there were limestone caves you’d be chasing the monster of the week in scuba gear. Still, Gillian Anderson! A firm wood! Another that made the deal with Devil…
Hey, there is one dry cave in Florida.
Wow. I’m actually surprised on this one.
International news.
I don’t think this has been posted yet.
Anybody seen Pie?
“The Assoulines”
Too easy.
“Flies In The Assoulines”?
“ Austria’s Salzburg And Upper Austria Expand Lockdown To Include Entire Population”
Considering they were perfectly fine with singling out the unvaccinated to be crushed I’m tempted to call it karma (but only tempted, it’s still wrong but maybe it’ll instill in the vaxed a bit of empathy).
The entire population? So, who is going to enforce it?
This shit is getting very tiresome. How does an entire country….hell, a whole planet….go insane?
I dont know why I am complaining, I have ignored it from the start and no one gives me shit about it. I had to go to the DMV a couple of days ago. The front of the glass building was totally obscured with ‘You must wear a mask!’ signs taped all over the windows. No one, including the employees, were wearing masks.
At least I live in a place where people are half-sensible.
People are very very very stupid. Very stupid. Most cannot think beyond a 10 year old level.
10? Look at Mr. Optimist here.
That’s the way it is in my area. There are signs on the businesses but only about a fourth of people are wearing masks and they’re mostly oldsters so I don’t begrudge them really.
Gosh, that graphic is almost enough to give one the impression that the case-demic has worsened with the introduction of vaccines.
Austria is only 66% vaxed though
They were doing better with 0% vaxxed.
Apparently they want to mandatory vaccinate all people next year.
Followed by daily boosters?
Don’t you steal my idea! I suggested long ago to have something like those things for insulin to pump the vax in you
Why don’t we just cut out the middle-man and send half our tax bill to Pfizer.
No love for Moderna?
They really should round-up the un-vaccinated and put them in camps. Where they could concentrate on why the jab is important.
Finally, a solution.
you know who else…
…liked to go camping?
The cast of this show?
That is some high-brow shit right there.
Have you watched it? It is funny as all get out. They send them to crazy exotic locations and the location that ends up being the hardest and almost always causes people to tap out? Southern Louisiana.
Heat and mosquitoes can do a number on anyone.
Understandable, we are underrated for that kind of thing. I think it is worse here than Australia. Fuckin’ snakes, fire ants, mosquitoes, deer flies and horse flies, leeches, stinging caterpillars and chiggers. Everything here wants to kill you and eat you, including the weather. The chiggers are the worst of the lot.
I bagged a deer once in the catahoula swamp. It had been acting kinda funny. When I dressed it I discovered its lungs were clogged with mosquitoes that it had inhaled.
Want me to play naked and afraid in the swamps around here? You go first, Sunshine.
Forgot about chiggers. God help you if they manage to get in your crotch area.
Shut your whore racist mouth, Stinky.
Its 2021. The preferred term is cheegroes.
If you get chiggers in your crotch, your pants/undies are too tight.
Local Chamber of Commerce?
I cant keep up. Red Bugs? Aphids of color?
Naked and Afraid explains how I woke up yesterday.
At least the dildo was still attached to your forehead unless there was some foreign influence and you redacted that part of the tale.
Austria should not be able to get away with substituting “upper” for “north.” It’s one of the few places 3D enough for “upper” to have actual meaning.
I must weigh in on the most outrageous moments in Glib-Zoom history with a listicle. #3 Neph injuring himself and smashing his TV. #2 Tonio’s cold open. The One, the Only, reigning champeen has got to be Tres with a dildo stuck to his forehead! You people…
But I believe it was also Tres, not Neph, who smashed his TV, wasn’t it? Two out of the top three! ?
Yeah, it was a 55″ and I stood and fell backwards into it, destroying the LCD.
I just honked when I drove past your street- had to make a beer run to Meijer.
Obligatory. Except you don’t need the fake ID.
That says it was posted in 2010. Which is about the time B&T stopped being even a little funny.
Now they’re nearly as unlistenable as Stern.
I miss Kerrigan & Christopher’s “Stoner Trivia.” ?
They werent a bad morning drive duo.
Didnt one of them die of cancer or some shit ?
I was right.
“During 1986-1999, WTUE was home to the highly rated Kerrigan & Christopher morning show. Christopher (Geisen) left the station in 1999 and (Steve) Kerrigan left WTUE’s airwaves in 2003. Steve Kerrigan died of multiple myeloma in March 2011”
I met one of them sometime later after he’d gone into sales (maybe still for the station?) and came to meet the marketing director at the CU. He had one of those crushing handshakes that is not effective on small-framed women.
Geisen looked like the kind of freak that would do that.
My sincere apologies to Neph and his delightful girlfriend, then! What can I say? I was drunk!
I was using that silicone phallus as a pointer to emphasize w/e I was talking about.
“Listen to the Dick of Truth, damn you!”
The best part was the incoherent rant at the end! *chef’s kiss*
IIRC, Neph was a faceplant onto his keyboard, followed by a brutal looking fall to the floor, capped with a good 15 minutes of incoherent drunk talk while his better half poured him into bed. I’m sorry I missed the marital-aid unicorn.
There are so many, it’s hard to herd them.
I’m not immune but I (usually) turn the sound and video off like a cat needs to shit in a quiet corner. It’s just my way.
Odds on Rittenhouse getting nailed to the wall for political expediency? They’ll convict him and when the fires burn out he will be exonerated. Stupid kid. You don’t bring a rifle to a mob-justice fight.
His poor mother seems as dumb as stones. He probably meant well but following your heart is incredibly short-sighted.
This round is going to be a hung jury with the outside chance of some kind of compromise verdict. A retrial is in the cards now unless the judge gives a with prejudice dismissal which is doubtful.
This case should have been mistrialed three times over. What the fuck are they playing at? They want a conviction because they fear the mob.
Shoot the mob.
It seems like you’d be doing the world a favor.
Just give Kyle the rifle back. Problem solved.
That should have been done five seconds after the prosecution finished presenting their non-case.
He doesn’t seem especially bright either.
I find it a bit remarkable that more emphasis is not put on the fact that in nearly every incident like this one the rioters/protesters are violent, convicted felons.
“Drop-kick” guy was kept in custody so that he couldn’t testify and the prosecutors lied about not knowing who he is. Kangaroos hop.
The lead prosecutor should be Nifong’ed. Nifong did not do anything worse than Binger has.
He doesn’t seem especially bright either.
It’s hard to tell from a handful of responses to questions on the stand.
Robert Barnes (used to be affiliated with the case) pointed out two things. First, they have a guy whom they trust to coordinate everything, and this guy has made some interesting decisions that may not be best for Kyle. Also, Kyle is a naive 18 year old. He doesn’t understand how the justice system works, so he doesn’t know how to identify that his counsel is bad.
“You don’t bring a rifle to a mob-justice fight.”
Damn straight. You bring a flamethrower, no one gets arrested for burning shit down.
“Jan. 6 Riot “An Attack” On NATO: Jens Stoltenberg”
What is NATO’s primary core value I wonder? Ineffective saber rattling with the Russians? Nah, that’s not it…ah, hovering money from the American taxpayer while shirking your own nations’ financial obligations….that’s got it.
Look Some one needs to keep the fucking Russians outside Romania
Can’t we just give y’all a half dozen nukes and be done with it?
I mean give me, sure the government hell no
And meddling in the Ukraine for some Godforsaken reason.
G’morning, glibs! These Glib-Zoom things really sound like a hoot! Now that I’m done with my language course maybe I can afford to stay up late and join in the cephalic/faux-phallic shenanigans.
In other news, reading Sara A. Hoyt makes me happy when the news of clown world makes me sad.
I know there’s a lot of gloom-and-doom shit out there these days. But if our enlightened and competent technocratic elites were wrong about everything, would they ever admit it? Would it ever get reported? If the push for a return to individual liberty was succeeding, would they ever acknowledge it? Of course not; they have to appear in control at all times.
Their disconnect with reality is going to make things bad for us all in short order. But in the end they lose. Central planning always fails because central planners always fail. Maybe the important thing is to get prepared, and be ready to rebuild when the dust settles.
Heading out to Tacoma, WA in a couple months – gimme a holler if any of you guys live out that way.
A White Pill! Verah nice.
The Dozer, who was on the mend from what I suspect is a shoulder injury just tore across the yard after some unseen intruder.
Now, he’s limping again.
Stupid doge.
“A Manhattan junior high school plans to racially separate students while discussing identity and social justice topics next week, The Post has learned.”
Separate but equal? Just like the good old days!
Poor little Liam and Shaniqua, separated by the Fates. Star-crossed lovers, if you will…
In fair Manhattan where we lay our scene.
Ooh, a West Side Story reboot!
Reportedly, Spielberg is already working on that.
I don’t have high hopes.
The fines have to be hire than those of any rule or order requiring a mandate.
They also need to stand up to court scrutiny, which may not happen.
Naw, we’ll just put a fine on judges.