I am a Nerd. Anyone on the Glibs Zooms knows this, anyone who reads these pages knows this. I just spent 5 days, 4 nights at BGGCON (BoardGameGeek Convention). I got back yesterday PM. Too much nerdiness and too much TX BBQ and beer. So this won’t be my strongest effort to date. Go forth with diminished expectations!
- The Golden Goose hasn’t been killed yet…but the CCP is chasing it around, hatchet in hand.
- Austria doesn’t have room for more
prisonerspeople, I guess. - Own-goal.
- “FIRE!”
Comments. Have at them.
Fossil Fuels?
I’ve been very good this year, even by my Bohemian standard…
Can you do the Fandango?
That meme will never get old.
Always love this one. Galileo!
Jewels of the familiar variety?
At first I thought that Santa was some sort of poo monster, before realizing it was S. Smith.
Yep. I saw this.
I love how his little poo son’s name is Corn-Wallace.
Re: Main image – Is that a Dean Beast? (Like he’d let em on the furniture…)
No, the Dean Beasts are a black brindle, and have more terrier to them.
Fancy leather chair – check. Dogs way too relaxed and chill – never mind!
I misread that the first time and thought you said the Dean Beasts have more terror to them.
Hey, pooch! Nice doggie! Maybe I have a Milk Bone…
Something like that, yes.
Too much nerdiness and too much TX BBQ and beer.
Intellectually I know such a thing is possible, but my heart refuses to believe.
Yeah, it took a while to reach that point. I am getting old.
Makes me wonder how he’d refer to his dumpster fire of a presidency, were he lucid.
How bad are things getting for him if he’s now being fact-checked by WaPo?
I am guessing that he would use some variation on “Chinese Fire Drill.”
Re: earlier thread:
They say that memories are long in the tribal areas, but something tells me that Austrians recall the last time a bunch of middle easterners showed up uninvited at the Gates of Vienna.
The Poles got rid of them that time too.
I just did inventory.
49 beers on hand, and 48 hours until I have to work.
Im sure it can be done.
We believe in you.
Piker. Paul Newman could eat 50 hard-boiled eggs in one hour.
+ shakin’ it off over here, boss
Good Luck, We’re all Counting on You.
Good luck.
Tall cans? That would be impressive. Standard size cans is child’s play.
24 beers in a case, 24 hours in a day. Coincidence? I think not.
One beer, one boiled egg per hour. Just do it.
GT & TT need to escape the state.
Beginning to think news sits on names of these psychos not out of respect, but so they can either scrub socials or make sure internet sleuths don’t jump their reporting.
Narrative crafting takes time.
This guy?
That article is a formatting nightmare.
But so many are now–quoting tweets, switching from quote to quote, included advertisements…
So much on the internet is just unreadable.
My blog has had a battleship-gray background for 14 years.
The timing of the mandate means that unvaccinated TSA employees could face discipline, potentially leaving airports short-staffed as Americans travel for Thanksgiving gatherings and for other holidays next month.
If you wanted to throw a wrench into the gears of the vaxxers, this is exactly how you’d do it. Or maybe bureaucrats are just dumb as rocks.
It’s the latter. We’ve spent the last however many months whipsawing back and forth because some bureaucrat on a power trip is making contradictory proclamations from on high and leaving everyone else scrambling to meet their 24 hour suspenses. These people really live in a bubble with no understanding of the real world.
It’s to get the flying public angry at the unclean anti-vaxxers.
Yep. That’s what will happen.
I’ll continue to stay unvaccinated.
They make it sound scary. Our discipline starts tomorrow with a letter…then the employee has 7 days to respond, after that letter and okay from legal, we move to remove from federal service which then the employee has 30 days to appeal I believe and then they could jump into an EEO compliant which means they aren’t going anywhere until that is investigated.
Not just the TSA, but police, fire, garbage collectors, etc.
Last minute Glibs thanksgiving submission:
Meet Cthulhu Turkey: It’s a Turkey Stuffed With Octopus That People Actually Make
I hope that’s a soy turkey.
I’m going to go out on a limb here. I’ve had turkey with oyster stuffing. It’s pretty darned good. Grilled octopus is certainly also quite good. I could be persuaded to try, if the cook was doing anything more than just trying to make the food look gross.
Just like Mom used to make!
Some of those look like they could be thanksgiving dinner for the crew at an Antarctic research station.
From Sunday – busted refrigerator update.
Amazon actually delivered a factory replacement control board next day. Naturally, you have to program the thing to your specific model. Despite watching a video and having written instructions it still took three attempts of simultaneous button pressing to get it to work.
It appears to be cooling and the ice and water appear to be working as well. Fingers crossed and thanks for the good wishes.
That is good news!
Good work.
And here I was betting it was the thermostat.
Ive said it before, but Im betting that the availability of info on them internets has really put a dent in the business of appliance repair, auto repair, and home maintenance.
Did ya see Apple is going to start selling replacement parts to Iphones to the public? DYI fixits.
Technically it was. Damn thing has everything controlled from one board. Which is both good and bad.
After pulling it out I’m about 80% sure I know exactly which capacitor is the culprit. I couldn’t see it in situ and wanted to leave it in case it decided to come back while I was waiting for the new board.
Maybe tomorrow I’ll give it an inspection with a magnifier and see if I can see any leaking or bulges. Or I might just desolder it and test it.
Internet is awesome for folks who are handy. In the old days even if I got access to the board without the programming instructions I would have been SOL.
I do a lot of board level repair on crappy appliances. Cheap chinese components (mainly failed caps) are responsible for a lot of bricked displays.
Like a boss. Congrats.
Australia continues its decent into madness.
Holy crap. “Everything in Australia wants to kill you”. Now including the government.
In a country filled with authoritarian leaders, Michel Gunner has moved to the head of the class.
You also get charged $2500 for your 14-day stay.
Burn. It. All. Down.
That’s pretty fucked up.
Wow. That’s like evil on top of evil. Double evil.
Do you get to keep your gold dental work?
No, just the tiny soap from the showers. Well, at least your next of kin can claim it…
Just don’t drop it.
You got out in the nick of time.
Nick of Time. Johnny Depp and Christopher Walken, with the always great Charles S. Dutton.
The trailer made it look like a mediocre (but watchable) popcorn movie. Plus, those three actors are generally good.
Stark raving lunacy. I don’t get it. Do they think this is actually going to accomplish anything?!
Softening them up for the CCP takeover.
“Nice to see the dark night of fascism landing on somebody else for a change.” – Europe
And yet Australian press is boasting at how much more civilized they are, as they don’t have vigilantes randomly killing peaceful protesters and going free.
Well. Nobody is going free.
And just to beat the drum even more, total population of Australia ~ 25.9 million. Total tests (govt. number ~ 46.7 million; yep 1.8 tests/person). Total cases (govt. number) = 199,651 (let’s assume the case numbers are down because of the lockdowns, just for the sake of the argument). Total deaths (govt. number): 1948). Fatality rate: 0.98%.
Assholes. All of them. The politicians, the medical establishment, most of the population.
The roos are still cool.
Not really that tasty, though.
I had in a kangaroo chili. Pretty bland, really.
I’ve got peppers to fix that.
I was assured in the late 80s that McDonalds hamburgers were made of kangaroo meat. If that’s true it can be quite tasty.
I had a kangaroo tikka masala. And, I think, a kangaroo sausage during my second visit. Neither was spectacular but still edible.
I thought kangaroo was tasty.
I had a pair of Roos sneakers in the 80s. I tied them behind the tongue and called it a boomerang.
They re-opening Norfolk Island as the worst prison of the whole colony?
The official Thanksgiving travel period began on Friday, and airports nationwide saw a significant increase in travel over the weekend.
An official Thanksgiving travel period? WTF? Journalists reaching new levels of stupid?
Carried over from the Sunday night recipe post, since a few people expressed interest:
Ginni’s Sauteed Brussels Sprouts
1 lb bag fresh brussels sprouts
1/4 lb bacon, pancetta, or guanciale, diced*
1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
Salt and pepper, to taste
Chiffonade the individual sprouts. Do this sober.
In a 12″ pan, saute the pork over medium heat until crisp. Remove the meat, leaving the rendered fat in the pan. Add the garlic, cook about 1 minute until aromatic. Add the brussels sprouts, continue to cook 4-5 minutes. Add back the crispy pork bits, toss. Salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste. Serve immediately.
*Substitute olive oil for the pig parts as a vegetarian option
(Aside to SP and TPTB — feel free to add this to next year’s Thanksgiving recipe post)
Instructions unclear.
So I’m supposed to do it at work? I don’t think they’d take kindly to that.
“*Substitute olive oil for the pig parts as a vegetarian option”
I dunno, a quarter pound of olive oil seems like a lot.
I may have found a new avatar pic.
Squished Monkey Balls Win 2021 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Also, band name or album name ?
JFC we have really entered Idiocracy. “Ow my balls” is winning photography awards.
Speaking of killing birds (golden geese or otherwise)…
Musical selection.
Gone 24 years today. RIP.
That has me all sorts of….[dons sunglasses]….choked up.
Also, its tough to choose but better INXS.
“Elegantly Wasted” is my second choice for TresCool theme music.
Was expecting this though.
“…all sorts of….[dons sunglasses]….choked up.”
What you did there?
I saw it.
And giggled.
Why’re you telling me that?
I still have a crush on agent Dana Scully
Yeah. Even as weird as Gillian Anderson is, Scully is awesome.
Solid would, but to read her “personal life” section on wiki, the broad is likely nuttier than squirrel shit.
I think she admitted that early on. Plus, she’s a hog monster. You’re gonna need at least 2 standard deviations on the plus side for her.
Now that *is* interesting.
Peter Boyle was an endangered species.
I prefer Johnny Depp’s to Bill Murray’s portrayal of HST.
We can’t stop here! This is bat country!
When he tells the hitchhiking kid, “we’re not like the others- we’re your friends”.
I still use that line.
Great choice!
A lot to choose from!
Another good one.
Has there been any news on who bought the Oil/Gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico the administration so quietly made? Can we live in such an obviously scripted
TV Showreality where it was a Burisma subsidiary? That’s how I’d write it, I’m a hack.My money’s on Sinopec.
Reality is stranger than fiction. Last week we had Flufferboy2004 and this week we have Mathboi Fly.
I think I saw Flufferboy2004 open for Powerman5000 once.
Well, Groupon has officially made it onto my shit list.
Atrocious, outsourced customer support ☑️
A purchasing system that doesn’t send out immediate confirmation of purchase ☑️
A “purchase as guest” option that is irretrievably broken ☑️
No proof of order provided to guests ☑️
Customer support that defaults to “buy it again or wait 24 hours” ☑️
No immediate issue of a promo code ☑️
Customer support blames customer first and forces confrontation rather than being arsed to look up an order’s status ☑️
Oh, and
Questionable escalation to supervisor where there was no indication of transfer and I sat for 15 minutes before deciding to cancel the order ☑️
Glad I don’t do business with them.
I didn’t know they were still a thing. It was a shitty business model to begin with.
I don’t know if we are hosted by Go Daddy. This seems to be a serious WordPress breach.
No, Dreamhost
Built at home. Im sure there’s no serial number either.
There goes the 2nd amendment.
Massive Nerf gun that shoots 50mph darts breaks record
So… ghost gun?
Not really concealable.
I have decided. After The First That Will Change Everything is birthed, I shall consume the placenta. My strength will grown exponentially. My powers in the New World will be even greater.
Shouldnt you be at some playground, sniffing bicycle seats at this hour ?
Check with Spud about an appropriate wine pairing.
Like this?
Like this? https://youtu.be/pW4009tHx6I
This morning I was enjoying watching the left flail around trying to defend the Wabasha guy without identifying him, or his race or even his gender. I didn’t get to see the about face as the DA identified the guy and announced charges… But I did hop on CNN a second ago and noted that they carefully avoided any such descriptors, even though they included the official mugshots
Meanwhile, the internet has gathered extensive information, including his own video posting of his history of sex with a 16 year old girl who claims he pimped her out…. And the fact that he was out on bail for having run over a woman at the gas station. At that time he was out on bail on another charge….
Way to wreck the “systemic racism” narrative.
But my real question:. A buddy says there is a clip of Anderson Cooper desperately trying to stop an eyewitness from offering a description of the person…. “We don’t want to speculate”
Is that out there for replay? I kinda have to see something that epic.
I was enjoying listening to various international broadcasters try to pronounce Waukesha.
Hell, I I bet most people outside of sconnie can’t say it right.
/deliberately trying to get it wrong.
I can imagine how they pronounce Prairie du Chien.
Although, to be fair, it’s not pronounced like the French original would have been.
Prairie Doo Shane. Lake Beutamore. Laak de flamboe. Fon Duh Lack.
Shawano is a fun one to hear furners stumble over.
When the radio station I used to work at farmed out it’s news reporting to an internet service they pronounced the town of Keshena (phonetically Kasheena) as Kesh-en-nah. Kind of killed the illusion that it was locally produced.
Rule of thumb for Ohio: If a city is named after another place elsewhere in the world, it’s pronounced differently.
Lima is LYE-muh like the bean, not LEE-muh as in Peru.
Toledo is Tuh-LEE-do, not Toe-LAY-do as in Spain.
Versailles is Ver-sales, not Vare-sye as in France.
Russia is ROO-shy, not Rush-uh.
And then there’s Bellefontaine, which in Ohio is pronounced Bell-FOWN-tun.
We’re classy like that.
I did a voice work for an ad for Bolivar Medical Center in Cleveland, MS. The pronunciation guide had it as Ball-iver. took a lot of takes for me to get that. I don’t know if it ever ran, but recorded and cut it.
It was a riff on Tagliaferro, which, as Heinlein informed me, is pronounced “Tolliver.”
Yeah, ten miles down the road from me is leBannon.
Not Lebanon. Definitely not Lebanon.
But, Howard Hesseman was from there! So, BOOGERS!
We have a Lebanon, MO.
Saw a meme – on FB, I think? – noting that in England, “booster” (as in the shot) is spelled “Borcester.”
I was listening to the Packers radio network yesterday, and the tourism ads pronounced it something closer to Sheen, not Shane.
Of course, the ad was still hyping the lovely fall colors.
Madison bearcats being out of touch with actual sconnies, who’d-a-thunk?
In any case, it really should be a nasal vowel, like in French.
The heck you say!
Wau Kuh Shaw.
Not fair, you’re near enough.
My guess was wrong.
I would have guessed waw-KEE-shuh.
I think I went to HS with several Waukeshas.
Today I got new CPAP supplies. I don’t remember the last time I changed the filter. I opened it up to put the new filter in, and a literal clump of dirt fell out. Maybe that’s they I haven’t been sleeping very well…
Since winter is approaching, perhaps you should look at your furnace filter, too.
But that’s in the basement. I don’t go down there. It’s scary.
Did we forget to clean up the altar and blood stains again?
As long as you remember to use a cutting board. I hate it when somebody turns the edge on my ceremonial knives.
Just don’t touch my blades, that is all,
Changing filters isn’t just for AC and Heaters.
True, kittahs little waterfall, water dish needs a lot of cleaning,
So you are a dirtbag.
Opted to not smoke the corned beef and instead, I am steaming it. House smells like a pastrami deli and it’s driving me up the wall. The only thing I really lose out on while not smoking it is a bit of smokiness and a nice crust.
Jesse is funny.
And not just because Peter Park kicked my ass back in 5th grade.
Finally got around to helping clear out my late father in laws stuff. It’s amazing what you can hoard into 6 semi trailers.
That wasn’t meant to be a reply.
I’d have parts for like 7 lawnmowers, that I’d eventually never get around into combining into one killmower.
One engine to act as a starter motor for the other six?
With lasers!
I remember helping a buddy make a kick-ass go-cart out of three or four discarded lawn mowers and bikes in his Dad’s shed. Street illegal, of course, but very few Karens around in those days to complain as long as you stayed off their lawns and didn’t run over their cats. Wheels held on with big cotter pins that always seemed to break at the wrong time.
Why does this come to mind?
How long did it take you?
Still working on it. Just finding anything that might be valuable or memorable. The rest is for the vultures.
“The new normal? Bay Area is hit by THIRD consecutive day of looting as 50-strong hammer gang storms jewelry store after Macy’s and Lululemon stores were hit: Thieves take advantage of woke ‘misdemeanor’ law”
Shooting looters needs to be made legal again.
They have like insurance and shit man. They probably don’t even pay a living wage 2.0
“Paging Kyle. Cleanup in aisle six.”
Look, people just need to beat the Black Friday rush…which is a racist term…It should be called White Friday to reflect the soulless capitalism that is systemic in our culture…
On a serious note: I get the feeling that this year’s Black Friday just might be a bloodbath. The mad dash for items coupled with people there to straight up steal a things might get ugly.
I have a tradition of going into my safe office job on the day after Thanksgiving to stay away from the insanity. At this point it’s like shooting a hot pressure cooker.
The third day? Good job, Daily Mail, always on top of everything.
RCD had the best course of action – identify them to the IRS as tax scofflaws for not paying income tax on their ‘earnings’.
Say what now?
Oops – did I misattribute?
“He didn’t fill out his 1099-LOOT form!”
Dumb question – am I just missing Trashie’s religious exemption info in the forum or is it posted somewhere else? I have a friend at work (extremely pregnant) who is not planning on getting vaxxed even though it may mean losing her job with our contract (her husband works in our office too, so not in too bad a shape financially – I’ve got a few other WFH options I’ll be suggesting).
Any other links that we’ve developed?
Also, I’ll be in Norfolk for about 2.5 weeks starting Sunday (although I plan on driving home on the weekends barring exceptional circumstances) for reserve stuff if anyone wants to meet up for food some evening.
If you ever pass through near the Roanoke side of the state, let me know. We moved out of Norfolk about 9 years ago. Kin’s Wok on 21st street used to be the best Chinese food you could get outside of NYC and I think is still around. Many of my favorite restaurants have since closed. Uncle Louie’s was an old school Jewish deli (deli in front, white table cloth service in back). Dog and Burger was the standard to judge all other greasy dives by.
We are progressing on the Fancy Gap property, after we close, we’ll have to meet up.
Definitely JI
This should get you to the most recently updated documents from people in the thread.
Thanks for the links – guess I was only looking at page 3 – didn’t think to look back.
Check your DMs over in the forum. I sent you my latest one.
Just saw LeBron’s fight on the news at the gym. Haven’t seen that big a cheap shot since Kareem retired.
Assume I have no idea what’s going on – what happened? Other than you watching the news at the gym.
Assume it’s the one from last night. Lebron elbowing some dude in the face – got ejected. Stupid thing was a central discussion on all the sports shows all day (on in my office now that I’m back on day shift). Trying to figure out if intentional or not – so will he get suspended or not…
LeBron 1 game suspension. Beef Stew 2 game suspension.
The guy who got his face busted open by a dirty move gets 2 games?
….sounds fair….
Ha! The sound was off. I had no idea.
That’s why the guy chased him around half the stadium, becuase he knows Mr. Wokeness is going to get away with it. It was assualt for me and you because we don’t have the entire media to cover for us.
Stewart’s punishment was as a result of “escalating an on-court altercation by repeatedly and aggressively pursuing Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James in an unsportsmanlike manner.”
Sounds about right.
I’m glad I don’t watch sports shows.
Just take our lamestream media and have them talk about sports. Same thing.
That wasn’t an elbow. That was a sneaky backhand. I mean you know it was intentional, but that was one hell of an effort at looking accidental.
Backhand sucker punched a guy in the face. Then made sure to stay far away from the very pissed off man.
That was an accident. I mean I’m sure you’ll learn about that soon. Lebron is a woke guy, so the media are going to twist themelves into pretzels to cover for him.
Clearly the guy just RAN INTO LeBron’s hand – probably trying to make King Jerk look bad or something.
I saw the incident on a clip on what I think was the Lakers local channel. As soon as it happened, the announcers were declaring “it was obviously accidental.”
No surprise there.
In hockey, it would be 2 minutes for roughing, if the refs even saw it.
I have no idea is that is a spoof of the left or a genuine piece of pinko propaganda. These days…who knows?
I saw the same image with a distinctly more…Caucasian…look the other day. This must be an edit.
Ain’t nobody going to tell me how to live
LOL. This is my new favorite song. If there is to be a Glib anthem in Gliberopia, let it be this.
Breakthrough stuff two decades ago.
A boring retread now.
Although I do appreciate the sentiment.
Well, I think the sentiment is the point.
God our government is evil. Ok. Got that out of my system. How is everybody?
Because once a new government agency exists, it’s forever. Just like with laws. This is why the democrts don’t care how bad they suck and get wiped out in the next election. The mess they made is forever.
Last time we flew my wife was ranting about the fat lazy rude TSA bitch.
“the fat lazy rude TSA bitch.”
You’re going to have to be more specific. How can we know which one it is?
For years I would be in the back yard or piddling outside and hear a plane overhead, look up, and wish I was flying somewhere. I flew somewhere for work for a decade and loved it in spite of the TSA because I only had to deal with them leaving this country and I usually left from small airports every few months. Yesterday I was in the back yard grilling the weeks meat, heard a plane, looked up and thought thank god I don’t have to fly anywhere.
I just saw a black chinned hummingbird in my yard!! I’m so happy; I love hummingbirds and had assumed we wouldn’t have any in this dry place. But I imagine these nice plants that people maintain make a nice oasis for them.
And I verified that the white-flowered Bush that came back to life when we moved in and started watering is indeed a rose Bush. Very cool.
I guess it’s too dry for succulents here but I will have fun with the local flora.
Pretty dry here and I can’t believe the hummingbirds. We and the near neighbors planted hummingbird and butterfly-attracting shrubs just because.
But they’re so small, I mean you’d have to fry up 4 dozen of those just for a snack.
Yeah, I love Buffalo hummingbird wings, but they just go so fast.
Check out this place for amazing roses. I planted two of their yellow rose bushes (Gordon Thomas IIRC) way back when I lived outside of Portland — the first bloom was 12 gross flowers on bushes ~7 feet high.
Mind you, Portland is basically ideal rose growing climate, but these folks carry good stuff.
Also a good source for roses:
Thank you both!
You were able to see the chin on a hummingbird? Damn, I wish I had eyesight like that.
You think that’s tough, try moth balls.
If you are still enough, it’s no problem. You can see amazing detail.