Fire the whole defensive staff, Day!
Yes, Ohio State got drilled by That Team Up North. It was bound to happen eventually. But I sure didn’t think it was gonna happen this past weekend. Elsewhere, Oklahoma State finally beat Oklahoma. And Lincoln Riley bolted to USC. In the NFL, Pittsburgh officially sucks ass, and the Browns are absolutely dreadful on offense. And across the pond, ManUre drew Chelsea, Liverpool rolled, and Man City did likewise. So all in all, a terrible weekend because of the one result. Otherwise it was pretty decent. Oh well, I guess that’s sports.

Literary icon
Physicist Christian Doppler was born on this day. He shares it with writer Louis May Alcott, actor Yakima Cannot, writer C.S. Lewis, baseball great Minnie Minoso, sportscaster Vin Scully, actress Diane Ladd, jazz trumpeter Chuck Mangione, wrestling legend Jerry Lawler, baseball player and coach Howard Johnson, actor Don Cheadle, pitcher Mariano Rivera, and actor Chadwick Bozeman.
Right, now on to…the links!
Man, that took forever. I wonder what defense he could possibly have. And I wonder why the prosecutors dropped the more serious, and obvious, charges.
Let em guess what will be in it: the WHO getting more power. Yeah, fuck that noise. What we need is a global accord that reduces a nation that would unleash something like this to pariah status.

Ironic, isn’t it?
Remember when The Simpsons was cool and edgy? Yeah, I remember everything up through Season 10 as well.
Good! In fact, we need to see a lot more of this.
“Hotel” is an interesting word choice here. You know, since the “guests” aren’t allowed to leave their rooms under penalty of imprisonment.

Ritz-Carlton opening a new covid hotel in Melbourne?
“We won’t know for a while what this could be like or if vaccines work against it” oh, and “take your booster”. These dumb bastards have no fucking idea what’s going on and absolutely no idea how vaccines or viruses work.
I’ll admit to being uninformed on this. I had absolutely no idea there were still states enforcing large-scale mask mandates. I thigh everyone had moved into the 21st century (aside from the luddites in some California towns). Sorry, Illinois Glibs. I feel for you guys more than ever now.
Yeah, but they’re only material possessions. They can be replaced.” Oh wait, they can’t.
That’s great, but what’s going on with the criminal investigation? Oh yeah, I forgot…nothing will happen with that.
Enjoy a rocking number. And enjoy the start of another week, dear friends!
Of the six states where mask mandates remain in effect – Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington
Or as we call them… slow learners.
The only reason NYC doesn’t have a mask mandate is because we have a vaccine mandate.
But the vaccine doesn’t work unless you’re also masked! Don’t you even SCIENCE! brah?
Governor Comorbidity has been increasingly ignored. People have just had it. Irish democracy FTW.
Hopefully you guys won’t have any troubles with that.
What you did there, twas seen.
He can always retire early and live off his retirement account. His IRA is teh awesome.
How has such a deadly virus missed such an easy target?
In my corner of Nevada, no one enforces the mask rule, and few comply with it.
Even the big grocery stores just say “we encourage mask wearing” instead of a mask mandatory sign.
Even our corner in Vegas adjacent, masking is rarely held to task. Some small businesses will request and if it’s a business I like, I comply. Also hayek, same for Boulder City. They have had those signs up all along.
Masks wearing will end up like a California stop.
It seems to be 50/50 here in Oregon. Of course, we have gov. schoolmarm, the idiot.
We need a vax passport to eat in a fucking restaurant or attend an indoor event.
Fuck you assholes who keep saying “Face it, this country has moved on from COVID.” I see no evidence of that, especially since the definition of “fully vaxed” is going to include a booster before Valentine’s Day.
Philly still has mask mandates. My office building has both mask and vaccine mandates.
Do I win something?
Morning. The Smollett trial is just starting? JFC.
All the better to forget him with, my Dear.
whaddup doh
Short cans, chow, a short nap and then to learn my fate.
Good luck, Son. Warn them that you have all the Glibs on your side and hell will have to be paid if a miscarriage of justice prevails.
HR has me in their crosshairs. I am a little too “glib” sometimes. We shall see…
We can boycott the Canadian Postal Service!
I shan’t give them another Loonie.
Next time I eat peameal bacon, you can bet it will be properly smuggled, not transported by those fools.
This morning NPR did a story on L’affaire Jussie.
The first third of it was CPD and Smurfette’s people repeating the hate crime allegations.
The middle sixth was about how all these hate crime allegations fell apart and J.S. was charged.
The final half of the piece were rebuttals to the charges, saying that the Nigerian Bros had been coerced into falsely testifying, Jussie claiming he has witnesses confirming the attack happened as he had claimed, etc.
Our tax dollars have a very definite agenda.
No country can call itself civilized if it has government funded media.
*Canada sulks in the corner* “That wasn’t nice!”
*Gently pats on the little commonwealthian head*
I’ve read the COVID Omicron variant has minor symptoms. And the scientists who discovered it are wondering why people think it is a reason to continue COVID restrictions.
They’re not real scientists.
True, article I read was a South African doctor. I assume our white [coat] supremacists would say which doctor?
Oh, well done.
Oh, you guys
I saw the White Coat Supremacists at Darien Lake in ’89. Man, they rocked.
*narrows gaze*
Oh, my very own personal NG – usually it takes a whole subthread to get one!
He was just trying to keep the comments section from unravelling.
Panic and submission to our betters for protection is the only rational reaction.
Biden told it will take two weeks to have definitive data on Omicron variant
Two weeks? Is he not the biggest fan of Total Recall?
You mean his head is going to explode soon?
It is inflated.
Sounds like the NIH handles everything via Agile Project Management. You know, just pretend everything you want can be done in one sprint and ignore the fact that safety and effectiveness data for the five typical demographic cohorts have taken a minimum of seven years to collect enough data. (And how many drugs have been deemed safe and effective after seven years, only to be deemed the exact opposite and yanked ten years hence?) Meanwhile, drugs with 50 years of data are deemed “risky” because expired patents.
The anagram of Omicron = Moronic.
Well done!
If “get definitive information” is on the same timescale as “flatten the curve” I guess we’ll never know.
The more apropos “two weeks” reference
“it will be another two weeks before super-strain Omicron is fully understood”
Translation: “This gives us two weeks to keep ’em scared before they notice that Omicron is a nothingburger and we’re forced to conjure up something else.”
Let’s focus on the scary variant instead of the Maxwell trial that will drag Gates and the Clintons through the mud.
Awesome layout today, Sloopy.
The White House on Sunday called on people to get their booster shots as a matter of urgency, as the new variant Omicron was confirmed to have arrived in North America.
What are the chances that your average DM reader will catch the non sequitur there?
“What’s Demi Rose wearing today?”
That was funny, I guffawed and guffawed.
Monday morning internet tips and tricks
Wasn’t The Simpsons cancelled about 25 years ago?
I think they stretched it out to about 11 seasons but they had 8 pretty good ones.
I would put seasons 3 – 12 as the zenith of the series. The first two seasons are, IMO, rather dull (the little yellow boy disrespects authority figures, wash, rinse, repeat) and season 12 is rather strong. Season 13 was going off the rails fast and seasons 14+ are essentially unwatchable.
I watched maybe 4 recent episodes the other day (“recent” meaning within the last 10 years or so – whatever channel I had landed on seems to pick them randomly). One was decent, one was meh, and the other two were hot garbage.
I thought during 13, “Yup, they are wrapping things up.”
“Homie The Clown” (S06E15) still makes me laugh out loud.
That was in the timeline that had originality.
“We won’t know for a while what this could be like or if vaccines work against it” oh, and “take your booster”. These dumb bastards have no fucking idea what’s going on and absolutely no idea how vaccines or viruses work.
The NPR this morning said we need to vaccinate the world to prevent the emergence and spread of deadly mutants. And I’m like wtf? Doesn’t vaccination encourage the mutation? No one knows what the fuck they are doing do they? I was tired of this bullshit summer 2020, now we are deep into forever territory. Guh.
Be happy we live in an area that’s not completely retarded.
Yeah, you’re right. The ski school had a kickoff all-hands meeting and announced we will not be enforcing any masking or vaccine requirements. We are still doing a few visible “we care about the pandemic” things but nothing obscenely inconvenient.
I never put two and two together and realized that you both 1) live near me and 2) are a ski instructor. I’m a very good skier, but have never properly tamed the bumps. Do you do advanced lessons where you teach?
Maybe he’s a kickoff meeting event planner
We do but they’re all going to be privates. I will be at Blue Mountain most weekends from now through March. There’s a decent pitch in the center of the ski area (Main St.) that the groomers allow to become bumped up. They even blow snow over them nightly if weather permits. I’d be happy to give you a few pointers off the clock. Opening day is Friday!
OK, I was wrong about the locality–I’m out in western PA. Never skied Blue Mountain, but I have heard it is good. From what I could see of it from the trail map, and from the highway driving by on several occasions, it looks like it’s worth a shot, but it’s a bit of a drive. Maybe if we make a trip out to see family in Jan/Feb…
How’s the snowmaking? Do they open up a lot of trails this early in the season?
Easily the best snowmaking in the region, on 100% of terrain. I can’t imagine most of the terrain being open until after Christmas. Natural snow is hard to come by as we only get 36″ annually. I wouldn’t bother traveling for eastern PA skiing unless it was part of another trip, but that’s my bias.
Calm down.
Even my mother, who was very much into the panic being sold has come to the realization that the shots don’t work after people who knows who’d had two or three injections caught the coronavirus. Just like the variants themselves, the attempts to gin up more panic among the normies is losing its effectiveness.
Hah, good mornin!
The best thing would be to get a variant (omicron?) that is super dee duper transmissible but even less deadly and have it spread absolutely everywhere. Then we could live with covid with most people having fairly robust immunity. The “experts” who say “we cannot live with this virus” are so far gone. We can and we will.
It’s so doubleplusungood that NY is already in a STATE OF EMERGENCY even though it’s not even here!
How long before the experts decide that the only path for success is for the truly critical people like themselves to hole up in a bunker and then release some really deadly bug to eliminate all potential hosts for the Rona? Or maybe just some neutron bombs.
If I believed in an afterlife, it might be worth it just to see them come out of their bunker and immediately descend into some stone age hell because all the plumbers, electricians, and other service workers/tradesmen were gone.
Ah the Bill Gates plan.
Hey! You make him seem like a megalomaniac who only thinks about himself.
He prefers to call it the “Blue Screen of Death” plan.
In real life the vaccines cause the mutations. In lefty land the media and its followers know its the evil unvaxxed killing everyone.
Just like it was only a super-spreader event when the wrong politics were involved. I’m past taking anyone seriously when that kind of shit prevails.
I am telling you, Covidiocy has replaced AGW (or whatever it is called this week) as the MOST SERIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER OF ALL TIME!!!1!!. AGW (or whatever it is called this week) was losing its grip on the normies, and they weren’t able to keep the BS going, so they grabbed the next new thing to keep everyone docile.
Fuck this shit.
Monday morning lessons in hubris and psychopathic behavior.
Extra points for referring to himself in the third person.
I represent science
SCIENCE paid me a large retainer. SCIENCE does not wish to talk to the public.
Christ, what an asshole.
In spades.
Bob Dole agrees
/Bob Dole
What’s even more dangerous is human ego running amok and unchecked by rationality.
Noem continues to piss away her charms.
Most of the farm girls that I grew up with were big into the leaf.
Most of the farm girls that I grew up with were big
Lutefisk and lefse where Fourscore grew up.
Stop torturing me!
Pam from “Archer” is a solid wood.
From “Archer Vice” – Definitely. You’re probably more of an “Archer 1999” guy!
I see CBS is still clinging to the jogger not a burglar lie. They just can’t help themselves.
Burglar or not, you can’t pursue someone who isn’t an active threat and kill them.
True enough but by all accounts he was a thief. Didn’t need to die for “stuff”.
He didn’t die for stuff. He died because he was being unlawfully detained/assaulted – which he reasonably resisted, and then he was killed, also unlawfully.
No argument from me there. The judges instructions were quite clear (even if crafted from judicial imagination) that for a citizen’s arrest, the crime has to be witnessed firsthand. Absent those instructions, the 3 men would have been acquitted. With those instructions, the 3 men are kidnappers and murderers. GA also changed the self-defense laws as a result of this case… DO NOT try to defend yourself in Georgia now.
Well…most importantly, don’t record a video of the event.
GA also changed the self-defense laws as a result of this case… DO NOT try to defend yourself in Georgia now.
Do you have a link? I don’t see any changes in my Googler.
To be honest, I got my info from Robert Barnes on one of the Nate The Lawyer streaming the trial videos, so it very well could have been his blustery hyperbole. I grew up under Florida’s sensible statute – Deadly force may be used to prevent the commission of a forcible felony upon yourself or others. Why that is not universal continues to elude me.
forcible felony upon yourself or others
That’s definitely less restrictive.
For GA, just don’t be stupid like the burglar shooters were:
I don’t think that is accurate for the first two. In VA at least, if you were the initial aggressor or provoked the attack, you can still defend yourself but you have a duty to retreat before doing so. There is no duty to retreat if you did not provoke. I have a hard time believing that GA does not allow you defend yourself even after retreating. Provoking the attack could be as minimal as honking your horn in your traffic.
Provoking the attack could be as minimal as honking your horn in your traffic.
Ah, so you have been to Atlanta. ::honk honk! blam blam!::
With the aggression caveat, I believe they mean you want to put yourself purposely in danger so you can kill someone. Kind of what Binger boy slandered Rittenhouse with.
If you provoke an attack and attempt to retreat with clear intent to disengage, you should also be okay if the provoked becomes the aggressor. With corrupt DAs and prosecutors though, who knows.
I read some of the case summaries concerning what exactly constitutes provoking. *rolls eyes*
If you initiate the violence and someone ends up dead it is not self defense.
“Burglar or not, you can’t pursue someone who isn’t an active threat and kill them.”
This. What the fuck were those guys thinking?
That they were cops?
I think the father was a retired cop, and that’s why the DA initially tried to bury everything.
Some combination of this, and ‘let’s roll us a tire, boys!’
Hell, when the NPR guy (Steve Inskeep?) editorialized that Arbury was “just getting some exercise” even their hand-picked guest smacked him down.
Still doesn’t mean you get to hunt people purportedly to benefit a third party.
Uncharitable as it is, I’m going to score this one as a public service killing.
Crazy. Murders are up in NYC but we’re still like 80% lower than our “deadliest year on record”.
WTF, Philadelphia?
Philly sucks.
It’s like a bigger version of Baltimore, which is a slightly better version of Detroit.
Larry Krasner.
Philly is getting what they voted for. Good & hard.
NYC’s common sense gun safety policies are paying off!
He was doing nothing wrong and was killed. You should feel bad.
Not to derail, but the day I realized I wasn’t a good person was when I realized if I actually gave a fuck about innocent people suffering and/or dying, I’d do nothing but uncontrollably sob until I staved to death. There are how many thousands of people dying every day? And how many do I feel even the slightest twinge of grief for? How many could I feel anything for and make it through the day?
You set the standard for ‘good person’ way too high there. Even in your description you acknowledged the physical and psychological impossiblity to truely care about every suffering and injustice meted out in the world.
It is how you act and react within your sphere by which you should be judged.
Right on.
There’s a difference between not caring (which we all must do) and celebrating. Aside, I’m going to be taking the girlfriend to a few shows in Philadelphia this spring and the obscene spike in violent crime has me a little worried. I’m sure normal street smarts will keep us safe but the frequency of these events can raise the hairs on the back of my neck.
I am not saying you have to feel bad about every killing – one should feel bad for being a jerk about it.
Approving an innocent person’s death because you don’t like what they were studying in school… that is a bad thing.
He apparently planned a future as a public parasite, so for that particular loss I have no remorse in being unkind.
As to the rest of the circumstances, he may indeed have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, or he may have been – as most murder victims are – involved in some criminal activity. If it was drugs, then the fault is that of every moralistic asshole supporting the war on drugs – and they can share the blame with the gunman. Not me (which given I’m a gun owner is the default assumption of the dipshit media).
Ah, you read hearts and minds. Please report to the PreCog section , for duty.
No I’m just being an assho’ and I’m fully aware of that.
I am with Swiss here. WTF?
Shepherd’s Pie and sleepy time. Good Night, Glibs.
Night, Festus.
Keep the shiny side up.
Tedros joined leaders like outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera for a long-planned and largely virtual special session of the U.N. health agency’s member states at the World Health Assembly.
The gathering is aimed at devising a global action plan toward preventing, preparing and responding to future pandemics.
“The emergence of the highly mutated omicron variant underlines just how perilous and precarious our situation is,” Tedros said, calling for a “legally binding” agreement that wasn’t mentioned in a draft text seeking consensus on the way forward. “Indeed, omicron demonstrates just why the world needs a new accord on pandemics.”
Obviously, more research is needed to learn how these things develop and spread.
Maybe the Chinese would be willing to come on board.
So “highly mutated” necessarily means “perilous.” Who knew?
Like the good, Castle Anthrax kind of peril?
So “highly mutated” necessarily means “perilous.” Who knew?
Just as any fluctuation in climate is always and everywhere a bad thing.
And “weather” and “climate” being interchangeable whenever convenient.
If one was paying attention from the beginning, the mRNA “vaccines” were never intended to stop the virus spreading, but to mitigate for symptoms once infected. The “stop the spread” propaganda was entirely political and Pfizer etc were happy to sit back and let that fiction perpetuate. It’s not like they were ever going to butt in and say “ackchuallly…”. I have been directly confronted by family and extended family about whether or not I had the “vaccine”, and being an idiot I don’t like lying, and being even more of an idiot than that, thought maybe there was some chance of reasoned discussion. Anyway, long story short, I was on the end of a lot of abuse that accused me of being “selfish” and “endangering” them. Fuck off, then? Great. One of these people is a “journalist” of at least 30 years experience and he was probably the worst. He twisted anything I said, just fixated on certain words or phrases he dismissed as “anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories”, “misinformation” and “propaganda”, all the while dodging any genuine questions with smarmy, glib answers. Just the sort of situation I generally try to avoid.
Repeat that for several more people, one of whom can be like the very worst of leftist Twitter on steroids, is clinically diagnosed as having a pathological personality disorder, and has a history of manipulative behaviour in turning others against people whom she feels have pranged her ego or whom she will, in private show her true face to, but then switch back to the facade of being the “victim” as soon as others are present who she can manipulate into being sympathetic. Of course she is the archetypal Narrative-enforcer; the cultural Marxists need those people to push their agenda – they are their soldiers on the front line in the relentless campaign of demoralisation and immiseration. She used to scream about “gamer gate” many years before I had any inkling of what the heck that was. I think maybe she’s calmed down a bit now but I just keep interaction at a bare minimum.
Think of the shear volume of lies, ad hominem, scapegoating, and more lies every single day in the torrent of MSM editorials, “reporting”, blogs, opinion pieces, shill pieces, etc. All they have to do is keep it up. Just keep churning it out, and the vast majority of people don’t even realise what is happening. Sure they can reel off some dismissive, condescending claptrap about bias. They might even be aware enough to suggest that there is nothing wrong with bias in itself, as long as you are cognizant of it (I happen to agree). I like Russ Roberts’ approach to that. Wear it on your sleeve and have an honest debate about the evidence. Look at the same, comprehensive body of evidence on a given topic, and have an honest, exhaustive, and productive debate about that. That’s what used to happen. You can’t do that anymore. People will often just assume you’re a moron, and that you don’t understand the deep and special insight they have about “bias” and that’s that. Among friends and family there is noone with which I would feel comfortable being completely frank. Any dipping of my toe into the water has always involved other people getting angry and upset, and me being blamed for that, or accused of being the unreasonable one, and has almost always involved said person getting completely the wrong idea about what I am actually saying based solely on preconceptions of “the other” fed to them by the media narrative – i.e. the equivalent of the monster from propaganda posters meant to turn opinion against an out group.
[insert paragraph here going back to the “vaccine” topic – how I’m not an “anti-vaxxer” but how the whole shutting down of discussion and complete politicization of the topic isn’t filling me with confidence over the current options]
This is all my fault for not just being a based Chad.
Blimey, limey, you know some toxic folx.
Yeah. I’d go mad if I let it all get to me. I think you have to be relentlessly upbeat and focus on the good, productive aspects of your life and relationships. Be the best ambassador you can for your worldview, so to speak. “Kill ’em with kindness” used to be a thing people said but I guess the “kill” part might be misconstrued. Always easier said than done.
I gotta go price up some construction materials and make sure I’m sitting down when I see the prices.
Yeah, I find it easier to just not talk to anyone IRL.
Not to be a dick, but why would you include someone like that in your world? Family? Colleague? In those cases it’s just better not even to engage them on these topics.
I have been directly confronted by family and extended family about whether or not I had the “vaccine”, and being an idiot I don’t like lying, and being even more of an idiot than that, thought maybe there was some chance of reasoned discussion
Yeh, family and an overly-optimistic appraisal of their critical thinking abilities.
Yeah that about covers it (sorry this hadn’t loaded when I typed reply underneath)
Family. When we were younger I was deadly naive but I understand a bit more now.
The guy who invented mRNA vaccines: “the vaccine is the pandemic”
I am very fortunate not only to be an actual scientist, but one that has airborne particulate contamination and filtration as part of my remit.
Then I mercilessly guilt trip family members who contradict me by saying “why are you believing a teleprompter jockey instead of your own brother/son/genderindeterminaterelavie who actually does this for a living? Why does someone being on TV make them credible to you?”
Dude they have seen you engage in all the normal dumbassery that we all are guilty of. They know all too well that your feet are made of clay.
The folks on the telly, though, are all wonderful people who never make mistakes. They have never, ever left the toilet seat up. You can trust them.
That’s a classic narcissist.
Chili beans stand accused of blowing out a window at Stafford motel
Haven’s brother?
A deep-cut. Bravo.
Sounds like the vaccine killed her. My wife has some autoimmune issues and has been warned to avoid the vaccine as her condition can amplify the side effects.
Last month, her office announced that she had been hospitalized after contracting COVID-19 — an example of a rare breakthrough case. (bold added)
I ordered my steak rare, but they sent it back to me well-done.
Hmm, tag fail, “rare” was supposed to be bolded in the quote.
“The catastrophic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of health and the economy ought to be a lesson to us,” she said by video message. “Viruses know no national borders. That’s precisely why we should lay down measures to be taken to improve prevention, early detection, and response in internationally binding fashion.”
The catastrophic effects of governments’ hysteria and rejection of hundreds of years of hard won knowledge should be the lesson wee focus on. That, and the folly of relying on bureaucratic quackery and self-aggrandizement wrapped in the mantle of SCIENCE!
Even a conservative normie like VDH can see the anti-white bias in the media and legal system (which now seem to be linked).
“‘Race for the most woke company marches on’: Best Buy and Levi’s face customer boycott after offering employee counselling over Kyle Rittenhouse’s not guilty verdict
Following the news that the teenager was acquitted, the two companies sent out memos telling their employees that counselling was available, with Levis offering sessions with a ‘racial trauma specialist’ to ‘encourage healing.’
Best Buy meanwhile sent a memo from the company’s Chief Inclusion, Diversity & Talent Officer Mark Irvin, who encouraged those affected to ‘take advantage of our mental health services, including the Life Solutions counselling services.'”
They need a Chief Inclusion, Diversity & Talent Officer?
Ignoring the woke shit, why does an employer provide mental health services for its employees?
I am not a fan of this corporation as parental figure crap.
To identify troublemakers to be managed out.
They recognize they have a terrible work environment and are trying to keep people from going postal.
Listen – you can reject the white patriarchy, but that doesn’t mean you give up having a father figure. You just have to transfer that need to the proper institution run by accredited Top.Men!
Chief Unity, Nurturing and Talent officer.
I wonder if BestBuy will offer counseling to the workers at the two stores here in Minnesoda that were ransacked by gangs of thieves this weekend?
They need a Chief Inclusion, Diversity & Talent Officer?
DEI employees are, with no exaggeration, modern day versions of the Soviet political commissar. They have no role other than to impose and enforce the cancer of progressivism, which is essentially dressed up Marxism.
When you want a show trial and you charge a diva that can put on a better show.
Bring on the popcorn!
Good morning Glibs! I am back from my hockey tournament (article to come) and my Disney vacation (article to come). I was mostly offline, which was very nice. I doubt it will take me long to catch up, seems like it’s mostly a guy running over kids with a car, and a new variant of COVID that is making people respond rather predictably.
“What guy?”
An errant SUV
That SUV ghosted them.
Odd question that the knowledge base here might be able to answer – Is there a Loctite (or equivalent product) that is both food-safe, and can be used in a hot, wet environment? I need to fix a French press.
A food grade RTV silicone should work for you.
Better than the French Mistake.
Try a plastic welder?
What exactly is broken with it?
Solder it. Who doesnt like some lead in their coffee?
Y’know, you can get a new French press for about twenty bucks.
I know, but it’s a really nice press and I would almost always prefer to fix something myself rather than replace it.
You can buy lead free solder. The melting point is
a bit higher, so it’s slightly more difficult to use,
but nothing you can’t get used to pretty easily.
“You can buy lead free solder.”
You are no fun.
Oh wait. Maybe you are. You are talking about silver solder? Silver ions are easily as poisonous as lead ions. Aluminum too.
Nothing is really broken per se, but the plunger rod is threaded at both ends and the bottom end works itself loose more frequently than I like. I just need to permanently immobilize the tiny brass nut that holds the filter on to the rod.
Superglue is used as a replacement for stitches, at least in emergencies (and maybe in other situations, don’t really know).
*quick google*
Not food safe. It looks like there are food safe epoxies, though.
Cyanoacrylate adhesives don’t do well with hot water.
I would just make a new rod with bigger and tougher threads.
That’s supposed to come off so you can clean the screen.
Get a second nut of the same threading, and use it as a lock nut to stop movement.
I personally would use SuperGlue if it’s in a tight spot. I mean, really, what’s a little SuperGlue when you’ve got that sentient COVID running around and you’re not wearing a mask?
“LOCTITE® 2046™ Threadlocker is a room temperature-curing anaerobic adhesive designed to lock and seal threaded fasteners on food and beverage processing equipment, ensuring properly secured hardware and improved equipment reliability. This medium strength, two-part anaerobic threadlocker fully complies with all applicable Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDA) food additive regulations including 21 C.F.R. ? 175.300.
Removable Medium Strength”
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
A quick search – good luck finding it and in a small size for less than the price of a new French press.
Preservation of the narrative is our most important job
“The big issue and the big uncertainty is how severe illness will be with this new variant. There are signs from South Africa that, maybe, the illness is less severe than with delta but we don’t really know if that is the case, and if it is, why that’s happening,” Paul Hunter, professor of medicine at the Norwich School of Medicine at the University of East Anglia, told CNBC on Monday.
“Maybe that’s because it’s reinfecting people who have already got some degree of immunity,” he added. “If it generally is causing mild disease and if, as I suspect, the booster campaign will go a long way to still reduce hospitalizations and deaths, hopefully we won’t have to live under restrictions again.”
If we were to see a version with mild symptoms which increases the immune response of large numbers of people, we won’t be the heroes anymore. Fear, uncertainty and doubt must be used to keep the plebs fearful.
“…hopefully we won’t have to live under restrictions again.”
He has his fingers crossed behind his back, doesnt he?
Local proggies really want King Walz to declare another emergency and start dictating again.
Walz knows that if he tried to clamp down again, no one would listen. Being ignored would be horrible for him and his power. He’d rather have thousands die on the streets than have his own power undermined.
The last section on “what can be done” is a masterpiece in double think. The public health guy they dug up for quotes is doing his best to keep people scared while not overtly lying.
Yeah, you need to take an experimental vaccine, hide in your house while breathing through a medical grade filter in order to …. avoid a risk that is lower than the risk you take driving.
This is my new pet media peeve:
We know? Are you sure? Last I checked the studies were all over the map on this. And I think if masks were truly effective, then you wouldn’t need to mandate them. People would naturally begin wearing them.
This. Mask wearing is the largest of collective action problems, mainly as not everyone wants to socially signal as opposed to getting on with their lives. Had they worked, on the other hand, people would be clamoring for them at every opportunity, along with staying home and being perfectly happy with the economy going to shit.
The studies are not all over the map. Until they started faking studies over the last year or so going back 100 years studies show masks are useless to possibly making the wearer’s chances getting ill slightly increase.
Micro….I forget which one….we did a bit of an experiment. 6 people wore masks for one class period, the rest of the class was massless. Every one placed a Petri dish on the table in front of themselves. Next class we did a count. There was no difference in numbers or species of bugs in the dishes.
Granted we were looking at living bugs but they were orders of magnitude larger than viruses.
Hence the ‘probably’ in that statement. They know it is less risky than what people engage in on a day to day basis, but if they let that slip, people might stop giving two fucks about what they say.
Has anyone else/is anyone else going to be participating in the Go Fast Don’t Suck postal match?
I shoot it on Saturday.
I have no idea what you’re even asking about
A postal match is where the stages are specified such that they can be set up at multiple locations.
Then people at these various locations set it up, shoot it, and then send in their scores. The combined mass of people is treated as a single match.
This particular one is sponsored by these guys.
Bill’s a good dude, but for some reason I just can’t get into postal matches. I’ll probably just do a practice day instead.
I wonder if the total number of people is used for the purpose of classification bumps.
Looking at the registration, I see an entire squad of names unfamiliar to me in divisions not shot by my clubs. I’m guessing we’ve picked up a neighboring club.
Woot for brining in the registration bux and showing off the venue!
I have not. I intended to get back into USPSA this year but ended up not shooting a single match. Next year!
So, Not Adahn, would you say you are…going postal?
Naw, he’s just going to mail it in.
Swiss is going to have to parcel our his narrowed gazes at all your posts
His responses are always first class.
I don’t know. Lately it seems he’s been mailing it in.
forwarding a used construction? you’ve got to sort that out if you hope to deliver.
He had it in the bag, but couldn’t drop it off.
So sad.
“REPORT: Caught Again. – Flouting her own city-wide ‘Mask Enforcement Mandate’ San Francisco Mayor London Breed is caught partying, dancing and mingling maskless – AGAIN!”
How many dozens of politicians is this now?
How many do you have?
I can’t find it at work (Twitter is blocked), but I saw one tweet this weekend showing DR. Jill Biden at a bar this weekend with no mask. Bonus points because she was also making an
OKwhite supremacist sign.“Waukesha will hold a moment of silence today, marking one week since a car drove through a city Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring scores of others.”
This is an orange.
Stupid car.
Was it Christine? Did it drive itself?
If Babylon Bee makes an article that K.I.T.T is being indicted, then we know…we have a mole!
Nobody got the license or a good look at the driver.
The World Health Organization on Monday is pushing for an international accord to help prevent and fight future pandemics amid the emergence of a worrying new omicron COVID-19 variant.
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also said many uncertainties remain about just how transmissible and severe infection by the highly mutated omicron might be.
Go fuck yourself.
But in recent years China has suggested instead that it has “comprehensive jurisdiction” over the territory and that its treaty commitments are no longer relevant.
“We have altered the deal. Pray we don’t alter it further.”
A former Georgia district attorney has been booked on charges linked to her alleged mishandling of the case of Ahmaud Arbery, a Black man who was pursued and gunned down as he jogged through a Brunswick neighborhood last year.
Hoping for the same for Binger is just too much.
some Illinois leaders, including the mayor of Naperville, have pushed for the removal of the mask mandate, noting no other Midwest states have requirements on the books.
The Naperville mayor is sane. Interesting.
That is a fairly well off suburb, and it has (had?) a fairly lively restaurant, bar and entertainment sector.
The Justice Department on Sunday night accused Steve Bannon’s defense team of lodging “frivolous” legal complaints in order to cause a public dust-up with prosecutors as he battles criminal charges for attempting to thwart the House’s Jan. 6 select committee.
In a 10-page filing, prosecutors said an attorney for Bannon, Evan Corcoran, had repeatedly rebuffed their efforts to negotiate an evidence-sharing agreement, a standard part of the process in criminal trials. Instead, the prosecution said, Bannon’s defense used a public court filing Wednesday — and a statement to the Washington Post — to complain about the case.
“The defense’s misleading claims, failure to confer, unexplained wholesale opposition, and extrajudicial statements make clear the defense’s real purpose: to abuse criminal discovery to try this case in the media rather than in court,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Amanda Vaughn wrote.
Bannon’s case is a crucial marker for congressional investigators seeking to force recalcitrant witnesses to the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol to come before them and provide documents and testimony. The Justice Department brought charges against Bannon after a referral from the panel in October, a decision that lawmakers say has already helped coax other resistant witnesses to engage in talks.
But Bannon has made clear he intends to use his court proceedings as a forum to cause upheaval for Democratic leaders and DOJ.
This is our show trial. He’s not supposed to upstage us.
Am I missing something here? The investigators are pissed because no one wants to speak to them or give evidence that may get them indicted? They are also pissed because Bannon is embarrassing them after they had him indicted?
Never speak to the cops. About anything. Ever.
Not missing anything. Bannon and lawyers are leaning on the fact the government in this case will keep certain evidence secret and not in open court I believe.
What exactly do they need to keep secret?
Other than the fact that there were a bunch of feebs working undercover?
Way too much is classified now days. I remember Fauci claiming that a bunch of his paperwork couldn’t be released because it was classified. Why? What national secrets could he possibly need to hide?
That statement was right after they claimed they would have gladly shared documents/evidence. Another instance of double-speak.
Hiding behind lawyers and rules is clear evidence of guilt!
He knows what he’s doing and has probably been planning this for a while now. Say what you will about Bannon, he’s a smart cookie.
We’ll see if he crumbles under oath.
Many people think he is half-baked.
Well those drugs fell out of your ass in a hurry.
Prosecutors pointed to Bannon’s combative statements as evidence that he intends to create a public spectacle around his trial rather than defend himself on the merits.
Something something Sacred Temple of Democracy!
Defense pointed to the prosecutors’ statements as evidence of the political nature of the charges and their willingness to engage in a show trial in a kangaroo (i.e. federal) court.
I’m still recovering from the bruised shin I received when my wife kicked me under the table at T-Giving.
My aunt started ranting about “crazy anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers” coming to her door this year to urge her to vote for their candidates in the local school board elections.
It is such a drag when someone you love has taken everything the MSM told them at face value.
The good news is that the crazies won big.
Oof, sorry to hear it. Spent the long weekend with my soon-to-be brother-in-law and his wife and they were saying the same bullshit, even though he’s pretty solidly Republican (the lawn order type). I just bit my tongue and changed the subject. My lovely and talented fiancée lives in LA and she’s seen the covidiocy firsthand in a way that pretty much ensures she’ll never be on board with mandates and public health theater, so it was better just to keep the peace for now.
The good news is that the crazies won big.
This right here is why I still have hope for the country. Can’t win the big national elections? Fine, we’ll chop their balls off at the grassroots level. Love to see it.
Hopefully the missus won’t defun you.
He’ll just cop a plea.
I didn’t even need kicking. I already have made my peace with my aunt. She’s a great person, but FB really screws with her. All her dog friends decide what is the “right” way to think and she goes along.
My way of dealing now is just to smile and change the subject.
Last year she was in love with King Walz. Then he let the Teachers jump the covid vax line in front of her. Now he’s a tool of the teachers’ union.
I wonder if BestBuy will offer counseling to the workers at the two stores here in Minnesoda that were ransacked by gangs of thieves this weekend?
Oh, get over it. You should have known better than to go out dressed like that.
It’s interesting that even both the CDC and Fauci are against the new travel restrictions and the press is completely downplaying this.
“Hug an African.”
On that note, while travelling last week I waited in line (endlessly) with one of the most beautiful women, who happened to be black, I have ever seen in person. Not an African, though.
Some of my coworkers could have been on the cover of Goddess Quarterly. There are ethnicities that I didn’t even know existed, much less that I had a fetish for.
I have seen very very fine specimens of men of all ethnicities. It takes a lot to turn my head, but quite a few dudes have done it.
I mercilessly guilt trip family members who contradict me by saying “why are you believing a teleprompter jockey instead of your own brother/son/genderindeterminaterelavie who actually does this for a living? Why does someone being on TV make them credible to you?”
Their hair is PERFECT,
Good morning, Sloop!
I hope everyone had a nice long weekend!
The masks are back here, but I’ve seen almost zero enforcement. I went to three stores the other day and only one person even mentioned it, but didn’t ask me to mask up. Still, I’m glad I invested in weight equipment for my house.
Judas Priest is a surprisingly good Monday morning soundtrack. I saw them years ago with Queensrÿche and, despite being old as dirt, they were really good. The best part of the concert, though, was the crowd. Who the hell holds on to their concert t shirts from 1984 and maintains a mullet? I was so jealous.
Husband and I went to the Snakes’n’Arrows Rush tour. Almost all the people there were middle-aged and fat like us, with the exception of their grumpy 17yos they’d dragged along. It was wonderful.
Husband and I went to the Snakes’n’Arrows Rush tour.
I remember that tour! Was a yuge Rush fan in high school and this was the first time I could go watch them play. Me and my buddy were indeed the only guys our age there that we noticed. Hell of a show, though.
3 old guys (and all the rest of the old guys touring–like Mick Mars with ankylosing spondylolisthesis) touring and putting on a show night after night, and here I am, don’t even want to get out of my chair to go for a walk. I am shamed.
I saw YES in 1998, it was very much like that.
“Walks down the street with a mask on. Takes it off when he gets close to people to talk. Coughs openly into his hand. Amazing.”
What is also amazing is that people will believe he was just taking a stroll and happened to run into a gaggle of reporters. Awe, see Joe is just like us…a light rainy day walk.
With four or five of his closest khakied friends hovering around.
How we achieved orbital flight as a species amazes me. Mold is more intelligent than we are at this point.
I have a set of pronouns that will help: attention and whore.
Great new Forgotten Weapons to start the day.
Cling to your hatred
There is an obvious self-interest to Trump world’s gloating over Lincoln Project’s troubles. But the general criticism — that the organization has veered from its overall mission and is beset by controversy — is shared elsewhere, including by those once involved with it. Now, some never-Trumpers wonder where their efforts fit in the broader Republican party.
“As far as never-Trumpers are concerned, it’s a problem, people like us are without a home, we don’t have influence in the party, and even the best people who are taking a stand are taking huge political risks, like Liz Cheney, who wasn’t even a never-Trumper until Jan. 6,” said former Lincoln Project leader and vocal Trump critic George Conway. “Forming a third party is a non-starter because the research has all shown a third party would help Trump. So it’s a conundrum, and I don’t know how it’s going to play out.”
Just join the Democratic Socialists and get it over with. Stop lying to yourselves.
Hopefully with you getting lined up at the wall first, so we can all see you reap what you sowed.
“My students call me Professor Nalo because I prefer not to use Mrs. or Mr. in my classroom. I teach all subjects as a 1st grade teacher, but my favorite moments are always when my students ask about my queerness.”
“Professor” – Methinks it wants to be vaulted into the priest class. I was with the statement up until the moment that their favorite isn’t instilling knowledge upon the children, but rather the agenda.
Because your education is all about ME!!!
My favorite teacher was my senior year English teacher. Older lady, always was the ‘bitch’ that people hoped they didn’t get stuck with. First day, first words were “I will call you by Mr or Miss and you will address me as Mrs.” She then gave us a 4th grade grammar book in which we all struggled because they didn’t teach us then and all our bad habits were ingrained. Still to this day, I remember having to recite prepositions in alphabetical order. I still suck at grammar.
My 6th grade teacher and my freshman/sophomore English teacher were the same person (small private school). She was a stickler for grammar (we memorized Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes, even), but we didn’t do much literature. When I got to college, I realized that my literature education was sorely lacking.
I swear my literature education was designed to make the students hate reading and stop doing it.
I got Tale of Two Cities and “The Gift of the Magi” out of it, both of which I got books out of, so there was that. I had never heard of Jane Austen till college freshman English.
The teacher above had us read Billy Budd, The Return of the Native, Canterbury Tales in Middle English and a few others. I really enjoyed Billy Budd and The Return of the Native.
I got such gems as Johnathan Livingston Seagull, and other dreck, most of whose titles I’ve blissfully forgotten.
The state-mandated shakespeare unit was the highlight of the year because it wasn’t as boring as the rest of the content.
Canterbury Tales was a 300-level class in college.
I was lucky I could bluff my way through most of it without reading it.
It was a slog…I was not a fan and just preferred watching Knight’s Tale instead.
Our Jr. High did a good job of making sure there were titles like White Fang, Call of the Wild, Tom Sawyer, Wild Animals I Have Known and such to make young lads sort of interested in reading.
Sr. High got more into the “classics”. I like reading, so I didn’t mind most of them. Giants in the Earth was the only one I can remember despising. One teacher started me down my lover for Faulkner when he assigned Intruder in the Dust.
“What was the author’s intent in writing this?”
“Pay the fucking house payment and liquor bill.”
“Please rewrite and resubmit.”
“Why do you want this job?”
“Pay the fucking house payment and liquor bill.”
“Thank you. We’ll be in touch.”
“Pay the fucking house payment, liquor bill and his cocaine dealer”
John Grisham: “I really had no intent on writing another novel at all, but they backed a dump truck full of money up to my house. So I just changed the names of the characters and resubmitted it.”
Not demanding she be called “DOCTOR Nalo?” Maybe that’s just reserved for First Ladies?
It’s a less fun, less witty Mad Libs game with the titles they bestow upon themselves.
“We know that wearing masks [is] effective, and therefore anything that gets more people wearing a mask is going to have some level of effectiveness as well. But the degree of effectiveness can really vary a great deal based on a number of complex factors,” Demmer said.
Of course we know this. We have clear, irrefutable evidence. Don’t you remember how infection rates plummeted when mask mandates were introduced? Don’t you remember the obvious difference in infections, hospitalizations and death between states with mandatory masking and those with nothing but callous disdain for simple, effective public health measures?
I am currently reading a collection of pieces by a feminist (I don’t think she calls herself a “radical” feminist). I have read lots of her stuff. She’s funny sometimes, and she makes good points about men, but she makes them over and over again with more vitriol than the offense warrants. She is not quite as vitriolic about women. She is very bitter. I can’t tell if she’s an all-around misanthrope or if she genuinely hates men or if she’s just bitter about her relationships not having worked out. The only emotion I can muster for her is pity.
Sounds like my kind of woman.
The only emotion I can muster for her is pity.
Calling down the thunder?
I just found out she hates Hendrix, so on that we agree.
“1492 needs a trigger warning: The Women’s March issued an apology so perfect that I cannot summarize it. It has to be printed in full. This is a real apology sent out by the Women’s March.
“We apologize deeply for the email that was sent today. $14.92 was our average donation amount this week. It was an oversight on our part to not make the connection to a year of colonization, conquest, and genocide for Indigenous people, especially before Thanksgiving.””
Missed it by 4 cents.
If you can make yourself truly ridiculous enough, you can’t be parodied.
There is a fine line between being parodied and mercilessly mocked and they chose to jump right into the latter.
The World Health Organization on Friday labeled the omicron strain a “variant of concern.” While scientists continue to research the variant, omicron’s large number of mutations has raised alarm. Preliminary evidence suggests the strain has an increased risk of reinfection, according to the WHO. The variant was first reported to the WHO from South Africa and has been found in the U.K., Israel, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Australia and Hong Kong, but not yet in the U.S. Many countries, including the U.S., moved to restrict travel from southern Africa.
The South African doctor who first raised the alarm over the new variant told the BBC that patients had “extremely mild” symptoms though it was too early to determine how omicron behaves before it is studied closely.
“While it is too early to have definitive data, early reported data suggest that the Omicron virus causes ‘mild to moderate’ symptoms (less severity) and is more transmissible,” Bill Ackman of Pershing Square Capital Management tweeted Sunday evening. “If this turns out to be true, this is bullish not bearish for markets.”
I’d like to hear Ackman’s honest assessment of the public health mafia’s panicdemic dog and pony show.
A short seller’s analytical template would be pretty revealing, I think.
Black masculinities scholar.
You watch Shaft in class?
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to step down
His turn to become a Bond villain?
Don’t look at me. I wouldn’t have a clue.
More catch and release.
NYC man predicts he’ll dodge bail after 3 busts in 36 hours — and he’s right
Saw that. I can only SMDH. What do you do with someone like that? They already know his mental illness and that he was off his meds. All we’ve accomplished is removing prison from the list of places he will get shuffled around between his future crimes. Yay.
I get that, but armed robbery should have some kind of consequences.
I’m all for bail reform for non-violent offences. I recognize they will create “violent” offences, but in this case it at least makes note of a knife.
Elon on a live stream just said ‘if you hate corporations, you should hate government’ and something to the effect that government is the largest corporation and they have a monopoly on violence. The panel just stared.
He’s winning me over.
In a Nonbinary Pronoun, France Sees a U.S. Attack on the Republic
I’m going to struggle with this. French language protectionism versus the woke.