Boy with sharp stick attacks giant mountain troll. Film at 11.
The Ash Lad: In the Hall of the Mountain King.
Welcome to November! I am going to start indulging other movie fetishes I possess, such as fantasy, sci fi, kung fu (Kung Fu Christmas is coming!) and MOAR COMEDY. Also I am switching from the vodka floor-cleaner martinis of October to old-fashions of unusual size. Tonight, I am discussing a series of movies from Norway, known as the Ash Lad series.
I am reviewing the first film in the series, In the Hall of the Mountain King. Norway! Trolls! Actors you don’t know!* Dubbing! I really enjoyed this film. It was a complete surprise when I came across this. There are two films in this series, this first one introduces the characters and creates the story arc of peasant saves princess. It’s a story of elites vs. peasants, much in the same vein as 80’s ski movies, or most any other enjoyable storyline. The elites are clearly assholes and must lose. If only reality worked out that way.
Speaking of our elite: The character of Prince Fredrik is a total ass. Every move he makes, every action he takes oozes of major asshole. Fantastic acting work! Overall, who was more vile? The troll or the prince? As I watched the prince, I kept thinking ‘Die already!’ so I know my decision is made.
I enjoyed the special effects, and all the legendary characters. We have a witch, forest nymphs, the giant troll and of course the asshole prince. Hard to say too much else without wrecking plot points in writing. Can’t wait to hear the comments over how Ash Lad got his name!
Mikkel Brænne Sandemose is our director this week. This director followed a path which may seem familiar – release a short film, get noticed, make proper films. The film I recognized this director for previously is Ragnarok, which is also worth watching. You can see this movie on demand via Pluto. (at the moment of writing) It is not easy to get Pluto direct links to work, so don’t be mad if that Pluto link fails. Do not confuse this with Thor: Ragnarok which is a totally different film. I have yet to watch the short film which launched his career, known as I Killed a Cyclist. I had tremendous difficulty finding a link to said short in the interwebs, using any browser or search engine. Not a damn thing. We’re going obscure here, folks! I can find films I was in on the internet, for chrissakes!
If you like In the Hall of the Mountain King, continue with the next one in the series. The followup films is called Ash Lad: In Search of the Golden Castle. More special effects, cool stories and fun legends. I may review the sequel at a future date.
Is this a good time to digress and say Thor Heyerdahl is from Norway? He crossed the ocean several times, first on a raft, then a boat made of reeds, and he also explored Easter Island extensively, the first person to do so to my knowledge. Future Profile in Toxic Masculinity?
I hope you enjoy tonight’s film. Next week is a comedy entitled The Matador. Big hats! Computer generated bulls! Pierce Brosnan! I am going to enjoy writing about it.
*Anyone of Nordic descent here who knows? Anyone? If not, Pepperidge Farms knows. Or does Pepperidge Farms remember?
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Just sneaking this in for the evening crew: L0b0t’s gofundme. Let’s see if we can get him to his target and more in a single day!
Cool Trashy, you got there first!
Damn! He’s gonna make it! YAY!
Thank you.
I hope he gets the help he needs and he makes good use of it.
$6,081 raised of $5,000 goal
I lurves you, Glibs.
Good morning y’all.
I just made my contribution. I’m glad to see he is over his goal.
I’m looking forward to the stories of l0b0t among the snowflakes if he takes OMWC & SP up on the offer of a job & a place to stay.
You know OldMan is gonna sit l0b0t down for the talk “Now….just don’t.”
Wait…you sure that wouldn’t go the other way?!!!
smash-cut to OMWC lip-syncing “Let It Go” to young L0b0t
So you’re saying I just paid for a series of articles?
I am reviewing the first film in the series, In the Hall of the Mountain King. Norway! Trolls! Actors you don’t know!* Dubbing! I really enjoyed this film. It was a complete surprise when I came across this. There are two films in this series, this first one introduces the characters and creates the story arc of peasant saves princess. It’s a story of elites vs. peasants, much in the same vein as 80’s ski movies, or most any other enjoyable storyline. The elites are clearly assholes and must lose. If only reality worked out that way.
Sounds interesting.
I just finished my liter of Oktoberfestbier. No more booze as I must be up early for the gym tomorrow. Time to dive into the movie.
I had my last yesterday. Been working too much and I need my wits about me. I am continuing my weekends of hiking on Saturday.
Is this a good time to digress and say Thor Heyerdahl is from Norway? He crossed the ocean several times, first on a raft, then a boat made of reeds, and he also explored Easter Island extensively, the first person to do so to my knowledge. Future Profile in Toxic Masculinity?
I remember reading a good bit about Thor Heyerdahl in National Geographic when I was younger. He seemed like an interesting character.
Thor Heyerdahl was an ignorant fool, who had no business building or “Sailing” Kon Tiki, the thing was becoming waterlogged before they even left South America, he discovered nothing new, and didn’t prove his migration theories in the least. He’s luckt to have survived the journey.
/Why does Yusef know so much about Kon Tiki?
Kon Tiki
very understable for such a small disc, i would throw a 30% power Sidewinder instead, for that sweet, short, hyzer flip,
/ I love understable discs, being a lefty I need to flex and flip up.
A Korean poster for a Norwegian movie?
Why not?
Indeed. The American release poster JPEGs were huge, like over 1200 wide. I was on a time crunch putting this out so I grabbed the Korean poster in a good lower resolution.
When I first met Norean she was barely seventeen
Drinking whiskey sours in a bar
The way she tossed them back, I would have had a heart attack
As it is, I let her drive my car.
We galloped through the burrows like a pair of horny thoroughbreds
‘Til I said “Stop the car Norean!
Well, you can roll your eyes and nod, but I swear that I saw god
In the moonlight, on a sidestreet,
In the wreckage we call Queens!
“Please tell me you didn’t just guess that a pandemic is an outbreak of Kung Fu Pandas.” — Meghan Markle
— Kyle Dunnigan
Anyone of Nordic descent here who knows?
I’m not of Nordic descent, but I once knew a Swedish lass with dark hair (yes, there are dark haired Swedes). She was a cute EE major in the USA on an internship. I met her Swing dancing. I should have asked her out but never did.
Yes, I’m a dumbass, but I know Swedes and Norwegians don’t like each other. At least I know that.
I also have a Krag-Jørgensen. US Model of 1898.
Lots of blonde-haired, blue-eyed Spaniards, too.
Maybe she just didn’t Finnish?
I have more than a few Finnish Mosins.
I saw a Swede m96 with Finnish Army markings on it once on GunBroker. I bid on it and lost.
About the lady, after her internship she went back to Sweden. Never saw her again.
The dubbing is worse than the old Godzilla movies I watched when I was a kid.
But the visuals are impressive.
I detect a Peter Jackson/LoTR inspiration in the visuals.
Was this made before/after those movies?
After. This came out in 2017.
OK. I think he was inspired by Jackson.
I thought he was admiring something else about her carrot eating.
Oh no. What a dumbass.
He continues to be so.
Oh no.
OK, he showed a bit of brains in keeping quiet about what seeing the princess.
Help! Tubi wants an account to sign in!
Do not click on the Tubi Girl link.
lobot made his Goal! hoorah!
Some weisenheimer put in an odd amount to make it level.
Had to be a glib.
I saw that, but I have seen it before, it’s all Glibs,
Anyone have to do anything special to get the video player to play?
Generally no. What is your browser, or streaming box?
My neighborhood was full of Norwegians before the waves of Italians, Hispanics, Chinese, and now Arabs.
But only the Norwegians got a park and an annual parade. So privileged.
I think the pair of brothers are in trouble.
Oh no.
Well, there’s four, and only Alec is in trouble.
The scenery is impressive.
In general, if you find a nice basket of golden apples in the middle of nowhere, you should leave them be,
/Jason, plus Argonauts
The Prince is an asshole.
Not watching tonight but I had to look up the actor – you know, to see if he’s hot.
I remember him from True Blood.
Cast of Vikings was, on average, hotter
Cathryn Winnock, Oh yeah, Miles Standish is a Hell of a Man though,
Damn it, you had me all excited that Alexander Skarsgard was in this. I am disappoint.
Haha no. This kid isn’t Alexander Skarsgård hot but he’s got something going on.
Espin shows some brains.
The serving lass is hot.
She should spit in the next glass of wine for Prince Asshole.
Piss in it instead.
I just realized, I’m not getting ads this time.
I don’t think I did either. Running on Roku too. Something must be broken.
Busty Milkmaids Marsh.
Whoa. Nicely done!
Stealing the horse wasn’t well thought out.
Teen passed the test. He was the last driver of the day for the DMV. As we left and picked up some coffee for mom at home he almost got in two accidents. Excitement, and then relaxed. Extra 2k/6mo on insurance? I think I need to call USAA on that bullshit.
Good that he passed.
Next one takes his test in 2 week….
Now that I am staring down probably an 6k insurance bill…I might need to rethink the shot…
For awhile I thought my kids were trying to put USAA out of business, when they were learning to drive. Then 3 grand daughters that were busy keeping rates high. Mostly they have out grown those perceived reflexes that allowed them to follow closely and thinking they had the ROW over deer at night. My sympathies, OBE, someday they’ll be adults, you’ll see. Takes a while, my kids are mid-50s and still in the learning phase.
Don’t cave…
I could not imagine in the slightest what ancient Christians (or any religion really) faced when told to denounce all they believe or be killed.
Turning the screws on the wider economy is really no different.
They are Nero…I have my hill to die on, but I have not reached it yet. But I see it on the horizon…
When people think “what is biblical marriage” I can honestly say “it is what I have”. Wife tells me “what ever you choose, I am there for you like you have been here for us all these years”. Plus…she makes sammiches
Kids’ insurance is crazy expensive but that sounds beyond the pale, unless you are insuring a Corvette. Glad he passed!
I think they are applying it to all the vehicles..I need to call and say he is not primary on any of them and secondary on only one vehicle. Plus he is just below a 3.0
It may be worthwhile to confine them to one cheap sacrificial vehicle if USAA allows that
Yeah online doesn’t let me…so I figure a phone call is in order. We have one in storage, but it isn’t up to speed for new drivers. Needs work. They will be part time borrowing cars as we can until then. Papa is trying to offload his 2005 Mustang to one of them…I cannot afford that. The 2005 Exploder would be better. Again, it needs work but would probably be easier on the wallet.
I do not envy you.
I don’t blame you… its… I don’t know.
We confined our son to two vehicles and make him pay the delta. It’s worked out pretty inexpensively for all.
“different kind of bear”
The Prince is gay?
“Tragic hunting accidents”
Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Brave, brave, brave Prince Frederick bravely ran away.
Ahh… I was waiting for Grieg.
Good breaking point. Gotta get up early tomorrow. Nice pick R.J.!
I’ll finish it tomorrow.
OT: Oops, I didn’t get to the Psalm of the Day until night.
Psalm 118:5-13
Thanks Trashy. I find it amazing and powerful that an appeal written some 3,000 years ago is just as applicable now as it was then.
My Bible has a lot more thees and thous. (Someone left it on the mailroom shelf in my lobby last year, the place where people leave stuff for others. It’s actually pretty nice. One of those pleather jobs.)
+1 King James, demonologist.
I’m not sure if I want to dive in to this thing.
Instead of “set me free”, it says “set me in a large place”. Um. OK?
There are several other headscratchers just from that one passage.
No psalms AFAIK, but one of the more interesting Biblical translations/interpretations I’ve been exposed to.
Perfect, thank You Trashy,
“It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in princes.”
Following the nightly Psalm, we’ve got nightly Thots on Thot Thursday.
OT, but did everyone already see the beginning of the Microsoft Ignite conference?
Asking as a white male wearing black shorts and a black t-shirt posting from land traditionally occupied by the Acjachemen.
What the fuck did I just watch? I saw two examples and each was more painful than the other.
Nope, I’m too busy with getting a prod database server running again. We’ve got a technical bridge going between three teams, and the customer service managers are starting to poke their noses in
Planned or unplanned outage?
It started as a planned outage to fix a simple problem, but we discovered a bigger problem that prevented the box from coming back because a good chunk of the root disk was corrupted, so we have to restore from backup.
Ugh. Good luck.
Our sysadmins have a habit of “surprising” us developers with mid-week changes.
Last week it was removing all remote desktop rights. “Oh, you can’t do your job now? Sorry. Please provide a complete list of all servers and users who need access.”
“I don’t know – it was done before I got here. How about restoring what it was before?”
“Please provide a complete list…….”
I kind of wish they would stop doing that.
I get stuck dealing with those sorts. They can follow a script or a document, but they are unable to think. It sucks when trying to fix problems.
I’ve made a career out of fixing problems. Sometimes I wonder how these people can even get through the day. Maybe they have a script to remind them to breathe.
It got better when I got him on the phone. He admitted they fucked up by missing my team’s setup during some automated process they put in place to restrict everyone’s rights to only what they were supposed to have.
Why they did this on a Tuesday night escapes me, though. Though I guess it would have been equally unpleasant to find out I couldn’t do my work on Monday morning as it was on Wednesday.
I hope everyone who jumps on declares their pronouns.
Why do you hate me?
Technical conferences that look like religious events are a new thing for MS?
I sure did. It’s fantastic. I can’t wait to see how many more apologies and descriptions they can ladle on before getting to the point.
*Norway! Trolls! Actors you don’t know!*
Same subject, different genre: A Norwegian film from 2011 called Troll Hunters covers those topics via the faux documentary, shaky personal camera style. Though far from my favorite style of film making, I enjoyed the film.
….did I say film? I don’t think I typed the word film yet…
The First That Will Change Everything is a heavy burden. I have gained weight. My back hurts. My ankles are swollen. Some days, I feel like I’ll never First again. But I know that’s not true. The Change is coming.
The change is coming.
Yeah, nobody has ever had a first child before…meh.
In fairness, he’s birthing it through his ass.
You know…I didn’t even hesitate to click that. This place broke me. Or conditioned me…I am not sure. I am pretty sure I am being trafficked on this site.
Yeah…not sure why I clicked that so quickly…gah.
It is a great one. I think it is behind a paywall right now.
Iobot, I’m happy to see you reach your goal. I bookmarked your GoFundMe and will send you some grip before the week ends. Been there, begged that, the least I can do. I owe you all…Glibs always step up. Love you, love you all.
This bunch makes me so glad I could cry.
For a small group of misanthropic, selfish, racist, patriarchal, xenophobic, Neo-Nazi scumbags we sure are a generous and loving lot at times.
Speak for yourself.
Norwegian would?
I’d like to be in her movie.
Cute cover of a song I LURRRRRVE.
Nice! That would have been well-received at the goth clubs I used to frequent a thousand years ago.
Best “Sixteen Tons” cover ever.
I think I shared that a while back….yes it is excellent! Worth the repost!
Yep, seen this, real good music!
More rumblings about the shit treatment the American political prisoners are getting in the DC gulag
The mere fact that a sitting congresscritter is being denied entry should speak volumes on what is happening.
I take GWP with a grain of salt, but they have been almost the only outlet actively trying to make some noise about it.
The fucking judge said he had no confidence that the jailers wouldn’t act vengefully toward the political prisoners should be reason enough to shut the whole place down.
NB: These people haven’t been convicted of shit. They truly are political prisoners being denied due process, a speedy trial and the right to face one’s accuser while subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. This should serve as an object lesson of what awaits wrongthinkers that step out of line (a line that is arbitrary and frequently moves).
Look at the outcome, the US Marshals issue a report to the judge after witnessing illegal acts and behavior, not US Marshals placed staff under arrest and took over temporary administration of the jail.
^immediately placed staff under arrest
That is exactly their intent.
“Bow down before me”
It has been successful. No way in hell will I go to any protest or rally now.
Yep, I’m glad I’m in nowhere land, not that they will get me last, as much as the whole thing collapses before they get here,
We aren’t restricting free speech, you can still go! Go!
I wish a troll would hit Foochy with a giant hammer.
In case I am not the only Steely Dan fan here, here’s a documentary on the making of Aja.
No static from me
/Mu Major FTW!
I hear a volcano forming in NoDak.
Excellent, Smithers.
Sky still falling, says Chicken Little
The current rate of greenhouse gas pollution is so high that Earth has about 11 years to rein in emissions if countries want to avoid the worst damage from climate change in the future, a new study concludes.
Despite dipping in 2020 because of the global pandemic, greenhouse gas emissions are on track to return to pre-pandemic levels, according to the annual Global Carbon Budget report.
All doomporn, all the time.
fap fap fap.
Wait, I thought we were down to 7 or 8 at best.
Are you saying that these people are full of crap?
11, 8, 7, 15, 40, 20 years…who cares, give us money.
about 11 years to rein in emissions, didn’t AlGoore say we we should all be drowned by now?
Now pull the other one.
NB: These people haven’t been convicted of shit.
Something something worst of he worst.
Thanks, Bush.
Hey RJ, can you review this?
Thought of you yesterday when I read “Wheeler Walker Jr. is the Steel Panther of country music” – that’s a compliment all around.
Now I may check out Wheeler Walker, Jr.
I’ve been meaning to ask you about your newish avatar. Is that the Guild of Calamitous Intent symbol?
If I may… It’s a reference to Jordan Peterson and the meme that morphed from his illustrative story about lobsters. It was supposed to be a slam on him, but he took it and ran with it.
Thanks Mo. I know nothing about it and would never have guessed that’s what it is.
Hail Lobster!
Note made.
This is the place I mentioned earlier that might…be beneficial to me.
I think a company that says “you don’t want to give your address? Use ours!” might be the people I am looking for. Any ID? Like my expired military ID? And you only need it to get paid for administering the shot? Hell, I will pay you handsomely if you just you know…miss my arm
Yea no, I have a Vaxx card, it’s very nice, and all the lot numbers and dates match, someone posted a blank picture of something, and someone made a nice copy of a Vaxx card, and someone gives them away to people who need one, do you know Someone?
Look me up,
Too much consequence for a blatant lie for my work. A valid card, shot missing the arm, is the only way I would deceive the system.
Fair, I’m practicing being subversive,
Jotform is great. I i use it myself.
Like “circle back”, “clean up” of comments should be absolutely decimated by a free press. We do not have that.
It would require work instead of taking dictation.
Fuck, not even dictation anymore, just link their Tweet.
I thought QAnon couldn’t get stupider or crazier. I was wrong.
If so JFK aged really well,
Why all of a sudden the surge in QAnon again…seems…coordinated.
all part of the plan,
At least someone has a plan!
A canal! Panama!
JFK Jr’s deader than Elvis. Those people are nuts or, alternatively, suckers.
Clearly you have not seen ‘Bubba Ho Tep.’ Elvis and JFK are alive and being pursued by an evil Egyptian mummy.
This woman…fire.
Team Winsome
Hey @ProjectLincoln, did you enjoy the fruit basket? (asking for a friend ?)
She challenged Joy Reid to a debate, I would love to see that, Chick Fight!
We only like her cause of our white supremacy. Did I get that right? My race lens is in the shop.
And a Marine! the ultimate White supremacist!
That would be like a cougar pouncing on a mouse from what I have seen.
That reminds me of my last fling, who knew being a mouse could be so much fun,
You’re a weird guy, Yusef. A weird guy.
We need more speakeasy establishments (and less violence).
I want to hear more about this “apparent speakeasy”. An establishment for the unclean?
Non story. Still, he’s a penis with ears.
“Drop off” where? Like, in a mailbox? How the hell would they police that?
“racial justice”
Meanwhile, in Romania…
“Italian Institute Of Health Drastically Reduces Its Official COVID Death Toll Number”
“Of the of the 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the virus alone.” And therein lies the truth. What a damn racket.
And of course, one wonders…why are they doing this now?
Good morning, Stinky, Sean, rhy, and (I hope you’re still here) limey!
“It thus seems as though the article severely misrepresents the position of the NIH, but a lot seems to have been lost in translation”
Looks like I’m sorta guilty of spreading fake news. Apparently the Italians released some fresh raw data and the interpretation of with vs of Covid was made by the author of the article in question.
Ah, I see! Thanks!
Hey there sunshine.
How YOU doin’ ?
Good morning, homey! I’m doing great! It’s Friday, and I have my month-end reports virtually done, so I’m going to knock off early! How ’bout yourself?
Just got home and finishing up TallCans™ #2, anticipating being asked to make breakfast for Jugsy.
Oh- you may have to scrape your windshield. I did,
Too early for this.
We will never really know how many actually died of the ‘vid. The actual numbers probably lie somewhere between the official number and the author’s. Where? Who knows.
Mornin’ Red! Congrats to the Gliberverse for how they came though for friend L0lbot! Outstanding! What a collection of selfish misanthropes. The good news on my end is that first snake bite was mandated before November 26th, not both so I don’t need to take a leave in the busy season. My replacement would have fucked things up beyond repair. The bad news is that I caved in the first place. I’ll never live this down.
Mornin’, Festus. Sorry for the BS, FWIW I would have done the same in your situation. Live to fight another day and all.
Thanks, Patsy! Everything is up in the air right now. Judi went to another rally last night. I kinda need this job.
No shame in your game. They’ve rigged it so sooner or later everyone gets stuck. I know my turn is coming soon.
I’ll still drink with ya.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
No side effects from the vax except it feels like I must have been fucked up the poop-chute. Judi took her forced leave time to make about 40 quart jars of raspberry jam so there is room in the freezer again for all of the food that I don’t eat. Vitamin regimen from the naturopath is a bit much…
Oh yeah, second splooge no later than January 29. Maybe something will change before then but it’s too late. I’ve been violated. Guess I shouldn’t have worn that sheer dress to the Prom…
Mornin’, all
sup’ cuh
Tall Covfefe! Brr, winter is coming.
See my reply to GT WRT to windshield scraping.
It was around 30º americanheit when I left work.
37 in Gotham but it doesn’t feel like it due to wind direction.
It can be in the 50s and frigid inside if the wind is blowing a certain way.
Heh. #1 son is busy scraping the windshield, on his way to work.
Gonna be a good day. Watched a hawk snatch a squirrel and fly off to enjoy breakfast. Raptors are cool.
Yes. Yes they are. We get a kick out of the corvid behaviors at the feeder. Smart birds.
The only positive about going to the indoctrination center was all the soccer-moms getting their boosters. Yoga pants, Ahoy!
Yoga pants and beer are evidence that G_d loves us and wants us happy.
They made me use hand-sanitizer before I could enter. That’s the first time in my life I’ve done that. The one that poisoned me said “Thanks for protecting everyone!” Whatta world…
Now you have to found your capital city upon that spot.
Flash poll- when you wake up and get ready for work, are you:
a) the type to wake early, sip coffee, take your time, maybe absorb some news, or eat?
b) feet hit the floor, shower, dress, and out the door in 15 minutes ?
I only ask because Im the former, Jugsy is the latter.
I was the latter until my plumbing was re-wired last year.
Now I am the former.
Could be I’m just getting old.
Roll out of bed, be showered, dressed and downstairs in 15 minutes.
And then spend the next 30 playing with the dog.
Definitely (a). In my younger days there was another option…
B, I end up being late if I’m ready too early.
Type a) I need to rev up. If my morning routine is disrupted then it will be a bad day indeed. I even like to show up early to work and sit in the lot, smoking a cig. It’s all about psyching yourself up for what lies ahead. I’ve never been one to jump into ones pants two-legged.
Ugh, used to have a girl boss that would barge into the break room, clapping cadence. I wanted to strangle her on Monday mornings.
The later, but I wish I was the former. I don’t get enough sleep.
Use to be a B but now that I don’t sleep and am up by 4 or 5 and it’s too early to go to work and I’ve become an A.
Some would say I’ve always been a giant A.
Most would agree but I’m not most.
Peaceful protestors attacked by deranged senator.
Keep it up, this is how you win hearts and minds
I would not have shed a tear if he’d wailed on the gas.
Poor Joe. Living a lie as a closeted republican. Must be hell on the wife and family.
He got attention for the kind of vehicle he drove? Fuck those communists.
Should have been driving this.
The one that poisoned me said “Thanks for protecting everyone!” Whatta world…
We still love you Festus.
Seeing as I have no side effects from the vax it must mean that the first one is just brainless drones and when you receive the second one it activates the nano-bots.
“Of the of the 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the virus alone.” And therein lies the truth. What a damn racket.
Well if that don’t beat all.
Vaccine clinic today – forty staff and security, ten patients.
Manchin shoulda rolled coal on those “protestors”.
He’s what all of those squishy Republicans should aspire to be.
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That didn’t work. 🙁
I shudder to think whom you’re trying to summon there.
Supposed to say “Let’s go Brandon!”
*kicks pebble*
Sure it did, Richie Rich! Is your dog named “Dollar”?