Let’s see how it shakes out.
The next CFP rankings are out, and of course the committee is leaning hard into the SEC bias. Whatever, it’ll probably all sort itself out, but if they put a two-loss Bama in (should they lose to Georgia in the SECCG) over an undefeated Cincy or a 1-loss conference champion, there will be backlash. The USMNT followed up their convincing win over Mexico with a half-assed draw with Jamaica. Canada beat Mexico and Panama won to tighten the top four up. And that’s sports.

He does the best Baldwin impression!
Big birthdays today are Roman emperor Vespasian, the inventor of canning and the bullion cube Nicolas Appert, French king Louis XVIII, British Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery, Honda founder Soichiro Honda, baseball player Rollie Stiles, actor Rock Hudson, singer Gordon Lightfoot, comedic genius Peter Cook, filmmaker Martin Scorsese, comedic genius (part 2) Danny DeVito, HOF pitcher Tom Seaver, basketball great Elvin Hayes, actor Stephen Root, model/VJ Daisy Fuentes, and actress Rachel McAdams.
OK, now on to…the links!
Damn, dude. Let it go. Seriously, what a scumbag. I’m also shocked CNN neglected to mention he’s a Republican. And lastly, I have a legal question: once you send an image to someone else, is the images yours or theirs? I think there’s a legitimate defense here if the accuser cannot prove she made clear that the images were not to be shared, otherwise they’re considered a gift and the property of the person she gave them to to do with as he pleases. It’s sleazy, but not so sure it should be illegal. What say you?

These docs should take a field trip here. And so do the Rittenhouse prosecutors.
That’s nice. Now go fuck yourselves. Also, aren’t pretty much all of those shots done well before a kid enters school? Which would mean they’re given before the kid turns 5. So are they now pushing this shit on kids even younger than 5? They should make clear that they aren’t…but I think they actually are.
Oh good lord, you people will try to make “news” out of anything. They’re always picked at random. And this judge has been doing it this way for decades. Go find some real news to hyperventilate over, you fucking retards.
Doesn’t anybody have a sense of humor anymore? I guess not when there are political points to score.
If the FBI has this kind of free time on their hands, they need to be scaled back. Because if these were actual threats, then its a state matter, as those would be state crimes. And if they’re not actual threats, then this is a government seeking to chill the first amendment rights of people who have different political beliefs from the current admin. Either way, it’s bullshit.

Scuzzy shitbag
If this is true, these prosecutors need to go the way of Mike Nifong. It’s incomprehensible that they’d hide this from the defense. Unless…unless they don’t give a shit and want a prosecution even if they knew he was likely defending himself. And if that’s the same, they deserve a visit to an Asplundh jobsite.
Get out while the getting’s good. And he’s gonna run for mayor too!. Which will be a circus, seeing as he probably knows where a lot of the bodies are buried. Get your popcorn.
“A bear walks into a 7-11”. OK, that’s it. There’s no punchline.
Well it’s about freaking time! This is the kind of market leadership we need in these trying times. Also, I had no idea of their old policy because the only times I’ve been in a position to drink on a recent United flight, I was lucky enough to have been upgraded to first class. But I’m flying in cattle class Friday to watch the Ohio State-MSU game, so I’ll be able to benefit soon.
Enjoy this great song. And enjoy a lovely day, dear friends!
“Take them trousers down. Panties too.”
That’s a purdy mouth you got there… It’s gonna need to do some pray’en…
“You better Pray good, Boy…” First watched that movie when I was about 9 or so. Nightmare fuel.
Around that same age I was left in the care of my older brother one night. He wanted to meet up with a girl at the drive-in so he took me along.
They were showing The Exorcist. I sleep with my bedroom lights on for months.
Also, Wizard of Oz makes my skin crawl with those damn flying monkeys. And the sea of midgets in Munchkinland.
1 or 2 midgets is cool, but a whole swarm of them will kick your ass and you’ll get staked down like in Gulliver’s Travels.
Wizard of Oz is an evil movie. Period.
staked down like in Gulliver’s Travels.
Tres Cool’s nightmare: To be surrounded by teenie-tiny women, unable to escape.
I’ll steal a joke from Gutfeld – “Stacked up live a sleeve of Ritz Crackers…”
I feel like we need a ruling on the correct term for a group of midgets.
A menace
A “surf?” A “wade?”
A height of midgets?
A menagerie of midgets.
Ants in your pants.
A Tribe of Ewoks?
Some time back, I had noticed that there was no collective noun for little people. However, my suggestion of “a shortage of dwarves” was rejected out of hand by the power that be. Something about “callous, crass, and insensitive.”
A dollop of dwarves?
From some stories: an orgy of midgets?
“Doesn’t anybody have a sense of humor anymore? I guess not when there are political points to score.”
It’s only funny when you kill, maim, torture, or destroy the lives of domestic white supremacists terrorists that will not bend the knee to the marxist/fascist movement and the crime syndicate bringing us 1984/Brave New World.
I had no idea that was on but I suppose it wasn’t televised anyway.
But I’ll take the draw over the loss I was expecting, plus it looks like Mexico lost again. ?
Spanish language broadcast, or Paramount+ streaming. Can we put the media wizards in USSoccer on the same bullet train to hell as Binger and the media*?
* Spoke with a neighbor this morning, he hadn’t followed the news about Rittenhouse and he couldn’t believe the BLM protests – he was sure the kid must’ve killed black people. He was incredulous that the media were that biased when he found out otherwise.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The well-informed American Voter.
Actually he’s a pretty smart guy – doesn’t worry himself about what is in the news. Considering how our media operates – he is no worse “informed” than you or I.
That’s my point–if you trust the media to be your source for information, you are bound to be misinformed.
Canada is in first, which I refuse to believe is real, but the problem is the top 4 is so tight, 16,15,14,14 points. One slipup means any of the 4 could be in the playoff game.
And I still expect the Ticos to make a run at the top 4.
We played some very uninspired football yesterday. No fire, no guts, no creativity, or hustle up top. Jamaica has to be kicking themselves for tying that game, they should have won 3-1.
They can’t travel for shit. I have no idea why that is, but it is what it is.
I’m tired of the USMNT alums repeating how hard the road is in CONCACAF. Of course its hard! Do better! Come out with passion and aggression and do you damn best to squash these small teams.
To follow the Mexico game, which was inspired, pressing football, with that turd is embarassing.
How is it that Switzerland can win a qualifying group with Italy, but come World Cup will go out with 2 pts in group play?
Not sure why I am replying to you with this question.
The Swiss can play, but the WC is always bound to bring out the best from the best and Switzerland can’t rise to that level.
I’m surprised Italy couldn’t capitalize on their Euro victory and breeze through qualifying.
They also don’t play well with an early lead.
Lack of VAR saved us from dropping that point. Zimmerman wasn’t fouled on that goal.
Absolutely, and couple that with the point blank shank, you get a 3-1 loss for USA.
““A bear walks into a 7-11”. OK, that’s it. There’s no punchline.”
If I stepped into human shit on the road, I too would want some hand sanitizer, yo…
“Well it’s about freaking time! This is the kind of market leadership we need in these trying times. Also, I had no idea of their old policy because the only times I’ve been in a position to drink on a recent United flight, I was lucky enough to have been upgraded to first class. But I’m flying in cattle class Friday to watch the Ohio State-MSU game, so I’ll be able to benefit soon.”
You are no longer allowed to go maskless or pester the airline hostesses, but I hear you still can pull out and yank your crank while making faces to the ugly ladies around you….
I’m not sure that’s accurate. And I am not gonna test it this Friday.
Stream it man… I hear that stuff makes you famous.
I saw a clip of him in action last night, belittling some point the defendant had made in the manner of the snotty teenager he (the lawyer) still appears to be. It was nauseating.
This one should really make you throw up.
Dat’s dee wonn!
He forgot “Attack and threaten to kill Kyle Rittenhouse”.
OK, so is it “high-def” video or “enhanced” video?
Because those are two very different things.
They’re being accused of not sharing the hi-res video with the defense during discovery. Instead they gave them the lo-res version of the same video. What they did during their closing is a different issue and I believe the judge allowed it.
But if it’s true they withheld evidence they had, they should rightfully be disbarred and should be criminally charged and the case should be thrown out with prejudice.
^ hehe
I guess my comment was getting more at the Daily Fail’s typical imprecision in language.
Yes, I’d agree withholding evidence ought to be a disbarring and criminal offense.
Some might say, “well, they got the video…just of a lower quality,” but that is a worthless point, especially because a) the video was a very significant piece of evidence, and b) the quality of video evidence was a sticking point in the conduct of the trial itself.
Imagine if the prosecution had brought an Airsoft clone of KR’s AR to the trial, submitting it as evidence, and saying “it’s not the high-def version, but it’s pretty close.”
I would say that the Daily Fail is very precise in its use of language; to insinuate the most without getting sued for libel.
It doesn’t matter anymore. The mob waiting outside have cast their ballots.
CSI and Blade Runner did so much harm to how lay people understand image processing.
enhance…enhance…pan right
Had https://youtu.be/KiqkclCJsZsto –
Good job, Festus – I would have been disappointed by any other link.
I (heart) petapixel.
But look at all the dancing waves and bar charts on that monitor! That means they’re doing super-sciencey stuff!
You’ve been watching those shows from the Aught’s that feature darkened labs, haven’t you?
My understanding is that the FBi claimed it had lost the original, high res footage and only the low res footage existed.
I’d have to go read about Brady violations again to figure out whether this would fall into that bucket, but it’s skirting the line at very least.
Technically, it’s high def however it got that way — whether it was shot in high-def or later enhanced to high def. The term I would use is native high-def, meaning that the original footage was shot in high def. The important thing is that video/photo evidence be presented in context, ie, “this is the raw video of the incident, now here is the same video enhanced to show more detail…”
Fixed it to avoid perjury
Why are so many people so delusional that they expect the dnc operatives with bylines to to correct and address their 4 years of telling lies they knew were lies now? What benefit does this get the people that peddle every lie the tyrannical statists want to foist on us soon to be serfs/slaves to know they are being manipulated and told fabrications in order to make them comply with evil shit the statists want to happen, huh?
The only reason to retract stories would be to restore credibility. But we’ve seen time and again credibility isn’t at all important to them. There are already a half dozen or more stories out there that have been proven 100% false, but are still reported as if they are true. This is just going to be another one of those. Nobody will be held accountable. There is no down side to continue lying.
As long as the bulk of the people still believing the state has their best interest at heart continue to want the machine to tell them lies that allow them to keep thinking they are the good guys more than they want the truth and reality, there is no reason for these shysters to ever worry about credibility.
Well he does look like a revenge porn fellow but perhaps the other way.
Revenge porn law is murky waters. I think the gentlemanly thing to do is simply not share lewd photos of past lovers. But just because something is unsavory doesn’t make it criminal. This is 50 counts, which I somehow misunderstood to mean 50 separate women. I think it’s just one woman, which tbh, makes the story kind of lame. Is it the same photos shared 50 times or 50 photos? Regardless, it’s not hard to see how turning it into a criminal case just makes a kinda bad problem into a big public stink.
It’s ok, she doesn’t have to worry about the pictures getting out; the prosecution will only submit the high-res photos into evidence at the very end of the trial…
Finger on the trigger?
and my homeboys do too
It’s the message, Stupid
The White House and Democratic leaders have rebranded the legislation as an antidote to widespread price hikes, arguing that it would lower the cost of prescription drugs, child care and overall expenses related to raising families.
“Want to fight inflation? Support Build Back Better,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Tuesday.
The measure calls for spending $1.75 trillion over a decade on a variety of Democratic priorities, from health care subsidies to clean energy. It would give the government the power to negotiate prices for certain medicines, subsidize child care and extend cash payments for most parents with children under 18.
Democrats aim to cover the cost of the social safety net package through taxes on corporations and more money for IRS enforcement. They also insist that the legislation would be fully paid for ahead of a Congressional Budget Office analysis expected this week.
“Don’t you believe us? Why do you hate America?”
Democrats consistently cite a letter by 17 Nobel laureates in economics who say the Build Back Better bill would “ease longer-term inflationary pressures” by investing in economic capacity and nudging Americans to “participate productively in the economy.”
Nobody can argue with that.
More like “Who dares argue with that!”
The signers are:
Paul Krugman
Raul Klugman
Klug Paulman
Saul Grukman
P. Kluugman
Though it is easy to, don’t overlook Robert Reich.
Oops, you said Nobel winning economists – they’ve overlooked him too.
It’s a Reich’s tag fire!
I saw Bob Reich’s Skin Tags back in the day. Wild show.
Backup band was “Off The Shoulders Of Orion”. I don’t remember anything but I still have the ticket stub.
That turned nasty pretty fast.
Old, but just found it:
Apparently Bingie likes to get on the good side of judges.
Porn-stache makes good!
By good side you mean back side.
That explains his email address.
COVID vaccine can be bundled with a child’s routine shots, doctors say …
“You can’t overwhelm the immune system with these vaccines,” said Dr. Margaret Fisher, a pediatric infectious disease specialist in New Jersey and chair of the AAP Global Immunization Advocacy Project.
But you can ensure a life of heart problems.
Fucking horseshit
The Greater Good.
The fixation on giving kids the vax is just amazing.
Given that the Rona only seems to really bite old geezers, you would think that thinking would be “look we have a vax that seems to help. It isn’t tested as much as we would have liked, but let’s face it, long term consequences aren’t really a factor here. We can get you coots covered and keep testing. If it turns out to be safe then we can think about vaxing kids”
Stop it with this logic and reason bullshit. This is a pandemic, and we have a magic elixir. The wizard of Fauch said so himself! Take your elixir and smile!
“You can’t overwhelm the immune system with these vaccines,” said Dr. Margaret Fisher, a pediatric infectious disease specialist in New Jersey and chair of the AAP Global Immunization Advocacy Project.
Dispassionate, unbiased observer. #BELIEVEHER
“I know it’s a random selection, but I have some concerns about it,” Meyn said. “To me, from the optics side, it doesn’t make sense. I don’t think it was a good idea.”
As if the total number of potential jurors were not initially selected by the standard process.
I have some concerns about it
The call of a lonely Karen echoes through the internet. Will others hear her call and join in the chorus?
We live in an age where sane and smart people are punished for saying the obvious or challenging lies peddled by an evil establishment and that then cause the stupid people that like being led by the nose and feel they are important even though they have never been anything but a PITA for everyone else, to feel butthurt…
Gets image of an episode of “MeatEater”. Rinella tromping across suburbia, glassing all the Starbucks, occasionally pausing to whip out his new fancy Karen-Kall courtesy of Phelps Game Calls. The plaintive sound – “Maaaa-naaaa-ger” – echoes across the manicured lawns and impeccable sidewalks. We catch a flash of bleached blond poofiness… and it’s gone.
Just like they have concerns everywhere about longstanding procedures agreed upon by all parties that try to ensure a random result that cannot be gamed.
Tie election decided by a coin flip? Antiquated, quaint, and laughable. Re-count ballots indefinitely until inevitably enough are lost, damaged, or destroyed to sway the count in the right direction? SCIENCE.
Statistics in action – https://econ.video/2017/10/15/corner-gas-a-riot-is-not-5050/
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday that the disciplinary plan was necessary because Gosar made threats about harming a member of Congress.
It is just a metaphor.
“Nancy Pelosi’s Ice Cream Freezer” would be a great name for a song by some obscure punk/ska/druid band that only I have heard of before.
If the GOP manages to take over the house next year, do you think they will have the stones to start removing Dems from committee assignments? After all the Dems are setting the precedent here.
Get Swalwell out of the intelligence committee for sure.
Omar gets yanked from everything. AOC same.
do you think they will have the stones
History does not support that they do.
If the FBI has this kind of free time on their hands, they need to be scaled back.
I guess they ran out of Dodge pickups with swastikas etched into the paint.
Beckworth argued that the $1.75 trillion measure wouldn’t tip the scale in either direction.
“If you look at what’s really driving the inflation today … I think it’s much more of a pure pandemic effect,” he said. “It’s driven by a change in spending habits caused by the pandemic. And as the pandemic ends, those things are going to fade.”
If that is the case, please point me toward prices going DOWN in response to these so-called changes in spending habits.
Everybody put the free bucks in a sensible place, the Bank! Nobody went out and spent like sailors before their dicks fell off.
Yoyo the pittie joins daycare as a “customer” after moving to his new home
Kyle Rittenhouse prosecutors HELD BACK high-def drone footage of Kenosha shootings from defense and gave them low quality video – sparking them to file mistrial motion that could see teen walk free
Nothing to see here.
A good old-fashioned case of American Blind Justice and there wasn’t anything anybody could do about it.
+27 8×10 color glossy photographs
+ 27 8×10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows…
* reminds self to refresh *
Freedom of speech is fascist.
Now he claims that being “anti-woke” only “drives a wedge in the cultural dialogue and the comedy community.”
Worse, as far as Maron is concerned, “right-wing propagandists” use free speech arguments as a political weapon, and if free speech can be quashed to stop the right from having a winning argument, then he is all for it.
Free speech, Maron said, is “easily turned out by the right-wing propagandists. It serves a movement toward an anti-democratic, fascistic system. What they’re doing is fundamentally pissing on the less fortunate, the vulnerable, the minorities.”
In the end, without stating it head-on, Maron came to the side of those who destroy comedians for un-woke jokes.
“Free speech is an American right. You can say whatever you want. You just have to shoulder what comes back at you, what you reap after you’ve slung your garbage,” he concluded.
Marc Maron has never been funny, not sure how he came to fame as a comedian.
A comedian who has lost his sizzle seeks to eliminate his competition with the mob.
He just made himself a counter-cancel target. Someone is gonna dig up something on him.
What they’re doing is fundamentally pissing on the less fortunate, the vulnerable, the minorities.
Ah, the basic prog argument from time immemorial. “gimme, gimme, gimme or you hate me!” The cry of the petulant 12 year old.
” You just have to shoulder what comes back at you, what you reap after you’ve slung your garbage,” – except when you are on the left then it becomes harassment
I thought he was unfunny before unfunny was cool.
The PA House and Senate have now both passed Constitutional Carry legislation, and it goes to Governor
ShitbagWolf to veto. Hopefully there are enough votes to overcome his veto, or he realizes that a “no” vote will be unpopular enough to sink his Democratic successor in next year’s election.After what happened with his emergency orders, I’m not hopeful there will be enough Democrats willing to overturn his veto.
Surely this guy is on Garland’s radar.
A Far-Left activist in an FWISD Board meeting threatened parents all because they were criticizing CRT. The activist said that he would bring 1000 soldiers and that he will be “lock and loaded” next time.
Surely, on the recommendation list for the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Wow, can you believe these even exist?
Attorney General’s Award for Outstanding Service in Freedom of Information Act Administration
Attorney General’s Award for Fraud Prevention
Sounds like PhoneShop’s Golden Bowl Award – https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6wmk54
HAHAHAHA, never have seen that before.
Sheila Bair wants a new Fed Chairthing
Suspense mounts over who will be the next Federal Reserve Chair. Washington’s smart money is betting on Jay Powell’s reappointment. But it’s a close horse race. Lael Brainard, a well-regarded Fed Governor who has served at Powell’s side for the past seven years, is running a strong second.
The financial media are mostly siding with Powell in the name of continuity, while others, like me, are distressed at Powell’s record on regulation and are supporting Brainard. She is astute, smart, and one of the few who understands the intricate complexities of financial regulation and the pockets of systemic vulnerability that could prove problematic should the Fed have to raise rates to combat inflation.
Anyone can raise interest rates. The hard part is knowing when to do so and how to do so without triggering financial disruption. To meet that challenge, Brainard has far superior qualifications.
Brainard is a Harvard-trained Ph.D economist — unlike Powell, who is a lawyer with a finance background. As such, Brainard is better equipped to analyze and interpret underlying inflationary trends.
Harvard, you say. Next!
Also, the American economy is dangerously underregulated. It’s like the Invasion of the Wild West Moneychangers, out there. Something needs to be done, before it’s too late.
Dr. Brainard, Master of the Monetary Arts
They keep saying systemic. I do not believe they know what that word means…
The most impeccable of credentials! Just like Peter Navarro.
Staffers and allies of Harris believe her disastrous first year as vice president is in large part due to racial discrimination from President Joe Biden and his office, a new CNN report claims. One former aide to Harris noted the “specific energy that the White House brings to defend a white man, knowing that Kamala Harris has spent almost a year taking lots of the hits that the West Wing didn’t want to take themselves.” That white man, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, faced criticism for taking months off the job in order to care for his newborns without informing the public, only for Biden press secretary Jen Psaki to call his decision an example of how he is a “role model” for Americans.
Harris faces “constant” “racism” from “Republicans and right-wing media,” according to CNN (which declined to cite any specific examples), over the handling of her wide-ranging portfolio, which includes solving the “root causes” of the border crisis, the future of national security in space, dramatically reforming voting rights, accelerating the rate of COVID-19 vaccinations, pushing for more unionization in the labor force, and closing the “digital divide.” Her lack of progress in virtually all of these areas is well documented, although CNN’s sources contend that is because her “staff has repeatedly failed her” and that Biden has not “adequately prepared or positioned” her for success.
Sometimes you just have to get down on your knees and get stuff done.
*cackles unlikeably*
Racists, racists everywhere… even in her own staff. There is literally no escape form the systemic white supremacy that keeps the black woman down even though she can solve all of our problems.
Wondering if she brings the whip down on her flunkies in today’s Joemala?
(I will never stop making that joke).
“Sometimes you just have to get down on your knees and get stuff done.”
She does regularly. She just doesn’t know what to do now that she’s dealing with someone with dementia.
Got a notice from the IRS. Allegedly I filed my taxes late (I didn’t) and have to pay interest. It’s only about $36.00 so not enough to fight. Don’t be surprised at the IRS trying to nickel and dime people. And I already paid at the pump with the “hidden” tax of inflation at the pump.
I got a notice that they didn’t have my return from tax year 2019. Although they managed to cash the check that was in the same envelope as the “missing” return. No word yet if they’re going to try to hit me for late filing.
I’ve told the story before about how I hated to go out to the giant IRS processing center in Memphis. It was enraging to have to go out there as a “supplemental” worker for IBM (aka no benefits) and see all the cretins sitting around doing nothing.
I’d come out there to replace a keyboard or monitor and be wearing a shirt and tie (IBM policy) and see everyone out there wearing sweats (if they were formal) or worse. This was the early ’90s, no one had even heard of business casual yet. Then you’d have to wait at least a half hour while they tried to find the person with the broken equipment because they were off fucking around somewhere.
My dad (deceased) got a notice about an error on his taxes from 2019. We called and explained the situation to the nice gentleman on the phone (seriously!) and he said two different facilities handle the processing and notifications, and they don’t communicate. Big surprise there.
They fucked-up and gave me a night off. Im warming up by getting drunk and watching “Young Frankenstein”.
Current titty status- calm
“Calm Knockers?”
How’s your schwanzstucker?
Are you saying that I. put an abnormal brain in a 7 foot tall, 54 inch wide GORILLA?
“Give him a sed-a-give!”
“Replace the candle!”
Put. De Candle. Bick.
This fall at the theater we saw the original Frankenstein (from the 30’s I think?). It was amazing how faithful Mel Brooks was to that movie. I got a lot of smiles out of noticing all the “reverse” references. The one part that surprised me most is how the scene of him stealing the brain and dropping it was pretty much the same in both movies.
After seeing YF, I can no longer watch the original’s scene with the monster and the old man without getting the giggles.
“Cigars!” Hackman just shredded that scene.
What the fuck?
Concert operators may like Amazon’s palm recognition system, but some performers and activists are less than thrilled. A group of 200 artists and 30 rights groups has penned an open letter demanding the Red Rocks amphitheater, its ticketing provider AXS and AEG (AXS’ parent company) “immediately cancel” contracts to use Amazon One scanning at any venue. They also want the firms to ban all biometric surveillance at those events.
The opponents to Amazon’s palm tech include figures you’d recognize, such as Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello and Bikini Kill’s Kathleen Hanna. The groups include organizations ranging from the immigrant-oriented United We Dream through to the Tor Project. The digital rights group Fight for the Future is leading the initiative.
The letter contributors are worried Amazon might send palm data to government agencies hoping to track activists and marginalized people, particularly in light of its past collaborations with police. They’re also concerned thieves might steal info from the cloud, and see AEG as inconsistent after it condemned the use of facial recognition in 2019.
Marginalized people like the filthy verminous unvaxxed?
“Agree With The Machine” “Bikini Shills” Fucking sell-outs. Shame.
What the fuck happened to rageful Tom and bratty Kathleen? Fat and happy, now.
The rage only worked against one kind of machine.
It’s not so much the fact of tracking that is the problem, it’s the *wrong people* being in charge of the tracking…
Although, in this case, the supposedly broad range of views reflected by the opponents should be encouraging. I wonder if any of the 2A groups are part of it.
Sarc? The hell it is.
Yes, that was completely intended as sarcasm/words in the mouths of my opponents.
NH is fired up for Biden
Trashy reads Colossians… Of the day
Colossians 1:24-26
I’m gonna try to keep this one shorter. I don’t know that I can write a book report each morning while the chaos of 2 kids rages around me.
In the ultimate section of Colossians chapter 1, Paul describes the purpose of his ministry (to establish the church and train it up in wisdom and faith). On initial reading, the part about “what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions” made me balk. Dare Paul claim that he is the completion of Christ’s sacrifice?
No, I don’t think so. I think Paul is being a bit “familiar” here and possibly even cracking a light (or dark, depending on your perspective) joke. “see the guy they tortured to death over there? Well, they’ve found ways to torment me that they didn’t even do to him!”
Racists, racists everywhere… even in her own staff. There is literally no escape form the systemic white supremacy that keeps the black woman down even though she can solve all of our problems.
You might look at this person, and think she has done pretty well for herself. But it’s a just a charade; a cruel trick. She has been elevated over the years, merely to be toyed with and manipulated by whitey. Deep down inside, she knows they are laughing at her.
I know this is sarcasm, but it’s also kind of true. She was thrown into something she doesn’t even sniff being qualified for, purely because of her plumbing and her skin color, and the people who put her there advertised that fact before they did it.
And now that she’s there, she’s showing her ass to the entire world. Even CNN is dunking on her; for someone with her ambition and her ego, it has to be devastating.
I’d almost feel a twinge of sympathy, if she wasn’t one of the most vile, putrid, evil sons of bitches I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing exists. Almost.
Submitted without comment: We are living in hell
Some people are living in Hell. Glibs are in Limbo.
That’s why I keep running into horizontal bars?
Alright, but the first two groups that half-orc encountered had the proper reactions. 1st group (two girls) when asked by the half-orc if they have any Midol – “Eww, no. Why? Are you dying? (then they quickly pack up and leave).” 2nd group (offscreen) when asked the same question – “Ha ha, no. FAG!”
Yeah, the only correct move when you are approached by a video-taking weirdo (or anyone recording, really) in public is to turn and walk away as quickly as possible without speaking or showing your face. Nothing good can come of allowing some rando to record your conversation in public. Nothing.
You mean like this?
He just wanted her “SWEET CAN!”
That was probably the one time wearing a mask was smart.
If so, that is a demon.
I got a notice that they didn’t have my return from tax year 2019. Although they managed to cash the check that was in the same envelope as the “missing” return. No word yet if they’re going to try to hit me for late filing.
they’re underfunded and understaffed!
Uffda. This is some fine bureaucratic New Speak here
I wonder why those rubes thought they were “better protected”? And why won’t they listen to us now? They need to shut up and follow our SCIENCE!
Dance my little monkeys, DANCE!
Fuckin commies!
Does PBS get any cut of all the Sesame Street merchandising?
I’m pretty sure PBS sold Sesame Street/CTW (Children’s Television Workshop) to HBO 5 or 6 years ago.
You don’t say
Last week, NASA announced that it was bumping back plans to send humans to the Moon from 2024 to 2025, but according to a new report, the delays could be even more significant. More realistically, such a landing will probably take place several years after 2024, the report claims.
The recent prediction comes from NASA’s Office of the Inspector General, which does periodic audits of the space agency’s various programs. In its latest report, the OIG took a comprehensive look at NASA’s Artemis program, the agency’s ambitious initiative to send people back to the Moon, as well as land the first woman and the first person of color on the lunar surface.
Wait- if we’re sending women and the coloreds to the moon, we don’t need them back, do we?
I have a good friend who works for NASA. In the ’90s he wanted to go there to be part of the efforts to develop the next human spaceflight system to follow up on Shuttle. It has to be tremendously disappointing for him.
Hold on. You are sending white wimmin and coloreds to the moon? And you think they will want to come back?
OFFS. With the woke madness that’s paralyzing America, I seriously doubt we’re even capable of sending anyone to the moon any more.
We had already lost the ability by the mid-90s if not sooner. The government does not care about institutional competence. Fail upward, countdown to retirement, backstab your way to promotion, etc. are not new.
No doubt it is accelerating a bit now though.
If Trump had won in 2020, there would be mostly peaceful protests all over the country at the idea of vaxing kids. The MSM would be running anti-vax stories 24/7 full of “little Jimmy wanted to be an astronaut, but some MAGA maniac gave him a vax and now he is a newt.”
The only other story that would be run in the MSM is the scorching exposes on how ineffective the vax is. “Can you believe Trump’s vax only lasts a few months?”
Oh definitely. Every little bit of our life is seen through the lens of politics now. Only the ones politicizing it don’t think they’re the problem. It’s “the other side” that politicizing things, they’re just talking common sense.
I dunno the Euro press is full on vax and the lefty US mainstream press are all about how Europe is where US should go towards in some aspects
I am starting to believe that the establishment “fortifying” the election in 2020 was a blessing for us all in the long run. Hear me out. Look at how fucking horrible shit has become in just one year of the adults being in charge and making the decisions. The mask has come off and we see that the deep state swamp really exists and considers the people that will not bow the knee to it and its team blue masters (and that includes the faux republican establishment) it’s most existential threat. The writing is on the wall that China intends to change the world order, for the worst, and our leadership is not only going along with it – in the hopes they get to stay on top of the serfs in this country while serving their new masters in Beijing – but making active decisions to speed that up. They are turning on warp speed on their need to destroy the middle class. They are using the intelligence, legal, and justice systems of the deep state to target and take down anyone they see as a threat (hi O’Keefe & parents that want to change the school system!) and are going about it in such a ham-handed and stupid way that it is obvious that even though they are inept, they are at a point where they simply don’t care if you know this is happening. And they are never going to back down from the plan to use fear to steal all our freedoms, disarm us, if they can’t do enough of that make it obvious those that stay armed will be taken down by the legal system if they defend themselves, and to get the serfs to bend the knee.
Rational people would have seriously rethought their plans after the results of the last election. Not doubled down on the plan and become even more brazen in their accusations that resisting their ridiculous and evil plans makes you the evil one. They want us divided and and easy to conquer and control. And unfortunately there are many people that see that as a good thing for whatever stupid reason. But those that are waking up and resisting are doing it in a time where it is the clearly immoral and evil people that hold the reign of power, and they have no evil orange man to blame for this shit (even thought they are trying real hard to pretend that is so) like they did for 4 years. It’s them that are doing the evil shit.
the deep state swamp really exists and … its team blue masters
Team blue answers to the deep state much more so than the reverse. If the DNC were for some reason to suddenly become a populist organ, the deep state would reciprocally start to love the Republicans instead. All the cucks from here to Iowa would be trumpeted as the true voices of the GOP, the heirs of Lincoln, the bringers of the long-awaited progressive-conservative fusion that will bring the country together, yadda yadda. There’d probably even be paeans to Boris Johnson Toryism in the NYT.
Perhaps the most shocking finding of the report is the substantial price tag for the major Artemis programs. The OIG estimates that NASA will spend $93 billion on Artemis between 2012 and 2025. And each flight of SLS with Orion on top will cost roughly $4.1 billion. That’s about twice as much as an estimate from the White House Office of Management and Budget, which claimed SLS would cost more than $2 billion to fly each time.
The OIG report points the finger at how the SLS and Orion are contracted. The vehicles are being built by Boeing and Lockheed Martin, respectively, under a type of contract known as cost-plus. This method allows NASA to have substantial oversight in the development process and continue to provide additional funds to the contractors if things go over budget. Conversely, SpaceX’s Starship is being built through a fixed-price contract; NASA has less oversight through this method and provides one lump sum of money to SpaceX for development, while the company invests its own money to get the vehicle to the finish line.
Fetch me the smelling salts.
So, what you’re saying is that NASA oversight in the development process results in extreme overspends, delays, and below standard performance?
Say it ain’t so!
That’s what happens when you switch from looking for the best and brightest, and then set them free to do great things, to picking people on frivolous and inconsequential characteristics they were born with by chance, while pretending the problem to solve is idiotic things like social injustice and climate change…
General govt incompetence in design/development well predates the modern bugbear of SJW-dumb.
Lockheed Martin used to do some cool shit. Shame.
That’s because they used to use genetically enhanced skunks as researchers. Then PETA got them shut down.
Tim Dillon
Upstate NY is the future. Ironically climate wise this may be true.
this claim sounds dubious
Upstate is gorgeous, but that’s the only reason why you’d want to live here.
And nothing else happened.
The Wisconsin Election Commission admitted it told election officials to break the law before and after the 2020 election
“I have had discomfort…the day I had first suggested this that we will be essentially telling the clerks to break the law.”
A dragonfly wiping rain from its face. Incredible footage.
You guys are so mean to Biden. Spreading lies about inflation. Minnesoda Public Radio says health care costs went down 2.5%
Surely that is a good thing right?
When a big group of people that needed expensive healthcare die from, lets say, some hypothetical genetically engineered bioweapon released by the CCP onto the world, while the locked up others stop looking for other expensive medical procedures to deal with health issues because your system simply told them to fuck off, don’t it make sense healthcare expenditures would go down?
You really are a ray of sunshine today Alex!
I’m sure that will be labeled as “unexpected” in the MSM when it happens.
They will demand a new virus or vaccine for these people to “fix” this issue, is my bet…
The fixation on giving kids the vax is just amazing.
how much of that is driven by teachers who have become convinced the little monsters will bring it into the classroom and kill them with it?
You can’t expect a bunch of education majors to think rationally about this stuff.
It is a sad fact that education is important but teachers mostly suck ass
I think that most of the teachers are not afraid of the Rona. They do say that they are scairt of the Rona in the hopes that they can continue distance learning.
If you think about it, being a teacher isn’t such a bad gig if you don’t have drag your ass down to the school and deal with the snotty kids.
The Graveyard of British Telephone Booths
It’s the Prestige version of Dr. Who.
That device would be massively more useful in so many other applications than jusst putting on a magic act. Such a waste.
Is that because they’re holding a strategic reserve of telephone booths just in case the wireless networks go TU, or because the Telecomms Treaty requires their booth inventory to be verifiable from space?
It’s for if the Clans show up with more technologically advanced, genetically engineered phone booths.
The degree of corruption and baseline agreement that the government has control of literally everything, past present or future bothers me. Even when it gets taken over by one group of loathsome people to hurt another one.
TL;DR: Committee decided that Cuomo couldn’t legally write his book after all. AFAICT they haven’t decided whether he needs to give back the $5.1M or if they’re going to try and seize it.
Two things: 1) they risk turning this into over-confidence, and 2) even if they crush the Dems, they’re still the stupid party.
The GOP will simply interpret that as a reason to do nothing because the Democrats are batshit.
Why risk your approval rating by trying to reform the system?
At the Federal level, yeah.
There is some action going on at the state level.
There’s still plenty of time for some sort of crisis or scandal to move things back toward the Dems. Anyone smart would just go back to a really simple platform of lower taxes, more freedom, more energy independence. Really cater to the middle/working class. But we’re not talking about smart people here.
The problem is that too many R’s want economic liberalism with their cultural conservatism.
We get dismayed by R’s voting for that infrastructure monstrosity, but too many people want that kind of BS.
We is not their constituency.
We have met the enemy, and it is us.
They want it because they’re going to get a cut of it. Patronage is older than democracy, and more enduring.
they’re still the stupid party
Case-in-point: Virginia
Voters: We don’t want CRT (whatever the fuck it means) in the schools, we want parents to have more say than faceless bureaucrats, no tranny-bathroom bullshit, etc. (i.e., all “culture war” stuff)
National GOP: The voters in Virginia clearly cast a vote for lower taxes!
At this point, it’s hard to call it stupid. It’s a fundamental misalignment between the elites and the constituents. It’s inevitable in our particular system, when we are essentially presented with a binary choice.
Eh, I don’t know. “Elites” are a lagging indicator, while “populists” are a leading indicator. As populist ideas become mainstream, the elites get replaced with the former populists. Thus the cycle ever moves.
That misalignment being, at least in part, that the elites want one thing, to stay elite, while the constituents want very many things, and thus rarely cohere enough to enact any of them.
Begin a Virginian, this is wrong. Most Virginians voted to end the war on gun owners, silence the branch covidians, and open the economy back up.
Yes, the culture warriors gave the win to Younkin, but the vast majority of those that voted for Youngkin did so with January 2020 in their hearts. The right in Virginia is sick of being told what to do and think. We’re sick of higher taxes to fund empty bureaucratic skulls (like most). And, in addition, it was a big FU to Biden.
We did cast a vote for lower taxes (removal of grocery tax). But Kevin is right, a republican that runs on lower taxes, more freedom, and energy independence will win. That’s still what the right cares about, the school shenanigans just increased the suburban white women vote to give Red the win.
The 40-45% who always vote the same way don’t matter. Sad but true. Swing votes and swing turnout decide the issues that dominate the agenda.
She said, according to the complaint, that she sent the photos to Bradshaw when they were in an “intimate relationship” and that they were no longer in the relationship.
Sounds like she might have a civil case (what’s that about oral contracts?) but criminal? Nope.
For some children, that could mean five or six shots in a single visit, but it’s safe to do so, doctors told ABC News.
Go fuck yourselves.
In accordance with a memo issued by the Justice Department, the FBI created a “threat tag” over alleged menacing statements made against school administrators and teachers, an internal email showed.
Abolish the FBI.
Prosecutors in the Kenosha shooter trial withheld evidence from the defense that was ‘at the center of their case,’ only sharing the high-definition drone video footage on which they have hung their prosecution after the trial had concluded, DailyMail.com can reveal.
Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger played the enhanced drone footage to the jury during his closing statements and claimed that it showed Rittenhouse ‘pointing his gun’ at people – an assertion that opened the door to the state claiming Rittenhouse provoked the violence of the night of August 25, 2020.
Now, in the motion obtained by DailyMail.com, Rittenhouse’s defense insist that the state only shared it with the defense after evidence had closed on Saturday November 13.
Interesting. It’s already coming up in the Rekieta law stream.
A large bear opened the door of a 7-Eleven store in Tahoe’s Olympic Valley near Palisades resort with his paw this week and casually walked into the store, putting his two front legs up on a freezer at the door.
Where are Tonio, Animal, and grizzly?
United Airlines announced Monday that the company will begin serving hard liquor on flights of at least 301 miles again after halting service during the early stages of the pandemic.
I still won’t fly until the mask bullshit goes away.
This is one of the things that aggravates me about the vaccine schedule.
While they have safety data on the individual vaccines (supposedly), they have absolutely nada on the combined schedule and what effects it has overall on immune health. But they just keep jamming more in there like there’s no possibility of a downside.
From the internet:
What is a secret ingredient that makes mash potatoes sensational ?
Stranger Loop
Sous vide your potatoes
Sous vide seems overkill for mashed potatoes
FFS why?
I wonder. To make good mashed potatoes out of boiled ones, you do need to wait and let them dry out a bit. Maybe sous vide would eliminate or at least shorten that step?
Horseradish, a wee bit of horseradish is delightful in smashed potatoes.
Also, sous vide does seem like overkill. Unless perhaps you needed to make them early and just wanted to hold the potatoes at temp. When I sous vide a corned beef I throw in a couple new potatoes. They take away some of the saltiness and I can snack on them while finishing the brisket.
Thanks for reminding me! I believe my corned beef is done brining and I made two, which means the other is going to get smoked to make some pastrami
Sous vide roasted potatoes are awesome. Mashed potatoes? Meh.
Ditto spuds, pasta, or rice boiled up in the leftover sous vide juices.
Water, salt, heat, butter and milk/cream. It isn’t rocket science.
But it is an art. Correct texture requires controlling the moisture levels.
Or, if you want paste, you can just put them in a food processor for a long time.
Ya know, with all the “supply chain” issues, perhaps it’s time to revisit my dream of giant zeppelins for long-distance shipping?
Only if they have pools in them filled with sharks with freaking lasers, so that when they crash we can get Sharknados, brah…
That will go over like a Led Zeppelin
CPRM or some other VFX glib ‘splain this?
Pay attention to the fellow on the far left rear, he is occluded by the pink tie guy until the very end when his face is visible for a fleeting moment. He looks like one of the aliens from They Live or Buckaroo Banzai.
What are those second set of eyebrows? And is pink tie guy trying to bite Kamalala’s shoulderpad?
He was. There was a mouse on there. Lizard people can’t resist a tasty mouse.
Anyone smart would just go back to a really simple platform of lower taxes, more freedom, more energy independence. Really cater to the middle/working class. But we’re not talking about smart people here.
People smart enough to embrace that are too smart to go into politics.
Women in Philosophy: Recent Reports
Two studies have recently been conducted on the status of women in the philosophy profession, with one published by the British Philosophical Association (BPA) and the Society For Women In Philosophy (SWIP), and the other described in a post at the Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA) site.
Overall, our findings provide (of course defeasible) evidence for the claim that students choose philosophy because they perceive a good fit between philosophy, qua requiring brilliance, and themselves, qua being brilliant, combative, systematizing, and indifferent towards “worldly rewards,” like family-life and money…. Fewer women than men show these self-perceptions and preferences.
Even I have standards
I wanted to leave something here for JI if he makes his way around. It picks up on yesterday’s convo about the difference between Comirnaty and Pfizer BNT. Last night, a federal judge denied a PI Motion on behalf of servicemembers in a case similar to the one I’m in. (More on the why of that in a moment). But here is what the judge said regarding the COMIRNATY and BNT vaccines:
Amazingly, the judge simultaneously says (1) the DoD CANNOT mandate an EUA vaccine (YES!!!!), BUT… (2) No PI because the Plaintiffs can’t actually show that any particular one of them will be getting an EUA. IOW, as long as the govt uses COMIRNATY, then servicemembers have no complaint. Evidently the Plaintiffs didn’t put in evidence to show that there is NO Comirnaty and so they couldn’t show irreparable harm or likelihood of success on the merits. But again, without really saying it, the judge has effectively ended the mandates using EUA vaccines, but… NO ONE really realizes it yet.
JI – how much press do you think this will get? And how do you think it will be spun?
Here’s the order if anyone wants to read it themselves.
Thanks. My blood pressure is too low so the judge’s reasoning on a number of points including why the plaintiffs either lack standing or a claim of harm is helping to rectify that.
He whiffs on a number of points, but a lot of that comes back to lawyering.
It does make a difference what he sees and how it’s presented.
Those folks also included a TON of other claims – it was something like an 80+ page complaint.
Sometimes you can plead too much and the judge doesn’t get time to focus on any specific issue in enough detail to really grok it.
I think that may be a part of what happened. It’s still a very, very helpful stepping stone.
He got the EUA argument clearly. They just didn’t have it honed in to as fine a point as they needed.
“They’re the same thing; Fact Check: True”
Read elsewhere that one of the reasons for keeping EUA BNT on the shelf is because Comirnaty isn’t licensed for children 5-14 years old and there’s not an EUA for Comirnaty for that group. Not sure if the license was modified for the booster, if it’s even necessary to modify, or if the boosters are under EUAs. What a shitshow.
vaccines labeled “Comirnaty” exist at all
JFC – I feel like Holden in the Bridge on the River Kwai: “Madness”.
Oh I know exactly what the press will say if they cover it all – anti-vaxxers lose.
This distinction is the basis for the FDA’s comment that the BLA-compliant vials and the EUA-compliant vials are “legally distinct,” even though their chemical formulation is identical.
This also seems like the law itself is schizophrenic, since chemistry is fucking chemistry.
I disagree that the chemical formulation is identical; the judge was presented that evidence, but falls for the “inactive ingredients” schtick.
He basically says, “well, plaintiffs didn’t actually show me a tested vial of each of the two and show me they’re different.”
He does that with several things – essentially saying plaintiffs lose because they can’t produce sufficient evidence on a particular point. In each case, the evidence is entirely within the govt’s/defendants’ control.
“It’s a helluva catch, that Catch-22!”
Did you see in the October EUA that there are 2 different EUA formulations of BNT that have been “approved”? That may be useful in presenting the point that Comirnaty isn’t necessarily chemically identical.
Yep. Thanks for that.
There are some other nuggets in that Oct 29 update.
That seems to have been how Jones lost his default judgment. You’d think that would get the “Bold strategy Cotton” treatment.
The best I can tell, it’s about confidence that what’s in the vial matches what’s in the literature. BLA has production regulations that don’t exist for EUA.
The important distinction is that Pfizer is legally shielded from liability for all side-effects of their BNT vax, but not with Comirnaty. Why you can’t find Comirnaty anywhere except Israel – where they signed and deal also protecting them from all liability.
What’s even more insane is that somehow Comirnaty also covers the Moderna and J&J EUAs. How the fuck does that work?
Something something facade of legality over a deeply illegal venture.
This keeps getting repeated without evidence. The PREP Act liability shield (and countermeasures injury compensation program) is for both EUA and fully licensed products.
Dr. Jessica Taylor
I wish there was more honesty in the world about how many women feel trapped by motherhood, marriage, and being an 24/7 slave to men and children, whilst the TV and magazines frame it as some sort of feminine ideal bliss.
So many women regret it, but they can’t say a word.
If in the western world a woman is “24/7 slave to men and children” she needs to fix her relationship.
The reality is that some women like the tweeter who do not have children want to use that extra time to focus on telling other women on how they should be mothers. They avoid the personal responsibility but seek control over those who do accept it.
So many women regret it, but they can’t say a word.
Because it exposes you as a terrible, self-absorbed person. Every parent and spouse has had those thoughts on occasion. Most are mature enough to realize that it’s childish and egotistical to cling to them.
Once you marry and have kids, you are no longer the center of the universe. This applies to both men and women.
What about those fathers that work constantly just to support a family? They can’t have regrets either?
The ego and sheer narcissism on display is staggering, not to mention the completely ignorant and ahistorical view of motherhood as a completely necessary part of society and economic survival.
That second sentence was missing a “not”
What about those fathers that work constantly just to support a family? They can’t have regrets either?
^ this. I’ve walked out of my home office during the afternoon on several occasions to find my wife and children all napping in the living room. Apparently my working my ass off to provide wife and children freedom of their time is patriarchal enslavement. This crazy woman will need to wake my wife up from her couch nap to let my wife know she’s trapped in hell.
Literally just had this happen a couple minutes ago. Granted, we’re passing around a cold and a GI bug so there’s more napping than usual today, but this is not a rare occurrence. To me, it is an affirmation of the hard work we both do that wife doesn’t have to scramble to do stuff the instant the baby goes down for a nap.
The ego and sheer narcissism on display is staggering
What? You mean the pinnacle of individual self realization? Just wait until she gets old!
Do you mean that post-menopausal need to adopt a baby, just to stave off loneliness?
(and that isn’t a dig at any femglibs, just a common occurrence in a certain social set.)
Spoiled children mad that the world requires them to give up their idiocy and understand responsibility and consequences….
And it is always funny to me see women bitching about this shit as if every fucking man or child is lucky to be with them. There is a reason married men die before married women, and it is so they can finally get away from her crazy shit.
Then there are those of us who chose to have a baby and work from home to provide half the family’s income while the breadwinner provides a salary AND health insurance. (And anyway, I’m overqualified for jobs I can get and underqualified for jobs I want.)
* I wanted to get married and have children, and I did. But I do wish I had been more adventurous during my single years instead of subsisting and waiting around for Mr. Right. I’ve often wondered what I would do if my husband died, and the answer is to grieve but also live life to its fullest.
* I didn’t know what wanting to have children actually meant and how hard it was going to be. I never thought past the delivery.
I don’t know what TV shows and commercials she’s watching, but they certainly do not frame it as some sort of feminine ideal bliss.
* There are lots of mommy blogs and YouTube channels extolling the virtues of stay-at-home-momminess, but they see it as a job and a source of pride and accomplishment. They also have advertisers and get paid, so they’re still WAHMs.
* There are lots of women who are suffering from depression, but still do a major house cleanup on camera to try to do something to help alleviate their depression. Also, they are getting paid because there are a shit-ton of people out there who want to watch a house being cleaned.
* As to the wife and kids being zonked out when you come home from work: Is the house clean? Is dinner waiting? Is the laundry done and put away? Are the kids taken care of? Does she make a habit of being asleep when you get home? Is she going to be spending the evening doing housework and not chilling with you? My mom had everything done and dinner ready before my dad got home so she could spend the evening chilling with him (also, he hated the sound of the vacuum). Maybe look around before you decide she’s being lazy and not doing her job.
* My husband and I have a fairly equitable split of domestic duties, since, well, we both bring money into the house. It’s just that my day job is very flexible and his isn’t.
* My elderly aunt was never married and never had children. She was a schoolteacher, though, so she thought she knew about raising kids. My mom would occasionally remark that people who have never had kids are self-absorbed in ways that they can’t help because they don’t know and will never know because you have to have kids to know it. I never knew what she meant till I had kids. Tangentially, watching Eyes Wide Shut as a single person and then as a married person are two different experiences. It’s just not the same movie.
* I honestly don’t think you live the principles of objectivism if you also have children. They take everything you have and then some. I know Rand would say, “It’s your choice,” but those principles get lost in translation.
There are lots of mommy blogs and YouTube channels extolling the virtues of stay-at-home-momminess, but they see it as a job and a source of pride and accomplishment. They also have advertisers and get paid, so they’re still WAHMs.
A few points about this.
1) I think that differentiating between WAHM and SAHM misses the point. For most SAHMs we know, the point isn’t to be unemployed or to earn zero income. The point is to raise their own children in a way that comports with their faith-based understanding of how family is supposed to work. Most SAHMs we know, my wife included, earn income in one way or another. It has just never been priority #1 for them.
2) Childrearing and homemaking are absolutely jobs. Viewing through a solely economic lens, they don’t bring in income, but they substantially reduce outlays. Of course, most “single income” families we know would laugh at us for prioritizing the economic benefits of that arrangement. They do it for other reasons.
3) I cannot find the right words to describe the vileness of mommy blogs and the community that surrounds them.
Shit, here I am posting all over a deadthread. Forgot to check which article I was in.
I didn’t want to bring this over to Joemala, so I’m okay with it.
I don’t get that deep into it. I’m there for the ASMR kick of organizing and cleaning. Same reason I watch Hoarders.
Flufferboy2004. Y’all.
(Google it)
I’d prefer not to.
Don’t you kinkshame our noble prosecutorial caste!
A fluffer that doesn’t involve a slap bass or somebody coming to deliver a pizza?
I’m assume you’re watching Rekieta’s stream. I can’t believe I’ve watched it all last week and this.
I just saw it on the Rekieta Law livestream.
I chuckled. I want to believe it is true.
Bodine Koehler vs Anne De Paula in a Beach Bunny swimsuit
Why not both?
Some people are more human than others
Another Kenosha resident, who declined to share his name out of concerns of possible retaliation, said he viewed Rittenhouse as a killer who had no business coming to the city that night.
“Everyone here is human. We are all human and it is disgusting that people can say the horrible things that justify what that kid did,” he said. “I have no empathy for him, I don’t care about his crocodile tears.”
Vilify. Demonize.
everyone except that kiler kid over there. He’s not human, apparently.
Humans have no right of self defense?
Admit to me that you would have never used that term of MSNBC or whoever in the press used it and I might…maybe…listen to you.
He’s a funny-looking kid but the apple didn’t drop far from the tree. His Mom is pretty inarticulate.
But it was perfectly all right for all the rioters who flew in from around the country to be waving their weapons all over the place?
First they came to the ghettoes, and I said nothing because I don’t live in the ghetto.
Then they came to the downtowns, and I said nothing because I don’t live downtown.
Then they came to the suburbs close to town, and I said nothing because I don’t live close to town.
who had no business coming to the city that night.
Irrelevant argument is irrelevant.
We are all human and it is disgusting that people can say the horrible things that justify what that kid did
He was being attacked and shot people in self-defense. ///horriblethingtosay
it is disgusting that people
can saydid the horrible things that justify what that kid didHow dare you point out that the people he shot deserved it?
Tom Woods e-mail on Gibraltar’s Lil Rona cases, the UK possibly rolling back Lil Rona restrictions, and another Covid docuseries.
Beaver moon coming.
Heroic Mulatto perks up!
I didn’t know Wynona was in town.
Yet another added to the list.
Nice. Today, I learned this exists, and I want one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McJXMumilks
Huh. Not for me.
Back in the day I used to conflate Maron and Maher as 2 peas in a pod. I’d occasionally listen to Maron’s podcast and believe he had the intellectual edge over Maher.
I never thought in 1000 years I’d see myself agreeing with a huge chunk of what Maher says and seeing Maron act like such a fool regarding his own bread and butter (i.e., the exercise of free speech).
Effed up times we’re livin’ in….
Sayeth Carl Schmitt, “The specific distinction to which political actions and motives can be reduced is that between friend and enemy.”
George: (pauses for a few seconds) “Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, ‘cause I’ve worked in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time.”
Fixed link – https://www.nj.com/news/2021/11/asbury-park-school-board-to-decide-future-of-head-coaching-role-after-trespassing-scandal.html
was she hot?
Rekieta Law livestream is too white and male. I would not watch it if I were you
Legal Bytes is a man????? Damn, her surgeon did a great job!
The streams fetish with her toes is funny as hell. #toebox
Rekieta’s reaction last night when asked if he paints her toes purple for her was funny.
Legal Bytes seems to be a blank screen.
Legal Bytes is a man?
That would be disappointing and I would need to take a cold shower.
I just learned some cringey work news. Let’s just say I’m not a fan of working with friends that I know outside of the work context. I’m very happy to be getting out of DC ASAP.
Sharable cringe, or would you rather not?
I can’t until later today, when it’s “official”
and even then, I probably won’t share the full info.
One of your coworkers discovered this great new snarky website named Gibbertarians or such and the best one is this chick named KK?
You are abandoning your nation’s capital at its time of greatest need. Shame.
Just sent in my confirmation of the vax. Pretty sure that a giant wasp is gonna knock on the door and lay an egg on me so the larva has something to feed upon during the winter months. My balls dropped when I was a boy and they just plain dropped away at age 57.
You are still Festud. You can thank autocorrect for dropping that one months ago.
My name is KK and I’m vaxxed and provided the info to my employer.
So this case has given us:
Binger/Binged – A display of complete incompetence. Used in a sentence: Stop being a Binger, You really binged that.
Hard R – better than saying “n-word”.
Hocus Pocus out of Focus – accurate term that should be used for all UFO photos or when the State lies in open court about a photo.
*starts ululating*
You muh Binger.
better than saying “n-word”
Naggers? Niggard?
Good morning, Sloop!
You sure are committed to The Ohio State. I’m glad you will be able to plane drink again.
So is today the day? Will Kyle go free?
Will Kyle go free? – life without parole
Given the blatant jury intimidation, I doubt he goes free.
I’m out, Dear Friends. Hope that every one of you has a better one than I will.
Really promising, then I saw:
Where it will promptly die. ++SIGH++
Of course it is, long after everyone is already forced to get the clot-jab.
They’re also pushing constitutional carry, which Wolf will veto.
One even more cynical than I might say that this is a ploy by the PA Republicans to get credit for taking a swipe at CC, but experience an “honorable failure” as a justification for sitting on their hands on the issue(s) at a later date when they may have a better chance…
The PA House just passed the Constitutional Carry bill, so who knows?
A live action adaptation of a beloved anime with horrible reviews. Do you want to see my shocked face?
Why Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop Reviews Are So Negative
(Full Disclosure – never had an interest in the original anime)
Lets see what the public thinks…cause I have given up on critics.
Almost universally live action adaptations of manga/anime are awful. I’ve only watched a handful and very few completely through.
One surprise was Kakegurui (live action). The whole premise is so ridiculous that the relatively cheap production actually made the story work.
I don’t know, universal suffrage was a mistake.
To that I agree, my comment was more to what critics do and them hanging on as the gatekeepers of film
The Baby-Carriage Series of films (IIRC, the 1st two of which were spliced together and released in the US as Shogun’s Assassin) and the Lone Wolf & Cub TV series are based upon Kozure Ōkami. They stand out both as excellent manga adaptations and great samurai cinema in its own right.
The original is one of the few I’ve seen.
I prefer the episode of the week over the arc episodes personally.
I really dislike the philosophy overloads some episodes fall into.
A roughly 3 episode arc is OK by me. It allows you to develop a story much better than you can in 22 minutes.
The original anime was my introduction to anime and I loved it. The trailers looked decent. But wait I did not know it aired. or was it critics only?
Friday US release.
I am looking forward to seeing it. I did not watch the anime (I haven’t watched any anime).
So I can’t be disappointed by the adaption. I just need it to be entertaining.
General govt incompetence in design/development well predates the modern bugbear of SJW-dumb.
What do you expect from a design team comprised of unimaginative, risk-averse people?
A bridge that won’t fall down?
Relax people, all is well.
A Housing Gift for Beverly Hills
Can you find a Beverly Hills house for a mere $1mil?
For those of you that were thinking about joining me/us for the Winter Steel shoots, but didn’t want to wake up so early to make the drive to lovely Saratoga county, the start times have been pushed back to 1:00 in the afternoon.
The shotgunners got pissy about having to skip one day a month.
There will be a special one scheduled by request of the cowboys on 11/27 (the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend).
On the plus side, I have a better chance at waking up in time for that.
See, I have to get up early to let Lily out, so I’d rather get started and have most of a day left after the shooting stops.
I had drinks on a plane six weeks ago. But it was a Frontier plane, so it was a draw.
You have to pay me to fly Frontier. They make Ryanair seem like Pan-Am did in its glory days.
My problem is Frontier seems to have all the best direct flights and times locked between my local airport and where I’m headed. Every time I go surfing for flights I get a sinking feeling.
Not that bad. I like them because I can fly out of Trenton instead of Newark. I hate that airport more than any airline.
I’m so close to EWR that it makes up for all its faults. I can take a cab/car service there for less money than I can for one day of long term parking.
About the same time for me to get to Trenton, Newark, or Leigh Valley. Wilkes-Barre is a little further. So Newark is always the last choice.
I have flown through Newark many times, never without a delay. The worst was so bad, we didn’t even take off from PIT, and the airline just told us to come back the next day and they would try again.
Plus, Frontier wrecked Midwest
Not your huckleberry, eh?
*sigh* No more “frontier” and “draw” puns. I am disappoint.
Tim Dillon Destroys Journalists
I’ve been casting about looking for a new Track Day toy. That choice just got a little more complicated.
We’re reliably told that this car will be very loud inside.
…MSRP of $143,050…
The Bee, almost as brilliant as their choose your church bit.
Optimistic scenario:
The Rittenhouse judge now has what he needs for a dismissal with prejudice – the additional missteps by the prosecution during closing arguments (he had to send the jury out twice, I believe), and the withheld high-def video. He is waiting for the jury to come back in case they acquit, because he doesn’t want to to issue a dismissal unnecessarily.
Unknowns: will he decide its for the good of the community to send Rittenhouse to prison to head off more riots? What kind of pressure is he under behind the scenes?
Likelihood of full acquittal by jury – one in twenty.
Likelihood of dismissal without prejudice – one in four.
Likelihood of dismissal with prejudice – one in twelve.
Likelihood of dismissal without prejudice – one in four.
IMO, he would’ve already done it if he was going that way. Why wait for the jury if we’re doing it all over again in a few months?
Because he hopes the jury does the right thing and makes it unnecessary. Mistrials with prejudice are pretty rare. Mistrials aren’t that uncommon. It would be kind of the judicial version of a compromise verdict – kick the can.
What will put him in a real bind is a compromise verdict – guilty on some lesser count(s). A mistrial is for the whole trial – will he want to tee up the whole thing again by dismissing without prejudice? Will he want to override the jury if all they stuck Rittenhouse with was one or two relatively minor convictions? I’m not even sure what counts are still available for a compromise verdict.
I thought there were 6 counts, and one has been dismissed. IIRC, murder x2, attempted murder, reckless endangerment x2.
I think the lesser charges still carry upwards of 12 years.
What’s the minimum?
Of course if the withholding of evidence goes up on appeal, that invalidates whatever result was reached, but leaves a re-trial open, no?
I have a feeling that, barring conviction on the most serious charges, this case’s going to go federal. “He crossed state lines” has quickly become deeply embedded in the mainstream narrative of this case, and I don’t think that’s coincidental.
The cafeteria has a topped bread dish called “Utica pie.” I have never been to Utica, so I have no idea if this is “authentic” or not. It’s a bready crust somewhere between pizzeria “Sicilian” and chain “deep dish” topped with a spicy tomato sauce and grated parmesan from a shaker.
Yeah, that’s a shitty bread product from Utica, ny. I don’t know why that pustule burst forth there, or why anyone still eats it.
I thought a Utica Pie was just the variation of a Rusty Venture wherein a lady joins you in the act?
This is also why I come here.^^^
All the new phrases/kinks I learn.
I think there’s a legitimate defense here if the accuser cannot prove she made clear that the images were not to be shared, otherwise they’re considered a gift and the property of the person she gave them to to do with as he pleases. It’s sleazy, but not so sure it should be illegal. What say you?
Given the cultural context of our society, private parts are considered private, so the assumption is that they are not intended to be shared without explicit permission. In the same way that it’s silly to expect people to give constant verbal consent for every minor escalation of a consensual sexual act, so too is it silly to require making it clear a private image is not to be shared. There are assumptions baked into social interactions, and it is reasonable for these assumptions to be given consideration in the law.
Apparently OSHA has dropped the mandate. Hope this helps some of you guys.
Media not reporting it.
I knew they wouldn’t take an appeal. The Procurement Act fig leaf will be the next one to go.
Correction – they may very well still take an appeal. I went and dug around on OSHA’s site. This is simply them acknowledging the “L” at the 5th Circuit.
I pray to God in Heaven this is true — that’s the one that is screwing me, currently.
Someone on that had a great comment that basically said (sorry didn’t grab the quote) “They need to find a way to land the plane without anyone noticing how shitty the flight was”
Here it is on Epoch Times.
That’s great and all, but companies are still going to demand it, if only to not look like they got egg on their face.
Fingers-crossed this sticks. My company hasn’t said squat about this stuff.
My company has said they will follow the OSHA mandates. Because, you know, duh. Considering labor issues we have had getting line workers, they aren’t going to continue pushing, I would guess.
I think you’re probably correct. My question would be, how on earth does it indicate “egg on your face” when you’re trying to be good to your people while balancing the illegal mandates that keep you in business?
But companies are a stubborn bunch — can’t show any weakness, right?
With the woke brigade, all they do is cave.
On the Rekieta Law stream, one of the participants (Hoeg Law) looks almost exactly like Rich Evans from Red Letter Media. I’m now hearing everything he says in Rich’s voice.