I remember this episode. It sucked then and the rerun is gonna suck too.
The Cowboys finally get some breaks and win a game. ManUre is less shit than Arsenal, so congratulations I guess. This MLB lockout is pretty freaking serious and I’m starting to think it may impact next season. And Notre Dame is about to elevate Marcus Freeman to head coach. Good for him, he’s a great dude. And Ohio State fans aren’t selling their tickets to the Big Ten Championship or letting their hotel rooms go, which is causing a spike on the secondary market and TTUN fans are whining. I like the pettiness. And that’s sports.

Quality special effects
English mathematician John Wallis was born on this day. He shares it with Union general George McClellan, novelist Joseph Conrad, film score composer Nino Rota, FORTRAN creator John Backus, HOF basketball coach Fred Taylor, singer Andy Williams, race car driver Bobby Allison, rocker Ozzy Osbourne, another race car driver Rick Mears, televangelist Benny Hinn, actresses Melody Anderson, Daryl Hannah, and Julianne Moore, baseball team owner Harold Steinbrenner, and skateboarding great Bucky Lasek.
OK, now on to…the links!
“DeSantis wants to form his own little army!” -CNN. “What kind of crazy ass shit is this? He wants to set up his own little kingdom, I guess. This is terrifying,” they say. Oh wait, this is actually commonplace. Way to shit yourselves, CNN.

“Keep em running boys. Hell, put on a second shift.”
These assholes kick the can down the road a little further. Just like they always do. The vote in the House was surprisingly close. Not so much in the Senate. Bunch of fucking idiots.
Christ, what an asshole. If you’re the one handling a gun, you’re responsible. That’s Rule #1, dipshit. Also…why in the world would his attorney let him give an interview? Oh yeah, because Hollywood justice means he will probably be cleared and somebody else will end up getting blamed. And according to Baldwin, that “somebody” is the person he shot and killed.
Of course New York and Illinois are gonna be next. Because they’ve got nothing else to worry about beyond what lawnmower someone uses.
Our nation is full of prudes. Let this lady do her thing. She ain’t hurting nobody. Lol, just kidding. She’s fucking crazy.

Meet the new American workforce.
In an unsurprising twist, “you get more of what you reward” happens yet again. What’s really fucked up is that everybody in government will be shocked by this.
I was gonna pay more attention to this but I forgot. Oh wait, I don’t give a shit. But I will be curious to see the result of the trial.
Damn, I gotta give props to a California school system. I didn’t think that would happen in my lifetime. Well done.
I’m not holding my breath. It would be nice to see this sent back to the states where it belongs. But I’m still not holding my breath. Not with Roberts running the show.
Here’s a solid song. One of the positives of smack use, I suppose. I don’t get that part, but I do think it’s a great song. Enjoy it.
And enjoy this Friday and weekend, friends!
whaddup doh
Oh…not much.
Gas prices.
Friend sent me this…
If I’m reading that right, it dropped 2 cents.
Thanks Biden!
And they immediately turn face and praise Biden after speaking out of the otherwise of their mouth that he can’t affect gas prices.
I’m pretty sure it was to parody the whole situation but I can barely tell anymore
You have to assume there is some stand-in for HotLips cheering “we scored, we scored”.
The MLB lockout couldn’t come at a worse time for the Cleveland
Baseball TeamIndiansGuardians. There’s already quite a bit of fans who were already pissed off, and quite a few of us remember that we were on track to make it to the playoffs back in 1994. It’s just another in a short litany of bad omens… such as:Cleveland Guardians’ launch starts with store sign crashing to sidewalk
Have the Guardians and the Baseball Team resolved their dispute?
They did. There was a settlement announced a couple weeks back. Shockingly, it was a couple of days after the Baseball Team’s new Guardians merch was supposed to go on sale (with the lawsuit still pending they couldn’t sell the swag). No terms were released, but I have a feeling (especially with the lockout) the roller derby team did quite well.
The Blue Jays just lost their Cy Young winner and the MVP to free agency. Build Back Better. Fuuuuck. So glad that I don’t follow sports, anymore.
The G in Guardians looks an awful lot like a C and an I.
Just sayin’
NY (the government caste) has a YUGE inferiority complex. They’re desperate to prove they’re proggier than Cali.
Not only will they follow suit, they’re going to find a way of banning harder. Mandatory “buyback” of 2-stroke engines?
Well, they can two-stroke deez nuts.
Various municipalities have banned selling gas to dirt bikes/ATV’s. They’ll probably ban pre-mixed fuel. Officially licensed unionized landscaping companies will of course be granted an exemption, as long as they have demonstrated (through their donations ‘natch) that they are a benefit to the community.
I am not an engine kinda guy but I thought 2-strokes were out a long time ago.
My chainsaw and weed eater/hedge trimmer are both 2 stroke.
Change filters and plugs every spring, while avoiding ethanol and they run forever.
Isn’t he better known as an ophthalmologist?
I’ll have to get in contacts with him, if he’ll see me
He and Tony Hawk really took the astigmatism out of skateboarding and took it mainstream.
Eye see what you did there.
Depends on what lens you see these things through.
He was both. Drugs, specs and rock-n-roll.
I see what you did there.
*narrows gaze*
Referee throws flag.
“15 yards for metaphoric piling on.”
Don’t cats have stupidly sharp teeth? AM I missing something here?
I’m not gonna sit here and try to get into the mind of a woman who breastfeeds cats. I’m just gonna assume she knows what she’s doing and move on with my life.
I’d just silently thank her for making her insanity public knowledge to warn potential mates away. I never knew nor imagined that there was a level up available for crazy cat lady.
At first I assumed this was attention-seeking, but she hasn’t posted it to her own social media yet, so now I’m convinced she’s fucking nuts.
Also, there’s a reverse “Meet The Parents” joke in here somewhere, but I can’t think of it.
“This woman had one of those, like, hairless cats swaddled up in a blanket so it looked like a baby,”
Surely there’s a “cuckoo for cocoa puffs” .gif somewhere.
Wondering if that was the only hairless pussy in that seat.
/spritzes invisible finger with a spray bottle
No! Bad!
What have we said about crazy?
Dr. Evil’s pet sitter could either follow his instructions, or face immolation at the conference table during the next team meeting. She chose wisely.
Apparently she was attempting to breastfeed, but not succeeding.
You can lead a cat to milk …
Assuming this woman was lactating, which Ima guess she wasn’t.
Cat can’t figure out how turn the spigot on.
That’s supposedly why they do that thing with their toes, “kneading bread”. To stimulate milk production.
She should count herself lucky that it didn’t latch.
You gotta love the one you’re with, Cat Mama
Was Cat Stevens on that plane ?
No, he was on a Peace Train
“Don’t cats have stupidly sharp teeth? AM I missing something here?”
Cats have tongues that have rough hooks made of keratin (like their claws and your fingernails). They are designed for grooming their thick fur coat and for ripping meat off of bones.
So…. Yeah. Breastfeeding a cat, not a brilliant maneuver.
Nobody else felt like standing in the slush at the dog park yesterday. I really was kind of amazed at how Lily can stand ankle-deep in slush without the slightest indication of discomfort.
It’s been in the 70s here all week. hit the low 80s a couple days even.
Enjoy that shit weather. I’m putting the top down again today.
It’s only shit weather when it can’t decide which side of freezing it wants to be. Once the ground freezes solid and the snow stays snow, it’s pretty great.
Labrador genes, yo. They were originally bred for retrieving shot waterfowl from icy waters. Somewhere along the way they acquired the cute and sweet genes, probably a good mutation since there are fewer working dogs these days (as percent of population).
Yeah, between that, her retrieving instinct and he fearlessness around loud noises, she would make an excellent hunting dog.
But I’m not about to take up that hobby just to keep her entertained.
You are a Glib, sir. You need a compressed-air powered cannon to launch canvas retriever-training toys for her. Everyone wins.
You need a punt gun
Our neighbor must have the one with the double-recessive gene for sweet – meanest damn dog in the neighborhood.
Is it though?
Mine is completely sweet at the park or to humans I’ve introduced her to, and a holy terror to strangers coming onto my property.
Fair point – it is super protective of their property and I’ve never seen it anywhere else.
Mean dogs are mostly made, not born.
Except Chihuahuas.
Funny how California legislates more dependence on electricity and at the same time legislates further dismantling of electricity infrastructure.
They really want everyone to go solar and believe that will virtue signal them out of this process. They are also perfectly happy for people to live in cold dark dwellings in winter, and swelter in the summer.
And they also want the utilities they’re in bed with to keep screwing over people even after they get solar. Yay.
Wow. California really IS the Alec Baldwin of states.
Shoot, that’s a good line. You’ve done a bang up job.
You really think they’ll pull the trigger on this insanity?
Solar is great for watches and not powerful enough to do much else.
It’s great for certain applications such as remotely-deployed electronics, and primitive off-grid living. It approaches practicality in sunny areas with mild climate. But it falls flat in places with minimal sunlight when you want to run the clothes- or dish-washing appliances.
Word. Small solar panels keep my wifi security cams charged year round. Totally cable free install.
Mine are POE except the doorbell.
Minnesoda is totes compassionate. They have decided to slash the rate increase on residential customers to only 7%. Capitalist pigs will still get the whole 14% increase.
This gem is also buried in the story:
The monopoly that we are forced to buy energy from here seems to be run by people with sugar beets for brains. Instead of contractually locking in gas prices, they just paid whatevs. Worked until Texas went bonkers and natgas prices spiked.
So they spent $660M more than expected last winter. Of course, that doesn’t hit their bottom line. They just passed the costs along to their
captivescustomers. Of course spreading the payments for the overages out over 63 months instead of 27 will make the math challenged think they saved some money.I’m sure that all the execs at CenterPoint got bonuses this year.
Not saying my provider is better, but the monopoly here is only on the transport. I get to pick from a list of providers.
Us too.
I pay about 10x more for the transport than for the gas. Oof.
We only use gas for our tankless water heater.
I suppose it would be smart to get those renovations done and put in a gas stove.
I should also get a gas stove before they ban them.
That’s on the to-do list for the watermelons.
My lowest bill of the past year had delivery at 6 times supply. The highest bill was nearly equal. It is the flat $16 charged for delivery connections.
One day when I was building my house I was working on the second level a MN Power rep drove in and tried to sell me on electric heat. I’d had electric heat in TX and knew how fast the rates could change. He was shocked that I wasn’t willing to take some time with him, so he could convince me of the merits. I do have electric heat at the cabin but no one comes in the winter. My bill just to maintain service is close to $30 @ month with all the delivery charges, taxes, etc.
I’ve got the propane furnace on in the house, Biden is busy reducing energy costs, soon the fuel providers will be paying me just so I’ll use more
Other than heat pumps, electric heat is horrible. Easily the most expensive way to heat your home or anything else.
10+kW heating coils get your meter spinning.
Do they actually buy at spot prices or is that just the basis for their pass on rates? Because reading that, it sounds like the latter.
I think they were buying at spot prices. But it isn’t their fault!
Seems like a bold strategy, blaming your supplier for your lack of foresight.
By the way…
Poor, poor monopoly needs to charge 9% on their customers?
wait, customers have to pay interest on the supplier’s fuck-up?
What else are they going to do? Install solar panels and a windmill?
Fuck you peasant. Pay me!
This is all disgusting and stupid. And it’s certainly not helping my disdain for the general population.
The San Diego Alps are lovely this time of year.
A little over an hour’s drive from San Diego harbor and you are at 4000′ elevation.
So, ~10k lower than the actual Alps?
1000 ft lower than the flat land I live on.
You aren’t even an hour’s flight to an ocean.
With some high end military jets….maybe.
I had to look it up, the lowest point in Colorado is 3315 ft.
That is the highest lowest point. Wyoming is 2nd at 3099.
The dumbest lowest point belong to Louisiana, with New Orleans at -8 ft.
Dumbest but not lowest. Death Valley hits 282 feet below sea level.
You need to travel about 2 hours to get to 10,000 feet.
Not here in the great state of Ohio. The highest point in the state is only just over 1,500 feet. When I was checking out a new local brewery a couple weeks back, I passed by the highest point in Cuyahoga county. A whopping 1,280 feet. I still wouldn’t want to bike that hill though.
That is 1,000+ higher than the highest point in Florida.
Depends on how big of a bomb you set off to get there….
Hopefully more school districts will tell the state to fuck off in one manner or another. I’m not a fan of the segregation, but at least teaching them in person is a step in the right direction.
If you’re taking my tax money, I have a real issue with the “will allow” part of that.
Weren’t we talking about having five dicks not two nights ago? Spacey, Man…
Fits like a glove!
Can’t believe I missed the TGP discussion last night. Lousy wifi where I’m staying right now. Good rundown of Nishimura flicks.
Think there may be some overlap because IIRC there are some similar flicks – maybe same producer but not director like Helldriver, Robo-Geisha, Karate Robo Zaborgar, etc.
Also – if you’re talking about throwbacks like Ichi, the original j-body horror would be Tetsuo the Ironman.
Oh, and if you can believe it, back in 09 or so TGP was actually part of a “theatrical” presentation (more like college auditorium) from the freaking Smithsonian along with Tears of the Black Tiger and a few other contemporary genre pics. Dont recall if I made it to that screening – I already had a DVD. Just seeing that listing in the paper about made my eyes fall out.
Are you in Norfolk?
If you want to meet for dinner this weekend, let me know.
Thanks for the offer but need to head home for some errands. May be a better opportunity next drill in Jan.
OK, let me know.
Im going OT because the “you get more of what you reward” link baited me to click on the sidebar for ‘It’s OVER, my medication is working!’ Britney Spears delights in the end of her conservatorship-issued therapy by mocking doctors in expletive-laden skit as she gives latest health update
Now I have THIS stuck in my head.
Totally wood tho.
Well, she does want another kid…
yo with the money she be havin’ ? Its like that Chappelle Show bit where he puts a baby in Oprah.
Prolly would Oprah too, for that reason alone.
“Gotcha, bitch!”
Dood. https://youtu.be/lVQOLX1wDAc
Didn’t she celebrate a few weeks ago by posting buck necked photos of herself?
I only remember looking at them so I could be sure to not click on the link to them again. But I remember it happening.
Crazy as two cats hung over a clothesline.
And def wood!
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to reestablish a World War II-era civilian military force that he, not the Pentagon, would control. …
Democrats in Florida immediately expressed alarm at DeSantis’ announcement. US Rep. Charlie Crist, who is running as a Democrat to challenge the governor in 2022, tweeted, “No Governor should have his own handpicked secret police.”
State Sen. Annette Taddeo, another gubernatorial candidate, wrote on Twitter that DeSantis was a “wannabe dictator trying to make his move for his own vigilante militia like we’ve seen in Cuba.”
ZOMG. It is almost as if this is at least similar to the concept of how the armed land forces of the US was intended to be (I.E. state forces that can be summoned by the common government of the states … the standing national army is not constitutional…)
Not to mention that this thing exists in other states. The Virginia Defense Force, for example.
“No Governor should have his own handpicked secret police.”
Of course they shouldn’t. Not when the DNC controls the IRS, FBI, and DOJ. That’s just silly.
NJ had a Naval Militia until recently.
I looked into the VADF, but they don’t have an intel unit.
That went out with Stuart’s cavalry.
Even Washington has a Washington State Guard. Their patch looks like the 96th troop command (National Guard) patch with “WSG” underneath. They don’t do much, but they do exist.
Dragged this over from the dead-thread. It’s only 13 minutes long but well worth your time. https://youtu.be/gVk9PDFtTDM
These assholes kick the can down the road a little further. Just like they always do.
Eventually it has to come crashing down. ///KeepYourPowderDry
OT: In local (and international) news. A Cleveland brewer (head brewer at Market Garden Brewery) has been named the president of the Master Brewers Association.
That’s Rule #1, dipshit.
Actors have never been known for their intelligence.
I always had my doubts about Australia being a real place. Now I think it’s just a dystopian sci-fi novel.
Like Logan’s Run, except it’s the covid police chasing (uninfected) teenagers.
Yes. All so willfully compliant when you run them down.
Anyway, here’s actual footage of the chase.
Centre of National Resilience
I missed it the first time. Maybe the most Orwellian phrase I’ve ever read.
I was expecting the closing of Benny Hill and Yakkity-Sax.
We need one of those “that’s a penis!” memes, but it instead says “that’s a concentration camp!”
Be ungovernable.
That aint Miss Frizzle driving that bus.
Miss Frizzle isn’t exactly a model employee, mind you….
More states considering bans on gas-powered lawn equipment
Good luck enforcing this horseshit. And why do leftists hate the landscaping industry? And by extension (because you’ll need a cord ///teehee) the lower income people that work in said industry?
lower income people
Hereabouts, they are mostly zero income people, as far as the IRS is concerned.
I’m sure people will switch to reel mowers.
And leave the clippings on the lawn, helping to fuel future wildfires.
I do that, and mulch my fallen leaves. It strikes me as crazy that people pull off and throw away organic material that’s been taken out of the soil so that they can re-fertilize later.
Reminds me. I need to cut the grass once more this year, primarily to chop up the leaves.
Thanks for reminding me. I need to mow the leaves today.
How do you get up the tree?
I get my squirrel cousins to help.
Makes perfect sense, except in areas prone to wildfires. But one has to question the landscaping choices of homeowners in fire-prone areas to begin with.
We switched to an electric mower this summer. Not because I am worried about Gaia, but because my aura causes small engines to stop working within months.
The mower works fairly well on our 1/4 acre lot. I can do the whole lawn in one charge (we’ll see how the battery ages). It is a bit underpowered, but decent enough for someone like me who isn’t fanatical about the lawn.
Still would be nice if electric crap just improved enough that it beat out the gas versions naturally. Not because of stupid laws.
Get a longer extension cord, help the neighbors out
Ours is battery powered. Any mower with a cord is just stupid.
Maybe the smart move is to get into goat breeding. Start selling them to people to keep their lawns trim AND provide feta cheese.
Gaia Goats
They hate the idea of peasants owning their own land. You should be out there with a sickle cutting hay for your overlords’ livestock.
You should be out there with a sickle cutting hay for your overlords’ livestock
What does ZARDOZ have to say about this?
I’m personally tickled pink that they are taking serious steps at pheasant habitat restoration. Why are you against that?
Oh, you said peasant. Nevermind.
It all circles back to Big Extension Cord. Follow the money!
Haven’t you heard? Lawn care is white supremacy. I have been hearing that shit for years.
Woman caught breastfeeding her hairless cat on a Delta flight
This is not the T&A you are looking for.
I love my cat but not in that way. He cleans his starfish with his tongue.
No end in sight to labor shortage: More than HALF of Americans who lost their jobs during pandemic say they’ve no plans to return – with many saying they’ll take another SIX MONTHS off
Something something incentives…
That’s how we got AOC howling that the patriarchy is taking women’s jobs away from them.
*grabs sammich and backs out slowly*
When our great-grandchildren are working Chinese open-pit mines to pay off the national debt, one of them will look at another and say, “I wonder what they bought with all of the money they borrowed.”
Shoutout to DEG for the SL love and pagoda top goodness last night.
…and before any of you preverts get ideas, I meant this. [totes SFW]
In1958 I bought a new 190 sedan for $2200, in Germany. The 190SL was a beautiful car @ $4K. A little too small for me plus I didn’t have 4K
That’s a car I would like to have.
“No Governor should have his own handpicked secret police.”
Except Bloomberg. He’s cool.
It would be nice to see this sent back to the states where it belongs.
Federalism is fascism.
Comical judgements about phantom racism don’t matter.
Baldwin really is a dumbass. This will be a simple thing for the prosecution to disprove by testing the firearm.
It’s not really in my wheelhouse but I hope that Alec gets sued into penury. Christ! What a Cunte!
With Baldwin at the other end of the firearm this time.
And assuming they were filming, video evidence.
Also, who among us in that same position, with 2 civil suits already filed and a potential criminal investigation on-going, have the ability to get exposure on national TV to declare our innocence ?
The guy who was kidnapped by his SUV that is possessed got some national media treatment recently also…
I’m sure his lawyers told him to STFU and he ignored them.
This might actually be true. If the gun discharged when Baldwin released the hammer, either Baldwin had been holding the trigger back, or the gun had been modify for fanning (by grinding the sear notch off of the hammer.)
One of the things that Thell Reed specializes in, is teaching gun fanning to cowboy actors. I wonder if it was one of his guns?
Which I think makes it all that much worse with either of those two scenarios.
There was a Hardy Boys Mystery book which had a plot point about “slip gunning” where supposedly the trigger was removed entirely. After reading that book as a child, I have never encountered the term or concept again.
Read Elmer Keith’s “Sixguns.” He devotes quite a bit of discussion to slipguns.
Good to know that F. W. Dixon wasn’t lying to me. Well, except about “his” name.
If I heard that explanation I would assume that he tried to cock the gun with his thumb and it slipped off, dropping the hammer.
I would not assume a properly cocked revolver just randomly fired at some random moment after being cocked.
So if that is his only defense, he might want to keep working on it.
UPenn transgender swimmer sparks outrage by shattering women’s records
Its been done already.
Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
Very nice. The Bee is a treasure.
Uffda. If I thought real women would have any advantage over trans athletes, I would have guessed the breast stroke. But I guess not.
A lot of men are really good at the breast stroke.
He had to finish his Werther’s: Joe Biden Comes On Stage TWO MINUTES After Being Introduced As Crowd Awkwardly Waits
good vibes, good vibes … you’re respecting the office … you’re supposed to (when it’s held by a D)
This needs to stop: Chicago Public Schools announced new rules, removing gendered bathrooms.
If you can’t determine which restroom to use, you might be a
redneckwoketard.And they wonder why attendance and enrollment keeps dropping.
SFPS abolishes bathrooms altogether?
Head Games
When I was in high school the boys bathroom was full of chicks because the bathrooms were at ends of very long hallways and classes near the boys bathroom did not always want to walk. Also the bathroom was a place to smoke in winter for both sexes. Yes I said both deal with it
Ok, Ally McBeal.
Alright dear friends, that was day 12. I’ll get a day off come xmas eve. 21 for fun! Have fun and stay safe out there!
Congrats, I see you’ve moved into management (salaried) and get to work everyday.
To get the shot, Baldwin said he needed to cock the gun, but not fire it: “The trigger wasn’t pulled. I didn’t pull the trigger.”
“I cock the gun. I go, ‘Can you see that? Can you see that? Can you see that?’” Baldwin said. “And then I let go of the hammer of the gun, and the gun goes off. I let go of the hammer of the gun, the gun goes off.”
Unless they have that entire sequence of events on film, it’s just him saying, “Trust me.”
They can always disassemble the gun and see if the sear is worn down to nothing.
Neither of those possibilities has anything to do with why or how the pistol came to be loaded with live ammo. If he was “practicing” as was said somewhere along the way, why were the chambers not EMPTY?
You can bet that if that was caught on film, the film was destroyed.
His attorney must have looked at the evidence against him and decided this was his best shot. Argue it in the court of public opinion to try to put the prosecutor off.
I assume Stepholumpagus coordinated the questions with Baldwin’s lawyer beforehand as well.
Baldwin is fucked if this is the best defense they can come up with.
Nah. We all know what’s going to happen. At worst, Baldwin will agree to do an Ad Council TV commercial (aka government propaganda) about the need for gun control and that will be the end of it.
In the end he handled a gun negligently
Question for Law Glibs:
Is there a generalized “hostile (work) environment?” Unless my annual training is lying to me, if I walk around the workplace saying “pussy pussy pussy I love to fuck pussy” I can be fired, and I’d imagine if I did that on campus there’d be some sort of action to get me expelled. (Though I may be wrong about that).
So, for those anti-Kyle Rittenhouse protestors, is it ok for them to create a hostile environment for him because they were not creating on the basis of a protected class? Is there a difference between class-based hostility and targeted personal hostility? ISTR that nothing bad happened to Mattress Girl, though I also don’t remember her gathering additional people to her cause to get a particular individual expelled.
As I recall, mattress girl made a porno of her supposed rape. So Idk how that relates.
While everyone knew who her supposed rapists was, I don’t remember her making naming him a specific part of her “art project.”
But that was the closest I can come up with directly targeting a student on campus for harassment.
The better-than-thou brigade don’t hate lawn care equipment. They hate lawns. The plebs should be living in grey concrete dormitories, packed into identical featureless cubicles like egg factory chickens.
Listen, lawns are for people who can afford to upkeep them by hiring gardners using hand tools. Anyone else is acting above their station.
The CNN pants shitting article countered by a Wikipedia entry that shows even California is in on it…just a great thing to wake up to
And then he broke matzah over his head.
You know, when we light this menorah in the White House, when Jewish families place their menorahs in their windows, we’re proclaiming liberty; we’re exercising the freedom the Maccabees sought to simply practice their faith, and we’re showing that there’s still light. That even the most fragile flame can be sustained in a tradition and nourish the soul of the people.
That little bit of light, wherever it is found, can dispel the darkness and illuminate a path forward. And whether it’s in a temple in Jerusalem or the temple of our democracy, nothing broken or profane is beyond repair. Nothing. We can always build back better, or perhaps build back brighter.
Fuck. Off.
Kinds hard to separate the church and state when the state is your religion. Fuck off indeed.
Biden is asshoe.
Huh, in the decade+ I’ve been with a member of the tribe, I have never seen a menorah placed in the window.
(((Glibs))), is that a thing?
How about on the roof of a car?
We have a few of those driving around here in Florida.
When did that become a thing?
This is the first year I have seen them.
I can’t say that I think this will end well.
I can send them my article on the Romanian constitution
The only possible outcome which would be an improvement is dissolution.
America Is One State Away From Constitutional Reform
I don’t trust the current crop of political cuntes to do anything good or worthwhile.
Almost as if the states giving away the direct appointment of senators and allowing direct non-proportional taxation was a bad idea, wasn’t it… Nah, it’ll be fine…
Sophia ‘Sophiopath’ Narwitz
I now understand why white people are so hated, I finally get it.
“Hold on now, they’re not supposed to use our rules against us! It’s not fair!!!!”
Twitter doesn’t care. They’ll apply the rules inconsistently and go right on about their business.
Advocates said they worry the new policy will suppress efforts to document the activities of the far right and will prove to be a gift to members of hateful movements eager to keep their identities concealed.
So it is targeted politically.
“It’s going to be emboldening to the fascists,” said Gwen Snyder, an anti-fascist researcher and organizer in Philadelphia.
I wonder what Twitter and actual fascists have in common.
Advocates said they worry the new policy will suppress efforts to document the activities of the far right
Honestly, I don’t know what they are worried about. It will only be applied for the benefit of the left, as all the SMITE censorship is.
I have some test/practice/dummy rounds. I got them at the sporting goods store. They’re blue anodized aluminum.
I need to write a micro-review/open post since I’ve replaced my cheap and unacceptable dummy shells with some expensive but useful ones.
For people who dry fire a lot, the right dummy rounds are surprisingly important…
In this case, the ones that were less than half the price of A Zoom ones are a quarter-inch shorter than actual shells, which makes learning to dual/quad load with them problematic.
Yes, you do. I had to toss my 12 gauge dummy rounds. The rim around the base was too soft, and got hammered out so they would hang up in the magazine tube.
Interesting. I don’t remember that happening, but I’ll check for wear.
I’ve got a problem with my arsenal, doc: Bomb Squad are called to A&E where patient turned up with two-inch-wide WWII shell lodged in his rectum which got there when he ‘slipped and fell on it during a clear-out’
it was a one in a million shot
Always start with pistol rounds first.
Rectum, hell, it almost killed him!
Does that cause explosive diarrhea?
Definitely gotta be careful of a blowout
+1 vertical butt stroke
It was a really deep squat.
Please tell me that bomb-disposal robot was involved in the removal process…
Boston Dynamics: Oh hell no!
Alternatively Boaton Dynamics: Funny, some of our college interns made a robot that does just that
Do they call it Fister Roboto?
Or Bro for short…oh you said fister…
So, for those anti-Kyle Rittenhouse protestors, is it ok for them to create a hostile environment for him because they were not creating on the basis of a protected class?
Something something
needsfears of the many…It’s a 4-star Friday Funbags for your furious fapping.
whether it’s in a temple in Jerusalem or the temple of our democracy, nothing broken or profane is beyond repair. Nothing.
Except white-man Republicans. They are irredeemable.
We must cast them out.
Yoga Home Workout Free Routine Class Yoga Full Body Stretches Lesson
While we were on our Disney trip last week, we saw the labor shortage first hand. While the rides and attractions were still great, anything that depended on a person was lacking, such as room cleaning and customer service. We talked to one of the employees and he said they are still at less than 50% of their normal staffing levels. People either got different jobs, or just decided to come back to work.
“Of course New York and Illinois are gonna be next. Because they’ve got nothing else to worry about beyond what lawnmower someone uses”
How long until a cop kills someone for selling a black market gas powered leaf blower?
Depends, if they sell just one is that considered a loosey?
What happens when people start smuggling Chinese made blowers from Mexico and we have an epidemic of leaf blower deaths?
Hey look, a Jack Reacher that actually conforms to the books.
IRL Tom Cruise would kick that guys ass
Also 9 out of 10 women would prefer Tom Cruise
To Alan Ritchson?
Dude… even I’m gay for him.
Jack Reacher is a really big dude? Who knew?
Apparently NOT the people that cast Cruise originally.
Legit loved the first Reacher Cruise did, but physically he’s all wrong for the role, from the couple of books I read.
Looking forward to this one.
5’9″, 6’5″….. Same diff….
Yes, please.
I hope it is as good as Bosch. I really enjoyed the books, and for the most part they brought them to life.
Amend the Constitution, you say?
Over/under on page length for a proposed 28th Amendment: 500? 1,000? 10,000?
how many unrelated subsections?
Straight to Harrison Bergeron territory.
So, like Idiocracy, we’re getting there a whole lot sooner than previously thought.
Not the tendies!
One of the staples of young Americans’ diets, chicken tenders, is the latest victim of the supply chain crisis. …
The average price of a value pack of whole chicken breast tenderloins has risen nearly a dollar per pound since last year, from $3.02 per pound in 2020 to $3.99 this year.
The shortage has actually prompted several chicken restaurant chains, such as KFC and A&W, to stop featuring chicken tenders in their advertising campaigns in order to avoid selling out of them in their restaurants.
Hell, they’ve been making them paper thin (KFC) or small enough to be called nuggets more than tenders out here for some years now. Damned depressing.
Tenderloins? I figured chicken nuggets were a pressed combination of cartilage and bone marrow.
Popcorn chicken is the product of a patented slicing technique.
They should rebrand them as Chicken Slivers.
When I was at the grocery store yesterday, of all the things I noticed a shortage on the one that stood out the most… eggs. All that were left were organic, pasteurized, or the marked up brown shell eggs.
We have a abundance of eggs, our shortage is breakfast meats. I would love to hear/see the negotiation between suppliers and grocers on who gets what at any given time.
Bacon, sausage, and pork are available here. I just stocked up on some pork tenderloins that were on sale last night (pre-seasoned bagged ones at $7, they used to go on sale down to $5).
Pork Tenderloins and whole fryer chickens are goto deep freezer items here at House OBE. Can get 15-20 lbs of protein for as little as 25-30 bucks.
Pork Tenderloins are a sous vide meat
I’ve done the pork tenderloins in sous vide a lot, but I’ve also got a little convection oven with a temperature probe built in. Plug that in, stick it into the pork, and I can set and forget it and have dinner ready in about 30-40 minutes. While it’s resting I can get some vegetables ready to pair with it.
vegetables is what the pig eats before it becomes pork.
Last Costco run we picked up the pork tenderloins on sale $8 off which for the one we bought meant half price. $8 for probably 5 or 6 meals.
Labor shortage at processing plants?
There have to be plenty of chickens, right? All they need is feed… Won’t cracked corn do?
I keep seeing observations of phenomena with no explanations. It is getting tiresome.
One of the things that Thell Reed specializes in, is teaching gun fanning to cowboy actors. I wonder if it was one of his guns?
Interesting tidbit of info.
I recall reading that it was some small NM outfit that actually supplied the guns, and ammo. Reed’s daughter, with no experience, was the armorer. And Thell had done business with the NM shop – so I think that’s the extent of the connection. I imagine the heavyweights are trying real hard to figure out how to dump all of the responsibility on that poor SOB in NM.
imagine doing a court illustration of ghislaine maxwell while she stares directly at you and draws you right back]
what is the point of these illustrations?
Which ones? The court artists or GM?
The court artist. What is the point?
No photography allowed but artists renditions are allowed for the record. At least that is my understanding
given the rendition is not photo realistic I don;t get why it is needed for the record. seems like a waste of tax moneys
Also see Drake. I’m not sure if it’s for the court record, but it’s a way to get a sense of what is going on in the courthouse for newspapers and the public.
It’s a tradition because photos are not allowed in Federal Court.
What’s with the masks?
Fed court…
Now that I think about it, girls used to come into the Boys’ Room to smoke, at my high school. Nobody gave it a second thought.
But everybody knows that smoking ain’t allowed in school!
Had a VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League) meeting in Suffolk last night. They are mostly permit holders, but do not have a problem with unpermitted open carriers, like myself.
They are not sure where Youngkin stands in regards to gun rights, but they have delegates ready to submit a bill for repealing the DMV, ABC and all other Govt facilities gun free zones.
Constitutional carry is also ready, but he didn’t sound too hopeful on that one.
Also ready are repealing of the one gun a month, and reintroducing state wide preemption, so there’s no local gun control.
Hopefully it goes through and Youngkin signs them, but he has not engaged with them at all.
Winsome Sears seems much more open to these, I am hoping she can get the Governorship next election.
I wouldn’t expect much from Youngkin. He appears to be a squish RINO who will only do what the Chamber of Commerce wants plus the minimum lean on wedge issues to swing suburban women voters.
I don’t think Winsome is a squish.
Or Miyares. Thank God Herring is gone.
Youngkin is preferable to McAuliffe and that’s about it.
Give him some credit, he knew how to crucify McAuliffe on schools. And I thought the Trump video was brilliant too.
We’ll see what he does. I don’t have much hope for him given how fast he caved on vaccine mandates.
Yeah, he is a Republican after all; I’m not saying to have much hope – just a little.
bill for repealing the DMV, ABC and all other Govt facilities gun free zones
I would support a bill repealing VABC stores.
McDonnell tried that and got his ass handed to him.
Is that when they had commercials saying that privatizing alcohol sales would lead to more abuse and it would be easier to buy, while other commercials said it would become more expensive?
It can’t be both.
I recall the unionized ABC workers going ballistic in Richmond.
The state also likes the revenue since they can charge monopoly prices.
If you want to piss of an ABC cashier, just check out with a bottle of Trump wine in one of the metro stores.
Add a Rittenhouse Rye to really get them to explode
and reintroducing state wide preemption, so there’s no local gun control.
I don’t see how (I know…) this is not the standard anyway. Localities should not be allowed to violate the state constitution.
Winsome Sears seems much more open to these
Perhaps she will have Youngkin’s ear.
States shouldn’t be able to violate the federal constitution, but when the feds do it, what’s to stop them?
They are not sure where Youngkin stands in regards to gun rights
Wild guess: He’s a squish. He won’t sign anything rolling back infringements (other than, maybe, symbolically). He might sign a weak “common sense” infringement.
Winsome isn’t a squish, but she’s also not governor.
That seemed to be the general consensus.
The VCDL President, Phillip Van Cleave, said he hopes if Youngkin won’t sign them, maybe the governor will just let it alone and it becomes law without his signature.
PVC said he hopes the republicans will do as much for the people that got them elected as the democrats did for Bloomberg for getting them elected.
And the Boys’ Rooms were almost as smoky as the Teachers’ Lounge.
The Telegraph report Gabriel Magalhaes wrestled a baseball-bat wielding attacker to the ground as raiders attempted to snatch his, Mercedes, mobile phone & watch.
Is it just me or is it weird to have a comma after “his” ?
Yeah that calls for a :
Then again I was torn apart recently on some of my ✍
It’s not weird, it’s just wrong.
I thought maybe it is something like an Oxford comma but in another part of the sentence
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) plays a horrific death threat she received following Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) recent Islamophobic attacks on her.
Warning: It’s incredibly graphic.
It is actually pretty mild.
She looks amused by it, so, who cares?
He called her a sand nigger.
Is that a real insult people use?
I have never heard that as a real thing and its inclusion makes me more skeptical than I usually am.
Narrator: And he is always very skeptical of politicians and their associates.
I heard it and used it growing up in the 90s.
Yeah it is.
OK, still skeptical, but maybe a little less so.
Heard it quite a bit here in the late 80’s/early 90’s in Ohio as well.
I first heard it in college in the 80’s. We had some group project that had two Arabs on my “team” – and they hated each other. It was that kind of stuff that made college worthwhile.
I saw it on the internet several times
Can confirm it is a real thing – goes back to at least the ’70s.
Is that a real insult people use?
Idk but it does not apply to black people. Derogatory to Arabs/Persians/etc.
My first question is:
What phone number was it left on, and is that a publicly published number? If not, who has it?
My cynical assumption is that this is a political stunt. Otherwise I think those questions could/would be answered.
I believe the feds can identify the phone it was made from. Certainly if it was a cell phone they can identify it.
If they don’t (and they haven’t yet), or tell us why the couldn’t, then you can rest assured it was a hoax call. Not that there aren’t people out there who would be willing to do something like that, but . . . .
Place your death threats calls through the service providers that the auto warranty folks use. The feds seem to have difficulty figuring out who those people are.
Like I said before, this is where Omar shines. She is the master of the rope-a-woke. Her opponents flail away about all her scandals and she just sits there absorbing their accusations by crying about her victimhood.
I’m sure every member of Congress could produce a voice mail that is just as unhinged as that. The particular slurs might differ. So far, though, only the GOP softball team has been actual victims of violence.
Repeated twitter link — are you trying to buffalo us there, Pie?
copy paste failure
“Back from the brink: Bison return to Romania after 200-year absence “
Vampire Bisons are things of nightmares
LJW posted this yesterday, I didn’t bother to look at it then. Youngest patzer just texted me the link, it is hilarious. I wonder if that boy is lurking here.
The future of COVID
Someone didn’t get the joke.
Fox’s incessant insurrectionary incitement of the public deserves a revocation of its broadcasting license!
Abuse of liberal interpretation of the 1st Amendment must not be rewarded by suicidal tolerance! #ShutFoxDown #ShutDisinformationDown
Wonder if they were okay with the other news agencies….ah fuck it, I already know the answer
Because normal people talk like that.
Always avoid alliteration.
Make me
Why would we want wrath?
Swissys slit sight slung so?
*light, lilting laughter*
Summon Swiss scowling.
Dana’s dead!
Never mind that Fox doesn’t actually have a license to be revoked.
Sure they do…the ntended target is the 1st Amendment to be revoked for select persons/entities
TV (and radio) stations have broadcast licenses. Fox is carried by many of those stations (and cable of course) but is not itself a broadcaster. Not that this in the slightest detracts from the absolute stupidity (two degrees Kelvin level stupidity) of the twit(terer).
I was saying their license is the 1st amendment…and that is the goal
Harvard is not sending us its best.
Ngl though some of the stuff I’ve heard from people in my circles about 2024 terrifies me. I’m afraid if the worst happens and someone like trump becomes an authoritarian many organizers are going to have to leave the country to organize in exile or face execution here
Blind to the authoritarianism being pushed by the left.
Transitioning is all the rage. I don’t have a problem if Hogg transitions from organizer to organ donor.
He’s talking about the chat during his circle jerks.
In their fevered brains, Trump refusing to implement nationwide lockdowns for COVID was authoritarian.
There is literally nothing rational that you can argue against with these asshats.
Leftists leaving the country because of Trump is hilarious. They literally controlled the entirety of the federal government except the White House during his tenure and ran it without a single restraint.
They control the cultural institutions, including a large portion of the churches, the educational system, the administrative state, the metro areas, the legal process…. but one guy trips them up for a short period and they flip out.
It’s that paranoia on their part which makes me want to leave.
Well the Right has super white supremacist pillows that they can use to smother the Movement in its cradle.
Unfortunately, the Left has no comparable pillow to smother racism and other wrong think.
Duh, that’s why they have to be woke all the time.
Legit LOL.
-1 workable business plan
Thank God.
Wait a second. Will he still rear a kid?
You guys all missed it.
This is confession through projection.
Here’s how America’s Commies in Academia are working to undermine America:
Harvard Law Churns Out Lawyers To Fight Elections In Court Instead Of At The Polls
Since most politicians are lawyers, the problem (and its a huge problem) with America having so many laws and litigation for control, this problem will likely not end. Remember Abraham Lincoln taught himself law. Now we have so many laws (quite a few are unconstitutional laws) that even lawyers cant possibly know all the laws. Even lawyers in specialized fields probably dont know all the relevant laws in that field. We even have paralegals who specialize in law research and document drafting to free lawyers up for interaction with clients and court litigation.
So lawyers came up with churning out new lawyers for criminal defense and public interest cases. America then gets a burdensome criminal justice system that is mostly plea bargains. We all know how the public sector turned out with all those lawyers involved.
Now we have law schools trying to churn out new lawyers into the election field. We are already seeing how that is going. Local governments undermining constitutional powers/restrictions based on “friendly settlements” with these election lawyers and their Democrat run non-profits. Elections corrupted away from one person-one vote while in person and those legal vote counts returned fairly quickly. Instead we have delayed vote counts so Democrats can find ballots in trunks and electronic voting machine companies can skew vote tallies for their chosen candidate.
Less lawyers and smaller government would solve many of the problems America faces domestically.
There are problems that just aren’t going to be solved. Good luck trying to convince people, left or right, of that.
Uh oh, Trevor Noah (of all people) might be starting to get it.
“If we don’t make a new vaccine, this disease could be with us ferrari! Uh, forever – sorry, I was thinking of something else”
Not bad, Trevor, not bad.
Wow, that is surprising. Finally someone is remembering that big pharma companies are supposed to be the bad guys.
Or knows where the ratings are…
I hesitate to click on that because his face might make me put my fist through my screen.
The Norwegian-Swedish wolf is probably gone forever. Today’s population is descended from Finnish wolves that migrated to the border between the two countries after the original population was exterminated about 50 years ago. Credit: Per-Harald Olsen, NTNU
There’ s no longer any doubt—the wolves found in Norway and Sweden today are actually Finnish, according to extensive studies done on their genetic makeup. Humans wiped out Norway’s original wolf population in the wild around 1970.
Geez, don’t ever call a Finnish wolf a scandi.
Invasive specie!
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
That was done more to honor and elevate Ginsburg than Elizabeth.
I like to think the queen just rolled her eyes and dropped it in the trash.
It’s in a junk drawer with an iPod she got from Obama.
That little episode perfectly encapsulated the hubris of the Obama administration.
I can’t fathom the ego it takes to give someone that as a gift.
Right next to the iPod of Obama speeches?
This is my punishment for trying to keep up with work chats and e-mails.
/kicks rock
I’m not an advocate of monarchy. But, Elizabeth is pretty much the textbook example of what you’d want in a modern constitutional monarch. Honestly, I’m surprised they gave her the award.
“All I can think about”
What a lucky kid.
Why do I have a bad feeling that if Trump tweeted “Katie Hill is full of shit. No way she’d abort her kid at 7 months, she’s all hot air”, that Hill would immediately live stream herself getting an abortion?
And how many people would cheer her on?
Wait until that kid becomes a teenager and throws this back in her face.
If only there was a way to prevent the total involuntary condition known as pregnancy . . . .
Pfizer and Moderna are working on that as we speak
Come on man, what if she was hit by a bus?
Gives you an idea of her total narcissism. No thought for the human being she is carrying, just total selfishness.
Why would anyone think that someone that narcissistic would make a good representative for them?
+1 forced birth*
*christ what an irritating phrase…
Gun Glibs click here.
I’m glad that someone downthread answered if that was based off the American 180 or a Vickers.
Nice. I *almost* bought one of the single American 180 magazine uppers years ago when they were being marketed. The dual one is even more of a hose. I hadn’t seen that before–neat!
Good morning, friends!
I hope you all have a fantastic Friday!
Ugh, just finished texting my mom about my passport application. We’re planning a Caribbean trip next year and we’ve never had passports. It’s probably good to have one just in case, based on the state of things today. Anyway, the form requires the birth date and place of your parents, and my mom, the lifelong big government Democrat, didn’t want me to give them that info. Sorry mom, if you’re worried about the government having your personal info you’re several decades too late.
She does know that a birth certificate is a government document, on file with the government, right?
That thing about your parents must be new – I don’t recall that when I got my passport, or any renewal. My question is why? For purposes of getting a passport, as a citizen It doesn’t matter where your parents were born, only where you were born.
What if you don’t legitimately know that information? I know roughly where my parents were born, but if you asked me to say what was on their birth certificates, I’d have no idea. Maybe my Dad was born in a different county that what I thought–there’s no way for me to know, because all of my parents and granparents are deceased.
Sorry bud, you’re stuck in the country.
/Government stooge
It was on the form when I got my passport in 2012. So it was added some time before then.
Technically there’s some edge cases (children of diplomats) where being born in this country doesn’t confer automatic citizenship.
Also, FYTW, it’s on the form, fill it out. I know it’s been there for at least the mid 2000s, because I recall needing to ask my parents for the cities of their birth.
Weird. I just looked at the application form on the intertubes, and it makes no mention of anything but your own birth certificate. Although there is some weaseling about State having the right to ask for additional proof of citizenship, I did not see anything about your parent’s birth certificates on the form itself.
I just renewed mine last year, and I seem to recall the question, but am not certain.
One of the FATCA unexpected consequences is that people around the world who were born but not raised here have learned they are U.S. citizens for tax purposes. So they must go through the process of renouncing a U.S. citizenship they never knew they had.
Interesting, but how did they find out? Seems like something they wouldn’t ever have a need to even think about. Did the IRS send letters out or something?
That is exactly what the IRS did. Tracked them down and demanded they file and pay.
I thought most income earned outside the country was exempt? Maybe below some limit?
I think that the banks in their home countries had to treat them as U.S. citizens as well, which in some cases meant denying them banking services (to avoid complying with U.S. law). Our extra-territorial jurisdiction is an abomination and I would so pleased to see some country tell us to just fuck right off.
+1 Boris Johnson
Incidentally, apparently the state dept used covid to stop accepting renunciations. And there’s a $2k
feeminimum exit tax now.https://dailytimes.com.pk/839297/overseas-americans-sue-to-restart-citizenship-renunciations/
Stealing a Monty Python line, but the idea of taxing foreigners living abroad is absurdly cynical.
That should be all cases. You should have to have at least one citizen parent to have citizenship from birth.
Maybe she’s in the Witness Protection Program?
I’d love to think it’s because she’s paranoid and wearing her tin foil hat, but no such luck.
But somehow they managed to raise 4 kids who are all Republican or libertarian.
Must be new then. I got the latest form off the state department web site. The Mrs. turns hers in today, I have an appointment tomorrow.
We are expediting it because we’ll need them in the next 2 months, but it’s going to cost us almost $500 for the both of us.
The passport card, while not valid for actual travel, works for Real ID compliance or any other government id use.
*35 million Canadians flap their head in outrage*
My latest govt fiasco with regards to passports is that I need a new SS card (because my old one was laminated in the ’70s and that makes it invalid). To get a new SS card, you are supposed to put your passport in an envelope with your card replacement application and mail it to the SSA. WTF?
Of course, I think the SSA talks about more security than they live by it. The first time we had to renew our passports after 9/11, the process was way more rigorous. The clerks kept telling us that it was so important that we comply with the new stuff because security was totes important. Then they simply FedExed us the passports in an envelope that was left on our porch for a day.
Took a day off of work, and slept through half of it 🙁
Don’t feel bad about it, sometimes you need a break like that.
I have things to get done today. I need to drag myself out of the house to do them.
And for some reason none of these places are 24/7
Well that sounds like a good use of the time if you were tired. I can never sleep past 7 30 is i try
Hopefully she ends up in the bottom of the smoking crater of ground zero.
I wonder if Stacey Abrams’ mom has got it goin’ on.
If that apple fell close to the tree, no way you wood.
He maple it on his own.
Man, the vitriol and progjection in the comments are brutal. If the state flips back, there is going to be some bloodshed for sure.
Lockout-Tagout training! Yay!
Death prevention training is always good.
Real life videos and post injury footage, not so much.
/recalls watching lineman safety films
up… some of those arc-flash videos are brutal to watch
Yeah, no thanks–industrial injuries can be pretty gruesome. I had a colleague who, many years before, had been working on a high pressure steam valve with a partner. The valve had been “back-seated,” which is a situation in which some critical valves have both a process-facing seat (the part of the valve that seals) and an opposite side seat that seals so that the valve bonnet cannot be pressurized. Unfortunately, the valve stem was broken and allowed the bonnet to become pressurized. When they loosened the packing around the stem, the pressure in the bonnet blew the broken stem out, piercing the partner’s head and then blowing supercritical steam in a jet through the wound. My friend was blown backward and when he regained consciousness and the vapor cleared, he said his partner looked and smelled like cooked hamburger. That of course led to a change in company procedures to never allow work on backseated valves while the process was pressurized. This was years before lockout-tagout was mandated in general industry, but the company did have one, but considered backseated valves safe to work on. They just didn’t bank on a stem being broken.
Oh…I got that and electrical safety coming uo…