Wavy titles always indicate a spooky movie
This is a movie about an evil priest (Chin-Lai-Sung) working with an evil guy named Kam (Lo Lieh) to perform some evil stuff. Kam’s ultimate goal is to become impervious to all weapons, which involves stealing the beating hearts of lovers entwined in rapture. Naturally this means he has to kill a lot of horny people. This includes killing the father of Chun, played by Billy Chong.
On the 7th month of the lunar calendar, ghost and spirits try to find a way to reincarnate. On that night, Chun (Billy Chong) sees his dead dad who was murdered by Kam. Chun must avenge his death against Kam’s evil priest and evil kung fu.
Billy Chong (No relation to Tommy Chong) is a very talented martial artist from Indonesia, who did well in the film industry. If you happen to come across a film with Billy Chong in it you are guaranteed some awesome fight scenes. He is still around and will be in the upcoming Garuda 7, which has been in production and slated for release since 2015.
I do love the evil priest, Chin-Lai Sung. He has perfected the sardonic smirk. Part of that is definitely some fight damage, but he wears it well. He acted in over 90 films, was a stuntman, and eventually directed movies. His influence, combined with Billy Chong meant that this film has some really great fight scenes. Enjoy! You get to see two masters at work.
You should have some libations in you by the 30 minute mark. A huge special effects fight scene starts there. The evil priest pulls a fat stack fake US bills out of his shirt, yells “Count Dracula come to my aid!” and he sets the bills on fire like he works for the government. This action starts a stunning zombie black magic battle featuring Count Dracula, played by a completely random guy off of the street with no screen credit.
Yes, a random dude plays Count Dracula in this film. A cape wearing, scenery-chewing Count Dracula. I love that. For some of these films, the director would just come across a guy walking down the street, or the guy who works as an accountant who lives next door to the producer and say “Hey, you’d be a great Dracula!” Poof! An unknown amateur actor gets paid cash to work for a day. What a lark that must have been!
The spackle-based hopping dead makeup is great. Just shows you what can be done with remnants from Home Depot. And there are a lot of hopping dead, because Kam had to kill a lot of lovers to get those hearts. These particular hopping dead had little on-screen direction and hopped like bunnies instead of proper, stiff-armed Jiang-Shi. It’s more adorable than scary in some scenes.
Enjoy tonight’s feature! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary!
Next week is a heartwarming message of love and peace during the holiday season: The Hebrew Hammer. And maybe some other stuff to help clear relatives from the living room when you want some peace and quiet.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
May look this one up eventually. I love stuff like “Mr Vampire”, “Chinese Ghost Story” (2, 3, etc), “Spooky Encounters”, etc. The taoist supernatural stuff is really different from the western vampire lore – and some of the characters are just insane (fun practical effects too).
I love those as well. If I could find a free (and legal) link I would review them all.
The hopping vampires from a couple weeks ago were something else.
OT again – where on the Amazon page am I looking for the “smile” donation page or whatever ya’ll talk about for giving to IJ, etc?
at checkout is a place for donations via smile,
Top left says “Supporting…”
Thanks. I didn’t notice anything during checkout but that might just have been reflex.
Lot of similarly named things. ie. 2 different “Justice Institute” – what is the specific one that is for freedom?
Institute for Justice.
Don’t get tricked by those shady losers at Justice Institute.
That’s a plan. Make a dozen or more charities with names similar to real charities. Rake it in. That’s gotta be a thing.
Heh I have no idea what “Justice Institute” might be. But yeah.
You have to do your shopping on the smile.amazon.com domain for it to count
does it track what’s already in my cart?
Thanks for the heads up.
Good grief. I type in “Institute for Justice” but I have to scroll past 50 other items to find the charity with the exact name. Absolutely nuts.
It tracks everything
Yeah, just add “smile.” to your bookmark.
Which is kinda bullshit. If Bezos was the philanthropist he claims to be, there wouldn’t be 2 mirror domains. It’s quite easy to miss you aren’t on the “smile” domain when you follow a link from another site.
This. WTF, Jeff?
Yeah, you have to show through the smile dot amazon dot com site, not the regular amazon shopping site, to make this happen.
The Hebrew Hammer looks interesting,
It will be good. Sorry for being late, I was carving up shipping boxes.
It’s awesome. It’s got Judy Greer (“Cheryl” from Archer). Much lulz.
She was also Kitty on Arrested Development.
“Spring break, Woo Hoo. Eyes up here Micheal! You will never see these again!”
Here let me add some very NSFW Jiangshi
Sadly they won’t show it outside their app.
See if this works..
Once again NSFW
That is better. Can see in the browser. Lack of bouncing is… disturbing.
Her Twitter
Anzeigen! Anzeigen!
Looks great. Need to get a few beers in me to really enjoy these which means Thursdays are off limits.
The link will be good indefinitely. This particular movie has been posted for over a year. Same for mist of the ones in archive.
So my standard for cheesy kung fu movies is Master of the Flying Guillotine – how does this compare to that?
That’s a fun one. All those guillotine films are great. This is a nutty koo koo supernatural kung fu movie, which I hope you find enjoyable. Good kung fu, crazy special effect zombies. All wonderfully low budget. Sadly no frisbee guillotines.
Disc, not frisbee…
I stand corrected
Oddjob’s hat would make you look more distinguished than a frisbee
Oddjobs hat would be cool to wear while playing,
Oddjob’s hat would be cool to play with
I first read that as Nut Punch from Beyond the Grave.
Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot and assorted friends smile in unison at the state of world today.
OT: oh fuck that injury in the hoofball game looked really bad
Who’s playing?
Chiefs Chargers
It did not look like an injury per se, but almost like a seizure.
His arms were in the same position when they took him off the field
Did you see his head bounce off the turf? Didn’t look like much but damn.
Yep – just saw it on the replay. Was easy to miss in real time. Yikes.
Chiefs and Chargers.
I have to go to a degloving at 8 tho.
Yes it sure did. Did you see how his hands were shaking?
I was just on the Tweeters and was prompted to Google “fencing response”. Looks awful.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit.
Jeezus they already updated the Wikipedia page
That’s horrible. And so random. He didn’t even get tackled or touched.
OMG WTF is wrong with Joe Buck? He said maybe Parham was shaking because it’s cold on the field. ?
The deer on the side of the road is just sleeping.
When the Jungle Cruise ride at Disney was witty and entertaining.
It’s an awkward situation and sportscaster should err on the side of shut the fuck up
Srsly thinking about calling off work so I can watch this game. The iPad in the corner of my eye just isn’t doing the trick.
Speaking of horror flicks – as long as I was gonna buy some gifts on amazon (now that I got my reserve pay) – decided to pick up the Australian Blu Ray of one of the first comic book movies “Danger Diabolik!”, the UK blu ray release for Dellamorte Dellamore (aka Cemetery Man – reportedly only 1080i, but *much* cheaper than some of the alternatives) – both are upgrades from my old DVDs – and the new SE for “Mill of the Stone Women” – which sounds pretty interesting.
I know the first two. Danger Diabolik had a clean print out for streaming for a while. Fantastic find. “Mill of the Stone Women” does sound good. I also have not seen it.
To TPTB, new article from me in Pending.
Except you know…you were not groped at all…
“On December 1, Meta revealed that she’d posted her experience in the Horizon Worlds beta testing group on Facebook.”
The other account in that article reads like one of Qs news links.
What? My hot avatar got groped in virtual reality? Of course she did. She’s hot. That’s why I chose her.
Look, don’t touch…
GlibFit update. Today I got to 275 hammer swings in three sets, 125, 75, and 75.
Still working on endurance so I don’t embarass myself when I take the smithing classes in january.
Are you also cranking up the thermostat in your house to get used to the sweltering heat?
I can’t afford that.
Get a $20 milk heater, put on your bathroom counter aimed at yourself while you do reps, close the door and turn on the shower. If you want a fuller effect, get a butane stove from an Asian market and put it next to the space heater.
Here’s hoping you write about that. Sounds fun.
I was inclined to. I’m still debating the best way to get pictures. Might have to settle for phone camera if that’s permitted.
You could do re-enactments.
What with my two pound anvil, an upholstry hammer and the bucket of coal I have in my back room?
Actually that sounds pretty funny.
It would be. Never rule out the absurd. And I am serious that the article would be a great read.
TIL that garlic cloves explode. Thanks, RJ.
Is it ironic that I always seem to mix up hiniku and ninniku?
I really just thought you all needed a picture of an owl’s legs.
I’m gonna have to call bullshit
I was hacked! I believe!
OK, now you’re just being wierd,
Owls are mostly feathers. There’s hardly any bird in there.
Lol. We got to meet an owl in Alaska that had some brain injury. Every few seconds it would look at its trainer and freak out cause it didn’t know where it was
Owls (most raptors, really) are pretty dumb. Their brains are wired mostly for target acquisition and tracking, not much for cognition.
Owls are soft and fuzzy. Hawks are like plastic.
This was one of the most interesting things we did last Xmas vacation.
Sounds reasonable.
From dead thread, re: can you download from spotify (free):
No; you can capture the stream though.
However, that episode is all over odysee and rumble right now. youtube-dl works with odysee.
Well there you have it, I don’t DL podcasts, so I wouldn’t know,
OK thanks, I didn’t mean that episode, so I’ll keep looking.
“I don’t drink and drive, I drink, then drive”
Did I just hear Mo squeeing?
Sadly, I chose to work instead of watch the game, as I could not work AND watch the game at the same time. I have my eye on the score, however.
…there it is.
*spiked football gif*
I just love it when the whole reason for after hours work fails, we roll back, and have to do it all over again some other night.
When I lost power last night I knew my shop was without power as well, so I hopped down at 3 AM to try to save the water lines, I already need a raise,
Are you saying you want to speak to your manager?
Give this kid a medal.
Whoops, misthreaded it.
I saved his ass from day one, he may want to speak with me,
Dang it, Chargers!! You had one job.
Actually they looked pretty good despite the loss.
The AFC playoffs will likely involve a rematch.
They are halfway to being successful. Philip Rivers is gone. The final step is Spanos selling the team. Until then, they are cursed.
Is there anything to hope for? Jeffrey Tucker used a vaxx passport.
At least he is of the body.
Power returns!
Not for nothing, that wasn’t shit. Add a few layers, keep most of your body wrapped in bankets, charge your devices at work. I still had water, still had gas, flip the burner on the oven and flick your lighter. Still ate steak, still had steamed veggies, still had vapid entertainment, still had booze and weed. It was chilling at a fairly nice cabin while putting in an eight hour shift. Boo fucking Hoo. I’ve endured far worse before and I know several score more of you have done the same.
That being said, God bless the modern world, however long it lasts.
One most loves electricity when it comes back on after you haven’t had it. What a brilliant thing to have that much power at the flick of a switch the vast majority of time. I also hope we keep on a path to keeping energy cheap and plentiful. I like to spend time camping and backpacking out in the woods, but that takes petroleum too. Energy is life.
Cheers Chafed. I’m about to use some power to motor up to the Sierras and ski some of that global warming that just piled up.
I can’t believe Q abandoned us on thot Thursday.
Go woke and git broke, Chapter 3,412,569
I’m lying in a leather recliner, cat on my lap. Propane fireplace tossing me nicely from the right side.
Cat on the lap. What more could I need?
G’night all! Think happy thoughts. Don’t dwell on the negative.
How much did that upgrade cost?
I hate these people and their Heckler’s Veto. If you don’t want a property turned to a particular use, buy that property and use it differently. If you are unwilling to put skin in the game, shut the Hell up.
That’s one dumb cunte.
I look forward to her OMG I Got covid piece.
I have yet to be asked for vaccination status or to put on a mask anywhere in Queens or Brooklyn; I have no interest in setting foot in Manhattan.
Same out in Suffolk county. I bought a ridiculous fishnet mask to put on when im asked to mask up but havent been able to use it yet.
Quelle surprise.
I met my gf at Montclair State.
“And yet, as of last week, we’re done dining out, or at least we’re done dining out in New Jersey.”
Good. Now I know that the restaurants in Montclair won’t be befouled by the likes of you.
This is what they should have been doing from the beginning, instead of demanding that the rest of the world conform to their irrational terror-panic.
The pedos are cyber stalking your kids.
Grooming using school resources…not good.
My 11yo daughter wants to attend her school’s GSA meeting. I want to make bullying great again. Not really, but she’s 11 and has no concept of what sexuality is; I’m not in a hurry for her to learn.
A lot of those are currently popular celebs but especially why Jennifer Love Hewitt. She reached maximum perkiness back in the ‘90s.
I find the whole thing distasteful.
I’d like to think her handlers put this together because she has more class than that.
Almost certainly people around her trying to cash in. She’s 100, I doubt she was the driving force behind this one although that’s possible if highly unlikely.
She may be 100 but she is far more coherent than the leader of the free world. Anything’s possible.
It was hacked! Before he lost it of course. At the wrecking yard, where it TOTALLY didn’t get picked up by the electromagnet crane and dropped in the grinder. Which then got shipped off for smelting.
I just received a panicked email from NYC School’s Chancellor Meisha Porter, warning parents that the Board of Ed
will overreacthas learned of a new “social media challenge” whereby kids are encouraged to call in bomb/shooting threats to area schools. Yay?Got something like that too. Mine said the message came from tik tok and that we have nothing to worry about.
Apparently its “national shoot up your school” day.
Still not as bad as the dousing yourself in alcohol, lighting yourself on fire, and hopping in the shower challenge from a few years ago.
Ok. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1471524030230536192.html
Are they actively trying to make folk suspect of the whole enterprise? Because it sure seems like everyone involved in the whole public health scheme is trying to take the most conspiratorial actions possible.
You don’t see a lot of obese grandmas in the international migrant set. But let’s terrorize all of them anyway.
Good morning, Jermy, l0, Sean, Stinky, and Tulip!
Yay! One of my sister’s Christmas presents, via Amazon, has arrived at the Dayton USPS distribution center! ?
Now if they would just find and deliver the check for my gas bill that I mailed back on the 6th. ?
Hi, GT!! Good morning.
You still have to mail a paper check?!? I hope they find it.
I bought my sister and brother some local Pahrump wine (don’t laugh—it’s really good!) Thursday night and have no idea if it will get to Oklahoma by Christmas. Fortunately, a little more aging won’t hurt. 🙂
I’ve kept a separate checking account just for household bills for years – made it easier to find the records when TT did the math for his home office deduction. That account doesn’t have its own debit card. I’m beginning to question the need for that account, though I think at least one of our bills – trash pickup, IIRC – still charges a “convenience fee” for using plastic.
“Convenience fee” is a terrible name it’s terrible for the billers but they punish the payers for the convenience.
::finds old trash bill:: Yup – $1.95 for card payments ups to $100.
The trash bill is $26.22 every two months. (Paid to the township – not directly to the trash company.)
Good morning GT, have a great day. Gonna hit 60 out here in Long Island.
We’ve had those temps out here in SW OH the last couple of days, but it’s cooling down significantly today – predicted highs in the mid-40s. And rain.
Mornin’, GT et al. A package I did not order arrived from my favorite online tobacco retailer yesterday. I wonder what it could be? *whistles Jingle Bells*
suh’ fam
whats goody
Mornin’, Tres. All quiet on the western front. How you doin with that bug?
Unless there’s some latent tylenol masking it, my current temp is down to 99.9
Im hoping this is the start of a positive trend.
Good news! Soon you will be down to 98.6!
And my %Sp02 is 96
So maybe I will make it to christmas
With a pit-stop at 99.9.
Suzanne Vega > Keith
You couldnt do 99?
As long as the turkey popper hasn’t popped, you should be ok.
Seriously though, I’m hoping for you that your fever breaks. That usually takes away the crawly skin feeling and the aching joints too.
Get well!
Good morning, homey – and ‘patzie! You feelin’ any better, bunky?
With guarded optimism, yes. Its been a long week.
Current titer status?
Colm Meaney is in the latest It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia episode and he is awesome. To be fair, I would be enraptured watching him read the newspaper.
The ST:TNG transporter operator??
I remember the episode where he told his Japanese wife Keiko that his mom was a great cook of traditional scotch or Irish food, and she was freaked out that the mom had cooked real animal meat. “She actually touched it and cut it with her hands????”
Yeah, bitch. We conquered the galaxy and didn’t stop eating meat. Deal.
Maybe Keiko is a devout Buddhist?
He got a transfer to Deep Space 9 and a big promotion.
Nice. I haven’t seen him in anything other than Trek but he was the best part of DS9.
Elvis wasn’t a Cajun – https://youtu.be/hGMCVzL1_1k
Well today is supposed to be closing on the sale of our house in California. It’s all gone rather well (loved the real estate agent and will recommend) but the escrow company is peopled entirely with blond ditzes under the age of 30.
They (escrow/title) sent me a doc Wednesday to e-sign, but it was all messed up, didn’t include our mortgage lender or payoff amount, etc. I got past Ditz 1 on the phone and got to Ditz In Charge, who said, oh wow, yeah I’m glad you called. !!!!
Anyway, Wednesday night my spouse and I had to run to the local UPS store to get some shit notarized to make it official and fix the escrow and title screw ups. Then Thursday morning I drove the docs to FedEx in Las Vegas to make sure it will all end up in San Diego today.
I’m soooo ready to be done.
Every time I’ve bought/sold a house it’s as if everyone involved had never done it before.
I typed “libertarians.com” in the URL bar on accident.
The domain is available!! How much should I pay to get it to forward to this site?
GLIBS: frightening people away from libertarianism, one Sugar Free story at a time…
“How much should I pay to get it to forward to this site?”
I might be inclined to help fund this.
Me too.
Ok, I filled out the thingy asking for a quote.
Damned squatters.
Srsly? That’s nuts.
LOL, that’s the photo they ran with?
TMITE. But I don’t think a 55 minute video is required to dissect a two-minute MSNBC clip. Someone needs an editor.
Mask up, bitches!
“viral blizzard” ?
You got your moral panic in my hysterical terror-doom!
Wait, I thought cross-dressers were a protected class.
The woman removing her panties to use as a facemask? Hawt.
Anti haxx0rz training today.
“Never give out sensitive information over the phone, online or in person…”
Well that covers most of the bases now, doesn’t it? What if I write sensitive information on a piece of paper and drop it on the sidewalk?