One of these things is not like the others
From left to right: ST Action Pro, Diana #10 (which I will sell to you for less that I paid for it), Aguila #7.5, and A-ZOOM.
I am not a hunter, nor a tactical operator. I am a Gun Culture 2.0 shooting sports enthusiast. Therefore I buy gear and practice for gaming purposes. YMMV. I originally bought the el cheapo ones because I thought I’d buy a few dozen of them and sit and watch TV while practicing my dual/quad loading.* I discovered that if you’re not using a gaming shotgun, that you wind up losing your thumbnail while practicing, but that yes, you can dual load but when you get to the match, shit doesn’t seem to work. It turns out that the ST Action Pro (STAP, pronounced “stahp”) are contrary to their advertisement, significantly shorter than an actual 2.75″ shell, and this problem is doubled when you’re attempting to dual load. So they’re pointless for what I need them for. The A-ZOOMs on the other hand, work great.
As far as weight, the stahps are waaay under, and the A-ZOOMS are actually heavier that what I have around the house. Maybe they’re weighted to duplicate buckshot/slugs? No idea.
Actual weights:
stahp – 13g
Aguila – 39g
Diana – 42g (?!)
A-ZOOM 49g
As far as durability, I have not had a problem with either of the dummies having their rims ripped off by the extractors in my shotguns. I don’t know if autoloaders are gentler than pumps when being actuated manually.
I guess if you’re practicing cycling your pump shotgun, you could get away with the stahps, but if you want to practice reloads with something that are the actual size and weight of live ammo, they suck.
Open Comments.
*I actually load weak hand since I still need to look at what I’m doing. Maybe if I become serious I’ll switch to strong hand. I’d need to figure out some other way of mounting shell caddies though.
She’s adorable.
Indeed. I don’t know what’s hotter; a girl who likes guns, or a girl who plays bass.
There is room in the world for both.
I have never seen anyone load 4 shells in one grab like that. They should incorporate that in the next John Wick style movie.
It takes me longer to get 1 shell out of the box than it takes her to load that entire extended tube.
“America is built on dirty, filthy speed.”
-Elanor Roosevelt
John Wick 2 had some old-school quad loading (uber-gamer and possible pimp Taran Butler was the gun-handling advisor.)
Dear movie studios, please learn to quit while you are ahead.
Dear the world,
Stop watching this crap.
^ there you go ^
They’re bringing back Daredevil. So they can make as many movies as they want.
I had my issues with the basic plot of the latest Spiderman movie going in but if I ignored that it was pretty good.
And I enjoyed seeing Matt Murdoch and I also want to see Punisher as well.
The club voted me a budget to buy static steel. Woohoo!
No knockdowns? One our local ranges built their own with tire rims as bases.
Knockdowns have to be reset, which involves going downrange. This game is set up to minimize the amount of movement (potential slip-and-falls) required — it’s specifically for Upstate winters. Also we don’t want to have to safe the shooter between strings. Right now we’re doing that by setting up three identical strings (because we’re using knockdowns) but that cuts down our available lateral transition space to a third of what it could be.
Wait, a budget? What new spore of madness is this?
The CRO came up to me and addressed me by name. Apparently I am officially somebody in the club now.
Also, He’ll set up a virtual New Member Orientation for a small group if you’re ready. Otherwise the next in person is looking like February.
I’m ready whenever there’s the opportunity.
Okay, I’ll send him your name.
*realizes that I have the social power to cut the line*
I appreciate it.
Did you say quad laser?
It all comes clear…
That is so you.
What the heck is going on with the comments?
Oh, I think I see.
Today in no shit.
And I want a pony!
She explicitly ran for office on a promise to use it as a political weapon. Should have been disqualified and disbarred immediately.
They disbar people for ambulance-chasing. I would say that using the power of your office for political purposes is at least 5 orders of magnitude worse than sending a runner to get accident victims signed up as clients.
I don’t get it, but Guns, YAY!
Babylon Bee scored an interview with Elon Musk! Whole interview posts tomorrow but the sneak preview is up now.
This is gonna be good…
I’m not a huge Musk fanboy personally. Especially since a not small sum of his wealth has been gained through taxpayers via government contracts. That being said, I kinda admire the chutzpah.
Take government funds after they expect you to be a obedient little bitch then show them up and troll whenever possible knowing they won’t do much about other than whine is a true shitlord move.
I’ve been meaning to ask Glibs about Musk. It wasn’t that long ago that if you could find “Elon Musk” on a Glibs page, you could also find “con man”. Now that his seeming libertarian-ish side is coming out, he gets much more love…or at least less disdain.
My view of his accepting Fed cash: they are going to spend it regardless; may as well be first to the trough.
He’s a leach. But he’s a far more useful leach than NASA.
leech, fuck off.
A usefull leech? think again Junior
Who art thou which deniest SCIENCE!
My Fault, and a few of us, Fanbois all, if the Gov is gonna launch rockets, he does it cheap and reliable,
He is our future!
Oh, don’t get me wrong Uncle Bob. Despite my reflexive disdain for any private/public collusion I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the overall “Throw money at it and let them do their thing” attitude towards this public contracts. Especially his space explorations. I guess I find Tesla to be distasteful.
It sucked when the US had to hitch rides with the Russians. And now the Chinese are doing the Space Club thang too.
Elon has added real value in space exploration, the Boring company, battery technology (he bought the rights to some sweet ultracapacitor electrode Technology from Maxwell), computer processor tech, etc.
He has brought more value than he has taken.
No strong opinion on him.
I don’t think he was ever a “con man” but he clearly benefits from the government’s obsession with “green” horseshit.
His recent troll game is welcome but it doesn’t change my opinion of him.
I have to admit that I take every tax break I can get. Is the tax code logical or fair? No. Am I going to decline the tax breaks? Hell no.
Why would Musk not take the incentives? Better him than Solyndra.
He is advocating for the death of the Build Back Bolshevik bill, and that is a good thing too. Fun to see the MSM try to take him down now that he is showing “small government” inclinations.
I have enormous respect for what he has done with SpaceX. He launches for private companies and for the government. I’m fine with the government part because they are buying a legitimate service. Tesla and Sun City are different. But for the tax subsidies both businesses would fail. So, I think he is a mixed bag.
Tesla already sold every car they could under the subsidy program. You don’t get a federal tax credit for a Tesla any more.
Biden helpfully added on another subsidy to UAW competitors of Tesla.
Solar city… Well… Who knows if that will ever be worthwhile.
He has already saved us more via his government contracts than he ever got as subsidies. For simple numbers, compare the Boeing ISS transport contract with the SpaceX contract… More than double for less results.
And the best is yet to come… Maybe.
We the taxpayers have spent the better part of $30 billion to build the SLS and Orion. He is spending his own money to develop Starship. It will cost us as much as $3.5 billion per launch to use SLS (newly revised figure per the Motley Fool). Musk is claiming Starship will be cheaper than current Falcon 9 launches (nominally $50 million retail). But even at $100 million per launch, Starship will do more each launch, and you could buy 35 launches for 1 SLS launch.
Of course, Biden and NASA administrator Bill Nelson are trying to lock in as much of SLS money for their cronies as they can… They are currently working on a 30 year contract to buy SLS launches.
Each solid rocket booster for the SLS costs more than an entire Starship is projected to cost … And they are not reusable like starship is. Each RS-25 engine (and there are 4) on the SLS costs more than a brand new Starship.
The amount of money that Musk is going to save the taxpayer on launch services alone is more than his company makes. $450 million dollar Delta IV national security launches are going away… Replaced by $125 million dollar SpaceX national security launches. Even jobs they don’t land are cheaper, simple because they are there.
I had something profound to say two beers ago but it has somehow escaped me.
Something about the death of names and bloodlines and just being grateful your genetics and customs may survive you for hundreds if not thousands of years after you’re dead and ain’t that good enough, you greedy cuntes?…it sounded more articulate an hour or so ago.
*raises glass*
#ditto #hic
I’m sorry to hear about your wife. I can only hope the best for you both, whatever that can be.
Bless you and yours my friend.
Thanks, buddy.
+1 greedy cunte
I have a couple of A-Zoom snap caps I bought at a local shop. I don’t think they weigh more than actual live shells.
Plan to visit the range with some friends on Sunday. I just bought some Aguila #0 buck. Weird that the package doesn’t give the number of pellets. I assume 12 to 15. I’ll have to remember to count on the target after my first shot.
Holy shit.
The NJ vid-prop is even more insulting the NY’s and I didn’t think that was possible.
*scene: adorable child*
Dear Santa, all I want for Xmas is the covid vaccine.
Yeah, I heard some radioprop today: “Covid Fatigue is the new fear.” or somesuch happy horseshit.
No, fuckers, we are tired of your fearmongering and want our lives back.
Keep your barf bag handy.
Has anyone even bothered explaining why you would vaccinate a kid against covid?
Same reason they’re vaxxed against rubella.
Sort of, I suppose. Except pregnant women and children are kind of always together… 5 year old kids and Octogenarians not so much… At least not necessarily.
Plus, the covid vaccine does not block infection or transmission.
What is the point again?
Saw that this morning. Gross.
Chickens are coming home to roost.
Hah hah. You fuckers voted for that leftist nitwit. And he’s been pushing diversity and oppression nonsense in both his district and in the state school boards association. Almost like clockwork, one of parents opposed to dumbing down achievement and hard work: “Sea Chu”. Of course.
Forgot this nugget
That would be in Saudi Arabia where he was raised through college, until he returned to the US for his later graduate education (paid for by the Saudi government). Puts that in a little different light. Nor did his “detracking” prevent him from gaining a doctorate.
His main opponent in that election was my doctor. He was doing well in the campaign, until some trans started spewing “unsafe, unsafe” BS about him. Sadly, he dropped out of the race. He probably has the best bedside manner I have ever come across.
Here is a little info about him, which might explain why he wanted to be on the board
It will continue for a short time until once again they find the same demographic disparities and apply the same policy to the high schools.
Yup. No doubt about it.
FFS. They admit each other that it is all about racial bean counting and then have the gall to claim to the public that the goal is to “foster a love for math among students”.
No, you lying fucks.
It’s late stage progressivism. The pushback has begun, hopefully it is strong enough to return liberalism in its place.
Yeah the pendulum will swing back after enough bridges designed by the United Colors of Benetton collapse.
Lying fucks is right. I don’t think anyone believes that.
This shit is fascinating. I thought Japan was a myth, but not only is it real, but we were at war with Japans.
Good find. I recommend reading “Shattered Sword” which used extensive research of the IJN’s archive and has great detail. It shows the battle largely from the Japanese eyes.
I’ll be honest, it’s kinda upsetting watching this from the American eyes after he’s laid it out from Japan’s perspective. Cryptonomicon made this all sound like a foregone conclusion, minus the egghead worries about revealing intelligence by revealing too much about counteringelligence… I kinda figured all this was basically ship maneuvering in light of those concerns. But there are an awful lot of planes shot down and the Yorktown carrier sunk, which seems avoidable if they knew where the Japs would be…
The imposition of actually launching planes from your weapons platform and all that entails is fascinating. You can’t launch planes if you’re maneuvering to avoid attacks.
The enemy always gets a vote. Forgetting that fact can be costly.
The final attack by the Hiryu was gutsy. He knew the other three carriers were gone but he had a chance to get his attack in and took it. He just hit the Yorktown again, but it was enough damage to let a sub get in to finish the job the next morning. Hiryu was sunk in the American counterblow.
Herman Wouk in “War and Remembrance” has a good account of the American torpedo plane attack. He lists all those who died (basically all of those who participated) because their inadvertent sacrifice set up the next five minutes when the dive bombers ripped the guts out of Japan’s naval aviator for the rest of the war.
Are you sure? I haven’t heard about that.
/most high school students
Come to think of it Cryptonomicon made the battle of the atlanic out to be much more interesting but I think the real fight was
Oh, shit, I just realized the Pacific was where it was all about, all along. Fuck me, I’m dim.
I had some stahps. I wasn’t doing your fancy competition stuff, just drilling my tactical reloads and my port loads.
The rims were too soft. They got hammered out and started hanging in the magazine tube, and I wasn’t getting that many reps in. My A-Zooms came a few days ago, and I haven’t had a chance to try them (much less beat on them), but they seem very solid. I’ll be surprised if I wear them out. The one concern I have is that I practice in my garage, and with their weight they are going to be landing hard on the cement.
Yeah, I’d imagine they’ll dent.
Glibs After Dark knows good things come in twos.
Goodness gracious!
When Turenne met his death at the Battle of Salzbach, his final words were that he did not want to tie today.
When I go, my final words will be that I do not intend to to second today.
I’m a big Tommy Guerrero fan, more of his music than skating, he just rips all around really. This is a cool project he did a few years back that I just heard and love. Fun video as well.
Attention stargazers:
Mornin’, Sean. Awfully quiet around here.
Too quiet…
Good morning, ‘patzie and Teh Hype – and Sean, too, if you’re still around.
Started wrapping Christmas gifts for my sibs last night. Pacing myself so I don’t get burnt out.
Mornin’, GT.
Pacing myself so I don’t get burnt out.
Good to keep up the tradition, we stopped exchanging gifts around the time the kids stopped believing in Santa Claus. We planned to go to my sister’s this year, but her BF is having his hips replaced, so she’ll be a bit too busy to entertain. Getting old sucks.
You and me both, red-headed Step Sister. 30 down. 3 to go.
Since Ted’s is not around…
Good morning all. I’m sicky-sicky: sore throat, painful sinus congestion, fever aches (but no elevated temp.). I don’t think it’s the ChiComPox as I still have smell and taste but I don’t want to mess up the kids’ trip to Florida on Friday.
IANAD, but that sounds to me like the good ol’ common cold. Hope you feel better ASAP!
Sorry to hear that, should clear up by Friday *crosses fingers*.
Feel better!
“Straight news”
I wonder why there is such panic?
*checks local news*
Oh. Never mind.
New World Order Problems – after jumping through hoops to get poisoned yet again, I seem to be unable to earn my golden ticket from the Gov. I’ve been wrassling with their site for an hour and they don’t recognize me, at all. I wonder if the old dear that poked me mis-typed my health# into the system? I had to re-up my ID about two weeks ago so all that I had with me was a paper copy that couldn’t be scanned. She was older than God’s big sister and not very good at what she was doing if the amount of blood and swelling were any indication. Sigh. Off to try again…
New World Order Problems
Oh, and good luck with the old battle-axe.
Judi always helps with these situations *ducks*
she believes he had a reaction with alcohol and a prescription medication and may have been drugged with GHB at the party
The “I was like totally wasted, man” defense. Works every time.
Sure, if you are one of the anointed.
That wasn’t me driving, that was some recovering but not quite recovered old alcoholic. I pinkie swear, Your Honor, this is the first time in my life that I was drunk like that.
“The Devil made me do it”
/Geraldine, aka Flip Wilson
“Here come da Judge!”
Feck! Wanted to get this done so HR would leave me alone for a day or two. Now I have to stay up until Judi awakes to solve it. I am getting more stupid by the day. On Sunday I drove away from work without unplugging the block heater, something that I have never done before. A good samaritan picked up the extension cord and draped it over the picnic table. 3 more nights…
Well this is unexpected:
Criminal enterprise.
To cancel development of medicines and kill us, or hook all of that got poisoned to a lifelong prescription service that makes diabetes look like nothing? Either way… evil.
One thing I will give the Statists some credit for, they did mange to get me my brand-new ID in six business days despite all letter mail being four days behind schedule last I checked. Makes you wonder.
Are your trains on time?
No trains from the coast, yet.