Moar YouTubes to Distract You From This Sh#tshow World

by | Dec 9, 2021 | Entertainment | 232 comments

Since we last looked at 10 of my favorite YouTube channels, I have added a few more. Some I have been watching for a while, and some are recent additions to my list. None of these is political, nor should they give you agida.

Hopefully one or more of these catch your fancy.

As always, put your recommendations in the comments.

  • The Behavior Panel: body language experts analyze videos of various criminal interrogations, celebrity interviews, politicians, etc. Like a lot of Body Language YouTube, they seem to have slightly conservative bent.
  • Duck River Honey: more beekeeping. This guy is somewhat new to beekeeping, and is trying to establish a small commercial operation. It’s best to watch his videos in sequential order, as the bee season progresses from winter to spring to summer. He’s big on finding and hiving feral swarms to build up his colony counts.
  • Gale Force Twins: twin licensed Captains who ran a robust charter business before ‘Rona policies put a damper on that (despite their being in Florida). They decided to put their eggs in the YouTube basket to make up for lost revenue. I like this channel, because they don’t make assumptions about the experience-level of their viewers. They show their rods and rigs in detail, including the knots they use, and weights and measures of the baits and lures. Some of you may find them cute as hell, too.
  • GeoWizard: a channel strictly for geography nerds. A Brit guy plays various geography-related online games, mainly Geoguessr (a highly addictive game – for geography nerds). One of my favorite series he does is try to pinpoint the exact location of one of his viewers based on a single photo.
  • Imamu Room: recommended by a Glib (sorry – can’t remember who).  A Japanese lady in Canada makes bento boxes for her husband every day, plus bonus dinners and lunches. I had no idea Japanese food could be so mayonnaise and fry-intensive.
  • Karolina Zebrowska: Polish woman researches, creates, and wears historical clothing, with an exceedingly strong meme game. Her viewers call her “meme mom”. This hits my funny bone as well as my fashion bone.
  • Let’s Game it Out:
  • Nicola White Mudlark: Brit scrounges in the filthy mud of the Thames (and other bodies of water around the UK) at low tide, looking for interesting and historical brick-a-brac. Who knew there were so many clay pipes buried in the mud of the Thames? I didn’t.
  • Scammer Payback: maybe you’ve heard of Kitboga (maybe you haven’t). This guy is one step above. He not only calls and trolls scammers day in and day out, he also access their computer systems, downloads their victim lists, finds their locations, and digs up their social media accounts. He has fund, financed by his viewers, that will make scam victims whole.
  • SORTEDFood: recommended by Tulip! Some chefs and some “normals” (i.e. non-chefs) do various things with foods and gadgets. My personal favorites are the electric shock episodes, where a couple of normals are tasked with recreating famous dishes. They get electric shocks from the chefs when they fuck up.

About The Author

Fuck You

Fuck You

Just a statistic.


  1. DEG

    Nicola White Mudlark: Brit scrounges in the filthy mud of the Thames (and other bodies of water around the UK) at low tide, looking for interesting and historical brick-a-brac. Who knew there were so many clay pipes buried in the mud of the Thames? I didn’t.

    I wonder how many guns he finds. Boating accidents and all that.

    I mean, they have to happen in places other than the US, right?

  2. Yusef the Unclean

    TyPigPatrol: This guy can fish, and he catches Giant freshies, great fun
    Electroboom: Mehdi is a nut case Iranian E.E. who loves debunking bad, science
    everything else is history, education or war, all depressing subjects.

  3. juris imprudent

    They get electric shocks from the chefs when they fuck up.

    Cooking with Stanley Milgram!

    • Tres Cool

      Milgram > Skinner as far as Im concerned.

  4. Mojeaux

    I’m embarrassed by my YouTube go-tos. They’re not prurient, but they are … weird.

    • cyto

      Two thoughts:

      A). I would expect nothing less.

      B) I did not understand YouTube when it first came out. I enjoyed being able to find fun videos. Badger, badger, badger….. But I had no idea that random people posting stuff would become transformative. It absolutely has transformed video entertainment. My kids all prefer YouTube to real TV. They watch other people play video games. They watch other people watch videos and react to them.. that one really puzzles me. But there are also semi-professionally run channels for every case, every conceivable interest. Adam carolla does a version of a morning drive radio comedy show combined with opinion talk. Rick beato does a channel where he breaks down popular music songs and reminisces about the music business. Nate the lawyer breaks down legal concepts and posts videos from actual cases for viewers to evaluate. ElectroBoom does silly videos about electronic circuits. Other people post videos on refrigerator repair. It is a most astonishing achievement.

      Too bad they are a part of this propaganda movement of the left. If they had stayed completely libertarian on their dont be evil policy, it would be the perfect platform.

      As it is, they still provide an opportunity for anyone to find an audience for any interest.

      • UnCivilServant

        If the video reaction person can add something worthwhile in the form of commentary, I might watch.

        But most of them are not worth the price of admission.

      • juris imprudent

        There was YouTube before Google bought them, and YT after.

      • Mojeaux

        Okay, I’ll bite.

        Reaction vids: Black people reacting to white-people music (rock, country, oldie standards) that they have never heard. Pure gold. One guy turned himself into a Rush fan forever.

        Professionals plying their trade: 1) City slicker went to Vermont to start a goose farm. 2) Scottish cattle hoof trimmer and attendant hoof gore. 3) Bison ranch in Oklahoma. 4) Rug cleaner in Poland. (That one I use to put me to sleep.) 5) Dog groomer, also in Oklahoma. (I don’t even like dogs.)

        Career YouTubers: organization, fridge/pantry stocking, cleaning vids (depression nests, hoarding, crime scene).

        And “oddly satisfying” vids.

      • Tres Cool

        (I don’t even like dogs.)

        If it wasnt for the moxie, red hair, wit, charm, and those hips, you’d be dead to me.

      • Mojeaux

        Everybody has their virtues.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Pobody’s nerfect.

      • Mojeaux

        Rick Beato and Professor of Rock.

        A cartoonist and a couple of watercoloristists.

        Planners and scrapbookers.

      • Mojeaux

        Tiny House and van life.

        Japanese joinery.

      • UnCivilServant

        In the “Professionals plying their trade” category, I tend to stop by the Bearded Butchers channel from time to time for videos like “Here’s how we break down a cow.”

      • PieInTheSky

        Reaction vids: – I watched some black people reacting to bill burr

        City slicker went to Vermont to start a goose farm – this reminds me of gold shaw farm which I watch

        Scottish cattle hoof trimmer – I watch some of this and complained in some glib thread or other about weird youtube recommends

        Dog groomer, also in Oklahoma – I watch a dog groomer in canada, girl with the dogs

      • Mojeaux

        Gold Shaw Farm is the one I watch, too.

      • PieInTheSky

        that is not a goose farm it is a duck farm

      • Ownbestenemy

        Duck farms stink to high heaven. There used to be one right off a freeway in SoCal, Woodland Farms.

      • PutridMeat

        I think Rinella was bitching about his guy on his podcast the other day.

      • Mojeaux

        He has geese and chickens and now he has cattle.

      • PieInTheSky

        I think Rinella was bitching about his guy – yes. although I am on this guys side myself

      • PieInTheSky

        He has geese and chickens and now he has cattle. – you forget the quacken and especially the runner ducks

      • Mojeaux

        I have adopted ALL DUCKS GO TO BED!

      • Ownbestenemy

        I’m a sucker for reaction videos also but like UCS, it needs to be more than the person listening and giving weird faces.

        I have fallen in love with all the people that are doing raw, long form interviews. The LawTube folks have really opened up how shitty our system can be. Getting interviews and they are also like fireside chats.

        Hot Ones is another. Well researched discussions are awesome.

      • robc

        Reaction vids: Black people reacting to white-people music (rock, country, oldie standards) that they have never heard. Pure gold. One guy turned himself into a Rush fan forever.

        I like some of those too, but refuse to admit to it.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Irish people reacting/comparing Irish Whisky to American Bourbon.

        Cute girls, and some decent commentary.

      • slumbrew

        Oh, Ciara makes my heart go pitter-patter. Beautiful, funny & and some sort of bionic liver.

      • l0b0t

        I first saw her in this one, and instantly fell head-over-heels for her.

      • slumbrew

        Any video with Ciara & Dermot is going to be good.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Not as bad as admitting you like Rush.

      • PutridMeat

        My momma always told me, if you can’t say something nice don’t say nuthin at all.

        Sometimes all you can do is shake your head and walk away. Just walk away.

      • Mojeaux


      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Re #1) Oh, the brothers (literally)?

      • Mojeaux


      • trshmnstr the terrible

        YouTube has been the hardest big tech product to separate from.

        FB/IG/Twitter are all in that “do you really miss it if it’s gone” category, and there are alternatives that, while not as good, still can scratch the itch in some way. I don’t love the alternatives (gab being the one that I’m on right now), but its a viable choice to say “freedom supporting platforms or none at all” and stick to it.

        YouTube competitors are a mere shadow of the real deal. Right-wing alternatives are all politics all the time and generic alternatives are lacking content. It’s either YouTube or lose out on that entire genre of media.

    • cyto

      Also, I am embarrassed about my history of go-tos on television as well. I used to watch most of the WB sci-fi fantasy crossover crap. Pretty people acting on a mediocre show… Kind of embarrassing, but I kept hoping that since it is in my genre it would eventually get better.

      Of course, the same could be said for any number of things I have watched on Netflix, Paramount Plus, and Hulu.

  5. UnCivilServant

    Well, the hair place down the road lost my business because they refused to simply answer the phone. I’m an easy customer to please for this type of establishment – cut it short, don’t do anything fnacy, here’s your money. But if you can’t be arsed to answer the phone and tell me what your rate is, I can’t be arsed to give you my business. I’ll just buzz my hair short on my own again. Which is what I ended up doing.

    • Tres Cool

      I was planning on a hair cut this week, but now that I have reasonable suspicion that Im Kung-Flu positive, Im not going to potentially subject my 73 year-old barber.
      Jugsy, despite being waxxed & vaxxed, waved off her trip home this weekend.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I had body aches and chills on Saturday night, but then I felt fine Monday (tested negative), Tuesday, and most of yesterday. Last night I slept like garbage again with the aches and chills. I never triggered a fever though.

        I saw you used the same rapid at home tests in the last thread that I have a stash of. I suppose I should test again.

      • Tres Cool

        My only concern is that since I have sinus-y stuff, the swabs came out kinda bloody.
        No idea if that can bias the results, or which way.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        We are now #covidbrothers.

    • Sean

      I’m a little surprised they didn’t have a website you could have looked it up on.

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, they apparently don’t even want to enter the 20th century, let alone the 21st.

    • cyto

      I have been cutting my own hair since graduate school, 30 years ago. And it was because of the wait and the commute, more than the money.

      Fast forward to a decade and a half ago. My wife found out I was cutting my own hair and said I should pay somebody to do it. So I went to the expensive place near the office.

      It remains the only haircut that I’ve ever received negative feedback on from anyone. Three or four people actually asked where I got the terrible haircut.

      End of experiment. I do my own hair. And even as my hair is thinning, I still get compliments on my haircuts from time to time.

      Bonus, I cut my son’s hair. On more than one occasion people who are actually hairdressers have commented to my wife on how great her son’s haircut is. It really pisses her off, because she keeps looking for validation on her insistence that we have to go spend 30 bucks to get the kids haircut instead of letting me do it. He finally insisted on letting me do it because he didn’t want to drive across town and sit there to get a haircut, same reason his dad does it that way.

      • Tres Cool

        My barber is $10
        4 times Ive cut my own hair. Twice I was toilet-hugging, snot-slinging, drunk. The other 2 I was totally sober.
        Can you guess which times it was perfectly acceptable ?

      • UnCivilServant

        The place I used to go was $10.

        The lockdowns put them out of business.

      • CPRM

        Last time I cut my own hair I got a complement on how good it looked. First time I’ve gotten that from anyone outside the family. I just used the 1/2 inch guard on my whole head, so not anything mindblowing.

      • Tres Cool

        Desperate gays will go after anything.

      • Bobarian LMD

        I shaved my head in 1997. I have never been to a barber since then.

      • Mojeaux

        I shaved my head onceaftera few too many bad hair experiments went wrong.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I think I would like to do that once, in some emergency. Never contracted lice.

      • Mojeaux

        Felt fabulous. Looked horrific. I wore a head scarf when I went out until it grew tolerably long. People were so NICE to me when my head was wrapped. Lots of people. Took me a couple of minutes to figure out why.

      • UnCivilServant

        So, was the chemo successful?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Maybe in summer…

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Uhh, and yes, I remember that story. 😉

    • pistoffnick

      Let it grow
      Let it grow
      Let it blossom
      Let it flow

      Can you imagine UCS with db length hair?

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve never seen db’s hair.

      • Mojeaux

        Come to Zoom.

      • UnCivilServant

        You always schedule it at such inconvenient times. And it gets crowded fast.

      • pistoffnick

        Beautiful plumage!


      • UnCivilServant

        My hair gorws more in the vein of “crazed hobo” than “beautiful plumage”

      • Nephilium

        I can.

  6. CPRM

    LGR – He does a lot of videos on old odd tech, like that time there was a DC cigarette lighter adapter (like in cars) for PC drive bays, along with a cup holder.
    RedLetter Media – Great reviews of movies old and new, done in a very Glib way.
    Screen Junkies – Only for their honest trailers, which have become less awesome in recent years
    How it Should Have Ended – Again, just making fun of movies
    Auralnauts – Bad Lip Reading type stuff, but insane.

    • Tres Cool

      I read that as “anal-nauts”.

      Not nearly as good as Hamster-nauts

    • PieInTheSky

      honest trailers, – last couple of years I liked Screen Rant pitch meetings more than Screen Junkies honest trailers

      • CPRM

        Pitch Meeting is usually I little lower hanging fruit, plus no epic voice guy. I watch them, but I say it’s like pop culture cocaine. It’s more about the rapid fire nature than the thought that makes Pitch Meeting.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Back in their prime, the first thing I’d think after watching a movie was “cool, now I can go watch the honest trailer and HISHE without spoilers!”

  7. Sean

    DC cigarette lighter adapter (like in cars) for PC drive bays

    I had one of those.

  8. Rebel Scum

    body language experts analyze videos

    *Shifts nervously in seat*

    He’s big on finding and hiving feral swarms to build up his colony counts.

    So that’s what all the buzz is about.

    Some of you may find them cute as hell

    I see how they reeled you in.

    a channel strictly for geography nerds

    A group in which I’d feel out of place.

    Polish woman researches, creates, and wears historical clothing

    Hopefully that theme never wears out.

    Let’s Game it Out:

    I guess the game is over.

    Brit scrounges in the filthy mud of the Thames

    Sounds like jolly good fun.

  9. PieInTheSky

    I have not heard if any of these… I am not sure I have recent additions to my yutubes… besides all the italian beauty shows and try on hauls recommended to me which I link in the links

    at this moment I am watching Bourbon Junkies which i find entertaining though i will probably never find any of the whiskies they review

  10. rhywun

    I only go to Youtube for music and the occasional links from here and then only if the context suggests it might be worthwhile. And anything over two or three minutes is a No from me, dawg.

    Don’t “follow” anyone. Never will. Now get off my lawn.

    • CPRM

      Well, it’s bipartisan, so it must be good.

    • Ted S.

      How much is FedGov going to make us pay for that taking?

    • The Other Kevin

      This is one reason why he’s such a terrible president: He’s been in DC basically his entire adult life, and he’s from a “safe” district where he’s never had any of his ideas or policies challenged. So he’s incapable of understanding there are other points of view, and that he sometimes needs to win over people who disagree with him. In other words, completely out of touch with no desire or ability to fix that.

      • Bobarian LMD

        where he’s never had any of his ideas or policies challenged of his own.


  11. Fourscore

    I’ll check out Duck River Honey. Certainly learn something that I’ll promptly ignore.

  12. SDF-7

    The Critical Drinker
    Kottabos Games
    Many a True Nerd
    Google Translate Sings (now Twisted Translations and her output is way, way down since the pandemic started)
    How It Should Have Ended

  13. Ozymandias

    I have nothing beyond my obsessions: fortunately, that list is reasonably long and keeps me entertained.
    YT only gets used when I’m trying to learn piano or guitar parts or songs.
    Until and unless YT has a channel about destroying the vax mandates, it will remain a rarely-used resource.
    You people are my channel to the outside world; I have to live vicariously through all of your YT and Twitter links (although I think I am going to quit Twitter cold turkey effective immediately.)

    • Tres Cool

      I have never Twat-tered nor Bookface’d
      I doubt you’re missing anything.

    • Q Continuum

      “Until and unless YT has a channel about destroying the vax mandates, it will remain a rarely-used resource immediately be taken down as domestic terrorism.”


    • juris imprudent

      I have strongly suggested to Mrs JI, who is overly fond of FB (including live), that our new property is going to be designated a social media free zone.

    • Ozymandias

      Upon consideration – I realize I was not accurate. I watch the occasional Dennis Prager “Fireside Chats” videos. I love that guy.

    • Brochettaward

      [blockquote]I have to live vicariously through all of you[/quote]

      Ozy comes every time I First.

      • Ozymandias

        Are you spying on me?
        *covers computer camera*

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      although I think I am going to quit Twitter cold turkey effective immediately

      If you’re running Eyepiece, there is a setting to disable Twitter links. I don’t use Eyepiece anymore (doesn’t work on Brave for Android), and I miss that functionality.

  14. CPRM

    Oh, I forgot
    Techmoan – stodgy british guy dives into odd tech
    Technology Connections – Midwest geek looks at odd and old tech.
    Toy Galaxy – The stories behind old toy lines and pop culture entertainment.

  15. Grumbletarian

    Slingshot Disc Golf – Better instruction on the mechanics of throwing in disc golf than anyone I’ve seen. I saw a big jump when trying to throw this way.

    Freedom Toons – Hilarious conservative/libertarian cartoons.

    Cornhole Collective – Instructional videos on building, painting and staining custom cornhole boards.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      Slingshot Disc Golf

      Thanks for that one! Hadn’t run across him before.

  16. Rat on a train

    Quantico is making things go boom. The house occasionally rattles.

  17. JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

    I’ve been watching I Want to See the World. It’s a guy who was cycling from the Arctic Ocean to Argentina with a few other side trips. Unfortunately he committed suicide a couple months ago. The places he went to were pretty fascinating.

    I also watch some other cycling stuff: Vegan Cyclist (more cyclist than vegan) and Ryan van Duzer.

    SUVRVing, a guy who does road trips in his SUV.

    Various clips from Joe Rogan and Dark Horse.

    • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

      Oh, and Ghost Town Living. It’s by a guy who bought an old mining town in the California desert.

  18. Rat on a train

    Oversimplified – history oversimplified

  19. J. Frank Parnell

    Critical Drinker and Critical Drinker Afterhours
    Tasting History
    C&Rsenal sometimes, but the videos are an hour long so I usually don’t have time to sit through them all the way
    Extra Credits – specifically the Extra History and Extra Mythology episodes which I watch with my older son.
    stopped watching The Great War after WWI ended
    Screen Rant pitch meetings
    Whatifalthist – kind of an interesting history / alternate history / economics channel, but the guy talks a bit too fast and has a bad tendency to throw up a big supporting wall of text which disappears too fast to actually read.
    Screen Crush – I watch the trailer/episode breakdowns and easter eggs.
    PBS Spacetime

    My older son is into history and has been watching a lot of Oversimplified recently, which is a bit vulgar but whatever. He also likes to watch some channel where people play Minecraft and SCREAM LOUDLY, but I make him turn that off whenever I walk into the room.

    • Rat on a train

      My daughter also likes watching Minecraft videos. They’re not as bad as toy unboxing videos and way better than reaction videos.

  20. robc

    My favorite GeoWizard is him trying to walk across Scotland in a straight line.

    • Nephilium

      Completely unrelated to this post, but Astral Codex Ten just started a guest series on Georgism.

      • robc

        Good, we can pretend those are my unwritten Georgism articles.

        Well, I should read them first before saying that.

      • Nephilium

        I’d say these will definitely be longer then the ones you wrote. I’m slowly working my way through the one that just dropped.

      • robc

        I agreed with most of what I read in his book review. The part at the end where he got wishy-washy on the Single Land Tax irked me. Part of the SLT argument of George was a moral argument, that all taxes of labor or capital were immoral.

      • UnCivilServant

        SLT was “Eat the Rich” for the rich of his day.

      • robc

        For any computer programmers in the audience, money is a pointer to wealth.

        From the book review.

      • Rat on a train

        all mine are dangling

      • UnCivilServant

        I keep getting null pointer exceptions.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        This thread is based.

    • whiz

      My favorite GeoWizard is him trying to walk across Scotland in a straight line.

      I’m assuming that various pubs get in the way (both literally and figuratively).

      • Gender Traitor

        Big deal. Let’s see an Irishman walk across the street in a straight line.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve done it!

        /Siber Irishman

      • Gender Traitor

        Fun fact: Someone I know used to visit a site called Sober Musicians. Luckily, he and the other one got along very well.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        “Good puzzle would be cross Dublin without passing a pub.”

      • robc

        The police agreed not to press charges if they removed the part of the video showing them crossing the train track. They had to scale a wall on both sides of the track.

        The part where the path went over a corner of a factory was interesting too. They gave themselves something like 25m off line to call it success, so they were able to skirt around the building, but the path went out the main gate of the factory grounds so they had to just pretend they belonged there as they walked past security.

  21. Sensei

    Ex Japanese channels and around a dozen car channels

    Glen And Friends Cooking
    Tasting History with Max Miller

    • Gustave Lytton

      Glen has a new channel where he’s restoring a plane. So far, Jules has not made an appearance…

      • Sensei

        I figured I didn’t need to go down that rabbit hole.

        But good for him. I find it rather interesting how prominent youtubers have to create secondary channels so as to not dilute their primary channel. Otherwise the low interest in a specific video from their usual subscribers will penalize the channel in search rankings.

        I thin the so called “shorts” were designed to count differently in the search rankings which was part of their solution to this.

  22. Timeloose

    I watch a ton of engine building videos as well as Uncle Tony’s Garage. A bunch of Lex Friedman and other long form podcasts. Also a ton of random music type documentary and interview videos (Professor of rock, Beatto, etc)

  23. whiz

    My favorite YT channel is The History Guy. I’ve been watching a few every night.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I’m not a particular fan of the Yamaha piano tonal quality. I prefer the Kawai when it comes to the Japanese brands.

      For the money, Brodmann’s are probably the best (they’re functionally an identical knockoff of the Steinway)

      • slumbrew

        Yes, yes it is. Highly recommended.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        My mother was a piano teacher and has a Yamaha baby grand. So I’m already a bit of a pariah in that sense.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Oh, neat. (Sorry to sound like Wally Cleaver.)

        I grew up next to an opera singer. La la la LA la la la…

  24. Sean

    Workers at one Buffalo-area Starbucks store have voted to form a union, according to results announced by the National Labor Relations Board on Thursday.

    The election occurred through mail ballots that were due Wednesday.

    Mail in – Is it me or is that weird? How many employees could one location possibly have?

    • UnCivilServant

      Union elections are typically done that way. Depending on procedure, it can either be okay, or laughable.

    • Ownbestenemy

      All mine are mail in. Have always been.

    • Sean

      Thanks guys. I have no experience with unions.

      • rhywun

        The only experience I have with them is being forced to join several of them and pay for the privilege of being shit on by everyone that had “seniority” over me.

    • rhywun

      Work is hard. Film at 11.

    • limey

      *holds up phone to play “The_Price_is_Right_Losing_Horn(1)(1).mp3” at sad Germans*

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        How do you know about TPIR, me duck?

      • limey

        Archer, although I was already aware of the gameshow and the UK had a few iterations of its own version.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Personal responsibility doesn’t exist anymore.

  25. Bobarian LMD

    How -to videos.

    Rebuild the front end of a ’72 Ranchero.

    Control arms on a ’08 Cobalt.

    Defroster on a GE refrigerator.

    Motor /transmission on GE Washer. (That one was like an hour long practical joke. Punchline — The parts needed cost more than a new unit, and it will just break again)

    Heater element and maintenance on whirlpool dryer.

    Installing vinyl flooring.

    Fixing cracks in concrete floor. etc.

  26. cyto

    Ok, so I went full tard over in the morning links at TOS.

    Yeah, I know better… Never go full tard…. But some of the paid bots got me deeply interested. I had a bit of an inkling last night that some of the left wing sock puppets were not only shilling for some DNC associated think tank, but also paid Russian shills.

    This morning heavily reinforced that feeling. I think at a minimum there are some sock puppets that come from propaganda farms that have both the DNC and the Russians as clients.

    Anyway, if you want to have a laugh at my expense, you can watch me actually feed the Trolls and argue with some of the long-resident bots.. Something I almost never do.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I haven’t been over there in a while, but as I expected, Ron Bailey is still a fucktard.

      • DEG

        At FreedomFest 2021 during the mock trial, he argued for lockdowns. He claimed only for the early days of the Lil Rona Panic, and later on they were unjustified.

      • cyto

        In his defense, aside from Fruit Sushi, the Jacket and a couple of guest writers like Skenazy, he is one of the sharpest ones there.

        Low bar and everything, but it is true nonetheless.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Some irony there, one feels.

      • limey

        When you attack Ron you are attacking Science.

    • Brochettaward

      I highly doubt that the Russians waste resources on spreading propaganda on relatively obscure libertarian news magazine websites.

      • Yusef the Unclean

        But you’re here, what does that say, Bot Boi,

      • Bobarian LMD

        It’s spelled “Butt Boi”.

      • Yusef the Unclean


      • cyto

        They are all over Reddit. Every time something about Russia comes up, a flood of comments hits that place in support of some obscure Russian policy objective that you never heard of.

        One of the newer puppets suddenly turned into the expert on all things Russia last night. I dunno about any of the rest of them, but that dude was clearly astroturfing for the DNC (or affiliated) and then suddenly had a boner for Russia, out of the blue. Read like a different voice speaking, actually.

      • cyto

        And I say that to underscore the “obscure”. I only do SpaceX, SpaceXLounge, Space, NASA, Astronomy, MaybeMaybeMaybe, and WhatIsThisThing. None are all that big. Yet if someone says something about Russian launch sites, Putin, Russian module damage on the ISS…. The Russian trolls come out in force.

    • rhywun

      Ugh Buttplug is still at it?

      How the fuck do you stand it over there?!

      And yes, Ron and Eric Boehm and all the other covid shills over there can piss off.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Ron is off his damned rocker.

        He’s pushing the booster hard. Even though we have no safety data, we don’t really have the safety data from the trials, there’s no fucking need for it because Omicron appears to be a case of the sniffles, and the vaccines haven’t worked for shit.

        He’s the perfect example of someone who considers themselves logical, rational, and a critical thinker but is utterly blind to what is staring them in the face.

      • cyto

        I do get something out of the shill arguments, sometimes. Very few are able to really bring any thought to it.. But sometimes they do. I like to have an argument that is honed in battle, rather than sharpened in darkness. Unfortunately, nobody wants to do that anymore. This is the only place to really discuss stuff… But unless it is Pizza, we are a remarkably similar I thinking bunch… So honing an argument against a true foe is nigh impossible.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Someone please point me to a website for the other side(s) where people argue in good faith.

        I don’t know where it is.

      • cyto

        And when we get that… Send us a pony too…..

        (dare to dream)

      • Rebel Scum

        The trouble is that the other side (leftists, anyway. I can have an honest debate with a conservative, I think.) wouldn’t know “good faith” if it slapped them in the head. And they never respond to what you actually say.

      • Ed Wuncler

        “And they never respond to what you actually say.”

        That’s one of the biggest reasons why I refuse to debate any of my friends or acquaintances on the Left. They’ve already got their talking points, have no interest in even knowing why you have certain views, and hurl ad hominems like money’s flinging shit at each other at the zoo.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        And I’ll point out that quite often, the other side(s) are so unused to arguing in good faith that they don’t know how to do it anymore.

        See the Horton/Kristol debate for an example.

      • Ed Wuncler

        “If you’re a libertarian, you’re a hypocrite for using the roads or calling the fire department if your house is on fire.”

        I would be rich if I got 20 bucks every time someone said something to me like that or similar.

  27. Yusef the Unclean

    Isacc Arthur: Futurist
    Joe Scott: funny sciency type
    Scott Manley: Astronaut and rocket fanboi
    Jomez Pro: the very best in Pro disc golf, hilarious as well

  28. Necron 99

    I’ve gotten to where I’d rather watch YT then the crap on TV, I still watch a few shows but usually my wife is watching something I have no interest in. So I picked up a good list of ones I subscribe to, and I paid up for YT Premium since I can do without the constant adverts and the content creators still get pennies for my eyeballs. Here are some I really look forward to.

    Itchy Boots – starting a new season to ride a motorcycle from S. America to Alaska.
    Pedro Moto – Guy does some serious off road and bad road motorcycling.
    (side note, both itchy and pedro were in S. America when the vid hit – it was fascinating and horrifying watching them try to get out.)
    Time Ghost History/World War II – week by week playback of WWII, did an hour by hour on Pearl Harbor.
    Acorn To Arabella – guy building a wooden sailboat
    Sampson Boat Co – guy restoring a 100+ year old wooden sailboat
    Expedition Evans – couple repairs a salvage fiberglass sailboat
    Sailing Uma – couple sails interesting places in a sailboat
    How to Sail Oceans – guy sails a boat in interesting places
    That Chapter – true crime stuff
    Critical Drinker – good stuff
    steveo1kinevo – Pilot takes you on his journeys
    310 pilot – met the guy and his wife when they had their autopilot installed, nice people
    Bald and Bankrupt – how he is still alive is a mystery to me

    • juris imprudent

      Sailing Uma

      Friend tipped me to the one of them visiting the Russian coal-mining ghost town up in the sub-arctic.

      • Necron 99

        Yes, good episode. It’s interesting they are required to carry a rifle in Svalbard. Last episode I caught they had a polar bear momma and 2 cubs maybe 2000 yards away on an island while they were at anchor. They seemed nervous and delighted to see them, a lot of nervous.

  29. slumbrew

    I don’t regularly watch anything on YT (since reading > watching) but now and then I’ll watch The Critical Drinker & Try Channel (Irish People Try…) (really, just for Ciara).

  30. Sean

    Skooled zone videos has helped my settlement building in FO4. He does great stuff that doesn’t involve mods.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Ooh. That’s another thing I forgot. Video Game helper tips.

      How to build better massive zombie traps in 7 Days.

      Where the one thing you can’t find to solve the puzzle is actually hidden on every game.

      Why Rust is proof that humanity is a lost cause.

  31. DEG

    Forgotten Weapons
    Mark Novak – the crusty gunsmith that used to be on the CandRsenal channel
    Great War
    Liberty Doll
    Bloke on the Range
    British Muzzleloaders
    Regular Cars
    Infinite Elgintensity

    The folks behind the Great War channel have been moving off of youtube onto their own and other streaming services. I watch their “Glory and Defeat” series on the Franco-Prussian War via their own site.

  32. Sensei

    Way to go Google!

    Pixel prevented me from calling 911

    Top Comment:

    How is a 3rd party unprivileged app able to cause problems in such a system level operation as an emergency call? Good on Google for the detailed response but this bug is concerning.

  33. Brochettaward

    I’ve been thinking about starting my own Youtube channel where I give behind the scenes looks at my Firsts and The Gestation of The First That Will Change Everything. I want live reaction shots of my competitors, though, as they are bested time and time again. This won’t be your run of the mill Youtube channel, obviously. Given the serious subject matter of the channel, we will be going for an Oscar. I hope to start a movement to change the rules so we can win Best Picture. There would obviously be a groundswell of support.

    • limey

      twelve bird sixty-four ape nine reanimated cauldron cheerleader PI RHO SIGMA SIGMA #22345.765.00000001.000

      If I calculated right that should cause him to blow some diodes and transmit the same code to the rest of his cell, which might buy glibs some downtime.

    • juris imprudent


      Have you considered doing less drugs?

      • Brochettaward

        I know the notion that The First Of All Firsters has any real competition is laughable, but there are those who try.

      • juris imprudent

        No one cares, just you.

      • MikeS

        and me

  34. Shpip

    For military / aviation buffs, there’s Ward “Mooch” Carroll. He spent twenty years as the GIB in a Tomcat, and covers a wide range of topics from how certain events took place to what Hollywood gets wrong when they’re doing war films.

    Only drawback for me is that most of his vids are in the 25-30 minute range.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      I like putting him on in the background while I work. One of those channels where video is optional most of the time.

      I also like watching CW “Mover” Lemoine. He flew F-16s and F-18s for the AF and Navy, respectively, and recently picked up helicopters as a hobby.

  35. cyto

    The Lock picking Lawyer is an odd find. Does quick videos about picking locks. I have found it fascinating. Don’t know why.

    • Sensei

      I like the quick vids, but after a while I found it got repetitive.

      Still would recommend, but I’m not sure I feel the need to subscribe.

      • cyto

        My exact feeling. The plot is not terribly variable. Here is a lock. Here is the lock open. It is not too good.

        Sometimes… The last line is “this is a well made lock” even though he opens it in the same time as a poorly made lock.

        One thing I learned…. A lock is not keeping out a real locksmith.

        Also…. A gun safe is useless. Most are crackable by me. he tests several, and they are usually attack able by several methods, some of which require no skill.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Tools in the average more than a screwdriver equipped garage are going to brute force open gun safes or any other lock.

      • Sensei

        Magnet, a hard hit in the right spot or something else usually pops the gun safes right open.

        If he has to resort to a key the core is usually cheap and easily picked open.

      • kinnath

        Locks keep your friends out.

      • Not Adahn

        It’s not necessarily useless at preventing fire and/or flood damage. Which is what mine’s rated for.

  36. Brochettaward

    Saw it on the derpbook…if you have an Android phone, unlock it and hold down the home button. Ask it to sing a song.

    • Sensei

      OK, I risked it.

      I shouldn’t have. Wow that’s awful… And scary.

    • Mojeaux

      Nope, didn’t do it. Yay!

  37. Tundra

    You gave me Doggy Daycare Farm Trips.

    For that you will always be a treasured pal.

    Have a great day, KK!

      • kinnath

        I really don’t need to feel guilty about taking my two puppers away from mum last year.

      • Tundra

        Knowing you, I’m pretty sure it worked out fine for the pups!

        Mom can make more!

        The dogs in the video were from a puppy mill, so I’m sure mom is ready for a break!

      • kinnath

        Thanks for the clarification.

        Pups are doing well. Although, the boy has finally learned at 14 months that is is capable of howling for no apparent reason. Makes zoom calls interesting.

      • Tundra


        Everyone wants to see my pups on the Zooms. Better than my ugly mug!

      • kinnath

        Shelties generally don’t howl unless they are in distress.

        They bark. They bark at everything — real and imagined. But howling is not normal.

        So this new behavior is basically — WTF dude?

  38. Ownbestenemy

    It’s my day dammit…now praise me!

    NSFW, language

    • DEG

      Happy Birthday!

    • Sean

      Happy Birthday, dude.

    • Tundra

      Happy birthday, brother!

    • l0b0t

      Happy Birthday!

  39. Gustave Lytton

    I had no idea Japanese food could be so mayonnaise and fry-intensive.

    I think part of it is the bento format and comfort food favorites. Little harder to do saucy or liquid dishes in a bento box, although I’ve seen either her or another channel put the noodle dipping soup heated in a thermos with the noodles in the box.

    • Sensei

      The Japanese put mayo on the weirdest stuff…

      • Gustave Lytton

        I draw the line at putting mayo on pancakes.

  40. Pope Jimbo

    Sigh. Just had to cut my local optometrist loose. First off, they couldn’t schedule an appointment until the 22nd of Dec (asked on 11/30). So I got a checkup and my prescription from Costco.

    I already have the frames I want, so I just need lenses. Costco doesn’t do that, so I went to the local guy again and asked if they could do it. Unfortunately they have a mandatory mask policy. We spent 10 minutes chatting about the new lenses before the sales person decided it was time to enforce the mask policy.

    So I left and will find someone who isn’t insane. It is too bad because I have done business with that clinic for years and years. Now I have to go elsewhere.

    I have no idea why a small business would refuse business.

    • rhywun

      I guess it’s because they’re afraid of being ratted out and shut down.

      It’s ever so much more convenient for The State to get the little guy to do its dirty work for them, don’t you think?

    • Tundra

      My daughter just ordered hers online and got a screaming deal with no hassles.

      Want me to get the info?

    • DEG

      I switched my eye doctor and my dentist over masks.

      My dentist claimed masks are still required in dental practices. There is no such rule in NH. I suspect my old dentist is interpreting a recommendation from either the American Dental Association or the CDC as “required”.

      • UnCivilServant

        “Put on this mask so I can poke around inside your mouth.”

      • robc

        My dentist in SC mocked the whole mask thing.

    • Sean

      I’ve dealt with them before, several times. Good service.

      Might not be who you need right now (lenses only), but maybe you’ll need a spare pair.

    • UnCivilServant

      Good riddance. now if she’d resign as AG and go into self-exile…

    • rhywun

      A non-paywalled version of the story I read said she gave the boilerplate “I have so much work left to do” response.

      Translation: she hasn’t accomplished any of the things she promised: take down Trump, take down Wall Street, turn the state’s economy into a smoking crater, etc. etc.

      • rhywun

        (though to be fair, that last one is taking care of itself without any help from her)