Bep bep bep-bep.
Greetings one and all.
Welcome to the Future Fair! A fair for all and no fair for anybody!!
Obligatory New Year’s music
I shall see you Scandinavians and raise you some good old American Mountain folk. Description says recorded live.
White suits need to come back in style.
New year’s eve music
You missed it -or ignored me- a couple days ago; is this your pick for maybe the one good Christmas Song?
That’s a close close second but I’m a Kinks man, Father Xmas is the only Xmas song that one would crank up if it came on up on the radio in June.
I’ll say tied for second. I’ve jammed to both of them in June.
Happy New Year, Hype’!
He’s romantic like The Pogues
Happy New Year!
You guys are the best! I love each and every one of you!
Thanks for helping the world by making a tiny sane corner for us misfits.
“Island of Misfit Toys”. Don’t recall who came up with that but it seems to fit us well.
That’s it!!! I AM a model 1911 squirt gun that shoots jelly!!!!
Please keep your jelly to yourself.
SP, I believe.
I never understood that. A train with square wheels? Give it to a blind kid; what does he know?
Starting a new playthrough of Three Houses, got the the mock battle at the beginning, and I’m appologizing to the members of my previous team when I have to beat them up.
They’re fictional characters…
I was taking the recycling out and the neighbor called me over as he had a keg. Spent a couple hours over there, and now I am home.
It happens
Was a bit worried about you: https://www.kezi.com/content/news/Police-respond-to-reports-of-man-with-adult-diaper-on-his-head-on-Beltline-575996061.html
Zoom, for those joining later.
Hello? Won’t let me in.
Zoom over already?
Drinking champagne that’s not so great. And a grasshopper so I’m at least ready to be interrogated.
What is your name?
What is your Quest?
What is the capital of Assyria?
I can’t remember!
What is a leppo?
Eighty minutes after my order was placed and I’m still waiting on my food.
Hopefully for delivery.
That said, working delivery tonight probably isn’t much fun.
Often overheard at Auschwitz?
I had an hour and a half wait on Christmas. Tis the season….
Christmas haul this year:
A box of rocks
A lump of coal
I got this soap.
The rocks look cool. I’ve thought about getting some a few times, but I prefer my whiskey neat so I’ve never pulled the trigger.
Years ago I received either the same stones or something similar. They work well but I so often forget I have them. So I grab some ice. You have reminded me to dig out those stones.
I also received some Duke Cannon soap. I forget which scent. At first, because of the name, I thought it was a joke. Then I used it. They make good soap.
This is true. My order finally arrived a few minutes after my post and the driver looked slightly frantic and wad also apologetic for the delay. I get it. After a quick check of the food he got a thirty percent tip. The food actually far better than the other Chinese joint I tried recently so overall I’m happy.
I’ll be well fed, stoned and drunk very soon. I give myself about a thirty percent chance of making it to midnight.
If I don’t, I love you all and hope 2022 heralds the end of The Theater and whatever long term damage it has wrought can be mitigated as much as possible.
For Sensei.
Okay, I’m officially fucking off for the evening. You kids have fun and Happy New Year’s!
Cheers! TH!
Cheers, TH. Wishing you a wonderful 2022!
Friday Funbags hopes you bang in the New Year!
NB: As long as we’ve been together, Mrs. Q and I have had a tradition of banging in the New Year, but with Q-ette the streak may end. Oh well.
An awards list I thought you would appreciate.
Genuine LOL.
Better than pie.
Break up some Quaaludes and put them in Q-ette’s formula.
No face diapers. Good.
Happy dystopian New Year’s!
My new year will have a lucrative start. The lab is so overwhelmed with covid samples, they’ll even pay non-technical employees like me silly money to work this weekend.
Soon after to give you the boot for being unclean.
Happy New Year!
I may as well make some severance pay!
We’re all getting progressively drukner on zOom…I’m getting to “flirt awkwardly” territory
You can flirt on here too.
I know no other way.
Would you like to see my ammo cache?
That’s hawt and not at all awkward
*doffs trilby hat*
It’s just downstairs, m’lady.
Would you kindly put this lotion on?
There you go
I like where this is going.
Entering awkward territory…
After watching poor Cincinnati lose to ‘bama, I didn’t know if I wanted to watch the other CFP semifinal game. But now that TTUN is getting its butt kicked 27-3, I’m finding it quite entertaining. ?
I think you want to join Zoom
I’m too sober, and my in-house IT department doesn’t trust Zoom’s security.
Dude, your in-house IT department is on Facebook. Dafuq?
::shrugs:: FB doesn’t require installing an app?
Neither does Zoom.
No, Zoom is a terrible format, stay away,
This euphemism makes me uneasy.
It…it probably should.
Im off to work, kids.
Happy New Year to you lot.
Happy New Year, Tres!
Short cans and Scotch!
Unexpected good fortune tonight: I scored an invite from a friend who’s in the Paleontology department. We’re all excavating the largest mastodon tibia ever discovered in North America, all while drinking copious amounts of beer, wine, and cocktails.
It’s quite the shin-dig.
And in the morning you’ll be hung-over, and boned.
*secretly appreciative*
Sounds like a wild and woolly night.
Break a leg!
*strongly narrows gaze*
“We’re all excavating the largest mastodon tibia ever ”
Read that as labia for some reason.
You may be related to Q.
I made a batch of eggnog last year, but because of my burger I can’t drink.
My wife says it’s excellent.
*surgery, not burger
WTH tablet?
Eggnog disappeared from the shelves around here just after thanksgiving. Gone by Christmas. Bizarre.
I never liked eggnog until I made my own aged batch.
I tasted it and she is correct.
This one, that ass!
It’s pronounced, “Dat azz!”
I’m sorry, we don’t speak jive up here,
You mean, down there.
Best of the bunch in my opinion.
Not thicc, but squishy, Yum,
Dat azz! X3
I’m just going to say it. Happy fucking new year.
Enjoy the evening, kiddos, off to dreamland for me. Too many NYEs under the bridge. See some of you in the morning.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2022, FS!
You aren’t going to stay up to watch my balls drop? ;^)
Happy New Year, Fourscore and all the rest of you degenerates.
Happy New Year, Nick!
May your 2022 be better than 2021.
*raises glass of Gosling 151 and Diet Coke*
*raises glass of Macallan
Gosling makes a 151?
I like Gosling’s. I picked up a bottle of their Papa Seal. That’s a good sipping rum.
Cheers, 4 X20
Submitted without comment.
A couple of 9’s in the UK. Deduct 4 for anywhere else.
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
8 oz. sour cream
4 TBS. Patak’s garlic pickle*
Mix. Enjoy.
You’re welcome.
* https://www.instacart.com/landing?product_id=99194&retailer_id=142®ion_id=3192398480&utm_medium=sem_shopping&utm_source=instacart_google&utm_campaign=ad_demand_shopping_rp_cub&utm_content=accountid-8145171519_campaignid-11811573277_adgroupid-116052488618_device-c&gclid=CjwKCAiA8bqOBhANEiwA-sIlN2BYLNTemTEsY_5tGDK13fTb6sxgMLAt-FkXlgWU9_Q5pt5ciNUkCRoC7GgQAvD_BwE
Huh, a new post.
I was wondering why it got so quiet.
Tonight I will attempt a death defying feat. It has never been successfully completed in the history of Firsting. I will attempt to, at 12:00:00 on the dot, First in the new year. There is no net for this one as I walk the tight rope. I have conserved extra energy for The First That Will Change Everything so that I can attempt this maneuver. You will all be witness to history tonight.
Which time zone?
Zulu. The only time zone that matters.
Too late for the Bro, then!
There is only The Great Firster’s Time. Like a hobbit would know anything about being First.
Sit down Francis! you’re 24th, don’t forget.
Well, you’ve already missed what…16 or so 12:00:00’s
We have about 40 minutes til our 12,
It’s insane that Michigan is in the Eastern time zone. Longitude= Central.
Right? I drove north from indiana then entered EST when I hit Michigan, fucking wierdos,
Agreed. That makes no sense.
You know what? You people don’t deserve this tonight. I’m going to give this First to a group that appreciates greatness when they see it. Hopefully things change before The First That Will Change Everything. You are supposed to be the chosen people.
Well, bye.
For you.
Right on the nose.
I interpreted it as MikeS coming on to me. I have already had to tell two men they cannot suck my dick todfay. That that is NOT OK.
Sit down Francis, your ghey fantasies don’t work…..
Wait…you have a dick?
It’s more fiction.
Mojeaux , if you happen to be checking in, this is for you and me.
They really need to make a “shocker” emoji
I will erect a bronze statue to the first person to create and distribute it.
In 2022 I’m gunna live like a baller
Cashing checks, stacking decks, walking taller.
Caching ammo, (I wish I were) swabbing decks (on my own yacht). and after the knee replacement, I am 1 inch taller. Walking tall.
This will go down as a classic Zoom
Has anyone passed out yet?
Yes, me
I nodded off from boredom, does that count?
Had to pick XY up from work. He rode his bike, chained it to the garden center rails, then found it penned in by 3 rows of carts all collected at that entrance. So his bike’s still there, but if he can’t get to it, nobody else can either.
Well I made it, I hope this year is better than last for us all!
It has to be.
Still five hours to go here. Warn me if I need to get off before 2022 arrives.
I thought that last year…
Well, 2021 was better than 2020 (low bar)
Not really, IMHO.
I’m not saying better by leaps and bounds…just “better”.
YMMV, obviously.
Also, Happy New Year, Rhy
Marginally in my case but I am cautiously optimistic for 2022.
From your lips to G-d’s ears.
Happy New Year, good sir. May 2022 crush us with tall (and short) cans!
Oh man…I forgot about that gem. Thanks Yusef!
Honestly I was mostly fine and so was my family.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, DEG and all you US Eastern (& Canadian equivalent) time zoners!
Happy New Years.
I’m going to bed.
See y ‘all in the morning.
Happy New Year, Sean!
Happy New year MikeS
Fireworks being set off on camera
Is it OK with everyone if I have a second glass of Scotch?
I’d be disappointed if you didn’t. *Makes shocker hand sign at Mike’s wife*
Only if you don’t have a third.
But the bottle is *almost* empty!
It was nearly almost empty when I started. I swear!
Save water
This year is ending on appropriate note for my youngest. She is a high school sophomore. She more or less got Shanghaied into having a new year’s eve party. (Having a cool dad helps) A dozen of her friends were supposed to come over. This morning one of them tested positive for the ‘vid. All of them immediately bailed or were told by their parents they were staying in.
I’m disappointed for her. I’m also perfectly happy being at home watching Babylon 5 with her.
I hope she’s taking it as well as a 16(ish?) year old kid can. Good on you that you raised a daughter who will make the heroically selfless choice to watch nerd programs with her old man. ?
She is. She was actually a little relieved.
And she loves my nerd program.
I’ve been rewatching B5 the past couple of weeks, already up to S3E7. If you want to fall down a rabbit hole, if you’ve never seen it, here is the Lurkers Guide to B5.
I’ll have to check it out. We are in season 4.
I can’t help but notice Rhywun’s silence. I have a feeling he is still on season 1.
I am still on season 1.
I have an excuse: I’m just not into “actively” watching stuff lately. As opposed to turning on the TV for background noise.
I’m also in the middle of LotR and The Expanse. It’s just too much.
And Deutschland
898683 – I also have a compulsion to start from the beginning.Great series.
I need to try that one again.
Apropos to the Stoic column earlier today, and to NYE.
I know I made a post like this around Christmas, and I don’t mean to be a party pooper… But the older I get (I’m only 34) the less I care about holidays. If you see something in the store that would be a perfect gift for someone, buy it for them. If you want to drink champagne, drink champagne. If you want to make some resolution for self improvement, just do it. What’s the big deal about doing certain things on every 365th day interval from the day something or another happened?
I just find that most holidays make me less happy because of all this pressure to decorate the house in this way, eat this kind of meal, do these kinds of activities. etc. Just seize opportunities for joy wherever and whenever they exist.
You can do certain things every 365th day for tradition’s sake. It’s fun. You need to let go of the self-imposed pressure to do it the way everyone (or you think everyone) expects you to do it.
You’re thinking about it too hard. Either enjoy it, or don’t.
So for the last few years I have been doing just this and I found that they lose their specialness when not saved for the particular holiday. This year I tried not to do those special things and save them for Christmas. It really sort of worked.
Scarcity makes the heart grow fonder.
I used to feel that way, particularly working in a 7/24 365 day workplace where holidays were just another work day, but I’ve gone the other way. I take days off around holidays (don’t work the day after Thanksgiving after year after year experiences of some last minute Chinese fire drill where critical pieces or people weren’t available but must git ‘er done anyways), put up decorations on the mantel, outdoor lights, etc. The outdoors lights have really become fun for me to where I can see how addictive those big displays could be.
Has anyone seen Tundra around lately? Did he go on another cool trip and I missed it?
He posted earlier. I noticed that the fires were uncomfortably close to where he lives,
Yeah. The fires were on my mind. He posted earlier today? I texted him a couple hours ago but haven’t heard back yet. Not that I’m his supervisor or anything.
Last Sunday he said he was going somewhere tropical with his wife.
That’s my boy.
At the end of 2019, when my sister was dying of cancer, I passed around a dumb joke: “Hey, 2020, it’s looking better!”, lame joke on the standard eye measurement.
Sister died in February and the rest of the country curled over and died shortly after. I used to think that Americans loved freedom and sadly discovered that I was wrong.
I’m not expecting any spontaneous outbreak of freedom this next year. I’m starting to get too old to expect any genesis in the remainder of my life.
I weep for my progeny.
Eh. We live in the most prosperous time in human history in a place that is not nearly the shittiest.. yet. A place where one of the big problems the poorest people are the most “well fed”. in human history.
We should fight to keep it that way but let’s not pretend we aren’t insanely lucky and privileged.
2021 was not a remotely bad year. Not even close.
Yes, thank you. Things could get worse; things could get better. We are here to witness that changes, good or bad, and that means that we’re vertical and ventilating and, at this point, that’s about all that counts.
Thanks to you all, and especially, thanks to TPTB, the founders and the keepers of this site.
Power is trying to out because of the snow so I will bow out and wish everyone
Happy New Year, Hobbit!
On the bright side, Bill Deblasio is out of a job.
Congratulations. How are you planning on getting rid of Hochul?
Presumable the same way as Deblasio. Wait it out, sigh.
I was hoping for something… more active.
NY has no means of recall, so we’re kind of stuck with her.
Happy 2022, you reprobates!
I finished out the year drinking champagne and binging Yellowstone with the wife. Not a bad finish.
She’s down for the count, in finishing up some scotch then on to the new year.
*clinks glass of Macallen to slumbrew*
Thanks to your inspiration I just poured myself some Tullamore Dew and am listening to the home launched artillery. It is still low and scattered since it is almost 4 hours to go. But I admire their spirit since it is raining.
The only Irish I’ve had is Bushmills and Jameson. I need to try some Tullamore.
I ain’t fancy like you and your Mac; making do with Lagavulin.
*pushes Teachers behind bottle of port*
“MacAllen” is a version of my family name (same clan) and I was so pleased to find a family-related brand that I really, really liked.
Happy New Year, you glorious Glibertarians!!
Many thanks to those who started this site, and to all who keep it running.
May this bastion of free thought continue to thrive in 2022.
Happy New Year to those of you in the proper time zone!
Which one of you killed Betty White?
Lou Reed gave her free tickets to his concert.
I assume it was Brochettaward.
People Magazine did it.
I dunno. Reading the article seems like it’s the cops that were soliciting. Physicians, arrest thyself.
In “culture war” news to start 2022.
Flipping around the New Year’s Eve shows, I caught some of Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest (but, without Dick Clark, who’s been dead since 2012). Actor Billy Porter was hosting a segment from New Orleans, and he also performed his new song, “Children.” You can watch the song’s music video here:
Some key lyrics:
Somehow, I suspect that he’s not talking about schooling children in live-and-let-live libertarian principles.
I flipped over three times – first it was some K-Pop fluff, second it was a celebration of the magic of Puerto Rico for no particular reason that I could identify, and third it was a Korean guy, maybe a callback from before (?) singing Journey with what may or may not have been members of Journey, I don’t know.
We were probably flipping around to the same things, rhywun. I caught BTS (K-pop) on some channel, and figured out that it was an old clip, because nobody was in face masks.
I assumed that the Puerto Rico was partially pandering, and partially due to being in an early time zone. I was amused by, and felt a a tinge of pity for, Daddy Yankee, because it was obvious that he was just performing in an empty warehouse.
As for those Puerto Rico segments, I don’t know who Roselyn Sánchez is, but she’s welcome at my New Year’s Eve party anytime.
second it was a celebration of the magic of Puerto Rico for no particular reason that I could identify
Trying to push West Side Story back from its abysmal showing would be my guess. Both the special and movie are ultimately under Walt Disney.
It was Journey.
He’s been their lead for a decade or so, now, right?
Happy New Year. May you have a healthy prosperous year filled with love and good times.
And glad tidings upon you!
Apropos of nothing, I left 2021 listening to this, and welcomed 2022 listening to this.
Neither of which are AC/DC. But whatever works for you is okay by me.
That Buckcherry album is awesome. It’s one of the most underrated albums in my lifetime (that I’ve heard). It should have spawned 3-6 top 40’s.
OMG. A local historic theater is screening 5 Hitchcock films every Sunday afternoon starting this Sunday. So pumped. My Glibfit will be Glibcock for the next 5 weeks.
I thought Glibcock is Q’s beat.
Went to fire off 22 rounds at midnite. Discovered that the mag only had 21 rounds in it. Instead of repeating 2021 I loaded another mag.
You’re welcome.
Happy New Year glibbies
Happy New Year, Pie. You’re well into 2022. Has much changed?
yes. it is now light outside. 10 hours ago it was dark.
Hope springs eternal!
WWDITS season 2 is superb.
Oh, happy New Year.
I spoke to a nice gal who wished me well in the new year,
Woo hoo!
Happy new year, left coasters!
More home fireworks than the 4th of July.
Happy New Year GL!
-30F right now. 2022 can only warm up from here, right?
Lowest here has been -2F. Mild this time around.
I drove to work one morning and the thermometer showed -27F I guess that’s the lowest that I’ve seen it.
Co-worker mentioned changing a flat at that temp. That’s what I have AAA for.
Robbie would be proud
Just left Wisconsin where it was -15 and headed for -20.
Back home. Have the windows closed and the AC on because it is 78 outside at the moment.
Winter is fun to visit… But what a pain in the ass to live in it.
-20 keeps the riff-raff out.
The zoom is apparently going, but we’re not in.
Anyway, happy new year’s to all. I just killed the Jameson. Again.
I was wondering where my bottle got off to….
I used to buy it by the case. I keep thinking I should do that again.
Guess I’m the only one who woke up early?
Please, have a different year. Lets change things up a bit?
Sure. I’m gonna start the year angry at everything/everyone.
Everything/everyone will have to work to gain my respect.
I don’t think i have the energy to be angry at everything.
I will just extremely self isolate, and do my thing.
Have you tried it? It can be quite intense and be self-fueling.
Unfortunately, I do tend to default to my more optimistic self at some point.
Nope, I wake up early too.
Doesn’t feel like New Years day without the mummers.
“Mummer” makes me think of this song because Howard does that British think of inserting an R where there isn’t one to make the words flow together. Good song, though.
Happy New Year!
Happy New year! ?
Close enough to mummers
Mocking is cute. Now let’s talk violence.
You must be an FBI agent.
Let’s meet up at the range. I’ll be the guy in the black Suburban.
Happy New Year Dorks!
And a happy “shut the fuck up, ‘sloper” to you!
Yup, today I’m pro death penalty.
Things to look forward to:
Two eclipses and some super moons, along with some meteor showers.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody yo
The story headline doesn’t match the story text. Lazy, worthless fuckers.
I can’t wait to not get a raise this year that comes close to covering inflation. ?
I dont have a resolution, but during my infirmity I went off the low (<50g-carb/day) diet. My argument was my body needed all the energy it could muster.
I do aim to get my eating habits back in order.
You sound fat.
I actually lost 11 lbs in around 10 days on the “Hollywood’s Secret CoVID Diet”.
Too bad it’s not swimsuit season, eh?
I used to have the body of a greek God.
Now I just look like a goddamn Greek.
Supposed to rain all day. *sigh*
Maybe I’ll take my SP2022 to the range tomorrow to ring in the new year.
*pew pew pew*
Wut? Ewww…
“According to the CDC, 35% of people infected with the coronavirus will experience lingering headaches, coughs, heart problems, balance issues and more, lasting weeks or even months.”
Am I not wrong for shitting myself when I think “65% of people wont” ?
And “weeks” could just be 14 days.
Good morning 2022! Good to see everyone this morning.
Looked in the mirror, “Damn, sure is good to see you again”
Better to see all the Bright and Early Glibs, this is gonna be a better year, there will be a lot of laughs coming out of DC.
Not long ago, I got out of the shower and was getting dressed. Mistakenly, I was standing in front of the mirror. Jugsy was there and I said, “baby, when I look in the mirror, all I can see is an old, grey, man. Wrinkled and getting fat. I could really use a compliment.”
She said, “well, sounds like your eyesight is almost perfect.”
RIP Norm.
To paraphrase 1940s actress Maria Montez, “Every time I see myself in the mirror I scream with delight I am so beautiful.”
Happy national hangover day.
Sick. Oh well, at least that means I don’t have to go into work Monday, since I’m assuming I won’t be able to get coofresults by then.
Stupid rain.
Helluva a way to start off the New Year, NA. Maybe you’ll be better by Monday and can go to work.
The early thaw meant vast clouds of mold spores, which means inflamed sinuses.
In the event of the sickness, Dr Tres recommends you stock up on Campbell’s Chunky Soup (not a paid endorser), NyQuil, those old people shakes like Boost! or Ensure, and alcohol of your choice. Use the alcohol sparingly as NyQuil contains acetaminophen. And Ill pray you dont get as sick as I did. YMMV. se’lah
Yeah, not a vast amount of healthy food in hte pantry, but enough. I was planning on making smoked duck fat hash browns this morning, but that’ll wait until I can smell/taste things.
Hot mug of bone broth with butter goes a long way.
Like “sick” sick or sniffles?
Sinuses sealed shut. Started last night so I didn’t get much sleep. Tinnitus indicates that it’s spread to the eustacean tubes at least.
Mind those eustacean tubes. The last thing you need when you’re sick is getting pregnant.
I’m on the tail end of a sinus infection. Steamy beverages recommended.
The zinc/quecertin did provide some relief, but I started antibiotics yesterday, cuz I don’t want to deal with it anymore. Hope ya feel better.