Look who it is!
That’s right, Banjos and sloopy are once again grifting benevolently selling used goods to people, desperate to keep their livelihoods going. It is a proper shitlord thing to do, and Glibertarians across the globe applaud their example.
But enough of that. Busting your ass for personal gain will not get in the way of, the links!
There’s more than a few Glibs that might find this useful.
Throwing another log on the fire.
Doesn’t this just like, require adding a sign at the city limits?
Okay kids, time for you to get on with your day. I’ll be up in a couple of hours.
“Palestinians outraged by sperm-smuggling drama film”
Where was the sperm stored to smuggle it? I think their law dictates it must be in a young boy or something, and not in a Polish lady’s mouth…
Not Kosher!
That’s a really good question. It would depend on transport time. If the Pali woman receiving it was waiting in a van just outside prison walls, no special handling required. Otherwise they’d need dry ice or liquid nitrogen to freeze it for transport.
Get lost!
They haven’t drawn and quartered that asshole yet?
The outside ration has been raised to 40 minutes a day, rejoice friend citizens!
I’m feeling to lazy to just web search it — but is he the same twit who’s computer “model” put everyone into super-panic-OH-MY-GAWD mode in the first place? The whole “70 million Americans will die unless you cosplay the CCP” one?
I think he was also a pioneer in the Rules for Thee, Not For Me movement.
Why couldn’t they have just killed them and rid us of a few Bushes?
From the sidebar:
Don’t tell me this kid isn’t going to need a therapist as he goes into puberty.
He’ll need a different therapist. I’m sure those nuts put him in therapy before first grade.
Cause he will have “I want to bang mommy” issues like the rest of us who want to bang his mommy?
Great body, but something about her eyes is off-putting to me.
That and she needs to gain about 200 lbs.
Oedipus much?
I’m not sure that his insistence on breast feeding – even at 14 – means that he has issues.
I am surprised Tom Brady is not also demanding breast feedings…
Secret to his longevity?
Why couldn’t they have just killed them and rid us of a few Bushes?
Two words — President Cheney.
Morning potato.
talking to vegetables is a sign of mental decay
That explains the Biden staffers.
I think you are misclassifying the dude. He isn’t a vegetable as much as he belongs to a mineral world considering he started off as dumb as a rock.
Morning, Pie.
I talk to food and inanimate objects a lot.
As long as you don’t ask them “Who’s your daddy?” then you are cool.
and you are not even drunk most times
You can probably have a more productive conversation with a vegetable than with a government employee.
I’m sort of leery about this. I guess it is OK to be nice to him if he is nice. But if the guy is a jerk, you would think that Glibs would be extra hard on him.
No way we should be friendly with a dick tater.
*looks around, golf claps*
‘This year, authorities discovered dozens of breeders had stretched out the lips and noses of camels, used hormones to boost the beasts’ muscles, injected camels’ heads and lips with Botox to make them bigger, inflated body parts with rubber bands, and used fillers to relax their faces.’
*insert Speechless Mal gif*
Who knew that there might be cheating in a competition involving money.
I just find the thought of dozens of people getting no return on investment after spending possibly hundreds if not thousands of dollars beautifing their camels wildly amusing.
I also figure it’s less the prizes than the chance to sign contracts for creating future camels. And if you’ve been disqualified for cheating, no one can trust your camels’ genes in the future.
I saw that show in Juarez. Oh, that wasn’t a camel.
If we were closer in age, Id ask if you were the dude next to me.
Were these the camels used for driver ed or for sex ed?
Why not both?
Would kill the camels bro! Too much strain and stress…
With enough lube (and tequila) even a 1 hump camel can be a 2 hump camel.
discovered dozens of breeders
Given the country this is happening in, did they really expect any gayz participating in their little contest?
What, no lipstick?
That’d be the Pretty Pig Contest in the next barn over.
When I was a young fella, I had the envy of my pals because I was dating a gal who had been an Ida County Pork Princess.
That was kind of a big deal.
I made out with Miss Anoka at one party. And my high school girlfriend was Winter Carnival Queen (which she pointed out was quite the feat considering the drag I was on her campaign).
“I’ve drunk more beer and banged more quiff and pissed more blood and stomped more ass that all of you numbnuts put together.“
Ooorah Gunney Hightower!
#MeToo, or some permutation of that list.
Speaking at a Downing Street press conference, the Prime Minister said Omicron cases appear to be doubling every two to three days, suggesting the variant is spreading “much faster than Delta”, prompting the need for Plan B.
He said: “I know this will be hard for many people, but by reducing your contacts in the workplace, you will help slow transmission.
“I don’t think we can keep going indefinitely with restrictions on peoples way of life just because a substantial number of people have not got vaccinated. We have to have a national conversation about the way forward.”
Doubling every two or three days? The Brits should throw a big End of the World party, and get it over with.
This is where the wheat on the last square of the chessboard collapses into a black hole, right?
national conversation = I wanna be dictator!
In the US it means “shut up while I lecture you”.
Ding, ding, ding! Folks, we have a winner! Tell him what he’s won, Scruffy.
A year’s supply of coupons to obtain coupons for ration cards!
When do they start building walls?
You’ve got to give them credit. They’ve pretty much admitted the vaccines don’t do shit yet they still manage to persist in pushing them.
Seriously. If I had known what this was going to turn into way back in ’19, I would have thrown all sorts of money into Moderna and Pfizer.
And anyone that makes/sells masks, gowns, or face shields.
You really wanted Moderna, I bought Pfizer in 2018, it didn’t do much but pay good dividends. Now it’s up 74% since I bought it, but Moderna, which I don’t own, in the same period has been a legit 20 bagger.
That’s actually how you know it’s a scam.
I used to own Pfizer stock. Had it for over ten years, did very well initially. The dividend started dwindling and the stock price was falling. I usually put in stop loss orders about 6-12 months after buying a stock and then review them once a year; I adjusted the order so I could realize some profits if it started to tank. About 3 years ago it hit the stop loss.
The vax panic essentially bailed out Pfizer and Moderna.
given more than 80% opf the country is vaccinated and it is unknown if it works against omicron how can this be caused by just because a substantial number of people have not got vaccinated.?
Fucke offe.
Not a single word in that article (or any other I’ve seen) as to the actual severity of Omicron. A lot of “calculation” and “estimation” — but the only hard number cited is that hospitalizations are *down* (something like 7000 vs. 9000) from a November peak…. which strongly implies to me if this is spreading like wildfire, cases are up — but hospitalizations are down it isn’t that severe. In which case… why sweat the cases? Sigh. So tired of this perpetual Covid Chicken Little crap. Protect the vulnerable, sure — stop denying the treatments that worked in India and Africa from all we hear, definitely — but stop worrying about it in the general / low-risk population you twits.
And if it really turns out that you need more hospital capacity, I’m very very sure you could have built more hospitals and done emergency basic training at high wage rates for incentives for a WHOLE lot less than the ravaging of the economies you’re doing.
But of course, it isn’t about that. I’ll go find a cloud to yell at again.
You also have to remember that any “newly discovered” variant has been around for a few months before someone in a lab “discovered” it. By the time it’s noticed, it’s already too late. With the sheer number of tests going on, it’s probably 1 in 5 million samples that is being closely looked at for differences. And that might be generous.
So any data from the last few months includes that variant. IOW, if we start seeing “cases” spike again in a couple weeks, it’s probably ANOTHER variant that hasn’t been discovered/named yet that is the likely cause.
Also notice that the moronic strain was first reported in South Africa – a country using Ivermectin as standard protocol and therefore one of the few not in a complete covid panic. They are doing so few tests that they are likely doing closer inspection on the few tests they do. That’s why it was “discovered” in an already-vaxed, already-hospitalized-for-something-else patient.
You mean that if it takes 3 months to get a vaccination ready for the Omicron variant, there will (probably) be two new variants running around?
The Omicron variant IS the real vaccine… That’s why they are so desperate to get at least one more vaccine in there to transfer more wealth to big pharma before the whole racket implodes…
suggesting the variant is spreading “much faster than Delta”
Virtually all historical observation of respiratory illness mutation suggests that they generally mutate to be more transmissible but less symptomatic. I guess the science no longer matters when your goal is totalitarian control of the population.
I remember reading a real awesome science paper – a long time ago – about a hypothesis that the virus that killed millions as the Spanish flu is still with us, but had mutated to be completely nonlethal in all but a few edge cases, as well as becoming far more contagious than the more deadly variant(s), and in the process had inoculated everyone from the deadlier strain(s). Thus the whole thing burned itself out.
This Omicron variant sounds a lot like the same thing, which is why I believe we have the massive amount of propaganda to create fear and allow them to do one or two more runs at serious wealth transfers and more government power grabbing.
Spanish Flu has been identified as a strain or substrain of H1N1. So yes, it’s still around.
Yes – that’s the trajectory of all flu / coronaviruses. And it’s why we never put much effort into vaccinating against them – they mutate too fast and vax side-effects including possible ADE make it not worth the effort.
If it ain’t Thot Thursday then what is it?
YKINMKBYKIOK, just keep it where I won’t see/hear/smell it, ok?
Your Kink Is Not My Kink But Your Kink Is OK?
Probably just some bad knockwurst.
I am gonna go out on a limb, and say this Havana syndrome shit is all mass hysteria and not a sonic or other weapon like these people claim.
They had Long Covid before it was cool.
Soon the long covid sufferers will envy the dead.
A new @NatureAging
paper found that Viagra use was associated with a 69% reduced Alzheimer’s disease risk.
Spruious correlation or something else? It also increased neurite outgrowth and decreased phospho-tau, which leads to protein tangles in neurons.
Some researchers have a bizarre interest in the sex lives of alzheimer’s patients.
Each time with them is like the first time.
Bad Movie Connection – “Overboard”. Wonder if that’s canceled these days as basically rape. Or whether the “oh it’s soooo romantic” is dominant.
I think they missed the fact that the people needing the Viagra were still hunting for poon which is what keeps your brains going strong. Once that quest for poon is abandoned the brain atrophies. Note this would apply to gents that like other gents as well. But I guess chicks are lucky that their brains always is thinking about inane stuff and overwhelming them so they are not affected by the lack of drive like the gents are.
Makes the other 31% sound interesting. “I want viagra but I forgot why.”
*Beavis and Butthead laughter*
It increases blood-flow. Good for the brain and the extremities.
Ask a Glib:
So, my air conditioning died the other day. In getting it fixed, I ran into a situation that I’d love some input from the peanut gallery on.
So I have a buddy who works in the industry. The wives are actually the friends, he is more of an acquaintance. We don’t really hang out too often, but we are friendly. That kind of buddy. He helped me fix my AC unit twice in the past. Nothing big, but he went out of his way to help me out and we installed a hard start kit. He has moved up into a higher end job with a manufacturer now.
So I didn’t want to impose when this one broke and I asked him for a referral. He gave me the name of a company started by a buddy of his. Small outfit with just a couple of trucks.
They schedule somebody to come out. They want a credit card to guarantee the appointment. It is a hundred bucks diagnostic fee. If I do the repair right away, they waive the hundred bucks and just charge me for the repair. Otherwise I got to pay him a hundred bucks.
Great! Send them out.
So the guy arrives and he is a really nice guy. Young kid who works for the guy my buddy knows. It takes him all of a minute to figure out the problem. He pulls on a wire and it snaps in half. Corrosion from living near saltwater has destroyed the wire. (And now I feel like a moron. I didn’t yank on any wires.)
He tests out the large capacitor and it is within spec but only barely, so he says he might as well swap it out while he’s there, and 5 minutes later the unit is back together and working fine.
So he sends in the information to the office and they send back the fee. They want $400 to do the repair.
Wow! I scan the barcode on the capacitor, and it is $30 at Walmart, $20 at a local supply store, and $10 from Amazon. I have a box of spade connectors in the garage, but figure on 15 cents if I had to buy one.
So the deal with the company is I can pay $100 diagnostic fee and he goes home, no hard feelings. Or I can pay them 400 bucks and he leaves the capacitor where it is.
They want $300 to not remove a $10 capacitor and pull off a spade connector that they installed.
So I call and ask to speak to the owner, since he is a referral from a friend. He doesn’t want to talk to me, he lets the dispatcher talk to me. So I tell them I am not a beat around the bush kind of guy, and I don’t want to screw them over. But from my point of view they want $300 to do a 5-minute job with $10 worth of parts.
So I make them an offer. I say $200 sounds plenty reasonable, including the 15-minute drive he had to make and I’m paying for his expertise. But the deal you are offering me is either pay you $100, or for an extra $300 you’ll leave the $10 part in place. This is something I can do myself in 5 minutes just as easily as you can.
So he says, the price is the price.
I tell them I don’t really feel right just giving them a hundred bucks, but I also don’t really feel right giving them an extra $300 for a $10 part.
That is our price.
So I say, “as I understand it, the deal you are offering me is either pay you $100 for the diagnostics, or $400 for the capacitor. You don’t want an extra $100 not to remove the capacitor?”
He says yes, that is our price.
So I say, “okay. We understand each other. I’ll just give you the $100 diagnostic fee then. Thank you.”
He says thank you and that is that.
I’m talking to the technician and I’m flabbergasted. Dude is really nice. I tell him I can’t believe they just took negative $100 to have you do 5 minutes of work taking the capacitor back off and putting the old one back on. He’s like, I just work here. I tell him I really appreciate everything and I feel bad only giving him a hundred bucks, but that’s all they’ll take.
So now I feel bad because this is a referral from a friend. So I text him and let him know what happened. He tells me that his old company probably would have charged 5 or $600 for that.
I tell him thanks for letting me know, because I was feeling a little bit negative towards his buddy for wanting an extra $300 to put in a capacitor.
So, the net of the entire story is that they offered the standard diagnostic fee for coming out deal. I took there offer and declined to give them an extra $300 to put in a capacitor.
The question for the peanut gallery is, am I the a****** here? Because I feel a little bit like a jerk, but not enough like a jerk to give them 300 bucks for a 5-minute job with a $10 part.
I suppose I kind of understand their point of view, where they don’t want to become known for negotiating their prices, but I still have a hard time wrapping my head around refusing an extra hundred bucks to not do some extra work and leave a $10 part where it is. If he had said, make it 250 instead of 200 and we have a deal, I would have said sure. But there was no way I was going all the way to 400 bucks for that job. It just kind of blows my mind that you would walk away from a hundred bucks because your price list is your price list. It literally cost them more money to not take an extra hundred bucks, because the dude had to take it back out.
You’re not an asshole. Their price just wasn’t your price. happens all the time.
He tests out the large capacitor and it is within spec but only barely, so he says he might as well swap it out while he’s there, and 5 minutes later the unit is back together and working fine.
The price for the extra work should have been discussed before starting.
Yeah… The compressor wouldn’t start… So the only way to verify the diagnosis was to spend 5 minutes fixing the wire. It seemed to be their standard practice.
I mean, absent the compressor or adding coolant, there really isn’t much to do on an AC unit. There is a small circuit to run the fan and compressor, a controller board… And a similar setup inside. About the only work they could do that wouldn’t be easier to do this way would be if they had to swap out the blower inside the house due to a faulty bearing… And that is a 100% diagnosis because you can just grab the squirrel cage and it won’t spin.
Maybe a plugged drain…
Don’t feel bad.
The issue for them was that if they negotiated the price, it would have been an admission that they were sticking it to you.
Rates are highly market specific. And rates for residential service can be obscene. Commercial customers tend not to put up with the gouging.
No, you are not the villain in this situation. These companies are profiting off of information asymmetry – a new cap should run between $30 – $80 and it’s a five minute job to switch out. I know this because I was in a similar situation a few years ago (here the diagnostic fee is $125 and they wanted another $250 to replace the cap). YouTube and a local appliance parts store to the rescue. At the parts shop, the little old man at the counter wouldn’t sell me the capacitor without giving me very precise instructions on how to safely do the work, then he said to call him if I encountered any problems.
Sorry dude, but try running a business some day. Overhead is mother******.
They gave you what you asked for, and didn’t force you to pay their installation fees after installation. Pretty stand up, IMO.
I’m still a fan of haggling in some scenarios, so I’m not going to say you’re wrong. I’m not going to say the business was wrong either.
I can understand your feelings and here’s my take.
Your AC is down, you can’t fix it from lack of knowledge.
The $300 is for the repair guy’s knowledge. You also now have the knowledge.
It’s like going to a doctor and he/she says “Just keep doing what you’re doing, pay the lady at the front desk”
I’m now paying for things I used to be able to do myself. I pay because it’s something I can’t do and I get to drink coffee and chat with all the Glibs. Well worth it.
Agreed. Also keep in mind that as mentioned above, overhead is huge. That company pays for a truck, an office, a support staff, probably a parts warehouse somewhere and has to pay for government-approved health insurance. Massive costs. But now you have the knowledge to do the repair, you can do it yourself next time. I encountered the same problem with a dishwasher drain clog. I paid a guy $300 to come stick a shop vac on the sink – end of the pipe and suck out the clog, just because I didn’t think of doing that.
I agree with this.
You paid for the knowledge, experience, and convenience.
These days I pay A LOT for the convenience thinggy. Work that I used to do before to save a couple of twenties or fifties, these days feel like it is a complete waste of my time and that my time is far, far more valuable than the savings I got doing so myself.
It’s like the guy with a squeaky floor who tried everything to fix it, to no avail. He finally called in an old guy to take a look. The old guy walked around the floor for awhile and finally drove a nail into the floor. The squeak was gone. The old guy presented the bill for $100 to the customer, who was flabbergasted. “You drove one nail! How could a nail cost a $100?” The old guy replied, “The nail is a penny, the rest is knowing where to drive it.”
I took an Orient automatic watch to a repair shop the other day. I asked the guy for an estimate and he came back with $245 to fix it. I thought that was fair, except it was more than I paid for the fucking thing, so I passed. A watch is different than AC, though. I have other watches.
am I the a****** here?
Not at all. Stupid businesses practices deserve their just reward.
In my experience I have found that most, if not all, of these places that charge the upfront fee do it because they know that when dealing with customers that are not completely uninformed that when they tell them how much they want to take them for these better informed people will realize that they are being fleeced and will then tell them “no thank you”, leaving them in the tank.
These days I simply tell anyone that tells me there is an upfront visit fee that is more than $50 that I will look elsewhere cause I know the racket. Yes, I get that a lot of people call a service to have them diagnose the issue then go try to fix it themselves, leaving the company in a lurch and at a loss because of the time wasted without income, so I get that the people doing the work need to protect themselves somehow. But when they turn it from just protecting themselves to trying to make money on the fast track by charging this huge upfront fee and then try to gouge you on the work, they are asshats.
Unfortunately, as the cost of everything is going up insanely these days, you can’t be sure that the cost he gave you was not high anymore because of what they have to pay their tech (and other people). I am sure all these prices have gone up drastically because of the employment shit going on right now.
I’ve got no issue with the profit aspect. Value is relative.
I have an issue with not specifying their labor rate prior. In their defense, he didn’t ask.
Of course, in this case they couldn’t do that because the equivalent labor rate would have been outrageous. It’s a bait and switch that’s common in HVAC repair. It’s a result of how HVAC companies market themselves with the teaser diagnostic fee. It certainly cost more than $100 to send that tech out there, but most customers go for the low diagnostic because it sounds good.
For my mechanics, I specify an in-shop and on-the-road labor rate with travel time included. Diagnosis is simply part of the billable hours. If I’m working on equipment that they didn’t purchase from me, it’s about 20% higher. All rates are specified up front. But I’m dealing with commercial contractors who are repeat customers. I avoid consumer work.
I have an issue with not specifying their labor rate prior. In their defense, he didn’t ask.
If one of my law firms did that to me, I’d have their relationship partner on the line in two seconds flat, telling them that I’m not paying.
I get that it’s SOP in some industries to do work without asking first, but all the reputable plumbers, contractors, and handymen I’ve used will diagnose and then request permission to repair, usually with a ballpark cost in hand.
Unlike Alex, I’m happy to engage with companies that charge a diagnostic fee. Most of the time, I’m debating whether to do the repair myself or not, so I instruct them to just diagnose and let me know what the problem is.
I don’t disagree with the diagnostic fee at all. I just am a cheapskate and want to pay the least amount possible for the diagnosis once something is out of warrantee, cause I am certain I will shop around for a better price to do the work (these days I don’t bother doing any of it myself anymore), or more likely than not, replace the damn broken thing cause the cost to fix it practically always comes up to 60+% of the price of a new unit.
I just am a cheapskate and want to pay the least amount possible for the diagnosis once something is out of warrantee
In my experience, likelihood of bilking me is highly correlated to free diagnostics. They have to make up the cost somehow.
I had a plumber back in VA that was really good. Not only did they know their stuff, but they billed on an hourly labor + parts basis. They had a cost floor (1 hour, I believe) that I never hit because I can do the simple repairs, but beyond that the clock started when it started, ended when it ended, and parts prices were within a reasonable margin of retail.
In another life I bought used books and vinyl. I would often get calls , asking me to make house calls, because the quantity was large, down a basement, in a warehouse, etc. I explained that I had to charge $60 to make the visit even if I didn’t buy the merchandise. I really didn’t like making house calls. Most of the time I’d get a refusal, ’cause the stuff was junk, quantity was too small, etc. Most were on a fishing trip, looking for the highest offer. I wasn’t in a bidding war with my competitors.
The rationale being that I would lose an hour of productive time at my job, had to drive a van over, etc.
The dispatcher doesn’t have authority to negotiate. The owner doesn’t want to.
I think you made the right choice. And be thankful they sent out a competent technician. There’s some sleazy operators out there that would have just said, “The AC is shot, here’s our prices on a new one.”
Actually, this is why I asked my buddy for a referral. It is also why he helped me with a prior repair. I called out the guys whose number was on the AC unit from the prior owner. The guy came out and quoted me $800 for parts for a new fan. Google told me that it was $80. When I told him it sounded like an awful lot to replace a fan, he said that actually they’re really hard to find and since it’s an old unit I should probably just replace it. I told him thank you very much and sent him on his way.
I don’t mind paying a man for his expertise. But you start lying to me and you could be the GD Picasso of HVAC and I still wouldn’t do business with you. So I called my buddy and instead of sending me in the right direction he just came over and helped me fix it. Excellent dude.
You’re not an a-hole. They gave you options, you offered another, then you both settled on one. No biggie.
You called them, they didn’t call you. They have their minimum drive out of $100. They also happen to stock that part meaning not having to hunt one down, which would have taken time (and is factored into the additional $300). Also, you’re paying for the techs knowledge, part of which was giving you an honest diagnosis when another place could have easily said “compressor is shot”. I would have paid it and been happy I didn’t need a new compressor.
I’ll give you an example of business practice that really is shady.
Customer asked me for advice yesterday. He had signed a purchase and financing deal with one of the local Kubota dealers for a new excavator that they had on the lot.
But before he takes delivery, the dealership calls to tell him that they made a mistake and that excavator was already spoken for. New excavators are exceedingly difficult to come by right now because of the supply chain issues. There’s no chance he could come up with another one before the end of the year and would lose the 179 deduction.
He does a little poking around and finds out that the other customer is a friend of the dealership owner. Obviously, the owner is fucking him over to do his buddy a favor.
He asked me for advice. I told him to call Kubota national and get the name and phone number of the regional rep. I doubt Kubota will look kindly on that kind of behavior from one of their dealers. They’re a very tightly managed company that Japan has a lot of influence over.
In the meantime, he should refuse to concede the excavator to the dealer. Contract was signed and he should demand delivery.
It is literally the same as short selling stock. You have to pay what you have to pay to come up with the 2nd excavator you sold.
That said, you will notice that historically if you are connected enough, you can get a cap put on the amount you have to pay to cover your lack of stock.
Speaking of overhead, if you can find a reputable one man operation for the repair you need, use that. Larger businesses that send a guy out will charge a much higher rate and not really willing to ever go lower if it ends up being a quick/cheap fix. I recently had a guy come out to look at my boiler. Older guy, ran it with his son. Looked at one of my radiators before concluding the issue was with the boiler itself. Cleaned out the pigtail pipe (think that’s what he called it) and re calibrated the pressurtrol (I think that’s what he called it). Spent maybe an hour total and charged me 125. We had also called a bigger company and their diagnostic fee was more than what he ended up charging me.
Chris Hedges: The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Is an American Satyricon
The Maxwell trial will not hold the powerful men complicit in the rape and abuse of countless girls by the Epstein ring accountable or challenge the oppressive systems which fuel the scourge of male violence.
“Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, hedge-fund billionaire Glenn Dubin, former New Mexico Bill Richardson, former Secretary of the Treasury and former president of Harvard Larry Summers, Stephen Pinker, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, billionaire Victoria’s Secret CEO Les Wexner, the, J.P Morgan banker Jes Staley, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barack, real estate mogul Mort Zuckerman, former Maine senator George Mitchell, Harvey Weinstein and many others who were at least present and most likely participated in Epstein’s perpetual Bacchanalia, are not in court. ”
I wonder thy Trumpy is the firs name there he was certainly not most associated with Jeff E.
It is a mystery.
Where is Federico Fellini when we really need him? The only living auteur who could do this justice is Terry Gilliam.
Terry Gilliam. Good call.
Trump is the name that the prosecutors put into the trial. They specifically chose only victims who would not implicate Clinton or any other powerful lefties. Trump is not implicated at all. In fact, the defense team made it explicit that of all of the people they subpoenaed, he was the only one who talked to them. He cooperated fully and spent many hours with them. He is fully exonerated, at least according to the defense team.
Of course they did.
The name that really shocked me was Kirk Cameron. Apparently that dude went to the island. Well, at least according to the wife. I haven’t been paying attention to that nonsense too much.
That IS a surprise.
Dude is like the Christianiest Christian in Christiantown.
LOL. Figures.
He always was a little too “holy.”
He went their to save their souls, not to fuck them.
Trump took a short hop on Epstein’s plane once. Of course he is guilty of something. (Never mind he banned Epstein from Mar a Lago because he discovered that Epstein was creeping on his staff.)
This. Trump is a fickle husband and repeat cheater, but he’s not a creep.
The guy had Russian hookers pee on Obama’s bed.
CNN told me so.
I was talking about this with my wife, who is a victim of full-fledged TDS.
She had the same analysis. The dude is gross and sleeps around with strippers and hookers but isn’t the type to be into kids.
My take? He doesn’t bang chicks in secret. He wants the hottest girl in the room so that he can brag about it to everyone. “Look at her… Beautiful woman… The finest beauty…. “.
No way that guy runs around in some secret backroom sex version of fight club. If he is banging hot chicks, he wants to be able to brag about it.
TDS addled wife agreed. When tds and non-tds infected can agree on something related to Trump, it is very likely true.
I was saving this for a Banjos links, but…
Poor kitty.
Hey — I thought we weren’t supposed to have kitty licking links on this site.. 😉
More seriously, definitely adorable. Puppy swarm for the win!
Reminds me of the time I purchased a white Labrador puppy over thirty years ago. Momma had fifteen pups, and when my wife and I walked around the corner of the house a tidal wave of white furry beasts came pouring across the lawn at us. It was one of the most glorious scenes I have witnessed, a horde of fuzzy tongues lashing at every inch of persons, I couldn’t take it had to lay down and allow the cuteness to wash over me. Picked a girl out of the lot and she was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had.
Tester done good
Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Jon Tester voted with the Senate Republicans on Wednesday to rescind a vaccine and testing mandate on private businesses with 100 or more employees.
The two Democrats’ decision may end up being a symbolic act of defiance, however, as it remains unlikely the mandate introduced by President Joe Biden will be repealed through congressional action.
The Senate voted 52-48 to rescind the requirement using the Congressional Review Act (CRA), which allows Congress to nullify regulations imposed by a variety of federal agencies.
The resolution will now go to the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, where it could be dead on arrival.
House Republicans are likely to join their Senate colleagues in supporting the measure but a large majority of Democrats will oppose it.
The Democratic majority isn’t really that large, Shirley. A few more defectors and it lands on President Shit-for-brains’ desk.
Then we’ll see who’s on the side of
creepinggalloping authoritarianism.That’s the “mandate” that hasn’t even been written yet?
Yeah, I will not comply.
A large majority of Democrats is a long way from a majority of the House. This will be an interesting vote. How many Team Reds will support it in hopes of staying in good standing with the Machine? How many Team Blues will oppose it in hopes of saving their seats?
Tester will always come through when his vote doesn’t matter at all.
Russian interference, 2021 style:
Over at TOS they have an article about Russia and Ukraine and US involvement.
I took the opportunity to talk about Biden’s bizarre claim that he looked Putin in the eye and told him that he did not have a soul. (Who does that?). My observation was more about the propaganda machine promoting this as a triumph rather than reacting in horror, but it is also a pretty insane story in its own right, making me wonder why it isn’t front page news.
And then something weird happened. TOS has long had a bunch of sock puppets that I assumed to be paid posters from DNC adjacent “grass roots organizations”.
But this article was odd. Several far left puppets started talking exactly like Russian trolls you find on the internet anywhere stories about Putin pop up.
It was wierd.
A couple of right wing trolls posted anti-US-involvement ideas along standard non-interventionist libertarian lines…. But it got me thinking.
How many of the voices at TOS are Russian voices? How much of the far left trolling is actually Russian Disinformation?
And how much far-right trolling is Russian Disinformation?
You go some places.. like Reddit… And the Russian bots are obvious and overwhelming on any topic of direct relevance to the Russian government. But it was odd to me when familiar trolls that are long-,time voices of the DNC defence team suddenly start talking like Russian bots.
Think they employ the same company? Dual funding of the same think tanks?
Curious minds want to know.
When engaging in asymmetrical warfare propaganda is one of the most powerful weapons and usually produces results far in excess of the cost, so don’t be surprised that it is always in use. I do want to point out however that the amount of this shit coming from China & Russia these days is only eclipsed by the amount of free shit the left in this country says & does, because it hates America, that eventually seems to always help Russia and China.
Who does that?
*looks Cyto in the eye*
There’s prolly a soul in there somewhere.
And how much far-right trolling is Russian Disinformation?
Every Glib account is Tulpa, who happens to be a Russian bot. Everything makes sense now.
Shut up, tulpa!
That’s why I link to rt.com
I not Tulpa.
Sounds like something Tulpa would say.
Tulpa?! Nyet!
Meh. I was one of the “right wing trolls” on that article. I think the ultimatum the administration seems to be trying to push on Putin (allow a historically hostile alliance to extend right up to your border, cede one of your country’s most crucial naval bases, and allow a significant population of people who are culturally and ethnically “your own” to be ruled by a foreign nationalist government) is a bridge too far for him or any Russian leader who isn’t insane and/or stupid. The U.S. has no business in the Ukraine. And it’s only an issue because our E.U. allies decided to try to flip the country over to them rather than Russia. Really, the administration’s saber-rattling is just stupid.
Or is it only an issue because our president is on the take from forces inside Ukraine?
Because, you know, we know for a metaphysical fact that he is on the take from Ukraine.
You make a good point. It became an issue because of E.U. profiteering. It remains an issue because of Biden profiteering.
A lot of places are now active kinetic areas because of this sort of shit these days. See Libya, Syria, and so on…
And the players always seem to be the EU and the donkeys these days.
By the way, I am on the side of don’t go screwing around in Ukraine too. The bog standard libertarian position is to don’t go screwing around in foreign countries.
Although Ken had an interesting position. His position was keep the government out of the way and let us companies sell any arms that the Ukrainians carry to buy. Profit motive, for the win!
Well I don’t think Welch is a Ruskie agent. One of the things that he was always ranting about was Trump not adding Ukraine, Latvia and Estonia to NATO. He really, really wanted that for some reason.
I’ll admit, I’m a bit confused. I always thought the Russkie agents would be the guys insisting we shouldn’t expand NATO. I guess I’ll have to consult with my handler.
You see, the goal is to expand NATO until Russia is a member state, so that it’s wars with other members won’t trigger the treaty.
Welch has had a hard-on for NATO for decades. It came from time he spent in Europe during the Cold War. The problem is that the boner has lasted 30 years after the wall fell.
Agreed. Also keep in mind that as mentioned above, overhead is huge. That company pays for a truck, an office, a support staff, probably a parts warehouse somewhere and has to pay for government-approved health insurance. Massive costs. But now you have the knowledge to do the repair, you can do it yourself next time. I encountered the same problem with a dishwasher drain clog. I paid a guy $300 to come stick a shop vac on the sink – end of the pipe and suck out the clog, just because I didn’t think of doing that.
On the one hand, never stick in in crazy. OTOH, twins.
This shit is gonna end really, really bad….
Yeah….. But damn, what a ride…
So the guy is gonna get the first coupla squirts in twin #1, pull out and get the rest of the squirts in twin #2?
Doesn’t matter because each swimmer is unique. Ever contemplate how different you might be if Mom had told Dad “Not tonite, I’ve got a headache. Let’s do it in the morning?”
That’s why you don’t ask for sex, but hand them a bottle of tylenol, so that when they say “Why do I need that?” you got them good… Now the trick won’t work too many times if she is clever, so use it sparingly..
Excluding possible mutations, two parents can produce over 70 trillion genetically different offspring (2**46).
Part of meiosis is to crossover segments of chromosomes between pair members. The variability is even greater.
Yeah but offspring will still have Aunt Edna’s eyes or Uncle Marty’s nose! Or dark hair like Mr. Bill, the milkman.
i am pretty sure this is what Joseph Smith had in mind all along…
Saudi Arabia’s popular King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, which kicked off earlier this month, invites the breeders of the most beautiful camels to compete for some $66m in prize money.
That’s some incentive, right there.
Botox injections, face-lifts, and other cosmetic alterations to make the camels more attractive are strictly prohibited. Jurors decide the winner based on the shape of the camels’ heads, necks, humps, dress and posture.
If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’. Oh well… Bactiran to the drawing board.
Yesterday was hump day.
The price for the extra work should have been discussed before starting.
“Here are your options.”
Sometimes you need to diagnose so you can provide those details however.. So I think he got the price discussion once the tech knew what to replace and he didn’t like the price. At that point he was in the right to say he didn’t want the work done. The bone of contention is that he felt they should have offered to do the work for less, and as others pointed out, he is not an asshole for wanting that just like they are not assholes for telling him that was what they charged and he could choose to pay or not.
I guess it is convid mask season again. From HR:
• CDC is requesting that whether vaccinated or not, we wear masks while indoors (away from your desk) in areas of high transmission. (Graphic below)
• Department heads please notify HR when someone calls out and/or goes home sick. I will follow up with determining whether it may be COVID related.
Thank you for being considerate of others. Being healthy for the upcoming holidays is important to all of us!
Face coverings are against my religion. Take your vitamins and be done with the convid nonsense.
Wear your magic talisman and shut up already!
Our general manager told us it is our duty as citizens to get vaccines… I wish I had the stones to just tell him to fuck off.
This won’t happen but it would be hilarious: Matt Gaetz on Trump becoming House Speaker In 2022!
That is an outstanding troll! I can’t help but giggle even thinking about it.
Can you imagine Trump standing up there?
Holy crap, I kind of insist that they do it just for the comedy of it.
Not just standing there, but doling out and rescinding committee assignments.
You’re fired!
OMFG… Every right-thinking American should get behind this. Absolutely the funniest thing ever.
I am for anything that makes idiots get all bent out of shape… Even if it is all trolling.
Not a single word in that article (or any other I’ve seen) as to the actual severity of Omicron. A lot of “calculation” and “estimation” — but the only hard number cited is that hospitalizations are *down* (something like 7000 vs. 9000) from a November peak…. which strongly implies to me if this is spreading like wildfire, cases are up — but hospitalizations are down it isn’t that severe. In which case… why sweat the cases? Sigh. So tired of this perpetual Covid Chicken Little crap. Protect the vulnerable, sure — stop denying the treatments that worked in India and Africa from all we hear, definitely — but stop worrying about it in the general / low-risk population you twits.
An article I linked the other day said most of the “Omicron” patients in the hospital (South Africa, I think) were actually hospitalized because of some other completely unrelated ailment.
THE Omicron variant could put 1,000 people in hospital a day by the end of the year, Sage has warned.
It comes as Boris Johnson has triggered Plan B restrictions that will require Brits to work from home and use vaccine passports imminently.
This stops when you stop participating.
“This grim milestone may or may not happen.”
Dammit! Just had to scroll down one (1) comment. *shakes fist*
best new yorker cartoon in decades probably
You want me to believe that the New Yorker Magazine is real? No can do, that fictional rag doesn’t exist.
Remember the ads for buying a square inch on the moon? Came complete with a deed and a plot number?
A long time ago but Fourscore remembers…
Those deeds for extraterrestrial real estate will be worthless when someone actually gets there.
If they are from a society which needs a legal fig leaf the cover will be abandonment and adverse possession, as no one with a deed has visited or improved their so-called property.
Possession is 9/10th of the law… Especially when you can blow anyone fucking with you away…
I got two square inches of the Yukon I’d like to sell you. There’s gold in them thar frozen hills.
Maybe we should meet over lunch. Oh, you’re wanting to sell. Never mind.
Chappelle is hosting a comedy festival and Wil Wheaton is having a meltdown
Wheaton is a douchebag…
For real. A has-been that is pissed he doesn’t get more attention and is still being made fun of for a stupid role as a kid.
A lot of woke whiteys are douchebags who desperately want to be relevant and prove they are more than a dancing monkey (which most entertainers are )
That kind of surprises me. He’s a dork, but he’s historically been reasonably cool about the fact that he is a dork who got the role of a lifetime as a kid. Twice.
Going full woke on canceling Dave Chappelle is not borderline behavior though. That is way, way, way over the line. But, dude is a creature of Hollywood, so I suppose it is on me if I’m surprised.
Shut up Wesley
Everything I’ve ever seen of Will Wheaton convinces me he’s a disgusting excuse of a human being hiding behind woke ideology to convince himself he’s not as awful a person as he really is.
Projection really must be a thing. I have seen him on a few different things and seeing a few posts over the years, and he always came off to me as the ultimate nerd. Kind of awkward kind of inept.
I always saw the entire thing as a desperate attempt by a guy who is never going to fit in to try to fit in.
Which I assume is just me projecting what I would mean if I was saying all that crap.
So I suppose he did me a favor, and I learned something today. It’s always nice when you have a personal revelation without having to lose a job, a girlfriend, or a house.
If you also lose a dog and/or a pickup truck, you have a country music song in the making…
♪”My wife ran away with my best friend, and I miss him“…..♪
You know what else I learned? As I’m composing that post I made a list of all of the hitting rock bottom things I could think of that are relevant to me .
Not on that list? Ending up in prison. First world problems, cyto edition.
Prison songs are more rap songs or things like this…
Well, I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison
And I went to pick her up in the rain
But before I could get to the station in my pickup truck
She got runned over by a damned old train
It’s somewhat ironic that Wheaton’s Law is “Don’t be a dick”. He doesn’t really hold himself to that rule much anymore. This is far from the first time that he’s gone off the rails on some woke/cancel culture crusade.
Did he come up with that?
Because he’s been a full-on douchebag for years.
Well, he can be a douchebag without being a dick, even though both of those things want to squirt liquids into the same place.
Yep. The rumor is he came up with it when interacting with online gamers decades ago. In fairness, most teenage online gamers are dicks.
My defense, it has probably been more than a decade since I have seen anything out of that dude or even thought of him. So I am operating on decade old intelligence, at a minimum. And by my own standards, that’s on me.
George W. Bush, his wife and their delegation may have been the victims of Russia-induced Havana Syndrome at 2007 G-8 summit
We’ve always been at war in eastern Europe. *throws shoe*
my favorite beach wear try on haul | TIANA MUSARRA
I would tap that and deal with the disasters that follow later…
Palestinians always find themselves in sticky situations.
Meanwhile, back at the Miinistry of Truth
Chinese and Russian state media are working in overdrive to denigrate the Biden administration’s Summit for Democracy taking place this week, calling the project hypocritical.
A flurry of tweets from Chinese diplomats refer to the event as a “so-called” democracy summit, while a Russian political commentator writing in a state-run Chinese newspaper compared the US initiative to “a mistress of a brothel teaching morale [sic] to schoolgirls.”
That the media blitz is coming from official mouthpieces — and not shadowy bots and trolls —reflects anxiety over US efforts to rally support for democratic norms and potentially isolate Beijing and Moscow in the process, experts on authoritarian propaganda tell CNN.
“[China and Russia] see this as an opportunity to exacerbate cynicism in the political West and undermine any headlines that come out of this summit,” said Jessica Brandt, policy director for the Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology Initiative at the Brookings Institution.
Those crazy authoritarians, with their official mouthpiece disinfo blitzes. Denigrating the True Beacon of DEMOCRACY!
Not like real journalists; CNN, for example.
Here’s another angle from which our propaganda state is really harming us.
If we had a fourth estate that was actually functioning, and a new president comes in with a history of taking bribes from the Ukraine and suddenly we are on a war footing with Russia over Ukraine, there would be serious questions about whether or not this entire issue had been created because of bribes from Ukraine.
A functioning fourth estate would be peppering Biden with questions about his ties to Ukraine, payoffs to his son, his pressuring Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, how come we trust him on Ukraine since he clearly took bribes to affect Ukrainian policy when he was vice president….
These aren’t just obvious questions, they’re inescapable questions. There’s no amount of spin that makes them irrelevant or biased or illegitimate. And yet not one single reporter, not even Fox, has asked such questions.
How effing obvious is it? Dude took millions in bribes from Ukraine and used his office to impact Ukraine politics. Russia has repeatedly tried to overthrow the Ukrainian government and install people friendly to them. Sometimes successfully.
Whether or not his relationship with Ukraine has anything to do with the current policy crisis, these questions are inescapable. And we are seriously supposed to believe that not one single political reporter in the entire nation has thought of this query?
The fourth estate is both in the bag for the CIA and wants another war.
But the ladies of “The View” assure us that the media has been unnecessarily harsh on Biden.
How desperate might the Bidens be?
If the Russians overthrow the Ukrainian govt, they might start releasing classified docs that document who paid the Bidens off, when and how much.
Of course, the MSM will cover and say that they are all fake docs produced by the Russians.
All I know is that I was told that if I voted for Trump we’d get into a major war…Seems that the powers that be are trying to make that assertion correct.
“[China and Russia] see this as an opportunity to exacerbate cynicism in the political West and undermine any headlines that come out of this summit,” said Jessica Brandt, policy director for the Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology Initiative at the Brookings Institution.
Because a country holding political prisoners in solitary confinement for protesting an election that, up until November 2020 had all the red flags our own State Department identified as a fraudulent election hosting a summit on “democratic norms” should never be the subject of cynicism.
13 straight budgets and no tax hikes. He should at least get a little trophy or something.
I don’t know where Easton City is but I assume the dead are piling in the streets
No, they all get tossed into the Delaware River where they float downstream to Philly where dead bodies are so common these days as to be unremarkable.
Based on always sunny I thought the Schuylkill River goes through Philadelphia but now I see it is both. No city needs two rivers
Wait until you hear about Pittsburgh!
They have 3 rivers. Pennsylvania cities just hog rivers.
Oh, and since I have been in Colorado, I keep hearing about different rivers, but all I ever see are creeks.
The good rivers in Colorado are on the other side of the mountains.
Since they all start in the mountains, I figured the ones on that side were just as tiny. Shouldn’t matter much which direction the water rolls down hill.
I want to do the hike to the source of the Colorado. It amuses me to think of the river that carved the grand canyon being that tiny.
I thought the Burgh only had two rivers: the Mississippi and the Monongahela? Shouldn’t rivers be named from their mouth back upstream with the tributary contributing the most flow being the extension of the one that enters the ocean or bay? Going by that, the Miss. goes northeast at Cairo, Ill up what is called the “Ohio” and then, at the Burgh, goes north up what is called the “Allegheny.”
Its the eternal argument, volume vs length.
Ohio wins on volume, Missouri wins on length. Not sure why anyone even considers that part that goes up into Minnesota. I guess it has the “most straight” argument, but whatever.
I try to tell myself that every day…
Yes, it is odd that the Ohio “ends” where it does.
I should point out, that since I grew up near the Ohio, I consider that a “default” size river, which is part of why I find the Colorado ones so puny.
On a similar thing, growing up alongside the Great Lakes kind of adjusts your mental picture of a “big” lake. To me the Cuyahoga is the default river side.
So, in general, you assume rivers are on fire about 50% of the time?
Oh, please, it only caught on fire a few times and people just won’t let it go.
The Cuyahoga hasn’t burned in my lifetime.
Now, there was that river down Akron way that was burning a couple years back (fuel tanker wiped out, spilling gas over the river, which got ignited).
Against “Omicron and governance theater”
Curtis Yarvin’s latest analysis of the pandemic is lazy, stupid and wrong.
I never understood what people fount in this Yarvin fella… was never interesting and does not improve with time. I mean I understand his long winded obscurantist overwrought style made people think they are in possession of esoteric knowledge and are smarter/better than others. But still
Has Yarvin actually been admiring the Chinese approach? I haven’t been following him as of late, but if so, I’m more than a little surprised.
I have not followed him but stuff I saw occasionally pop in my timeline gives that impression. Similarly to Nassim Taleb he may have3 gone full retard with the covid
Now I can believe Taleb went full retard on it.
He’s the type that once he stakes out a position, he will never admit a mistake.
The NRx kiddies in general are much better at asking questions, than at coming up with answers.
Mansplaining “Let’s Go Brandon”.
“I’m going to tell you one more time.”
I can’t stop looking at the mold and rot on that porch ceiling.
Now do the other White House
Notice how when he tries to explain she never stops talking. That wont be the last time he has to explain it.
it’s time to get serious
Governors in New York and Maine have activated National Guard troops to help respond to the Covid crisis amid a feared winter surge in cases, while New Hampshire is also expecting assistance.
Anyone not wearing a mask will be shot on sight.
will be shot on sight – just twice or with boosters?
Well I hope they test the corpses of those wrong thinkers that they shoot for the Rona.
The data set could be corrupted if those casualties who were positive weren’t properly classified as “Covid Deaths”.
winter surge in cases
It’s called “flu season”.
“CNN’s Don Lemon is blasted for literally SINGING Biden’s praises over five cents drop in gas prices after White House had secret meetings with journalists begging for better press”
This is an apricot.
Perhaps Don can explain why I am now paying $4+ for premium when I was paying >$3 a year ago.
?Lowered expectations?
Evil gas companies, and foreign interference in the oil markets?
Dec 8
“A billionaire Publix heiress is being investigated by a House committee after accusations she bankrolled the January 6 MAGA protests with donations totaling $650,000.
Julie Fancelli, 72, wired the sums from her Tuscan villa, where she grows olives and grapes, to three organizations that staged and promoted the pro-Donald Trump Stop the Steal and Save America protests that turned into the Capitol riots, according to new findings.
It was previously reported she gave $300,000 to the event organizers, but the sum has now more than doubled, the Washington Post reported.”
also, fried chicken
Now let’s see who bankrolled the BLM
riotsprotests.And tell us how much the taxpayers are forking over to bankroll this witch hunt.
…and antifa and the armies of illegals marching to the border and the corruption of mayors and DAs and give me a minute and I will think of more.
That’s an awful lot to pay for a few selfies. She didn’t get her money’s worth.
“…The Washington Post reported.”
Uh huh. The WaPo….and drugs fell out of their asses.
If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’.
“If it’s not worth cheating for, it’s not worth having.” -W C Fields
Minnesoda Machine grinds down fierce independent woman who persisted. A woman who kept her bar open in defiance of King Walz is getting worked over by the System.
They are not reasonable nor constitutional.
If I could change one thing about the founding documents I would change ‘pursuit of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness’ to ‘life, liberty and property’.
Chase should go fuck himself.
What law? Please point to the existing law and no “do what I say” from a self-anointed dictator doesn’t count.
PuBlIk EmErGeNcY!
Thinks Preet worthy thoughts about what should happen here.
“Mother, 48, spent two years living as her estranged daughter after stealing her ID to secure loans, get a driver’s license, enroll in university and even date guys who believed she was 22”
Because no one could tell?
College freshmen are a little porky these days.
No one who saw her cared.
It’s general apathy rather than “yup that’s a 22-year old”
Is this considered financial/economic incest?
Why are these hateful bigots not respecting that she is choosing to identify as someone who has good credit?
“Evil will always win, because good is dumb.”
“Her lawless assertion of personal freedom put at risk the safety of her community,” Chase wrote. “I find her deliberate, self-publicized repeated violations of the governor’s orders under these circumstances to be in bad faith.”
The only rational response
Yeah. That quote bugged the shit out of me.
I’m generally for leaving judges alone in the hopes that they will be more willing to ignore the mob if they don’t have to worry about losing their jobs if they take an unpopular stand.
That statement about “lawless assertion of personal freedom” though. That deserves a beating.
He doesn’t improve in the rest of the article either:
I hope one crypto-libertarian snuck onto her jury.
Wow. Pretty well open call for jury nullification.
Juries should be able to issue penalties to the lawyers and judges.
“We fine the prosecutor $20,000 and disbar the judge for malfeasance.”
“A judge in upstate New York has ordered an 11-year-old girl to get the Covid-19 vaccine, siding with the girl’s lawyer mother in a legal dispute with her scientist father.
The ruling comes in the re-opening of a 2012 divorce between Jeannie Figer and her ex, Donald Figer to ask the judge to let her vaccinate the child.
Donald, who has himself been vaccinated, didn’t want them to rush the shot for his daughter as there were not any studies conducted on long-term side effects of the vaccine on kids, court papers say.
The father is a scientist and college professor ‘at one of the area’s premier institutions.’ His Facebook page lists his place of employment as Rochester Institute of Technology.
But Monroe County Supreme Court Judge Richard Dollinger ruled that time is of the essence in getting the 11-year-old vaccinated against the virus, and sided with Jeannie, who works as an attorney.”
Why do judges have such poor judgement?
What do you call judge who graduated at the bottom of his law school class?
“Your Honor”
To be fair, the article doesn’t point out what kind of scientist he is. He could be a physicist, or an aerospace guy, meaning his knowledge of immunology may be no better than the common run of folks.
People tend to toss around the word “scientist” with the vague image in mind of someone like the Professor on Gilligan’s Island, who could build a fusion reactor from two coconuts and some vine, while simultaneously brewing up a potion from bamboo shoots to cure the Skipper’s gonorrhea. Most of them are pretty specialized, and plenty of people who claim to be “scientists” are only marginally qualified for that title – Bill Nye, for a particularly annoying example.
Still siding with the father in this case, though. It’s the terminology and careless reporting I take issue with.
Look, I exercise the scientific method, despite having no formal credentialization, that makes me a scientist.
The fact that the hypotheses I’m testing are not novel doesn’t change that.
What really bothers me about people that have so much faith in the expert class is how many people still have failed to grasp the fact that so many of the experts today are nothing but a bunch of credentialed assholes, despite the avalanche of evidence in these last 2 years that these people more often than not are all talking out of their asses, with their own personal/political agendas, and should never be taken at face value without some verification.
Last night my girlfriend told me she finally heard an expert agree that the Omicron variant, while highly contagious, was very mild in symptoms. This was something I pointed out as soon as the information about the variant came out (only for her to tell me I didn’t know). But she couldn’t get past the fact he had just changed his tune from what he said a couple of weeks ago, and wanted me to know I was still wrong because he said we would now still need more vaccinations, probably forever, as the Kung Flu was endemic. I sighed, told her I had pointed out the China virus was endemic almost 18 months ago (and she told me forever that I was wrong about that), that this asshat credentialed expert was likely changing his opinion of the Omicron virus and admitting the truth to avoid the shame of being proven wrong – like all the screechers that are claiming it will kill us all if we don’t do more of the same stupid shit that hasn’t worked at all in the past are doing – because the virus is so mild, but simply couldn’t let go of the power & money making racket with the vaccines (which are not vaccines). She then got mad at me (I know it is for being right, but she can’t admit that) blamed it on me disputing “an expert”, and refused to let go of her belief that these people have her best interest at heart…
Progressivism is a mental disorder, and those infected would rather die than admit they have been fucking fooled.
So you’re sticking it in crazy.
She is borderline. Struggling however to admit she was had because she went along with the nutjobs in her family and neighborhood whom are all rabidly progressive to the point that they think Antifa is a bunch of nice people that aren’t violent enough. Admitting to yourself that you were not clever enough to see through the cult teachings and demands, especially when they are that blatant, is very hard to do.
But I will get her over the line. That or she will kill me cause she will be tired of me being right and making the proggie talking points look like idiocy on steroids.
She is borderline. Struggling however to admit she was had because she went along with the nutjobs in her family and neighborhood whom are all rabidly progressive to the point that they think Antifa is a bunch of nice people that aren’t violent enough. Admitting to yourself that you were not clever enough to see through the cult teachings and demands, especially when they are that blatant, is very hard to do.
But I will get her over the line. That or she will kill me cause she will be tired of me being right and making the proggie talking points look like idiocy on steroids.
My long time best friend and retired math prof kept falling back on “700K is a big number”.
My counter was, of course, the 330 M was far bigger.
At least here in the woods the masks are off, very rare to see one these days.
The father is an astronomer. (I looked it up.)
So he understands “billions and billions.”
Yes, and his error bars are in the exponent (old joke).
The law is a hammer, therefore every problem before them is a nail.
Holy shit. Watch dad go nuclear.
Because they are politicians.
Last night in the car I put on the radio and I heard the author of this book being interviewed. He was part of the COVID task force for Trump. I didn’t find it hard to believe when he said that he and a lot of other experts weighed in, but Birx and Fauci shut them down and did what they wanted to do. I learned the following (these were for “peer countries” which I take as western European countries).
1) We are the only country out of our peers that shut down schools.
2) We are the only country out of our peers that does not recognize natural immunity as existing.
3) We are the only country pushing vaccines for kids 5-12. Our peer countries have banned them because the risk of side effects far outweigh the danger of COVID.
Urge to kill, rising.
I can’t confirm any of those particular facts but yes, I read some other snippets from this esp. regarding how Birx ran the show and completely refused to consider even studies that Atlas threw in her face and which contradicted the need for the complete shitshow that followed.
Too bad – assuming all of it is true – that it won’t move the needle for anyone.
One other thing was that he wanted to consider all the negative affects of lockdowns when creating policy, and that was (and still is to this day) also shut down.
It has been my great good fortune to be associated with a couple of 48 year old women who fucked like 22 year olds.
Just sayin’.
The summer I was 18, I spent some quality time with a lady twice my age – 36. Upside: I learned more that summer than I would have in ten years with girls my own age. Bad side: She had a daughter only four years younger than me, which was a little odd; also, she was recently divorced, and her ex-husband kept coming around with bundles of roses, say, early on a Sunday morning when I was still there at her apartment.
Also, the group of assholes I called my friends starting singing Mrs. Robinson whenever I showed up somewhere.
You stud, you…. ?
That’s how you they are your friends.
Plus the backstory on that song is interesting.
The Story of Simon & Garfunkel’s ‘The Graduate’: ‘Schmuck! This Is Your Soundtrack!’
They are here to probe our cattle and mutilate our womenz!
Jizzlanie is Q-worthy: New photos emerge in Ghislaine Maxwell trial
Is there any aspect at all about Epstein that is not creepy? Just seeing photos of that guy really makes my skin crawl.
I can’t escape the lack of paternal intervention in all of that. Those girls all had fathers – somewhere. It only would’ve taken one to deal with Epstein.
That was part of the grooming. These kids came from broken homes. One of the witnesses even said she had talked to Maxwell about how she had been abused as a child.
So it looks like the cuntes running the jan 6th clown/shit-show are now furious that the other side has played them and is wrecking their racket:
“But Bannon’s true purpose all along has been sabotaging the Jan. 6 investigation—or, as he put it with typical hyperbole, turning his contempt charge into “ the misdemeanor from hell” for Attorney General Merrick Garland, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and President Joe Biden.
Yesterday’s developments show he’s plainly succeeding. As former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe put it, the effort to force Bannon to testify is probably a “lost cause for the committee.”
But the fallout is actually worse, as Meadows’s about-face makes clear. Bannon’s intransigence has had the effect of letting him set the bar on what constitutes loyalty to former President Donald Trump—a metric that a substantial portion of Republican lawmakers and officials are deeply anxious about.”
These idiots have Trump living rent free in their fucking empty heads…
There should be more pushback if anything.
This “commission” is really an illegal politburo with no legitimacy.
The majority party in Congress doesn’t get investigative powers.
The idiots deserve exactly the treatment they are getting.
Which one of you did this?
“The legal theory, as I understand it, is that the young woman might not be guilty of anything but her money was guilty of looking suspicious. And since 4A rights only apply to people and not green pieces of paper, she has the burden of proof to show her money was innocent.”
“Your Civil Asset Forfeiture fun fact for the day: nationwide the median International Drug Cartel Kingpin CAF police cash grab is less than $1300, $368 in Pennsylvania”
“Lawsuit filed after NHP confiscates man’s life savings during traffic stop
“You’re taking food out of my kids’ mouths.”
That’s what Stephen Lara, a Marine veteran, told Nevada Highway Patrol officers after they confiscated his life savings–$87,000 in cash–from his vehicle during a traffic stop outside of Reno in February.
The officers said they believed Lara’s cash was from dealing drugs. Lara had not committed a crime, a point NHP officers acknowledged after calling the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency about the stop. Lara provided officers with bank receipts for the cash.
He was pulled over allegedly for following a vehicle too closely and “driving under the speed limit.””
I’m trying to figure out how both those things can be true. Unless the other driver was equally guilty of driving under the speed limit, in which case, why wasn’t xe also pulled over?
I believe he was driving behind a big rig, which on a long stretch of highway, is perfectly acceptable in my opinion because they typically know the roads.
Also this part was his fatal flaw
stating he has nothing to hide. That is all well and good, but you have to pay the modern day highwayman
Following too closely plus going too slow is a confession of lack of probable cause in my book. If we had an honest judiciary, that would be all it takes.
That is both self-contradictory and simultaneously provides a perfectly salient explanation for both observations… Truck is going slow, therefore you are going slow. You want to pass, therefore you have to get close.
Anyone claiming this constitutes probable cause is lying.
On top of that…cop says I pulled you over for A: two slow and B: too close but then continues to commend his driving ability?
I’m trying to figure out how both those things can be true.
That screams targeting.
How did the cops know who to pull over and search? Just a little too convenient for them to get the vehicle loaded with cash.
These days I wouldn’t be surprised this was a setup. They fucking tried to do so with Page, remember? They gave him $10K and were hoping to nab him with the cash coming into the US without declaring it. Lucky for him he had deposited it in a bank and their setup sting failed. Our government is run be evil and corrupt people.
Oh, Tulsi.
Senator Wicker’s suggestion that we should consider carrying out a nuclear first strike against Russia exposes just how ignorant, insane, and sadistic he and other like-minded warmongers are.
Why is she the only reasonable sounding voice on the left? And why are they so stupid as to have excommunicated her?
She looks 22, maybe she needs a good home?
She can come live with me for a while…
I have a spare bedroom…
I can’t confirm any of those particular facts but yes, I read some other snippets from this esp. regarding how Birx ran the show and completely refused to consider even studies that Atlas threw in her face and which contradicted the need for the complete shitshow that followed.
Too bad – assuming all of it is true – that it won’t move the needle for anyone.
The Ministry of Truth went all out to smear and slander Atlas.
We don’t want facts to get in the way of the narrative.
When these players realized that the virus that had escaped the lab was not one of the ones with the scariest lethality numbers (see Nipa), and that while bad, wouldn’t be as catastrophic as some of the real scary ones, they decided to not let the crisis pass without taking advantage of the panic. And they, at that point, pivoted to misinforming, obfuscating, and peddling shit that would hurt Trump and let the machine rig the coming election.
Fauci’s priority was to hide his involvement in the Wuhan shit they were doing in secret, and that made him easy to use by the establishment.
Fauci didn’t need to be coerced, he’s been chasing fame as the next Jonas Salk since the 80s. It’s why he’s repeated leapt on the vaccine over treatment bandwagon for several diseases in his career. his interests already aligned with those of the policial classes.
Another of his interests is a transformation of society with much more restriction on movement and interactions — someone here long ago had a link describing that, but I don’t remember who it was or what the link was.
Good morning, Spud!
Boy, those are some weird lynx, brother!
Nice to see that the fucking anti-Russian propaganda is humming along nicely. Frankly, I couldn’t care less what the Ruskies do to W, just leave Laura alone, motherfuckers!
Speaking of motherfuckers, Karma’s a bitch, you pieces of shit.
I shouldn’t revel in the misfortune of others, I suppose.
Nah, fuck it.
Have a great day, people! Don’t hurt anyone or take their stuff.
Math is hard?
Naw, just racist.
5th person in the car?
1 stayed in the vehicle?
Yeah, that’s gotta be it.
Someone not in the car, pedestrian
I don’t care about the people in the car, but the car owner didn’t deserve that.
He did get some final justice though…
that’s gotta count for something.
One other thing was that he wanted to consider all the negative affects of lockdowns when creating policy, and that was (and still is to this day) also shut down.
No costs, only benefits.
Another meeting cancelled because vaccinated people are really sick. That has been my work routine for the past two weeks. Last Wednesday was at a work conference (brought along my negative covid test), several people were too sick to attend and 3 more were there but really sick. Then went to a hospital to meet with their lab mangers, same story. Yet I’m the perfectly healthy pariah.
It will break people’s brains when it finally sets in that they have been duped.
It is precisely because their brains are broken that they will never realize it.
You can’t convince these cultists that they are not as smart and as worldly and intellectual as they have convinced themselves they are because they joined the right cult (progressivism) without breaking almost all of them permanently.
Some people will die rather than admit they were played for idiots. Most of the others will want to kill you to silence you so they can keep pretending. There really are few that are willing to admit they were fooled, and make sure it never happens again…
The fact that with progressives admitting this stuff is so life altering is proof that they are a cult of people with mental disorders. I have seen hardcore team red idiots struggle with the truth, but eventually admitting they were wrong. When this happens with someone I thought was a proggie I usually find out they were not that proggie invested but chose the easy thing to do.
The duping of the last two years is so massive that I don’t think most people will be able to handle it.
Great interview on exactly this subject.
Yet I’m the perfectly healthy pariah.
You undoubtedly infected all those people, you sneaky asymptomatic Typhoid Marty!
Kinda have seen that term, asymptomatic, drop off from the lips of the propagandist. Or I am not looking and don’t GAF.
For anyone in need of a laugh.
Let me guess…
The Hill is one of the entities recently contacted by the WH to start peddling this line that all is well bullshit?
Max Burns is a Democratic strategist
The press is under order to deliver positive news and they are going to deliver, damn it!
The most logical answer.
India Helicopter Crash Flight Data Recorder Is Recovered
Investigation proceeds into crash that killed the country’s highest-ranking military official, his wife and 11 military personnel
Am I reading that correctly? A 12 hour helicopter ride in a Russian Mi-17V-5. I’ll pass…
30 min flight…
Duh… That makes more sense!
I need a haircut, I am tired of cutting my own hair, and the place within walking distance of my house is doing its darndest not to recieve my business.
Just answer the damn phone and tell me what you charge so I know if I have enough cash on hand already!
Holy shit, I’m sitting here typing and a mourning dove just smashes into my neighbor’s window, bounces off, and lands on my fire escape. He doesn’t seem any worse for wear. Now he’s staring at me.
Scared the shit out of me.
Like this
They don’t exactly have much in the way of brains to dash out.
A mourning dove? Well, don’t let him give you grief….
They can’t even keep their numbers straight anymore
Three shots!
No wait! Four shots!
That was within a 2-3 hour time period of each other.
Jabs forever even if we have to go door to door.
Fauci: “I would prefer, and we all would prefer that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, but if they’re not gonna do that, sometimes you’ve got to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices…”
Below that:
Colbert is a giant ass disappointment. He was great on Strangers with Candy and an overall funny guy but somewhere down the line, he decided to sell his soul and become a partisan hack. Being given bags of money by the corporate media helps with that decision but still to sacrifice your integrity for the adoration of a fickle audience seems odd to me.
It’s almost like he looked at Jon Lovitz doing a character and said hey, I can be that guy!
I bet if I asked the Toyota CEO, he’d say I need a new car.
CNBC’s survey found 4 in 10 Americans are pessimistic about where the economy is headed, but it should concern the White House that 7 percent more Americans think the economy is getting worse today than did a year ago at the peak of the third coronavirus wave. Not only is that incorrect, it points to Democrats’ biggest problem: a conservative media machine pumping out economic disinformation on a 24/7 production schedule.
Ow, my head!
a conservative media machine
Somebody has been sniffing the mimeograph fumes.
Kulaks and wreckers, comrade… nothing but kulaks and wreckers…
And hoarders! Don’t forget the hoarders.
We have started upping our par level for all kinds of consumable household stuff – detergent, paper goods, etc. Even the dog chow and supplements. We even got a freezer and a quarter cow – we got lucky on the cow; it is a tasty one.
Canned meats, and Spices from other countries, also pure cane sugar and Covfefe! Tea as well
Now I’m finding stuff that has outlived its shelf life. The Missus handed me a jar of something yesterday, 10 years old, top bulged and the insides separated, plus a streak down the side of the jar.
Her “What do you think?”
Me “Time to let it go”
Too much of that same sort of thing happening here. It’s not hoarding, just plain neglect. I told her that it’s time to eat the stuff in the freezer down, too much new stuff in front and never get to the old stuff. We’re getting close to our “Best Used by Date” and long term planning isn’t quite so important these days.
The press has been harsher on Biden than Trump.
If you consider the Misery Index (Unemployment plus Inflation rates), it is getting worse.
I wasnt feeling well yesterday, with a mild fever. This morning I was still ache-y but I posted a 98.7º.
Out of an abundance of caution, I went and bought a couple “at-home DIY” Covid test kits (Abbott labs, BinaxNOW! nasal swabs)
3/3 positive.
Jugsy (vaxxed & waxxed) isnt coming home this weekend, since she doenst want to carry to back to her current assignment in SC.
MOAR pr0nhub!