Hey, Coach K, here’s an L. Now FO.
Duke was beating Ohio State’s ass…until they weren’t. What a nice win for the Buckeyes after a tough few days. It’s starting to look like Lincoln Riley was recruiting for USC while he was coaching for Oklahoma. Yikes. Lebron James, the fully vaccinated bookworm (well, he’s been photographed reading the first page of many books anyway), has the covids. Messi inexplicably won the Ballon D’Or. And Newcastle drew Norwich while Leeds got a much-needed win. Much more soccer today, by the way. And that’s sports.

The man just wanted to sell some junk.
Wax museum founder Madame Tussaud was born on this day. She shares it with commie sociopath George Zhukov, the original Bircher Robert Welch, baseball HOFer Walter Alston, actress Mary Martin, soul legend Lou Rawls, filmmaker and possible pedo Woody Allen, golf great Lee Trevino, comedic genius Richard Pryor, actor/singer Bette Midler, international businessman Pablo Escobar, outfielder George Foster, and actress Carol Alt.
Right, now on to…the links!
Fredo out. How this piece of shit lasted as long as he did should be a mystery. But principals over principles, I guess. For a while. Either way, I bet he’s back on the air before the midterms.

Artist’s depiction of Chris Cuomo
Nobody who actually handled the gun will be held accountable, Will they? I wonder how this would have gone if it was a film with a bunch of nobodies involved.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL. They could distill every one of these press releases to one word: OBEY.
This is a bold strategy. It makes no sense to me. Not the putting her on the stand part, but the part where you telegraph it to the prosecution during jury selection. Either way, she needs to be found guilty of something because she’s a negligent imbecile who had no business carrying a gun in the first place.
I assume this surprises exactly nobody. Well, except for the werewolf part. That’s a new one for me.
“Scarred”, lol. Take your giant forehead back to the ACC and cover that shitshow, Dinich. Your 20 minutes are up never started. And you and your network are afraid somebody with his credentials will end up at ND and will harm the ACC/SEC.
Meanwhile, they’re letting people out on their own recognisance who are accused of battery and armed robbery. Not to mention they have a mounted division of the police force who do the same thing this guy did every single day.

Musk…just before the government hands him two giant bags of cash.
Even money says they get a sweet “subsidy” to bail them out. Because that’s what always happens with government contractors.
You gotta keep a low profile, man. Also, this never happens if the government isn’t just throwing money at everybody with very little qualification and oversight. Or how about just not throwing it at all?
Here’s a wonderful song for you. Hope you enjoy it.
And I hope you enjoy your Wednesday and the start of December!
Amid a renewed surge of coronavirus infections and hospitalizations across the country, and concerns surrounding the newly discovered omicron variant, health experts are again pleading with Americans to get vaccinated, and if fully vaccinated and eligible, to get a booster.
“Do not wait. Go get your booster if it’s time for you to do so,” President Joe Biden said earlier this week during an address at the White House. “If you are not vaccinated, now is the time to go get vaccinated and to bring your children to go get vaccinated.”
Seems kinda moronic if you ask me.
Fuck… after the girlfriend tested positive for the ‘vid (and I most likely had it as well) my mom asked me if I was going to get vaccinated now.
Da Fuq? Why? Did you explain to her about natural immunity?
I thought it was considered bad practice to get a vaccine for something you have already contracted.
Well…to be fair, there is a shingles vaccine.
However, covid vaxxes aren’t real vaccines.
Yup, but you can’t get it until you’re sufficiently geezerfied that the risk is outweighed by the reward.
l0b0t is almost “qualified.”
*waves at l0b0t*
Ouch! I got my first tranche of junk mail pleas from AARP this morning.
l0b0t: I’ve been getting junk mail from the AARP for almost 30 years now. My grandfather and I both have the same first and last names, so I got on the mailing lists young.
And happy birthday old man.
I must have figured out how to get off their list because they haven’t sent me junk mail in a couple years.
My wife has been on the AARP mailing list since before she was 40. It must be her shopping at Hobby Lobby and JOANN.
An asshole “friend” of mine thought it would be funny to sign me up for AARP 5 years ago.
At least 2X-weekly, my mailbox is clogged with adverts for “scenic rail trips” or why I need to visit Branson, MO.
Heh, I signed my best friend up for the AARP and ordered him a set of adult diapers on repeat to start on the day he turned 50.
Good times.
Ha! They are leaving me alone thus far but my sidebar is always begging me to contact highly-educated singles in my area. Where do they come up with this?
That’s just anti-SCIENCE insanity man.
The vax has become the sacrament of compliance. Are you not of the Body?
Nope, never have been. I see no reason to be, especially now.
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, more relevant to today than to when it was made.
“I only had a cat-nap.”
Biden mispronouncing “Omicron” is pretty funny.
“Micro No-No”?
She is charged with first- and second-degree manslaughter.
I don’t see how both can apply.
Better odds for the prosecutor to make sure they fuck her over and keep her quiet?
They shouldn’t. It’s a load of bullshit how prosecutors charge someone with every single crime on the continuum and then make a blanket case and basically tell the jury “you know they did something bad or else they wouldn’t be in front of you. So find them guilty of one of this number of crimes we’ve presented you with.
It’s like an instant form of double jeopardy. And it should be illegal.
of one of this number of crimes we’ve presented
Derek Chauvin could not be reached for comment.
Lesser included charges, mayhaps?
I don’t think she should go down for murder, TBH. Negligent Homicide or Manslaughter (not sure how the statutes read there) would seem more appropriate, at minimum being barred from being an LEO needs to happen.
Interesting, the heat tiles are what is plaguing Musk.
Sounds like a familiar problem.
Better screaming, fiery death through engineering!
The attorney instead argues that the incident was an accident, alleging Dymka was dressed in a werewolf Halloween costume and walking on a darkened stretch of the Garden State Parkway, making him hard to see.
Judging by the pic of the nurse I might believe furry costume.
Bathroom selfie pic with him in scrubs. Pleasant.
WTF do ppl do that, particularly in public restrooms?
That’s where the mirrors are at?
Which you don’t need anyway since most phones have selfie cameras on the same side as the display, specifically for that purpose. Also, every Android phone I’ve owned has included a self-timer option in the camera controls.
Oh sorry… The correct answer was “minors”. “Minors” was the answer. Next up on the board…
Scrubs = easy access.
That Squirrel related to Lubin’ Toobin?
What’s cooking Gliberati?
Nah, Toobin only needs two fingers to handle his business, or so I have been told.
Jeffrey Toobin started lubin’, Wound up playing with his Captain Stueben. When the outrage ran away, Jeffrey Tobin came back to play.
whaddup doh
Drunk again. How’s your fine self, Baby-Head?
“Meanwhile, they’re letting people out on their own recognisance who are accused of battery and armed robbery. Not to mention they have a mounted division of the police force who do the same thing this guy did every single day.”
There is a two tiered legal system now. They use the law to punish their enemies and they use the law to protect those that further their agenda no matter how violent and criminal their acts. And when one of their team members goes full on Waukesha, they memory hole the story.
The hamantaschen in the cafeteria today are poppy seed.
That is all.
Avoid any drug tests?
Yanno, I haven’t had to get ne since my onboarding.
When I worked in Austin, they specifically took MJ out of the test panel.
When I worked in Bryan, the annual drug screening was always on the month of your birthday, and people still managed to fail. I suppose that test was a good way of getting rid of the excessively stupid and/or lazy.
The ski area specifically took THC out of the panel. I bet that’s getting more and more common.
From the cowboy article: According to the Chicago Sun-Times, the Cook County judge ordered Hollingsworth to return a flash drive given to him by prosecutors.
That’s some petty BS right there. I wonder if they pull that shit on attorneys, too. That’s like the onerous charges some governments impose for copying when hit with FOIA requests.
What’s next, asking people to return printed records so they can “recycle the paper?”
I’d consider putting a virus on it before giving it back.
Given the pettiness of the court, they’d certainly charge him with deliberately planting that.
Only if they were smart enough to detect it right away. And if they were that smart the anti-virus software would take care of the problem before they even knew about it. I seriously doubt anyone with any clout is looking at anti-virus reports.
I suspect they are not that smart. If the org is properly run then the computers have centrally-managed AV software monitored by the IT staff. You never trust end users to take care of that, and you set the software to not allow it to be disabled by end users.
If he claims the prosecution is withholding evidence, I can see wanting to examine the flash drive to determine exactly what evidence they gave him.
Yes, but why does the court need a $5 flash drive back? Are they concerned about wasting taxpayer money? Did the court lose the originals?
They want to understand why the key stroke tracking worm they had put on the drive they gave them didn’t work?
I would never load a flash drive received from an untrusted third party. And government is the untrustedest third party ever.
I would assume that anything they shared with me was more likely to by spyware or damaging bullshit not to be trusted than otherwise.
Not dispositive. Too easy to change the contents of the flash drive after the fact and erase traces of said tampering. People sending that type of evidence are well-advised to take a screenshot of the drive contents as displayed by file manager and save that so they know what they sent him.
I’m now wondering if they did withhold evidence by stupidly deleting files from the drive and leaving said files in a recoverable state. I’ve seen AUSAs do some really stupid things with electonic media records. I’ve also seen deputy clerks of court release “redacted” copies of electronic documents in such a fashion that the redaction could be undone.
Who wouldn’t the prosecution copy the drive and give it to him during discovery, thereby making it his property? Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work?
IANAL, but I wouldn’t expect the prosecution to be able to demand back evidence the defense is entitled to get from them.
Fredo will become a special correspondent for the young turks. He don’t need the money he needs the adulation of his tens of fans…
My take from the last thread on this last night is that this is evidence of top-down control.
He was fully protected 5 days ago. Not a single voice on the left dared oppose him. Then… Every publication called for his firing. On the same day. In the same words.
Even Rolling Stone came down hard, saying “any other journalist would have been fired on the spot”. How many others had the same take?
Someone mentioned billionaires making phone calls last night, and that certainly could be how it works.
But every single news outlet of consequence opined that he must be fired. On the same day.
The same news outlets that all decided that a black nationalist mowing down 60 people at a Christmas parade was “too local” to cover, all simultaneously decided that something a CNN host did months ago was the most urgent story of the day.
Plenty of people are clinging to “the media has a political bias” to explain the tilt of coverage… Something that was denied for decades. Bit this puts the lie to that position. Bias cannot explain this. Groupthink cannot explain this.
This happened too fast and is too unanimous. It is beyond dispute that some central authority decided that the younger Cuomo must not be allowed to stay on TV, so they destroyed him. And every single major publication played along.
Free press? Don’t make me laugh. Pravda was a single publication… This is dozens of publications and TV news organizations. You would be right to be worried about this.
To be fair, any other journalist yanking it on camera during work hours would have been fired on the spot too, but…
In any case, the Illuminati got this one right, albeit a bit late.
The media doesn’t have a bias, they have an agenda.
I say this story is proof that they do not have an agenda. No agenda at The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, NBC Today Show, NPR, etc. would simultaneously decide this is the top story to cover.
You can explain a bunch of lefty journalists trying to paint Kyle Rittenhouse as a bloodthirsty white supremacist as being driven by a shared agenda. But not this.
The timing is way too tight. The takes are far too uniform. And the switch is way too fast.
This is not the agenda of a bunch of independent newsrooms who all agree politically. This is the agenda of a singular agency… One entity calling the shots. And it ain’t the editors, or the owners. This comes from somewhere “above”, whatever above means in this context.
“Today, we salute YOU, Fredo…”
Be sure to listen to the very end for the audio gem when the vid goes to black.
I’m spreading that around.
He’s only suspended right? He’ll be back at CNN.
WorkThe Jab will set you free.Despite all the positive press from celebrities, politicians, activists, and social influencers – three people have scaled the perimeter fence of the Howard Springs quarantine facility and disappeared before being caught moments ago.
A large team of police are currently searching for the trio, with masked officers stopping and searching vehicles at roadblocks.
They escaped from the Centre of National Resilience at around 4:40am on Wednesday, although it is unclear at this point whether they are international arrivals or members of the Aboriginal community brought in by the army last week from remote areas of the Northern Territory.
“These are not concentration camps.”
Independent journalist and social commentator Tim Pool has been locked in an online battle with Quillette founder Claire Lehmann over the incident.
Lehmann has frequently promoted the Howard Springs facility on social media, with posts involving scantily-clad residents attending exercise regimes.
So there is a bright side down under.
Centre of National Resilience
They’re just fucking with people now, right? This can’t be the official name for a concentration camp, can it?
Work will set you free.
That was my thought as well.
I used to think Orwell was hyperbolic.
I now realize that he was soft-peddling it the whole time.
Just wait until it is renamed as the Facility for Abundant Integrative Life.
Those pics are old; those olympic athletes are no longer there.
^^ This
It’s BS propaganda.
“Quillette founder Claire Lehmann ”
I’m disappointed in her.
I had forgotten who that was. JFC she’s gone full totalitarian in no time flat.
Just goes to show you that first principles matter.
Need more barbed wire, maybe even electrify it. I’d add a no-man’s land between perimeter fences, flood lights, dog patrols, guard towers with armed soldiers and shoot on sight orders. You know, so the virus can’t escape.
It’s like Australia doesn’t even know how to concentrate their camps. Someone needs a field trip to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
“You gotta keep a low profile, man. Also, this never happens if the government isn’t just throwing money at everybody with very little qualification and oversight. Or how about just not throwing it at all?”
Pimp’n ain’t easy, but it is necessary….
This guy is getting punished for playing the game and not being a government employee or special entity in government’s good graces. He should have bought =one of Hunter’s crack addict pics and he would have been fine.
I figured he wanted something of value.
That’s why he is now in deep trouble with the tyrannical state…
Pay the grift or pay the penal-tax.
Although it is still unclear whether the omicron variant is more transmissible, if it causes more serious illness or impacts vaccine effectiveness, the World Health Organization said on Monday that the overall global risk is assessed as “very high,” due to the variant’s mutations.
Abundance of caution.
The world is being run by cargo cultists.
I hope you enjoy sickle cell.
The two accrediting bodies for American medical schools now say that meritocracy is “malignant” and that race has “no genetic or scientific basis,” positions that many doctors worry will lower standards of care and endanger lives by discouraging vital genetic testing.
The Liaison Committee on Medical Education, which accredits all medical schools in North America, is cosponsored by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)—the same groups that on Oct. 30 released a controversial guide to “advancing health equity” through “language, narrative, and concepts.”
Those concepts include the ideas that “individualism and meritocracy” are “malignant narratives” that “create harm,” that using race as a proxy for genetics “leads directly to racial health inequities,” and that medical vulnerability is the “result of socially created processes” rather than biology.
Integrating these ideas into medicine, five professors and practicing doctors told the Washington Free Beacon, would be a catastrophe, resulting in underqualified doctors, missed diagnoses, and unscientific medical school curricula.
Woke medicine. What could go wrong?
In their defense, race has less of a genetic basis than sex, which they’ve already been pushing to eliminate in med schools.
The AMA is an almost purely governmental organization that controls the CPT codes used to bill Medicare and Medicaid. It’s an enormous grift that nearly no one knows about.
Especially when you define race using the one-drop rule. Invented by old-school racists, embraced by wokesters!
Pretty soon one-drop of white will be the problem.
That would mean most hispanic are four different races.
By the one-drop rule, aren’t we all Black?
I mean, if you go far enough back. Its like homeopathy. The more dilute, the more black you become!
I now identify as a black marxist-fascist attack helicopter dropping tactical nukes, and by this logic I am accurate in my identification.
Given that meritocracy underpins the credential elite – I’m pretty okay with knocking that one down. We should go back to Jefferson’s natural aristocracy. The rest of it they can shove up their highly-educated asses.
I thought it was credentials that underpinned the credentialed elite.
I think you’re wrong there. The credentialed elite operate wholly on their credentials, merit has nothing to do with it. See Fauci et al…
It’s like that scene from Chernobyl, where the physicist gets shut down by the guy who used to run a shoe factory because he’s the more senior party member.
Again, let’s remember – meritocracy – was coined as a derogatory term. It described exactly what we have, not what ya’ll seem to think it means.
Fair enough. I want a marketocracy.
“meritocracy – was coined as a derogatory term.”
Maybe. But it was co-opted long ago by the credentialed elite to make it look like they were fighting against the status quo they were trying to strengthen. It is now a bullshit term that means the exact opposite of its root. Kind of like the term “liberal” – used as a term of endearment by people who do not want others to have any liberty whatsoever.
As long as the term “statist” resists co-opting, it applies to the credentialed elite.
“race has ‘no genetic or scientific basis’ ”
Therefore… black lives have no genetic or scientific basis. Good to know!
Which is why when two parents of the same race have a kid, it’s race is completely random.
And of course, newborns suck at using apostrophes.
The race is actually postmodern. It depends on who you ask.
Adulterous women everywhere breathe a sigh of relief.
If you define race by some sort of genetic results, then yes, it is entirely possible, due to recessive genes.
There is no valid genetic test for race like there is for sex.
That just means more data is required to classify and certify. And melting pots are the worst places to find that data.
No, I think melting pots are the exact point.
Other than true outliers, no matter how much you mix, sex is easily identifiable. Every single baby has mixed-sex parents (although science! is working on that). And yet, once again ignoring true outliers, sex is still identifiable genetically.
People have tried to do it with race, creating collections of different genes that identify a race, and they can’t do it. Its not just due to weird genetics like XXY in sex. It just doesn’t exist. And trying to add in more categories like “mixed race” just makes it worse. Or everyone falls into it, which is the right answer.
*blows whistle, throws flag*
That’s not how race is defined.
Yes race is a social construct, but it’s one based on observable physical features. Like, I dunno, skin color.
The claim that “there is no genetic basis of race” necessarily means there must be no genetic basis for skin/hair/eye color, hair follicle shape, epicanthic folds, facial geometry, etc.
Which seems kind of sus, unless Gregor Mendel was faking his data. Which he might have been, I didn’t actually observe his work.
That’s not how race is defined.
The definition is the beginning of the problem. Nationality used to be a substitute for race. Read 19th century English rants about the Irish race.
FFS, people bitch now about bias against Muslims being “racism”. If that doesn’t prove just how retarded and moronic the concept is, nothing ever will.
Yes race is a social construct
Which is my point.
The problem with things like skin color is that they, mostly, work, but not entirely. You have the cases of twins where one is clearly black and the other is clearly white. Same parents, born at same time, but would clearly be of different races to any casual social construct based observer. And that is just fucking stupid.
Gender is a stupid concept. Stick to sex. It has a real basis. If you want to use race, fine, but realize it is basically meaningless.
And yet… many health needs are different for blacks than white. See: heart conditions.
Depends on how you define race? There are statistical methods to group individuals by common genetic heritage. The 1000 Genomes project has lots of samples broken in to fairly narrow geographic regions of origin.
*Dale Gribble nodding*
That is a great tune! Used to boogie at the roller-disco to that one! (Shut up! I had some moves!) Texas guy forgot about the glitter law. Unless you went to an 8 year-old’s birthday party you have no excuse for glitter. My ex found a pair of panties in my stuff when she was unpacking. I plead ignorant. I forgot that I even had them. That was awkward. My trophy, gone… My life in a nutshell.
How much did you pay for them ?
My soul?
You went to an 8-year-old’s birthday party and came home with panties? In your…luggage?
Maybe next time use a paragraph break to enhance understanding for those of us whose coffee is still too hot to drink…
“Maybe next time use a paragraph break…”
Why Glibs editors day drink.
Don’t be difficult!
“Unless you went to an 8 year-old’s birthday party you have no excuse for glitter.”
Fabulous homos have a sad. And yes, it’s obnoxious.
I’m still finding odd traces of glitter in the house I bought several years ago — they had kids.
When I lived in the fraternity house, we had a party in which we filled the front of the house with sand and set up a volleyball net.
We were still finding sand for years afterwards. Like up on the walls. In the mailboxes.
I forget who, but a comedian once called glitter the herpes of the decorative world.
Woke medicine. What could go wrong?
“Appendix, kidney, whatever. Once we get you opened up, the problem should be easy to find. Does this hurt?”
I’m sensing a Theodoric of Yorick kind of approach coming to modern medicine.
Clinton Foundation sees 2020 dive in gifts, grants
Has the “Biden Foundation” seen a corresponding increase in donations?
The Biden Foundation operates on a wholly different grifting structure.
Why is a anyone still giving them money?
Fear of suicide?
I’ll give Melania credit. That woman can decorate.
She does light up a room, brings a certain sparkle
According to the White House, the process of introducing a variant-specific vaccine would take approximately three months, and would include necessary sign off from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration.
“The companies currently estimate that it would take a few months to prototype and manufacture a modified vaccine or booster and that does include, to your question, the time for FDA and CDC to do their evaluation, so the estimate of a few months is all inclusive,” White House COVID coordinator Jeff Zients said Tuesday during a press briefing.
It takes nine months for the flipper babies to appear.
And only about two months for a new variant to appear.
The frickin’ body shop can’t schedule me for an estimate until Jan 5.
Well, except for the werewolf part.
The charitable explanation is that he thought the nurse was a werewolf. But I have no reason to be charitable.
Not likely. He didn’t have a silver bumper on his vehicle.
A large team of police are currently searching for the trio, with masked officers stopping and searching vehicles at roadblocks.
“Have you seen any witches?”
I’ll have to relook at NA’s horoscope for this week. Is there a card with a pile of shit on it?
My wonderful, amazing, and loving grandmother passed last night. She has been very ill for the past few years and was in her mid 90’s. She needed to go as she was suffereing. The effects on my mom and family are the hardest.
COVID mandates are still happening at my company. They are requiring everyone to self report their status by the end of the week. I have one person tell me that they wont and I’ll have to fire them. I will not be doing that. I’ll make whatever case I can to keep her on.
The hilarious part is my highly vaccinated sister just got a vid positive, i’m at home because I have all of the symptoms minus the loss of taste and smell. I tested negative yesterday using the rapid test, my sister positive. Now my mom is positive. She is somewhat fragile immunity wise and will have to take care of funeral arrangements.
I will have to see what can be done to have a funeral.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother.
Dang…sorry for all that. It just has to get better.
Not wanting to appear flippant, Timeloose, but you have the memories of your grandmother as a younger woman and all the good times.
Those are the things we cherish.
“Remember when Grandma caught me…”
That is how I view it. I will remember how great she was, not how she finished her last race.
Perfect reply. Sorry to hear Timeloose.
Sorry dude
Sorry to hear of your loss.
Sorry 🙁
My condolences.
Sorry about your grandma, still miss mine after 35 years.
Sorry Timeloose.
From when I first got symptoms, it was about 5 days before I lost the sense of smell and taste (which have mostly returned at this point).
Crap. I loved one of my Grandmas.
Thanks everybody.
My condolences.
Sorry to hear that, TL.
Sorry, Timeoose.
Ouch. So sorry to read all of that.
Condolences, Timeloose.
The filing indicates that Thell Reed, who is also an armorer, did not intentionally provide the live rounds but that ammunition he took to an earlier, separate production might have made its way to the set of “Rust.”
Made its way. How mysterious. But I see that they are setting up some small local to be the fall guy.
They should find some red SUV to blame for this shit.
Why was he taking live rounds to any film set?
You don’t go plinking between takes when you film westerns?
It says in the article it was to train the actors with live guns. It didn’t say he took it to a set. A film production goes on for months, with a minority of any of the work happening on a set.
That’s a really strange way to say he didn’t take it to the set.
Yes, it says a separate production, like I said, that does not equate to a set.
Oh, I see Jack Posobiec has set his sights on Dr. Oz.
*points to avatar*
I saw something about Oz taking a contrarian position on COVID overreaction–which is good, except it’s Dr. Oz doing it.
The best my lefty friends could do yesterday was point to his 0 political experience. He is a fucking doctor (credentialed at least) so I think he can figure out politics.
He legitimately sucks, so find better material to critique him.
So, the conversation of the previous thread led me down a bit of a rabbit hole. The other day we were discussing live-action versions of animated shows. I want to turn it around to animated versions of live-action fare.
Sometimes they stay in the same universe – The Dukes, The New Adventures Of Gilligan.
Sometimes they change careers – Laverne & Shirley In The Army.
Sometimes they incorporate just a touch of fantasy – The Brady Kids.
Sometimes they go nuts – Gilligan’s Planet, Fonz & The Happy Days Gang
What are your favorites, gentle reader?
There was also the Punky Brewster, Star Trek, the Adams Family, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventures, Beetlejuice, Clerks, Godzilla, and a whole slew more. Out of all of those, I think Clerks (barely) and Star Trek (an episode introduced the Larry Niven Kzinti into the canon) are the only ones to hold up.
Star Trek also had one of the rock creatures (silicon based life instead of carbon, forget their name) as a crew member.
I want to say the Hortha.
/and looking it up, I was off by one letter. They were the Horta
After your first sentence, I was like, “Yeah, the Horta.” Then you went and put it in your next line.
RoboCop and Rambo: The Force of Freedom
And The Real Ghostbusters.
And The Toxic Crusaders?
You guys really are children to me.
I recall there being a cartoon Planet of the Apes in the mid-70s.
That animation style seemed to inspire Minoriteam.
Well explained editorial at the WSJ today.
An Abortion Crossroads at the Supreme Court
Roe in particular is one of the worst decisions in the Court’s history, on par with Plessy v. Ferguson (“separate but equal” on race) and Korematsu (internment camps for Japanese-Americans). At a stroke, the Court overturned 50 state laws and turned abortion into a pitched political battle that nonetheless could not be settled politically through the ballot box…
That mistake has distorted American politics and law for a half century. It has heightened political polarization and made the Supreme Court a partisan battlefield. With nowhere else to turn, abortion foes have looked to the Court for redress, and abortion proponents have returned the disfavor. Abortion is the Oz behind the curtain of every Supreme Court nomination as partisans try to divine how the nominee will vote on the issue.
The problem with Roe is it is entirely based on Griswold, and Anthony Kennedy loved him some Griswold. We can trim Roe off without getting to the deeper part of the rot.
What was the Griswold case?
It had to do with the right to interstate travel in search of wholesome family entertainment.
Griswold v. Connecticut
Everything wrong with modern jurisprudence is encapsulated in that case, in the opinion of the court, the concurrences and the dissents.
We can’t close our eyes to the plight of the cities. Kids, are you noticing all this plight?
The problem with abortion is that it lights the virtue signaling lamp. It would be nice if the SC was immune to such tactics, but the SC is made of humans, and Roe wasn’t the first time the SC wanted to signal its virtue. The smart move for the SC would have been to not hear the case, because the subsequent decades of flap were inevitable no matter which side prevailed; the idea that the SC was going to settle the matter once and for all was preposterous.
There was never a Constitutional question involved – the Constitution is simply silent on this. It shouldn’t even have made it into any federal court.
If it’s not a medical procedure, it’s murder.
And what constitutes murder is strictly left to the states to decide.
Scruffy is a state!
Try “it is arguably murder, and whether it is murder or not is strictly left to the states to decide”.
Ass Wednesday reminds you that olive oil is not a suitable lubricant for anal sex.
Caligula may like a word…..
You no like nice Greek girl?
That’s because Q is Greek.
Then he should be sufficiently oily for them both.
I meant that’s why he doesn’t like a nice Greek girl.
^ Ha!
Musk also noted that despite plans to take a weekend off, his “first weekend off in a long time,” he vowed to work through the night and the entire weekend.
He also required SpaceX employees to do the same, “unless [they] have critical family matters or cannot physically return to Hawthorne,” where SpaceX headquarters is located.
To do what, exactly? Squeeze rivets?
Hey, l0b0t, Happy Birthday!
Hey l0b0t
Its your birthday
Thats for real-real
Not for play-play
SJWednesday: All Masculine Traits Are Toxic, Explained To You By Someone With None Of Them
“Could it be that Fiona Apple is a better songwriter than Bob Dylan?”
I’ll give Minnesoda Mudthroat his dues as a songwriter, but don’t ever try to tell me that he is listenable as a performer.
I saw him in concert once.
I could actually understand some of the songs he sang.
Exactly, Every Dylan song I like is a cover by somebody else.
Whycome Tomboys get no love from these ‘gender is fake’ people?
Because tomboys, like lesbians, don’t fit neatly into the woke order.
There is nothing wrong with owning a cat or even a few of them. What’s wrong with this feller is that he is a little bitch. I’ll bet that this thing runs like a girl.
That’s how you lay some wisdom down, Festus.
Strength, anger, endurance, violence, stoicism.
That’s weird. I was raised to be masculine, and I don’t recall anyone extolling anger and violence as masculine virtues.
violence in defence of others, but controlled, not wild, unconstrained violence as implied by the phrasing.
The capability to use violence effectively is absolutely a virtue, albeit an often overlooked one.
And anyone who thinks that anger is an exclusively masculine trait, hasn’t meet very many women.
As phrased, the author want us to think that violence per se is being indoctrinated as a masculine virtue, such nuances as “capability” and “in self-defense or defense of others” need not apply.
Of course women never get angry. And how do anger and stoicism fit together?
I’m still a student-level Stoic, but AFAICT Stoicism has nothing to do with sex. What frightens these people about the philosophy? The idea of using reason to deal with the realities of the world? The fact that we can’t control much of what happens to us except our attitudes toward those events? None of that is characteristic of one sex or the other.
My employer is in the healthcare sector and they were waiting for this legal cover to start enforcing a mandate. Now they can suck it.
This is a second one that covers all the states not covered by the one on the 29th. Nice.
I was hoping that the original order that only blocked it in the states where the AG’s were suing the Feds would have stayed in place.
Would have made a lot of AG races interesting. Soros AG’s like Brother Keith here in Minnesoda would have had a tough time if their challengers ran on the promise to join the lawsuit.
Of course that would have been too little too late. And since I don’t have skin in that game, I would feel bad asking others to suffer when I don’t.
I dont live in Atlanta, so I only got to vote 100 times… HAHA. Election fraud is so hil-arious.
The current corrupt mayor Bottoms was going to lose to anyone else, so new Democrat Commies ran for Mayor from the City Council. Atlanta is mismanaged by the City Council , so have some of them run for Mayor.
Atlanta mayoral runoff: Councilman Andre Dickens defeats Council President Felicia Moore. Incumbent Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms didn’t seek a second term
Don’t forget to file a vaccine injury claim if you are injured by the jab.
Vaccine Injury Compensation Data
Good one. Nobody is compensating you for covid vax injuries.
In Italy, you might get a sad parade.
You know, there is a solution to your problem.
If she’s been vaccinated, she can go to Germany and remedy the situation.
Someone should let her fulfill her wish and kill herself off.
In today’s episode of “I actually like my job,” They set up a giving account with $20 in it, that immediately went to IJ.
Then they announced “Since we are a Federal contractor, we are bound by the Executive Order mandavax.” However, you need to submit proof by early January, and if you don’t you’ll be “removed from employment”… at the end of March. I’m interpreting this as them keeping the panickyfolk under control while allowing sufficient time for the mandate to be blocked in this circuit.
That’s what Canada Post did but I doubt it will do any good other than placating the \union for ten weeks. We are well and truly fucked.
Depending on what state you live in, the FedCon mandate was given an injunction I thought…
Hell… I saw nothing about this in the news. And it has some bearing on me.
/feels a brief twinge of optimism
Any injunction news on the mandates has to be sought out because TMITE
I, for one, am shocked.
COVID rules are blamed for 23% dive in young children’s development: Disturbing study shows scores in three key cognitive tests slumped between 2018 and 2021, with face mask rules among possible culprits
Thou shall refrain from drawing the ire of Lord Fauci, Purveyor of all that is Science.
Not just Purveyor, he is Science Incarnate.
I expected him to go all “Super Saiyan”.
Sounds to me like the teacher’s union is trying to build another excuse for their shitty results.
“L’science, c’est moi”
– Anthony Fauci
We don’t want Dinich back.
Looks like nobodies get a half year in the clink for shooting someone on film.
It happened like this?
SJWednesday: Your Reminder That Thomas Paine Was an Idiot
Click through for the Paine quote.
UBI exists, it just happens to be zero.
Why do I have to go hungry cause I spent my days doing nothing of value while you have plenty of food cause you work, huh? GIMME!
The grasshoppers should organize and seize the stolen food back from the oppressor ants!
Oh, you mean a locust swarm.
You rang?
Looks to me like a misreading of Paine.
Only mildly. Paine was reacting to the predeterminism of Richard Watson.
“The Wisdom and Goodness of God, in having made both Rich and Poor.”
But Paine absolutely bought into the noble hunter-gatherer agrarian state of bliss myth.
His pamphlet on this was Agrarian Justice. Nowadays we’d call it Social Justice I guess. I appreciate his writing during the revolution but like all of us he had his blind spots.
No, Paine did actually propose a guaranteed minimum income in his late writing.
Which was not necessarily an annual income (like UBI), it was a flat sum at age of majority, then a universal pension for the old and the disabled.
I’m referring to that quote.
Greece, the land of complete tax compliance and law abiding citizens has come up with the solution to the vaccination problems:
Greece Imposes $114 Monthly Fine on Unvaccinated People Over 60
At the DMV aka Satan’s asshole. They have this wonderful online queue so you don’t have to sit in the eternal flames for hours. It was so kind to tell me to head to the DMV because I have 15 minutes. I arrive at Damnation with five minutes to spare. Look down at my phone to find a text saying my wait is now 45 minutes.
You fucked up. You trusted us!
-DMV manager Otter
We had that in Nevada for a year. It was wonderful but I think people bitched cause they didn’t pay attention and hence, the “your wait is now x minutes…” I remember hearing people at the info desk complaining they didn’t receive the text, the DMV system didn’t work, etc and they were put back in the queue
I’m shocked at how good it is here. Driver’s license and re-registering three cars took about 20 minutes total and from now on I can do it all online.
Almost makes up for the fucking vehicle inspection charade.
Yeah, our day to day interaction is quick, online and just have to get smog that is a joke. Its basically a diagnostics and not like Cali with a tailpipe check (which…is funny cause Cali does fuck you over a lot).
The thing I miss most about living in Pennsylvania is that, back in those days, registering a car is privatized (you go to a notary for the paperwork) and renewal is handled through the mail.
When I registered my car in NH after moving to NH, I had to wait in line at city hall for an hour and a half. My renewal had to be done in person and I don’t remember if that was due it being the first renewal or it just wasn’t possible to renew by mail at that time. I don’t think I ever spent less than an hour at city hall taking car of a car registration.
When I was able to renew through the mail in NH, I happily took advantage of that.
Now, true, now I live in a town which leans Republican. The rare times I have to go to town hall to take care of car registration the people there get me in and out in less then ten minutes. Not great, but not as bad as when I first moved to NH.
I’m sensing a pattern here.
Federal prosecutors have issued a subpoena demanding, as part of a criminal investigation, the financial records of several fundraising organizations founded by former federal prosecutor and Trump attorney Sidney Powell in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.
The grand jury subpoena was issued by the U.S. attorney’s office for the District of Columbia in September and demanded communications and other documents regarding the fundraising of several groups, including Defending the Republic, according to The Washington Post. …
The subpoena was reportedly signed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Molly Gaston, who is also a part of the investigation into the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. She was involved with the contempt of Congress charges leveled against former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, who refused to appear for a deposition in front of the House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Bannon also failed to hand over requested documents in the face of the committee’s subpoena, according to DOJ.
A large team of police are currently searching for the trio, with masked officers stopping and searching vehicles at roadblocks.
Well, one good bit of news, I suppose: this probably means they haven’t injected everybody in OZ with biometric tracking devices. Otherwise they’d have caught them by now.
Unless…unless they have tracked them but want to make it look like they didn’t and are monitoring them until they can make it look like they caught them through good old
fashioned police work.
Unleeeeess…unless they were government plants making it look like they let them escape and will catch them to prove how futile it is to try and escape from a
prisonhappy camp.Unnnnnnllllleeeeeesssss…unless they’re abbos and have gone walkabout and will never be found but nobody will really give a shit because they’ll just claim they found them and chick three more brown people in the camp and call it a day.
This will be used as a reason why they need the bio markers/trackers…
Attempted murder
Donald Trump tested positive for Covid-19 three days before his first debate against Joe Biden, the former president’s fourth and last chief of staff has revealed in a new book.
Mark Meadows also writes that though he knew each candidate was required “to test negative for the virus within seventy two hours of the start time … Nothing was going to stop [Trump] from going out there.”
Trump, Meadows says in the book, returned a negative result from a different test shortly after the positive.
Nonetheless, the stunning revelation of an unreported positive test follows a year of speculation about whether Trump, then 74 years old, had the potentially deadly virus when he faced Biden, 77, in Cleveland on 29 September – and what danger that might have presented.
Stunning revelation!
Speculation? Hardly. Everybody knows Trump is the embodiment of evil astride the earth.
Depraved indifference, at the very least, exposing Good Guy Joe to the worstest most lethal cold bug in history.
Donald Trump tested positive for Covid-19 three days before his first debate against Joe Biden
I thought his energy was a little low at the time.
Trump, Meadows says in the book, returned a negative result from a different test shortly after the positive.
I would say this casts doubt, at a minimum, on whether he was actually infected. Clinically, if you get a negative test after a positive test, you run a third test and go by what it says.
Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. is a perfect country club Republican and far from a libertarian. I usually run 75/25 against what he writes, but he’s a good writer. Today I’m on the 25%.
Decoding the Omicron Panic – Covid overkill is bad for everybody except the politicians.
Dr. Atlas repeatedly pulls his hair over an early Covid response in which hundreds of thousands of elderly and highly vulnerable people died while politicians focused inordinately on isolating and protecting those at little risk.
But this approach actually solved a real problem. It just happened to be the problem of how politicians could negotiate the Covid moment with the least damage to their own careers.
Their intuitive weathervaning was on the money. For older voters, lockdowns were barely an inconvenience and showed politicians pleasingly devoted to their health at any cost. For many affluent voters, lockdowns were a work-at-home lark, and their 401(k)s went up thanks to the Federal Reserve.
Less affluent and younger voters were more of a mixed bag, but some could be bought off with government checks. And of course, America’s schoolchildren, who suffered most and benefited least from lockdowns, don’t vote.
This is never, ever going to end until there is a revolution. Every petty tyrant in the world has latched onto this scam to grab more power. They aren’t giving it up peacefully.
There is a midterm election in the US coming up that will give the people that fortified the last election a serious asshurt, so they need to fortify the next election to put the fucking annoying and uppity serfs back in their place…
But that means they have to fortify elections forever! I think this whole takeover of the nation would have worked if they had just waited 10-20 years. Now the game is kind of out in the open. Trump must have spooked them something fierce.
As I often point out, Trump, whether you like him or not, managed to provide an absolutely critical service to the country by exposing the heightened level of corruption and ineptitude permeating the bureaucratic machine after the Obama machine weaponized it to fulfil its vision of fundamentally changing the country (and in the hopes Hillary would carry that monstrosity to fruition) and their agenda to sell us all out to the various entities of the globalist movements which need the US as it exists today destroyed to help bring along the various evil fucks that run some of the world’s shittiest hellholes.
People now see that the media is just propagandists for the machine, willing to not just lie, shamefully, but to double, triple, and quadruple down on the lies no matter how blatant and humiliating the reality is when they are exposed. That all our key government entities are broken and corrupt, focusing on self-serving agendas and keeping both power and plundering the coffers. That the machine has sold out to the CCP and intends to sell the country out in the hopes the CCP keeps the promise to leave them alone and as the top men of its North American province. And that these new credentialed oligarchical aristocrats are currently plundering the valuables on the sinking ship and loading themselves and those valuables in the life rafts, while telling the rest of us to shut the fuck up and keep playing musical chairs so they can get away, are fucking evil shits.
And believe me, the members of the mandarinate are pissed people see what they are doing and how fucking corrupt and inept they are, and they plan to take revenge on those that gave them a hard time.
All true…. Except people are willfully refusing to see.
Most democrats believe the Steele dossier is true, Russia was pivotal in 2016, Trump is indeed on the payroll of russia…..
Just yesterday I watched a blizzard of team blue minions passionately attack someone who dared suggest that Russia Collision was a hoax.
Getting people to question an article of faith is almost impossible.
The statists figured out awhile ago that “public health” was the royal road to totalitarianism. See, e.g., ObamaCare. The new coronavirus just gave them the “crisis” they had been waiting for.
Maybe don’t protest in the street?
Fucking protesters are lucky the person didn’t Christmas Parade them. If “protesters” were punching my windows in an attempt to get at me in my car, I wouldn’t have been so circumspect. I would have gunned it.
It doesn’t appear anyone was seriously hurt during the incident.
Unfortunate since the street was not closed for a permitted event and the “protesters” had no business obstructing a public right-of-way.
<em.I wouldn’t have been so circumspect. I would have gunned it.
Unfortunately this would be reported as “muh white-supreme terrorisms”.
Sounds to me like the protestors assaulted the car/driver, and he would have been justified in flooring it, consequences be damned.
I don’t when people got the idea that any group of people could just randomly start blocking off streets and assaulting anyone who tried to use them.
Provoking reactions so they can film and report them is part of the plan. Reason had that reporter from Portland who explained the entire scam.
“Michigan cops remove ARMFULS of weapons from Michigan high school shooter’s home as it’s revealed the ‘bullied’ 15-year-old stole his dad’s 9mm to kill three classmates – and is now refusing to co-operate”
But who owned the guns?
Why won’t he cooperate?
The DA’s time is very valuable and you want him to waste it on mundane tasks like proving a person’s guilt? Fucking selfish motherfucker.
News, on the conservative talk radio station this morning, straight up took the leftist talking point that the Wisconsin law that lets people under 18 use long guns has a ‘loop-hole’ because it doesn’t limit that use to hunting. Hey, dipshit, how is someone supposed to learn how to use it?
The Sheriff’s Office said the suspect, a 15-year-old male, used 9mm Sig Sauer pistol
Time to sue Sig. This is clearly their fault.
The 15-year-old suspect has not yet been named by police because he is a minor.
Sure. How long before we discovered the name Dylan Roof? The Parkland kid (whose name I have forgotten)? The Sandy Hook kid (whose name I have forgotten)? Kyle Rittenhouse? (with no apparent crime)?
Multiple long barrel guns turned into “ARMFULS of weapons” after a little massaging.
Why are they confiscating guns which were (a) owned by somebody else and (b) not used in a crime?
The Sheriff’s Office said the suspect, a 15-year-old male, used 9mm Sig Sauer pistol
Somebody has good taste in handguns.
*snickers in Ceska Zbrojovka.*
My biggest surprise of the Biden administration is that Minnesoda’s Osterholm hasn’t found a way to usurp the Rona Throne from Fauci. The man gives good panic pr0n, and wasn’t actually responsible for funding the gain of function research that started all this.
I think it is his innate midwestern modesty that holds him back. He isn’t able to go on TV and proclaim himself the godhead of SCIENCE.
Everyone else in the world is saying…we have to study it and all the “Public Health” figures in the US are screaming DOOOOOM! Fuck em.
“The Federal Trade Commission ordered some of the nation’s top retailers including Amazon and Walmart, along with major food suppliers, to turn over documents as part of its investigation into critical supply chain disruptions causing ’empty shelves and sky-high prices.’
The goals of the probe will be to determine if supply chain problems have led to particular bottlenecks, anti-competitive practices or higher prices for consumers, the agency said in a statement Monday.
‘Supply chain disruptions are upending the provision and delivery of a wide array of goods, ranging from computer chips and medicines to meat and lumber,’ FTC Chair Lina Khan stated. ‘I am hopeful the FTC’s new study will shed light on market conditions and business practices that may have worsened these disruptions or led to asymmetric effects.’ ”
I’m sure they’ll come up with a five year plan.
It certainly wasn’t government actions that caused these problems. It must be the wreckers.
Why can’t those businesses tell them to fuck off? “Either subpoena me or get the fuck out of my office” should be their only reply.
I assure you the government is going to blame all of these companies for inflation and supply chain interruptions. Why they’re considering erecting their own gallows is beyond me.
The best way to get to the bottom of a problem is to have someone who’s responsible do the investigating.
If I was Amazon or Walmart, I would print off the complete inventory and shipping records for the entire period, across the entire company, load it into semis (because it would take more than one), and unload the many, many boxes of paper on the front steps of the FTC.
And get the security guard to sign a receipt.
It’s like the government doesn’t have any vendors of its own it can ask.
Feck it. I’m hitting the hay. Happy merry to Iobot on his day and best wishes to the rest of you! I love you all.
“Kyle Rittenhouse pulls out of course at Arizona State University after liberal students demanded he be kicked off campus despite jury acquitting him on murder charges
Kyle Rittenhouse is no longer enrolled at the Arizona State University (ASU) following student protests demanding his withdrawal from campus despite a jury acquitting him on murder charges earlier this month.
The university has confirmed Rittenhouse’s decision to leave campus, saying he was only registered part-time last year for a non-degree online course that he did not complete.
‘Our records show that he is not currently enrolled,’ ASU spokesperson Jay Thorne said in a statement to The Arizona Republic, adding that the decision taken by Rittenhouse was not a result of any action taken by the university against him.”
So totally misleading headline.
I guess the kid hasn’t figured out yet he’s going to have to change his name and move elsewhere. Poor guy.
His face has been everywhere. I’m not sure even that would work.
Hope he can grow a beard.
He was taking some online courses I think.
But, but leftist idiot-children were threatened by his virtual presence!!!
“Rep. Ilhan Omar revealed Tuesday night that Rep. Lauren Boebert once asked her if she should register as a ‘foreign agent’ as she condemned the Colorado Republican for her ‘Jihad squad’ attacks.
Omar also played for the press a profanity-filled voicemail threat she received hours after Boebert posted a video to Instagram taking back a previous apology she had made to the Muslim Democrat, saying she was ‘never sympathizing with terrorists.’
‘We see you sand n-word b***h. We know what you are up to. You are all about taking over our country. Don’t worry there is plenty that would love the opportunity to take you off the face of this f**king earth,’ a man’s voice said as the Minnesota congresswoman held her phone to the microphone. ‘Come get it. But you are a f**king Muslim piece of s**t. You are jihadists. We know what you are, you’re a f**king traitor, and you will not live any longer.’ ”
Her brother-ex-husband leaves some nasty voice-mails, huh?
Girl fight!
Well Omar is taking the high road
The fact that no one is laughing at the irony of someone who married her brother calling someone else out for being married to a pervert is extra special.
I hate to say this, but this kerfuffle is perfect for Omar. She is the Queen of the Victim Rope-a-Dope. If you ignore her, she will say all sorts of dumb things. She only shines when she is being attacked because she is an expert at playing the poor, poor victim.
So, unlike Kim Jong-Un and his Glorious father, she has a butthole?
So now its OK to attack someone for who they sleep with?
For Omar, yes.
I mean she didn’t sleep with her brother when she married him. So she is totes wholesome.
she didn’t sleep with her brother when she married him
And we know this, how?
…SHE didn’t sleep with her brother…
He slept with her. Could be factually correct, counselor.
“Sleeps with” is transitive. If he slept with her, she slept with him.
Did they fuck? I have no idea, but given the primitive culture they hail from, I do wonder.
Depraved. The word you wanted was “depraved”.
Deprived means something completely different.
Don’t take this away from her.
Perfect response.
Because that is how a “decent” person talks about another.
Unlike geriatric retirees, there’s little chance of Omar getting her fraudulently obtained citizenship yanked and deported back to the shithole she wants to recreate in the US.
He literally said “sand n-word”?
CNN is suspending prime time anchor Chris Cuomo “indefinitely, pending further evaluation,” after new documents revealed the cozy and improper nature of his relationship with aides to his brother, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Prediction: He’ll get the Toobin treatment. Out for a while, then back in.
health experts are again pleading with Americans to get vaccinated, and if fully vaccinated and eligible, to get a booster.
Go fuck yourselves.
Asked about the chances Urban Meyer could land at Notre Dame after Brian Kelly bolted for LSU, an ESPN reporter said she was “scarred” by the video of the Jaguars coach canoodling with a blonde at an Ohio bar earlier this season.
“Scarred” by a video of a blonde dancing on him? WTF is wrong with her?
The dog that didn’t bark:
“without pay”
They knew the whole time. This is just a paid vacation they are spinning for PR. He’ll either be back, or traded to another network.
Yep. That’s why I think he’ll get the Toobin treatment.
“It’s highly infectious, likely is going to beat out Delta to become what I call basically the ‘king of the virus hill,’’ Osterholm said.
“We’re actually becoming more susceptible or vulnerable to this virus,” said Osterholm. “So we’ve got to get these people vaccinated as well as continuing to emphasize first doses for those who’ve never been vaccinated.”
Oracular Divination for Dummies taught him everything he knows.
Is there any information on how effective the vaccines are against this variant? Or is that too logical a question?
So far it’s basically 0% effective and that’s the concern with the omicron variant.
How contagious it is is not the point of it.
The Omicron variant that’s being reported as having lesser symptoms, and a shorter infection duration.
Like, don’t harsh my narrative bro
Don’t mellow my panic?
What was supposed to be concerning about it is it’s potential vaccine resistance.
Yet it’s prompted nothing but lectures on getting vaccinated.
As far as having lesser symptoms that doesn’t mean much yet. The people who have gotten it so far are young with no serious health issues.
Let some fat 80 year old Americans get it and they’ll still drop dead and we can lock down all our institutions again. Yay.
Which is the normal behavior of virus evolution…more contagious, less dangerous.
That is 2019 and prior thinking. You need to brush up on your 2020+ SCIENCE!
The wild card being an engineered bug, however.
Or bugs. Do we really know what they unleashed in Wuhan?
So be sure to get your booster!
I am so ashamed I ever listened to that asshat.
Hey, don’t lump that quack in with usQ
Good morning, Sloop!
I don’t think I could work for Elon and that is a kick-ass song.
So thanks for brightening my morning!
I could have enjoyed working for him if I were single and young, maybe just single.
Yeah… It would be great to be a part of it… But the dude is the richest dude on the planet and works around the clock, even sleeping on the factory floor. He expects everyone else to keep up.
This is why Magic Johnson failed as a coach. He could not tolerate people who would not work as hard as he did.
Joe Biden dropped into Minnesoda yesterday and spent three hours bragging on how the latest pork bill would send $6B to Minnesoda and if those stupid GOPers would stop being insurrectionists even more loot would be heading our way.
I’m tired of pols acting like the money the Feds are throwing around is somehow free and clear money. At some point, it has to be extracted from the tax cattle.
Why can’t the stupid media ever point that little fact out in these fluffer stories?
The idea that money from DC is “free” is just as dumb as the “how can I be out of money, my checkbook still has blank checks?” idea.
I’m tired of pols acting like the money the Feds are throwing around is somehow free and clear money. At some point, it has to be extracted from the tax cattle.
“Here’s the deal. All you people out there, turn to the person to your left, and give him $100.-. Don’t worry, if you don’t have a hundred bucks, just give him an IOU. See? we’re all better off.”
Silly Brooksy.
Your plan is way too simple.
“All you people out there, a Fed bureaucrat will be coming around. Give him a $100 and he will bring it to the person on your left. Also, another bureaucrat will be visiting from your right. He will give you a FREE $40!!!”
That is a much more likely plan.
Your plan is way too simple.
“All you people out there, a Fed bureaucrat will be coming around. Give him a $100 and he will bring it to the person on your left. Also, another bureaucrat will be visiting from your right. He will give you a FREE $40!!!”
Revised: A federal bureaucrat will collect $100,- from you, and give $35.- to the person on your left.
“The emergence of a new coronavirus variant has provided some vindication for China’s Covid Zero approach, which has kept strict border controls in place since the start of the pandemic”
At least they are getting roasted in the replies.
Mikey B would love a state of technocratic rulers. He’s as much of a psychopath as Fauci.
China’s Covid Zero approach
That wasn’t always their policy.
I prefer the original Diet COVID formula anyway.
Is that really even their approach? There is no anti government media allowed.
So… concentration camps? Because that is what “covid zero” means. Ask Australia.
Strict border controls. When the U.S. laid down a dimestore version of this last year, it was straight up racism.
The failure of the wealthiest nations to share Covid-19 vaccines quickly and widely with developing countries is a key reason for the emergence of the new omicron variant, according to Rajiv J. Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation.
He added that the Rockefeller Foundation’s experts have estimated that new variants are six to eight times more likely to come from less developed countries, because slow immunization means viral replication continues to occur at a high rate.
Several African leaders, including South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, have accused rich Western nations of hoarding vaccines. Ramaphosa said in a speech over the weekend that the emergence of the omicron variant should be a “wake-up call to the world that vaccine inequality cannot be allowed to continue.”
“Instead of prohibiting travel, the rich countries of the world need to support the efforts of developing economies to access and to manufacture enough vaccine doses for their people without delay,” Ramaphosa said.
Narrowly targetted vaccines don’t help drive selection and spread of mutations able to get past them?
What would John D think?
It is the new “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. That didn’t work, so now it is the “unvaccinated is driving variants”
Last night Fauci addressed concerns that multiple spike protein mutations might render current vaccines ineffective. he said that it means everyone should go get the booster.
Because (paraphrasing) “even if it is less effective, it will raise antibody titres, and higher antibody levels will be more effective, regardless of the variant.”
This is patently false. That is not how antibodies work. They are specific to small epitopes. They bind to unique binding sites. If mutations are being driven by current immunity to spike proteins, this mutations would render current antibodies useless, regardless of levels.
This is why you have to get a different flu vaccine every season.
And the stupid journalism major they have interviewing him is too dumb to ask AA follow-up question ie two. She just nodded vigorously and filed her report.
Did he really say that?
That’s pretty astounding in its falseness.
Yeah… I actually talked back to the TV.
There is a scenario where there could possibly be a hint of truth.. If a mutation altered the epitope slightly, such that the antibodies to that epitope still could weakly bind to some subset of the antibodies, A higher titre might make it possible that some degree of blocking of the virus could occur.
But he certainly didn’t say that, and I doubt he meant that. It is a pretty edge case.
In other news, I assume my chickenpox antibodies will protect me against Herpes Simplex 57.
Come on, he’s just fucking with us now, right?
Yeah, he can’t explain his way around the fact that the only real difference between Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca was the one-shot dosage. The A-Z shot was stopped in the UK because while it triggered the highest antibody levels, it also triggered the most severe adverse events.
That’s kind of been the shluffed off question for a while as to whether weakening efficacy has been due to true vaccine breakthrough or decreasing antibody levels.
What is the difference? The”vaccine” triggers an antibody-producing response; antibodies are SUPPOSED to decrease over time – otherwise your immune system isn’t working properly. Antibodies are like a last-resort defense, they are not supposed to be the only defense. Those who are surprised that a mutating coronavirus is able to infect people after their antibodies have cleared are either stupid or lying; this exact scenario has been witnessed in the mRNA trials of animal coronaviruses for a couple decades – there should have been zero expectation it would be different in humans. And it may be true that some of the original advocates knew it was a temporary solution to a temporary problem – but no government programs are temporary.
These things aren’t vaccines except for purposes of marketing (aka politics). The solution is not to keep taking shots to keep triggering an antibody response, the solution is natural (innate) immunity. But there’s no money/ political power in that.
Again, I wonder- as with Delta, the Omicron seems to be pretty well distributed globally in a short time span. Are these “cases” really the progeny of a single new strain, or is this a natural evolutionary trend appearing in parallel in various countries?
They said something about 50 mutations. That is not convergent evolution. they would know if they were separate lineages, without any doubt.
Of course they also claimed to have reviewed all the sequences and knew conclusively that this virus did not come from a lab.
Why not ask if this is a coordinated and planned effort where these new strains keep getting introduced to keep the charade going, cause statistically, these new strains keep appearing precisely when people seem to have reached the point where they are so fed up that they are going to tell their governments to fuck off, to again tamp that down. And the coincidence that it serves to politically advantage the very corrupt fuckers that are keeping this charade going is not an accident.
It just means it’s been around longer than they’re admitting to.
Or, and I know this sounds crazy, maybe it’s widely distributed before the world heath machine figures it out?
You mean like the original strain that was definitely causing pneumonia all over the place in Autumn of 2019?
Japan suspends new reservations on all incoming flights
I don’t know if straff is trying to get to the US or not. This is definitely not what he needs right now.
My language teacher was supposed to go to Japan. I’ll find out tonight if she made it or not when I have my lesson.
My daughter lives in Okinawa and we don’t know when or if we will get to see her and her husband again.
It’s ridiculous. Japan finally opened back up to restricted business travel and now it has shut down again.
Other than allowing permanent residents back in (except for now currently 10 countries), Japan is more restricted now than since the start.
Wait, what? Boebert sleeps with a pervert?
What did I miss?
Thank you for asking. I did not want to seem out of the loop for being ignorant of the reference. Nobody wants to have an Aleppo moment….
And apparently nobody else knows either….
they would know if they were separate lineages, without any doubt.
Far be it from me to accuse our public health heroes of
wanton lyingfast-and-loose interpolation of the data…Meanwhile, in Ukraine…
… I do think it’s burnout.
With my calendar so full, and people simply ignoring existing calendar items, I end up with 1-3 meetings at any given time slot. In order to actually do work it’s either after hours (not going to happen since I won’t get that time back) or on the other monitor during the meetings. This leads to heaps of negatives, including increased stress and frustration.
I stare at the rest of the week, and there’s no reprieve.
I’m getting too close to sending a mass email saying “I know all your shit’s important to you, but I don’t give a shit anymore.”
Just schedule a meeting to fix the schedule.
Stick 2+ hour blocks of “work time” on your calendar and decline anything scheduled in those times.
I’ve found that tactic helpful for those who don’t have the authority to preempt my schedule (boss, etc.).
Those people are the source of a lot of these meetings.
“Oh, you should be in on this.”
Perhaps start asking your boss which of the conflicting meetings you should attend? They’d probably be pretty hard pressed to say all three of them at the same time.
Which boss? the one that’s retiring, or the one who is pathologically afraid of making decisions?
I prioritize them myself and have to deal with the email complaints from the rest.
I’d copy both bosses, and ask them (while including an option to skip them and just get work done).
The one with the pathological fear.
“I’m getting inundated by meetings to a level that I cannot complete my work. I am going to begin scheduling blocks of time on my calendar dedicated to productive work, and will be declining any meetings that are scheduled at that time unless it is plainly obvious that I must attend. If there is anything that you can do from your end to help resolve this, or if there is any way that you want me to handle this differently, please let me know. “
We have a tacit understanding at work that afternoons are for real work. Other than a bunch of weekly meetings scheduled in advance, my afternoons are mostly free. ?
I have 2 funerals on my calendar for Sat, 1 at 1 PM, #2 at 2 PM. 18 miles apart. First come, first serve. # 1 is closer and also the better friend so that’s what it’s gong to be.
Look at Mr Popular here. His event calendar is full.
Meanwhile, in Ukraine.
Think Putin is shitting himself, too?
What a shitshow.
We’re fucking around in Russia’s backyard just so our leaders can continue their foreign aid grift through one of the most corrupt nations on earth.
From WIKI on what happened in Ukraine
On February 21, an agreement between president Yanukovych and the leaders of the parliamentary opposition was signed that called for early elections and the formation of an interim unity government. The following day, Yanukovych fled from the capital ahead of an impeachment vote.[30] The protesters proceeded to take control of the capital buildings. On the same day, the parliament declared that Yanukovych was relieved of duty in a 328-to-0 vote.[31][32][33]
And this is what the Obama administration supported….2014 was a different world…
Maybe Joe Biden should do whatever is necessary to keep the US/Ukraine relationship out of the news?
More Fauci fuckery.
Depraved. Evil. Sick.
What did I miss?
Narcissistic? Psychopathic?
Some foster children died during studies, but state or city agencies said they could find no records that any deaths were directly caused by experimental treatments.
Could be true or could be the records wandered away. And we’ll never know.
“Illinois officials confirmed two or three foster children…”
Typical Illinois half-assed confirmation. Basically, they didn’t confirm anything.
“Sure there were some depraved tests, two or three at most.”
It amazes me that anyone who went through the public school system has any trust in any government agency, but the brainwashing must be working.
Showing that orphans are far better cared for in the mines and factories of libertarians than they are under the govt.
Answer to “pervert” questions:
“Lauren Boebert’s husband did jail time for “lewd exposure” in a bowling alley. She was there
Couple were 86’d from Colorado bowling alley in 2004 after Jayson Boebert exposed himself to two young women”
“Boebert’s future husband, Jayson, also had brushes with law enforcement. In January 2004, he was arrested after allegedly exposing his penis to two women at a bowling alley, according to an arrest affidavit. Lauren Boebert (then age 17 and known as Lauren Opal Roberts) was also there. Jayson Boebert pleaded guilty to public indecency and lewd exposure, earning himself four days in jail and two years’ probation.
In February 2004, he was booked on a domestic violence charge, against Lauren Boebert. He “did unlawfully strike, shove or kick … and subjected her to physical contact,” a spokesman for the Garfield associate county court clerk told The Post. They had been dating at the time.”
“I play the frog.”
This is gold!
Almost choked on my lunch when the frog jumped.
Be careful what you wish for, Kid, you may not like it. At least the frog got off his arm
Frogs, they hop to that.
“footballers”….ah, so it’s all fake. FLOP!
I think one of you lot posted this here a while back…
That’s pretty terrifying, but I sure would like to know which vaccine is the culprit.
It was Old Man Withers all the long!
I follow tennis pretty closely and I have not heard one word about what happened to him.
Wow. That is a pretty big story to keep hidden, if true.
Best reply:
“If only they had received their boosters sooner!”
As an FYI, he invented mRNA vaccines, so not just some random doctor spouting off.