Ha ha! Scarred you for life! Scroll down quickly! Quickly!
What is it about vampires? They are so incredibly popular as the bad guys. They suck the blood or the soul out of you, or in the case of Colin Robinson from What We Do in the Shadows, he bores the energy out of you with his accounting knowledge. There are so many interesting ways to reinvent the vampire which blossomed from Count Dracula. (Who himself was a retelling of stories as old as time).
Tonight we see Lifeforce, a movie which held a thousand teenage boys in rapturous embrace during the eighties. Astronauts find vampires in space who literally suck you dry into a murderous zombified husk. Boobs! Vampires! Space men! Teenage boys making sticky theater seats!
So who was that space vampire girl? It was Mathilda May, a French (oui oui!) actress who bared her boobs. How perfect was she? Even in the movie, she was called perfect by one of the NASA spacemen. Now her perfection has been verified by science! Or at least by some random internet site. Useless trivia #1: Mathilda May didn’t even know English and during this film she had to be taught her lines phonetically. I think that added to her otherworldliness.
We are getting to watch the uncut version tonight! A full 116 minutes. So even if you have seen this film before, there may be about eight minutes of material you missed previously. This includes a much longer love scene between Carlsen and the Space Vampire Girl. Exciting! Lots of other bits were cut as well in the American/cable version, all too numerous to mention here. Go see IMDB if you really want to see a ridiculously complete list of the cuts. It’s crazy.
Know what else was great in this movie? The vampire zombies! Absolutely fantastic zombies! John Dykstra was in charge of the effects, but I was unable to locate exactly who came up with that classic wrinkled vampire zombie design. Maybe it was John. Whoever did it, big kudos.
Colin Wilson wrote the book Space Vampires upon which Lifeforce was based. He was unhappy with the way the film turned out. He wrote, “John Fowles had once told me that the film of The Magus was the worst movie ever made. After seeing Lifeforce I sent him a postcard telling him that I had gone one better.”
What’s with that, Colin? The movie is great. A cult classic. His book is also great. If you try to take a book and force it into a movie with every chapter and line of dialog, it fails. If you don’t believe me, get the completely faithful version of The Shining which is so bad it can only be found at the Stanley Hotel gift shop. Watch that and tell me it is superior to the Kubrick movie. You must change your approach when going to screen, and Lifeforce did this well.
Useless Trivia #2: Billy Idol was offered to role of one of the vampires. He had to turn it down due to touring commitments. So Mick Jagger’s brother Chris Jagger played the other vampire.
Useless Trivia #3: Some dude named Patrick Stewart was in this film too. Wasn’t he in Star Trek? Played a Klingon or something?
Please enjoy tonight’s film. Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week is The Selling, a horror/comedy about a realtor trying to sell a haunted house.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
With what? If you’re talking about the image, the internet has served up far worse visuals.
Well, there’s UCS already ruining the thread.
Night is over, everybody. UCS killed it. Might as well go home.
Pot, kettle…
Bro: https://photos.app.goo.gl/pqMN7Wda1qZ6N7n6A
It’s a shared the news that you baked the cookies on a night when UCS did such damage to the reputation of Firsting. It’s OK. Firsting will survive this. But it’s a shame.
Do they have the chocolate chips? I won’t accept them without the chocolate chips, Tulip.
Nope. You asked for peanut butter. We’re done.
I was proud of my WalMart grade photoshop.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t be. I’m just saying, you’re striking scar tissue, can’t put a new scar there on the existing ones.
I pull punches on my perversion, after the disastrous first movie response.
It is noted and appreciated that you do your own illos.
*hits play*
It was Mathilda May, a French (oui oui!) actress who bared her boobs. How perfect was she? Even in the movie, she was called perfect by one of the NASA spacemen.
/checks boobpedia
We are getting to watch the uncut version tonight!
I see what you did there.
Diving into the movie!
If that thing is 150 miles long, their ship must be HUGE.
Space Shuttle strapped to wing-like solar panels? Oh boy.
That other ship looks kinda like Discovery from 2001.
Err… from a distance that is.
I’m back! Late work night.
Why are the opening titles shaking, R.J.? Did they digitize this with a betamax cam with the tech banging his girlfriend on the floor disturbing the tripod?
Could be. I don’t remember them shaking horribly. Have you been drinking to excess?
I went back and played them again, maybe the title guy was having a wank while overlaying the titles?
Lol. Literally. I’m sitting here laughing out loud at your comment.
If you try to take a book and force it into a movie with every chapter and line of dialog, it fails.
It worked for The Maltese Falcon. when I read the book, it was eerie how closely it matched the movie (which I had seen repeatedly, by then).
Same for Gone With The Wind
This is actually my issue with the new Dune movie – the movie has its own sort of flow and feel, and then they force in some famous line from the book and it’s kind of jarring.
“Specimen bag” – fancy name for a net.
I wonder if I should try to pull Tubi in on the roku.
Yes, it’s a great app on Roku. I usually use my TCL roku for movie watching.
Ok, I am on vacation and will drink myself dumb and watch one of your movies. The tits got me.
You won’t regret it. It’s a fun movie, too.
Artificially enhanced, but still nice.
Her breasts? Boobpedia says natural. From the pic on boobpedia, I suspect they are.
Natural then and now according to my link in the post. I suspect the crotch was a merkin.
Dat ass too.
They always do.
Useless Trivia #3: Some dude named Patrick Stewart was in this film too. Wasn’t he in Star Trek? Played a Klingon or something?
I have been watching old movies lately. You know who keeps popping up? Doctor McCoy. In one of them he says (no shit) “I’m a doctor, not a ____” It predates Trek.
He spent a big portion of his career as a western movie heavy! Odd fact.
I was flipping around the other day and saw him in a Western and of course that phrase went through my head.
And of course he was playing a doctor.
Ricardo Montalbán also had some really interesting movies when he wasn’t a musical star. His turn as a Portuguese-American sheriff (they had to explain the accent somehow) in “Mystery Street” is worth seeking out.
Chrysler Cordoba. Enough said.
I had a friend whose dad had a Cordoba with the Corinthian leather. Years later I looked it up, Corinthian leather was made in New Jersey.
LOL that’s great
+1 Chrysler marketing department
Like listening to Radio Classics, hearing the distinctive voice of Jackson Beck and thinking hey that’s the voice of G.I. Joe!
“Going in”
It looks like a giant va……….never mind.
Now that’s glibfit!
That’s one way to suck him.
Awesome, she can shatter glass with her tits.
No spoilers!
I’m commenting in real time, although I started four minutes late.
I guess I am 20 min late.
The side boob shadow as she walked by the second security guard was great.
The walking down the steps shot was masterful camera work. I wonder how many times they had to shoot that.
I was thinking that as well. “Take 14!”
Soft dock was The Hyperboles nickname in college.
And we’re off.
People smoking in an office. This was another time.
The 1980’s?
It’s amazing how long that lasted. I’m a smoker (well, vaper now) and even I thought that was disgusting.
Steyr Augs?
I don’t like it when they don’t stay dead.
“Now she has clothes”
Gotta join a zoom. Will pick up tomorrow. I like this. It’s a good choice.
Thanks again RJ!
Thanks for coming!
I am really enjoying the new Japanese rockabilly 7-11 commercial.
Tubi has commercials?
I have no idea what I am watching it on I just clicked RJ’s first link. I have not seen a commercial yet.
Depends on if your browser blocks ads. Tubi on Roku will always have ads. It has to be supported somehow. Thankfully there are not too many, and they tend to be entertaining.
Aaaah. Brave browser. I never see ads.
Tubi has commercials, in my experience.
They can keep the rockabilly and just increase the food quality and merchandising to match the offerings of their native stores.
Holy shit!
Nice 240
She has a very nice bottom.
Is that a Bowie poster?
Not sure where you are but I would not be surprised. Billy Idol was going to be in this. Mick Jagger’s brother was in it. There was a very clear attempt to tie it back to pop music and music stars to get some extra butts in seats to watch the film.
Ellen’s room.
Ah yes, young Scruffy was very, very fond of Ms. May.
I mentioned it before, but my mom – a huge sci-fi and horror fan – was mortified when she took 16-year-old me to see this in the theater.
“It’s OK, mom.”
“Jeez mom, it’s only a merkin!”
It was quite a big display for the time. Probably shocked a lot of people.
Shouldn’t the quote be, “It’s OK, mom. I’m gay”?
+1 closet
Sadly she seems to have embraced the plastic life.
Sulcus, your word for the day.
“A chiseled sulcus
Is among us…”
That’s all I got. All yours for the next lines.
Nice man-boobs.
“Own work”
Sulcus is Latin for nice rack?
“Praeclarus sulcus!”
“She’s draining me…”
I don’t have a rhyme for that.
What the hell is going on here!
“Hey, those aren’t my cigarettes, teach! They were here when I came in!”
London has been isolated…sterilization by thermonuclear weapons has been authorized.
I hope this comment has nothing to do with the movie.
That was fun.
It was a good one! Next week is “The Selling,” followed by “My Name is Nobody.”
“My Name is Nobody” is a great flick. I have that on a German DVD double feature with “Nobody is the Greatest”. I’ve only seen Bud and Terence in these flicks and the Trinity flicks, but after seeing this little vid, I need to look up a few more of them:
I still have 20 mins.
“Her power was spiritual”
We’ve all met one of those.
“Who’s in charge of BLM’s $60million bankroll? Black Lives Matter will not confirm who controls its significant funds after founder stepped down and the two activists she appointed to take her place rejected roles
Charity auditors have expressed alarm at the management of Black Lives Matter’s $60 million in donations, after it emerged that people announced as leading the organization never took up the role, and no one seemed able to say who was handling the finances.
The most recent tax filing for the charity, from 2019, gives an address in Los Angeles that does not exist, and the two remaining BLM directors identified by The Washington Examiner were not able to assist – with one even scrubbing BLM associations from his social media after he was contacted by the paper.
They are yet to file a 2020 return, a Form 990, as required – which could see BLM fined by the IRS…
In February 2021, Black Lives Matter confirmed it took in $90 million throughout 2020, distributed to their partner organizations, and had $60 million remaining in its accounts.”
Nothing will happen.
I see the Daily Mail is doing America’s journalism for us again.
Facebook banned the story that she bought a bunch of houses.
and no one seemed able to say who was handling the finances.
Pretty sure they were handled.
Only if they fall out of favor or fail to pay off the right people.
With that much at stake you would think the IRS would be interested. But you’re right, nothing will happen.
Says “Not Available” for me. Country restriction?
Why in the fuck when you are driving into zombie central would you do it with your windows down. This has gotten beyond belief.
The passenger farted? I dunno.
Because it looks cool when you can hang your arm out the window.
But the web of destiny still has a superb rack.
Meh. She could’n have but 5 or 6 kids with them thar narrow hips.
Damn. Can’t believe I missed that in the 80’s.
I mean right there, 10/10 must see.
I actually didn’t know it was him.
Golan-Globus, the trademark of 80’s quality schlock
And tiddies!
Thanks RJ. Not my usual cup of tea when it comes to movies but the tits and dat ass were worth it. I did however heat up my cream of asparagus “sauce” during the movie having the thought I would top my steak with it but I ate the whole pan and now I am not hungry for the steak.
Told you.
I mean, if you can’t trust my opinion on T&A then I can’t even.
I will never doubt you again rhy
There might be better advisors out there on this subject, to be honest.
On Topic!
mmm space vampires
She is the answer to one of Hyps stupid puzzle questions. Motor Boat.
That’s my kind of topic.
Watching A Cry in the Dark. Meryl “dingo ate my Oscar!” Streep
I am on day five of trying to figure out “get shorty”. I have started it all week when I sat down to eat dinner. Still not a clue.
Not in my wheelhouse – can’t advise.
Great movie. Just enjoy the flow and the story will connect.
The Travolta film? It’s a good movie. Roll with it. It will come together.
Lots of good performances. I can’t really think of one who was off.
Loved the Colin Robinson shout out RJ. Can’t wait for the next season.
The opening scenes of The China Syndrome is just downright heartbreaking. The vehicles and freeways are lovely, a perfect California stop, and I’d punish Hanoi Jane all night long.
Deep Thoughts by Jackoff Handy:
The annual media/ white progressive concern trolling over the Chiefs logo, name, and “disrespect towards indigenous peoples” debate has fired up once again. News flash: The vast majority of Native Americans either don’t support the cancellation of their culture from American society or couldn’t care less about any sort of financial exploitation by non NAs. If the Chiefs ownership had any balls they’d offer up at least 50k tickets free of charge to anybody who can verify at least a 25% blood lineage with a NA tribe one home game a year. I have the feeling that NA tribal members would not only embrace the idea but also endorse the celebration of their culture (however White Washed it may be). That audience alone would forever shut up the outrage trolls over this stupid subject.
To honor Native culture, I wanted to create a reality TV show where members of different tribes fight in a steel cage with traditional injur weapons (non-lethal, of course). whether they get liquored up beforehand would be optional.
Stay classy, Bro.
See also – FSU and Chief Osceola. The Seminole Nation of Florida makes all the costumes and accoutrements; FSU pays the Tribe royalties and sets aside admission slots for Tribe members. White people (who don’t even live in Florida) continue to bellyache.
Yeah, my alma mater used to have good relations with the Miami tribe, too. The student with the honor of being “Chief Miami” would visit them to learn authentic dances. Then the school chickened (chickenhawked?) out. ?
Editors ahoy!!!
Just submitted an article but for some reason, I’m not getting the line breaks between paragraphs in the final version – it shows up fine in my editing view, but preview shows a lot of missing breaks – if there’s some way to address that before publication, please let me know. I don’t recall having the same issues before.
Mordning, Glibs.
apparently, I’m not awake, given that spelling
Okay, I’ve found my caffiene, let me try again.
Morning, Glibs.
*raises cup of coffee*
Don’t stab anyone with your new knife.
So what you’re saying is, I should slash them instead?
“There’s no artistry in killing with the point.”
Good morning, U & Sean. Still waiting for my caffeine. ::taps foot impatiently, glares at coffeemaker::
I’m waiting for the hotel breakfast room to open at 6:30. I’m likely not going to get my loyalty points back for tonight, so I might as well have my boxed eggs and overcooked sausages.
How’s the bacon?
They tend to be carbonized strips.
Thats the way i like them.
Another work comp claim for a carjacker in Philly.
Almost sounds exciting. Zenzi Poindexter? Really?
What sort of name is Zenzi?
I don’t get it.
Me neither.
Time to get ready for work. *sigh*
I’m beginning to wonder if Twitter causes brain damage.
Chicken or egg? I’d postulate that it attracts the already brain damaged along with the narcissistic and the straight up crazy (I realize some here enjoy Twitter and I’m not talking about y’all). It’s the oozing pustule of social media.
Wordle 223 5/6*
Good morning, Teh Hype! Hey – thanks for the acrostic yesterday! I finally had a slow day at the office (and a boss working from home,) so I was able to work on it, albeit with a lot of wrong guesses and cheating. Still don’t know what the deal was with that Hebrew letter. Maybe I was counting from the wrong end of the alphabet or consulting the wrong sources.
Mornin’, GT, Hype, Stinky, Sean, UCS…
I hadn’t realized that the first letters of the words, read down, spelled out a book and the author (from which the quote was taken). I was not familiar with W. Michael Gear (or Unreconciled, obviously), looks like someone I should be reading.
That’s what I love about acrostics! (Double acrostics? Still not sure about the strict definitions of each.) They’re just so… elegant! I’m rather in awe of those who create them.
The Donovan series that that book is number 4 of is pretty good Sci-fi, I haven’t read any of his other stuff, he has a series about Indians and some Glib claims he goes all ‘Noble Savage” in them, maybe he’s a bleeding heart proggie, but it doesn’t come out in the books I’ve read.
It’s probably my fault, I didn’t double check that clue (and I don’t know the Hebrew Alphabet), it the default clue for that word in the program I used to build the puzzle, The program was made by some old Limey so maybe English Jews have a different alphabet?
You use… a computer to create your acrostics??
::faith in humanity shattered::
This was the first time I used that cheat, the other puzzles I did just trying hundreds of word combos until I got something that worked and had some clues I like to use (Orca, etc…) I forced a number of the words (you can probably guess which ones) but let the computer crank out the rest. I still had to run about 10 iterations because some of the computers words were IMO too obscure. Cut the construction time down by about ¾ though.
OK, now I feel better. Thanks!
Fuck off, Hype!
Carbs. ?
I went off the low-carb last month with I was battling the ‘vid, subsisting primarily on old people Ensure and Boost! shakes and Campbell’s chunky soups. My rationale was that my body was going to need all the energy it could get to fight back.
….still havent gotten back on track.
“Protect and serve. “. ?
Ah, sweet sweet propaganda…and people just eat it up.
Alright folks, I’ve got to get packed up and get on the road. While I am laothe to trust the TV news, the coverage of the pending storm has motivated me to make it out soon.
Please be very careful!
With his new knowledge he’ll be able to cut through anything nature throws at him.
What GT said, UCS, you have a long drive.
With his new knowledge he’ll be able to cut through anything nature throws at him
Yeah, UCS is pretty sharp.
That storm won’t be hitting NE until very late tonight/early morning tomorrow, UCS. If you get out of Dodge today you’ll be fine. Storm will not be affecting the Capitol district.
Looking forward to your forthcoming article, UCS!
Yes, indeed. I too am looking forward to seeing the results of your latest class. Metal working is a skill I’ve always regretted not picking up. Thanks for letting me vicariously enjoy your adventure.
And Good Mornin’ Glibbies! One of my sites had a covid-panic lockdown today but sadly, I was unavailable to deal with it this time. Saw the message, ignored. Get some other monkey to clap your cymbals. I can’t believe we’re still doing the spraying surfaces, especially when the vector called in sick on Tuesday. Added an hour to my night just wiping up what the sprayer left behind. This is one of those situations wherein the the cure is worse than the disease.
Meaning that what we spray is dangerous enough that we have to wear a bunny-suit and respirator. They left it particularly thick on the tables in the lunch room. Yummy!
we have to wear a bunny-suit and respirator
Pictures, please! And has the makings of a good article.
Nobody wants to see that. Even my quite fetching cow-workers look dumb in those things… 😉
Mornin’, Festus!
This is one of those situations wherein the the cure is worse than the disease.
A lot of that going around. CF Prohibition, war on drugs, war on poverty… All these things have something in common. Can’t seem to put my finger on it…
The War on Education has been won.
If you can read this thank your parents.
“Get some other monkey to clap your cymbals”
Saved, for my retirement message.
Euphemisms. I’m gonna need a new dickionary
High praise, coming from the likes of you. Thanks RC, thought it up all by myself!
Im sure Ive mentioned it before, but I have demanded that my obit reads “was last seen with 2 midgets chugging champagne”
Mansion Owner Is Pissed Off That The Wall Streeters He Airbnb’ed His Place To Threw A Midget-Themed Water Party
suh’ fam
whats goody
Good morning, homey! Apparently there’s a wreck right on my way to the highway, at an intersection I’d be hard pressed to avoid. So, no goody, but maybe it will have been cleared by the time I have to leave.
Two days off and fixing the washing machine is goody! What’s goody for you, Friend Baby-head?
Well, Wednesday morning on my way home from work, my truck blew a front tire. Luckily I was barely 1/2 mile from my Palatial 2X-wide so I limped it on the rim. Im tire shopping today, and hoping I didnt chowder up the wheel. To be fair, that things been needing tires for the past year. Its my own fault.
Good boots are critical. We always replace all four at a time, no matter what. Flats suck and they are an incredible pain in the ass to change road-side on new vehicles. I miss the jack-all days.
| I miss the jack-all days
We’ve stopped doing phrasing again ?
Well, about the same age bracket I suppose. Trucks used to have flat bumpers. Jesus, if I get a flat I need to lower it from under the bed to get at it and all Toyota supplied me with is some weak-assed bottle jack and a tire wrench that looks like I could bend over my knee. Fuck new vehicles.
One cup down. Blinks. Blinks again.
Good morning to all. A cool day (-10) to start but already warming up .
Looks like the East Coast funny business starts later today. I mean the weather.
Canadian media is REALLY downplaying that trucker convoy. There will come a point where they will have to break but unfortunately, that’s going to be after the violence. Sound familiar?
45 miles of trucks, what’s that, about 70 K? Pretty hard to ignore.
Musk is riding to the rescue. Hope he brings a lot of electricity.
They are coming from both directions toward Ottawa. Why do you think Justin called in sick yesterday?
what a cuck
I have nothing against their protest, but a badass would ignore them and just blame any logistics issues on them later (same as Clinton daring the GOP to shut the govt down…that sort of thing)
people whose services have been commodified are merely resented when they don’t perform; the masses resent teachers when the schools close, longshoremen when their Chinese crap is dead on the docks, and sanitation workers when the garbage piles up….the masses never really connect with the underlying principles or markets in play….absolutely no one cares, not one vote will be changed
I completely forgot: let’s say a prayer for PATCO
After nearly 2 hours OT (preparing my invoice currently), Im 1/2 though Tall Cans™ #1
Mornin’ to you. Evening for me.
Good Morning Glibs.
Wife woke up unwell yesterday, thought she had the Vid. She was supposed to give a lecture to 100 Nursing students.
Well, should not do that in person. Rush to get her tested.
They wanted to test me as well, “It was a contest” to see who could get the most people swabbed.
(wife was negative, not that means anything. coworker nocked out for two weeks, his family all positive, he had 4 negative test)
Probably had it last week. Didn’t test. Oh well.