Stupid Monday Night Football game…
Alright here’s some links!
…and he rode through the streets of Ciudád Mexíco upon chariots like a conqueror of nations.

“¿Quien es Moody’s? Putas.”
Hell, maybe I can afford to buy a Mexican bank.
Moody’s downgrades El Salvadoran sovereign debt. President Bukele’s response is exactly what you want it to be.
Hahahahaha, now do damn near everyone else on Earth.
“We will vaccinate as many times as it takes”.
I caught Alice Cooper earlier, why not?
Seems like a Carl’s Jr .gif type of day.
Why, yes. Yes it does.
Thanks, Señor!
LOL. That guy is starting to grow on me.
I wonder if he partied with McAfee?
That entire album is a classic, and a great song cycle,
Historians Discover Document From 1776 That Removes All Mandates And Restrictions
Does anyone know if the Mexican government is giving its citizens “free” Ivermectin in their covid kit? I haven’t been able to confirm anything.
I thought that was El Salvador
Is anyone studying how safe all these boosters are? Just because one shot of something seems safe, doesn’t mean 4 are. Seems like all they did was give people extra shots, measure some antibody levels, and say “success”!
Oh, it won’t turn out well.
I’ll answer that with an example.
In 2000, the CDC and FDA held their infamous SImpsonwood retreat where it was discussed that nobody had ever added up all of the cumulative exposures to aluminum and thimerosal in the ever-growing schedule of childhood vaccines.
The upshot? The CDC’s own commissioned study confirmed that the explosive growth in childhood autism was directly linked to the overexposure of toxic metals in vaccines.
Their remedy? Shut up about it and protect their own asses.
They have no intention of ever allowing any study that might endanger their careers or livelihoods. This cow has left the barn and the only way to return it is going to be to shoot it and drag its carcass back.
I know there was an article posted here, but I recall anything about the CDC’s own commissioned study confirmed that the explosive growth in childhood autism was directly linked to the overexposure of toxic metals in vaccines. Do you have a link?
Although it makes some sense since mercury poisoning fucks up the brain. That’s why hatters went mad.
To this day, the CDC promotes the lie of omission that thimerosal leaves the bloodstream. They don’t mention that it is taken up by the brain and not excreted.
They also do not acknowledge that vaccine aluminum adjuvants are a neurotoxin as well.
Yeah, the problem I have with the site is it has a lot of the smell of grift about it. And RFK Jr has never struck me as someone reliable.
Two years ago I would have agreed. Not sure I do any longer.
And get the MSM to demonize anyone who questions the narrative.
Gee, that sounds familiar.
This is what caused RFK Jr to turn on the CDC and FDA.
In 2005 he was working with Jake Tapper to run a expose on Simpsonwood. ABC pulled the show and Tapper has been a pharma lapdog ever since.
Fighting cancer was supposed to be the main target of the drugs based on the mRNA technology. Because the technology was powerful and customizable. Then it turned out that mRNA drugs were too toxic for cancer patients cause they had to take many doses of them. That’s when they decided to look at the application of the mRNA technologies to vaccines because they involve only one or two shots. Oh, wait…
It just seems like it’s screw safety, let’s just keep giving shots until the vaccines do what they were initially supposed to do.
Something something dose something something poison.
Don’t smoke crack:
Smoke weed instead:
From Chambers’ website:
Gary Chambers, an entrepreneur and co-founder of the media outlet, The Rouge Collection, is a noteworthy social justice advocate and community organizer who has been featured in outlets such as 225 Magazine (2017 People to Watch edition), Wired Magazine, The New York Times, CNN, Morning Joe, and Roland Martin Unfiltered for his tireless efforts in advancing the most disenfranchised communities across Louisiana. As an advocate, his work has contributed to advancements in the justice system, healthcare access, and to equality in the municipal contracting process for minority owned businesses.
He is seeking office during an unprecedented time in American and Louisianan history that calls for bold new leadership to tackle the issues of the future. His candidacy is a response to thousands in Louisiana and across the country urging him to be a voice for them in the Senate. One that can bring the type of change that reaches working-class people in tangible ways.
Louisiana has been burdened with the type of inequity that can only be resolved through fearless representation on its behalf. Chambers has a courageous vision to bring resources back to the people of Louisiana, and is guided by the belief that we can lead this nation from the bottom of the map.
Interestingly, no party. Let me guess, he’s a Democrat?
/digs a bit
Honestly, Politico is barely a step above Everydayfeminism.
Anti-Misogyny Maneuver
Awesome. I probably saw them 15 times back in the day.
Let’s just make hate a hate-crime and be done with it.
Too often when it comes to violence against women, society demands the perfect victim before we act
The act I need from you is the act of making me a sammich.
“Johns Hopkins University (JHU) is requiring students to either wear two masks or wear an N-95 or KN-95 mask on campus during the spring semester despite nearly universal vaccination on campus and mandatory, twice-weekly testing.
The school, which is a global leader on COVID-19 research and public health policy, announced new safety protocols in a Friday email to students emphasizing the surge in COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron coronavirus variant. The single cloth and surgical masks commonly worn on campus no longer meet the university’s mask requirements.”
The world’s top medical school, ladies and gentleman.
And the number one university for receiving federal grants.
I asked a “friend” if they thought this was excessive. Response:
I’m sorry, but we’re talking about John’s Hopkins, the university that’s part of one of the preeminent hospitals in the country… I’ll take them at face value
This appears to be a Homewood deal, so linking this to medical research (which happens at the med school and hospital, which are a separate world) is not particularly apt. Homewood is basically a third tier private university.
Elnaces mexicanos?
Er, “Mexican born”?
Eh, whatever. Seems to work either way.
I don’t nede this siht form you.
Oh yes you do. You know you want it, you bad, bad boy.
Pirate Dan is having a tough week.
I’d like to like him, but find myself unable to do so.
Work is kicking my ass today. That is all.
We finished hole 5 when it began snowing, so we played another 10 holes in wind blown snow, quite fun!
It’s a legislative hellscape.
“Understand it this way — voting is foundational,” she continued. “That is the whole premise of our democracy. And before we get to the procedural part, keep this in mind: that state legislatures all across the country controlled by Republicans are doing everything they can to keep people from voting. Who are they trying to keep from voting? Black people, brown people, college students, people who live on tribal reservations, trying to keep those folks from voting because they might vote Democratic. Every single senator who is a Republican in the United States Senate has said they’re not going to do anything. They’re letting the states do whatever they want.”
It’s almost like states are separate political entities that conduct their own elections.
And I’m pretty sure that all adult citizens can vote, so I am going to assume that your intentions are dishonest.
Who has actually been prevented from voting?
Nobody, but these are the Dems we’re talking about. They have a habit of using problems that *maybe* *might* *theoretically* happen to justify increasing their own power.
They have some random story here or there but it’s basically based on the premise that blacks are too dumb to get ID’s and therefore requiring ID’s in order to vote is racist. Like I have to fucking show a vaccine card and ID if I decide to go some dumb ass restaurant in Cook County but for voting, that’s a step too far.
Heavy propaganda advertising here targeted at black people to get the vaccine. “The vaccine is safe!” claim old black people with the air of “You’re gonna be in trouble if you don’t get vaxxed.”
Same in Illinois. Most of the older people I know ran and took the vaccine but the people around my age, they were like fuck that, we’re not taking this shit.
Tardy, sorry:
“College students .” Yes. All those people who magically get in to college, get student loans, etc… without ever having an ID.
And NONE of them ever drive a motor vehicle, ever!
Nor would they have both a valid and fake ID for some reason.
I would love to see these places that are actively doing everything they can to keep people from voting.
Hon, you’re off your meds again.
Supreme Court Scientist Working Remotely Because Gorsuch Refuses to Wear Face Mask
Nice. Those things also put her at risk of strokes that make her say really stupid things.
So…lose some weight?
Those things also put her at risk of strokes that make her say really stupid things.
Ah. So it’s already too late for her.
Just point to the CDC, that mask does jack shit.
Good for her – people at risk should take any steps they feel necessary and leave the rest of us alone.
Rest of the world: “We must demonize Gorsuch!”
Is Gorsuch ill? Why would he wear a mask?
Sounds like Johns Hopkins didn’t get the memo about laying off the OMG SO MANY CASES!!! panicmongering.
I dig the way the ripples on her ass propagate like the shockwave from an underwater volcano.
Oddly specific, and timely.
Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador returned to his morning news conference Monday following a week of isolation for his second coronavirus infection.
Is there a frequent infection card similar to that Pfizer frequent jab meme card?
Countries throughout Latin America are facing an “alarming reversal” of basic freedoms, according to Human Rights Watch’s “World Report 2022,” released Thursday.
Lockdowns will do that… but I don’t think that is what these folks mean.
The National Electricity Regulatory Entity said nearly 80,000 users around Buenos Aires lost power in the afternoon about an hour after the city recorded a temperature of 41.5 centigrade (106.7 Fahrenheit) — the hottest day since 1957.
Does this mean good looking Argentine women not wearing much?
Let me guess: The answer is probably not.
He said of those refusing to be vaccinated: “What you’re doing is irresponsible. If you aren’t vaccinated, you’ll get infected, you’ll infect your families, partners [and] work colleagues.”
Go fuck yourself.
The Alice Cooper song is excellent.
Is there a frequent infection card similar to that Pfizer frequent jab meme card?
Two more he gets a free taco.
The company I work for has decided to test everyone each week regardless of vax (pre-therapeutic) status as opposed to just the unvaccinated which they have been doing.
Sotomayor should put a plastic bag over her head, secured at the neck with duct tape. Anything less is just pointless showboating.
“We figured election laws are more like guidelines.”
So, we’re going to actually follow the law fully this time,” Delaware County, Pennsylvania’s Christina Perrone told fellow election-related workers during a Zoom meeting after the November 2020 election. This video—the latest obtained by The Federalist—provides yet another example of widespread violations of election law during the last presidential election.
Regina Miller, a contract worker for the large Pennsylvania county, filmed the video of the April 7, 2021 Zoom meeting, which involved voting officials discussing plans for the upcoming elections, according to sources familiar with the recording. The video began with Perrone, who, according to a lawsuit filed against her, other Delaware County officials, and the county, served as a project manager for the county, saying they would “talk about that off-line”—with the “that” not specified.
Don’t know why Delco needs to overstate the Dem vote. It has been solidly blue for a number of years now. GOP screwed itself by electing RINO county supervisors who actually said things like “to each according to his needs.” What is even more amazing is that said supervisor told me he was a big fan of “Reason Foundation” and friends with Manny Klausner!
To get Joe Biden over the line.
You might need a private window to get past the ad blocker:
Reopen NH cofounder facing child endangerment charges for giving his kid ivermectin. It’s an update of the story behind a GiveSendGo I posted a few weeks ago.
A leading opponent of COVID-19 vaccine mandates said the state’s child protection agency is trying to take custody of the youngest of his four children because he gave him ivermectin to treat the virus.
Former state Rep. J.R. Hoell, R-Dunbarton, said two police officers and staff with the Division of Children Youth and Families showed up at his door Dec. 9 with an order seeking custody of Hoell’s children.
The order has since been limited to Hoell’s 13-year-old son.
This came hours after Hoell said he had told a nurse practitioner that when his entire family got COVID-19 in mid-November, he gave them a treatment regimen that included ivermectin, a medication neither the state of New Hampshire nor the Centers for Disease Control recommends for treatment of the virus.
That might have been his mistake. Don’t tell them that.
Still, I hope he wipes the floor with them in court. There are too many unaccountable bureaucrats and apparatchiks who won’t face any consequences for what they are doing, though.
Won’t they have to show harm…with one of the safest drugs known to man?
My guess is they’ll take the tack that ivermectin is not approved for use in humans for Covid-19, and so therefore what he did is dangerous.
I thought my kids had scabies…my bad.
You want to worm them regularly during their dirt-eating years.
This right here is why nearly every product you buy that is manufactured by a major company has on its label that it is not to be used inconsistent with its labeling. Some products will even say it is a federal offense to use the product inconsistent with its labeling.
Everything is a Federal crime…3 felonies a day…
He went against the revealed knowledge. Can you think of anything more harmful to the development of subjects than that?
Aren’t they giving it to millions of people around the world?
Something ain’t right here.
“NSA can we unmask rhywun, we need to speak with them” /Pfizer Lawyer
Yep, for river blindness primarily – anti parasitic.
The Alice Cooper song is excellent.
Indeed. I had to listen to a few more.
“Ortega was elected to a fourth consecutive term in November after a wave of arrests that included seven presidential candidates and 32 prominent government critics, as well as journalists, lawyers and community leaders”
This is the way to run a country
Learn to vote properly and don’t give me any shit
Shreiking harpy psychobabble.
Whoopi Goldberg said, “This is part of the big plan to control what happens in America, I believe, what happens in America. if you take those voting rights away, people are going to be so angry, but there will be nothing they can do about it because we’re in charge. Next thing comes the women. We’re going to take your rights away just like we have taken X, Y, and Z because there will be nothing you can do. This country seemingly, or many people in it, seemingly want to be manipulated.”
We are only one election from ‘Handmaid’s Tale’.
Behr said, “I was going to say to destroy it.”
She added, “I read a lot about what’s going on in the world and you know Hungary and Poland, and they’re doing very badly with freedom of speech. They now have, like, let’s say the autocrat who’s running gets, like 90% of air time, the other one gets 10%. They are, you know, censoring journalists. That will happen here. That will happen here I think if the Republicans are back in power. You can see that they’re intractable right now. You cannot reason with these people. They are shameless, and they will destroy us. It sounds like it’s hyperbole, but I have been around a long time, and I’ve seen what can happen.”
Next they will be calling those that disagree with the administration “domestic enemies.”
I thought Guinan was supposed to be wise.
Because I like her character, I have to really try hard to ignore that there is an actress in the real world who portrayed her and who is really, really fucking dumb-slash-evil.
They do live in Bizarro World, don’t they. One way to take away voting rights is to allow cheating that negates people’s votes. And there already is a political party censoring their opposition. But I don’t think that’s what they meant.
“They are, you know, censoring journalists. That will happen here.”
That’s already happening here.
Self censoring by editorial boards pushing a narrative counts?
I was referring to the government pressuring social media.
Facebook and the like have been hauled in front of Congress to “explain themselves”. I think they got the message.
Yeah but what about Zuckerman? Did he learn anything from Congress?
“I read a lot…”
I doubt it.
Hearing at NH State House on dispensing ivermectin. The hearing was today, this article ran yesterday.
In a hearing tomorrow afternoon, the New Hampshire House Committee on Health and Human Services and Elderly Affairs will hear testimony on HB1022. The Bill would allow pharmacists to “dispense ivermectin to persons in this state without a prior prescription.”
The article includes the text of the legislation. Part V is important since the state medical board has been, according to my Reopen NH sources, following NIH/CDC orders in coming down on doctors prescribing ivermectin.
I haven’t been following the pushback against Public Health Fascism this year because work has kept me quite busy. Otherwise I’d have some articles on what is going on at the hearings.
Interesting. I did end up finding a way to get my wife a prescription for ivermectin and it definitely sped up her recovery.
The bottle does warn of headaches and itchiness. She had both those side-effects while she was taking it.
Good Federalist article on propaganda
Why Ruling Class Minions Are So Suddenly Doing Damage Control On Covid
Well, that’s depressing.
Why do I assume our Secretary of State is about 23 years old?
End-of-work aerobics ✔️
Now it’s time for Glib n’ chill
Brit again?
Now that is a euphanism!
“Browns’ Malik McDowell is arrested after attacking Florida cop while NAKED and walking near a preschool: Lawyer claims 6-foot-6, 295-pound defensive tackle may have been ‘drugged by someone'”
When in Rome?
Taking missing the playoffs this year kind of hard, ain’t he.
He had several… issues… previously. He was only on a one year contract, and my guess is that means he’s not going to be around here next year.
‘drugged by someone’
I assume that Malik falls within the category of ‘someone’, so entirely plausible.
“Vic Mensa arrested at D.C. airport after customs officials discover LSD and magic mushrooms in his baggage following trip to Africa
Customs officials wrote in their statement that the rapper was found with 41 grams of liquid LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) in his luggage, along with six grams of psilocybin mushrooms, 124 grams of the substance in capsule form and another 178 grams of the drug in prepackaged gummies.”
What a genius.
41 grams of liquid LSD? That’s what, half a million doses?
Dude is in deep shit.
I thought the Feds played this game of weighing everything. For example blotter paper counted as part of the quantity.
So in this case I wonder if it is 41 ml of something like 1% LSD. We will, of course, never know.
Only around 820 doses, but anything over 9 grams (and they include the weight of the paper, water, etc.) is up to 40 years and up a $2M fine.
Right? They didn’t come close to touching the AK his checked luggage.
I see what you did there.
I didn’t. But, I cued onto it when you pointed it out.
I wonder if hypnotists have used their powers to bewitch customs officials.
This country seemingly, or many people in it, seemingly want to be manipulated.
But we didn’t come here to talk about Public Health Theater.
I see the new propaganda weekly was distributed. Vaccine ID progressive! Voter ID racist!
Afternoon, Glibbies! (seems funny to say) I’m officially off until Sunday! No, not the Koof. I fell in the driveway last weekend and sprained my thumb and wrist all to hell and back. No gripping much of anything since Saturday morning. I’ve got someone covering for me and will be using up my newly mandated sick leave. The timing would seem suspicious but I really did fall down and go boom. Thankfully I have a team of ladies that are bailing me out once again. Pays to be nice, I guess.
…time for the stranger…
Hope you are on the mend!
I have a team of ladies that are bailing me out once again.
Sounds like he’s got things covered.
It wouldn’t be Glibs if someone didn’t launch that one off the tee. That’s why I left it there.
Ouch! feel better buddy, wrist injuries can really suck,
Get well, dude!
I’m glad you have a team of ladies helping you out since you can’t grip anything yourself.
I really should have scrolled down before I posted.
Get well soon.
Even if you don’t go back to work, get well. We need you here.
Well wishes and smart-assery are appreciated in equal measure. That is why I can’t quit this place. Laughter is truly the best medicine.
Can’t quit you either, F.
I hope you heal up soon!
Get better, big man.
Enjoy the pause.
I’m trying but it’s hard out here for a pimp! Seriously though, my circadian rhythms are all messed up. Festus needs structure in his day to day.
Strange to spot Festus during daylight.
I heard drinking beer speeds up healing.
Working on that!
Long read
How could an MIT-educated, well-meaning, rational (hopefully), Massachusetts-born, Democrat who works in public health still not have a Covid vaccine?
Did she ever answer the question? I lost interest pretty quick.
I believe it’s he not she. Mostly by living in South Africa, far away from the American madness.
It’s instructive to behold the power of non-stop propaganda from outside the system.
Yes, he did:
I don’t believe it’s ok to live in a world in which medical procedures can be forced onto people without an impenetrable foundation of evidence to support them. And I’m just not seeing that from where I stand.
Earlier I didn’t take the shot because I wasn’t sure it was good for me. But now? Now I’m not taking the shot because I’m taking a stand.
I’m taking a stand because if people like me don’t stand up against what’s going on in the world right now then things will only get harder and weirder and scarier for other people like me. I’m worried that if we don’t get off this path soon, it’s going to get harder and harder to turn back. And I don’t want to see where that ends up.
Almost exactly where I am…I don’t even find an impenetrable foundation of evidence enough of a reason to support forced medical procedures.
However, when he wrote this “Earlier I didn’t take the shot because I wasn’t sure it was good for me. But now? Now I’m not taking the shot because I’m taking a stand.” that hit very close to my views.
I ran into that same sentiment at deer camp. I was the only unvaxxed there. They couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t want the vax.
I was there when we onboarded Banamex about 20 years ago… hmm. They had a nice Rodizio near the Mexico City office. And where our driver asked “where is La Donna”. Took me a minute to comprehend that.
Hey, I had a Betamax back in the day.
Oh, uh… maybe we’re talking about different things.
The White House believes Russia could launch an invasion of Ukraine at any moment, press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday, warning that an “extremely dangerous situation” is building along the Ukrainian border.
“We believe we’re now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack on Ukraine. I would say that’s more stark than we have been,” Psaki said during her daily press briefing.
Forgive me if I just presume it’s a diversionary tactic meant to distract the attention of the rubes.
A little concerned the US will be forced to write a strongly worded letter and then place them on DOUBLE SECRET sanctions.
Since I’m to late to post on the Chess thread, here is the YouTube channel of a couple of Twitch Chess streamers who present a much more visually interesting perspective on chess. I think they are pretty good but not competitive on a grandmaster level.
I give them credit for posting their losses.
The Botez gambit is named for them. It is when you hang your queen for no benefit.
My take is they are good but they have interests other than chess which limits their ceiling. They also don’t take themselves too seriously which is good. One of them set up an OnlyFans account to show their favorite “mating” positions. The account was quite successful, nearly the top 1% of accounts — till people got the joke. It ended up raising money for a charity.
alleging Krasner has refused “to perform the duties of his office to hold criminals accountable for the crimes that they commit.”
It doesn’t seem like a terrible basis for impeachment.
Krasner does seem awful. But, he’s doing exactly what he said he’d do if he were elected. Twice.
Like they would vote for the Republican LOL
73% of the NHL had covid, all but one were vaccinated. So they’re changing their protocols.
I mean really, I slipped on the ice and hurt myself not even a month after my second jab. Coincidence? I think not!
DO NOT SLIP ON THE ICE! Falls may have serious consequences.
/Experienced faller
So, natural immunity exist for 73% which I was assured would be about where herd immunity has taken hold.
73% of the NHL had covid
From the article I linked above:
And vax cultists consider us crazy.
Someone noticed that the product sucks.
Now do the rest of the world.
Doesn’t much matter – the Flyers play like they are all dead, whether they had chicomvirus or not.
Trust in government is collapsing, especially in democracies, according to a new global survey.
Why it matters: People also don’t think media or business leaders are telling them the truth, and this suspicion of multiple societal institutions is pushing people into smaller, more insular circles of trust.
Details: Government leaders and journalists are considered the least trustworthy societal leaders, according to Edelman’s new 2022 global “Trust Barometer,” a survey of 35,000 respondents across 28 countries.
You could knock me down with a feather.
BWAHAAHAHA. Now that is how you zoom bomb.
Tonio needs to up his game.
The tests that we can all hoard starting tomorrow?
The tests available for order:
Are rapid antigen at-home tests, not PCR
Can be taken anywhere
Give results within 30 minutes (no lab drop-off required)
Work whether or not you have COVID-19 symptoms
Work whether or not you are up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines
Are also referred to self-tests or over-the-counter (OTC) tests
So who wants to wager with some tinfoil that any test ordered from the government will always pop positive?
We’re ordering tests for ourselves and all the kids. We’ll probably toss them when they arrive. Break the system, folks. Burn it all down.
Sell them downtown for food.
Maybe I’ll test all the local moose.
I’m not putting myself on that list.
I reckon I’m already on every list there is. Since that’s the case, I’m gonna John Hancock the shit out of it,
Two years ago I would have belittled that sentiment. Two years ago we didn’t use Zoom.
Just ordered them.
I like that I get to play King in the household of 5 on who gets a test and who doesn’t. Time to set up some COVID Test Games in Kingdom OBE.
How many Lesko Brandons will be ordering? Or Fukada Bydens>
annie misses lhh!
no bc i can’t order the free at home covid tests bc apparently my dorm address is seen as a business and not a residential address ? i guess college students don’t deserve free covid tests
Even better….more people in say split units…A and B can’t share addresses. Fuck ya government can solve problems!
Camel wrestling. ?
it’s supposed to be “camel toe wrestling” and no, I have never watched excerpts from that saucy French film.
First strip club I ever went to in Montreal had a girl who can launch ping pong balls and ‘smoke’ a cigarette. I have no doubt some camel toe wrestling could be done.
Lip service?
“EXCLUSIVE: Meet The Seattle Schools Woke Indoctrination Czar Who Married A Child Molester
Spend enough time studying the “racial equity” and “ethnic studies” programs sweeping school districts across the nation and you’ll find that they are following in the footsteps, on a several-year delay, of one of America’s most progressive cities: Seattle.
It’s worth examining, then, how all that worked out in Seattle. Despite decades of the most aggressive equity programs anyone could ask for, Seattle’s racial disparities are among the worst in the nation – and they’re getting worse, not better.
At the forefront of Seattle Public Schools’ (SPS) initiatives was Tracy Castro-Gill, until recently its director of ethnic studies, who represented herself as a fierce Chicana who overcame homelessness and was willing to take on racism no matter who she had to battle, turning schools into vehicles for social change.
Castro-Gill, it turned out, was a perennially unhappy toxic liar, one who misrepresented her background to the point that her own father compared her to Rachel Dolezal, and who was ultimately pushed out of her job for repeated misconduct. A focus on racial oppression did not create resiliency, but rather despondency, with Castro-Gill and three other racial justice leaders going on paid leave from SPS for mental health issues in 2019 alone.
As Castro-Gill used children for politics in the workplace, her personal life also raised questions about the costs that can incur. She married a convicted child molester and moved her young daughter in with him. Then, her previous ex-husband told me, she pressured her child, who had serious mental impairments, to become gender-nonbinary.
The academic achievement of Seattle’s youth plummeted as she implemented initiatives like replacing math instruction with courses on “power and oppression.” But in this world, there was no such thing as failing: Those gaps were used to justify still more jobs and efforts like hers. The following book excerpt is the never-before-told story of America’s first “woke” school system….”
If all that’s true, how in the world do people fall for it? How does she get hired?
Via people so open-minded that their brains spill out?
It took decades to turn a society this stupid – it doesn’t happen overnight.
True, it was getting stupid long before Tumblr.
Normal people don’t often get to see the level of obsessive focus and monomania that a genuinely psychopathic personality can produce. Castro-Gill worked very, very hard at destroying everything around her.
Because people have ceded power by allowing the mere accusation of racism or sexism to carry moral and social weight.
Hey Animal! Really digging your new tale. The majority of my forebears are from northern Saskatchewan via Scotland but there is bit of I-word in the woodpile. They were mostly all veterans of that war.
Since the mandate proclamation, they moved the needle ~13-14% on vaccinations. Some hope yet that it didn’t scare the majority of those who said no to go get it.
“compare the progress”
These have become some of my favorites of YT..not just these ladies, but cockpit views of gate to gate flights.
It looks like the mandate didn’t change the slope of the line, but I’m sure they will claim that mandates work.
Yep the big ‘jump’ that is seen is because reporting stopped for some reason between Nov 10th and Dec 3rd. Fun note, that was when FedGov was supposed to start discipline procedures, Nov 11th and I believe the FedCon discipline was supposed to start Dec 8th.
51% fully vaxxed. Go Indiana!
China’s in ur phones collecting ur datas. I mean, is anyone surprised? Or that Apple does apparently no due diligence to verify data privacy claims made by its authors?
To be fair, overseas visitors are not allowed so this app is custom-made for the victims of that shitty regime. I think they all know the drill.
Between that and this report:
Besides the obvious reasons we shouldn’t be competing in China, why are we competing in China?
I think it might be time to torpedo the Olympics. Go back to some (totally not gay) dudes wrestling naked, some throwing and running events and call it good.
Throw in Cornpop and it’s a genuine Biden tale
China is Friend and Benefactor! You do what China waaaant, peasant!
Boycotting Olympic Games is unfair to the athletes. All of them spent long years training for this and for many of them it’s their only chance.
My grandpa managed a rowing facility that regularly prepared Olympic medalists. They had none in 1984.
I was about to say that 1984 was LA. Then I saw who was posting, so yup.
Phew! Sure am glad that we signed up with the other data harvester! Hey, wait a second…
Wait, I think these people are stupid but what are they getting arrested for?
Consider that one stolen.
I was going to say it was because Mom didn’t dress them before they left the house but you’re right. No arrests should have taken place. That is a public area and being stupid is not a crime.
It’s fun to have you here later in the day.
Any chance of a shift change?
Aside from a job change it is unlikely. Wal-Mart greeter perhaps but those fellers are generally friendly.
While I was walking today, I listened to one of Rippetoe’s podcasts that I think every prostate-possessor should hear.
PSA and Rethinking Prostate Health
Seriously, It’s been a long time since I learned this much from an hour podcast. And I even worked in the field back in the early oughts.
By rethink they mean pretend it doesn’t exist and there’s nothing to worry about?
“Trickle-Down” theory is a MYTH? (57 yrs old)
Kind of.
The takeaway is don’t let your PCP scare the shit out of you.
And PSA is retarded.
I’m worried about anyone who wants to push a thumb up my butt.
“I even worked in the field back in the early oughts.”
Now that’s a euphemism.
But yeah, I was involved in a start up that developed an improved procedure for cancer treatment.
You should listen to the podcast.
Just give us the Reader’s Digest version, a summary
1. Be skeptical of the PSA test.
2. If your PSA is high, insist on an MRI.
3. Do not let them biopsy your prostate without imaging.
4. See 2 and 3
5. Learn about the new treatments, particularly TULSA.
6. Remember the Medical Industrial Complex is not on your side,
Freedom is slavery.
Hours after he was sworn into office, Youngkin followed up on a campaign promise and signed an order giving parents an option to opt-out of local school mask mandates. The order will take effect on Monday and will remain in place until it is amended or rescinded by the governor.
In a lawsuit filed in the state Supreme Court on Tuesday, a group of 13 parents with children in Chesapeake City Public Schools claim Youngkin’s order goes against the state law that calls for each school board to implement guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “to the maximum extent practicable.”
The complaint challenges Youngkin’s authority to implement such actions, asserting that local school boards and the General Assembly “share primary responsibility for public school education.”
“Executive Order Number Two purports to sweep aside masking mandates and other protections with little or no consideration of or respect for CDC guidance, actions taken by the Virginia General Assembly, or the powers vested in school boards,” the lawsuit states.
“Govern me harder, daddy.”
The well deserved back lash is coming and there will be much salt to mine. Fuck these Leftist assholes. They might have extended the hand of friendship to their opponents but instead did an end-zone dance when there was still time on the clock. I hope they get it good and hard this November and I’m not even a conservative.
Masks don’t work – CDC
Schools are actually turning out to be relatively safe in terms of transmissions – CDC
I am following the CDC. Have a nice day.
Masks don’t work?
Sotomayor says “hold my beer”.
That’s some mighty fine Wise Latinaism, Lou!
Cock Dicking Cock? Like a swordfight?
Center for Dithering Cocks Sir Festus..
Well played.