I got up really late this morning, so I’m gonna make this quick.

What a great sports weekend. The NFL playoff teams are all but set, with the Raiders and Chargers set to play an elimination game next week. Antonio Brown had an amazing sideline meltdown. The college bowl slate was a blast, with the Rose Bowl being the most schizophrenic game I can remember seeing in some time. And across the pond, the EPL is all but done for the year as Man City take a commanding lead. And lastly, here’s a bizarre mix of soccer fan stupidity and irrational understanding of risk. Crazy ass people. And that’s sports, so here are…the links!
CNN with some earth-shattering stuff. (enter eyeroll emoji here) Are these places really segregated, or are people just choosing to live in communities where they feel more comfortable or where they’ve historically lived?

Normally I wouldn’t care, but…
Hypocrisy or gotcha journalism? A little bit of column A a little bit of column B.
That’ll teach him! Oh wait, it won’t do shit.
Somebody’s about to start the year off right. Except for the part that’s stolen by the government, it’s gonna be awesome.
I believe part of this. And I’m sure you can guess which part I don’t believe.
And stay out! We don’t want you here. (I’m kidding, obviously.)
Hope you like my first music choice of the year. I know I will.
Now get out there and have a great first weekday of the year, friends!
Racist supply chain difficulties?
What else could it be? McDonald’s and Dominos can get all the mochi, coconut milk, and passion fruit they want. QED
Mochi pizza?
No, no, no. Passion fruit on pizza. The McMochi shake will appear any month now.
“Colorado has some growing up to do.”
I am guessing they won’t be reentering that market space…
It’s funny how they don’t go into exactly what these racist issues were…
They never do. Same with #metoo articles. The writer’s always make sure the headline is salacious with accusations of racism or harassment, yet always fail to follow up with even a single detail about the accusations. It’s the strangest thing. It’s almost as if the people making such accusations are less interested in justice and are simply interested in using them as a cudgel to beat people standing in their way over the head with. But I know that can’t be since the root cause of everything is white supremacy….
And across the pond, the EPL is all but done for the year as Man City take a commanding lead.
Can Sloopy appreciate that vaccine nazi Jurgen Klopp missed the game yesterday with covid?
I hope he pulls through. ??
It was hilarious, tbh.
I was thoroughly amused when fully boosted Wolverhampton had to cancel a game last week, but with Klopp being more open about wanting to vaccinate everyone it was just delicious.
“In the last six months, we’ve hired people, in Colorado especially, who start working with us. And then a month later, they make false claims or do things, and then we’d have to terminate them based on the offer letter, and it was just really difficult,” Shyu alleged, adding, “Colorado has some growing up to do.”
Fucking rednecks.
Yeah, this brings to mind the adage about if everyone you associate with is an asshole, the problem just might be you. And assuming (I’m not reskimming the article) this was Fort Collins or Denver (which were pretty danged blue 15 years ago when I knew people working there and doubtless are worse now), and they found a market for rice flour / soy milk baked goods, I’m going to bet that this is right up there with the 2am Chicago MAGA country likelihood.
Nice music link, though I’ve always been much more of a fan of this one. Probably says something about my psyche or something.
Good morning to all — enjoy the day. I just checked and realized I actually have the day off (shifted from New Years on the weekend), so I’ll likely go change the oil in my car or something constructive. 😉
And the reason they didn’t notice it in Berkeley is because everyone is an asshole there.
Hey! Half my family is from Berkeley!
Oh, wait…
False claims don’t happen #believeallbakerydrones
‘As Asian Americans, 2021 brought on a lot of racist behavior and confrontational behavior in addition to the pandemic stresses,” Shyu told the Post. “It brought up a whole slew of difficulties.’
Sure, we’re not going to cite any actual instances of racist and confrontational behavior against us or how it may have negatively affected the business but rest assured It brought up a whole slew of difficulties….vague, unprovable difficulties.
The Chinese restaurants are popular in the rural area where I live, need a bigger enough clientele than the smalle towns provide though.
My recollection of the upper Midwest is that the clients can be pretty big.
“You go home now!”
If the clientele wasn’t so racist they’d order food more often. You hicks obviously get off on watching Asians barely earn enough to survive. That’s just sick, man.
Whole Foods started in Texas but HEB customers and WF customers may be a different social strata. My preference was HEB but I’m also a Walmart kind of guy ’cause I like cheap stuff.
HEB Central Market > Whole Foods >> The Fresh Market
… Never stepped foot in any of those stores. Hy-Vee isn’t bad. A little over-priced but clean, well ran and a good selection.
I’m going to the H.E.B.!!
Long live the Scabs.
Did the dumb donut bitch move back to Berkeley?
“Antonio Brown had an amazing sideline meltdown.”
Why is it always a WR?
It is better to give than to receive?
The only 2 requirements for the job are
1. Entirely God given talent. (You ain’t training your way into a 4.2 40 time)
2. The ability to catch. (This is why cornerbacks are in the same grouping with respect to level of cray-cray… Essentially wideouts who can’t catch)
“We don’t actually care she’s maskless. We care she fear mongers about Florida but then has the audacity to vacation here,” he added.
Did you think she was going to vacation in Nebraska?
Puerto Rico.
Oddly enough, during my time living in Colorado, interactions with customer facing employees at a wide range of firms were impressively pleasant. So much so that CO is the standard by which service employees in other states are judged.
AOC later fired back at tweet, writing: “Hasn’t Gov. DeSantis been inexplicably missing for like 2 weeks? If he’s around, I would be happy to say hello. His social media team seems to have been posting old photos for weeks. In the meantime, perhaps I could help with local organizing. Folks are quite receptive here :)”
“I’d also be happy to share some notes from @GovKathyHochul’s work in NY since he seems to be in need of tips!” she said in another tweet.
OK, I’ll let the obvious joke slide, but really, AOC? You find fertile ground for your leftist BS among the highest concentration in the US of refugees from Communist Cuba? Bull shit.
I’m pretty sure she is sticking to Miami Beach and not setting foot in Miami. She seems like she would enjoy the company of the ultra-wealthy, callous sophisticate set rather than the stout Cuban yeomanry who fled Castro’s island Hellscape.
She sure pounced.
Oh wait, that’s not how it works.
Yes, AOC. I suppose you would find spending time with your family during the holidays inexplicable.
Truly her leadership is the envy of the nation.
Because what we Floridians really appreciate is New Yorkers coming down here and telling us how they do things up north.
So one of my bosses (who keep bugging me to get vaccinated) got the vid.
But the vaccine was never supposed to prevent the disease, only mitigate its impact! They’ve been saying so for, like, a bunch of weeks now!
Yep. Never walked back the original justification – that it would help prevent the spread. Were they lying then, or now? And given you’ve lied at least once oh glorious public health bureaucrat, why on earth should I ever trust you again?
Look, it was only going to stop the spread for two weeks. After that it was going to mitigate symptoms. Everyone knows that now.
I get this funny feeling that these people really have no idea what they’re talking about. And that instead of being honest about that, they pontificate on the slightest bit of knowledge they do have as though they know everything.
They’re people terrified of saying the words, “I don’t know.”
You don’t get to be an expert by not knowing. Fauci feels like he right and that’s good enough for me. He is science after all
See, if you can’t say that, I can’t trust what you do say.
-1 for face shields.
He said in a trance.
When you have no shame.
Just checked local news…
Fully vaccinated and just got COVID-19? Here’s how long you should wait to get a booster
Sadly, the answer they provide is not that you shouldn’t get a booster.
Left for the reader to figure out is exactly how a vaccine that makes it more likely for you to contract a disease also makes it less virulent for you.
And for the millionth time, if someone was unvaccinated and survived, why would they need to be vaccinated to end up in the same spot as the 3x vaxxed.
My wife is fully vaxed and boostered (requirement for her job in a hospital). I am completely unvaxed. We both got sick from contact with family over Christmas who then tested positive for the ‘rona. I had a very mild cough and congestion for one day only and then was fine. My wife on the other hand was really sick with bad congestion, bad cough, and high fever for 5 days.
Working as intended.
Am I the only one who finds mochi to be only slightly more appetizing than Play-Doh?
It’s not great, true.
I don’t know what it is, so sure let’s go with that.
Had to look it up as well. Not sure which one I’d like to eat less (Play-Doh or mochi).
It does beg the question — are there more Inuit words for snow, or words/variations on rice cakes in Asian cuisine?
Haircuts in china?
“we have Moe. Or Moe. You could get Moe. Or how about Moe?? Moe? Moe?…. We got Moe…..”
Here is the somewhat obscure reference for the young among us
I knew the reference right away – love Bobby. Surprised he never hit bigger.
Um. I used to eat small bits of Play-Doh as a kid. I enjoyed it. I’d even take tastes by color, though of course, that didn’t matter.
Nice and salty. I love salt. I don’t blame this…for anything….
Paint chips? DELICIOUS!
I like it.
It’s a traditional New Year’s food in Japan and every single year there are about a billion PSAs in Japan about not choking on it especially for the elderly. But, statistics being statistics, there will be 3 or 4 people who die eating it.
I’m surprised the donut lady didn’t drag Colorado’s unacceptably lax gun laws into her list of grievances.
Bad weather causes enough panic in the DMV. What happens when COVID test/vax sites close for weather?
Now that’s how you lower cases.
And “allow” schools to reopen.
Don’t mind the crappy weather here in VA – (although apparently forgot to stock up on my salt/snowmelt) – but just a lot of rescheduling I’ve got to do for appts/etc. A few inches of snow doesn’t mix great with all the standing water we’ve already gotten – expect a lot of ice tonight – although hopefully most will melt by tomorrow.
And I have a feeling from some of the lights flickering that we might lose power today due to junk on the lines or something else. Guess we’ll see. (and melting tomorrow might be optimistic given the highs tomorrow and how cold it’s supposed to get tonight).
For all intents and purposes – it’s not poor etiquette to not put down salt/etc if the snow is still falling heavily is it? No point in shoveling…but if I’m expecting mail? What do most folks normally do?
No etiquette issue while snow is falling. I shovel the driveway, but don’t salt.
I’ll shovel the driveway when it stops – don’t see much point before that.
Depends on how much snow you’re talking about. There have been times I went out and shoveled while it was snowing just so that the snow wouldn’t accumulate to the point that shoveling would become even more difficult.
I get that – I just meant the etiquette part.
Looks like this stuff is just hanging over top of us all day.
Unless it is a huge amount of snow, I wait until the snow is done falling before clearing my driveway.
Depending on the amount of snow, the postal service here will use different vehicles instead of their usual vans for delivery or stop delivery entirely until the storm passes.
I’ve learned not to bother with one of the sidewalks as there’s two elementary schools on my street (one public, one Catholic), so there’s a sidewalk plow that comes by on school days. Just to add another pile of snow in my driveway to compete with the slush at the end of the apron.
Yay. Power went out a couple of minutes ago due to windstorm. Still blowing pretty good so going to wait until daylight to set up the generator. At least it happened after the snowstorm and temperatures rose a bit.
Dog still has to go out.
Forget Ivermectin. Use Viagra
It makes some sense. If the virus is attaching to ACE receptors, that causes constriction on capillary vessels and a rise in blood pressure and micro-coagulation.
Viagra opens capillaries and would lessen symptoms, even though it’s not acting as an anti-viral.
What happens when your cough lasts more than 4 hours?
Difference of opinion is the death knell of DEMOCRACY!
Deep partisan divisions about what happened on Jan. 6
The country can’t even decide what to call the assault on the Capitol. Only 6% of poll respondents say it was “a reasonable protest” — but there is little agreement on a better description. More than half of Democrats say the Jan. 6 assault was an “attempted coup or insurrection,” while Republicans are more likely to describe it as a “riot that got out of control.”
No kidding.
Good thing we have such an entity as NPR to tell us what to believe. Insurrection, plain and simple. Treason. Murder. Desecration.
Flipped past NPR a few minutes ago driving the kids to school….. Talking about half of Republicans believing the “absolutely false claims of widespread vote fraud,”.
All Jan 6, all the time.
They talked about it on 5th Column. Matt said he went on CNN to see how long it would take for a certain topic to come up, and had them guess what the very first 2 words he heard was.. Kmele correctly guessed “January 6th”
Guess that $500M from Zuck was all wasted then eh? Funny how you don’t notice Democrats/lefties whinging about dark money these days isn’t it?
you have to be thoroughly delusional to call that insurrection. I mean straitjacket level
And that is if you haven’t read the reporting on who the key actors are (or might be) and all of the prep work that did and did not occur and who is conspicuously absent from the long list of people arrested and detained and the extensive video that is not being released.
Who is Ray Epps?
Seriously, after reading a bit more about this recently it appears this was the biggest case of entrapment I’ve ever seen. The blue bullhorns, tower command guy, black hoodie guy, the fencing being cut back and no trespassing signs being removed before the Trump rally ended, the coordinated effort to herd them by the Capitol building afterwards, police opening entrances to the building, ect, ect. Our government is so fucking cynical and corrupt that 9/11 Truthers seem more reasonable by the day.
That is how it feels, isn’t it? The more you see, the more you keep saying “well, that can’t be true, can it?”
I said that about Trump being “wiretapped”. I said that about Papadapolous’s claims of being set up.
I said that about the Whitmer kidnapping thing, even though it sounded so completely unbelievable that any such plot existed.
About the only thing I didn’t say that about was the election claims (not the kooky stuff about voting machines and foreign servers), and that was because it was painfully obvious that something was up months before the election. When you start warning that it will look like your guy is losing in a landslide at the end of election day even though he is up by 16 points at the time, but don’t worry, he will win in a landslide after the recounts and court challenges…… Well, you might as well be wearing a ” we are rigging the election” sign.
I think the tipping point may have been when it was revealed that the Obama administration was not only illegally spying on the American public but also using the IRS and Justice Department to attack political enemies. That should have been twenty times bigger than Watergate yet the collective response by everyone was ‘meh’. That was the Green Light to go all in on corruption. So much so they don’t even try to hide most of it anymore. Snowden showed us our souls and we’ve been found wanting.
you have to be thoroughly delusional to call that insurrection.
Or a lying cunte.
Translation: We need to propaganda harder.
According to string theory, the universe is made up of extremely small vibrating strings. Still too big for the violin I’m playing.
Nice… might have to use that on my son at some point.
1812 leaps to mind. As does the reason for all those forts between 1861 and 1865. But no one needs to learn history or anything.
And honestly, my first thought was “Good, can we encourage more fed workers to quit already?”
Only for the truly retarded that believe Crying Charlottesville Nazis are around every dark corner.
You know who else staged a false-flag operation at the nation’s legislative building?
I dunno, but it’s fitting that this place proudly displays false flags
(Ok, technically they’re historical)
the U.S. Capitol, a citadel of American democracy they believed was as impervious to attack as any center of Washington power
“I never would have taken that job if I actually believed it might be dangerous.”
The bodies were piled like cordwood. The funeral pyres lit up the sky.
And the stench, who can forget that smell?
No, the smell is just the aftermath of all the political belching.
There have been literal gunshots and explosions in the building and that is just in the last century.
“‘Twitter is an enemy to America’: Marjorie Taylor Greene reacts furiously as Twitter PERMANENTLY suspends her account for ‘repeated violations’ of its COVID ‘misinformation’ policy”
Drugs, ass, but now that I’ve read her tweets, I don’t see how it’s “misinformation”.
It was not the narrative. Thus it is misinformation.
Best application of that song
Hubba hubba for Mrs. Wheeler
Strongly disagree – the best application of that song:
That scene plays in my head whenever I hear the song.
How could I forget?
You are correct.
I assumed the use of the song in that S.T. scene was an homage, given that whole show is Gen X fan-service.
Democrats also expressed dismay about the state of democracy — but for very different reasons. In follow-up interviews, they voiced concern about voting restrictions passed by Republican-controlled state legislatures in the wake of the 2020 election. And they struggled to make sense of the persistent belief in the fiction that President Trump won.
“When Trump first came out with his ‘big lie,’ it just never occurred to me that so many Republicans would jump on board,” said Susan Leonard of Lyme, New Hampshire.
“It’s like a group mental illness has hit these people,” said Leonard. “I cannot believe this is happening in our country. I’m scared, I really am.”
Ooh, good one. Now do the plague.
2016 or 2020?
Here’s how my week has started. I got up and drove to work and no one is here – today is holiday since New Years Day fell on a Saturday.
Heh — that’s why I fired up the Corp laptop and checked the 2022 calendar first thing this morning. 😉
Nice. Most of our places gave the 31st as the holiday since it was the day prior – just like the 24th.
how was traffic?
Traffic was typical for a Monday since the plague started – it was light. Plus I leave around 6:00 AM so there is not much traffic anyway – mostly construction workers. We already get NYE off. We used to get off for Columbus Day – we traded it for NYE a few years ago. My company is generous when it comes to holidays.
Anyone bored – some great Adam Carolla live shows on his youtube from Dec 23/24.
Speaking of the ‘vid, I see a new wave forming in Israel with 60% of adult population tripple jabbed. But the forth one will do the trick.
Birth control will be free for women in France until they’re 25
On the one hand this is not the governments job. On the other it is a small expense, though all these add up. On the third ehm hand… do people in the 21st century not know of STDs? Yeah condoms are uncomfortable, butt…
French ministers offloading their mistress upkeep costs on the public.
Butt? Seems like you were going somewhere there…
What, what?
Heh. I don’t even need to click that to get the earworm.
+1 butter scene from “Last Tango in Paris”
Can these shots be even worse than we think? What else has to happen before they stop pushing this shit on our kids?
I’ve been waiting for the life insurance industry to weigh in. Their financial interests are directly aligned against pharma on this issue as pharma doesn’t seem to care at all what havoc they wreak.
If the 40% death increase among 18-64 is true, it’s a very, very, very bad sign.
If true — it really lends credence to the depopulation conspiracy theories. And if *that’s* true, the folks behind that better get to their bunkers before folks figure it out, because that’s way past a lightpost moment worldwide and I don’t think it would be pretty.
BS – vax passports and redefining vaxed to include boosters is SOP on the West Coast and the NE.
Nobody will be held accountable – just like nobody was held to account for 9/11, the Iraq War, the financial crisis/bank bailout, the Yemeni genocide, the undeclared war in Libya, COVID, or the Afghanistan clusterfuck – both the lengthy occupation and disastrous withdrawal.
Goldman Sachs plans to require Covid boosters, mandate twice weekly testing
Worse than that.
Is this death rate linear for 2021, or did it only kick in after march (first shot), September (2nd shot)?
Who will debunk this?
If the virus is attaching to ACE receptors, that causes constriction on capillary vessels and a rise in blood pressure and micro-coagulation.
Viagra opens capillaries and would lessen symptoms, even though it’s not acting as an anti-viral.
Oddly enough, there has been a spate of ads for some proprietary beet extract which emphasizes the nitric oxide component, which would produce a similar effect, I presume.
Patton Oswalt Sorry for the Chappelle NYE Pic … But, Hear Me Out a Bit
Patton writes, “[W]e also 100% disagree about transgender rights & representation. I support trans peoples’ rights — ANYONE’S rights — to live safely in the world as their fullest selves. For all the things he’s helped ME evolve on, I’ll always disagree with where he stands NOW on transgender issues.”
what a piece of shit
Safely = Without any criticism
Fullest selves = Imposing their worldview on everyone else
That’s “Imposing Xer worldview on everyone else” to you, normie….
Thanks for the translation from Leftist.
Fullest selves =
Imposing their worldview on everyone elsedemanding and receiving our love and respect, i.e. belongingChappelle probably agrees with 90% of that statement.
He did a whole thing about his trans friend that committed suicide in his last (unfortunately unfunny) special.
Has the Secretary of Defense issued orders from his plague deathbed for the Capitol to be encircled by armored divisions, in preparation for another assault?
Be wary, be wary
The Sixth of January…
Does this mean a bunch of guys running around in Buffalo Horns every winter?
It should.
It’s stuff like this that drives me bonkers.
Noticeably absent is any mention of prophylactic or therapeutic drug usage, which we know they’ve put into effect. It’s straight up denial of reality.
To Be Fair can you trust data from India (then again can you trust data anywhere)
Unlike our government, they haven’t given me any reason to distrust them yet.
They’ve been open about their use of ivermectin and HCQ, and their reported results are fantastic. But Western media refuse to even discuss it. They won’t even bother to refute their results.
BikiniTeam Girls of 2021 [HD]
Thanks for the comments on my ex-pat article! I hope you had a good time. Had an online therapy session today and we went on a route that we talked about last time: My goal of getting a book out there. Most of the things that I post here would be chapters, and plenty to add to it. The Incident and what happened is the unique selling point of my tale. That will be included at great length.
We talked about my journal entries going through rehab. I haven’t read them in well-over a year and started to go through the 100s of pages I got. I wouldn’t edit a single thing about them. Typos and etc don’t bother me, here. There is a lot of insight into seeing my writing from then about what I was going through. It is absolutely obvious that I’m not all right in the head. But it is still readable and is a clear illustration of where my brain was and how I was thinking. I absolutely think there is something there, added in with my other life events.
Sent this to her about an hour ago. Betterhelp.com is actually really impressing me. Video therapy and also can chat and message. She is also very good, so maybe it’s just that I got lucky.
“I am reading some of my entries during rehab. Is fun. Something interesting is happening—I started getting a psychological reaction that is new. It left now that I am typing this, but it was sort of like a new form of hallucination. It honestly felt like I was getting high or something. Granted, a couple of paragraphs mention me smoking and my two experiences with LSD, but it was an interesting change to my mentality and the oddity of how I felt.
I will read more in a bit and see if it could just be intrinsically related to my reading about it. It almost assuredly is. It was something different. It wasn’t unpleasant. It was actually pretty fun, but the confusion added a layer to it that detracted from it. It was an honestly new psycho-biological experience and sensation. It hasn’t happened before, or at least it hasn’t in regards to The Incident. I will see if it happens again later. Was certainly strange. I hope it comes back so I can enjoy it this time.”
That was strange, interesting, and predictable. It is quite odd, my life. Oddly, I rather enjoy it. It’s certainly unique. Usually in all the worst ways possible, but I focus on the intrigue and it brightens everything, even though sometimes it is distressing (today went shockingly well, even though it ended with a very strong olfactory experience in class that I was worried about–kinda felt like I was gonna puke and/or fall over. But it ended well. Always be curious.
That’s… actually pretty accurate. 😉
If true — it really lends credence to the depopulation conspiracy theories. And if *that’s* true, the folks behind that better get to their bunkers before folks figure it out, because that’s way past a lightpost moment worldwide and I don’t think it would be pretty.
I can think of an excellent starting point for a serious geriatric depopulation program.
Oh, oh
/hides in woodshed, uninvites Brooks to gala party
This is entirely vile from The Guardian
It’s difficult for us to constrain our anger at this suggestion:
An alternative African strategy would see governments spending on public services and on increasing food and renewable energy sovereignty, while cracking down on corruption.
This provides a way out of the current development trap. In their book Africa’s Last Colonial Currency, Fanny Pigeaud and Ndongo Samba Sylla suggest that, instead of importing food and burning through foreign reserves, African states should produce food at home, as land, work and knowhow are abundant. “If they financed the development of their agriculture, they wouldn’t reduce their foreign exchange reserves; on the contrary, they would save money.”
I would find it difficult to have the unmitigated gall to even write down something that suggests that governments in general and African ones in particular “cracking down on corruption.”
Not offered as an option, quit trying to centrally manage economies and creating opportunities for corruption.
Its Africa. Pick one.
From Jerms’ link:
These statements are also confirmed by the 6000% increase in reporting rate of deaths to VAERS, among the massive increase in reports of hospitalizations and emergency room visits in the context of the COVID-19 injectable products. The current VAERS reports of hospitalizations and emergency room visits are at 46,933 and 88,549 (which translates to 1,924,253 and 3,630,509 reports with URF of 41). Death reports are at 11,013 (with URF – 451,533), and these numbers are ONLY for the Domestic data set.
Marjorie Taylor Greene referred to her citation of VAERS numbers in her twatter ban. You don’t suppose it had to do with this, do you?
The Mainstream Media Is Losing The Fight Of Its Life…All Thanks To Joe Rogan
I’m expecting one of the largest mainstream media pivots in history in 2022, catalyzed by capitalism and common sense.
I find unreasonable optimism annoying.
You’d first have to remove Blackrock and State Street from the equation along with the other multi-trillion dollar investment firms made possible by Fed policy dating back to the seventies.
These are literally the most powerful corporations the world has ever seen, yet nobody in the media discusses them, ever. Why is that you suppose?
Their common ownership across multiple industries including media, tech, pharma, defense, and others has created a massively perverse set of incentives very similar to what you would get in a fully socialistic economy.
When I can talk frankly with people they fall into two categories. The blue-pilled who believe every bit of bullshit on the news, even the stuff that is contradictory and obviously illogical. My Mom and some of my wife’s friends are hopelessly blue pulled.
And the red-pilled, who now assume that every message coming from the mainstream media is propaganda and probably outright lies. Most people here, my gym and shooting buddies, and some of my siblings are there.
assume that every message coming from the mainstream media is propaganda
Once you see it you can never not see it.
But trying instill some doubt in the blue pulled is tricky. The can react with real anger when their faith is challenged. They may not be immune to covid, but facts have no effect on them.
‘Once you see it you can never not see it.’
Damn, it’s like the FedEx logo. I can’t un-see the arrow on that now.
“That is nonsense and that you’ll be eating crow in a year.”
Mammary Monday kicks off a new year of titillating tops, bodacious bra-busters and fabulous fronts!
Thanks Russ Meyer.
It keeps the mask on its face.
Best 2021 moment came at the start of 2022 at the UNC v Boston College basketball game.
BC had suffered 2 cancellations due to covid, so they announced a mask mandate of sorts for the team. Players took to the court with masks. This quickly devolved, with most discarding them, but a couple of players wore chin diapers throughout the game, and a couple had neck gators around their neck.
The disposable mask under the chin look is perfect.
Apparently not the first time
Eighty-six percent of registered Republican voters would “probably” or “definitely” vote for former President Trump in 2024, according to a December poll by Echelon Insights.
What are they voting for — the end of democracy?
Are they so angry at modern America that they are willing to vote for a demagogue who tried to overturn a presidential election?
Are they so fed up with the increasing number of Blacks, Latinos and Asians in the country who — along with lots of college-educated Whites — tend to vote for Democrats?
Are they willing to close their eyes and support a candidate with no agenda other than staging political rallies to spew racial division, tar immigrants, and trash Democrats?
Oh, HORROR! The only surprise here is that Juan Williams is till around to hyperventilate about this stuff.
Williams is the master of the strawman argument with a NPR vibe.
I think he IS the straw man.
Strawman inception.
What are they voting for — the end of democracy?
The irony is lost I suppose.
fed up with the increasing number of Blacks, Latinos and Asians
I think it is the blacks that are fed up with the Asians.
with no agenda other than staging political rallies to spew racial division, tar immigrants, and trash Democrats?
Drumpfler obviously never did anything useful. *looks at gas prices*
*looks at grocery bills*
*looks at restaurant bills*
And don’t get me started on supply chain issues.
Cringey banal platitudes galore: A New Year’s Message from President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden
He as about as much command over the new
proppup as he does his faculties.Not quite sure what an “H-E-B” is…
Amazing how regional stuff stays regional if you are not Los Angeles or New York.
I know what In and Out Burger is. But they have no idea what The Varsity is. I have heard of Ralph’s, but have they heard of Food Lion?
Krystal, Pollo Tropical, Church’s…. Lots of regional stuff that doesn’t make Tonight show monologues
I had only heard of Ralph’s and In N Out because they were on The Big Lebowski. I’ve since been to In N Out (I’m a big fan), but have still never seen a Ralph’s.
I had never heard of In ‘n Out until I married my SoCal husband.
I had never heard of In ‘n Out until I married
I always suspected that LDS chicks were sheltered, but come on…
Right? We have Hy-Vee and a very local Price Chopper, Aldi, Dillons in the south metro, and maybe a couple of smaller locals, but nothing bigger than HyVee. No “national” chains, Safeway or Kroger or anything like that.
Aldi is not regional. Not even national. They are a German mega-chain. Hence the awesome cheap chocolate.
We dont have Aldi in Romania only Lidl and Kaufland
And no Popeye’s Chicken or White Castle sliders?
How do you survive.
Oh, and Aldi is awesome. They took over all of our business for staples and fruits and vegetables. And cereal. Their knockoff brand cereal is usually very good.
Really interesting business model. Very limited selection, small stores, put the product on shelves in the shipping box if that makes sense…. All to save on price. Very few employees who all work in multiple roles.
Means I get cheap groceries at usually high quality.
But I have to bring my own bag, or buy one there.
I know they’re not regional. I was just listing what we have.
Isn’t Dillons owned by Kroger?
Whole Foods didn’t stay regional. HEB just isn’t unique enough to matter.
Homer E. Butts, originator of the chain
HEB is at/near Waffle House capability when it comes to dealing with supply disruptions. They are usually one of the main sources for food/supplies in the Houston area after a hurricane.
Darth Austin caught the ‘vid.
JUST IN – Fully vaccinated US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin infected with #COVID19, experiencing symptoms.
This calls for a dishonorable discharge.
As the nation marks one year since Trump supporters attacked the Capitol, the heart of this monstrous anger on the right comes from Trump’s number one lie — the false claim that he won reelection in 2020.
This “Big Lie” has been found to be false by multiple courts, by election audits and even by the Trump Justice Department.
Hang on, Juan. The courts refused to hear the evidence. They didn’t “find” anything.
has been found to be false by multiple courts
Speaking of big lies…And do leftists realize that they are the nazis in this “Big Lie” scenario? And haven’t Dems challenged the result of every presidential election that an R won in the last couple decades?
Every… fucking… time…
Moreover, there were cable news shows that went ALL-RUSSIA TRUMP all the time, espousing a stupid conspiracy theory basically 24-7.
But that doesn’t count.
Have there been any election audits? Because the only ones I am aware of didn’t actually happen.
That Arizona judge allowed a limited sample of mail ballots to be audited, and the Democrat auditor found 11% to be invalid, IIR.
And nothing else happened.
Define ‘allow’. Weren’t there a couple recounts where they recounted all of the ballots, including the ones marked for Biden that had duplicate addresses, no signatures, cemetery residents?
Third Culture’s success was short-lived, however, as sales fluctuated throughout the pandemic and the supply chain shortage made it difficult for the bakery to stock ingredients such as rice flour and coconut milk, which are shipped from California. Passion fruit sourced from Hawaii was also difficult to come by, forcing Third Culture to take beverages infused with the fruit off the menu and consider getting rid of its most popular mochi doughnut flavor altogether, Eater reported last September.
Who could possibly have predicted that lockdowns would have caused problems? Same with the government flooding the country with money.
Isn’t there some expert turning a knob or pulling a lever?
They don’t believe your propaganda?
After January 6th, Republicans like Lindsey Graham said “enough is enough” when it came to Trump. So why are Republicans still backing the former president?
@RepMeijer: “At the end of the day, there’s no other option right now in the Republican Party.”
Can you imagine what would have happened if the Democrats had staged a huge rally in the capital after Trump won?
With funny pink hats?
“A New York woman with no medical qualifications was arrested after she allegedly administered the COVID-19 vaccine to a 17-year-old boy without his family’s permission.
Laura Parker Russo, 54, was arrested by Nassau County Police after the incident happened on New Year’s eve at her home in Sea Cliff, Long Island.
The boy reportedly received the vaccine and went home to tell his mother, who alerted police, Abc 7 reported. It is unclear how Russo knew the boy.
After an investigation, officials discovered that Russo is not a medical professional or authorized to administer vaccines. It is unclear how she had obtained the vaccine, and which brand it was.
Russo was then charged with unauthorized practice of a profession.”
There is a lot of missing information here.
“In early December, a Los Angeles mother claimed that her 13-year-old son, who has asthma, received the vaccine shot without her knowledge, NBC reported.
Maribel Duarte said that her son returned home from the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in South Los Angeles with a vaccination card after he accepted the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in exchange for pizza.”
We need to ban pizza, for the children.
Well, cheese pizza anyway.
Bane of my existence. The youngest still only likes cheese. So I gotta dedicate at least a half pie to cheese every time.
And now that I have discovered pepperoni and jalapeno, this makes me sad.
That sounds good, will have to try that next time both are an option.
I’ve been on a bacon and mushroom kick, for my somewhat rare pizza outings. So good.
Thanks for reminding me…. Next time there is a multi-topping sale, I am gonna go for pepperoni, mushroom, jalapeno… Maybe onion and extra cheese too. Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.
You took my lame attempt at a pedophilia joke way too literally. 😉
Yeah…. This is 2022. Subtle ironic pedophile jokes are tame compared to reality, therefore no longer funny.
When you have an entire press corps and entertainment industry and political class covering for … Well, not pedophiles, but underage sex traffickers and statutory rapists at a minimum…. Well, there isn’t much room for transgressive humor.
(attitude stolen from Steve Martin in Roxanne… “Yeah… People ski topless here while smoking dope. Irony isn’t much of a priority”)
Despite not finding it funny you described my joke as subtle, ironic and transgressive… I’ll take it!
Needs more live ammo
Lawmakers and security officials who have spent the last year assessing the failures on Jan. 6, 2021 are all pondering the same question — could it happen again?
As they cope with the searing trauma in their own ranks, they’ve tried to patch flaws in Capitol security exposed by the attack, inspired by former President Donald Trump, that wounded more than 150 police officers and left four rioters dead. Another officer died of a stroke after responding to the riot, and several more died by suicide in the ensuing weeks.
But the political blight that contributed to the attack has only worsened, inside and outside the Capitol. So while leaders feel readier today than they did on Jan. 5, no one is rushing to declare the threat has passed.
“The last thing that I want to do is say, ‘this could never happen again’ and have it sound like a challenge to those people,” said Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger, who took over the department in August after his predecessor’s ouster following the siege. “I’m not trying to be overconfident. We are much better prepared.”
Fuck that wimpy “consent of the governed” crap. Grapeshot will show those traitors who’s boss.
could it happen again?
Leftists make a habit of occupying state/federal legislative buildings, so of course…
following the siege
Trump’s legions brought democracy to its knees.
They just lean right into those made up numbers.
It really gives it that “ministry of truth” vibe.
I don’t see how this is news. He has lied there several times.
Congressional leaders and the family of late Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) are finalizing details to have the former majority leader lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda during the week of Jan. 10, a person familiar with the matter tells Axios.
And with the atmosphere under the dome as personally corrosive as ever, it’s tough to say the Capitol has moved forward from Jan. 6. Many of those who fled from or responded to the violence are indelibly scarred.
The men and women on Bataan were a bunch of pathetic sniveling pussies compared to brave and noble warriors of the Capitol Police.
That is funny….
And interestingly, my neice worked in the capital as a page a couple of years ago. She worked with all of these folks, and the kids were in absolute agreement….. The Republicans were much, much nicer people as a group, and the Democrats we’re extremely rude and entitled and treated them like furniture.
Kinda transformed her into a conservative.
I was a page for a week back in high school. It pretty much turned me against politics.
I did get to meet a mousey haired bookish girl from Ogden, UT while there. We sent letters to each other for about a year.
She was there for half the school year. The friends she made are still a tight bunch. Many very wealthy. They travel together and stay at “dad’s place”. They have yachted in the Caribbean, had a ski out challet in Vail, had a long weekend in New York with views of central park.
Probably the best thing she ever did. This is networking on steroids.
Beware the white-tail variant.
Humans have infected wild deer with Covid-19 in a handful of states, and there’s evidence that the coronavirus has been spreading among deer, according to recent studies that outline findings that could complicate the path out of the pandemic.
Scientists swabbed the nostrils of white-tailed deer in Ohio and found evidence that humans had spread the coronavirus to deer at least six times, according to a study published last month in Nature.
About one-third of the deer sampled had active or recent infections, the study says. Similar research in Iowa of tissue from roadkill and hunted deer found widespread evidence of the virus.
The research suggests that the coronavirus could be taking hold in a free-ranging species that numbers about 30 million in the U.S. No cases of Covid spread from deer to human have been reported, but it’s possible, scientists say.
Some have attributed this to Class B biosolids spraying onto corn crops in the fall and the fecal material transmission route.
I would have gone with Covid being released in the chemtrails. *shrug*
I thought the VID was aerosolized? If true has to be hearty bug to survive WWTP process, then bio-solids spreading, then ingestion.
Not impossible but interesting.
Have you ever seen a deer wearing a mask?
Well what did you expect.
It is a wonder they haven’t gone extinct…..
Fecal aerosols are a suspected transmission route.
It would just have to survive the treatment process (if there is one) as the spraying would aerosolize the contaminant and deer would inhale it during the deployment.
Huh. Not only do they fart in your face, it gets you sick, too. Yeah, I’m thinking extended hunting season sound about right.
But if it was applied during the day, the aerosol would be subject to UV disinfection from the sun?
Not saying it cant happen, just would like to see some replication of the science.
It’s a Post Modern Scientific world, it is what is stated, no need to replicate. Models say so
Yes, it’s a hypothesis, but one with correlating data. More than I can say for most of what the CDC and FDA pump out these days.
Just a couple of paragraphs down in this article
Only logical step is to extend hunting season.
“Red states and blue states have been replaced with normal states and Covid states.”
That is some Glib level thinking.
Thanks for the introduction!
The real problem is the Dem political machine has gone mad. They don’t represent the interests of what could be considered “mainstream” liberalism any more – they’ve gone completely off the deep end but because the party machine is nearly indusctible, they’re taking whole states down with them.
You have not right to protest the fact that you have no right to protest.
People mauled by police dogs, beaten with batons at unauthorized protest against Covid restrictions in #Amsterdam.
Police brutality… This would never happen in civilized Europe.
I have questions…
Dutch and Flemish peasants used to know how to deal with this sort of thing. With a Goedendag.
The whole “January 6” narrative stinks to high heaven. And the Cathedral has shown virtually no interest whatsoever in addressing any of the questions that have been raised. That’s why, despite the media’s wailing and gnashing of teeth, nobody is really all that interested in it. The public, even probably a good segment of Democratic voters, knows the whole fiasco is essentially bovine fecal matter. But, the Cathedral has gone into this weird mode that, somehow, explanations are just extraneous detail. Whether it’s January 6, COVID, inflation, or a host of other issues, they’re increasingly expecting the public to accept their narrative and pronouncements, not because of any logic or evidence or reason, but out of peer pressure. If you don’t believe what they tell you to believe, you’re part of the out group. So, people shut up, don’t challenge the narrative, and go about their business knowing that they’re being bull**itted. As far as I can tell the whole approach started somewhere around the middle of Obama’s second term and has really only grown from there. I don’t know if it’s a sign they’re running out of answers and are afraid of the whole thing imploding or if they’re confident they’re in power from here on out and don’t really see the need to bother with explanations. Or maybe it’s they spend too much time on social media where things kind of work that way.
but out of peer pressure
Not quite, the Cathedral is attempting to show everyone that it still has the biggest dick and therefore all of us are to be awed and cowed by the majestic penis. When they finally perceive that has failed them, they only have two choices – one unlikely (repentance and humble restoration) and the other terminal (to them as a ruling class). They will choose the terminal.
The public, even probably a good segment of Democratic voters, knows the whole fiasco is essentially bovine fecal matter.
Anecdata: A regular at the brewpub I go to recently loudly declared that if he were in charge, the Jan. 6th folks would have been machine gunned down.
“Facebook ‘permanently’ locks account of conservative children’s book publisher
Facebook has “permanently disabled” the ads account of a conservative children’s book publisher, claiming that Heroes of Liberty – which has published books about Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, former President Ronald Reagan and author Thomas Sowell – violated the company’s rules against “Low Quality or Disruptive Content.” Facebook originally locked the ads account on Dec. 23, and after Heroes of Liberty appealed the ruling, the company permanently disabled the account.”
Private company!!1! Who are totally not getting their marching orders from anyone in this Adminstration eleventy!
The Administration doesn’t have to issue orders – it is part of the same subculture. Everyone in that subculture knows their duty.
True enough, but I suspect every time one of these outfits is hauled in front of Congress that they’re getting some “suggestions” from Nancy and friends afterwards.
I am sure they have gone after other publishers that are ‘low quality or disruptive content. Checks on my daily updates from Hamas…
It would be nice if these platforms were required to be a little more specific in their reasons.
I mean, “we don’t allow Republican leaning ads” is nominally just fine… But at least own that crap.
They almost certainly said something about transgenders. Because I see ads for Thomas Sowell crap all the time.
I looked at my Facebook data and it said I’m a “political moderate”, though, so the ads are clearly smarter.
That sounds waaay outside the immunity provisions of federal law.
I like the “low quality” thing. I’ve received dozens of overt scam ads on Facebook.
The snow is heavy. One tree in my backyard has uprooted. Branches down on many others. Went out to clear snow off some trees near the house. Some branches were down to the ground. Heard cracking and things falling in the area.
I’m hearing limbs breaking here (seems to be coming from the park). Coming down really heavy now.
Listen, you gotta pay Big Tony, capisce?
Tomorrow, 4 days worth,
Yeah, looks like a large branch just fell off a tree across the street into the street itself. Think I’ll go pull it out.
Yep, that was a big branch basically blocking the whole street. Out of the way now. See a few more likely to snap off soon. I’d say we’ve got at least 6 inches on the ground here in Colonial Beach right by the potomac.
Since I live in an area that basically doesn’t get snow, I am always fascinated by these discussions.
First real snow in about three years.
In the time since second shoveling, it snowed enough that I could barely open back door.
the Cathedral has gone into this weird mode that, somehow, explanations are just extraneous detail. Whether it’s January 6, COVID, inflation, or a host of other issues, they’re increasingly expecting the public to accept their narrative and pronouncements, not because of any logic or evidence or reason, but out of peer pressure.
Argument by assertion. Anybody who declines to accept their claims at face value is a paranoid crank.
“Just now @whca announces that, after an emergency board meeting, they unanimously voted to “temporarily” reduce the White House briefing room to just 14 seats in response to omicron.”
“The White House press corps is 99% vaccinated”
Can’t wait to see who is allowed to propagandize for them
They have their huge sound stage across the street where they broadcast fake oval office pressers. She could hold her briefings there with plenty of distancing.
I had no idea container ships sailed the Potomac.
If they’d kept the last guy in he could’ve just tweeted the briefings… if Twitter hadn’t banned him.
How convenient.
99% – but how many got the 4th booster?
“If the next presidential election reveals the U.S. hurtling toward possible violence and autocracy, should Canada try to intervene?”
Articled paywalled.
And do what? They are more woke than us and would have to appeal to the multicultural ranks before even saying anything.
Should Canada try to intervene?
I almost wish that weren’t paywalled.
Good luck with that
How about this, if we elect someone not to our Cunuck neighbors’ liking, they’re welcome to intervene. Heck, we’ll let them have the blue regions. Maybe we can take Alberta as compensation.
And the Montreal strip clubs, s’il vous plait.
And a gaggle of French Canadian Women, plus some breweries from Quebec and the Maritimes.
Sure. And we get to pick a PM for them who’s not a racist authoritarian.
That would be hilarious. I want to see Canadian troops in rural U.S. states “maintaining” order. More likely running for their lives from the locals who’ll shoot them for sport and because they want their guns.
Should Canada intervene?
What are they going to do? Sic the Algonquin on us?
I havent posted much over the holidays…I was supposed to be back in CO yesterday, but that has been delayed until Thursday due to Omicron sweeping thru the family. This was the lamest virus ever. I wouldn’t have even noticed it if it wasn’t hitting everyone in the family. Except my 79 year old Mom, although I think she has it too, it is just so mild it is hard to tell. Home test was negative, but I am not sure they pick up Omicron well.
My daughter had a “fever”, I think it peaked at 100.4. I felt crappy for 2 days and had a cough.
My wife, who gets hit hard by respiratory illnesses, was basically unconscious for 2-3 days, but is fine again. Much milder than the rhinovirus last September that took her out for two weeks (it was the cold that killed* my Dad, he gave it to her).
*rhinovirus was listed 3rd on his death certificate, alzheimer’s was first, pneumonia was second.
That’s about how it was for my family when we got it the week of Christmas.
Everyone at Christmas Eve dinner ended up with it, except my Mom. She was vaxed and booster. Me, my wife, and my sister had the vax but no booster. My niece, nephew and his girlfriend are all unvaxed 20 somethings. My daughter is unvaxed 5 year old.
Pretty sure my sister got it at school, she is a HS teacher and had classes until Wed before Christmas.
We all went to a crazy Christmas party and every single person who attended got it. Those who sang karaoke like myself got it first.
Also: worth it.
Serves you right for not disinfecting the microphone between singers.
Actually if you want to look at it from the eyes of the covid conscious it was about as “irresponsible” as you can get.
No one died or was hospitalized though so it worked out.
But what did you sing?
I vaguely remember singing Blue Christmas by Elvis and realizing I don’t know the song all that well.
Urthon singing:
It took my aunt out for about 10 days. Thrice vaxxed BTW.
Not that she had to be hospitalized or anything like that, but she was pretty miserable. She (and commonly children) got to experience about 2 days of gastrointestinal distress too.
Yup. We all had the gastrointestinal distress in the days following. Not sure why.
I will also say when I went to go exercise after covid it hit me very hard. I think it does something to your cardiovascular and that’s why it’s bad for some people. I think we had the delta strain though. They say omicron is less severe in that respect.
I will also say when I went to go exercise after covid it hit me very hard.
Though I had bacterial pneumonia on top of the ‘Vid.
I had that too – once at the beginning and again as a going-away present.
At the end (pun intended) for me and my wife.
It took out my mom the longest.
My mom is the only one who was not vaccinated at all, but she is also much older so I’m not sure that it means much.
The “flu” part was the same length as everyone else’s but she had the lingering effects for much longer.
She wasn’t at the party, btw. That was just my Christmas gift to her.
Guess she should have gone for 4!
When Three Shots Are Not Enough
People with compromised immune systems are getting unapproved fourth or fifth Covid-19 shots, despite uncertainty about their safety or effectiveness.
I did a couple of shifts in lab receiving over the weekend. The volume of incoming covid tests is hard to fathom. Great money for us. I have no idea what most people will do with the info since most treatments that work are still effectively suppressed.
Use it as an excuse to get out of everything for 10 days.
OK, who took my moon boots?
The Chinese.
I should get some of those. My steel-toed work boots are not built for keeping feet warm.
Well now we know how this is going to go…
Ashli Babbitt a martyr? Her past tells a more complex story
“She totally deserved to get shot.”
Stay classy, Yahoo.
Yup. And since it’s the AP spin that means every small town rag across the US is going to go with this line.
Doesn’t fucking matter any more than Floyd’s past mattered.
The details of the incident define whether deadly force was justified.