I am late. I have a reasonable excuse, I was helping a friend’s son print out the pages for his science project. I don’t even know what I am going to review from the giant list I accumulated of suggestions for review…
Petey Wheatstraw, the Devil’s Son in Law
All links for this week are NSFW. More so than usual.
I am going to press the easy button this week with a movie and a man I know well. Rudy Ray Moore was a wonderful man who became all but forgotten in the late eighties and nineties. He had his career invigorated by a diverse group of young fans who found and collected his comedy records. I am not going to retell the entire story of Rudy’s movie career here. I would instead direct you to the excellent NetFlix original movie sponsored by and starring Eddie Murphy called Dolemite is my Name.
Petey Wheatstraw is another variation on the classic story of making a deal with the devil. I previously posted Nine Venoms, which does the same thing – die and go to Hell, meet the Devil, make a deal. This time, Rudy Ray goes to Hell and makes a deal to marry the Devil’s daughter, known as the ugliest woman in Hell. In exchange he can go take revenge on the evil men who killed him and tried to shutter his nightclub.
I am fond of this particular film because it showcases some great talent from the time. Rudy Ray Moore and Leroy and Skillet (yes, of Sanford and Son) did sections of their act as part of the movie. Also, Wildman Steve was in this film.
Rudy Ray’s films did start a few careers. This includes Ernie Hudson, who later played Winston Zeddemore in Ghostbusters. One of his first, if not his first films was The Human Tornado, where he played a bald heavy.
G.Tito Shaw plays the devil. He mostly did theater work and really did not perform in films beyond this one. Too bad. I liked his interpretation of the devil. He was a local actor who performed on stage and took a chance to be in one of Rudy’s films. I think he picked a great one.
On that note, I hope you watch tonight’s film. Or don’t! Everything is voluntary!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
In exchange he can go take revenge on the evil men who killed him and tried to shutter his nightclub.
Nice. Diving in!
This guy reminds me of Petey Greene.
The Watermelon. Oh my.
Breech birth.
“You’re the one stabbin’ me every night in my sleep!”
But I don’t feel tardy!
I am still tardy. I was on the other thread still.
I’m in the middle of watching Color Out Of Space, but this looks like it has promise. Noted.
70s Caddy. Nice.
Cruisin’ around town with your arm out the window.
With Rudy Ray’s budget, that was probably his Cadillac or one his friends owned. He did make enough money from his first film to get a studio, which he used to make this particular movie. In the NetFlix special they reproduce the ceiling dropping sex scene from this film.
I am pretty sure Rudy Ray accidentally popped that kid in the nuts with his foot during the first fight scene.
“Romance without finance is a damn nuisance”
“I would instead direct you to the excellent NetFlix original movie sponsored by and starring Eddie Murphy called Dolemite is my Name.”
That is a good movie. I’ve seen a few Rudy Ray Moore movies. I still can’t get over how bad his “karate” was. It would have been way better if he only took a week’s worth of lessons.
I think it was your suggestion of Disco Godfather that led me to do this one.
What do you think of From Beyond? An inter-dimensional eel bites a scientist in the face, and Barbara Crampton puts on a BDSM outfit.
Added to the list. Next up will probably be The Selling and then LifeForce. Knights of Badassdom is also on there.
The Selling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1A2kT1rsuA
I never heard of The Selling.
It’s great. I rented it twice. It just popped up this last week on TUBI.
My mom took me to see Lifeforce – I guess I was around 15 or 16 and I don’t think she saw one or two scenes coming lol.
PS. It was her idea.
My mom had great taste.
I guarantee that 15/16 year old me enjoyed Lifeforce much, much more than you did.
You are correct, sir.
Sounds like I need to bump up Lifeforce!
My dad took the whole family to see Quest For Fire on my twelfth birthday.
Mom was not amused.
She took my older brothers who were about the same age at the time to see The Shining, so I guess there was a history of this sort of thing heh.
Ah, an early HBO staple. Boring AF to 12 year old me.
Whackin’ a funeral? That’s low.
It was a Baptist funeral. They were spared hours of gravesite preaching.
Gotta throw that chair out.
Phone as cockblock.
Oh God, it’s the “Frankie and Johnny” part of the film. Turn down the volume.
Gotta join a Zoom, will finish tomorrow. Thanks RJ!
All I know about Rudy Ray Moore courtsey of Red Letter Media.
It’s right up there with Bitches, leave.
deal with the devil
von Goethe’s Faust was adapted from an old folk story which rose up after the death of a magician of that name
Just imagine if the magician was named “Petey Wheatstraw.” You would now be making a Wheatian bargain.
A Wheatian bargain?
Shut up Wesley
By the way, I have your movie suggestions of The Last Picture Show and Hud. I am looking for a free platform to post from. TUBI and Pluto do not have either at the moment.
I wanna see yo face in the place
And yo feet under the seat
So you can put some zip in your hip
And slide in yo glide!
Jimmy Carr with his hair filled in is somehow creepier than natural hairline Jimmy Carr. You’d think the worst part of 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown since Sean Lock died of cancer is that Sean Lock died of cancer, but I think it’s Jimmy Carr’s unnatural hairline.
I think Rachel Riley is permanently pregnant like some sort of horribly sexy ovipositing alien species.
Everything is voluntary!
RJ is really Karl Lauterbach?
I am no one of consequence. And definitely not that guy.
Although I did get BethAnnica to “voluntarily” watch “Another Yeti Love Story” for the Valentine’s Day post. And apparently that was an infringement of her basic human rights. So maybe…
Dozens of arrests over multiple days of riot and attempted takeover of the Capitol. I’m sure all will be held in solitary until their trials. And the FBI will go after the orgs aiding and supporting those insurrectionists.
“What are you in for?”
“ incommoding.”
The cosplay and the MSM’s playing along is breathtaking.
I mean… it almost reads like something that actually happened.
What bullshit arrests. But I guess I am supposed to cheer it.
Yeah. The most infuriating part to me
Unless redcoats are moving up Pennsylvania Ave putting the city to torch again, there’s zero reason that should even exist.
The ugliest girl in hell is still hot.
Speak for himself.
Yes! I thought maybe he would use Queen Bee or something. Ebony Wright, who also plays Nell, does double duty as the ugliest girl in Hell.
Technically correct is the best kind of correct.
Hot as hell?
Well, yeah. That tends to happen with flames all around.
*sigh* refresh before posting….refresh before posting…refresh before posting.
Ha: inflation? what inflation??
My supplier for molded rubber just informed me of a 25% increase on my parts.
So now it’s foam rubber?
No, Petey!
I saw Black Dynamite as another option on Tubi. Highly recommended. That was one funny movie.
Anger is good, but where is the violence? Needs moar.
Good job, Joe.
Send some more tests out.
And Louie Anderson is hospitalized. ?
Oof. Blood cancer.
Morning, TOG. ☕
Mawnin’. ? ?
Guten Morgen. ?
How’re your magnifying glass and waffles
Would you prefer ?? hash blacks?
If your hash browns have turned black, you may have overcooked them.
(From Laverne and Shirley episode where they try to run a diner.)
I’m gonna level with you, T O’G, I never watched Laverne and Shirley.
‘S cool. Was much funnier than Happy Days. Many great historical pastiche songs from Michael McKean.
It was. Happy Days was awful.
I will confess to loving both Happy Days episodes where Mork from Ork appeared.
Richie Cunningham – “Tell me about the future. What are the 1970s like?”
Mork – “Do you like peanuts? Then you’ll like Jimmy.”
Jesus. Mork and Mindy was awful too.
M&M script direction: “(Robin does his thing.)”
“He was using big words. Like Hun.”
My ’50s were way different than Richie Cunningham’s.
He didn’t have a great childhood and he grew up tough, on a personal level.
His name was Robert Paulsen.
Damn. RIP
In death a member of Project Mayhem does have name. His name was Robert Paulson.
Go Fuck yourself Howard.
That about sums it up.
There was a brief moment, during the admin of Bush The Lesser, when Stern had his eyes opened. He was shockingly surprised hat the same Dem Congresscritters who were giving floor speeches about defending the airwaves from Republican censors (who were only going after Stern to distract from that hated Iraq war and Clear Channel’s support for Bush) all voted overwhelmingly to get rid of “raunch radio” and forced his move to satellite. Now he has apparently gotten over it and fully loves all politicians.
Winston Smith nods knowingly.
The passengers should have all thrown their masks at the flight attendant when that started.
It is far more likely that the passengers would strap the “disruptive customer” down and tie a mask around her face.
I don’t care what’s likely, I was saying what they should be doing
Even if you think this lady is being irrational, isn’t it still worse when the airline decides to turn around because of it?
You’ve been exposed to whatever she has (likely nothing) so it’s just ruining everyone else’s day by turning around. You can drop her off in London and then let her know she cannot fly with American anymore.
Already at work. Love having to get things done before the users arrive for the day.
We’re not supposed to make changes on a friday, dammit (but it’s for the migration tomorrow 🙁 )
This vendor tech doesn’t listen to a word we say.
Good morning, U, rhy, Sean, & TO’G!
After all the blood, sweat, & tears I put into it, it was kinda nice to wake up this morning to the e-mail from our payroll processor saying, “Guess what day it is?!? It’s Pay Day!!” so I know at least the direct deposit didn’t somehow get screwed up.
Payday is nice.
For whatever reason, mine is on wednesday.
Never made sense to me.
Early in my days at the CU, when we still processed payroll entirely in-house using a creaky old DOS-based payroll accounting software, we got paid on Wednesdays. And weekly, too. Eventually, we upgraded to a newer version of Windows and discovered that software wouldn’t work on it…while I was in the middle of processing payroll.
This should have been caught in testing the upgrade.
Did they fire the project manager?
What project manager?
We had a small, outside firm that did our IT support, and there was a computer at the empty desk behind mine that hadn’t been upgraded yet. I’d had no clue the software wouldn’t work until I input all the data and hit the “go” button to process it. That’s when it slowed to a crawl. I called one of the IT guys – Les (allegedly short for “Less Personality”) – in a panic. He came to the office and somehow miraculously moved everything – mid-processing, mind you – to the unupgraded PC and saved the day. He was ever after my hero.
(We put a note on that computer that said “DO NOT UPGRADE WINDOWS.”)
“More music, and Les Nessman!”
Sounds typical for an IT guy.
He came to the office and somehow miraculously moved everything – mid-processing, mind you
OK, humble brag time…
Once upon a time, in a money center bank which shall remain unnamed, our international money transfer process stalled about 3PM, having reached the hard limit of 100K entries in a CICS Temporary Storage queue. Due to a bug introduced by one of my esteemed colleagues, the queue did not roll over as was intended, and got stuck. Patzer to the rescue – I was given privileges to a transaction called CORE which allowed one to inspect and manipulate the contents of an executing CICS region, and I managed to get things moving again, averting a major disaster.
As it happens, my privileges to that transaction were never revoked. It occurred to me that I could have logged in, changed a few account codes on in-memory transfers, and retired to an island purchased with the proceeds. Sadly, I never acted on that impulse.
I have been tempted to delete people from our systems.
(I manage HR software)
Eventually, we upgraded to a newer version of Windows
Heh. My son told me last night that he was glad he had to replace his laptop this past summer since current laptops are only shipping with Windows 11.
At the supermarket, if one received a paper check, it was available at the store on Friday morning. If one received Direct Deposit, it credited Thursday morning. When I switched from BofA to USAA, my Direct Deposit started showing up in my account every Tuesday morning. USAA is the best financial institution with which I’ve dealt since I left the small credit union in South Florida back in the 1980s.
When you call them, do they really greet you with your rank? (“Good morning, General l0b0t!”) ?
No, but I have had them ask permission to use my first name in conversation. I really liked that.
Due to their marketing blitz the past few years, Im compelled to open an account with them.
Actually they do address me by my former rank, it’s a little uncomfortable, since all the kids that can talk call call me by my first name or something worse.
Too many people absent on Fridays?
Mornin’, GT! Nice to hear some good news.
Yeah it is! ?
Also, (((early release day))). ?
Two more weeks to go until the sun is comfortably over the horizon at 5pm.
Also, (((early release day)))
No meetings for me on Friday – my (((colleagues))) in IL are off. I can get moar work done! Wait…
Sooper jealous.
How far is “comfortably?”
Still plenty of light to be at the park after 5:00 these days, though because of the trees I have no view of the horizon there.
I can only speculate. Long enough to drive home, maybe?
Mornin’, all.
A new low in propaganda. I was watching The Blacklist with Mrs. Patzer last night and was assaulted with an abbreviated version of this drivel:
I work in advertising, and generally don’t have a problem with the interruptions; I actually like the opportunity to grab a beverage without missing anything. But this is beyond the pale.
::fights gag reflex:: Does Tom refer to Joe as “Dear Leader”?
Somehow I escaped that horror.
I go out of my way to avoid advertizements whenever possible.
Sorry, man.
I kind of enjoyed the first few seasons of that. Then kept watching out of inertia. But the season just released on netflix is too stupid to watch.
Was it a re-boot of Joe Versus the Volcano? Would be appropriate to this post.
Simpsons did it! https://youtu.be/3xYQ1lgkxac
LOL. Tom Hanks, shilling for Big Gov since… forever?
suh fam
whats goody yo
Mornin’, Tres. Tall Covfefe!
TALL CANS! (I have been up all night working…..dont judge me)
dont judge me
Get off my lawn!
Yesterday I went down a rabbit hole of Enoch Powell on The Dick Cavett Show. HOLY MACKEREL! Competent, well spoken, intelligent politicians in long-form interviews? What happened to good TV like that? https://youtu.be/VsC6GBw9zew
I shouldn’t admit this, as it shows my age, but I have a vague memory of a moment on Dick’s show when he got caught unawares when they came back from commercial, and he was singing “Dancing Cheek to Cheek” to the studio audience.
Unless it was mentioned in a prior thread, and lest the drugs fall out….RIP Meatloaf
I suppose I coulda read up before I typed that.
/runs crying from room
It’s OK.
*hands Tres some bacon jerky*
You just reminded me that I have bacon in the fridge I need to cook-up very soon.
Apparently I have a coworker named Karma Lama.
Joke that a karma ran over your dogma.
It kills in Schenectady.
Is that a dude or a chick?
Why not both? /DEI Committee
Good Morning AM crew. Little drama here, kinda cool.
Love youtube for its instructional videos. I might be able to fix a leaning post hole digger on my new tractor. Since dealership is beginning to be useless.
Given the “tardy slip” at the top of the post, I should post an image of a Saturday Detention I got my junior year.
Under “Offense” the vice principal entered “Student wrote Anarchy Now” on tuba bell at last football game”.
You see, it was one of those humid autumn days that, when the cool night air hit, the moisture condensed on the sousaphone bells like shower vapor on the bathroom mirror. I saw them laying on the ground as the band prepared for halftime, took my finger and…..guilty. I honestly didnt think it was a big deal. But as the band took the field, under those lights, you could see it 100 yards away.
Fun with graphs.
LOL of course
“So That NPR Story About Justice Neil Gorsuch Refusing To Wear A Mask After Requests From Sotomayor Was TOTALLY False”
Good Mornin’ All, I’ve been up for a bit but I’m a slow reader. Good to see everyone.